#maria’s late thoughts
mschismosa · 5 months
cannot explain why i am awake rn have a maria
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letmebite-you · 2 months
“but i thought we were friends” heartbreaking
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astxrwar · 8 months
i see the “army vet bucky” modern au alternatives for the winter soldier trauma and raise you “life-altering motorcycle accident survivor turned (recovered) painkiller addict bucky”. i think this might be too niche but there’s so many parallels psychologically wrt: the lack of choice inherent in the neurobiology of drug addiction particularly in ppl who started off just taking what was prescribed to them for their pain in like the 90s/early 2000s (when pharma execs Lied about the neurological impacts). the way you kind of lose all that time despite still living it and having the memories, how sometimes the memories feel like they belong to a different person once you get sober. how it separates you from everyone else in your life who Didn’t suffer like that. it’s Compelling. imo.
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elysabeththequeene · 2 months
thinking thoughts™️ about the idea of christian and satine as parents like i know christian would've been such a girldad and him and satine would have three little girls running around their household christian would write fairytales and tell them bedtime stories satine would have so much fun dressing her girls up and singing to them they'd all have picnics together they would take their daughters to a ballet and to a carnival but the most important thing their own children would get to have is growing up in an environment filled many great things and love being the most compelling thing ever
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hiratelier · 3 months
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Was developing some lore for my twins so have this scuffed sketch of Mario and Maria as kids
Also have some bit of lore dump under the cut :)
Maria and Mario's current names aren't their real ones; when they got older and started to integrate themselves within human society, they chose to adopt civilian names in order to blend in. To this day we don't really know what their real names actually are
The twins are half-qilin; they can actually toggle their beast-like features as they wish, but it's worth noting that when they were born, it didn't seem that they were born with such features until they got older; turns out that toggling them on gives the twins a major boost in power
Maria and Mario are the current incarnations of a singular divine being who was a full-blooded qilin and acted as a divine protector; before its passing, it wished to be reincarnated as a human, which did become true but something went wrong while their wish was granted, hence their next incarnation came in the form of twins. Their birthday is on April 4, 1298
When the twins were born, they were found by an elderly couple (with apparently long lifespans), who then raised them as their children within solitude, away from the clutches of human society. The couple found out about the twins' peculiar nature when it came to their pyrokinesis abilities, so they taught the twins how to harness their powers effectively. They even taught the twins how to toggle on their antlers and tails once they found out that they were half-qilin
The scales on Maria and Mario weren't always there; when they were first born, they only had scales on their pointed ears, and as they grew up, more scales appeared on their bodies and it appears to have stopped by the time they were going to leave their lives in solitude
The gloves that Maria wears to suppress her destructive pyrokinesis was a gift from her grandmother figure, so she takes extra care in wearing them and making sure that they don't get taken off by accident. She's even researching how to replicate the gloves' properties since she never thought about asking her grandma how to make them
Maria's pyrokinesis is geared towards destroying anything and everything, while Mario's pyrokinesis is geared towards healing and regenerating
Maria and Mario were gifted weapons by their grandparent figures to help them channel their pyrokinesis, and were taught how to use them; Maria was given an odachi while Mario was given a spear; both of them can physically manifest their weapons at any time without worrying about carrying them around constantly
The elderly couple would then pass away at the beginning of the 21st century; the twins were adults (physically 20 years old) at the time, and they left their isolated lives and now live amongst human civilization, adopting new names and occupations as they went
Maria can easily adapt to new technology and trends despite spending centuries of her life living in solitude; Mario is more of a country bumpkin, but he takes his time in adjusting to new things
The twins and their previous incarnation are immortal, but they can still be killed - it's just that it's EXTREMELY difficult to do that; they can't die of diseases though
My sudden lore dump was inspired by this tweet that featured fan art of Maria and Mario! It looks fantastic :D
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shrimpisdrawing · 2 years
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I was made for you
You were made for me
Simply you and me were made to be…..
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Niche history ramble(also boy king mention at the end ofc) //
I was reading abt Maximillian I today, the second Habsburg emperor, bcs ive prev read about his father who I think is very interesting. But omg somehow this guy is even more interesting, but in a completely different way(I like his father Frederick III bcs I think his life is very funny ooc, but Maximilian I is genuinely really cool!) Also it's surprising to me that it took me this long to read about him, considering I very vividly remember seeing his portrait in a museum in Vienna. It's weird looking at it being used as the display pic for his wiki page bcs im like ...I've seen that in real life omg....
