#martial law unleashed
delusionaldoxie2 · 17 days
Trump Truth Channel . Rfkjr news. Cons: you have to join.
Lots of News coming. Please donate to Saraworld on PayPal if you value this news you won’t find on any Liberal News media https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RTADKF847TYAS
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valleydean · 1 year
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The Beginning
Story by: valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) Art by: sidewinder @hawkland
Rating: Explicit
Word count: ~118k
Tags/archive warnings: endverse, zombie apocalypse, graphic depictions of violence, blood and gore, drug use, animal death, Dean POV, Cas POV, Castiel's loss of angelic grace, newly human Castiel, jealous Dean, fear of abandonment, angst, rough sex, body horror, internalized homophobia, denial, minor Cas/OC, drugs as a coping mechanism, sex as a coping mechanism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn, slow build, codependency
Summary: One year ago, soon after Lucifer was freed from the Cage, Dean and Sam parted ways. Since then, Dean has been hunting on his own and, along with Cas despite his declining grace, searching for a way to prevent the apocalypse. When the outbreak of the Croatoan virus begins, Dean and Cas head to Bobby’s to plan their next move. On the way, as the contagion rapidly spreads through America, they must contend with the rabid infected, martial law, and humans who will do anything to ensure their own survival.
Cas stepped to the other side of the door and turned around to face Dean. Dean stopped walking, looking forward at Cas and waiting for him to say anything at all.
When he did, it was, “In there.”
Dean pulled his brows together, his eyes flashing to the dark window panel in the door. The directional light of his flashlight bounced off of it, obscuring whatever was inside. The glass was a deeply black mirror.
His gut clenched, feeling like someone had shoved their hand into his intestines and was trying to rip them out. He slowly brought his face closer to the window. His transparent reflection stared back pensively. He looked beyond it, squinting and refocusing his eyes.
There were bodies in there—maybe three of four. He couldn’t really tell. Some of them were in pieces. Pools of blood soaked them, glinting like a knife in the moonlight that fought its way through the dirty windows.
Dean opened his mouth, about to ask what the hell happened.
Something slammed against the other side of the glass. A bloody hand. Dean jumped back, his shout echoing down the hall. It shattered the bubble of silence—so, too, did the banging on the glass as the man inside tried to beat his way out of the room. His dripping red fists pounded incessantly, leaving smears on the window. He was giving off animalistic grunts and hisses.
“What the…” Dean said, his heart still in his throat. He looked at Cas, demanding an answer. Part of him wanted to blame Cas, to ask him why the hell he slaughtered people and left them in a room. But maybe they weren’t people. Then, what? Demons? Monsters?
Something didn’t add up.
The man kept doing everything he could to bust through the glass. Dean noticed the paring knife clutched in his fist.
Cas didn’t kill those people.
“I led them here and locked them inside,” Cas said, as if he’d read Dean’s mind. “They killed each other.”
The lines of Dean’s forehead bunched up when he lifted his brows in surprise. There was something he was missing. It felt like a forgotten word on the tip of his tongue. A distorted memory from a faded dream.
“You’ve seen this before,” Cas supplied. “The Croatoan virus.”
The words hit Dean like a truck. Blanching, he said, “Croatoan? You mean, the thing that turns everybody into Jack Torrance?”
“No, the demon virus that triggers murderous actions in anyone who contracts it,” Cas corrected, and Dean was still too busy freaking out to tell Cas they pretty much said the same thing. Pressing his lips together, Cas turned his gaze on the door, and there was a subdued kind of despondency in them, like he was trying to control how much emotion he showed on his face. “It’s one of the signs of the apocalypse. This is Lucifer’s doing. He unleashed the Horseman Pestilence.”
“Pestilence,” Dean echoed, the word taking a long time to process. He remembered, thirteen months ago, when he and Sam cut the ring off War’s fingers. That had been the day he and Sam parted ways. Dean hadn’t seen his brother since. He’d only talked to him once on the phone, when Sam called him a few weeks later to tell Dean that Lucifer wanted him as his meatsuit.
Dean rattled his head, trying to shake loose any thoughts of Sam. He focused on Cas saying, “The entire town’s been infected.”
Dean remembered how quickly the virus spread—and how it spread. An infected person had to bleed into someone’s open wound. Once the blood mixed, that was it. Soon after, the victim would turn into a one-track-mind, bloodthirsty monster.
He glanced back at the doorway. The man was still standing behind the glass, looking at Dean like he was lunch, but at least he’d stopped pounding on the window.
“It isn’t the only one,” Cas continued. “There are pockets of the virus across America—possibly the world.”
How hadn’t Dean heard about this? His chest felt too small, like his ribcage was shrinking around his heart and lungs. “Where’d it start?”
“I don’t know.”
Coming this October to @deancashorrorfest
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reality-detective · 11 months
US General Admits Globalists Planning Financial Crash, 'There Will Be No 2024 Election'
A U.S. military official has blown the whistle on how banks across America are about to close down and the 2024 Presidential election is going to be cancelled.
According to Col. Douglas MacGregor, the public need to know there will soon be a “sudden” closure of all major banks in the U.S. orchestrated by the elite which will last for up to 3 weeks.
Col. MacGregor also revealed that the 2024 election will be cancelled due to Martial Law being imposed by the Biden administration.
The elite have got their ducks in a row and they are ready to unleash hell on ordinary people to further their dystopian globalist agenda. So what can we do to stop them? We’ve got the answers coming up.
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Trumps of the Tropics: Brazil’s Far Right Plots Its Return
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As president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro was often called the Trump of the Tropics, an association the Bolsonaro family actively cultivated. From the moment he was elected in 2018, he loudly celebrated the United States — in his first year in office, he even saluted the U.S. flag — but he saved his most intense loyalty for one American. When he met President Trump at the United Nations in 2019, he told him: “I love you.”
Before assuming power, Bolsonaro was an anti-democratic ideologue and former military man with a decades-long career in politics; Trump was a real estate developer and a media personality. But over the six years that Bolsonaro drove the news cycles in Latin America’s largest nation, he gave journalists a long list of reasons to equate the two men. Both made a show of praising authoritarian leaders, past and present, and liked to style themselves as defenders of law and order while acting as if the rules didn’t apply to them. Both formed an alliance with the religious right late in their careers and enlisted their sons to help push their respective agendas. Both frequently took to Twitter to attack their enemies, troll traditional media and rile up their supporters. And both retreated to Florida when things got tough.
For decades, the Brazilian right had looked to the United States, and when Donald Trump began to transform the rules of political discourse, it took note. “We learned to have the courage to speak up,” says Damares Alves, an evangelical pastor who served as Bolsonaro’s minister of human rights, families and women. “We began to be more incisive on the question of abortion. We learned we could be more direct about the question of arming the population. We realized we could take a tougher stand against the left-wing transformation taking place across our continent.”
As president, Bolsonaro seemed eager to import as much of the MAGA movement to Brazil as possible. So when Trump supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to protest a “stolen” election, many Brazilians worried that Bolsonaro supporters might try something similar. That’s exactly what happened. On Jan. 1, 2023, when Bolsonaro’s opponent, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, leader of the left-wing Workers’ Party, took office, Bolsonaro skipped the ceremony, holing up instead in the Orlando suburbs, at the home of a mixed-martial-arts fighter. For weeks, Bolsonaristas had been camping out around the country, under banners calling for an “intervention.” In an echo of Jan. 6, they chose Jan. 8 to occupy and attack government buildings in the capital, Brasília, even though the transition had already taken place and the buildings were largely empty. Military police officers arrested more than 1,000 people, and Lula quickly reasserted control of the country.
