#mariam saeed
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The family living room is crowded with women mourning the death of the little girl in a solemn atmosphere, yet Ms. Saeed, hunched over the picture of her daughter, is not paying attention to her surroundings. She has only eyes for Amal’s picture, which she is addressing in a litany, interrupted only by uncontrollable tears. “Oh my God, my love, please come visit me in my dreams. You used to call me, ‘my heart’, but don’t call me 'my heart' when you come, because my heart has died, Amal. They buried my heart. It's gone. I’m just a body without a soul.” Her voice cracks into a desperate wail. “I’m only standing for your sisters, Zaynouba and Mariam, who witnessed your death, who saw me carrying you. I hope they forget everything they saw. Has anyone else carried their daughter like I did? My heart, you were only five,” she said, holding her two daughters, who survived the attack.
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List of Gofundme fundraisers made by people affected by the Gaza/Palestine attacks
(This list is very likely to be edited and updated as time goes by to add more people. I understand if you're unable to donate, but please at least share this around)
Help my family afford emergency surgeries - Nouran H
Help a family have a chance in life - Haya Hijazy
Help our family evacuate Gaza and find safety - Ramzi Saud
Help Yousef escape Gaza and treat his cancer - Angela Hays
Help my family evacuate Gaza - Rana Muneer
Save the family of Dr Duhair to escape war - Mohammed H I Ahmed
Evacuate my diabetic kid out of Gaza war - Mariam Fares
Seeking peace and a future beyond Gaza bombardment - Adel Alzaharna
General list of Gofundme fundraisers with "Palestine" and "Gaza"
#vextriestotalk#gaza#palestine#free palestine#free gaza#if you support Israel then just go away. This isn't about you.
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The above sign, reading "The list of [martyrs] from my family only," was carried at today's pro-Palestinian March on Washington. It lists the names of 41 members of the Mousa family who were martyred under israeli violence. Their names are:
Ameen Saeed Muhammad (81);
Heyam Mahmud Abdelrahman (65);
Sameer Salamah Ali (64);
Fitna Muhammad Abdelkader (55);
Raghda Nayef Khaled (49);
Naseer Hosni Salamah (39) and his sister Abeer Hosni Salamah (29);
Assmaa Ahmed Salem (37);
Shehab Sabry Abdullah (36);
Islam Khader Khaled (35) and his siblings Naheel Khader Khaled (28), Amal Khader Khaled (24), and Nada Khader Khaled (18);
Assmaa Mahmud Musa (34);
Ayman Samir Salamah (34) and his daughters Maria Ayman Samir (5), Melana Ayman Samir (3), and Masa Ayman Samir (1);
and Ayman's brother Adham Samir Salamah (26);
Ahmad Gamal Hassan (34);
Mohammad Ahmed Abdelkarim (31) and his daughter Feryal Mohammad Ahmed (2);
Safaa Jamil Mahmud (28);
Mohammad Yasser Muhammad (27);
Mariam Muhammad Khamis (17);
Mohammad Nasser Hosni (12) and his brothers Yousef Nasser Hosni (10) and Abdul Rahman Nasser Hosni (8);
Nema Jawad Hosni (8) and their brother Mohammad Jawad Hosni (5);
Jamal Mustafa Jamal (6) and his brother Baha Mustafa Jamal (less than a year old);
Mohammad Ahmed Jamal (6) and his siblings Alma Ahmed Jamal (4) and Yousuf Ahmed Jamal (1);
Raghda Adel Muhammad (6) and her brother Mohammad Adel Muhammad (3);
Seela Hassan Jamal (4);
Yousef Hussam Hussein (4);
Mohammad Fadi Dhiyab (3);
and Rakan Hossam Hussein (less than a year old).
Since then, other martyrs from the Moussa family include:
Asim Kamal (34), a journalist;
Sami Nasser Salem;
Islam Khader Khaled's children Omar Islam Khader (3) and Nur Islam Khader (10);
Ali Abdelkader Ibrahim (96);
Jamal Muhammad Abdel Hamid (54) and his daughters Samar Jamal Muhammad (24) and Asma Jamal Muhammad (27);
Amal Saadallah Suleiman (53);
Dina Abdullah Khader (5) and her sisters Amal Abdullah Khader (6) and Mennatullah Abdullah Khader (9);
Suhad Kamal Saleh (34);
and Haniyya Khamis Yusuf (30).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and on my blog.
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Prototypes for Humanity, a Dubai 3 progetti universitari italiani
Prototypes for Humanity, a Dubai 3 progetti universitari italiani. Sono tre i progetti universitari italiani – di NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano, Università degli studi di Roma Tre, Università di Trento – selezionati fra i 100 migliori progetti di innovazione e ricerca nel mondo tra oltre 450 eccellenze accademiche e che verranno presentati il 16 e 17 novembre a Prototypes for Humanity, l’atteso appuntamento in programma al DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre) di Dubai. In particolare: - Crisàlys (NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano) è un rilevatore di smalto per unghie anti stupro. A partire dalla formula di uno smalto trasparente che cambia colore istantaneamente al contatto con droghe da stupro, finalizzata da un gruppo di studenti americani, Crisàlys si ispira a questa tecnologia chimica e ne crea un prodotto socialmente utile nel quotidiano con un linguaggio sofisticato e spensierato, ideando un sistema di comunicazione basato su un packaging sostenibile, perché ricaricabile e quindi durevole. Un valore fondamentale sul quale si basa Crisàlys è l'inclusione, infatti il prodotto non ha un target specifico e può essere utile a chiunque senza distinzione di genere. Progetto di: Marta Bartesaghi, Gaia D’Ettorre, Alessia Radaelli e Jeannette Rubino. Docente: Luca Ferreccio, senior lecturer Graphic Design Area di NABA. - Olivair (Università degli studi di Roma Tre) è un drone eolico, di grandi dimensioni che rivoluziona la raccolta delle olive, facendole cadere grazie al vento prodotto dalle eliche. Imitando la natura, le olive possono essere raccolte a maturazione ottimale e anche in quelle aree troppo ripide per essere raggiunte dai trattori, riducendo così sia gli sprechi che l'impatto ambientale. Il gruppo di Olivair nasce dal percorso di formazione Dock3 organizzato dall’università di Roma Tre. Progetto di: Diana Zagarella, Dario Marroccu, Giacomo Longaroni e Alberto Zagarella. Docente: Umberto Iemma, professore ordinario di costruzioni e strutture aerospaziali del Dipartimento di Ingegneria. Alla fase di test hanno contribuito: Alessandro Lidozzi, professore associato di macchine e azionamenti elettrici, Jacopo Serafini, ricercatore di meccanica del volo, Stefano Meloni ricercatore di fluidodinamica e Luca Pustina, assegnista di ricerca. - Paladino (da Security Embedded, affiliata all'Università