#marian brook tag
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femininomen0n · 1 year ago
marianlarry (larrian?) oneshot up to 2.5k words :)
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ohlawsons · 3 months ago
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-canon worldstate -olivia amell / human circle mage / arcane warrior mage / ♡ alistair -marian hawke / human / spirit healer mage / ♡ fenris -aubrie trevelyan / human / rift mage / ♡ blackwall -nasrin laidir / human lord of fortune / death caller mage / ♡ lucanis
thrust into a war she wasn't prepared for, olivia needed time to adjust to a life of relative freedom as a warden. once she was certain she wouldn't succumb to spontaneous possession just because she wasn't surrounded by templars, she threw herself fully into stopping the blight and helping people wherever she could. she quickly grew fond of alistair's heart and humor, and fell for him over the course of the blight. she also formed treasured friendships with zevran, morrigan, and nathaniel, considering them all as close as family.
despite long being the protector and provider for the family, marian faced a new array of hardships in kirkwall. even while trying to fix her own family, marian took on the arduous task of trying to fix things for the new misfit family of friends she gathered around her, as well as trying to fix the entire circle system in the city. her initial deep desire to help fenris turned to friendship, then love, over their years in kirkwall. while she grew close to everyone in their little group, marian's closest friends were varric and isabela.
already a senior enchanter when the circles fell, aubrie leapt at the chance to seize power as the inquisition formed -- first as a safeguard to protect herself, then because it was the only thing she knew. as the inquisition grew, so did her ambitions, though she never lost sight of their goal to stop corypheus. she fell quickly for blackwall, and his insistence that she was a better person than him did eventually help push her towards a softer outlook. she also found great comfort in her friendships with dorian and sera.
narrowly escaping the circle at dairsmuid when it was annulled, nasrin found a home with the lords of fortune before being pulled onto varric's team at isabela's recommendation. with no leadership experience to speak of, the notion of being in charge of the team is a daunting one -- though their easygoing love of adventure slowly turns to a fiery need to do the right thing. they fall for lucanis in time, driven by a stubborn determination to show him that he isn't the danger or burden that he believes himself to be. they also grew close to bellara, davrin, and emmrich.
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cassi0pei4 · 3 months ago
Chapter 7 posted
In which we hear (the beginning) of Bertha Connolly's side of the story.
press your lips to mine like cherries (52174 words) by cassi0pei4 Chapters: 7/11 Fandom: The Gilded Age (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bertha Russell/George Russell, Bertha Russell/Original Male Character (referenced), Marian Brook/Larry Russell (referenced), Borden/Mrs. Bruce (referenced) Characters: Bertha Russell, George Russell (The Gilded Age), Oscar van Rhijn, Gladys Russell, Larry Russell, Mr. Church, Mr. Borden/Bourdain, Mrs. Bruce Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Excessive Pining Summary: George Russell is one of America's most renowned pastry chefs. If only he could convince Clay to let him stop taking these wedding cake special orders. He hates wedding cakes. And he especially hates dealing with brides. He'll just handle this last one, for this Bertha Connolly, and then he'll get back to what he actually enjoys. In which George is grumpy but besotted, Bertha is engaged to someone who definitely isn't him, and the rest of our cast of characters have to deal with all the headaches that ensue from those two central facts.
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starsbythepocketful · 1 year ago
Tagged by @sylthrein to share my top 9 characters of this (last year now lol) year. Thank you, Zoe 🤍
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Mia Colucci - Rebelde / Daisy Jones - Daisy Jones & The Six / Gabrielle Solis - Desperate Housewives / Devi Vishwakumar - Never Have I Ever / Chucky- Chucky / Marian Brook - The Gilded Age / Valeria - Valeria / Saskia Van Der Beek - Class of ‘07 / Catalina de Indias - La Reina de Indias y el Conquistador
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amyrlinegwene · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @jaqobis to list my favorite 9 characters! thanks for tagging me!
Here they are! I did prioritize wheel of time characters since this is my wheel of time sideblog
1. Egwene al’Vere, Wheel of Time
2. Sansa Stark, Asoiaf
3. Shiv Roy, Succession
4. Alicent Hightower, HOTD
5. Siuan Sanche, Wheel of Time
6. Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who
7. Elayne Trakand, Wheel of Time
8. Bertha Russell, the Gilded Age
9. Marian Brook, the Gilded Age
I’m tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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isabelle-primrose · 2 years ago
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The Gilded Age
(TV series)
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Premise: A young woman entering 1882 New York City's rigid social scene is drawn into the daily conflicts surrounding the new money Russell family and the established van Rhijn-Brook family, who are neighbors across 61st Street near Fifth Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The series also shows conflicts faced by the upper and upper middle classes, the Black upper class, and the domestic workers that tend to all of their needs.
No. of seasons: 1 (so far,but there could be more)
No. of episodes: 9
Carrie Coon as Bertha Russell, determined to use her money and position to break into a polite society
Morgan Spector as George Russell, Bertha's husband, representing "new money"
Louisa Jacobson as Marian Brook, penniless young woman whose circumstances force her to live with her estranged aunts
Denée Benton as Peggy Scott, a young ambitious African-American writer who works as Agnes' ( one of Marian's aunts) secretary
Another fun fact: I am still disappointed about how "The Gilded Age" Met Gala went.
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belorage · 3 years ago
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I was tagged by @honeysides @heroofpenamstan and @vasiktomis to craft some ladies in this doll maker—thank you so much, loves! I had tremendous fun with it! 🤍
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chiosblog · 2 years ago
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I posted 240 times in 2022
That's 126 more posts than 2021!
