#martin imari
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keefechambers · 2 years ago
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THE RIGHTEOUS GEMSTONES season 3 + men's fashion
costume design by christina flannery
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cdyssey · 2 years ago
The Righteous Gemstones + Would You Fuck a Clone of Yourself?
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Bonus Martin:
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nysocboy · 5 months ago
Gavin, Gregory, and a Gemstones Season 4 Spoiler
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Gavin Munn posts some back-stage photos on his Instagram, including one that reveals…
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Services at the Salvation Center have always been broadcast, but it looks like in Season 4, the Gemstones have some original programming on their streaming service, like Bible Bonkers and TeenJus, presumably about the adventures of a teenage Jesus. There was a casting call for villagers, so we'll see a clip or two from the show. I wonder if Gavin is playing the Man..
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fyeahsmokinhot · 1 year ago
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warningsine · 2 years ago
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pod-the-mts · 17 days ago
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reaper-man · 8 months ago
MARTIN IS IN ON THIS NOW good i love him. i need more martin imari
im trying not to annoy everyone so im gonna live post about the righteous gemstones w the tag #trglivewatch because i have SO MANY thoughts
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alaffy · 3 years ago
The Righteous Gemstones, Ep. 2x07 – And the Infants Shall Lead Them
Well, the siblings are sure act infantile.    Also, I really wish I hadn’t eaten dinner before watching the beginning of this episode.
Eli manages to survive, but he’s in a coma.  Kelvin refuses to go see his dad in the hospital because of guilt. Judy, BJ, and Tiffany manage to track down Billy.  Billy claims he’s on the road to make money for the baby and feels let down by Tiffany. Nobody believes him, but is he telling the truth?
Jesse, meanwhile, confesses to Martin that he may have caused the incident by provoking Junior (though, realistically, the timeline makes it seem like it was just a coincidence). Martin tells Jesse it isn’t his fault. Jesse also admits that, while he has always looked towards the day he would take over the Gemstone Church, now that he’s in charge(ish? It’s debatable) he realizes he’s not ready to lead. In fact, he’s not sure if he’s can be a good leader (not arguing here).  And, of course, there’s assassins out for Eli.
Martin, however, has a plan. What if the assassins thought Eli was awake?  Jesse realizes that they’ll come after Eli.  So, Jesse talks with his siblings and let’s them know that, at the next church service, the three of them are going to pretend that Eli is awake and at the hospital where’s he’s ready to talk.  In actuality, Eli will be moved to his own home and Jesse will be waiting at the hospital with armed mercenaries.  To make sure people are safe, Jesse rents out the whole wing of the hospital.  Of course, when they make the announcement at church, we see one of Junior’s wrestlers (this still seems too obvious).
Most of the family moves into Eli’s home under protection.  During this time Amber, Judy, and Tiffany do a little bonding (over the fact that a woman can, in fact, live without a man).  Meanwhile, Kelvin finally faces his father.  And then he prays to God to let his father live…oh, of course Eli’s going to wake up at this moment.  
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Jesse and Martin are waiting on the assassins.  BJ is there on lookout and Gideon decides to help out too (and damn near gets shot for it).  However, it’s a good thing they came because Jesse manages to piss off the mercs and they all go home.  BJ sees the bikers come and manages to warn Jesse (he also gets a throwing star to the head?).  Jesse manages to shoot two of them, but the other two manage to run.  Good thing Gideon is such a good stunt driver. Gideon manages to chase them down and that’s the end of the episode.
So, next episode I guess we’ll find out if Junior is truly behind all of this.
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dual-ink · 5 years ago
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The only hoe Martin summoned that night is the Outsider.
Rafael belongs to @dishonwhored
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octoberobserver · 3 years ago
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Boss's Keefe - Kelvin x Keefe fic
Read on ao3 here
“We have a new member of our team joining today.”
Keefe looked up to where Martin was gesturing, blinking in surprise at the man that was confidently walking towards them, never breaking stride.
The man was tall with dark hair and bright blue eyes, so crystal clear that he could see the outline of the irises from several feet away. He reminded him of the old Hollywood actors from those movies his mama used to watch when he was a boy. Something familiar about him in not only the way he looked but in how he moved.
“Everyone, this is James Devlin. James, this is our security team here at Gemstone Salvation Center.”
“It’s nice to meet y’all,” James smiled at them, capturing Keefe’s gaze and holding it.
He felt himself flush at the way those piercing eyes lingered over him and fought the urge to look away.
“Mr. Chambers, if you would be so kind to show James the ropes today, give him the grand tour, that would be splendid,” Martin addressed him, giving him the excuse to break the extended eye contact.
“Of course, Mr. Imari,” he replied automatically before gesturing to the new guy, his hand faltering a little. “F-Follow me, please.”
He tried and mostly failed to keep at a normal pace, speeding up and slowing down between the row of seats, but to his surprise, James kept with him, attempting small talk along the way.
“Sorry, I didn’t catch your Christian name. Or would you prefer I call you Mr. Chambers?”
“Keefe is fine, thank you,” he mumbled, keeping his focus straight ahead, making his way towards the stairs.
“Oh great, Keefe. Nice name,” James remarked, sounding genuine in a way that honestly, he wasn’t too used to.
“T-Thank you.”
The day passed with relative ease. James, as it turned out, was a quick study, so really, he had pretty much already gotten the hang of things around the center. And boy, was he a talker.