di Trento) è un software per proteggere i dispositivi dagli attacchi informatici. Una tecnologia di protezione delle infrastrutture critiche che consente ai dispositivi loT di operare in sicurezza, attraverso un sistema di difesa plug-and-play contro gli attacchi informatici. Paladino agisce come un semplice software che può essere installato sui dispositivi già esistenti, consentendone la messa in sicurezza senza alterare l’infrastruttura in essere, e offrendo una protezione completa, economica e immediata. Progetto di: Michele Grisafi, Luca Degani. Docente: Prof. Bruno Crispo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione Università di Trento Sotto il patronato di Sua Altezza Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, presidente dell'Autorità per la Cultura e le Arti di Dubai e membro del Consiglio di Dubai, con il Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) come partner principale e con il sostegno del Dubai Culture e A.R.M. Holding, Prototypes for Humanity è il più grande programma al mondo dedicato al talento accademico attraverso discipline diverse, alla ricerca di idee, progetti e innovazioni all'avanguardia che abbiano il potere di cambiare il mondo e di affrontare con un impatto positivo e concreto le sfide critiche del futuro, in particolare sociali e ambientali, che oggi riguardano tutti noi Presidente della giuria è Sua Altezza Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Gli altri membri della giuria di questa edizione sono: - E. Mariam bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almheiri, Ministra del cambiamento climatico e dell'ambiente degli EAU. - Arif Amiri, CEO dell'Autorità DIFC, Membro del Consiglio dell'Alleanza Mondiale dei Centri Finanziari. - Kristoffer Gandrup-Marino, Capo dell'innovazione dell'UNICEF, Rete africana per l'innovazione della diagnostica. - Chris Drake, Fondatore e CEO della società di consulenza di design industriale Hodges & Drake. - Mohammad Saeed Al- Shehhi, Amministratore delegato di A.R.M. Holding. I quattro progetti internazionali vincitori quest’anno di Prototypes for Humanity Awards - che si aggiudicano il premio di 25.000$ ciascuno - sono: - In ambito SALUTE il premio va alla Nanyang Technological University di Singapore per il progetto "FormaCyte device" impianto rivoluzionario per la gestione del diabete di tipo 1. Una soluzione concreta che, grazie a un nuovo dispositivo, permette il controllo ottimale della glicemia attraverso un'erogazione sostenibile di insulina, riducendo così la necessità di immunosoppressori tossici. - In ambito SOCIETÀ il premio va alla Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology del Ghana per il progetto "AkoFresh". Una soluzione per la conservazione a freddo di energia solare che riduce le perdite post-raccolto. Una tecnologia che affronta l'attuale spreco di cibo pre-mercato, stimato intorno al 30-50%, creando valore aggiunto per gli agricoltori. - In ambito AMBIENTE vince la Turchia e la Middle East Technical University con il progetto "Aerostat", palloni intelligenti riempiti di elio per il rilevamento precoce degli incendi nei boschi. Un serbatoio di elio meccanico e riutilizzabile sensibile al fumo che invia avvisi attraverso palloncini visibili anche di notte. - Per le CORPORATE SOLUTIONS il premio va al progetto "Carbon Capture Battery", la tecnologia delle batterie che rende redditizia la cattura del carbonio della University of Cambridge (UK). Soluzione per generare energia catturando al contempo il carbonio, compensando così il costo della riduzione delle emissioni. Tra le oltre 450 università che hanno partecipato quest’anno, si annoverano Oxford School of Medicine, MIT, Columbia University, Harvard School of Government, Royal College of Art (RCA). L’edizione di quest’anno vanta inoltre un numero record di università partecipanti da 25 nazioni africane e da altri Paesi economicamente emergenti, tra cui: University of Ibadan, Industrial Chemistry, Nigeria; CENTRO University, Industrial Design, Messico; Bakrie University, Civil Engineering, Indonesia; Cadi Ayyad University, Data Science, Marocco; State University, Business Management, Azerbaijan. Durante le giornate della manifestazione, aperta al pubblico il 16 e 17 novembre nella nuova sede del DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre), il principale hub finanziario per il Middle East, Africa e South Asia, si possono visionare i 100 migliori progetti selezionati per questa edizione 2022, partecipare a talk nonché scoprire da vicino i progetti premiati e conoscerne gli ideatori. Prototypes for Humanity è il nuovo nome del Global Grade Show, nato inizialmente nel 2015 come mostra incentrata sul design di innovazione. Con questa sua nuova identità Prototypes for Humanity consolida il suo obiettivo di diventare un catalizzatore di soluzioni concrete, di impatto tangibile, attraverso la ricerca. Il suo programma si è evoluto negli anni e oggi la prima edizione di Prototypes for Humanity si presenta come una piattaforma multidisciplinare e collaborativa ideata per creare alleanze strategiche e mettere in contatto governi e aziende pubbliche e private con le migliori start up, i talenti emergenti e le soluzioni più innovative nel settore dell’ambiente, della salute, della società e delle corporate solutions. Sensibilizzare su problemi globali, ispirare soluzioni concrete e avviare nuove collaborazioni è l’obiettivo primario di Prototypes for Humanity. I progetti di quest'anno presentano infatti soluzioni concrete e rapidamente utilizzabili per risolvere esigenze urgenti e tangibili, quali il cambiamento climatico, la sicurezza alimentare, le disuguaglianze sociali e la scarsità d'acqua. Ma anche ipotesi di ricerca e attuazione di progetti per intervenire sul futuro a lungo termine. Un’occasione per mettere a fuoco i problemi delle comunità locali, dell'umanità e del pianeta in generale, ma anche per avere una panoramica su quelle che sono ad oggi le potenziali soluzioni più interessanti proposte da giovani menti brillanti di tutto il mondo che lavorano quotidianamente su questi temi. ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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در دل من چیزیست مثل یك بیشه نور مثل خواب دم صبح و چنان بی تابم كه دلم می خواهد بدوم تاته دشت بروم تا س�� كوه دور ها آوایی است كه مرا می خواند .... سهراب سپهری
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I really hope people are actually following Motaz Azaiza, Bisan Owda, Saleh Aljafarawi, Plestia Alaqad, Ismail Jood etc. They're on Twitter, TikTok and IG.