44 posts created (18%)
196 posts reblogged (82%)
I tagged 114 of my posts in 2022
#the bad guys - 28 posts
#portal 2 - 19 posts
#the bad guys movie - 15 posts
#amazing art - 12 posts
#blue period - 12 posts
#dreamworks the bad guys - 11 posts
#wheatley - 11 posts
#tiger and bunny - 10 posts
#tiger & bunny - 9 posts
#barnaby brooks jr - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#it will be my third time to request an holiday portal card and i couldn't be more happy it's finally this time of year again
My Top Posts in 2022:
Another bunch of doodles with Mr Wolf and Mr Snake 'cause I love them💛
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1,817 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
I love DreamWorks and its gorgeous badass queens 💛👑
1,999 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Some doodles of Mr Wolf and Mr Snake being cute because I need it
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2,078 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Ride home 🌇🚘
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2,429 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
🦊 Robin hood and Maid Marian
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3,131 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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imperialagentmaiarchived · 2 years ago
Ten (?) Fandoms, Ten (?) Characters, Ten (?) Tags
((I definitely have more than 10 fandoms I've rped in but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.))
Dragon Ball
Want to write / Have considered: Clone Vegeta (Ocean dub was my fav Vegeta VA out of the dubs.), abridged Nappa, Bulma, Frieza.
Currently writing / have written: Agent/kid/Mirai Mai, Emperor Pilaf, Shu, abridged Goku, OC saiyan (universe 7) that isn't from Planet Vegeta but a group that escaped Salada's destruction and has been nomadic for generations.
One Piece
Want to write / Have considered: Dracule Mihawk, Monet, Brook.
Have written: Charlotte Cracker, (Young) Gekko Moria, Crocodile, Captain Kuro, Agent Spandam, Arlong.
Want to write / Have considered: Seto Kaiba
Have written: Rex Raptor/Dinosaur Ryusaki, OC that is is sibling (This was ages ago), Simon Muran (Atem's advisor).
Dragon Quest
Want to rite / Have considered: Malroth; Lord and Master of Destruction, Hargon.
Have written: Debora Briscoletti
Want to write / Have considered: Piedmon
Have written: Devimon, OC that is his human partner.
Want to write / Have considered: Forte/Bass
Have written: Breakman (my own version that isn't Blues/Protoman)Protoman, Dr. Wily
Want to write / Have considered: Tarn.
Have written: Megatron (IDW1 and G1 cartoon), Shattered glass Optimus prime, Thundercracker (IDW1 and G1 Cartoon), Scorponok (IDW1 and G1 marvel Comics), Cyclonus (G1 cartoon), several OCs.
Final Fantasy
Want to write / Have considered: Kuja, Kefka.
Have written: Sephiroth and Princess Hilda (FF2).
Want to write / Have considered: Wisely Kamelot, Miranda Lotte.
Have written: General Marian Cross, Jasdevi Twins, Tyki Mikk, OC Noah.
Want to write / Have considered: Orochimaru
Have written: Hatake Kakashi, several OCs.
((There are more I can list but these are off the top of my head.))
Tagged by: @cosmicerroraftermath
Tagging: Anyone that feels like doing it because I'm a chain breaker. :P
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year ago
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"New York is where society puts itself on display. The leaders meet each other, and their children court each other..."
▹ Season 2 Official Trailer THE GILDED AGE (2022–)
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femininomen0n · 1 year ago
writing my first piece for hbo’s the gilded age 🤓
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ohlawsons · 5 years ago
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so i’ve completed a big long dao playthrough, and i’m working on a big long da2 playthrough, and next up is an incredibly big long dai playthrough, all for the canon gals
olivia hasn’t changed much over the years. still basically the same incredibly nervous, out of place mage at ostagar, thrown into a mess she didn’t want. she discovers the arcane warrior spirit and suddenly there’s a type of magic that makes so much sense. she’s still bffs with zev and morrigan, still romances alistair, still thinks anora’s the best chance the country has.
the biggest change with her is that when she frees kinloch hold after the blight, it’s def a big ol fuck you to the chantry. instead of going into hiding when the mage rebellion starts, she goes out and rescues refugees and they all hang out in her super protected chill ass tower
marian has. changed. already. i’m not even done with act 1 yet but i can sum up her attitude now as “i’m a healer but...” i don’t see her canon changing much, though. she’s still gonna romance fenris, still pro-mage, still gonna tell petrice to fuck off. i’ve been choosing more purple options for her this go round, but she’s still absolutely primarily a blue hawke
(not pictured: both olivia and marian lounging on the shore of lake calenhad, wearing matching oversized sunglasses and “fuck the chantry” shirts)
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ao3feed-janeausten · 2 years ago
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sobriquett · 3 years ago
Dear Author Letter: Gen Freeform Exchange 2022
Edit: 12.30am UTC, Friday 18th March. This letter is 80% complete. If you’re assigned to me or looking for treats in the meantime, I will try to have it 100% complete within 24 hours of this note.
This letter is a bit of a beast, sorry. If you have no idea what I'm talking about or just cannot be arsed, then please write whatever you want. If you have fun writing it, I'll have fun reading it. If, like me, you need a little more to go on, here's a lot more. If I've failed to write a letter for a future exchange but linked you here, please knock yourself out!
General likes and dislikes are repeated below, then some exchange-specific stuff, the fandom-specific stuff. Fandoms are in alphabetical order, I love(-hate) them all!
All of my requests include spoilers for these series, which seems fair game for mid-19th century novels, but includes some for tv episodes that aired within the last few days, so take care!
