#Ahit Wanderer AU
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toxic-lavender · 1 year ago
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Old art reposting time
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cosmoknightchaos · 11 months ago
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The fanfiction practically writes itself
Feat. @artblock-tm's Karmin! An absolute joy to draw cannot believe I haven't drawn her sooner
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Please click for better quality/full image. Last one is featuring my lovely AU florist, Graves :)
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the-feral-one · 4 months ago
(ravensroleplays, AHIT RP, Specters and Space Aliens AU)
How curious, a little girl was wandering around, a small group of what looked like walking ragdolls following after her like a bunch of ducklings.
Wo scratched his head as he observed from within his allotment.
Wo: "It's not every day that one gets to see someone followed by so many Mimikyu.."
He kept observing, hoping that they wandered close enough for an interaction, as he didn't want to leave the allotment.
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artblock-tm · 10 months ago
Hiiii Art Middle name Block™. You can do this whenever you want for whomever you want I'm just leaving this prompt in your inbox for whenever. You should talk about your OCs
Alright, here it comes! Below the cut is a list of basic information for every OC that I have!
Please do not proceed unless you A) have a strong will, B) have a lot of time on your hands, and/or C) are as insane as I am.
This post talks about AROUND 70 OCS. THIS IS YOUR WARNING.
I have grouped each OC based on the story they belong to along with arranging them in alphabetical order for organization reasons. Let’s get started!
A Hat in Time/Masked
Ichor (they/them)- Kind of a spoiler character, but unfortunately that’s just how things wound up… but whatever! A chaotic, powerful, fun-loving devil with mysterious ties that are yet to be uncovered.
Jaide (she/her)- My very first AHiT OC! She is a very kind and warm character despite the chill that wraps around her home and her body. She carries a deep grief within her and needs a helping hand to overcome it. Her existence is to every au, btw. Masked just happens to be her bad ending.
Karmin (she/her)- A jack-of-all-trades AHiT OC, meaning that she isn’t meant to be confined to a singular story. She has the most in-depth lore in Masked, but she appears in other universes as well.
Levi- (he/him, they/them)- Jaide’s son! Unfortunately dead at 6 years old, he exists as a ghost by her side. His character has yet to shine through.
Outlander (he/him)- Masked’s main antagonist. Power-hungry, resourceful, and manipulative, Outlander will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Until a deus ex machina stops him, of course. Good thing we’ve seen the last of him! (Not.)
(Please note that there is one AHiT OC not included on this list because they remain a major spoiler for Masked. My plans shall come to fruition and you should get to know this character sooner rather than later, though!)
What I plan to do with this story: I’m rewriting it! Like a madman. Once the entire fic along with the released oneshots are rewritten, I will release more oneshots and further expand the story and lore. Masked fans are in for a treat, teehee.
Ambivalent Souls (name subject to change)
Attakai (she/her)- An eldritch being with deep ties to the ocean. Boundlessly kind and skilled in healing, she is deeply caring to the humans that serve other beings. The only one who seems able to boss her around is Thirio.
Epithymia (they/them, it/its)- An eldritch being composed from the darkness between universes. A side character to the story. Quiet and shy, they often wander worlds with their one friend, a young human named Uri.
Feil (xey/xem, zey/zem)- A skilled illusion caster who came to work for Thirio after xeir sibling, Xosi, was cursed. An arc antagonist.
Hare (he/him, they/them, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. Thirio’s formerly most loyal member. Lacking magic that other syndicate members have, he makes up for his disadvantage with his alchemical knowledge.
Krystll (she/her)- A former member of the syndicate. Her cheerful and friendly disposition covers the doubts and the guilt she carries thanks to her soul’s innate love magic.
Maroon- (he/him, they/them, she/her)- A strangely inhuman teenager. They claim Zerie to be their sibling and are very close with him. Maroon is often introverted but very sweet once you come to know him.
Midnight (she/her, they/them)- Another former member of the Syndicate, and a close friend to Krystll. Additionally, a former human thanks to past experiments done on her soul.
Nova (he/him)- An eldritch being born of a star. Married to Attakai, he one day mysteriously fell ill and perished, once thought to be impossible with eldritch beings.
Thirio (he/him, they/them)- An eldritch being of consuming darkness. He runs a branch of the syndicate dedicated to minimizing multiversal threats. He wields powerful psychic abilities and commands others with a cold sneer.
Tsumi (he/him, they/them, it/its)- Thirio’s son, another impossibility among beings. Tsumi prides themself in its strong moral compass and devotes themself to carrying out justice.
Uri (she/her)- Companion to Epithymia after making a wish to have a friend. Epithymia takes her with them wherever they go, since they are obligated to look after her.
Vipsi (it/its)- A former eldritch being, now contained in a small stuffed animal. Once a close friend to Nova, it lost its mind after glimpsing his future.
Xosi (they/them, he/him, she/her)- Sibling to Feil. A curse mangles their body and leaves them unable to speak. They are deeply attached to their sibling, despite zeir tendency to overshadow Xosi.
Zerie (he/him, they/them)- Proud brother of Maroon and similarly inhuman. Charming and sociable, Zerie takes pride in his sense of reason and his protectiveness, though some might argue that he is too defensive.
What I plan to do with this story: I have a decent idea of how most of it carries out- unfortunately, I have to rewrite the entire first arc. Maroon was the first OC I developed for this world and was inspired off a whim from X!Chara in Underverse. While I have come up with a different story, the first arc was entirely rooted in the Undertale Multiverse and even used Sanses as characters. I want to move away from that era, and if I ever want to do anything with this story, I need to change the first arc.
Ora and the Rift in Time
Butterfly Spirit (she/her)- The companion to the protagonist. The little spirit guides Ora on their journey and informs them on what is to come. Despite missing a large chunk of her memories, she is quite informative.
