#marlin the mime
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emmodii · 10 months ago
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05/03/2024, 1.02am
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cleverclove · 2 years ago
Hey for no suspicious reasons could I get a comprehensive list of all the fucked up characters you’ve been thirsting over? Ive got Barney and the wolf from puss in boots but I know there’s more
Jesus Christ you’re gonna be here all night.
….anyway welcome to a comprehensive list of what I’ve canonically thirst-posted about. In no particular order:
The Wolf from Puss in Boots
Jack Horner from Puss in Boots
Handy Manny
Handy Manny’s tools
Bob the Builder
Mr. Mime from Pokémon
Lopunny, also from Pokémon
Jynx, ALSO from Pokémon
The dad from Cocomelon
Marlin from Finding Nemo
Hank from Finding Dory
Buzz Lightyear
Sheriff Woody
Yzma from Emperor’s New Groove
Diane Foxington (the bad guys and also this is understandable I will not take criticism <3)
All of the 7 dwarves
Wreck-It Ralph
King Candy
Papa Smurf
Jar Jar Binks
Kirby (<- this was ironically; multiple vore jokes to be had about this one)
Willy Wonka
Mike Wazowski
Sully (Monsters Inc.)
Roz (Monsters Inc.)
The Cat in the Hat
The Lorax
…and to be honest, that’s kind of all I can remember? Add on any memorable ones I missed below!
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albert-prous · 1 year ago
ACT 71 suite
tableau 3. chants des casseroles
vivre sans manger ni boire oui c'est possible remplace tous les repas par l'inhalation d'un gaz hautement nutritif le E2450 j'ai la formule un disque dur trouvé dans la tombe d'un alchimiste altruiste mélange savant de sylphes et de sylphides un spray nasal de 550 ml à se vaporiser le soir efficacité trente jours fabrication artisanale laissez vos coordonnées première commande tarif moins 50 % non c'est pas chimique c'est du biogaz j'ai essayé ça marche donc plus de digestion difficile plus de constipation plus de rétention urinaire bientôt l'homme sans boyau plus de conquêtes territoriales plus de vaches égorgées plus d'arrachage de légumes plus le cri de la carotte plus le cri de la frite plus le cri de la grappe avec ce gaz je peux supprimer la faim donc la guerre dans le monde hélas les lobbies pharmaceutiques n'en veulent pas regrets éternels donc allons y pour des siècles pipi caca cimetière archives ouvertes il en a fallu du temps pour apprendre le langage des signes entre 4 heures et 5 on bouffe place à la grande ripaille acte 1 mâchoires en mouvement dentiers d'occasion prélude ballet alimentaire entrée des artistes mimes dans tous leurs états morts et résurrections expressions corporelles des ci gît ballerines quelle est l'histoire de la bayadère comment se terminera la danse à la fois silence et action danse des fous tarentelle saint guy slam cimetière habits du dimanche coutumes entre proprios locataires sdf entre dehors dedans sac de billes pour les petits agates dans le panier osselets à la récré lieu alternatif du consommable qui se ressemble s'assemble entrée morue en gelée hors d’œuvre faisane farcie tête de vache gribiche poisson frit à l'antillaise qui aime la choucroute royale couscous royal offert crème glacée cimetière en fête banquet gastronomique pour tous vivants morts morts agités les presque morts vivants les jamais vivants gueuleton 5 méga chaudrons feu de bois arbres entiers 3 truies de réforme 230 kg pièce boudins caillettes à l'oseille saucisses lard double jambonneaux côtelettes plates choux pommés choux farcis choux verts choux cabus choux cœur de bœuf choux blanc choux frisés ébullition une vache à la broche qui tourne une édentée irréversible sur son ballet un demi veau à la crème tourtes tartes omelette géante marlin farci le temps passé lèvres pincées je me souviens vous c'est vous l'amant de l'amant vous n'avez pas changé cousinade après des siècles dans mes bras pépé mémé frères sœurs ne m'oubliez pas testament ouvert morts vivants bras dessus bras dessous leurs jambes deviennent des bâtons calcification généralisée cinq méduses vol plein sud escadrille furtive allegrissimo des ombres enflammées rires fous sans le dire plus de retenues pouffe l'agonisante joyeux baptême bénitier de mer déborde de vin rouge bière ambrée pour les communiantes gnôle à la poire dort mon bébé trois fûts de 120 litres à finir ça danse ça se frôle ça se touche ça s'embrasse ça se saute ça colle plus de retenue creusant leurs tombes avec leurs fourchettes panses éclatantes la goinfrerie universelle l'amour la haine on s'en fout youpi du caviar russe louches à ras bord un orgasme à chaque grain couillons pas des œufs noirs de poissons mais des caméras miniatures dans vos assiettes vous mangez donc vous êtes filmés souriez bouches pleines à crever sourires éclatants caméras partout justice nulle part boite de pois chiche ne pas ouvrir paquet de chips ne pas ouvrir petits pois carottes danger pilules nutritives mines boites de chocolat boule en fusion fond sur la langue mangue sur l'arbre noyau terroriste
0 notes
ask-de-writer · 4 years ago
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 81 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 81 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Without hesitation, Gemma pointed out Kotance.
Kurin quietly said, “Thank you, Gemma, that will be all.”
As Gemma turned to leave, Kotance shouted, “Come back here, you Grandalor trash!  Now it’s my turn to ask the questions!”
Sarfin’s angry voice overrode him.  “MISTER KOTANCE!  This is not a trial. The witness is merely providing the Court with the information it needs to decide who, if any, should be charged with crimes listed. If you are charged, you may then speak to the witnesses listed in the information given to you.”
In the audience, several of the Grandalor’s crew, including little Arnat were holding back Darkistry, who had murder in her eye and a knife in her hand.  Arnat said, “Please, Darkistry, don’t spoil things now.  Kurin’s just got you justice before the fleet.”
Darkistry looked down at Arnat and managed to pull together a smile for him as she calmed down.  “You’re right, Arnat.”  She handed him the knife in her hand and said, “Kids your age aren’t supposed to have knives, Arnat, so let Officer Paddles keep this for me — ” She thought for a second and sheepishly added, “And this, too.” A knife came out of the back of her shirt collar.  “… And these.”  She pulled two more, one from each boot.
Kurin waited patiently while Darkistry disarmed herself.  “Darkistry, will you come here, please?”  When the helmswoman came to her, Kurin took her hand and asked, “Can you keep it together in front of Kotance?  Stick to straight answers to what Sarfin and I ask. Don’t give us opinions unless we ask for them.  This is a kind of battle.  Treat it like one, OK?”
“Yes, Kurin.  I won’t lose it again.  Sinking this one is too important to mess up.”
Kurin took her hand and said, “Good, that’s the Battle Commanding that I know and trust.”
