#mars in the 8th House
gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations I made pt 6 (SPICY EDITION)
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life
-men with cancer mars tend to be very much into boobs and prefer to finish inside their partner, not on them. They may also have a breeding and pregnancy kink
-people with mars in Leo tend to have praise kinks and exhibitionist tendencies. If your partner’s a leo mars, let them know how great they’re doing and how good they look
-even if sex with a Capricorn mars is “vanilla”, they’ll be the one dominating in the bedroom and will make it known to you. They rarely play bottom for anybody
-ask a libra mars man what his favorite position is and I’ll bet he’ll mention a position where he gets to stare at and play with his partner’s butt. Libra mars are very much into butts
-Sagittarius mars natives will try anything at least once and so will Pisces mars natives, except the latter is less likely to initiate it. Also people with mars in Sagittarius are more likely to have sexual encounters with people from outside of their hometown, culture, race, country, etc
-Mars in the 3rd house or mars aspected to Mercury can indicate the native being into dirty talk and reading a lot of smut
-people with Scorpio mars and/or Lilith tend to really enjoy giving and receiving oral
-Lilith or Mars in the 11th house or in Aquarius can indicate having (or wanting to have) friends with benefits and not easily getting emotionally attached after sleeping with someone
-People with Scorpio mars or mars in the 8th house may practice (or be fascinated with) BDSM. They also tend to enjoy being blindfolded or blindfolding their partner
-Mars or Lilith in Taurus can indicate being into choking during sex. I guess giving oral can also apply here since Taurus rules the throat
-Both Aries and Leo mars may be into hair pulling and leaving marks (hickeys, scratches, etc). Aries mars tend to approach sex in a rougher, more forward way than Leo though
-People with mars in Pisces have an innocent, almost virginal vibe to them even if they aren’t virgins. That innocent vibe is the reason people want a piece of them and fantasize about what it would be like to be in bed with them
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ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS - Sensual connections <3
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Aries Sun and Moons need stimulation in relationships in order to feel energized. If these relationships do not move with passion or purpose they can lose interest.
Pluto/Sun individuals have strong auras that need to release their energy through occult, art, in anything or anyone they love. They need constant reassurance in their love lives or they will feel as if you dont care or like them for them.
Sun/Mars individuals have strong appetites for sex as this is the best way for them to let of that boastful energy they have. Moon/Mars individuals need to express their emotional feelings without fear of being to headstrong about it. Moon/mars people have to use their emotional energy in a craft they like or else this will turn out messy, they could have emotions outbursts that can make anyone a little tired of being around them.
Venus/Pluto individuals need devotion. Like the worshipping of some sort of deity, im not joking. Their intensity leaves people in a state of wonderment with them, causing them to be obsessed and wanting more of them.
Venus/Neptune people actually can get the 'fairytale' they desire they just need to see it through more practically. Not everything we see in movies is real, but the energy around it is. What they are looking for is out there they have to connect with the energy of the type of romance they wish to receive.
Moon/Mars people need lovers who have drive and purpose in them. This causes their emotional wellbeing around them to be self assured and understood. They carry this same energy with them so having a partner that is a nonchalant and too chill about everything isn't for them per say.
Moon/Jupiter people crave for a love that is spiritually connected and deep. They do not care for the practical at times with their relationships, they need someone who can see God in them the way they do the world. A love that the heavens can look too and bless them for all eternity.
Pluto 8th house individuals can have a love that'll change your life!! You will never be the same when they enter through your temple. They make sure you feel the deep raw sacredness of sex and never look back.
Venus 8th house people have a knack for pleasing their partners as they are psychically intune with the needs of their lovers. They know just how to make your skin crawl with sensations that'll make you beg for more. Dont get to close to them you might never stop thinking of them. You may never forget them after a sensual experience.