And, if you haven't come here via the app, 120% recommend for hunting for treats/easy visualisation of treats: https://autoao3app.firebaseapp.com/#/GenFreeformExchange2022
General Likes & Dislikes
Likes: angst, canon compliant/close canon AU, AU - canon divergence, historical details, examination of societal issues, working within the social/cultural/moral/political boundaries of the world, outsider POV, power dynamics/disparities, marriage of convenience, fluff, domesticity, found family, friendship, sad endings, happy endings, happily for now, character studies, secret relationships, world building, fix-it, humour, epistolary, pining, hurt/comfort, first time/last time, secret relationships, cultural differences, dark fic, character death consequences
Dislikes (not a deal breaker, just a preference): 1st/2nd person (unless canon/epistolary - e.g. fic in the style of novel written in first person, letters/diaries), horror genre/tropes, OCs as major characters, PWP (porn with plot welcome!), non-con (dubcon is fine, especially if related to power disparities between characters/there’s a genuine debate to be had about a character’s consent or ability to consent, but please no straightforward non-con)
General DNWs: modern/mundane AU, any AU out of context (e.g. coffee shop AU, college AU), scat, bestiality, graphic depiction of torture, body horror, maiming/mutilation, any kind of gore, mpreg. Exception: anything canon or canon-compliant is fine (i.e., description of or reference to canonical injury).
Please feel free to cross over any/all freeforms you like. The more the merrier! I've given some suggestions for some of them but if you have a contrasting idea, please knock yourself out. I've also listed a lot of relationships and a lot of each freeforms for each fandom. I am not at all married to any particular freeform matching any particular character or relationship unless otherwise specified. First, I have no right to be so fussy and no way to enforce it. Second, I am happy with anything for any tag here.
Every fandom includes "5 times", which is an easy way out if you've got this assignment and are sobbing into your keyboard, or if you've got an idea for a fandom nobody else has requested that you'd really like to treat, but I would love it if it was "5 times" of something at least tangentially related to another tag.
But, you know: ODAO, you do you.
I have requested fic for all fandoms, and vid for some limited fandoms, but I am open to anything for the purpose of treats if it takes your fancy. I like treats, both writing and receiving them!
Where you see a tag like "sibling relationship" or "parent/child relationship", that doesn't need to be a legal or biological relationship, but any nominated relationship with a similar dynamic, such as Mrs Hughes' pastoral role downstairs in Downton Abbey, or Mrs Thornton looking out for Margaret Hale after the death of Margaret's mother, or Marian Brook's aunts acting as her guardians; or Anna Smith and Gwen Dawson or Margaret Hale and Edith Lennox being like sisters - and warmer and closer than some of the other sibling relationships here!
1.      Downton Abbey
Anna Bates & Mary Crawley Group: Crawley Family Group: Downstairs Staff Isobel Crawley & Violet Crawley Mary Crawley & Violet Crawley Solo: Anna Bates Solo: Mary Crawley Mary Crawley & Edith Crawley & Sybil Crawley
Medium: Fic
This series is my comfort blanket show, I've seen it so many times. I wasn't terribly interested in Mary at first, but she's one of my favourite characters to read and write about in fic – that delicious blend of privilege, angst, dignity and projected coldness over inner warmth. I particularly enjoy her relationships with her closest allies – Anna and the Dowager, tagged here, and Carson too. Plus, as someone with no shortage of my own siblings, her sibling relationships intrigue me too.
And then Downstairs, this curious world where they're run off their feet all the time, but (anachronistically) well cared-for, how they have to live their lives snatched between mealtimes and clothes changes and their weekly half-day. For all the restrictions they're subjected to (no followers, a curfew, maintaining the dignity of the house at all times), this is a good life, and perhaps an easier one than some of their friends and family might know. It's such an isolated bubble in the world, I'd be curious for you to explore some of that.
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Character death fix?
The Kemal Pamuk episode didn't happen/happened differently
Angst – characters know exactly how to hurt each other
Mary and Edith! The S6 finale is a masterpiece of them hurting one another.
Character reflects on the inevitable passage of time
Changes in the household, both upstairs and downstairs? Mary/Edith/Sybil's generation grown up, their children in the nursery, servants coming and going, Carson's retirement, Violet's old age.
Character worries about letting down other characters who are loyal to them
Coming of age
There's a coming of age in becoming an adult, and there's coming of age becoming an adult and taking one's place. In many ways, the whole series is a coming of age for Mary.
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Complicated sibling relationships
Doesn’t need to be letters! Could be society gossip/newspapers or journals, as well as letters/notes between characters
Exploration of wealth and/or class differences
Emotional hurt/comfort
For Matthew, Sybil, Michael Gregson, any other character of your choice?
Hurt/comfort – sick character still has to get their job done
Hurt/comfort – character hides the extent of their injury/illness
Long-distance friendship
Male-female friendship
Parent/child relationship – different worldviews
Power imbalance
Redemption – trying to make amends with the people you hurt
Reunion after long separation
Shared commiseration over being forced to attend a formal event
Significant first name usage
Small lie or pretense spirals out of control
Traveling/being without a home
Unexpected friendship
2. The Gilded Age
Marian Brook & Sylvia Chamberlain Marian Brook & Peggy Scott Van Rhijn Household Russell Family Agnes van Rhijn & Ada Brook
Medium: Fic
So, I didn't even notice Belgravia was a thing, but Downton Abbey + Christine Baranski = me watching this show. At the time of writing, I'm an episode or two behind, but by reveals I will have seen the whole thing. Probably twice.
I haven't got a set view of any of these characters yet – hell, I'm only consciously learning a lot of their names somewhere around episode 7, like "Russell kid (male), yep", but I'll have it mastered before reveals. So please, feel free to explore and deepen my understanding of any of the characters!
Or, this isn't a time and place I know a lot about, so please show me more of the world if you like. Otherwise, I am interested in the complicated dynamics and tensions between these characters and what they represent.