Turning her attention to Sarfin, Kurin said, “Your Honor, This witness already has another action against Mister Kotance.  This is Darkistry Colm Grandalor.  She also was wounded in the same incident that we are investigating.  She had deep, nearly to bone, cuts in both her right arm and right leg.  I assisted doctor Corin in the surgery to save her leg.  
“My skill with tools is well known.  I know the kinds of cuts that different tools make and what they look like.  The wound that I helped to treat had the multiply slashed edges characteristic of a cut by a knife with large hooked serrations.”
Kurin turned from Sarfin and spoke directly to Darkistry.  “Now, Darkistry, please tell the Court what happened.”
Darkistry put her hands behind her and closed her eyes in deep and painful thought.  She began, “It started just as Gemma told you, so I won’t waste your time repeating.  When we got to the bow quarter of the Longin, we had to toss up grapnels.  The first of these were thrown back.  We quickly found that if we put weight on them fast enough, they couldn’t dump them back at us.
“Lenai was the first one up the line in front of Captain Mord.  I was first up on the line next over.”  Darkistry closed her eyes and put her face in her hands.  Her shoulders shook.  Several tears leaked past her hands.
“I never expected to see that monst … Mister Kotance, I mean, on a ship with the good reputation of the Longin but there he was, right behind the Captain.  Mord tried to push Lenai overboard and while he was pushing her, Kotance stabbed her with a big knife.  It was so long that the point came out her back.
“Helmsman Macoul tried to help her, and Captain Mord tried to push his shoulders.  Kotance cut Macoul’s throat as the Captain’s push sent him overboard.
“I yelled to Captain Mord that Lenai was hurt and I just wanted to get her back to the boats.  I took her arms and he took her legs and we put her over the rail together.  The Captain braced my legs with his hands while I lowered her to where the others could take her.  While we did that, Kotance cut my leg and then my arm.  Captain Mord probably saved my life then, by lowering me to the boats, not just throwing me overboard.
“He looked like he was in shock.  I don’t think that he’d ever seen anybody killed on purpose before.  As he lowered me he said, ‘I’m sorry, Ma’am.  I never meant for this to happen but Grandalor sailors aren’t allowed on my ship.’”
Sarfin regarded Darkistry for a moment and asked, “You saw Lenai Halin receive her fatal wound.  Did you actually see who cut you?”
“Yes, Sir, I did.  When I felt my leg being cut I looked and saw Kotance with his knife still in the wound.  He saw me, too.  He said, ‘So that’s where you disappeared to.’  I had just let go of Lenai when he went to cut my throat like he had Macoul’s.  I got my arm in the way and it got cut instead.  That’s when Captain Mord intervened and lowered me to the boats.”
“May we see your scars?” asked Captain Sarfin.
“Certainly, Sir,” Darkistry replied, baring her arm.  “The leg scar is on the thigh, moderately high up.”  She pulled up the leg of her loose pants and the sleeve of her shirt, displaying both scars, still an angry reddish color.
Sula spoke up.  “Doctor Worran, you have much experience with battle wounds and the weapons that make them.  Would you examine these scars and render a forensic opinion, please?”
Doctor Worran came forward attracting many stares for her unusual complexion and exotic good looks.  She examined the scars, prodded them both and the flesh around them.  She looked puzzled for a moment and put a finger at each end of the big scar on Darkistry’s leg and sighted the line between them as if she could see through the flesh.
“You are a very lucky young woman,” Doctor Worran pronounced.  “This was repaired by a better surgeon than I.  My only question is why you are not in Iren’s halls.  About the wounds themselves, both were made by a weapon or tool with large coarse serrations along a cutting edge.  These serrations were dragged through the muscle in this direction, based on the tear patterns created in the edges of the cuts.”  She gestured, miming the use of the knife.  “The angles and position of the leg and arm cuts are consistent with the explanation given.”
Sarfin thought for only a few moments before saying, “Then what is needed now is to find the knife and establish its ownership.”
Kotance immediately spoke up, “I’ve never owned any knife like that.”
Kurin looked at him with feigned innocence.  “Oh, really?  Then whose knife have you been carrying for the better part of two Gatherings? There’s two whole ships full of witnesses to you carrying such a knife.  The Longin and the Grinna.  Others saw it too.  One is the co-judge, Sula Corin Dark Dragon.”  She turned to Sula with a smile.  “Remember your first meeting with Mister Kotance, Sula?”
“I do,” Sula said sternly to Kurin, “but I cannot be both judge and witness.”  She paused and then thoughtfully added, “I can ask you, Mister Kotance, where you got the knife that I made you drop on that occasion?  Where is it now?”
“Oh, that,” he said dismissively.  “It broke shortly after our meeting and I threw it away.”
A small hand went up at the back of the Longin group.  Sula pointed to it.  Bron, the cabin-boy, stepped forth.  He said, “I can get the knife for you, your Honors.  Mister Kotance hit Cap  — er, Mister Mord Halyn, in the back of the head with the pommel and was about to use the blade on him when the helmsman, that’s Second Officer Marrik, knocked out Mister Kotance with a marlin spike.  I picked up the knife because I thought that the ship’s Councils might want it. It’s in my sea chest.”
Desperately, Kotance interjected, “You’re confused.  That is Mord Halyn’s knife.”
Master Juris raised his hands and spoke at once, without waiting to be recognized, “That is a lie.  I have made every knife that Mord Halyn has ever carried since the age of ten Gatherings.  He has always favored a six inch blade Strong Skin tooth knife because it is clearly a tool and not a weapon.  Testimony has placed his usual knife in his hand during the engagement with the Grandalor’s sailors.  You, Mister Kotance, have openly carried a knife that matches the murder weapon.   It has been in your belt since you came aboard the Longin.”
Sula turned to Bron and said, “Please go and get the knife that you retrieved.”  Bron left at once and shortly after, returned with the knife.  It had a long blade, fully twelve inches in length, with jagged serrations like saw teeth about a half inch long and perhaps a quarter inch deep along the cutting edge.
“Where and how did you get this knife, exactly?” Sula asked.
Bron replied with certainty, “I was the Captain’s errand boy on the day that Captain — er, Mister Kotance ordered the attack on the Grandalor.  After the Grandalor’s catapult wrecked our mainsail, Mister Kotance froze and Cap, uh, Mister Mord started to give orders to clear up the mess and get the injured to safety.  Mister Kotance got mad and hit Mister Mord in the back of the head with the hilt of his knife.  As Mister Mord went to his knees, he got hit again, knocking him out.  The helmsman, Second Officer Marrik, left his post and grabbed a marlin spike.  As Mister Kotance reversed the knife to stab Mister Mord, Marrik hit him from behind, knocking him out, too.
“When Mister Kotance fell to the deck, he dropped the knife and I picked it up.”
“Very clear,” said Sarfin.  “Is it possible that this knife belongs to someone else?”
