#marisol loera
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tia-amorosa · 6 months ago
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol & Clark - The News (Part 2)longer Part
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Later. Clark drove home with Marisol. There were too many people in the park. When she arrived at his house, she greeted his bandmate Oscar, who was sitting in front of the TV with a stomach ache. then she followed Clark to his room. He closed the door behind them and took a few steps. "So, are you going to tell me now what's going on?".
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Marisol was nervous, even on the drive to the house she hardly said a word "Maybe you should sit down first, okay? Like I said earlier, it's because of the this night, after the concert… at the motel"/ "hey, it's all o.k.,… Isn't it?". She shook her head and made a quick hand gesture. "Just sit down, okay?"
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Clark walked slowly to his bed. Then he sat down on it without taking off his shoes, which he often did, and nobody got upset about it. "I know, it all got a bit out of hand that night, we were in a good mood… It was good to talk about old times again…".
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She looked to the side and recalled the events of the evening .. "Yes, that was it… And there was a lot of melancholy and alcohol involved, I didn't really want to drink that much and go home after the concert… But you invited me backstage and I hadn't talked to the boys for a long time… The evening should have been different at all".
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"Donnovan?". She nodded slightly and then looked to the other side. "Yes, he wanted to spend the evening with me." Clark took a deep breath . "Was he pissed off?"/ "No, he knew we hadn't seen each other for a while. But… Clark, we went too far.". He tilted his head and looked at her. "Sweetie, we had a nice evening with pleasant conversations… We got sentimental, we both got high on alcohol and the boys left early. Then one thing led to another…Did you tell him?".
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"I wasn't actually planning on it and wanted to keep it to myself.". She smiled a little and her gaze was a little dreamy. "As you said, the conversations were pleasant, and so was your closeness. Yes, and then…". Clark cleared his throat briefly and then continued… "don't worry about it, okay? Nothing else happened�� right?". She was silent for a moment. "Not quite… I'm pregnant, Clark…".
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Clark looked at her, shocked and open-mouthed, "No…". She just nodded, no expression on her face. "shiit, and you think…"/ "There's no question about it, Don and I, we'd been paying extra attention because it was too early for kids…"/ "Crap…". Usually Clark always thought of condoms when there were women backstage after the gigs. "And now?".
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Marisol sighed shakily. "I want to keep the baby, Clark. The only question is how you feel about it. I talked to Don about it yesterday"/ "I see… and what did he say?"/ "He's disappointed. But more about the fact that the child isn't his." Clark stroked his hair. "hh… Me and a father, you know I can't do this, and it is really bad timing…". Marisol rubbed her hands over her thighs "you're going on tour in a few days… I know"..
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Clark looked at her a little desperately. "And otherwise… kids… I can't handle it… Really, I… It's too much right now…". Marisol looked at him with tears in her eyes and forced a smile. Clark had never intended to have children before. Then she stood up. "I know… I'll send you a picture, okay? You don't have to look at it now, but maybe later… I already knew what was coming. I'm not making any demands either…"/ "sweetie…"/ "I'd better go now…".
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The two have often talked about how they each envision their future. And Clark often said that his career as a musician was important to him and that a relationship and children therefore had no place in his life. They were friendly, open conversations in which both made their points of view clear and the other showed understanding for them. Marisol got up and went to the door. "All good?"/ "mh… Yeah, sure, I'll be fine".
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After she closed the door behind her, Clark dropped onto his bed. Because for him, the whole thing was more than just unexpected news…. "Shit, man… Why… why is this happening now of all times? Damn! You should have just said something right away, you idiot…" he said to himself.
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Later that night, just before two o'clock. Clark had to get up because his bladder was bothering him. When he came back, he didn't go straight back to bed. He looked out of the window, then his eyes went to his smartphone, which was lying on the bedside table. And he remembered that Marisol had sent a message. He took it, opened the message… "Oh… man…". It was a photo of Marisol's ultrasound scan.
