#marion would be fun but crazy
barnbridges · 11 months
you know marion is good in bed because in all other aspects the girl radiates madness.
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hebuiltfive · 6 months
Hi! Character ask game for TAG Scott! Any combo, or all - I'd really love to read your takes!🤗💙
My first impression of them
My least favorite ship of them
A weird headcanon
Future headcanon
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
So excited to answer this one! Putting it under a cut because it gets long!
First impression: Wow this guy is crazy, (from hanging off TB1)? Also remember distinctly thinking that, as the obvious head of the family, that this guys really knows what he's doing. I was proved wrong in subsequent episodes. Sorry Scoot! But I really liked Scott from the off!
Least Favourite Ship: I don't really have one that I hate but if I had to pick one I dislike... I'd probably say Scott x Kayo only because I see Kayo as their sister in TAG so it feels a little weird to me to ship her with any of the boys. But that's just my personal opinion on it. There are some amazing Scayo fics out there!
Weird headcanon: I don't know whether this meant a weird headcanon in terms of weird for the character or whether it meant weird for me to have the headcanon, so I'm just going to give a headcanon that might be common but might just be me instead, if that's okay (and if that made any sense?
Okay. To me, I see Scott as actually very musical. Obviously he's nowhere near as proficient as Virgil who is the musician of the family, but Scott can hold a decent tune. In addition to singing, he can also play a variety of instruments including the piano, the guitar, the harmonica, the French horn, the drums.
I think this one is a little influenced by the TOS universe — in one of the Theydon books, Scott plays the piano and there's a bit of background to that — so I kind of just expanded it for TAG Scott (and may be putting it into one of my WIPs... 👀).
But yeah. Hope that answers that one!
Future Headcanon: This is a much easier headcanon question, and it also happens to be one I'm currently writing into a WIP!
Once Jeff is home and everything is more stable, Scott settles down with Marion Van Arkle. She joins iR and they have three children together (who will follow in their footsteps when they're old enough) and Scott lives happily ever after. He deserves the happily ever after! (Although there are, of course, hiccups in the WIP, but that's unimportant here.) Happily ever after Scott! That's important!
Most themselves: Ooh. That's tough. I can think of a few.
Recharge, where he goes off in the Pod despite Virgil warning him against it and, oh look! Virgil was right all along? That sums Scott up I think.
Chain of Command, for most of the episode. Getting angry of not being able to help the people in need; going in for that second rescue regardless of the permission; and then, of course, questioning Janus's authority.
Chain Reaction, for when he saves Fuse even though Marion points out he's a criminal. Scott's line of "everyone is worth saving" is such a Tracy line, but I think it also sums Scott up. Likewise, in Brain v Brawn where he saves the Hood. Dude has a bigger heart than I would have in that situation.
I could go on, but this answer is already an essay in itself!
Thank you for this! It was fun to think about, and I hope I answered okay! 💙
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cosmoknightchaos · 4 months
25 for any character I wanna read your ramblings
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25. What is your favourite thing about your OC?
Wow. Dill asking a non-angsty question from an angsty OC ask? That's crazy man
Below are 29 OCs that I'm currently using enough to have favourite bits about them. Enjoy
A Hat in Time OCs
Horalo AU Skyscreamer: Baby girl. Favourite thing about her would probably be the fine line I have to walk between being a kind, caring woman and a motherly figure while writing her. Sky is supposed to be the cool older sister and it's a lot of fun to portray that in writing! The Flower Man: His dialogue. I fucking LOVE how this man speaks and it is so much fun to write. Also taking his lore out of context. He canonically has the most rizz out of anyone in the Horizon and it is my favourite fact about him. King Moonjumper: His personality specifically in the currently unreleased Act7. He likes playing himself up, seeming like a big threat, and then the moment something doesn't go his way he has a meltdown. He's so silley.
Wanderer AU Ester: I have a scene from the ending of Wanderer doodled out where Ester and MJ are standing in the frozen remains of Subcon and they are holding hands. It's just something about her being a scared, sassy, almost insignificant child, especially when put up next to characters like Graves or Snatcher who are much more lore-relevant, and yet she stays MJ's closest companion and most trusted friend throughout the entire story. Gravedigger: Absolutely anything that can draw more parallels between her and Gleb, the character she takes the role of. Mourner/Cathrine: Saying my favourite part of her character is that she gets my favourite song from Anastasia feels like cheating, but it's definitely up there. Probably her loyalty. She is, above all, loyal to her homeland, and refuses to let that part of her go after the freeze. She's one of the few characters not really running away from her past, but instead slowly coming to terms with it. Count Adrianne: He's a perfect example of a complex character who seems very simple on the outside and I love him for it. Either that or his relationship with Snatcher. They bicker like siblings because they were both older siblings before dying and are projecting on to each other and it's very silly.
Misc. Anya: Ouuugh. That's a hard one. Favourite bit about them is probably their coping mechanisms. They are so good at taking things at face value, accepting them, and then watching everything else devolve into chaos around them like a sitcom without doing anything to help. They speedrun the 5 stages of grief just so they can make fun of everyone else and completely fuck themself over in the process because they don't actually learn how to cope Kaizo: He's a whore what else can I say
Hollow Knight OCs (The Religious Trauma Squad)
Gospel: Her lore! She's so fucked up <3 Edge: One of the big things about RTS is that the main three characters go through very similar character arcs, but they're all in different stages of it. We first meet Edge at the end of his character arc, where he's already decided that most gods are assholes and he doesn't owe his devotion to anyone. Then, during the rest of the story, he gets to watch two other people experience similar events, and it forces him to help them because he doesn't want the to go through the same things he did. It's just a fun dynamic of him already knowing who he is and his heritage and being comfortable with that, and now helping others learn the same thing. Marion: His absolute and total devotion to the troupe during his time in it, and his relationship with Gospel after he gets kicked out.
Jenny: She (in a way) dismantles the idea of a "Chosen One" hero and I think that's pretty neat. Morgan: She's just silly. Couldn't tell you why, I just really like her. Myo: They are a BITCH. Lying little bastard and I love them for it. They would murder someone, turn around, and go "I'm just a little guy it's my birthday you wouldn't punish a little guy on his birthday would you" and it would work. And, as the actual "Chosen One" of the story, it's fun to see them go over the edge trying to be the special main character.
Project Scepsis OS
Paisley: They don't let their past traumas and experiences define who they are and I think that's really neat! Marci: It's practically a self-insert and those characters will always be special to me. Also, it's just a blob. What's not to love? The actual answer is its story arc where it nearly kills Sonemeir on accident and traumatizes them both for life Kat: Her species as a concept. The idea of a shapeshifter who has to eat something to shift into it is fascinating to me. Prof. Sonemeir: He is so fucked up in so many ways. Dude has been through the horrors(TM). His entire character deals with the idea of legacies and how what you create will last longer than you will, which is really funny because he hates everything he's created and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. And also that aforementioned arc with Marci Creator: His character design. He is very fun to draw :)
ET's Coffee Shop
Phoebe: She is the best example of "some normal dude who got wrapped up in everyone else's shenanigans" and I think that's very funny. Also the fact that she is destined to kill her entire family. There is no escaping fate around here Altalune: Oh my GODDDD I am INSANE about this man. Definitive favourite thing is his character design, I fucking love his character design it is so good and so much fun to draw, but I have to shout out his relationship with ET because it's my favourite part of the entire story as a whole. Stopwatch: Everyone else in this story, including the two main antagonists, uses more traditional or magic-based weapons: Phoebe has daggers, Altalune and Tristen use swords and magic, ET has shapeshifting powers, stuff like that. Stopwatch, on the other hand, has a gun. Cirsten: She is too good for this world. So incredibly loving and caring of everyone at all times. Her and Audun are the best romantic relationship I've ever written and they make me so happy. Tristen Kannaroe: The way his name sounds. It just rolls off the tongue so nicely and it fits his character so well. And his character design. He looks exactly how he acts and I love it. Also, his couple hundred horrific "deaths" and the fact that he is immortal because Alta won't let him die. ET: I feel like I could say "character design" for every single Coffee Shop character and it would work. They're all so good. Anyways, ET's relationship with Alta and ET's death are my favourite bits. And also that he's kind of an allegory for neurodivergence. TQ: Character de- I step on a banana peel and comically fall down the nearest set of stairs. Seriously though. I have a bit running where all of the deity/god-like characters are drawn in a different style, and TQ's is lineless. They look so good in that style and I love drawing them. Personality-wise, I love how incredibly objective they are. They're so blunt and honest at all times, especially with Alta. It's really funny to see Alta try to justify his actions to TQ and them going "Okay but you did just level and entire city" Ayabe: Their backstory and their relationship with Stopwatch! Their magic is also cool as fuck. Crumpet: Yeah it's character design again
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clearcloudlesssky · 11 months
*sips tea* WHY, HELLO THERE
I am here to inquire about your writing! (I just want to give you an excuse to make a tumblr post about it because you're an amazing writer)
Who's your favorite oc and why?
What two characters do you think have the most interesting dynamic together out of the ones youve written?
What tropes do you use the most?
Do you have any ocs you think youd get along with irl? Any you think you'd hate irl?