Boosting this with some personal recommendations (feel free to tell me if there's a problem with any of them). Twitter is the real information super highway for me, and there's a general mix of accounts I've been following for a while now that leads me to Palestnian and pro-Palestinian commentators. I recommend Mondoweiss, Intercept, Novara Media, the Nation, MintPress news, Middle East Eye (Mouin Rabbani's twitter threads are amazing), War Monitor and Al-Jazeera. Quds News Network is affiliated with Hamas, so I expect some amount of resistance propaganda, but they're invaluable for live coverage and platforming activists. I follow Haaretz with some caution because it's Israeli, but they are the newspaper that supported Gideon Levy's career and they're doing a lot to challenge Israel's narratives internally, especially about Oct 7th, and giving material for pro-Palestinian leftists and convincing liberal audiences.
Palestinians Twitter accounts: Sally Abed, Hebh Jamal, Ihab Hassan, Ghada Sasa, Taleed El Sabawi, Lexi Alex, Yara Eid, Bisan Owda, Hind Khaudary, Omar El Farez (@3lfares), Mariam Barghouti
General activist/ analyst accounts: Mouin Rabbani, Kiran Kaur Grewal, Sana Saeed, Shailja Patel, Imani Barbarin, Mis Leading (@FaatiTheStreet), Nora Erakat, Chardine Taylor Stone, Ash Sarkar, Amanda Gelender, Muhammed Shehada, Alana Lentin, Jairo I. Fúnez-Flores. @bloglikeanegyptian on Tumblr also does excellent Palestine advocacy.
It's been pretty exhausting because there's a large contingent of vocal pro-Palestine accounts who are also pro-Russia and pro-China. I can only assume that their main problem with imperialism and genocide is that it's the wrong flavour. Amplifying these people is silencing their victims, and liberation can never be built on the bodies of other oppressed people. Zionists are going to learn this the hard way. I'm not going to follow in their footsteps.
In Palestine tag an OP was sneering at a tweet that warned that alt-right groups and other bad faith actors were now jumping on the pro-Palestine movement. Two posts below that someone had uploaded a video of ANDREW TATE advocating for Palestine against Piers Morgan. A pedophile sex trafficker is exploiting the trauma of a people being genocided to amass his following of Muslim incels. I want to throw up. We need to warn people to be more careful about who they're amplifying.
Oh my gosh I fucking hate him can he shut the fuck up.
I think a lot of Palestinians, though, kinda are annoyed with the idea that all the information on the side of Palestinians *is* "disinformation" or "bad actors" because a lot of the time the idea is weaponized against PALESTINIANS who are trying to provide as accurate information as possible.
I do agree, watch who you retweet/reblog. Andrew Tate is. Not a good guy. But to say that its a problem unique to information about Palestine is inaccurate and dismisses the journalism and information networks of Palestinians themselves. Which is another reason why I say to try and center Palestinians — we do try to be as accurate as possible or point you to sources we know value accuracy.
So yes! Please do look to Palestinians for information. Many of us try to either only reblog/retweet things we've heard actual information about or know to be reputable sources. Our sources are on the ground, and we know the way the Israeli army works against Palestinians from past aggressions.
Here are some Palestinians I recommend checking out on tumblr:
I might make a post about who I look to for information on twitter if people want though.
#I'm not a liberal who will greater good myself into the grave#also: ''twitter is a cesspit'' no you're a white liberal who's never listened to BIPOC#or has any stake in leftist action and your idea of liberation begins and ends at the ballot box#this is what the grown up world is like. deal with it#the platform keeps proving itself to be an irreplaceable community network no matter what the muskrat does#we need more options but we can't get rid of it until we do#free palestine#media literacy#activism#account recs list#knee of huss
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حمدان بن محمد يُصدر قراراً بتشكيل مجلس أمناء مؤسسة مدارس راشد ولطيفة :
أصدر سمو الشيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، ولي عهد دبي رئيس المجلس التنفيذي، قرار المجلس رقم (54) لسنة 2022 بتشكيل مجلس أمناء مؤسسة مدارس راشد ولطيفة.
ونصّ القرار على أن يُشكّل مجلس أمناء المؤسسة برئاسة معالي الدكتور أحمد بالهول الفلاسي، وعضوية كلّ من: معالي مريم محمد المهيري نائباً للرئيس، ومعالي عبدالله محمد بن طوق، ومعالي عمر سلطان العلماء، و هدى السيد محمـد الهاشمي، وهلال سعيد المري، وهالة يوسف بدري، وخلفان جمعة بالهول، وموزة سعيد المري، ود. حسن ميرزا علي الصايغ، وهناء هاشم الهاشمي.
ويُعمل بهذا القرار من تاريخ صُدوره، ويُنشر في الجريدة الرسمية.
Hamdan bin Mohammed forms the Board of Trustees of Rashid and Latifa Schools Establishment
His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai has issued Resolution No. (54) of 2022 forming the Board of Trustees of Rashid and Latifa Schools Establishment.
As per the Resolution, the Board of Trustees is chaired by His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi. Her Excellency Mariam Mohammed Almheiri serves as the Vice Chairperson. Other members of the Board include: His Excellency Abdulla Mohammed bin Touq; His Excellency Omar Sultan Al Olama; Huda Al Sayed Mohammed Al Hashemi; Helal Saeed Al Marri; Hala Badri; Khalfan Juma Belhoul; Moaza Saeed Al Marri; Dr. Hassan Mirza Al Sayegh; and Hana Hashim Al Hashemi.
This Resolution is effective from the date of issuance and will be published in the Official Gazette.
