#marine store norway
mariacallous · 6 months
On March 2, she was gone. The Belize-flagged, British-owned bulk carrier Rubymar sank in the narrow water lane between the coasts of Yemen and Eritrea. The Rubymar was the first vessel that has been completely lost since the Houthis began their attacks on shipping in the Red Sea—and its demise, with 21,000 metric tons of ammonium phosphate sulfate fertilizer, spells ecological disaster. A similar substance—ammonium nitrate—caused the devastating explosion at the Port of Beirut in 2020. It had been stored there after being abandoned on a vessel and authorities intervened to prevent an environmental disaster.
Because the Houthis have no regard for the environment, there are likely to be more such disasters. Indeed, groups set on destruction could also decide to attack the carbon storage facilities now beginning to be built underneath the seabed.
For two weeks after being struck by a Houthi missile in the Red Sea, the Rubymar clung to life despite listing badly. The damage caused by the missile, though, was too severe. At 2:15 a.m. local time, the Rubymar disappeared into the depths of the Red Sea. The crew had already been rescued by another merchant vessel that had come to the Rubymar’s aid, but there was no way anyone could remove its toxic cargo.
The ship’s owner had tried to get it towed to the Port of Aden—where Yemen’s internationally recognized government is based—and to Djibouti and Saudi Arabia, but citing the environmental risk posed by the ammonium phosphate sulfate, all three nations refused to receive it.
Now enormous quantities of a hazardous substance are about to spread into the Red Sea. IGAD, a trade bloc comprising countries in the Nile Valley and the Horn of Africa, points out that the Rubymar’s fertilizer cargo and leaking fuel “could devastate marine life and destroy coral reefs, sea life and jeopardize hundreds of thousands of jobs in the fishing industry as well as cut littoral states off from supplies of food and fuel.”
Not even shipping’s option of last resort, salvage companies, seems available. “The salvage companies that normally recover vessels are reluctant to go in,” said Cormac Mc Garry, a maritime expert with intelligence firm Control Risks. That’s because salvage ships and crews, too, risk being targeted by Houthi missiles. “If a salvage company knows it’s likely to be targeted, it will hesitate to take on the task. It has a duty of care for its crew,” said Svein Ringbakken, the managing director of the Norway-based maritime insurance company DNK.
It was only a matter of time before a Houthi missile brought down one of the many tankers and bulk carriers that still traverse the Red Sea every day. (In the first two months of this year, traffic through the Red Sea was down by 50 percent compared to the same period last year.) “The Houthis have no regard for life and even less for the environment,” Ringbakken said. “They shoot missiles at ships even though they know that there are humans and hazardous cargo on them.”
For years, the Houthis allowed an oil supertanker ironically named Safer that was moored off the coast of Yemen to rust away even though she was holding more than 1 million barrels of crude oil. By the beginning of last year, the Safer was close to disintegration: an event that would have cost hundreds of thousands of Yemenis their livelihoods because it would have killed enormous quantities of fish. Indeed, had the Safer’s oil leaked, it would even have forced the Houthi-controlled ports of Hudaydah and Saleef to close, thus preventing ordinary Yemenis from receiving food and other necessities.
It would, of course, also have caused permanent damage to all manner of marine life, including coral reefs and mangroves, in the Red Sea. Then the United Nations pulled off an almost impossible feat: It got Yemen’s warring factions, international agencies, and companies to work together to transfer the oil off the Safer. Disaster was averted. “It was a massive undertaking,” Ringbakken noted. “But for years and years and years, the Houthis were adding impediments against this undertaking, even though the Safer was sitting just off the Yemeni coast.”
Indeed, maritime terrorism itself is not new. “Besides guerrillas and terrorists, attacks have been carried out by modern day pirates, ordinary criminals, fanatic environmentalists, mutinous crews, hostile workers, and foreign agents. The spectrum of actions is equally broad: ships hijacked, destroyed by mines and bombs, attacks with bazookas, sunk under mysterious circumstances; cargos removed; crews taken hostage; extortion plots against ocean liners and offshore platforms; raids on port facilities; attempts to board oil rigs; sabotage at shipyards and terminal facilities; even a plot to steal a nuclear submarine,” researchers at RAND summarized—in 1983.
Now, though, the Houthis have upped the nihilism, and unlike the guerrillas, terrorists, and pirates of the 1980s, they have the weaponry to cause an ocean-going vessel to sink. The joint U.S.-U.K. military operation against the Houthis has failed to deter the Iranian-backed militia’s attacks; indeed, not even air strikes by U.S. and U.K. forces have convinced the Houthis that it’s time to stop. On the contrary, they’re escalating their attacks. They do so because they’re completely unconcerned about loss of life within their ranks or harm to their own waters.
It’s giving them a global platform. That, in turn, is likely to encourage other militias to also attack ships carrying toxic substances—even if it ruins their own waters. The local population is hardly in a position to hold a militia accountable. Indeed, militias interested in maritime terrorism could decide that the world’s growing sea-based infrastructure is an attractive target. And there’s a new form of sea-based infrastructure they could decide to make a preferred target, not just because it’s set for explosive growth but because attacking it would guarantee a global platform: CO2 storage.
With the world having failed to reduce its carbon-dioxide emissions enough to halt climate change, CO2 storage has become an urgent priority. Through this technique, carbon dioxide can be captured and buried underground, typically underneath the ocean. Norway has, for example, begun auctioning out licenses for CO2 storage exploration on its continental shelf. So has Britain. The United States has 15 carbon-storage sites, and another 121 are being developed. Even Big Oil has discovered carbon storage. ExxonMobil is buying offshore blocks to use for carbon storage instead of oil drilling.
Carbon storage sites are, of course, designed to withstand both natural perils and man-made attacks, but that won’t prevent destructive groups—especially ones backed by a powerful state—from trying. And because groups like the Houthis are so unconcerned about all forms of life, it won’t matter to them that releasing concentrated CO2 would cause extreme harm to the planet—including themselves. Even a tiny carbon-storage leakage of 0.1 percent per year can lead to additional CO2 emissions of 25 giga-tonnes, researchers have established.
Until recently, sea-based infrastructure was only lightly guarded, because it was in everyone’s interest that it worked. The sabotage of Nord Stream and various other pipelines and undersea cables over the past two years have demonstrated that such peacefulness can no longer be taken for granted. The new CO2 sites will need not just AI-enhanced monitoring but regular patrolling to communicate to potential attackers that it’s not even worth attempting an attack.
And for now, attacking merchant vessels remains a promising and economical strategy for the Houthis and their ilk. It doesn’t seem to matter that ammonium phosphate sulfate will soon be poisoning Yemeni waters and thus depriving locals of their livelihoods. Indeed, other bulk carriers and tankers may soon join the Rubymar on the bottom of the sea, poisoning the future for even more Yemenis.
For the Houthis, what matters is not the outcome: It’s the attention. That’s what makes them such a vexing problem for the U.S. Navy and other navies, shipowners, maritime insurers, and especially for seafarers. But there is another group that should be just as worried about the rampant insecurity on the high seas: ocean conservationists.
There is, in fact, a woman with an unsurpassed green platform who could make the growing scourge of maritime terrorism her new cause. (Nearly) everyone would thank you, Greta.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Timeline: Part 10 - December 11-31 2017
For earlier timeline posts: click here or here.
There's a limit to how many links you can put in a tumblr post. Who knew. Anyway, continuing where we left off...
