#mari the megalo
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captainmvf · 4 months ago
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🎃🌙Happy Halloween 2024🌙🎃
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psychedelic-charm · 5 months ago
Put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers!!
Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga (TikTok Remix)
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Imagine - John Lennon
Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars
Megalo Strike Back - Toby Fox
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every-character-ever-poll · 2 years ago
Not much to add here, I don't think. We continue with the new 6-option model on the polls. The submission form has closed again, with around 1,400 total submissions. Thank you all for your patience with me over the past week or so, and I hope you enjoy this week's lineup as well.
Jae-ha - Yona of the Dawn
Vanitas - Vanitas no Carte
Noé Archiviste - Vanitas no Carte
Jeanne the Hellfire Witch - Vanitas no Carte
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no Carte
Yoite - Nabari no Ou
Miharu Rokujo - Nabari no Ou
Tobari Durandal Kumohira - Nabari no Ou
Uriel - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Han Sooyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Sangah - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Biyoo - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Jung Heewon - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Lee Gilyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Shin Yoosung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Ib - Ib
Garry - Ib
Mary - Ib
Daniil Dankovsky - Pathologic
Artemy Burakh - Pathologic
Clara - Pathologic
Kenzo Tenma - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Eva Heinemann - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Johan Liebert - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Nana Osaki - Nana
Nana Komatsu - Nana
Nervous Subject - The Sims 2
Pascal Curious - The Sims 2
Ophelia Nigmos - The Sims 2
Tank Grunt - The Sims 2
Loki Beaker - The Sims 2
Ren "Nero" Atsushi - The Boy Who Fell
Henry Jekyll - The Glass Scientists
Jack Twist - Brokeback Mountain
Ennis del Mar - Brokeback Mountain
Alma Beers - Brokeback Mountain
Lureen Newsome - Brokeback Mountain
Nurm - Minecraft Story Mode
Felisin Paran - Malazan Book of the Fallen
Antarcticite - Houseki no Kuni
Aechmea - Houseki no Kuni
Dietfried Bougainvillea - Violet Evergarden
Aragaki - Megalo Box
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tsuchigomori - Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun
Shun - Saint Seiya
Camus - Saint Seiya
Junpei - Jujutsu Kaisen
Mikoto Suoh - K Project
Hoid - Cosmere
Zakuro Oshigiri - The Ones Within (ナカノヒトゲノム【実況中】)
Jesse Ditley - The Raven Cycle
Wybie Lovat - Coraline
Dameon - Obernewtyn
The Gray Man - The Raven Cycle
The Cabbage Man - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mindy St Claire - The Good Place
Michael - The Good Place
Shawn - The Good Place
Toph Beifong - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out/Glass Onion
Miles Bron - Glass Onion
Kagura - Inuyasha
Mikage - Gen'ei EP -Envy Phantom-
Hikari - Arcaea
Jack Torrance - The Shining
The Quangle Wangle - The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Benten - Uchouten Kazoku
Lorem - Angels With Scaly Wings
Noble Heart Horse - Care Bears
Ryan Goldsmith (Golden Ryan) - Tiger and Bunny: The Rising & Tiger and Bunny 2
Elfo - Disenchantment
Jack Merridew - Lord of The Flies
Noah Czerny - The Raven Boys
Courtney - Dead End Paranormal Park
Coraline Doll - Coraline
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Shinya Oedo - PriPara
Akira - Wii Sports
Bouncer - Stardew Valley
Wario - Super Mario
Clark Kent - My Adventures With Superman
Linus van Pelt - Peanuts
Pearl - Splatoon
Romeo Montague - Romeo and Juliet