ALSO...CAN I MARRY ORPHEUS??? (and eule i love them both)
thank you for inquiring about my writing!! it means a lot seriously
i am so so sorry i didn’t answer this sooner i literally did not know that there was a inbox until today sobs
well anyhoo questions
1) who’s your favorite oc and why?
my favorite oc at the moment is levine. mostly cause depressed doctor with a missing inventor childhood friend, who disappeared after a morally wrong experiment, but then the subject of that experiment appears at his doorstep and what tf is he supposed to do now.
plus i just like his personality (me saying he’s quiet and hates interacting with people just like me frfr)
ok but on the legitimate side of things
levine tends to portray himself as a misanthrope who dislikes spending time with others, but in reality he uses it as a mask to cover up the fact that he doesn’t actually hate people, rather he ends up caring too much, so he just withdraws.
he pretends to be the first option, but ultimately he’s a bleeding heart disguised as a cynic. yes, he’s bitter and somewhat jaded by certain events, but that doesn’t stop him from feeding the scrawny cat on the side of the road or taking in a child? automaton? person? that was left to him.
plus his relationship with childhood friend aka local crazy woman camille who is his exact opposite is fun to write
2) what two characters do you think have the most interesting dynamic together out of the ones you’ve written?
hmmm out of the characters that i’ve written so far the relationship between yuna and neva is probably the most interesting to me, seconded by marion and cinna.
in yuna/neva’s case it’s the mixture of childhood-friends-turned-reluctant-enemies-but-not-really, and the thing about their vibe that i like is that they just keep making each other worse. they love each other, they adore each other, but they also hate and despise each other, and whenever one falls it’s inevitable that the other follows.
yuna is usually the one to take the first downward plunge, without any hesitation, and she always looks back at neva like “are you coming?” —and neva always looks at her, and something inside her whispers that this is wrong, she shouldn’t be doing this, but another part says yes this feels good, and enjoys the thrill, and it’s that side that wins over like all of the time.
because when it comes down to it yuna just does what she wants in the moment, without much regard for the future or the people around her. maybe a different person could reel her in, or clean up her messes, or tell her hey this is wrong, but that person will never be neva. neva is kinda apathetic to both life and people, she’s just plodding through life. yes, she has a better moral compass than yuna, but she’s not pressed enough to follow through on that bit of conscience within her and stop what they’re doing, so everything usually just spirals and spirals until it explodes.
that was basically them in their teenage years, and when the story starts as reuniting adults, the pattern just. happens again but on a larger scale. i told you they’re my toxic lesbians and i love themmmm
3) what tropes do you use the most?
erm i would say that i use “childhood friends” AKA “knew each other in youth” wayyyy too frequently. also a sucker for the parental figure and traumatized child relationship
4) do you have any ocs you think you’d get along with irl? any you think you’d hate?
i think that i’d get along with eurydice (wow i should probably rename her) mostly because she’s a chill lady, runs a tea shop. i’d like to get a drink from her and just relax. i also think i’d get along with doll but let’s be real, doll gets along with like 99% of the people they meet. they are my sunshine porcelain automaton child. (i coparent with levine.)
erm i would probably dislike hanging around yuna, enough said about that. i kinda want to say marion but i wrote him to be fairly charismatic and i don’t think that i would be immune haha
5) can i you marry orpheus (also eule)
you have permission to marry eule. but marion comes as a side piece. this is non-negotiable.
as for orpheus, ask anil lmao
suddenly occurs to me that nobody knows who these people are. oH well maybe i’ll post more later TwT
i wrote this at 2AM coughing so if this is incoherent i sincerely apologize
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
I’m glad you mentioned about Sean viewing Randgrid differently after his bad ending because I have definitely thought about how he’d be around his fellow Merry Men after his bad ending. Bad ending Sean would be very hateful towards anyone who doesn’t agree with him or anyone who even ever had a past of selfishness and greediness. He’d take low shots at people’s background “Zarek wasn’t your mother so consumed by greed they turned you into one of those statue actors on the street?” Stuff like that. Him hating Randgrid because she is the spawn of a dragon would also show how far he’s fallen because I always imagined him believing that there are no naturally evil races. “All goblins are evil? Nonsense those guys just suck.” He’d turn on the companions too even if they had their good ending, Astarion and Gale for being power hungry, Wyll just for having a noble background, hell maybe even Karlach for fighting for a devil and working with Gortash even if it was against her will. If Sol was a companion he’d probably turn on her for her dragon heritage.
But enough about that the last Merry Men kid is Alfred Nikolas a goblin Artificer nicknamed Fun-Sized Fred. He is based on Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol. He was taken in by Lord Marion (genderbent Lady Marian) as more of a protégée than an adopted child given his parents are still alive and still on good terms unlike the rest of the kids. He became a well-known artificer using the money of his version of Scrooge after he gave all his money to Fred’s family when he passed. Fred uses modified crutches to get around but they double as his weapons. Really wish they had Goblins as a race in bg3 so I could make him in it. I’ll just have to make him in Hero Forge at some point.
Okay, wait, I'm obsessed with the potential for Sean and Sol interactions. Let's play barbies with our OCs for a hot second.
Let's say by some miracle the two of them end up kinda friends in act 3. Maybe a series of failed bullying attempts from Sol that just strengthened their bond instead.
Now bad endings! Sean gets hyper-vigilant and vindictive with his judgment. Everyone is put under the microscope and all their hearts are weighted on a scale against a feather just so they wouldn't end up on his list of enemies.
What if, Sol gets their bad ending too. But since Sean bothered to befriend them, they think "oh. Maybe he belongs to my hoard."
It's basically about 2-5 years of life before they die. Might as well make the most out of it yk? So eventually after amassing all the gold and gems they want, they think it's time to round up the people they care about.
Romanced Tav tied up in gold chains in their chambers? Check.
That one druid who was nice to them and restored their flower? Check.
That dog who didn't bite them too hard when they tried to pet it after he smelled dragon on them? Check.
Now, time to get the friends.
Ascended Astarion and God Gale would be too hard for Sol to manage with their short lifespan so they'd skip them. Sharran Shadowheart would hide too well for them to find and Lae'zel is on another plane of existence serving Vlaakith.
Halsin is there, free to grab. They pass by his village and don't look back. He can stay, he's not on the list.
Minthara IS on the list however. Although they have no idea where she is in the underdark or how to get to her. Did she get killed? They'll pay some drows to search for news about her and wait.
Now Sean, he would be fun because Sol is on the list of his enemies. He would seek them out himself. Afterall it is his fault for being kind to them to the past, now they see him as a part of their hoard.
And oh they'd be so delighted, he spared them the trouble of hunting him down, how kind of him, now off to the cage.
But he just keeps escaping, it's driving them crazy how time after time he comes trying to steal from them or kill them, and they throw him in a pure gold cell and the next day he's gone.
Do they have to pin him down with magic? Curse him with a tracker? How does he keep managing it? They follow him in their dragon form and take back their gold, pick him up with their claws and return him to the hoard.
It's a constant cycle of playing tag, except it is murder and steal tag.
If it's their good ending they'd just be confused, there is as much dragon in them as there are wings in a fish, even their scales fell of buddy. They're fully human.
If he brings up their past, it would anger them. After all, they sacrificed? After all the effort they've put in to change? Now he brings it up? Sol would call him a hypocrite for befriending their awful self before and coming to hold them accountable now.
I doubt it would work or convince him but honestly words is all Sol has at that point. They're a low level human fighter who lost all their powerful magic, not even a family left to hide behind. They're weak and defenceless and an experienced rogue could easily take them down.
So they'd keep attempting to use their high charisma to convince him or at least distract him from their trail. They might be able to overpower him with strength, but he'd be too tricky and slippery.
Him coming after them even after their half-frienship would hurt them but they'd never show it. It wouldn't anger them.
But him going after his own family? That'd infuriate them so much because he definitely talked the whole camp's ears off before about his family and moms and how much he loves them. They'd take more offence to that than him betraying them
At least Sol knows themselves, they were shitty and deserved it, but his family weren't shitty to him. Especially if he brings up Sol's greedy family after condemning his own. They'll dig at him for being just as rotten and greedy as the rest of them.
But also, that is all hypothetical bc I'm not even sure if Sol would bother kidnapping anyone but romanced Tav, yk? Like platonic Tav wouldn't interest them and they'll just increase their security against Sean instead of putting him in their hoard.
Man Jaheira has her work cut out for her, first Ascended Astarion neighbour, then vigilante Sean lurking the streets and now a dragon-human mutant flying over the city and stealing everything.
Not mentioning corrupted Arch-Duke Wyll and the Shar cult just below the city with Justicier Shadowheart.
Anyway goblin guy let's goo!! When I read fun-sized-Fred, I thought of scooby doo Fred ngl. And omfg modfied crutches that actually shoot bullets? It's like that one meme with "call the hospital call the hospital...but not for me" and Fred lifts his crutches and starts firing and it's glorious.
The only one on good terms with his parents, if he is adopted I wonder if he ever thinks about his bio parents. Sol would probably encourage him to, because they feel a special connection to their kin, be it another draconic being or their actual family and would think that Alfred needs to experience it too.
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trashcanalienist · 2 years
Oh how lovely Norman is, and the owl which was previously a symbol of Mother's presence in the conversation between him and Marion now appears behind Mary in her conversation with Lila. Poor Norman, but the ending is just a little stupid, it would've been perfect if that woman had just been some random lady from the town come to see how he's doing, after all she probably watched him grow up. She looks like Mother and is dressed like Mother so of course he would still poison her tea and carry her up - he's seen Mrs. Bates' corpse, yet Mother "speaks" to him on the phone, therefore that can't be Mother, therefore he must have a new Mother. Ah, poor Norman, the sheriff says Mary claimed to the end that he was the one who was crazy. And he is, poor man, having slipped into that which he was so timidly determined to stay strong against. And that is precisely why he is so harmless. It is Mother who kills, after all. Norman is only the dutiful son. Poor Norman. His poor hands. Mary tried to do what Ginny did, but Norman is...not Jason Voorhees. He's not blindly obedient (my dear Jason). Norman knows Mother is old and cruel and vicious and murderous, and he will do what's best for her and endure the abuse even as it destroys him. Even as it defines him. And so no matter how badly he is cut up, he will continue trying to help Mother, even as she (Mary in disguise) continues to attack him, oh poor Norman. Poor Norman. This movie is so beautiful, so loving to the original and to Norman Bates and the spirit of the original. Its thesis, coming out in 1983, is something of an indictment of slasher excess in violence and sex, while simultaneously acknowledging that that is Mother's position as well. It hopes to find a proper, human medium. And gives us another Mother in Lila Loomis, formerly Lila Crane, manipulating her daughter in her obsession with destroying Norman Bates even though he was found not guilty by reason of insanity and has been helped quite successfully (the Mother personality completely regressed until Lila's cruel antics brought it out again), and he wants so desperately to be normal and to live a good, happy life. Poor Norman, oh, poor Norman. Dear Norman. He still is so plagued by his own issues - whatever therapy they used to treat him contained no continuing regiment of medication, and as he (crying) says, has destroyed his memories of his mother, as she was, both good and bad. Except for the sandwiches. He is still trapped forever at 14 or so, boyish smile, boyish mannerisms, boyish view of the world, with a child's ideas of justice and truth and right and wrong and hope and fun and fear. And this cannot be fixed, because even if he were to seek therapy (more common now in the 80s than in the 60s but still not exactly accepted) he could not work through these ingrained issues without talking about overbearing Mother. And to speak her name might prove just as destructive to poor Norman's delicate but strong mental state.
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zillyeh · 1 year
what sort of plot things and characters would you want to focus on, aside from Him™️?
it's funny bc that post was actually about like 3 different characters lol
Zippie and the people around her for sure! She is my biggest actual protagonist atm and actively opposed to [redacted1]™ (he's her minor antagonist) and has a past with [redacted 2]. I think a contributor to me not rly knowing where to focus IS that as much as I want it to be her, I also don't think ppl find her as Compelling (based solely on who i notice gets more attention.) She's an organizer and a rebel, but she refuses to claim leader outside a church context! I think that's fun! Also there is not a single relationship she has that hasn't started off hostile bc she is INCREDIBLY bristly. She's fairly amicable depending on how you approach her though!