Choru (she/her, they/them)- Continually draped in nightclothes, this singer is constantly sleepy. She has a keen ability to spread her exhaustion with her singing voice, lulling people to sleep with haunting lullabies. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Lady Cris (she/her, it/its)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. The Lady of the castle has a beautiful smile and raven-dark eyes. She’s the life of the land and the love of the Lord’s life. Serves as a major antagonist.
Jynx (they/them, he/him)- With their four arms floating about him, it’s quite clear to see why Jynx is constantly chained. They are quite, quite mad. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Ora (they/them)- The protagonist of the story! When the world was suddenly endangered by a rift in time, Ora grabbed their grandfather’s old sword and set out on an adventure to unravel the mystery and maaaayyyybe stop it. Whether or not they’re a hero is debatable…
Phember (he/him)- Hot-heated! Literally. This guy is made entirely of fire. It’s said that he died and was brought back to life as a fire spirit. He serves as the Lord’s right-hand man, and a minor antagonist.
Lord Teris (he/him)- Once the kind Lord of the land, he’s turned to destroying the world after a drastic encounter with grief. His eyes have a great sadness to them, and even the presence of his Lady Cris cannot cheer him up. Serves as a major antagonist.
Waya (she/her, they/them, it/its)- The galaxy itself, dressed in the garb of mortals. Normally a gatekeeper of the heavens, Waya has now sided with Lord Teris out of pity. Serves as a minor antagonist.
What I plan to do with this story: Honestly? This is the story that I’m closest to scrapping. I came up with almost every character on a whim after learning the basic plot of Super Paper Mario, and the main story is a direct rip-off of it. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to come up with much else to call it my own (but I did cook with my concepts of the rift and how Ora acts as a character). When I initially pictured this story, I framed it as a storydriven 2D platformer. I don’t think that idea will ever see the light of day, unfortunately.
Show Time (name subject to change)
Bi Solomon (he/him)- The brains behind BiCorp. As a Vix, he takes initiative in the development of his species in the form of developing his company. He might not be knowledgeable of the technology his company runs, but he is knowledgeable on weapons.
CEO (she/her)- The next CEO of BiCorp after Mr. Solomon. It was she who set up the signal that all TV-Heads now run under. Her actions have led to strengthen TV-Heads in society and oppress any Vixens. Only controlled TV-Heads have seen her in person.
Dislan (he/him)- A formerly controlled TV-Head employee of BiCorp. After having his connection to the signal broken, he has gone into hiding. He harbors deep anxiety, but is very caring to everyone around him.
Vexx (she/her)- The Vixen who broke the signal’s hold on Dislan. She has a quick temper and a strong will. She vows to overturn BiCorp’s unfair treatment of Vixes, even if it means taking the fight directly to the CEO herself.
(Please note that there are two OCs unlisted in this story. One of them goes by a nickname that I can’t remember for the life of me, and the other OC, Pix [she/her], belongs to a friend of mine.)
What I plan to do with this story: I could make such a cool comic out of this. You would not believe it. What I’ve told you is just scratching the surface of the story. I would sound like a madman if I told you how things developed. I’m insane actually.
And Then It Dawned On Him:
Day (she/her, he/him)- The deity of daytime.
Dhá-Aghaidh (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- A traveling merchant offering magical (potentially cursed) wares.
Gemi (he/him)- A penniless half-faun bard. Although he is not one to go bounty hunting, he joins Yazmin’s quest in order to get a cut of the profits. His talent far makes up for what he lacks in money.
Night (it/its, they/them)- The deity of nighttime.
Maeve (she/her)- A mercenary following Switch’s trail. She crosses Yazmin’s path and the two quickly form a rivalry.
Shift (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- Switch’s familiar, a changeling.
Switch (he/him, they/them)- A kid fleeing from the prying eyes of the world. After suffering a curse changing him into a different monster with the passing of day cycles, he abandoned society. Thought to be a fey, the bounty on his head is quite high thanks to the number of people who have failed to capture him.
Vigor (it/its)- Vivian’s familiar, a Great Gray Owl.
Vivian (she/her)- A witch (but the rest of the world doesn’t know that). She’s the one who offered Switch’s bounty to Yazmin, but she certainly didn’t expect her to return from her mission…
Yazmin (she/her)- A wannabe knight hoping to prove herself after completing several bounties. Guided by a strong sense of duty, Yazmin lets Gemi join her on her journey. The two encounter Switch, then Maeve.
What I plan to do with this story: I’m really hoping to make this into a novel! I initially planned to release the first arc of this story as a teaser while I was rewriting Masked, hence why I’ve left out a lot of details in my descriptions of the OCs above. While I still plan to write the first arc and publish it in the next few years, I might be too busy with Masked to release the two at the same time.
Royal Sillies (placeholder name)
Queen Beatrice (she/her)- The beautiful queen of the kingdom. As someone who married into the family rather than being born from it, she possesses no royal power. However, her husband and all of her children do.
Eleina (she/her)- A teenage girl who enrolled in the castle’s academy program, hoping to study magic. She’s most interested in potions, but strangely grows close with many members of the royal family. She has an easily swayed heart and is easily flustered.
Prince Jay (he/him)- A flamboyant figure, he is easily the picture-perfect image of a charming prince. His gift allows him to speak with birds, so he is often surrounded by a flock of various different birds.
King Leonard (he/him)- The kind king of the kingdom. His gift allows him to see the future, which often leads to him forgetting the names of people he just met thanks to the wash of information in his head. Despite how scatterbrained he is, he’s hospitable to all.
Prince Ronan (he/him, they/them)- The shyest and most withdrawn of the royal family. Because of his ability to see and speak with ghosts, most assume that he is as terrifying as the undead. This is untrue.