I am enjoying the Russells more than I thought, and particularly the uncomfortable relationships between mother and daughter and father and son – with each child rebelling against following their same-gender parents' path/desire in their world – and the support that each child gets from the other parent.
I also feel like there's some deeper van Rhijn/Brook backstory that's missing, and I want to know more about how these women became who they are. This character is "household" not "family", so by all means include Peggy and the staff (and particularly Peggy's unusual position in the hierarchy).
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Coming of age
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Complicated relationship with  a parental figure
Compromising on uneven power dynamics in a platonic relationship
Exploration of wealth and/or class differences
Parent/child relationship – different worldviews
Poor Life Choices
Power Imbalance
The Russells' protectiveness of their children? Agnes and Ada of Marian? Marian of Mrs Chamberlain? The staff of the family or vice versa?
A big one: Agnes' protectiveness of Ada. Are there parallels with how Agnes treats Marian, explaining some of Ada's considerable sympathy for Marian?
Significant first name usage
This is a world of very rigid, prescribed civility. The use of a first name rather than more formal address is a big deal, a sign of considerably intimacy. There are endless possibilities here – but it might be worth being careful of which characters might bend these rules of propriety and which simply would never (or, rather, it's an even bigger deal when they do).
Small lie or pretense spirals out of control
One of the Russell children or Marian tells a small lie that gets out of control?
Unexpected friendship
3. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Solo: Jane Eyre Jane Eyre & Adèle Varens Jane Eyre & Alice Fairfax Edward Rochester & Adèle Varens
JANE EYRE IS AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. (Someone help me get ro3 on this tag.)
The novel is an autobiography, written in the first person. Are there gaps or misdirections? A story more favourably told, or varied? And Jane is very nearly as biased as those she criticises for their narrow-mindedness. But she makes the best of a bad situation, maintains her strength of character and morality in the most perilous of situations… or does she?
I am also interested in Jane's relationships with past figures in her life not often explored – Miss Temple, her Reed cousins, etc.
I am also curious about Rochester's relationship with Adele – how it began, what happened in Jane's absence, how he sent her to school, how their relationship recovered (or didn't) as she grew up.
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
What if Jane doesn't return to Rochester?
What if Rochester dies in the fire?
Any other what if you can think of!
Canon Events From Perspectives Not Given In Canon
What do Mrs Fairfax or Adele think of what's going on? Wondering about what Rochester thinks of canon events might be pushing the envelope a bit of a gen exchange.
Character reflects over the inevitable passage of time
Coming of Age
Complicated Relationship with a Parental Figure
Could be letters between the characters, could be news reports of the aborted wedding/fire/John Eyre's death, etc.
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
First Meetings
Rochester and Adele's first meeting, or her collection from France and arrival in England, are the only ones of this relationship not covered in the novel. Alternatively, what did Mrs Fairfax or Adele think of Jane upon their first meeting?
Hurt/Comfort - Character expects to be punished but is comforted instead
Hurt/Comfort - Character(s) discover Character A's biggest secret
Long-Distance Friendship
Does Jane maintain a correspondence with her former friends, her cousins, Adele? Does her world expand post-canon, as a married woman?
Parent/child relationship - difficult relationship
Parent/child relationship - different worldviews
Redemption - Trying To Make Amends With the People You Hurt
Rochester has a lot to make up for.
So does Jane, albeit to a lesser extent, for abandoning Adele.
Reverse parenting - the kid has to teach the adult how to behave appropriately
Mr Rochester is a grump. Adele is like (filtered) sunshine.
Reunion after long separation
Adele's return from school? Do Jane and Mrs Fairfax meet later after the main events of the novel? (I feel like she got pensioned off somewhere but can't remember if that's canon or just my brain.)
Unreliable Narrator
JANE EYRE IS AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. I feel very strongly about this.
Adele must have had a miserable time at school. Consider some of the events of Jane's time at Lowood – it's implied that Adele has a similar experience. She must have been traumatised. How does that play out and how does she recover?
Traveling/Being Without a Home
Jane, Mrs Fairfax and Adele are all dependents. Thornfield Hall might be where they live but it's not their home, and there's an inherent precariousness to their position that might be worth exploring – or what it's worth when they finally do have a home that's theirs, and they feel it.
4. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV)
Miriam "Midge" Maisel & Abe Weissman Miriam "Midge" Maisel & Lenny Bruce Miriam "Midge" Maisel & Shy Baldwin Miriam "Midge" Maisel & Susie Myerson Susie Myerson & Joel Maisel
Medium: Fic, Vid
I have rewatched this series from start to finish twice in the last two months, I love it. I like S4 less than the others but it definitely had its moments. Anyway, my point is, I have seen it repeatedly and it's fresh in my mind, if you want to go niche with anything.
At the time of nominating this, Midge/Lenny was still pretty much subtext, and I am happy to read it that way. If you're here for that relationship and it suits you, set it in an earlier season, so it's easier to keep the subtext on mute!
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Angst – characters know exactly how to hurt each other
Antagonistic relationship turns to genuine friendship
Awkward and unconventional gestures of friendship
Canon-typical misogyny
Canon events from perspectives not given in canon
Character worries about letting down other characters who are loyal to them
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Emotional hurt/comfort
Grand gesture of friendship
Friends to enemies to friends
Male-female friendship
Parent/child relationship – difficult relationship
Platonic bed-sharing
Poor life choices
Small lie or pretense spirals out of control
Traveling/being without a h9ome
Unexpected friendship
5. North and South (UK TV)
Solo: John Thornton John Thornton & Hannah Thornton John Thornton & Nicholas Higgins Margaret Hale & Hannah Thornton Margaret Hale & Henry Lennox Margaret Hale & Edith Lennox Margaret Hale & Frederick Hale
Medium: Fic
I wrote this for Yuletide one year and never looked back. I devour things in this fandom. I read quite a bit of Victorian history and live in a northern mill town, so I love it when fics dive into those dynamics. On the other hand, period drama angst!