“No, Sir.  I am a cabin-boy and watch go-fer.  I get sent to every part of the Longin in the course of my duties.  The only similar knife aboard ship is Master Clard’s and it is two inches shorter and wider at the hilt.  This knife has been worn by Mister Kotance since he came to us, two Gatherings ago.  We have all seen it.  He usually points and gestures with it as if he’s trying to make us afraid of him. Don’t take my word for it, ask anybody from the Longin.”
“In the Corliss fleet,” said Sula, turning in her chair to face Sarfin, “this evidence would be far more than enough to add two charges of murder, and two of attempted murder to the charges already laid against Mister Kotance.”
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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sparrowwritings · 4 years ago
Writing Challenge Day Twenty: Target
Day Nineteen -- Masterpost -- Day Twenty-one
“The goal is very simple.” Roven waved a hand and several stationary targets appeared around master and apprentice. This practice (or lesson? It could be both) was being held in the cavernous basement of the tower. All of the clutter that had previously been down there had been removed for the moment. “You must successfully hit every target using whatever magic you feel like.”
It was very simple. Too simple for something Roven put together as real practice. That’s why Marlin was suspicious of it. “And that’s it?” He asked.
“It’s all you need to do.” The older man folded his arms. “Though as usual we don’t have all day. Have at it.”
Still wary, Marlin called magic to his hands with practiced ease. He mimed throwing something at a target and the canvas and wood burst into flames. He didn’t bother to watch the fire continue to burn, instead making the same motions towards all of the other targets he could see. It didn’t take long for there to be smoking wrecks all around the two.
Roven watched the display with one of his more calculating neutral expressions. It wasn’t one that Marlin had learned to dread, but he still braced himself for whatever might be coming next. Finally, he waved a hand and the former targets vanished. “Decent form. A little too reliant on your affinity to guide you in what to use, but otherwise barely acceptable.” 
It was the closest to high praise as Roven ever doled out willingly. Marlin couldn’t help the swell of pride filling his chest when the older mage waved his hand again and more targets appeared. This time they were propelled in some way--moving left and right as well as up and down. “Now do that again, but with moving targets. Oh, and do switch up what kinds of magic you use.”
With a nod, Marlin called up his magic to try again. This time he snapped his fingers at a target and lightning crackled in the air for less than a second before the floating contraption exploded. Not wanting to waste his time, the boy drew several globes of water from the air and sent them flying at other targets. Just before impact he concentrated harder and the streams became icicles in the air. The sudden collisions made shreds where once were floating bits of canvas and wood. Marlin then stomped on the ground, making some stones kick up into the air. With a gesture of his head, the shards impacted the final targets. 
As requested, there were more types of wreckage around than there had been before. Marlin still found it all a bit too easy. He was wondering what the catch was. 
“Admirable. You avoided using wind, storm and magma. Why is that?” 
Having anticipated the question, Marlin had an easy answer. “You had initially asked for a quick display. Magma would have taken too long to release. As for wind and storm, they’re not nearly as entertaining to watch destroy targets as the others I showed.” 
Roven seemed to contemplate something before he nodded again. He waved away the remains of the targets. “Is there something you’d like to ask me before we continue?”
He knew better than to ask. He’d been apprenticed under the man for years, and the questions he so desperately wanted to ask only got him further in trouble.
And yet, Marlin couldn’t help but be a bit foolish. He sighed and asked, “Why are you making target practice so easy, Roven?”
A manic grin spread across the older mage’s face. His green eyes lit up dangerously. “It’s about time you questioned that.” He snapped his fingers on both hands. Hundreds of targets filled the area. Most of them moved in random patterns around master and apprentice. One moment they were along the ground, the next they were high up on the ceiling. Marlin could see that a few had X’s painted on them. 
“I got this idea from that carnival game that you insisted on playing some weeks ago. Of course I improved upon the original formula quite a bit.” Roven’s arms spread out wide as he indicated the room. “Hit all of the valid targets with any kind of magic you prefer, though try not to pull off the same tricks again. You will be timed for your efforts. Oh, and try not to get hurt by their defenses. Your time begins now.” Having said that, the mage vanished into thin air.
Marlin barely had a moment to register what had happened when green energy started flying at his face. He managed to dodge out of the way and quickly take some magical energy to spin a valid target into another one as he did so. 
He shouldn’t have said anything.
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feministgoblin · 3 years ago
Thoughts and Marlene Dumas
I find myself mulling over flatness once again. Through my reading by Hilary Haines, for my annotated bibliography about young girls staying small as a flight from femaleness, and research from last year in concerns of Picasso  Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Oil on canvas, 1907 and Marline Dumas practice. 
Flatness takes away sexuality, womanhood perhaps, but is this a bad or good thing? Would it stray the male gaze or simply capture it more? 
My question captures the duality of society, with men sexualising women with curves yet obsessing over flat, childlike, women. Would simply flattening the women I draw take away sexuality in that case? Like with what Marline Dumas does like, dare I say it, provocative poses in watercolour and ink.
Maybe flatness strips the subject matters identity, miming how men are afraid of women embracing their sexuality and power so their gaze focuses on girl like figures. Something or someone they have more control over. In that case flatness takes away the women’s sexuality in paintings rather than the males attraction. 
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dfartproject · 4 years ago
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Mini Freak Exhibition exhibitors list : Adrien Conrad, art-now, Briana Zonas, Brno Del Zou, Cam Linh Huynh, Chantal Robillard, Claudia Vialaret, Clothilde Lasserre, Daniel Cabanzo, Daniel Garbade, David Cow, Eric Petr, Florence Tedeschi, François Pezron, Franck Turzo, Françoise Bagnéres, Grégory Dreyfus, Jérôme Royer, Jean Jacques Piezanowski, Laurence Cornou, Lisa Vanho, LudineG, Marie-Christine Palombit, Matt Mifsud, Michèle Coudert, MIME, Nathalie Moga, Orlando Saverino Loeb, Pascal Manitoba, Pascal Marlin, Ronnie Jiang, Sophie Jouan, Valérie Jayat, Congratulations from DF Art Project Team! #exhibition #artexposition #exposition #expositionparis #artexposure #expositions #artinparis #groupexhibition #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #contemporaryfigurativeart #artist #artistefrançais #lesartistes #sculpture #sculpteur #collagist #collageartists #digitalart #digitalartist #dessin #des_fig #collectionneurdart #artmagazine #artmagazines #artmarket #artinfluencer #arttoday #artgalleries (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/COZpXwiHJeN/?igshid=1oqan4gcv8fdd
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years ago
S1;E6 ~ November 1, 1986
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[Photos © Getty Images]
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Directed by Marc Daniels ~ Written by Bob Fisher and Arthur Marx
Lucy's attempt to computerize M&B Hardware results in a a shop full of lawnmowers and with Curtis listed in the obituary column.
