#marriage box
bogdreamz · 1 month
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korvo lost and farting 0 stars for you my boy
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Wardrobe Woes
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love-triangles-au · 1 month
Is Axolotl Bill's cosmic father?
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We've been calling him granny :]
~ Mod Emily 🦇
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countrymusiclover · 1 month
7 - Having a Friend
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Part 8
A Wolf Among Lions
Tag list ( just ask to be added ) @tallrock35 @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea @immyowndefender @iamavailablesstuff @plaguecourier
A light summer snow fell down on the winter woods of Winterfell.  My younger brother and I were silently walking through the trees of the Godswood.  For that brief moment of silence we didn’t have to be the future Lord of Winterfell or the future Lady of House Targaryen.  We were simply Cregon and Lehna Stark. 
“So will you be marrying a girl from the South in exchange for me being shipped halfway across the world in return?” I asked my younger brother who was only the age of ten and three. 
He knew what I was talking about regardless of him not being the right age to marry yet. 
He was already being taught how to be lord by our uncle who was ruling as the current Lord of Winterfell until my brother came of the rightful age to inherit the lands and his title.  “I hope I can marry someone closer to home.  Someone that understands how we live out here.” 
“I wish I had the same option, little brother.  Sadly I must be sent off to the furthest place from the Wall and Winterfell.” I sighed heavily finely, making up my mind that I more than likely would never grow to call Kings Landing my home. 
Cregon spared me a look with a raised brow. “Most girls that I hear about would be thrilled to marry a dragon prince.  Why aren’t you, sister?” 
“I'm not happy about it because I am horrified that he will do everything in his power to change who I am.  I don't want to change my personality to try and please my soon to be Lord Husband and anyone who does is a little ridiculous in my mind.” 
Cregon chuckled, shaking his head at me with a cheeky grin on his lips.  “I pray to the gods that whoever gets your heart is prepared to handle a stubborn Northerner girl.” 
“It will surely take quite a man to be able to keep up with me.” I smirked and my brother began chasing after we had a contest to see who could get to the castle first. 
Sitting in a chair I had placed by the large window that was part of Helaena's chambers just enjoying the peaceful silence that was currently occupied in the room.  It had been a few weeks since the incident that I caused at Aegon's nameday feast.  Daemon and I hadn’t spoken to one another, not that I currently minded anymore.  I'd spoken more with Aemond before that event then I had him so this wasn't really much of a difference.  
Gently flipping to the next page in the book I kept my eyes trained on the words trying to get my brain to comprehend the strange words faster somehow.  For days on end I have been studying the different phrases of old Valyrian that I could not wanting to avoid anymore chances for me to not understand what Daemon, Rhaenyra or Aemond was saying that I couldn't understand. 
The chamber door was pushed open before I heard two sets of footsteps racing over to me with excitement and joyful voices. “Mommy!” Caraxes and Visenya both attempted to jump up in my lap at once. 
“Woah, woah, slow, slow down you two - I can't  - I can't have you both on me.” I couldn't hold back the fit of laughter that escaped my lips, having me have to quickly bookmark the page I was reading and sit it on the window seal.  Once I had done that I wrapped my arms around the two bouncing kids seated on my legs. 
Visenya gripped the fabric of the gray gown I was wearing, my eyes staring back up at me. “Mommy, come play with us.” 
“Aunt Helaena thinks you're avoiding her…and us.” Caraxes lays his head against my stomach. 
I bite my lip being able to hear the sadness in the tone of both of their voices. “Oh my babies.  I am not avoiding either of you, nor Helaena.” 
“But you are avoiding someone, right?” 
Slightly turning my head at the new voice that came with the new set of footsteps that entered through the chamber doorway coming over to the three of us by the window.  “Helaena.  I - um don’t really wish to talk about this with them.” I nudged my head down to the two children still seated in my lap. 
“Diana, is down the hall.  She can watch the children so we can talk privately if you wouldn’t mind.” The dragon princess sent me a light smile before she called for the women who came and escorted the children outside to play in a room nearby, leaving me and the princess to sit in her chambers and just simply talk to one another. “Who are you trying to avoid, Lehna?” 
Brushing hair behind my ear, sighing heavily before picking the book back up from the window seal, putting it back down in my lap.  “My husband, obviously.  Daemon and I just aren’t good together.  I - I - I don’t want to be with him, but we were wed before the gods so I suppose I have no escape from this.” 