I may post more on this <3
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
eighth house synastry and change: 📝
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i made this tweet earlier after a series of posts on the eighth house, so here i wanted to write a thread on 8H synastry and how it can change us !!
their sun in your 8H: they can change your view on attention and praise, respect, authority, comedy and what you find funny, recreation, your personality, your self-image, your relationship with achievement and your own accomplishments
their moon in your 8H: they can change your view on your domestic space, your emotions and how you share them with other people, your idea of intimacy, pregnancy and childcare, the relationship you have with your immediate family
their mercury in your 8H: they can change your view on your daily routines, language, the ways you communicate with people, the concept you have of your own intelligence and skills, the information you exchange with others
their venus in your 8H: they can change your view on music, sex and sexuality, art and your artistic expression, the natural world, your own natural talents, your voice, your relationship with beauty and self-esteem, what makes you comfortable
their mars in your 8H: they can change your view on what it means to be enthusiastic and passionate, conflict, how you handle your anger and the anger of others, your opinion on different sports or athletic events and teams
their jupiter in your 8H: they can change your view on faith and religious beliefs, your political ideologies, your perspective on marriage and commitments, foreign affairs, integrity and the honest you expect from others
their saturn in your 8H: they can change your view on the world, the government, reality itself, responsibility and what you’re responsible for, your connection to your elders, the concept of selflessness, your sense of duty and purpose
their uranus in your 8H: they can change your view on coincidence, friendship and how you socialize with others, social media, the internet and technology as a whole, your outlook on the future as well as your future
their neptune in your 8H: they can change your view on sadness, isolation, shame, the importance of novelty, fame and those who are famous, grief and how you grieve, vulnerability, your bathing habits or the products you use while you bathe
their pluto in your 8H: they can change your view on power, jealousy and what makes you jealous, whatever disturbs or frightens you, privacy, the secrets you keep and what you feel is “too ugly” to be seen by others
let me know if y’all have any questions in the replies :)
book a reading !!
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444shayyy · 1 month
just looked at this synastry between me and this new guy I'm lowkey seeing and I see 8h synastry...🧍🏽‍♀️
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lonelyleliel · 10 months
Venus and/or Mars in the 8th House Astro Observation
Mars in the 8th House
I recently learned that I have three people in my life who have their Mars in the 8th house and they all have a habit of asking others to use their resources (money, time, energy, possessions, etc.) to get what they want. Whether you want to call it manipulative or resourceful is up to you, but there is a persistence with this placement that is just...kind of insane. Depending on how developed the person is with this placement, they either won't take the hint that no means no or will start creating a power point presentation as to why you should give in to what they want from you. I'm not implying that these people always have malicious intents, but I am definitely saying that these people need to learn to respect boundaries. They'll plant an idea as to why you should do what they want you to do with your resources and will figure out what it takes to convince you even if it takes years.
Mars in the 8th house people have great leadership potential (or con man potential--I respect both lmao) if they remember to be real about what they want and why. The 8th house isn't just about material things and bonds with others, but also major transformations that reflect your inner truth. People with placements who become familiar with your sway over other people (likely those who have hard aspects with Mars, Mercury, and/or Saturn) are going to call you out on your shit and might give you an existential crisis. If you're using everyone else to get what you want, what exactly do you have to claim as your own? What can you claim as something you earned overtime? Do you care about your own achievements? Why or why not? Look in your 2nd house for a hint about that.
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Venus in the 8th house
Venus in the 8th house people like myself and a few other people I know seem to just get stuff. Where Mars in the 8th takes action to get what they want, Venus in the 8th people seem to be offered what they want and it can sometimes be from people they rarely even talk to. Is it manifestation? Is it charm? Hell if I know. I do know that Venusian energy has a strong aesthetic sway over whatever house it's in, so if you do express what you like and don't like to others, they may want to show (or tease/ridicule) your aesthetics by giving you things that remind them of you. Since the 8th house reflects your bonds/contracts/inheritance with others, someone who cares about you may give you things that represent how they see their relationship with you or what they trust you to take care of.
The trap I think we Venus in 8th house people fall into is expecting people to keep on giving or we may overthink how we need to act so we get more stuff. We won't directly ask for it or imply that we want it like Mars in 8th people, but we can get bratty and bitter if we receive something we didn't want and we may not even be honest about disliking that thing because we don't want to jeopardize the next opportunity of getting more stuff from that person in the future. If this is how people are communicating to us about how they see and value us, which can be either a beautiful or a hurtful gesture, our lesson here is to remember that our desires/aesthetics/identity need to be protected with firm boundaries and expressed with honesty. We must be honest with ourselves. Don't accept everything given to you and don't let what's given to you define you. Is the thrill of watching people try to figure you out more important than you understanding yourself? How do these exchanges reflect your character? Your 2nd house will prompt you to consider your personal values and how your view on materialism reflects your inner truth.
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Thanks for reading.
This astro observation was brought to you by someone who has a Mars (Cancer, 11th house, in Rx) square with Venus (Aries, 8th house) and is OVER this shit omfg lmao.
