#mark lee x s/n
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nonuwhore · 1 year ago
Oii, bao diaa.
Gostei do prompt "não faz isso, quero ouvir você gemer" e acho que poderia ser interessante ele com o mark, talvez na primeira vez dele com você e que você esteja com vergonha?? ou algo que você imaginar com esse prompt + mark!
enfim, eu adoraria ver isso na sua escrita, obrigada💖💖
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 19. “Não faz isso, quero ouvir você gemer.” contém: boyfriend!mark; fluff; cocky!mark porque a gente não pode esquecer nunca que ele é leonino (e esses são os melhores); apelidos (princesa, amor); linguagem vulgar; smut: morning sex; dirty talk, thigh fuck; mordidas; menção a ejaculação; praise;  contagem de palavras: 1,5k nota da autora: então, a história acabou saindo um pouquinho diferente kkkkk mas acho que mantive a ideia central. espero que você goste, de verdade!!!! muito obrigada por participar do evento <3
“Princesa”, a voz meio quebrada de um Mark que acabara de acordar te chamou. Ainda levemente adormecida, você a ouviu longe, mas reconheceu quem te chamava e o tom de culpa que ela carregava.
“Hum?”, você respondeu, sonolenta, e sabendo o que viria a seguir.
“Eu não consigo dormir mais… Já são oito horas…”, ele fez a afirmação parecer um absurdo, como se só pessoas malucas dormissem depois disso. Sentiu sua cintura sendo enlaçada pelo braço dele, junto do quadril encontrando o seu e a barba nascendo no queixo alcançar sua nuca. Um beijo, delicado e quase imperceptível. Outro, mais demorado e pesado. Mais outro, molhado e seguido de uma mordiscada tímida.
“Mark!”, você instintivamente o empurrou usando ancas e ele riu.
“É assim que você pretende me afastar? Acho que não vai dar certo”, ele riu sacana e te puxou para perto mais uma vez, se encaixando com cuidado na curva do seu corpo.
“Pelo amor de Deus, é domingo, me deixa dormir!”, você implorou.
“Você já dormiu muito! Olha que lindo o dia lá fora, a gente podia estar fazendo tanta coisa!”, e apontou para a cortina meio aberta que mostrava o azul límpido do céu. 
“Foda-se a beleza do dia, eu ‘tô de folga, quero dormir!”, você se debateu, fazendo birra, e ele se calou, mas você sabia que isso não tinha acabado.
Vocês tinham o mesmo problema todos os finais de semana há seis meses, que foi quando ele te pediu em namoro. Ele estava tão nervoso, as palavras saiam da boca sem nenhuma relação sintática, apenas uma grande sopa de “cara”, “tipo”, “é que”, e se você se perguntou se aquele era o mesmo Mark Lee que você conhecia das histórias que corriam pelo campus. O mesmo Mark Lee que não perdia nenhuma festa do curso de vocês - e de outros -  e nunca teve problema para falar com nenhuma caloura, nenhuma mesmo, até você chegar. Não que ele não tivesse tentado, você só era completamente inacessível, sempre fazendo a cara mais assustadora quando alguém do centro acadêmico chegava perto nos corredores e evitando todos os trabalhos em grupos possíveis. Só que o professor de Introdução ao Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Software de vocês não curtia muito essa ideia e resolveu fazer um sorteio de duplas para apresentação de um trabalho, e adivinha quem caiu com você. Evitar que Mark se aproximasse durante todo um semestre foi exaustivo e improdutivo, mesmo ambos não tendo nada em comum além dessa disciplina específica, depois de duas semanas ele já aparecia no seu dormitório toda noite com os lanches mais famosos do campus para você provar e dizer não para ele, a partir dali, se tornou impossível. Esse momento, que vocês vivam agora, nunca seria uma exceção. 
“Mark”, você o chamou e ele te apertou mais um pouco, o sorriso dele pressionado contra o seu ombro.
“Dormiu bem?”, perguntou, com a mesma voz manhosa que quase fez vocês ficarem de recuperação, porque, depois de um tempo, vocês passam mais tempo jogando qualquer coisa que ele achava na internet ou assistindo séries longuíssimas que você não lembrava nada da história, já que metade do tempo os dedos dele estavam dentro da sua calcinha. 
“Sempre tem como melhorar, né?” ele soltou um risinho apertado com seu tom de sarcasmo. 
“Sabe com o que eu sonhei?”, você balançou a cabeça e segurou a mão dele que apertava a sua barriga. “Sonhei que a gente ‘tava brincando de esconde-esconde. E eu era muito ruim, porque não te achei nenhuma vez”, você não precisava se virar para saber que nesse momento seu namorado tinha um bico feito com os lábios.
“Ou… Eu era muito boa, já pensou nessa possibilidade?”, você provocou sabendo como Mark era competitivo. 
Ele riu, cheio de si, “Claro, sempre há a possibilidade.”
“Você precisa parar de achar que é bom em tudo, Mark.”
“Mas eu sou. Uma máquina de última geração.”
Você empurrou sua bunda contra o colo dele. “Você é bem ruim em resistir a isso aqui”, e repetiu o movimento, se esfregando um pouco mais no membro adormecido.
Mark gemeu, sacando sua jogada. “Entendi, você quer provar um ponto…”
“Quero”, e parou, esperando o que ele faria a seguir, mas morrendo de vergonha de ter tomado a iniciativa. Você conseguia ouvir ele pensando e sentia o volume dentro da calça crescer.
“Que isso, amor… O que te deu hoje?”
“Talvez alguém tenha me acordado antes da hora… E fazer isso enquanto eu não te encaro é mais fácil”, você foi sincera e automaticamente perdeu a coragem que você tinha acumulado desde o dia anterior, quando você queria deixar claro que adoraria passar a noite com Mark dentro de você, mas não conseguiu, perdendo seu namorado para o video game.
“Você vai mesmo me fazer morder a língua”, ele se grudou a você de novo, deslizando a extensão rígida bastante óbvia por conta do short fino no meio da sua bunda e enfiando a mão dentro do seu pijama, segurando um dos seus seios como se eles fossem a última esperança da terra. Os dentes seguram a pele da sua nuca e do seu pescoço enquanto ele beliscava seu mamilo, ativando os todos os sentidos de ambos.
Você suspirava pesado, contendo a vontade de gemer e pedir que ele te fodesse logo, porque sua calcinha já tinha virado sopa. Se limitou a segurar a mão dele por cima do seu peito, apertando com mais vontade, e ajudando a fricção que ele fazia em você, aflita por mais. 
“Droga, você ‘tava tão certa”, você o sentiu se afastar de você, descendo a roupa de baixo dele e sua, e o membro quente pressionado mais uma vez contra o vão da sua bunda. Ele deslizou com cuidado, assistindo seu quadril fazendo o movimento contrário, em um sincronia ensaiada, e apertou sua cintura com força. “Eu nunca vou me acostumar com como você é gostosa, principalmente com essa atitude”, sussurrou mordendo sua orelha e soltando o hálito quente que arrepiou até pelos que você não sabia que tinha.
“Mark…”, você sabia que hoje não ia conseguir se conter, principalmente se ele fosse usar esse tom com você.
“Você vai gemer meu nome hoje? Diz que vai…”, te provocou, direcionando o membro com as mãos para o centro das suas pernas, mas sem te penetrar, o deslizava entre os lábios ensopados com mais facilidade que o normal e suas coxas automaticamente o apertaram, dando uma sensação parecida com a que ele tinha quando estava dentro de você.
O ritmo vagaroso provavelmente ia te matar. Ele não tinha pressa pra se movimentar e nem pra beijar seu pescoço e morde-lo, soltando a pele lentamente. A ponta gordinha resvalou no clitoris implorando por atenção e foi o bastante para te fazer abafar o chiado com as costas da mão. 
 “Não faz isso, quero ouvir você gemer”, ele pediu, segurando a mesma mão e aumentando um pouco a cadência em que fodia sua coxa. “Se eu não te torturar, você promete que geme pra mim? Promete?”, e sua cabeça confirmou com tanta força e rapidez que fez ele sorrir, boquiaberto com o quão molhada você estava e o quanto isso o deixava mais maluco pra te fazer gozar.
Como prometido, ele passou a estocar com mais vontade o espaço apertadinho que você criou para ele, escorregando por toda a sua intimidade, e te fazendo gemer alto, sem 
calcular nenhuma das suas ações. “Eu vou ficar viciado nessa porra, vou te querer assim toda vez”, disse se referindo ao jeito que sua garganta liberava os sons mais dolorosamente estimulantes. Pensar em fazer de novo fez seu corpo erupcionar em um longo e paralisante orgasmo, te deixando completamente travada e sentido todo o tipo de prazer enquanto Mark era o único a balançar a cama em um frenesi que o levou ao limite logo em seguida. Seus líquidos e os deles se misturavam no tecido da roupa de cama que colava na sua pele do mesmo jeito que Mark se agarrava a você. 
“Você consegue me olhar agora?”, perguntou, retomando o que você disse anteriormente. Seu olhar encontrou o dele, rapidamente, e voltou a encarar o canto da parede. Ele riu, perdido pela expressão cansada e envergonhada no seu rosto. “Você tem vergonha de dizer que tá com vontade, amor?”
“Ainda não, Mark Lee. Ainda não.”
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sugaringgcaramel · 8 months ago
☆ 90's Love.
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CONTENTS: work romance, mark is oblivious, non-idol! au, written chapters, fluff, slice of life, def a lot of profanity, joking around of killing… :p
SUMMARY: long boring office days seem to become shorter once your eyes land on him, trying to find a way to get closer to him you ask your friends for help, maybe you and him could end up more than just friends…?
AUTHOR NOTE: im finally back and this time with an smau 🙀🙀 i hope you guys enjoy this, its been so long since ive written something and this is my first smau so please show it lots of love 🫶 (creds to nia’lah for the story’s header <3 @itaehynz)
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STATUS: forgotten.. (im no longer working on this project)
FEATURING — . . . the rest of nct 127, TXT’s yeonjun & beomgyu, shinee’s taemin !
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PROFILES: baddies w da fatties ‼️‼️ | sm doesnt pay us enough 🫡💔
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01. who is that fine ass man..
02. wdym i cant just stare at him
03. im nervy (half written)
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TAGLIST: open for adding! send an ask to be added ;)
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doughyk · 6 months ago
STEP ON ME— 1. Party or study?
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𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁
𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁- OPEN @haechansbbg @wonwootakemyheart @amrqxz
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬- profanity, content of alcohol usage ( characters are legal age 21), some “sexual” jokes, jokes about death, jokingly death threats,vaping
RAHHHHHH okay first chapter!!
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luvmahae · 2 months ago
where you are ‣ lee haechan smau
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summary: what the absolute fuck is up baby! fall semester marks the peak of greek life at ncu. the campus quad is filled with tents representing various fraternities and sororities with their letters proudly presented in front of each booth, all eager to recruit new members. as students return to campus, they are met with a flood of fliers and invitations to parties, mixers, and rush events. while you were walking through the crowd of eager freshmen to join these organizations, you bumped into someone very unexpected...
what do you do when you bump into the guy you hooked up with after a music festival during summer break? instead of the royal blue basketball jersey you first met him in, it was replaced by a varsity jacket with the letters reading "ΝΧΘ".
pairing: fratboy!haechan x fem!reader
genre: smau, non-idol au, college au, fluff, nsfw/suggestive (mdni!) comedy, humor, slight slowburn, strangers to lovers, rave bae core? (am i in love with you or is it just the drugs?)
warnings: mentions of alcohol/substance usage (marijuana, mdma/ecstasy, lsd, cocaine), profanity, jokes about sex and death thrown around, both groups are out of pocket and tmi doesn't exist apparently... no ones safe! the boys gc is kinda questionable (this is where i say men deserve no rights!), haechan x reader met at an edm festival (the term rave bae will be said here and there. rave bae is someone you meet unexpectedly while raving, kinda like your temporary s/o for the duration of the rave or festival... smth like that!) disclaimer notice: these portrayals are fictional and are not intended to encourage or glamorize substance use.
playlist: where you are - john summit | club classics - charli xcx | intimidated - kaytranada, h.e.r. | high and i like it - it's murph, evalyn | what a life - john summit, stevie appleton | saving up - dom dolla | talk talk - charli xcx, troye sivan | mr useless - shygirl, sg lewis, club shy | atmosphere - fisher, kita alexander | thinking about you - calvin harris, ayah marar | gas pedal remix - john summit, subtronics, tape b, sage the gemini
notes: omg!!! my first post ever... honestly i've been debating to do this for a long time... now here i am :D ngl i lowkey based this off a personal experience (i am a changed woman now okay... spare me! 😭) my first lil fic dedicated to haechan!!! the playlist is highly edm biased with a sprinkle of brat. i just think it fits the vibe so well hehe. open to feedback and enjoy!!! ♡
status: ongoing!
taglist: closed!
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profiles: live laugh love y/n (1), john summit fanboys (2)
intro: so.... edc next year?
one: comedown
two: wtf is college
three: boutta fuckin jump (written)
four: y/n’s eras tour
five: is my brain braining?
six: heyyyyyy 👀
seven: i know what u are…
eight: tequila ftw (written)
nine: ot3 timeout
ten: i want u 😩
eleven: drunk olympics
twelve: stuDYING
thirteen: agram 🙏😭
fourteen: gn haechan (written)
fifteen: team y/n
sixteen: options
seventeen: u did ur big one 😞
eighteen: h for harry styles
nineteen: kms postponed! (written)
twenty: haechan x y/n crumbs
twenty-one: how tf we feelin (written)
twenty-two: use protection 😏
twenty-three: missed connection
coming soon!
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uronlywon · 6 months ago
I'M NOT HIM - s.jy ( 심재윤 ) ; drabble ➤ an attempt to get over your ex . . .
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pairing .ᐟ best friend!jake x afab!reader
contains .ᐟ dom!jake, mention of heeseung as an ex, jealous jake !!
warnings .ᐟ MINORS DNI, smut smut smut, porn with little plot, slight dubcon, pet name use (baby, good girl), little blindfold use, skin biting/sucking, mentions of mark making, unprotected sex (use protection pls), oral (fem rec), creampie, let me know if i missed something !
vee's note .ᐟ first drabble? it's more like a scenario but idrk... i'm afraid that this might be really terrible but i need some sort of filler while i continue to write bittersweet, which might i say, is taking forever.
wc .ᐟ [ 1.4k ]  other works . . . masterlist ; read more !
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To be honest, you kind of saw it coming, but it still painfully hurt you, you two had been together for almost 2 years. You caught him cheating on you with another woman in your shared bedroom, which you found absolutely disgusting.
If you weren’t going to be with Heeseung anymore, who else would satisfy you as good as him?
Maybe your best friend can; Jaeyun.
So you showed up at his place, holding nothing but a blindfold in one of your hands.
You quickly found your back pressed into the soft mattress of Jaeyun’s bed. Clothes were discarded all over the ground, the blindfold tied around your head.
For a few minutes now, he had peppered your neck with plenty of kisses, leaving a couple of red and purplish marks in his tracks. He suckled on your perky nipples, taking one in his mouth whilst his fingers flicked and twisted the other, stifling a soft moan out of you. It baffled him how pretty your breasts were, perfect curves topped with rose-coloured buds.
He continued to nip at your plush skin, from your jaw to your collarbone, painting you with his mouth as if you were his masterpiece in the making. You looked so pretty under him like this, even though you can’t see him.
After getting enough of your neck and chest, Jaeyun flipped you over onto your stomach, the sudden gesture startling you. With the blindfold on, it was hard to tell what things were going to happen next.
Jaeyun took his hard cock into his hand, pumping it a few times before bringing it to meet with your soaked pussy. He decided to ditch the condom, you never mentioned anything about it anyway. You could feel him prodding at your entrance, immense desire growing as you wiggled your hips closer to him, “Hmn-.. Please, hurry..” You whimpered out.
“Eager are we?” Jaeyun teased, a small chuckle escaping from his lips, “Good girls have patience. You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” He asked, voice almost completely oozing with lust.
You don’t respond.
Your brain was entirely clouded with just desperation that you could only let out another whimper.
A smirk forms on Jaeyun’s face. He never thought he would have his best friend, on his bed, spread open for him to use. He’s always had a tiny crush on you, he won’t deny that.
With Jaeyun’s cock already lined up with your pleading hole, he began to slowly let his length sink into you and oh man, was he big. The little moans he drew out from you only fueled him more, the desire to ruin you only becoming stronger.
Not long after, he bottomed out, his whole dick sitting deep and snug inside of you. “Fuck, Y/n, so tight for me,” He muttered, whilst beginning to thrust himself in and out of you slowly to get you adjusted to his size. Your cute tiny noises only grew louder.
“Mmf— More, please-” You begged, hands mindlessly grabbing the bed sheets beneath you, grip tightening until your knuckles were almost sure to lose their colours. “S..So good! Heeseung!—”
Right. Maybe Jaeyun should’ve known better. You weren’t here for him, you were here for yourself.
And you wouldn’t be here right now if your precious boyfriend didn’t cheat on you.
You would be fucking with Heeseung instead.
With his jaw clenched, Jaeyun fucked into your went cunt faster and harder, the sound of both of your skins slapping against each other filled the lustful atmosphere. “Ignore it,” He thought to himself, trying not to think too much about it. All that mattered now was your pleasure and not his feelings.
Whilst fucking into you, he let his hands trail to the soft skin of your waist, his hands wrapping around your small middle, giving it a harsh squeeze in the process. “More.. More, more! Hee!” You chanted, the pleasure you were currently receiving clearly not enough for you. 