Bolsonaro, like Trump, now faces a host of criminal charges for trying to impede democratic elections. Trump has been convicted in one case, but only Bolsonaro has been deemed ineligible to run for president. In June 2023, Brazil’s electoral court ruled that his attacks on the voting system disqualified him from running for any political office until 2030. He is now facing hundreds of other court cases. In February of this year, authorities confiscated his passport after arresting several former aides accused of plotting a coup, making another escape to Florida impossible. Bolsonaro took refuge for two nights in the Hungarian Embassy in São Paulo, perhaps hoping to leverage his relationship with Prime Minister Viktor Orban (one of many friends he shares with Trump) if flight became necessary.
While Bolsonaro is barred from the political arena — at least for now — the movement that he unleashed is very much alive. Bolsonaristasdid well in the election that he lost, demonstrating that the movement was bigger than the man, and they now have real power at federal and state levels. Because congressional politics in Brazil are byzantine — there are 23 parties in Congress, and members can shift allegiances quickly — it would be difficult for Lula to govern even if Bolsonaro’s right-wing Liberal Party were not the largest party in the legislature. As things stand, the Bolsonaristas routinely complicate things for Lula, as they try to pull the country back to the far right.
In 2023, Bolsonaro’s allies began working to create a kind of Bolsonarismo sem Bolsonaro, or Bolsonaro-style politics without Bolsonaro. In interviews in the capital late last year, a rough philosophical and tactical division emerged. One group wants to show that it is moderating its positions and committed to responsibly governing the country; another is doubling down on the kind of fiery rhetoric that drives engagement online and reproduces tropes familiar to observers of right-wing media in the United States.
Continue reading.
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Looking at your username: what is it about the Wen Kexing character that grabbed you? And are there any more recent BL characters that you feel similarly about?
Ohhhhh Ginny, I love you for this question.
I just have a massive soft spot for monsters. I think the monsters we see in stories are often so complex, so interesting, so hurt. The reason my username is wen-kexing-apologist is because Kexing did nothing wrong (I say this partially in jest). I love when the wrongs a generation, a family, a society has done to someone is what fuels their rage, I love when characters decide to embrace the label they have been branded as and use it to destroy the very thing that created them.
And I love when people see past that rage, that pain, that loneliness and are able to reach out a hand to it, and to love the person who has been buried underneath the fate that others pushed upon them.
WKX was a child who lost his family violently, whose family had been betrayed, who was taken in by the ghosts, stripped of his memories, and abused. Then when he got old enough he set off to kill everyone that had done him wrong. To destroy the martial arts world because they had destroyed his life and happiness.
[And as an aside, I love when stories allow for personal slights to be compared to the ruining of nations. In this case, that justice for Wen Kexing can only be served when the whole martial arts world has burned for what they let happen to his family.]
There are many other characters that work like this for me, who are outside of BL: The creature in Frankenstein, Nimona in Nimona, James Flint in Black Sails
In BL, honestly, I haven't seen that many BLs with characters that have the same vibes, they don't tend to have the time to unpack those types of characters. That said, I have such a soft spot for Vegas in KinnPorsche and Charn in Laws of Attraction (although that is technically a lakorn).
Getting way too personal here for a minute, I know how much room within me I need to store my rage. The rage I carry with me every day scares the fuck out of me, it is something I never want to unleash, because there have been moments in my life where I've let just a fraction of it loose and I know how good it felt. There are reasons, beyond just the fact that I am a massive fucking nerd, that swordfighting is my sport of choice, and some of that has to do with the fact that violence is the point. You aren't tackling someone to get a football, you aren't accidentally connecting shins to steal a soccerball, you are learning in swordfighting very specifically how to duel, how to fight, how to draw blood (but you're doing is safely, with protective equipment, and weapons made as safely as possible). All of which to say that there is a part of me that worries I am capable of channeling the level of rage characters like Wen Kexing have, and it is extremely comforting to me to see those characters heal, and to see those characters be loved by people who have seen the worst parts of them.
Perhaps it is conceited of me to say that I watch media so I can see myself in others, but that is so much of it for me. Seeing my relationship to one of my parents played out in Jam and Li Ming's relationship the first time we see the two of them on screen in Moonlight Chicken, the relationship I have to my other parent in the complexity of Sawsimol and Wang's relationship in 180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us. It's why I have a soft spot for Sand in Only Friends taking care of people who have shit on him, because I am a compulsive caretaker, who has given care to people who have treated me like shit. There are just terrible parts of me that recognizes the terrible parts of characters like Wen Kexing and finds comfort in that.
Also, Wen Kexing just serves major cunt, which is the only excuse anyone needs really.
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sealrock · 6 months
—Achille Thidrek
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I was tagged again for this awesome game by @archaiclumina, so this time I'm gonna showcase my boy. tysm for the tag!
please note: since my ocs are constantly in flux, I'm currently in the process of looking over achille's current backstory and may end up doing another overhaul. any information shown may end up being outdated
not tagging anyone else since it looks like everyone has done this, so this is an open tag :)
Name: Achille Thidrek (adoptive surname) Nicknames: Shelley (Paris' nickname, once used in an insulting manner), My Love (Patroclus' nickname), Smalls (Nel's nickname, no longer used) Age: 24 (post-endwalker) Nameday: 20th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (August 20th, 1556) Race: Midlander Hyur/Elezen Gender: Cis male, uses he/him pronouns Orientation: Gay Profession: N/A
Hair: Natural redhead, dyed blond. Rough to the touch and dry due to lack of maintenance and overuse of hair dye, chin-length Eyes: Dark red Skin: Pale beige Tattoos/scars: One tattoo near his right eye, multiple scars across his face. Various scarring across his body
Parents: Thetinne Greystone/Tauvane, the Godless; mother (45, alive) Pelleas Myste; father (deceased, 27 at time of death) Chiron Thidrek; adoptive father (65, alive) Siblings: None Grandparents: Ajax de Euyevair; maternal grandfather (deceased, 61 at time of death) Nerry Cotter; maternal grandmother (deceased, 28 at time of death) Osmund Fletcher; paternal grandfather (deceased, 37 at time of death) Gyda (née Lovejoy) Fletcher; paternal grandmother (deceased, 34 at time of death) In-laws and Other: Tecmessine (née Dafert) de Euyevair; wife of Ajax, stepmother of Thetinne (deceased, 38 at time of death) Heralette (née Euyevair) de Gaucine; maternal aunt (49, alive) Zeumont de Gaucine; uncle-in-law (54, alive) Apolloix de Gaucine; maternal first cousin (17, alive) Artemielle de Gaucine; maternal first cousin (17, alive) Helioroit de Euyevair; maternal uncle (42, alive) Pets: An aging chocobo named Talona, his traveling companion
Abilities: Achille can absorb multiple hits from attacks to build up energy (most commonly electrical energy as he is naturally attuned to lightning). Once at his limit, he will unleash all the energy with deadly accuracy and proficiency, but he runs the risk of going 'berserk' if he pushes himself beyond the limit. Achille is also an expert in martial arts, making him a dangerous opponent in hand-to-hand combat and can attack the body's weak points without outright killing his attacker Hobbies: Sparring, meditation, yoga, gardening
Most Positive Trait: His inspiring idealism Most Negative Trait: His crushing self-hatred
Colors: Brown, green, yellow, orange Smells: Fresh tea, garden herbs, sea salt, pine Textures: Wood, metal, soft hair, fine fabrics Drinks: Water, coffee, tea, juice
Smokes: Once as a teenager, got caught and was punished. Never smokes to due his religion Drinks: Never because of religious reasons Drugs: Never recreational, only for religious/spiritualistic purposes Mount Issuance: Besides his chocobo, Achille usually walks to destinations or hitches rides from traveling merchants Been Arrested: Never
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mariacallous · 6 months
Kate Middleton and the Baltimore Bridge collapse were just warm-ups. For conspiracists in 2024, the total solar eclipse taking place on April 8 is their Super Bowl.