12/11/2017: Andrew Morton announces new biography of Meghan. Rebecca English writes about Meghan's yoga influencing. Meghan's "Sexy Santa" costume from Deal or No Deal is republished. Kensington Palace announces William and Kate's trip to Sweden and Norway, and The Times debunks The Crown.
12/12/2017: Harry and his friends kill 15 boars during German hunting trip (Meghan's not happy). Harry and Meghan take credit for William and Kate showing a little PDA on an engagement, while Meghan merches her parka. Later, William and Harry attend the Star Wars premiere.
12/13/2017: Kensingon Palace officially confirms Meghan is spending Christmas with the royals. Meghan is revealed as Google's most-searched celebrity of 2017. Meghan merches her handbags, especially Strathberry's, and modernizes the monarchy.
A UK survey finds that a majority of their respondents are unhappy with Harry's engagement:
67% of women surveyed are devastated by the engagement announcement.
20% of overall respondents prefer Harry to be single.
57% of respondents are against Harry marrying Meghan.
And Meghan leaks that Kate has taken her under her wing to protect her from negative parts of royal life. She tells The Express that "Harry is like a brother to Kate and she has never seen him so happy."
12/14/2017: Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, announces that he expects to preside over the royal wedding. In the morning, the royals attend a service for Grenfell Tower at St. Paul's Cathedral (Meghan isn't allowed) and they gather again in the afternoon for The Queen's annual Windsor Christmas luncheon at Buckingham Palace (Meghan is invited). In the evening, the Kensington Palace Christmas party is held at a nearby restaurant that Harry and Meghan may or may not have attended (it's claimed they left early) while William and Kate are papped leaving.
Meghan merches Strathberry again and she is named the #4 Fashion Influencer of the Year, besting Kate who comes in at #5. (I really doubt Kate cares about this.)
12/15/2017: Kensington Palace announces the wedding date. Palace gift shops begin selling engagement memorabilia. Harry visits Sandhurst Academy and awards Cadet of the Year. Idris Elba shows support for Meghan while Meghan merches tea tree oil.
12/16/2017: Meghan teases a Canada tour post-wedding again.
The Daily Mail reminds us that Meghan is attending royal Christmas.
Harry announces that he has interviewed Barack Obama for BBC Radio 4 Today, but the interview won't air until the end of the month.
Meghan used to work at a yogurt store in LA as a teenager and everyone just loved her.
William's diary clash: Harry scheduled his wedding on the same day as the FA Cup Final, which William usually attends.
To prep The Queen and Prince Philip for spending Christmas with Meghan, Harry says he has shown them clips of Meghan in Suits.
Windsor hotels begin to profit off the wedding by marketing Meghan and Harry.
12/18/2017: The Cambridges release their Christmas card photo and Kensington Palace announces that Charlotte will begin nursery school in the new year. Meghan is voted one of the UK's ideal Christmas dinner guests and she leaks that The Queen likes her better than Kate but Buckingham Palace hits back with a denial.
12/19/2017: William and Kate attend the Royal Variety Performance. Meghan tries to ride their coattails by hinting she and Harry may be their guests and Harry is appointed Captain General Royal Marines, succeeding Philip.
Sketches of potential wedding dresses are published/leaked again.
Doria is papped at a LA laundromat.
Meet Meghan's lookalike
Will Meghan have to curtsey to Kate?
Meghan is crowned Hello Magazine's "Woman of the Year."
12/20/2017: Meghan hypes up her Kate-like style makeover from the Windsor Christmas luncheon at Buckingham Palace and merches her dress again. More wedding dress sketches are published.
12/21/2017: The royal engagement photos are published and:
Prince Philip and The Queen leave London for Sandringham.
Meghan modernizes the monarchy.
Meghan merches Ralph & Russo.
Body language analysis
Yorkies are papped at Soho House.
Meghan leaks that The Queen wants her and Harry to have a prenup and that she (Meghan) is hurt the family thinks she has an ulterior motive for marrying Harry. (Well...) In the same article, Meghan teases her and Harry's individual net worths and hints at the wedding budget - £22 million minimum overall cost and her dress budget is £375,000.
Harry debunks Meghan's PR about the prenup, saying no one asked for one and that William and Kate don't have one so they don't need one.
Meghan v Kate fashion showdown over their engagement photos.
Princess Michael's Blackamoor brooch controversy kicks off.
Cambridge vs Sussex engagement portraits showdown
Meghan merches her Ralph & Russo gown again
Press criticism of the engagement photos begin
Meghan takes credit for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner posing together.
12/23/2017: Meghan announces that Guy has broken two legs in an unprecedented Kensington Palace statement and her lookalike does a wedding dress photoshoot.
12/24/2017: Meghan leaks that Harry will not participate in the royal family's Boxing Day shoot because it would upset her.
12/25/2017: Meghan joins the royal family on their Christmas Church Walk. She merches her coat and her hat is the stuff of poo memes.
12/26/2017: Criticism from Meghan's Christmas Church Walk continues with coverage on her curtsey fail and sticking her tongue out. Meghan also merches her outfit again.
12/27/2017: Harry's interview with Barack Obama is finally released. He makes a "we're the family she never had" comment that sets the Markles off. Harry also bans blood diamonds from Meghan's jewelry and Meghan merches her lip gloss.
12/28/2017: Some poor media intern who listened to the Harry/Obama interview realizes that Harry invited the Obamas to the wedding. Meghan deals with more curtsey criticism. She deflects by announcing that she was shortlisted to be the new Bond Girl but she had to give the role up because of her relationship with the Harry. Meghan also merches the Soho House restaurant she and Harry had their first date.
12/29/2017: The royal family's engagement count for the year is released and Harry worked more than William and Kate. The Markles begin popping off about Harry's "we're the family she never had" comment.
12/30/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
12/31/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Lockheed Martin will integrate AARGM-ER missile into F-35 aircraft
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/16/2024 - 16:00 in Armaments, Military
On January 12, NAVAIR (Naval Air Systems Command), on behalf of the U.S. Department of Defense, signed a $97.3 million contract for the integration of the Northrop Grumman AGM-88G AARGM-ER (Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile-Extended Range) missile with the F-35A/B/C Lightning II multifunctional fighters family.
The contract, scheduled to be completed in March 2026, will be executed by the U.S. Air Force (F-35A), the U.S. Marine Corps (F-35B and F-35C), the U.S. Navy (F-35C) and partners of the F-35 JSF program, including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands and other users of the 17º aircraft production batch.
'Lot 17' is a designation given to the last portion of F-35 aircraft produced. The U.S. Department of Defense finalized an agreement for production in December 2022.
This 'lot' includes 126 aircraft that will be the first iteration to include the Technical Refresh-3 (TR-3) update, the modernized hardware needed to power the capabilities of Block 4. The TR-3 includes a new integrated central processor with greater computing power, a panoramic display in the cabin and an improved memory unit.
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Previously, the AGM-88G AARGM-ER missiles were integrated with electronic war and air defense suppression aircraft F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler, with flight tests carried out in 2021 and 2022. On September 25, 2023, Northrop Grumman announced that it was selected by USAF to supply the new anti-radiation missile for the F-35A under the codename SiAW (Stand-in Attack Weapon), based on the AGM-88G AARGM-ER project.
