#mario mannucci
frenchcurious · 8 months
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Sandro Munari & Mario Mannucci - Lancia Fulvia 1.6 Coupé HF Lancia Marlboro Team - Rallye de Monte-Carlo 1973. - source Moto Vitelloni - Wheels n' wings.
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graceandfamily · 10 months
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Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco presenting the Rallye Monte-Carlo trophy to Sandro Munari and Mario Mannucci, January 27, 1975, Monaco.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Scrivi il tuo nome su qualcosa che vale: il nuovo libro su Lucio Battisti
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Scrivi il tuo nome su qualcosa che vale: il nuovo libro su Lucio Battisti. «Da Paul McCartney ho imparato a cantare da Ray Charles ad emozionare da Dylan a dire quello che mi pare e dal poeta ad alleviar l'umanità» A venticinque anni dalla morte e nell’anno in cui avrebbe compiuto gli ottanta, un’autobiografia di Lucio Battisti scritta con le sue stesse parole. È quella contenuta in E già, il suo primo album dopo la separazione da Mogol, pubblicato il 14 settembre 1982. Un disco-confessione senza le parole di Giulio Rapetti, senza quelle di Pasquale Panella: Lucio canta in prima persona. I testi sono ufficialmente della persona a lui più vicina: Grazia Letizia Veronese, sua moglie, che per l’occasione è ribattezzata Velezia. Compagnia Editoriale Aliberti è lieta di pubblicare Scrivi il tuo nome su qualcosa che vale, il nuovo libro di Donato Zoppo. L'autore, uno dei più attivi studiosi della figura di Lucio Battisti, dedica il suo saggio a E già, uno dei dischi più misteriosi e dimenticati del musicista, nel quale per la prima e unica volta Battisti racconta sé stesso: la passione per il mare e il windsurf condivisa con l'amico Adriano Pappalardo all'alba degli anni '80, l'amore per la musica da ascoltare e da suonare, la ricerca di una nuova dimensione umana e spirituale, ancor prima che artistica. E già è il primo disco pop italiano ad essere suonato esclusivamente con strumenti elettronici, un album onirico e visionario, imperfetto ma straordinario come documento storico per capire la personalità di un artista che rifiuta definitivamente il rapporto con i media, la sua immagine, il dialogo col pubblico. Il primo passo di un cammino di rinnovamento che raggiungerà la sua vetta nei "dischi bianchi" con Pasquale Panella. Donato Zoppo prova a decifrare questo Lp enigmatico raccontando la vita di Lucio Battisti tra Roma, Londra e Rimini all'indomani di Una giornata uggiosa e prima dell'incontro con Panella. Si avvale anche di preziose testimonianze, dall'autore della copertina Gered Mankowitz – leggendario fotografo di celebrità del rock – a Dario Massari, che impartisce lezioni di elettronica e Fairlight a un curiosissimo Lucio, dal vecchio amico Pietruccio Montalbetti al nipote Andrea Barbacane, e poi Claudio Bonivento, Patrizia Cirulli, Susan Duncan Smith, Mario Lavezzi, Piero Mannucci, Michele Neri, Francesco Paracchini e Dario Salvatori. Un libro filologico in cui Battisti è raccontato con le sue stesse parole e le sue atmosfere musicali, canzone per canzone: perché ogni brano di E già è un frammento di vita. Prefazione di Franco Zanetti, direttore di Rockol e tra i massimi esegeti di Battisti. Donato Zoppo (Salerno, 1975) scrive per i magazine Audio Review e Jam, dal 2006 conduce Rock City Nights, uno dei programmi rock più seguiti in Italia. Dal 2005 dirige l’ufficio stampa Synpress44, con cui si occupa di comunicazione per musica e spettacoli. Attivo in eventi e storytelling incentrati sulla cultura rock, ha pubblicato libri su Beatles, PFM, Genesis e altri, tra cui Lucio Battisti, di cui è uno dei principali studiosi in Italia. Scrivi il tuo nome: http://www.amazon.it/Lucio-Battisti-Donato-Zoppo/dp/8893235897 Donato Zoppo Compagnia Editoriale Aliberti 144 pagine Euro 15.90 Compagnia Editoriale Aliberti: http://www.aliberticompagniaeditoriale.it/ Donato Zoppo: http://www.donatozoppo.it... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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gazetteoesterreich · 2 years
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yeswearemagazine · 5 years