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Clark stared at the picture and realized how his throat suddenly went dry. All the liquid shot up into his eyes. "Shit, Marisol… What do I do now? You have… no idea at all. And the tour has been planned down to the last detail for months. I thought I needed this time out…".
Clark's thoughts were on a rollercoaster. "I wanted some distance… Now I'm not so sure if it's the right thing to do… Maybe a few days… Weeks… Until the most important things are done, and then… I really need to talk to Oscar and the others…"….
End of this Part…
Many thanks again to @nocturnalazure for the link to l-sims' poses :) they were very helpful and inspiring, I was even able to use more of them, many thanks also to l-sims for these great poses! (Unfortunately I don't know what your current Tumblr account is, otherwise I would have linked you 😊). Other poses by: @poses-by-bee , blams, and other creators whose names I unfortunately can't remember right now. Thank you for your work.^^
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mercury101 · 8 months ago
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i gave Donnovan Steel and Marisol Loera (Theron's parents) makeovers and then took those pics at that time
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tank-grunt · 8 months ago
since we're on the subject of sims that are related to other sims, i have this headcanon that christopher steel (from the sims 3) is somehow related to the grunts. bc one of buzz's grandpas is called mike steel plus christopher's lip shape is very similar to ripp's tank's and buzz's
OH YEAH ME TOO!!! donnovan steel too. i actually specifically used to headcanon that donnovan steel and marisol loera were mike steel's parents until i remembered that darren and darlene being in lucky palms as YAs meant that theyre too young to be that far up the family tree but i still think it'd be fun if they were all in the family somehow. idk how but they should be. i constantly feel robbed that sims 3 and 4 added new curious family members but NOT new grunts so i just take it into my own hands ... idgaf...
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joosiiims · 3 years ago
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introducing ronan song’s family!
after ronan ended things with abigail, he focused on himself and made a career out of his favourite hobby, fishing, and became an angler. he lived quietly for a while, mostly hanging out with his friends and then met marisol loera at a beach party. they got along after expressing their love for the outdoors and became close friends. when marisol was dumped by her boyfriend and kicked out into the streets, ronan opened his house for her to spend as much time as she needed, until the two realized they loved each other. they became official boyfriend and girlfriend and years later, got married at the same place they met which was at the beach. not long after the two welcomed their first daughter gayle song, and a few years later, their second daughter veronica song.
facts about them:
marisol is an author
gayle is 2 years older than veronica
gayle’s birthday is august 29
veronica’s birthday is june 26
gayle is a stylist
veronica is a singer
gayle is the 2nd grandchild of nicola
veronica is the 5th grandchild of nicola (out of 8 grandchildren)
family tree | the valentine family profile
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juarezesdeporte · 6 years ago
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Cd. Juárez, Chih., a 22 de junio de 2018.-Reconocen a medallistas juarenses de Olimpiada Nacional*****Encabeza gobernador Javier Corral primera reunión con deportistas juarenses ganadores de la Olimpiada Nacional y Nacional Juvenil 2018
 Cd. Juárez, Chih., a 22 de junio de 2018.-Esta tarde se llevó a cabo la primera reunión con medallistas de la Olimpiada Nacional y Nacional Juvenil 2018, reconociendo a los deportistas juarenses que otorgaron preseas al estado durante las pasadas justas deportivas.
En dicha celebración se contó con la presencia del gobernador del Estado, Javier Corral Jurado, acompañado por Judith Soto, subsecretaria de Educación y Deporte; Juan Pedro Santa Rosa González, director del Instituto Chihuahuense del Deporte y Cultura Física (ICHD); en representación de los atletas estuvo Laura Alejandra Ovalle, medallista de oro en la disciplina de Tae Kwon Do y el velocista Martín Loera Trujillo multimedallista de Atletismo.
Los atletas originarios de Ciudad Juárez, lograron en Olimpiada Nacional 5 medallas de oro, 7 de plata y 9 de bronce, mientras que en el Nacional Juvenil, los fronterizos aportaron al estado 4 medallas de oro, 2 de plata y 3 de bronce.