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Barker), Gale Gordon (Curtis McGibbon), Ann Dusenberry (Margo Barker McGibbon),  Larry Anderson (Ted McGibbon), Jenny Lewis (Becky McGibbon), Philip Amelio (Kevin McGibbon), Donovan Scott (Leonard Stoner)
[For biographies of the Regular Cast, see “One Good Grandparent Deserves Another” (S1;E1)]
Guest Cast
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Dave Madden (Stanley Bigelow) is probably best remembered for playing Reuben Kincaid, the manager of “The Partridge Family” (1970-74). He was a regular performer on “Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In,” which (for some seasons) was programmed opposite “Here's Lucy.”  Madden died in 2014 at age 82.  
Stanley is a sales representative selling lawnmowers. His last name is only listed in the final credits but is not spoken aloud in the episodes.
Billy Van Zandt (Delivery Guy) is an actor and writer of more than 25 plays with Jane Millmore.  A native of Red Bank, New Jersey, he is married to Adrienne Barbeau. In 1990, Van Zandt won an Emmy Award for “I Love Lucy: The First Show,” which introduced the long-lost pilot to TV viewers.
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This was the eighth episode filmed, but it was aired sixth. “Life With Lucy” loses its time slot with an 8 share, the lowest to date and the second lowest of all those aired.  
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When Lucy activates the leaf blower and scatters seed packets all over the Hardware Store, Curtis says “We were hit by Hurricane Lucy.” In 1957's “Building a Bar-B-Q” (ILL S6;E24), Ricky says that he thinks the re-built monstrosity of a brick barbecue was caused by Hurricane Lucy.  
Curtis: “You know me, always keeping up with the times.” Lucy: “Yeah, he's almost up to 1956.”
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In 1956, Gale Gordon had finished playing Osgood Conklin on “Our Miss Brooks” and started a playing Harvey Box in “The Brothers” (aka “The Box Brothers”), a Desilu series that lasted just one season on CBS. Lucille Ball began 1956 with “I Love Lucy” touring Europe and ended it with the Ricardos and Mertzes visiting Cuba.  
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Bigelow (Stanley’s credited surname) was the name of a Department Store in Jamestown, New York, Lucille Ball's hometown that it is said rejected a teenage Ball when she applied for a job in their ribbon department! One of Lucille Ball's distant relatives was also named Bigelow. In the 1950s Lucy and Desi promoted Bigelow carpeting. She used the name Bigelow on both “I Love Lucy” and “The Lucy Show” (above).
Stanley: [To Curtis] “We've been through a lot together.  From the pot-bellied stove to the microwave.  Then back to the pot belly.” [Pats Curtis's belly]
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When Curtis compares the extinction of wild animals to the human race being replaced by computers, Lucy says he's been watching too much “Wild Kingdom.” “Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom” was an educational series about the lives of wild animals that aired on NBC from 1963 to 1988. Until 1984 it was hosted by zoologist Marlin Perkins.
Lucy: “Change is hard on everybody.”
In the episode, Lucy attaches file cards to the computer using magnets, which wipes out the inventory data. In reality, refrigerator magnets placed on the computer would not be strong enough to have caused any harm.
Curtis: [To Leonard, furious] “You gave our trash to the trash man?!?”
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Using the computer, Lucy orders a lawnmower. She accidentally presses the ‘1′ key three times and orders 111 lawnmowers for a cost of $4,192.67!  This means the push lawnmowers were wholesale priced at $37.77.  Adjusting for inflation, that would be nearly $90 today.
Curtis: [To Lucy] “I'm dead!” Lucy: “You're not dead, you're just not a lot of fun.”
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To straighten out Curtis's obituary, Lucy calls her friend at the newspaper, Carol. The name may be an homage to any or all of Lucille Ball's friends Carol Burnett, Carole Lombard, or Carole Cook.  The unseen Carol tells Lucy she learned of Curtis's passing from the bank. Lucy used the computer to stop the check to Chadwick Mowers with the phrase “CM decreased” but types “CM deceased.” The bank interprets CM as Curtis McGibbon. [Only on television, folks!]
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Lucy returns the computer, but buys a Robot named Rupert! In 1928, British schoolboys built a robot named Rupert which contained mechanical representations of human organs!  
Curtis: [To Lucy] “Listen to me!” Lucy: “I don't have to, you're dead!”
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On “The Lucy Show,” Mr. Mooney (Gale Gordon) installed a computer at the bank in “Lucy, the Superwoman” (TLS S4;E26)…
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and again in “Lucy and Bob Crane” (TLS S4;E22).  Both aired in 1966!
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On a 1972 “Here's Lucy” Harry Carter (Gale Gordon) installed a giant computer named EXMO III in the office as “Lucy's Replacement” (HL S4;E19).
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Prior to that Lucy Carter tried her hand at computer dating in 1968′s “Lucy the Matchmaker” (HL S1;E12). The comic payoff of most episodes featuring computers was having them short-circuit and run amok!  
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Lucy Carmichael encountered robots played by mime Larry Dean in “Lucy and the Ceramic Cat” (TLS S3;E16)...
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and again in “Lucy and the Robot” (TLS S4;E23).
This Day in Lucy History ~ November 1st
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"Mr. and Mrs. TV Show" (ILL S4;E5) – *November 1, 1954
* This episode's original broadcast was pre-empted. It eventually aired Monday, April 11, 1955.
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“Lucy Helps Danny Thomas” (TLS S4;E7) – November 1, 1965
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"Lucy and Her All-Nun Band" (HL S4;E8) – November 1, 1971
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kitsunegdx · 7 years ago
@marlin-o-mania @sketch1231-junior @volt-drake @mobolan @mimeaddict @an-ordinary-roach @rosetherandomreposter @jasmitten @metasactreon @nothatsarson @pineappleneko @such-lovely-trash @princelyplot @mime-god
I never talk to you guys but I see you and I appreciate you
When people consistently like/reblog my posts, I grow fond of them even if I’ve never talked to them.
I end up staring at my notifications like
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shapeshifting-arch-mage · 5 years ago
...I knew it. I knew there was someone else here with us! As our paws continue groping at the nonexistent head vise, we look up... and begin shuddering uncontrollably when we see who it is. Of course, he's not actually anyone we recognize, but in our mushroom-induced stupor, we mistake him for someone we do. Or, someone I do, at least.
"n... n-n-n-nonono... nonono... no, please... no, im s-sorry..." We mutter as we stare him in the face, our eyes somehow looking both spaced-out and fearful at the same time, "i-i didnt mean to run away, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry...!!" We then squeeze our eyes shut and resume grabbing at the air around our head.
[Kaneis] Oh dear this was such a wonderful reaction. It really was rather like waving a piece of bacon in front of a dog's nose. How could he just ignore it? "Kehkekekeke, Are you sorry? I don't know. You don't look very sorry," he purred walking closer to them. "I don't like it when someone runs from me." He had no idea who this person was and clearly they thought he was someone else, but that didn't bother him in the slightest. It was rather wonderful actually.
