#marry silverlock
twokinds-es · 2 months
Feliz cumpleaños Tom fisback!
Happy birthday Tom Fischback
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Spy X Family, Danny Phantom, and DC Comics
Athanasia al Ghul x Danny
It had been a few years since Danny stopped doing hero work and worked for Amanda Waller. His ghost powers made him a good spy, and his pay is very high. It's plain cheating for him in the black ops.
Danny didn't have much of a problem with Mrs. Waller, as Clockwork would take him out if Amanda Waller tried to betray him.
He was sent with a new mission that would take longer in Gotham: finding a massive drug empire of the upper class. A mix of the drugs used by the villain in Gotham, find the formula, and destroy the empire.
To accomplish this he needed present the image of a happy family, Danny left with his adopted daughter/clone, Dani or Ellie, and over time dated and married a woman named Athanasia.
Unbeknown to Danny, Dani had gained a new power to read minds, and Athanasia is in fact a former assassin of the League of Assassins who left them after they thought she was dead. Ra knows she was alive, but her mother, Talia, and the rest thought she was dead.
Neither Danny nor Athanasia are aware of each other's true identities. As Athanasia worked to be a mother, Danny worked to find the drug empire. And Ellie is having fun at school with her new friends.
Danny and Athanasia had a good time and relationship with each other, and Danny could see a life with her. Even if dating a free-lance psychologist is a funny feeling for her.
Dani was having a good time at Gotham Academy. She befriended new friend and in such way made Danny meet the parent to find out if she befriended them. She got friends in Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi, Olive Silverlock, Jon Kent, and Damian Wayne.
Dani is pretty proud of Bruce Wayne; he is old money. If anyone knew about it or was part of it, this man or someone he knew was part of it.
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Some headcanons for next gen OCs
They're headcanons, so you guys @mvjerbs @j3ankimorit4 may veto or accept whichever you guys want to your pleasing.
💠The Silverlock twins, Airin and Connily, are the oldest. One of their earliest chores was to babysit Teddy Shieldblade, once both showed competence to hand the responsibility. 💠Teddy has a crush on Grethyl ever since and when he starts having a better awareness of 'feelings', he usually goes to his pops for tips on how he won over his dad.
💠Aerin (dad) isn't the romantic expert, because he's Aroace but does love Todd at that point. 💠So it's hard for him to actually say whether Todd's giving good romantic advice or not. He's usually the voice of reason, or reminder, and tells Teddy to 'be conscious of how Grethyl would respond to any stunts' he pulls for the sake of making a point that he likes her. Like
"Be sure she'll actually like it, and it's not just 'I think it would be fun if I did this for her.'"
💠When his parents are both busy, Teddy goes to the twins for romantic advice and tips. 💠Nectar and Kyno were born on the same year. 💠Kyno thought Nectar's eyes were golden for a long time and that's why his last name had 'golden' in it, he felt slightly betrayed that they were just contacts. 💠Then he saw Nectar once without contact lenses [because they were expired and needed to be replaced and he was wearing glasses till he got new ones] and he thought it was more beautiful than the stars in the night sky. Basically the time he realized 'Oh, I like him.' 💠Nectar kinda discovered it one day when Kyno had to cancel a meet up because he was sick so Nectar had to spend time with his siblings, the Silverlock twins, and Kyno's brother. 💠Teddy teased him 'You know a surefire way to stay with him even if he's sick is to marry him' 💠When Nectar didn't feel opposed to the idea he was like 'Sure, why not?' then 'Oh, wait that means I... Wait. I like him?' 💠Teddy's first thought was 'protective older brother instincts is triggered' then he remembers Nectar is also Grethyl's brother so he switches to 'Go for it, man!'
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 15
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 15
The book was incredibly interesting. It was written in some dialect of Mandarin. Many things were also covered in The Grimoire but several stories told there were previously completely unknown. It seemed like it was written after the other book and while the first was entirely encyclopedical, this one contained detailed stories from several time periods. What got Ladybug’s attention was that many of them were diary excerpts. 
One of the most important elements was a story about the seventeenth-century villain, Lord of Butterflies, who came to the colonial city of Gotham and tried to take control of the settlement. He was a master of deception and almost succeeded. Ladybug and Black Cat of that time never appeared. Another story told about their involvement in the Thirty Years’ War in continental Europe, where they were hunting the Snake and Bee Miraculous users that tried to manipulate the conflict. Luckily for Gotham, a witch hunter named Malleus opposed him and used jars with symbols engraved on the walls to keep the butterflies locked away so they could not wreak havoc again. The book told of the power struggle until finally, after the burning of Raphael Dent, a longtime friend of Malleus, the attacks stopped. Most people thought that the problem was over, but from the looks of it, the author of that book tried to imply that Lord of Butterflies just bid his time, waiting for the opportunity to strike again. 
Ladybug read the story twice, trying to figure out the fate of all the corrupted Butterflies or the jars, but she got nothing. Maybe if they figured out what symbols kept the akumas in, she could experiment with warding the butterflies away. It could be a breakthrough!
While she was browsing the book, Black Cat eyed the teens. “Shouldn’t you people scramble for classes?”
“Nope!” The little one, Maps, grinned. “The new school policy. In case of a supervillain attack on campus, the rest of the classes that day are canceled to avoid additional stress to students. It’s nice they care about our mental health.” 
“Yeah… Dude,” Colton looked at Black Cat, “any chance you can tell me what tech your staff uses?”
“Tt. It’s magic.” 
“No, seriously, I suppose it could be an organic metal of some sort, but it’s able to perfectly support your weight at the same time.” 
“Magic.” The vigilante-turned-hero growled.
“Come on! Don’t do it to me, man! Pom won’t let me live it down!”