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Image from the exhibition No Comment, Montevarchi, Italia, Mannucci Casa (July-August 2 019, ended ten days ago) © Mario Mannucci :
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lurally · 6 years
La storia di Mario Mannucci, il maestro delle note
La storia di Mario Mannucci, il maestro delle note
Non c’è una ricorrenza precisa per cui ti racconto la storia di Mario Mannucci e, in realtà, non ce n’è bisogno. Mario, che è andato via il 17 dicembre 2011, ha costruito la ‘Leggenda Lancia’. A tutti gli effetti è un UomoLancia. Era navigatore del Drago, Sandro Munari, con il quale ha dominato le competizioni con la Lancia. Aveva 79 anni e, come lo ricorda il suo amico Carlo Cavicchi, ex…
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Immaginazione aurea
Artisti-orafi e orafi-artisti in Italia nel secondo Novecento
Catalogo a cura di Enrico Crispolti
SilvanaEditoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2001,176 pagine, 300 ill.colori,  23x28 cm., ISBN  9788882153014
euro 30,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Mostra Ancona - Mole Vanvitelliana 21 aprile - 29 luglio 2001
Opere di: Carla Accardi, Afro, Getulio Alviani, Mario Ballocco, Renato Barisani, Aldo Calò, Carmelo Cappello, Eugenio Carmi, Pietro Cascella, Alik Cavaliere, Mario Ceroli, Bruno Ceccobelli, Riccardo Dalisi, Lucio Fontana, Omar Galliani, Lorenzo Guerrini, Edgardo Mannucci, Eliseo Mattiacci, Fausto Melotti, Bruno Munari, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Giò Pomodoro, Mimmo Rotella, Emilio Scanavino, Ettore Sottsass jr., Daniel Spoerri, Mauro Staccioli, Vladimiro Tulli, Giulio Turcato, Giuseppe Uncini, Luigi Veronesi e molti altri.
Attraverso la ricostruzione dell'attività dell'oreficeria italiana nella seconda metà del XX secolo, il volume mira a rompere l'usuale schema bipartito di artisti-orafi e orafi-artisti, istituendo un confronto aperto e paritetico tra le opere d'oreficeria realizzate da artisti plastici oppure da artigiani orafi. I più interessanti maestri della scultura contemporanea e dell'oreficeria in Italia, presentano le forme loro suggerite dall'immaginazione e dalla fantasia, nelle prezione materie dell'oro e dell'argento. Nel lavoro sull'oro (ma in realtà è in gioco una vasta gamma di materiali), ciascuno riversa le proprie esperienze e le proprie sperimentazioni: per l'artista l'impegno nell'oreficeria non è mai un trasferimento di ricerche già elaborate, ma l'occasione di una nuova e affascinante avventura espressiva; per l'orafo si tratta di portare intenzionalmente la propria realizzazione a un livello di elaborazione di valenza anche plastica.
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garadinervi · 4 years
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AG Fronzoni, Rassegna d'arte contemporanea. Nuovi materiali nuove tecniche, (exhibition catalogue), Caorle (VE), July 20 – August 20, 1969. Feat. Carla Accardi, Alberto Burri, Fausto Melotti, Bruno Munari, Lucio Fontana, Nanda Vigo, Emilio Vedova, Luigi Veronesi, Nicola Carrino, Enrico Castellani, Edgardo Mannucci, Elio Marchegiani, Enzo Mari, Piero Manzoni, Mario Nanni, Alfredo Pizzo Greco, Alberto Prina, Giuseppe Uncini, Amelio Roccamonte, Guido Strazza, Gianni Colombo
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bongianimuseum · 3 years
Mostra Antologica di Paolo Gubinelli “Segni, graffi e colore” (Carte, ceramiche, vetri e progetti in plexiglass) Opere dal 1977- 2021 a cura di Sandro Bongiani 11 dicembre 2021 - 13 febbraio 2022 Via S. Calenda 105/D, 84126  SALERNO (Italy). http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it
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Paolo Gubinelli
    Nato a Matelica (MC) nel 1945, vive e lavora a Firenze. Si diploma presso l’Istituto d’arte di Macerata, sezione pittura, continua gli studi a Milano, Roma e Firenze come grafico pubblicitario, designer e progettista in architettura. Giovanissimo scopre l’importanza del concetto spaziale di Lucio Fontana che determina un orientamento costante nella sua ricerca: conosce e stabilisce un’intesa di idee con gli artisti e architetti:  Giovanni Michelucci, Bruno Munari, Ugo La Pietra, Agostino Bonalumi, Alberto Burri, Enrico Castellani, Piero Dorazio, Emilio Isgrò, Umberto Peschi, Edgardo Mannucci, Mario Nigro, Emilio Scanavino, Sol Lewitt, Giuseppe Uncini, Zoren.