“You will still be a part of this family.  You will marry another dragon.” Helaena nodded her head in my direction muttering under her breath. 
Knitting my brows together I wasn’t quite sure I had heard her say that sentence correctly.  “What did you just say?” 
“You will marry another dragon.” She repeated the second sentence to me. 
I silently stared at the young girl who was the most innocent person I have ever come across in my life.  She reminded me so much of myself when I was around the age of ten I believe.  I prayed that I could keep my children in the same type of perspective that she currently has or will this world take it all away from them. 
“Helaena,  do you have many friends inside the Red Keep?” I questioned the princess getting a non verbal shaking of her head no, allowing me to reach for her hand with her sitting in front of me in her own chair by the window.  “I think we should have a friend here inside of this castle and I’d like to be yours if you’ll have me.” 
Helaena squeezed my hands in hers, gently smiling.  “I’d like for you to be my friend too, Lehna.” 
“Helaena, have you seen - Lehna,  there you are.  I’ve been looking for you.” The chamber door got thrown opened causing the two of us to quickly turn our heads watching Aemond walking into the room and heading straight towards us. 
Helaena glanced over her shoulder at her brother.  “Aemond?” 
“Why were you looking for me, my prince?” I questioned him by addressing him by his title.  I didn’t feel that I should call him by his name any longer given that everyone in the room that night saw me make a physical attack on him when he tried to pull me away from Daemon. 
Aemond’s one good eye focused solely on me.  “Lehna, I wish to speak with you privately.” 
“Privately about what exactly, my prince?” I raised a brow. 
He crossed the room and I quickly rose to my feet, nearly dropping the dusty book from my hands.  Helaena closely watched our movements towards the other person.  Aemond and I were standing nearly chest to chest with one another before he reached down, taking one of my hands in his own, causing me to lock my gaze with his one good eye that was trained on my face.  “I want - I want to treat you the way my Uncle Daemon has denied you all these years.  I wish to court you properly if you’ll graciously accept.” 
“Aemond, oh I - I accept.” Sparing a glance out the corner of my eye to Helaena.  She was sporting a light smirk on her lips at the interaction going on between me and her younger brother standing before her.  I knew she was finding much enjoyment in it. 
Helaena brightly smiled seeing him lead me out of her chambers and down the hallway when she peeked her head outside the doorway. “Have fun you two.” 
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arrgh-whatever · 2 months
wanted to say thank you everyone who congratulated us on getting married soon!!! I'm sorry i can't answer all of the messages you sent me, I've read and loved all of them, but drawing commissions every day is exhausting and i have little energy to communicate..
(not saying I'm not enjoying drawing your commissions! i am! it's just a regular exhaustion from work)
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
cregan’s issue is the same as corlys which is ya kno never seeing his girl heir as an heir period. so just like corlys brings marilda’s boys to rhaenyra to legitimize instead of pushing for baela or rhaena to inherit, cregan decides to remarry for a THIRD time even though he has a granddaughter and SEVERAL daughters who could inherit. they’re perfectly happy to bow to a woman when it’s convenient, when it fits into their own honor codes and benefits them, but when it comes to their own families, their own legacy, only a man is good enough. when it comes to the it it’s like - aegon the younger has BEEN heir, and was already named the next king by the time cregan gets there, BY corlys, who goes along with the green style inheritance of saying aegon iii is aegon ii’s successor through daemon’s line, likely imo bc he just wants the war to stop and thinks getting rhaenyra’s last son on the throne is good enough (bc he doesn’t get it!! it’s why he pushes rhaenyra to name men over women with better claims during the dance; he’s not about disrupting the system, he only supports rhaenyra bc it benefits him!).
baela isn’t being denied the crown because not a single person including baela herself thinks she’s a viable contender and that’s the result of aegon ii being the last monarch & adult targaryen alive in the capital, and not anything cregan or to some extent, corlys, does; jaehaerys’ ideology is what the greens are fighting for and jaehaerys’ ideology is what wins and the person to blame for both jaehaera & baela not being viable contenders for the throne is aegon ii himself. but jeyne arryn is right there!! too bad it doesn’t matter, bc in a situation where cregan and corlys actually do have the power to go “i have the ability to just support my girl heir” they choose a boy. it’s just like cat says it’s just like borros lord misogynist himself says - a daughter is nice but ahhh a son. a son is more important!