I'm on to you bitches!! I'm on to me too!!
I don't do many astro obs really, but I've been studying astrology for years (I don't read charts professionally. I study for divination and academic purposes) and the realization that I have quite a few people in my life with Mars in the 8th house who have been driving me crazy asking me for shit or taking my shit or shitting on my shit has blown my mind. Like, they won't take the fucking hint lol. Also had to call out my own sugar baby vibes. Flattery doesn't sway me anymore, but I like shit...and some of the Mars in the 8th house people KNOW I like shit. Shit is weird.
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astrologicalsstuff · 5 months
explaining aspects through my synastry with my boyfriend
18+ MDNI - please don’t copy my work
Hey guys I’m back again it’s been a while
I have a new boyfriend well it’s actually been a few months but I just want to show off our synastry
💛Our synastry💛
His Sun conjunct my mercury
Our relationship is strongly based on communication. He has been very helpful in encouraging me in my communication (I have Saturn in gemini).
This is everything from using solid information. Giving me resources to use in school. Helping me with my homework, to communicating my feelings and needs in our relationship. He has also has connected me a lot more with technology.
Moon conjunct moon
Our moons are out of sign but my Venus is conjunct my moon so I thought it might be worth mentioning
His Moon conjunct my Venus
We stay in all the time and we stay up at night talking about any and everything. We’re mercurials, but this aspect just allows us to unpack everything together. We always go out just to end up talking to each other in a quiet corner somewhere.
His moon in my 5th house
Yeah there’s romance. We go on dates everyday on the weekends or we find anew recipe and cook for each other all the time. We go out to art shows and analyze art together. And movies. I think this also has to do with our 2nd house synastry, but I always give him things to decorate (Venus) his house (moon). And I know how to deal with his feelings, but he also gets mine (most of the time)
My NN directly conjunct his ascendant
SN on the descendant I’ve heard this can indicate knowing eachother in a past life and everytime I end up talking to someone with these aspects it’s never a new introduction it’s always I’ve seen you somewhere. Or we’ve met before, I’ve even had lots of people have dreams about me before meaeting them. Southbode aspects always start of in the middle of something for me.
We also have a very cute story which I feel like has to also do with our Venus synastry, but when we first met He said he saw me in San Francisco and that we went to school together, and I knew I never went to school in San Francisco but then he said last winter and I knew I went there to check out colleges last minute almost a year ago, and he said he remembered seeing me and always wanted to talk to me but never saw me again. We ran into eachother at a party randomly in a city 6 hours away.
My side was I saw him at a party and thought he was cute so I was being very flirty with like smiles and staring. I really wasn’t looking for anyone but when he came in I was like he’s cuteee.
My neptune trine his ascendant
With my north node also making its place there, I think it also added to the fantasy that was our first meeting. He definitely has unrealistic ideas about me though. I don’t see what he sees but he makes me out to be this amazing angel despite it all.
His Venus in my first house
He says I’m his dream girl and he really makes me feel like I’m the hottest person he’s ever seen, sometimes it can be a bit much but I don’t mind. He also makes me feel valuable but that can also have to do with our 2nd house synastry.
My stellium (sun mars Jupiter) in his second
I love giving him things🫣 I make him art, and help him find things to decorate his house.
My Saturn in his first house
I do think due to other aspects we have a few power dynamics, and I think he thinks he’s the more mature one, but I think we just view these things in different ways. this has been my longest relationship
His mars (sag) in my 8th house
Yeah… you probably already know. This placement is categorized as sexual and intense. It is, we argue all the time, but the sex… I’ve never had sex like this he figured out all my secret spots
My Pluto conjunct his mars
Even though he can be pretty intense I feel like I do well with intensity. He probes but I want to be better about being honest.
His mars opposite my Saturn
It’s exactly what it sounds like we can’t have sex half the time because of a personal condition, it also took us a bit of time before we actually did start having sex. It’s hard to have sex at my place but he lives so far. Plus I always have responsibilities (Saturn) that he helps me with. We make a good team though he brings the action and drive to get things done and I bring… the things we have to get done lol.
His Saturn square my moon
I never thought it would manifest this way, but we have entirely different parenting styles and because of this we basically agreed we won’t work in the long run which is a contrast to the I want you forever he was giving me before. But it’s still a pretty reasonable and mature conversation and we agree that’s not something we have to think about for a while but that’s in the air.