Thursday, 18 August 2022 الخميس
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I went to the library today and ended up grabbing more books that planned, then came home and found that my order from haymarket had arrived so now I've got uh. a LOT of reading to do.
from the top down:
We Do This 'til We Free Us (Mariame Kaba)
Night Sky With Exit Wounds (Ocean Vuong)
Prelude to Bruise (Saeed Jones)
Bright Dead Things (Ada Limón)
No One is Talking About This (Patricia Lockwood)
Strange Beasts of China (Yan Ge)
The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde
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Books I read in 2020
I was lagging behind in my reading for the years while I was working, but I’ve been slowly building up my reading log. I mean, I have to, since I’m back in school now. But I have manged to meet my Goodreads goals for the second year in a row and that made me really happy.
Here’s my list for 2020. It might not seem like a lot, but I am proud of having achieved this considering I was reading less than 6 books a year prior to this (work life sucks when it steals all your spare time).
More Work For Mother by Ruth Schwartz Cowan
It’s Not About The Burqa edited by Mariam Khan
A History of Islam in 21 Women by Hossein Kamaly
Beyond The Veil by Fatima Mernissi
Qur’an and Woman by Amina Wadud
Being the Other: The Muslim in India by Saeed Naqvi
Philosophy in the Islamic World by Peter Adamson
Women, Culture and Politics by Angela Y. Davis
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa
Remembrance by Meg Cabot
Woman At Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi
The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
Umrao Jan Ada by Mirza Hadi Ruswa
A Golden Age by Tahmima Anam
Sunlight on a Broken Column by Attia Hosein
Sultana’s Dream by Rokeya Sakhawat Hussain
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
Letters for Literary Ladies by Maria Edgeworth
The Contortionist by Kathryn Ann Kingsley
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth by Warsan Shire
Salt by Nayyirah Waheed
Yesterday I Was The Moon by Noor Unnahar
#list#book list#academe#academia#muslim academia#muslim dark academia#literature#poc literature#woc literature#dark academia#poc academia#woc academia#poc#woc#fiction#non-fiction#poetry#2020 books#2020#islam#muslim#hijabi#india#Indian
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Hi! Readers
May peace be with you all, I hope you all are fine.
Ramadan is four days away. May this Ramadan bring happiness and an end to the pandemic. I am excited for the Ramadan readathon. Due to pandemic I couldn't buy books, but I have some ebooks, so I will be reading them.
Here's my Ramadan TBR
☘️Saints and Misfits by S.k.Ali.
☘️ Boy vs girl by Na'ima B Robert. I am re reading this book since the story is narrated in the month Ramadan, so just to get a Ramadan vibe.
☘️ An ember in the ashes by Sabaa Tahir
☘️Mad, bad and dangerous to know by Samira Ahmed
☘️It's not about the burqa by Mariam Khan
☘️Amal Unbound by Aisha saeed
#ramadan ramadan2020#ramadan2020#ramadan#muslim#must read#muslimworld#muslimah#islamquotes#welcome to islam#islam4 life#islam#islamic books#ya books#yareads#yalove#books on tumblr#books and reading#books tumblr#books and libraries#books#books and literature#booksociety#bookstore
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My heart is 💔, but congratulations for their engagements and upcoming weddings - 12/05/2019
Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum💍 Sheikha Shaikha Bint Saeed bin Thani Al Maktoum.
Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum 💍Sheikha Mariam Bint Butti bin Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum.
Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum 💍Sheikha Madia Dalmuk Bint Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum.
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In celebration of Arab American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 530+ Saudi Arabian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. Special thanks to @brownapollo for helping us out with this masterlist! If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC��s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK - examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Mariam Al-Ghamdi (1949) Saudi Arabian - actress, director, and writer.
Ibtisam Lutfi (1950) Saudi Arabian - singer-songwriter and oud player.
Wajant Rahbini (1951) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nagya Al.Rabiea (1955) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Laila al Salman (1961) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Sanaa Bakr Yones (1961) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nabila Khashoggi (1962) Saudi Arabian, Turkish / English - actress, philanthropist, and businesswoman.
Amira El fadl (1968) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Aghadeir El Saeid (1972) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Eman El-Koseby (1974) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Haifaa al-Mansour (1974) Saudi Arabian - director.
Rania Mohammed (1975) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Waed / Hanan Baker Younis (1977) Saudi Arabian / Iraqi - singer.
Lojain Omran (1977) Saudi Arabian - television presenter.
Maha Salem (1977) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Budoor Abdullah (1977) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nawal Mohamed (1978) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Yasmine Gelani / Yasmine Al-Jilany (1978) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Sanaa Ibrahim (1979) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Ahd / Ahd Hassan Kamel (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Shams / Shams Bandar Al-Aslami (1980) Saudi Arabian, Kuwaiti - singer.
Afaf El Salman (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Remona (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Mayson Al Rwuily (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Ahd Kamel (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress and filmmaker.
Hind Mohammed (1981) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Hend Mohamed (1981) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Qamar Al Turk (1982) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Rimas Mansour (1983) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Lamar (1983) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Maram Abdelaziz (1984) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Mashael (1984) Saudi Arabian, Lebanese, Bahraini - singer.
Elham Ali (1985) Saudi Arabian, Bahraini - actress, television presenter, and media personality.
Nur (1985) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (nurberxo).
Chihanh (1986) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Zoë Badwi (1986) Saudi Arabian, Egyptian / Irish - actress, singer-songwriter, and model.
Marwa Mohamed (1987) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Reem Abdullah (1987) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Hala (1987) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Mary Jean Lastimosa (1987) Saudi Arabian / Filipina - actress, model, Miss Universe Philippines 2014, and television presenter.
Sumaya Rida (1988) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nura / Nura Habib Omer (1988) Saudi Arabian / Eritrean - actress, rapper, and singer.
Alanoud Al Harbi (1988) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Aseel Omran (1989) Saudi Arabian - actress and singer.
Nasra Al-Harby (1989) Saudi Arabian / Moroccan - actress.
Wardah Khan (1989) Saudi Arabian / Kashmiri Pakistani - actress and model.
Sarah Algaber (1989) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Haya Sawan (1989) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (hayasawan_official).
Daryna Tkachenko (1989 or 1990) Saudi Arabian / Russian, Ukrainian - model.
Aiysha Hart (1990) Saudi Arabian / British - actress and screenwriter.
Yamour / Yamoor (1990) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Samah Zidan (1991) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Dalia Mubarak (1991) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified Black - singer.