The AARGM-ER was designed for enemy air defense suppression (SEAD) operations, capable of attacking anti-aircraft and missile systems, ballistic and cruise missile launchers, GPS interference systems and anti-satellite systems in strongly defended areas and negation environments (A2/AD). The missile features a new 290 mm diameter fuselage and a subsonic ramjet engine, doubling its range from 110 to approximately 220-250 km and increasing its maximum speed.
The AGM-88G AARGM-ER missiles are produced with a new propulsion and improved warhead set, based on newly produced orientation systems comprising a passive radar signal receiver, satellite navigation, counting system and millimeter wave radar. This differs from the AGM-88E AARGM, where propulsion and warhead are derived from AGM-88 HARM (high-speed anti-radiation missiles) stored missiles from the previous generation.
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In January 2018, the U.S. Navy hired Northrop Grumman to develop the AARGM-ER. On March 18, 2019, the USAF announced collaboration with the U.S. Navy to adapt the AARGM-ER for the F-35A, allocating $163 million for fiscal year 2020. At the same time, the U.S. Navy ordered additional development for $323 million, with funding allocated until 2020.
In July 2019, the Department of Defense granted Lockheed Martin a $34.7 million contract to initiate modifications to the F-35's internal weapon compartments to transport the AARGM-ER. The work, including the reinforcement of the fuselage structures, was completed in July 2022. The design and integration efforts are supervised by the PMA-242 (Direct and Time Sensitive Attack) office of the Department of Defense.
Tags: AGM-88E AARGMweaponsMilitary AviationF-35 Lightning IILockheed Martin
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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noitanorjassa · 2 years
Ok so. The cheap recipes i have survived with (on student exchange on norway). Also general info for max cheapskateyness, like where to find sales etc.
1. Fried noodles with salted peanuts
Noodles 5 pack 1.7e (the cheapest ones)
Peanuts 200g 2.3e
Any spices you find! Most preferably: paprika, curry, chili, ginger (ground), garlic 2 -4 cloves or 1 teaspoon of ground garlic + soy sauce (forget kikkoman it's hella expensive? Go to an "ethnic" store to find a bigger bottle of soy sauce, i used "healthy boy brand" thin soy sauce, the 1l bottle will last all eternity)
Boil the noodles or let them sit in a cup with boiling water until soft (for the love of god and all holies do not touch the cheap noodles' own spice packet)
Pour out excessive water
Take a small pan and pour the noodles in (if u use fresh garlic crush them or cut em up and fry them a lil bit while the noodles "boil"
Add all the spices, a bit of any oil (or butter) and 1-4 teaspoon/s of soy sauce
Stir fry until the noodles look sticky and fried
Add salted/chili peanuts on top
2. 4 ingredient pasta
Tips! Cheapest pasta is usually spaghetti that you can buy in bulk, like in spar norway 1kg of cheapest spaghetti is 18 kr (1.7e). Use ripoff brands that the shops have, lile "x-tra" "first price" or "eldoraro" in here. Cheapest crushed tomatoes pack is 70 kr (0.65e) for 250g.
Start boiling the pasta of your choice and simultaneously start cutting the garlics. You can also use garlic crusher, it's faster. Add a little bit of salt to the pasta water.
Fry your garlics. Add in drained chickpeas (any beans work) 9 kr/0.9e per pack. Add in the crushed tomatoes.
Add in any spices you can find, preferably: onion, rosemary, herb mix, chili, pepper
Drain the pasta and add in approx ¼ or ⅓ of the sauce
Leftover sauce goes to a box and to the fridge. I do not recommend storing pasta for further eating, it can go bad too fast
3. Seljanka soup
You will need:
Cheap crushed tomatoes, potatoes, (canned) mushrooms, cabbage, bay leaf, russian pickles (or fermented pickles w garlic and dill, do not add in those with sugar!) Or just 1 table spoon of cooking vinegar, cheap frozen vegetable mix (with carrots and celery etc), salt, pepper, clove spice, herb mix w rosemary, any beans, onion, garlic
Start with peeling and dicing the potatoes, cut onions and garlics. Start boiling them with ¼ of full kettle volume of water + add the bay leaves (2 will do for 3l of soup)
Add in cut cabbage, vinegar, pickles (cut) and the spices. Add the crushed tomatoes and water if it's too stewy.
Let boil for 10 min
Add in the canned mushrooms (rinsed) and the frozen veggies and beans
Let boil for 10-20 min or until the potatoes are soft
You can either freeze or store the leftovers in a fridge
Price info: 1kg cabbage 5-20kr /0.4-2e, 2kg of potatoes 20-40kr/2-4e, jar of russian pickles 20-30kr, spices all mentioned probs like 10e (only gotta buy these once!), 2/3 big onions 20-25 kr, 2 garlics 23kr
4. Marinated beans + mashed potatoes
Take a container or a bowl. Add in 1 packet of rinsed chickpeas. Add in 2-4 tablespoons of soy sauce.
Add a bit of oil so the beans wont dry when storaged in the fridge
Add spices, preferably garlic, herbs, ginger, chili, pepper (no salt needed since the soy sauce is very salty)
Let sit for 1-2h in the fridge
Boil peeled potatoes. Pour out water. Mash them with a masher or a fork with a bit of added water/milk/melted butter if u can afford it. Add salt.
Other valuable info!
Cheapest stores (in norway) for vegetables/canned things: kiwi, extra, obs
Cheapest store for sales: obs, eurospar
Best "kuppdisk" (-50% shelf for soon to expire products) Any big markets such as eurospar and obs. Here u can find cheap meat/dairy/veggies. They have kuppdisk for veggie section, dry section and meat/dairy/frozen goods section
Download the app "e tilbundsavis" to get info what is on sale where. It's in norwegian but very easy to understand (use google translator to search items in the app, like "coffee" or "chips")
Cheapest instant coffee is friele but it tastes like crap. Nescafe brasileiro is tiny bit more expensive but so much better.
Learn to make your own popcorn in a kettle, there's youtube tutorials for that. So much cheaper than micro popcorn.
For alcohol you are damned. I would suggest buying the cheapest big (0.75 litre for 30kr) vodka bottle and mixing it with different sodas/juices. Note! Only Vinmonopolet store sells other than beer like normal stores. Check opening times, they are strict. U gotta be over 20 to buy vodka in norway, wine u can get at 18. Or ask someone u know to buy vodka for u. Or when traveling to norway get your vodka as a "gift" from the airport in your home country. It's still cheaper.
There's snack sales from time to time like 5 bars of 200 choco for 100kr. It seems like much but normally one 200g bar is 44kr. Also chips can get -50% sales, check the "tilbundsavis" app every other day so u wont miss them.
Do NOT shop in Joker mini stores or gas stations. Hella expensive. Uh oh. And for the love of All do not doordash, u will bancrupt yourself (unless u are rich but then u don't need these tips anyways).
Make as much from scratch as u can. There's plenty of "cheap/simple cooking for idiots" type vids on youtube.
For snus/tobacco i don't know the prices bc i don't use them. Probably quite expensive. Check how much u can take with u from home without taxes if u use them.
People with ovaries! Period products are expensive too. Cheap brands work just as fine. Or take a couple extra packs with u.
The winter is long and it's recommended to take vitamin supplements (especially vitamin D). There's sales for those too, team up with people u know for things like "3 for 2" in vitamins. Usually the sales start when it begins to get darker, in september.
If you have an injury/need the hospital, u can use your insurance or european health insurance card (for eu citizens it costs like 10e but then u can use the eu/schengen area hospitals with the same pricing as locals). There's student health services for free but those are for not for "major injuries", more like for check ups and teeth care.