“—so I moved upstate to be closer to God like my Gama would have wanted. She was always such a devotee of the Gemstone teachin' and I wanna do her proud, ya know?"
Keefe nodded, knowing the feeling well. Only it wasn't his grandma's approval he was truly seeking, Lord rest her.
"Well look at me, talkin' your ear off all day and you not gettin' a word in edgewise," James held up his hands apologetically, "tell me about yourself, Keefe."
He froze mid-step at that, faltering a little before righting himself. It didn't go unnoticed, however.
"Only if you're comfortable, of course. I'm sorry, I didn't mean—uh, can I buy you a coffee?"
"Thank you, but I don't drink caffeine anymore. And there's not much to tell about me," he mumbled, keeping his eyes staring at a point on the wall over James' shoulder. "I had a misspent youth of devilment, drugs, and debauchery before Kelvin Gemstone found me and put me on the path of good. I've been doing my best to keep on that path. I haven't always succeeded but the Gemstone way don't punish, it encourages us to get back up and try again. So I did. Have been."
He let his gaze wander back, feeling the heavy presence of the other man.
"I know my fair share of devilment, drugs, and debauchery," James admitted, wringing his hands as he paused. "In fact I…I think our paths may have crossed once, a long time ago. At Club Sinister. There's something very familiar about you."
Keefe's breath hitched, his mind whirring as he tried and failed to place the tall brunet among his many scattered, hazy and incomplete memories from that dark period in his life.
"I apologize, I didn't mean to bring up anything painful for you," James was quick to reassure, "I just have a knack for remembering faces, is all."
Keefe struggled to unglue his tongue from the roof of his mouth, but James was already changing tact, gesturing to the coffee shop.
"Well then, if I can't buy you coffee, how about—"
“Keefe! There you are," A familiar voice called from behind him, steadily approaching. "I've been looking for you every—oh. Hello.”
Slowly, he turned and met an entirely different kind of gaze focused on him. Familiar carob eyes lingered over his face in a way that always had his cheeks heating up and his heart skipping a beat.
"Mr. Gemstone, James Devlin, the new member of the security team,” James smiled, outstretching his hand. “I’m a huge fan.”
Kelvin broke from their impromptu staring competition and glanced from James to Keefe and back again before taking his hand and shaking it lightly.
“Well, thank you, James. Appreciate that,” he murmured, an odd lilt to his tone that Keefe couldn’t place.
"Mr. Imari asked Keefe here to show me the ropes, give me a peek behind the curtain, so to speak," James continued, waving a hand in his direction, "he's done a fantastic job. I feel like I know the place already."
Kelvin's eyes narrowed a little, his hands twitching at his sides.
"Well I'm not surprised, Keefe is one of a kind. We couldn't run this place without him."
Warmth spread from his chest, down into his gut. Kelvin had been doing more and more of that lately, ever since the day he bore the Cross. Complimenting his achievements and work ethic, not only in private like before but in public too. To family and employees alike. Dr. Gemstone even echoed his sentiments at one point during upstairs church lunch, openly supporting his role as Kelvin’s right-hand man in their youth fitness endeavor.
It was a sin to be prideful, but Keefe Chambers had always known his fair share about sin.
"Well, I'm very grateful for his help," James gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder as he grinned at Kelvin. "I hope we can be fast friends."
Kelvin's gaze locked on his shoulder as he fidgeted with the car keys in his hands.
A chime that Keefe knew to be his text message alert tone rang in the air.
“Excuse me," Kelvin fished out his cell, taking a step back, not looking at either one of them anymore. "May the Lord light your way today.”
With that, he turned on his heel and began to leave.
Keefe watched him for a beat, noting the tense line of his shoulders before his attention was drawn back by James.
“Uh before, I was just wondering, since I’m new here and all, if you would like to have dinner with me. Fill me in on—"
“He's to accompany me to dinner this evening so he’ll have to decline,” Kelvin was suddenly back at his side from seemingly nowhere, jumping in before he could even process what had been said.
Odd. He didn’t recall any dinner plans.
“Oh, I see,” James blinked, bright baby blues darting between them. “Another time, perhaps?”
“Perhaps,” Kelvin again replied for him, gesturing, “I just remembered that I need your assistance right now Keefe, so someone else will take over from here. You understand, right, James?”
“Of course, Sir.”
Kelvin smiled. It didn’t reach his eyes. Keefe could always tell.
“Great. Keefe?”
With that, he took off like a rocket. Keefe hastily threw an apologetic smile to his new colleague and raced after him, fighting to keep up.
“I’m sorry Kelvin, I must have forgotten about our dinner plans," he mumbled as they neared the car in the parking lot. "Was it something to do with the youth group?”
Kelvin fumbled with his keys, his hands still twitching as he unlocked the doors.
“Oh, uh, no. I was thinkin’ we—we could just get the usual takeout. Maybe fire up the old Atari, huh?”
He frowned.
"Oh, but—"
"Unless you wanted to go to dinner with that guy?" Kelvin interjected as he leaped up into the jeep, dropping his cell phone haphazardly, it clattering loudly against the dashboard.
He took a deep, shaky breath.
"'Cause not—not that there's anythin' wrong with that or nothin'. You're entitled to…to dine with whoever you want to."
His voice sounded off. An octave too high and a decibel too loud.