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
from a muslim background, it is not xenophobic to be against polygamy, because in most cases it is indeed a man having control over many women, instead of true love.
But by that logic, why not be against marriage in general? Since in many cases, monogamous marriage is about cis men having control over women instead of "true love"?
The problem is not polygamy, its the systems of oppression that exist where polygamy is legal. Polygamy is no more inherently oppressive towards women than monogamy is. But monogamy is seen as natural and good and capable of being grounded in "true love," whereas polygamy is seen as inherently bad and controlling and only about greed, and this actively furthers discrimination against polyamorous people who are denied the ability to marry their partners. & Western society is capable of having this perspective of monogamy vs polygamy because polygamy isn't a tradition in Western culture. Its very easy to view foreign things involved in oppression as "Clearly Evil" while familiar things involved in oppression as nuanced and capable of reform.
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letswonderspirit · 2 years
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fashion sheet 🕺
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sotiredmostnights · 5 months
while shojo romance will ALWAYS be superior to shonen romance, it is nice to see the trends in shonen romance shift from "loser guy who doesn't know how to talk to women gets a harem out of nowhere" to genuine explorations of romance from a male perspective (insomniacs after school), characters with ambition outside of romance (blue box), and romcoms that are actually funny (marriage toxin)
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zoynkzz · 5 months
I've decided that Grant and Marco definitely met on a minecraft server when they were 10. Like, playing skywars or hunger games or some shit. And they kinda stopped talking when the Forgotten Realms stuff happened, but they reconnected a year or two after and they had an intensely gay mutual pining stint througout highschool/college until Grant finally visited one summer and they were engaged within the month. I just think it'd be funny
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
love figuring out what each companion’s individual idea of the master is based on their limited experience of them. like to martha and jack, that’s a guy who tortured them and their families for a year and then the doctor sobbed over his corpse and it was kind of weird. to wilf, that’s the garbage pit freak who he had nightmares about before he whitewashed obama and then the doctor made a love confession to him? to clara, that’s the doctor’s evil best friend(?) lover(?) worse(?) who made her boyfriend into a robot and also tried to kill her once. and to jackie tyler, the master is a guy who got tied up in her kitchen once by alien tinsel and was so humiliated by it that he gave up his evil plans for the day to go home.
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banjjakz · 9 months
I loooove arranged marriage + affair fics! Are we thinking reader being younger than gojo? I kinda have a thing for poor young lovers dmdmkkd
[arranged marriage au og post]
“poor young lovers” well you’ve come to the right place anon!
arranged marriage AUs are in & of themselves quite compelling. however, it wouldn’t be a banjjakz story™️ if there wasn’t a twist — in this verse, i’m convinced that is is gojo himself who orchestrates the arrangement. subtly slipping your family portfolio into the thick file of potential brides mulled over by clan elders; bribing various transport companies to cancel certain train times so you are forced to meet him “by chance” while riding a different line than your normal choice; he might even go so far as to directly proposition your parents & involve them in the scheming from the beginning.
with this in mind, you could honestly be any age & still would he consider you his fated beloved.
certainly, a younger betrothed comes with all kinds of salacious implications: that you’re too naïve to recognize your husband’s obvious manipulation of circumstances, that you think the way he treats (read: controls) you is commonplace.
if you were significantly younger than gojo, your affair with yuuta would provide her a necessary learning curve into the cunning, brutal social ecosystem of powerful jujutsu sorcerers. you might even learn how to sway some currents, yourself.
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love-triangles-au · 3 months
now Ven's family consists of a son and a husband?)
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Essentially! ...For now, at least. c;
~ Mod Emily 🦇
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
2 - How A Marriage Goes
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Part 3
A Wolf Among Dragons
Tag list ( just ask to be added ) @tallrock35 @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea @immyowndefender @iamavailablesstuff
Do y’all want me to separate when Lehna is with Daemon and when she’s with Aemond into separate chapters or just keep writing chapters how I currently am?? Let me know in the comments below 😏
It took a little longer than I cared for to put my daughter down for her nap because I also had to put her twin brother down for the night at the same time. My son Caraxes mumbled to me that his father was playing with the Gold Cloaks meaning he was planning an attack tonight that he didn’t wish for him to see at such a young age.   
