#mark nd his tiger!
m0onbean · 4 years
tutoring & loving
genre: enemies to lovers!AU, tutor!reader, popular boy!eunwoo, high school!AU, JEALOUSYYYYYYYY, flooooooof!!! angst but it’s okay because angst is wonderful, basically most of my favorite AU’s combined in one
warnings: jealous eunwoo and this AU is much more in depth than the others ones
words: 2.8k 
note: this is an old draft that has been sitting in my notes so i thought i would post!! enjoy and I HOPE  EUNWOO IS CASTED FOR TRUE BEAUTY!!!
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as one of the top students in class, all of your teachers absolutely ADORE YOU
school is pretty smooth for you: you study well, pass tests, socialize with friends....... except for one little threat that makes your life so much more difficult... 
Cha Eunwoo.
not only is he one of the most popular boys in your grade, but unfortunately he’s also your seat partner for English and he’s the most annoying person you have ever met
you haven’t given him a reason to disrespect you!! ... okay maybe sometimes when you see him and his group of friends being loud in the hallways you shoot an icy glare....... ok and MAYBE you roll your eyes everytime he says smth dumb in the middle of class
but other than that??? completely innocent you are. but this man doesn’t seem to agree, as he seems to have made his life goal to ANNOY THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. 
foe ex. you would be peacefully paying attention in class when suddenly you feel something kick your foot 
and when you look up, you see eunwoo “paying attention” to the board and feigning innocence
but you immediately know that he’s just trying to aggravate you because when has this man ever actually paid attention in class??
so you go back to listening when you feel ANOTHER kick and you’re like BITCHoh hell no so you kick him back bc we’re not all perfect human beings let’s be honest
and now y’all are kicking each other back and forth, and everyone can hear the desks shuffling underneath them
he also makes snarky marks constantly when you literally just breathed???
like you would sit down at your seat and he’d be like “Congrats, you’ve somehow managed to choose the ugliest outfit in the world to wear today”
and you respond, “It’s about time i have a turn, you’re wearing the ugliest outfit everyday” and then you just glare at each other until the teacher tells you two to snap out of it
on some days eunwoo will just flat out point out one of your flaws like if your hair is messy or if there’s a stain on your shirt
so one day your English teacher asks to see you after class and you’re like Oh he’s just gonna offer me extra credit ... but instead of doing that he asks right off the bat, “i have another student that needs tutoring, are you willing to take one more?”
for the past month, you’ve already been tutoring a few students your teacher recommends to you. it’s easy money, especially since you’re saving up for college 
only this time, you can tell he’s desperate because he’s like “Please (y/n) he’s failing in English and misbehaving in class you’re my only hope!!”
and now you’re like Hawld on..... Why Is He Being So Desperate About This.... like you’re cool with tutoring..... what makes this-
the realization strikes across your face. 
who in this school would you would hate teaching??? who is failing in English??? WHO IS THE BANE OF YOUR EXISTENCE. look to: c. e. w.
 “ofdjoaaja i’ll give you gummy bears or something” he pleads. and honestly, if you were not so broke, you would’ve spat on his feet and walked out the door. but you need the cash, and you sure do like gummy bears.......
you gracefully relinquish, and your teacher gives you a proud smile. he then goes on to tell you that his mom requested extra help smh why couldn’t she have just hired a tutor i hate rich people.. anyways so yeah pls Help me
so the next day @ school you approach your seat and you see eunwoo sitting on his desk, talking to his friends until he notices you.. and he’s about to open his mouth to probs criticize your untied shoelaces but you interrupt him and are like:
“eunwoo i’m privately tutoring you starting today. Meet at the library after school.”
and he’s just sitting there, jaw dropping to the floor and you’re like :) He’s finally quiet for once... 
but little did you know that during class he’d be pestering you with complaints like:“why you??? is there anyone else that can do it???” “i don’t need tutoring.. i’m getting consistent D’s... not a singular F and it ain’t much but it’s honest work” 
at a certain point, you get so sick of his complaints and go like “your mom asked for you to be tutored!!! OK i didn’t just ask to tutor you, you dumbfuck.”
and once you mention his mom he just kinda shuts up... and stares at his desk for the rest of the period
ou notice this and recall the teacher telling you that eunwoo’s mom is a tiger mom... you keep this in mind because now you know that making his mom proud might be his motivation
after school, you wait at the library for him inside.. but a couple minutes pass and you’re like ? did he forget ? .  
and eventually an hour passes and you’re like nope he’s definitely ditching
and honestly,,, you feel a little betrayed and a little hurt ... but just when you’re about to leave you see him panting and making his way to your table nd you’re like ???????and eunwoo’s like “im so sorry i forgot...”
and you’re like oh? so you didn’t ditch? 
and he’s like No!! i just ... forgot. 
and you’re like well you little shit don’t forget next time i’ve been sitting here for an hour..but then he reaches something from his pocket and hands it to you and it’s a triangle sushi (it’s super crumbled too...) 
and he’s like “i got this to make it up” and you’re like flustered and just weirdly but pleasantly surprised he feels this bad about almost flaking
but you catch yourself slipping and go back to your annoyed tone: “uh-What the fuck are you on?? I-Wh-I’m not hungry. T-thanks tho.”
the first tutoring session is... awful to say the least. 
he couldn’t pay attention well and continuously complained and even tried to go off topic
like you’d be asking him what foreshadowing meant and then he’d be like “so.. where’s your family from (y/n)?” 33r*#$&(@$
after an hour of no progress you get frustrated and shut the textbook, about to call it a day
but just when you stand up eunwoo grabs your wrist 
and he’s like “where do you think you’re going?” you scoff and reply with “why do you care? it’s not like you want to be tutored right? well i don’t want to tutor anymore”
when you try to budge, you feel his hand still firmly gripping onto your wrist and you’re like “let go of me” until you realize he’s staring at you dead in the eyes
and in a quiet voice he sadly says “please don’t give up on me... i’m trying my best.” 
it looks like he’s about to tear up and that’s when you realize that you need to be patient for him... and need to help him because he’s trying to make his mom proud. 
when you sit down again, he gets a bit startled that you gave in so easily but regardless, a relieved smile spreads across his face. 
instead of going back to teaching, you conclude that you two should “break the ice” first so tutoring wouldn’t be you two just glaring at eachother
“breaking the ice” turns into a two hour conversation about random things or anything that comes into mind. 
eunwoo is really good at conversing and he’s good at filling in the awkward pauses and bringing up new topics!!
next thing you know the librarian is trying to shoo you guys outside since the library already closed fodjsoakal
when you get back home, there’s a stupid smile on your face and you’re like SHIT why am i smiling? why can’t i stop smiling???? get yourself together youRe just helping him you still think he’s annoying!!! ..but he has a breathtaking laugh... NO he’s still that annoying guy i hate
the rest of the tutoring sessions aren’t as bad at you thought.. eunwoo is actually pretty smart he just has the attention span of a toddler honestly.
you could be trying to read him an excerpt from The Great Gatsby and when it’s his turn to read.. it’s absolutely silent and when you look up like ??? 
you see him staring at you and you’re like “eunwoo.. it’s ur turn” and he’d be snapped out of his trance and be like OH! and ask you where you left off
and inside you’d be like.. was he.. staring at me?? (he actually was. you just looked so pretty reading out loud with such emotion)
after a couple of more classes with him, he starts immensely improving in class. he doesn’t really bother you anymore, but he stills throws some playful remarks at times. 
tutoring sessions seem to be effective, and you learn that he actually has a really.. really great personality
one day, you’re approaching your seat in English and are about to roast eunwoo as your daily routine when you almost bump into somebody
but thank god you have great reflexes so you managed to stop yourself... and when you look up you see a handsome face and you’re like. Oh.and he’s like smiling sheepishly and is like “sorry! i’m clumsy hehe” and you’re like Oh.. he’s cute
you smile back and insist it’s fine.. and now you’re both still standing there smiling at eachother because he’s like eye candy
he manages to introduce himself as Moonbin and you’re like I’m (y/n)!! and then his face transforms into recognition and he’s like “oh! you’re eunwoo’s tutor aren’t you?” 
and you’re like “Oh?? yeah how’d you know?”and he’s like “Ah.. i’m good friends with him. i heard your tutoring sessions are really helpful though. you’re super smart”
and on the outside you’re like :3 m-Me????!??! <3
what you actually say: ah, thank you. 
then he’s like “do you mind if you tutor me too?? i’m kind of struggling in English as well” and you’re like “oh sure!” it’s raining money girl
the bell starts ringing and he waves goodbye 
 you go to your seat with a wide smile, and when you sit down, you don’t notice that eunwoo is glaring at you 
so when you look at him with a smile on your face, he gets even more glary. 
you quickly wipe the smile off and are like “oh it’s you.”
but instead of insulting you back he’s like “why were you talking to Moobin?” and youre ???? “why CAN’T i talk to Moonbin? he was asking me to tutor him.”
when he hears that, he clenches his fists under the desk and is like.. “did you accept his offer?”
and you’re confusedly like “yes.. why would i reject him?”
not one to handle complicated feelings well, eunwoo just stands up, his chair loudly screeching against the floor. 
he wants to tell you that he doesn’t want Moonbin to watch you read lines from poetry so dramatically, smile whenever he makes a joke, text him reminders to study before he goes to sleep. 
but when you’re looking at him with such bewilderment in your beautiful eyes, your facial features frozen as you wait for his next move, he feels disgusting for having these feelings towards you. you’d probably be happier with Moonbin, who doesn’t have these nasty problems you’d be burdened with.
but before you can even properly react, he’s leaving the classroom and you look around, grateful that nobody was watching. 
and you don’t know how it happens.. but your feet control themselves and now you’re running after him, not caring about class starting already
and as you’re sprinting, so many scattered thoughts run through your mind. eunwoo.. jealous? does he like you? and even though you thought you were interested in eunwoo... there’s something about eunwoo you can’t let go about.and there’s no way you’re going to lose him.
so when you finally catch up to him you grab him by the arm and turn him around so he’s facing you... you hug him tightly.
and the crawling feeling that’s been stirring in eunwoo’s stomach suddenly dissipates
and bc you know that nothing will be the same after this, why don’t you just end it off strong? so you confess
you quietly tell him that you’re new to this... relationships have always been a new territory for you. liking somebody is new for you. “please don’t run off and let go of me either... i’m trying my best, too”
and he wants to push you off of him, tell you what’s best for you, and go back to being the annoying shit he once was. but your hug feels so nice and.. well.. maybe eunwoo can be selfish once in a while.  
falling in love with eunwoo is a gradual but addictive progress. when people describe falling in love, they would describe it as fireworks... exciting but risky. you would pretty much say the same but.. it’s so much more than just that.
it’s feeling tingly and funny when he randomly holds your hand or shows affection. it’s feeling enormously upset when you’re not around him or when you see him talking to somebody attractive. it’s feeling empty when he cuddles you because you want this to last forever, but you’re scared because you know it won’t.
you tell him this as you two are nestled on his couch, blankets jumbled across and TV playing some cooking show neither of you care about
he laughs and kisses your forehead which makes you feel that stupid tingly feeling again. 
“are you confessing that you’re in love with me (y/n)?” before you can try to smack him, he says “i love you too.”and with that.. you quietly respond “i love you...” 
and it feels so refreshing voicing that out loud.
eunwoo as a boyfriend would be the most blood rushing and adrenaline pumping feeling there is. he’s filled with so much energy that it’s never not fun around him
he would sneak you into carnivals, and take you on the ferris wheel where you two would probably makeout in the passenger car scksksoao
he’d also try to win you prizes at the arcade but.. he’s just so bad at playing it and either A) you end up playing and winning him a prize or B) he bribes the arcade owner to give him the prize
lots of PDA. lotssss of them. 
sitting next to eunwoo in English is a struggle now.. he’s always distracting you from the teacher. 
like you’d be taking notes but then you’d feel his head on your shoulder and now he’s straight up cuddling you in class
eunwoo always encourages you to have more fun 
“you’re always locked up in your room, studying.”
thus, he likes to knock on your door and enter the house with your parents’ delightful approval (because your parents love him. so much.) and go in your room and shower you with kisses while telling you that it’s time to stop studying because you’ve been reading the same chapter over and over again
your texts to each other would be littered with emojis that don’t even relate to the message. like you’d text “i stopped studying. are you proud of me 💃👒🐟🥐”and he’d reply with “of course my sunshine 🍣🎧🔑”
you still tutor him but your tutor sessions are a lot more longer now since they take place at either of your houses instead of the library LMAO. 
+ after tutoring him, you two would just cuddle and raid your fridges
when you meet moonbin again, eunwoo gets a little jealous again since he thinks that moonbin has a chance of snatching you 
but after kissing him and assuring him that you’ll never be “snatched”, he feels so relieved
eunwoo relishes all of the affection you give him. and he always gives you twice as much :’)
one day the same English teacher asks to see you after class and you’re like “is there something you need?”and he’s like “.... ok so tell me how y’all went from kicking eachother to cuddling together in class 🤔🤔”
the doors were closed... nobody heard anything... 
when you ask eunwoo why he hated you so much in the beginning, he tells you that he was just jealous of you. jealous of how flawless you did in academics and how you’re such a bright student + your glares were “extremely unnecessary” 
he also tells you that his older brother is already a doctor and has been so successful in everything so his mom always pressures him and compares them
and you’re like weaving your fingers together while telling him “don’t compare yourself. he is him and you are you.” 
and you pause.. and say “and i love you this way. i’m proud of you”
and eunwoo just immediately breaks down right there because nobody ever tells him that.. nobody is ever proud of him
falling in love with one of your enemies was definitely one of the best things that’s ever happened to you :)
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365days365movies · 4 years
January 12, 2021: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Part 2)
N’SYNC...Britney Spears...Blue (Da Ba Dee)...Blue (Da Ba Dee)...