Partecipa a numerose mostre personali e collettive in Italia e all’estero.
 Le sue opere sono esposte in permanenza nei maggiori musei in Italia e all’estero.
Nel 2011 ospitato alla 54 Biennale di Venezia Padiglione Italia presso L’Arsenale invitato da Vittorio Sgarbi e scelto da Tonino Guerra, installazione di n. 28 carte cm. 102x72 accompagnate da un manoscritto inedito di Tonino Guerra.
 Sono stati pubblicati cataloghi e riviste specializzate, con testi di noti critici:
Giulio Carlo Argan, Giovanni Maria Accame, Cristina Acidini, Mariano Apa, Mirella Bandini, Carlo Belloli, Paolo Bolpagni, Mirella Branca, Vanni Bramanti, Anna Brancolini, Carmine Benincasa, Luciano Caramel, Ornella Casazza, Claudio Cerritelli, Bruno Corà, Roberto Cresti, Giorgio Cortenova, Enrico Crispolti, Fabrizio D’Amico, Roberto Daolio, Angelo Dragone, Luigi Paolo Finizio, Alberto Fiz, Paolo Fossati, Carlo Franza, Francesco Gallo, Roberto Luciani, Mario Luzi, Marco Marchi, Luciano Marziano, Lara Vinca Masini, Marco Meneguzzo, Fernando Miglietta, Bruno Munari, Antonio Paolucci, Sandro Parmiggiani, Elena Pontiggia, Pierre Restany, Davide Rondoni, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Carmelo Strano, Claudio Strinati, Toni Toniato, Tommaso Trini, Marcello Venturoli, Stefano Verdino, Cesare Vivaldi.
 Sono stati pubblicati cataloghi di poesie inedite dei maggiori poeti Italiani e stranieri:
 Adonis, Alberto Bertoni, Alberto Bevilacqua, Libero Bigiaretti, Franco Buffoni, Anna Buoninsegni, Enrico Capodaglio, Alberto Caramella, Roberto Carifi, Ennio Cavalli, Antonio Colinas, Giuseppe Conte, Vittorio Cozzoli, Maurizio Cucchi, Milo De Angelis, Eugenio De Signoribus, Gianni D’Elia, Luciano Erba, Giorgio Garufi, Tony Harrison, Tonino Guerra, Emilio Isgrò, Clara Janés, Ko Un, Vivian Lamarque, Franco Loi, Mario Luzi, Giancarlo Majorino, Alda Merini, Alessandro Moscè, Roberto Mussapi, Giampiero Neri, Nico Orengo, Alessandro Parronchi, Feliciano Paoli, Titos Patrikios, Umberto Piersanti, Antonio Riccardi, Davide Rondoni, Tiziano Rossi, Roberto Roversi, Paolo Ruffilli, Mario Santagostini, Antonio Santori, Frencesco Scarabicchi, Fabio Scotto, Michele Sovente, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Enrico Testa, Paolo Valesio, Cesare Vivaldi, Andrea Zanzotto.
 Stralci critici:
 Giulio Angelucci, Biancastella Antonino, Flavio Bellocchio, Goffredo Binni, Sandro Bongiani, Fabio Corvatta, Nevia Pizzul Capello, Claudio Di Benedetto, Debora Ferrari, Antonia Ida Fontana, Franco Foschi, Mario Giannella, Armando Ginesi, Claudia Giuliani, Vittorio Livi, Olivia Leopardi Di San Leopardo, Luciano Lepri, Caterina Mambrini, Elverio Maurizi, Carlo Melloni, Eugenio Miccini, Franco Neri, Franco Patruno, Roberto Pinto, Anton Carlo Ponti, Osvaldo Rossi, Giuliano Serafini, Patrizia Serra, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Maria Grazia Torri, Francesco Vincitorio.
 Nella sua attività artistica è andato molto presto maturando, dopo esperienze pittoriche su tela o con materiali e metodi di esecuzione non tradizionali, un vivo interesse per la “carta”, sentita come mezzo più congeniale di espressione artistica: in una prima fase opera su cartoncino bianco, morbido al tatto, con una particolare ricettività alla luce, lo incide con una lama, secondo strutture geometriche che sensibilizza al gioco della luce piegandola manualmente lungo le incisioni.