Princess Suza (she/her)- Less of a picture of grace than her younger brother Jay is. As the oldest child second only to Ronan, she spends a lot of her time teasing the others. Her royal gift allows her to hit any target she aims for when she throws something, a skill that ironically renders her useless at archery.
Syph (they/them, he/him)- Eleina’s classmate and a lover of birds. They hope to study the magical properties of the kingdom’s birds further and grow close to Jay in order to do so. Additionally, they end up as Jay’s future romantic partner.
Prince Trell (he/him)- The youngest among the royals. He’s bubbly and polite, even though no signs of a gift have appeared for him. He doesn’t seem to mind.
What I plan to do with the story: Any “story” I have with these characters is quite minimal, actually. I made all of these characters for fun and I don’t really have a story attached to them (a rare occurrence for me). Hopefully I can worldbuild for them more, since I do like the concepts I have for them!
Godly Idiots/Demigod Dumbasses (placeholder names)
Dr. Aaron Kruger (he/him)- A doctor with a mild interest in archeology and theology. He’s a shadow of his former self.
Aéras (they/them, it/its, he/him)- The god of the sky and climate. Its mischief could not save it.
Alex (he/him, they/them)- A teenager who wakes in an alleyway with no memory of himself except for his name. It’s hard enough trying to survive, but he finds himself confronted with shadows of his past and a call to something greater than any can imagine.
Dásos (they/them)- The god of the wilderness. Their open-minded disposition could not save them.
Lux (she/her)- The goddess of light and life. After the tragic death of her fellow gods, she gains their powers and authorities in exchange for being trapped in the heavens. Her contrast doomed her.
Dr. Noah Richards (he/him)- A doctor who was college friends with Dr. Kruger. Now working as a pediatrician, he finds Alex and takes them in out of pity and confusion. He seems to know more about Alex than he lets on, but he is reluctant to speak of it.
Rynne (she/her)- A teenage girl, simultaneously the same and opposite from Alex. Serving as an antagonist, she hounds Alex throughout the story. Neither of them are aware of how deep their connections are to each other.
Skía (she/her, they/them)- The goddess of darkness and death. Her judgment could not save her.
Thala (he/him)- The god of the ocean and time. His foresight could not save him.
What I plan to do with the story: If you noticed me being extra vague in the descriptions of the characters, that is for multiple reasons! 1) While I am proud of this story and the potential it has, there are a lot of missing chunks thanks to the fact that it’s gone through major reworks. I am still not sure of the setting, along with major plot points and even what the theme will be. 2) A lot of my ideas are so goddamn complicated that it takes at least an hour to explain the few ideas I have. Marci would know. 3) This could be a BANGER visual novel and I don’t want to give anything away! I want to make art and slowly unravel the story and get people mentally ill over my characters :)
(This section is reserved for OCs that are not connected to a specific story/the story is unnamed, are fandom OCs, or are sonas!)
Artblock (they/them, he/him, she/her)- One of my sonas, the one with a leaf growing from their head! The literal personification of my artblock. Critter behavior.
Castarian (he/him)- A ghost who prefers to remain invisible most of the time. He’s quite friendly, but incredibly reserved and shy, especially when it comes to what he looks like. He has a complicated past with Drisco, and his feelings for him are similarly complicated.
Doodle (they/them, he/him, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. My sona that often serves as a self-insert! I’ve drawn them as an insert for Pokémon as well as Fate Grand Order- and I like to automatically slot them into stories.
Drisco (he/him)- A ghost trapped in a mirror. He’s delighted whenever anyone sees him and often challenges them to games… which most likely end up in their death. His past with Castarian leads to similarly conflicted feelings on the other ghost, but Drisco is much more determined to get his revenge.
Evelyn Mason (she/her, it/its)- Master Mason’s ex-wife. As a part-snake part-human beast, she has shapeshifting powers. She prefers to use these powers to disturb hunters’ traps and occasionally raze a town.
Ezra (any pronouns, including neopronouns)- An OC created for the game The Upturned. As the only janitor/maintenance worker/busyman/worker who does all the jobs in the inn, they are stressed beyond belief. Not that the measly pay they receive does anything to help. At least they get along well with the receptionist, Ik.
Guppy (they/them, he/him)- A spirit of a mermaid who died during childhood. They attach to Myrie and eat her emotions, which causes a lot of problems at first, though he is unaware what he is doing is causing her harm.
Master Mason (he/him)- Myrie’s eccentric tutor. He’s the one who taught her what she knows about magic, necromancy, mythical beasts, and how to interact with people (the latter of which was not taught well). He looks human but seems to have had an infinite number of previous students and refuses to tell her how old he actually is. Despite the mystery surrounding him, he stays silly :3
Myrie (she/her, they/them)- A sona who spontaneously developed a story of her own. While I still use them as a self-insert, Myrie’s main focus is with her relationship with Master Mason. She’s a capable student, but filled with her own troubles that only grow as Guppy latches to her soul and she learns more about Master Mason.
Narrator (they/them)- A story’s narrator who was abruptly personified within their very own story. They quickly discover that existence is pain when you’re an omnipotent voice driving the narrative trapped in an awkward mortal body.
Retros (they/them)- A Hollow Knight OC. They serve as the Herald to the Grimm Troupe, bearing a flame with them whenever they announce the troupe’s presence in a new town.
Sketch (she/her, they/them)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. Another self-insert that spawned from a  spin-off of Doodle! Sketch will get a starring role in my Super Paper Mario fic, but I use them as a self-insert for Omori as well. Sketch has notably less roles than Doodle, but more thought put into them.
Quint (he/him)- A character that was originally meant to be part of the Godly Idiots world, but removed when I couldn’t figure out what to do with him. I am repurposing him for a project that I was working on with some friends, but little story surrounds him anymore.