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OK...I think I’m ready to be professional about this masterpiece of a movie again. Whew. If I’m not careful, I’m gonna lose it.
Quick recap: this movie is awesome. Wuxia, vendettas, spurned love, fated love, unrequited love, swords, fighting, no physics, Green Destiny, teachers, students, interesting plot, GORGEOUS cinematography, and an overall great movie so far. Plus, I’m meditating on the year 2000 so that I can review this critically acclaimed movie professionally, and not lose it to my froth-at-the-mouth fervor for it’s AWESOME. Read the first part of this review for more, there’s a lot to cover, and it’s still deceptively easy to keep track of.
OK, let’s get back into it! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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The wedding day arrives, and the heartbroken Lo (Chang Chen) fires a dart at Jen’s (Zhang Ziyi) procession carriage to get her to come with him. As he runs away, he’s intercepted by Mu Bai (Chow Yun-Fat) and Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh), who tell him to flee to Mount Wudang to stay safe, and that Jen will meet him there.
After the interruption, it turns out that Jen’s taken the opportunity to flee. She disguises herself as a man named Long, and once again steals Green Destiny. Meanwhile, Lo’s display of love appears to have inspired the other love story of this film.
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The two finally acknowledge their love for each other, and speak on the nature of their love. Mu Bai reveals a past tie to Giang Hu, referring to it as “a world of tigers and dragons” that he found it difficult to leave.
Meanwhile, Jen's just getting some food, not doing too much.
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Ohhhhhh, man. It’s starting again, guys. Think of The Marshall Mathers LP, think of The Marshall Mathers LP,  think of The Marshall Mathers LP...
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Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire? WHO WANTS TO MARRY A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE???
Whew. After COMPLETELY KICKING THE ASSES of an ENTIRE TOWN’S WORTH OF THUGS (Destiny’sChildDestiny’sChildDestiny’sChild), she once again leaves and goes to Shu Lien, playing the innocent young maiden once again. 
She tells Jen that Lo is waiting at Wudan Mountain, and Jen IMMEDIATELY heel-turns, blaming them for a set-up. Shu Lien turns in kind, telling Jen that she ALWAYS knew it was her (remember, the calligraphy comment from earlier), and that their offers of kindness and protection have been met with only contempt. the friendship is over, leading to...
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And crazily enough, all of that forceful reminiscing FINALLY reminds me of what I saw when I was 9! IT WAS THIS EXACT SCENE, THE SCENE IN THE BAMBOO FOREST!!! I remember now. They were showing this scene on TV on the news...right before the Oscar Ceremony in 2001!
...Wait. OH. It was 2001. Not 2000.
Well. Guess I know why that wasn’t working. BUT WHO CARES, THIS SCENE IS INCREDIBLE!!! You need to see it in full, but I’m not posting it! WATCH THE WHOLE MOVIE, I’M DEAD SERIOUS
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Back to the recap. In the bamboo forest in the mountains, Mu Bai tells Jen that all he wants to do is train her, as she has great potential to be a worthy master of...Green Destiny. He’s telling her of the destiny he believes she’s headed towards...while in a green forest, and in front of a green pool.
I LOVE IT. I seriously love this movie. And maybe that’s all I really needed to focus on this whole time.
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Mu Bai seizes the sword, and throws it over the cliff into the green pool. She dives off the cliff for it, nearly drowning. And that’s when she’s found nd seizes...by Jade Fox. Uh oh. Jade Fox tells her that they can stay together at last, and gives her soup in a cave. Except it’s the Oops All Drugs variety, and she falls asleep.
Mu Bai, Shu Lien, and Bo find her in a drugged stupor, where Jade Fox has been waiting for them. And as soon as the ambush begins...
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...it’s over. She reveals that she was there to kill not Mu Bat, but Jen, for hiding her progress, and betraying her trust.
You know what poison is? An eight-year-old-girl, full of deceit. That’s poison. Jen. My only family...my only enemy.
Wow. And worse yet, this is a Pyhrric victory, as Jade Fox’s death comes at a cost. One of those poisoned darts hit the mark, and the antidote takes a while to make. For saving her life, Jen pledges to make the antidote for him. She runs back to town to get the ingredients.
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But it’s too late. With his literal last breath, Mu Bai tells Shu Lien that he’s always loved her. They embrace in a kiss.
I would rather by a ghost, drifting by your side as a condemned soul, than enter heaven without you. Because of your love, I will never be a lonely spirit.
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Jen returns just too late, and rather than kill her, Shu Lien tells her to reunite with Lo on Mount Wudang. She also tells Bo to return the Green Destiny to Sir Te in Beijing. It wasn’t Jen’s after all. The two fated lovers reunite at last, and the next morning...Jen leaves her comb. Lo finds her on a bridge, and Jen asks if he remembers the legend of the boy on the mountain, then tells him to make a wish.
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...I...I...Epilogue coming soon.
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Ground Zero | Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Genre: Fanfic. A bit OOC(?) Slight angst. Fluff. Sexual tension(?)
Hi guys! I've been gone a long time. I was just facing some problems that's why I was not able to write but here is another fanfic of our favorite hot headed porcupine. 😍 I hope you like it.
Sorry for the wrong grammar/pronouns/misspellings. Lovelots ❤️
Please do not copy/plagiarize ❤️
P.S. I do plan on adding short(?) bonus for this, like a smut one. 😉😉
You're currently inside the dorm room of Katsuki Bakugo being touched all over the places you like the most.
This hot tempered bastard is good at making you feel so good.
After a heated kiss, your breaths were labored, but both of you just want more.
He pushed you to the bed as he take off his top.
You bit your lip and pulled him to close the distance of your bodies.
Not long after your hot session, you had to go and prepare to go to school.
You went back to your room just to check of he left any marks on visible areaa, you also straightened out your uniform.
When you arrived in your class the brat is already there.
You sat in your usual spot behind him. You stared at his back.
"Hey! Y/N. Would you like to come with us later?" Mina asked you out of the blue.
"Whats up?" You answered.
"Its a mixer!" She exclaimed. You shook your head immediately.
"I dont wanna go there, mina."
"What? Again? Whyyy?" You just answered that you are not interested.
"Hmmm." She stared at yoy suspisciously.
"You have a boyfriend, don't you?" You were taken aback by her statement and can't react immediately.
She then gave you a malicious ooooohh, winked, and left.
You just blinked your eyes a few times before shaking the weird encounter off your head.
Today is the last day of school before christmas vacation, you and Katsuki decided to spend ot together playing video games and/or reading.
After having your ass handed to you by the bastard a few times with a video game, you decided to check out the books he has.
You started to check the plot one by one when Mina's words echoed through your mind.
(You have a boyfriend, don't you Y/N?)
A flashback of how this status with katsuki rolled through your mind like a tape.
You were running around the dorm looking for a spot to hide since all the girls decided to play hide and seek and those who would be found will have to face a consequence.
Your eyes are wandering around when you saw Bakugo's room.
An idea popped in your head.
Noone will dare to enter this room, and since the boys are in thw gym, training, this will be empty.
You hope it is unlocked and luckily, it is.
It is dark inside, you just went in and shut the door ever so slowly to avoid making a sound.
When you are already done so, you heaved a sigh and opened the lights.
You turned around and gasped.
Bakugo is lying down on his bed, hand over his eyes, and topless. You gulp ed.
You took a step further as quietly as you can, until you arrived beside his bed.
Your eyes looked at him from head to toe. God, he is so hot. His muscles are already defined, his quirk is strong.
Damn, what would you do just to get a piece of him.
The thought made you blush. You turned around and started to make your way out the door.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Your ears almost scrambled with the sudden shout you heard. You turned your head around, seeing katsuki already up on his feet and is probably ready to blast you out of his room.
"W-Well, I-Im sorry! The thing is... I was just- I- Nevermind! I'll leave now!!" You bowed for apology and started to dash out of the door when he caught you by the wrist and turned you around to face him.
Your response was to close your eyes, starting to brace yourself for whatever will he do. Your back hit the door making you let out a tiny whine.
One second. Nothing. Two seconds. Nothing. Three seconds. Nothing. Four seconds still nothing.
You opened one of your eye just to see another pair staring at you.
"Were you fucking watching me sleep?" He grinned. You gulped.
Damn! He is so hot. Your eyes went down to his lips, and then his chest, and then his abs, and then-
"Eyes up here, tiger." His smirk was evident when your eyes went back to his face.
Without thinking, your hand pulled him and the next thing you know, you are already kissing him.
You pulled away and realized what you just did. Your face flushed red
"Shit." He cursed before kissing you roughly, you are so surprised but immediately decided that you want this so badly and responded to his kiss.
His hands started to wander-----
"The fuck are you looking at there for so long?" You suddenly went back to reality.
You can't help but smile a little when you remembered that. It has already been a year after all and you continued your heated rendezvous.
"Katsuki." You called him out. He did not answer but you know he's listening.
"What is this?" He stood up from his bed asking which book are you talking about.
"No." You felt him stop on his tracks.
"This. Us. What are we really, katsuki." You turned around but you can't bring yourself to face him so you're just looking at the ground.
"What are you talking about you idiot?" His voice says that he is taken aback by what you asked.
"I wanna know, Katsuki." You mustered all the courage you could and looked at him.
After what happened a year ago, he has been gentle with you almost all the time that you are alone with him.
You've seen him do sweet things you would never in a million years thought he would
You fell in love with him, but you're scared to confess, then you realized, this can't just be the case forever.
You want to know what you are to him.
His eyes evaded yours, and that simple thing really hurt you. You're into him that deep.
Every second that passes by, he's not answering or even looking at you.
"Katsuki." You called him out again. He did not answer again.
You strided towards him and pushed him on the bed, making him sit down.
"Now, you're looking at me." You smiled.
"Katsuki." His name escaping your lips just feel so right.
You sat beside him.
"I just have one more question..."you started.
"Do you like me? Because I really, really like you." Your eyes stayed on the ground, but you know that his eyes are now fixed on you.
"I can't." Two words. Who knew that with just two words, a person can break your heart.
You nodded. You wanted to know, and now you do.
You stood up and went for the door.
"Well then, happy holidays, Bakugo." You flashed him a quick smile before exiting the room.
You went back to your room, grabbed your stuff and went straight home.
For some reason, the only time that you cried was when you entered your room.
Everything just sank in. You can no longer stay by his side.
The holiday vacation is passing by too quickly for you.
You are getting more anxious about going back to school. Thinking about how will you face him.
Finally, the day has arrived. You decided to just act as normal as you can.
You went early to unpack your luggage, you saw some classmates on the way but thankfully not him.
Half an hour before class started you already went to the room.
Almost all the girls are already there.
"Good morning, Y/N!" hagakure greeted you almost immediately, and as if its dominoes, one by one they greeted you.
You smiled and greeted all of them back.
Your eyes immediately wandered around and saw him sitting on the usual spot.
You walked towards your own seat behind him, trying not to shake of nervousness.
After placing your bag, all the other girls are already around you.
"How was your holiday?" Mina is raising her brows maliciously at you.
"It's fine." You smiled at her, trying to ignore her teasing.
"We were just showing pictures to each other. Show us yoours too!" Hagakure squealibg excitedly.
"Oh. Okay." You pulled out your phone and gave it to them.
Your holiday was pretty okay, considering you had your heart broken, but spending it with family made it better.
"I-is that who I think it is?" Ojiro said.
You looked at them, and all of them are now staring at you.
"Is this why you always deny going to Mixers?!" Uraraka exclaimed, pointing at the phone.
"Probably.He's even kissing her cheek." Your eyes widened and snatched back you phone.
You totally forgot about THAT.
"Is he your boyfriend?! You should havw told us!!" You stood up.
"No! He's really not." You tried to contain it within the girls but denki, mineta and kirishima is already snooping behind them.
"Woah! Isn't that Eiji?! Why is he kissing you, Y/N?!" Denki shouted.
"Eiji?! The idol?!"
"Ohhh. Is that your boyfriend, Y/N?" Kirishima asked.
You tried talking over them but you can't since they're already making a fuss about it.
Everyone fell silent and all of you looked at the guy in front of you
You blinked, in shock, but you took the oppurtunity to explain.
"He's not my boyfriend, okay? I just happen to see him nd asked for a picture. That's just you know- fan service!"
"Ohhhhhh" All of them said in unison.
Thankfully, that was resolved there immediately. You sighed.
Mr. Aizawa arrived not long after that.
The morning class went by as usual. Sometimes, you would stare at katsuki, thinking how much you miss him.
The teachers agreed to give the students a half day.
When lunch time came, you went up the stairs to have some alone time.
You called Eiji.
(Hey sis! Whats up?)
"Idiot. My classmates saw our picture."
(Really?! What did you say?")
"Well, I told them that I saw you and asked for a picture.They believed it."
(You could've just told them about me.)
"No, thanks. Its better this way. By the way, you still coming over on the weekend?"
(Yep. Im gonna sleep in your room!)
"I can't say no, can I?"
"Then bring me my favorite"
"What? If you dont want, you can't sleep beside me."
(Fine! Fine! I have to go now. Bye sis..love you!)
"Love you too. Dont skip meals! Bye."
You put down your phone and made your way down the stairs when you saw Katsuki just a few steps away from you.
"Did you hear that?"
"What do you fucking think?" He growled at you, he then grabbed your wrist, pulling you to follow him.
"Where will you take me?!" You protested.
"Just shut up!" He shouted back, still pulling you down the stairs.
"I'm not just gonna shut up! Let me go!" He stopped his tracks and freed your wrist.
"Fuck. You're really noisy." He pushed you on the wall and smirked.
His face inching closer to yours, you gulped, thinking about pushing him away.