 In un secondo momento, sostituisce al cartoncino bianco, la carta trasparente, sempre incisa e piegata; o in fogli, che vengono disposti nell’ambiente in progressione ritmico-dinamica, o in rotoli che si svolgono come papiri su cui le lievissime incisioni ai limiti della percezione diventano i segni di una poesia non verbale.
 Nella più recente esperienza artistica, sempre su carta trasparente, il segno geometrico, con il rigore costruttivo, viene abbandonato per una espressione più libera che traduce, attraverso l’uso di pastelli colorati e incisioni appena avvertibili, il libero imprevedibile moto della coscienza, in una interpretazione tutta lirico musicale.  Oggi questo linguaggio si arricchisce sulla carta di toni e di gesti acquerellati acquistando una più intima densità di significati.
 Ha eseguito opere su carta, libri d’artista, su tela, ceramica, plexiglass, vetro con segni incisi e in rilievo in uno spazio lirico-poetico.
Paolo Gubinelli, biography.
Born in Matelica (province of Macerata) in 1945, lives and works in Florence. He received his diploma in painting from the Art Institute of Macerata and continued his studies in Milan, Rome and Florence as advertising graphic artist, planner and architectural designer. While still very young, he discovered the importance of Lucio Fontana’s concept of space which would become a constant in his development: he became friends with such artists as :
Giovanni Michelucci, Bruno Munari, Agostino Bonalumi, Alberto Burri, Enrico Castellani, Piero Dorazio, Emilio Isgrò, Ugo La Pietra, Umberto Peschi, Emilio Scanavino, Edgardo Mannucci, Mario Nigro, Sol Lewitt, Giuseppe Uncini, and Zoren, and established a communion of ideas and work.
His work has been discussed in various catalogues and specialized reviews by such prominent critics as:
Many others have also written about his work:
Giulio Carlo Argan, Giovanni Maria Accame, Cristina Acidini, Mariano Apa, Mirella Bandini, Carlo Belloli, Paolo Bolpagni, Mirella Branca, Vanni Bramanti, Anna Brancolini, Carmine Benincasa, Luciano Caramel, Ornella Casazza, Claudio Cerritelli, Bruno Corà, Roberto Cresti, Giorgio Cortenova, Enrico Crispolti, Fabrizio D’Amico, Roberto Daolio, Angelo Dragone, Luigi Paolo Finizio, Alberto Fiz, Paolo Fossati, Carlo Franza, Francesco Gallo, Roberto Luciani, Mario Luzi, Marco Marchi, Luciano Marziano, Lara Vinca Masini, Marco Meneguzzo, Fernando Miglietta, Bruno Munari, Antonio Paolucci, Sandro Parmiggiani, Elena Pontiggia, Pierre Restany, Davide Rondoni, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Carmelo Strano, Claudio Strinati, Toni Toniato, Tommaso Trini, Marcello Venturoli, Stefano Verdino, Cesare Vivaldi.
His works have also appeared as an integral part of books of previously unpublished poems by major Italian poets foreigners:
Adonis, Alberto Bertoni, Alberto Bevilacqua, Libero Bigiaretti, Franco Buffoni, Anna Buoninsegni, Enrico Capodoglio, Alberto Caramella, Ennio Cavalli, Antonio Colinas, Giuseppe Conte, Vittorio Cozzoli, Maurizio Cucchi, Milo De Angelis, Eugenio De Signoribus, Gianni D’Elia, Luciano Erba, Giorgio Garufi, Tony Harrison, Tonino Guerra, Emilio Isgrò, Clara Janés, Ko Un, Vivian Lamarque, Franco Loi,  Roberto Luciani, Mario Luzi, Giancarlo Majorino, Alda Merini, Alessandro Moscè, Roberto Mussapi, Giampiero Neri, Nico Orengo, Ko Un, Alessandro Parronchi, Feliciano Paoli, Titos Patrikios, Umberto Piersanti, Antonio Riccardi, Davide Rondoni, Tiziano Rossi, Roberto Roversi, Paolo Ruffilli, Mario Santagostini, Antonio Santori, Frencesco Scarabicchi, Fabio Scotto, Michele Sovente, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Enrico Testa, Paolo Valesio, Cesare Vivaldi, Andrea Zanzotto.