[Rave Witch Temmie] Of course... the giant head vise is his way of punishing us for snapping out of his mind control earlier. "im sorry! im sorry!!1" We whine, "i didnt no youd be mad at me!1!1! IM SORRYYYYYY!1!!!1!"
Why is he here. Why did he come find us. Why did he have to follow us here?!? Why is everything purple?!?! Stupid purple fog. Stupid purple sky. Stupid evil handsome mind controlling guy with his stupid purple cape.
Except, of course, he isn't that guy, and in fact Kaneis' cape (technically Finnegan's cape, but whatever) is a much lighter shade of purple than the shade we're seeing it as. We're seeing his hair all wrong, too- it looks... spiky. We open our eyes and look at him again, and his hair looks even bigger and spikier than it did when we last looked.
"p-please, it h-hurts... nnnnn-no more, please... owowoww, my hedddd..." We hold our paws out to each side and mime trying to pull something away from our head.
[Kaneis] Kaneis was smiling like a kid who had been given a lifetime's worth of free candy. He walks up and pats the Temmie fusion's hair. "Of course it hurts. Disobedience is pain. If you want it to stop you must be good. Will you be good? Will you obey me properly?" He was making this up on the fly but this was just so much fun. How could he not see how far he could push it?
[Rave Witch Temmie] Obey him? No... no, we can't do that. He's a bad guy. We won't do what he says. No more obeying. No more mind controlling. No more. It's bad. Bad. Bad bad bad bad.
...We just noticed that he doesn't have his fancy golden mind controlling stick with him. We stand to our feet and push his hand off our head.
"n-no... no more... no more obeyin... no more... not again... no..." We trip and fall backwards from the phantom weight of the imaginary vise. Now laying on the ground with our wide-eyed stare facing the sky, our whole body begins to vibrate. We vibrate harder, harder, harder...
This is perfectly normal for a Temmie, of course, but this time, there's nothing comedic about our convulsions. We look less like a funny joke character in an indie game and more like a possessed person in a horror movie. Then our face begins to detach. Again, not unusual for a Temmie, but in this situation, it just looks eerie.
[Kaneis] Kaneis is just amused. He gazes down at them in obvious delight. "Well then your head is just going to keep hurting like that until it explodes. It'll burst right open. Like a watermelon. Have you ever seen a watermelon burst open? All the gooey contents and juices fly everywhere. It's rather spectacular. Maybe you'd be happier that way? Hmm? What do you think? Can you live without your head?"
[Rave Witch Temmie] Little does he know that Temmies probably don't even have blood. As we continue shivering and shaking on the ground, our detached face rises up above us, leaving our poor, sore head faceless... until a pair of holes open up on it. A pair of holes that look a lot like the eye sockets of a skeleton. A pair of holes with a pair of little white eyelights in them. While our face floats in the air, we reach inside one of the eye sockets that's just opened up where our face is supposed to be, and pull out the eyelight.
...Yes, we pulled out a glowing, white ball from a hole in our face. Gee, I didn't know those things were solid! "...i got it..." Our floating face mutters, "i got da key... got da key..." Our vibrating calms slightly as we move our paw to the side of our head and mime pressing the eyelight into something. "come on... come on..." Says our mouth, even though our face is facing upwards, away from the rest of our body.
[Kaneis] Kaneis is rather fascinated by this. His host had met Temmies before so he wasn't thrown by the oddness of the physical behavior. Mostly it made him wonder if he could mess with them even more. "Oh? What key is that?" He moved close enough that Temmie would be under his large umbrella. No more rain interfearance. He could cast some magic on this one and see if he could add to this amusing set of reactions from the drug now...
[Rave Witch Temmie] "its da KEY!1! im puttin da KEY in!1!!1" Our face cries out to the sky. We jam our detached eyelight into the nothing on our head, twist our paw, and mime pushing that nothing off our head, after which the pain stops getting worse. Then we shove our eyelight back into our eye socket, the eye sockets shrink shut, and our Temmie face slowly descends back towards its rightful place on our head.
"no more..." We mutter, as we push ourself upright, "no more... o yer dumb mind games, Mario!1!1" Wait, that's not his name. Mario doesn't have a head full of spiky hair. Neither does Kaneis, really, but y'know...
"...Marlin?? Mary...??" We're still a bit too delirious to think of the name of the guy we're mistaking him for, so we settle on Mary for now. We stand to our feet, point at him and say, "no more, Mary Itchbar!!1! im drawin da line here!!1" We stretch our arm out and try to snake it around behind his back, underneath his cape, to see if he's hiding anything back there...
[Kaneis] Kaneis grabs the arm trying to slip around him and starts twisting it in a way arms aren't meant to twist. At least not normal arms. The hand holding onto Rave seems to be heating up as well. "I'll play all the mind games I feel like." He declared his voice full of calm menace. "If you think otherwise I'll have to disabuse you of that notion immediately."
[Rave Witch Temmie] Our stretchy arm coils like a noodle as Kaneis twists it. Crud... I think I know what he's about to do now. We stretch our other arm towards our hat, which got left on the ground when we stood up, and pull our wand out of it. We retract our paw that's holding the wand and point it at Kaneis. "nnnnnNNNO!1!!1 i kno wat yur gonna do!1!" We take a few steps back, keeping our wand pointed at him, while the arm that he's holding stretches further as we back away. "no hugs!!11!"
[Kaneis] Kaneis arches an eyebrow at the wand. "Are you threatening me with that? Kehkekeke that's so adorable I could just rip you into tiny pieces!" Kaneis is a little annoyed though. By pulling away most of Temmie was now in the rain. The only part of her he could work direct magic on was the arm he was still holding. Still that wasn't much of a problem. He clenched the arm harder. Maybe he'd just rip it off.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "how yu gonna do dat?? yu dont even got yur wand wit yu!!1!" We reply, as a colorful puff of frost begins to swirl around our wand. Our other paw, meanwhile, begins to get chilly... or at least, it's trying to. It's still uncomfortably warm, but it feels as though it's trying to get cold even as Kaneis heats it up. "yu let go 'a me, Yammy Mary, or imma have to use hoomans magic!1!!1!"
"Yammy?" Really, Temmie? Yammy? Like... a yam? ...It's Yami. Like... the Japanese word for dark. Sheesh.
[Kaneis] Kaneis laughed. "A wand? Please! I don't need some puny stick to work my magic. For example..." Her arm might be getting cold on the inside but it was going to ignite on the outside as Kaneis' hand burst into flames. He might have been able to do so much more if it wasn't for the rain. He really should consider retreating if this was going to come to blows since he was in a vulnerable position but he didn't feel like it. Not just yet.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "owowowOWOWOWOWWWW1!!1!" Geez Louise, since when has he been able to do that?! Gaaaaah, our poor paaaawww!!