Keefe slowly ascended the vehicle, closing the door and fastening his seat belt.
He turned his head and met those warm, dark, beautiful eyes that often appeared in his dreams.
"I would prefer to dine with you if that's alright."
Kelvin let out a ragged breath, nodding vehemently, still strangely off, his movements jerky and rapid.
"Are you okay?" he couldn't help but ask gently, worry simmering within him.
"What?" Kelvin blinked before shaking his head. "Yes, yeah, I'm fine. Let's…let's head home."
With that, the jeep roared to life and Keefe let his head tilt back against the seat, the warm wind of the late evening blowing through his hair.
He pushed all thoughts of his new colleague out of his mind. James may recognize him from his past life, but he tried not to let it bother him. He wasn't that person anymore. He had worked through his pain and shame and had come out the other side a changed man. All thanks to the man beside him and the path they walked together.
"Keefe, buddy, we're home."
That sounded nice. <i>Home. </i>
A hand landed on his shoulder, gently shaking him.
Oh. He must have fallen asleep.
Slowly, he opened his eyes and found Kelvin's face mere inches from his.
That same heat he always felt in moments like these pooled in his stomach.
Fighting the all-too-familiar urge to inch closer, to let himself look down at Kelvin’s lips rose powerfully within him so he scrambled to reach behind himself for the handle of the door.
Just as he eased it open, Kelvin spoke, halting him in his tracks.
“You…you sure you’d prefer to spend the night—to uh have dinner I mean, with me tonight?”
Keefe’s head whipped back around to find that the youngest Gemstone was busy staring at his steering wheel, fingers clenching and unclenching around it.
The simple, two-syllable word fell from his lips without him even needing to think about it.
Because it was the truth.
One of many when it came to how he felt about Kelvin.
And while the truth wasn’t always easy to face, Keefe found that things that mattered rarely were, but with his best friend, the light, the man he chose to follow on the good path, he knew he could continue to.
Kelvin leaped from the jeep without another word, a noticeable bounce in his step as they made their way into the house, Keefe following in his wake.
No, the path wasn’t always easy, but it was good.
And he would keep seeing where it leads, with that incredible being, for as long as the Lord and Kelvin Gemstone allowed.
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kwebtv · 3 years ago
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The Righteous Gemstones - HBO  -  August 18, 2019 - Present
Comedy (9 episodes to date)
Running Time: 
Danny McBride as Jesse Gemstone
John Goodman as Dr. Eli Gemstone
Adam DeVine as Kelvin Gemstone
Edi Patterson as Judy Gemstone
Tony Cavalero as Keefe Chambers
Cassidy Freeman as Amber Gemstone
Skyler Gisondo as Gideon Gemstone
Walton Goggins as "Baby" Billy Freeman
Gregory Alan Williams as Martin Imari
Tim Baltz as Benjamin Jason "BJ" Barnes
Dermot Mulroney as Rev John Wesley Seasons
Jennifer Nettles as Aimee-Leigh Gemstone
Scott MacArthur as Scotty / The Devil
Jody Hill as Levi
James DuMont as Chad
Troy Anthony Hogan as Matthew
J. LaRose as Gregory
Valyn Hall as Tiffany Freeman
Kelton DuMont as Pontius Gemstone
Gavin Munn as Abraham Gemstone
Mary Hollis Inboden as Mandy
Cullen Moss as Brock
Virginia Gardner as Lucy
Toby Huss as Dale Nancy
Jade Pettyjohn as Dot Nancy
Marla Maples as Gay Nancy
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keefechambers · 2 years ago
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You're gonna get your ass shot if you don't get the fuck out of here.
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janethepegasus · 5 years ago
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Another entry in the Sentai Rebootverse, this time it’s Battle Fever J!
The story goes like this;
A worldwide team of twisted monsters and people, named Egos, have their plans set on terrorizing all the nations around the world, create fear and tension across the world and hope that it would lead to another World War. However, a national group called The National Defense Ministry has a plan to combat Egos by creating a team of agents from around the world. Masao, an agent in training from Japan, Charles, an agent from France, Damien, an agent from Russia, Imari, an agent from Kenya, and Diane, an FBI agent from America. Together, they must team up and become Battle Fever J, and they will go to any lengths to stop Egos.
...Right away you can tell that, aside from the Masao and Diane, everyone else was replaced by an agent from the country they’re representing as their ranger forms.
Here’s the cast;
Masao Den/Battle Japan - Agent in training and put into the role of the leader. Tries to be serious and stern but he’s actually nervous and scared of messing up, apologizes A LOT when he makes a mistake, tries his best.
Charles Artus/Battle France - An agent from France. Skilled in fencing, likes to flirt with women, is a bit of a show off, his catchphrase is “Et voila!” (Which means “And done!”)
Damien Ivanov/Battle Russia - An agent from Russia. Kind of a slacker but tries to make up for it, has a soft spot for children, is friendly towards his teammates and others, looks up to his big brother Leon.
Imari Kenyatta/Battle Kenya - An agent from Kenya. The moral support of the team, very joyful and cheerful, cares of animals, just a good guy to be around.
Diane Martin/Battle America - An agent from America. Stern, serious, get shit done kind of attitude, strays away from women stereotypes, acts as a leader and/or second in command, is doing her best to serve her country.