“I told you magic was real!” The teen was glaring at him with a smirk on her face.
“Tt. Don’t play with magic or you’ll get burnt.” He scoffed. 
“Don’t be a grumpy cat!” Ladybug called from over the book. “Silverlock… Why does it sound so familiar…”
“Did you say Silverlock?” One of the teens peaked. “I’m Olive Silverlock.”
“Bellatrix Silverlock was the only akuma from that period mentioned here by name… I wonder why… Ugh! I can’t decipher that part. It’s too old and damaged.” The heroine groaned. “Cat! We should move back to the base.” She pulled a pair of glasses from her yo-yo and put them on. “Tikki! Kaalki! Merge!” 
As soon as the light of transformation died, a portal consumed both superheroes and the book, leaving the teens alone in the dark library.
Sabine paced around the manor in the foul mood she was in ever since she sent the kids on their way after initiation and returned home for some long-deserved rest. Half-way home, she received a phone-call from Chloé saying that Marinette was crying in the bathroom with her over another girl that threatened her. The only thing that stopped Sabine from turning around and possibly crashing the car through the front gates was her daughter begging her not to.
She admired that her little girl tried to resolve the problems herself and she didn’t want to come off as overbearing and intruding. It wouldn’t stop her from preparing for if it seemed too much for her sunshine. She made a mistake with Lila. This time, she would be ready. But first, she needed tools. 
“Tom! Where is my suit?!” She called out to her husband, who was happily baking in the kitchen. He finally managed to kick Alfred out and get control. Sabine laughed when the butler, passing her, revealed that he let him win. 
“I think Bruce wanted to put it in the vault, together with the bag!” The large man answered with a merry tone. 
“Thank you, honey! I think I’ll be going out for a while!” 
“Be safe!”
Finally having a direction, she stormed toward the vault. It was hidden under the stairs, where one had to first enter a secret passage, only to then open a door in the wall.
When she opened the doors and looked inside, her first instinct was to immediately go into a battle stance.
It looked like a tornado passed through the room, which was supposed to be neatly ordered. All the documents were scattered, two priceless artifacts got destroyed and every drawer was pulled out. Inside the wall opposite to the doors, someone made a giant hole. The concrete was shattered and the metal reinforcement cage was pulled apart. 
Warily, Sabine approached the hole. Once she got closer, she could take a better look at the reinforcement. What got her attention was the way it was bent. Someone grabbed it and ripped it apart. The hole itself also revealed a small rectangular area that was used to hide something. A secret buried so deeply it was frozen inside a wall of a hidden vault inside a hidden corridor in one of the best-guarded buildings in Gotham.
“Oh for crying out loud! I just wanted my suit…” She threw her hands up. 
More or less at the same time, Tim had a lazy day at the cave. He didn’t need to return to Wayne Enterprises for at least another week. He tried to solve a cold case, using the updated list of secret powers Sabine provided him. He and Bruce were both worried about how much had escaped them. Neither considered Luxembourg Secret Service to be capable of ordering a hit on a hitman that was after their Duke. And hire Lady Shiva nonetheless. 
He just got himself a new cup of coffee when suddenly, a portal appeared in the middle of the cave and dropped two superheroes and a book on a podium. The Cat landed on his feet while Ladybug fell on her rear with a soft thud. Startled, Tim dropped his mug and the coffee spilled all around him.
“Could you not!?” He shouted, a bit embarrassed that they got a drop on him so easily. 
“Tt. Shut up replacement.” Cat growled. He and Marinette dropped their transformations and she proceeded to feed Tikki with some cookies while he reluctantly pulled a small, isolated box from his pocket and gave Plagg a bit of cheese. 
“We’ve got plenty of new material after the last akuma attack. I’ve sent you a picture of a woman using the Peacock Miraculous and we’ve got an essential book.” She walked over to the bat computer. “It appears that they used the distraction the akuma caused to infiltrate the place.”
“I’m not sure, Angel.” Damian was busy with the other screen, trying to attach the tablet to it. The deciphering system managed to unlock it already and while he waited for the system to scan for any traps, he browsed the photos. “From the look of it, she only got two or three pages before we ambushed her. She must’ve arrived shortly before us or couldn’t find it for a long time. I would hazard a guess that she didn’t know about it.”
“But… That would mean she was at school when… but how would she… No! The only other person that heard about the book was Erica.”
“Maybe not. She could’ve been there trying to get some information on us.”
“But how did she get there before us?”
“Tt. It’s not like the Detective Club was in any hurry.” He huffed. 
“Um… That’s all great and all, but what the bat are you talking about?” Tim asked, trying to get between the married couple. 
“We had an akuma attack at school. Damian earned detention for calling Hammerhead old while out of the suit. After we dealt with the akuma we learned about this book,” she pointed at the podium. “We went to check it and found the new Peacock trying to photograph as much as she could. We stole her tablet and kicked her backside.” Marinette beamed. 
Their discussion was interrupted when Sabine stormed inside the cave. “I need security feed from the Gala. Someone trashed the Wayne Vault and stole some box!” She shouted at Tim. “Oh! Hi Sweetie. Go change out of the uniform and we will get tea in a minute.” She smiled at her daughter. Except it was not as genuine as her usual smile. It felt much more forced. 
“Maman. I would love to, but maybe let’s deal with the break-in first?”
“We must wait for Bruce to get back anyway. He took Cass to the ballet class today. My turn will be on Thursday.” 
She pulled the video feed from the camera that overlooked the entrance to the corridor that led to the Vault. She put it on double speed and watched various guests hang around and talk. They usually had a glass of champagne. Suddenly, Marinette lunged and pressed the pause button.