That's it. That is it. This creepwad's getting an ICICLE TO THE FACE. The wand's colorful, frosty sparkles coalesce into a big rainbow icicle, about the size of our hat, and the icicle shoots forward right at that stupid smile of his. As for our paw, even if he does burn it to a crisp, we will certainly have the last laugh, since a human holding a Temmie's paw for that long is probably going to get a rash in his hand at some point. I am extremely doubtful that a sadist like him has a high opinion of cute things.
[Kaneis] Two points of order Temmie probably hadn't taken into account. First of all, Kaneis wears gloves. In fact about the only piece of exposed skin Kaneis has is his aforementioned face. Since Temmie allergic reactions rely on physical contact to the skin Kaneis is perfectly fine without even bringing into debate his status as an actual human or not. Second, the icicle flies straight and true right through Kaneis' face or so it seems. There's none of that expected blood splatter and injury or anything else you'd normally associate with an icicle striking someone in the face at speed. The violent cold projectile just goes straight through like there's nothing even there. Which there isn't as what with the really obvious telegraph of the wand waving and stuff Kaneis set up an illusion and had walked to Temmie's left letting go of the firey limb. Of course a few second exposed to the rain and the illusion starts to flicker and melt away into nothing. The real Kaneis yawns. "I'm sorry was that supposed to hit me? Youre aim is terrible."
[Rave Witch Temmie] As a matter of fact, we didn't notice his gloves. Because we think he's wearing golden armbands instead. Which he isn't. And our icicle just... oh god it phased through him he's a GHOOOOOST!!
Gaaaah, we need to get out of here! The purple realm is gonna eat us! Mer... Mal... Marvin? Marlon? Mark? ...Yeah, I guess Mark's close enough. We're not letting, uh... Yam Mark... eat our souls, or whatever he was going to do to them. Not here. Not now. No more purple. No more Yam Mark. We retract our singed paw and begin walking away. Power walking, that is. We're still too delirious to notice that we're soaking wet from the rain by this point. The glowsticks we've been storing in our hat would probably do a better job of lighting the way than our glow necklace- oh crud, our hat!! We totally forgot that we left it on the ground! We turn around and reluctantly walk back towards where "Mark" was...
[Kaneis] Kaneis chuckled loving the reaction. He was content to let them walk away. There was only so much he could do out here in the rain. It was better to not fight out here in the rain. Moreover if this wand user could summon ice well that was only one step away from the element he didn't want to face in a magic fight. However he couldn't keep himself from plucking up the hat that Temmie was reluctantly coming back for. He smirked and twirled it in his hands. He knew enough about Temmie's not to plop the hat on his head. "Drop something?"
[Rave Witch Temmie] "awawa... wawawaWAWA DATS MY HAT!!!1! MARKS GOT MY HAAAAAT!1!11 gimme dat back1!11" We yell, as the rain continues to soak our hair and fur, "dats my hat!1! gimme my hat!1! bad Mark, bad!1!"
[Kaneis] "Alright," Kaneis says casually. He crumples the hat as best he can into a ball. The balled up hat then catches on fire. Finally Kanein grins and throws it as hard as he can in the opposite direction from Temmie. "Fetch!" And with that he vanishes from sight. For reference despite any logic on the aerodynamics of throwing a fiery hat, the hat was flung a fair distance away enough that if Temmie want's it before it burns up they might want to run after it now.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "awawawaWAWAWAWANONONONONONOOOOOO!!1!1!1"
We begin to run in the direction of our hat, slip and fall in a puddle, then get back up and continue running after it on all fours. We squeeze our eyes shut as rain falls in our face, and continue to run until we eventually step on our hat and burn our paws. "owowowowwww!1!" That probably would have hurt more if the rain hadn't doused some of the fire. Either way, we frantically wave our wand up and down to summon icicles that slam onto the hat and put out the rest of the fire. After that's done, we pick up the hat with our free paw, finding it difficult to recognize as a hat due to the fact that the hallucinogenic mushrooms haven't quite worn off yet, plus the hat is charred.
"hooman... yu sure dis is our hat...??"
"i think so... it got all burnt an' stuff..."
"now wat do we do???"
"i think we shoud go... jus so we dont run into Mark again..." If this burnt piece of fabric really is our hat, then we should be able to reach into it and... voila! Our broomstick is inside! It looks a bit singed... but not anywhere near as bad as the hat. We put our wand back in the hat, place the hat on the broomstick, and sit on it so it doesn't blow away. It feels uncomfortably warm, but we're too delirious to think of anything else to do with it. And with that, we fly off into the rain... until we leave Port Town, that is, as the rain was only falling here...
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emmodii · 1 year ago
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04/09/2023, 3.38am
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helenhungerford-blog · 7 years ago
Child Boomers Articles
APH appropriates for the Enterprising Client yet not the more conservative Defensive Investor following the ModernGraham approach. A father experiences incredibly glad and also emotional concurrently when he strolls his child down the alley and eventually when they have their papa and little girl dancing. This creates her each some of one of the most experienced astronauts in NASA history as well as some of the greatest ranking ladies in the military. When Astrid's dad leaves behind Ingrid prior to his daughter could also remember him, the girl has to endure through a long string from her mommy's sweethearts. All said to, Lynn would certainly place 5 tunes at the top of the country charts in the 1970s, with 7 others arriving 10 as well as 9 more in the Best TWENTY. Stanton pointed out the motion picture will certainly be actually embeded in component along the California coast and also take place about a year after Nemo." This will certainly feature characters including mime fish Nemo, his father Marlin and also the Tank Gang. Alternatively Top sedangn moms and dads possessed monetary problems and was actually significantly in debt, but still trying to defray the cost of university fees however Best Top litter. Through which he has actually provided to our company his precious as well as really fantastic promises, to ensure that through them you might become guests from the magnificent attributes, having gotten away off the nepotism that is in the world as a result of sinful desire. The content evaluation likewise recognized how many publications showcase a father or even a mama as the prominent parent, for purposes of comparison. According to tradition, the daddy of the groom has to deliver a wedding event toast or a wedding speech during the course of the event from any kind of wedding. Recently, the 3 were in Las Vegas over at this website the Academy of Country and western Honors gala where they were actually the surprise winners from leading new duo or group and greatest brand-new musician honors. Merely contact one up as well as they'll send out a team to well-maintained the place inside out. The Virgo father is a considerate guy that just likes maintaining his intelligence developed to a diamond-like brilliance. My father belonged to the younger Monkey Test" activity that made up when he was actually a teen. That he had to carry out was actually inquire for this. He failed to have to operate to get coming from the father brown what presently was truly his. Francis Ford Coppola relative seeming in The Godfather include sis Talia Shire, mommy Italia Coppola, daddy Carmine Coppola, daughter Sofia Coppola and sons Gian-Carlo as well as Roman Coppola. Father wants to turn the lack of education at the seminary to his advantage by enticing roles among the much less intellectually gifted. Various other explanations are actually felt as disgracing as well as stigmatizing, including a daddy jailed for embezzlement, or a mentally disturbed one that commits suicide. Thus Larry Webpage as well as Sergey Brin came together to make a ranking body that awarded great links and punished the pointless ones. When my father died ten years ago I ensured he got an appropriate entombment. Her personal daddy like Harry was primarily physically and also mentally absent when she was maturing. George was the dad and the hubby she desired. However the excellent performance was greatly recognizeded to his papa and also a best coterie from Samsung pros at the now-disbanded Future Tactic Workplace, which controlled essential administration selections at the stretching realm. I am actually the mother from pair of splendid kids and also I boast of just how properly they are actually attempting to take care of their lacking papa. Keynes had based his prescriptions for this sort of action on the early mismanagement from the Great Hard times which he thought had prolonged the reductions and also challenge throughout then.
