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kirstydreaming · 2 years ago
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Marjolaine F/W 2016  
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leliwardens · 2 months ago
idc if its cut content lady mantillon being connected to justinia is REAL to ME. it's hilarious there's like six specific french gay women in various degrees of situationships with each other being the root cause of the messiest dyke drama for the past several decades and making it EVERYONE'S problem.
and two of them can be the pope.
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illusivesoul · 26 days ago
WIP Wednesday
Was tagged by @morganaseren Thank you!
I'll tag @uchidachi @marythegizka @celemee and @daisywalletchains. Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
This is from a oneshot of me giving more of a backstory to Marjolaine and Justinia.
Running from a life and burdens of a past that had left her with enough scars for daring to want more from life, she had found herself in Valence, a place where her name didn’t draw as much attention  and ire as it did in Val Royeaux, and she had committed fully to her role, losing herself in the monotone and simple ways of life in the Chantry and its bureaucracy, slowly rising through the ranks as seasons passed and mistakes were sidelined but never forgotten, renouncing all possessions and committing her life to the service of the Maker.
And then she met her.
Hair as dark as a moonless night, eyes that looked past the facade she had built, a voice that seemed to reach the deepest parts of her,  lips that curled into the most inviting of smiles. Marjolaine was the embodiment of all she tried to leave behind, the woman she had wanted to be, the idealized image of what a master bard who commanded the Game should be.
And she had melted under her words and touch like a hot knife in butter, even while knowing the interest was feigned, like any form of affection that came from a bard. Still, she found herself unable to push her away, her heart still skipping a beat every time the woman snuck onto the Chantry late at night to discuss politics, tales and stories of the Game, and more, so much more. It felt like… youth.
The truth and lies rolled off Marjolaine’s tongue and lips, and the woman seeped into Dorothea like a poison, flowing into her veins and her soul, making Dorothea forget herself in more ways than one. She did not care that Marjolaine always arrived smelling like someone else, sometimes a man's cologne, sometimes a woman's perfume. She only cared that Marjolaine made her feel alive in a way no one else had for so long, and all she asked for was a document here, a document there, Harmless things, she had thought. Naive, just as in the days when she gained the scars that now dotted her body. But that had always been the allure of Marjolaine. She brought back the thrill from those days… and its dangers.
So many documents from the inner workings of the Chantry, copied in secret under the dark of night, had found their way to Marjolaine's hands thanks to Dorothea, and the love Marjolaine professed that she felt for the woman seemed to only grow with each secret the revered mother passed into her hands.
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neves-trouble · 5 months ago
Playing Leliana's Song for the first time and wow! I somehow hate Marjolaine even more!
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lelianazine · 2 months ago
While we move through our Mod App period we decided to host fun polls for our followers! :D
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danceswithdarkspawn · 1 year ago
cannot get over the fact that there's an option to let Marjolaine go, like i know she dies regardless after Origins but like. girl this woman is a liability throw a dagger at her as we're leaving or something i'll hold your flower
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chariotdun0rd · 1 year ago
Marjolaine is so underrated I just need to make a random shitpost about her
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She's so cuteeeee she looks adorable in the official art
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veryimportantsparkles · 6 months ago
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Here's outfit models for the mains, including Clarisse and Taylor who are barely in chapter 6. And outfits for the last two pages of the chapter, which takes place the next day. There's actually an error on Marjolaine's aura picture; in the page where you actually see her aura it has the Scythe medal properly on her chest.
Speaking of auras, there's a little side note on Tony's page where you can see his pre-Mistaire aura. Taylor has two auras too, how interesting. I wonder what that means!
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leliwardens · 2 months ago
thank god tags are back i can tell you all about my leliwarden au idea where marjolaine doesn't betray leliana and instead gets roped into killing the wardens by howe under the guise of a simple chantry sister. and yes it is faking feelings until they become real when leliana experiences an actual genuine relationship with someone that wants to be with her as herself.
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celemee · 2 years ago
For @defaultjane's prompt "Campfire", Leliana x female Tabris, past Leliana x Marjolaine. PG-13.
Kallian stirs long before Leliana rises from the bedroll. No matter how quiet her lover is, life in the Alienage has forged her a light sleeper. She opens her eyes just enough to see the blurry outline of the campfire, dimmer now than when they retired.