It was getting harder for Jaeyun to keep his composure, the way you called out for Heeseung when he wasn’t even there, the constant ‘Heeseungs’ and ‘Hees’ clearly starting to irritate him. He used one of his hands to effortlessly spread legs wider for him to gain more access, then he proceeded to thrust into you whilst keeping himself in check. “Fucking.” Thrust! “Ignore.” Thrust! “It.” Thrust!
Your body began to grow limp, and you felt a familiar knot forming in your tummy, just waiting to burst. “Ah- ‘m so close!” You exclaimed, trying to chase your orgasm by rocking your hips at the same pace as Jaeyun’s.
“Yeah? Y..You’re close?” Jaeyun panted out, it was obviously a rhetorical question. “You like this cock this much, huh? Gonna come for me like a good girl, aren’t you?” He continued, stringing out more questions and praise.
It took all of your remaining consciousness to muster out a singular sentence. “Mhm! Hah— ‘mma come for you like a- g..good girl..,”
“Whose good girl?”
Was that a stupid to ask? Yes. Jaeyun knew he wasn’t the one you longed for, but he still had a slither of hope lingering in his head.
“Yours! Hee- Heeseung’s good girl!”
Wrong answer.
Then everything happens so quickly. Before you know it, you’re flipped onto your back again, blindfold ripped off your face as well as you pending orgasm. You no longer felt his dick inside of you, leaving you clenching on air. “What the fuck?!–”
When you take in everything that just happened, your eyes engulf your surroundings. The purple LEDs, how humid the room is and—
Before you got the chance to say anything at him, or get upset at him for ruining the moment, he suddenly thrusted back into you, making you jolt. Then a series of words started to come out of his mouth. “God, Y/n.. Please, stop calling out to that fucker.” Jaeyun began, ‘that fucker’ referring to Heeseung. 
“No. Listen.” He cut you off, obviously not done saying everything he intended to. He proceeded to speak whilst bucking his hips to meet yours, groaning softly. “Can’t you just accept it, Y/n?”
Accept what?
“Like- Can’t you just accept Heeseung doesn’t want you anymore? I mean, he cheated on you for fuck’s sake.”
Wow. You never expected somebody to ever say those words to you whilst they were fucking the shit out of your cunt.
“Please!” He beseeched, growing vulnerable as his thrusts picked up in pace. “Accept that—”
“I’m not him.”
The three words do something to you. Seeing your best friend at your mercy was not something that was very common, even though he held the most power in your current situation. But you couldn’t muster out a proper response, due to the sensation of being fucked into by him.
The way Jaeyun’s hips worked magic was dizzying you, or maybe it was the fact you just got edged?
Soon enough the pleasure was too much to bear, pleasure pricking at the corner of your eyes as your awaited orgasm approaches you. “Jaeyun!–” You called out, and you called out his name.
“Yeah, baby..? Fuck, say it again- Say my name again.” Jaeyun asked desperately, his own name rolling off your tongue pleasing him.
“J…Jaeyun! ‘m close- let me cum, please!”
Oh, he was gonna let you cum. If you answered correctly this time.
“Whose- good girl are you, huh?”
Panting, you make eye contact with him, the purple LED lights illuminating his face. Damn, you never realised how fucking attractive your own best friend actually is. Your eyes flutter in exhaustion, and he smirks at you.
“Can’t hear you.” 
Jaeyun’s hand comes up to your tummy as he continues to snap into you. He rests it on top of your abdomen before progressively applying pressure. “Who’s ‘yours’, hm?.”
The pressure on your lower stomach only adds up to your awaiting orgasm, each thrust bringing you closer to it. “Fuckfuckfuck! Jaeyun!- Gonna cum—”
“I know, baby. I know.” He grunted, drawing his cock in and out of you even faster, chasing both of your highs, getting sloppier by the minute. “C’mon baby, say it. Who’s ‘yours’? Whose good girl are you?”
You’re almost there. So, so close to cumming.
“J-Jaeyun’s good girl!” You exclaimed, loudly.
The smirk displayed on Jaeyun’s face only widens, “Good girl.” He muttered out, completely satisfied. “Shhii.. Cum with me, baby—” He moaned out, head throwing back as he chased both of your orgasms.
With one final thrust, the both of you come undone, your release coating his dick entirely whilst he fills you to the brim with his warm cum.
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vee's note .ᐟ sorry you had to read that because it sucks.
©𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺𝘸𝘰𝘯, 2024 𝘈𝘓𝘓 𝘙𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛𝘚 𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘌𝘙𝘝𝘌𝘋 | 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺, 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘦, 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘸𝘯. 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘥
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jj-one · 10 months ago
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this is smut, do not interact if under 18
pairing: dom!skz x sub!fem!reader, established relationship, husband!changbin bc why not ? genre/tags: smut, angst, fluff (tbh it's only changbin's part), jealousy, exhibitionism, voyeurism, lots of degradation, mentions of crying, marking, manhandling, bondage play, piv, unprotected s*x (do not try this at home kids), public s*x, rough s*x, fingering, nipple play, oral (f & m receiving), t*tty slapping, multiple orgasms, edging, choking, bulge kink, slight breeding kink… am not mentally ok for writing any of this words: 3.4k
**old repost from my deleted blog
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BANG CHAN. His patience was a level of no other. The man just watched you flirt with his friend and didn’t mutter a single word. All the while you kept boasting about how good Changbin’s muscles looked and the movement of his biceps were leaving you in complete amusement.
Pissed off doesn’t begin to describe what he’s feeling right now. He clears his throat,
“Are we done y/n? I think it’s time we head home now.”
The tone of his voice was cold, icy like a winter storm.
The lump in your throat was stuck. You knew how much in deep shit you were for this and his silence was the main indicator.
You could feel his piercing eyes on you the whole time.
It wasn’t long before you’d end up in this position. Both arms were locked above your head by his strong hands. The tight grip he kept around your wrists was definitely going to leave some bruising.
“You’re such a dumb slut. Did all this just to get me like this huh?” His cock hitting your walls aggressively as you spasm and shake under him.
“All this to get me to fuck you the like the dumb little cockwhore you are?” He growled, “can Changbin fuck you like this?”
His pace was relentless. His cock stretching you open with each deep thrust. His harsh words cutting into you like a dagger. Your mind was blank, head full of Chan’s cock. You had to answer him though, or else he will stop.
“N-no Chan only y-yours… only you can fuck me like this!”
A smirk creeps up his face from your quavering voice. He leans forward, his lips brush over yours as if almost to kiss you but doesn’t.
“I own you y/n. Only I get to have to you, understood?”
All you feel is his cock slamming into you. The slapping sounds becoming a melody of a beat, your heart was racing a mile a minute.
LEE KNOW. He hates when you act out in public. The way you tease him and get him riled up, knowing he can’t do anything about it. It gave you sense of power, you had the upper hand— for now.
You were wearing the shortest mini skirt possible, it barely covered your bum and you could feel a cool breeze slip through your crevices. You kept walking in front of him, swaying your little hips side to side, letting him watch you bend down to pick things up as he sneaks a peak under your skirt. The sight of the pink lace thong you wore was enough to make him grab you by the arm and yank you into a public restroom nearby.
Before you know it, you’re being devoured by your boyfriend. Sitting on the counter of the sink whilst he was below you, giving you a gaze that could snatch your soul. His digits sunk into your dripping cunt as he swipes his tongue across your slit. Your skirt was still on but pushed up slightly, your thong was also moved to the side.
“I can’t believe you’d go out like this and expect me not to control myself.” He rises up momentarily.
“You do this on purpose, knowing I don’t want other people looking at you.”
He laps up your juices and coats it with his face, scissoring you open with his fingers.
“Fuck… I wore this for you Minho— w-wanted to look pretty for you.” Your eyes were tightly shut, feeling the euphoria as you were close to your orgasm.
He abruptly pulled his fingers out of you, thrusting your hips in the air now, you whine for stimulation.
“Will you be a good girlfriend for me and cum on my tongue kitten? I want you to scream as loud for me as you can, I don’t care who hears it.” Minho was dead serious. He doesn’t care you both are in a public restroom and there’s people casually walking by. He wants everyone to know you are his.
You nod and agree to be on your best behavior for him. You know he will most likely reward you for this in the end.
“I promise, I’ll be a good girl Minho.”
Feeling your body heat surge as he inched closer to your core, pressing his tongue at your entrance. He tongue fucks you viciously while never breaking his eye contact with you.
Feeling yourself come undone from the surreal pleasure, all you want is to feel your release.
You thrash and moan as you cream on Minho’s tongue, your legs felt like jello when you climax. You let out multiple gasps for air, feeling as though you just ran a marathon.
Minho hasn’t left between your legs yet, his face still in a headlock. He wasn’t quite finished with you just yet.
“You can give me one more, right kitten?”
CHANGBIN. Being a newlywed couple felt like a fairytale dream come true. He felt incredibly lucky to have you as his wife and doesn’t stop reminding you how happy he is. He’d shower you with a beacon of compliments that would melt your heart each and every time.
You went on another vacation right after the honeymoon and it felt like paradise. That was up until a small incident occurred, it happened when you were at the pool with your husband. One of the pool goers at the resort couldn’t keep their eyes off you. You wore a sexy one piece that had cut-out details on the sides to show off your waist but you wore a sheer cover up over it.
Changbin noticed straight away the eyes that were glued to you, the eyes that were glued to his precious wife. He was livid. Almost causing a scene, he went up to the perverted man that was eye fucking you and gave him a piece of his mind. In utter disbelief of what was unfolding in front of you, you go up to Changbin to calm him down and get him to stop before he ends up actually doing something he’ll regret. His face burned crimson from anger but the sound of your voice brought him back to reality.
Things were much better in private now. Much better. Sitting on your husband’s lap in the jacuzzi bathtub felt so relaxing, his hands roamed your naked body as he placed chaste kisses all over you. He stopped at your neck to give it more attention, nibbling on a sensitive spot that made you sink right into his form. Moaning softly whilst his hands prance down to your back.
“I want to shield the rest of the world from you, only I get to gawk at my gorgeous wife.” Changbin says possessively, looking at you once he comes up from your neck.
You nod in agreement, “they can look but can’t touch!”
“No, they can’t even look, all of this is mine, mine, mine.” He plants a kiss to your cheek as his hand creeps down to your core. He prods your hole with a single digit, entering you with ease. You let out a soft moan as you part your lips slightly, bucking your hips forward. He pumps his finger into your wetness as he looks deeply into your eyes, nothing but burning desire in his pupils. He brings his thumb to your clit and rubs it in a steady motion, your swollen nub feeling overstimulated from his touch.
“This is just the beginning my love, I’m not done with you until the sun comes up.” He whispered in your ear as he drags his tongue against your earlobe. In just the jacuzzi alone, he’s made you cum several times from his fingers. Oh how those magical fingers always do wonders on you..
HYUNJIN. The room was pitch black, your vision completely impaired from the blindfold attached to your head. Your hands were bound to each other, behind your back being tied by a thick rope. You had nowhere to go and the room was pure silence, naked and touch starved, you whine for Hyunjin to do something but you were met with no answer. He was standing over you on the bed but you were unaware of any of your surroundings.
The man finally spoke, “This is what happens when you try and make daddy jealous.”
You can feel his hot breath on your neck, the sensation making you crave him even more.
Hyunjin was always the possessive type, was constantly in need of reassurance if he felt his ego was being bruised. This was situation was no different, he needed to remind you that he was the one who owned you.
He brought finger to your perked nipple, gently dragging it across to tease you a bit. A white-hot charge sent through your body as you finally felt his touch. Dripping in a puddle of your own slick from the dirty thoughts racing in your mind, he continues lightly tracing your hardened nipples; eliciting low moans from you.
Your senses were heightened from the way you weren’t able to see anything, any little touch from him making you squeal from shock.
“You like this don’t you?” He says in a condescending tone, he belittles you some more. “So pathetic, look at you. Can’t do anything but take it, so fucking helpless.”
Hyunjin loved seeing how weak you become under him, the power dynamic being completely imbalanced right now. All you could do was moan out for him, practically begging him to do more but you know he’s going to take his time with you.
“Gonna make you squirt all over this bed for me.” He says, “Won’t stop until I have you screaming and begging for mercy, which I will never give you.”
The smirk on his face was devilish, he was conjuring up the perfect plan to ruin you indefinitely.
“Hyunjin, please fuck me… please.” You push your thighs together to feel some friction but Hyunjin gets mad at this action instantly.
He brings a harsh slap to your left tit, making you jump up a bit but your body couldn’t move properly from being tied up. Your legs went back to it’s original position, spread open for him so he can get a glimpse of your dripping cunt.
“Don’t ever tell me what to do, I make the rules now.” He palms your breast and kneads it excessively.
“You are my property.”
HAN. If jealousy was a disease Han would be the first one to catch it. He really loves yet hates the fact that he has such a smoking hot girlfriend that everyone wants. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy dating you but the way some of these other guys would look at you was about to become his villain origin story.
You were so oblivious to anyone who attempted to flirt with you, you only had eyes for your man but it was hard to convince Han otherwise. The pizza delivery guy complimented how pretty you looked and when you handed him the money to pay for the food, you accidentally gave him a ten dollar bill instead of a twenty, he didn’t even care he just smiled and continued talking to you.
That’s when Han knew he had to butt in, he was listening from the couch and he knew he shouldn’t have let you be the one to answer the door. Quickly he comes up to you to wrap his arms behind you, keeping you in a tight hold as the pizza guy looks mortified now.
“You can leave now,” Han says to him in a harsh tone, “We have important business to take care of!”
Slamming the door in his face now, Han comes up from behind you to take the pizza box out of your hands to place it on the table. Soon after, a heavy make out session between you would ensue.
As your naked bodies entangled one another, you feel yourself cinching around his cock from each inch as he slides it in. Your breath instantly coming to a halt as the end of his cock crashed into your cervix. He moves with his ass up in the air as he buries his length deep inside you, the squelching sound of your wet pussy making him see stars.
“Fuck… so fucking tight for me.” Han says sounding pussydrunk off the way you feel around him.
You fall into a frenzy as he pumps his length into you harder, pounding into you like no tomorrow. The bulge of his cock could be seen inside you, moving in and out of you intensely. Grinding your hips to match his pace, you rub your clit to feel more stimulation.
“You’re so fucking hot my God…” He cooed, tiny beads of sweat now forming on the sides of his face. “Your pussy was made for me and me only…”
“Only I can make you feel this good.”
FELIX. He felt sick to his stomach whenever he saw someone else looking at you. The way people would look at you in public when he was with you made him feel beyond disrespected. This is exactly why he doesn’t bring you anywhere because his fragile little ego will be crushed as soon as another person laid their eyes on you. He couldn’t deal with it anymore, he just had to do something about it.
You were at a public park but the park was so big that it was easy to hide and go unseen behind some bushes.
Felix brought you to a secluded area and told you get on your back, you do as he says and he looks at you with the most evil grin on his face.
“I’m going to fuck you so dumb right here, right now.” Felix says in a raspy deep voice, “I will let everyone exactly know who’s bitch you are.”
You gulp once you feel his hands all over you, you wore a black slip dress which drove him absolutely mad.
“Gonna make you pay for getting me worked up like this.” You felt so small when he spoke like this to you, the sticky mess in your panties was only growing as you feel his hands go up your thigh.
“Too stunned to speak sweetheart?” He asks, giving you an alluring yet mischievous smile. You have no idea what this man has for you in store.
“N-no, I can speak-“
“Shut up.” He quickly cuts you off from saying more. “I’m the one talking right now, you sit back and take what I’m going to give you.”
You did exactly as you were told and lay back for him. He quickly unzips his pants and frees his cock from his boxers. You look at the red tip of his angry cock, the sight of his raging erection was enough to make you feel a tingling sensation in your heat. His cock would plunge into you nice and slow but once he bottoms out he’ll quickly pick up his pace, fucking into you menacingly. He brought a hand to your neck and squeezed the shaft of it tightly, you gasp for air as he choked you but it wasn’t unbearable. You close your eyes to the feeling, letting yourself be fully immersed into him. Each thrust he gave you felt like bliss as he roughly held onto your hip, fucking you like a complete maniac.
“Gonna dump all my cum into your slutty little body,” Felix continued,“you’re my fuck toy, only I get to use you.”
SEUNGMIN. Usually something like this would never get to him. However, today was different, very different. Seungmin almost went ballistic when he found out that some guy asked for your number while you were out shopping at the supermarket. He often goes everywhere with you but you were getting off work and went straight to the store to grab some things for dinner. That’s when it happened and you told Seungmin as soon as you got home. You thought he’d just laugh it off but he frowned, disproving of that guy’s actions.
“What a loser,” Seungmin says in an annoyed tone, “when they will learn to just leave you the hell alone?”
He wanted you all to himself, if he could lock you up forever and throw away the key, he probably would. Only letting you out when he tells you you can.
“They can try all they want Minnie but I know I belong to you at the end of the day.” You bring your arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him and he kisses you back passionately.
“Want you to say it for me again, who’s pussy does this belong to?” Seungmin was now relentlessly pumping two fingers in you.
“Y-yours Seungmin… yours!” You could barely get a coherent word out of your mouth.
“And who makes you feel the best?”
He wasn’t letting up on making sure you know that you fully belonged to him. “We can do this all day princess… I’m not going to stop until I’m satisfied.”
This was his fifth time edging you at this point, leaving you on the verge of an orgasm but would pull his fingers out once he notices your chest floating up. He’s being so evil to you right now, as if you it was your fault for what had happened in the supermarket.