“Him!” She pointed to a younger man with jet black hair and a white mask that covered the upper part of his face. His hair was neatly combed back with no small amount of hair gel, enough that it shined in the camera. 
“He doesn’t stand out really…” Tim scanned the image. 
“The bracelet!” She seethed. “I can’t believe that bastard still carries the bracelet.”
“Tt. I can cut it off next time I see him.” Damian offered before muttering “Together with the arm.” Luckily for him, Marinette had more pressing matters than stopping his murderous instincts.
“So Agreste somehow got inside during the Gala. It’s maybe an hour before the akuma attack.” They continued to watch as he chatted with people nearby. Finally, when they left, he slipped inside the secret passage. They switched to the camera inside, only for it to then be destroyed by a cane. The one inside the vault was a bit farther away, so before it was destroyed they got a good look at the boy. 
The male figure had a dark purple suit with the signature butterfly brooch pinned to the top of the shirt. His chest was protected by two black flaps that looked a bit like the moth wings. In his black gloves, he held a cane topped with a purple orb. The face was covered by a simple domino mask that did nothing to hide the mane of blonde hair on top of his head.
“At least we know that he inherited his father’s lack of taste. At least his mask isn’t…” Marinette stopped herself when Damian poked her side and pointed toward the glass cabinet inside which the first Red Robin uniform was. Its mask was pretty close to what Gabriel wore. “Oh… Nevermind.”
Tim was clearly unamused. 
“This is still important. We’ve got a first look at his transformation. We can set cameras to, in addition to akuma tracing, scan for him personally.”
“I don’t think it would do much good. The image wasn’t the best.”
“But how did he avoid the scanners?” 
“Alfred was busy, tracking a suspicious blonde with bi-colored eyes. She was supposed to have messed too close to the kitchen for his liking.” Tim explained.
“I remember her. She said something to me. ‘You’re far from victory yet’. I considered it suspicious, but in the whirlwind of the following events, the meeting slipped my mind.”
“You! The great Damian Wayne forgot a crucial detail!?” Tim laughed. “This is gold! I need to mark the date on my calendar!”
“Tt. And I need a set of matches.” The youngest Wayne growled. 
“So we’ve got another suspect on the list?” 
“It’s getting complicated. First the vault, then the book… Hawkmoth was narrow-minded in his goals. Create akumas, have them hunt Ladybug and Chat Noir, take the Miraculous.” Marinette collapsed on the nearby chair. “Adrien is… he’s more organized. He’s got a plan. He’s not after the Miraculous. Or rather not directly. There is something else he’s trying to find. I’m just not sure what…”
“The history of Gotham is filled with so many mysteries that we wouldn’t even have any idea where to begin.” Tim wasn’t helpful. At all.
“We know they stole something from Wayne Vault and used the akuma as a distraction to carry it away. Then, they attacked the school. What could be at Gotham Academy that they had a personal interest in?”
“The book?”
“I don’t think they knew about it. The attack on the Academy could’ve been to test our abilities.” 
Tikki and Plagg floated to the group. “Gotham is a dark place.” Ladybug Kwami started. “There are so many things in this city…”
“What about the Bat miraculous, cookie?” Plagg asked. “I mean where else would it be but Gotham?”
“Bat… Miraculous…” Time starred at the two mini-gods. “You’re joking, right?”
“No. Balla is the Kwami of clarity.” Tikki nodded. “The Bat Miraculous gives the wearer supernatural perception and near-precognition.”
“What?” Marinette asked, not sure what the word was supposed to mean.
“They can see the immediate future.” Her mother clarified for her. 
“Is it possible they are after the Bat…” she tried to imagine what jewelry would be associated with bats. Tikki came to help. 
“It’s the belt buckle.”
“Tt. Bat Buckle?” Damian raised an eyebrow. “Whoever made the Miraculous had a great sense of humor.” 
“Okay. But we still need to figure out their next step…”
“Sweetie? Maybe you focus on school and let me deal with this?” Sabine asked after a moment. 
“But… I’m the Guardian.”
“And you’re also a teenager.” Her mother countered. “I’m not trying to replace you or keep you on the sidelines. I am your mom though. Teenage years are supposed to be the best in your life. You should be dating, spending time with friends. Exploring the world. Nowhere on that list is fighting against a mad terrorist.” 
“But… but… I can’t just sit back while you fight!” 
“You can still fight. And help.” Sabine tried again. “I just don’t want you to devote all your time to this. You can leave the investigation to me, Bruce and Tim and enjoy the time with friends; Or design; Or take Damian on dates.” 
“Tt. It’s my duty to take her on dates.”
“Dream on, grumpy cat.” Marinette booped his nose and giggled at the face he made.