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mastermasochist · 6 years ago
Each roll of the ocean rocked the floundering vessel. Tipping the deck to the rhythm of the restless sea, and on their knees at Edith’s feet the captives subtly swayed.
Smoke billowed from stacks at the stern, staining the oceanic air. Perfuming it with the odor of the boilers death. With mast and wings broken, the ship had run its last course.
“You won’t get away with this.” Twisting at the rope binding her hands, the woman spat the words with all the venom of a cobra.
Edith pulled her eyes from her own ship, bobbing serenely off the port side of the broken craft. Fingers resting on the hilt of her sword, she pinned the woman with a stare.
“The Commodore is just behind us.” Raven hair dominated the woman’s head, the sea breeze stirring the unwashed strands. Brushing greasily against alabaster skin that had taken on a grayish pallor.
“His fleet will see you to the ocean floor.” Had her glare been a dagger, it might have cut the pirate to ribbons.
A smile quirked up one corner of Edith’s mouth. “I’m sure he’ll try.” Of that, she had no doubt. She had thwarted enough of his operations to warrant his attention.
But a glance upward deepened her suspicion; where the Baron’s colors should have flown, there was nothing. It was the absence of a flag that had drawn her to them. Even pirates flew a banner.
Thuds and clangs echoed from below deck, where half her crew searched the hull for valuables.
Scanning the line of prisoners, she weighed the appearance of each. Thin and haggard, only a handful had made a stand against her. The fallen had sunk swiftly beneath the hungry waves. And those that had surrendered made for a sorry sight.
“Which of you ranks here?”
The uniforms were near universal, and in similar states of disarray. None hinted at any hierarchy that she recognized.
The question was met with silence, not a one of them stirring. Heaving a sigh, Edith kicked hard at the nearest captive. A whimper rose from him as he was sent sprawling, a pathetic noise that did nothing to ease her mounting ire.
“Captain’s dead.” A woman - no, girl, for she could not have been more than fourteen at most - supplied. Her cheeks flushed when Edith set eyes on her. “Died three days ago,” she continued timidly.
“And your first mate?”
“We don’t have one.”
“Than who’s in charge here?” What sort of ragtag crew was manning this ship? It was no wonder Edith’s people had overtaken it with such ease.
“Shall I appointment someone for you?” Taking up a tighter grip on her sword, she drew the blade and let its point rest against the wooden deck. “Or will severing a few digits loosen your tongues?”
Mouth gaping like a fish snatched from the sea, the girl tried for a reply but found none. Several of the crew paled. A few heads turned, each eying their neighbor in dismay.
“Captain.” From the bowels of the ship, Imari emerged. Ebony skinned, handsomely built, Edith might have courted her first mate had she not had a preference for woman.
Trailing behind him were several more of her own, carrying armfuls of fabrics and spices. Of actual food, there seemed to be none.
Three more survivors had been rounded up; shepherded into the sunlight, they blinked at the chaos of the ruined vessel. One of them broke out in a smile when he spotted her, though it did not reach his eyes.
“Edith,” he greeted. And grunted when her first mate set a boot to the back of his leg, dropping him to his knees.
“It’s Captain, to you,” Imari growled.
Grimacing as he landed, the grin returned in short order. “My apologies, Captain.”
Imari made to loose his sword, but Edith waved him off.
“Martin.” Sauntering across the deck she stood before him, rather enjoying their respective positions. A far cry from their roles when last they met. “Strange of you not to fly your father’s colors,” she said, indicating the barren pole with a dip of her head.
The smile faltered. “They were hard on the eyes. Had to take it down before it struck us blind.”
“Oh, I agree.” Touching the tip of her sword to his thigh, she delighted in his discomfort at the gesture. “I never much liked his flag.”
“Edith,“ - behind him, Imari stirred but did not strike him - “I’m no longer with the navy.”
“You expect me to believe that?” Fingers tapping against the cutlass, she cocked her head.
“It doesn’t matter what you believe.” Martin’s attention drifted from her to appraise his shipmates. “I’ve been dishonorably discharged, I think.”
“You don’t know?”
A smile ghosted over his lips as he returned his eyes to hers. “Son of the Baron or not, I imagine being caught freeing people from jail is a cause for employment termination.”
“And them?” she asked, sweeping a hand toward the prisoners.
“Innocent people, who’s only crime,” - he spat the word - “is being related to members of the underground. They were going to be hung.”
“Seems I’ve missed a lot, since last I was in your port.” Edith scratched thoughtfully at her chin, casting the sickly woman a dubious look. Indeed the Commodore might be behind them, though not for support.
Redirecting her attention to Imari, she asked, “Have you taken everything useful?”
“Then let’s be gone.” Sheathing her sword, she studied the passengers of the dying ship. “Bring them.”
Martin surged to his feet. The step he made to take toward her was arrested by Imari, grabbing his arm in a rough grip. “What are you going to do with them?”
“Criminals, bound for the noose? Might be they’ll fetch a good price back home.” She had no intention of returning them to the Baron. But the lie was worth witnessing Martin’s distress. Lord knew he had caused her enough, over the years.
A few words of protest kicked up from the prisoners as the pirates hauled them to their feet, but most went meekly as they were led to her ship.
“And me?” Martin asked, anger coloring his expression.
“Don’t worry,” she said, patting his cheek. “I’m sure we’ll find a use for you.”
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tasksweekly · 7 years ago
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In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 300+ Kenyan faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Muthoni Gathecha (1962) Kenyan - actress.