You raised your hand to his chest level to push him but he caught it with his and intertwined them together.
His lips then closed the distance between the both of you. You told yourself not to give in but between his lips kissing you and his hand holding you, your logic just flew away.
He pulled away from the kiss and squeezed your hand.
"Now, will you just fucking follow me already, you noisy brat?"
You nodded. It's just how it is. No matter how much you resist or how much you hate it.
He can make you submit to him as easy as that.
A lot of people saw you and him walking hand in hand together. He brought you to the dorm where your classmate was.
All of them saw you and stopped whatever they're doing to stare.
"No one fucking dare to spy on us or I will fucking blast your insides out!" He shouted at them before pulling you again to follow him.
Your face as red as a tomato, you're looking down to avoid eye contact with anyone.
He brought you to his room. The moment you entered the room and shut the door he embraced you tightly from behind.
"Who the fuck was that bastard you're talking to?" He asked, placing his head on your shoulder.
You closed your eyes. Being wrapped by his arms feel just right, but this is just wrong.
"Katsuki, this should no longer concen you. Just let me go." You tried to open his arms but he just squeezed you tighter.
"I fucking care about it. You don't get to be with another guy other than me!" You frowned , and used all your strength to be freed, but still failed to do so.
"Seriously katsuki. I can't do this anymore. I'm done playing games!" you sobbed, this is the last thing you ever wanna show him but you just can't take it anymore.
Pushing and then pulling you, when will he be satisfied.
He let you go. "Fuck. Y/N. Don't cry. Shit." The panic in his voice evident. He turned you around to face him and he hugged you once more.
You continued sobbing.
"I r-really really like you, hell. I love you Katsuki but I can't keep going on like this. It's much better for me to just move on and forget you."
"fuck no! You're mine!"The words that came out of his mouth made you stop crying almost instantly.
"Sorry. Alright. I fucking apologize for hurting you. I just don't know what to do at that time. Fuck. This is annoying really.." You didn't answer him.
"If you become my girlfriend, I'd be so protective, I don't want other guys lurking around you. Its already so hard to restrain killing them when you're really not mine yet, and what the fuck am I supposed to do when I become the number one hero and villains attack you because they know that you're special. What the fuck, am I suppose to do then?!" The concern in his voice is very obvious.
"I can't have them touching, looking or even thinking of you. fuck.This shit os complicated." He continued rambling.
You stayed silent until he finished.
All of the sorrows and pain seemed to be lifted in a snap. You can't help but chuckle, pissing him off a lot.
He let you go, stood up and went to his bed cursing like a mad man.
"Why the fuck are you laughing at me?!!" He shouted at you.
You stood up yourself, and sat beside him.
"Katsuki, I really wouldn't mind you being possessive of me That's how I feel about you too. Imagine, the problem I'll have to face when you become a number one hero and girls are all over you?"
"I don't give a fuck about them." you smiled at him, hugging him.
"Well, I also dont give a damn about any other guys than you." He frowned
"Really? Then who the fuck is that Eiji guy? and why will he sleep beside you? He can't fucking do that. I'll kill him." You laughed. He really just can't let it go.
"You can't kill him, Katsuki. That's my little brother you're talking about." He looked at you in confusion.
"What the actual fuck?!"
"You can't tell anyone. I don't want girls asking me to get an autograph or setting him up with them." You said kissing his nose.
"Fine. Whatever." You nodded in approval.
You just sat there in silence, still hugging him, feeling his wamth spread to yours.
"Katsuki." He hummed.
"You really scared that a villain might kidnap me?"
"Of course you fucking idiot." You chuckled.
"You realize I'm also gonna be a pro-hero right?"
"Yeah. But you're weak." You let go of the hug and punched him lightly.
"I'm not, you idiot!" He pulled you back into his arms, lying on the bed.
"Just shut up." He gave you a little smile. "I know you're not weak." he whispered. You smiled and cuddled him.
"Do you love me too?"
"Do I have to fucking answer that? isn't that obvious?!" You pouted at his response.
"I wanna hear it from you too." You begged and he cursed.
"Seriously, you're acting like a fucking brat right now." You let go of him.
"I just act like this with you, you know, because katsuki is special." You winked.
His face looked so annoyed.
"Fine. I fucking love you too, Y/N." You smiled.
"So will you be my boyfriend now, katsuki?"
"The fuck is that question even?!" Well, that's a yes.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How Batman: Soul of the Dragon Pays Homage to 70s Kung Fu and Bruce Lee
Batman: Soul of the Dragon sets Gotham’s caped crusader in a vintage martial arts homage. Directed by Sam Liu, who also directed the animated movie version of one of the greatest Batman graphic novels ever published, Batman: The Killing Joke, this is the 42nd project in the ongoing DC Universe Movies series.
However, Soul of the Dragon is an original tale, not based on a precedent comic. Like the eye popping anime-style film Batman Ninja, this is a completely stand-alone story. Batman: Soul of the Dragon is yet another chapter in the many creation tales for Batman. It tells of his martial indoctrination and joining him on this adventure are three of the best martial artists within the DC multiverse: Lady Shiva (Kelly Hu), Ben Turner a.k.a. Bronze Tiger (Michael Jai White), and Richard Dragon (Mark Dacascos). 
“It’s a 70s martial arts action-adventure drama with a great sense of humor,” says Dacascos. Like so many Hollywood martial arts stories, Batman: Soul of the Dragon is told in two time periods: the present-day problem and in flashbacks to the original martial arts lessons that offer solutions. It’s a storytelling motif that can be traced back to the pioneering David Carradine’s Kung Fu TV show and Bruce Lee’s iconic Enter the Dragon. 
In many ways, Batman: Soul of the Dragon is a tribute to Enter the Dragon, when the Kung Fu and blaxploitation genres were at their height. Richard Dragon is an homage to Bruce Lee’s character ‘Lee’ in Enter the Dragon (just like in so many Jackie Chan films, the name of Lee’s character was the same as his real name). In some scenes, he dons a similar black catsuit as Lee wore when infiltrating Han’s subterranean lair but stops short from yelling ‘Wataaah!’ when fighting. 
Enter the Dragon was a game changer for martial arts movies, but it was also in the wake of the popularity of spy films of those days, specifically James Bond. Enter the Dragon is also a spy film, and it came out at a pivotal time for the Bond franchise, the same year that Roger Moore took over 007 in Live and Let Die. The spy film genre was immensely popular during the Cold War of the ‘60s, but by the ‘70s, it was looking to reinvent itself to remain popular. Enter the Dragon had the potential to launch a spy franchise for Bruce Lee, but his untimely and shocking death cut that short. Tragically, he died just prior to the release of the film. In some ways, Richard Dragon makes us ponder what a sequel to Enter the Dragon might have been like.
With his groovy afro and jive talking banter, Ben Turner steals a page from the character of Williams (Jim Kelly) from Enter the Dragon too. Batman is faintly akin to Roper (John Saxon), a token white guy amidst a diverse cast. Even the funky soundtrack by Joachim Horsley echoes the music of Enter the Dragon’s composer Lalo Shiffrin. 
“In the 70s I was very impressionable,” reflects Dacascos. “The music brings you right back to that time. I love it. I love Enter the Dragon.” 
It’s ironic that Batman would honor Bruce Lee in this way. For many, the Batman TV show of the mid-60s was their first exposure to the Little Dragon. Lee’s earliest Hollywood role was Kato, the chauffeur of The Green Hornet, which became a spin-off series of Batman, running for a single season on NBC in 1966-67.
Who is Richard Dragon?
Batman: Soul of the Dragon is a complete reimagining of Richard Dragon. In the original comic storyline, Dragon was Richard Drakunovski, a Caucasian character. He first appeared in the novel, Dragon’s Fists: Kung-Fu Master Richard Dragon by Jim Dennis, which was published the year after Enter the Dragon premiered (Jim Dennis was a pseudonym, the combination of the two authors’ names Dennis O’Neil and Jim Berry). The character was later adapted to comics by DC. 
In the original DC version, Dragon was a classmate of Ben Turner, both of whom trained under O-Sensei (played by the venerable James Hong in Batman: Soul of the Dragon). Lady Shiva was also part of this Kung Fu lineage. O-Sensei’s goddaughter Carolyn Woosan was Lady Shiva’s sister. After Woosan was killed, Lady Shiva was tricked into thinking Dragon was at fault and hunted him to take revenge. Eventually, the trick was foiled so Shiva and Dragon became allies, united against a common foe. 
In the comics, the world of Batman doesn’t cross with Dragon’s until much later. Dragon goes on to become a trainer of many DC heroes, notably the first Batgirl, Barbara Gordon. In another story, he helps Batman rehabilitate after sustaining injuries from Bane. 
In a later alternate narrative arc, Dragon’s title is usurped by his villainous student, Richard Diaz Jr. This is akin to the Richard Dragon depicted in CW’s Arrow and portrayed by Kirk Acevedo. Bronze Tiger also appears in the Arrowverse portrayed by Michael Jai White, so Batman: Soul of the Dragon marks his reprisal of the role in the animated DC universe (As a side note, David Giuntoli voices Batman for Batman: Soul of the Dragon; Guintoli is married to Elizabeth Tulloch, who plays Lois Lane in the Arrowverse, including the forthcoming Superman and Lois).
However, neither Drakunovski nor Diaz figure into this latest incarnation of Richard Dragon in Batman: Soul of the Dragon. Here, he’s more like a Bruce Lee clone, only cooler. Dacascos didn’t follow the comics or the Arrowverse depiction. 
“Yeah, I did not know that at all,” he confesses. “The script was so good that everything I felt that I needed to portray him was already on the page….All of my information for the character I found in the brilliant script that Jeremy Adams wrote and the information that was given to me by our producers and our director Sam Liu.”
Nevertheless, Dragon was a dream role for Dacascos. As a longtime fan of Batman, his favorite live action portrayal was Michael Keaton. 
“I love his interpretation,” he says with a laugh. “There’s a sense of humor that he has and he stands out.” 
As soon as his manager and agents sent him the script, he was hooked. 
“I saw the description of DC Comics, Batman, Richard Dragon. And then I just jumped right into the script and after just a couple of pages, I knew I loved it. And the more I read, the more passionate I was about it. Before I even finished the script, I’d already emailed my representatives back and said, ‘Yes, please, please, please. I want to do this.’” Dacascos was tickled to be cast as his Kung Fu brother. “I’ve been privileged to play a character that is friends with Batman,” gushes Dacascos. 
Beyond being a bat-buddy, what really appealed to Dacascos was Dragon’s strong moral compass. 
“He’s not ignorant to the fact that evil is there, always has been, is, and will be,” explains Dacascos. “But with his training and his apparent good heart, he is able to maintain that battle with the negative, with the evil and take it on, maintaining his open heart and his sense of humor. I think his sense of humor is a part of his armor. He’s able to deflect with whimsy of the situation. He is a very loyal student, he is a very loyal friend, and I think his force – what drives him – is his love.”
From Stunt Work to Voice Work
By casting Dacascos, White, and Hu, Batman: Soul of the Dragon goes that extra step by placing genuine martial artists into animated roles. Throughout his teen years, Dacascos was a genuine martial arts champion. 
“The thing is,” says Dacascos humbly, “my parents are both martial arts teachers.” 
That’s an understatement. His father is Grandmaster Al Dacascos, a pioneering master in America who founded his own style of Wun Hop Kuen Do. His stepmother is Malia Bernal, a noted champion and coach of many other champions like Karen Shepherd. “My brother and I were basically forced into our first martial arts tournament at age six.” 
Dacascos began his acting career in martial arts films, several of which were groundbreaking. His earliest lead role was in Only the Strong which was the first film to showcase the Brazilian martial art Capoeira. Brotherhood of the Wolf was a unique French period horror Kung Fu mash up that completely broke the mold for the martial arts genre. Having such an extensive background in the martial arts informed Dacascos on how to approach the fight scenes. 
“As a martial artist, all I have to do is just think about it and I’m feeling it again,” he says. “So that part felt like going back home. When we were doing the action sequences, I just gave myself space to move around and then take the direction from Sam Liu and went for it…It’s all in your head and in your heart, and of course in your breath.”
Dacascos loved how the fight scenes in Batman: Soul of the Dragon came out, so much so that he’s contemplating bringing it to live action in his own way. 
“I thought what would be really fun for me to do is actually in real life physicalize the forms, that form that Richard Dragon does,” he says. “So I’m going to maybe make it a little challenge for myself and learn those moves in real life…I would love to be Richard Dragon in real life. He’s really cool.”
In many ways, Batman: Soul of the Dragon feels more like a creation story for Richard Dragon than a typical Batman story. Batman is almost a secondary character. With Marvel making such strides in diversity with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings anticipated for summer 2021, DC needs to up its inclusion game. Could this be a stepping stone for Richard Dragon to become his own franchise? 
“I hope so,” confesses Dacascos. “I hope that Batman: Soul of the Dragon continues and we do a sequel or series.” 
While he is hopeful that there’s a future for Dragon, it’s the spirit of Batman: Soul of the Dragon that he finds most motivating. Like the title says, it’s got a lot of soul. “The thing is, it’s so much more than that because of the lessons that the students learn in the martial arts sequences taught by the wonderful James Hong who plays O-Sensei. The lines that Jeremy Adams wrote are so profound, and like any great teachers, they transcend the martial arts. It’s so much more philosophical and deeper. So, the story has the martial arts action, but it has heart, and it’s sexy, and it still has a great sense of humor.”
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Batman: Soul of the Dragon is a direct-to-video film produced by DC Entertainment and Warner Brothers Animation premiering on digital platforms on January 12, 2021. 
The post How Batman: Soul of the Dragon Pays Homage to 70s Kung Fu and Bruce Lee appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3nzf5HJ
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Reassurance”: Warren Worthington Imagine/Headcanons: Plus Size Reader
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Warren Worthington Imagine Warren Worthington x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
Imagine you and Warren comforting each other over scars and stretch marks....