Las medallas obtenidas fueron en las disciplinas de Tae Kwon Do, Handball, Judo, Box y Natación.
En su mensaje, el titular del ICHD, comentó: “agradezco la presencia de los entrenadores quienes con su capacidad lograron desarrollar el talento de nuestros atletas, a los presidentes de Asociación; les envió el saludo a los padres de familia quienes siguen siendo el principal pilar de motivación del deportista; gracias a los medios de comunicación quienes con su crónica plasmaron los logros obtenidos por quienes pusieron en alto el nombre del Estado de Chihuahua”.
“Jóvenes atletas, hoy reciben el reconocimiento por parte del Gobierno del Estado por haber portado y defendido con orgullo los colores de Chihuahua en cada competencia, convirtieron esta oportunidad en una nueva experiencia alcanzando sus metas”, agregó.
Finalizó agradeciendo al gobernador por el apoyo y señaló: “este evento nos dejó muchas hazañas que contar, pero, sobre todo la satisfacción de haber dado nuestro máximo esfuerzo, estoy seguro que como ésta muchas historias más están por escribirse, felicidades jóvenes y enhorabuena”.
Por su parte, Martín Alejandro Loera Trujillo, ganador de medallas de oro en Atletismo dijo: “aprovecho esta oportunidad para agradecer a mi familia, a todos los que me han apoyado, al Instituto Chihuahuense del Deporte, por el esfuerzo que hacen para apoyarnos, este año recibimos los mejores uniformes. Es un orgullo poder representar a mis compañeros y agradecer por su confianza, a nosotros nos toca seguir entrenando para cumplir nuestros objetivos y sueños para poner en alto el nombre de Chihuahua y de México. No hagamos caso de las críticas, hay que levantarnos y ver cada día como una oportunidad, porque cada quien llega hasta donde quiere”.
En la ceremonia se hizo entrega al gobernador del estado de los trofeos obtenidos por puntos, donde sobresalió Chihuahua en su participación, como Softbol, Atletismo, Boxeo, Básquetbol, Racquetbol y Tae Kwon Do, destacando que Chihuahua hasta el momento se encuentra posicionado en el lugar 13 general.
En su intervención, el mandatario estatal comentó: “me llena de orgullo y entusiasmo estar aquí en esta comida de reconocimiento y de agradecimiento a todas y todos ustedes que participaron en primera línea en esta Olimpiada Nacional 2018, es un honor porque hay tanto talento juvenil que nos ha dado una verdadera lección de amor y pasión por el deporte, de esfuerzo, disciplina y perseverancia”.
“Quiero felicitar a Juan Pedro Santa Rosa, quien puso en la idea, el plan para que Chihuahua volviera a ser la sede de la Olimpiada Nacional, su entusiasmo, talento y una muy buena organización por parte de su equipo de trabajo; por toda la organización, por lo que efectivamente hemos recibido muy buenos comentarios de distintas parte del país,  por la anfitrionía, hospitalidad, el cuidado en cada detalle, como lo fue que cada uno de los deportistas y entrenadores, tuvieran un uniforme de calidad, porque es lo que genera el orgullo en la representación, se hizo un gran esfuerzo”.
“Qué bueno que fue un éxito la Olimpiada Nacional, no sólo en organización, sino en la participación de nuestros atletas que mejoraron del 2017 donde se lograron 27 medallas, a este 2018 que suman 71 medallas para el estado de Chihuahua”.
“Nuestro reconocimiento a los atletas, que estas preseas son fruto de la disciplina, dedicación, vale la pena sacrificar la diversión y tiempos de ocio, y cambiarlos por un proceso de entrenamiento riguroso; nada se alcanza por casualidad, el éxito es un proceso de construcción de pequeñas cosas que se logran en base a la disciplina, trabajo y esfuerzo, todo encaminado por sus entrenadores, a través del respeto y cariño”.