I'd like to do more with Castel and possibly Halbie also (once I update her sprites, ect.) bc they are my two biggest history buffs (with Cas focusing on more overarching Delhon Province history/ancestors + Halbie has a fixation on cults [Delhon breeds a LOT of cults.]) They will just straight up answer anything history which tends to tie in a lot with what I'm doing in 'present' day. The worldbuilding girlies.
Voss is also always on the table bc I like him. His muse is easy and the closest to you-know-booboo I want to get. he's my special little freakboy and (gestures to #voss redemption arc theory.) MARION is an antagonist I actually want to get more attention though! She's [redacted] jr and just as crazy as he is (and sexier but I'm a lesbian. u know.) I have sooo much shit w her I want to release to the wild like an invasive species, but I'm so on the fence with how I want to do that.
I think it also maybe bears repeating tho that if I ever get asks I both hate the idea of and not Capable of establishing asker/muse rapport/relationships outside the thread of a couple asks (like one line of questioning that spans multiple asks & will get reactions like ur talking obvs.) It's funnie sometimes to have them Remember but it's just not my bag. I will forget who said what to who and also I just do not like it. Stressful on all sides.
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steamishot · 2 years
the vacation for the vacations - staying at home. since september 2022, i’ve been saying we need to stay at home, but for the past 7 months or so, i believe we traveled at least once a month, each month. to recap:
sept 2022: philly (bus)
sept 2022: tentrr camping (train)
oct 2022: LA (flight)
nov 2022: montreal (flight)
nov 2022: LA (flight)
dec 2022: NOLA (flight)
jan 2023: snowboarding trip in NJ (car rental)
feb 2023: autocamp in catskills, NY (car rental)
feb 2023: SF (for me)/LA (flight)
march 2023: portugal (flight)
goddamn, after writing it out, we’ve been to LA 3x in the past half year, and we had 12+ flights in the last 7 months. this is part of our learning process. LA is fine because it’s going to see family and we’re not as in a rush to do anything in particular. but the flying does take a toll. my life had become a series of unpacking and packing for the next thing. since portugal, i think we got it out of our systems; the thought of getting on another flight disturbs me as of now lol. but, we still have some obligations like weddings & a family trip to attend in the coming months.
ideally, i’d want no more than to fly every other month. a roundtrip flight in a consecutive month is too exhausting. the next trip we have will be in cape cod, which is a 4 hour drive. the next flight probably won’t be until may when we have a family trip in TN. 
we’ve been making great strides in becoming healthier since matt’s ER visit and portugal. it is possible that a crash and burn was needed to secure change.
it’s officially one whole month that matt has gone without drinking coffee (outside of taking a couple sips from mine here and there). he really has stopped yawning and his anxiety has significantly lessened. he’s currently on night shifts, and for the last 6 days has gone to the gym to run and workout for ~40 mins after his 12 hour shift (got that natural energy). this has been the best night shifts in terms of his mood. he used to get irritable/sensitive but now has learned to manage his schedule better. he’s more carefree about going into work (leaving the house at 7pm now instead of 6:30pm), we got a small sleeping bag for him to use so he’s actually been taking short naps/lying down at work (instead of chugging coffee like he used to to get by). this is the happiest i’ve seen him since 2nd year of residency. 
i decided to start my days earlier. because my work doesn’t start until 11am, i developed a bad habit of sleeping in until like ~10am on most days. this week, i woke up when matt came home from work (7-8am). i would go run errands or make breakfast when he was at the gym. i found it to be really refreshing to be out at 8am with the other early birds and grocery shopping/being out in general is so much more pleasant when there aren’t huge crowds or lines. on his day shifts, i’m going to try and wake up at 6am too (LOL sounds crazy in concept but i’ll try). 
we used to order delivery a LOT. i think a big reason was because matt wanted to eat unhealthy/tasty food due to stress (and added stress from overconsuming caffeine). we’ve cut back and i’ve been cooking much more. i’m actually so excited. continuing to learn to make sustainable things (i.e. stuff that doesn’t take very long to prepare, and using ingredients that aren’t one and done). my new fav youtube cook is marion grasby. i also recently got a cast iron (as inspired by G) and it has been very fun to cook with. i’ve been making more vegetables in general (i didn’t like to eat greens growing up). 
it’s been one week since returning from portugal and i feel recovered finally. talk about needing a vacation from your vacation(s). i looked like crap in our photos (also my eyebrow pencil ran out on the first day of the trip). after reading my recap of the trip, it sounds insane - running on little sleep, not taking naps, and continuing to go - no wonder i got sick. with the trips and consistent going out, i’ve been neglecting work and my studies. always feeling like i’m playing catch up or doing a crash course to make up for stuff. i’ve been behind in my accounting degree and feel bad that i’m letting my program mentor down for my lack of efforts in the past half-year. 
the next two months, i want to be a lot more consistent with work, studies and working out. traveling disrupts all of these things for me - the traveling itself, and also the planning/preparation/rest/adjustments. traveling requires us to first be healthy and rested (which is why back to back traveling with limited time does not work well). 
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Made Marion Development Update, June 2022
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Hello everyone!  I'm back fresh from vacation with a ton of cool stuff to show off from Part 2 of the Sherwood Common Route. I've finished all the coding except for a few bits that are waiting on art completion.
Sherwood Common Route, Chapter 2
In order to better balance the Sherwood and Nottingham common routes, the entire Sherwood segment found in the current demo has been changed to Sherwood Chapter 1.  Chapter 2 now starts where the current demo ends, right after Marion asks if anybody can hand her a sword. This works better IMO, because the title of Sherwood Chapter 2 is "My Future, in My Own Hands," and that's the part where Marion really starts to take control of her situation.
Sherwood Chapter 2 gives players the chance to get to know the Sherwood love interests better, as well as revealing a bit more about the rebellion and its members.  Tuck fans will discover hints about why he isn't available as a love interest at this juncture, and folks who chose to spend a little quality time with him at the bonfire will get some different scenes with him.
Speaking of which, we have our first choice that only appears if you've made certain earlier choices. When you get to the route selection question at the end of Sherwood Chapter 2, you'll get a fourth option that only appears if you got close to Layton at the bonfire in Chapter 1.
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You still won't be able to romance Layton, but you'll get to be the recipient of his biting wit and perhaps learn an interesting tidbit that gives hints about our DLC. Don't worry, making Layton choices in the common route won't negatively affect your Sherwood romances.
You'll also be able to spar with the Sherwood love interests, which is a lot of fun.
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John is happy to allow Marion to demonstrate her attacks against his quarterstaff, but he won't go on the offensive. You'll find out why!
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Robin is left-handed... that's his parrying dagger in his right hand. His sword is in his left. How will Marion fare against this tricky opponent?
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Does Marion stand a ghost of a chance against Will's unique fighting style? Does anyone?
You'll also get to spend time with some of the secondary Sherwood cast, such as Nell the tailor (who you'll learn has a few other interesting skills), Roan the changeling, and Aiden the cat sidhe (the only full-blooded fae who is visible in the main game, since only cat sidhe appear to non-druids).
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Officially, Roan is under John's command, but they often run scouting missions on Robin's behalf and Nell helps teach them the ways of humanity.
Of course, in the end you'll be choosing which of our three Sherwood love interests will be working most closely with Marion; in other words, whose romance route you'll be embarking upon. Each of the three men has their own mission that they're undertaking for the rebellion, and each has particular skills to teach Marion, as well.
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Two of these men would be very happy to partner with Marion, but don't let that stop you from picking the third, you gluttons for punishment!
General Goodies
With this programming pass, I added tinting to the characters during dusk and nighttime scenes. Thanks to everyone on our Discord server for their feedback; my settings now look subtle but help to set the scene.
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On the left are the sprites before the sunset tint is applied, and on the right is how they look with the tint (it looks a bit different in-game than it does in screenshots).
We also have a font for Avalon handwriting now!  Here is the letter that Marion writes to her father in Chapter 2:
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It bears a bit of resemblance to Tolkein's elvish script, but it isn't.  What does Marion write to her father?  You'll have the chance to set her tone to either angry or open to reconciliation, which will change a few scenes in the game's endings.
I'm happy to report that my long Covid symptoms, which had been gradually fading over April and May, largely disappeared over our vacation. Nature is healing!  So I'll be buckling down like crazy on Robin's route this month.
I know our dear Robin can be a bit overlooked in comparison to his powerful cousins Will and John, but I think more people will be interested in him with a bit more information about who he is and how his route unfolds. Thus, I will be re-introducing Robin over the next month on our social media.
See y'all in July!
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The Wallflowers Book 3: Devil in Winter Kabe no Hana: Fuyuzora ni mau tenshi to Author: Lisa Kleypas Artist: KISHIDA Reiko
Story  ★★★☆☆  ||  ★★★☆☆   Art
The Wallflower Series
The Wallflower series is a fun set of historical or Victorian-era romance novels with fun characters, romance and humor. The basic premise of the series are four girls for various reasons (poor, americans, painfully shy) are considered unappealing as marriageable prospects and thus are left hugging the walls during social events, ie wallflowers. One evening they decided to help each other find suitable husbands by pooling their strengths to overcome their weaknesses.
The real strength of the novel series is the well-written and richly developed characters - not only in and of themselves but to their world and the people around them. The friendship between the girls is a real highlight - as it is seldom done well, if at all - usually our heroine is on her own or keeps her thoughts/desires private; but these girl are real friends, not just social friends - they talk, encourage, give advice - even help. The boys in the series are also given more than 'hero' duties, they talk business, about women and marriage and what they want/expect from life. I'm not an aficionado on romances, never thought I would ever read one but Jane Austen opened the door - and recommendations from fellow Janites to read Georgette Heyer and Marion Chesney 'regency' novels - and well, I got hooked on the historicals. But when you start reading romances, you tend to notice they are either really good, really bad or just boring - and the really good ones are few and far between... this series is one of the better ones!
I don’t typically read these kinds of manga, but because I was reading The Wallflower manga by Hayakawa Tomoko at the time these would popup up in my recommends as well so I thought I would give them a try. Overall, I'm very pleased with my copies, sure they are ‘adaptions’ and lots of changes had to be made and several events left out - but I do appreciate that even though each book was drawn by a different artist, there was a real effort to maintain consistency of character design though all the books.
Sebastian, Lord St Vincent a debauched rake is our 'hero' - he is beaten and depressed after the events from book 2 (don't want to spoil it). He is desperate and so is Evangeline (Evie) Jenner, our timid and reclusive wallflower. There is only one thing Evie wants and that is to spend what little time is left with her dying father - but her abusive family relations have gone to extreme measures to prevent her, so she makes a daring proposal of a marriage of convenience with the viscount, her fortune for his protection.