Hala Abdallah (1991) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (thehala).
Khairiya Abu Laban (1992) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Sara Murad (1992) Saudi Arabian - tv presenter.
Model Roz (1992) Saudi Arabian - model (instagram: model_roz).
Amy Roko (1992) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (amyroko).
Nermin Mohsen (1993) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Malak Youssef (1993) Saudi Arabian - model and Miss Saudi Arabia 2017.
Sukkari Life (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Jana Hisham (1994) 5/8 Saudi Arabian, 1/8 Malaysian, 1/8 Bangladeshi, 1/8 Turkish - youtuber.
Njoud Al Shammari (1995) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Khawla Al-Enazi (1995) Saudi Arabian - actress, model, media personality, activist, and artist.
Nora Bo Awadh (1995) Saudi Arabian - actress, media personality, social media personality, activist, and artist.
Christina Nadin (1995) Saudi Arabian - model.
Waad Mohammed (1999) Saudi Arabian - actress, model, and singer.
Taleedah Tamer (2000) Saudi Arabian / Italian, Greek - model.
Danyah Shafei (2000) Saudi Arabian - tv presenter.
Banen Naem (2002) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Banen Stars) and instagrammer (banennaem123).
Leesa A (?) Saudi Arabian - rapper.
Abeer Sinder (?) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified Black - actress and youtuber.
Fatima AlBanawi (?) Saudi Arabian - actress and filmmaker.
Rotana / I Am Rotana / Rotana Tarabzouni (?) Saudi Arabian - singer-songwriter.
Hatoon Kadi (?) Saudi Arabian – comedian and activist.
Dina (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Lamia (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Dareen (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Amjaad (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Jiaying Blue Han-Keating (?) Saudi Arabian / Chinese - model.
Aixa Kay (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Yara Alnamlah (?) Saudi Arabian - makeup artist, blogger, YouTuber. (Instagram: yara.makeup).
Tara Bella (?) Saudi Arabian / Unknown - model (Instagram: tara.bella_).
Basma Elkhereiji (?) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (basmaelkhereiji).
Sultana İnatcık Nur (?) Saudi Arabian, Turkish - model (Instagram: tara.bella_).
Wania (?) Saudi Arabian / Pakistani - model (Instagram: _waanniiaa_).
Lamazi (?) Saudi Arabian - model (Instagram: lamazi_model).
Amani Mubarak (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Marwa Salem (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Samar Al-Bayat (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Shaimaa al-Tayeb (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Manayer Khaled (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Maha Ezz El Din (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Reem AlHabib (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Meela Al-Zahrani (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Shimaa El Fadl (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Maha Zein (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
F - Athletes:
Lubna Al-Omair (1987) Saudi Arabian - fencer.
Sarah Attar (1992) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified White - middle-distance runner.
Dalma Rushdi Malhas (1992) Saudi Arabian - equestrian.
Wojdan Shaherkani (1992) Saudi Arabian - judoka.
Jasmine Alkhaldi (1993) Saudi Arabian / Cebuano Filipina - swimmer.
Kariman Abuljadayel (1994) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Joud Fahmy (1994) Saudi Arabian - judoka.
Yasmin Siraj (1996) Saudi Arabian / Iranian - figure skater.
Ali Al-Mdfa (1937) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hassan Dardir (1938) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Lutfi Zinni (1940) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Talal Maddah (1940) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Khedr (1943) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saeed Basiri (1943) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdel Rahman El Kharigi (1944) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed El Mofreh (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ali El Huyerini (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Altoyan (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hamad Al-Mazaini (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Al Hammad (1946) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Khader (1946) Saudi Arabian, Unspecified Black - actor, director, and producer.
Mohamed El Ali (1947) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hani El-saady (1948) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd Alrahman Alkhateeb (1949) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Abdu (1949) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ali Al Saba (1951) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abu Zuhair / Ali Al-Seba / Ali Al-Sebaa (1951) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abadi Al Johar (1953) Saudi Arabian - composer.
Fouad Bakhsh (1953) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd al-Ilah Nawar (1955) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Talal Alharbi (1956) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulrahman Alrkrac (1956) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh El Zayer (1957) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim El Harbi (1957) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mutreb Fawaz Al Ouni (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Magdy El-Kadi (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelaziz El Mobdel (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Al Sadhan (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdel Khalek al-Ghanem (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Alkanhal (1959) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Samir Al Nassir (1959) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashid Al Shamrani (1960) Saudi Arabian - actor and writer.
Bashir Al Ghoneim (1960) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed Alshamrani (1960) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Nasser Al Qasabi / Nasser Qassim Al Qasabi (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mahdy El Baqmy (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Sami (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khalid Mengah (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Gabr (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Omar El Gasser (1962) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Emad Al Youssef (1962) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulmohsen Elnemr (1963) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Awad Abdallah (1963) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Al-Hsawi (1964) Saudi Arabian - actor and poet.
Ibrahim Al Hesawi (1964) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Amer El-Hamoud (1964) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yousef Al-Jarrah (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah El Senany (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Elamer (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelelah El Senany (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mashal Al-Halil (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khalid Alharbi (1966) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hassan Assiri (1967) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Heitham Al-Sayed (1968) Saudi Arabian / English - rapper and singer.
Fayez Al-Malki (1969) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Said Garaish (1969) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed Al Majed / Rashed Al Majid (1969) Saudi Arabian / Bahraini - singer.
Anbar El Dossary (1970) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd el baqy Al bakheet (1970) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Al-Assa (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahd Al-Hayyan (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelaziz El Fareehi (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Bosaad (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahad Al-Hian (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed Al Fares (1971) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Abd el Aziz El Shemary (1972) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Noor Hussin (1972) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd El Aziz El Skirien (1972) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Torky El Youssef (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed El Haggy (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hamed Al-daban (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ahmad AlShugairi (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Talal Alsider (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelhamid El Awwam (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Waleed El Ghannam (1974) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Al Buraiki (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hani Nazer (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Asad Alzahrani (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal El Emiri (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Habib Al-Habib (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Alsharikh (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hani Derar (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mamdouh Salem (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Almoqbel (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yasser Meshraf (1977) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Said Saleh (1977) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Moshael Almoteary (1977) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah Alzahrani (1978) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh Alhanaky (1979) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Omar El Doghery (1979) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Maitham El-Rezk (1979) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal Al-Saif (1979) Saudi Arabian - tv presenter.