“Es un orgullo para Chihuahua contar con ustedes, dignos y dignas representantes de la nobleza y lealtad que representa a los chihuahuenses, porque el deporte tiene el poder de cambiar al mundo, de inspirar y de unir a la gente; reiterándoles que para nuestro Gobierno es una prioridad la promoción y el apoyo al deporte. Los exhorto a que sigan adelante en este maravilloso camino deportivo, poniendo su esfuerzo y voluntad para seguir siendo los mejores”, concluyó.
16-17 años  (2001-2002)
15-16 años  (2002-2003)
15-16 años  (2002-2003)
15-16 años  (2002-2003)
16-17 años  (2001-2002)
15-16 años  (2002-2003)
12-13 años  (2005-2006)
14-15 años  (2003-2004)
14-15 años  (2003-2004)
13-14 años  (2004-2005)
16-17 años  (2001-2002)
14-15 años  (2003-2004)
16-17 años  (2001-2002)
16-17 años (2001-2002)
13-14 años  (2004-2005)
15-16 años  (2001-2002)
12-13 años  (2005-2006)
Cadetes, 14-15 años  (2003-2004)
16-17 años  (2001-2002)
16-17 años  (2001-2002)
18-20 años  (1998-2000)
18-20 años  (1998-2000)
18-20 años  (1998-2000)
18-20 años  (1998-2000)
17-18 años  (2000-2001)
18-20 años  (1998-2000)
18-20 años  (1998-2000)
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immdreamz · 9 years ago
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puddingfaces · 11 years ago
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A very pregnant Marisol Loera.
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tia-amorosa · 6 months ago
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol - Saturday Night Fever (Part 3)
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Clark quietly made sure that the rest of the guests went home. Then he looked for Marisol after he had locked the front door. She was standing by the back entrance, sobbing. "hh, oh man, sweetie…". She looked up at the night sky as tears ran down her face. "Everyone knew, including me, but I was so stupid…". He walked slowly to her.
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He stroked her cheek lovingly. "You always try to believe in the good in a person, but this guy…"/ "I never want to see him again, he can play his love games with others"/ "He probably will for a while… Hey, calm down now, okay?".
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Clark took her lovingly in his arms. But she couldn't really return this gesture of affection. "You're not making it any better now, Clark. And you know what hurts the most?"/ "What?"/ "That I'll miss you terribly when you're gone… and I'm here alone… with our baby." She sobbed quietly.
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Marisol slowly released herself from his embrace. She couldn't even look at him, but slowly turned around. "I… I wish you all the best for the journey… And I hope… you have a good time". She managed to walk just a few steps, but then… "Wait!". Clark abruptly grabbed her by the arm.
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Marisol stopped while he let his hand rest on her arm. "What else is there, Clark? Do you want to give me any more lessons or advice? Don't worry, no more men are coming to my house for now…"/ "No, Marisol, I… I want something else"/…
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She turned around. "And what, Clark? What do you want?". He was still holding her arm, which almost frightened her a little. "Marisol, I… I haven't been able to sleep peacefully for the last few days… ever since I saw our baby in that picture. And I thought about what to do for a long time…until I realized…". She calmed down and slowly turned to face him.
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She stood close to him and, despite the darkness, she could see his eyes clearly. They were cloudy because tears were gathering in them. "Clark… What's wrong?". He held her hands tightly in his. "I'm no longer able to deny it. I can't go away when someone at home needs me… And I need you, Marisol." His words made her heart beat faster again.
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Her voice trembled. "C-Clark…". He stroked her face again. "Don't talk now, okay? I decided to cancel the tour yesterday. There are a few reasons for that . But the most important one… is you." He slowly pulled her to him… Then he kissed her and she finally realized that there had been more to it all along… More than just friendship.
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The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity… It was full of feeling, intense. Afterwards, they looked at each other and stood in an embrace for a while, silent and smiling. Until someone started again. "You really canceled the tour? Because of me?"/"As I said, there are several reasons. And they're more important than my music at the moment, sweetie. …Can I walk you home?".