This is the reformed rake story line, I love this couple, but both are so well-written you really get inside their heads and their growing understanding, desire, and trust just works, even when the plot get crazy - the characters shine and just carries you along. Sebastian is a typical rake you can't hate - he loves woman and they love him, Evie knows this and tries very hard not to do the same - convinced that she would never be someone he would be interested in. Sebastian, not used to a challenge or a truly gentle soul starts to crave more from Evie - her trust, respect and love.
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wiyllt...ur blog has to be my favorite. when asked why, many reasons come to mind, such as ur humor, its my kind of humor. and i am sure many people can agree that u write great smut pieces. but it was ur latest fic in ur ’heart + head au’, when it finally clicked.
i see myself in ur works. its like all the words and feelings i find impossible to articulate, are found in the words u write. its raw and succint, never too wordy. and tbh i cried. i was in the middle of a family function trying to keep my tears at bay.
after reading ur discussion about ’requiem for a dream’ and how ’a-dick-ted’ was inspired by it... literally no words, just wow. it might be the intj in me, but i enjoy media that explore humanity in that way. the type of shit that brands itself onto ur heart to the point it hurts as they explore ’to what extent certain things affect people.’
anyways, im rambling and idek what im saying anymore. i’ll have to reread that fic of urs and give the book you discussed a read.
Me: Yoongi! Yoongi, someone said I was funny! Am I funny?
Yoongi: Yeah.
Me: Really?
Yoongi: Uh huh. No more noise, please.
Me; :D!!!
YoongI: -ㅅ-
It's so interesting that you say that, because I actually say the same thing about Min Yoongi. Even though we don't speak the same language (most of the time, I heard he's taking English lessons though, sigh, does this mean I should take Korean lessons too? XD), whenever I read translations of his lyrics, I always think that he finds the words to feelings that I can't seem to place. It seems so simple in his voice. I can feel it in his tone / delivery, even if I don't understand the exact words.
idk if that's misplaced hope in that someone out there understands me on levels that most others don't, but I also trust my instincts and besides
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he has a great smile
There are probably other people out there who think this, but, to me, he was the first person (not even celebrity / famous person, just person in general) that never implied that you needed to "get better", the first person that said that the seasons will inevitably come and go, but you can learn to deal with it better and better each time. A lot of people say we need to talk about things (which is true), yet it is always in the context of "you need to get better" or "life will be better in the future". I believe that puts unnecessary pressure on people and you end up waiting for the sun to come - reality is, you need to open the curtains and your eyes in order to see the light at all.
Life gets better, but only if you choose to see it.
"Requiem for a Dream" is a much darker, less sex-filled-fun version of the 'a-dick-ted' au XD It is worth the read if you're willing to stomach the unpleasantries though. As much as life should be fun, I find a lot of benefit in reflection as well. Harry Marion, Tyrone - it's easy to condemn them because they are addicted to heroin, but Sara... Sara just wants a very small thing, harmless, right, fifteen minutes of fame, nothing crazy, and yet...
When you become so fixated on one very small idea, it can over time turn into a giant monster that will eat you up.
You can become addicted to an idea as strongly as you become addicted to hard drugs. Detoxing can be a painful bitch. Both positive and negative ideas. That's why utopias always end up fucked up, right? Utopias always become dystopias over time.
I would rather not live in delulu land
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mtgc858 · 3 years
My new headcanon in my au(bite me)
Even though Bill and Ben are little punks and like making fun of BoCo and Timothy from the Clay pits,They will drop everything if they hear that one of there friends being sick or hurt.
For example in my au at something point, Timothy broken his leg while working at night with his flashlight breaking in which he tried to find his way back to his room but tripped breaking his leg with Marion having to take him to the medic to get it checked up on,After Bill and Ben Heard about it they when completely nuts and rushed over with flowers and gifts to make him feel better....Or to show that they cared despite being little jerks and didn't want to get yelled at.
Despite that they are more crazy when BoCo is sick,BoCo had times were he got sick or pushed himself to much that he would take time off of work for a couple of weeks,They will drop everything like there play time to stay with him till he gets better like,"Giving him soup and juice,Warming his blanket,Reading story's and making him laugh etc".
Also Duck is there too to cheer up BoCo when the twins can't help and doesn't care that he'll get sick also taking care of BoCo.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch-Part 11
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
You know... just a trip to the aquarium... what could possibly go wrong?
First < Previous > Next
“Don't you think we should wake him up?” Adrien asks, looking towards Nino’s door.
“Absolutely not,” Marion picks through his sugary cereal, “You may not understand, as a natural morning person, but waking us up is a death sentence,”
“We’re going to be late,” Adrien seems nervous stirring his cereal, Marion tries not to snort, only someone who has their life planned to the minute would think so.
“Then he’ll rush to get ready and be out the door in five minutes,” Marion bites done, trying not to cringe at the sweetness, speaking through his mouthful, “Like any non-morning person does,”
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just get up early?”
“I have no idea how to explain just how wrong you are,”
Marion pushes the bowl away, why Adrien insisted on trying it he had no idea. He goes to double check his bag. He was carrying the miracle box today. It’s compartment taking up half his satchel. Something Klakki seemed annoyed by while Plagg was happy to curl up, like any cat would.
As it got closer to time to leave Adrien keeps glancing at Nino’s door then back to Marion. Marion tries not to smile as he brainstormed names and researched birds. He had found one called Sabine's Gull, tempting but not enough to risk his Maman's life, even if the chances were slim. Adrein keeps reminding Marion of the time, down to the last seven minutes before the bus is meant to leave.
“And three, two,” Marion caught Adrien's attention, “one,”
“I”m Late!” Nino yells from his room, followed by a yelp and some crashing.
Marion chuckles, ignoring Adrien’s ‘I told you so look,’. That was quickly replaced by Marion's one as in only four minutes fifty six seconds Nino was dressed, fed and out the door. They race downstairs, reaching the ground floor to see a crowd outside the building. Marion frowns, they were blocking the way out, and he could see the bus over their heads. Most people held cameras and a few with microphones. They walk outside, trying to push their way to the bus, when Marion spots Marinette in the middle of the crowd.
“Whats going on?” He interrupts Marinette talking with someone rudely shoving a microphone in her face, which filled with relief at seeing him.
“I’ve been trying to explain to these people that-”
“Excuse me but what's your relationship to Bruce Wayne?” A... reporter? cuts Marinette off.
“Bruce Wayne?” Marion casts a confused look to Marinette, “I hardly know him,”
“So he hasn't been a very involved Father?” The reporter asks, and Marion’s does a double take.
“Wh-what?” Marion looks to Marinette who only sighs, “He’s not my Father,”
“Did he tell you to say that?” Another reporter butts in.
“Yes, people who aren’t my Papa usually do,” Marion says sarcastically, pushing the microphone away from his face.
“So he did tell you to say that?” The reporter asks, a glint in their eye that he was most familiar with Alya having when asking Chat Noir questions(when Ladybug wasn't available of course).
“Do you not recognise sarcasm?” He turns to Marinette, “Do they not know sarcasm?”
“No, they also don’t know the term, ‘He’s not my Father,” Marinette chastises, looking at the surrounding crowd like they were three year olds, “and, ‘I already have a Papa’,”
“But you were adopted,” Someone calls out, making Marion reel back and Marinette flinch. Ok. things that are not ok for strangers to talk about; that.
“First of all, it’s creepy that you know that,” Marion snaps, “Second it’s rude to bring that up to a stranger, if at all, and third that doesn't mean that of all people Bruce Wayne is our Father,”
“You heard it here first folks,” A reporter to the side announces, “Confirmation of the Wayne twins,”
“How was that confirmation! Did our english tutor skew us over!?” Marion yells, spinning to Marinette.
“Mari, let’s just go,” Marinette tries to pull him away only to be blocked by multiple reporters all talking-yelling over each other to ask invasive questions.
They were used to reporters as Ladybug and Chat Noir even MDC and MCD, but no one knew anything personal about them. Well mostly. This was not the same. They had apparently done their research as they were shouting out specific questions about their lives. Someone mentioned Chloe asking if the Wayne's were friends with the Mayor of Paris. Marion doubts that, the Wayne's charity work did not line up with the Mayor’s self-serving nature.
They try to ignore any more questions and side step the crowd, slowly making their way to the bus. To their horror the bus pulls away as they reach the curb. Watching the rear window Lila’s smug face is smirking back at their stupor. Neither even have enough sense to reach for their phones before a motorbike pulls up in front of them. The reporters scramble to get out of the way, or get run over.
“Saw the news, thought you could use some rescuing,” Jason pulls off his helmet gesturing to the bike, and the twins hop on, the press snapping pictures like crazy, “Where to?”
“Aquarium, the bus left without us,” Marinette answers, holding onto Marion as they speed away.
Marion can hear Jason mutter unsavoury curses under his breath about the class, and can’t help but agree. They see the bus and Jason speeds up, riding alongside it. No one looks over until Jason practically punches the side. The loud clang making even Marion jump. When their classmates look out to see the twins waving. Marion watches as Kagami starts yelling and the bus signals to pull over. Jason slows down to trail behind the bus as it does. The second the doors open their friends rush out, as the twins get off the bike.
“I’m so sorry,” Adrien frets, “We tried to hold them off,”
“Little miss liar decided that it would be a waste of time waiting for you,” Chloe scoffs, Marion bats her hands away trying to tame his hair himself.
“She convinced everyone you could get your own ride,” Kagami looks like she was planning to throw Lila into traffic.
“We sorta did,” Marion laughs, turning to Jason, “Thanks for that,”
“No problem, didn’t want Bruce picking you up, he’d probably drive you straight to the nearest adoption agency,” Jason pulls his helmet back on, mounting his bike, “Have fun,”
“Thank you,” Marinette calls, and they both wave goodbye.
“Marinette, Marion, please get on the bus we are already very late,” Madam Bustier reprimands, looking out the bus door.
They shuffle back onto the bus, the entire class, minus Max, looking annoyed, if not angry. They bus starts up again, tempting Marion to just walk. Instead he holds onto the bar, Marinette next to him, letting the others take back their seats. The one next to Adrien noticeably empty.
“Was that really necessary?” Alya speaks first, passive aggressive, leaning into the aggressive.
“Well, the bus left, so yeah?” Marion asks, He would be confused why they were angry when they should be upset. But he knew exactly what happened; Lila.