Ibrahim El Hakami (1979) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Majed Motreb Fawaz (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hisham Abdulrahman (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor and singer.
Torky El Sadhan (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hesham Al-Huwaysh (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Farouk Al-Shouaibi (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Tarek El Harby (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdel Mohsen El Shameri (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Turki Al-Sadhan (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor and tv host.
Ahmed Alhassan (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ahmed Shoaib (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Dorian Aldorian (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Abdulrahman (1982) Saudi Arabian / Jordanian - singer.
Ali Al-Gofaily (1982) Saudi Arabian - presenter.
Faisal El Eissa (1982) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal Al-Essa (1982) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Meshal Al dayel (1982) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Wael Ghazi (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Al Mulifi (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ali AL-Saad (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Alkhairallah (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Bin Ishaq (1983) Saudi Arabian / Yemeni - youtuber (The Baigan Vines Official) and instagrammer (mohammedbinishaq).
Bader Saleh (1984) Saudi Arabian, Yemeni - comedian and presenter.
Murad Mohammad (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ahmad AL Hazmi (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Badr Al mtrify (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Iyad Al Nounou (1984) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (iyadnn).
Nayef Fayez (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yacob Alfarhan (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed El-Chdokhi (1985) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahad Albutairi (1985) Saudi Arabian - actor, stand-up comedian, and screenwriter.
Faisal Falattah (1985 or 1986) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified Black - model.
Fares El Madani (1985 or 1986) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ahmad Fathalddin (1985) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Theyab Al-Jasir (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal Al Omari (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Bader Ellehid (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Al-Harthi (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Wael El-Harby (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah Ahmed (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Muhannad Aljamaily (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Slow Moe / Moe Halhel (1986) Saudi Arabian - rapper.
Faisal Al-Zahrani (1986) Saudi Arabian - TV host.
Muhannad Al Jumaili (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Tarek / Tarek Ebéné (1986) Saudi Arabian - rapper (K.I.Z.).
Omar Hussein (1986) Saudi Arabian - comedian and CEO of UTURN Entertainment.
Hisham Fageeh (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor and comedian.
Saifan Mohammed Al-Otaibi (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Al Kraidees (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Al-Jumah (1987) Saudi Arabian - author.
Feras Bugnah (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor, youtuber, and filmmaker.
Saleh Abuamrh (1987) Saudi Arabian - author.
Marwan Fagui (1987) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Hussain Sallam (1987) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (S7S).
Bader Al Zaidan (1987) Saudi Arabian - author.
Meshaal El Etieby (1988) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Majed Al-Madani (1988) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Abass Ibrahim (1988) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Mohamed Taher (1988) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Sultan Al Salem (1989) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Turki Almohsen (1989) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (تركي المحسن).
Majid ElAbid (1989) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Prince Stefan / Stephan Andrei Anlocotan (1989) Saudi Arabian / Hiligaynon Filipino - actor and model.
Fadel Almustafa (1990) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Saqer (1990) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Al-Rashed (1990) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Alaa Ebrahim (1990) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (DvLZStaTioN) and instagrammer (3ala2o).
Jihad Al Mofadda (1990) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Saudi Gamer - سعود�� جيمر).
Hamza Hawsawi (1991) Saudi Arabian, Unspecified Black - singer.
Abdelaziz Al Shareef (1992) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Rakan Abdullah Alsadhan (1992) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Thunayyan Khalid (1992) Saudi Arabian - youtuber and instagrammer (thunayyan16).
Faisal Binladen (1992) Saudi Arabian, Yemeni - instagrammer (faisalbinladen).
Firas Al-Juhani (1992) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Fir4sGamer).
oPiiLz (1992) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Naser Aldosary (1993) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saud Alhomud (1993) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (قناة سعود Saud Channel l).
Bader Al-Shaeebi (1994) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Bakr (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (TheSaudiReporters | سعودي ريبورترز ) and instagrammer (boodyzozo).
Abdulaziz Bakr (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (TheSaudiReporters | سعودي ريبورترز ) and instagrammer (zozobakrtv).
Anas Iskander (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Anas Iskander I انس اسكندر).
Aamer Bin Ishaq (1994) Saudi Arabian / Yemeni - youtuber (The Baigan Vines Official) and instagrammer (aamer.bin.ishaq).
Montadher Al-Zayer (1995) Saudi Arabian - musician.
Meshal Al Jaser (1995) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Folaim Ya Gholaim).
AnEsonGib (1996) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
BasSTOP (1996) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Abdulrhman Bin Ahmed (1997) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Tarek (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
KhalafZone (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (KhalafZone | خلف زون).
Mohammed Tarazi (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (M7MDXD).
Moha Shmri (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Moha).
Rashed (1998) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (zSHOWz) and instagrammer (ziibordo8a).
RakanTime (1999) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (راكان تايم | RakanTime).
King Luxy (2000) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (luxyking).
Abdullah Khaleel (2001) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Dyler Tv (2001) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (DYE LAH).
Manar (2001) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Manr).
Rabeh Sager / Rabeh Saqer (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Jacob Moha (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mamdouh Saif (?) Saudi Arabian - musician.
Abdel Majid Ibrahim (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ammar Sabban (?) Saudi Arabian - puppeteer, voice actor, podcaster and writer.
Mamoun Hassan (?) Saudi Arabian - filmmaker.
Bandar Mougri (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Fouad Al-Hitar (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Murshid Atta (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ibrahim Al-Hsawi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor and poet.