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albert-prous · 1 year ago
ACT 71 suite
tableau 3. chants des casseroles
vivre sans manger ni boire oui c'est possible remplace tous les repas par l'inhalation d'un gaz hautement nutritif le E2450 j'ai la formule un disque dur trouvé dans la tombe d'un alchimiste altruiste mélange savant de sylphes et de sylphides un spray nasal de 550 ml à se vaporiser le soir efficacité trente jours fabrication artisanale laissez vos coordonnées première commande tarif moins 50 % non c'est pas chimique c'est du biogaz j'ai essayé ça marche donc plus de digestion difficile plus de constipation plus de rétention urinaire bientôt l'homme sans boyau plus de conquêtes territoriales plus de vaches égorgées plus d'arrachage de légumes plus le cri de la carotte plus le cri de la frite plus le cri de la grappe avec ce gaz je peux supprimer la faim donc la guerre dans le monde hélas les lobbies pharmaceutiques n'en veulent pas regrets éternels donc allons y pour des siècles pipi caca cimetière archives ouvertes il en a fallu du temps pour apprendre le langage des signes entre 4 heures et 5 on bouffe place à la grande ripaille acte 1 mâchoires en mouvement dentiers d'occasion prélude ballet alimentaire entrée des artistes mimes dans tous leurs états morts et résurrections expressions corporelles des ci gît ballerines quelle est l'histoire de la bayadère comment se terminera la danse à la fois silence et action danse des fous tarentelle saint guy slam cimetière habits du dimanche coutumes entre proprios locataires sdf entre dehors dedans sac de billes pour les petits agates dans le panier osselets à la récré lieu alternatif du consommable qui se ressemble s'assemble entrée morue en gelée hors d’œuvre faisane farcie tête de vache gribiche poisson frit à l'antillaise qui aime la choucroute royale couscous royal offert crème glacée cimetière en fête banquet gastronomique pour tous vivants morts morts agités les presque morts vivants les jamais vivants gueuleton 5 méga chaudrons feu de bois arbres entiers 3 truies de réforme 230 kg pièce boudins caillettes à l'oseille saucisses lard double jambonneaux côtelettes plates choux pommés choux farcis choux verts choux cabus choux cœur de bœuf choux blanc choux frisés ébullition une vache à la broche qui tourne une édentée irréversible sur son ballet un demi veau à la crème tourtes tartes omelette géante marlin farci le temps passé lèvres pincées je me souviens vous c'est vous l'amant de l'amant vous n'avez pas changé cousinade après des siècles dans mes bras pépé mémé frères sœurs ne m'oubliez pas testament ouvert morts vivants bras dessus bras dessous leurs jambes deviennent des bâtons calcification généralisée cinq méduses vol plein sud escadrille furtive allegrissimo des ombres enflammées rires fous sans le dire plus de retenues pouffe l'agonisante joyeux baptême bénitier de mer déborde de vin rouge bière ambrée pour les communiantes gnôle à la poire dort mon bébé trois fûts de 120 litres à finir ça danse ça se frôle ça se touche ça s'embrasse ça se saute ça colle plus de retenue creusant leurs tombes avec leurs fourchettes panses éclatantes la goinfrerie universelle l'amour la haine on s'en fout youpi du caviar russe louches à ras bord un orgasme à chaque grain couillons pas des œufs noirs de poissons mais des caméras miniatures dans vos assiettes vous mangez donc vous êtes filmés souriez bouches pleines à crever sourires éclatants caméras partout justice nulle part boite de pois chiche ne pas ouvrir paquet de chips ne pas ouvrir petits pois carottes danger pilules nutritives mines boites de chocolat boule en fusion fond sur la langue mangue sur l'arbre noyau terroriste
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ask-de-writer · 6 years ago
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : World of Sea : Part 81
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2018
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Without hesitation, Gemma pointed out Kotance.
Kurin quietly said, “Thank you, Gemma, that will be all.”
As Gemma turned to leave, Kotance shouted, “Come back here, you Grandalor trash!  Now it’s my turn to ask the questions!”
Sarfin’s angry voice overrode him.  “MISTER KOTANCE!  This is not a trial. The witness is merely providing the Court with the information it needs to decide who, if any, should be charged with crimes listed. If you are charged, you may then speak to the witnesses listed in the information given to you.”
In the audience, several of the Grandalor’s crew, including little Arnat were holding back Darkistry, who had murder in her eye and a knife in her hand.  Arnat said, “Please, Darkistry, don’t spoil things now.  Kurin’s just got you justice before the fleet.”
Darkistry looked down at Arnat and managed to pull together a smile for him as she calmed down.  “You’re right, Arnat.”  She handed him the knife in her hand and said, “Kids your age aren’t supposed to have knives, Arnat, so let Officer Paddles keep this for me — ” She thought for a second and sheepishly added, “And this, too.” A knife came out of the back of her shirt collar.  “. . . And these.”  She pulled two more, one from each boot.
Kurin waited patiently while Darkistry disarmed herself.  “Darkistry, will you come here, please?”  When the helmswoman came to her, Kurin took her hand and asked, “Can you keep it together in front of Kotance?  Stick to straight answers to what Sarfin and I ask. Don’t give us opinions unless we ask for them.  This is a kind of battle.  Treat it like one, OK?”
“Yes, Kurin.  I won’t lose it again.  Sinking this one is too important to mess up.”
Kurin took her hand and said, “Good, that’s the Battle Commanding that I know and trust.”
Turning her attention to Sarfin, Kurin said, “Your Honor, This witness already has another action against Mister Kotance.  This is Darkistry Colm Grandalor.  She also was wounded in the same incident that we are investigating.  She had deep, nearly to bone, cuts in both her right arm and right leg.  I assisted doctor Corin in the surgery to save her leg.  
“My skill with tools is well known.  I know the kinds of cuts that different tools make and what they look like.  The wound that I helped to treat had the multiply slashed edges characteristic of a cut by a knife with large hooked serrations.”
Kurin turned from Sarfin and spoke directly to Darkistry.  “Now, Darkistry, please tell the Court what happened.”