“Only because you stopped to chat with the reporters,” Rose says not unkindly, she has a reassuring look as if there was no ill intentions. There probably wasn't, from her, the rest of the class was hit or miss, mostly hit.
“We weren't trying-”
“It was quite inconsiderate,” Lila cuts Marinette off, “I get hounded by reporters day in, day out but I always do my best to make sure they never come near or disrupt the class,”
Marion could almost snort at that, Lila giving herself away without even knowing it. No reporter would stop trying to corner her if anything she says were really true. Lila bats her eyelashes and gets agreements from the class, Which as per usual spurs her on.
“I mean it’s one thing to spread that awful lie , but to actually call the press to sabotage our trip?” Lila fakes a sniffle at the end. Marion can’t help but suspect she had more to do with this morning than he realised.
“We didn’t do anything, and we certainly didn’t call them,” Marinette says defensively, calmly but visibly restraining her anger. And it Marinette was angry Marion was livid.
“Right and every time your with the Waynes there just happen to be cameras around?" Sabrina sneers, arms crossed Marion glowers down at her. He holds his hand out to Kagami who stands to argue, she sits down begrudgingly.
"Not to mention you've never even mentioned the Waynes before, while Lila has known them for years," Nathaniel mutters, not meeting Marion's gaze as it snaps to him.
"If you want to say something just say it," Marion addresses the whole class, opening the flood gates.
“You’re just looking for attention!” Kim stands up, slamming his hands onto the seat in front of him, startling Mylene.
“Attention?!” Marion rears back, he can feel the anger radiating from his friends behind him.
“Yeah! your jealous of Lila knowing the Waynes so your trying to ruin the trip for her!" Kim points at Marion, although he suspected he meant both of them.
"We know your just trying to distract everyone from the charity she set up in Gotham, so she doesn't get any recognition!" Mylene accuses, genuine rage and hurt behind it.
"The Mayor of Gotham even cancelled the celebration for Lila because you two are causing so much trouble," Rose cries, voice quivering.
"She was going to invite the whole class! Even you two!" Sabrina spits, yeah right.
"You're filling the news up with Tabloid lies!" Alya joins, yelling over Madame Bustiers meek protests.
“What the?!" Marion re orientates himself from the barrage, "Those are all lies! how can you not see that?"
“Don’t start this again, I thought you were over the whole liar thing?" Alya half demands, half mutters.
“We’d be ‘over it’ is she stopped lying!" Marion's eyes follow where his finger points, smug grin churning his stomach uneasily.
“Thats rich coming from you," Kim scoffs, bitter tone so unlike his usual default rage or cheer.
“ What,"  Marion turns to him, but only gets a glare back.
“You two are always lying to get out of class and school events," Ivan answers for him. Well that was true but they couldn’t admit it.
“Thats not-
“Save it we know you can’t stand to be around us," Juleka cuts off Marinette, her sour tone practically screaming compared to her normal volume. Also true but probably for different reasons then they think.
“If you spread this whole rumour as a way to get out of the trip, fine, do that, but don’t keep disrupting out trip for your five minutes of fame," Alix startles Marion by cutting in. She usually didn't speak to anyone anymore, let alone Lila.
“Five minutes of fame?- spread the rumour? Do you honestly think we wanted this?” Marinette doesn't expect an answer.
“Yes,” It came from Alya, cold and bitter. With one look at Marinette he could tell exactly what his sister was remembering.
Alya has pretty much migrated to Lila after plans being cancelled with Marinette one to many times. After which marintte tried to organise another plan but Alya told her in the nicest way possible(Still pretty crushing) that she would perfer to hang out wwiht lie la and that she and Mari had drifted apart. Mari does point out that this isn’t fair but Alya says she deserves better than a secondary plan, Mari points out that Alya had done that plenty of times. Alya agrees, apologies and lists it as another reason they should renounce their friendship. The rest of the class:
Marinette bounces up to her best friend. She finally had a weekend off, so concerts, no urgent commissions and her manager promised to keep it that way. The only thing that could interrupt this weekend was Hawkmoth himself. Marion even offered to take her earrings.
"Hey Alya are you free-"
"No," It's a single word, but spoken with such resentment and conviction it couldn't be missed,
"I didn’t-" Marinette's face scrunches, was dark Cupid on a rampage again?
"No Marinette I’m done, done with making plans, getting excited only to be cancelled or stood up, I’m done,” The aspiring reporter sounds so strangely defeated, completely unlike herself.
“Alya I’m so sorry about last week-” Marinette apologises again, gut twisting at the though she hurt her best friend this badly.
“It’s not just last week, its the one before and the one before that and every other week, I’m sick of it!” Alya spits, meeting Marinette's eyes for the first time, seeing nothing but rage and hurt.
“Alya I'm really sorry, I’ve had a lot going on and-” Marinette frets, gesturing wildly.
“I know Marinette, you’ve been busy in the bakery and with your designs and every other excuse you've given me, I deserve better,”
“Of course you do Alya, I promise I-”
“No, Marinette its fine,” Alya sounds tired, stepping away from Marinette's outstretched hand, “We’ve been drifting apart for a long time now and I’m tired of acting like nothings changed, I can’t keep putting more effort into this friendship, more time than you, I have friends who are actually there for me, like Lila,”
At that Marinette saw red. Of course it was Lila who put her up to this, whispering in her ear, turning Alya against Marinette.
“That’s not fair! Your not even giving me a chance!” Marinette snaps, her jaw tenses as Alya glares.
“I’ve given you plenty of chances,” Alya glowers.
“Why is this the first I’m hearing of it,” Marinette crosses her arms.
“I shouldn’t have to threaten to end our friendship for you to show up!” Alya shouts, taking a step forward as Marinette stumbles back.
"What did Lila say?!" There was no way Alya would say this, would do this, they were meant to stick together through thick and thin, "Is she making you do this?!"
"So help me- yes Lila talked to me!" Alya throws her hands up, "But not because she's out to get you, like your so convinced, but because she's a good friend who cares when I come crying over getting stood up by you!"
“You’ve cancelled on me plenty of times!” Marinette defends, she had her blog and Marinette was always understanding.
“I know and I’m sorry,” Alya takes a deep breath, “I don’t think either of us are being fair to each other, it’s better to just renounce our friendship before it all comes crashing down,”
“Alya please," Marinette begs, reaching out, tears pricking her eyes.
“I’m sorry Marinette but this is the right decision for me,” Alya walks away, not looking back at the tears streaming down her former friends face, “and I hope in time you’ll realise it was the right thing for you too,”
Marion remembers that day so well. Marinette coming home crying, the Akuma. Bunnix jumping into their room followed by the adult version of them, with miraculous holders he didn’t recognise. They battle with an akumatized Ladybug was tough, even with the extra help. The Akuma was cleansed and the rest of Paris had their memories wiped, leaving Marion the only one in their time who remembers. He never brought it up to Marinette and he never will.
“Well your wrong, we worked hard to get this trip and why would we want to ruin it?" Marion answers, Marinette remaining silent.
“Please we all know you stole Lila’s work," Sabrina rolls her eyes, Marion catches Chloe scowling at her.
“Wh-what!” Marinette splutters, Marion tries to keep his mouth shut.
“I’m sorry, I accidentally let slip that I wrote up the essay to get us this trip,” Lila bats her eyes, curling in on herself as if they're going to attack her for it. Marion just might.
“You don’t have to apologise for anything Lila," Alya places a comforting hand on her shoulder, "They stole the essay you worked so hard, one that you managed to write even when setting up a charity!"
“I wasn't doing to impress everyone, I just wanted everyone to get to go on this amazing trip, so when you two said you weren’t going to make a submission because it was so much work, I just had to, but at least you sent it in, I couldn't do that since I’m not class president,
“Maybe she should be," Marion doesn't care who muttered it, it doesn't matter.
“That's it,” The entire class freezes, at his tone or expression, doesn't matter, they don't matter, “Marinette worked hard day and night trying to get that submitted on time, she had to research and find all the information and evidence to what this class has done because none of you would talk to her and give all the details, you refused to help out in even the most minuscule ways, No not even! you all actively made it harder!”
“Thats not-
“Enough!” Marion hones in on Lila who falls quite for once, “You lie and scheme and take credit for whats not yours, you treat the class like a bunch of mindless sheep and you know what? I’m starting to see why,”
“Marion,” Madame Bustier reprimands, finally being heard in the following silence “That is quite enough thats no example for your friends-”
“They aren’t my friends,” Marion sends a cold look over the bus, “None of them are,”
The class goes silent. Marion wouldn’t be surprised if that came as a shock to most of them. Despite them not ever talking or spending time together. It was true that the only person who had truly cut them out was Alya, probably because Marinette kept trying even after they had long since stopped with their class. Mostly he was sure they were shocked that he was the one breaking it off, not even giving them a say. They didn’t deserve one. Not that they weren't going to try.
“Fine then! I don’t want anything to do with you anyway!”
“Yeah! You act like a complete jerk then have the gall to say that?”
“We haven't been friends for a long time anyway!”
“You’re nothing but mean to Lila and think we want to be friends?!”
“Don't go forgetting you said that when your all alone!"
He sits down and resolutely stares out the window. More insults are hurled out, Marion paying no mind to the source. Madame Busiter tries to reprimand him for saying 'such hurtful things;. Lila is sobbing and everyone is offering her pointless comfort. Marion doesn't listen but is vaguely aware of Kagami and Chloe arguing with the teacher. He lets the hushed whispers fall behind him. He feels a push against his thigh where his bag rests, knowing it’s Plagg. The small comfort doing nothing.
He notices the bus is driving faster than strictly allowed. He looks over to the bus driver and feels bad for the clearly uncomfortable man stuck right in the middle of their teenage angst.
They arrive at the aquarium. Marion doesn't even try to hide his anger. Let Lila revel in his reaction. His friends try to calm him down, or rather Adrien does, Chloe and Kagami are still glaring daggers. Luckily Marinette convinces Adrien to stop before Marion snaps at him.
He catches a group near them whispering and pointing with their phones held up. Marion sends his deadliest glare and they immediately back off, scuttling off to some other area of the aquarium.
He is left alone after that. Adrien has redirected his attention to cheering Marinette up, the two pointing out fish. Seeing them smiling together Marion feels some anger slip through his grasp. Only to be promptly returned when he accidentally looks over at Lila’s gaggle, whispering and glaring. Marion glares right back making a few of them flinch. He turns and storms off to another part of the aquarium, away from the rest of the class.
“Hey kid you alright?” A fair distance away Plagg whispers from his bag.
“No! Obviously not!” Marion whisper-shouts, not looking down.
“Want to get out of here?” Now Marion does look down at Plagg grinning.