I also believe in astrology which he doesn’t at all and tries to belittle me sometimes about it and sometimes it feels like he makes light of all my personal beliefs. He would never say this but he acts like all the things that matter to me are unrealistic and I don’t think he notices.
His Saturn square my venus
This one is actually very interesting this aspect gets characterized as “right person wrong time” it has the ability to keep two people apart through differences in responsibilities and values.
This can mean anything from age difference, infidelity, or
Saturns reputation of being cold and restrained dampens Venus and starts to weigh her down over time
I always thought this placement would be very intense and I see it slowly creeping over us, but for me as Venus I feel as though I can be very … indulgent and he tends to live life with more discipline. He often tries to encourage me to set rules, and standards to live by. We are fundamentally different and it can be quite difficult sometimes.
The timing in this relationship is also quite intriguing, he has a very steady semi fast pace for us dating. We do all the things exactly how we are supposed to and while it’s not particularly fast I think I’m more open to seeing the possibility of where we go where as he is planning for the long term.
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That’s all for now 🤍
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holywizardheart · 2 years
💎Astrology observations part 14💎
Don't copyright my work❌
The pictures aren't mine⚠️
Enjoy your reading 🐳
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🍬Mars in the 8th house always tends to be active to grow and change or have intense experiences. They take things to an obsessive extreme and want to get the most out of them. They take their goals very seriously and give their all to succeed. But how do we know that 8th house is a house of secrets. So maybe you don't like revealing the whole plan to many or trying to hide your success from others.
🍬Neptune in the 11th house can attract dishonest friends. They pretend to be good friends in front of you, but they can spread rumours behind your back. Gaslighting, lying, deceiving, victimizing etc. Also, you can attract mentally unstable or ill friends. I just want to warn you guys. Just be careful with your friends. Don't trust them too much.
🍬Uranus in the 7th house may attract eccentric or unusual people. Also, you may not prefer traditional relationships. You value your freedom and independence. If someone restricts your freedom, you will immediately end the relationship no matter what. Moreover, you may end the relationship because of strange things or may end at an unexpected moment.
🍬Saturn in the 2nd house You can have some issues when it comes to money and resources. However, by nature, you can be very frugal and uptight with your money. But it doesn't mean it is a dooming placement for money. It just creates a restricted relationship towards money/material possession. Also, with this placement, you tend to not know your self-worth or not value yourself. Spoiling yourself is extremely hard for you.
🍬Jupiter in the 5th house has so many talents. I admire your creativity and artistic nature. Also, I want to add that they can have lots of hobbies and talents. And they can get along well with children. They can be active in romance and sexual life. They don't tolerate emptiness and monotony. They always want to try something new and feel for themselves.
🍬Mercury-Pluto aspects can have an addictive voice. Very captivating and sometimes deep. They will not just throw words and say all sorts of nonsense. They keep their thoughts a secret and do not fully disclose them. They're really good at observing people. They notice even the slightest detail that others can't.
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catmarlowastrology · 11 months
💗 Ariana Grande's Love Life: A Deep Dive into her Birth Chart's Natal Promise
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Grande's Cancer Sun shines brightly in her 6th house, forming a deeply emotional core. Cancer Sun individuals crave emotional security and tend to prioritize nurturing relationships. In the 6th house, this emotional energy is often channeled into daily routines and work – a testament to Grande's deep commitment to her music. Yet, her relationships are not immune to this deep emotional undercurrent.
Her ascendant – Capricorn Rising – paints a contrasting image. Capricorn is known for its stoic and driven nature, an armor that she puts on for the world. It's her professional identity, her front-stage persona, and it may at times clash with the deep, sensitive Cancerian energy within.
The 7th house, traditionally associated with partnerships and marriage, is a significant area in Ariana's chart. It's ruled by the Moon, which sits in Libra, signifying a deep-seated desire for harmony, balance, and intellectual stimulation in her relationships. Jupiter's conjunction amplifies these Libran qualities, making her relationships significant life teachers. Yet, it also magnifies her emotional responses, leading to a passionate but at times volatile love life.
The connections between Ariana's 7th house ruler and other planets add further nuance. The semisquare with Chiron in Leo could be a source of her romantic hardships, pointing to deep-seated wounds related to pride, self-expression, and recognition in love. The sesquisquare with Venus in Taurus indicates an internal struggle in manifesting the serene, comforting love that Venus in Taurus seeks.