“You, only y-you! You’re the best at making me feel so good!” You babble as he rapidly moves his fingers in and out of your gaping hole.
“That’s my good little girl, now keep taking my fingers and I’ll reward you soon okay?”
JEONGIN. “You’re such a filthy slut, you know that?” The motion of needy hips were bucking into you. Your head was kept in place, completely still, on your knees and on the verge of tears from your boyfriend’s words.
You knew why you were in this predicament right now. This was all your fault and you did it all for this exact reason.
You wanted to see Jeongin’s reaction to saying you think Felix was hot. You know he wouldn’t take that comment lightly since that was one of his best friends. You wanted to see how far you could test his limits.
“You wanna fuck my friends huh?” He grabs you by the hair and furrows his eyebrows to regain more focus onto you.
You couldn’t speak, all you could do was shake your head around him as he shoved his cock further down your throat.
“Can’t even talk with your mouth full of cock, what a dumb little whore you are.”
His cock hitting the back of your uvula, causing you to make a gagging noise. Streaks of saliva creep from the sides your mouth, the messy scenery underneath him was a heavenly sight indeed. You moan while sucking his cock, the vibrations making the hairs on the back of his neck rise up. He throws his head back and keeps a tight hold on your hair, gripping you with everything he had. He thrusts his hard length into you viciously, the gurgling noises you were making whilst he fucks your face sounds harmonic to him.
“Shit…think I’m gonna cum soon” he muttered, letting out a groan as he kept pushing your face into his cock. “Yeah… just like that fuck… that’s it.”
A stream of tears came running down your face as you continued. You can feel his veiny cock twitch against your tongue as you felt hot spurts of cum fill you up now. You swallow each and every drop and milk him clean like the good girl you were. Opening your mouth wide to show it was empty he grins viciously and taps his dick against your tongue.
“You’re the biggest fucking slut…” He pants heavily.
“My biggest slut.”
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giselleloversclub · 16 days ago
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mark lee
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dm for prices @susicheng
small lifestyle influencer yn, who also happens to be a stressed college student, runs into a life threatening dilemma: plug moved to a different state post grad. having developed a crippling dependency on her weekly smoke sesh, she needs someone new, FAST. luckily, chenle seems to know just the guy. enter: mark lee, an astoundingly reliable plug with an interesting texting style. 
plug! mark x fem! reader
personal fav !
⋆ you. @fairyoflia
in which a biology major and a basketball player lock eyes on the train after getting caught in the rain. unfortunately for them, they hate each other.
basketball player! mark lee x fem! reader
from the rooftops @peterm4rker
in which biochemistry major mark lee didn’t have time to be swinging around the city fighting crime when he had a chemistry report due in two days and a whole plan to make the girl of his dreams to fall in love with him before the new years party.
in which journalism major y/n l/n needed her ground breaking story of the year before fuckass yuna took her place in the college newspaper and decided her favorite superhero was the answer, all while trying to get that cute biochem student to notice her.
spiderman!mark x journalist!reader
huang renjun
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starlight @suhnandmoon
after an unexpected night at the movies, you’re left turned into a vampire. with the help of park jisung and his friends, your new lifestyle adjustments are thankfully made a lot easier. that is until your friends start to call out your flaky behavior. quick, how are you going to cover up your secret? a fake boyfriend taking up your time? perfect! huang renjun is just the right guy!
huang renjun x fem!reader
vampire au
crush culture @suhnshinehaos
ln yn has always flirted with huang renjun. but they do that with literally everyone else too, they couldn’t possibly be serious about pursuing him, right? on their final year of university, yn is determined to show that they are. with all the walls that renjun has built around himself, will they be strong enough to succeed in tearing them down?
huang renjun x gn!reader
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 @sungbeam
you and renjun are pen-pals-turned-best-friends, except, no one knows that you know each other. at the same time, both you and renjun are also trying to survive being set up with people by your own separate friend groups. turns out, maybe you both just want each other and no one else.
huang renjun x fem!reader
lee jeno
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jeno was not thrilled about you joining his dance team, especially because he starts messing up every time you’re around. is it really his fault that he gets distracted by how good you look when you dance?
enemies to lovers
dancer!jeno x bookworm!reader
ᝰ.ᐟ off the record @strrykais
someone had to write for the sports column in your schools paper, and unfortunately it falls onto you. only knowing very little about basketball - thanks to your friend chenle, this shouldn't be so bad!
well, that was until you meet the team’s captain and he rudely asks if you are deaf.... funny thing is, you are!
lee jeno x fem!reader
personal fav
good graces @106alibi
y/n knows she's petty. so when she found out her (secret) celebrity boyfriend of a year had been cheating on her, through a news article to make things worse, she decided to cook up an action plan to get back at him, and what better way to take revenge than to get together with his all-time favourite athlete?
or, in which y/n involves an unsuspecting lee jeno into her little revenge scheme on her now ex-boyfriend.
boxer!jeno x magazine-editor!reader
personal fav
secret admirer @diaphamin
in which ncit’s star basketball player lee jeno is your secret admirer
lee jeno x reader
my youth , your kitchen @cigsaftersuh
in which y/n, a pre-med student, who loves to cook & feed people, meets jeno, the quiet sports science major with a soft smile, and discovers that the way to someone’s heart really is through their gastrointestinal tract, their stomach.
non-idol! jeno x f! reader (.◜◡◝)
good boy @fullsunstrawberry
New year's resolution leads to you hitting the gym with your two muscle-head friends. But things get complicated when feelings and emotions are involved.
Jeno x Reader (some anton x reader)
underneath the tree @winwintea
you’ve heard enough of the word ‘christmas’ and it was only the beginning of december! sometimes you’d wish people would just throw their cheerfulness out the window and focus on reality. unfortunately for you lee jeno has just drawn your name for the company’s annual secret santa swinter swap and he’s going to make sure you get a gift you’ll never forget. (and maybe even get you to appreciate christmas along the way?)
co-worker!lee jeno x female!reader
oh , pretty please ? @nislost
After being scolded by a teacher y/n decides she’s sick of failing her classes. she knows if she doesn’t get her act together she might not even make it in life. she decides to seek help from the one student that that can potentially help her, jeno the valedictorian. jeno would only accept if y/n helped him in some way too.
valedictorian!jeno x bimbo!reader
lee haechan
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on the same page @johnnysuhbmarine
Knowing a change of scenery was what your mental health needed, you transferred to where your brother, Mark, goes to college. The good news is, he’s not too cool for his younger sister, so he lets you join his friend group immediately. The bad news is, Haechan is in that friend group, and a brief encounter four years ago was enough for you to understand he does NOT like you. Even worse news, he’s a lot hotter than he was four years ago…
Haechan x reader
personal fav
lab rats ! @106alibi
graded internship season has finally rolled around for biology student y/n, and with a current gpa of 4.0 under her belt and an extremely high possibility of graduating valedictorian, she's fairly confident that acing her research internship will be just what she needs to secure that spot. of course, that was until a certain someone came into the equation.
or, y/n finds herself partnered with the last person she'd ever want to work with for her research internship, lee donghyuck.
biology-student!donghyuck x biology-student!reader
how not to be a virgin 101 @diaphamin
college is about gaining further education, to some, but to y/n it means she is finally free to explore the side of life she was never able to. parties, relationships, and sex. she was tired of being dull, tired of being the only one around her who hasn’t experienced anything romantic. she was ready to be the exact opposite of what she wasn’t. the only problem being… she doesn’t know how. that’s when she calls upon haechan, someone notoriously known for having a bit too much fun… and asks him for guidance.
where you are @luvmahae
what the absolute fuck is up baby! fall semester marks the peak of greek life at ncu. the campus quad is filled with tents representing various fraternities and sororities with their letters proudly presented in front of each booth, all eager to recruit new members. as students return to campus, they are met with a flood of fliers and invitations to parties, mixers, and rush events. while you were walking through the crowd of eager freshmen to join these organizations, you bumped into someone very unexpected...
what do you do when you bump into the guy you hooked up with after a music festival during summer break? instead of the royal blue basketball jersey you first met him in, it was replaced by a varsity jacket with the letters reading "ΝΧΘ".
fratboy!haechan x fem!reader
personal fav
nerf this ! @injvns
in which overwatch streamer yn ln is on a winning streak one night, and sorta kinda ends up killing professional overwatch player lee haechan on stream…multiple times. she didn't even know who he was, let alone that he was super hot?! c'mon, she wouldn't have smoked him THAT hard if she knew!
yn starts overwatch beef with haechan accidentally. romance ensues.
progamer!haechan x streamer!femreader
cruise of love @mixxiew
yn, a scholarship student, finally gets the opportunity of her life to join her friends for the Semester at the Sea. every thing looks like a dream until the arrogant rich boy lee haechan crushes into her.
haechan x reader
just pretend ! @nislost
y/n gets hit up by her ex and in a desperate attempt to have him leave her alone she gets a random picture of a guy on pinterest and pretends he’s her bf. turns out the picture she used is of an up and coming youtuber lee haechan.
nonidol!haechan x f!reader
sunshine and starlight @lavndrystudios
haechan gets more than he bargained for when he meets chaeyoung’s new roommate. turns out he loves you, he really does. too bad you’re with ten.
haechan x f!reader
APT @sourrpatched
“Don’t you want me like I want you baby?”
After a uni party full of too many drinks and party games, y/n meets the love of her life. Only the next morning she can’t remember his name, his face, or anything besides his very attractive hands.
Lee Donghyuck lives a simple life, work, school, and sleep. He has no business in being dragged into parties every weekend. Which is why bumping into his complete opposite is enough to bring him out of that shell, albeit with force.
you’re losing me. @najaemism
it’s been six weeks since you ended your six-year relationship with haechan, and it seems like he’s already moved on.
angst, ex!haechan, hurt/no comfort
it's the way you are @inurnctdreams
y/n suh is going into her second semester of her sophomore year at snu. as a self-proclaimed snu lions fangirl, she can’t believe there’s a new player on the team she hasn’t met yet, especially one as cute and funny as lee donghyuck, who nearly everyone she knows seems to already be friends with. how did she manage to avoid him (even if unintentionally) for almost an entire year and a half? he seems way too good to be true… and then she remembers; he’s in the frat.
haechan x fem!reader
na jaemin
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builds @moonslie04 In which streamer! Jaemin joins a random player's world and starts to roast their build without knowing that the innocent player was another genshin content creator.
˙⋆✮ bed chem ✮⋆˙ @wonbin-truther
when jaemin saw the big red "16%" on his first organic chemistry test, he knew he needed a tutor, fast. enter l/n y/n, a chemical engineering student who is determined to raise his grade. but as study sessions turn into late-night library marathons, jaemin is starting to realize he’s got more than just organic chemistry to worry about.
college student yn x college student jaemin
movie nights @nana4nena
while you’re having weekly movie nights with the dreamies, you and jaemin are falling in love, but someone is falling for you
jaemin x fem! reader
✮⋆˙ .exposure. @susicheng
a member of the up-and coming pop-punk / emo band, reverie: yn finds herself falling in the deep end with the band's new (much needed) photographer, na jaemin.
na jaemin x fem!reader ⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆
zhong chenle
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run your mouth @doughyk
chenle has a worm in his ear;not a good worm either, and it doesn’t seem to go away. But there you are, the worm in his ear. Yapping his ear off during work, absolutely smitten by him…chenle not so smitten by you.
nonidol!chenle x fem reader
personal fav
say it @sqh3e
you and Chenle are in the same music class at SMU, you write the songs, he sings them. for a few weeks you stopped showing up and no one realized you hadn’t been showing up until your friend mentions your name.
singer!chenle x fem!reader
park jisung
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SCUM'S WISH 𓆩♡𓆪 @jungaji
struggling with unrequited feelings, you and park jisung agree to a fake relationship to ease your loneliness, filling the gaps left by others. with promises not to fall for each other and to part ways if your affections are reciprocated elsewhere, you jump into this arrangement. can you both stick to the rules, or will the lines between pretense and reality blur?
or, in which you and park jisung turn to each other for comfort in an attempt to soothe your unrequited loves.
park jisung x fem!reader feat. jeong jaehyun & cho miyeon
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jhdyuiee · 4 months ago
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ pairing: idol bf!mark x fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ tags/warnings: slight fluff, smut!, protected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, kissing/making out, nipple play/breast play, multiple orgasms, mentions of squirting, marking, possessive mark (?), whipped mark (!?)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ w.c: 1.8k
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ a.n: hi! as per requested by a poll i conducted, here it is! a mark smut fic, woohoo! i hope you all can enjoy it! school has been a real pain in the butt lately, like why they give so much work ㅠㅠ !? anyhow i hope you can look forward to my next release, 'die with a smile.' i didn't intend to release another jaehyun fic so soon but... i love the man ㅠㅠ. please stay safe, i love you all, and see you next time! jiji out 🤍
++ i just wanna quickly say that over the past week a lot has happened in nct specifically & i want to clarify/say that i want full justice for the victim(s) involved, they didn't deserve the disgusting and vile things that guy was doing to them. may he rot in jail, like honestly he ruined the lives of all those around him for his horrid selfish desires. frik you man.
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you sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for the door to fly open. waiting for one individual, your boyfriend– mark lee.
sporting a rather sexy, black lace lingerie you await the idol after his long day at work. a new comeback meant his schedule was busier, and what better way to congratulate him than sex. however you also admit, you’ve been feeling rather lonely and needy. so ain’t this a win-win situation?
you’re later knocked from your thoughts when you hear the front door open. it was quite late when you turned to look at the clock, he must’ve been exhausted. guilt was starting to consume you, maybe you should do this another day, maybe you should-
“babe?” mark’s raspy voice calls for you as he enters the room.
fuck, now it’s too late to back out.
you smile at your boyfriend who has an unreadable expression as he eyes you up and down, down and up. “everything alright?” you question him when he doesn’t say another word.
he still doesn’t respond, however instead his body responds for him as he inches closer. step-by-step until he’s only an inch away. he looks down while you look up.
mark curses himself. how could you be so fucking hot, he must’ve stricken the jackpot with you. oblivious to his thoughts, you just stay there– frozen.
“you're tantalizing, you know that?” he finally speaks up, reaching his hand to caress your cheek. you smirk, “am i?”
“fuck,” he curses out lowly, and takes that same hand that caressed your cheek to grab you wrist. he places your hand on his hardened cock. “feel it, can’t you see how excited you get me.” a small whimper leaves your mouth as you feel his cock. it’s been less than 5 minutes since he’s seen you yet he’s this hard.
looking back at him, he stares you down. his eyes lustful and hungry, like a predator looking down at his prey. the feeling didn’t scare you though, it fired you up.
“open that pretty mouth for me,” he says, voice low but commanding. without any hesitation you complied. “stick your tongue out,” he continues, while working his hands on his pants. it didn’t take long before he freed his cock from its confinements.
taking his cock around his hand, while the other slowly pushes your head closer to his cock. you notice the small amounts of pre-cum already starting to come out. your lips touch his tip where you begin to peck around it and on top of it.
“i told you to open your mouth y/n,” his voice still low and commanding. opening your mouth back up, he pushes his cock inside your mouth. slowly and steady until it was finally snug inside your mouth. you tried your hardest to keep breathing, as he was still too hard to take in.
he didn’t move, causing you to look up at him. mark’s eyes are still looking down at you. it’s a sight for sore eyes, mark thought. the way you took his cock in your mouth like the good girl you are, fuck.
he couldn’t take it any more, so he decided to take the lead. he fisted your hair into his hand to begin bobbing your head on his cock. fucking his cock into your mouth roughly, your eyes began to water, and incoherent noises fell from your mouth as drool escaped your lips.
in the past you would’ve done all the work, gone at your pace but you both knew there was no patience in not only mark, but you as well to go on the slow side of things today. you both craved one another, desired one another.
“your mouth is too perfect, fuck, i could cum any second now,” mark groans. the room filled with both your noises and the wet sounds of your mouth and his cock. your panties feeling getting wetter the more you feel his cock deepthroating you.
your hands crept to his thighs, holding onto them as you began bobbing your head. another groan leaves his mouth when he notices what you’re doing. your tongue runs along his shaft, licking him for all he’s worth. and it was your tongue that ultimately pushed him to the edge, coming into your mouth, coating you white.
you let out a muffled moan when you felt the warmness inside your mouth. taking his cock finally out of your mouth, you notice it’s still semi-hard. you look back up at mark as he watches you swallow his cum. his face slightly twitches at the action.
“face down, ass up,” he later says once he feels as though you're ready to take more. getting on your knees, arching your back as your ass sticks up, you wait for the man. you feel his fingers ghost your legs, leaving a burning trail. they reach your ass where he fondles the flesh, giving a light slap which causes you to whimper.
a faint chuckle leaves his lips at your action. continuing his journey he hooks his fingers onto your laced black thong, dragging it down. “this wet already?” he questions as he drags his fingers onto your slit. he teasingly plays with your pussy, taking his time exploring.
“p-please,” you beg.
“please what babe?”
“please, use your fingers,” you replied.
however, mark’s teasing didn’t stop. “where should i use my fingers?” he continued to ask.
you felt your face heat up in embarrassment, “i-in my pussy…”
mark didn’t respond, he just chuckled before he intruded two fingers into you. he pumped his fingers in you ruthlessly, whilst taking his thumb to rub against your clit. both simulations knocked you over the edge, moans spilled from you every second. the way mark curled and scissored his fingers into your brought you closer to the edge.
he felt your walls clench around his fingers, “gonna cum already babe?”
