galstelperion · 19 days
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"May you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you—haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”
― Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
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myfavouritelunatic · 1 month
Penumbra - Chapter Five
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“How is it that you have the power to give me the one thing I seek… above all else? I doubt very much that Artanis and I would have this chance if not for you specifically, Mairon.” There it was again, creeping in, buzzing about his head like a pest. Jealousy. If there was one thing Mairon did not have in his endless existence, it was someone to share it with. Someone to ignite the spark within his own heart, to give him meaning, to grant him more than what he’d already accomplished. And he had accomplished much, being a part of the Music, and serving Aulë like no one else. He knew it was why Melkor had seduced him so easily. That vala was the first one to show him true appreciation. If Mairon had mistaken it for love, it was not his fault. It was the one thing he yearned for most. He was so willing to see it where it did not exist. But during his time here, with Fëanor, with Artanis… he had glimpsed different kinds of love. The all consuming and possessive kind the elf lord holds for his niece, and the sweet idolatry of a young elf with innocence begging to be exploited. And oh had he exploited it.
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Not really any smut this chapter, lots of passionate kissing however hehe. 😘
Massive thanks as always for @klynnvakarian 's incredible artwork here!! 🥰
I really like this chapter and I hope you all do too! 🖤
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buffyfan145 · 9 months
Major Spoiler Warning!!!
Now with the spoilers confirming we're getting multiple versions of Sauron in season 2 of "Rings of Power" and the actor's name, I think we Haladriel shippers need to figure out what to call the new pairing as I'm sure some of us will ship Galadriel with Gavi's version of Sauron too and there will be others within the shippers that don't because it's not Halbrand (even though it is LOL). Reminds me a lot of "Doctor Who" and other fandoms where this happens. To me Haladriel is only with Charlie's Halbrand version of Sauron, Saurondriel is with every form of Sauron (but I also don't like using this as I know Sauron himself hated that name which is why lately I just refer to him as Halbrand or Mairon LOL), and then Martanis is Mairon and Galadriel/Artanis but it's highly unlikely the show can use that name even though Gavi's version is supposed to be this version. I've also written Mairon in all my fics looking like Charlie/Halbrand too so that's going to be confusing in the future. It's also likely Gavi's Sauron is also the Annatar version (Annadriel?), as they're doing a version of that storyline, but again we don't know if they can use that name and it could be a brand new name. So things are going to get complicated (and even more if there's more actors and animal forms LOL) and I guess we'll likely use different ship tags for each form and then use Saurondriel for a tag for all of them. But I've also already seen posts shipping Galadriel with both versions at the same time too. LOL 😏
ETA: Also want to point out that when I mean about Saurondriel I'm also talking about other formats the LOTR has been adapted to as well, as this to me also covers the book versions as well as Cate Blanchett and Benedict Cumberbatch's versions from the films too (as I've actually seen fanart and fics now with their versions).
ETA 2: Adding on again that I also meant this post for myself incase I and others need to block the ship tag for this other version. I don't know how I'll feel about this till it airs and I'm open to shipping Galadriel with all of Sauron's forms but in case I don't I want to block the ship and not the actor's name as that's not fair to him.
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ophidion · 2 years
i know what the lore says but ROP.... I have some questions
now I KNOW that there is no way Sauron and Galadriel ever met in Valinor as kids. I know the lore. But... the visuals of the opening scene of the show keep bugging me, especially after there were whispers of young!Mairon potentially being seen in S2.
“Nothing is evil in the beginning” is directly overlaid on a scene of a blindfolded boy who is being guided by a tapping sound from one of the children. (metaphor?)
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“And there was a time when the world was so young, there had not yet been a sunrise” the camera remains focused on this boy. With reddish brown hair and light colored eyes that… well… having this boy and the young Galadriel be the first focused frames of the show is a certain introduction.
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*Pause* I want to appreciate how the first thing this kid sees when taking off the blindfold is Galadriel and he gets… this expression. Like I’ve seen that expression before. 
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“Even then there was light,” is the voiceover when the boy looks at Galadriel and we and this boy are seeing her for the first time.
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Notice how he is the ONLY one looking at her in this shot. As if he is the only one who can see her light.
As she is folding the origami boat, a young male voice is heard offscreen asking what is that. This is the second voice we hear in the entire show.
That’s alone is not what’s interesting. As the children approach Galadriel, the camera waits for the formerly blindfolded boy to peer his head around at her before switching to show Galadriel again.
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(the boy just has a bit of a wry mischevious look to his face and VERY ambiguously shaped ears... like we know Halbrand has big ears and so are this little boy's but I've not found ONE shot where they look clearly POINTED.)
But he doesn’t talk to her though, that’s reserved for the rude boy. 
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*Also* the blindfolded-boy is wearing the simplest clothing out of ALL of the children. The two other boys have gold adornments on their tunics but the reddish-brunette has nothing. It's obvious even from behind how his clothing is the plainest of all of theirs... almost like a servant.
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The episode don’t show who threw the first stone (👀). Nor they don’t show which of the kids’ throws finally sinks the boat. But… the formerly-blindfolded kid is running behind the pack for the majority of the time. Meaning he may have thrown it or did he stay out of the conflict, just remaining at the fringes.
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But this boy in the simple clothing loiters in the back of the pack for the ENTIRE exchange of watching her ship. Like he wants to say something to her but isn’t. 
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This might be nothing... but if the show-runners truly had the main idea of basing the whole show around that line in the Mirror of Galadriel...
"blinded by the darkness, her light turned away from him, but nevertheless he gropes ever to see her. But still the door is closed.”