Her Moon's trine to the South Node in Gemini suggests past life karma playing out in her relationships. Perhaps she's working through past lessons around communication, adaptability, and intellect, all resonating with Gemini's energy.
Now, let's discuss her Venus, the planet of love and attraction. Residing in Taurus in the 4th house, Ariana seeks a love that provides a sense of stability and security. Yet, its opposition to Pluto in Scorpio creates an undercurrent of power dynamics and transformation. It's like a tectonic shift beneath a serene landscape – powerful, transformative, and often disruptive.
The square to Chiron in Leo adds another layer, hinting at wounds related to self-expression and creativity in love. The trine to Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn, however, brings an innovative, dreamy, and idealistic hue to her love life. These aspects combined form a complicated dance of longing, transformation, healing, and idealism.
Lastly, Ariana's Mars in Virgo lies in the transformative 8th house, hinting at her resilience and problem-solving approach to upheavals in her love life. Her Pluto in Scorpio's placement in the 10th house further emphasizes transformation, but this time in her public image.
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k-rising · 6 months
8th house
What's the 8h house?: This house is ruled by Scorpio and represents obsessions, legacies, debts and transformations. This house represents the end of cycles, deep connections, power and control.
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𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are receptive. They undergo transformations throughout their lives that make them stronger, so personal development is very important for them. They are passionate about everything that has to do with secrets and mysteries, and they usually have a lot of contact with d34th. People with the Sun in the 8th house will always count on the help of others to get out of financial troubles, mainly from the father or figures of power.
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Hypersensitive and perceptive. These people can attract partners who have variable finances. The relationship with the mother or with women in the family can be conflictive and even toxic. People with the Moon in the 8th house have to learn to self-regulate and value themselves.
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are reserved and find it difficult to express themselves easily. It is difficult to lie to them, since they are very good at reading minds. The relationship with their siblings is usually not good, especially in adulthood.
𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Passionate, intuitive, enigmatic and jealous. People with Venus in the 8th house seek a lot of intensity in their relationships. Therefore, they need absolute commitment from others towards them. They are attracted to danger and the forbidden. They see conflicts as a way to strengthen ties. They tend to remain reserved in social encounters and fear being vulnerable and betrayed in love. Themes related to power struggles, inheritance, family heirlooms, and legacies play an important role in relationships.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Perceptive and intense; they are always on the defensive. They are cautious when it comes to socializing, as they are very good at reading between the lines. These people are possessive with money and in love. They may experience betrayal or some type of 4bus3 in their life. They need to be in control of everything. They tend to experience a lot of conflict in relationships. Karma is usually always on their side.
𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Strategists. They tend to get excited about aspects of life that others find much more uncomfortable. These people help others transform their attitudes and beliefs about taboo topics and get out of difficult situations. They know how to maintain control in complex situations. Benefits often come when things seem extreme. They are subjected to experiences that test their beliefs.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people resist transformations, change and growth. They may experience betrayal, deception, identity-related trauma, and painful relationship circumstances. They often implement aggressive defense mechanisms and are afraid of losing each other during intimacy. They may experience difficulties with savings, legacies, and joint finances. If Saturn is well aspected they will have a long life unless it is badly aspected.
𝐔𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are unpredictable when it comes to relationships, since they seek freedom in relationships. There may be legacies or sudden losses with this position. They have to learn to deal with unexpected turns in life and must look for other alternatives to manage their resources.
���𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
It is difficult for them to say no and set boundaries. These people are attracted to mysteries and the deep side of life. They are susceptible to having lucid dreams, nightmares or strange dreams and they like to analyze their dreams. They experience a lot of confusion and uncertainty in intimate relationships.
𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people have the power to drastically change the lives of others. Relationships are usually very intense, passionate and complicated. Power struggles, physical or emotional violence can occur in their relationships. They are usually people who break family curses and are willing to heal deeply.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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deepmochi · 1 year
Absolutely love the detail you write in, would you be able to create a mars in the 8th house post, really appreciate that!
Thank you 🙈💓
Mars in the 8th house
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Image credit: Alexandre Cabanel
《It's the same image, but the close-up depicts the heart of this placement. 》
🔥 Sexual intercourse works as a way to avoid inner problems.
🔥 Erratic behavior towards others can express an inner issue.
🔥Anger issues can be an unsolved problem in childhood.
🔥 High sex drive used to release stress or worries
🔥 Hot mess is what defines them, but only they know their own problems
🔥Goals are directed by an internal force
🔥They tend to overwork or hides their motive from others, especially people who wrong them
🔥They may enjoy being the dominant in sexual intercourse or at least enjoy the experience.