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teenydina · 4 years
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Did you know that most people only read the first few sentences of a photo caption before determining whether it is the type of content they are hungry to consume while spending their hard earned free time on social media? 🤔 An adorable picture helps to grab attention, but the caption is really what makes or breaks my connection with each and every one of YOU...the chosen ones who do more than just double click the photo and move on to the next beautiful cat in the lineup. 😹 If you made it this far, the rest of this post is going to be a real treat. 💃 I've kept it a great secret but yours truly, Dad 1 AND DAD 2 are going to be interviewed by some amazing people and will be on a panel with famous cats that a lot of you already follow and we're doing it all as part of @Basepaws first big Cat Behavior Summit 😁 The panel is about Dating a Cat Purrson and frankly, both of my dads have some experience with that...they've been together for 15 years and still haven't gotten around to getting married! (I think they were waiting for the perfect flower girl and HERE I AM) 🤣 It's moderated by Leigh D'Angelo (@leigh.dangelo) and will also feature the ultra famous Nathan the Cat Lady @nathanthecatlady (not Dad 1 who is coincidentally also a Nathan and a cat lady 😅) and some FABULOUS catfluencers including Mick & Klaus @theklauscat and @cappy_bear from Instacat and Max & Coconut Shramp from Tik Tok! (Dad 1 is too old to figure out how to make me famous there, sorry!) 🤪 ⁠ ⁠ ❣️Wanna know something even more exciting? I'm giving away three free tickets to YOU (and if you're reading this on Facebook, come on over to Instagram to participate!). 😍 Here's how you win:⁠ ⁠ 1) Caption this photo in the comments⁠ 2) Vote on the captions (get your friends to help if you need, this summit is gonna be great) 3) The top three after about 24 hours will be offered free tickets care of your bff Teeny Dina aka Dina Bear aka DJ Half Court Violation aka Silverlocks and the Two Bears⁠ ⁠ Now get to it! Make fun of me, make fun of Dad 1 (but leave Dad 2 alone, he's a very kind and sweet man), and win yourself entry to this awesome event! <3 - Dinaboo (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGD0DGosA_r/?igshid=jkxybr0sxuhd
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Full Name: Silamayer Selene Silverlock!
Gender and Sexuality: Demigirl and Pansexual!
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them (mainly she/her!)
Ethnicity/Species: Idk exactly? I plan to make her some type of asian/mixed! 
Birthplace and Birthdate: She was born in her cult compound on December 21st
Guilty Pleasures: Skinny dipping(?) Like not in a sexual way but if she finds like a stream she doesn’t wear any swim wear (it calms her down) 
Phobias: Odd enough but Silamayer absolutely hates butterflies, they kinda just freak her out a lot. Like to the point where she can break down if there’s a large swarm of them. 
What They Would Be Famous For: For marrying an actual and literal goddess
What They Would Get Arrested For: Robbing graves for shiny jewelry and cool looking fabric
OC You Ship Them With: Ithesis! That’s Silamayer’s wife XD
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Vikter, but it would be on accident!! Like Vikter shoots a gun thinking he’s using his healing bullets but nope! Silamayer’s now just dead on the ground. 
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: She likes romantic novels/romantic comedies!
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Doesn’t like books where any animals die, she just doesn’t want them getting hurt :(
Talents and/or Powers: Healing powers that she got from the goddess! Talent wise idk she’s pretty good at juggling and magic tricks. 
Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s very stereotypically a “soft child” and looks like she says OwO in every other sentence. 
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Her kill count is enormous and she’s kinda killed a lot of children who failed to comply to her cult’s views so yeah kinda problematic. 
How They Change: She starts to realize that there’s more the live for then just what’s been taught to her in the cult and that she’s her own person and her personalty doesn’t always have to revolve around the fact that she’s a vessel for a goddess. 
Why You Love Them: She’s kinda a self insert! She’s also the first dnd oc I used for an actual campaign and it was super fun going through everything with her! 
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theimpossiblescheme · 6 years
If I can request two... 💒+ Peter and Neena, and 💒+ Alexander and Lydia?
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You’re a doll, Lindsey.
All right, let me start out with the actor and the assassin…
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Their actual wedding happened a bit on accident.  Peter had been following Neena on one of hercross-country missions (mainly for moral support since he very much doubtedhe’d be any other real use to her), and at one point drinks were had,suggestions were made… and the next thing either of them knew, there were ringson their fingers.  To Peter’s immenserelief, Neena was the more lucid of the two and assured him that no one tookadvantage of each other, that they were both perfectly all right.  It was by far the most ridiculous thing hehad ever done, even counting his Hollywood days, but he couldn’t bring himselfto annul the marriage; it was far from the ceremony he’d wanted with the womanhe loved, but he wasn’t about to argue.
About a year later, Peter asked if Neena wanted to renewtheir vows.  He still felt terrible thathe couldn’t give her a proper ceremony that he could actually remember andwanted to do it right this time.  Eventhough Neena didn’t quite see the point in getting all dolled up and spending alot of money to reiterate what they already knew and felt, she still agreedjust so they could spend the day together with no interruptions.
Once the initial thrill simmered out, Peter was scared todeath. How was he going to pay for his share, especially new rings for the twoof them? And what on earth were the tabloids going to think of him marryingafter so long to a woman about twenty years his junior (with him being in hismid-sixties and Neena in her early forties)? Luckily, Charley and Alex came through for him in both respects.  Charley chipped in for the rings, and Alexboth reasoned with and scared off any gossip rags.
Neena was able to keep any details of the wedding secretfrom Xavier, whom she already didn’t trust and was surely going to be nosingaround anyway as to why she was spending so much time at the Institute.  While she was there, she was able to talkquite a few of her friends and allies into being in the wedding party.  Clarice Ferguson, Talia Wagner, BetsyBraddock, Tabitha Smith, and Benedetta Gaetani were going to be bridesmaidswith Betsy as the maid of honor and Brian Braddock as a best man of sorts.
All the jitters completely meltedaway once the big day came; it was a private and rather lowkey and calm affairwith just a few in attendance and quite a lot of dancing.  Peter and Neena were content to just sitdown, watch their friends have fun, and do nothing but enjoy each other’scompany after the ceremony.  They didhave one dance there, though—to “Bye-Bye Blackbird” by Nina Simone at Peter’srequest.  He knew the song well enoughthat he could sing it to Neena as they danced.
And now for the rogue and the henchgirl…
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The two had already been living together for five yearssince Alexander’s release from Arkham and their appointment at Gotham Academy,but for whatever reason the subject of gettingmarried never meaningfully came up. Alexander took it for granted that they would always be together,wedding or no wedding, and he’d always been rather shy about publicaffection.  But it was important to Lydia—moreimportant than he knew—and it took an argument between the two of them forAlexander to realize how thoughtless he’d been and properly propose toher.  He was half-afraid it was toolittle too late and that she wouldn’t accept, but Lydia assured him that she’drather be married to him than any prince.