 Giulio Angelucci, Biancastella Antonino, Flavio Bellocchio, Goffredo Binni, Sandro Bongiani, Fabio Corvatta, Nevia Pizzul Capello, Claudio Di Benedetto, Debora Ferrari, Antonia Ida Fontana, Franco Foschi, Mario Giannella, Armando Ginesi, Claudia Giuliani, Vittorio Livi, Olivia Leopardi Di San Leopardo, Luciano Lepri, Caterina Mambrini, Elverio Maurizi, Carlo Melloni, Eugenio Miccini, Franco Neri, Franco Patruno, Roberto Pinto, Anton Carlo Ponti, Osvaldo Rossi, Giuliano Serafini, Patrizia Serra, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Maria Grazia Torri, Francesco Vincitorio.
 He participated in numerous personal and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Following pictorial experiences on canvas or using untraditional materials and techniques, he soon matured a strong interest in “paper” which he felt the most congenial means of artistic expression. During this initial phase, he used a thin white cardboard, soft to the touch and particularly receptive to light, whose surface he cut with a blade according to geometric structures to accent the play of light and space, and then manually folded it along the cuts.
In his second phase, he substituted thin white cardboard with the transparent paper used by architects, still cutting and folding it, or with sheets arranged in a room in a rhythmic-dynamic progression, or with rolls unfurled like papyruses on which the very slight cuts challenging perception became the signs of non-verbal poetry.
In his most recent artistic experience, still on transparent paper, the geometric sign with its constructive rigor is abandoned for a freer expression which, through the use of colored pastels and barely perceptible cuts, translates the free, unpredictable motion of consciousness in a lyrical-musical interpretation.
Today, he expresses this language on paper with watercolor tones and gestures which lend it a greater and more significant intensity.
He made white and colour pottery where engraved and relief signs stand out in a lyrical-poetic space.
  -       Le opere su vetro realizzate per Fiam Italia Pesaro, esposte nella collezione a Villa Miralfiore
 -       Le opere su ceramica realizzate: Ceramiche Biagioli Gubbio, Ceramiche Bizzirri, Città di Castello
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frenchcurious · 2 years
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Lancia Fulvia HF. -source FCA Heritage.
Sandro Munari & Mario Mannucci vainqueur du Rallye Monte-Carlo 1972
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graceandfamily · 4 years
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Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco presenting the Rallye Monte-Carlo trophy to Sandro Munari and Mario Mannucci, January 27, 1975, Monaco.
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10 maggio 2017 - Blanco is one of the most well known classic sailing yachts of the Mediterranean, winner of many classic yachts races. Long 15,50 mt, it was built in 1963 with mahogany and durmast wood by the famous Ligurian Shipyard Sangermani of Lavagna. During the last decade, Bufeo has sailed for more than 50.000 nautical miles all over the Mediterranean, from Turkey to Spain, from Greece many times to Croatia, from Cote d'Azur to Trieste, crossing over Sardinia and Sicily. She is looking for a new owner, why? Better read the article. Bufeo Blanco, the white dolphin of the Amazon Bufeo Blanco is one of the most well known classic sailing yachts of the Mediterranean, protagonist of many navigations and winner of the most prestigious international classic yacht races. This strong bermudian cutter long 15,50 mt, entirely built in wood in 1963 by the famous Ligurian Shipyard Sangermani of Lavagna (project number 138), during the last decade has sailed for more than 50.000 nautical miles. Bufeo Blanco is the name of a white dolphin of the Amazon and in the Peruvian tradition brings luck to those who could see him. The writer Mario Vargas Llosa, in the book “Pantaleòn and the Visitors” describes the Bufeo Blanco as an animal pf an incredible sexual power, which fat invigorates the men and make them more prolific. Bufeo Blanco has sailed all over Italian coasts to Spain, from Turkey to Peloponnesus, from Sicily to North Adriatic Sea, from Croatia to France, giving demonstration of being able to afford any meteo condition. Today the boat is based between Liguria and Tuscany, Italian flag with the burgee of the Reale Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia (Naples) and of the Royal Ocean Racing Club (London), it is member of the prestigious Monegasque "Belle Classe", the Club which welcomes the most beautiful and noble classic sailing yacht still navigating. Five owners since the birth As of 1963 Bufeo Blanco has had five owners. The boat was ordered