Somehow... this boy being the first to approach her, to almost be reaching out to see what the girl is doing... nothing is accidental in film and television. Particularly in the establishing shots of the show. It may be against lore. But nevertheless even in episode 2, Halbrand's introduction to the audience is a perfect mirror.
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jhalya · 1 year
💍👑 Galadriel did not think that scaring off suitors with her made-up engagement to Mairon, now the Dark Lord of Mordor, would land her in any kind of trouble. [An Unfinished Tale]
🎁 For @spiderres
🔗 Read the rest on AO3
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#haladriel #saurondriel #martanis
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wulfhalls · 21 days
this scene
u guys are not gonna believe this. but. I'm blocked.
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shia-the-buff · 1 year
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day 4 has come, and with it the return of the First Age AU :)
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A Vague Haunting - Haladriel Week Snippet
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Fingers crossed I can finish the first chapter of this in time for @haladrielweek 🤞🤞🤞
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ifyoulovelegs · 1 year
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
Thanks for your brilliant stories, everytime i reread something I just get all happy. You brought me lots of joy last year and I hope you know that. Stay safe and wishing you the best this year!
I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you so much for this sweet little note in my inbox! I write to get these ideas out of my head, but being able to share them with everyone else and passing on a little bit of that joy and happiness in the process is a bonus that is well worth it.
Thank you for putting the precious idea of Mairon and Artanis into my head! Once I am finished with Litost, I am half-tempted to revisit that universe and write a more in depth version of those two. It would likely be rated Teen and/or Mature and chock full of UST, but I'm kind of stuck on this idea of them in canonverse Pride and Prejudice style.
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. . . I'm this-close to making a moodboard for it, and I haven't even started it yet.
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penelopeloveshere · 1 year
a song about first age mairon and artanis who were in love in valinor then everything went to shit with melkor
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galstelperion · 7 days
Galadriel has the light of the two trees ensnared in her hair:
“...and her hair was held a marvel unmatched. It was golden like the hair of her father and of her foremother Indis, but richer and more radiant, for its gold was touched by some memory of the starlike silver of her mother, and the Eldar said that the light of the Two Trees had been snared in her tresses.”
— Unfinished Tales, "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn"
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And her eyes bore a sheen of starlight of which the Calaquendi who beheld the light of Valinor for many years held:
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I find the prevailing theory that Sauron covets her light in the same way Morgoth coveted the Silmarils very interesting. That he would see in her a faded memory he had not even thought to reach for, the memory of being Aule’s disciple, the memory of being Mairon the admirable, not Sauron the abhorred.
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But the light he desires most, that he would burn the entire world for, rejects him, burns him, just as the Silmarils burned Morgoth…
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But Morgoth persisted in capturing the silmarils light and for a time wore the three glittering stones on his crown:
“For they were set in the Iron Crown, and treasured in Angband above all wealth; and Balrogs were about them, and countless swords, and strong bars, and unassailable walls, and the dark majesty of Morgoth.”
— The Silmarillion, Chapter 19: Of Beren And Luthien
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— art by neexsethe
Now I wonder if this connection they are making to her hair and to the light Galadriel holds, how he longs for it so deeply it even brings that smile back to his eyes…
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There are many who might say this conversation he had with Mirdania is purely manipulative in nature and I would agree to an extent. He certainly went into to that conversation with the intention of turning her worries about what she’d seen away from suspecting him…
At the same time, I also don’t think this touch was calculated and intentional. This scene felt very well done because it showed us, for the first time in many episodes, perhaps a hint to Sauron’s truest desires again. Galadriel’s light and hope and goodness being at the very of that.
Mirdania will die off in an episode or two. This scene was clearly meant to fully establish and really remind the audience of what Sauron wants most…
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I can’t help but think this scene will somehow be reflected in his persistence to capture Galadriel, and if, like Morgoth before him, he will have the chance to keep that light bound with him, even for a small time?
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myfavouritelunatic · 2 months
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There is nothing in existence that cannot be corrupted. Before the swearing of Oaths that lead to death and despair, before the darkening of the lands undying. When the light of the two trees and the Silmarils shine so brightly, even then a shadow can be cast upon the race of elves, and those that lead them. If pride and lust and envy can be carried into hearts upon the whispers of a deceiver, what hope is there for the Eldar? What fate other than misery and torment, heartbreak and tragedy? Such is the tale of Fëanor, son of Finwë, his alliance with Mairon the Maia, and their corruption of one Artanis of the Noldor.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: This one is going to get very very inappropriate hehe. The dove is DEAD y'all. And a threesome is happening. 😏
But for this chapter, lots of longing from all three parties, and someone gets their first kiss.
MASSIVE SHOUT OUT to @klynnvakarian and her PHENOMENAL TALENT! The art for this fic is still my favourite piece of yours you've made. Thank you so much ❤️😘
So happy it's finally out in the world! Been stewing on this one for months now. I hope you all enjoy! 😈🖤
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yebikey · 1 year
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ophidion · 1 year
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masterclass in casting
Artanis // Galadriel // Lady of Light
Mairon // Halbrand // The Dark Lord
(because yes, I'm always going to be a kid scene truther. And I think we all forgot that Sauron appeared in The Hobbit films.)
“Sauron appears as the Necromancer in Jackson's The Hobbit film adaptations, where he is voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch.”
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jhalya · 10 months
💍👑 An Unfinished Tale: The conditions.
🧝‍♀️🤴 Galadriel and Mairon negotiate the conditions of their alliance.
🔗 Read on AO3.
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