Ok, first, you comforting him on his scars.
Wet, hot kisses all over them.
If they peek out...you MUST touch them.
You're damn near compulsive about it.
You always trace them in bed.
Your fingers are a damn near constant on Warren's skin that he actually feels a little weird without them.
You make new ones right beside them.
Charles cursing you for thinking your dirty, rotten, filthy thoughts.
For shame.
But it's not all saucy.  
It's sweet too.
"They shimmer, Warren."
"They one of my favorite things about you."
"They're part of you and as we both know, I love everything about you. Except for stinky socks.  God, no. Anything but that."
"How dare you hide my favorites from me?!?!?!?!!  I am appalled and OFFENDED!"
Honestly, your sweet side, your humor and your obviously attraction to him makes warm go all heart eyes everytime....well, every second of every day.
Gah, you're perfect.
Ok, now him comforting you on your stretch marks.
Ok, so they are his favorite pattern in the world.
The BEST art he could ever feast his eyes on
You just....man, you're a Warrior Goddess to him
Tiger stripes for day!
He's into it and tries to provoke you as much as possible to 'attack' him in bed
Because of your marks resembling a tiger and the fact that you leave scratches all over you...he actually calls you Tiger a lot
The whole 'Get 'em, Tiger' thing has a saucier meaning as he smacks your ass
Charles hates you both for your filthy minds
"Yours shimmer too, babe."
Mocks your own words/slash repeats them
He's teasing but he actually does mean what he says
It backfires eventually
"They make me so hard."  "Warren!"
"They're so hot!" "Warren!"
"Come on, Tiger. Claim your prey." "Warren!" "Yeah, I like it when you say my name over and over."
"Listen here, bird boy.  Don't start some shit you ain't aimed to finish."  
"Oh, I'll finish...once I've had you a few more times."
Long story short- Charles banned you both from getting anywhere near him for atleast three weeks.
The emotional scarring you put him through.
Honestly, you two, honestly.
Think of his poor brain.
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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jlsung02 · 6 years
regular is so, so good what the heck .. they really snapped and i wasn't ready .
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klaineship2 · 6 years
TDB  Rewatch  A Katy  or a Gaga Episode 5x04
“I am badass (...)  I just... I happen to like sweet things, too.”
Now is the time I start feeling tempted to skip the next few episodes and continue with the New York arc but unfortunately the writers did not only spend too much time in Lima between prom and graduation, they also were cruel enough to add a perfect little story to each  some of these episodes, which I just cannot skip over *sigh*. Like introducing Adam Lambert as Starchild Gilbert. Everything about the New York arc from Kurts excitement about the new band, Starchilds audition, the band-naming, every Kurt-Santana interaction is so perfect.
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I get Kurt innitially not wanting Starchild for the band.  Elliot is much like Kurt, he’s not afraid to be unapologetically himself, he sews his own crazy costumes (I would have loved to see them bonding over sewing projects) but to Kurt it must be a little confusing, not only is he usually the one on the other side, being the crazy performer himself, but Starchild could actually upstage him.... and I absolutely get his wish to be mainstream and successful for a change. Being himself and continuously swimming against the current might make him special and unique, but it can also be a bit exhausting at times. Interestingly this is one of the few times, Rachel is actually supportive to him. Elliot is such a sweet guy and I love the friendship he and Kurt are going to have.
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To the Lima side I just have to say that I usually know these artists from the radio, I know hardly some of their life performances or music videos so I can’t say much to the costuming except that Blaine doesn’t seem very comfortable in his (why is there a horse tail??) Considering that the NDs ran around in replicas of Gaga and Katy costumes for an entire week just for the sole purpose of getting into the right mood in preparation for nationals, I wonder if Throat Explosion actually is the only show choir whose ‘budgets for costume, make-up and hair alone are astronomical’, lol.
This gives me Hedwig feels.
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The things that bug me the most are first: the fact that they spent so much time on the Sam-Penny relationship when this episode marks the last appearance of nurse Penny, anyway. And second: the fact that the writers can’t seem to think of another reason than cheating for breaking up a couple. Marley and Jake are very different and have far too oppositional interests to become a long-term couple, but 16/17 year old teenagers going at it like Bree/Jake just for the sole purpose of getting off - I don’t know....
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Kurt - Blaine Things:
“I’m a Katy Perry and I’m proud of it.”
Blaines little comforting gesture to Marley.
”I want... mainstream acceptance and success for once.... I’ve been doing this ‘weirdo, quirky, fabulous, outrageous, side-kick, best friend’ thing for a while now and it hasn’t gotten me very far. Making your own path is just so hard sometimes... “
The suit Kurt is sewing the lace on at the loft is the same he wore in the s3 valentines episode.
“And I look like Sigfried and Roy, and I stll did it.” I wonder if this were Darren’s actual thoughts about his costume... which gave me some Hedwig-flashbacks this time.
These band name suggestions are hilarious.
Blaine seems to confuse Roar with an audition for Tarzan, lol.
Other Things:
“We lost our biggest Gaga when Kurt graduated last year.”  as if they’d ever used Kurt as a secret weapon during competition....
“I’m sorry, would you mind just stepping outside for a moment while I bitch-slap some sense into my friend.
"Let me autocorrect that for you. I tried breaking into the zoo to get us five tigers. Plot twist – Lima doesn't have a zoo, why did we think it had?" 
“We’re beating our heads up against the wall trying to come up with a name for our band that pleases the Queen.”
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defendersofaurita · 6 years
Just read the post about Pikelavar kids and was wondering if you were going to draw some pictures of them?
Oh you know me!! Of course I’m gonna draw the cuties. This is my really rough, messy sketch of them so far (I will make something nicer down the road):
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From left to right is Akos, Ayla, Evaine, and Percival. Akos and Ayla are twins in case you couldn’t tell, and their ages are (at least in this portrayal) as follows: Akos/Ayla - 12, Evaine - 8, Percival - 6.
Here’s a little bit about each of them:
Akos: Pike and Meklavar don’t know where his wavy hair came from (or Percival’s for that matter). While his twin sister has slightly wavy hair like her mother, Akos nearly has curls (and likewise his tail always looks unkempt, much to his frustration). He is incredibly quiet and reserved and is always thinking of others before himself (usually his sister Ayla). He learns to wield the lance and loves to train with uncle Matt. He can cast some ninja spells but he’s not nearly as good as Ayla.
Ayla: Similar to her brother, Ayla is relatively quiet but she’s far more outgoing than Akos. She is a cautious and thorough planner but once she’s decided on something there’s nothing that can stop her. Pike thinks she’s incredibly similar to Veronica (except Veronica is much louder). She is skilled at chakra based magic and has taken up ninja art study under her father. When casting an art, her markings glow like an elf’s would.
Evaine: Being the only elvish child, Evaine often feels disconnected from her own siblings, sometimes even her father. She is cunning and pragmatic and just as headstrong and stubborn as her mother. While she loves her family dearly, she personally doesn’t feel like she belongs and thus spends a lot of time by herself reading or practicing magic. She is a powerful sorcerer, able to use both mana and chakra based magic with ease. While she looks like an elf, she does have fangs like a khaliit and has the ability to purr. While she’s still really short for an elf, she ends up growing taller than her mother.
Percival: The youngest of the family is basically a version of Pike if he had a childhood of freedom. Pike sees himself in Percival in ways he never thought he would. He is a troublemaker, fitting the stereotype of being a curious cat nd always wanting to learn how things work. While his inquisitive nature keeps him sharp and knowledgeable, it more often times than not gets him into trouble. On the backs of his ears he has creme-colored diamond spots just like the ones in Pike’s markings (so his ears kinda look like a tiger’s).
I know these kiddos don’t come into the story for a looooooong time, but it’s really fun to think about them and what kind of parents Pike and Meklavar would be. Meklavar really wants to be a mother but she’s also terrified, and worries that she wouldn’t be good at parenthood. Pike on the other hand is really good with kids and can’t wait to be a father one day. 
Once they’re finally able to have kids (they have a few stumbling blocks with, yaknow, being different species (basically it involves magic because magic solves everything)), they’re both completely thrown off guard when they find out Meklavar is pregnant with twins. Needless to say Meklavar had a much easier time carrying and birthing Evaine and Percival. Pike was way too excited to see Percival had inherited his markings.
I might write some short drabbles about the future Cimclan-Telcontar family and post them separately from DoA because I’m trash for the Pikelavar family.
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2018 ACC Coaching Power Rankings
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One of my favorite offseason projects is to do a power ranking of the coaches in every major conference, starting with the ACC. My personal power ranking take a look at a variety of factors and I try to balance out how well a coach has done recently with his total career success.
The ACC has had a very good run lately and I think a lot of it has to do with good coaching hires. Don’t feel bad if your favorite is low on the list, there is some very tough competition. If your coach keeps performing well he’ll move up, don’t worry. Oh yeah, and I’m including Brian Kelly among the ACC’s coaches because I don’t do a list for the football Independent schools.
The conference lost one of its best coaches with the bizarre season-long soap opera that saw Jimbo Fisher leave Florida State, but the league appears to be as strong as ever despite the loss of coaching talent.
If you want to see last year’s list go here.
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15. Willie Taggart
Record Overall: 47-50
Movement: N/A
The only new hire in the whole conference is Willie Taggart, who I consider a very good hire. However, Taggart has to start at the bottom of the list because he is up against a pretty tough field. I wouldn’t worry too much if I was an FSU fan. Taggart turned hapless Western Kentucky into a bowl team and then rebuilt a collapsed South Florida from the ashes. His one year at Oregon put the Ducks back on the right path after their disastrous 2016 campaign. I think there’s a lot of reason for optimism in Tallahassee.
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14. Steve Addazio
Record at Boston College: 31-33 Record Overall: 44-44
Movement: Up 1 spot
Steve Addazio has taken Boston College to a bowl in 4 of his 5 seasons at Chestnut Hill. He’s doing a decent job considering BC’s position in the ACC Atlantic and the recruiting difficulties he has to face. The Eagles managed to tie for 3rd place in the division this year, which is pretty impressive. Still, Boston College has never managed more than 7 wins under his watch, he won’t rise much higher than that if this continues.
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13. Bronco Mendenhall
Record at Virginia: 8-17 Record Overall: 107-60
Movement: Up 1 spot
I don’t think we’ll have to worry too much about Bronco Mendenhall. He feels a bit low on this list, but I am confident he’ll rise up higher as time goes on. His placement is mostly due to the tough competition around him. Mendenhall took Virginia to a bowl in his second season after the Cavaliers struggling mightily to do so during Mike London’s tenure. I’m cautiously optimistic for UVA and I think they can continue to rise with Bronco at the helm.
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12. Pat Narduzzi
Record at Pittsburgh: 21-17
Movement: Same
Pitt finally had a setback in Narduzzi’s third year. The Panthers went 5-7 and finished tied for fourth in the Coastal. I wouldn’t worry too much, I think the Panthers will improve next season as they develop their younger players. Pitt isn’t the kind of place where you can expect to go bowling every year, not yet at least. I think Narduzzi can change that if given the right tools.
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11. Dino Babers
Record at Syracuse: 8-16 Record Overall: 45-32
Movement: Same
I know, Syracuse has had identical 4-8 records in Babers’ two seasons, but it has been pretty tough to win there for a while now. I think that Babers is building a solid foundation for the Orange. The win over Clemson is proof that, if they get more consistent, Syracuse can start to compete more regularly with the better teams in the conference.
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10. Dave Clawson
Record at Wake Forest: 21-29 Record Overall: 111-108
Movement: Up 3 spots
Hey, when you win 8 games at Wake Forest you move up a couple of spots. Clawson has led the Demon Deacons to back to back bowl games and given his past success at other schools it looks like he can be reasonably expected to keep winning in Winston-Salem.
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9. Justin Fuente
Record at Virginia Tech: 19-8 Record Overall: 45-31 Division Championships: 1 (2016)
Movement: Up 1 spot
It gets harder to move up the closer you are to the top of the list. Justin Fuente has done just fine in his first two years at Blacksburg, finishing first and second in the division. Virginia Tech still isn’t quite competing with the best teams in the conference but the Hokies look like they’re rebounding from the fall off they had at the end of the Beamer era.
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8. Dave Doeren 
Record at NC State: 34-30 Record Overall: 57-34
Movement: Up 1 spot
NC State had a breakthrough season in 2017. Dave Doeren has the Wolfpack playing to the peak of their historical potential in the fifth year of his tenure where they finished second in the Atlantic behind Playoff participant Clemson. Doeren could be on the cusp of something big in Raleigh, and with the division in flux the time is right to consolidate his gains.
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7. Larry Fedora
Record at North Carolina: 43-34 Record Overall: 77-53 Division Championships: 1 (2015)
Movement: Same
North Carolina was atrocious in 2017, but I really can’t put much of the blame on Larry Fedora. The Tar Heels were a young team and sustained terrible injuries early on in the year which continued all season. This was a mulligan. If UNC stays bad I’ll have to drop him down, but for now I think he can still be expected to keep doing the good job he accomplished before last season.
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6. David Cutcliffe
Record at Duke: 59-67 Record Overall: 103-96 Division Championships: 1 (2013)
Movement: Up 2 spots
Duke has gone bowling in five of the past six seasons. That in and of itself is something to be celebrated, but 2017 was a rebound year for the Blue Devils, who came back to the postseason after going 4-8 the year before. Cutcliffe is truly a special coach and one of the most respected head men in the game for winning at a place like Duke.