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zoologytopics · 2 years
Arctic Fox
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The Arctic Fox goes by many common names: Arctic fox, white fox, polar fox, and snow fox. Their scientific name Vulpes lagopus means "fox hare-foot," referring to their insulated feet which resemble a rabbit’s.
They are found throughout Eurasia, North America, Greenland and Iceland. They live in the arctic and alpine tundras. They make dens in a low mound or in a ple of rocks at the base of a cliff. The dens have 4-8 entrances with a system of tunnels that cover as mich as 30 square meters. Some dens have been occupied for decades by the same fox family.
The Arctic Fox mates from April to JUly, with the first litter being born in April to June and the second born in July to August. They have a average gestation of 49-57 days. The number of pups born in a litter varies with food availability, typically 5-8 pups, however as many as 25 pups have been born in a litter. They are weaned at 2-4 weeks old, and at this age they also emerge from the den. They reach maturity at 10 months old. When prey is abundant and life is good, older offspring tend to remain with their parents’ for a following year or two to help with the next batch of kits.
Foxes live in family groups typically consisting of the mating pair, the litter and then likely one or two older kits helping raise the newest litter.
The Arctic Fox is a opportunistic feeder eating a wide variety of prey;insects, berries, carrion, and small mammals. Typically, their diet mainly consists of marine mammals, invertebrates, sea birds, fish and seals. For foxes that live mainly inland, they typically eat mostly lemmings. They also will store away food during summer where food is readily available. When prey is incredibly scarce, they are known to follow polar bears in hopes of getting some scraps. They are preyed on by polar bears, wolverines, red foxes and golden eagles. Not to mention, humans are regularly hunting them for their fur.
The Arctic Fox weighs 3-8 kg, though it varies based on the time of the year and their sex, and measures 75-110 cm long. They can cover over 96.3 miles in a single day and reach speeds of 50 km per hour.
During winter, their coats transform into their iconic, thick white coating. However, once summer arrives and the snow melts, they begin shedding their white coat and replacing it with a shorter and thinner fur with a wide variety of colors, ranging from dark and light grey, charcoal brown to bluish brown. The Arctic Fox has two color morphs known as the Blue Fox and the white morph. The Blue Fox retains a blue, brown or gray coat year-round. They reside in coastal regions, where their coat helps them to blend in with rocks. Their white morph obtains a brown coat during summer, and a white coat in winter, this helps them blend in and hide away from predators. Under their fur, they have dark skin, similar to their good old friend the polar bear, which helps them absorbe and retain heat which helps them greatly in Arctic.
Arctic Foxes have developed a unique way of retrieving lemmings and other rodents from their burrows. With their excellent hearing, they will pinpoint the prey’s location underfoot before then jumping several feet in their air and then diving nose first into the snow with the hopes of catching the rodent. Unfortunately, it takes quite a few tries to succeed in their attempts.
Adult Arctic Foxes’ survival rate depends greatly on their region, the availability of food, and finally the amount of predators in the area. On average, however, they live to about 3-4 years old in the wild.
The species split off from what we know as our pet dogs around 12 million years ago.
In 2018, a young female left her territory in Spitsbergen, Norway and traveled over 3,500 km across the Arctic to Ellesmere Island in north Nunavut, Canada. She completed this journey in about 76 days, travelling about 155 km daily. She currently holds the record for the fastest movement rate for this species, and likely the longest distance traveled in such a short time. Unfortunately, her fate is unknown, however tracking data has aided in researchers understanding how important sea ice is to aiding in arctic foxes in search of food and new territory.
Despite being recognized by the IUCN as Least Concern, they are endangered in northern Europe with fewer than 200 adults remaining in Norway, Sweden and Finland combined. They are also endangered on Medny Island. Despite it being illegal, they are hunted for their coveted fur.
Sources: https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Vulpes_lagopus/, https://www.coolantarctica.com/Antarctica%20fact%20file/wildlife/Arctic_animals/arctic_fox.php, https://www.thoughtco.com/arctic-fox-facts-4171585
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nevzatboyraz44 · 2 months
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This is what an oil platform looks like before being submerged in the ocean.
The largest object in the world is made of concrete.
Wonders of engineering.
The record-holding largest object in the world is built of concrete. It is the Troll A marine platform, which extracts gas in the North Sea.
It is owned by Shell Oil and is the heaviest object ever transported by water from where it was constructed, on the coast, to its final location in the sea.
It was completed in 1991 and was moved by 10 ships over several days. It weighs 1,050,000 tons, and its construction used 245,000 cubic meters of concrete and approximately 100,000 tons of reinforced steel.
The Troll A in the North Sea is located 80 kilometers offshore northwest of Bergen, Norway. The platform is the largest ever transported, weighing 683,600 tons and standing 472 meters tall. The Troll A belongs to the gravity base foundations, meaning it rests on the seabed due to its weight. The construction of the platform cost $650 million at the time.
The Troll A platform is a milestone in engineering and has set several records in the Guinness Book. In 1996, it set the record as the largest oil platform in the world, a record later surpassed by the Petronius platform. In 2006, singer Katie Melua held a concert at its base, setting the record for the deepest underwater concert, 303 meters below sea level.
The Troll A platform has contributed to Norway's economic development, as the country is one of the world's largest exporters of natural gas. Additionally, the platform has helped reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve air quality, as natural gas is a cleaner alternative compared to coal or diesel.
The technology used in the construction and operation of the Troll A platform has been revolutionary. Shell has developed technology to produce, liquefy, store, and offload gas onto floating liquefied natural gas carriers (FLNG) at sea. These advanced technologies allow access to remote natural gas fields and serve larger fields with various FLNG installations.
The environmental impact of the Troll A platform has been minimized thanks to directional drilling, which has played a crucial role in accessing the Troll field while simultaneously reducing environmental impact. Directional drilling tools provide real-time data to guide the drilling process, ensuring precise well placement.
In summary, the Troll A in the North Sea is a natural gas extraction platform owned by Shell that has contributed to Norway's economic development and helped reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve air quality. The technology used in its construction and operation has been revolutionary and has minimized environmental impact.
Credtis to the rightful owner
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The global marine pressure accumulator market was valued at $340 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.2% from 2023 to 2032.The marine industry is crucial to the global economy, facilitating the transport of goods and resources across the world's oceans. A critical component within this industry is the pressure accumulator, an essential device used in hydraulic systems on ships and marine platforms. The marine pressure accumulator market has seen significant growth due to advancements in technology, increasing maritime activities, and the rising demand for energy-efficient and reliable hydraulic systems.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/marine-pressure-accumulator-market
Market Overview
The global marine pressure accumulator market has been expanding steadily. This growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for new ships and the retrofitting of existing fleets with advanced hydraulic systems. Pressure accumulators play a vital role in maintaining the efficiency and performance of these systems, ensuring smooth and safe operations.
Key Drivers
1. Technological Advancements: The marine industry has seen rapid technological advancements, leading to the development of more efficient and reliable pressure accumulators. Innovations in materials and design have enhanced the performance and longevity of these devices, making them indispensable in modern hydraulic systems.
2. Increasing Maritime Activities: The expansion of global trade and the rising demand for oil and gas exploration have led to increased maritime activities. This, in turn, has driven the demand for advanced hydraulic systems equipped with pressure accumulators to ensure operational efficiency and safety.