It's been around three hours, Kallian guesses, and three more before they ought to rise, but Leliana needs her moment.
Surely enough, she unwraps an object rolled into a scrap of linen. Leliana stares at it for a long, quiet moment, locked in her thoughts. Tears in her eyes, Kallian imagines, though she can't see. A quick movement soon confirms her suspicions; Leliana wipes her eyes.
An unnamed something tugs at Kallian's heart, as so many times before, and she's rising before she's realised it. Saying nothing, she settles next to Leliana, offering a smile. A rarity on her lips, reserved only for a few souls in this rotting world.
"I'm sorry," Leliana says softly, blinking away tears.
Shaking her head, Kallian looks down to the item in Leliana's hands: an arrow, its blade still stained with blood.
Marjolaine's blood.
"It's not every day you kill someone you love," Kallian whispers, mindful of keeping this between them.
A beat passes and Kallian can't quite tell where it will go, but at last Leliana reacts. She lets out the barest of scoffs, as if exasperated.
"I loved her once," comes the melodic voice, a hint of frustration present, "but you're the woman I love now."
Kallian's hand finds Leliana's; she gives it a light squeeze in lieu of the words that refuse to come out, but are true all the same. Instead, she says; "You don't need to be over her."
Leliana squeezes back at this, a sigh escaping her lips. Relief, perhaps. Kallian was never good at this — the whole comforting thing, the feelings talk — but with Leliana… things just seem to go right.
"Come on, you need some rest," Kallian says, not long after Leliana's rested her head on her shoulder. It seems criminal to make her move, but Kallian needs her awake and alert tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. For reasons she can't say, but trusts are understood nonetheless.
Leliana nods, smiling. Carefully, she wraps the arrow inside the linen and Kallian makes no mention of it. Won't ever try and part Leliana with it, or anything else she holds valuable.
In time, perhaps this will set her apart from the woman who used and discarded Leliana like a broken weapon, even if her lips will never unseal for the things she wants to say.
Perhaps, Leliana will stay.
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dirtybiowareconfessions · 1 year ago
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Confession: Can we talk about Marjolaine? I'm gonna talk about Marjolaine. She's gorgeous, refined, manipulative, disloyal and murderous; I doubt she ever had love in her for Leliana, or anyone else for that matter. She uses her body as a tool...and really, all she wants is power. Imagine the kind of sophisticated care she afforded her naive, orphaned apprentice to buy her devotion, and feel the juices running down your legs and onto the floor. If she really needed me for something (murder), she'd be willing to even erotically pop the inflamed zits on my pussy and ass, hard enough to draw all the pus and blood out. And yeah, the sensation is exquisite; orgasmic, even. All one wants of their wife.
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tavtiers · 10 months ago
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A hypothetical god tier for Marjolaine from Dragon Age: the Thief of Void.
A Thief of Void is among those who use knowing and perceiving. They are motivated by themselves to steal the unknown. (x) The Thief of Void enjoys feeling powerful and is very independent. (x) They are the True Spy, defined by power and secrecy. (x) Their opposite is the Rogue of Light. Their inverse is the Page of Light. The Thief of Void would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Treasure and Void, reigned over by Nyx (Goddess of Night) or Poseidon (God of the Sea). They would rise to ascension on the wings of bats. (x)(x)(x)
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prettypinkperfectpout · 10 months ago
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larena · 2 years ago
Fiona 🤝 Marjolaine   Fuck the Divine
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wetandkinkyfandom500 · 2 months ago
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veryimportantsparkles · 1 year ago
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I decided between pages of Laserwing (posted the latest page two days ago btw), I should do another cover image for one of the Laserwing Spotify playlists. Part of the trap of Marjolaine is that she's supposed to have better musical taste than I do, so a lot of her playlist is made of stuff the algorithm suggested. I'm not a cool kid, guys. I'm always open to music recommendations for the character playlists.
Oh, by the way, the outfit she's wearing there, that Red Jacket supersuit, that's a work in progress. It's hard to balance her usual muted red-purple-green scheme with the super bright jacket. But also, she never actually gets to wear that in the current plans for the story. The whole point of her is that she takes over as the field scythe for their district, so that Josh doesn't have to do that job and is free to be part of the Red Jackets. I want for her to receive the outfit as an honorary member, but she's not really on the team. It mostly exists so she doesn't break patterns.
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