Darkistry put her hands behind her and closed her eyes in deep and painful thought.  She began, “It started just as Gemma told you, so I won’t waste your time repeating.  When we got to the bow quarter of the Longin, we had to toss up grapnels.  The first of these were thrown back.  We quickly found that if we put weight on them fast enough, they couldn’t dump them back at us.
“Lenai was the first one up the line in front of Captain Mord.  I was first up on the line next over.”  Darkistry closed her eyes and put her face in her hands.  Her shoulders shook.  Several tears leaked past her hands.
“I never expected to see that monst . . . Mister Kotance, I mean, on a ship with the good reputation of the Longin but there he was, right behind the Captain.  Mord tried to push Lenai overboard and while he was pushing her, Kotance stabbed her with a big knife.  It was so long that the point came out her back.
“Helmsman Macoul tried to help her, and Captain Mord tried to push his shoulders.  Kotance cut Macoul’s throat as the Captain’s push sent him overboard.
“I yelled to Captain Mord that Lenai was hurt and I just wanted to get her back to the boats.  I took her arms and he took her legs and we put her over the rail together.  The Captain braced my legs with his hands while I lowered her to where the others could take her.  While we did that, Kotance cut my leg and then my arm.  Captain Mord probably saved my life then, by lowering me to the boats, not just throwing me overboard.
“He looked like he was in shock.  I don’t think that he’d ever seen anybody killed on purpose before.  As he lowered me he said, ‘I’m sorry, Ma’am.  I never meant for this to happen but Grandalor sailors aren’t allowed on my ship.’”
Sarfin regarded Darkistry for a moment and asked, “You saw Lenai Halin receive her fatal wound.  Did you actually see who cut you?”
“Yes, Sir, I did.  When I felt my leg being cut I looked and saw Kotance with his knife still in the wound.  He saw me, too.  He said, ‘So that’s where you disappeared to.’  I had just let go of Lenai when he went to cut my throat like he had Macoul’s.  I got my arm in the way and it got cut instead.  That’s when Captain Mord intervened and lowered me to the boats.”
“May we see your scars?” asked Captain Sarfin.
“Certainly, Sir,” Darkistry replied, baring her arm.  “The leg scar is on the thigh, moderately high up.”  She pulled up the leg of her loose pants and the sleeve of her shirt, displaying both scars, still an angry reddish color.
Sula spoke up.  “Doctor Worran, you have much experience with battle wounds and the weapons that make them.  Would you examine these scars and render a forensic opinion, please?”
Doctor Worran came forward attracting many stares for her unusual complexion and exotic good looks.  She examined the scars, prodded them both and the flesh around them.  She looked puzzled for a moment and put a finger at each end of the big scar on Darkistry’s leg and sighted the line between them as if she could see through the flesh.
“You are a very lucky young woman,” Doctor Worran pronounced.  “This was repaired by a better surgeon than I.  My only question is why you are not in Iren’s halls.  About the wounds themselves, both were made by a weapon or tool with large coarse serrations along a cutting edge.  These serrations were dragged through the muscle in this direction, based on the tear patterns created in the edges of the cuts.”  She gestured, miming the use of the knife.  “The angles and position of the leg and arm cuts are consistent with the explanation given.”
Sarfin thought for only a few moments before saying, “Then what is needed now is to find the knife and establish its ownership.”
Kotance immediately spoke up, “I’ve never owned any knife like that.”
Kurin looked at him with feigned innocence.  “Oh, really?  Then whose knife have you been carrying for the better part of two Gatherings? There’s two whole ships full of witnesses to you carrying such a knife.  The Longin and the Grinna.  Others saw it too.  One is the co-judge, Sula Corin Dark Dragon.”  She turned to Sula with a smile.  “Remember your first meeting with Mister Kotance, Sula?”
“I do,” Sula said sternly to Kurin, “but I cannot be both judge and witness.”  She paused and then thoughtfully added, “I can ask you, Mister Kotance, where you got the knife that I made you drop on that occasion?  Where is it now?”
“Oh, that,” he said dismissively.  “It broke shortly after our meeting and I threw it away.”
A small hand went up at the back of the Longin group.  Sula pointed to it.  Bron, the cabin-boy, stepped forth.  He said, “I can get the knife for you, your Honors.  Mister Kotance hit Cap  — er, Mister Mord Halyn, in the back of the head with the pommel and was about to use the blade on him when the helmsman, that’s Second Officer Marrik, knocked out Mister Kotance with a marlin spike.  I picked up the knife because I thought that the ship’s Councils might want it. It’s in my sea chest.”
Desperately, Kotance interjected, “You’re confused.  That is Mord Halyn’s knife.”
Master Juris raised his hands and spoke at once, without waiting to be recognized, “That is a lie.  I have made every knife that Mord Halyn has ever carried since the age of ten Gatherings.  He has always favored a six inch blade Strong Skin tooth knife because it is clearly a tool and not a weapon.  Testimony has placed his usual knife in his hand during the engagement with the Grandalor’s sailors.  You, Mister Kotance, have openly carried a knife that matches the murder weapon.   It has been in your belt since you came aboard the Longin.”
Sula turned to Bron and said, “Please go and get the knife that you retrieved.”  Bron left at once and shortly after, returned with the knife.  It had a long blade, fully twelve inches in length, with jagged serrations like saw teeth about a half inch long and perhaps a quarter inch deep along the cutting edge.
“Where and how did you get this knife, exactly?” Sula asked.
Bron replied with certainty, “I was the Captain’s errand boy on the day that Captain — er, Mister Kotance ordered the attack on the Grandalor.  After the Grandalor’s catapult wrecked our mainsail, Mister Kotance froze and Cap, uh, Mister Mord started to give orders to clear up the mess and get the injured to safety.  Mister Kotance got mad and hit Mister Mord in the back of the head with the hilt of his knife.  As Mister Mord went to his knees, he got hit again, knocking him out.  The helmsman, Second Officer Marrik, left his post and grabbed a marlin spike.  As Mister Kotance reversed the knife to stab Mister Mord, Marrik hit him from behind, knocking him out, too.
“When Mister Kotance fell to the deck, he dropped the knife and I picked it up.”
“Very clear,” said Sarfin.  “Is it possible that this knife belongs to someone else?”
“No, Sir.  I am a cabin-boy and watch go-fer.  I get sent to every part of the Longin in the course of my duties.  The only similar knife aboard ship is Master Clard’s and it is two inches shorter and wider at the hilt.  This knife has been worn by Mister Kotance since he came to us, two Gatherings ago.  We have all seen it.  He usually points and gestures with it as if he’s trying to make us afraid of him. Don’t take my word for it, ask anybody from the Longin.”
“In the Corliss fleet,” said Sula, turning in her chair to face Sarfin, “this evidence would be far more than enough to add two charges of murder, and two of attempted murder to the charges already laid against Mister Kotance.”
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