3. Energy Efficiency: With the growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency, pressure accumulators have become crucial components in marine hydraulic systems. They help reduce energy consumption by storing and releasing hydraulic energy as needed, minimizing the workload on pumps and motors.
4. Regulatory Standards: Stringent regulatory standards and safety norms in the marine industry have necessitated the adoption of high-quality pressure accumulators. Compliance with these regulations ensures the safety and reliability of marine operations, further driving the market growth.
Regional Insights
North America: The North American market is driven by the presence of major marine equipment manufacturers and the increasing demand for advanced hydraulic systems in naval ships and offshore platforms.
Europe: Europe is a significant market for marine pressure accumulators, with countries like Norway, Germany, and the UK being key players due to their strong maritime industries and focus on sustainable technologies.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in the marine pressure accumulator market, primarily due to the booming shipbuilding industry in countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. The increasing focus on energy-efficient maritime solutions is also propelling the market forward.
Rest of the World: The market in the rest of the world is expected to grow steadily, driven by the expansion of maritime trade routes and the development of offshore oil and gas fields.
Future Outlook
The future of the marine pressure accumulator market looks promising, with continuous advancements in technology and increasing investments in the maritime sector. The growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency is expected to drive further innovations in pressure accumulator designs, making them more efficient and environmentally friendly.
Leading players in the marine pressure accumulator market:
Bosch Rexroth
Parker Hannifin
Rotec Hydraulics
ROTH Hydraulics
Accumulators Inc.
Quality hydraulic power
Steyr Motors
Hydraulics International, Inc.
Hannon Hydraulics
Forum Energy Technologies
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
General Electric
Johnson Controls
Nippon Accumulator
Segmentation analysis for the marine pressure accumulator market
Segmentation by Type
Bladder Accumulators: Account for almost 50% of the share currently. Wide availability and lower costs make this the standard option. But life span limitations relative to piston and diaphragm types.
Piston Accumulators: higher pressure ratings for the most demanding marine environments, like offshore drilling. They make up almost 30% of the market but require specialized seals and machining expertise, increasing costs.
Diaphragm Accumulators: Growing adoption in naval applications due to absorption capabilities for pressure spikes and vibration dampening properties. Materials innovations target cost reduction through composites rather than traditional stainless steels.
Segmentation by End-Use Industry
Commercial Vessels: Focus on maximizing equipment longevity and corrosion resistance to sustain shipping revenues totaling over $150 million currently.
Naval Vessels: Demanding specifications around shock resistance capabilities given recoils and blast exposures. Representing a smaller $65 million niche, but security priorities justify premium spending on accumulator system redundancies.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/marine-pressure-accumulator-market
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swostiindia · 2 months
10 Most Romantic Honeymoon Destinations in Winter
Winters are the time when romance buds. Imagine those whispered understandings by the fireplace, the exploration of white landscapes, and the tender touch amidst picturesque settings. Along with this comes the perfect ten most romantic honeymoon destinations that you would be eyeing for your winter escape.
1. Aspen, Colorado
If you’re a couple who loves snow and adventure, then this is the place to be. World-class skiing greets a beautiful downtown, opening up your days on the slopes and dinner evenings spent in gourmet restaurants. The snow-capped mountains present such a lovely romantic backdrop.
2. St. Moritz, Switzerland
St. Moritz maintains the epitome of glamor and is absolutely a winter wonderland. Known for elegance and refinement, it hosts breathtaking views, cozy chalets, and fine dining. Whether one is skiing, ice skating, or just taking in the snowy scenery, St. Moritz provides a dream setting for honeymooners.
3. Banff, Canada
It is a winter paradise of majestic mountains and turquoise lakes. Couples can indulge in a range of outdoor activities like skiing and snowshoeing, or relax in hot springs. Charming accommodation and warmth await couples in the town of Banff.
4. Reykjavik, Iceland
Reykjavik will assist the couples in making just the perfect and unique experience, as it offers everything starting from the breathtakingly amazing display of Northern Lights to dipping in the rejuvenating hot Blue Lagoon. Such characteristics of Iceland combine adventure with relaxation. Beauty in culture and the marine landscapes that one may come across here make this city even more memorable for honeymooning couples.
5. Queenstown, New Zealand
Queenstown: It is a paradise for all adventure mongers and nature enthusiasts. The town on the bank of Lake Wakatipu not only provides the tourists with skiing and bungee jumping but also scenic cruises. The perfect balance between adventure and scenic charm makes it a hot favorite for winter honeymoons.
6. Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto is a creator of beautiful temples, classic tea houses, and peace in the gardens. Wintertime turns the city into a quiet, snow-covered paradise. Couples can take a hand-in-hand walk through historic sites or relax with natural hot springs and enjoy the taste of a variety of great Japanese food.
7. Prague, Czech Republic
Winter enhances the medieval charm of Prague. With cobblestone streets, Gothic architecture, and Christmas markets, the city oozes the fairytale atmosphere. A walk hand-in-hand across the snow-ing Charles Bridge is a romance you will remember for years to come.
8. Hallstatt, Austria
Hallstatt is like a fairytale village, although it is very small. It is located in between a mountain and a serene lake, and is thus an ideal place for a quiet, romantic elopement. You can have a splendid ride across the lake, visit the salt mines, or else just sit and brew in the atmosphere in a cozi café.
9. Tromso, Norway
Tromsø, cap to the Arctic, offers a very special honeymoon experience, with activities ranging from dog sledding to Northern Lights — it’s perfect for the couple who loves adventure. The town itself is so sweet, full of all kinds of cuddly spots to warm up in after a day out in the elements.
10. Santorini, Greece
Even in winter, Santorini is very charming. No crowds associated with the summer event mean a personal experience in Santorini. Do leisurely walks through those picturesque villages, enjoy wine tastings with no contest, and watch the locals’ stunning sunsets in peace.
The right destination for your winter honeymoon can make the setting of a lifetime’s worth of good memories. From snowy adventures to romantic retreats by the fireside, these 10 winter honeymoon spots across the world hold something in store for every couple in love. Embrace the winter and start your married life amidst the magic.
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marketinsight1234 · 5 months
Salmon Fish Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2023 – 2030
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Salmon Fish Market Size Was Valued at USD 16.16 Billion in 2022, and is Projected to Reach USD 31.50 Billion by 2030, Growing at a CAGR of 8.7% From 2023-2030.
Salmon is an oily fish variety belonging to the salmonoid family. Salmon fish is highly rich in protein and provides essential nutrients required for a human body, thus, is considered as functional foods and major driver for salmon fish market.
Various health benefits such as lowering of blood pressure, improving the cells function, calming inflammation and reducing the risk of cancer are the key factors that are most likely to boost the market growth salmon fish globally. The rising consumer inclination from carb-based and high-calorie food products towards protein-rich alternatives helps to boost the market growth.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Salmon Fish market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Salmon Fish industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Salmon Fish market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Salmon Fish Market include:
Trident Seafoods Corporation (USA), Ocean Beauty Seafoods (USA), Clearwater Seafoods Inc. (Canada), Smoked Salmon Processors Association (Canada), Cooke Aquaculture Inc. (Canada), Ocean Wise (Canada), Mowi ASA (Norway), Leroy Seafood AS (Norway), Akvafarmøy AS (Norway), Marine Harvest ASA (Norway), Grieg Seafood ASA (Norway), SalMar ASA (Norway) 
If You Have Any Query Salmon Fish Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Salmon Fish Market:
By Type
Chinook Salmon
Coho Salmon
Pink Salmon
Red Salmon
Silverbrite Salmon
Salmo Salar
By End Product Type
By Distribution Channel
Retail Stores
Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets
Online Sales Channel
By Regions
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
What to Expect in Our Report?