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She smiled. "But I only have to cross the road, my house is already over there…". He looked over for a moment, pinched his lips together and looked at her again. "And if a car comes at this moment and…". She knew he was making a little joke. "Oh Clark, hnhn, it's after three o'clock…everyone's asleep.". He looked at her with tired eyes. "Please… And then I'll tell you why I decided to cancel the tour". She realized that it was important to him. Then she smiled again. "mhm… O.K.".
End of this Part
@cozygirlsimmer ☺🥰
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thesimgrove · 12 years ago
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These don't work with Holden's story but since I'm having some technical difficulties with my game, I thought I'd share these. I thought they were pretty. That's a made-over Marisol Loera. She turned out so pretty. Click on pics for HQ.
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tank-grunt · 4 months ago
my, uh, strangetown sim ethnicity headcanons (using real world location names and not the sims world equivalents)
the beakers and halfdanarsons are white. specifically the beakers were swedish, while leif was danish and ingibjorg was icelandic. the salamis were greek with arabic ancestry. the mcgorks were irish, moira was white while gwrtheyrn was black.
the muendas were meru kenyans who immigrated to simerica and the specter family is moroccan. since i prefer the name "ophelia specter" i like to reinterpret the nigmos family as specters and ichabod's family, making them also moroccan.
the grunts are latine - rock and wanda were mestizo colombians. family name was originally guerra, changed to grunt when they immigrated to america. mary melons was white and descended from french immigrants, but had no personal ties to france.
mike steel was a white latino mexican american. he had a white dad and a mexican mom. that ones based on me thinking donnovan steel and marisol loera were his parents until i realized they were contemporary with darren dreamer, lol! oopsies!
the curious & wheloff families are black americans - they don't really have any known ties to any other location besides the simericas - and hamm hogleg was a moapa native american, while his wife annie was white (hence 2 of their 4 grandkids being white passing in a vanilla game)
glarn's ex-wife glabe, on the other hand, was filipina.
the loners and frehndlys being indian is just canon. i dont have headcanons that elaborate on this further, though.
the loste family were originally from seychelles, or the sims equivalent, thus creole with largely east african and indian heritage. the simnitch family were slavic diaspora americans.
crystal vu is vietnamese american. bleaches her hair blonde but naturally has black hair. and dr. vu is her dad and also vietnamese.
blair mace is mixed race japanese american. dad (larry mace) is white american, and his mom (mystery) was japanese american.
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aimeesimdesigns-blog · 12 years ago
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Marisol Loera
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krissycrisco · 12 years ago
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Donnovan and Marisol (Loera) Steel on their wedding day.  They're my for fun save in Lucky Palms.  They were married at Kabecka River.
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tia-amorosa · 5 months ago
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol & Clark - The little big happiness (2)
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It's the next day. After the final examinations had been completed and no abnormalities had been found in the little boy, the small family could be released home without hesitation. They rested there for a while. Later, Marisol got her son out of bed and they sat down together in the living room. “Look at those little hands…”.
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Clark smiled and gently stroked his son's head. "Yeah, and it looks like he's getting my hair color, I was dark on my head at first too. Unbelievable…didn't think an “accident” could be so beautiful…". Marisol looked at him and smiled. And remembered something he had said earlier. “But you never wanted children, Clark…”. He looked briefly at her and then back at his son. "Yes. But when I saw that picture… I just didn't want to miss anything, so I postponed everything. Also because of the thing with Oscar.“.
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Marisol enjoyed watching Clark lovingly stroking his son. "You like that, my darling, don't you? If your dad had decided otherwise, we'd be sitting here alone today“. Clark took a deep breath. „At least I have a conscience. Hm, do you want to go to bed? Or swing?"/ ‘Try the swing, I'm sure he'll like it“.