How he paid for it is nobody’s business, but Alexandercommissioned an engagement ring for Lydia modeled after the ring given toEmpress Josephine by Napoleon.  She stillwears it right under her wedding ring.
They managed to keep a lot of their wedding plans a secretand would often sit up in the kitchen at night to discuss everything from themenu to the music.  Eventually word gotout among the Academy students when Maps Mizoguchi spotted Lydia’s ring andtold the rest of her friends about it. Soon enough, students were lining up at Lydia’s circulation desk askingto come to the wedding, and Olive Silverlock stopped by Alexander’s office toask if she could come in person. Including her, fifteen students attended the wedding.
Lydia refused a normal white wedding dress and had onedesigned to look like old book pages sewn together with multicolored thread.  Alexander had no idea until he saw her comingdown the aisle.
The only active rogue in attendance was EdwardNygma, whose wedding gift was an assortment of candles.  It didn’t dawn on either of the couple untilthey were already honeymooning in London that he probably expected them to usethe candles for more scandalous purposes… prompting Lydia to declare that shewas kicking Nygma’s ass as soon as they got back to Gotham.
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new53 · 7 years
changes to main canon
a comprehensive list 
last edited on 3/14/18
bruce wayne: batman & the patriarch of the family. started this whole bat thing
stephanie wayne: the first batkid. adopted by bruce wayne at age 13 after directly aiding in the arrest of her dad. when steph started her senior year of high school, bruce died, causing her to be batman. she’s been spoiler & batman. 
jason todd: brought in at age 16 (a few months after steph was adopted) and became batboy. after discovering that he was the long-lost twin brother of cassandra cain, immediately started to reconnect & discover the truth of their parents. this crusade, unfortunately, led to the deaths of both jason & cass at the hands of the joker. 
cass cain: discovered a few weeks after jason todd was adopted and brought in, only to discover that she & jason were twins. she became batgirl & along with her brother, aimed to figure out who their parents were. she died before she could discover that it was shiva & cain. lady shiva teamed up with talia al ghul to bring cass back to life so cass could join the league of assassins and/or shadows, as she was the best fighter known to either woman. this backfired on them, and now cass roams gotham as the red hood, seeking revenge for her brother’s death & trying to have a healthy & functional relationship with her siblings & outlaws. 
damian wayne: the son of bruce wayne & talia al ghul. arrived at the manor shortly before the death of bruce. after bruce’s death insisted it was his destiny to be batman, then was given the role of nightwing. he’s been nightwing ever since. 
olive silverlock: brought in after damian started at gotham academy & sybil silverlock died. steph was batman at the time & it was her decision to invite olive to live with them. olive accepted and is now flamebird. 
duke thomas: after the mysterious disappearance of the second batboy, duke started the WE ARE BATBOY movement and was brought in by batman himself. for a while he trained and decided what he wanted to do, and was offered the spoiler mantle after steph took the batman role. after batman came back, steph offered to take batgirl up but duke offered her the spoiler role and he’s now the official batboy. 
lois lane: sent to earth from kryton as a child and raised with the lanes, kala jor-el becomes superwoman after learning about her true heritage. kala--lois--is a reporter who turns down opportunities to write about superwoman day after day because she wants to write “real” news. 
kara zor-el: cousin of kala, kara was sent to earth to look after her cousin but knocked off course along the way. she landed when lois had already been superwoman for several years, but was quick to join up as supergirl. kara has been adopted by lois and in her civilian life goes by kara lane. 
conner lane: kon is lois’s clone. he initially started fighting crime as supergirl red, but once figuring out that he was a boy, became superboy instead. he lives with kara & lois in wayne manor, and goes to school with steph at gotham university
iris west-allen: after jumping in front of her friend barry before a bunch of chemicals got stuck on him, she was hit by lighting and granted with superspeed, becoming the flash. since then, she’s married barry, helped found the justice league, and is thinking about settling down (for a little while) to have kids (she knows it’s gonna happen sometime). for now, though, she’s decided to continue to be the flash and resist the urge to ask bart how pregnancies work if you have superspeed and your kids are going to, too. 
barry allen: the regular dude husband of iris. he loves his wife dearly and sometimes wishes he could help out, and has settled in the role of providing food for the speedsters all around him. turns out he makes a pretty good chef!
wally west: the nephew of iris who gained his powers by asking her, repeatedly and excitedly, how she got hers. after obtaining these powers, he proceeded to make himself a costume and go as KID FLASH. he fell ill due to puberty with super speed, but has since recovered and became another flash. barry & iris adopted him when he became kid flash
bart allen: a time traveler from the future, bart’s orgins are pretty much the same. he likes to hang out with the titans and cook with barry and play tag with wally (tag with speedsters is. fun.) he’s impulse.
avery ho: she got superspeed for reasons unknown to anyone just yet and was brought in by iris & wally. since she had perfectly able parents she wasn’t adopted but she was given the role of kid flash. now she helps iris or bart or wally and hangs out with the titans and goes to family dinners at the west-allen house. 
diana trevor: wonder woman & an amazon warrior who’s hundreds of years old. she’s been on themescyra for years but has recently emerged after a pilot on the way to vietnam crashed landed on her island, leading her out to try and help resolve the conflicts. in doing so, she helped with the situation in the vietnam and helped found the justice league. she’s currently an ambassador who works for peace and tries to spend time with her husband.
steve trevor: the pilot who crash-landed on themescyra. he’s married to diana and has retired from the air force and now helps veterans and people with psd. he has a service dog named willy. 