Aemond was sitting in the chair by the fire while I exited my children’s room that was down the hall from my chambers.  Draping a simple cloak over my shoulders I crossed the room pouring myself a cup of wine before offering him one. “Do you want one?” 
“If you wouldn’t mind, yes.” He responded by tapping one of his boots on the stone floor. 
Pouring him his own glass in a goblet I walked over to him, handing the goblet to him where he slowly raised it up to his lips. “So what do you wish to talk about further with me?” 
“Tell me about you and living in the North.” He held his goblet cup on one of the chair armrests. 
I swallowed thickly the liquid I had just drank from my cup, taken back by his next words. “Are you being serious?  You want to know about my family, why?” 
“I have learned everything I could about my family history and now I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t do the same of the other noble houses of Westeros.  Wouldn’t you say the same if you were in my position?” 
Taking a long sip from my cup I dragged the other chair closer to the burning fireplace.  “If I was in your position I’d take the time to learn about your future wife and anything I could about her before you wed her.  So I understand why you want to know as much as you can.” 
“So what is interesting about the North?” Aemond asked me, tapping his fingers on the rim of the cup. 
Brushing hair out of my face I hadn’t thought about my family in quite some time.  It wasn’t that I didn’t miss them, I had just gotten far too busy since I became a member of House Targaryen.  “Winter is Coming" are our family words.   For many years my family has guarded the Wall and prepared for the day that the harsh winter truly does come.” 
“What age were you when you married my Uncle Daemon?” 
I simply answered his question. “The age of ten and seven.  My younger brother Cregon was ten and three the day our father died and he was given the land and title of Lord of Winterfell.” 
“That’s too young to rule.” Aemond pointed out even though his father was still weakly alive meaning him and his other siblings wouldn’t be Kings or Queens until the day he passed. 
Shaking my head I corrected him. “He wasn’t truly the Lord until he turned sixteen,  at least that’s what the letter I later received from my former home a few months later told me he was also wed and had  a baby.” 
“And it was your duty to do the same thing.  You beat him by giving my uncle two instead of just one.” Aemond chuckled, taking another sip from his glass. 
“I must confess I had no desire to beat my brother by how many children I can birth compared to his lady wife.“ The chamber door creaked open before I heard something slip underneath it.  Getting up from my chair I matched up a folded piece of paper with a quick scribbled message showing me a different secret passageway than the one I had used last time. “Oh uh, Aemond I apologize.  But I should go and check on the children.  It shall be very late before Daemon gets done with the Gold Cloaks and little Caraxes can’t keep when his father is out and about at this late hour.” 
Aemond nodded downing what was left in his cup before getting up and coming over to me and handing me the cup before leaving the room and closing the door behind himself. “If you ever want someone other than those gossiping wives to talk to you can come find me.  I rather enjoy your company, Lehna.” I smiled listening to the sound of his boots retreating away before I slipped out the chamber door dressed in a dark black cloak over my simple nightgown and my horse riding boots. 
Aemond had secretly hidden behind one of the large pillars watching the Stark girl head in the opposite direction of where she said she was going.  Causing him to wonder what in the seven was his Uncle Daemon doing taking her out like this. 
Sneaking down the last set of steps I squinted my eyes seeing someone dressed in the same black cloak as I standing at the edge of the passageway exit.  The torch light showing it was Daemon when he lifted his head up enough for me to meet his gaze. “I was beginning to think you had found something better to do on our anniversary.” 
“I’m surprised you had remembered what with all the time you spent with the Gold Cloaks.” I teased my husband with a smirk, despite what everyone thought about me and Daemon only spending time together at royal events.  We did spend time together, just not really discussing much of anything.  Not like what I had just done with Aemond. 
Daemon stepped closer until our chests were pressing up against the other. “I’m not that awful of a husband as most think.  Now come on, little wolf.” Looping my arm through his we made our way down from the Keep until we were in the busy and lively streets of the city I had called my home since I had turned 17.   I tugged his forearm when we began to walk past a performance going on in the streets.  
The king had named his daughter his heir before his son was born and that is all that everyone could talk about for the many years of peace we have been having.  King Viserys didn’t want any war, he simply was the King of peace.  “Rhaenyra...the Realm's Delight,  a girl so young and so slight... loved by all of her people,  but would she make a powerful queen, or would she be feeble?” The lead actor announced to the crowd while a man who was dressed up to look like Rhaenyra took  a seat down on their smaller made Iron Throne on the stage. 