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Clark stood up and carefully took his son in his arms to put him in the swing. Then he switched on the slow speed. "You were right, he likes it. How did you come up with the name Enrico?"/ ”My grandpa's name was Enrique, I think that's why. I just wanted to change the name a bit. He was a great person."
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“Enrico… It's not necessarily a great name for a musician, maybe Rico…”/ “His name is fixed, but we can call him Rico. I have to clean up now, and you look at him from time to time"/ ‘I will…’…
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“hey, today's a holiday, what do you think about a little party?”/ “I don't know, I don't want to confront the little one with so many people for now…”. Clark looked at his son, who was slowly rocking back and forth. “He's totally relaxed…”/ “Maybe in a few days, okay?”/ “All right. Then Daddy will play something for you, or we'll write a new song, hehe".
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Clark picked up his guitar and began to play a quiet piece. The melody blended a little with the music coming from the swing. But Enrico seemed to like it quite a lot.
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After tidying up a bit, Marisol took a shower and then sat down at the computer. She had to use the time to finish her book. “The last few chapters, hopefully I'll catch up… I'm glad that Clark is taking such good care of our boy…hn”.
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Father and son had had enough of playing the guitar for the time being. So Clark looked at his child for a while. "hehe, well? You're pretty alert for a baby. I slept a lot, at least that's what my mother always told me, I could sleep all day, a bomb could have gone off and I wouldn't have woken up. Come here…".
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"I once spoke to your mother on the phone and told her... that it would have been better if I hadn't known about you, she could have said you weren't my child... I take that back. I was always afraid of that. Now I look at you and I'd love to carry you around all day, crazy, right? I'll always protect you, I promise."
End of this Part
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tia-amorosa · 6 months ago
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol & Clark - The little big happiness (1)
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A few weeks and months have passed. Marisol and Clark have grown even closer and are slowly but surely ready to take their relationship to the next level. They attended antenatal classes to be fully prepared for their baby. But when are you completely ready? It's the middle of the night… “Clark…Clark, wake up”. Marisol's voice was excited, frantic, but he pulled the comforter over his head. “why, why don't you let me sleep…”.
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Clark had had a long day and really wanted to sleep all night, but he couldn't and didn't immediately realize what was going on. Until he got up and saw that Marisol was in labor. “Shit, NOW?”/ “hu-hu-huu, yes, now”/ “but what… What should I do?”
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She looked at him suspiciously. “Are you really serious? We've already discussed this, the bag is packed and you're calling a cab!"/ ‘Oh man, okay, bag… cab, anything else?’/ ‘yeah - Don't forget to get dressed’. The last few days have been particularly exhausting for Marisol, so her mood is a little low. He called the cab and they drove to the hospital together.
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The cab came quickly. During the ride, Clark held her hand and lovingly stroked her belly. They both had to practise what they had learned in the pregnancy course. Breathing evenly together, not too fast, not too slow. And eventually they arrived at the hospital. Fortunately, there wasn't much going on, so they were able to take care of Marisol quickly.
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It all happened quite quickly. Marisol was taken to one of the rooms where the women gave birth. Clark was glad that there were people there who were more familiar with such situations. He simply stood by Marisol and held her hand. And they kept looking at the clock. It was a very stressful process, especially for the mother-to-be, because the baby was taking its time.
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It took almost an hour, during which Marisol struggled with her strength. But then it went very quickly. After she had to push a few times and Clark had the feeling that he was about to lose his hand, their son was born. They hadn't thought about a name yet, but Marisol spontaneously decided that he should be called Enrico.
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Lucky Palms now had one more resident. At the hospital, they were told that there was a lot of new blood in the town at the moment and that they were happy about it. After the initial examinations had been completed, Marisol was taken to a room. The new family should at least stay until the next morning and not drive home in the middle of the night.
End of this Part
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tia-amorosa · 6 months ago
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol & Clark - New Starts (Part 2)
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It was just before five o'clock when Marisol fell asleep. She must have been up for quite a long time. Then there was the excitement of the party, the long conversation with Clark and the many feelings they shared. All that made her sleep until noon. Clark stayed by her side until then. The next day, he collected his things from Vivienne and Oscar's house.