Tasmin Archer (1963) Kenyan - singer-songwriter.
Suzanna Owíyo (1975) Kenyan - singer-songwriter.
Kananu Kirimi (1977) Kenyan / Scottish - actress.
Henrie Mutuku (1978) Kenyan - singer.
Nini Wacera (1978) Kentan - actress.
Pooja Shah (1979) Kenyan, Indian - actress and model.
Jackie Lumbasi (1979) Kenyan - radio host and tv host.
Eve D'Souza (1979) Kenyan - media personality, radio presenter and actress.
Wahu / Rosemary Wahu Kagwi (1980) Kenyan - singer-songwriter, actress, and former model.
Amani / Cecilia Wairimu (1980) Kenyan - singer and songwriter.
Gloria Muliro (1980) Kenyan - Gospel musician and songwriter.
Winfred Omwakwe (1981) Luhya Kenyan - model and Miss Earth 2002.
Mwanaisha Abdalla / Nyota Ndogo (1981) Kenyan - musician.
Nazizi Hirji (1981) Kenyan - rapper.
Mkamzee Mwatela (1982) Kenyan - director, writer and actress.
Lupita Nyong’o (1983) Mexican [Luo Kenyan] - actress.
Akothee / Akothee Kenya (1983) Kenyan - singer.
Mercy Masika Muguro (1983) Kenyan - singer.
Ruth Maingi (1983) Kenyan - actress.
Ajuma Nasenyana (1984) Kenyan - model.
Janet Mbugua (1984) Kenyan - media personality, anchor and actress.
Talia Oyando (1984) Kenyan - singer, radio host, and tv host.
Nice Githinji (1985) Kenyan - actress, model, singer, tv presenter, and producer.
Sanaipei Tande / Sana (1985) Kenyan - singer, songwriter, karaoke host, radio personality and entertainer.
Catherine Wainaina (1985) Kenyan - model and Miss Earth Kenya 2007.
Gia Johnson (1985) Kenyan / English - actress.
Gemma Cairney (1985) Kenyan - DJ, tv presenter, and radio presenter.
Joey Muthengi (1985) Kenyan - actress and radio personality.
Mumbi Maina (1985) Kenyan - actress.
Judith Nyambura Mwangi / Avril (1985) Kenyan - singer-songwriter, actress and entertainer.
Victoria Kimani (1985) Kenyan - singer, songwriter, actress and entertainer.
Avril / Judith Nyambura Mwangi (1986) Kenyan - singer-songwriter and actress.
Kamara Bacchus (1986) Kenyan, Jamaican - actress and radio personality.
Amber Rose Revah (1986) Polish Jewish / Kenyan, Indian.
STL / Stella Mwangi (1986) Kenyan - singer-songwriter and rapper.
Alice Kamande (1986) Kenyan - singer-songwriter.
Patricia Kihoro (1986) Kenyan - singer-songwriter, actress, radio personality, and reality television personality.
Wanja Mworia (1986) Kenyan - actress.
Janet Kirina (1986) Kenyan - actress, singer-songwriter, TV host and producer.
Wendy Kimani (1986) Kenyan - singer, songwriter, actress and entertainer.
Linet Masiro Munyali / Size 8 (1987) Kenyan - singer, songwriter and actress.
Naomi Ng'ang'a (1987) Kenyan - actress and radio presenter.
Sarah Hassan (1988) Kenyan - actress, model, and tv host.
Serah Ndanu (1988) Kenyan - actress.
Helena Waithera (1988) Kenyan - actress.
Evelyn Wanjiru (1989) Kenyan - gospel singer, worship leader, music director, and songwriter.
Brenda Wairimu (1989) Kenyan - actress and model.
Nansi Nsue (1989) Kenyan - actress.  
Maureen Koech (1989) Kenyan - actress, songwriter and singer
Vera Sidika / Vee Beiby (1989) Kenyan - model, tv personality, and internet personality.
Beryl (1989) Luo Kenyan - instagrammer (Nomadic_beryl), model, and music video actress.
Maureen Kunga (1989) Kenyan - musician (Elani).
Dela Maranga (1989) Kenyan - singer.
Huddah Monroe (1993) Kenyan - model and socialite.
Phy / Phy Mwihaki Ng’etich (1993) Kenyan - singer-songwriter.
Kiimmy Kimani (1993) Kenyan - youtuber (James and Kiimmy), actress, and dancer.
Malaika Firth (1994) Giriama Kenyan, Swiss / Seychellois, Ugandan, British - model.
Gaylyne Ayugi (1994) Kenyan - model, dancer, and Miss Universe Kenya 2014.
Zeinah Nur (1994) Kenyan, Somali - youtuber (Zeinah Nur) and instagrammer (zeinahnur).
Melissa Rakiro (1994) Kenyan / German, Irish - actress.
Wangechi Waweru / Wangechi (1994) Kenyan - rapper, singer and songwriter.
Elodie Zone (1996) Kenyan - youtuber (Elodie Zone), instagrammer (elodiezone), and musician.
TheOfficialAnn (1999) Kenyan - singer and model.
Cassey Chanel (1999) Kenyan - model.
Imari Karanja (2002) Kenyan - model.
Janet Sision (?) Kenyan - actress, model, and makeup artist.
Mary Oyaya (?) Kenyan - actress.