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5. Bobby Petrino
Record at Louisville: 75-27 Record Overall: 117-48 Division Championships: 1 (2016) Conference Championships: 2 (2004, 2006)*
*C-USA/Big East
Movement: Up 1 spot
All told, this was a pretty disappointing season for Bobby Petrino and Louisville. He had the reigning Heisman at his disposal but a porous defense meant that the Cardinals only managed to tie for third place in the Atlantic. Given Petrino’s track record, I’m pretty confident that this is an aberration. Louisville will remain a relevant force in the ACC for the foreseeable future.
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4. Paul Johnson
Record at Georgia Tech: 75-54 Record Overall: 182-93 Division Championships: 4 (2008, 2009, 2012, 2014) Conference Championships: 1 (2009)
Movement: Up 1 spot
Paul Johnson is hard to categorize. He’s up so high more or less because he’s done a good job over a long amount of time. However, I can’t imagine he’ll stay in the top five if Georgia Tech misses more bowl games. The Yellow Jackets have missed the postseason in two of the past three years and it’ll drag his recent success number down compared to the other good coaches in the conference. But for now he’s propped up by having done a pretty good job in his ten years in Atlanta and he moved up in the rankings because a better coach left the conference.
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3. Brian Kelly
Record at Notre Dame: 69-34 Record Overall: 240-91-2
Movement: Up 1 spot
Notre Dame fans might be a bit upset with how the Irish’s season ended, but Kelly continues to do a good job as head coach. ND rebounded very well from their very unlucky 4-8 season in 2016. The Fighting Irish were in the Playoff hunt most of the season and aside from the blowout loss to Miami they were competitive in every game they played. Kelly hasn’t done a lot to distinguish himself in the past few seasons, but Notre Dame is in a pretty good place right now because of him.
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2. Mark Richt
Record at Miami: 19-7 Record Overall: 164-58 Division Championships: 1 (2017)
Movement: Up 1 spot
No, it’s not The U Part III just yet, but boy was that 10-0 start indicative of how well Mark Richt’s short tenure has gone at Miami so far. The Hurricanes had a very encouraging 2017 season, finally winning the ACC Coastal for the first time and getting that monkey off their back. If Richt does what he’s supposed to, the Canes will dominate the Coastal for the foreseeable future.
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1. Dabo Swinney
Record at Clemson: 101-30 Division Championships: 6 (2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017) Conference Championships: 4 (2011, 2015, 2016, 2017) National Championships: 1 (2016)
Movement: Same
For the second year in a row, Dabo Swinney is the #1 coach in the ACC Power Ranking. This time, it isn’t even close. With Jimbo Fisher’s complete collapse at Florida State, it’s safe to say that Clemson completely owns the ACC for the time being. Swinney has turned the Tigers into a full fledged national power where it isn’t only likely, but expected, that they win the conference and make the Playoff every season. Things have never been this good in Clemson and it’s all thanks to Dabo.
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eliaselliot-blog · 7 years
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♔ LOCKWOOD TASK 001 ; character sheet
Full Name: elias anton elliot. Meaning of Name: greek derivation of “jehovah of god”. Nickname: eli, ant. jackass. whichever you will.
Birth Date: january 6th, 1996. Astrological Sign and Details: capricorn. Birth Place: manhattan, ny. Age: 21. Nationality: american. Race: caucasian. Hair Color: black. Hair Style: not too short, slightly messy. Distinct Features of Face: strong jawline, long lashes, thick brows, plush lips. Glasses or Contacts: both. rarely seen in glasses, however. Eye Color: hazel. Skin Tone: slightly tanned, but white. Scars or Distinguishing Marks: a scar that goes down his right shoulder blade. Disabilities: none. Build or Body Type: broad shoulders, muscular arms and torso, toned legs.  Height: 6′ 3″. Weight: well. Speech Patterns: speaks in a low, yet confident tone. tends to deadpan most things, even jokes. isn’t a man who makes his present super known, but is typically around a lot of people at social gatherings and gets along with most despite his sometimes stand-offish demeanor. Tag Words: “no, i won’t paint you.” Gestures: rotates his rings a lot, toys with his bottom lip while he’s thinking, pretty expressive with his brows, combs his hands through his hair subconsciously and then messes it up again to put it back lmfao FAMILY AND CHILDHOOD
Mother: evelyn elliot Father: jacob elliot Mother’s Occupation: ex-model, now just keeps up with the family’s social status Father’s Occupation: partner of a prestigious law firm Family Finances: wealthy gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang Birth Order: what. 1st? Brothers: none. Sisters: sophia elora elliot, 19 Other Close Family: jude hayward, first-cousin Best Friend: Other Friends: Blake, Lana, Imogen, Jude, Frankie, Tripp, Alex, Teddy, Reagan, surprisingly the list goes on Enemies: his DAD. dw he’ll probably find sum1 here soon enough Pets: he got a pup named king Home Life During Childhood: HAHAHA. horrible. Town or City Name(s): manhattan, ny Details of Town(s) or City(s): manhattan is as much of a city as it gets What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: somewhat tidy, eli’s always been kinda neat Any Sports or Clubs: couple mma tournaments, art club for middle school and first half of hs Favorite Toy or Game: fifa, amnesia, fleshlight, assassin’s creed etc Schooling: attended a public high school Favorite Subject: art Popular or Loner: god knows how bt popular Important Experiences or Events: being physically and emotionally abused by his father, and using that to better himself successwise and kinda spite his dad  Health Problems: does depression count? borderline alcoholic Religion and beliefs: his family is christian but doesn’t rly believe in his religion, he’s more of a logical thinker personally PERSONAL
Bad Habits: smoking, biting his nails, fidgeting, drinking alone, using certain people for personal gain Good Habits: typically neat and put-together, eats clean, works out religiously, dresses well, maintaining himself physically Best Characteristic: loyal to those he’s close to  Worst Characteristic: being consistently distant Worst Memory: Best Memory: Proud of: how he’s able to accomplish anything he wants to do Embarrassed by: his lack of ability to truly get close to/trust people Driving Style: lmfao did somebody say speed demon Strong Points: incredibly driven, charming when he wants to be, can’t think of any more atm Temperament: typically level headed, a bit of a grump but still playful yano Attitude: can sometimes be cold if someone tries to get too close to him, but typically socializes well despite this Weakness: elias would rather die than tell you what he’s really thinking. if someone actually manages to get him to open up he’d probably be a stuttering and babbling mess Fears: not doing as well as he wants to, because then he’ll feel like he let his family down. also his father still scares him a bit but would never ever admit to it Phobias: the dad 1 Secrets: lol nice TRY Regrets: NO RAGRETS. jk he kinda regrets not taking art more seriously bc now thats kinda gone as an outlet he’s picking up bad alternatives that’ll only hurt him nd his health Feels Vulnerable When: some1 tries to get closer to him Pet Peeves: loud chewing, nail filing, all i cn think of rn Motivation: working for the day he can say he outdid his dad Short Term Goals and Hopes: maintain his 4.0 and get into a good med school Long Term Goals and Hopes: become one of the top surgeons in the country Sexuality: straight unless u another matt daddario cos i mean come on Exercise Routine: nice try honey u cant get abs like these. Day or Night Person: night. absolute nocturnal fiend Introvert or Extrovert: ambivert! mostly introverted but he can also be v charming and social at gatherings etc. something he learned from bein the poster boy of the socialite fam Optimist or Pessimist: he doesnt like 2 complain a lot but i wouldn’t say he’s an optimist either
Music: arctic monkeys, the neighbourhood, the weeknd, muse, daniel caesar, frank ocean, dvsn, tame impala Books: anything khaled hosseini, haruki murakami, and mitch albom Magazines: forbes, if any Foods: cold pizza, sushi, seafood, apples, burgers,  dark chocolate, tiramisu Drinks: craft beer, whiskey and most other alcohol, black coffee, red wine Animals: tiger, wolf, big fan of husky dogs Sports: soccer Favorite Saying: “no." Color: red, black Clothing: urban style with a rich flair. leather, denim, expensive sweaters and  Jewelry: expensive watches, sometimes rings Games: poker, chess, cards against humanity Websites: pornhub uh, vine? TV Shows: sherlock, the office, stranger things Movies: the prestige, shutter island, borat, can’t think of any more Greatest Want: to stay on top of his class, take more time out for art Greatest Need: someone to be patient and understanding with him
Home: live in the beta delta xi house, but his family owns a mansion at home. Household furnishings: his room is rather tidy. numerous black and white murals remain littered across his walls and above his bed rests a shelf filled with his favorite novels and vinyls. Most Cherished Possession:  Neighborhood: manhattan Town or City Name: new york Details of Town or City: very busy, very on-the-go, new york city is a definition in itself. Married Before: heck no Significant Other Before: he’s got a couple of exes that he’d dated due to having extra time on his hands. he’d always get bored rather quickly into the relationship and leave, however. now that eli has much less time on his hands, he no longer looks to date. Children: LOL Relationship with Family: hostile with his father, indifferent but still somewhat caring towards his mother. Car: not yet  Career: full-time student. Salary: n/a Other Income: n/a Dream Career: professional artist. Dream Life: providing for his mother and sister, living in a new mansion with a fresh start. would have someone he could be emotionally intimate with, though the thought of this currently terrifies him. Love Life: eli scratches his head at this foreign term. Sexual Turn Ons: taking control, fighting for dominance, idk he seems like he’d be in2 bondage lmafaodifgbl Sexual Turn Offs: bad head, feet, excessive talking, repressed moans, “you like that?” no. leave my sight.  Hobbies: mma fighting, painting, taking pictures for painting inspirations, if getting drunk alone counts as a hobby hey be my guest Guilty Pleasure: bingeing martha and snoop’s potluck dinner party Talents or Skills: fights well, and can paint. can sex be a talent? Intelligence Level: very book smart, he gets this from his father. though eli has his moments (as does anyone), he is fairly street smart as well — although, he is very standoffish so it’s hard to tell sometimes if he’s being smart or just a closed-off prick.
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manelyec · 5 years
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Centennial Homecoming Weekend a Great Success! 
During the weekend of October 17-20, Emmanuel College alumni from across the United States made their way to Franklin Springs, GA to celebrate a important year in the College’s history...the Centennial!
The festivities began with the third annual, Sherman Smith Memorial Golf Tournament on Thursday.  Sherm (’61) was a faithful supporter
of Emmanuel College and served as the president of the Alumni Association for many years. Sherm’s daughter, Sebring was in attendance to greet the golfers and open the tournament.
On Friday, the day began with the 72nd Annual Vision 4 Education celebration. The ladies from the IPHC Women’s Ministries Department were welcomed to campus. They presented $48,926.25 to the college to provide financial support and student scholarships.. That evening alumni had two tracks to choose from. Many of the alumni, current Emmanuel students and staff made their way to the Quad for the annual Dirty Pig Feast where they enjoyed a BBQ meal, fellowship, and fun. Former and current Emmanuel athletes gathered at the Shaw Athletic Center for an Athletic Honors social followed by a Hall of Fame Induction.
EC Women’s Basketball alumna, Michelle Bryant Gregoire was inducted to the Emmanuel College Hall of Fame. She played for the Lady Lions from ’85- ‘87 where she averaged 22 points and 13 rebounds per game. Michelle helped the Lady Lions to a 59-4 record during her time at Emmanuel. She was selected MVP in both Regional Conference Tournaments in which she participated and was selected Conference Player of the Year. Michelle still holds the single game scoring record by scoring 44 points in a game her sophomore year. After finishing at Emmanuel, Michelle went onto play at Clemson University where she was a starter for the Tigers and was named to the All-ACC team in her senior year. Following the Hall of Fame Induction, many alumni remained to catch a glimpse of the Emmanuel Women’s and Men’s Basketball teams as they scrimmaged.
Also, on Friday, alumni and friends were treated to an evening in Paris at the EC Fine Arts Café. Guests enjoyed coffee, deserts, and entertainment from the Emmanuel Chorale, ACTs, and the Emmanuel Players. Later that evening, alumni took a stroll down memory lane with a Walk Down Spring Street, a series of stops where they encountered historical figures from our past.
On Saturday, graduates from the class of 1969 were honored and inducted into the Golden Grads. The newest Golden Grads enjoyed sharing stories of former teachers and of warm memories of their time at Emmanuel. They also contributed a class project of two beautiful lion statues at the entrance to the Shaw Athletic Center.
At the annual Alumni and Friends Luncheon and Awards Ceremony, two alumni were recognized for their dedication to the college.
Bishop Preston Mathena was named the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year for his service to Emmanuel. He is a 1980 graduate of the Emmanuel College School of Christian Ministries where he earned his bachelor’s degree in pastoral studies.
Bishop Mathena currently serves as the superintendent and presiding bishop of the Appalachian Conference of the IPHC. He has over 35 years of pastoral and ministry experience.
Bishop Mathena earned a master’s degree in Church Planting and Revitalization from Southwestern Christian University, Bethany, Oklahoma, where he received the 2000 Southwestern Graduate School Distinguished Leadership award.  
He serves on the IPHC Council of Bishops. For the last nine years, he has been a member of the Emmanuel College Board of Trustees where he serves as a member of the Executive Committee and chair of the Board Development Committee.
Brian James, Vice President for Advancement, was awarded the inaugural Heart of the Lion Award.
After graduating from Emmanuel, Brian worked for the college for 14 years in admissions, development, and alumni relations. He then spent seven years as a commercial lender in the banking industry
Since his return to Emmanuel, Brian has helped the college build new residence halls and supervised the completion of the new $10 million Shaw Athletic Center project. He has spearheaded several campus beautification projects including the entry ways to the College.
Following the luncheon, the 2018 Miracle Memorial was dedicated to commemorate Emmanuel’s deliverance from debilitating debt in 2018.  This beautiful stone garden adorns the southwest corner of the quad and reminds us daily that God is our deliverer.  