What I plan to do with these characters: Retros and Ezra were made to fit the world and story of games, so I have little idea of any stories to proceed with for them. As for all of the other OCs, they aren’t exactly connected to a story, and are thus better suited for roleplaying (especially Drisco and Narrator). Maybe one day that will change, but who knows! After all, Myrie got a story… kind of. Because of her status as a technical sona, it’s hard for me to move her story forward. However, I have recently had EXCELLENT lore ideas for Master Mason and Evelyn, my most recent OC… hehe.
Weeeelllp, seems like that’s all of them! Since you made it this far, I’m really impressed! Thank you for sticking around as I ramble about my OCs. I know this was long, but this was only surface-level…. If you’re still interested in any particular OC, feel free to ask! I’m always happy to answer any questions, and if this post didn’t make it clear, I love rambling about my characters :)
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★ Fates Glass ☆
Hey ya know the swap au I posted about a bit ago? Well I decided 2 actually make a explanation post for it!
Fates Glass is a ahit swap au that (probably obviously) focuses on fate instead of time. In the au there's a specific relic that makes it so our two protagonists can make and control others fates. Once they reach the planet that it takes place on the relic broke (due to it being used much more then it should've), it exploded into multiple pieces that fell onto the planet. Now they have to get the pieces back without any casualties.
Here are the characters!
Dutchess Destiny (She/Her)
[Queen Vanessa as Hat Kid]
Vanessa Swanson, aka Dutchess Destiny is a runaway who uses the Fates Glass to make people's fates/futures. She lives on a spaceship along with her childhood friend & roommate Madam Magnolia.
She and DD accidently cause the Fates Glass to break and now have to find it again. Dutchess Destiny is a Fate Keeper (aka basically a angle humanoid)
Madam Magnolia (She/Her)
[The Florist as Bow Kid]
Blodwen Flower, aka Madam Magnoliais a runaway who uses the Fates Glass to make people's fates/futures. She lives on a spaceship along with her childhood friend & roommate Dutchess Destiny.
She and MM accidently cause the Fates Glass to break and now have to find it again. Madam Magnolia is also Fate Keeper, like DD
[Everyone else below the cut, since there's a lot]
Quick Claw (They/Them)
[The Empress as Mustache Girl]
A young cat that is a citizen of the Kingdom of Night, they hate their home now due to the kings sudden corruption, they wish to change the kingdom back to its former glory and peace.
They live on their own in the alleyways causing mischief and stealing to survive. They end up helping Destiny and Magnolia since they actually seemed to care about them. Betraying and leaving them behind after realizing they had the ability to change fate, fearing they'll make things worse, they try to find the pieces and fix everything themself
Chaos King (He/Him)
[The Snatcher as Mafia Boss]
The king of the Kingdom of Night, one day he became and cruel and corrupt ruler, causing his kingdom to fall into chaos and ruin. He took the Glass shard that fell from the sky for a unknown reason.
He ends up getting killed (one accident) and becoming a spirit that can't really do anything since he's so tiny and also has no hands. He's very resentful towards Destiny and Magnolia but tries to get friendly with them (ya know to destroy them easier!).
Bonbon the Clown (They/Them)
[Hat Kid as The Conductor]
Mele Ikaika, stage name Bonbon the Clown is a clown at Big Top Circus. To the public they're a bubbly ball of sunshine! A total joyess angel, though in private they're the complete opposite, absolute pessimist asshole.
They butt heads with Dazzle a unreasonable amount, nobody really knows why though. They wish to leave the circus but can't both bc of contracts and needing money.
Dazzle the Trapeze Artist (She/He)
[Bow Kid as DJ Grooves]
Rowena Taylor, stage name Dazzle is a trapeze artist at Big Top Circus. She's a quiet sweet gal, he doesn't enjoy speaking much so the others don't know much about her. Though she is very helpful and happy-go-lucky despite his quietness.
She butt heads with Bonbon a unreasonable amount, nobody really knows why though. He wishes to return back to her hometown at least for a day.
The Stage-Meister (He/They)
[Mafia Boss as The Snatcher]
A stage actor that was a star in the making who sadly died in a freak stage accident, and now he haunts the town after it had been abandoned. Anybody who happen to wander into the town (weither it be they just happen to walk in or they lures people into it) he forces to work for him.
He's dramatic and overemotional, being able to use their charm to get people to trust him into following and working for them. They're in love with The Weeping Lover but he believes she left along with the others years ago...
The Weeping Lover (She/Her)
[Cooking Cat as Queen Vanessa]
A woman who hid herself from the world due to believe she was a horrific monster, she had fallen in love with a young actor due to his kindness towards her. She was driven to madness after hearing the news he has been killed, refusing to leave with everyone else opting to end herself instead of living in misery any longer.
After becoming a ghost instead of reuniting with her love she now spends all day inside, hoping they'll return to her one way or another..
I have stuff for the dlc & side characters but I might make a post about them later, or just tell anybody who asks lol
This au is still a work in progress but I like this au and am proud of it so yeah ^^ hope y'all like it too! Ask me anything you all want about this au
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 3 years ago
(ravensroleplays, AHIT AU, Lone Snatch and Kid Verse) Vanessa's Manor. Even in the dark, spooky Subcon Forest, this singular house was an ominous place, somewhere that even THE SNATCHER feared to thread, unless he absolutely had to. The house...and its singular resident, were places of dread...and for Snatcher, the only thing worse than having to go to the manor himself would be for one of his children to go there. Again. (RP where Hikari gets lost or wanders off, and finds Vanessa's Manor?)
Hikari felt scared as she was lost in the forest. She then saw Vanessa’s manor. She gulped and went up to the manor. She found an entrance in the cellar and went inside. “Hewwo? Is anyone hewe?”
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banyanas · 3 years ago
that ask you reblogged reminded me- what are YOUR favorite aus for ahit?