“y-yes,” you yelled out, too fucked out to even keep quiet. all you heard was mark humming before you felt his fingers dive deeper, reaching your g-spot and thumb rubbing your clit faster. that became the final blow before you came crashing down as your orgasm washed over you.
mark’s hand and your thighs coated in your juices, but that didn’t stop your boyfriend from continuing to fuck his fingers in you. he helped you override your orgasm, however it only resulted in more washing over you. it wasn’t until he placed a kiss on your ass that he finally pulled his fingers out.
mark wasted no time, licking his fingers, licking your sweet juices into his mouth. you’re the best meal he’s ever tasted.
still a bit hazy, you failed to hear the tear of the condom mark was getting ready to use. putting it on his cock, he scoots closer to you, the bed slightly dipping. one hand grips your hips while the other drags his cock inside you. he watches as your pussy swallows him. he feels as your walls clench around him.
“you feel so hot,” he says, diving down to kiss your back. you both stay like that for a while, until his lips reach your nape. he sucks on an exposed side of your neck, marking you up. his lips reach your ear where he whispers, “ready?”
you tilt your head, lips nearly touching. “yes,” you whisper back. his lips smash into your, his tongue making its way in as well. he could still faintly taste himself in your mouth. he loved kissing you, feeling your perfect, soft lips on his. how could he ever let you go? if there was one thing about mark it was that he just couldn’t fathom seeming you with another man. the thought enraged him. 
departing from the kiss, he drags his cock out before pounding it back in. he continues repeating this action, holding you by your hips as he harshly thrusts. his tip hitting your womb, hitting that spot that drives you insane.
“fuck, such a perfect pussy. molded right for me,” mark groans. you moan back an incoherent response, throwing your ass back at him. he stops his thrusting, letting you do the work. the lewd sounds of your wetness and ass hitting him echoed in the room. he watches his cock disappear and then reappear from your pussy, the sight was such a blessing.
your tears stained the sheets and your moans muffled as your face was faced down on the bed. you couldn’t take it no more, you wanted to cum. so you discreetly try to drag your hand down to your clit.
“tsk, so needy my love,” mark says, pounding back into you, causing you to move forward. you clench the sheets as mark began fucking back into you ruthlessly. the pace far more better than before, reaching you even deeper. his drags two fingers down to your clit, pinching and rubbing the poor bud until he felt you were near.
“cum on my cock, let me feel you.”
his words were like a spell, as you soon came crashing down once more. clenching tightly around his cock as you came. the action triggering mark’s own climax. he came inside the condom, his cock twitching inside you.
his grip on your hips loosened, causing you to flump down. you were too tired, too fucked, but still desired more.
mark discards of the condom, grabbing another one as he slips it onto his cock once more. “come here babe, i know you ain’t satisfied yet,” he says, breathless. gathering the little energy you had left you crawl to him where he sat on the edge of the bed.
“sit on it,” he says and you follow. your back against his chest, sinking onto his cock. you whimper at the familiar stretch. wasting no time, you begin bouncing on his cock. the position allows for him to reach you deeply, fully in you. you glance down, noting the bulge in your stomach. the sight caused you to clench tightly around him, mark’s arms slithered around your body. “you love my cock don’t ya?” he grits.
you nod your head as you chant “yes” like it’s your only vocabulary. you didn’t know when but mark had removed your bra, his hands fondling your tits while he placed open mouthed kisses along your shoulders and neck. you feel his fingers pinch your nipples, flicking the bud.
moving his hands to your hips, he helps you when he begins to feel your pace falter. “it’s alright, i got you,” he whispers in your ear. the thrusting speeds up, and it wasn’t long before you both came again, together.
it was short, but intimate. you both tired out, slumping on the bed as you quickly lose consciousness. drifting off to a deep slumber, not feeling as mark cleaned you up, dressed you properly, and tugged you back into bed.
nevertheless you could still feel the warmth of mark’s body as he tugged you closer to him, engulfed you. and the sweet little nothings and the i love you’s he whispered didn’t go unheard. both of you secretly looking forward to what the future brought for the two of you.
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© jhdyuiee
2024. 09. 01
final a.n: i apologize if this became rather shitty, it's almost 3 am & i'm tired, but i really wanted to get this up for ya'll nonetheless!
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eomayas · 6 months ago
10 minutes • lee chan [req]
pairing: idol!chan x f!idol!reader, established relationship
genre: smut 18+ MINORS DNI!!!!
synopsis: you and chan messing around before a performance
warnings: p in v, unprotected s*x, fingering, finger sucking, dirty talk, chan calls reader a ‘slut’ once, choking
a/n: hehe thank you for the request and i’m sorry it took so long! i hope you like it :) also idk why i always want chan and reader to get caught whenever i write for him…
“what if we get caught-ah!” you moan when chan sucks on your neck, teeth nipping the skin before running his tongue over the mark that is definitely going to be there in the morning. chan has you pinned in the bathroom of the music show building. you can hear people walking by, and the threat of getting caught is slightly thrilling but mostly terrifying.
“so what?” he mumbles, hand slipping up your skirt. chan drags his mouth down your neck to your exposed collar bones and hikes your left leg up on his hip, his hand gripping your thigh.
at his words, you tip your head back and thread a hand through his hair, consciously encouraging him to keep going even though you really should stop. “we could get in trouble,” you gasp out when he backs you up against the bathroom sink. “channie, do you hear me?”
“mhm,” his hands push the neck of your top down and he kisses the tops of your breasts. “take this off, yeah?” he says, pulling back from you, his hand absentmindedly stroking the back of your thigh.
you guffaw at him. “did you not hear a word i just said?” but you’re moving to pull your top off over your head. it’s hard to resist chan, especially when he’s in one of his moods.
“so what if we get caught. isn’t that exciting?” his hands fly to your back to unhook your bra, smiling once he slides your bra off your arms and your breasts spill free.
“no, it sounds terrible,” you say, jumping up onto the edge of the counter. chan slides closer to you and takes a nipple into his mouth, thus eliciting a sigh from your lips. “chan, really. we could get caught.”
“just be quiet,” chan mumbles around your nipple, his teeth grazing over the puffy peak and making you tense up. you let out a quiet moan when he swirls his tongue around your nipple, his other hand groping your other breast. one of your hands flies to hold the back of his neck against your chest.
“channie,” you breathe, leaning back to rest against the mirror. chan pulls back from your chest, a string of saliva connecting from his lips to your breast. he checks his watch and cocks his head to the side, eyes flicking up to yours.
“we only have ten minutes, maybe we should stop,” chan says, a sarcastically sweet smile on his face. you nearly lunge at him for suggesting such a thing even though youve said it twice already.
“w-what? no!” you sputter, panties damp and core aching for him. “finish what you’ve started!”
chan raises his eye brows in amusement, hands pressed over your knees as he leans towards you. "what about getting caught?" he asks, lips brushing against yours. you grab one of his wrists and place his hand on your chest and make him squeeze your breast.
"focus," you say, other hand pulling him closer to you by the back of his neck. chan doesn't resist, placing his mouth on yours in a sloppy kiss and skating his other hand under your skirt, dragging his fingers over your panty clad cunt. you push your tongue into chans mouth and tighten your hand against the one that is on your chest.
chan pushes your panties to the side and drags a finger up your slit, applying light pressure over your clit. when you twitch at his action, does it again and again until you're panting against his mouth. "please," you breathe, gasping when he dips a finger into your tight hole.
"use your words," he says, slowly pumping his finger in and out of you. you cant your hips upwards, allowing him more access to you and showcasing how much you want him right now.
“i need more, channie,” you whine, shamelessly groping your own breast. you run your fingertips over you sensitive nipples, sighing and lolling your head to the side. it takes chans brain a few seconds to rewire as he watches you feel yourself up, eyes glazing over as you tweak your nipple, and he pulls his finger out of you to rub at your clit. he revels in how you hiccup out his name, moaning at the feeling of your fingers on your sensitive peaks and him against your clit.
a breathy whimper of his name brings him back to the present, reminding him that he has less than ten minute to have his way with you. without much warning, chan shoves two fingers inside of your sopping hole and curls them upwards, eliciting a gasp from you. “i promise i’ll fuck you if you can cum on my fingers first, baby,” he goads, his free hand loosely wrapping around your throat as he pulls you in for a kiss.
you whimper against his mouth and pinch your nipples for stimulation. chan scissors his finger inside of you, stretching you out in preparation for his cock. chan pulls back from your mouth and kisses against your chest, moving down to suck on your nipples again when you move your hand.
dropping your hand between your legs, you rub fast circles around your clit using your arousal as lubricant, as chan keeps fucking his fingers in and out of you, slipping in a third. “you’re so wet,” he groans, briefly pulling back from your chest. you only pant, felling the familiar tightness in the bottom of your stomach.
chan applies more pressure against your throat when you whine exceptionally loudly, seemingly cutting your cry of his name short and making your cunt pulse around his fingers. your eyes widen, and chan almost mistakes it for him going too far until your eyes roll back and your core pulses around his fingers.
your juices gush out onto his fingers, coating his hand in your cum and coating your thighs. chan grows painfully hard in his pants, nearly whimpering with sheer desire and need. he wants nothing more than to get on his knees and taste you, to eat you out until you’re cumming on his tongue, but there’s a time constraint and his cock is rock hard.
“fuck, that was hot,” he breathes, capturing your lips in a rushed kiss. chan pulls his fingers out of with reluctance, and pulls back from your mouth. “open.” he says.
obediently, you open your mouth and wrap your lips around his fingers when he shoves them into your mouth, lightly pressing down on your tongue. you moan around his fingers, hand gripping his wrist tightly. “fuck.” chan whispers, unbuttoning his pants and pulling down the zipper with his free hand.
a dark patch on his underwear is hard to miss. chan unabashedly fists his cock, biting down on his teeth. you pull your mouth off of his fingers with a ‘pop’, saliva stuck to your lips.
chan helps you off of the counter and spins you around, pressing you down towards the sink and pulling your hips down to him. you grip onto the sides of the counter and watch him in the mirror, eyes following his every move. chan flips up your skirt and pulls your underwear down just underneath your ass before pushing his briefs out of the way.
stealing a glance at his watch, he finds that he barely has six minutes to get you off again. he doesn’t waste another second, gripping your hips tightly and shoving his cock forward into your awaiting hole. you gasp, mouth dropping open.
a loud whine ripples from your chest when chan bottoms out quickly. his hand flies up to your mouth, seemingly covering it up to quiet you down. his bottom lip is drawn in between his teeth, his eyes trained on where he disappears inside of you, while you stare at him through the mirror, eyes low as he rams his cock inside of you.
chan makes the mistake looking up into the mirror, groaning from the back of his throat when he makes eye contact with you. you run your tongue over his fingers, and he sticks his middle and ring finger into your mouth, hooking them against your bottom row of teeth. “fuck,” he moans lowly, cock twitching as he watches you suck on his fingers again.
you still whimper around his fingers, lurching forward each time he plunges into you. “i’ve been waiting for you all day,” chan grunts, hips rhythmically slamming into your ass. the slaps echo off of the bathroom walls, and it turns him on at the thought of someone finding the two of you like this. “such a little slut, sucking my fingers like it’s my cock.” he rasps. your tongue twirls around his fingertips greedily, exactly the way you do when you’re blowing him.
chan drags his fingers out of your mouth, dragging your saliva down your chin and neck until he wraps his hand around your throat again. time is running out, and he’s nearly ready to fall apart inside of you but is determined to get you there first.
applying more pressure than the first time he had his hand around your throat, chan nearly pulls his cock out of you all the way, before slamming back into you. you gasp out his name, airways getting closed off in a way that makes you drunk on him. he knows you’ll tell him if it’s too much, will stop in an instant if you say so. but you take it, all of him, with his hand wrapped around your neck.
fire burns at the base of your stomach and your cunt pulses around him. you blink back tears that form from over sensitivity from his cock hitting that soft and spongy part inside, paired with hand on your throat. you can feel your orgasm creeping just around the corner and choke out a cry of his name. “t-too much!” you gasp out.
chand grip on your neck lessens and he opts for grabbing onto your chest instead. you moan out his name, rocking onto your toes and squeezing your eyes shut, knuckles turning white from how hard you’re gripping onto the counter. “i-i’m close,” chan manages, rolling your nipple between his fingers. you whimper and try to tug yourself away from him, legs shaking and body buzzing at the beginnings of your orgasm. “don’t run.” he grunts, hips losing rhythm and bucking into your aching core.
“b-baby!” you stammer, gasping as you fall forward and clench around him, cumming around his cock. your eyes roll back as your head falls forward, and chan tips your chin upwards so he can watch you fall apart through the mirror. it triggers his own release, his hips stilling inside of you as he shoots ropes of his cum into your warm pussy.
“sh-shit,” he pants, letting your chin fall so he can catch himself against the bathroom wall. cum drops down your thighs despite him still being stuffed inside of you. “we gotta go.” he breathes, leaning down to press a kiss to your bare shoulder. you hardly make a sound, still hunched over the sink and eyes still closed. chan rubs your back and peppers kisses across your skin lovingly.
you remind yourself that you’re on a time crunch to bring yourself back to reality. slowly, you lift yourself up and meet his eyes in the mirror. chan smiles at you softly before leaning over your shoulder to pull you into a soft and slow kiss. “let’s clean up,” he murmurs once you break apart, pulling out of you with a whimper. chan grabs a bunch of paper towels from the dispenser and wipes you off first, quickly cleaning you off and tossing the wad of napkins in the trash.
next, he cleans himself off in a rush and grabs any loose clothing, handing you your shirt while stuffing his cock back into his jeans. “i’ll see you later?” he says, giving you one last kiss, bracing himself against the sink.
“mhm,” you say, shirt clutches against your bare torso. chan smiles at you, pecks your lips one last time, and slips out of the bathroom, shutting the door with a soft ‘click’.
you redress and wipe yourself down one more time, using wet paper towels to wipe off any dried cum from between your thighs. your underwear sticks to you uncomfortably, but there’s not much you can do about that, though it does remind you of the time you and chan just shared. smiling to yourself, you fix your hair as best as you can in the mirror and take a deep breath.
opening the bathroom door, you peak your head out and glance each direction quickly. when you don’t spot any immediate threats, you walk out of the bathroom just to be stopped in your tracks. a few feet away, just out of your vision behind the bathroom door, stands chan and two of his bandmates. you make eye contact with a smiling dokyeom and pray he doesn’t connect the dots.
unluckily for you, his smile falters as his eyes dart from you, to chan, and back to you. you burn bright red, cheeks and neck on fire with embarrassment. “did you guys f-“ dokyeom is cut off by the shout of your name.
“y/n! shows starting!”
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dwaekkicidal · 8 months ago
Sian's Skz Masterlist ₍ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ₎
dividers by @/cafekitsune and @/animeglittergraphics-n-more, and @/strangergraphics-archive
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Request are [Open] Hard/Soft thoughts are [Open], be sure to read my rules <3
❥ fics ♯ thoughts ⋇ headcanons/drabbles
.ᐟ - nsfw/suggestive ♡ - sfw 𓆩𓆪 - angst
In case I missed anything, you can also click here to see all of my writings <3
MDNI!! DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
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⋇┆favorite positions .ᐟ
⋇┆munch masterlist .ᐟ
⋇┆first time sub! reader Hyung Line Maknae Line .ᐟ
❥┆ 1k follower celebration masterlist : 1 kink - 1 member - 1 day .ᐟ
⋇┆reader with a big boobies .ᐟ
⋇┆reader who is taller than them ♡
❥┆ kinktober 2024 masterlist .ᐟ
⋇┆"mean skz smut" .ᐟ
⋇┆toys masterlist .ᐟ
⋇┆Non-Sexual Dominance with OT8 ♡ coming soon
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Bang Chan ౨ৎ 방찬
❥┆ pervy 3racha + 'ditzy' reader .ᐟ
⋇┆mochi bf channie .ᐟ
❥┆ Lessons .ᐟ
⋇┆Easy Way vs Hard Way .ᐟ
⋇┆pussy play w chris .ᐟ
⋇┆handsy bunny!reader in heat .ᐟ
♯┆dilf ceo bang chan .ᐟ
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Lee Know ౨ৎ 리노
❥┆ Kiss It Better ♡
⋇┆sugar daddy bf minho .ᐟ
⋇┆heats with bunny!lino .ᐟ
♯┆biting lino .ᐟ
⋇┆pliant, subby lino .ᐟ
⋇┆frustrated min x free use .ᐟ
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Changbin ౨ৎ 창빈
♯┆groping binnie .ᐟ
❥┆ Worship. [1] .ᐟ
❥┆ Loved. [2] .ᐟ
♯┆biting/marking binnie .ᐟ
❥┆ curly hair routine ♡
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Hyunjin ౨ৎ 현진
❥┆ Much Needed Reminder .ᐟ
⋇┆hyunie with an s/o who smokes ♡
❥┆ crush! hyunjin vs brother! lino ♡
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Han ౨ৎ 한
❥┆ Anime Night
❥┆ The Incidents : Perv!Han x Cutesy Reader series masterlist .ᐟ
❥┆ Cherries .ᐟ
⋇┆mean dom han + degradation .ᐟ
♯┆munch!han drabble .ᐟ
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Felix ౨ৎ 필릭스
⋇┆angel bf lix .ᐟ
♯┆long necklace x backshots (blame pinterest) .ᐟ
♯┆adams apple "experiment" with bsf lix .ᐟ
⋇┆Felix at 12:59AM (0:59) ♡
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Seungmin ౨ৎ 승민
⋇┆shy boyfriend minnie .ᐟ
❥┆ reader with subdrop & minnie with domdrop .ᐟ 𓆩𓆪
⋇┆heats with puppy!seungmin .ᐟ
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I.N ౨ৎ 아이엔
❥┆ Who Are You Calling Baby? .ᐟ
⋇┆daddy jeongin .ᐟ
♯┆'ATE' promo video inspired drabble .ᐟ
♯┆me being feral about his stage-name collar .ᐟ
⋇┆fox!jeongin's reaction to bunny!reader's heat nesting .ᐟ
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𝙼𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
❥┆ Sharing is Caring masterlist : Poly OT8 & Fem!Reader Series [includes mxm] .ᐟ
⋇┆fingering argument with vocalracha .ᐟ
♯┆2min teaching jeongin how to fuck you .ᐟ
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𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛
❥┆ After Last Night [I.N. x Chan] .ᐟ
♯┆subby chan x ot7 .ᐟ
⋇┆subby channie x ot7 .ᐟ
?┆ ChangSeung .ᐟ coming soon
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𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚆𝙸𝙿𝚜
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jjkilll · 7 months ago
———--✫CINDERELLA | JJK✫--———
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— pairing | idol jk x singer y/n (feat. 127's idol mark lee and mentions of idol jaehyun)
— summary | The Golden release party was filled to the brim, the whole night being about Jungkook and the release of his first solo album. It's hard for him to focus when you look that damn good and when other guys are checking you out.