by the entrepeneur Sergio Rossi, owner of the Comau Automotive in Turin. At that time the name was Luima, like the the son and daughter of Mr Rossi, Luigi and Maria. The base was in Cote d'Azur. From 1973 to 1983, the entrepreneur Luigi Botto Steglia took her. He decided to change the name into Bufeo Blanco. From 1983 and 1992, this bermudian cutter has navigated under the ownership of the Milanese designer Ido Minola who sailed in the Mediterranean up to Greece. From 1992 and 2006, the yacht had a new owner, the notary Luigi Oneto of Alessandria. This is the time of participation at the international meetings of classic yachts, like the Prada Trophy of Imperia. Luigi Oneto is well known as sailor on board of Dinghy 12 class. During that period the direct challenger of Bufeo Blanco is Artica II, the bermudian yawl lenght 12,56 mt built by the same Shipyard Sangermani of Lavagna upon instruction of the ItaIian Navy as a training sailing ship. In 2006 Bufeo Blanco was bought by Professor Giuseppe Marino([email protected]). The History of a youth passion In 1992, when he was 27, Giuseppe Marino used to journey in Salina, a small island of the Eolie arcipelagus, Sicily, where Luigi Oneto began his professional career. Families are friends together. The year before Oneto, on his way back from a sailing cruise in Malta, acquired Bufeo Blanco in Catania. In that period, Giuseppe Marino participated to the transfer of the boat to Genoa Sestri Ponente for a complete refitting. At the same time, Oneto conducted an historical research in Cote d'Azur, where the boat used to sail between Villefranche-sur-Mer and Monaco, in order to find the original pieces of Bufeo Blanco. The original winches were found in a Shipyard in Monaco, together with the bell, the still admiralty anchor and the boat hook. Always in 1992, after the refitting in Liguria, Bufeo Blanco sailed to Salina. There was no Marina at that time, so the boat was moored at buoy in front of the commercial port. She was so beautiful that the entire Salina community adopted her. In the same time, Giuseppe Marino, after a degree in business administration at Bocconi University and in law at the University of Milan, was researcher of international tax law in the Netherlands. Nothing impeded to think at Bufeo Blanco as the boat of his dreams. And the dreams often may come true. From Sicily to the Del Carlo Shipyard of Viareggio, "Cecco" says yes! During the summer 2016 Giuseppe Marino arrives in Salina but Bufeo Blanco is not there. She is in the Marina of Portorosa, nearby Milazzo, for maintenance. Notary Luigi Oneto wishes to sell the boat to the young lawyer who accepts upon the condition that wood hull is in a good shape. In the month of September Giuseppe Marino and his wife Francesca visit the Imperia meeting of classic yachts, where they meet Vieri Mannucci Benincasa, master sailor former member of the Prada team who was already involved into the refitting of Danae, another Sangermani of 1955, long 16,50 mt. A crew member of Danae, Achille Bontà, says to Giuseppe: "remember, the boat is a complex system living in a hostile environment. Everything you put inside will break, the less you have the less you break". The message hits Giuseppe who takes as a mission to restore Bufeo Blanco as she was built. At the end of September 2006, Bufeo Blanco leaves Sicily having Giuseppe Marino, his father and Vieri Mannucci on board with a great "parmigiana di melanzane", and after Vibo Valentia, Marina di Camerota, Capri, Riva di Traiano, Cala Galera, the arrival in Viareggio at the Del Carlo Shipyard. Here "Cecco", the founder in 1963 of a great reality specialized in the refitting of wooden yachts, takes his penknife and tucks it into several points of the hull, and then says, "the boat is good!". Now the dream comes true, the adventure may start. The refitting and the participation to classic yachts regattas At the Del Carlo Shipyard, under the direction of Vieri Mannucci Benincasa, the refitting of Bufeo Blanco is initiated. The interiors are philologically restored, the hydraulic, electric and electronic plant are totally renewed, a generator, a water machine and an air conditioning system are on board for the first time. The old engine Yanmar 55 hp is substituted with a Volvo Penta 75 hp. The works go further from November 2006 until June 2007. Since then, a very long list of destinations, which demonstrate the good quality construction and refitting of this bermudian cutter. That year Bufeo Blanco participates at the Argentario Sailing Week in Porto Santo Stefano, where with a set of old sails and a friends and family crew, reaches the third position after Swala and Artica II. Then a long navigation down to Salina where she receives a warm welcome back home. After summer time, up to Cannes for the