That afternoon, we were joined by four biographers who shared their research and knowledge in a panel discussion about the history of the IPHC and Emmanuel College.  
On Saturday evening, more than 700 guests thoroughly enjoyed a delicious dinner followed by a powerful program celebrating the centennial. A cast of alumni and students presented A Doorway in Time, a drama written by Buck Hodge (’69) and directed by faculty member Jennifer Benson. The Centennial Homecoming Choir Reunion, under the direction of Tres Ward and comprised of past and present Emmanuel Singers, provided inspiring music to complement the drama and reinforce that God is with us..
Sunday morning guests attended the Franklin Springs PHC to hear a message from IPHC General Superintendent, Presiding Bishop A.D. Beacham Jr., to commemorate the Centennial year!
Thank you to all who joined us in celebrating EC and the work God continues to do on our campus! Please mark your calendars for October 2nd-4th as we celebrate 101!
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kohya-ffxiv · 7 years
In-depth Profile: Koh’ya Issusha
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Gender: Male Race: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon Height: 5’ 1” Eye Color: Heterochromia: Golden Orange (right), Sky-blue (left)   Hair Color: Naturally dark charcoal, but dyes it dark blue with golden-yellow highlights at the tips Skin Color: Pale tan  Fur: Ears and tail – same color as his hair with golden highlights at the tip of his ears and tail.  Scars: Has a couple of scars over his right eye and cheek from his mother when she exiled him from his tribe when he was a child. He has other scars on his body, though usually hidden under clothing.  
The Facts
Name Day: 12th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon  Age: 25 Occupation: Hunter and Beast Trainer of Equinox’s Golden Menagerie   Sexual identification: Homosexual  Romantic identification: Not sure yet…   Alignment: Neutral Good  Criminal History: Minor theft in the past, but hasn’t been caught.  Relationship Status: Single  Sweet on: None at the moment… 
Favorite food: Seafood, Far Eastern foods  Favorite drink: Fruity drinks and herbal teas  Favorite scent: Food, the scent of rain approaching  Favorite person: Koh’ya has a close friend back in the Dravanian forelands, though he doesn’t talk about him much to others… 
Ten facts about your muse:
- Koh’ya loves to be with animals and often spends more time with them than he does with people.
- When asked about his family, he grows uncomfortable and is hesitant to talk about them. He was banished from his tribe as a child for almost killing his sisters during a hunt in the Dravanian forelands where he grew up to a golden bandersnatch and an aevis.
- He has a fear of (or becomes very uncomfortable being close to) women, mainly from the above reason. He Koh’ya will interact and become friends with them, though it’s just out of habit that he might flinch away after being in close proximity to them for long periods of time.
- Koh’ya has a tricky fox spirit that is living with him at the Equinox estate. It had turned him into a fox-eared Lalafell for upsetting it when he had been hunting and exploring in the Yanxia region.
- He is shorter than the average Miqo’te male and is often teased as the runt.
- He has several animals in his private chambers, which are part of the company’s menagerie that he takes care of personally. He currently owns a juvenile hoarhound, an azure wolf, a gagana, several Far Eastern fish, and many foxes that followed their spirit friend.
- Koh’ya’s personality is patient and he’s also quite timid, so large groups or unfamiliar people can make him nervous until he gets to know them. He has a curious spirit and loves to adventure new places he’s yet to visit.
- Koh’ya can smell like the animals he’s taking care of, though he *usually* has good hygiene. His sense of smell is quite sensitive, so he can’t stand horrible smelling stuff either.
- Koh’ya is clueless when it comes to anything high-tech or magitek. He is more traditional or tribal when it comes to fighting, so he usually uses bows/arrows, swords, daggers, and spears. He has some knowledge with magic, though it’s that of a novice’s.
- In addition to the traditional Keeper of the Moon tattoos, he has another tattoo (one that Koh’ya keeps hidden from the public) that snakes up his right arm to his shoulder to partially over his chest and side of his neck. It used to be simple in design and much smaller on his forearm, but over the years it had grown very intricate; seemingly continuing to expand and not made by man’s hand. He was not born with these marks, but had gotten them when he was a child that even he doesn’t know how he obtained it.
Five Things
5 Things they like:
- Food (most favorite is seafood)
- The color blue or dark cool colors
- Animals (his most favorites are the owlet, wolf, and gagana he takes care of in his chambers, and the doman tiger in the company menagerie)
- Exploring new lands
- Dozing in the sunlight (he’d like a tan…but not sunburns)
5 Things they dislike:
- Allergic to certain seafood (*insert sadface*)
- Abusive behavior (though not the teasing between friends)
- His tail being pulled
- Bad smelling things
- His fear of women
5 Good habits:
- Determined
- Considerate
- Multi-tasker
- Making sure the creatures under his care are healthy
- Fast learner
5 Bad Habits:
- Putting others before his own health
- Sometimes distancing himself from women
- Too much curiosity
- Keeps things to himself when it can potentially harm him
- Too ignorant of the world and its politics
5 Personalities they gravitate toward:
- Confident
- Knowledgeable/scholarly
- Optimistic and friendly
- Carefree
- Protective
5 Personality types they avoid:
- Bullies
- Arrogant
- Untrustworthy
- Extremists
- Pessimistic
5 Fears:
- Close friends and loved ones being harmed
- Being helpless or useless
- Death
- Failure
- Losing his sanity
 (saw people from my fc doing it...so thought might as well do one as well. :x )
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theseaeaglelives · 5 years
Round 24
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Round 24   Manly Sea Eagles      6                        Defeated by   Filthy Wrestling Rorting Cheating Melbourne Storm 36
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 Having banned himself from attending games during the ill-feted Trent Barrett era, the Sea Eagle made his first trip to Brookvale Oval in a long time to take in this fixture. One of the last times that the Sea Eagle attended a game at Brookvale Oval, expectations were high, the weather was wet and the home team delivered a less than inspired performance going down to the despised Eels, despite being 6/1 favourites, effectively ending their hopes of playing finals in 2016 and resulting in the demise of Geoff Tooveys coaching career.   Three years later, it was a case of déjà vu, with expectations high, miserable weather and an insipid performance against the Filthy Wrestlers, (where the Storm were decidedly favourites) which has effectively ended any chance of a Top 4 finish and any meaningful involvement in the September action.   Despite the conditions, a large crowd braved the wet weather to cheer on their side at Brookvale Oval, however initial signs were ominous when Brad Parker was a late inclusion into the starting line-up at the expense of Brendon Elliott. Always quick to the uptake, the Craig Bellamy coached Filthy Cheaters were able to exploit this late inclusion and repeatedly targeted Parker for much of the game and basically ran roughshod down the left-side of the Brookvale Oval based teams’ defence where poor old Brad was positioned.
  Things did not improve for the Brookvale Oval based team, when Josh “the Fox” Addo-Carr crossed for the Filthy Rorters after 6 minutes. As bad as that was, it was nothing compared to what transpired in the 10th minute when Tommy Trbojevic was assisted from the field in a distressed state, not to return. It has since been reported that Turbo Tom has a ruptured peck muscle which rule him out for the remainder of the season and with it effectively end any hope that the Brookvale Oval based team had of a serious September finals challenge.
  With Tommy Turbo gone, the reshuffled Brookvale Oval based team’s backline struggled to contain their Filthy Wrestling counterparts and young Parker will be having nightmares about The Fox, Will Chambers and Justin Olam (3 tries) for years to come.   With a mountain of possession, field position and surprising ball control in the wet conditions the Filthy Cheaters quickly ran out to an 18-0 lead and things were not looking at all good for the Brookvale Oval based team. Somehow against the run of play the home side hit back just before half-time and at 18-6 at the break there was still a glimmer of hope for the drenched fans.   Unfortunately, the Brookvale Oval based team failed to get hot in the second half and were wrestled to a standstill by the Filthy Storm. The Brookvale Oval based team did themselves no favours with sloppy ball control further highlighting their poor credentials in the wet, a problem that has been identified by the Sea Eagle in previous editions of this report.
  Even when the Filthy Cheaters were reduced to 12 men following the sin-binning of Wrestling Will Chambers, the Brookvale Oval based team was unable to capitalise. Quite the opposite in fact, and despite being a man down the Filthy Rorters ran in two more tries running out 36-6 winners.   This will be the last scheduled home and away to be staged at Brookvale Oval in season 2019. As a consequence of the magnitude of this loss, there are now two possible outcomes in terms of who the Brookvale Oval based team will face in week 1 of the finals.   Outcome 1 – if they beat the despised Eels or lose by 11 pts or less, they will face the perennial whipping boys, and team based in the Shire, the Sharks (or the Wests Tigers) with a high possibility that the game will be held at Brookvale Oval.   Outcome 2 – if they lose to the despised Eels by more than 11 pts they will face the Bronco’s. Given the recent predisposition of management to take home games against the Bronco’s to Brisbane, the Sea Eagle fears that this game may be held at Lang Park.   The Sea Eagle is not offering any prizes for guessing which of the above outcomes is most desirable. Notwithstanding, without Tommy Turbo the Brookvale Oval based team will be up against it no matter who they end up playing. And, even if they somehow manage to win in week 1 of the finals, they cannot realistically hope to go much deeper into the contest.   That said, no criticism should be placed on super Coach Des Hasler around any of this. The fact he has got the Brookvale Oval based team into the 8 and with a guaranteed 5th or 6th placing, with the same squad that Trent Barret came 2nd last, in 2018, only proves what we already knew. That is, Des Hasler is the messiah for the Brookvale Oval based team and Trent Barret should never have been allowed through the front gates and/or should have been made to pay to enter.   The Brookvale Oval based team need to use this year’s finals series as a stepping stone to brighter things in 2020 and beyond, and allow this inexperienced squad to gain some much-needed semi-final experience. Sure, they should try to make the GF and win it, after all, that is the point of the competition. But in 2019, no criticism should be placed on the Brookvale Oval based squad as long as they do their best (even if they fail to deliver).  
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Manly chairman Scott Penn has apparently banned all players and staff from referring to the club’s home ground as Brookvale Oval — demanding it be called Lottoland.
Mr Penn’s stipulation means Saturday afternoon’s Battle of Brookvale mark II against Melbourne will now, at least from Manly’s perspective, be known as the Battle of Lottoland.
It is understood that an official letter penned by Mr Penn to all staff which was then forwarded to every player. While not wanting to cast aside Brookvale Oval’s rich history, Mr Penn has called on all staff and players to call the club’s home ground Lottoland.
Mr Penn apparently wrote: “On the back of this great news for the club, it is an opportune time to provide this friendly reminder to all staff and players regarding the importance of each and every one of us always referring to our home ground as LOTTOLAND and not ‘Brookvale Oval’, ‘Brookie’ and anything else other than LOTTOLAND, which is the official name of the venue. I perfectly understand our historical ties to the name ‘Brookie’ and have been prone to the occasional slip up myself, however LOTTOLAND pay a significant fee for the exclusive naming rights to the venue and deserve recognition as a loyal sponsor of the club.
“The fee they pay goes directly into the day-to-day running of the organisation including, but not limited to, everything from salaries through to equipment and running of home games, etc.
“As representatives of the club, it is our job to drive the rights and benefits of our partners from within, hence why it’s so important that we are driving the conversation, particularly with the media and our members and fans.
“If we’re calling our home ground anything other than LOTTOLAND in the media, then our members and our fans will too.
“We are still passionate about our heritage and history at the ground; however, we need to do the right thing by our partners at LOTTOLAND and keep them front and centre.”
Sea Eagle Comment: The timing of this announcement by Mr Penn could be no less opportune, that being in the lead-up to the anniversary of one of Manly’s finest moments, the demolition of the Filthy Wrestlers in the aptly named Battle of Brookvale (or Brookvale Brawl) in 2011. Fans will recall that this was the night that Manly drew a line in the sand, screamed “no mas”, standing up to the Storm and their filthy wrestling cheating tactics.
  The ensuing melee has gone down in folklore, and Glenn Stewart will be forever be remembered as the man who took a stand, was sent off, suspended for 4 weeks but returned to win the Clive Churchill medal in leading Manly to premiership glory.   Let’s face it, the Battle of Lottoland hardly fires up the imagination with the same degree of grandeur and majesty and the name will be long forgotten when the next Corporate sponsor comes along with a few more bucks for the naming rights.   Add to this Brookvale Oval, notwithstanding its traditional significance has also been known (apart from the Barrett era) as Fortress Brookvale or simply Fortress Brookie and has been in the main (apart from the Barrett era) a graveyard for visiting teams. There is no such thing as Fortress Lottoland, as evidenced by the Filthy Wrestlers demolition of Manly in this round.   It is understood that Lottoland pay around $500K for the naming rights, but surely a winning team at a fortress will deliver greater returns for Manly and its owners.   The only consolation in this entire debacle, is that the naming rights holder of the venue is not 1300 Smiles ….. or
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  Without in any way denigrating the decision to garner the sponsorship of Lottoland in what must be a tight environment, after all Manly management were just doing their best,  and noting as one must, that what Mr Penn as club owner has said about supporting sponsors is 100% spot on, nevertheless, the words “lottoland” and a rugby league home ground do not sit well in terms of interpretation.
It requires one to imagine, perhaps only momentarily, but nonetheless still for a split second, that the outcome may be less than predictable or not even a realistically guessable possibility. The phrase “it’s a lottery” come to mind. That the NRL allowed this in the first place (given their so called integrity of the game line around betting and the like), is the real issue here. Someone at rugby league/NRL headquarters clearly could see no problem in allowing the implication that a rugby league ground might have lottery like outcomes. 
The NRL integrity unit needs to undertake a deep probe as to who made this decision and said probe should result in the culprit being the recipient of a fist sized prostate massage (perhaps delivered by Kens at Kensington) for their involvement in the decision.
