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bangkeronginvinzible · 1 year ago
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”– Bernard M. Maruch
after library, lamon muna... #FoodPorn
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elpuntomasimportante · 2 years ago
El chorizo más caro
Tienes que probarlo es gourmet
"Entre mis tantas expos encuentro a uno que vende chorizos con una reseta muy peculiar. Ya entre tanta platica en tiempos libre me invita a probar su chorizo. Tienes que probarlo mi chorizo es una reseta especial traída... Cuanto cuesta 600 pesos en aquel entonces ahorita la inflacion ya ha crecido. Ya los pruebo. No sabe mal ni tan poco feo. Lo dejamos repasando. En barrica con un jugo que le va dar el sabor por tanto tiempo. Ya me lo enseña lo tenia metido en una bolsita transparente con fondo color oro. No estaba tan chiquito ni muy grande estaba de buen tamaño. Pero la presentación no lo hacia lucir antogable. Uno que conoce, se da a la idea de que el empaque tambien vende por eso hay que hacerlo interesante que se antoje nada mas de verlo. Me lo llevo. Este empaque cuesta 600... Es muy caro es una porcion nada mas para una persona. Como que aqui no esta tu publico objetivo esto es para una gente de mas poder adquisitivo. Y aqui les duele hasta comprar una intans maruch. Pues ya en todos el tiempo que estuvimos solo vendió uno. No pues ni lo que invertio y ya no lo volvimos a ver".
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alertachiapas · 2 years ago
Maruch, la fotógrafa indígena de Chiapas que ha cautivado al mundo
En 1993, en un curso para aprender a escribir el tseltal, ella se topa por primera vez con una cámara fotográfica.
La obra fotográfica de Maruch Sántiz Gómez ha rebasado fronteras. Su colección forma parte del prestigiado Museo Nacional de España Reina Sofía. En 1993, en un curso para aprender a escribir el tseltal, ella se topa por primera vez con una cámara fotográfica. Ella recuerda que la fotografía la maravilló. Aprenden a usar una cámara de rollo fue un reto y más aún, porque ella sabía que no había…
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marucheacessorios · 6 years ago
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Muito mais do que produtos, vendemos experiências. Para todos os estilos, tem uma Maruché pra chamar de sua! #goodvibes #dj #maruche https://www.instagram.com/p/ByL_MkHHoIg/?igshid=15gb0md91y4ml
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kakaji · 4 years ago
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From Galeria Muy:
MARUCH MÉNDEZ K’atixtik, San Juan Chamula, Chiapas 1957
Maruch Mendez, a native of K’atixtik, a hamlet in San Juan Chamula, has brought new life into the nearly extinct Chamula tradition of molding household objects from clay. Firing in an outdoor pit, she transforms earthly figures that capture the mythical imagination of her ancestors and her own life, often inspired by the wisdom of the Chamula oral tradition. Her clay sculptures are often an amalgam of earth, stones, bricks, moss, flowers and tree trunks, bolstered by accompanying videos that narrate the stories of her creations. 
Like many other “outsider artists”, Mendez does not identify as an “Artist” herself, but as someone who rearticulates her community’s knowledge and imagination through indigenous and modern media to create an innovative corpus.
As a young woman, Maruch Méndez lived alone in the highlands of Chiapas for six years. “The forest was my school,” explained the monolingual Tsotsil-speaker. Later on, she became a leading member of Taller Leñateros, a women’s cooperative that created handmade paper and books. For over 15 years, she was the creative partner with the poet Ambar Past, and performed in chanted narrative poetry readings in Chiapas, Mexico City, San Antonio (Texas), and Paris (France).
Currently Mendez works on her creative installations while living in her native township, and working as a pastor, farmer, and an adoptive mother of six.
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yanpotatowriter · 5 years ago
Quick question:  Yandere shun and Maruchou headcanons (Bakugan)   Or Yandere endou and afuro headcanons?   ----------- Or both?
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bellakotak · 4 years ago
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Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. - B.M. Maruch by Bella Kotak
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squeakitties · 7 years ago
where'd ya find that image of the black man wearing the huge pink hat? I swear I found that image myself
just google :V
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just-call-me-ishmael · 8 years ago
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Photoset 1 from the Melbourne Museum with @captain-amaezing! 
1. Cast of Inostrancevia, a Permian gorgonopsid and a relative of ours
2. A beautiful Banded Iron Formation with pyrite. My finger there for scale.
3. Phar Lap, the famous Australian racehorse. 
4. A paper-mache(!!!) model of the human body. If that wasn’t labor intensive enough, it opens up to show the internal organs. 
5. Neoceratodus forsteri, or the Queensland lungfish. One of the few surviving lungfish, this guy is truly a living fossil. 