I live in a Northern mill town, so this is kind of my history. I would love to see an exploration of the historical context of the mills and labour history.
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Adult or teenager character's childhood backstory
How exactly did John, Hannah and Fanny manage after the ruin of the older Mr Thornton?
Antagonistic relationship turns to genuine friendship
Do Thornton and Higgins ever become true friends, recognising the positive qualities in one another, finding things in common?
Canon-typical misogyny
Mrs Thornton is a respected woman in her world. Is that because she stays in her lane, operates in a feminine role and sphere? (In the novel, and from an historical perspective, she wouldn’t have had any involvement in the mill, in contrast to the supervisory way she acts in the adaptation. But that’s neither here nor there.) In contrast, Margaret is not - she acts publicly, emotionally, explores outsider her sphere. There’s a lot to unpack there. And then Edith is another woman living a very different life! Also, Hannah is thoroughly dependent on her son. She’s raised a good one and is secure, but she’s still completely dependent.
Canon events from perspectives not given in canon
What do outsiders looking in think of events? Particularly Edith, from her life of relative comfort and ease in London/Corfu, or Frederick’s very different life in Spain?
Character reflects over the inevitable passage of time
Character feeling like a worthless failure
How does Thornton feel when the mill fails? How does he cope?
Class differences
Character worries about letting down other characters who are loyal to them
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Complicated relationship with a parental figure
Debt & financial difficulty
There’s a world of difference between John Thornton’s failure as a business owner and his father’s - probably because of John’s trauma from his father’s experience. I would love to see this explored in more detail. Victorian bankruptcy was a harrowing, public, nuclear thing.
How do the Hale siblings cope with the unexpected death of their father, so soon after their mother? How does John cope with the death of his father, and all the huge and sweeping changes that makes to his life?
Labour relations/trade unions
Long-distance friendship
Male-female friendship
Parent/child relationship – difficult relationship
Parent/child relationship – different worldviews
Emotional hurt/comfort
Letters, news, journals, books! So many things. See Unsent Letters.
Exploration of wealth and/or class differences
This is a particularly complex thing in this fandom, because Margaret has less money but more status than Thornton - in most of the world, but not in Milton. There’s so much to unpick here.
Poor life choices
WHAT THE F--- IS THAT TRAIN SCENE; although that’s shippy. Unless another would like to muse on Margaret’s absolute wtf from an outsider perspective?
Power imbalance
Reunion after long separation
Significant first name usage
Traveling/being without a home
Unexpected friendship
6. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Jane & Elizabeth & Mary & Kitty & Lydia Bennet Elizabeth Bennet & Charlotte Lucas Elizabeth Bennet & Georgiana Darcy Elizabeth Bennet & Jane Bennet Catherine de Bourgh & Mrs Bennet Fitzwilliam Darcy & Mrs Bennet Elizabeth Bennet & Catherine de Bourgh
Medium: Fic
I'm not sure I've ever read this novel straight through, but I dip into it and read a random fifty pages every now and then. I've definitely read it all repeatedly, and the 1995 adaptation is peak background noise/comfort viewing for me.
I am so, so tickled by the Mrs Bennet relationships here. I would love to see someone match her vulgarity with the refinement/haughtiness of Darcy or Lady Catherine.  There's potential for some true Austen-style comedy.
Alternatively, sisters are going to be sisters: competitive, fickle, shallow, loving, protective, bickering, loyal, jealous, supportive, etc – and sometimes several of those dynamics all at once. I would be happy to see any moment - before, during or after canon – of some or all of the Bennet sisters interacting.
How does Elizabeth and Charlotte's relationship continue? They are on different paths, but tied together. Does Darcy extend his patronage to Mr Collins, and they have to put up with him but do have Charlotte nearby? How does Elizabeth feel when Charlotte becomes mistress of Longbourn? (Further complicated by how that must follow the death of Elizabeth's father.)
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Canon events from perspectives not given in canon
Complicated sibling relationships
Enemies to friends
Exploration of wealth and/or class differences
Emotional hurt/comfort
Friends to enemies to friends
Learning to cope with unwelcome in-law
Long-distance friendship
Power imbalance
Significant first name usage
Unexpected friendship
7. Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Medium: Fic
I subscribe to the Forsythian view of canon. However, that is not appropriate here. But I do believe Watson is an unreliable narrator and obscures things – for his and Holmes' privacy or advantage, or that of their clients… and there is much fun to be had there.
I enjoy domestic fic as much as case fic in this fandom, so an interesting interlude is as satisfying to me as a full pastiche.
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Awkward and unconventional gestures of friendship
Casual platonic intimacy
Cat acquisition
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Emotional hurt/comfort
Grand gesture of friendship
Hurt/comfort – character hides extent of their illness/injury
Redemption – trying to make amends with the people you hurt
Reunion after long separation
Small lie or pretense spirals out of control
Unreliable narrator
8. Snowpiercer (TV)
Group: Engineers Solo: Melanie Cavill Solo: Ruth Wardell Solo: Wilford
Medium: Fic
I love-hate this show. The class system of the train in S1 and Wilford's cruelty throughout make my blood boil, I stopped rooting for Layton a while ago, that dream episode recently was absolutely terrible what the fuck was that, but this world remains fascinating to me.