With Mad Monday fast approaching, and the natural reluctance of most venues to house a large number of NRL players on a club sanctioned bender for a whole afternoon and then some, the Sea Eagle thankfully notes this recent piece from the Fairfax press:
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Beyond belief': Sydney restaurant under fire for serving 86 drinks to group of five By Ben Weir SMH
 A Korean restaurant in Sydney's CBD is facing disciplinary action after it allegedly served five diners 86 shots of alcohol during a six-hour birthday celebration.
Police allege the group of diners at the Haru Fusion Soju Lounge were served 86 standard drinks of soju, a clear Korean liquor that has an alcohol content of between 16 to 53 per cent, in October last year.
After leaving the venue one female member of the group was found outside the restaurant next to a pool of vomit, while another was found lying unconscious on the road.
The NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority alleges CCTV footage shows a female staff member of the Castlereagh Street venue walking past a patron passed out at a table. Other footage shows a woman being carried out of the restaurant. The authority has imposed a strike on the licensee Chris Chang under the NSW Government's three strikes disciplinary scheme, the authority's chair Philip Crawford said.
"It is almost beyond belief that venue staff could serve such a large amount of alcohol to a group of five patrons and not take any steps to avoid extreme intoxication," Mr Crawford said in a statement.
"The authority will consider imposing a range of special conditions on the venue’s liquor licence, as well as winding back the venue’s trading hours."
Sea Eagle Comment: This behaviour by the regulator is the sort of nanny state hand holding that is making being a true blue Aussie a thing of the past. This Korean restaurant should be commended for its efforts. And frankly, the Sea Eagle thinks they should be on a special NRL Mad Monday list of fit for purpose venues. 
The only special condition this joint needs is that it is authorised to house NRL Mad Monday functions and a mandatory requirement that there be a maroon neon sign stating “enter at own risk, NRL player function inside”. 
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weekendwarriorblog · 6 years
Of course, the big movie of the weekend is Jordan Peele’s US (Universal), his follow-up to his Oscar-winning mega-hit Get Out, this one starring Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke from Black Panther. Right now, from the reactions and rave reviews out of its SXSW premiere, Peele is not going to experience a sophomore slump and the world will continue to be his oyster. (As of this writing, I personally haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’ll be attending the New York premiere on Tuesday night and hope to have a review done and posted some time Wednesday.)
You can read what I think of the box office prospects for Jordan Peele’s Us over at The Beat, and here’s MY REVIEW OF US.
A24 is also expanding Sebastian Lelio’s GLORIA BELL, a drama starring Julianne Moore which I loved, into more theaters on Friday, and that could also make an entry into the top 10 as solid counter-programming to Peele’s movie.
But let’s get to what hopefully you’re reading this for… and that’s the other stuff in theaters this weekend.
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I’m gonna start with this section this week, because I’m so excited about something going on at the IFC Center -- not the first time and definitely won’t be the last --  as it’s the 2nd annual WHAT THE FEST?!, which I sadly missed last year. This year’s line-up is slammin’, opening on Wednesday night with the World Premiere of Larry (Habit) Fessendern’s new movie Depraved, his take on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Later on Wednesday is the NYC Premiere of the Swedish film The Unthinkable and then on Thursday is the NYC Premiere of Pollyanna McIntosh’s Darlin’, a sequel to Jack Ketchum’s 2009 movie The Woman, which was in turn a sequel to Offspring.
I have seen a couple of the movies including Penny Lane’s doc Hail Satan?about the Satanic Temple’s fight against theocracies in the form of states trying to put statues of the Ten Commandments on government sites. It’s a movie that has humor as well as politics, and it’s part of the all-day Satan-themed Sunday that will include my buddy Grady Hendrix doing a presentation in conjunction with his novel We Sold Our Souls. Friday night is the New York premiere of Emma Tammi’s The Wind, an amazing Western horror film set in the desolate wasteland, starring Caitlin Gerrard (Insidious: The Last Key) and Julia Goldani Telles (Slenderman).
If there’s one movie you ABSOLUTELY MUST SEE, it’s Shinichiro Ueda’s horror-comedy One Cut of the Dead, which is very hard to describe without spoiling but imagine if a film crew making a zombie movie is attacked by real zombies… and then throw any conceptions you might have about the movie out the window. I have to thank my pal David Jaffee for recommending the movie so highly, as it’s a very clever take on zombies. (And honestly, at this point, I have no idea if and when it will get U.S. distribution.) I probably won’t have a chance to see Roxanne Benjamin’s Body at Brighton Rock but Magnolia is opening it in April so hopefully I’ll see it before then.
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Opening in New York and L.A. on Friday before a wide release on March 29 is HOTEL MUMBAI (Bleecker Street), the directorial debut by Anthony Maras, which looks at the 2008 terrorist attacks on the Taj Hotel. It stars Dev Patel, Armie Hammer and Jason Isaacs as part of the ensemble cast dealing with Muslim terrorists who attacked the hotel in order to take Western hostages for ransom. It’s a solid debut by Maras, one with a lot of moving parts but handled sensitively and tactfully due to the nature of the events. I definitely recommend the movie if you have a chance to see it. It’s not quite United 93 but still very good.
Oscar-winning Hungarian filmmaker Laszlo Nemes (Son of Saul) returns with his new movie SUNSET (Sony Pictures Classics), set in Budapest 1913, as it follows Irisz Leiter as she arrives there to work as a milliner (hat salesperson) at the popular hat store that belonged to her parents, though she’s sent away by the owner Oszkar Brill. When a man shows up looking for Irisz’s brother Kalman, she begins to look into her lost past. I have to be honest that I wasn’t much of a fan of the movie, maybe because it was very long, slow and confusing to the point where I really didn’t understand much of what was happening. Clearly, it’s not a film on par with Son of Saul, although I guess some people might like it more than I did. It probably will open in New York and L.A., as that’s the way Sony Classics usually does things.
Filmmaker S. Craig Zahler (Bone Tomahawk) returns with his latest genre film DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE (Summit/Lionsgate), a police thriller starring Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn as disgraced police officers who decide to hijack an ambitious heist, stealing the bars of gold that were stolen by a group of robbers. It’s a decent movie if you’re into this sort of thing. Zahler keeps improving as a filmmaker and here, he makes a movie with the weight of Steve McQueen’s Widows, although I thought Tory Kittles was far more interesting than the two leads, even though they do have good chemistry together. This will open in select cities Friday.
Opening at the Film Forum on Wednesday is a wonderful doc by Dutch filmmaker Heddy Honnigmann called BUDDY, which looks at a number of people and their relationships with incredible service dogs who help them get through everything from blindness to PTSD. This really is a wonderful movie, especially if you’re a dog-lover because all of the dogs have personalities as interesting as their masters.
Also opening at Film Forum Friday and at the Lammle Monica Film Center  is Nancy Schwartzman’s new documentary Roll Red Roll (Together Films) looks at a 2012 incident of high school sexual assault in Steubenville, Ohio where a young woman was raped by the football team. It’s a harrowing story but if you’re interested in the type of true crime docs that are all over Netflix, this one should interest you as well. (It’s particularly struggling for me to watch it, having one nephew in high school not too far away from where this happened.)
A movie that I saw and reviewed out of the Tribeca Film Festival last year was Robert Budreau’s STOCKHOLM, which reunites him with Ethan Hawke from Born to Blue, this time playing a bank robber who robs a bank in Sweden with his partner (Mark Strong) and takes a bank manager (Noomi Rapace) hostage before she falls for him … leading to the term “Stockholm Syndrome.” No, I’m not making that up. I don’t remember hating or loving this but just thought it was okay, probably elevated by the presence of the cast.
Patricia Clarkson, Jacki Weaver, James Caan and Toby Jones star in Carol Morley’s thriller OUT OF BLUE (IFC Films) about a New Orleans detective (Clarkson) searching for the killer of a renowned astrophysicist (played by Mamie Gummer), who was shot to death in her observatory. I’ll try to watch this and write more about it soon.
John Travolta and Toby Sebastian star in Karzan Kader’s Trading Paint (Saban Films/Lionsgate), playing a fat her and son racing duo who have a falling out, something that a rival racing company uses to drive a wedge further into the relationship. The movie has been on Ultra VOD for the last month but it will open in select theaters and regular VOD Friday.
Following a one-night theatrical release in 150 theaters on Tuesday, Jesse V. Johnson’s action-thriller Triple Threat (Well GO USA), starring Tony Jaa (Ong-Bak) and Iko Uwais (The Raid) will be available in select theaters and VOD. They are part of a team of mercenaries sent to stop a group of assassins from killing a billionaire’s daughter. It also stars Scott Adkins, Tiger Chen, Michael Jai White and more.
Joel Proykus’ video game comedy Relaxer (Oscilloscope) stars Josh Burge (who previously starred in Proykus’ Ape) as Abbie who is trying to beat the impossible 256thlevel of Pac-Man with no food or water and a bunch of friends and acquaintances showing up. The comedy also stars David Dastmalchian (Ant-Man) and it opens in select cities.
Eric Khoo’s Ramen Shop (Strand Releasing) also opens in New York at the IFC Center and Landmark at 57 West. It follows a young Ramen chef named Masato who leaves Japan to go on a culinary journey through Singapore where he discovers family secrets and new recipes. It will expand to L.A. and other cities on April 5.
As far as streaming, we get our third Western in three weeks with Scott Martin’s Big Kill (Cinedigm), starring Christoph Sander, Jason Patric and more. It involves a Philadelphia accountant who travels West to join the family business who meets up with two rogues who have been run out of Mexico.  It’s on VOD now.
Harmony Korine will be on-hand Friday for the start of a special seriesshowing his films, including 2012’s Spring Breakers, as well as showing 1995’s Kids, which he wrote. (It’s all to prepare for the release of Korine’s latest film The Beach Bum, starring Matthew McConaughey, which will screen for members only.) Film Society of Lincoln Center director Kent Jones ventures downtown to promote his new movie Diane with a “Dream Double Feature” of Westerns The Shooting (1966) and Rio Bravo (1959) on Saturday afternoon. Late Nites at Metrograph will show Catherine Reillat’s Fat Girlon Wednesday night and then Masahiro Shinoda’s 1969 film Double Suicide on Friday and Saturday nights. This week’s Playtime: Family Matinees is Ken Kwapis’ 1996 monkey comedy Dunston Checks In, starring Jason Alexander from Seinfeld.
Weds. afternoon shows a singular screening of The Three Faces of Eve  (1957) starring Joanne Woodward. This week’s double features are John Ford’s Fort Apache  (1948), starring John Wayne, with Robert Aldrich’s Ulzana’s Raid (1972) on Weds. and Thurs, the comedy double feature of Monty Python and the Holy Grail  (1975)and Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life (1983) on Friday and Saturday, and then the Paul Wendkos double feature of The Mephisto Waltz (1971) and Special Delivery (1976) on Sunday and Monday. This weekend’s midnight movies are Tarantino’s Kill Bill Vol. 2 on Friday night and Woody Allen’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex But Were Afraid to Ask on Saturday. The weekend’s KIDDEE MATINE is Clarence Brown’s 1944 National Velvet, starring Mickey Rooney and Elizabeth Taylor. On Monday, the Bev shows the amazing Parker Posey breakthrough film Party Girl  (1995) with director Daisy von Scherler Mayer in person, then Tuesday’s GRINDHOUSE double feature is two from Hong Kong, The Tattoo Connection (1978) and another “Bruce Li” movie Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger, also from 1978.
The ongoing Bob & Wray: A Hollywood Love Story series continues this week with the Fay Wray double feature of The Clairvoyant (1935) and Black Moon  (1934) on Weds, the Bill Riskin-penned Mister 880  (1950) and Broadway Will (1934) Thursday, then even more Frank Capra with American Madness (1932) and The Miracle Woman (1931)on Friday (and again, next Tuesday). The weekend sees a 35mm print of King Kongshown as part of Film Forum Jr., as well as in a double feature with The Most Dangerous Game (1932) on Saturday and again on Monday. Also showing this weekend is The Four Feathers ( 1929) – with live piano accompaniment--on Saturday and Magic Town (1947) and Capra’s Meet John Doe  (1941) on Sunday. Also Sunday is a single-showing horror double feature of The Mystery of the Wax Museum and The Vampire Bat, both from 1933 and both starring Wray.
Before coming to New York’s Metrograph, Harmony Korine will be here in person for a Thursday screening of Trash Humpers and Spring Breakers, plus “Bruno Ganz Remembered” continues as the Egyptian also shows Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire on Sunday. (At one point, the theater was also showing a double feature of Nosferatu, The Vampire and The American Friend, too.) Old movie fans might also be interested in “The Musketeers of Pig Alley” and More Films of 1912, which a series of shorts by D.W. Griffith that run on Saturday and Sunday.
Waverly Midnights: The Feds  wraps up with Steven Spielberg’s 2002 movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio. Weekend Classics: Early Godard also concludes this weekend with Pierrot Le Fou (1965) while this weekend’s Late Night Favorites is David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive.
MOMA continues the series Modern Matinees: B is for Bacall with the 1953 filmHow to Marry a Millionaireon Wednesday, Vincente Minelli’s 1955 film The CobwebThursday and Jonathan Glazer’s more recentBirth (2004) on Friday.
For whatever reason, BAM is screening Michaelangelo Antonioni’s 1970 “classic” Zabriskie Point on Friday night – I’m not really a fan -- as part of BAM and Triple Canopy: On Resentment, but already sold out is Mathieu Kassovitz’s 1995 film La Haine, starring Vincent Cassel, and other interesting films in the series, like Steve McQueen’s Hunger, starring Michael Fassbender.
The museum’s Tribute to Bruno Ganz will screen Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire on Sunday, and it’s showing this year’s Oscar-Nominated Animated Shorts as part of its ongoing family program.