🔥 Their personal drive is perceived by others as intense. Even when they are being subtle, people think they are intense
🔥These individuals have a sort of manipulation tactic in the way they act toward something they want. They can be hard to read.
🔥 They can be very powerful when they focus in their objective.
🔥 Their sex drive is high, and probably start early (teenager years) or during their mid 20s.
🔥 Continuing with their sex drive, it may awake due to high tension or transformative period. These native aren't promiscuous, though; their libido can be sleeping within them for years.
🔥 They manifest things when they put the work. They can be muscular or have tone bodies.
🔥 People may feel intense desire for them. Others see them and think "this person is hot". This is why they have an easy access to sexual partners (options).
🔥 There is a need to transform their body or attitudes very often.
🔥 They don't repeat the same pattern.
🔥 If Mars has aspects to the AC, the native can get red easily (sun burn or red spots).
🔥 Can go to the gym quite often or practice boxing.
🔥 Like to observe others and then act like a snake; they read your movements.
🔥 They will not hesitate to act on their desires (even fights?).
Also, this picture represents the native or the placement's energy. A very misunderstood and even dramatic energy.
Take care 💚
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astroismypassion · 1 year
What's the difference between Mars in the 1st house, and Mars in the 8th house? People say both are powerful and sexual placements, but I feel like there's more to it than that.
This is a cool cool question.
when they make a mistake, they ALWAYS know THEY are in the wrong, their ego could be hurt or they might not want to admit the mistake, but they will always be accountable and aware that the mistake was fully on them
however, with Mars in the 8th this might very well NOT be the case, they are so interconnected with the other person's feelings, thoughts and actions that they don't know where they end and where the other person starts, lack of clear boundaries firstly within themselves if you ask me, because they need OTHER PEOPLE to survive and REFLECT their own IDENTITY BACK to them, meanwhile Mars in the 1st is already fully aware of their own identity, who they are, what they like, dislike, their actions, motives and traits
great athletic potential and skills, even if they don't even work out on a regular basis, they are still very skilled and might just wing it
very fun, adventurous, down to try everything at least once
does a lot of things on the spur of the moment
also, can we talk about how they procrastinate and one day later they schedule 5 meetings in a day and do it all at once? They might decide to meet with friends, finish an essay, study for an exam, go to the gym, just fully productive in one day
they are really focused on start and finishing a task in a short time frame, for them it's not so about details (like Mars in the 8th house), but they just want to say that they have finished it or done it
they will brag or tell you about stuff they've done before
far far more reactive than Mars in the 1st house due to paranoia, past betrayals, trust difficulties
then CAN act very defensive and don't take enough responsibilities for their own emotional hurt or emotional reactions
they might be so convinced that their reaction was caused by the other person, that the feel like THE OTHER PERSON needs to take accountability and/or apologize
they can easily upset other people as well or evoke strong emotional hurt in other people, but then they put it on THEM, like Mars in the 8th house is not responsible for other people, but for themselves
so it's like a weird mix of being on their own, independent and standing behind their own action, yet at other times highly interconnected with other people's reactions, thoughts, emotions
meanwhile, Mars in the 1st house will always take accountability, because they always know they are on their own
don't get fooled by their strong nature, they don't actually know themselves that well deep down, so they constantly need other people around to mirror their traits, emotions, actions back to them
very nerdy
secretly might be low key afraid of their father figure and other male figures in life
loves sensual, quality lingerie
a bookworm too
they know so many random, fun facts, it's like their mind knowledge is endless well, it just never stops, they always surprise with new information, new knowledge
not so open to try everything once, UNLESS their friend recommended it
but other than that they are not so spontaneous with trying new stuff, actions, because they have prejudgements, pre-ideas about a topic and they already know in advance that some actvitiy just won't be enjoyable for them
they rely on inspiration and/or caffeine do meet the deadline
similar to Virgo Mars, can be too stuck in routines or their own daily schedule that they became negative and low energy because of it
they will keep a mystery or won't reveal as quickly their previous accomplishments or what they have done, they won't flaunt as much
I hope this answered some of your inquiries.
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8th House Placements : Astro Observations
The passion, the secrets, the occult, and the dire need to be with one another can be strong in this house. The 8th house is a special house where all things dark can be brought to the light on a regular day to day basis. With just yourself, it can be powerful yet vulnerable. Dark yet sexy, chaotic but somehow controllable. Its a pretty interesting house.