I am particularly curious about the science – and I am not at all a scientist, so fake science works for me! The beauty and peril of the train's ecosystem is one of the things that captivated me in the first season, and the balance of reasoning when making decisions, such as cows vs. the tail
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Adult or teenage character's childhood backstory
Awkward and unconventional gestures of friendship
Calculated cruelty
Character worries about letting down other characters who are loyal to them
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Exploration of wealth and/or class differences
Gestures of affection that outsiders would find creepy/disturbing
First meetings
Friends to enemies
Friends to enemies to friends
Hurt/comfort – character(s) discover Character A's biggest secret
Hurt/comfort – hurt/sick character still has to get their job done
Male-female friendship
Power imbalance
Redemption – trying to make amends with the people you hurt
Small lie or pretense or small lie spirals out of control
Traveling/being without a home
Worldbuilding – exploring how background systems in canon work (e.g. logistics, law/lawyers, banks)
Worldbuilding – history and historiography
Worldbuilding – justice system
Worldbuilding – politics and diplomacy
9. The West Wing (TV)
Solo: Donna Moss Solo: Joey Lucas Josh Lyman & Donna Moss CJ Cregg & Josh Lyman & Sam Seaborn & Toby Ziegler Jed Bartlet & CJ Cregg & Josh Lyman & Leo McGarry & Sam Seaborn & Toby Ziegler
Medium: Fic, Vid
[need to write some thiiings!]
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Awkward and unconventional gestures of friendship
Casual platonic intimacy
Character reflects over the inevitable passage of time
Character worries about letting down other characters who are loyal to them
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Compromising on uneven power dynamics in a platonic relationship
Emotional hurt/comfort
Grand gesture of friendship
Friends to enemies to friends
Hurt/comfort – hurt/sick character still has to get their job done
Hurt/comfort – character hides the extent of their injury/illness
Male-female friendship
Poor life choices
Power imbalance
Presumed dead
Work friendship becomes real friendship
10. The Witcher (TV)
Ciri & Eist Ciri & Jaskier Geralt & Jaskier Jaskier & Roach Jaskier & Yennefer Solo: Ciri Solo: Geralt
Medium: Fic
[need to write some thiiings!]
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened
Accidental baby acquisition
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Angst – characters know exactly how to hurt each other
Awkward and unconventional gestures of friendship
Becoming an accidental father figure
Casual platonic intimacy
Came back wrong,then came back wronger, why does it keep getting worse
Character A drops the lighthearted façade when Character B is in danger
Character discovers they aren't as human as they thought they were
Character thinks no one is coming to save them; multiple people team up for the rescue
Complicated relationship with a parental figure
Characters have competing aesthetic/philosophical/methodological/problem-solving principles
Competence – highly effective teamwork
Emotional hurt/comfort
Gestures of affection that others would find creepy/disturbing
Grand gestures of friendship
Friends to enemies to friends
Hurt/comfort – character expects to be punished but is comforted instead
Hurt/comfort – character hides the extent of their illness/injury
Hurt/comfort – hurt/sick character still has to get their job done
Male-female friendship
Platonic "there was only one bed" – characters annoy each other through the night
Poor life choices
Power imbalance
Presumed dead
Redemption – trying to make amends with the people you hurt
Reunion after long separation
Shared commiseration over being forced to attend a formal event
Small lie or pretense spirals out of control
Traveling/being without a home
Unexpected friendship
11. Whoa, the end!
Well done, reader/writer. Well done.
Don’t forget: have fun.
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trans-and-baby-names · 5 years ago
Masculine Names
Aaron  Abdul Abe  Abel Abraham  Abram Ace Achilles  Adair Adam Adonis Adrian Adriel  Ahmed Ajax Ajay Aiden Alan Albert Alejandro Alex Alexander Alfonso Alfred Alistair Alister Allen  Alonzo Amadeo Amadeus Amani Amari Ambrose Amir Anders  Anderson Andre Andreas Andrew Andy Angel Angelo Angus Ansel  Anson Anthony Antonio Apollo Aries Archer Archie Aristotle Arlo  Arnaldo Arnold Arsenio Arthur Arturo Arwin Asa Asher Aslan Atlas  Atticus Aubrey August Augustin Augustine Augustus Aurelio Aurelius Austin Axel  Aziz
Balthazar  Bane Barnabas  Barnaby Barney Baron  Barrett Basil Bastian  Bear Beau Beck Ben Benjamin  Benji Bentley Bernard Bertram Bertrand  Blake Blaze Blue Bobby Bodhi Booker Boris  Boston Bowie Boyd Brad Bradford Bradley Bram  Bramwell Bran Brandon Brandt Braxton Braylen Brayden Brendon  Brent Brett Brian Briar Brick Bridge Bridger Brock Brody Brogan  Bronx Brook Brooks Bruce Bruno Brutus Bryce Bryson Buck Bud Buddha  Buddy Buck Burt Burton Buster Buzz Byron 