Hide and Seek verse @/lemonadesoda is jut really really good. Solid pacing, emotional story, absolutely incredible character growth and characterization in general, nice and smooth prose style. Also..... fambly. series that made me feel something in my wretched little heart lmao
There's a lot of fun ones here but i esp like Vamprince au from @/toxic-lavender. Absolutely the most batshit feral prince you ever did see. good for him!
When the Bell Rings from @/rindomness is still in progress and is deeply intriguing in its diversions from canon. makes me want to chew on a corncob like some kind of manic hamster.
Royal Magician @/marrow-bone ok this is because i have access to Secret Knowledge tm but it's definitely one of my favorites in terms of some SWEET pre-subcon-freeze worldbuilding. I mean like to the tune of multiple countries and the associated feuds and politics. also necromancy. and guns!
Ghost Hunter au is a collab with @/jam-blue and @/toxic-lavender and it really does a good job with mashing the supernatural elements with a more modern au setting
@/prosebushpatch's Entangled Fates au is a majora's mask-inspired story, and MAN it's fun. complete, great dialogue, good split between the two worlds, also funny as hell (WUKA.....)
There's absolutely more but my mind keeps wandering
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gremlinisonline · 4 years ago
‘You’ll always be my hero’
hsahj I been hooked on @doodledrawsthings ahit coffeeshop au its so amazing! and based on posts through the au I decided to write this lil oneshot it has angst but a happy ending:) also clover wants to beat up vanessa but the focus is mostly on luka and hattie. oh and for once luka’s curse gives him a break :)
995 word count
It had been five years today since Luka was cursed living with his ten year old daughter Harriet Ironically it only made the two closer instead of dividing them god how Luka loved that kids she’d look so much like her dad she’d even mimic gestures her dad did without realizing it his co workers Mj and Clover snickered even though Clover wanted to beat the daylights out of Vanessa If they ever met Mj would end up wheezing ,Luka had the closing shifts for the horizon locking up letting out a sigh.
He’d never forget the look on his daughter's face when he became that shadowy creature or a ‘cat snake’ she’d looked so horrified the kid thought some horrible creature had eaten her beloved father, her hero. If anything Luka was glad she ran the police showed up so suddenly that was probably Vanessa’s doing god he was still pissed she’d try a set up like that she didn’t matter no way in Hell was he going to allow that women hurt them anymore the morning she calmed down she only sobbed into her fathers mane around his neck. He’d adapted to this curse yet he waited too long to try to fix it. The only thing he can do is be there for those he held close to his heart.
Harriet was only Two years old when the curse appeared. Harriet never said anything when the subject of her ‘Mother’ was brought up she’d didn't even call her ‘Mom’ or ‘Mother’ just by her actual name she didn't even consider that woman family. For all she knew Luka was her family there been nights where lil Harriet heard one of her parents screaming matches the harsh words that were said she ended up running and crying under the bed Luka looked so heart broken when he saw her crying like that… Luka shook his head he arrived at his apartment to his surprise Harriet was sitting on the floor waiting Luka worked extra week which only made her worry more the kid even went to check up him during his work hours or brought him lunch when he forgot and even went as far to ask His co workers If they could help from Luka being too stubborn so she did It for Him.
Luka just stared at his daughter waiting for him ’I- Kiddo..why are you on the floor isn’t it a bit late- he was cut off by Harriet’s stare you’re overworking yourself. Again. Someone has to make sure you’re not being stubborn so if you’re not asleep neither will I. the girl puffed out her chest. She was worried about her Father she always hated when he overworked himself more than he already had too. He’s always worrying about her when she wanders off to help her heart was always in the right place but had a habit of biting off more than she could chew.
Luka chuckled before picking up his daughter kissing her forehead alright Hattie I’ll cave in but you don't have to check up on me all the time I can handle myself’ he was met with a glare a silent one at that’ If I had the choice who was less stubborn it’ll be a door that you pull but you push instead ’Harriet remarked as her father yellow hollow eyes gleamed at the girl. God he was truly blessed to have such an amazing daughter He’d only wish he’d could do more. The man carried her daughter to the couch and ended up tickling her she’d burst in kicks and giggles ’you goofball!’ She shouted in the middle of a fit of laughter. He’d paused giving her time to breathe then it went silent he had this on his mind for a while’Hey..Hattie? If You had a choice would.. God he didn't even want what he was asking but he felt guilt for everything Harriet had been through. ’If you could have a normal life with someone else would yo-
What?! No! The response was so quick she didn't even hesitate to think she wasn't even tempted at the thought Dad.. How could you think that..I- You’re the kindest person in the pecking universe you’re not just my dad you're my hero..and I..Tears that threatened to leak did so falling down her just like dam destined to break, Harriet Immediately clinged to his chest wrapping her arms around her father not wanting to release. Luka had trouble finding the right words and returned the hug Hattie..I-’
‘That is what I’m scared of, I don’t want to lose you! After all we been through so much and I want to be there with you like we always had..I want to help you the best I can even if not enough-
‘I know that Is my fault that you have to worry about me..money..The Curse..Mo-Vanessa..
The girl looked up at his father as he cupped her face with his hands holding her face gently’Shh..Harriet Listen to me this was nowhere near your fault.. You had always been enough..kid I-I’m scared of losing you too. I’m sorry for being selfish lately, you’re right we need to stick together no matter what right? softly Wiping away the remaining tears on Harriet’s cheek
Harriet attempted to put on a brave face but ended up digging her face into her fathers chest as she shouted in response ‘Right!’ Luka held her close in response not wanting to let go either.
‘Hey, Dad?’
‘You’ll always be my hero. Promise me you'll never forget that’
‘Yeah kid. I promise, My little princess
Arms wrapped around the small girl both quietly drifting asleep knowing whatever happens they’ll be there for each other and no curse could ever change that. when The Sun Came Hattie would be snuggled by her giant snake Dad. leaning on his fluffy mane.
