d-criss-news · 3 years
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Comments on Darren's Instagram post (October 15th, 2021) | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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corallorosso · 4 years
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La pornostar chiede sussidi al premier Marica Chanelle, 22 anni, di Schio, è la prima firmataria di una lettera aperta inviata al premier Giuseppe Conte per il riconoscimento della "funzione sociale" di chi lavora nel mondo del porno, rifacendosi all'articolo 42 della Costituzione italiana. Dopo la sua ci sono le firme di Amandha Fox, Luana Borgia, Alessia Rubini, Lisa Amane, Lolita Ruiz e Marikah Bentley. «Siamo un gruppo di attrici legate al mondo dell'adult entertainment, tutte unite dall'amore per l'Italia. E ci troviamo a dover trascorrere questo periodo di quarantena in attesa di notizie positive», è la premessa. Si fa riferimento alle campagne social lanciate dalle attrici come #iorestoacasa e così via, al fatto che quella del porno è un'industria che va tutelata come altre e che in questo momento è ferma. «La pornografia è un tema che suscita particolare interesse nella popolazione - continua la lettera - ma nello stesso tempo tanta preoccupazione da parte di voi politici... Eppure i nostri personaggi stanno assurgendo al ruolo di crocerossine virtuali, in quanto foto, video e film presenti sui social sono iniezioni di adrenalina nelle menti dei fans». ...Una come Marica aveva contratti firmati per numerose esibizioni, tutte saltate, sia in Italia che all'estero. ...spiega la bionda scledense -. Un mese fa dovevo partire per Los Angeles dove avrei girato dei film per una casa di produzione italiana, la Pinco, ma il blocco dei voli mi ha stoppata. E comunque tutte le produzioni sono ferme a causa dell'emergenza sanitaria. Ora sono chiusa in casa, qui a Schio, e lavoro sui siti». ... (Il giornale di Vicenza)
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mimicjapan · 5 years
[Good news] Public road Mario Kart trial, the second trial also wins Nintendo finally the name "Marikah" also to ban
[Good news] Public road Mario Kart trial, the second trial also wins Nintendo finally the name "Marikah" also to ban Business, economy, Marika, News, R https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pYlinRfanko/XPByX1iN73I/AAAAAAAAWPk/fhE6Fs4QurA0BJDurMN8GRFLQJAccILGACLcBGAs/s1600/abeef4a60fa7540964f7f5d05fc6ae989cb754431559259616.jpg http://mimicjapan.blogspot.com/2019/05/good-news-public-road-mario-kart-trial.html
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New Post has been published on http://independentfilme.jetzt-24.de/agent-official-trailer-1-2017-derek-ting-movie/
Agent Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Derek Ting Movie
Starring: Derek Ting, Marikah Cunningham, Eric Keitel Agent Official Trailer 1 (2017) – Derek Ting Movie A group of friends go to the desert for a gun instruction … source
The channel sponsor is: https://www.facebook.com/GoMovieSpace/
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hasansertan · 7 years
Agent İzle
Agent İzle Türkçe Dublaj/Altyazılı İzle , 6.3 puanlı filmin yönetmeni Derek Ting , Fimde Derek Ting, Marikah Cunningham, Olivia Hultgren, Terrance Christopher Jones, Carole Weyers oyuncular yer almaktadır.. Filmin özetinde ise :Finbar, Peter Dinklage tarafından kendisine direnen bir adam olarak oynanan spesifik yeterlilik karakteridir. Nadiren her sahnede daha fazla bir film karakteri gördüm.…
View On WordPress
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gojikidd · 9 years
sastieloquent replied to your post “sastieloquent replied to your post “So, I bought another dozen arrows...”
I don't watch GOT, soooooooo I wouldn't know.
eh, it’s no big loss. Plus the character I quoted dies after saying all six of his lines lol
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d-criss-news · 3 years
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[HQ] Tramp Stamp Granny’s Grand Re-Opening Party (July 1st, 2021) - Photos by Ashley Randall | Source
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romvnov · 9 years
send me a ship and I’ll tell you if it’s a brotp, notp, or otp
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sunflowerchester · 9 years
I love your voice!! ovo
Oh my goodness, thank you! :D
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drawsshits-inactive · 9 years
ugg. ugg. ugg. As a frequent user of public transportation, it completely irks me when people put their bag in a seat. Like, I'm sorry if you don't like to sit next to strangers, but you have to accept the fact that this isn't your vehicle. Also, 90% of the time people won't sit next to you if there's room elsewhere soooo.
I have to spend about 3 hours everyday in public transportation and let me tell you, I really don't want to sit next to someone but you know, rush hours are a thing and they cram a lot of people into buses and subways, and IF YOU DON'T SIT SOMEWHERE, IT'S ALSO RUDE TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO NEED TO MOVE AROUND YOU IN THAT NARROW CROWDED SPACE TO GET OFF, so if you consider using your bags/purses as some sort of human repellent, please do it only when there are other seats in the bus.
Don't use social anxiety as an excuse to be a fucking asshole, seriously.
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gojikidd · 9 years
sastieloquent replied to your post “So, I bought another dozen arrows yesterday and promptly broke one of...”
don't die.
My, my, someone’s feeling bossy today
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back-in-wyoming · 9 years
wOW where Do I begiN with EVERYTHING that is wrong w/ u. 1. too good at writing. Stop bein able to make sweet sweet fluff plz. 2. TOO FieRCE. makes my nethers quiver. :> 3. SOOOOO preETTY, ur making everyone else look bad, how rude. 5. you're a beautiful dollop of sunshine and therefore blind anyone who lays their eyes upon u. -anon
wow marikah nonnie you came up with a list of things that sounds a lot like what my one friend marikah would say you should totally meet her sometime she’s a real cutie patoot and has pink hair (kind of like a unicorn), yeah you’d definitely get along with her
(btw a dollop of sunshine is now my favorite phrase in existence that is literally SO cute u///u thank you so much marikah nonnie xD)
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feistymeg · 9 years
Oh my gosh, happy birthday!! I hope it's amazing. :))
thank you!! it's been amazing so far :)
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d-criss-news · 3 years
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[UHQ] The Big Lebowski - Cinespia at Hollywood Forever Cemetery | Source
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pannan-art · 10 years
Your Aurora with the ombre hair was so ingenious!! I've never seen the color-changing dress interpreted like that before, and it looks so amazing. Wow!! I was just blown away by it, and figured I should tell you. ^.^
Thanks a lot! I'm glad that people liked that concept!
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... but what is an angel, without its wings?
Castiel Graphics Challenge honeysweetsam vs. marikah ↪ Prompt: Fallen!Cas
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