donna trevor: the daughter of diana & steve & current wonder woman. she was adopted and gained amazonian powers after marching up to olympus and demanding them. she received them after completing some trials and feats, and she now defends the earth from supervillians while her mom defends the earth from the evil in regular people. 
cassie sandsmark: diana worked at a museum as a hobby and picked up cassie as a sidekick. the role was solidified when helena died in an explosion and donna managed to save cassie’s life. she took cassie in after discovering that cassie’s father is zeus and cassie became wonder girl after gaining her powers.   
dinah lance: the head of the star city vigilantes, who were a ragtag bunch of kids with slingshots when she found them and adopted them and invited them to crash on her couch. 
connor lance: connor & his adopted sister mia were inspired by the crazy guy with the arrows who talked about some island or something, and they started to try and do arrows and whatever themselves. it failed at first, but now they have a cool mom and even more siblings. 
mia lance: she used to be a sex worker but connor & crazy arrow guy helped her get out of it, and then dinah adopted her and connor and they became the arrow canaries. which is kinda a dumb name but also kinda cool. sometimes mia looks out the window and wonders where the heck arrow guy went, but oh well. 
emiko queen-lance: emi escaped from her mom and went to star city hoping to find her brother after rumors of him being alive resurfaced, but instead got brought in by black canary and arrow canaries and red arrow and now she’s red arrow. go figure.
roy harper-lance: roy left the navajo reservation to get his hands on some drugs, but then he was kicked out for good and stuck on the streets, and then black canary showed up and decided to take him in, which is cool, and now he’s red canary and has to manage a bunch of random kids dinah thought it would be a good idea to adopt. which is fine. 
hal jordan: the first green lantern of earth, now a crotchety old man who lives in the city and shakes his fist at the teens and really wants some peace and quiet. the other human lanterns come visit him, at least one visit a week, and they’re saving up to buy him a plane (but shhh, don’t tell him)
alan scott: the second green lantern of earth and hal’s husband. they’re both retired and have both pretty much adopted the other human lanterns & like to ask them when they’re gonna have kids so alan and hal can have grandkids already. 
john stewart: [tbd]
guy gardner: [tbd]
kyle rayner: [tbd]
jessica cruz: she used to be the green lantern of earth, but now she’s the personal-representative/bodyguard of princess koriand’r of tamaran. that’s just how things go sometimes. jess and simon are in love but also great at communicating, so it’s okay if jess flirts back when kori does. 
simon baz: the only green lantern of sector 2814. he likes to defend earth and call jess and flirt with alien girls (or boys, depending) and check on kori’s kid for her. 
mera: the queen of the seas. she rules in atlantis and is much beloved in her kingdom. 
marella: aquawoman & the wife of mera. she does justice league stuff while mera rules over atlantis.
arthur curry: the husband of david hyde, who was devastated after his husband went evil. arthur is a human who lives by the sea in hawaii, and he resides there with his son. he’s a close friend of mera & marella and lets them stay with him if  they need to. 
jackson curry-hyde: when his second dad turned evil and returned to the sea was about when jackson discovered his own powers. turned out he was adopted from atlantis & is atlantean. he’s kind of a part-time aqualad who works with marella sometimes
dolphin: aquagirl! she’s marella & mera’s adopted daughter and she lives in the castle & works as aquagirl ! ! ! she loves her moms & they love her & she’s workin on learnin asl!
garth: he works for mera in the castle & is her apprentice in wizardry
kate kane-kyle: after getting kicked out the army for being a big fat lesbian, kate was a little lost until she met selina kyle at an lgbt support fundrasier. it was pretty much love at first sight, and now they’re married and live in bludhaven.
selina kyle-kane: selina was already catwoman when she met kate, but after falling in love decided that maybe being a criminal wasn’t what she wanted to do. she revealed her identity to kate, and they decided to remake catwoman’s image in another town, so they moved to the sister city of budhaven, where both women became catwoman. 
harper row: right before leaving gotham, the kyle-kanes picked up harper & cullen on the streets. they adopted them and took them to bludhaven with them, and now harper is catgirl with her moms. 
cullen row: cullen lives with his moms and sister in bludhaven. he’s catboy and is constantly annoyed with the jokes harper likes to make about their household being split into bis and gays. he does like going to pride as the catfam, though. 
the clovers: claire and her brother hank were inspired by the cats and decided to become heroes themselves, due to a combination of claire’s ballet skills and hank’s wrestling skills. they were quite frankly awful at hero-ing, but selina felt bad for them and decided to train them. hank and claire moved in next door to the kyle-kanes and were all but adopted by selina & kate. claire is night and hank is shadow. 
the gordons:
jim gordon: he’s the comissioner of the gcpd. it’s the same thing as regular
barbara gordon: after babs was shot she became oracle, dragging her brother with her. they live in a crappy apartment in gotham together with babs’s niece, and babs is a librarian by day and oracle by night. she and dick operate outside of the bats’s sphere of vigilantes. 
dick grayson-gordon: gcpd cop under his dad by day, delphi by night and devoted father in the evenings, dick has it all. cute boyfriend, great sister, sweet kid, life couldn’t be better. 
mar’i grason-gordon: the daugher of dick & kori. she loves her dad(s) and she misses her mom, but she’s sure that her mom will come back soon, or they’ll invent intergalactic skype, one or the other. 
james gordon, jr: listen ill b honest idk a thing about him but he’s basically the same except he has an older brother and he resents dick cause he feels like dick took his place in the family that’s all i know 
the outlaws:
red hood needed some magic, so she sought out fellow outcast, raven. this escalated into them moving in together and falling in love. one day they sought out ravager for a laugh. this escalated into the three of them falling in love and causing trouble in gotham together. 