The Nuart’s Friday midnight offering isJohn Waters’ Polyester (1981)starring the late Divine.
The quad continues its Bertrand Blier series with the 40thanniversary restoration of his 1978 film Get Out Your Handkerchiefs.
The AERO is booked up this week with the West Coast version of the Canada Now!Series.
This Friday’s big Netflix streaming debut is Jeff (Bad Grandpa)Tremaine’s Motley Crue biopic THE DIRT, starring Douglas Booth, Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones) and more. I haven’t seen it yet but I’ll probably watch it sometime this weekend.
That’s it for this week, but next week, we’ll get Tim Burton’s Dumboand more.
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2020 ACC Coaching Power Rankings
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Hello folks, it’s time to bust out the power rankings once again. I’ll be rating coaches against their peers conference by conference, weighing success both in the short and long term. I’ve adjusted my metrics a bit since last time so there might be more movement here than usual.
Let’s see where each man stands.
Check out last year’s rankings here.
The ACC is in a strange place as a Power conference. The league boasts Clemson, one of the best teams in the country for the past 5 years, but on balance they’re still the weakest league in the P5 because the other 13 programs aren’t that impressive.
There was a bit of turnover since last year. Willie Taggart (last year’s #13 coach) didn’t last the season after the boosters revolted following another loss to Miami. Steve Addazio (#12) was canned for going 6-5 against teams that aren’t Clemson every year.
I’m not convinced that the two men stepping into the shoes of the dudes we lost are better coaches, but time will tell.
And since he has to go somewhere, I have been putting Brian Kelly in the ACC rankings because I don’t do rankings for the Independent coaches. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
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15. Jeff Hafley
Record Overall: N/A
Movement: N/A
Newbies start at the bottom. Hafley was Ohio State’s secondaries coach and co-DC last season, so hopefully he can get the ball rolling at Chestnut Hill.
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14. Geoff Collins
Record at Georgia Tech: 3-9 Overall Record: 18-19
Movement: Same
Geoff Collins had to completely overhaul Georgia Tech’s offense in 2019, and the Yellow Jackets played like it. GA Tech was the worst team in the Coastal last year and the rebuild may take another season to truly show signs of life.
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13. Manny Diaz
Record at Miami: 6-7
Movement: Up 2 spots
Manny Diaz’s promotion (with a zig zag in the middle) was supposed to continue the momentum established under Mark Richt. Unfortunately Year 1 didn’t quite go that way. Miami showed promise in wins over division champ Virginia, rival FSU, and a surging Louisville, but were far too inconsistent. An embarrassing loss to Georgia Tech and a three game skid to end the year against FIU, bowl-missing Duke, and Louisiana Tech ended things on a sour note. Diaz moves up the list mostly just because the Hurricanes didn’t go 3-9 like the Jackets.
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12. Pat Narduzzi
Record at Pittsburgh: 36-29 Division Championships: 1 (2018)
Movement: Down 3 spots
Pat Narduzzi gets busted down the list through no fault of his own. Pittsburgh was again a solid Coastal squad, going 8-5 last year with a giant-killing win over UCF. Narduzzi just got leapfrogged by a couple guys who had better years. The Panthers remain a contender, but rarely the best team in a weak division. You gotta do better than that to move up.
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11. Mike Norvell
Overall Record: 38-15
Movement: N/A
Mike Norvell begins his tenure in the ACC as the 11th best coach in the conference (a higher place than Taggert managed in his two seasons in the list). Norvell spent 4 years at traditionally terrible Memphis and won three straight division titles before leaving for Tallahassee. The Tigers were the hottest G5 in the country last year, going 12-1 and winning the American en route to the Cotton Bowl. Norvell is the second straight head coach to make it out of the Liberty Bowl to the Atlantic Coast, following predecessor Jusin Fuente. He will have his work cut out for him, and a short leash if Taggart’s firing has proven anything. Godspeed.
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10. Dino Babers
Record at Syracuse: 23-26 Overall Record: 60-42
Movement: Down 2 spots
After Syracuse’s breakout 2018 season, which saw the Orange win 10 games for the first time since 2001, they fell back to earth. Cuse went a punchless 5-7. It’s hard to build a winning program in the Carrier Dome and Syracuse will have to come back stronger for Babers to move up the list.
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9. Justin Fuente
Record at Virginia Tech: 33-20 Overall Record: 59-43 Division Championships: 1 (2016)
Movement: Down 2 spots
The honeymoon really seems to be over in Blacksburg. Fans are grumbling about Virginia Tech’s inability to win the division against mostly mediocre competition. The Hokies could have done so much more this year if they had just taken care of business. They lost by a touchdown to BC, suffered an inexplicable blowout loss at home to Duke, and only fell to Notre Dame by 1 point on the road. Oh yeah, and they lost the Commonwealth Cup to archrival Virginia for the first time since 2003, losing the division in the process. Winning seasons aren’t always this dispiriting, but 2016 is starting to feel a long way off, especially with Bud Foster’s retirement.
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8. Dave Doeren
Record at Syracuse: 47-42 Overall Record: 70-46
Movement: Down 3 spots
After fielding some of the best non-Clemon teams in the conference for the past few seasons, NC State really collapsed in 2019. The Wolfpack managed only 1 conference win against near-equally bad Syracuse before losing their final six games. I’m genuinely curious what happens in Raleigh from here.
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7. David Cutcliffe
Record at Duke: 72-79 Overall Record: 116-108 Division Championships: 1 (2013)
Movement: Down 3 spots
I really hate to do this, Cutcliffe is one of my favorite coaches, but it’s hard to stay in the top 5 with a losing record. The Blue Devils could have easily gone bowling if they had won just one game against Pitt, UNC, or Wake teams that weren’t that much better than them, or if they hadn’t gotten wrecked by a bad Syracuse squad, or if they hadn’t scheduled Alabama in Week 1. Tough luck.
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6. Bronco Mendenhall
Record at Virginia: 25-27 Overall Record: 124-70 Division Championships: 1 (2019)
Movement: Up 4 spots
It paid off. Bronco Mendenhall just turned in the finest season at Virginia since Al Groh’s 2007 squad at the very least, and many fans would push that year back much further. The Cavaliers claimed their first ever Coastal title, beat Virginia Tech for the first time since 2003, and played in the Orange Bowl for the first time in program history. Their #25 finish in the Coaches’ Poll was their first end of year ranking since 2004. Mendenhall has done a stellar job improving UVA from 2-10 to 6-7 to 8-5 to 9-5. I am very curious to see if they can keep the momentum up. We’re in uncharted waters in Charlottesville.
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5. Scott Satterfield
Record at Louisville: 8-5 Overall Record: 59-29
Movement: Up 6 spots
I don’t think anybody expected this. Scott Satterfield only needed one season to completely erase the stain left by Bobby Petrino’s disastrous 2-10 campaign in 2018. I think most people thought it would take years to rebuild, but things are really looking up at Louisville. The Cardinals are in excellent position to repeat as the 2nd place team in the Atlantic after Clemson and they can start to aim for NY6 bowls again if they follow anything close to Satterfield’s trajectory at Appalachian State.
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4. Dave Clawson
Record at Wake Forest: 36-40 Overall Record: 126-119 Division Championships: 1 (2013)
Movement: Up 2 spots
Clawson has done it again. For the fourth straight season, the smallest school sponsoring Power 5 football has gone bowling. Wake Forest has been punching above their weight class for several years now, and it’s all thanks to Clawson’s turnaround effort. They still haven’t broken through to the top strata of the conference, and that may never happen, but as long as they play like this Clawson has his place in the top five.
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3. Mack Brown
Record at North Carolina: 76-52-1 Record Overall: 251-128-1 National Championships: 1 (2005)*
*with Texas
Movement: Same
Something is brewing in Chapel Hill. Mack Brown is ahead of schedule at North Carolina, delivering winning football in his first season back with the Tar Heels. UNC went 7-6 after successive awful performances at the end of the Larry Fedora era. Wins over regional rivals South Carolina, Duke, and NC State were big morale boosts to the program, and they nearly knocked Wake off. There’s still plenty of room to improve, but for now let’s enjoy the having one of the most colorful coaches in the game back in football.
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2. Brian Kelly
Record at Notre Dame: 92-37 Overall Record: 263-94-2
Movement: Same
It was a very Notre Dame season. The Irish couldn’t quite hang with the best teams on the schedule, but brutalized pretty much everybody else to go 11-2. ND remains one of the toughest teams in the country and as long as Kelly is there they’re a great bet to win at least 10 games a year and make the Playoff every now and again.
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1. Dabo Swinney
Record at Clemson: 130-31 Division Championships: 8 (2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) Conference Championships: 6 (2011, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) National Championships: 2 (2016, 2018)
Movement: Same
Dabo Swinney has been lapping the competition. Clemson is by far the best team in the ACC, especially when you take Notre Dame out of the conversation the way we really should. For the fifth year in a row, the Tigers were a Playoff team, and made their fourth national championship game in that span. Sure, the loss to LSU hurts, but it’s not often you play the best college football offense of all time. Clemson will be right back in the mix when football starts up again whenever that may be and it’s all thanks to Dabo. He’s one of the best coaches in the nation without a doubt.
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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They made it to the promised land last year, but came up just short. They overcame odds with late season injuries that limited key starters and forced others to step up together the program to levels that had been a long off dream.
Think I’m talking about Auburn Basketball? I could be but that was also the story of the 2019 Auburn Baseball team. The Tigers made it to Omaha, even with pitching staff ace Tanner Burns who was limited after slipping off a wet mound at Vanderbilt. Though the Tigers didn’t pick up a victory in Omaha, it marked the first time since 1997 that the program made an appearance in College Baseball heaven, which is a huge accomplishment for any program.
The Tigers lost some of the names from the CWS team, namely Will Holland, Edouard Julien and Elliott Anderson (Holland and Julien to the Twins and Anderson to the Royals) but outside of that, Auburn returns the rest of the contributors from the team. There are some familiar faces in different places so let’s dive in and get set for the 2020 season.
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This will be pretty easy as Steven William, Kason Howell and Judd Ward (BAY-BAY) all return to patrol the outfield grass and that is a huge bonus for the Tigers. Both Ward and Howell will begin their second seasons in the outfield while Williams kicks off his very rare 3rd year in RF. The DH spot is going to be the interesting one for Auburn as Butch Thompson looks to move Conor Davis to the field to open up a bat in the line up, and there are plenty of options to choose from. Just a few of the names that will be given a shot are freshman Nate LaRue, Ryan Dyal, Johnny Ceccoli and junior John Samuel Shenker who also plays on the football team, just to name a few. Look for Auburn to give each player and others chances as the season begins before finding a solid answer at the DH position before the conference slate begins.
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Ryan Bliss
For the most part, the faces will be familiar but almost everyone will be in a new place. The exception will be Matt Scheffler, who returns at the stalwart behind the dish at catcher for the Tigers. The difference this season will be that Matt has some help behind him, namely Nate LaRue, who will definitely see time in the field to help Scheffler get a little rest during the season. Around the horn, Auburn will move Rankin Woley to 3rd, his natural position, and will throw Conor Davis at 1st to see if the big senior can take to the field and open up that DH spot for a left or right handed bat depending on the situation. Up the middle will be another fluid situation. Ryan Bliss came in last year and was solid at 2nd base all season long. However, he was one of the top SS prospects in the country out of High School and the plan all along was to move him to the spot once Will Holland moved to the pros. Auburn, though, finds itself with a great problem to have, a lot of talent that could go in either place. Do you move Bliss to SS and insert Garrett Farquhar to 2nd base or keep Bliss at 2nd and insert either Farquhar or Brody Moore in to SS. My best guess would be the first option and insert Moore into the DH race, as Bliss would be able to fill the leadership role that Holland had, not just as the SS but the locker room leader as well.
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Tanner Burns
Saving the part I am most excited about for last. I have waited a long time to say this so just give me a moment cause this is a loaded message. This is the deepest pitching staff I have ever seen Auburn have in the 20ish years I have followed Auburn baseball. The amount of quality arms the Tigers have is really impressive, and if everything works out and everyone stays healthy, watch out. Your weekend starters are pretty much set as you will see Tanner Burns on Friday, Jack Owen on Saturday and more than likely Bailey Horn on Sunday to start out. For the midweek, I would bet a mixture of Brooks Fuller, Garrett Wade or newcomers Trace Bright or Jackson Reynolds will be the go to guys to try and get Auburn one time through he line up. Those guys will also be mixed in with Andrew Baker, a sophomore transfer from Chipola JC who has a fastball that lives in the mid-90s, who will be paired up with the “Bull” Cody Greenhill to help close the game for the Tigers.
Part of the problem for the Tigers last year was finding that bridge guy that could get those 5 or so outs to get the game from the starters to the Bull to get the Tigers a W. This year, Auburn will have more than enough serviceable options to do that. Along with Fitts, Fuller, Wade, Bright and Reynolds, Auburn could also turn to Ryan Watson, Peyton Glavine, Will Morrison, Carson Skipper and newcomer Hayden Mullins, a freshman left hander from Hendersonville, TN. Mullins will more than likely be a starter for the Tigers next season but had some forearm tightness in the fall that limited his work, so watch for Auburn to sprinkle him in as the season goes along.
Any way you cut it, there’s a ton of promise for this Auburn team and as you can see, Butch Thompson and staff has well earned their across the board top 10 rankings in the multiple national polls. When people asked me before last year what Auburn baseball would look like, I said 2019 will be good, it could be real good, but 2020 is the year, that’s the year Auburn announces its presence with authority. 2019 ended just short of the finish line, but it finished in Omaha. In just 5 days, we find out if Auburn can finish the season in Omaha again, but this time, in a dog pile.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/2/10/21127896/auburn-baseball-season-primer
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