—  warning | smut, name-calling, rough sex, jealous jk, choking, unprotected sex (please use condoms i'm begging), creampie, oral (f receiving)
— word count | 1.3K
— song | Cinderella - Mac Miller
You and Jungkook had been fucking around for a few months. So naturally when it came time for his release party, you were one of the first to be invited.
Jungkook didn't think he was jealous, But then again people do have a hard time acknowledging their flaws. Seeing Mark chatting you up at the bar in the loft made his neck heat up. Mark Lee was a guy you went on a few dates with when you first got to Korea. He was a nice, funny guy but you two just didn't click like you and Jungkook did.
"You look great Y/n, How've you been. I haven't seen you in a while." He explains with a smile. "Thanks, Mark you're too sweet. I've been good. You?" You respond before taking a sip of your drink. "I'm good too, you know working, company's got me pretty busy." You nod. "Yeah I heard, Jaehyun told me all about you guys' tour, I'm surprised you're even here." He chuckles shrugging. The silence between you two is comfortable before he clears his throat. "So, um you seeing anybody." Before you could respond you hear a voice behind you. "Mark! Thanks for coming out man! I know how busy you and Jae are having you here means a lot bro!" He nods "For sure man," a little irritated that Jungkook interrupted. Jungkook puts his arm around your shoulder. "I see you met Y/n." You look at him and he smiles. "She's great right?" He asks before planting a kiss on your cheek. You look at him eyes widening a bit before looking back to Mark. "Yeah, we met last year... So, just catching up." He smiles lightly at you. "Well I'd hate to interrupt but could I borrow you for a second Y/n?" You hum giving Mark a small smile before Jungkook takes you by the hand pulling you away.
He walks up the stairs past idols hyping him and congratulating him on his release. He thanks them genuinely and you smile trailing behind him, his hand still in yours. You reach his bedroom and he pulls you in.
He backs you up to the shut door and kisses you deeply, almost hungry. "Jungkook," You say breaking the kiss. "Why were you talking to him?" He asks kissing you again. You bring your hand up to his face pulling him in while he kisses you, you wanted him just as badly. You use your free hand to undo his pants. Breaking the kiss, Jungkook kisses your neck. "You're jealous." You say your breathing hitches as he sucks your neck leaving a hickey. "I just don't like to share." He says quickly before going back to kiss your neck. "You aren't my boyfriend, Jungkook," you remind him. He hums, "We can change that." He whispers in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
He grips your waist pulling you closer before he lifts you. He kisses you sloppily, your tongues dancing together. He sets you on the bed shuffling your tiny dress up and pulling your panties down. You watch him kiss the inners of your thighs teasing. He grazes his thumb against your clit and you whimper. "He does it better than me?" He speaks softly. You shake your head quickly, his eyes are low as he smiles. "Words baby." He warns. "N-no he isn't! Please Jungkook, touch me." You beg him getting needier the more he traces his fingers along your skin. "I need you, only you." You say desperately.
He plunges two fingers into your wet cunt. "So wet baby." You moan as he curls his fingers inside of you, hitting the spot you love so much. His lips close around your clit as he fucks into you. You grab a handful of his hair as he eats you. "Fuck fuck fuck." you breathe out, getting so close to falling over the edge. You pull his hair as his tongue swirls around your clit. He moans like eating you pleases him (It does). "I'm going to come, please Jungkook I'm so fucking close," You cry out. "come for me baby, come on my tongue," He says quickening his pace. "Right there, right there, f-fuckkk." You come all over his tongue and he continues licking your clit until you come down. "S-stop I'm so sensitive." You push his head away as he smiles. You sit up on your elbows, looking at him at as he sits up. You notice how hard he is, his pants a little tighter displaying his thick cock. A little wet spot where his dick in tucked in his pants.
"Kook you're dripping." You tell him. "I know I almost came in my pants." He chuckles and you smile. "I'm serious, I only want you," you speak. "Say you'll be mine." He speaks crawling over you. "I'm yours, Kook." You say examining his face your eyes trailing from his to his lips. "Fuck me, Daddy." You say suddenly. He kisses you hungrily. "Fuck I'm gonna ruin you, baby." He sits up quickly taking his pants off and tossing them somewhere in the room. His cock is painfully hard, his tip red and leaking with pre-cum. He strokes himself a few times before lining himself up between your legs. He pushes his cock inside slowly giving you time to adjust to him.
you moan pornographically, and he shushes you. "Quiet baby, you don't want everyone to hear, do you?" You don't respond caught up in the feeling of being stretched out by him. "Move please Kook," you moan. "Suck a little slut begging for my cock, look at you." He starts fucking you at a steady pace. "Yes! Yes, Daddy please." He fucks into it a few times before pulling out. You groan at the loss of pleasure, whining. "Turn around." You quickly obey. He slides back into you fucking you deeply and quicker than before. "Fuck baby it's like your pussy was made for me." He throws his head back his orgasm coming closer. He pushes your head into the mattress making his strokes longer and slower, he feels deeper than ever before. "Oh shit, Jungkook, I-I'm gonna-" You come on his cock shaking as he fucks you and he groans as he empties himself inside you. "Fuck, baby." He slowly pulls out flopping beside you.
You look at each other and smile both chuckling lightly. "You're so pretty." He says softly. You blush hiding your face with your hands. "Don't be shy, my little Boston Creme." You hit his chest. "Really." You say laughing.
Suddenly you hear a knock at the door. "Jungkook!" It's Taehyung. "Come on bro, You're the man of the hour, you can fuck your little girlfriend later." He shouts through the door. You giggle as he rushes to get up. "Come on baby. They've noticed we left." He says putting his pants back on. "I'm sure they heard us Jungkook, we weren't exactly quiet." You remind him.
"Good. Mark will know you're mine." He flashes a smile helping you straighten out your dress. "You can't be this jealous all the time Kook, I told you I only want you.'
"I was not jealous." He protests.
"If that's what helps you sleep at night baby," you say with a chuckle. You leave the room and join the party. After a while you find yourself talking with Mark again. "So you and Jungkook." He starts, "Yeah, we're pretty close." You say innocently. "I can tell." He points to your neck and you quickly look in the mirror on the wall. A purple hickey clear as day on your neck. Your eyes widen as you look. Jungkook finds himself behind you again. "Sorry not sorry baby." He says hugging you from behind.
You smile to yourself, happy everyone knows you're his and his only.
✫ ------------------------✫
a/n: Thanks for reading, I'm only a writer's high rn hehe... feedback and requests are appreciated.
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nonuwhore · 2 years ago
i got a really big problem.
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boyfriend!mark x leitora gordinha contém: fluff; menção bem rápida a inseguranças que a leitora tem sobre o próprio corpo; apelidos (bebê, minha garota); smut: dirty talk; menção a uso de preservativo; puxão de cabelo; bastante praise; finger sucking; menção a ejaculação; softdom!mark (?); mirror sex; contagem de palavras: 2-3k nota da autora: apesar de eu sempre piranhar pelo mark aqui eu nunca tinha escrito nenhum smut com ele, olha que doideira. pedido feito pela ask, espero que você goste! <3
Você passou pela sala, vestindo apenas suas peças íntimas, pela terceira vez naquela meia hora. Mark assistia ao jogo de basquete na TV, mas não conseguia se concentrar por conta das ondas de fofura que os passinhos curtos e arrastando da pantufa de coelho que ele te deu no último natal emitiam.
“Precisa de ajuda?”, ele perguntou e, do outro lado da casa, e quase não foi escutado por você. Cercada de possíveis looks e peças que você nem lembrava ter comprado, levou um tempo para respondê-lo.
“Não”, ele escutou sua voz também distante, mas conseguiu identificar que aquele não tinha mais cara de sim.
“Tem certeza?” 
Você ficou em silêncio e ele confirmou a própria hipótese. Andou vagarosamente em direção ao quarto e encostou no batente da porta, olhando a zona que você tinha feito. “Que foi?”
  “Não tenho roupa pra usar no casamento da sua irmã.”, sua expressão de nítido sofrimento desnecessário o fez sorrir, resignado. 
“Achei que já tivéssemos vencido esse obstáculo."
“Acho que não.”
“Mas a gente ficou o dia inteiro fora ontem. E encontramos várias opções.” 
“Eu sei.”
“Você quer tentar de novo? Podemos ir assim que o jogo terminar.”
“Não dá mais tempo, o casamento é amanhã, Mark!”, você se virou de novo para ele que te encarava também meio perdido, com a expressão de alguém que tentava pensar em algo. “Desculpa, você não fez nada de errado. Pelo contrário, eu não te faria passar por esse martírio de novo.” você riu, sem graça e ele te abraçou. Colocou seu rosto na curva do pescoço dele e segurou sua nuca.
“Você não gosta de nada que compramos? Nadinha?”, a voz dele saiu um tom mais baixo, como se perguntasse por um segredo, e do jeito mais doce possível. Do jeitinho dele. 
“São todas lindas”, você respirou fundo, se preparando para dizer algo que provavelmente iria irritá-lo, “só não gosto em mim.”
Ele desvencilhou alguns centímetros do abraço, te encarando com as sobrancelhas juntas e a testa franzida. “Como assim?”
“Mark… “, seu tom de voz já dizia por você o que era óbvio e difícil de dizer em alto e bom som.
“Não…”, ele se sentou na cama, as pernas abertas e o tronco para frente, balançando a cabeça negativamente.
“Mark” você se aproximou, medindo a temperatura da água e percebendo a irritação na expressão dele crescer. Ele puxou pelo pulso, te colocando de frente para o espelho do outro lado do quarto e entre as próprias pernas. 
“Olha lá.” o dedo apontava para a imagem dos dois refletida, a sua em uma quantidade maior do que a dele, que era parcialmente ocultado.
“‘Tô olhando” você riu mais relaxada, sabendo o que viria a seguir.
“Não parece, porque ‘tô tendo que fazer isso de novo.”
“Nada disso. Você ‘tá vendo?”
“‘Tô…”, você respondeu, entediada, seguindo o protocolo. Ele segurou seu rosto na direção do espelho, te obrigando a focar na imagem. “Já disse que tô vendo!”
“O que você ‘tá vendo?”
“Como eu sou bonita…”
“Como você �� o quê?”
“Como eu sou bonita. Linda.” você analisou sua forma sendo segurada por Mark, o braço ao redor da sua cintura larga e sentia, principalmente, ele te segurando como se você fosse a coisa mais preciosa do mundo.
“Linda”, ele repetiu, agora com o tom afetuoso de antes, beijando a ponta da sua orelha. “Minha garota linda”, uma das mãos puxou o cabelo molhado, expondo a pele do seu pescoço e da nuca. “Com um cabelo lindo, um sorriso lindo, um corpo lindo…”, ele continuou sussurrando enquanto te assistia pelo reflexo, seus olhos se fechando lentamente ao sentir todos os pelos do seu corpo se eriçarem em reação ao toque firme e gentil dele.
“Obrigada”, você disse em resposta, um tom mais baixo e mais taciturno do que o normal.
“Obrigada por fazer o meu trabalho?”, perguntou traçando um linha imaginária na sua nuca com o nariz e deslizando a mão pelo seu estômago arredondado, em uma apreciação demorada e preguiçosa que rumou até as suas coxas. “Você sabe que não é nenhuma mentira. Nada disso. E que eu vou estar aqui pra te ajudar a lembrar sempre que for necessário, porque, afinal, é o meu trabalho”, vocês se olharam pelo espelho, compartilhando intimidade e conforto que vocês demoraram tanto para encontrar, mas que finalmente acharam um no outro. 
Você se levantou, sentando agora sob as coxas dele, seus braços circulando o pescoço e os dele sua cintura. “Espero que isso nunca seja um problema pra você. Nem pra gente.”
“O que seria um problema?”, ele te olhou, forçando aquela carinha séria de quando você sabe que ele não está prestando atenção, dessa vez porque seus seios estavam na altura dos olhos dele e mesmo que quisesse muito te escutar, era difícil quando uma das três coisas favoritas dele estavam tão perto assim.
“Você sabe… Meu corpo e todos esses detalhes que envolvem ele.” Mark te deu um sorriso aberto, completamente estarrecido e como se você acabasse de falar uma língua alienígena. 
“Bebê…. Você fala umas coisas estranhas às vezes…", disse puxando sua nuca para um beijo lento e molhado, a língua entrando rapidamente para dentro da sua boca e em seguida sugando a sua com gosto e com tamanha sexualidade e afeto que o ar te faltou. Os beijos dele nunca falhavam em fazer isso. “Se eu tenho algum problema com seu corpo é não conseguir ficar longe dele por muito tempo”, apesar do momento pedir exatamente esse tipo de papo, você não encontrou nenhuma resposta melhor do que emitir um som profundo de nojo seguido de uma risada nervosa, fingindo que nada daquilo te afetava. “O quê?”
“Cringe”, os olhos dele se esbugalharam em resposta junto com um sorriso irritado.
“Vou te mostrar quem é cringe”, rosnou, te jogando na cama ao lado dele e subindo em cima de você, tirou sua calçinha de uma vez com uma das mãos. “Eu me declarando todo pra ela e ela zombando com a minha cara, vê se pode”, seu riso frouxo preenchia o quarto enquanto você o assistia tirar a regata do time favorito, os fios de cabelo negros tremulando enquanto ele puxava o tecido acima da cabeça e a respiração ofegante pela excitação compunham um quadro tão lindo e te mantinham concentrada no espetaculo que era Mark Lee. 
“Que foi?”, ele perguntou abrindo a gaveta da cômoda e tirando uma camisinha. Você sorriu, oferecendo sua mão esticada que ele aceitou no mesmo instante. Deitado ao seu lado, você balbuciou alguma coisa em um quase silêncio e o sorriso bobo que brincava nos seus lábios agora também tomava os dele.
“É só que… Eu te amo muito, você sabe”, a boca dele encontrou a sua, sem nenhuma palavra em resposta, porque ele sabia o quanto era custoso para você dizer aquilo em alto e bom som e ele não tinha outra maneira de demonstrar a felicidade imensa que o preenchia toda vez que você dizia. Ele sempre te beijava como se a queda da civilização fosse acontecer nos próximos minutos e fazia cada carinho valer o dobro. As mãos dedilhavam seu corpo em uma poesia silenciosa e encontrava seus pontos mais sensíveis, mais receptivos ao toque, tudo orgânico, genuíno, espontâneo. Trazendo suas coxas para a cintura, as arredondado nele, as peles se encaixando como chave e fechadura, como se elas tivessem sido feitas para isso.
Mark geme abafado pelo seu beijo com sua intimidade pressionada contra a dele. Seu calor e viscosidade que vinha junto dele enviavam ondas de prazer para o corpo todo e abrir os olhos para encontrar os seus marejados de luxúria e uma entrega plena quase foi o suficiente para fazê-lo gemer de novo. “Não sei se ficou claro o suficiente, mas eu sou completamente maluco por você.” Você riu e tentou puxá-lo para outro beijo, que ele negou, porque queria agora beijar outras partes do seu corpo, todo ele, pra dizer a verdade. Ele acompanhava seu sorriso crescer um pouco mais a cada selo que ele aplicava em sua pele, partindo do seu pescoço, sua clavícula, seus seios, um beijinho em cada um deles, resistindo a vontade de oferecer uma mordida no biquinho saliente apontando na direção dele. “Tenho autorização para perder o controle com você hoje?”
Você levantou a cabeça para procurá-lo e olhar dele carregado de ansiedade e o sorriso devasso te fizeram ceder com muita rapidez. “Deita de barriga pra baixo. Na direção do espelho.”
“Confia em mim.”
E você confiou, fazendo exatamente o que ele mandou e encarou seu reflexo no espelho.
“Você vai prestar bastante atenção em como você é perfeita, tá bom? No ápice da sua beleza”, murmurou, colocando um travesseiro embaixo da sua cintura, fazendo com que seu quadril ficasse empinado. Se sentou entre suas pernas, massageando e apreciando cada lado da sua bunda e se perdendo ao encontrar os lábios que protegiam sua entrada comprimidos e salivantes. Ele te encarou pelo espelho e você o vigiava, atenta como ele orientou, os olhos cheio de expectativa e inquietação. Ele riu, sádico, e se deitou sobre você, o membro deslizando para cima e para baixo na sua vulva descoberta enquanto ele respirava pesado perto da sua orelha, te fazendo fechar os olhos e sentir todos os arrepios.