tim drake: after he quit being batboy and after the death of his father, tim retreated to titans tower to become the gatherer, a self-made hero who’s salty about the bats and in love with superboy. 
courtney whitmore: she discovered she was a she had powers when she moved to keystone. she started sneaking out and practicing with her powers, & when a aestroid almost fell on keystone, courtney slapped on a mask and stopped it with her bare hands. she took the star-gold from within the aestroid and with her beams of light fashioned them into a belt and staff, which helped her harness her powers. since then, she’s become stargirl and nowadays she likes to hang around gotham and flirt with spoiler (the OG one, not the duke one)
koriand’r: starfire crash-landed on earth, kissed the first police officer she saw, fell in love with him, and had a kid. now she’s in space with jessica cruz, negotiating peace on tamaran and flirting with green lantern, waiting to return home to her daughter. 
the kents: after clark & lana got married, they moved to metropolis for a fresh start. lana works at a florist shop & clark’s a reporter--the reporter who gets all the superwoman stories, actually. they have two daughters, carol and mia. mia, the younger of the two, is secretly a meta and she can fly. her dream is to be a superhero one day like her hero, superwoman. carol’s dream is for her sister to stay safe and for carol to grow up to be just as awesome as her hero, lois lane. 
kathy kent: she was sent down to earth after the destruction of her planet. after her grandfather died, she lived with lois for a time but then was adopted by clark & lana, who are normal enough to take proper care of her and loving enough to be good parents for her. she’s around mia’s age and loves her sisters and new parents. 
klarion the witch boy: he was sealed from his own dimension and stuck on earth for the time being. he’s currently rooming with steph and looking for ways to get back home, of course getting into trouble while he waits. 
zatanna and john: a week after zatanna ran away from her father, she ran into john and they started running together. they grew up on the run, weaving in and out of dimensions and trying to master magic. these days they help klarion or the justice league. neither of them are members of the jl but they are the primary resource on magic  (they’re also in love)
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sqoiler · 7 years
some olive silverlock things i wouldn’t mind:
bruce adopting her 
her going full evil and being a rouge 
killer croc adopting her
her and steph meeting
harvey dent adopting her
killer croc and clayface getting married and olive and cass cain are their children
a batcow teamup
a new series about damian, the GA kids, emi queen, jon kent, and the teen titans. all they do is explore the forests 
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midniter · 7 years
robbie reyes, monica rambeau and olive silverlock
robbie: who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite(i still haven’t read his comics but i really want to!!)
monica: who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
olive: who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite    
send me characters!
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My Nimona OCs
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Aerin Shieldstone and Connor Silverlock
Connor: She said yes! I'm getting married!
Lily, giggling and blushing:
Aerin: Congratulations. You're so lucky. Can't say the same about Lily, though.
Connor, punching him on the shoulder: Ass!
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Connor: I decided you're going to be my best man...!
Aerin: Was there any doubt?
Connor: ... And flower boy!
Aerin: The fuck? What?
Connor: Nah-uh-uh! None of that, I know how much you really like flowers. You're doing it, from the choice of flowers for decorations, centerpieces, down to being the one to walk down the aisle tossing petals!
Aerin, teary-eyed: Thank you...
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Connor: Aerin! Guess what! I'm going to be a father and you're going to be an uncle!
Aerin: Technically, I'm already an uncle to my sister's kids.
Connor: Don't ruin the moment with your pragmatism! You're the closest thing I got to a brother, so you're uncling my kids whether you like it or not!
Aerin, smiling: Didn't say I didn't like it.
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Connor: Ta-da! *holding up his son* Meet Aerin!
Aerin: Hi, me. Wait, which one of us are you talking to?
Connor, rolling his eyes: We decided to nickname him 'Air', since I already call you Aeri.
Aerin: Yeah, when you're too lazy to make the 'n' sound.
Aerin: Also, I'm touched and everything that you would name him after me, but didn't you want your kid to be somewhat named after you?
Connor: Yeah, that's why we called the girl 'Connily.' That's me and Lily together. Connie, for short. Great idea, right?
Aerin: That's great.
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twokinds-es · 1 year
Hola chicos, y chicas damas y caballeros hoy, voy' a explicar .una de las familias más poderosas del mundo de, twokinds raine Silverlock y su familia hoy voy a contar, su. historia; y como, terminaron como lo actualmente que empezamos
con el patriarca de la familia Euchre 32 años en humano 105-110 años keindra actualmente vivo es un lobo de las nieves macho y actualmente sigue con los templares y trabaja con ellos es un anciano lobo de nieve Keidran; que comenzó a vivir una doble vida como templario y como, sirviente Keidran. Euchre nació con la rara habilidad natural de usar el poderoso hechizo "Transformación impecable", un hechizo que no solo "cambiaría" la apariencia, de uno visualmente a otro, sino también en un nivel. físico completo. Después de pasar, un tiempo disfrazado de humano trabajando, en el Templar College en Edinmire , comenzó una relación sexual con la entonces futura Gran Templaria Mary Silverlock.. También trabajó, como sirviente, por contrato en las cercanías, y se hizo amigo de una joven Tiger Keirdran llamada Flora. Después de descubrir la verdad sobre Euchre de su prima Roselyn , Mary estaba furiosa y discutió con Euchre antes de decirle que dejara la universidad para siempre. Más tarde fue descubierto por Trace Legacy , quien pidió su ayuda en un golpe, de los Templarios contra Mary. Euchre estuvo de acuerdo con la condición de que Mary se salvara. Después de tener éxito en su golpe, Trace nombró a Euchre como Maestro Templario. Al descubrir que Trace había vendido a Mary y a su hija raine silverlock separada Raine como esclavas, las liberó en secreto. Euchre siguió trabajando junto a Trace hasta Ephemural hizo que Trace perdiera sus recuerdos.