Klakki is off to the one side of the bag, looking up but not interrupting. He and the Kwami are close but they all knew he and Plagg were two halves of a whole. So the other Kwami let him handle it.
“Can’t exactly go running around Gotham right now,” Marion comes to stand in the typical tunnel that you see in aquariums, surrounded on both sides by colourful fish and a few larger creatures like stingrays and sharks.
“We can go back to Paris,” Plagg offers, he glances down at the bag to see Klakki nod.
The Kwami usually didn’t like their miraculous being used for anything but heroics. Still he got a sure nod from Klakki. Marion takes a deep breath, looking out to the fish swimming around the tank, darting in and out of coral. He forced down his anger in the same way he would in Paris. He usually didn’t let himself stay angry that long, or Marinette would help him calm down sooner.
“It’s fine,” Marion sighs, pushing the anger, or rather, his class out of mind, “I’m fine,”
Plagg doesn't comment on his obvious lie, all too used to it. He sees Plagg dart into his pocket out the corner of his eye. Marion smiles, zipping his bag back up with a smile at Klakki who gives a curt nod. He stuff his hands into his hoodie’s pocket and feels the small Kwami inside. Marion lets a small smile settle on his face. Looking out at the fish as he is pulled along by the conveyor belt as he pets Plagg purring from his pocket.
His smile only fades when he notices the rest of the class enter the tunnel, looking from the other side of the glass. He makes no move to join them, even when his friends do a minute later. He turns to look at the other side of the tunnel, doing his best to avoid them.
This becomes the least of his problems when gunshots ring. He ducks down on the non moving part of the sidewalk. Screams can be heard  and he looks up through the tank where the class is still in view. Marinette is looking around for him and he curses himself, not being able to change into costume without her. Voices get closer and Marinette starts herding the class further down the tunnel, Marion losing sight of them behind coral. He moves to meet to her when two men each in a gas mask and carrying guns enter the tunnel.
“Where are the Wayne twins!” One yells, another shot making those near scream.
“You know, I’m starting to think Aunt Selina doesn't have this handled,” Marion mutters to Plagg, staying where he is to keep the thugs in sight.
“Forget about that, this won’t end well,” Klakki scolds, Marion watches as the thugs start walking in opposite directions.
“Tell me about, Lila’s going to have a field day,” Marion pulls his hood up, losing sight of the goon going towards the class, focusing now on the one heading his way.
“Not the point,” Klakki sighs, Marion zips up the bag realising he also has the Miracle box.
He throws the satchel on his back tightening the strap across his chest. Plagg was complaining, but Marion only ignores him watching the oncoming goon. He was pointing his gun at some people but wasn’t looking at their faces. Probably clothes then, there were probably plenty of pictures of what they were wearing today. Perfect.
Marion takes off his Jacket followed by his hoodie. He debates keeping his staff for a split second but quickly stuffs it in his satchel followed by his gloves. Turing both his hoodie and Jacket inside out to matching black, he ties the hoodie around his waist and shrugs on the jacket.
He lies down on the moving sidewalk slowly moving him towards the thug. Marion hugs his bag and covers his face. He tenses at the heavy footsteps going by as he slowly moves past. The goon doesn't even stop and he makes a mental note to thank Marinette. He feels the turn of a corner and rolls up onto the unmoving part to the side. Keeping his head below the glass, he crouches down running as fast as he can while refastening his satchel around his chest.
“Found one!” Marion hears a yell just as he reaches the entrance.
He ducks to the side just as all eyes in the room snap to where he was. Marion shrinks into the shadow of a fish tank just outside the entrance, ducking down and covering his head. If anyone actually saw him in his now all black outfit they could easily shrug it off as just missing him the first time.
Marion doesn't look up as people go past, no one noticing him in the shadows. He waits for a few cautious seconds for any more footsteps to go by before scanning the room. There's many civilians huddled around, the nearest security exit being covered by another thug in a gas mask, a trend it seems.
Alright plan time, Marinette can handle herself for a few minutes. Presumably these guys are working for Scarecrow if the gas masks are any indication. Scarecrow was probably with Marinette in the tunnel. If he clears an exit quietly here then he can get the civilians closest to the fight out of danger. It could also provide an entrance to whoever comes to save them.
There's no other thugs in the room so he moves silently, sticking to the shadows to get close to the emergency exit. Luckily the goon is distracted by an octopus in a nearby tank so Marion stays out of his line of sight. He gets up behind the goon, not breathing, and pounces. One hand unlatches the gas mask and covers his mouth and the other grabbing the hand holding the gun. He digs his fingers hard enough into his hand to make the wrist bleed and the gun is dropped. Marion catches it with one foot, balancing as much as possible with the man thrashing in his grip. He gently lowers the gun to the ground so it doesn't clatter. Letting go of his wrist, nails bloody Marion brings his arm around his neck. Squeezing for a minute until the goon passed out. Marion gently lowers him to the ground.
“Quietly,” He hisses to the room.
They do get up quietly. Parents with children covering their mouths as they exit. Marion makes sure they're all a good ways down the hall before tracking back to the tunnel. He can see them through the glass and as he predicted there was Scarecrow, in a very familiar monologue stance. A glimpse at Marinette's expression was all the confirmation he needed. He heads in the same direction as the moving walkway, knowing he’ll be in a blind spot.
“Still not answering,” Marion catches Scarecrow say, stopping as soon as he can hear them, “I think it’s time you screamed so he knows this is serious,”
“Going to show me the rest of your wardrobe?”
Marion's smirk quickly fades with the tell tale snap of a bone breaking. He sprints down the tunnel. Marinette groans. Marion rounds the corner. His sister holding her arm, bending at an unnatural angle. The rest of the class are huddled to the sides with various degrees of horror.
Marion doesn't give Scarecrow enough time to consider trying anything else before he attacks the nearest goon. They shout out and Marion blindly throws quick punches at whoever gets to close. The belt is moving along, Marion now being surrounded by his classmates. Kim cheers as he sends a particularly brutal punch into one guy's face. Marion hears the hiss of a guns release, looking up to see Scarecrow pointing a gun at the now very quiet Kim. Marion anticipates the shot, diving in the bullets path before it can reach its target.
There's a gasp from somewhere, someone. He feels a burst not of pain, but fear. It’s something he's used to Akuma doing, dragging up all his anxieties from the recesses of his mind. Marion shuts his eyes tight, visions dancing across the darkness. He takes a practiced slow breath. He had learnt long ago that letting fear take hold in battle would only lead to fantasy becoming reality.
Marion cracks open his eyes, focusing on where he was. They were still on the belt moving slowly. Everything around him was warped from a few seconds ago but he was still standing in the narrow-too narrow tunnel.
Alright then what is reality. Giant sharks jumping out at him? No, there’s glass. Swarm of purple butterflies? No this is Gotham they probably don’t have flowers. The past Akuma? Just regular people. Marinette covered in blood? She only broke her arm. His parents dead on the floor? They are in Paris. Lila with devil horns cackling? Probably reality.
He takes another calming breath, nothing but the images of Akuma mattered here. But there were dozens more than there had been people a minute ago so some were fake. He could still work with this. Marion takes a deep breath straightening up. The Hawkmoth in front of him looks surprised, he had to guess that was his stand in for Scarecrow right now.
He stumbles a step forward. The akumatized versions of his classmates jeer, most yelling things he had heard that day. The first Akuma leaps out at him, Marion decks him, the weight under his fist feels real and the Akuma goes right down. Focusing his fear on the fight part of fight of flight, he goes to punch the second Akuma with as much force. The blow goes right through the image and Marion stumbles forward. Alright so there were definitely fakes. Marion tousles with any Akuma that comes after him, sometimes landing hits on empty air. It’s typically the more difficult Akuma that are real, so Marion almost scoffs when Mr Pigeon comes at him. He doesn't even block the blow to his ribs. Big mistake, he is kicked back with a burst of pain and a sickening crack.
‘Alright so that was real’ Marion thinks to himself, back connecting with the glass behind him. He falls forward, right on his chest. Marion groans into the metal below, losing focus, letting images of Akumas flying into his ring play on loop. Marion can feel pressure at his back but is far too focused on trying to heave air back into his lungs to care. The weight lifts and Marion watches Marinette's akumatized form crash in front of him, punching what looks like Viperion. Not sure if it's a memory or not he shudders a breath as she knocks out Viperion and leans over Marion.
“Good job C, I’ve got it from here,” Marinette words come out sickeningly sinister, blood running out her eyes and mouth. A great contrast to how she gently pushes him onto his side, making it somewhat easier to breathe.
Marion watches as the twisted version of his sister attacks what looks like civilians. Part of him itches to get up to stop her. Marinette's arm hangs limply at her side. He focuses on that. an Akuma's arm wouldn’t be broken. Civilians wouldn’t have guns. Marinette dodges the bullets instead of deflecting them. Bullets wouldn’t just go through sharks with more rows of teeth than possible. Water doesn't look like blood.
Marion takes a deep breath, his chest burst with pain. It’s fine he can handle that. And with that Marion notices his body bending at an odd angle. He looks down ignoring the corpses of his family laying around him. His legs are still propped up on the unmoving part of the sidewalk. With a grunt Marion pulls them onto the moving part, still not comfortable on top of the shifting plates.
Marion hears screaming, more grounded than the shrieks that have been playing in his head so far. Looking back to Marinette she looked like herself again, yay. But now Hawkmoth was pointing a gun at their friends, oh no. Why would Hawk Moth have a gun? Oh right, fear toxin. Marinette surrenders, letting Mayura come up behind and hold her.
“You have been a pain,” Hawkmoth drawls, Marion hisses, drawing his attention, “Well, it’s not like we need both of you alive,”
The gun points at him, Marinette is shouting but it sounds under water. Marion's visions clear slightly, focusing in on the slow press of the trigger. At the last second the gun jerks to the side, the sound of glass breaking followed by a stream of water landing on Marion. He looks up to see Chloe has tackled Hawkmoth and Kagami is after Mayura.
Fighting breaks out again, he tries to refocus. He closes his eyes, he can hear the same echoing shrieks and cries for help, accusations and insults.  Cold water beats down on his side and slowly moves down his leg. He tries to take a deep breath, only to inhale water. Marion's eyes snap open to what looks like a pool of blood as he is cast into a coughing fit, his chest screaming in protest.
“Are you ok!” Kagami yells, Marion looks up to where they were only for the space to be empty. He looks back down the tunnel where they are now fighting, streams of water jetting out from the walls in all directions.
Marion keeps coughing, trolling onto his back to get away from the water. When he's done he takes short shallow breaths, chest still throbbing with pain. He looks back up and is now a fair way from the fight, about to go around the corner.