Over the past few weeks, social media channels, Telegram groups, and conspiracy-focused message boards have been flooded with every conceivable wild allegation about what will happen when the moon blocks out the sun.
The rare astronomical event has proved incredibly fertile ground for conspiracists to express their wildest fantasies, and they have theorized about everything from the end of the world, to the secret deployment of balloons to poison the population, to occult rituals and even the imposition of martial law to usher in a “new world order.”
Far-right trolls and extremists in particular have been using the total solar eclipse to push their belief that a group of “elites” is using the event as cover to impose new controls on the population. The theory has been promoted by figures including disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Sandy Hook shooting conspiracist Alex Jones, who in recent weeks has posted numerous videos and comments about it on his X account, racking up millions of views.
“Major Events Surrounding The April 8th Solar Eclipse,” Jones wrote. “Masonic rituals planned worldwide to usher in New World Order.”
Authorities along the path of the eclipse in the US have issued warnings about loss of cell coverage and electrical outages. Additionally, some towns have already declared an emergency, and National Guard troops have been put on standby. This has made the conspiracists only more convinced, even though the preparations in these towns have often been centered around the huge influx of tourists expected to congregate on April 8. For those deep in conspiracy land, the context doesn’t matter.
“I think [it’s] another test,” one user of the far-right message board known as The Donald wrote this week. “See how many follow orders and how close they are to declare martial law without a fight.”
On Telegram, one well-known conspiracy influencer known as the Health Ranger, who has 75,000 subscribers, wrote that the eclipse “sure would be the perfect cover story if our terrorist government wanted to take down the power grid and cause mass chaos while blocking all citizen communications. Kinda convenient if you want to declare martial law and unleash a dictatorship before Trump can win in November.”
Many conspiracists have also focused on other coincidental events happening on April 8, all of which add to the supposedly portentous nature of the day.
There are dozens of examples being shared online, but among the most quoted involve the fact that the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will be firing up the Large Hadron Collider on that day for the first time in two years. Many online are linking the celestial event to the restart of the device that, more than a decade ago, found the Higgs boson, which many misleadingly label the “God particle.”
If that wasn’t enough, NASA is launching three satellites as part of its Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path (APEP) mission. Unfortunately for NASA, Apep is also the name of an ancient Egyptian snake god associated with darkness and destruction—a coincidence that conspiracists have decided is relevant. A celestial body known as the devil’s comet will also be visible to the naked eye during the eclipse.
Finally, many have linked the eclipse with the imminent sacrifice of red heifers in Israel, a practice that some Jews and evangelicals believe will variously herald the construction of a Third Temple in Jerusalem, the return of the messiah, or the end of the world.
“Red Heifers from Texas have arrived in Israel where they will be sacrificed during the Solar Eclipse,” the operator of a prominent conspiracy channel on Telegram wrote this week in a post viewed more than 120,000 times. “At the same time, CERN will be opening up demonic portals.”
Videos citing all of these coincidences have been posted by conspiracists—as well as many Christian evangelical pastors and churches—and have amassed millions of views on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok in recent weeks.
“There are many indications that the total eclipse in America on Monday is the start of something big,” a renowned UK-based QAnon promoter told his Substack subscribers in an email on Thursday. “Whether the day itself is obviously epic—Nibiru? ETs? DNA activation?” (Nibiru is a conspiracy-laden reference to a predicted cataclysmic encounter between Earth and a large planetary object.)
Sovereign-citizen guru David Straight has also posited a wild conspiracy called Operation Balloon, claiming that the government, using the eclipse blackout as cover, will deploy balloons filled with poisonous gas. Straight didn’t, however, explain why the government wouldn’t just do this at night, when it’s also dark and people are typically not staring at the sky.
One image showing the path of the eclipse passing over more than a dozen significant landmarks has also been shared widely online. Among the landmarks are the birthplaces of former president Bill Clinton and former vice president Mike Pence; the site of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio; the site of the 1993 massacre in Waco, Texas; and the location of former president John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
As one UK-based dyed-in-the-wool conspiracist wrote on X last weekend, in a post that has been viewed 7.7 million times: “That’s a hell of a lot of coincidences right there.”
There is, of course, absolutely no evidence to back up any of the conspiracies being outlined by these individuals and groups. But if they are unable, or unwilling, to marvel at a celestial phenomenon that has been enjoyed by humans for centuries, that probably warrants at least some introspection.
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rowlev · 7 months
I wanna ask u about daredevil lol what is it
Oh boy, time to unleash Pandora’s box.
So Daredevil is a fairly long running comics character in the marvel universe, known for his super senses, bright red spandex with devil horns, and general acrobatic prowess, hence his name. In his civilian identity, his name is Matthew (Matt) Murdock, a blind defense lawyer known for his largely pro-bono law practice “Nelson and Murdock” with his best friend, and former college roommate, Foggy Nelson.
He’s a street level superhero typically known for protecting his small neighborhood in Hell’s Kitchen, New York. Historically that region was a pretty poor neighborhood (not so much today, but times change) consisting largely of poor Irish Catholic immigrants, and that’s how he grows up- son of an single, immigrant father who does boxing for a living, known in the ring as “Battlin’” Jack Murdock.
Now Jack Murdock doesn’t want this life for his son- he’s old and losing his strength from years of fights, and forces encourages young Matt to stay in school and study hard so he won’t end up like him. It’s not just the physical degradation that makes him so adamant to ensure Matt doesn’t follow his path though, it’s also the fact that he’s been forced to compromise his morals and start throwing fights for money, under a local crime boss’s command.
Matt is unaware of this at the time, but he’s got plenty of other stuff to worry about, like bullying from other kids his age when he refuses to go outside and play with them (his dad wants him to study), and the fact that he gets blinded at the ripe age of 9 by some radioactive chemicals, after diving to save a man crossing the street, who was about to get hit by the truck containing said chemicals. These chemicals don’t only blind Matt though, but also enhance his other senses to superhuman levels, giving him a massive amount of sensory processing issues on top of the superpowers lol.
His father helps work him through the traumatic event, and beginning of his readjustment to life without sight, gets him reading braille, and starting to study again, hoping maybe his kid can be a lawyer or something when he grows up. However it isn’t long before he ends up getting killed by the crime bosses he was throwing fights for, after finally refusing to throw a fight.