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toxic-lavender · 3 years ago
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Wanderer and Willow doodles :)
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cosmoknightchaos · 3 months ago
hi hello 18 and 21 for Count Adrianne please
18. Does your character tend to get themselves into trouble or are they dragged into trouble by those they are associated with?
Anne tries his best to remain out of trouble. He is on thin ice with King Snatcher as it is (The only reason he hasn't been kicked out of the forest is because the common folk love Anne), and he knows the moment something goes wrong his ass is getting banished. So, against his will, Anne tries to stay quiet and "loyal" to Snatcher, just so he can stay in the kingdom and take care of his people.
Despite that, trouble is very good at finding Anne! He has the prestigious honour of being known as the last "living" member of the Subcon royalty, so lots of refugees from the frozen parts of the kingdom turn to him for help. Which, don't get me wrong, he does appreciate, but he is NOT the person in charge and sometimes people treat him as such. Yet another reason why he's on thin ice with Snatcher. This problem gets especially bad when Ester and MJ show up, as Anne and MJ meeting results in a rumour that the Prince is alive, which makes Snatcher immensely mad. The moment this rumour starts, Anne backs out, because suck no he doesn't want to deal with this... but he does enjoy seeing Snatcher so panicked.
21. Do they have a "cringe" or embarrassing secret that they never want anyone to find out about?
Anne probably knows more embarrassing secrets about other people than he does himself. Including some secrets that he totally doesn't use as blackmail against King Snatcher. Why would he ever do that.
Anne's definitive most embarrassing moment was the singular date he went on with Vanessa, which both of them agreed to never speak about again after it happened. Fortunately, most if not all of the people who knew about the details of that date are now dead. I wouldn't say it's a secret because events surrounding the royal family spread quickly, so anyone who still has memories of life before the blizzard knows that this date happened. They just don't know the details. Anne would prefer to keep it that way.
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greentrickster · 5 years ago
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Figured I should do a post with Lime’s proper colours and a little background info and everything in the ahit ‘coffee shop au’ by @doodledrawsthings.
One of the older members of the Snatcher Cult (or Snult), they’re 17 and technically about 5′3″, I just need to work on my scaling. In their own words, they’re a natural-born sidekick - they played at being Lance’s squire as a kid, and now they’re having fun helping out in the Snult, including doing coffee/hot chocolate runs if asked to and keeping an eye on the younger kids. They’re also one of the ones making Snatcher cult clothes and costumes for other members (as well as themself). Mostly they’re here to have fun. Their drink of choice from The Horizon coffee shop is the sugariest thing whoever’s working the counter is willing to serve them.
They always have a backpack with them and, amongst random stuff, it contains their cell phone, wallet, a small sewing kit and scissors, spare pens, and a night safety vest in silver and yellow (their moms don’t mind about them wandering around after dark as long as they wear it and have their cell phone charged and on). They really like green, but are also quite fond of purple, fortunately enough.
They/them pronouns at the moment while they’re figuring themselves out, currently willing to accept whatever pronouns people use for them but introduce themselves as a they if asked. Will eventually settle on they/them/she/her when older.
Lance is @mindboogling‘s SubconKnight, and Maya belongs to @kayuripax
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staryarn · 4 years ago
thinking about an ahit au in which the prince can visit the horizon. The horizon in itself has not changed,, beside yknow a castle being there. After wandering through the castle he finds Moonjumper liked up. something something plot
based on the quote "this may be a home away from home for you , but this is my prison,made by you"
Mj may or may not swap with the prince which is quite a bad idea due to, yknow Vanessa. So cut to future Mj ruling Subcon and the prince (possibly snatcherfied bit w/o Vanessa' trauma) in the horizon. Kinda like a roleswap but not
HK and bk might stay the same or they might swap with Timmy and mu, personalities might not change but hm. Mostly bc it'd be interesting to see mu and Timmy in the horizon help break the prince out of jail (via contract within his abilities), and for HK and bk to visit subcon
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children-of-subcon · 3 years ago
J (any you want!), M, X, Y !!
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
Hmm... I haven't really finished any, so I don't know ^^" I guess for the BowThreader/Melanie fic I'm working on? You know the one :)
Let's say Melanie actually manages to get through to Lilly before she is executed, and in one last burst of determination they flee, blending in with the crowd and escaping into the woods. However, neither has their mask with them, leaving them completely exposed to the forest and its magic. The two are quickly overcome by corruption, and rendered prisoners of the woods, wandering in shadows for all eternity. Mu throws a fit, very quickly destroying all of Subcon Kingdom. The woods take over what is left, thick trees encasing the Manor into a prison Mu doesn't even know she's trapped in.
One day, Mel suddenly finds herself manifesting outside of the shadows for the first time in centuries. She has been woken by the forest's new ruler; someone who was left behind, forgotten, while the kingdom crumbled to dust. This person wants her help building a new kingdom, one that will last forever. And isn't it convenient when, somewhere along the way, they find these useful little things called Time Pieces..?
(Basically everything's the same except Subcon is more nature-oriented and has a different ghost ruler, plus Bow isn't effectually exiled. Captor's off doing her own thing in this scenario but it's spoilers in a roundabout way slkdfj sorry)
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Hmm, there's a few, I think. I have a USAU oneshot in the works about what might happen in a timeline where Prince didn't leave Earth immediately after defeating Princess! Also for USAU is something related to Prince's backstory, and lore for his home planet overall.
And of course, the biggest one would be the Wholesome Creepypasta AU/Monsters Under the Bed, which will be a multichapter fic about gijinka ahit characters meeting beta-ish ahit characters, in one shape or form. I have no idea when it'll get finished because I keep rewriting the first two chapters ;-;
I also may or may not have written one chapter of a chatfic that I may or may not continue I'm sorry
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
I don't know if I enjoy making anyone suffer, per se? Except maybe Vanessa sometimes. Although I do tend to write a horrifying amount of Hat Kid angst so. Take that as you will.