“Abre” ele mandou, e na imagem a sua frente você o viu com a expressão mais dura em todos esses anos de relacionamento. Seu corpo se retraiu com força e você ainda mais umidade na região onde Mark se esfregava.
“Olha o que você fez com a minha cueca”, em menos de dois segundos ela já estava longe e ele sentado nas suas coxas, espalhando seus líquidos com a cabecinha do pau, sentindo o calor da sua entrada e os espasmos que seu corpo dava de antecipação. Sem aviso te penetrou, fundo e com força. Todos os seus músculos sentiram o impacto da primeira e da segunda vez, e na terceira, quando ele se retirou totalmente de você (observando o quando você tinha o lambuzado) e se colocou, com mais força e mais profundidade, você gemeu prolongado, manhosa. “Porra”, ele murmurou, vendo sua expressão se contorcer de prazer e dor, os olhos quase girando em direções opostas e fazendo o pau dele vibrar dentro de você. “Lindo. Até os sons que você faz... Porra, eu podeira gozar.”
Você sorriu anestesiada se segurando na borda da cama. “Não sem me foder antes.”
Ele riu de novo, surpreso e a ponto de se tornar um maníaco, por você. Um punho segurou a raiz dos cabelos da sua nuca, te arrancando um engasgo de susto e uma contração no próprio pau. “Chupa”, mandou, colocando três dedos inteiros na sua boca. Você obedeceu e cada vez que ele te estocava sem dó um gemido vibrava nas digitais dele. Ele nunca tinha sido tão bruto com você e a cada segundo que Mark te alargava com mais e mais rigidez você se perguntava porque nenhum dos dois tinha tido essa ideia antes, já que, olhando para ele com a respiração descompassada e a tez retorcida em uma satisfação exaustiva, parecia que ele estava pensando a mesma coisa.
Mark retirou a mão da sua boca para apertar sua cintura, assistindo sua pele volumosa se dobrar sob o toque dele, imaginando as digitais dele marcadas no dia seguinte e como isso te faria ficar ainda mais atraente. A imagem o fez aumentar o ritmo e segurar seu cabelo com mais pressão, amplificando também seus gemidos e palavras desconexas enquanto sua cabeça ia para frente e para trás e seu corpo se movia um centímetro a mais para fora da cama com cada estocada grosseira.
Você sorriu enquanto segurava o lábio entre os dentes. “Desse jeito eu vou cair.”
“Como eu vou me controlar? Olha como você é gostosa…”, e você olhava, mas visão do Mark pingando de suor, fitando cada pedacinho do seu corpo, e como ele reagia ao impacto que ele aplicava, como uma homem à beira da loucura, era tão mais estimulante. Tanto que despertou sensação crescente de gozo no seu baixo ventre.
“Não para, Mark”, ele te olhou, abraçando a insanidade quando seu canal começou a oferecer ondas de contrações, esmagando o pau dele um pouquinho mais a cada vez. “Nem pense em parar, Mark Lee!” você gritou com ele, desesperada pela sensação. 
Ele te assistiu se apoia na cama, empinando a bunda na direção dele, se movimentando na mesma cadência que ele te fodia, ou seja, também como uma mulher maluca. Seu chiado longo e fino enquanto gozava, mais a expressão de prazer que foi mudando gradativamente de olhos apertados para esbulhados em um quase pânico, o fez pensar se talvez fosse o orgasmo mais profundo que ele tinha te dando. O pensamento quase o fez atingir o próprio ápice, mas antes que isso acontecesse ele se retirou de você, virando sua barriga para cima e dando a si mesmo um motivo ainda melhor para gozar. Você assistiu, ainda com a visão esbranquiçada de tanto prazer, Mark arrancar a camisinha de uma vez e puxar seu sutiã com força suficiente para libertar seus peito, massageando seu membro com pressa, se despejando na sua pele por longos segundos. O líquido claro e quente respigava em gotas pesadas sob você e o lamento tímido que ele exprimiu no final, enquanto segurava sua coxa com força, te fez extraordinária.
Mark se curvou na sua direção, buscando sua boca e a beijando meio desajeitado, ofegante, mas desejoso de sentir seu calor nem que fosse por mais alguns segundos. “Você tem noção de quanto tesão eu sinto por você?” a voz rouca e cortada pelo cansaço insistia em te informar. “Cada dobrinha, cada parte macia e boa de apertar… Droga, eu vou ficar duro de novo”, vocês riram e ele passeou pelo seu corpo de novo,  com a mão delicada, encontrando a sua e entrelaçando os dedos no seu. 
Você o olhou se levantar com preguiça para sentar ao seu lado na cama e não quis perder a oportunidade. “Mark, você ‘tá sendo cringe de novo”, você o provocou novamente, com um olhar de desprezo fingido.
Ele segurou suas bochechas em um movimento rápido que te arrancou um riso nervoso. “O que eu faço com você, ein? Vou ter que te foder até você perder essa atitude?”
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sugaringgcaramel · 8 months ago
☆ — 90’s love
01. who is that fine ass man..
warning!! death jokes
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authors note : first chapter done what do we think ?? guys im such a SCHLUT for blond mark… its so bad ☺️☺️
<- go back ? ☆ next page ? ->
send an ask to be added to the taglist ;)
taglist !! @itaehynz @miniature-tragedy @aggtslva
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overtail · 9 months ago
Late Night Brew - Zuko x Reader 🔞
Jesus, yall are FREAKS for zuko
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Summary: After Iroh opens the Jasmine Dragon, he hires a new worker -- a pretty girl, one around Zuko's age. While Iroh is taking a trip to the market for more supplies after work, desperation unfolds.
Trigger Warning: NSFW, Soft Sex, Cussing, Semi-public Sex, Body Worship, and Zuko acting like an awkward turtle duck.
Micheal, I know ur reading this
Zuko didn't like the new waitress.
She didn't do anything in particular to get on his bad side, he just couldn't stand her.
He hated how she looked in her apron, how the skirt she wore rode up a little too high on her thighs.
He hated how her hip popped when she was standing still while taking orders.
He hated all her curves, her moles, and her messy hair; how it all made her so beautiful.
And he especially hated that at night, when he laid in bed in that cold apartment, how he couldn't get her face out of his mind. How the image of her body echoed in his head while he reached his hands into his pants.
He wanted her gone.
"Lee, could you help me with the tables?"
Zuko wiped the counters of the bar, groaning at the sound of her voice. He turned around, only to see her back to him.
He watched as her arm worked on a stained table, trying to get a mark from condensation out.
"Can't you just do it yourself?"
He grumbled, shaking his head and turning back around. It's not like he had much to do -- he just didn't want to work so close to her.
"I've got one table left and my shift ends in two minutes. I'd rather not work unpaid overtime."
He heard her say. Even with Zuko's rude attitude, she still had a soft tone with him; she spoke to him like he was a fussy toddler.
Which he sort of was.
Zuko grumbled a few curses under his breath, grabbing the hand towel he was just using to walk over to one of the tables.
He looked at (Y/N), looking at her thighs and her hips. His face flushing red, turning and brushing back his short black hair.
The table he had to clean wasn't the dirtiest. It had a single cup on it, and a few spills here and there. He wanted to get away as soon as possible, so he could just go home and relax.
Well, his version of relaxing.
He palmed his growing erection through his pants, trying to subside it for at least the remaining two minutes.
"Thank you, Lee."
Zuko heard the smile from her voice, face growing red at her kindness. Even if it wasn't his real name, he felt giddy at the way she said Lee.
All he did was nod, grabbing the cup and wiping off the tea from the table. He marched to the sink in the back room. Zuko grabbed the sponge that sat on the wooden counter, already full with soap. He began to scrub, getting the smell of Jasmine tea out from the cup -- even if it was his favorite.
As he did so, (Y/N)'s soft footsteps were sounded from behind him. He let out an exasperated groan, not wanting to stand next to her.
(Y/N) walked up quiet, placing three cups in the sink. One stayed in her hand, grabbing the other. sponge and pouring some soap in the glass.
There was an awkward silence between the two -- at least on his end.
As she was cleaning, her elbow bumped into his side. He didn't say anything, just kept cleaning the cup. The second time though, it started to bother him. And when the third time hit, he was set off.
"Can you stop doing that?"
He yelled, looking at her with angry eyes. She looked up with her mouth still agape, her eyes meeting with him amber ones.
"Oh, I'm sorry. There's just not much space back here.."
Her face flushed red with embarrassment. Zuko rolled his eyes.
"I already don't want to be back here with you, let alone have to be touched by you."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened, eyebrows lifting quickly. She pursed her lips.
"What is your problem Lee? All i've done is try to be friends with you -- and you just treat me like garbage!"
Her voice was raised, and she poked his chest with her thin fingers. She was kind of cute when she was mad; the way her nose scrunched made his stomach flutter.
"Have you considered the fact that i don't want to be friends with the likes of you?"
He bickered, peering his eyes down to her. She gasped slightly, shoulders raising in surprise.
"With the likes of me? What do you mean the likes of me?"
She stepped even closer to him, their chests almost touching.
Zuko scoffed at her words, rolling his eyes.
"I don't associate with peasants."
And his heart stopped.
(Y/N) was from the lower ring of Ba Sing Se. His uncle Iroh had hired her while he watched her get fired from her other job, feeling bad for her.
Zuko didn't mean peasant in that way. He was just thinking like the old Zuko -- the one that hunted the avatar and did anything to regain his honor back. But he was supposed to be Lee now, a traveler, a teenage boy that works in a tea shop, who just happened to be lucky enough to live in a nice apartment.
Her words sounded broken. Her voice cracked as she muttered the words, lower than the loud voice she was using before.
"I get you're from the upper ring -- but peasant? Really?"
She shook her head, stepping back. Zuko felt like he was floating away from the lack of closeness from her.
"That's not what i meant."
Zuko said, closing his eyes and sighing.
"It's just -- i have issues."
He never liked admitting he had problems. He was supposed to be Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, prissy and perfect.
"Yeah, you do."
(Y/N) said, looking Zuko up and down. Her eyes winded slightly, cheeks growing even redder than before.
Zuko raised a brow, confused at what she was looking at. He looked down and then realized.
"Wait, it's not what it looks like-"
"Is this.."
She began, looking back up at him.
"..turning you on?"
She said curiously, turning her head.
(Y/N) stepped forward, her hands lying on her hips. She was about the same height as Zuko -- since he was significantly short.
"Is that why you're so mean to me?"
She placed her hand on his chest, causing Zuko to take a deep breath in.
Oh Spirits.
"Because you like me?"
They were too close. Way too close. He was getting harder by the second, not knowing what to do.
So he did the only thing that came to mind.
He reached his hands forward, grabbing her face in his hands. He pulled her forward, placing his chapped lips tenderly on hers. He stayed still for a moment, never having kissed a girl before.
He leaned back awkwardly, still holding her face in his hands.
His index finger brushed a hair from her cheek, tucking it behind her ear.
(Y/N) had never been this close to him before. She was able to admire his face entirely as he focused on the strand of hair, looking at his scar and the light freckles that dotted his pale skin. He had bags under his eyes, and she wondered what caused it.
"You're pretty."
She said, grabbing his face with one hand. He flinched lightly, eyes flickering back to her. He wasn't used to such a touch -- not feeling it since he last saw his mother.
Zuko leaned into it, letting her fingers form around the shape of his jaw. His eye lashed flickered as he blinked, and she admired the entirety of him.
"Thanks.. you too."
He said, not knowing how to respond. He didn't ever get compliments.
"You know, you could have just told me that you liked me."
(Y/N) laughed, causing Zuko to look away.
"I don't like you."
He grumbled, looking at the wall above the sink.
She laughed, turning his head with her palm to look at her. She used her other hand to place it on his crotch, grinning wildly,
"What's this then?"
Zuko looked down, feeling a rush of ecstasy flow through his body. He whimpered softly, his eyes closing from it.
"That's enough to tell me you like me."
In the next minute, Zuko's lips were on her neck. She was on the counter next to the sink, legs wrapped around Zuko's torso, Her hand was tangled in his short hair, the other gripping the edge of the counter,
Zuko was holding her waist, his right hand gripping the fat of her thigh. He loved being this close, the agility to breath her in making him feel incredibly hot.
"Lee, I love this as much as you do, but we need to start quickly before Mushi gets back."
Zuko groaned against her neck, removing his lips from her soft skin. He was reluctant, but she was right. Regrettably.
"Yeah, right."
He stepped back, beginning to unbuckle the belt that held up his pants. He look up suddenly, face growing hot,
"Could you uhm, close your eyes,,"
He muttered shyly, getting a smile out of (Y/N). She nodded, closing her eyes. Zuko fully took his pants off, now sliding his boxers from his waist. He was practically in pain from all this, and he needed relief soon. He walked closer, close enough that his member hid under the lip of her skirt. She took this as an okay, opening her eyes only to be met with Zuko's amber ones,
She reached down, pulling her underwear to the side, The cold night air hit her exposed parts, making her shiver.
"Okay. I'm ready, Lee."
Zuko placed one hand on the base of him, lining himself up with (Y/N). She scrunched her eyes at the feeling of his tip entering her, toes curling in her sandals, Zuko then grabbed her hips, looking up at her.
Then he bucked his hips forward.
(Y/N) squealed, squeazing Zuko's tense shoulders. He groaned, one of his eyes closing shut. She felt so good -- better than he could ever have imagined. The nights he spent awake, whimpering her name as his hand rubbed his length up and down, imaging her bent over the tables of the tes shop, in his bed, and even in the back room.
He fully slid in, letting out a mix of illegible words. All that (Y/N) could make out was her name.
He pulled out before pushing back in again. She moaned, throwing her head back. zzuko got a good look at her neck, the hockey's that he had placed only minutes before.
Soon, they were at a regular place. Out, in. Out, in. The room was filled with soft groans, and Zuko could already feel his arrival coming. It was all too much. His eyes were currently chained to her crotch, watching himself slide in and out. He then looked up, making eye contact with (Y/N).
She said in an airy voice, palm grazing his clenched jaw. That's what did it for him, the sight of her unraveling beneath him. Ropes of white shot out of him, painting the inside of her white. He kept pounding into her, riding out his orgasm.
lwk lost my motivation at the end......
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inuyashaluver · 9 months ago
Hi could you do smt abt being Lucy bronzes little sister who is the photographer for city women and is in a secret relationship with Leila Ouahabi and no one know because your “forbidden” to footballers per Lucy’s request as according to her your still a baby as your like 23/24 ish.
by the rule book - leila ouahabi
leila ouahabi x reader
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description: in which you and your sister have a set of rules that you break because of a certain defender
warnings: let’s pretend leila attended the world cup, basically me yapping, swearing, angsty?
a/n: leila train has arrived back at my stop lmao, thank you so much for the request, much love, enjoy ❤️❤️
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you and your sister had a set of rules that were heavily referenced while growing up, and the present.
this set of rules sworn on by each sister with the promise they would never be broken. and they weren’t, until leila came into the picture.
you were 8 years younger than your sister, lucy. you’re a bronze sister, meaning you were extremely fun, playful, but serious and stoic when you needed to be. you and your sister brought out the best in each other, expecting nothing but the finest.
lucy was the best older sister, she was funny and always included you in everything she did once you grew out of your snitch phase and actually became cool in her eyes. the two of you were always extremely close and that’s how you both liked it.
she encouraged you to put your heart to your passion, one of the main reasons you became a photographer.
lucy was extremely protective of you, hence why she created a simple set of rules between the two of you that shouldn’t be broken.
1 - don’t date any of lucy’s teammates
2 - don’t date any of (y/n)’s friends
3 - respect each other’s boundaries
4 - be honest with each other
5 - sisters come first
the rules were easily agreed upon by the both of you, they were made when you were 16 and lucy was 24.
you followed lucy around for photographer opportunities, landing yourself a permanent position on the media teams of both england and manchester city when lucy joined in 2020.
you always loved photography, adoring the feeling of capturing a canvas that would be around for years to come.
just before lucy joined in 2020, you were both at england camp. in free time, everyone would eagerly chatter about their new or current clubs they were going to.
you angled your camera at keira while leah marked her during a mini game, checking the photos with a pleased smile until your sister hopped on your back.
“munchkin!” (your nickname for as long as you can remember) “luce! get off!” you laugh, almost falling flat on your face until your sister got off you, giving you an exaggerated kiss on the cheek that you were quick to squeal and complain about.
“you’re so annoying” you grumble, unable to fight your smile at seeing your sister’s bright grin. “shut up, show me some pics, picasso” she teases.
you roll your eyes amusingly, giving her a sneak peek of all the photos you’d taken so far, letting out a bright laugh when she made you stop on a photo of her.
“that’s class” she pinches your cheek teasingly, “well done, baby sis” she coos teasingly, a couple of the girls coming over and teasing you too.
everyone viewed you as family and a teammate even though you were just their photographer, you’d been with them for so long, they’d grown a huge love for you.