So Matt, now alone in his world, gets sent to a Catholic orphanage, and spends the rest of his childhood there, utterly alone until he meets his mentor - Stick. He’s also a blind man, but he’s different from Matt in that he doesn’t have any special enhanced senses, but he is a master in martial arts, mostly learned from people in various fantasy Asia locations that marvel has created. He trains Matt to hone his senses, block out all the unnecessary noise, and punch really hard.
He’s big on tough love teaching styles, some of which to be honest are straight up abusive, but Matt, as a young impressionable orphan, sees him as a substitute father figure. Stick doesn’t stick around for long though, and the reasons for this vary in different comics and the tv show. Regardless, the impact is that Matt has been abandoned once again, and there’s really no notable people in his life until he gets into law school and meets Foggy Nelson.
Foggy is his college roommate, and while they don’t initially get along (one comic says Matt nicknamed him Foggy because he felt like the snoring he made while asleep sounded like a foghorn), they quickly become inseparable. Various comics disagree on their dynamic but I like how Waid portrays them, with Foggy as the smart one and Matt as the charismatic one, both reliant on each other to prepare the best defense for their clients.
In college, he also has a fling with Elektra, who is the start of his endless string of lovers. She is the daughter of some rich millionaire, but what Matt likes about her is the danger she represents. By this point, Matt has been actively masking the fact that his enhanced senses allow him to sense his surroundings much more than an ordinary blind person might be able to for more than half of his life. He never told his father about his enhanced senses, and Elektra is the first to see him for who he truly is, mask off, and accept it. However the problem he runs into is that Elektra’s morality is much more gray than the black and white lines he’s constructed as a Catholic lawyer. She urges him to more and more reckless stunts until an event (differs between different comics/the tv show) where his actions lead to death or near death. They break it off and he doesn’t see her for many years following.
Once he kicks off his career at Nelson and Murdock, he also starts his early vigilante career. I’m not too familiar with the reasons around why it only kicked off then (I haven’t read daredevil: yellow yet or the very early comics) but he quickly racks up small time enemies and a very unbalanced work-vigilantism schedule.
Their first office manager is named Karen Page, and she’s the first and most prominent love interest for Matt. Her story starts out with her and Matt being in a very innocent relationship while both of them mask the darker parts of their personality from each other. The early comics don’t do this very well because well, people were much more misogynistic in the 1960s. However I think the tv show beautifully adapts this storyline and fleshes Karen out a considerable amount. In the comics though, Karen eventually is killed by Bullseye, who you can probably guess the powerset of by his name.
Bullseye also kills Elektra after she and Matt have a reunion, both in comic suits, where she has become an infamous assassin in the time after she left Matt in college. Technically he kills Elektra before he kills Karen but Elektra gets revived later so it’s all good. In any case, bullseye cements himself as a major rogue of daredevil haunting him through his deceased girlfriends. He represents a main antagonist for the martial arts/ninja side of daredevil, along with the Hand, a cult of ninjas that worship a creature called the beast, who can resurrect the dead.
On the law side, with Matt Murdock, the kingpin tends to be his main enemy. If you’ve seen into the spider-verse, you’ll know that Kingpin has beef with Spider-Man too, but with Daredevil, it’s a lot more personal. The Netflix show demonstrates him with perfection but I think the Frank Miller Born Again run demonstrates his ruthlessness best, where he discovers the secret identity of Daredevil and then systematically and slowly dismantles his entire life, getting him disbarred, then manipulating his tax records and utility bills so that he loses his house, leaving him homeless, sleeping on the streets, with only one thought on his mind: revenge against Kingpin.
Those are the basics I guess, but yea the comics are just him on adventures fighting supervillains and (more often) his own personal demons regarding his repeated childhood abandonment and deep-rooted depression. I find him to be a complex and interesting character with a lot of flaws to explore. I would highly recommend the tv show, it’s a genuine masterpiece and an excellent way to get started on the comics too.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 2 months
"It seems we are left with little choice." While he did not wish to side with his former brother in law, the threat against Hell was too strong to ignore and was not one to allow petty grievances to get in the way. As a goetia, and one who specialized in defence, architecture, geometry and the like, Andrealphus found himself compelled to lend his aid and would help bolster the defences of the pride ring. His legions would be on standby to fight on his behalf, and he would only go on the offensive as a last resort.
Of course, he had no plans to do it all himself; he had another trick up his sleeve to ensure that his offensive capabilities were bolstered.
Turning to one of his few longtime friends, Andrealphus spoke. "If we do not act, Hell will be destroyed, including your father. I know that recent...events have placed you outside the Goetia, but I am willing to bend the rules for the sake of Hell's safety. I am certain that I can quell any objections, and should things go well, you could have your title reinstated, and everything that was taken would be given back to you."
Caim fixed Andrealphus with a stare. "So let me get this straight: You want me to join you in this war against Heaven to protect a realm that saw fit to look down on me and abandon me because I refused to conform? You expect me to sacrifice everything for the slim chance that Paimon will reverse his decision? And what of our egg? What should happen if one, or both of us perishes in this? Are you willing to have our child be without their parents? To leave Yui alone to care for them?
You are asking far too much, and I know you're not stupid enough to be oblivious to what is at stake."
"...I am fully aware of this and have taken everything into account," he said quietly. "One cannot deny your martial prowess and speed, which is why I have asked this of you in the first place.
I have also taken into consideration the worst case scenarios. For example, should you refuse to aid in this endeavour and Hell ends up destroyed, and my life is taken, what is to stop Heaven from going after Earth? If Heaven is willing to unleash the creatures of Purgatory to wipe us out, then what is to stop them from going after hell born, or other supernatural species that populate the Earth, who would be seen as a threat to their power and rule? If Hell is not safe from Heaven, then neither is Earth and the youkai who live in it, including yourself, Yui, and our child.
Is it not better to fight now for a chance in protecting what it is we hold dear than to simply surrender and watch everything be destroyed?"
"Is there even a guarantee that you all will succeed in this war? If I agree to this nonsense and everything is for naught, then would it not be better to spend my last days with my family? And who is to say we would take such a threat lying down; youkai and others like us are not going to simply sit and allow Heaven to eradicate us. I can easily fight among my people and protect my family from the human realm."
"But are we not also your people?"
"Before Paimon decided to banish me, you were."
Andrealphus let out a sigh. "I cannot force you to aid in our cause, and I will respect whatever decision you make. All I ask is that you consider this proposal, and know that it will be all of Hell, including Lucifer and his family that will be fighting this.
We will not be alone."
"...and what will you be doing in this?"
"I will be tending to the defences and barriers protecting the Pride Ring while my legions will take care of the creatures, and the angels fighting alongside them. If need be, I will step in."
Caim fell silent, mulling over the proposal for what felt like hours before heaving a sigh. Yui was going to have her head for this, and if she denied her hell born roots again and Hell survived, there was the strong possibility that her, no their child would meet a worse fate in the future. Regardless of the action, the child would be in danger either way; if she sided with Hell and did her part, then she could ensure that her son would have little issue navigating Hell when the time arrived, especially when it came to the head of the Goetia. In a way, siding with Hell was a chance at redemption while also proving a point.