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Apart from his instruments, Clark doesn't own much. Well, a few more clothes, clean underwear, he attaches great importance to that. And he and his bandmates would actually be on the bus by now. But no, he's exactly where he wants to be. "I like the acoustic guitar much better than the electric…"/ "Yeah, me too. sorry, just wanted to tune it".
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Clark put the guitar aside again. "It's okay, I don't mind if you play…"/ "I think I'll do it again later… Now I have to look at you." She got a little embarrassed and looked away for a moment. "oh man, that's really abnormal, hnhn"/ "hehe, do you think so?". He looked down at her and his gaze lingered on her stomach. "May I?". Clark wanted to touch her baby bump, because he hadn't done that before. She smiled at him and nodded. "Of course, it's yours too."
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Clark put his hand on a spot on her stomach. He could feel something moving there, very slight movements. "but that's not a turd squirming around the corner, is it?"/ "thihi, no, that's our baby, Clark"/ "cool, I mean wow!".^^
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"So… are you looking forward to it a bit now?"/ "A bit? Totally!… I'm just afraid of doing something wrong, I've never had a baby in my arms before"/ "Really never?"/ "I swear, honestly not…". She smiled sympathetically and stroked his arm. "We could go to an expectant parents' course, they work with lifelike dolls". He looked at her in amazement and pushed his lower lip forward. "there's such a thing, really?".
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"Of course, there's all kinds of stuff about babies. Here…" She pressed a lovingly tied package into his hand. "Maybe this is something for you, I read through the books within a day, they're great"/ "now you've already told me what's inside…". She had to laugh a little. "haha, yes, sorry. but not what's in the books…"/ "Books, fine, but I'm only reading them for your sake"/ "Believe me, you'll love it and have lots more questions".
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Clark took the matter seriously and sat down on the sofa with one of the books. He checked how thick it was beforehand with a suspicious look on his face, because he hated reading a lot. But this guide seemed to be quite short. Marisol had to smile as she watched. Then she briefly touched on the subject of the canceled tour. "Your fans will probably be really disappointed, won't they?"/ „Nah, They'll get their money back for the tickets, dude, with a bonus. But next year will be even better, we promised that".
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After a while it became quieter. And after he had read a few pages…. "have you looked at the room for the baby yet? I've had to put my desk in there for now, otherwise I wouldn't know where…"/ "hey, you want me to read the books, so let me do that first… I'll look at it later and we'll find a solution for your computer". She looked at him from the side surprised because he seemed to have take a liking to the book after all. She had to laugh again, "OK, I'll watch my Chinese cook then". She looked over at him again furtively and was almost a little proud of him.
End of this Part
Next time we'll visit Vivienne and Oscar to see how things are going.
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tia-amorosa · 6 months ago
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol - Saturday Night Fever (long) Part 1
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It's just before 7 pm. The old warehouse, which has been converted into a discotheque/bar/arcade hall, is expecting many guests today. Clark and his band have invited virtually the whole town. Anyone who wants to come is welcome. And nobody knows how this evening will end….
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"Man, don't overdo it now, Ozzy, do you hear me?"/ "Why… It's all for shit now anyway…"/ "But you're not doomed to die, now come back down and put the bottle away again. You'd better take care of the music system". Oscar received two pieces of news today that threw him off course. Not just him… but also his future wife and all his other close friends.
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As no DJs were available today, the decision was made to use the Auto DJ system. Lots of music, put together on the computer and now played via USB stick. "System running"/ "I can hear that too, at least turn it down a bit so that people can still talk".
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Shortly before 8 p.m., Marisol enters the hall. The music is loud, but not booming. She looks around, not too many people, but at least there's a bit going on… She was almost two hours late. But there was no need to get upset… "Hey…".