He's referred to as "The Last Knight"(as well as being nicknamed "Heart of Steel") And god I love now having random knowledge, cause I'm reading this like "ha, how very Don Quixote of him" and then the very next line in the biography was like, historians question whether he genuinely was like a knight or if he was a Don Quixotic figure 😭😭 glad to see I was on mark. Anyways, I wonder if Cervantes knew abt this, like I wonder if him being popularized as the last knight was a widely known thing back then. It's funny how Don Quixote was written at the end of the 16th century, but even back in the beginning of the century, being a knight was still kinda an outdated thing. I like how the two views on Maximillian I are either that he was the Last Knight or the first Rennaisance prince who had Machiavellian ideals. It fits into my weird obsession w those two works(The Prince and Don Quixote)
Anyways that being said. Boy King au Fernando is def like this, except he has literally nothing to back it up djfkkglg. Like at least Maximilian I was actually out there being insane. Fernando just sits in his cozy reading room, fantasizing while reading The Prince, and commissioning suits of armor as decoration(thats what he says. The real purpose is to dress up in them so he can feel cool.) I think this is honestly a reason he goes along with the marriage. He begrudgingly finds Seb's family history to be very cool and interesting, and he isn't opposed to being around it 🤭 Well, begrudgingly isn't the right word. He's very earnestly obsessed with it, but he can never tell Seb that bcs Seb will literally never let it go.
Seb just finds him staring up at paintings of Seb's ancestors, and Fernando, tears in eyes, hand on his heart, proclaims "I'll continue your legacy!!!" Seb is both mocking him like "he's not even your relative" but also has tears in his eyes like omg he's my family 🥺 he's accepted being my family 🥹
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dreamofmourning · 29 days
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infinity-tippy · 1 month
I go to school for a few days, and the Sonic Movie 3 trailer drops...
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bedofthistles · 4 months
Gothic - Moonacre Week 2024
It was surprisingly easy to sneak into Moonacre Manor. 
If Maria had learned one thing from observing the boys, it was picking up on their stealth. The way they moved when they hunted, how they worked together as a unit, how their usually heavy steps became light as air. There was a trick, and once Maria had mastered it, she had been able to sneak around wherever she pleased. 
But as Maria snuck into the tower, she was surprised to find that it was more than just the lack of guards, but lack of locks. Maria rolled her eyes and did her best not to scoff. The audacity of these Merryweathers! But of course, Sir Benjamin would know of her father’s refusal to broach his lands. Accursed and wretched, yes Sir Benjamin would assume he was quite safe from a direct attack from the De Noirs. 
The tower was beautiful. 
Maria placed a hand over her mouth as she stepped carefully inside, but her heart began to race. Oh there was magic in this place. If the glittering ceiling of stars was any indication. But, could something damned be so beautiful? 
In her awe, Maria almost forgot her mission. There was a soft groan, a rustling. She froze, her eyes drawn to the movement. But there he was upon the bed, much different than he had been in the carriage. Here, he lacked his coat, and the other clothes Maria had found on the gentleman of London. She crept closer to him, his eyes shut, lips slightly parted, a bandaged hand draped across his chest. 
First blood. 
When Richard, Henry, and David duelled, they did so until first blood. They let her watch, and she was quick to catch onto their movements, their footwork, until father or Miss Heliotrope caught her, then Maria made herself scarce. It was such an odd thing, that she practically lived as any other member of her Clan would, until she came across something her father thought she ought not. As if she didn’t know the colour of blood. As if she had never heard the crack of a pistol. As if she had innocent eyes and innocent ears. 
In some way, Maria had won the first duel, she had drawn blood, but she had still lost. 
Despite herself, Maria reached out and ran her fingers over the heft of the bandage. She had half expected silk or satin, so the young gentleman would not have to know discomfort, but it was not. A coarse linen, rough and uncomfortable, the very bandages they would have used on her own wounds. 
Maria drew her hand back before she woke him, and raced back to the window. 
When she returned, it was not with open arms. 
In the courtyard, she had jumped from the horse’s saddle, slowly guiding him into the stables, trying not to make a sound, but before she could even open the doors, the light, hurried footsteps let her know she had not made it back unnoticed. 
“Well, my lady, you have the castle on its head.” 
Maria flinched, but sighed. “Richard-” She tried, before two sets of hands wrapped around her arms and dragged her away. “David! Henry! Unhand me this instant! What do you think-” 
But they didn’t get far, not before her father stepped into the light of the courtyard torches. 
“What did I do-” He began before pursing his lips. “Go! Before I regret my decision.” 
Maria straightened, thinking that perhaps her father was not giving her a sentence, before Richard stifled a laugh. “What? Father- What does he mean?” 
Henry wouldn’t meet her eye, and David only shook his head. Their hands still on her shoulders, the boys took her away, and before grand ideas of being locked in the dungeons could overtake her psyche, they took her to her room. 