Letting out a sigh of her own, Caim turned her gaze back to Andrealphus. "Alright, I will aid you. You should still have control of my legions, so do with them as you see fit; I will fight by my own strength.
However, should my family on Earth be threatened, I will depart to ensure their safety. Our egg has yet to hatch, and my duty is to our child first and foremost."
"...that is agreeable."
"Good. We can deal with the reparations toward myself once this whole thing is over."
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about-faces · 1 year
What do you think of a Harley/Harvey romance? Or do you think they won't just fit and better left as friends or antagonists? Do you think Harvey would be a good fit as the 'token dude' among the Gotham Sirens (Harley, Ivy , Selina)?
Honestly, I don’t know what kind of dynamic Harley and Harvey should have. You’d think they’d have some common ground to build on, between their names and their taste in split fashion! But beyond that, they’re a pair of characters I can never quite figure out when it comes to them being together as anything but antagonists, which is boring to me.
(Note: when I speak about Harley, I’m taking about my own personal understanding of her, as I prefer the character. She’s been so inconsistent ever since she became the Sexy Elmo of the DCU, to the point that she’s more a vague merchandise concept than a character. For all intents and purposes of this, I’m thinking of her as Arleen Sorkin’s Harley from BTAS for the most part)
The big fundamental difference is that Harley is all about fun, while Harvey is all about pain. The guy literally wears his agony on his face, and is a big wet blanket for any irreverent antics Harley might want to commit. It's not even a Bert-and-Ernie situation where there's a wacky character and a stoic, straight-laced character, because Harvey is just TOO serious and TOO tormented to be any fun for Harley. There's little room for give-and-take between them. There's just Harley trying to be wacky while Harvey stares at her like someone who has entirely forgotten the concept of fun.
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Now, that's not to say that Two-Face can't be a fun, wacky, flamboyant character for Harley to play with! But we'd have to go back to his late Golden Age characterization, where he was entirely focused on outlandish crimes based around the number two. I could possibly imagine a Harley who encourages Harvey to be that kind of Two-Face again, doing something like... oh, let's say, robbing a circus while riding on two horses at the same time. Harley might have a great time with THAT Two-Face!
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Now, one might thinking about going the opposite direction. That, instead of encouraging his worst criminal instincts, there's some potential for Dr. Harleen Quinzel to actually be a healing influence on Harvey Dent. Unfortunately, I can't stop thinking about that comic where Mark Russell had Harley "cure" Harvey of needing to listen to his coin, which not only overlooks the core reasons why the coin is so important to him (Russell just kinda treated it as an obsessive quirk and no deeper), but it also shows how Harley's professional care only resulted in making for a more deadly, unpredictable Two-Face:
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(Sidenote: brilliant as Russel is as a writer, you can tell he doesn't understand Two-Face because Batman doesn't refer to him as "Harvey.")
I'd love to see Harley as someone who truly empathizes with Harvey Dent, someone who actually understands his trauma from abuse and his internal divide, but it seems impossible to consider how both characters are usually written. It would require a Harley Quinn who actually does fundamentally care about helping people and a Harvey Dent who is written as both a good man and a victim.
Which is where Stjepan Šejić's Harleen was so fascinating and frustrating alike. Harvey is a major character there, and he's miswritten as a hardline dickbag who is all about being Hard On Crime, just for the sake of clashing with the tragically-empathic Dr. Quinzel.
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This Harvey Dent is not sympathetic. He's a moralizing prick who straight-up advocates for a fascist police state, including releasing Arkham inmates to show Gotham in order to unleash martial law. It's a perversion of the subplot from the 1989 comic strips, where Harvey wants to resign for unwittingly almost aiding a plot to do exactly what he tries to do in Harleen. To top it off, this Two-Face is willing to re-flip his coin to get a desired result, which is just Bad Two-Face 101.
And yet, despite ALL that, Šejić makes an impressive stab at showing how his compassionate take on Harleen is two-of-a-kind with even this jerkass Harvey Dent.
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Even now, I don't know what to make of this, nor do I know what it could possibly mean for either characters. But I remain intrigued by the potential implications of two tragic characters who both lost everything and became "monsters" all in the name of trying to help others. Two irreconcilable people, bound by fate and ideals and "Ha Ha."
So no, I don't know what kind of relationship these two could ever have. I'm even more doubtful there could ever be romance between them. But in other circumstances... who can say? Maybe in some AU, there's a tormented, scarred crime boss driven by revenge and punishing the Haves (Halves?) on behalf of the Have-Nots, and he surprises even himself by bonding with a whimsical, colorful, tortured, and tragically unstable mischief-maker in pigtails.
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Maybe. Just maybe that'd work.
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delusionaldoxie2 · 1 month
Martial Law Unleashed. EBS
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valleydean · 11 months
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The Beginning
Story by: valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) Art by: sidewinder @hawkland
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Brought to you by @deancashorrorfest
Tags/archive warnings: endverse, zombie apocalypse, graphic depictions of violence, blood and gore, drug use, animal death, Dean POV, Cas POV, Castiel's loss of angelic grace, newly human Castiel, jealous Dean, fear of abandonment, angst, rough sex, body horror, internalized homophobia, denial, minor Cas/OC, drugs as a coping mechanism, sex as a coping mechanism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn, slow build, codependency
Summary: One year ago, soon after Lucifer was freed from the Cage, Dean and Sam parted ways. Since then, Dean has been hunting on his own and, along with Cas despite his declining grace, searching for a way to prevent the apocalypse. When the outbreak of the Croatoan virus begins, Dean and Cas head to Bobby’s to plan their next move. On the way, as the contagion rapidly spreads through America, they must contend with the rabid infected, martial law, and humans who will do anything to ensure their own survival.
Cas stepped to the other side of the door and turned around to face Dean. Dean stopped walking, looking forward at Cas and waiting for him to say anything at all.
When he did, it was, “In there.”
Dean pulled his brows together, his eyes flashing to the dark window panel in the door. The directional light of his flashlight bounced off of it, obscuring whatever was inside. The glass was a deeply black mirror.
His gut clenched, feeling like someone had shoved their hand into his intestines and was trying to rip them out. He slowly brought his face closer to the window. His transparent reflection stared back pensively. He looked beyond it, squinting and refocusing his eyes.
There were bodies in there—maybe three of four. He couldn’t really tell. Some of them were in pieces. Pools of blood soaked them, glinting like a knife in the moonlight that fought its way through the dirty windows.
Dean opened his mouth, about to ask what the hell happened.
Something slammed against the other side of the glass. A bloody hand. Dean jumped back, his shout echoing down the hall. It shattered the bubble of silence—so, too, did the banging on the glass as the man inside tried to beat his way out of the room. His dripping red fists pounded incessantly, leaving smears on the window. He was giving off animalistic grunts and hisses.
“What the…” Dean said, his heart still in his throat. He looked at Cas, demanding an answer. Part of him wanted to blame Cas, to ask him why the hell he slaughtered people and left them in a room. But maybe they weren’t people. Then, what? Demons? Monsters?
Something didn’t add up.
The man kept doing everything he could to bust through the glass. Dean noticed the paring knife clutched in his fist.
Cas didn’t kill those people.
“I led them here and locked them inside,” Cas said, as if he’d read Dean’s mind. “They killed each other.”