Multiple people shouted back to the performer.  “Feeble!”
“Though Aegon, the babe Prince,  might long for a claim, he has two things Rhaenyra cannot:  a conqueror's name... and a cock.” The player bent down on a knee beside the other man who was supposed to be playing Aemond’s older brother Aegon. 
I sighed feeling bad for Rhaenyra who was trying to change the society we lived in.  Yet it wasn’t going to be as easy even if your father sat the current throne. “I feel like I need a drink before I can watch anymore of this pathetic performance.” 
“You don’t find it entertaining, hmm?” Daemon chuckled watching me pay for a drink from the local tavern we were standing outside.  
The owner handed me and Daemon each a glass and I finished half the goblet before my husband who just stared at me waiting for my response. “If I was Rhaenyra getting to watch this I’d be utterly offended.  But we didn’t come down here to squabble about that.  For one night a year we go back to before we had our two children do we not?” 
“Enough though we love them both dearly.  We are just two people having fun tonight.” Daemon finished his drink leading me into one of the brothels and found a private room for us.  He pushed me against the wall with us quickly removing our cloaks leaving us just in our small clothes and desire obvious in our separate gazes. 
“I thought I’d hate doing this with you.  But in truth no one tells you how good it feels.” I smirked at the dragon in front of me. 
“It’s a shame.  A marriage is a duty...Yes.  But that doesn't stop us from doing what we want.” Daemon whispers in a husky voice in my ear while my hands start to trace his form. I began to run his fingers up and down his muscular chest softly while I began to feel his hand start to crawl underneath my gown. He yanked the fabric off my head, throwing it to the ground only once before he growled with his lips barely hovering over mine.  “Say it, Lehna.  Say it.” 
“From fucking who we want.” I uttered out the words he had once told me after we had kissed in front of Caraxes in the dragon pit.  He smirked loving to hear me say those words to him only in a setting like this.  I began to move against him and leaned up pressing my lips down upon his. He embraced me back instantly when my fingers dug into his back shrugging his tunic over his head getting lost in the other's touch.  The others outside were discarded like the remainder of our clothing. 
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Does your husband know you have a blog dedicated to thirsting over another man?
Yes lol. My husband is in no way threatened by a man made of pixels. He's equally crushing on Shadowheart and I'm not threatened by that whatsoever. She's not real lol It's kinda funny actually because both our favs in bg3 are the characters who look/act similar to my husband and I
I even show him my edits before I post them and he says they're good :3
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
listening to an analysis of sansa - by a CHILD THERAPIST i think this is a great angle, recced by @transdimensional-void - and he said something about Sansa seeming a bit lonely, which made me think about how like, for both Theon and Sansa, there’s an enddate to what they feel is a sort of misery (tho wildly different sorts of miseries) - one day she’ll be married and a proper lady surrounded by other proper ladies and not in the drab, dull north, and one day Balon will die and Theon will be Lord of Pyke and not under constant threat of death meant to be loyal to a family who cannot conceive of the stress he’s under. Contrast to Arya & Jon, who don’t have that “end date” to look forward to - Arya will never be free to live the way she wants, at some point her tomboyishness will stop being cute to the men around her and start being a sign that she’s too wild, and Jon will never be free from the taint of bastardry so long as he lives, this confusing underclass of man where he is noble by birth and yet also lowborn and unworthy is a fate he can never truly escape.
I think it explains both why Theon & Sansa romanticize the terrible things around them, with the repeated focus on beauty, on songs and stories, because they want to live up to the expectations by being the Perfect Lady and Perfect Wife, by being the Perfect Hostage and Perfect Lord, because this freedom they’ve built up in their minds has to be worth it. Theon was taken away from home for this, Lady died for this, it HAS to be worth the cost. BUT ALSO, whereas, because Jon and Arya feel there’s no reprieve coming, there’s nothing good in their future, there’s an emphasis for them on the idea that who they are now isn’t wrong, or dirty but instead a strength. They don’t deserve the bad that happens to them, but their identity as outsiders makes them suited to survive it, and their suffering has ~meaning.
But for all four of them, what ultimately matters is identity - whether they are hoping for the day when they’ll stop being who they are or dreading it, or outrunning it, all four have to grapple with a changing identity and come to terms with the idea that there is nothing wrong with who they are, but there IS something wrong in how they were all raised to believe they must change to accepted.
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