Y: A character you want to protect.
Nessa, and also Lilly and Mel Q_Q
Listen I know how this looks BUT--
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confusedhost-archive · 4 years ago
okay so uh. warning for. child labor and misc other stuff that i dont actually know about yet because this is all off the top of my head
this is from that one undertale ahit au that is becoming less and less of an undertale au as i continue on thing in case you were wondering
so bow and hat come from this place thats REALLY magically advanced. bc of this theyre like yeah we’re better than everyone else which makes TWO things true
one: they believe they’re able to rule over literally everything (which they attempt and mostly DO actually do)
and two: they think they’re better than everyone else
so at first theyre just. protectors when it comes to time specifically. (they also have ALL the time pieces which actually comes from this one really big time glass and all the time pieces are grains of sand that have fallen out and turned into a little version of the large thing.
the time glass never actually like. looses sand? but every time a piece is sapped of it’s power (for, say, a ship) a new one mystically appears. of course, broken time pieces just turn back time on its own, in order to.. not. get shattered. the fact that a new one gets created when one is used makes it easier for higher ups to be like “okay that is. not allowed use, who is breaking a rule”
anyway, when kids get to a certain part of their studies, and that “part of their studies” is when they’re six. they choose an item. that item becomes their magical object, and, additionally, their name. These items will be connected to the child’s magic.
Some children can’t just latch on to an object and instead take an extra year to bond with an animal, of whom will be their name and magical item instead. the likelihood of them having a proper magical ability is... well it’s not likely. improper magical abilities are, first of all, unconscious ones, and second of all, difficult to notice. For example, someone bonded to a cheetah may be faster than average, or someone who is bonded to a bird could jump for longer, or farther, or higher, ect
(Beta is bonded to a beta fish!! Their fish is small and while it’s capable of swimming in the air, it’s not uncommon to find beta wandering around with a fishbowl)
The colour of people’s eyes is something I mentioned before. (I’m hilarious. truly. “no. un purple/blue’s your eyes” indeed) Bow and Hat both have brown eyes, but sometimes, they turn purple or blue. Not noticeably, and neither of them are at all aware of the colour shift, but it happens. It mostly seems to happen when talking to others about their home. Interesting...
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ahatintimestorybook · 5 years ago
AHIT Twin AU-Harriet
This chapter is based off of this drawing here
Enjoy this one, because the next one...oh boy be prepared for the next one and the one after that!
Its been a two weeks since Luka and MJ moved, and things have slowly gotten better for Luka. While the trauma was still there, he started to be back to his more spirited self thanks to his brother, Cookie and his new cat he named Bush. Luka also found a job at a local bookstore that pays well and started to be good friends with Cookie’s friends.
Things were looking up…
That is...Until today.
It was Luka’s day off and he decided to relax outside on his hammock as it was a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky, the nice cool breeze blowing, and Bush sleeping on his lap. Soon the little kitten woke up, her ears twitching hearing something from the bushes. She turned to Luka who was asleep with a book to his face.
Bush then leaped from her owner’s lap and went into the bushes to find out what was making all that noise. She walked through the bushes, and stopped when she heard a young girl’s voice.
“Alright! Blue and I will hide and Timmy, you’ll count!” The girl shouted.
The boy, Timmy who had to be the seeker groaned. “Harriet, you always make me the seeker first round!” He complained.
Harriet and her friend, Bluebell giggled. “Because its fun! And your the only boy of course.” Harriet replied, explaining why Timmy had to be the seeker.
Timmy rolled his eyes. “Fine.” Timmy faced a tree and started to count down from 20. Harriet and Bow looked at each other and ran off to find their hiding places. Bluebell went far into the woods and climbed a tree, but not too high so she wouldn’t fall and break her bones.
Harriet decided to hide in a big bush patch and hid behind them, and staying low as possible so Timmy wouldn’t find her. As she chuckled, she heard a mew coming from Bush. Harriet looked down to see Bush staring at her with her big bright eyes. Harriet shushed the cat so she wouldn't be spotted, but Bush walked towards her and nuzzled on her leg.
“Aww your a sweet kitty.” Harriet whispered as she pet the kitten. Bush purred and soon climbed on Harriet’s lap and rested on them. Harriet smiled and held the kitten close, “After hide and seek I’ll have to introduce you to my sister, Bluebell. She loves kittens.” She whispered.
Bush mewled and snuggled close to Harriet. Harriet smiled and held the kitten close as she stayed quiet so Timmy couldn’t find her.
It took Timmy half an hour to find Bluebell, and now the two were looking for Harriet so they can get the game done and over it and move on to something else. “Where did Harriet hide off this time?” Timmy asked looking behind trees and bushes.
“Timmy, you seem to be forgetting that Hat is a pro at this.” Bluebell reminded. Timmy groaned and rolled his eyes. He didn’t forget, he was just tired of being the seeker and finding Harriet in unusual places. Timmy then stopped Bluebell when he heard rustling from the bushes. He signaled the other girl to stay quiet so he can sneak up on Harriet, if it is her.
Timmy tip toed quietly towards the bushes and peaked over them, but to his surprise he only saw Bush in the bushes looking at him with her bright yellow eyes. “A cat?” Timmy asked. Bush gave a meow and came out of the bushes circling around Timmy.
As Bush circles around the young boy, Harriet decided to turn the tables on Timmy by sneaking up on him. “So I see you found the cat I befriended.” Harriet spoke up. Timmy shrieked and jumped up over Harriet talking to him.
Bluebell chuckled seeing her friend get spooked by her sister once again. Timmy sighed seeing it was only Harriet. “Please don’t do that again, ever!” He warned. Harriet smiled widely as Bush went back to Harriet and jumped into her arms.