Regates Royales, with the strongest hail in the history of the regatta. The infinite cruises Since 2008 Bufeo Blanco is based in Le Grazie, a cute and safe harbor in the gulf of La Spezia. During the decade, Bufeo participates to many regattas, in back at the Argentario Sailing Week, the Classic Week in Naples, then a beautiful cruise in the Ionian islands of Greece, once back in Le Grazie she participates at the meeting Sulla Rotta di Imperia (which shall be renamed Valdettaro Classic Boats). In 2009, after 60 knots in Elba Island at the Marina di Campo (20th June 2009), again the Classic Week in Naples and then all the Sicilian islands, from Eolie to Egadi and back to Le Grazie. In 2010, a young and trustworthy navigator enters in the life of Bufeo Blanco and the Marinos Family, Marco Buonanni, a neapolitan former Navy officer who sails for thousands miles. This is the time when Bufeo Blanco crosses the Corinth Canal with destinations the Sporades, with step in Cape Sounion, Khalkis, Skiathos, Skopelos (where the movie "Mamma Mia" has been played), Alonissos, and Skyros. In 2011 the destination is Spain, via Marseille and Golfe du Lion, to participate at the Puig Vela Clasica Trophy in Barcelona, then Baleares Ibiza, Formentera, Maiorca and Minorca where she participates at the Copa del Rey Clasica Panerai regatta. In October the victory of the Vele Storiche Viareggio. 50.000 nautical miles In 2012 Bufeo Blanco wins the Naval Academy Trophy in Livorno, then down in Croatia for cruise (from Dubrovnik to Spalato and Kornati islands) she arrives in Venice and Trieste where a strong bora wind wins the Barcolana Classic. The "foreign boat" is coming before 70 boats based in the Adriatic sea. After Trieste, back in the Tirrenian sea at the Palomba Shipyard in Torre del Greco, nearby Naples where she is prepared for the celebrations of her 50th birthday of 2013. The entire hull is back at mahogany wood with durmast frames. Just few substitutions and then caulking. Under the waterline a big writing 50 AUGURI BUFEO, so when she goes close to the wind photographers know which boat they are taking pictures. In 2013 a great victory at the Classic Week of Naples(Panerai Trophy), then Corinth Canal, Mykonos, Cyclades (from Samos down to Symi) and Turkey for cruise and from Rodhes all the way to Monaco to win La Belle Classe, the exclusive club of the most beautiful classic boat of the world. In 2014 Bufeo Blanco participates at all the events of the Panerai Classic Yacht Challenge (Antibes, Argentario, Neaples, Mahon and Imperia) and has also the time to cruise back in the Ionian islands of Greece. Around 5000 nautical miles per year, for a total of more than 50.000 nautical miles of navigation with all meteo conditions. The mast down in regatta, Gilber Pasqui builds a new one At the Classic Week of Imperia in 2014, during the second regatta, Bufeo Blanco had her mast coming down with the spinnaker on. The mast was made in 1963 with Canadian sitka spruce and breaks just over the boom, with no damages to the crew and to the boat (Bufeo Blanco means lucky boat). During that winter the Gilbert Pasqui Shipyard of Villefranche-sur-mer builds a new one, again withCanadian sitka spruce, using modern bonding techniques. The new mast has a lenght of 17,10 mt. New crosstrees in durmast, new winches and new shrouds. Today the boat has two sets of sail, for regatta (main sail, jib, genoa 1, genoa 2, genoa 3, gennaker 1, gennaker 2 and spinnaker) and for cruise (main sail, yankee and staysail). During 2015 is ready to go around the Peloponnesus, through Corinth Canal, Poros, Hydra, Spetses, Monemvasia, Elafonissos, Kitira, Cape Matapan and Kalamata. New participation at La Belle Classe during the Monaco Classic Week where she is still on the podium. In 2016 Bufeo Blanco, with the help of a young neapolitan sailor, Daniele Niglio, wins the AIVE (associazione italiana vele d'epoca) race from La Spezia to Capraia and the Classic Week in Gaeta, while arrives in the third place at the Classic Week in Naples. The cruise is all around Corsica and Sardinia with stops in Asinara island, Alghero, Carloforte and Villasimius. Tireless and unrestrainable Bufeo!What for 2017? Plans are still open for discussions! Bufeo Blanco is looking for a new owner The owner Giuseppe Marino, after many Mediterranean navigations is dreaming a new adventure: to cross the Columns of Hercules and cruise around the world. The sea is in the History of his Family. Son of an Admiral, he is a Lieutenant in reserve of the Italian Navy. Bufeo Blanco is perfect for a crew of 4-6 people but she has not conceived to afford the ocean. This is the reason why is looking for a new lover for this boat. If you want to know the value of Bufeo Blanco, for a private negotiation, you may directly contact Giuseppe Marino.