“you excited for manchester, (y/n/n)?” leah throws an arm over your shoulder as you both walked inside st george, “yeah! should be good, nice and cold” you grin,
“maybe manchester city is where we can finally see you get a partner?” she teases, you both laugh, “lee, come on, you know the rules” you laugh, “i know the rules!” lucy calls out from behind you from where she was walking behind you.
you flip her off and she gasps offendedly, “i could get you fired for that!” she exclaims, you wave her off, laughing along with leah.
you, lucy and keira all lived together in manchester, splitting the rent and living comfortably.
but in 2022, the two of them got offered contracts for barcelona and they accepted, but you didn’t. manchester felt like home to you, and you really didn’t want to leave it.
it was the first time you’d been away from lucy, and don’t be mistaken, you are a highly independent person but something was so reassuring about having your sister with you.
before they moved, they helped you move into a flat for yourself, small and homey like you needed.
it was incredibly tearful dropping keira and lucy off to the airport, you don’t think you’ve ever felt your sister hug you so tight.
“i love you” she breathes out into your embrace, you hug her back equally as tight, “such a sap, bronzes don’t do that” you tease, receiving a slap on the back of your head.
it was daunting for the both of you to be apart, not really having to do that in your lives.
“i love you too” you smile, “i’ll call you when we land” lucy sniffs, hastily wiping away her tears and letting keira hug you as well. “my favourite bronze” keira smiles, both you and lucy letting out a wet laugh.
you wave them both off with a sad smile, waiting for them to go through the gate before you dragged yourself back to your car and drove off.
you went back to work at the beginning of the season, waiting for the girls to come outside to photograph their training session.
you smile and wave to familiar faces, taking a couple of test photos before you noticed a new face that you didn’t recognise at first, one of the new signings.
your eyes narrowed slightly in concentration when you looked at her, until you realised who it was. leila ouahabi.
you’ve never met her formally, only smiling at her in the hallways of national games if you had the chance. you always thought she was absolutely gorgeous, but you also appreciated the way she defended, even your sister agreeing she was incredible.
leila smiles at you, slightly surprised to recognise you slightly. the truth was, leila had been heavily looking at your social media platform ever since she laid eyes on you way back.
she thought you were gorgeous, she could tell you were a soft soul, with your charming smile and cute little face you made when you were concentrating on your camera.
she wanted to know you, she was just shy about it, not knowing to approach you, maybe this was the opportunity she needed.
training progressed, you smile pleasingly when you look back at your photos, your ultra focus showing on your facial features as you attempt to capture the best photos possible.
you were sat on the side of the pitch watching the girls train, your eyes subconsciously drifting to the spaniard.
it was until a mini game that a certain defender was chasing the ball, kicking it out and sliding directly next to you that your breathing quickened.
you look down to see her slightly wincing, heavily breathing and looking a little too attractive but that was an afterthought.
“are you okay?” you breathe out, the girl on the floor looks up at you surprised, a sly smile taking over her features.
“i’m fine, hermosa (beautiful), thank you” she winks, pushing herself up from the floor and dusting herself off, walking back to the pitch and making sure to look back at you with a flirty smile.
you blink in shock, what was that interaction?
these interactions went on, situations where you felt extremely nervous around her even when she was barely doing anything.
you were photographing the new kit, only a set amount of players selected for the campaign, and luckily for you, leila was the very last model for the day.
leila came in with her charming smile and a dray of drinks in her hands, she perks up when you make eye contact.
“good morning, hermosa (beautiful)” she grins, extending the warm drink out to you, you look at her in surprise, a grateful smile gracing your features.
“morning, leila, thank you” you take a sip and let out a pleased sigh, “how did you know this is my favourite?” you tease.
“i read your cup” she says with a flirty smile, though her cheeks tinged slightly with pink. you smile before clearing your throat.
you go through the plans for the shoot, explaining what type of photos you’ll be taking, the approach of the shoot and what you needed from her.
she maintained eye contact the entire time you spoke, nodding along with each and every word and clarifying on things when she didn’t understand.
it was almost hard to press the shutter button when leila would pose, it was a simple, basic, arms crossed - stoic football pose photo that you’ve taken numerous times in your career but something was just so different about how leila did it.
her confidence poured out of her and her smirk made your stomach flip. she was serious but loved to joke around with you when the time called for it.
the two of you basically chatting, taking a photo, chatting, taking a photo. a simple yet effective formula that you both enjoyed. so much so, leila asked you to go out on a date with her and you accepted without a second thought.
the two of you went on a couple of dates before the two of you started dating. back then it was really fresh but extremely obvious with the heart eyes you’d send each other.
the manchester girls caught on before the two of you could even process it. and the only condition for everyone was to vow their silence around your sister with the promise of the best pictures being published.
as time progressed, you both moved in together, both of you in one of the most genuine, loving relationship the two of you had ever had.
“baby, i’m working” you giggle, pressed up against a random wall, one hand on leila’s hip, camera in the other.
“amor (love), you’re not working right now” she grins cheekily, lips quickly locking with yours. one of her hands on your cheek and one on your hip holding you close to her.
you let out a little exhale from your nose in a laugh, to focused on kissing your now girlfriend of a year.
it was hard hiding it from lucy, especially when the two of you lived together. you were able to get away with it most of the time, telling your sister your roommate was just really chatty.
“baby” you mumble against her lips, attempting to push her away by the chest but the girl was attached to you, “shh, let it happen” she mockingly scolds, giving you a stern look before she kissed you breathlessly.
that’s when you hear it, the chuckles and teasing coming from familiar blondes, alex and chloe. “get it, baby bronze” alex whistles, you and leila pulled away with a roll of both of your eyes.
“don’t forget about that photo i have of you, alex” you threaten, one taken of her with an expression on her face during a header that had her screeching in fear when she saw you laughing at it.
“you’re just as annoying as your sister” alex flips you off when you blow her a kiss, laughing as they walked away.
leila squishes your cheeks together with one of her hands, forming your lips into a little pout, “mi amor (my love), those are my kisses” she grins lazily, clearly teasing you when she placed a little kiss on your forced pout.
you usher her off to training, giving her a playful slap on her backside that she shook her head at.
it was during the 2023 world cup that you both got found out, and boy was it an experience. your sister was extremely confused as to why you were so excited spain was in the final, wondering what your certain new interest about the spanish team was about.
“don’t tell me you’re a traitor, munchkin?” lucy scoffs while you set up your camera on the pitch during a pre-match walk.
“luce, i’ve got my england merch on, thank you” you laugh, shaking your head as you take a quick photo of her with an evident frown on her face, her eyes narrowed at you.
“why do you keep looking at their bench?” she questions, following your eyes to see some of the spain girls walking out to do their own checks.
“why are you so paranoid, lucia?” you tease, punching her lightly on the arm and wincing when a slap made its way to the back of your head.
“some of the girl’s play for city, i’m just being nice” you rub your head in slight pain, glaring at your older sister that she returned.
“i’ll find out, i always do” she concludes, letting you go back to taking some photos and other little media bits.
and unfortunately for you. she did find out.
the girls were lining up in the tunnel, about 5 minutes until everyone would walk out. ironically you see you sister standing next to leila in the tunnel, you try to fight your smile when you make eye contact with your girlfriend.
she smiles at you, your bodies moving on their own as you completed her pre match ritual, three quick pecks on the lips.
you both smiled brightly when you pulled back, before you heard a sharp voice coming from behind you.
“what the fuck was that?” your sister exclaimed, her hand on your shoulder and spinning you around, both yours and leila’s eyes widened, realising what had just happened. “fucking ouahabi” she breathes out in disbelief.
“i really hope you’re fucking joking, (y/n) bronze because i’m not fucking laughing” she says lowly, not wanting to attract much attention but she was.
you just look up at your sister in shock, mouth slightly agape, “nah, we’re talking about this. later” she glares, both at you and leila.
the girls walk out and you watch them dumbly as you go. you were grateful that moment wasn’t recorded.
during half time your sister wouldn’t even look at you, brushing you off like you were nothing. “don’t” she pleads, walking past you as you tried to approach her.
you walk to the tunnel and felt the tears pricking in your eyes, and like a magnet, leila’s hand found yours, dragging you into a quiet corner where the two of you could have some privacy.
as soon as your girlfriend brought you into a tight embrace, you broke down. “shh, it’s okay” she hums, kissing your cheek softly as you cried in her arms.
she pulls back slightly, looking at you with a sad expression when she saw your tear streaked face, her hand moving up to wipe away the evidence.
“i didn’t want her to find out like that, i was ready to tell her tonight” you sniffle, leila nods along with your words, listening to your little ramble intently as she comforted you.
“i know, bebé (baby), i know” she says sympathetically, pulling you into another hug and just holding you.
she stayed with you the entire time, talking you down and making you look presentable before you went back on the pitch.
she knew she would get subbed off anyway, only wanting to focus on you for the minute. you were still in a hug when lucy came out of the change room, her face softening when she saw your red eyes.
she was about to say something but she stopped herself, not wanting to do this right away. she weirdly smiles at both of you, tight lipped but still somewhat of a smile.
“it’s okay” leila whispers, and it really felt like it was.
leila kisses you softly before she makes her way back on the pitch, and of course when the match ended and england lost, the mood changed.
your sister let you hug her tightly after the loss, holding onto you for dear life as she hugged you. “luce, i’m so sorry, you played so well” you whispered, your hand rubbing up and down her back.
“i’m sorry, munchkin, we still need to talk” she sniffles, wiping away her tears and giving you a gentle smile. you nod, pulling her into another tight hug before you went off to congratulate your girlfriend, weirdly through the encouragement of your sister.
“hey, baby” you smile at your girlfriend, giving her a quick hug when she presses a quick kiss to your cheek.
“hermosa (beautiful)” she greets with a bright smile, “congratulations” you whisper, she thanks you quickly, looking over your shoulder to see your sister hovering around with tears in her eyes, walking around by herself.
“give me one second” leila whispers, gripping your hand gently and walking over to lucy, you and your sister having matching surprised expressions.
“i want to honest, i love your sister, we have been together for a year and we were going to tell you sooner but she was really scared and i respect her” she blurts out,
“i would love to talk about this with you, if you’ll let me” leila says nervously, lucy pauses for a moment before nodding, pulling leila into an extremely quick hug but extremely meaningful.
“sure thing, leila” your sister smiles, a little laugh escaping her lips, “you know, you broke rule number one” lucy teases, telling you everything was going to be okay.
“it doesn’t count! you left when she came over” you groan, letting leila tuck you into her side as she giggled, watching you and your sister bicker like kids.
she could tell how much you cared about each other. but lucy could tell the same for the both of you.
all three of you did have that talk, you and your girlfriend explained the details of your relationship to your sister that she was actually quite happy about.
she’d never seen you so happy, so light with any of your previous partners.
she could tell you both loved each other because it was so painfully obvious but she was truly happy after she let out a rant about how you literally broke every rule in the contact.
she got over it though, a hefty shopping spree having your bank account screaming for salvation.
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you know the drill - pretend it’s you! ily oniiii
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liked by alexiaputellas and 44,232 others
leilaouahabi: biggest fan and personal photographer
view all comments
yourname: baby, my job is a photographer
↳ leilaouahabi: you’re no fun
lucybronze: hands off my sister
↳ yourname: you’re annoying
↳ lucybronze: you’re annoying
↳ leilaouahabi: i won’t touch her i swear
↳ yourname: sureeeeeeee
alexgreenwood5: so happy i don’t have to but my tongue anymore
↳ lucybronze: you knew?
↳ alexgreenwood5: no comment
leahwilliamsonn: told you!!
↳ yourname: you really did!
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angelwonie · 2 years ago
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PAIRING: mark x fem!reader
GENRE(S): smut, fluff, established relationship
SUMMARY: despite his very obvious sexual attraction towards you, your boyfriend keeps holding himself back from sleeping with you. OR the three times you want to fuck mark lee and the one time you do.
WARNINGS: SMUT [unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), praise, big dick mark, a little dumbification] mark is down bad
happy birthday @mrkis i hope you like this small gift <3 i love you so much bestie
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You and Mark Lee are in love with each other.
That much is obvious to everyone around you. Ever since you started dating a few months back, you’ve been all over one another — holding hands, hugging and, on some occasions, even making out behind the university building in broad daylight. 
This suits you just fine. You love seeing Mark’s cheeks tint pink when your hand wanders under his shirt, or when you’re all alone in his apartment and he has to bite his lip to not let out a moan as you reposition yourself in his lap. 
Just like you’re doing right now. 
“Y/N…” Mark’s voice is slightly strained as he grips your waist tighter, head falling back onto the couch. You’ve been sitting in his lap, with your thighs on either side of him, for at least half an hour now — first just hugging him, then kissing his jaw as he played with your hair, and now moving onto something more fun. Namely wriggling around in his lap under the disguise of having to readjust yourself. 
“Mmm?” you hum absentmindedly, letting your lips fan over his neck. He shivers and you smile to yourself at the goosebumps forming on his skin. 
He opens his mouth to say something, but you kiss him instead, swallowing up the moan he lets out when you not-so-subtly roll your hips against his. You and him have gone this far multiple times – made out and rubbed against each other until your panties are ruined and his cock is painfully hard – but you’ve never done anything past that. But with the way he’s growing hard from underneath you, you think that maybe today is the day. 
You pull away from the kiss to bury your face in his neck and palm him through his jeans. He groans at that, hips bucking up involuntarily. The sound causes more wetness to pool between your legs and you rub against him – at least until you hear him say your name again, this time more seriously. You look up at his face, his lip pulled between his teeth and the slight panic in his eyes. 
“Donghyuck and Renjun…” he finally says, tapping his fingers against your thigh. “They’re coming home soon.”
You tilt your head to the side, brows furrowing. “I know.” 
“No, like, seriously, they’ll be here soon.” 
Mark’s shaky voice catches you off guard, because he seems genuinely stressed. His cheeks are flushed, and he’s gripping your thighs like his life depends on it. A big contrast to the way his hard cock is poking your thigh. 
“You said they’re coming eight,” you pout down on him, fiddling with the drawstrings of his sweatpants. “It’s only seven.” 
“Yeah, but like, sometimes they come earlier and I don’t want them to see us like this, ’cause, you know–”
“Alright,” You raise an eyebrow at the way he swallows hard, eyes looking everywhere but at you, but listen to him nevertheless. “Okay.”
He sighs in what sounds like relief as you climb off his lap and plop onto the couch by his side. It’s weird, how he’s acting, you think, but if he’s really just scared of being caught then you suppose it won’t kill you to wait a little longer to have him. You’ve already waited four months, after all. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” He asks, a spark of guilt in his eyes. You nod, cuddling into his side with a soft smile. 
Still, his bobbing thigh makes you wonder whether there’s something more to this whole thing than he lets on. 
The second time you try fucking Mark Lee is a week later. 
It’s not like you’re obsessed or anything, but the makeout sessions that keep getting longer and longer are driving you absolutely insane, and so it’s only natural that when you come home to find him sprawled out on the couch, looking so irresistible, you really want him to fuck you. Even if he’s all sweaty from the dance practice he attended earlier. Or maybe especially if he’s sweaty from that practice. 
“Hey,” you greet him upon entering the living room. “Did you just get back?”
He looks up at you, corners of his eyes creasing as he grins. His eyes seem a little tired, but they light up in excitement nevertheless. “Yeah, they let me off earlier today.”
“That’s nice,” you say. “You always come home so tired. You should rest more.”
“And you should come cuddle me, I’m cold.” 
You smile at his grabby hands, taking off your coat to go join him on the couch. His hair is littered with sweat, so there’s no way he’s actually cold, but you enjoy the feeling of his arms wrapping around your middle as he pulls you close, so you let it slide. Especially since you’ve been dying to see him all day, too. 
He nuzzles into your neck when you thread your fingers through his hair, a soft sigh meeting the skin of your throat as he leans into your touch. You like being this close to him — one of his thighs between your legs and his hands resting on your waist, playing with the hem of your shirt. Unsure of whether or not to slip under the fabric and touch your bare skin. You wish he’d do that, but he’s shy — always has been — and so you wait patiently, gently massaging his scalp with your fingers. 
“I missed you today,” he sighs as you tug at his hair softly. “I always miss you.” 
“I missed you, too, Markie.” 
He smiles and presses his lips against your neck in a featherlight kiss that forms goosebumps on your skin. You don’t pull away, and so he kisses you again — this time fully resting his mouth on your skin, tongue swiping over it and teeth scraping against it. It makes your eyes flutter shut, head instinctively leaning back to grant him better access. 
He takes his time and you let him, feeling pressure build up in your lower stomach as you wonder whether this will result in him dragging you to the bedroom. You hope it will, and so does the throb forming between your legs. 
Mark leaves a trail of kisses down your neck, hands slowly making their way under your shirt, causing you to smile. Subconsciously, you lift your hips off the couch so your clothed pussy can rub against the slowly growing bulge in his pants, and a small whine escapes past your lips. Mark groans at that, the sound turning into a soft moan when you tug at his hair. Breathing heavily, he ruts against you, fingers digging into the flesh on your hips. 
“Mark…” you moan into his ear. 
The way he bites down on your shoulder to muffle the noises coming out of his mouth makes you smile hazily. This is it, you think, there’s no way he’ll walk away without getting his dick wet now. You know him well enough to understand just from the way he’s breathing onto your neck that he’s about to completely lose control. 
And you want him to. So badly that you rub your soaked panties over his thigh to get some friction and urge him back into action. 
And it works for a while — his moans mixed with yours as he grabs at your thighs and rubs against you frantically. You meet him halfway, strengthening the groans leaving his mouth. It feels good, so good you swear you could’ve cum from just this, but you want him – all of him – and so you halt your needy movements so you can bring your hands to the waistband of his pants. 
But before you can even do anything, Mark’s hand grabs your wrist, making you look up in surprise. 