Ms. Heliotrope shook her head, tsking over her stolen clothes, and lack of proper garments, but then Dulac swept in. Maria instinctually stepped in front of Ms. Heliotrope - who did not fancy their insinuations and had difficulties meeting their eyes - as he waved a key, all too cheerfully. 
“You’re locking me in.” Maria stated, not a question. 
“And you’ll need a chaperone at all times.” Dulac smirked, the bastard. “So, no more sneaking off! You’ll be staying put from now on.” 
“That’s not fair!” Maria shouted, but Dulac did little to listen.
“Heliotrope.” He commanded, and Ms. Heliotrope muttered several objections under her breath before she obeyed. “Nighty night, m’lady.”
Maria crossed her arms, glaring at him, and the boys and even Ms. Heliotrope, as they were cut off to her. 
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lesbians4armand · 2 years
Frank: Oh, so when you refer to your friends as your “girlfriends” that’s fine, but when *I* can’t call my friend my boytoy twink? That’s a bit of a double standard there, Maria.
Maria: …please stop calling Billy that.
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letmebite-you · 2 months
men will say the most touching and emotional compliments and love declarations just to fuck you and discard you
never forget they’re all the same
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cantsayidont · 6 months
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ÉLITE (2018–2024): Trashy, high-gloss Spanish soap opera about students at posh private high school Las Encinas, initially a mix of rich brats and social-climbing scholarship students, whose conflicts result in murders, near-fatalities, and mysterious disappearances: Each of the first five seasons is framed by a police investigation of the latest casualty, a gimmick that really only works in the first season (where it provides a degree of narrative structure and gravitas that would otherwise be lacking).
Even in its best moments, the show's relationship to reality is never strong, and it's sometimes rather witlessly hypocritical (for instance, the narrative is capable of recognizing the injustice of the school forcing Palestinian scholarship student Nadia (Mina El Hammani) to remove her hijab in class, but not enough to not indulge in its own array of islamophobic cliches in its depiction of Nadia's conservative working-class family). Nonetheless, the show gets by for a surprisingly long time on the strength of its cast and direction, buoyed by a welcome refusal to descend into self-mockery even when the plot leaves the rails. None of the male characters is especially endearing, with Itzan Escamilla (as scholarship student Samuel) becoming particularly insufferable and Miguel Bernardeau (more recently the lead on the disappointing 2024 ZORRO show) a little too convincing as rich dickhead Guzmán, but the girls are consistently more interesting, with Mina El Hammani (as Nadia), Ester Expósito (as morally compromised aristocratic rich bitch Carla), and Claudia Salas (as the salty Rebeka, whose mother is a drug dealer, and who ends up one of the show's most genuinely sympathetic characters) making the strongest impressions.
It's not until the sixth season, with all the original cast gone (several of them feet-first), that ÉLITE starts to feel like it's overstayed its welcome, with some flailing attempts to examine serious themes like abusive relationships tripping over the increasingly orgiastic celebration of wealth and privilege (any interest in characters who aren't filthy rich having departed with the last stragglers from the original cast). Although more visually stylish, it feels like it's become a different, much weaker show, and the writers seem to no longer grasp the distinction between "entertainingly messy bitches" and "grating assholes who are no fun to watch"; by the seventh season, there isn't a single character interesting or sympathetic enough to sustain the plot's frequent lurid detours into cloud cuckoo land. (It does at least have the decency to throw one of its most hateful recurring characters off a roof at the end, which I appreciated.)
The forthcoming eighth season will be the last, but Season 7 was already at least two too many, IME. CONTAINS LESBIANS? One of the boys from the early seasons has two moms, but while there are a surprising number of acknowledged mmf and mmm triads, it's not until the fourth season that there are really any wlw relationships among the principal characters, and they always remain distinctly secondary to the boys. VERDICT: More enjoyable than it has any right to be, at least for a while, but its watchability begins a marked decline after the fourth season, and the sixth and seventh seasons are no longer much fun even as trash TV.
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bornetoblood · 2 years
Request!!! Bloodborne x Pokemon!! Bloodborne characters as pokemon, Bloodborne characters with pokemon, either or!!!
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I could do so many more of these but you can have these for now. Some teams I made in showdown under the cut as well!!
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south-sea · 8 months
extremely tempted to keep black moth canonically alive actually
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mirabellle · 1 year
“I think that exile is an essential dimension of human life, but in saying it, I burn my lips as I wish that there would never be any exiled again […] it’s a contradiction, what can I do; I love my exile.”
— Maria Zambrano, Amo mi exilo
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