6. The magnificent skull of Physeter macrocephalus, or the sperm whale. 
7. The skull of Janjucetus, a stem mysticete with teeth!
8. Aboriginal sculpture of my favorite marsupial, the tassie devil.
9. A quality rancho.
10. The arching skull of the pygmy blue whale, a subspecies, Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda. 
(Part 1) (Part 2)
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marukrawler · 3 years ago
hehe, julie smooch maruch...
omg 😂
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kkarmacc · 4 years ago
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portrait of marucheli
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yusukesakano · 7 years ago
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明日30日は! . 帽子屋さん Finch (フィンチ) のりおくんのイベント . NuttyKingCallvol.25!! . . Leebenさん K-106で お世話になりまーす . . . 今回は今まで以上にたっくさんのカレー屋さんが! . ・ボタ&カチャロンカ&デッカオ ・アアベルカレー ・Warung ・般°若&谷口カレー ・ツキノワカレー&農家厨房 ・サカソング . . Nutty King Call 初のコラボ出店も! メニューは当日のお楽しみ♪ . . 全部食べれるかなぁ〜 カレーの後はcurry-labのスイーツも♪ . . 音楽とスパイスにまみれる1日です。 . . 明日は15:30からCONPASSでお待ちしております♪ . . NuttyKingCall vol.25 12/30(Sat) atCONPASS OPEN 15:30 / CLOSE 23:30 AVD.¥3,000(D別) DOOR. ¥3,500(D別) 再入場1ドリンク代で可能 . <LIVE> ・Calmera ・Stoned Soul Picnic ・K-106 ・金 佑龍 ・LEE-BEN . <DJ> ・アベユウキ(vongsign,NuttyKingCall) ・jun1(vongsign,SYNC) ・Westy Bong-Bong ・タクヤリッスントゥミー(LoveSofa) ・マル(Maruche') . <CURRY> ・ボタ & カチャロンカ & デッカオ ・般°若 & 谷口カレー ・ツキノワカレー & 農家厨房 ・アアベルカレー ・Warung ・サカソング . <Sweets> curry-lab . <SHOP> ・Finch(HeadWear,Goods) ・HNS(ホーリー似顔絵サービス) ・Thai massage phii dee(massage) . <前売り取り扱い店舗> ・ボタ (東心斎橋) ・カチャロンカ (船場) ・デッカオ (船場) ・般°若 (福島) ・ツキノワカレー (船場) ・アアベルカレー(九条) ・Warung (北堀江) ・atelierFinch (谷町7丁目) ・Maruche' (北堀江) ・odd numbers (南船場) . <TICKET INFO> チケットぴあ ( Pコード 103-414 ) ローソンチケット ( Lコード 56610 ) . #NuttyKingCall #Calmera #カルメラ #StonedSoulPicnic #K106 #LEEBEN #ボタ #カチャロンカ #デッカオ #パンニャ #谷口カレー #ツキノワカレー #アアベルカレー #Warung #サカソング #westybongbong #タクヤリッスントゥーミー #Maruche' #currylab #堀本勇樹 #HNS #atelierFinch #Finch谷町 (Conpass)
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deyamarques16 · 7 years ago
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Tá enorme no meu pulso mas vou continuar usando até chegar novas!! #maruche #amo #dasprimeiras
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umineko-chan · 8 years ago
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uwmspeccoll · 6 years ago
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A Bolom Chon Caturday
For this Caturday we present the Mayan artists’ book Bolom Chon produced by the indigenous Mexican publishing workshop Taller Leñateros in 2008, with texts in Tzotzil Maya by Maria Tzu, Rominka Vet, and Maruch Méndes Péres, and translation and English texts by Ámbar Past with Sara Miranda and Tom Slingsby.
Bolom Chon was inspired in the canto Tzotzil Maya, the stomp of dancing feet, the masks and bright colors of the fiesta of the jaguar, the warm hands and hearts of the book artisans who brought it to life during the first days of 2008, in the shadow of the grand avocado tree that covers Taller Leñateros.
But what is Bolom Chon? For one thing, Bolom Chon is the title of a Mayan song, a favorite among the Tzotzil who live in the highlands of Chiapas in southern Mexico. But few seem to agree on exactly what Bolom Chon actually is. One Tzotzil claims that Bolom Chon is a jaguar like those that still live in the Lacandon jungle, its spotted skin is the starry night. Another says that it represents all the Animal Kingdom: tigers, deer, coyotes, and possums. A man who plays the harp said that Bolom Chon is a Dancing Tiger. But grandmother Maria Tzu insists it doesn’t mean anything at all, it is simply the name of a song the Fathermothers made up when the world was created, so the people could have fun at the Fiesta, stomping their feet on the surface of the Earth.
At the time of this publication Taller Leñateros (The Woodlanders’ Workshop) was the only publishing house in Mexico run by Mayan artists. Founded in 1975 by poet Ambar Past, the taller is located in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. This book was produced using silkscreen, letterpress, xylography, and die cuts for the jaguar mask and the pop-up of the jaguar with maguey fiber whiskers. The cover is made from recycled cardboard boxes, and the book includes a CD recording of Tzotzil children singing various versions of Bolon Chon with their grandmother.
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h50europe · 5 years ago
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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ~ Bernard M. Maruch  
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