FROM http://www.navigamus.info/2017/05/bufeo-blanco-una-plurivittoriosa-barca.html
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yeswearemagazine · 5 years
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Untitled © Mario Mannucci :
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lurally · 6 years
Rally MonteCarlo 1972: la prima vera Notte dei lungi coltelli
Rally MonteCarlo 1972: la prima vera Notte dei lungi coltelli
Se c’è una notte in particolare che è rimasta celebre nella storia dei rally è quella del 28 gennaio 1972, la cosiddetta Notte dei lunghi coltelli. La notte in cui avvenne la prima storica vittoria di Sandro Munari e Mario Mannucci al Rally di MonteCarlo. A scanso di equivoci, nelle edizioni precedenti della serie, ancora non esisteva il Campionato del Mondo Rally e dominavano le Alpine Renault e…
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garadinervi · 4 years
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AG Fronzoni, Rassegna d'arte contemporanea. Nuovi materiali nuove tecniche, (poster), Caorle (VE), July 20 – August 20, 1969 [ Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. s.t. foto libreria galleria, Roma]. Feat. Carla Accardi, Alberto Burri, Fausto Melotti, Bruno Munari, Lucio Fontana, Nanda Vigo, Emilio Vedova, Luigi Veronesi, Nicola Carrino, Enrico Castellani, Edgardo Mannucci, Elio Marchegiani, Enzo Mari, Piero Manzoni, Mario Nanni, Alfredo Pizzo Greco, Alberto Prina, Giuseppe Uncini, Amelio Roccamonte, Guido Strazza, Gianni Colombo
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Rambo Lambo, the father of the Urus ST-X (Auto Motor und Sport China, 02-2019)
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31 years after the development of the first rally for a Lamborghini - the giant LM002 driven by Sandro Munari - the company from Sant’Agata Bolognese launches a new adventure: the new Super SUV, the Urus, will be racing on off-road tracks on a single-brand championship starting in 2020 which will be presented this year.
The Urus ST-X Concept applies Lamborghini Squadra Corsa’s motorsport experience on this new car which has been mechanically optimized and equipped with all the FIA-approved safety elements, including steel roll cage, fire suppression system and homologated fuel tank.
Larger air intakes for the V8 twin-turbo engine that is capable of delivering 650 CV and 850 Nm of torque. Outside a rear wing, the lateral racing exhausts and 21” single-nut aluminum alloy wheels fitted with Pirelli tires. This unusual racing Urus wheight 25% less than the road version; along with the raised set-up and torsional stiffening provided by a roll cage integrated in the frame, contribute to making the Urus ST-X Concept a race car for track and off-road use.
But, as said, this is not the first Lambo developed for rallies and off-road. In 1987 the colossal offroader Lamborghini LM002 was asked by Henri Pescarolo, former F1-driver, to race the Paris-Dakar rally.
With the 5.2L 48-valve V12 from the Countach LP500 Quattrovalvole, 600 horsepower, more than 550 Nm of torque and a chassis designed for military purpose, the “Rambo Lambo”- as it was quickly nicknamed - could have been the potential winner.
The company was ending the development led by the World Rally Champion Sandro Munari, when Pescarolo failed the project for financial issues: two cars were prepared with an intensive weight reduction program, many upgrades on chassis, suspensions and a larger fuel tank (600 liters!).
Driving the racing LM002 Munari even entered again a rally together with his trusty co-driver Mario Mannucci, 10 years after their last race: it was 1988 at the Raid of Greece where they ended the first Special Stages at podium, but the giant tarmac tyres could’t perform on mud and slippery roads, so they were forced to retirement. Private racing teams tried the adventure of the Dakar in 1989 and, again, in 1996 but without much luck.
A second experience on rally for the Lamborghini took place at the Targa Tasmania in 1994: Sandro Munari drove a“normal”Diablo VT to the end of a 5 days and 2500 kms race in 3rd position overall. It seems strange but the first official successes gained by Lamborghini were on rallies and not on track.
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