Najma M (?) Somali, Kenyan - youtuber (Najma M).
Elizabeth Anne Achieng' Njagah Konstantaras / Lizz Njagah (?) Kenyan - actress, film director and producer.
Joey Muthengi (?) Kenyan - media personality and actress.
Irene Ayimba (?) Kenyan - actress.
Wambui Ngugi (?) Kenyan - musician (Elani).
Mercy Myra (?) Kenyan - R&B musician.
Joyce Omondi (?) Kenyan - gospel singer.
Deedan Muyira (?) Kenyan - actress, tv host, and radio presenter.
Atemi Oyungu (?) Kenyan - singer, songwriter and entertainer.
Lilian Auma Aoka / Princess Jully (?) Kenyan - musician.
Masha Mapenzi (?) Kenyan - singer.
Janet Sision (?) Kenyan - actress.
Onejiru / Onejiru Schindler / Pielina Wanjiru Schindler (?) Kenyan - singer.
Bahati Nzuri (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Jewel D’Costa (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Lornzie (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Over Twenty Five).
Jules (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Over Twenty Five).
Shikie (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Over Twenty Five).
Ivy (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Over Twenty Five).
Shiko (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (The Green Calabash).
Joy Kendi (?) Kenyan - Youtuber and actress.
Tracy Wanjiru (?) Kenyan - TV presenter and Youtuber.
Lyra Aoko (?) Kenyan - photographer and Youtuber.
Nancie Mwai (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Farhana (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Farhana Oberson Travels).
Rickie (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Muthoni (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Muthoni Muchiri).
Swahiligal (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Anita Nkatha (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Asili (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Asili Vlog).
Evelyn Ngugi (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Evelyn From The Internets).
Wanuri Kahiu (?) Kenyan - film director.
Rosalie Akinyi / Rosa (?) Kenyan - musician.
Fena Gitu (?) Kenyan - musician.
Njeri Luseno (?) Kenyan - actress.
Noti Flow (?) Kenyan - rapper.
Kaz Lucas (?) Kenyan - media personality. .
Eve Mathenge (?) Kenyan - blogger.
Jo Martin (?) Kenyan / Jamaican - actress.
Lydia Dinga (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Tabitha (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Craving Yellow).
Risper Faith (?) Kenyan - socialite.
Labdi Ommes (?) Kenyan - singer.
Athieno (?) Kenyan - singer.
Serro (?) Kenyan - singer.
Swiga (?) Kenyan - singer.
AceyGracey (?) Kenyan - singer.
Valentine Zikki (?) Kenyan - musician.
Catherine 'Selina' Kamau (?) Kenyan - actress.
Chess Nthusi (?) Kenyan - musician.
Ebby Weyime (?) Kenyan - actress.
Jessica Nowitzki (?) Kenyan / Swedish - socialite.
Wanjiru M. Njendu (?) Kenyan - director.
Sandra Nyanchoka (?) Kenyan - model.
Melissa Kiplagat (?) Kenyan - actress.
Natasha Likimani (?) Kenyan - screenwriter.
Emma Sophie Ongode (?) Kenyan - actress.
Amal Abdul (?) Kenyan - model.
Sheila Kanini (?) Kenyan - model.
Sandra Joan (?) Kenyan - model.
Sylvia Monayo / BintiPretty (?) Kenyan - model.
Olive Waithera (?) Kenyan - model.
Paynette Joan Nyawara (?) Kenyan - model.
Susan Anyango (?) Kenyan / Russian - model.
Kambua (?) Kenyan - gospel singer.
Sheila Nikki Mwanyigha (?) Kenyan - host and media personality.
Marya / Mary Maina (?) Kenyan - singer and actress.
Habida (?) Kenyan - singer, writer, actress and performer.
Miss Lady Karun (?) Kenyan - musician.
Chantelle / Winnie Wambui Naisula Ole Siameto (?) Kenyan - musician.  
Pierra Makena (?) Kenyan - DJ.
Tero Mdee (?) Kenyan - gospel singer.
Winnie Wanja (?) Kenyan - model.
Maureen Nyaguthii Ndung’u (?) Kenyan - fitness model.
Evelyn Okinyi Owala (?) Kenyan - fitness model.
Anjili Laura (?) Kenyan - model.
Njanja Kimani Koby (?) Kenyan - makeup artist and beauty blogger (njanjakimani)
Eman Sallal (?) Kenyan - makeup artist, , brand influencer, and beauty blogger(i_and_jmakeup)
Joy Balogun (?) Kenyan - microbiologist, makeup artist, and beauty blogger (sunshinebalogun)
Kayte Macharia (?) Kenyan - makeup artist and beauty blogger (kaytemachariamakeup)
Vanity Girl / Phoina Tosha (?) Kenyan - makeup artist and beauty blogger (phoinatosha)
Adele Dejak (?) Kenyan - fashion designer.
Diana Opoti (?) Kenyan - designer.
Silvia Njoki (?) Kenyan - designer.
Magline Jeruto (?) Kenyan - Miss World Kenya 2017.
Evelyn Thungu Njambi (?) Kenyan - Miss World Kenya 2016.
Charity Mwangi (?) Kenyan - Miss World Kenya 2015.
Emma Too (?) Kenyan - Miss World Kenya and Face of Africa Finalist.
Deliah Ipupa (?) Kenyan - model.