“Don’t worry I’ll be back in five minutes!” he shouts, hair dripping water in his eyes. That doesn't stop him from seeing Marinette's clearly deadpan face, that cant even be hidden by all the blood.
He lies back, looking up at the ceiling. Or rather Jaws' source of envy grinning down at him. Well at least that's better- oh nope that's his family floating dead in the water. He just sighs ignoring his chest protest, staring right back into the sharks beady black eyes. He remember the good old days where he would tease Marinette over her demented nightmare version of Adrien, who now that he though of also appeared in the water, banging on the glass shouting for help. Marion sticks his tongue out at him.
The minutes drag on Marion trying to be more fascinated than terrified with whatever his mind conjured. It was easier to calm down when the scene wasn't changing every ten seconds.
“Are you ok?” Batman is looming over him, Marion stares unimpressed at the blood dripping from his sharp teeth. A vampire? Really? His nightmares could be so uncreative.
“I’m fine,” Marion keeps his face straight at the nightmare before him, “Go ahead I’ll catch up,”
“You should stay here,” Batman reprimands, voice sounding like a growled threat, probably was.
“Don’t really have much choice,” Marion dismisses, trying not to cringe at the ‘blood’ dripping onto his face.
Marion leans back slightly to watch Batman join Robin running down the tunnel. Marion hears more gunshots seconds later. He hums to himself stubbornly ignoring his chest.
“Dude are you ok?” Nino is now leaning over him, hollowed out eyes and shadows behind him shouting about Marion's insecurities.
“Leave me demon,” Marion watches him reel back, he would probably look confused if Marion could actually read his face.
“We need to move you-”
“Do not,” Marion cuts him off, glaring down at Kim or at least a demon that looked like him trying to pick him up, “My ribs are very much broken and moving would hurt very much right now, thank you,”
“But you’re heading right for the villain!” Mylene shouts, voice sounding hollow, drowned out by echoing screams.
“Then I hope they don’t step on me, good day,” Marion focuses back on the shark which is somehow easier to deal with than his class.
“Everyone we need to go,” Lila's voice sounds normal, and that's probably the worst thing he's heard today, “Batman said-”
“We’re not just going to leave him here!” Kim shouts. Actually shouts. At Lila. Marion can’t keep the smile off his face.
“Kim, just go get an ambulance or something, right now you’re all freaking me out,” Marion says honestly, tired of sugar coating his words. Lila gives them enough sugar to get diabetes as is.
“A-are you sure?” Max asks, or a strange mix between him and Markov.
“Yes floating head I’m sure, now go,”
“... stay safe,” Nino hesitantly stands.
“Don’t really have a choice in the matter,” Marion doesn't bother watching them go.
He hears the last of their footsteps retreat and glances up at the shark. A petty part of him categories that as the second time they’ve left him today. Then again he was staring up at his personal hell so his thought process wasn’t exactly un hindered.
Marion keeps humming, noticing a knocked out thug to his side, followed by another.
“Why did you come back?” Robin snarls from above him, horns sprouting from his head.
“I didn’t by choice,” Marion says calmly as Robin throws a knife he doesn't care to keep track of, “Moving sidewalk brought me,”
“Why didn’t you get off?” Robin talks down to him like an idiot child, punching an approaching goon.
“Oh yeah, my ribs are broken,” Marion tries to shrug, lying on his back it’s hard.
“What!?” Robin thunders, the sound sending warning flares off in his paranoid state.
“Oh look at that,” Marion says, idly watching a man come up behind Robin, who apparently isn't an apparition because Robin attacks him, “Well, see ya,”
Marion is carried away, leaving the two behind.
He flinches back when Batman steps over him, attacking Scarecrow on his other side.
“What are you doing?” He growls, Marion can’t be sure if that's the fear toxin or how he usually speaks.
“Thought you could use the moral support,” Marion gives a lazy cheer as Batman punches Scarecrow. Getting a glare from Batman he had become quite accustomed to the night before. This Batman looked demented but there was the same lingering satisfaction of annoying him.
“Hey Mari,” Marinette crouches down next to him, covered in blood he can’t be sure isn’t real, but at least she's not dead in a fish tank, “How’re you holding up,”
“You’re covered in blood,” Marion blurts as she starts bleeding more.
“No I’m not, don’t worry I’m fine, just wait a second,” Marion runs over to Batman, distracting him from stopping Scarecrow from standing. Batman looks over at him before handing Marinette a needle.
“Oh sure use needles, one of the most common fears, to fix fear, what a grand idea,” Marion mutters, glaring back at Batman as Scarecrow attacks with a knife.
“Ah ha, stop complaining,” Marinette sticks the needle right in his arm without warning, Marion gasps visions fading into darkness.
“That…. was rude,” He weakly curses, feeling his conscious fade.
“You’ll forgive me,” Marinette promises sitting by his side as his eyes droop, “Get some rest, I’ll watch out for you,”
“Always do, Bug,” Marion slurs, Marinette's bright smile contrasts the darkness that follows.
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itsactuallyunlocked · 4 years
ND culprit (written) tier list
@an-american-teen-against-crime made a ranking of all the culprits based on presentation and level of iconicness, and I had some of my own thoughts, so I decided to make a written tier list. Lotta spoilers below the cut!
Mitch/"det Beech": Mitch gets an F for not even being in the game. Detective Beech/Uncle Steve does win more points from me for being genuinely threatening at the end of the game (and honestly I didn't expect a new culprit in the remaster so he got me by surprise). B for him. Together they get C tier.
Dwayne: absolutely iconic. Absurd. Psycho. Comes back for another round later in the series. S tier.
Louis: I don't like him. The plan is weird and maybe a bit too realistic for my liking. Generally forgettable, D tier.
Lisa: also a little forgettable, but she gets props for explaining her motives and actions for the whole game. Kicks Nancy's ass and leaves her to die. B tier.
Joseph: scary in the quiet way. It's very unsettling that he's helping you but he's also holding a teen hostage in a condemned building. B tier.
Taylor: kind of pathetic, right? He makes himself sick by eating rank cookies. Locking Nancy in the monolith was very scary but nothing saves your rep when you have to run to the toilet mid-conversation. F tier.
Emily: she's quite threatening! Her plan is calculated, she makes several attempts to kill Nancy, and her final plan is to savagely beat Nance to death. Not quite iconic enough for S but a solid A tier.
Elliot: a real asshole, this one. I've had co-workers like him. The villainy is pretty good though. B tier.
Andy: I always got creepy... incel vibes?? from him. I don't like him. This is my list and he's going in C tier for being generally gross but not cunning.
Shorty: I am HAUNTED by "...here's Shorty." He seems nice, but in the way where he'd stab you in the back. And that's exactly how he is, so it's good characterization. A tier.
Jane: a literal child. She's lashing out because she's hurt and Ethel is an awful influence on her. Great twist because she's 10, bad villain because she's 10. C tier.
Marion: not bad. It's a good reveal, and a decent plot. B tier.
Lori: I love this game but damn Lori is a bad culprit. She doesn't even decide to be a villain until the very end. F tier.
Minette: I like her crazy bitch energy. It's fun that for most of the game she's discount Miranda Priestly, then at the end you find out she's actually a villain. B tier.
Mike/Pua: hard to say. The plot of the game gets a lil incomprehensible, but I'd say they're decent. C tier.
Yanni: he got that thicc ass. Okay besides that, he came up with that story about his grandmother being eaten by wolves??? Fantastic. A tier.
Renee: kind seeming with a dash of threatening. Love her wild convictions. S tier.
Helena: solid villain. Girl is in. charge. Also she knows to get out while the getting's good. B tier.
Okay, if Fiona was actually a villain who was scheming and trying to hurt ppl, she would be S tier. She's not though. No bad intentions, D tier for villainy.
Okay so. I might've made a case for this one, but it's pretty majorly racist, so it's an automatic F tier.
Corine: she's real mean! Great villain for a high school setting. A tier.
Scott: I literally don't remember him. F tier.
Rentaro: I liked him :( but he's a terrible boyfriend. The plotting and execution are really good though, it's just the motivations that don't make sense. B tier for the horrifying yurei robot.
Anja: oh yeah she's golden baby. S tier. Until we meet again girlfriend!!
Brenda: she's a big bitch. Her and Toni are megabitches. Plot is okay, not great. C tier.
Abdullah: huge energy, but what did he really do? That's kinda Abdullah in a nutshell though. C tier.
Victor: they just wanted a twist villain. He's decently menacing for the five minutes he's around. Killed a guy. Still D tier.
Clara: the backstory is phenomenal. I like her constantly standing around brooding. S tier.
Ewan: kind of boring but he did presumably have a lot going on in the background. An actual terrorist. Still C tier.
Kiri: I don't get what her deal was. F tier.
Xenia/Thanos: yeah they're S tier.
Soren: I honestly don't remember him that well. He was threatening at the end there. C tier.
I remember NONE of the characters from this game, I don't remember the culprit, and I don't think they really mattered. FFF tier.
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Here’s a crazy theory... what if Dr. Dranzel is Fjord’s dad? (Book spoilers) In the Tal’dorei campaign guide, we know that he’s a member of the Golden Grin, and in Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount we know that some members of the Golden Grin established themselves in the Menagerie Coast rooting out the Clovis Concord. What if he pulled a Scanlan and Fjord’s his son? I mean, maybe Fjord inherited his charisma, and his half orc lineage? Idk, it’s a wild take. What are your thoughts?
Oh and follow up to the Dr. Dranzel theory, what if he is friends with Marion? And he played at the Chateau before? I would lose my mind.
Okay, but I am ALL about this?! It’s such an interesting theory. Technically, Fjord could have two half-orc parents and be a half-orc. It doesn’t have to be full-orc and elf/human/etc. So... I mean... this could be real. 
We do already know that Dr. Dranzel, or at least Scanlan was over in Wildemount back in the day. I can’t remember the specific mention. I feel like it was in Tary’s oneshot? 
It is a wild take, but I think this is super fun. AND if he’s friends with Marion?! Like, if their troupe has visited the Chateau before??? That would be so good. I can totally see this being in the realm of possibility. It is a wild take, but I don’t think it’s actually that far-fetched.
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i wanna know what love is - 31
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: it’s the last chapter. guys it’s been such an honour to write for all of you, to listen to all of your feedback. this was my very first fanfic i felt people enjoyed and it’s been such a rollercoaster. it’s so bittersweet that it’s ending but it’s been a blast and i’m gonna miss it. i hope you enjoy it guys. much love, bea xx
(did i name one of their children after jess mariano? yes. do i have any regrets? no.) (if anyone wants any drabbles about them pls ask bc i’m finding it rly hard to say goodbye to them)
Last Chapter 
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                                                   1 YEAR LATER
    - Y/N, wake up. - Mary hit the sleeping Y/N with the pillow making her whine as she opened her eyes to the bright sunlight. Y/N groaned, grabbing the pillow and turning to the side trying to go to sleep again. As she felt like she was about to fall asleep again, she felt cold water hit her. The girl raised her torso, eyes wide open as she stared at the red head holding flowers in one hand and a vase on the other hand. - It’s your wedding day and we have a schedule. 