(1) A complete section of the Salmon Fish market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Salmon Fish market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.
(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Salmon Fish market.
(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Salmon Fish market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.
(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Salmon Fish Market report.
Our study encompasses major growth determinants and drivers, along with extensive segmentation areas. Through in-depth analysis of supply and sales channels, including upstream and downstream fundamentals, we present a complete market ecosystem.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyse extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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pmi-report111 · 5 months
Marine Compressor Market  Analysis by Top Key Players, Industry Overview, Supply and Consumption Demand Analysis to 2031
The global "Marine Compressor Market Market" report indicates a consistent and robust growth trend in recent times, projecting a positive trajectory expected to persist until 2031. A significant trend observed in the Marine Compressor Market market is the rising consumer inclination towards environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly products. Furthermore, a notable advancement in this market is the increasing incorporation of technology to elevate both product quality and efficiency. Cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and block chain are actively employed to develop innovative products that outperform traditional options in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. The Marine Compressor Market Market Research Report for 2024 highlights emerging trends, growth opportunities, and potential scenarios envisioned up to the year 2031.
By delving into the latest trends, the report keeps businesses abreast of the dynamic market environment, helping them identify emerging opportunities and navigate potential challenges. The meticulous analysis covers various aspects, offering valuable insights into the historical performance of the market and presenting the current (CAGR) status.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report at: https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/1885
Who are the biggest Marine Compressor Market manufacturers worldwide?
Atlas Copco (Sweden)
TANABE (Japan)
Ingersoll Rand (U.S.)
Hi-Sea Marine (China)
Burckhardt Compression (Switzerland)
DHV Marine (Germany)
Teknotherm Marine (Norway)
The Marine Compressor Market Market is described briefly as follows:
The Global Marine Compressor Market size was modified to USD 3172.8 million in 2024, and the market is projected to touch USD 3745.8 million in 2031, showing a CAGR of 2.40% during the forecast period
SWOT Analysis of Marine Compressor Market Market:
A SWOT analysis involves evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a particular market or business. In the case of the keyword market, we'll be looking at the factors that can impact the industry's performance.
Pestle Analysis of Marine Compressor Market Market:
To better comprehend the market environment, a five-force analysis is performed, which takes into account the bargaining power of the customer, the supplier, the threat of substitutes, the threat of new entrants, and the threat of competition.
Get a Sample Copy of Marine Compressor Market Market Report
What are the Types in Marine Compressor Market Market?
Reciprocating Type
Rotary Screw Type
Rotary Vane Type
What are Applications in Marine Compressor Market Market?
Merchant Ships
Navy Vessels
Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any before the Purchasing This Report: https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/queries/1885
Geographical Segmentation:
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share, and Marine Compressor Market market growth rate in these regions, from 2017 to 2028, covering
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Egypt and GCC Countries)
Some of the key questions answered in this report:
Who are the worldwide key Players of the Marine Compressor Market Industry?
How the opposition goes in what was in store connected with Marine Compressor Market?
Which is the most driving country in the Marine Compressor Market industry?
What are the Marine Compressor Market market valuable open doors and dangers looked by the manufactures in the worldwide Marine Compressor Market Industry?
Which application/end-client or item type might look for gradual development possibilities? What is the portion of the overall industry of each kind and application?
What centered approach and imperatives are holding the Marine Compressor Market market?
What are the various deals, promoting, and dissemination diverts in the worldwide business?
What are the key market patterns influencing the development of the Marine Compressor Market market?
Financial effect on the Marine Compressor Market business and improvement pattern of the Marine Compressor Market business?
Purchase this Report (Price 3200 USD for A Single-User License) at: https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1885
TOC of Global Marine Compressor Market Market Research Report 2023
1 Marine Compressor Market Market Overview
2 Market Competition by Manufacturers
3 Marine Compressor Market Production by Region
4 Marine Compressor Market Consumption by Region
5 Segment by Type
6 Segment by Application
7 Key Companies Profiled
8 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
9 Marine Compressor Market Market Dynamics
10 Research Finding and Conclusion
11 Methodology and Data Source
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theblendtiger · 1 year
Harnessing the Power of Hydrogen: A Promising Frontier in Marine Fuel Technology
In recent years, the quest for more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources has intensified. As concerns about climate change and pollution grow, industries are under immense pressure to seek cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels. In this pursuit, one promising solution has emerged on the horizon: Hydrogen Marine Fuel.
Hydrogen, known for its abundance and clean-burning properties, has long been hailed as a potential game-changer in the energy landscape. However, its widespread adoption has been slow, largely due to technical challenges and the high cost of production and storage. Nevertheless, advancements in hydrogen fuel cell technology and the increasing demand for eco-friendly solutions have propelled hydrogen into the limelight as a viable marine fuel option.
Maritime transport is a significant contributor to global emissions, releasing substantial amounts of greenhouse gases and pollutants into the atmosphere. Shipping companies, along with governments and environmental organizations, have recognized the need to transition to cleaner fuels. Hydrogen Marine Fuel holds immense promise in this context, offering a range of benefits that could revolutionize the maritime industry.
Zero Emissions:
Hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen, with the only byproduct being water. This emission-free process makes hydrogen an attractive option for reducing carbon footprints and complying with stringent emission regulations.
Abundant and Renewable:
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and can be produced from various sources, including electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. This means that as renewable energy capacity expands, so does the potential for clean hydrogen production.
High Energy Density:
Hydrogen offers a higher energy density compared to conventional batteries, making it suitable for long-haul maritime operations where energy storage is crucial.
Rapid Refueling:
Unlike traditional batteries that require hours to recharge, hydrogen fuel cells can be refueled quickly, simulating the conventional refueling process and reducing downtime for ships.
Despite these benefits, the widespread adoption of Hydrogen Marine Fuel is not without challenges. The infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and distribution is still in its infancy and requires substantial investment. Additionally, the safety concerns associated with handling and storing hydrogen must be addressed to gain public acceptance.
However, several projects and initiatives are already underway, demonstrating the potential of hydrogen as a marine fuel. Countries like Japan, Germany, and Norway have taken the lead in developing hydrogen-powered vessels, and collaborations between industry players and research institutions are paving the way for a cleaner maritime future.
For more info:-
Hydrogen Marine Fuel
Fuel Oil Blending Consulting Company Usa
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
Deliciously Fresh: Big Sam's Norwegian Salmon Fillet A Taste of Norwegian Excellence
Big Sam's Norwegian Salmon Fillet offers the finest quality salmon sourced from the pristine waters of Norway. With a commitment to sustainable fishing practices and a focus on delivering exceptional taste and nutritional value, Big Sam's has become a trusted brand among seafood enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the story behind Big Sam's, the unique characteristics of Norwegian salmon, the details of their salmon fillet product, its health benefits, cooking tips, delicious recipes, sustainability efforts, customer reviews, availability, and more.
What is Big Sam's?
Big Sam's is a renowned seafood brand that has been in operation for over two decades. Their expertise lies in providing premium seafood products, with a specific emphasis on Norwegian salmon. The company prides itself on maintaining long-term partnerships with Norwegian fisheries that follow sustainable practices. This commitment ensures the highest quality salmon while preserving the marine ecosystem.