Valerie Kimani (?) Kenyan - musician.
Dorothy Ghettuba (?) Kenyan - actress and filmmaker.
Veronica Waceke (?) Kenyan - actress.
Queen Vee (?) Kenyan - musician and instagrammer (queenvee_263)
Akiima (?) Kenyan - model.
Shanelle Nyasiase (?) Kenyan - model.
Giannina Oteto (?) Kenyan - model.
Abul Akol (?) Kenyan - model.
Packson Ngugi (1938) Kenyan - actor.
Joseph Kamaru (1939) Kenyan - musician.
John Nzenze (1940) Kenyan - musician.
David Mulwa (1945) Kenyan - writer, academic, theatre director and actor.
Daniel Kamau (1949) Kikuyu Kenyan - musician.
Job Seda / Ayub Ogada (1956) Luo Kenyan - singer.
Adam Solomon (1963) Kenyan - composer, guitar maestro, and singer.
Tom Morello (1964) Kikuyu Kenyan / Italian, Irish - singer-songwriter and actor.
Tony Nyadundo (1968) Kenyan - musician.
Ben Mutua Jonathan Muriithi (1969) Kenyan - journalist and actor.
Hisham Tawfiq (1970) Kenyan - actor.
Tedd Josiah (1970) Kenyan - music producer.
Christopher Colquhoun (1970) Kenyan - actor.
Eric Wainaina (1973) Kenyan - singer-songwriter.
Jean-Pierre Nimbona / Kidum (1974) Kenyan - musician.
Walter Mongare Nyambane (1975) Kenyan - comedian, actor and mock singer.
Dave Okumu (1976) Kenyan / Austrian - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, and producer.
Charles Gitonga Maina (1976) Kenyan - actor.
Daniel Ndambuki (1977) Kenyan - comedian.
Joseph Hellon (1977) Kenyan - musician.
Mbaruku Harrison Ngunjiri Maina / Hardstone (1977) Kenyan - musician.
Jani Toivola (1977) Kenyan / Finnish - actor and dancer.
Abbas Kubaff (1978) Kenyan - hip hop artist.
Mugambwa Sseruwagi (1978) Kenyan - actor, musician, and presenter.
Edi Gathegi (1979) Kenyan - actor.
Aaron Rimbui (1979) Kenyan - Kenyan pianist, keyboardist, bandleader, producer, and radio host.
Jua Cali / Paul Julius Nunda (1979) Kenyan - hip hop artist.
Robert Alai (1979) Kenyan - blogger.
Ken Ring (1979) Kenyan - rapper.
Christopher Odhiambo Okinda (1980) Kenyan - actor, film director, producer, author and radio presenter.
Adeel Akhtar (1980) Kenyan / Pakistani - actor.
Qqu / Moses Qqu Odhiambo (1980) Kenyan - singer, songwriter, choreographer, performer, instrumentalist, Lifestyle Entrepreneur and digital artist.
Maqbul Mohammed (1981) Kenyan - actor and radio presenter.
Swabri Mohammed / Redsan (1981) Kenyan - musician.
Justin Mirichii (1981) Kenyan - actor.
Pilipili / Peter Gatonye (1982) Kenyan - musician and singer.
Jim Chuchu (1982) Kenyan - director, visual artist and musician.
Charles Njagua Kanyi / Jaguar (1982) Kenyan - musician, entrepreneur, politician, and philanthropist.
Fidel Namisi (1982) Kenyan - screenwriter.
Onyi Papa Jey / Bernard Onyango Ranginya (1982) Kenyan - musician.
Dola Kabarry / Kevin Omondi Migot (1982) Kenyan - musician (Orchestra Super Haki Haki)
Daddy Owen / Owen Mwatia (1982) Kenyan - singer-songwriter.
Harry Kimani (1982) Kenyan - musician and composer.
Chizi / Dan Aceda (1984) Kenyan - musician, entrepreneur, architect, and actor.
Charles Mnene (1984) Kenyan - actor.
Rahul Kohli (1985) Kenyan, Thai, Indian - actor.
Gerald Langiri (1986) Kenyan - actor,producer and casting director.
Davidson Ngibuini (1986) Kenyan - radio presenter, actor, hype man and entrepreneur.
Juno / Jon Korhonen (1987) Kenyan - rapper.
Rabbit / King Kaka / Kaka Sungura / Kennedy Ombima (1987) Kenyan - rapper.
Martin Githinji / Daddiemarto (1987) Kenyan - actor.
Polycarp Otieno (1987) Kenyan - guitarist and producer (Sauti Sol).
Savara Mudigi (1987) Kenyan - musician (Sauti Sol).
Willis Chimano (1987) Kenyan - musician (Sauti Sol).
Bien-Aimé Baraza (1987) Kenyan - musician (Sauti Sol).
Lenana Kariba (1988) Kenyan - actor.
Dayo Okeniyi (1988) Kenyan / Nigerian - actor.
Nick Mutuma (1988) Kenyan - actor, model and television host.
Maluda / Eystone A. Mukubi (1988) Kenyan -  hip hop artist.
Brian Ogola (1989) Kenyan - actor.
Darragh Mortell (1989) Kenyan - actor.
Luke Youngblood (1989) Kenyan - actor.
Teardrops / Mark Joshua Ouma (1990) Kenyan - spoken word artist.
Paul Ogola (1990) Kenyan - actor.