Cade  Caden Cain  Cairo Caius Calder  Caleb Callum Calvin Cam  Cameron Camillo Campbell Carl  Carlisle Carlito Carlo Carlos Carlton  Carmine Carson Carter Casper Caspian Cassian  Cassias Cato Cecil Cedar Cedric Cesar Chad Chadwick  Chance Charles Charlton Chase Chauncey Chester Chidi Chip  Christoff Christoph Christopher Christian Chuck Cian Cillian  Clarence Clark Claud Clay Clayton Cliff Clifford Clint Clinton  Clyde Coby Cody Colby Cole Collin Colt Colton Conan Connor Conrad  Constantine Cooper Copper Corbin Cornelius Cory Cosmo Cosmos Costas Craig Crispin Cruz Curt Curtis Cyrus
Dale  Dallas  Dalton Damien  Damon Dan Dane Daniel  Dante Darius Darrel Darren  Dash Dashiell Davey David Dawson  Dax Daxton Deacon Dean DeAndre Declan  Demetrius Denali Dennis Denny Denzel Derek  Derrick Des Desmond Dewey Dex Dexter Diego Diesel  Dion Dirk Dixon Dmitri Dominic Donatello Donovan Dorian  Doug Douglas Draco Drew Duke Duncan Dustin Dusty Dwayne Dwight  Dylan Dyson 
Earl  Easton  Edgar Edmund  Eduardo Edward Edwin  Egon Eli Elijah Elias  Elliott Ellis Elroy Elton  Emanuel Emeric Emerson Emery  Emil Emiliano Emmett Emrys Enrique  Enzo Eric Ernest Ernesto Ernie Esteban  Ethan Eugene Eustace Euvan Evan Evander Everett  Ezekiel Ezra 
Fabian  Fabio Falcon  Faustus Felix Ferdinand  Fergus Ferguson Fernando Fidel  Fido Finbar Findlay Finn Finnley  Fionn Fisher Fitz Fletcher Flint Florence  Florian Ford Forrest Fort Foster Fowler Fox  Francesco Francis Francisco Franco Frank Frankie  Franklin Fred Freddy Fredrick Frederico
Gabe  Gabriel  Gael Gage  Gale Galen Garfield Garrett Gaston Gatsby  Gavin Geoffrey Geordie George  Gerald Gerard Gideon Gil Gilbert  Gilberto Giovanni Glenn Gordon Gordy  Grady Graham Grant Gray Grayson Gregg  Gregory Grey Griffin Griffith Grover Gunner  Gunther Gus Gustavo Guy 
Hades  Hal Hamilton  Hank Hans Harley Harrison  Harry Hawk Hayden Hayes Heath Hector  Henrik Hendrix Henry Herb Herbert Herbie  Hercules Hermes Hershel Hiram Holden Howard  Howie Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hux Huxley 
Ian Igor Iker Irvin Isaac Isaiah Ivan 
Jace  Jack Jackson  Jacob Jaques Jaden  Jake Jalen Jamal James  Jameson Jared Jason Jax  Jay Jed Jedidiah Jefferson  Jeffrey Jeremiah Jeremy Jerome  Jerry Jesus Jethro Jett Jim Jimmy  Joe Joel Johan Johannes John Johnny Jonah  Jonas Jonathan Jones Jordan Jose Joseph Joshua  Josiah Juan Juanito Judah Judas Judd Jude Jules Julian  Julien Julio Julius Junior Jupiter Jurgen Justice Justin Justus 
Kaden  Kai Kaiser  Kale Kaleb Kane  Keane Keanu Keaton  Keegan Keenan Keith  Kellen Kenan Kendrick  Kenneth Kenzo Keoni Kevin Khalid  Kian Kieran Kiernan Kingsley Kingston Killian  Kip Kwan Kyle
Lachlan  Lake Lamar  Lance Lancelot  Landon Lane Larkin  Larry Lars Laurence Laurent  Lawrence Lawson Lazlo Legend Leif  Leith Leland Leo Leon Leonardo Leopold  Leroy Levi Liam Lincoln Linden Logan Loki  London Lonnie Lonny Lorcan Lorenzo Lou Louie  Louis Luc Luca Lucas Lucian Lucky Luke Lupe Luther
Maddox  Maksim Malachi  Malachy Malakai Malcolm  Malik Manfred Manny Marcel Marcello  Marcellus Marcio Marcius Marco Marcos  Marcus Marian Marino Mario Marius Mark  Marlin Marlon Marmaduke Marques Mars Marshall  Martin Marty Marvel Marvin Massimo Mason Matt Matteo  Matthew Maurice Maverick Max Maximilian Maximus Maxwell  Melvin Mercury Meredith Merritt Micah Michael Miguel Miles  Milo Mitchell Moe Monte Montgomery Murdoch Murphy Murray Murtagh  Murtaugh Myles
Nathan  Nathaniel  Ned Nelson  Nemo Neo Neon  Neptune Neville  Newt Newton Nick  Nicky Nicola Nicolai  Nicholas Niko Noah Noel Nolan  Norm Norman Novak 
Obadiah  Octavio Octavius  Odin Olaf Oleg Oliver  Olivier Omar Orion Orlando  Orville Osborn Oscar Oso Osvaldo  Oswald Ottis Otto Owen Oz Ozzy
Pablo  Palmer Panther  Parker Pascal Patrick Paul  Paxton Pedro Penn Percival Percy Perseus  Peter Peyton Phil Philip Phineas Phoenix Pier  Pierce Pierre Pilot Pluto Porter Poseidon Preston  Prince Prosper
Qadir  Quincy Quinn  Quinton 
Raiden  Ralph Ramone  Ramses Randall Randolph  Randy Raphael Ravi Ray Raymond Red  Reece Reggie Reginald Regis Reid Remington  Reuben Rex Reynald Reynaldo Reynard Rhett Rhys  Ricardo Richard Richie Richmond Rick Ricky Rico Ridge  Riley Rio Riordan River Robert Roberto Robbie Rocco Rocky  Rodney Rodrigo Roger Ricky Riley Rod Rodrick Roger Roland  Roman Romeo Ross Rowan Rudy Rufus Russell Ryder Ryker Rylan Ryland 
Salem  Salvador  Salvator Sam  Samir Sampson Samson  Samuel Sander Sandford Sanjay  Santiago Saul Sawyer Scott Sean Sebastian  Septimus Serge Sergio Seth Seus Seymour Shane  Shawn Shayne Sheldon Shepherd Sherlock Sherman Shin Sidney  Sigmund Silas Silver Silvester Simon Sinclair Sinjin Sirius  Slade Slate Sol Solomon Sonny Sparrow Spartacus Spencer Spike  Soren Stan Stanford Stanley Steele Stephen Steven Stevie Stone Sven Summit  Sullivan Sully Sylvester