Neptune in the 8th house can go through loads of spiritual transformations with their vision/third eye. Like the veil is super thin with them already, however with time they go through a process where it becomes the norm to see pretty strange things. Dreams are always on 10, and theres always a message about secrets/occult knowledge in them from time to time. They could learn things they shouldn't know about people in this house through the process of astral travel & dreams. psychic abilities are usually being an oracle, a seer or medium.
Uranus 8th house can get loads of insight in the most craziest circumstances. Near death experiences can happen but isn't always likely. If this does happen however, they can have extreme eureka moments. Life flashing before their guys and seeing their future. They could suddenly see different ways on how to shift realities. These people may have dreams of quantum leaping, seeing themselves in different dimensions and having experiences where it may feel like 'it didnt happen' to others so they'll keep quiet about it.
Moon in the 8th house individuals can have extreme psychological warfare if they do not come to terms with their shadow. It is a lot harder for these individuals at times however it will become their biggest strength if they look deeper into the subconscious/unconscious for any traumas that need healing.
Sun In the 8th house is truly secretive like no other. With this placement it allows them to be mysterious even when they are opening up to people because their aura is normally shielded from other peoples. This is a natural thing that they do and its not something id say they can really turn off. Their personal power comes from shedding light on the dark things in their reality and this truly scares others with the things they know.
Sun in the 8th house are the children of the underworld, so whatever is chaotic and 'scary' to some its what makes them unique. Truly some interesting people when you meet them.
They dont care to show off as much but still have huge fan bases, lovers, crushes, etc that want to know everything about them. May show you just a DROP of whats going on in their life however it can seem like you know them from that small little detail. ;)
Moon in the 8th house have powerful personas, can sense information from just being in the room. If they're too open to this gift they may start to go crazy a little, because it can be too much information at once. Like an empath (which most are) it can start to be overwhelming to them. This is another way the psychological warfare can happen, taking in too many energies at once from other people while always dealing with the things their currently going through.
Venus and Mars in the 8th House can have loads of jealous people around them, so they'll be pretty closed off from time to time. Once they let someone in its like the person gets crazy obsessed with them. Eventually they start to realize people want to be around them so they can figure them out and see whats so mysterious about them. So another reason why they'll end up being secretive because no one truly wants to know them, just want to experience them to get more information.
Venus in the 8th house can have mimickers trying to play their persona and it truly doesnt work the way they think it does. Can sense when someone is off right away, Mars in the 8th might question for a little but eventually they'll figure out something was off about them'.
Venus in the 8th house individuals can be enticing to be around, their sensual energy exudes to high levels and can make people obsessed with them for a while. They could have a whole fan base just off their personalities alone. Materialistic pleasures can come easily to them if they let go of the need to do everything on their own, its easy to succumb to doing things yourself since people have tried to use you and take power over you from just giving you things. So it makes sense why they would rather be independent than to let others give them things especially money. Could have older partners who can help them achieve a certain lifestyle.
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
planets in the eighth house: 📝
last month, i ran a poll on twitter and my followers asked me to write a thread about pluto in the eighth house (8H). so i decided to make a post about every planet in the 8H:
the sun: these people can feel like they're constantly uncovering more about themselves and always going through some sort of transformation. they can really care about public judgment, but feel like they must go about life as if they are unaffected by the opinions of others. usually have a fluctuating relationship with attention
the moon: prone to bottling their emotions, but go out of their way to absorb the emotions of others. brilliant at dream magic and interpretation. they become more merciful as they experience hardship throughout their lives; compassion is very central to them. sensitive to misunderstanding and can take it personally
mercury: this placement makes for excellent actors. naturally very inquisitive and perceptive people — they have a somewhat compulsive need to understand the details of things, even if they're unimportant. can have a 'speak when spoken to' personality and are quite sensitive to body language, proxemics, etc.