Jay A (1990) Kenyan - rapper.
KRG The Don (1991) Kenyan - rapper.
Charlie Karumi (1991) Kenyan - actor and TV presenter.
Kristoff Barton (1991) Kenyan - rapper.
Njue Kevin (1992) Kenyan - film director, producer and screenwriter.
Eddie Butita (1992) Kenyan - comedian, actor, scriptwriter, theatre director, emcee, theatre producer, and businessman.
Bahati Kenya (1992) Kenyan - actor and singer.
Karim Newton (1993) Kenyan - singer-songwriter (Concept).
Willy Paul / Wilson Abubakar Radido (1993) Kenyan - singer-songwriter.
Messo MJ (1994) Kenyan - DJ.
Proud Refuge / Zachary Mwai Mwangi (1995) Kenyan - hip hop artist, songwriter, record producer, and actor.
Yahya Somow (1998) Kenyan - instagrammer (Damnyahya).
Victor Kamanga (1999) Kenyan - youtuber (Everything Technology).
Felix Odiwour / Jalang'o (?) Kenyan -  entrepreneur, actor, director, comedian and radio presenter.
John Sibi-Okumu (?) Kenyan - actor and journalist.
Simon Kimani / Bamboo - Kenyan - emcee.
Brian Chweya (?) Kenyan - musician (Elani)
Moffat Omari / Mr. Googz (?) Kenyan - musician.
David Kamoni Mathenge / Nameless / Monski (?) Kenyan - pop artist.
Mbuvi (?) Kenyan - contemporary gospel singer, comedian, philanthropist and TV presenter
Pace Kenya (?) Kenyan - rapper and singer.
Wawesh (?) Kenyan - hip hop artist.
Kevin Wyre / Wyre (?) Kenyan - musician.
Brian Kimani (?) Kenyan (Getaway Planet).
Muriuki Kagiri (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (The Dapper Brother).
Frankie (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Just Gym It).
Shiv (?) Kenyan - Youtuber (Just Gym It).
Levis Ryan (?) Kenyan - Youtuber.
Naiboi (?) Kenyan - musician.
Khaligraph (?) Kenyan - rapper and Youtuber.
Henry Ohanga / Octopizzo (?) Kenyan - hip hop star. .
Osborne Macharia (?) Kenyan - photographer.
Olwenya Maina (?) Kenyan - actor.
Ephy Muriithi (?) Kenyan - actor and model.
Ken Ambani (?) Kenyan - actor.
Daniel Peter Weke (?) Kenyan - actor.
Omar Hamza (?) Kenyan - actor.
Godfrey Odhiambo (?) Kenyan - actor.
Henry Gitau (?) Kenyan - actor.
Ian Mugoya (?) Kenyan - actor.
Nick Wangondu (?) Kenyan - actor.
Chizi / Dan Aceda (?) Kenyan - musician.
Mura K.E (?) Kenyan - musician.
Qritiqual (?) Kenyan - musician.
Nyashinski (?) Kenyan - musician.
Likarion Wainaina (?) Kenyan - filmmaker.
Samuel Muriithi (?) Kenyan - actor.
David Omwange (?) Kenyan - writer.
Kwame Nyong'o (?) Kenyan / Unspecified Other - visual artist, animator, illustrator, musician, director and writer.
Sammy Nagi Njuguna (?) Kenyan - actor.
Bek Wa Goro (?) South African, Kenyan - director.
Jahawi Bertolli (?) Kenyan / Italian - cinematographer.
Douglas Muigai (?) Kenyan - actor, model, athlete, rugby player, stunt man, and artist.
Victor Munyua (?) Kenyan - actor and musician.
Gabu Fords (?) Kenyan - model.
Brian Onyango (?) Kenyan - model.
Alvin Lee Anyumba (?) Kenyan - fitness model and instagrammer (alvinleefitness)
Leon Weche (?) Kenyan - fitness model and instagrammer (leesthetics)
Nelvin Chuma (?) Kenyan - model.
John Kaveke (?) Kenyan - fashion designer.
William Roger Gitau (?) Kenyan - fashion stylist.
Benjamin Ochieng (?) Kenyan - actor.
Ian Mbugua (?) Kenyan - actor.
Oyunga Pala (?) Kenyan - actor.
Edwin Maina Kariuki (?) Kenyan - actor.
Emo Rugene (?) Kenyan - actor, model, designer, and entrepreneur.
MC Samora (?) Kenyan - comedian and hype man.
Kenyan Stylista (?) Kenyan - fashion blogger.
Eddie Kirindo (?) Kenyan - fashion blogger and instagrammer (eddiekirindo).
Thig Nat (?) Kenyan - musician (The Physics).
Monk (?) Kenyan - musician (The Physics).
Wordsmith (?) Kenyan - musician (The Physics).
Justo (?) Kenyan - musician (The Physics).
David Otunga (1980) Kenyan / Unspecified European - actor and wrestler - abuse allegations from Jennifer Hudson (their marriage ended in a Protection From Abuse order).
Arapp Jeylanii (1995) Kenyan, Somali - instagrammer (jeylanii_broo) and youtuber (Arapp Jeylanii) - Very homophobic comments (said he’d kick his kid out of the house if they came out as gay).
Timmy T Dat (?) Kenyan - rapper - Caught on camera groping a fellow singer.
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warningsine · 2 years ago
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