Mohammed Al-Hamdan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Muhammad Aman (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Aidross El Aidross (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
AbdelMajeed Al Hammamy (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Al-Hajjaj (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hassan Ashour (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Eid Saud (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Wael Mohammed Hamza (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ali El-Shehabi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yousef Aldakhil (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hesham Alghamdi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Turky Mehreq (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Tallas (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Sultan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled AbdelAziz (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah Bal'eis (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Rafa (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Eid Saad (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Al.Aboudy (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Al.Mekbaly (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim ELFiryaan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh El-Olayyani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sayed Abdulrahman (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Al Assaf (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Aldbekhi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh El Zeer (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Naser El Kanhal (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Bakhsh (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yaser Qarout (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulbari Al Bani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Jamil ALQahtani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hussam Abu Sabra (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Alnafisi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullrahman Al Gohani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Aymn Barakat (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Alshawqabi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed El Warthan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yahya Bakash (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Nawaf al Rkabi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mahfouz El-Mansaf (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Samy Hazem (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohsen El Shahry (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yusef Al Yusef (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahed Elrakf (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Loay Mohammed Hamza (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Hamza (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
M - Athletes:
Said Khalil Al-Dosari (1948) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Mansour Al-Juaid (1948) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Kamil Al-Abbasi (1950) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Ahmed Al-Assir (1952) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Abdullah Al-Shaye (1954) Saudi Arabian - cyclist.
Bilal Said Al-Azma (1955) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Hamed Al-Bishi (1956) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Mohamed Abd Al-Jawad (1962) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Shaye Al-Nafisah (1962) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yousuf Al-Thunayan (1963) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Khalid Al-Mansour (1964) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohamed Fahd Al-Bishi (1965) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Khaled Al-Khalidi (1965) Saudi Arabian -shot putter.
Hassan Al-Absi (1966) Saudi Arabian - cyclist.
Hussein Al-Bishi (1966) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saleh Al-Dawod (1968) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Khalid Al Temawi (1969) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salem Al-Ahmadi (1969) Saudi Arabian - triple jumper.
Fahad Al-Mehallel (1970) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fuad Anwar Amin (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Al Hasan Al-Yami (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansour Al-Mousa (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sami Al-Jaber (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ken Noguchi (1973) Saudi Arabian / Japanese - alpinist.
Mohammed Al-Jahani (1974) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Tisir Al-Antaif (1974) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohamed Hamed Al-Bishi (1975) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Abdullah Al-Waked (1975) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Nawaf Al-Temyat (1976) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mukhlid Al-Otaibi (1976) Saudi Arabian - long-distance runner.
Manaf Al-Saeed (1976) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Hussein Abdulghani (1977) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saheb Al-Abdullah (1977) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Sharifi (1978) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansoor Al-Najai (1978) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hussein Al-Sabee (1979) Saudi Arabian - long jumper
Ahmed Al-Kudmani (1979) Saudi Arabian - swimmer.
Saleh Al-Saqri (1979) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Al-Shoaibi (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abbas Al-Qaisoum (1980) Saudi Arabian - weightlifter.
Ahmed Al-Bahri (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Ameen (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Al-Shalhoub (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Shammari (1981) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mubarak Ata Mubarak (1981) Saudi Arabian - hurdler.
Mohammed Al-Khuwalidi (1981) Saudi Arabian - long jumper.
Abdulrahman Al-Bishi (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Khouja (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Qahtani (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulmutalib Al-Traidi (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Bader Al-Kharashi (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Awidhah Al-Aamri (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hassan Al-Raheb (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Al-Qahtani (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Naif Al-Harthi (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Omar Abdulaziz (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Essa Al-Mehyani (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Otaif (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Bader Al-Khamees (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saad Al-Harthi (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdoh Otaif (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Mosailem (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Taisir Al-Jassim (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Majed Al-Marshedi (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmad Abbas (1985) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yahia Al-Shehri (1985) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mazin Ahmed Al-Huthayfi (1985) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulhaleem Al-Amoudi (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al Asta (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulmajeed Al-Ruwaili (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Jassem Al-Hamdan (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Nashi (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sultan Al-Nemri (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Khaled Al-Zylaeei (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Jamaan Al-Dossari (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohsen Al-Eisa (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hamad Al-Juhaim (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Al-Sahlawi (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Dossari (1987) Saudi Arabian / Thai - footballer.
Meshal Al-Enezi (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Amri (1987) Saudi Arabian - long-distance runner.
Mohammed Al-Zaer (1987) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Hani Alnakhli (1986) Saudi Arabian - paralympic athlete.
Odai Amr (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Mayouf (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fawaz Al-Maghati (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Al-Abdulali (1988) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Hisham Al-Obaidi (1988) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mohammed Al-Qaree (1988) Saudi Arabian - decathlete.
Bader Al-Muhana (1988) Saudi Arabian - swimmer.
Ahmed Al-Fraidi (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salman Al-Hariri (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Housain Al-Mogahwi (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Naif Hazazi (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullaziz Al-Dawsari (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Raed Al-Amri (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Waleed Bakshween (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Zamil Al-Sulim (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahim Jaizawi (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sultan Ghunaiman (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Saqri (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ibrahim Al-Zubaidi (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hussain Al-Showaish (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salman Al-Faraj (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Jebreen (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Majrashi (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yahya Al-Shehri (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Menqash (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Tariq Al-Amri (1990) Saudi Arabian - long-distance runner.
Abdulazez Saeed (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdulrahman Al-Barakah (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Muneer Abu Alrahi (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mohammed Al-Fuhaid (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Turki Al-Aliweh (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Enezi (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Badr Al-Sulaitin (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ibrahim Zaid (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Hammad (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mahdi Al-Salem (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mousa Al-Aoufi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Morad Al-Rashidi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Amiri Kurdi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Awadh Khrees (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Zaqaan (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Maan Khodari (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Al-Kassar (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Fahmi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sultan Al-Shammeri (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Abdulla (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salem Al-Dawsari (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yahya Dagriri (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saeed Al-Zahrani (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Shahrani (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fares Al-Ayyaf (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Swilem (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansor Hamzi (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Jamal Bajandouh (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Hafith (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Otayf (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hattan Bahebri (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Breik (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Abbas (1992) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Fawaz Al-Qarni (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Wesam Wahib (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Saiari (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saleh Al-Amri (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Faisel Masrahi (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saleh Al-Shehri (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Bladi (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Hulaili (1994) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdulmohsen Fallatah (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Al-Rio (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulhadi Al-Harajin (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abbas Al-Saffar (1994) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdulrahman Al-Ghamdi (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohsen Al-Duhaylib (1994) Saudi Arabian - weightlifter.
Mohammed Al-Kwikbi (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sulaiman Hamad (1994) Saudi Arabian - judoka.