Norwegian Salmon
Norwegian salmon has gained international recognition for its superior taste and texture. The cold and clear waters of Norway create an ideal environment for salmon to thrive, resulting in exceptional flavor and delicate, moist flesh. The salmon's natural diet of krill and shrimp contributes to its distinct color and rich omega-3 fatty acid content.
Big Sam's Fillet
Big Sam's offers skinless portions of Norwegian salmon fillets that are carefully selected and expertly prepared. Each portion is individually vacuum-sealed to maintain freshness and preserve the natural flavors. The fillets are conveniently portioned, making it easy for consumers to prepare a delicious and healthy meal.
Health Benefits
Big Sam's salmon fillets provide numerous health benefits. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these fillets support heart and brain health, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being. The high protein content aids in muscle development and repair, making it an excellent choice for fitness enthusiasts.
Cooking Tips
To unlock the full flavor of Big Sam's salmon fillets, various cooking methods can be employed. Grilling or pan-searing the fillets with a touch of lemon butter enhances the natural taste. Baking the salmon with dill and garlic creates an aromatic and savory dish that is sure to impress. The fillets can also be poached or broiled, allowing for versatility in meal preparation.
Grilled Salmon with Lemon Butter:Ingredients: Big Sam's salmon fillets, butter, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.Instructions: Preheat the grill, place fillets on the grill, brush with lemon butter, season with salt and pepper, and grill until cooked through.
Baked Salmon with Dill and Garlic:Ingredients: Big Sam's salmon fillets, dill, garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper.Instructions: Preheat oven, place fillets on a baking sheet, rub with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped dill and minced garlic, season with salt and pepper, and bake until flaky.
Big Sam's is committed to sustainability and actively supports responsible fishing practices. They work closely with Norwegian fisheries that prioritize eco-friendly methods, ensuring the preservation of marine habitats and the longevity of salmon populations. By choosing Big Sam's salmon fillets, consumers contribute to the conservation of the environment.
Customer Reviews
Customers rave about the exceptional quality and taste of Big Sam's Norwegian Salmon Fillet. Many have praised the freshness, tenderness, and rich flavor of the salmon. Testimonials highlight how Big Sam's salmon has become a staple in their healthy eating routines, providing a satisfying and nutritious dining experience.
Big Sam's salmon fillets are available at various retail locations, both online and offline. Customers can find them at specialty seafood markets, grocery stores, and selected online retailers. To ensure the freshest product, it is recommended to check the official Big Sam's website for authorized vendors.
Big Sam's Norwegian Salmon Fillet delivers a premium dining experience with outstanding quality, remarkable taste, and numerous health benefits. Sourced from sustainable fisheries in Norway, these skinless portions are convenient and easy to cook. Whether grilled, baked, or prepared using other methods, Big Sam's salmon fillets are sure to satisfy seafood enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike.
Are Big Sam's salmon fillets frozen? No, Big Sam's salmon fillets are fresh and individually vacuum-sealed for optimal freshness.
Can I cook the fillets from frozen? It is recommended to thaw the fillets before cooking to ensure even cooking and the best results.
How long does Big Sam's salmon last? When properly stored in the refrigerator, Big Sam's salmon fillets can last up to two days after the purchase date.
Is Big Sam's salmon sustainably sourced? Yes, Big Sam's prioritizes sustainability and partners with Norwegian fisheries that follow responsible fishing practices.
What makes Big Sam's salmon special? Big Sam's salmon stands out due to its superior taste, texture, and commitment to sustainable sourcing, ensuring a positive impact on the environment.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Norway, a member of NATO, is the third country to donate F-16 fighters to Ukraine
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/27/2023 - 09:28am Military, War Zones
NATO member Norway will donate F-16 fighters to Ukraine, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said on Thursday amid Kiev's difficult counter-offensive against Russia.
Speaking to the Norwegian news agency NTB in Kiev, where he paid a visit on the occasion of Ukraine's Independence Day, Gahr Store said that Norway will supply F-16 aircraft to Ukraine, but it will probably be less than 10.
Gahr said he informed the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, about the donation of the aircraft and that Norway would discuss the number of planes, as well as the transfer schedule with Kiev and other allied countries.
“But Ukraine can count on the contribution of Norway,” the prime minister added.
Norway would be the third European country, after the Netherlands and Denmark, to donate F-16 planes.
Ukraine has long asked sophisticated fighters to give it an advantage in combat. He recently launched a long-awaited counter-offensive against Kremlin forces without air cover, putting his troops at the mercy of Russian aviation and artillery.
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In February, oil-rich Norway announced that it would donate 75 billion crowns ($7 billion) to Kiev as part of a five-year support package, making Norway one of the world's largest donors to Ukraine.
The money will be divided equally between military and humanitarian assistance over five years, divided into 15 billion crowns (1.4 billion dollars) annually.
Gahr Store announced on Thursday that Norway would also donate anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine, saying that “air defense is critical to Ukraine's ability to protect both the civilian population and frontline infrastructure and military units against any type of Russian air attack.”
“This is one of the largest Norwegian donations of military material to Ukraine to date,” Gahr said in a statement.
The Norwegian government has long stated that it is considering sending F-16 to Ukraine. In January, Norway received the first of the 52 F-35s ordered. The new fighters will replace Norway's F-16 fleet.
Last week, the Netherlands and Denmark announced that they will donate F-16 aircraft. Denmark said it will provide 19 planes, while the Netherlands reported that it will donate 42 of the jets.