Hoy en día, Euchre sigue siendo miembro del Maestro Templario y parece estar trabajando entre bastidores para asegurarse de que Trace no recuerde ciertos puntos de su pasado. Sus razones para esto son desconocidas en este momento.esta es toda la historia que se tiene de eucher ahora daré unas teorías de su historia
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Como, sabemos eucher estudio; en la universidad. de los templarios, por su educación
Pero' en ese punto, tal vez un día como otro eucher vio' a un joven niño, un amo antiguo' de flora se presentó cuando, pudo escabullendose y con el tiempo' le agarro cariño, a la joven tigre ella seguramente le recordaba' a su prima, roselyn y el juro liberarla, en algún punto
Pero que por ahora deberia seguir sus estudios
Para' esto tengo, una teoría' se unió contra, su voluntad, y haci eucher. se unió a los templares, y reformaron la mitad' de los pueblos' a su gusto pero eucher se, entero que el joven trace; legacy había, convertido' a su ex pareja en loba y su hija había nacido híbrida haci que se oculto de los guardias de trace y las salvó; pero tuvo que huir como keindra' para llamar la atención de los guardias y haci que estos lo sigan a el mientras raine y Marry silverlock escapan en algún punto se separaron.......y bien cabe aclarar que se desconoce lo que hizo después aunque si trace no sabía que el keindra era eucher entonces talvez lo uso, como sirviente' y el mismo trace legacy le pregunto dónde estaba eucher en este momento a eucher se le ocurrió, decir que lo mataron
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twokinds-es · 1 year
Marry silverlock está buscando venganza contra trace? Y si es haci que haría que pasaría ? Y como reaccionaria al nuevo trace
En principio creo que Marry no se va a querer vengar de Trace, con la poca interacción que tuvieron en el capitulo 6 peleando contra Neutral (una de las mascarar), creo que entiende que el nuevo Trace es completamente distinto, es pero que dentro de poco se puedan reunir para dejar las cosas en paz, a menos que las mascaras aparezcan de nuevo para ser unos hdp.
Gracias por la pregunta
(Salu2 de Spark)
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theimpossiblescheme · 7 years
Some of my collected headcanons for the Bookworm:
He was raised by his aunt Isolde, who was a prissy social climber and would much rather throw dinner parties for important London family than look after her late sister’s son, so he had plenty of time to form his own rich inner life and develop a passion for reading.
He was an Oxford scholar who wrote his first book during his last year of study, but no one would accept it since it was too derivative.  Even when he moved to America in search of better publishing opportunities everybody turned him down, so he decided to become a rogue basically out of spite.
He met Lydia in prison after they’d both been arrested for theft, and they got to talking after she kicked his ass at poker and he was impressed enough with her to offer her a job in his gang.  And after eight years of living and working together, they were finally married.
He wears his leather gloves at all times to cover up a particularly bad set of scars he gave himself.  During a particularly bad manic episode during his first year as a criminal, he held his hands directly over an open flame and burnt his palms so badly he no longer has any sensation in them.  He can still move his fingers though, and after he and Lydia had been together for a few years he switched to fingerless gloves so she could better hold his hand.
He was taken to Arkham Asylum after an near-fatal accident during an encounter with the first Batgirl, and it was there he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and placed under the care of a doctor who didn’t want anything to do with him since he wasn’t her idea of what the perfect mental patient was like.  Dr. Young convinced him he was a worthless human being unless he made an effort to “fix himself”, overdosed him on antipsychotic drugs to the point of unconsciousness too many times, and turned a blind eye when the other inmates treated him like fresh meat.  It was easily the worst year of his life.
He got the job at Gotham Academy after having something of an identity crisis after his release from Arkham and deciding that being a teacher wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, attending several lectures and job-shadowing some of the professors until they finally agreed to interview him.  The background check wasn’t a problem since they had already agreed to hire several former rogues, including Kirk Langstrom and Edgar “Egghead” Heed.  Now he teaches all of the beginning English classes and a dramaturgy class in junction with Simon Trent.
He considers the Mad Hatter and the Wonderland Gang good friends and enjoys an uneasy sort of friendship with the Riddler (they get along really well for the most part, but their egos still clash pretty often and he was originally scared that Nygma was trying to woo Lydia away from him).  He also considers the Scarecrow a mortal enemy after their association in Arkham.
He’d never admit it to the rest of the Academy staff, but he looks after Olive Silverlock like she’s his own and always goes out of his way to help her and give her hints to a case Team Detective might be working on.
He and Printer’s Devil are still good friends, and he’ll even put Devil’s skills as a sniper to good use as a bodyguard for his family during especially scary events in Gotham.
He looks at Egghead as a kind of professional nemesis—he’s endlessly annoyed by him and his awful puns, has no idea what the Academy was thinking when they hired him, and never leaves off taking thinly-veiled potshots at him
He tries his damndest to stay medicated and keep his BPD under control, but he’s still prone to screaming and throwing things during really bad manic episodes.  If he knows he’s about to do something he’ll regret, he’ll lock himself in his and Lydia’s bedroom and wait it out by himself so he doesn’t run the risk of hurting her.  And if the situation should ever call for it, he’s given Lydia permission to physically restrain him until he calms down.
He’s never worn blue jeans in his life, and you’ll never catch him in anything less than dress slacks and either a crisp button-down shirt or a nice sweater (the latter usually at Lydia’s urging).  He also never takes off his hat if he can help it, mostly as a matter of pride because of how thin his hair has gotten due to stress.
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