venus: known to be tattoo or piercing lovers. exceptionally drawn to witchcraft and other spiritual practices. very contract-based people in the sense that they often examine things as a transaction; they don't borrow without the intention to pay back. they usually enjoy art that is disturbing or creepy to others
mars: these people can struggle with resentment and hide their anger from others to not seem explosive or uncontrolled. their appearance is often a subject of discussion or gossip due to jealousy. always develop abundant talent in what they're passionate about; they continuously seek improvement in their skills
jupiter: gifted at understanding agreements and reaching them — they are very diplomatic people. these placements particularly benefit from having an altar or praying to their spiritual guides. they have a tendency to look at all of their dreams as prophecies or messages from a divine entity
saturn: extremely selfless and humanitarian people; they can end up draining themselves because of their altruistic personality. often feel that marriage is a bit controlling or overly bureaucratic. they're regularly disappointed by elder figures and those around them with power due to their standards of maturity
uranus: have an inherent talent for capturing people's attention. though, they can have a complicated feelings about friendship and social expectations as a whole. they also have an on-and-off relationship with technology. these placements strive to make unique contributions to society and those around them
neptune: known to be smokers. particularly skilled at digging through their own emotions and understanding why they experience things the way they do. they enjoy finding meaning through suffering (much like 8H jupiters). as a consequence, they can ruminate over their sadness for a very long period of time
pluto: tend to enjoy psychology and love examining people's thought processes. pluto here can cause them to be especially private and protective over their personal lives; they really do not like feeling supervised or watched by others. have a love for thriller films and video game horror
do you have planets in your 8H ? let me know how you resonated with my interpretations !!
book a reading !!
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vivmaek · 2 years
MARS IN THE 8th HOUSE; Observations
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Having a personal placement within the eighth house gives the native a sense of empowerment. An already intense planet is now being amplified by the eighth house and it creates a significant amount of allure. The high energy levels of Mars are well balanced by the depth and emotional sphere of the eighth house. These types are some of the most passionate people out there, they are fiery and zealous, this energy is very exciting. People with this placement are motivated and ambitious. They are determined to find success and have the inner resources to do so. Becoming obsessive over goals and achievements is common with this placement. They work well under pressure, and have a lot of strength to offer when a crisis strikes. However, they are accident prone due to their impulsive nature. Acting without thinking may put them in dangerous situations. It is common for people with this placement to have a near-death experience. They need to be careful around fire because they also tend to burn themselves. Issues regarding rage and anger being repressed are seen with Mars being in the eighth house. These individuals tend to let things build up inside before snapping out in a viscous attack. This can put them into some trouble if they don’t learn how to manage these feelings. They channel a lot of aggression into their sexual expression. Those with this placement are sexually magntic and others find them to be charismatic. They are well aware of these qualities and use them to their advantage. They hold power over others, it's important for them to be aware of this because they may unintentionally hurt others if they’re not careful. Arguments surrounding financial matters are common, as well as disagreements in contracts and loans. They are very possessive of their property and monetary gains. Making large impulsive purchases is not a smart move for these types. People with this placement have trust issues and are constantly on the watch for lies and deceit. They have a fear of being cheated on and tend to suspect their partners of betrayal. Learning that exerting power and control over others is actually a disempowering act will be a tough lesson for these types. Ultimately, those with their Mars in the eighth house take on the tougher aspects of life in stride and aren’t easily knocked down. They have a lot to learn but their energetic attitude keeps them pushed towards growth. 
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venus-moon-mars · 3 months
I can’t talk rn, I’m busy conflating love with violence
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
hii my dear🦋 im new followers👉🏻👈🏻 can i ask please..? what you opinion about mars in 8th house synastry? thankyou!!! i hope you have nice day :)(σ≧▽≦)σ♡♡♡
Hello! Thank you for your question and the lovely message ♡
Mars in the 8th house synastry - okay so that placement is s p i c y 🔥 It's full of sexual tension and magnetic energy, the two individuals are almost immediately drawed to each other sexually. Their sex life is amazing, the house person fulfills the Mars person's fantasies. The Mars person also will most likely chase the house person and try to initiate the sexual contact as soon as possible. But as it always is in synastry, this can go vice versa as well.
There can be some form of obsession in the relationship, specifically obsession with having sex with the person. If other placements are not favorable, this could cause a problem because you might not be able to leave the person because of the great chemistry that you two have (even though the relationship might be toxic).
Also, if the Mars is really badly aspected, the Mars in the 8th house in synastry can indicate physical abuse, mental abuse, intense fights, emotional and rough fights...
It can also indicate interest for bdsm and practising bondage in your sex life with your partner.
I've written from the point of view of an individual having Mars in their romantic/sexual partner's 8th house, in friendship however this placement can indicate an intense and strong dynamic, where sometimes jealousy is present. It can also indicate, once again if the Mars is badly aspected, some form of abuse.
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