The lines of Dean’s forehead bunched up when he lifted his brows in surprise. There was something he was missing. It felt like a forgotten word on the tip of his tongue. A distorted memory from a faded dream.
“You’ve seen this before,” Cas supplied. “The Croatoan virus.”
The words hit Dean like a truck. Blanching, he said, “Croatoan? You mean, the thing that turns everybody into Jack Torrance?”
“No, the demon virus that triggers murderous actions in anyone who contracts it,” Cas corrected, and Dean was still too busy freaking out to tell Cas they pretty much said the same thing. Pressing his lips together, Cas turned his gaze on the door, and there was a subdued kind of despondency in them, like he was trying to control how much emotion he showed on his face. “It’s one of the signs of the apocalypse. This is Lucifer’s doing. He unleashed the Horseman Pestilence.”
“Pestilence,” Dean echoed, the word taking a long time to process. He remembered, thirteen months ago, when he and Sam cut the ring off War’s fingers. That had been the day he and Sam parted ways. Dean hadn’t seen his brother since. He’d only talked to him once on the phone, when Sam called him a few weeks later to tell Dean that Lucifer wanted him as his meatsuit.
Dean rattled his head, trying to shake loose any thoughts of Sam. He focused on Cas saying, “The entire town’s been infected.”
Dean remembered how quickly the virus spread—and how it spread. An infected person had to bleed into someone’s open wound. Once the blood mixed, that was it. Soon after, the victim would turn into a one-track-mind, bloodthirsty monster.
He glanced back at the doorway. The man was still standing behind the glass, looking at Dean like he was lunch, but at least he’d stopped pounding on the window.
“It isn’t the only one,” Cas continued. “There are pockets of the virus across America—possibly the world.”
How hadn’t Dean heard about this? His chest felt too small, like his ribcage was shrinking around his heart and lungs. “Where’d it start?”
“I don’t know.”
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U.S. Denounced as Destroyer of Peace and Stability of Korean Peninsula
Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- The Institute for American Studies of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK released a research report on Sunday to give the full picture of the war of aggression provoked by the U.S. against the DPRK in the 1950s and to disclose once again the aggressive nature of the U.S. still making desperate efforts to ignite a nuclear war.
The report stressed that the U.S. is the provoker of the aggression war against Korea, adding:
The U.S. has had its eye of greed on the Korean peninsula, the gateway to the Asian continent, since the mid-19th century, and illegally occupied south Korea in the guise of "liberator" and "protector" right after the end of the Second World War.
The U.S. laid a pro-U.S. political foundation in south Korea through the puppet regime fabrication. In a bid to militarily swallow up the whole Korean peninsula, it put spurs to the war preparations to occupy the DPRK by force of arms.
The U.S. tightened up its forces, arms and equipment and military infrastructure for unleashing a war of aggression against the DPRK in south Korea. In January 1950 it concluded an agreement with the puppet Syngman Rhee clique on stationing 500-strong U.S. military advisory group in south Korea, the largest-ever at that time.
In early 1949 the U.S. buckled down to mapping out the plan for igniting a war of aggression against the DPRK by mobilizing not only the information and operation departments including the G-2 and G-3 of MacArthur's Command but also the "History Class" and "KATO" institutions composed of senior officers of the former Japanese army.
The U.S. hurled the south Korean puppet army into ceaseless armed provocations to verify the effectiveness of the operation plan. In 1949 the number of their armed provocations reached over 2 610, which was 2.8 times as many as the previous year.
The U.S. deployed five divisions of the south Korean puppet army in the area along the 38th Parallel and three divisions of the operational reserve corps near Seoul, thus making more than 70 percent of the puppet army ready for attack.
In particular, the U.S. brought two aircraft carriers, two cruisers, six destroyers, three bomber groups, six pursuit fighter groups and two transport plane groups to Japan under the pretext of amphibious drill from late April 1950, and made full preparations for their immediate mobilization for the Korean War.
After rounding off the preparations for a war of aggression against the DPRK, the U.S. dispatched the advisor to the State Department Dulles to south Korea as a special envoy of Truman on June 17, 1950 to make final on-the-spot confirmation of the war preparations near the 38th Parallel, and handed over the secret order on igniting a war finally ratified by Truman to puppet traitor Syngman Rhee and issued a special order to "launch an attack on north Korea along with the propaganda that north Korea had invaded first."
According to the war scenario worked out by the U.S., the puppet traitor Syngman Rhee let all the reptile propaganda means be mobilized to spread the false information that the "emergency martial law" which had been enforced from early June 1950 "was lift" at 0 o'clock on June 24 to "allow" the south Korean puppet army personnel to leave, stay out and take time off.
Meanwhile, U.S. President Truman, Secretary of State Acheson, advisor to the State Department Dulles and other senior officials of the U.S. administration found themselves in weekend rest, travel and dinner and MacArthur, commander of the U.S. forces in the Far East, slept in a bedroom at the outbreak of the war to deceive the world public.
The U.S. finally ignited a war of aggression against the DPRK on June 25, 1950. During the three-year war, it hurled vast numbers of its armed forces amounting to more than two million, including one third of its ground forces, one fifth of its air force, most of the Pacific Fleet, troops from its 15 satellite countries, south Korean puppet forces and Japanese militarists, into the Korean front and spent more than twenty billion U.S. dollars.
The U.S. is a wrecker of peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region, the report said, and went on:
Far from drawing a due lesson from the disgraceful defeat it suffered in the Korean War, the U.S. has persistently pursued hostile policy toward the DPRK to realize its wild ambition for dominating Asia and the rest of the world at any cost by occupying the whole Korean peninsula for 70 years since the ceasefire.
The U.S. has staged various kinds of war drills in south Korea under the pretext of "defense" and "annual" since the late 1950s and massively brought nuclear attack means including nuclear carriers, nuclear submarines and nuclear strategic bombers to south Korea to turn it into a mobile nuclear arsenal.
The U.S. has deliberately fabricated various incidents and events and steadily escalated its nuclear threat and blackmail against the DPRK.
The U.S. checked a nuclear attack on the DPRK when its armed spy ship Pueblo was captured in 1968, put nuclear-capable tactical bombers on emergency alert when its large spy plane EC-121 was shot down in 1969. In 1976 when Panmunjom incident broke out, it made its nuclear-capable strategic bombers fly in formation near the demilitarized zone, frequently posing nuclear threats and blackmail to the DPRK. The U.S., which had made it its official policy to offer "nuclear umbrella" to south Korea in 1982, detailed it as the concept of "extended deterrence" which calls for striking the opponent in the same way as when the U.S. mainland is under nuclear attack in 2009. It thus invented a pretext for bringing its huge nuclear forces to south Korea not only in contingency on the Korean peninsula but also at any ordinary times, and has maximized its nuclear threats.
The U.S.-south Korea joint military exercises, which was kicked off in 1954 under the codename Focus Lens, have been staged ceaselessly for nearly seven decades under such different codenames as Ulji Focus Lens, Ulji Freedom Guardian, Ulji Freedom Shield, Focus Retina, Freedom Bolt, Team Spirit, RSOI (reception, staging, onward movement and integration), Key Resolve, Foal Eagle and Freedom Shield.