Abdulfattah Asiri (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansor Al-Najar (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulellah Al-Malki (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Saffar (1995) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdullah Qaisi (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Farhan (1995) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdullah Al-Salam (1995) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdullah Al-Arraf (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Jouei (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Omar Al-Sonain (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Aryani (1996) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Osama Al-Khalaf (1996) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Ibrahim (1997) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Sadiq Al-Mohsin (1997) Saudi Arabian - handball player
Muteb Al-Mutlaq (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sami Al-Najei (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Ghareeb (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulelah Al-Amri (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hussain Al-Hizam (1998) Saudi Arabian - pole vaulter.
Yahya Khormi (1998) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Faris Abdi (1999) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Abduassalam (?) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Qusai / Qusai Kheder (1978) Saudi Arabian - rapper, singer-songwriter, DJ, television personality, and producer - Appropriated dreads as seen in one of his Q&A videos.
Ibrahim Saleh (1986) Saudi Arabian - youtuber and comedian - Misogynist/Sexist which got his YouTube channel shut down.
Shanina Shaik (1991) Saudi Arabian, Pakistani / Lithuanian - model - Cultural appropriation.
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Dubai royals are in mourning. Dignitaries including HH Sheikh Hamdan, Dubai’s Crown Prince were seen helping carry the coffin at the funeral of HH Sheikh Mansour bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Thani, the son of Sheikha Mariam bint Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum. Prayers were held at Zabeel Mosque and the body was laid to rest at the Umm Hurair cemetery in Bur Dubai. #Dubai #Dxb #fazza #uae #Uaeone #Fazz3 Via @salam483___ https://www.instagram.com/p/By43H6OhjMi/?igshid=us9mscu0fjd0
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Muslim Voices 2018
Last year I discovered the Ramadan Readathon hosted by Nadia at Headscarves and Hardbacks. It was a great reminder to seek out books written by Muslim authors. I read four novels and a memoir by Muslim authors during the month of June. I’m not a Muslim, but the readathon is an excellent chance to support Muslim creators and connect with others. It’s also a great way to find recommendations for some awesome books.
This year, the Ramadan Readathon is back and there are several other associated activities. There is a blog tour from May 17th to June 15th and there is also a photo challenge and a hashtag so people who aren’t necessarily doing the readathon can still have opportunities to participate. Visit Nadia’s blog to learn more about participation and to find lists to help plan what to read or to purchase for your library.
Another similar campaign is #RamadanReads. This was started by Aisha Saeed a few years ago and people use the hashtag to purchase, read, and promote books with Muslim representation.
Here are the books I have on my TBR this year and I am likely to add a few more:
Not the Girls You’re Looking For by Aminah Mae Safi Feiwel Friends
Lulu Saad doesn’t need your advice, thank you very much. She’s got her three best friends and nothing can stop her from conquering the known world. Sure, for half a minute she thought she’d nearly drowned a cute guy at a party, but he was totally faking it. And fine, yes, she caused a scene during Ramadan. It’s all under control. Ish.
Except maybe this time she’s done a little more damage than she realizes. And if Lulu can’t find her way out of this mess soon, she’ll have to do more than repair friendships, family alliances, and wet clothing. She’ll have to go looking for herself.
Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed Nancy Paulsen Books
Life is quiet and ordinary in Amal’s Pakistani village, but she had no complaints, and besides, she’s busy pursuing her dream of becoming a teacher one day. Her dreams are temporarily dashed when–as the eldest daughter–she must stay home from school to take care of her siblings. Amal is upset, but she doesn’t lose hope and finds ways to continue learning. Then the unimaginable happens–after an accidental run-in with the son of her village’s corrupt landlord, Amal must work as his family’s servant to pay off her own family’s debt.
Life at the opulent Khan estate is full of heartbreak and struggle for Amal–especially when she inadvertently makes an enemy of a girl named Nabila. Most troubling, though, is Amal’s growing awareness of the Khans’ nefarious dealings. When it becomes clear just how far they will go to protect their interests, Amal realizes she will have to find a way to work with others if they are ever to exact change in a cruel status quo, and if Amal is ever to achieve her dreams.
The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty Harper Voyager
Nahri has never believed in magic. Certainly, she has power; on the streets of 18th century Cairo, she’s a con woman of unsurpassed talent. But she knows better than anyone that the trade she uses to get by—palm readings, zars, healings—are all tricks, sleights of hand, learned skills; a means to the delightful end of swindling Ottoman nobles.
But when Nahri accidentally summons an equally sly, darkly mysterious djinn warrior to her side during one of her cons, she’s forced to accept that the magical world she thought only existed in childhood stories is real. For the warrior tells her a new tale: across hot, windswept sands teeming with creatures of fire, and rivers where the mythical marid sleep; past ruins of once-magnificent human metropolises, and mountains where the circling hawks are not what they seem, lies Daevabad, the legendary city of brass, a city to which Nahri is irrevocably bound.
In that city, behind gilded brass walls laced with enchantments, behind the six gates of the six djinn tribes, old resentments are simmering. And when Nahri decides to enter this world, she learns that true power is fierce and brutal. That magic cannot shield her from the dangerous web of court politics. That even the cleverest of schemes can have deadly consequences.
After all, there is a reason they say be careful what you wish for…
Mariam Sharma Hits the Road by Sheba Karim HarperTeen
The summer after her freshman year in college, Mariam is looking forward to working and hanging out with her best friends: irrepressible and beautiful Ghazala and religious but closeted Umar. But when a scandalous photo of Ghaz appears on a billboard in Times Square, Mariam and Umar come up with a plan to rescue her from her furious parents. And what better escape than New Orleans?
The friends pile into Umar’s car and start driving south, making all kinds of pit stops along the way–from a college drag party to a Muslim convention, from alarming encounters at roadside diners to honky-tonks and barbeque joints.
Along with the adventures, the fun banter, and the gas station junk food, the friends have some hard questions to answer on the road. With her uncle’s address in her pocket, Mariam hopes to learn the truth about her father (and to make sure she didn’t inherit his talent for disappearing). But as each mile of the road trip brings them closer to their own truths, they know they can rely on each other, and laughter, to get them through.
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نی بند خلق باشم نى از کسی تراشم مرغ گشاده پایم برگ قفس ندارم
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