“You know what, I actually have an assignment I need to finish.”
You blink once, then twice, and a couple more times until you register his words. “What?
“I just remembered, sorry.” He looks to the left, nibbling on his bottom lip. You can tell he’s lying, but why? You furrow your brows, but Mark still looks somewhere else than your face, like he’s afraid to meet your gaze. “It’s due tomorrow, so I really should finish it.”
He finally looks at you, hesitation in his eyes as he untangles himself from you and rises up from his seat. The bulge in his pants is still more than obvious, hair a mess, and eyes wide. Still, he runs a hand through the locks to fix them a little and clears his throat, as if to signalize he’s about to leave. 
“But what about…” you trail off, eyes moving down to look at his dick poking through his sweats and then trailing back up again. “Don’t you want me to help you out?”
“It’s fine, I’ll just… Take care of it myself.”
“Are you sure?” 
He gulps, nodding, and you let him leave with a small smile sent his way, even though you’re confused and aroused to no end. 
Once he’s gone to his room, you fall back onto the couch, sighing. None of this makes any sense. He’s obviously horny, and the two of you have been dating for months already, showing intimacy in so many ways. So why is he so hesitant when it comes to fucking you? 
Is he insecure? No way. You’ve showered with him and there’s absolutely nothing about him he should be ashamed of. If anything, he should be dying to show off ever since you told him you think his cock is big. 
It’s obvious he wants this just as much as you do, so what the fuck is going on? 
Twenty three hours and seventeen minutes later, you decide it’s time to finally get to the bottom of this. 
It’s Saturday, and only a few hours ago Renjun and Hyuck went on some sort of trip together, announcing they’ll be away the whole weekend. Which grants you an amazing opportunity to talk to Mark. (And preferably fuck him, too, but that comes second. That’s what you repeat in your head as you walk into his room, finding him sprawled out on the bed. Looking really fuckable, you think, but that’s just a simple observation). 
“Renjun and Hyuck just left,” you tell him, closing the door behind you as you walk over to the bed. 
He grins, putting his arm around you and pulling you close. “Finally.”
You have to say you agree — though you’re not so sure whether the reasons for your contentments are the same. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter when you lie your head on Mark’s shoulder and he puts on one of those romance movies you once told him you wanted to watch. He smells like he’s fresh out the shower and his arms are warm around your waist, fingers circling the skin on your hip slowly. 
The movie is good, and soon, you forget all about your plans of talking to Mark. To your defense, he is really distracting. With his soft laugh that resonates through the room whenever something funny comes up on the screen, and his intoxicating scent, it’s easy to lose all sense of reality. You cuddle into his side and your fingers tap against his thigh — first to the tune of the movie, later just because you like feeling his skin under your fingertips. 
It’s not before your fingers mindlessly squeeze his thigh when you jump at some point during the movie that Mark gives a sign of discomfort, groaning quietly.
“You okay?” you ask immediately, worried.
He nods. “Yeah, just a little stale from practice.” 
You frown. When is this boy not overworked? Biting your lip, you rise from your spot on the bed, earning a confused look from Mark. You don’t say anything, just climb to sit on your knees behind him and place your hands on his shoulders. He turns his head to look at you, lips adorably pressed out in a pout. 
“What are you doing?”
“Giving you a massage. Just relax.”
He is, in fact, very tense, so it takes you some time to figure out where to press to relieve him of the tension, but once you do, he leans into your touch, groaning in satisfaction. You smile a little to yourself when he turns his head back to the TV, letting you do yours. It’s not like you’re a professional or anything, but the soft groans and whines he lets out when you dig your fingers into his muscles make you believe you might actually be pretty good at this. 
“Does it feel good?” 
Mark hums in agreement, and in return, you press a little harder on his shoulders. He groans and throws his head back to rest on your chest, something turning in your stomach when you feel his weight on your tits. Suddenly you’re very aware of him and his presence, and maybe it translates to your movements, because it has Mark turning around to face you. 
“What are you thinking about?”
“You,” you tell him truthfully. “You look really handsome today.”
“Only today?”
You roll your eyes as he pulls you into his lap, pouting. 
“Always,” you admit finally, giving him a short kiss.
Or, at least it’s supposed to be a short kiss, but Mark decides to grab your cheeks and pull you flush against him. His lips are soft against your own, his warm tongue slipping inside your mouth when you open it to let out a small moan. He smiles into the kiss, hands caressing your waist, and so do you.
You try your best to ignore the slowly growing bulge in his pants when you reposition yourself in his lap, you really do, but when you move your leg just a little and he moans into your mouth, you can’t. And so you pull away from the kiss, heart thumping in your chest at the sight of his lips swollen and cheeks warm. 
“You know, I was thinking,” you draw small circles on his shoulder. “Since Hyuck and Renjun are away and we have the apartment to ourselves…”
You trail off, a little embarrassed, and watch his face intently. His gaze drops down to your body resting on his — first your legs, bare where your shorts have slid up, then up to your cleavage where it rests for a little longer than usual. 
He clears his throat. “Uh, actually, I have this paper–”
It doesn’t sound convincing at all, and so you cut him off.
“Mark.” you say and he responds with a small yeah? that has you sighing. “We need to talk about this.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but decides against it, instead resting his head against the headboard on his bed, looking up at you in defeat. 
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.” 
You wonder whether you should get off his lap, but his hands don’t move from their spot on your waist, so you stay. Your fingers rest on his shoulders, just barely grazing his neck as you look at him.
“Why are you acting like this?” you ask, a little hesitantly. Maybe you shouldn’t be bringing this up? But from the way Mark’s urging you to continue talking with his gaze, you decide it’s better to just spit it out. “Do you not… Do you not wanna sleep with me?”
His expression changes momentarily — brows furrowing and mouth falling open. 
“What? No! I mean, yes,” he groans at the way he’s stumbling over his words, one of his hands leaving your skin so he can rub the back of his neck nervously. “I mean, I want to fuck you.”
Your breath catches in your throat at his words. It’s not like Mark’s a saint or anything, but you’ve never heard him saying something like that so directly. Something stirs up in your stomach and stays there no matter how much you wish it’d disappear. And you do wish it would dissappear because right now you’re supposed to be having a serious conversation with Mark, not getting turned on by him saying he wants to fuck you. 
“Jesus christ, that sounded so bad,” Mark groans and you giggle. 
“I don’t think it did,” you tell him, purposefully leaving out the part about his words having an embarrassingly strong effect on you. “But if that’s not the problem, then what is?” 
“It’s just like,” he sighs, looking for the right words, and his hands squeeze your waist a little tighter. 
You wish he wouldn’t be so focused on what he’s about to say, because in that concentration, he pays no attention to his own fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt, lifting it up an inch or two so he can touch your bare skin. Which again is making you lose focus. 
Thankfully, he brings you back to reality five seconds later as he clears his throat, looking to the side. 
“I just… You’re so perfect and hot and I’m scared that if I do fuck you, I’m gonna like, fucking lose it. And just screw everything up.”
You stay silent for a moment, gazing down on him as his fingers move higher up your shirt. You’re not sure whether he’s doing it on purpose or not, but it’s distracting nevertheless. 
“So what you’re saying is…” you furrow your brows. “You’re scared that you’ll shoot your load too quickly?”
“When you put it like that, it sounds embarrassing,” Mark groans, burying his head in the crook of your neck. His breath tickles your skin and you giggle softly, leaning into his touch. “But yes.”
You breathe out in something resembling relief. Thank god this is it. You were so worried something serious was going on, all the while he was stressing about cumming too fast. Why he’d even think you care about that, you don’t know. It’s so ridiculous you start laughing, earning yourself a slap on the thigh by Mark. 
“What are you laughing at?”
“You,” you poke his reddening cheeks. “You seriously think I care about how long you last?”
He thinks for a while, then tries, “Yeah?”
You shake your head with a smile. 
“Well, I don’t. It’s kind of mean to deprive me of seeing your dick just because of that, don’t you think?” 
You watch as heat flows to Mark’s cheeks, his hands grabbing your thighs tightly. “I-it is?”
“Mhm,” you lean forward to press your lips against his neck ever so slightly. “Very mean.” 
Mark feels himself twitch in his pants and he hopes to god you don’t feel it from where you’re seated in his lap. Maybe it’s a stupid wish, because he doubts anything can go unnoticed when two people are at such a close proximity, but he decides to ignore it, instead pulling you even closer, hands pushing your shorts up to reveal your upper thighs. He bites his lip, squeezing your legs so you rub against him when he rolls his hips into yours. 
“I guess I’ll have to make it up to you, then,” his voice is hoarse in your ear and you clench around nothing, walls fluttering in excitement. 
You nod eagerly and he smiles, hands finding their way to your waist again so he can pull your shirt over your head. The rest of your clothes quickly follow, leaving you completely naked in his lap, goosebumps forming on your skin as his eyes rake over your body. 
He tongues his cheek subconsciously, hands sliding up your body painfully slowly — first running over your thighs, then hips and stomach, until they reach your tits. You hold back a moan when he runs his thumb over your nipple before pinching it softly, watching as your legs rub together at the sensation. Desperately, you push your chest out against his hand, letting out a satisfied sigh when he wraps his hand around your breast, squeezing it. 
“Fuck, Mark,” you say as one of his hands push down on your hips, pressing your leaking pussy down on his clothed cock. “Please do something.”
“So needy,” he muses, and you whimper when he grabs your waist and lies you down on the bed so your back is pressed against the mattress. 
He’s still fully clothed, you realize, but you don’t really get to do anything about it before he ruts his hips against you, his sweats rubbing against your cunt and spreading your arousal across it. You hear him groan softly, and then you feel his finger graze your clit ever so slightly, making your whole body jolt in surprise. He chuckles, spreading your legs and watching as your breath turns uneven when he rubs your clit and runs his fingers through your folds leisurely. 
“So fucking wet,” he clicks his tongue. “Is it all for me, baby?”
“Yes, just for you,” you breathe out, bucking your hips up into his hand. “Please touch me, Markie, please.”
He groans, and has to close his eyes not to cum right then and there, from the sight of you sprawled out on the bed, begging him for more. This is going to be a lot harder than he thought. But he’s got something to prove, and to do that, he can’t exactly cum in his pants. So he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes again.
You buck your hips again, and this time, he listens to you, starting to rub his finger against your clit. He smiles, using his other hands to play with your tits, squeezing them as he pleases. You feel so vulnerable, so on display, but the way he’s playing with you only serves to intensify the throb between your legs. A small whimper leaves your mouth when he moves his fingers from your clit to slip inside of you with ease, your walls stretching around them. 
“Feel nice?” he asks, and you only nod, spreading your legs wider. 
He pushes his fingers in and out of you like it’s something he’s done a million times before, lewd sounds of his movements filling the room. You can only try to muffle your moans and fail miserably, letting whimpers of his name leave your mouth. 
Mark must like that, because not even a moment later, he’s leaning down between your legs and using the hands that were fondling with your tits to hold you down against the mattress. You almost feel like crying when his tongue touches your clit, his digits rubbing all the right places inside of you. He sucks and licks your pussy, fingers curling to hit that one spot that makes you grab at his hair and tug. 
Your reaction only makes him groan into your pussy, the vibrations making your legs try to close around his head. But he keeps them wide open, sucking on your clit, repeatedly hitting the right spots. 
“Yeah? You like this?” he pulls away to ask you after a particularly loud moan of his name. 
“Y-yes,” you whimper out, tears pricking your eyes at how he’s no longer touching you. “Don’t stop, Markie, please.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he mumbles into your cunt before diving back in, finding the spot that makes your toes curl immediately. 
The tension in your lower stomach is building up, the whimpers that leave your lips sounding more and more broken. Mark senses you’re close from the way your hips stutter in their way to buck up into his face, and adds a third finger to fill you up. You clench around him as the knot inside you comes untied, your legs shaking as he licks and sucks on your sensitive clit, fucking you through the orgasm with his fingers deep in your pussy.
You can only whimper as you come down from your high, tears streaming down your cheeks when Mark licks off all your arousal. Smile on his face and cock poking through his sweats, he sits up and takes you into his arms, letting you climb onto his lap again.
“Was it good, baby?” he asks you when you’re seated, like he doesn’t see the way your thighs are shaking. 
“Yes,” you tell him and press your lips against his. 
He kisses you back right away, pulling you flush against his chest. You can taste yourself on his tongue, but you don’t really mind, instead focusing on keeping him as close as possible. Your hips roll into his on their own, your cunt throbbing in need for him again the moment you feel his hard cock pressed against you. He sighs into your mouth at the slight relief, and you slide your hand down to palm him through his sweats.
You’re both content with that for a while — making out with your hand pressing against his cock. But after a while, when the throb between your legs is starting to become unbearable, you pull away from the kiss to untie his sweatpants and slide them down along with his boxers to pool down by his ankles. He exhales at that, cock standing proudly against his stomach when you wrap your hand around it. 
“Can I…” you look at him, squeezing your fingers around him so hips buck upwards and he lets out a soft moan. “Can I ride you?”
His mouth falls slightly open, but he closes it again as fast as he can gather his thoughts. It’s admittedly a little hard with your hand wrapped around his cock, but he manages to look a little less flustered and gather the courage to press the palm of his hand to your clit. 
“Baby wants to ride my cock?”
You can only manage a mewl and a nod of your head, but thankfully Mark doesn’t ask for a verbal response. He lifts your hips a little, positioning the tip of his cock at your entrance and you whine at him when he spends too much time coating his dick with your slick. He only smiles apologetically at you, squeezing your hip as he pushes you down on his cock.
He’s only halfway in when you grip his shoulders, whimpering.
“You okay?” he asks worriedly, stopping to check on you.
“S-so big…”
You feel him twitch from where he’s halfway buried in your cunt, and it makes your walls flutter around him. It’s good, but you need more, and so you wiggle your hips, try to readjust yourself to fit all of him inside. Mark’s patient with you, hands busy fiddling with your tits, fingertips ghosting over your nipples and eyelids heavy. 
You have to bite your lip to muffle the cry threatening to escape your mouth when you finally sink down on his cock fully. He’s big — so big it makes your head spin, pussy clenching around him and your nails digging into his arms. 
���Fuck,” Mark groans, leaning his head against the headboard. “I’m so in love with you, you know that?”
“I’m in love with you, too,” you giggle, but your laughter turns into a moan when Mark thrusts up into your cunt without warning.
He looks at you expectantly and so you tighten your grip on his shoulders, lifting your hips before sinking down on him again. It feels so good, and so you do it again and again, until you’re bouncing on his cock with your tits in his face. He starts pressing kisses against your nipples, and it only spurs you on further, your thighs lifting you off of him then letting you slam your hips against his. 
You feel so full, fucking yourself on his cock like this, and soon all you can do is push your chest out against his lips and moan his name. God, you’re glad Renjun and Donghyuck aren’t here, because you wouldn’t have been able to keep quiet even if you wanted with the way Mark’s dick is hitting all the right spots with every bounce of your hips. 
But even if you love how it feels, your legs were already shaking after your first orgasm, and now that you feel your second one approaching, the burn in your thighs is much more apparent. You try your best, you really do, but no matter how hungry you are for his cock, you’re forced to slow down when your thighs threaten to give out from underneath you. 
“Come on, you wanted to ride me, right?” Mark coos at your whines, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Where did your eagerness go, baby?”
“But I’m tired, Markie,” you whimper, feeling so upset you almost want to cry. “Please. Need your cock.” 
And who is he to deny you what you want when you’re asking so nicely? 
You outright scream his name when he grabs your hips and rolls them into his own. He starts off slow, but even when he’s careful, his cock reaches places deep inside you and makes your eyes roll to the back of your head from the fullness. Mark doesn’t seem to mind, though, his dick twitching inside of you when he makes the mistake of looking at your fucked out expression. Proving to you that he can last long is being pushed further and further to the back of his mind, though, because with how well you’re taking him, he doesn’t think he can hold up much longer. 
“Markie,” your head falls to the crook of his neck when he starts thrusting into you from below, your cries muffled by his skin. “Feels so good, Markie.”
“I know, baby, I know.”
His thrusts are deep and calculated, and you swear you can feel him in your stomach at some point. It’s so good you wish he’d never stop, but the coil in your stomach is tightening, a sense of rapture approaching, and so all you can do is cling onto him for dear life as he fucks you on his cock. He’s close too, twitching inside of you while he brings his fingers to rub sloppy circles on your puffy clit. 
Desperate to reach your high, you start bouncing up and down again, your slick forming a ring of white around the base of his cock as your cunt clenches around him repeatedly. 
You cum first, with his fingers on your clit and his lips sucking marks into your neck, your whole body shaking as he fucks you through it only reach his high a few seconds later. He groans against your throat, a soft whine of your name, and then he’s shooting his cum deep inside of you as his hands tremble around your waist.
It takes a moment for both of you to regain your steady breathing, and when you do, Mark pulls out of you and helps you lie down on the mattress. You pull him in for a hug, which he reciprocates, wrapping his arms around you, allowing you to bathe in his scent. 
For a while, you just lie there quietly, wrapped up in each other’s limbs. It’s comfortable, just like it always is with Mark. 
“You were wrong,” you say finally, breaking the silence. 
He furrows his brows, looking down on you. “Wrong about what?”
“About not lasting long enough,” you poke his chest. “I’m pretty sure it was long enough if my whole body is sore.”
You see Mark’s cheeks tint pink for a moment before he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, hiding. 
“Aw, are you shy?” you laugh and he pulls away to send you a stern look. 
“Shut up, Y/N.”
And then he pulls you in for a kiss. 
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