The U.S.-south Korea joint military exercises, which hit a world record in its frequency and scale, have been staged over 40 times annually. The number of troops involved in them exceeded 500 000 long ago, including the U.S. forces, south Korean puppet forces, those from satellite countries, personnel of puppet south Korean public organs and businesses and even special forces from the U.S. mainland.
The current U.S. ruling forces in the White House are more openly pursuing the inveterate attempt for mounting a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK in cahoots with the south Korean puppet regime led by Yoon Suk Yeol hell-bent on sycophancy toward the U.S.
The present ruling forces of the U.S., which came up with the "minutely coordinated practical method of approaching the DPRK" and touted "resumption of dialogue" and "diplomatic engagement" after taking office, have unhesitatingly revealed their hostile military attempt against the DPRK
Amid the accelerated transfer of various arms and equipment to south Korea, the U.S. urgently dispatched its Defense Secretary to south Korea in December 2021 for the 53rd U.S.-south Korea annual security consultative meeting, in which he was closeted with the south Korean military to draw up "strategy planning guidelines" for a new nuclear war scenario.
After puppet traitor Yoon hell-bent on sycophancy toward the U.S. took office in south Korea, war exercises under different codenames have been spearheaded by the U.S. nonstop across south Korea and such war rehearsals are getting more and more adventurous and reckless in their scale, scope, intensity and contents as the days go by.
Ulji Freedom Shield joint military exercise, resumed as large-scale maneuvers four years after its last round, was staged according to the extremely provocative and reckless war scenario the keynote of which is to advance to Pyongyang via Kaesong.
In 2022 alone, the U.S., in collusion with the south Korean puppet forces, staged various nuclear war exercises, including joint air drill with strategic assets involved, carrier strike group joint drill involving a nuclear carrier for the first time since November 2017 and joint naval maneuvers, every day to stoke the aggressive fever against the DPRK.
This year the U.S. is resorting to the worrying hostile acts of wantonly encroaching upon the sovereignty and security of the DPRK more persistently than ever before and their gravity and danger have reached the threshold of explosion which can no longer be tolerated.
As a preceding military process for igniting a nuclear war, the U.S. is conducting different forms of espionage against the DPRK on an unprecedented scale on the Korean peninsula and in its vicinity.
Such bellicose moves of the U.S. have pushed the military tensions on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia already plunged into an extremely unstable situation closer to the brink of a nuclear war.
If a war breaks out on the Korean peninsula located in an important geopolitical position, where the interests of big powers are intermingled, it will rapidly expand into a world war and a thermonuclear war unprecedented in the world. This will entail the most catastrophic and irreversible consequences to peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world.
Unless the U.S. anachronistic hostile policy toward the DPRK and persistent military threats to it are rooted out, the DPRK's efforts for bolstering up its self-defensive capabilities for safeguarding its sovereignty, dignity and security and preserving regional peace and stability will be further accelerated and its exercise of the just right to self-defence as a sovereign state will continue in the future, too. -0-
www.kcna.kp (Juche112.6.26.)
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Prestige Class Spotlight 11: Champion of Irori
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(art by dinmoney on DeviantArt)
 The god Irori, one of the few of the mortal ascended to achieve ascension purely on his own without the power of the Starstone, is well-known for his stance of self-improvement and enlightenment, which can appeal to all manner of lawful characters.
Naturally, his following attracts a lot of monks, and for many ascetics, Irori is considered at the very least a respected figure in their social circle worthy of homage, if not necessarily worship.
He does, however, attract some paladins as well, who find the message of improving oneself to be more widely applicable to using that improvement to help others.
Thus, the champions of Irori were born. This prestige class represents something of hybrid discipline between paladin and monk, and in fact requires levels of both to achieve, but blends elements of both while also having it’s own unique abilities, not unlike the classic arcane archer or arcane trickster.
To a champion of Irori, the teachings of self-improvement should be taught to all, even non-worshippers, so that by everyone improving themselves, they can in turn improve the lives and society around them through both the enlightenment they gain and the strength of body and mind.
Of course, they are not just teachers, but warriors, and fight to defend civilization from bad actors, spreaders of chaos and violence, and the like.
 Just as their paladin training gives them the ability to sense evil, these champions take it further to sense chaos in the hearts of others.
They also continue their martial arts training, enhancing their defenses and offenses.
Thanks to their devotion to Irori’s teachings, they also learn to use their smiting power to smite chaos, being especially effective against chaotic outsiders, fey, and aberrations, though they are still fundamentally the same ability, and therefore cannot target two foes at once, or apply both to a single foe.
If they didn’t already have a ki pool, they also gain access to it, and are able to use their ki to fuel the healing touch or smiting abilities of their paladin training as well.
The faith of Irori does not just focus on perfection of the body, but also the mind, and such champions are surprisingly well-educated on a variety of topics.
Becoming a whirlwind on the battlefield, these warriors can strike one foe they are smiting, and retain the guidance, but not damage, of the smite to strike another foe nearby as well, delivering sweeping blows against multiple targets.
Indeed, these champions thrive against overwhelming odds, their attacks becoming more accurate when foes have the strength in numbers.
However, they are not simply good at attacking, but defending, and can choose not to avoid an incoming blast to impart the sort of reflexes normally seen in monks to nearby allies, sacrificing their own health to protect allies.
Meanwhile, their education continues, mastering a few favored skills or vocations.
Grievous wounds are a danger, but these ascetics also see in them opportunity, striking back hard when they or an ally is injured so, even fighting off unconsciousness long enough to get in one last blow, if need be.
They also learn how to strike hard at gaps in armor or natural defenses, though it takes some ki to pull off.
They can also similarly spend ki to perfect a strike, dealing more damage than they normally would.
The most powerful among them can unleash a whirlwind of strikes against all nearby foes and expend smiting power to be able to smite all foes in the future for a short while.
Even if you’re not playing in the core Pathfinder setting, this prestige class is a flavorful way to hybridize any sort of multiclass monk/paladin build, giving you some fun ways to take on multiple foes at once even when you move in and can only strike once, as well as a way to protect your allies in a very monk-like fashion. You need at least one paladin level and three monk to meet most of the prerequisites of the class, plus one more in anything for the skill ranks. Whether you choose to go more heavy on the monk or paladin side is up to you after that, and both have their merit.
 This prestige class adds a few quirks to the paladin code, leaning hard into the philosophy of Irori. In particular, his edicts of self-reliance translate into these champions never taking out or offering loans (but giving to those in need), as well as dismissing cohorts, companions, and familiars and the like. Feel free to modify this if you’re using the class in a setting without Irori attached to it, of course.
  Newly assigned to the area, the young champion of discipline Bentua believes that the seemingly random bouts of frivolity, music, and dancing in the city must be secretly the work of fey or protean interlopers, and won’t hear a word of them being a long-standing cultural tradition of the city. Can the party convince him of his mistake before he does something that would risk his oath?
 The fetchlings of Moon View Temple long ago broke away from their shadowy enslavers, and established the temple as a way for others of their kind to come and find peace and structure. They study a holy ascetic practice which brings light and clarity to those in the dark, which they will happily share with visitors that prove their good intentions.
 Recently a yrthak, a sort of magical Pteranodon with sonic powers, has been terrorizing local villages. Normally this would be a task for the temple champions, but most of their number specializes in divine martial arts, with limited ranged experience. Which is why the party has been hired as an auxillery to drive the beast from the sky where it’s sonic voice no longer provides the range advantage.