   - You just tossed water at me. - she shrieked at her, feeling the coldness hit her. - God, this is my wedding day not the army.
   - We have facial, makeup, hair and dress, and that’s just for you. - Mary grabbed her by the arm pushing her up. - Let’s go.
Mary had been over the moon when Y/N asked to help her out with her wedding. They had to get married in London due to the boys being on the recording studio after Sebastian joined them back a year ago, therefore Y/N had made it well known that she was gonna get married in a garden which Sebastian didn’t really mind. What both of them minded was everyone wanting them to spend one week apart at least for luck. They both hated it, specially Sebastian who kept wondering she was gonna give up and be a runaway bride, something Y/N had told him she wouldn’t various times.
In order to make up for that stupid arrangement, they decided to have a first look away from everyone else much to both their families despair which keep telling them it was bad luck. They didn’t care however. 
Y/N spent four hairs in the makeup chair, between having face masks and her eyebrows tweezed at the same time someone did her nails along with the heat of the curling iron she found herself falling in and out of sleep. The photographer even took some photos of her asleep as Mary did her hair. 
She was finally ready and in her dress after four long hours, she felt beautiful in her wedding dress and couldn’t wait to see Sebastian, mostly because she couldn’t picture him fully dressed up. Mary and the rest of the team left leaving her in the room waiting for Sebastian who came in a bit later. His eyes watered as he saw her standing there dressed in white, looking like something that had fallen from heaven. 
   - I love you so much. - he pulled her into his arms, kissing her softly on the lips, missing her already. 
   - You can’t cry. - she said, noticing his watering eyes. - Or I’m gonna cry and I think Mary will kill me if I mess up the makeup. 
   - That’s not cool man. - she held her finger against the corner of her eye trying to prevent her tear from streaming down her face. - You look so handsome. 
   - Yeah, these are your father’s shoes. - he said making Y/N chuckle at how he did a little tap dance. - Oh, I got you something. 
   - C’mon, Seb. We promised no gifts. - she smiled at him as he took a small box from his trousers’ pockets. He handed it over to her, eyes set as she opened the little box to revel a pair of little pearl earrings. - Aw, Seb, you shouldn’t have.
  - I thought you needed something new for the wedding. - he kissed her forehead. 
  - Well, happily I knew you never follow your promises so I got your something too. - Y/N moved to her bedside table grabbing a rectangular back and walking back to him, slowly so she wouldn’t trip on her dress.
  - Now that’s just not fair, that’s a much bigger box. - he pointed at the box, making her roll her eyes. He took it from her, slowly opening it to see a pregnancy test, a positive pregnancy test. His eyes went from it to her and back to it. - Are you pregnant?
  - Yeah. - she smiled at him, the tears returning again. - I’m pregnant.
  - You’re pregnant. - he picked her up, twirling her before kissing her a few times, going from her lips to her nose to her forehead. - You’re pregnant, we’re gonna have a baby.
    - YOU’RE GONNA HAVE A BABY! - Mary opened the door, receiving confused looks from them. - What? I was just making sure you wouldn’t have sex and ruin my masterpiece before the wedding. 
    - Can you keep it a secret until the honeymoon? It’s quite recent. - Y/N asked, leaning against Sebastian’s side which had the biggest grin ever. - But yeah, we’re having a baby.
   - Right, we’ll talk about me being the baby’s godmother after the wedding. You go the altar, Y/N, we’re getting the garter. C’mon
                                                   5 YEAR LATER
Sebastian was driving down the highway like a crazy man. He had been away from his wife for a full month after doing press for the new album and all he wanted right now was to get back to their home. If Y/N was around she would’ve screamed at him to slow down but all he could think about was being with her again. 
He pushed onto the drive away, getting off the car and rushing over to the door, unlocking the door. As he stepped in he heard a high pitch voiced followed by someone hugging onto his legs.
   - Jess! - Sebastian saw his wife rush down the stairs, bath towel in hand and then looked down at his first born who was wearing his bath robe which meant him and his wife were fighting the bath time routine again. - Jess, what did I say about running down the stairs? 
  - But it’s daddy! - the little boy pointed at his dad who crutched down to pick him up. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes, walking over to Sebastian, placing a kiss in his lips as the toddler wrapped his arms around his dad. Y/N would always say that Sebastian was always Jess’ favourite, despite him being the one who looked more like her with the same eyes. He had been her hardest pregnancy when compared to his sister. All Y/N had wanted to do was lay down and watch TV, specially Gilmore Girls which had been where she had rediscovered her childhood crush on Jess Mariano. After a bit of name discussion, she decided to name the baby Jess. - Daddy’s back. 
  - Are you trying to avoid bath time again, bud? - Sebastian tried to apprehend him but he could never do that. He missed his wife and kids too much besides, his oldest had inherited his persuasion abilities. - You don’t wanna make mummy sad, do you?
  - No. - Jess cuddled onto his father’s side, arms still wrapped around his neck like a little baby koala. 
  - Why doesn’t daddy do bath time today? - Y/N smirked looking up to her husband. It was his time to try and hold down a slippery toddler. 
  - Alright, to the bath we go. - Sebastian held Jess as he climbed up to the upstairs bathroom along with Y/N which turned to enter the room near their own room. Y/N had already set the tub with some bubbles so Jess would find it interesting enough to care. All Sebastian had to do was managed to get his son into the tub which he didn’t do without a fight leaving his shirt completely drenched. - C’mon bud, it’s just a bath. Don’t you wanna smell nice for tomorrow’s party?
  - I’m gonna be 4. - he raised four fingers, his little smile that resembled Y/N’s so much splattered on his face. - Mummy bought a cake and we’re gonna have a bouncy house.
  - A bouncy house, no way! - Sebastian smiled as he carefully ran the loofa over his son. In no time he was out the tub and wrapped around a little green frog towel. He picked him up, still remembering the time when he would not walk unless Sebastian picked him up and took him to his bedroom. His friends always poked fun of how spoiled Jess was and Sebastian hated to admit it, but he did spoiled his kids like no one else. Back when Y/N was pregnant with Jess, every single thing possible available for babies was bought by Sebastian and it was no different once Jess got his toddler bedroom. He had been the only one for a long time and Y/N and Sebastian had so much love for him. - Ok buddy, which pyjamas are we wearing tonight? 
 - The space ones, please daddy. - he pointed at the NASA themed pyjamas they had gotten him once he started to get interested in space, something Y/N was really happy about. - Daddy, why do you leave for so long?
 - Well ... - Sebastian handed him the pyjamas, helping his son get dressed and then tucked into bed. - Sometimes daddy has to go away for a bit, but I’ll always return to you guys.
 - Can we read the new book mummy got me? - he held a blueish book in his tiny hands. Sebastian grabbed the book: I Love You to the Moon and Back. Well, he certainly did. 
 - I love our time together as we start each happy day, I love our bath time silliness the way we splash and play, I love to lift you way up high so you feel really tall. We’ll climb the highest mountaintops hold tight and you won’t fall, I love to share the magic of the stars above and think of all the different ways that we can show our love ... like when we’re touching noses, playing chase, or seeing friends. Our love is always with us, and it never, ever ends so snuggle safely in my arms, our day is nearly done. I love you to the moon and stars, my precious little one.
He looked up from the book, Jess fast asleep holding the very first stuffed toy Sebastian had bought for him when he heard Y/N was pregnant, looking like a precious little angel. Sebastian got up from the small chair, leaning to kiss his son forehead before walking to the master bedroom he shared with Y/N. There he found her wife with their second child, Marion. Marion was a recent addition to the family, she was about to turn one. Marion was the child that both Y/N’s and his mother said looked most like him with her big bright baby blue eyes, however her temper was Y/N’s. Mellow behaviour, liked to sleep a lot, specially leaning against their parents’ chest and unlike her brother adored the bath time.
   - Look who it is, Marion. - Y/N said, holding her baby girl in her lap. - It’s daddy. 
  - My little princess. - Sebastian threw himself onto the bed, holding his baby daughter in the air making her giggle. Marion still did not talk, she was an observant one like Y/N, however she had started to walk although Sebastian always joked she looked tipsy when walking. - You’re sleeping in daddy and mommy’s bedroom tonight? Are you, my little precious baby?
   - She’s with a cold, really whiney. Thought it would be better to let her sleep with us rather than wake up Jess. - she sat by Sebastian’s side, head leaning against his side. - I’m really glad you’re back home.
   - Me too, no more month long absences. - Sebastian held his daughter, getting off from the bed and walking to the crib Y/N had brought into the room. He laid Marion in the million of all her toys which both him and Y/N kept buying for her, leaning to kiss her on her head before turning to Y/N. - I think I might be thinking about a break for maybe a few years.
  - You sure? - Sebastian leaned next to her in bed, cuddling her. - I don’t want you to pause your career. 
 - But I miss the kids, besides, it wouldn’t be a complete pause. We could do some shows here and there, just not long months away from you and the kids. 
 - Whatever feels more comfortable to you, honey. - she smiled, tilting her head to kiss him. Sebastian smirked through the kiss, turning her on her back so he was standing above her. - Are you trying to get lucky, Mr. Stan?
 - I think you deserve some care, Mrs. Stan. - he leaned into her neck, leaving open kisses there. - Don’t you think so?
 - Mummy ...
 - Oh my god. - Y/N pushed Sebastian off her once she heard her son’s voice coming from the end of the room. She did not want to traumatise her son for the rest of her life. - Jess, baby, what’s wrong?
 - Nightmare. - Jess climbed onto the bed, putting himself between Y/N and Sebastian. 
 - Aw, baby. - Y/N pulled her son into a hug, kissing the top of his head. - It’s okay, why don’t you stay with mummy and daddy for the night?
 - Really? - he looked over to his dad who sighed before nodding his head. Maybe it would be better to have fun with his wife whenever the kids weren’t around. - Daddy, you’re gonna love the party tomorrow.
 - I’m sure I will, bud. - he pushed the duvet over his son and wife. - But now, we need to all go to sleep, okay?
 - Okay. - he closed his eyes, turning on his back. Sebastian leaned in to kiss Y/N goodnight.
 - Goodnight, Y/N. Love you.
 - I love you too.
He couldn’t ask for anything else. 
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