Bluebell went over to her sister and smiled at Bush. “Aww what a cute cat you found Hat.” Bluebell said. She gave the kitten a pet, who later purred right back.
“She found me. I was hiding in the bushes and she was there and stayed with me till Timmy spotted us so I had to use my sneak attack.” Harriet explained. Timmy glared at his friend, who just replied by chuckling.
Timmy looked down at Bush and saw the cat and looked back up at Harriet. Bush didn’t seem to have a collar “Do you know if this cat belongs to anyone?” Timmy asked.
Harriet looked at Bush and saw she didn’t have a collar. “I don’t see any identification on her.” Harriet replied.
“Well, we can’t take her back to the orphanage till we find out if she has an owner.” Timmy explained. Harriet and Bluebell awed that they couldn’t keep Bush, unless no one claimed her. Bluebell and Harriet awed in disappointment, but knew they someone might be around here looking for their lost kitten.
“Alright.” Bluebell sighed. “Let’s split up, we can cover more ground, more people will hear, and someone should shout their cat is missing!”
“Sounds like a plan!” Harriet beamed giving her sister a thumbs up. Timmy and Bluebell decided to split up to find the owner taking two sides of the park. Harriet decided to follow after her sister, but decided to stay behind in case the owner was walking around looking too.
“Meow.”Bush mewled looking at the young girl.
Harriet smiled. “Don’t worry your owner should be around here.” She reassured. Bush mewled again before nuzzling on Harriet.
A few hours passed, and none of the kids could spot the owner of Bush. That’s because he hasn’t woken up yet.
Luka woke up from his nap, glad to have taken one after several nights of restless sleep as well as finding a job. He stretched and gave a loud yawn feeling relaxed. He saw Bush was no longer on his lap and decided to go inside to see if she scurried there. Luka looked around the house and under the furniture, but no signs of Bush.
“Bush! Where are you girl!” Luka yelled. He yelled for Bush’s name outside to see if she was there, but she didn’t show up. Luka sighed knowing he’d have to go off and look for Bush himself. He knew there was a local park by his place, and hoped no one took his cat thinking it was a stray. “I should of listened to MJ and gave Bush a collar.” He sighed.
Harriet was still playing with Bush using a small stick she found on the ground. Its been a few hours and no sign of Timmy, Bluebell, or Bush’s owner anywhere. Harriet sighed and wondered if she should start looking for Bush’s owner herself.
“Come on kitty, let’s go find your owner.” Harriet said carrying Bush. However, she didn’t have to look that long as someone was calling out for the cat’s name. Bush mewled hearing her own and Harriet realized that this must be the cat’s owner.
“Bush! Where are-” Luka paused when he saw Harriet with Bush in her arms.
“Um...Is this your cat?” Harriet asked. Luka nodded. Harriet put Bush down and the cat ran in Luka’s arms and nuzzled close to Luka. “She found me when my friends and I were playing Hide and Seek.”
Luka sighed. Relieved his cat was alright and didn’t run off with another family. “At least she was with you then her wandering off.”
Harriet smiled. “Yeah I took good care of her. My friends went off to look for her owner, but I stayed and waited till the owner should up.” She paused giving a chuckle. “Good thing I did because you were looking for her.”
Luka chuckled. “Yeah.” He replied. “Thank you for taking care of her.”
“You’re welcome!”
Luka smiled and sat down on the ground letting Bush play for a bit. Harriet sat next to him and also got a chance to play more with Bush. “What’s your cat’s name?” Harriet asked.
“Bush.” Luka answered.
Harriet giggled as she pet the cat, “Why did you name your cat Bush?”
“She likes to play in the bushes near my home.”
Harriet frowned hoping the cat was named after someone famous. “That’s it? Seriously?”
Luka was taken aback by the girl’s response. “L-listen here you little brat!” He snapped.
“Hey!” Harriet snapped back. “I have a name too you know! It’s Harriet! You can call me Hattie or Hat, but don’t call me brat!”
Luka scoffed. “Fine. Harriet.” He growled. “If you happen to know my name its Luka.” Harriet opened her mouth ready to ask, but Luka cut her off. “And no its not short for Lucas! Its just Luka.”
Harriet started to calm down and smiled at the man. She decided to change the subject before the name calling went overboard. “I never seen you before? When did you arrive here?” She asked.
Luka was surprised with the young girl changing the subject, but he too started to feel calm now. “A few weeks ago. My twin brother and I left our old town due to…” he paused not wanting to pour the horrible few months he and MJ went through, “reasons.”
Harriet saw from Luka’s expression there was something wrong, but she wasn’t going to ask him about it. “Well, welcome to ClockworkBurg.” She said.
Luka smiled, “thanks.” Harriet smiled back. “Maybe this kid ain’t so bad.” Luka thought.
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ask-zane-ze-medic · 5 years ago
Are there gonna be any major hollowknight spoilers/ references to major events that happen in hollowknight? Because I would love to follow the au but I have not finished hollowknight and I don't want spoilers, also I'm kinda stupid and have not been able to put things together so far but I plan to do that woth my friends once we finish the game which might be a while
(Firstly that’s a mood hk’s story is pretty dense- and secondly atm I dont have any major spoilers planned to be involved and I’ll tag it as much then to hopefully save you the trouble. Though I wouldn’t go scrolling through my blog’s other hk art that isn’t for the ahit au that stuff is somewhat spoiler heavy.)
(There will be tons of spoilers for ahit in the au if anyone is wondering because the au is mostly following that just in a hk setting.)
(Like this au doesn’t take place in hollownest so the events wont overlap at all unless like hat and bow go wandering there on the way to like subcon or something for example. I’ve been thinking of including Quirrel which is why I mention that but it won’t really give any spoilers with him either.)
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