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veale2006-blog · 2 months
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BOOOM!!! Brace for Impact: Martial Law and Military Tribunals Poised to Unleash an Unprecedented Storm in America’s Battle for Justice – The Imperative of Military Tribunals! https://amg-news.com/booom-brace-for-impact-martial-law-and-military-tribunals-poised-to-unleash-an-unprecedented-storm-in-americas-battle-for-justice-the-imperative-of-military-tribunals/
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tomorrowedblog · 1 year
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Friday Releases for October 6
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for October 6 include The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, She Came to Me, Foe, and more.
The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial
The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, the new movie from William Friedkin, is out today.
The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial follows a U.S. naval first officer who’s standing trial for orchestrating a mutiny after his captain shows signs of becoming unhinged and jeopardizes the lives of his crew.
She Came to Me
She Came to Me, the new movie from Rebecca Miller, is out today.
A composer with an unfinished opera, a spiritually conflicted psychiatrist, a free-spirited tugboat captain collide on an unpredictable voyage into uncharted waters in writer-director Rebecca Miller’s enchanting romantic comedy.
Foe, the new movie from Garth Davis, is out today.
Hen & Junior farm a secluded piece of land that has been in Junior’s family for generations, but their quiet life is thrown into turmoil when an uninvited stranger shows up at their door with a startling proposal. Starring Saoirse Ronan, Paul Mescal, and Aaron Pierre, Foe’s mesmerizing imagery and persistent questions about the nature of humanity (and artificial humanity) bring the not-too-distant future to luminous life.
Dicks: The Musical
Dicks: The Musical, the new movie from Larry Charles, is out today.
Two self-obsessed businessmen (writers Aaron Jackson & Josh Sharp) discover they’re long-lost identical twins and come together to plot the reunion of their eccentric divorced parents, in this riotously funny and depraved musical from comedy icon Larry Charles (Seinfeld, Borat) also starring Megan Thee Stallion, Nathan Lane, Megan Mullally, and Bowen Yang as God.
Reptile, the new movie from Grant Singer, is out today.
A mysterious murder. A hardened detective. A truth more dangerous than they could have ever imagined.
The Marsh King’s Daughter
The Marsh King’s Daughter, the new movie from Neil Burger, is out today.
In the tense thriller The Marsh King’s Daughter, a woman with a secret past will venture into the wilderness she left behind to confront the most dangerous man she’s ever met: her father. In the film, Helena’s (Daisy Ridley) seemingly ordinary life hides a dark and dangerous truth: her estranged father is the infamous Marsh King (Ben Mendelsohn), the man who kept her and her mother captive in the wilderness for years. When her father escapes from prison, Helena will need to confront her past. Knowing that he will hunt for her and her family, Helena must find the strength to face her demons and outmaneuver the man who taught her everything she knows about surviving in the wild.
Mercy Road
Mercy Road, the new movie from John Curran, is out today.
After committing an impulsive, vicious crime while searching for his missing daughter, a frantic father (Luke Bracey) goes on the run from law enforcement and soon begins receiving chilling calls from an unknown entity claiming to know her whereabouts. As he faithfully follows the caller’s increasingly unhinged instructions, he is driven perilously close to the edge of sanity while discovering exactly how far he is willing to go to save his child.
The Exorcist: Believer
The Exorcist: Believer, the new movie from David Gordon Green, is out today.
Since the death of his pregnant wife in a Haitian earthquake 12 years ago, Victor Fielding has raised their daughter, Angela, on his own. But when Angela and her friend Katherine, disappear in the woods, only to return three days later with no memory of what happened to them, it unleashes a chain of events that will force Victor to confront the nadir of evil and, in his terror and desperation, seek out the only person alive who has witnessed anything like it before: Chris MacNeil.
The Burial
The Burial, the new movie from Maggie Betts, is out today.
Inspired by true events, when a handshake deal goes sour, funeral home owner Jeremiah O’Keefe (Tommy Lee Jones) enlists charismatic, smooth-talking attorney Willie E. Gary (Jamie Foxx) to save his family business. Tempers flare and laughter ensues as the unlikely pair bond while exposing corporate corruption and racial injustice in this inspirational, triumphant story.
When Evil Lurks
When Evil Lurks, the new movie from Demián Rugna, is out today.
The residents of a small rural town discover that a demon is about to be born among them. They desperately try to escape before the evil is born, but it may be too late.
Pet Sematary: Bloodlines
Pet Sematary: Bloodlines, the new movie from Lindsey Anderson Beer, is out today.
In 1969, a young Jud Crandall is set to leave his hometown of Ludlow, Maine in search of his life’s purpose. Before he makes it out, however, Jud and his childhood friends encounter an ancient evil that has gripped Ludlow since its founding.
Totally Killer
Totally Killer, the new movie from Nahnatchka Khan, is out today.
When the infamous "Sweet Sixteen Killer" returns 35 years after his first murder spree to claim another victim, 17-year-old Jamie (Kiernan Shipka) accidentally travels back in time to 1987, determined to stop the killer before he can start.
Monsters Of California
Monsters Of California, the new movie from Tom DeLonge, is out today.
After discovering research left behind by a missing government agent, Dallas Edwards and his misfit high school friends embark on a righteous and dangerous adventure to uncover a paranormal conspiracy in Southern California that brings them face-to-face with some of the government’s most guarded mysteries.
Ballerina, the new movie from Chung-Hyun Lee, is out today.
Grieving the loss of a best friend she couldn’t protect, ex-bodyguard Ok-ju sets out to fulfill her dear friend’s last wish: sweet, sweet revenge.
Buck Alamo (or a Phantasmagorical Ballad)
Buck Alamo (or a Phantasmagorical Ballad), the new movie from Benjamin Epstein, is out today.
Buck Alamo (or a Phantasmagorical Ballad) is a dreamlike portrait of a modern-day musical outlaw as he duels with Death.
Fair Play
Fair Play, the new movie from Chloe Domont, is out today.
An unexpected promotion at a cutthroat hedge fund pushes a young couple’s relationship to the brink, threatening to unravel far more than their recent engagement.
The Royal Hotel
The Royal Hotel, the new movie from Kitty Green, is out today.
Americans Hanna (Julia Garner) and Liv (Jessica Henwick) are best friends backpacking in Australia. After they run out of money, Liv, looking for an adventure, convinces Hanna to take a temporary live-in job behind the bar of a pub called ‘The Roval Hotel’ in a remote Outback mining town. Bar owner Billy and a host of locals give the girls a riotous introduction to Down Under drinking culture but soon Hanna and Liv find themselves trapped in an unnerving situation that grows rapidly out of their control.
Detective Pikachu Returns
Detective Pikachu Returns, the new game from Nintendo, is out today.
Unravel a series of mysteries across Ryme City with a tough-talking, coffee-loving Pikachu and his human partner, Tim Goodman. When a jewel theft occurs, the case sets this great detective duo down a path filled with mystery. Why did Tim’s father, Harry, go missing? What is causing the Pokémon-related incidents around Ryme City? Answer these questions and more by searching for clues, investigating scenes, and using your case notebook to make deductions.
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