Tad  Tag Talon  Tanner Tate  Ted Teddy Teo Teodor  Teodoro Terence Terrell  Terry Tex Thad Thaddeus Thane  Thatcher Theo Theoden Theodore Thomas  Thor Thorn Tiberius Tiger Tito Titus Timothy  Titus Tobias Toby Tommy Tony Topher Trace Travis  Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Trey Tristan Troy Truman Tucker  Tudor Tullio Tullius Tully Tycho Tyler Tyrell Tyrese Tyrone  Tyson
Uberto  Ulric Ulrich  Ulysses Uriah Urban Urijah  Uriel
Van  Vance  Vaugn Victor  Vince Vincenco Vincent  Vinny Virgil Vlad Vladimir 
Wade  Walden  Waldo Walker  Wallace Wally Walt  Walter Warner Warren  Watson Waylon Wayne Wendall  Wesley Westley Weston Wilbert  Wilbur Wilder Wiley Wilfred Will William  Winston Wolf Wolfe Wolfgang Woodrow Wyatt 
Xander  Xavier Xavion  Xenon
Yael  Yahir York Yosef  Yousef Yusef
Zac  Zach Zachariah  Zacharias Zachary Zack  Zander Zane Zayden Zeke  Zeus Ziggy Zion Zoltan
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belorage · 3 years ago
PART ONE of the OC names tag game! (Yes, I ran out of tag space. Only God can judge me. If you’ve an interest in any of my various and sundry non-FC5 children, you can find them HERE, but I would advise you not to subject yourselves to it.)
I was tagged by @blissfulalchemist @adelaidedrubman and @scungilliwoman—most beloved, best of mutuals, etc. I loved this one! Thank you for thinking of me! 🤍
Tagging: @florbelles @honeysides @heroofpenamstan @preachercuster @jackiesarch @shallow-gravy @johnnycranes @themysteriouslou @astarkey @aceghosts @depyotee @vasiktomis @geronimo-11 @daughter-of-melpomene @ma-sulevin @shellibisshe @teamhawkeye @bluemojave @foofygoldfish @smithandrogers @amistrio @cobb-vanthss @strafethesesinners
If you’d like to play, the name of the game is character name meanings and any relevant reasoning you may have for your choices.
Please note that all Brooks-Seed children are co-created and co-owned by @florbelles. If any of the information provided for them is false, she reserves the right to murder me in my own home.
Everyone but Wes is going after a cut, because literally no one asked for this mess. 
WESLEY DANIEL BROOKS Wesley: English origin, meaning “western meadow.” No special purpose on my part. I yoinked it from James Wesley of Daredevil fame because it sounded like it suited him; Google searching the meaning confirmed it. Daniel: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my judge.” I do not need to explain why I chose this or why I think it’s funny. Brooks: English origin, meaning “residing near a stream or brook.” I simply wanted a water name because he was designed to be a John ship. However, I like to joke that I belatedly realized it was bad commentary on the plot of the game (just drop “rook” in the middle of “BS”).
ANDERSON BROOKS Anderson: English origin, meaning “son of Andrew.” No purpose, derived from the historical figure Anderson Hatfield primarily because I liked the nickname Anse. He was originally an Arthur, which was a reference to The Scarlet Letter. MARIAN BROOKS Marian: French derivation of the Hebrew name Mariam, meaning “bitter” or “of the sea” or “beloved.” Chosen to be evocative of the Virgin Mary. That’s it, that’s the show.
RAFAEL ALEJANDRO ESTRADA DOS SANTOS Rafael: Spanish derivation of the Hebrew name Raphael, meaning “God has healed.” Hilariously, I had not yet decided conclusively that he would be my captain of the New Dawn era when I chose this. I simply wanted a biblical name associated with angels (and I already had a Gabriel). Alejandro: Spanish derivation of the Greek name Alexander, meaning “defender of man.” Again, this needs no introduction. He is my good boy. Estrada: Spanish origin, derived from the Portuguese word meaning “road.” I nearly despaired and cancelled this when I found out it was one of Oscar Isaac’s last names but I liked it too much for FC5—road, path, you get it—so I kept it. dos Santos: Spanish and Portuguese origin, meaning “of the saints.” The purpose is painfully obvious. Unfortunate (both for me and for him).
NOAH BROOKS-SEED Noah: Hebrew origin, meaning “rest.” Shaggy very much disputes this. The under-the-hood reasoning was simply a joke between Stella and I, that Wes offered the name as a nod to his favorite word, “no.” It is also, of course, a reference to the biblical figure who was chosen by God for the perpetuation of life after His great flood. JOLENE BROOKS-SEED Jolene: English origin, derived from the Hebrew name Joseph, meaning “God is merciful” or “God will add.” The “merciful” part is highly debatable, but He sure did add (sorry to Lyra’s womb). Allowing Lyra and John to name her for Joseph is the natural balance to the Noah debacle, and you know how they feel about balance. CYRUS BROOKS-SEED Cyrus: Persian origin, meaning “sun” or “one who bestows care.” This was chosen by Stella as a reference to the biblical king Cyrus, because it evoked themes of rebuilding and restoration. In retrospect, “one who bestows care” is apt because at any given time you can expect him to be keeping his elder siblings out of prison. PHILIPPA BROOKS-SEED Philippa: Greek origin, meaning “lover of horses.” Yes, she was named to honor Shaggy. Yes, it’s hilarious. (And yes, she does love horses.) 
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