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After she heard his voice and then saw him, she went to him. "Well, it's a bit lame, isn't it?"/ "yeah, but I'm sure there'll be more going on later. I didn't realize that the Super Bowl was still on TV today… Are you okay?"/ "mhm. Are the others here too?"/ "Only Oscar, the others had other plans today".
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"So, are you excited about the tour yet? How many gigs do you have?"/ "um, I think 23 or so…". She raised an eyebrow with a grin. "You don't know exactly?"/ "Spike has more of an overview. Do you want a drink?"/ "hm, if there's something non-alcoholic here, you know…" She pointed to her stomach with her two index fingers. "Oh, sure, we don't want our child to become an alcoholic, right? There are non-alcoholic drinks upstairs".
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After a few minutes, Vivienne, Oscar's fiancée, also arrived at the bar. "Hello you two, have you seen Oscar?". Marisol looked over at her in astonishment. "Vivienne? No, I've only just arrived…". Quark reacted a little annoyed, because things are always a little tense between him and Vivienne. "He must be buzzing around here somewhere, what are you doing here anyway, didn't you want to watch your show?"/ "You know I'm not at peace about my future husband at the moment. Well, I'll find him". After Vivienne was out of sight, Marisol turned to Clark again, "Is everything okay with them?"/ "Yes, yes… Shall we go upstairs?".
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Slowly the hall filled up and people went to the bars, or to the dance floor if they felt like dancing. But the drinks here are the best in town at the moment. Clark is nervous on the one hand, but on the other, at least outwardly, calm…a few things have had to be sorted out in the last 24 hours. "hi, one orange juice with elderflower, please".
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The barman looked at her, somewhat perplexed. "Elder… What?". And Clark immediately intervened. "Are you deaf? Elderflower, the syrup, is downstairs, front row, I filled it up the Bar myself…". The barman was a little piqued. "Are you the boss here?". Clark grinned a little. "Almost, so, what is it now, the lady is thirsty"/ "o.k. o.k.… what mix ratio?"/ And again Clark had to shake his head . "Haven't you studied the recipe book? Oh man, what's wrong with you?".
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It took a while for the guy behind the bar to finally finish making the drink. He searched for the recipe, which was actually quite simple, for almost a minute: "I think I need to talk to your boss, apparently you've only had a crash course. Marisol looked over at him and had to laugh a little: "hnhn, hey, don't get upset, Clark, the drink tastes good, really".
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Clark also had a drink made. Then they both got up and carried on talking. "And otherwise… everything okay?". Marisol took a sip from her glass. "mhm, yes… I'm just writing the last chapters of my new book" / "o.k. …. What's it about?" / "hm, about a broken family" / "Oh, o.k., and, is there a happy ending?"…
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"Do you think I'm going to tell you the ending now? You should just read it when it's finished…"/ "Do you know when I last read a book? Just tell me"/ "Nope, I'll let you stew. There are definitely a lot of twists and turns in the story, it's exciting…"/ "hehe, and then you just grin like that". It was a casual conversation between the two of them. And they made jokes from time to time. And so Marisol continued in a cheerful tone. "Yes, because I'm convinced it's a good book."/ "hnhn, you know I only read the newspapers or something on my smartphone, but never a book"/ "hm, but on a long bus journey, from city to city, it certainly wouldn't be wrong…"/ "hnhn, yes, maybe. ". Clark finished his glass and placed it on the bar. "Fancy a bit of dancing?". She smiled and nodded.
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Before they could even reach the stairs, they heard Vivienne shouting loudly. "Oscar! My God…" . They saw her bending over him, he seemed to be unconscious.
What happened? We'll find out in the next part…
Note: Sometimes things happen unexpectedly when I'm doing story or gamplay. And when I saw Oscar lying there on the floor, I thought to myself, that's so fitting right now! I had a similar scene in my head, but I dismissed it again. He gave me a good template, so to speak, and that's how this and the subsequent scenes in the next part were able to come about. 🙂
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