Earlier this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited several European countries, including the Netherlands and Denmark, but did not go to Norway.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconRNAF - Royal Norwegian Air Force / Royal Norwegian Air ForceWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 12.15
Bill of Rights Day
Birdland Day
Cat Herders’ Day
Coonskin Cap Day
Homecoming Day (Alderney, Channel Islands)
Koninkrijksdag (Kingdom Day; Netherlands) [Unless a Sunday, then 16th]
Men’s Society of Piu Festival of Mirth, Peace, Honesty, Joyousness and Love (14th Century London)
National Regifting Day
National Wear Your Pearls Day
Navidades begins (Puerto Rico; until Three Kings Day)
North Wind’s Prayer (Elder Scrolls)
Remembrance Day of Journalists Killed in the Line of Duty (Russia)
Second Amendment Day (South Carolina)
Sleep Comfort Day
Trivial Pursuit Day
Yuletide Lad #4 arrives (Pvorusleikir or Spoon-Licker; Iceland)
Zamenhof Day (Esperanto)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Tea Day [also 5.21]
National Cupcake Day
National Gingerbread Latte Day
National Lemon Cupcake Day
Feast Days
Alcyone (Greek Kingfisher Goddess)
Consualia (Ancient Roman festival to Consus, god of the harvest and stored grain)
Drina Martyrs (Christian; Saint)
Drostan (Aberdeen Breviary; Christian; Saint)
Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
John Horden and Robert McDonald (Episcopal Church; USA)
Joseph "Le Petomane" Pujol Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lagrange (Positivist; Saint)
Maria Crocifissa di Rosa (Christian; Saint)
Mesmin (Christian; Saint)
Nino (Christian; Saint)
Othmar the Grouch (Muppetism)
Stupid Inventions Day (Pastafarian)
Stupid Toy Day (Pastafarian)
Valerian of Abbenza (Christian; Saint)
Virginia Centurione Bracelli (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [48 of 53]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [30 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 349 [70 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [30 of 30]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [59 of 60]
Beatles ’65, by The Beatles (Album; 1964)
Charlotte’s Web (Film; 2006)
The Chronic, by Dr. Dre (Album; 1992)
Dude, Where’s My Car? (Film; 2000)
The Emperor’s New Groove (Animated Disney Film; 2000)
Ferdinand (Animated Film; 2017)
Folsom Prison Blues, by Johnny Cash (Song; 1955)
Gone With the Wind (Film; 1939)
Jumanji (Film; 1995)
Mothership Connection, by Parliament (Album; 1975)
Never Say Never Again (UK Film; 1983) [James Bond non-series]
Revolutionary Road (Film; 2008)
Sabrina (Film; 1995)
Schindler’s List (Film; 1993)
Stormy Weather, recorded by Lena Horne (Song; 1941)
Superman (Film; 1978)
The Who Sell Out, by The Who (Album; 1967)
Wonka (Film; 2023)
Young Frankenstein (Film; 1974)
Today’s Name Days
Carlo, Christiane, Nina (Austria)
Marin, Valerijan, Viktorija (Croatia)
Radana (Czech Republic)
Nikatius (Denmark)
Kalli, Kelli, Killu, Kulla (Estonia)
Heimo, Nooa (Finland)
Ninon (France)
Christiane, Nina, Paola (Germany)
Anthea, Eleftherios, Elevtherios, Lefteris, Sossana, Sylvia (Greece)
Valér (Hungary)
Cristiana, Nino, Valeriano (Italy)
Jana, Johanna (Latvia)
Gaudenė, Gaudenis, Kristijona (Lithuania)
Hilda, Hilde (Norway)
Celina, Fortunata, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Krystiana, Nina, Walerian, Waleriana, Wolimir, Żegota (Poland)
Antia, Elefterie, Suzana (Romania)
Ivica (Slovakia)
Valeriano (Spain)
Gottfrid (Sweden)
Adlai, Adler, Carney, Mirella, Mireya, Tanner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 349 of 2022; 16 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 50 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 22 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 21 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 21 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 19 Zima; Fiveday [19 of 30]
Julian: 2 December 2022
Moon: 56%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 13 Bichat (12th Month) [Lagrange]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 84 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 23 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 12.15
Bill of Rights Day
Birdland Day
Cat Herders’ Day
Coonskin Cap Day
Homecoming Day (Alderney, Channel Islands)
Koninkrijksdag (Kingdom Day; Netherlands) [Unless a Sunday, then 16th]
Men’s Society of Piu Festival of Mirth, Peace, Honesty, Joyousness and Love (14th Century London)
National Regifting Day
National Wear Your Pearls Day
Navidades begins (Puerto Rico; until Three Kings Day)
North Wind’s Prayer (Elder Scrolls)
Remembrance Day of Journalists Killed in the Line of Duty (Russia)
Second Amendment Day (South Carolina)
Sleep Comfort Day
Trivial Pursuit Day
Yuletide Lad #4 arrives (Pvorusleikir or Spoon-Licker; Iceland)
Zamenhof Day (Esperanto)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Tea Day [also 5.21]
National Cupcake Day
National Gingerbread Latte Day
National Lemon Cupcake Day
Feast Days
Alcyone (Greek Kingfisher Goddess)
Consualia (Ancient Roman festival to Consus, god of the harvest and stored grain)
Drina Martyrs (Christian; Saint)
Drostan (Aberdeen Breviary; Christian; Saint)
Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
John Horden and Robert McDonald (Episcopal Church; USA)
Joseph "Le Petomane" Pujol Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lagrange (Positivist; Saint)
Maria Crocifissa di Rosa (Christian; Saint)
Mesmin (Christian; Saint)
Nino (Christian; Saint)
Othmar the Grouch (Muppetism)
Stupid Inventions Day (Pastafarian)
Stupid Toy Day (Pastafarian)
Valerian of Abbenza (Christian; Saint)
Virginia Centurione Bracelli (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [48 of 53]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [30 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 349 [70 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [30 of 30]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [59 of 60]
Beatles ’65, by The Beatles (Album; 1964)
Charlotte’s Web (Film; 2006)
The Chronic, by Dr. Dre (Album; 1992)
Dude, Where’s My Car? (Film; 2000)
The Emperor’s New Groove (Animated Disney Film; 2000)
Ferdinand (Animated Film; 2017)
Folsom Prison Blues, by Johnny Cash (Song; 1955)
Gone With the Wind (Film; 1939)
Jumanji (Film; 1995)
Mothership Connection, by Parliament (Album; 1975)
Never Say Never Again (UK Film; 1983) [James Bond non-series]
Revolutionary Road (Film; 2008)
Sabrina (Film; 1995)
Schindler’s List (Film; 1993)
Stormy Weather, recorded by Lena Horne (Song; 1941)
Superman (Film; 1978)
The Who Sell Out, by The Who (Album; 1967)
Wonka (Film; 2023)
Young Frankenstein (Film; 1974)
Today’s Name Days
Carlo, Christiane, Nina (Austria)
Marin, Valerijan, Viktorija (Croatia)
Radana (Czech Republic)
Nikatius (Denmark)
Kalli, Kelli, Killu, Kulla (Estonia)
Heimo, Nooa (Finland)
Ninon (France)
Christiane, Nina, Paola (Germany)
Anthea, Eleftherios, Elevtherios, Lefteris, Sossana, Sylvia (Greece)
Valér (Hungary)
Cristiana, Nino, Valeriano (Italy)
Jana, Johanna (Latvia)
Gaudenė, Gaudenis, Kristijona (Lithuania)
Hilda, Hilde (Norway)
Celina, Fortunata, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Krystiana, Nina, Walerian, Waleriana, Wolimir, Żegota (Poland)
Antia, Elefterie, Suzana (Romania)
Ivica (Slovakia)
Valeriano (Spain)
Gottfrid (Sweden)
Adlai, Adler, Carney, Mirella, Mireya, Tanner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 349 of 2022; 16 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 50 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 22 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 21 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 21 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 19 Zima; Fiveday [19 of 30]
Julian: 2 December 2022
Moon: 56%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 13 Bichat (12th Month) [Lagrange]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 84 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 23 of 30)
0 notes
forboatrussia-blog · 5 years
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All boats require some kind of steering but some need a more complex setup. Mechanical knowledge is very advisable if you propose to put in a ship steering mechanism yourself but failing that, there are many professionals who will be ready to do that. Hydraulic steering systems for boats may be a clear winner but the worth is often scary. For simplicity, the rack system is the easiest to put in and therefore the rotary is within the middle. Switching to a more reliable steering mechanism designed for performance will increase your enjoyment of the waters. Below may be a list of the simplest boat steering systems that include hydraulic, rack, rotary and power systems. Adding steering to your boat isn't as simple as installing a wheel to the cockpit. an entire wheel system is required with all the cables and other components that make a full kit. The best boat steering mechanism is that the Bay Star Hydraulic Steering Kit, which is employed for single station outboard powered boats and comes with all the components and hydraulic fluid for a high performing steering setup on your boat. The three main sorts of boat steering are rack, rotary, power and hydraulic steering with the latter being the foremost expensive. it is vital to notice that some systems may require converting, which can require mechanical knowledge. visit for details https://nl.forboat.eu/
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