Mr Bobinsky - Coraline
Nimona - Nimona
Goldenloin - Nimona
Megan - But I’m A Cheerleader
Steve - The Owl House
Fiver - Watership Down
Sundew - Wings of Fire
Micheal Falk - The Onion
B. F. Bugleberry - Jermaverse
Jerma - Jerma Dollhouse
Earthworm Sally - Flamingo
Sammy the Strawberry - Flamingo
Filipe - Flamingo
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fortunetellersdilettante · 4 months ago
echo agnoisei auto to megalo kommati sto laimo mou den t eprepe na klaio ta dakrya itan gia tis pio adynames meres eimai pio dynatos tora, a etc leo allow kati leipei o,ti ki anne einai niotho shan na gelao mazi mou mesa apo to tzami enos kathrefti dyo opseon o,ti ki anne einai apla gelaei mazi mou kai thelo aplos na urliaxo kai tora; apla den mporo na to katalavo kai tora; ypotheto what t to perimeno exo (perimenete exo) kai tora; aux, aux, aux, aux! kai tora; brika to ena, allaxe to zoi mou allow imoun ego pou allaxa kai apla etyche na erthei tin katallili stigmi ypotithetai what eimai eroteumenos allow eimai moudiasmenos kai pali o,ti ki anne einai niotho shan na gelao mazi mou mesa apo to tzami enos kathrefti dyo opseon o,ti ki anne einai apla kathetai ekei kai gelaei mazi mou kai thelo aplos na urliaxo kai tora; apla den mporo na to katalavo kai tora; ypotheto what t to perimeno exo (perimenete exo) kai tora; parakalo peite mou kai tora; den yparchei kanis na calls giati apla paizo paichnidia mé olous autous osho perissotero orkizomai what eimai eutychismenos, toso perissotero esthanomes
hu mara galaman a mota gaththane avagani rhayo chu mare radvu n joie nabala divaso mate ansuo hata hu have vadhu majabut chu, athava tethi hu kahun chu parantu kanik khute che jay hoy te aevu lage che ke te be bajuvala arisana glass dvara mara per hasi rahyu che jay hoy te te phakt mara per hasi rahyu che ane hu phakt chiso padava magu chu have shu? hu tene samaji sakato nathi have shu? hu manun chu ke hu teni rah joish (rah juo) have shu? oh, oh, oh, oh! have shu? mane te mali gayu, tene marun jivan badli nakhyun parantu shu te hu hato jay badlai gayo hato ane te hamana j yogy samaye avavanun thayu mare premma hovun joie pan hu furry thi sunn thai jaun chu jay hoy te aevu lage che ke te be bajuvala arisana glass dvara mara per hasi rahyu che jay hoy te te tya j betho betho betho mari same hasi rhayo che ane hu phakt chiso padava magu chu have shu? hu tene samaji sakato nathi have shu? hu manun chu ke hu teni rah joish (rah juo) have shu? maherabani karine mane kaho have shu? tya coal karva mate koi nathi karan ke hu phakt te badha sathe ramto rami rhayo chu hu jetali vadhu sogand khaun chu ke hu khush chu, tetalun j vadhu hu anubhavi rhayo chuહું મારા ગળામાં આ મોટા ગઠ્ઠાને અવગણી રહ્યો છું મારે રડવું ન જોઈએ નબળા દિવસો માટે આંસુઓ હતા હું હવે વધુ મજબૂત છું, અથવા તેથી હું કહું છું પરંતુ કંઈક ખૂટે છે જે હોય તે એવું લાગે છે કે તે બે બાજુવાળા અરીસાના ગ્લાસ દ્વારા મારા પર હસી રહ્યું છે જે હોય તે તે ફક્ત મારા પર હસી રહ્યું છે અને હું ફક્ત ચીસો પાડવા માંગુ છું હવે શું? હું તેને સમજી શકતો નથી હવે શું? હું માનું છું કે હું તેની રાહ જોઈશ (રાહ જુઓ) હવે શું? ઓહ, ઓહ, ઓહ, ઓહ! હવે શું? મને તે મળી ગયું, તેણે મારું જીવન બદલી નાખ્યું પરંતુ શું તે હું હતો જે બદલાઈ ગયો હતો અને તે હમણાં જ યોગ્ય સમયે આવવાનું થયું મારે પ્રેમમાં હોવું જોઈએ પણ હું ફરી થી સુન્ન થઈ જાઉં છું જે હોય તે એવું લાગે છે કે તે બે બાજુવાળા અરીસાના ગ્લાસ દ્વારા મારા પર હસી રહ્યું છે જે હોય તે તે ત્યાં જ બેઠો બેઠો બેઠો મારી સામે હસી રહ્યો છે અને હું ફક્ત ચીસો પાડવા માંગુ છું હવે શું? હું તેને સમજી શકતો નથી હવે શું? હું માનું છું કે હું તેની રાહ જોઈશ (રાહ જુઓ) હવે શું? મહેરબાની કરીને મને કહો હવે શું? ત્યાં કોલ કરવા માટે કોઈ નથી કારણ કે હું ફક્ત તે બધા સાથે રમતો રમી રહ્યો છું હું જેટલી વધુ સોગંદ ખાઉં છું કે હું ખુશ છું, તેટલું જ વધુ હું અનુભવી રહ્યો છું
Έχω αγνοήσει αυτό το μεγάλο κομμάτι στο λαιμό μου Δεν θα έπρεπε να κλαίω Τα δάκρυα ήταν για τις πιο αδύναμες μέρες Είμαι πιο δυνατός τώρα, ή έτσι λέω Αλλά κάτι λείπει Ό,τι κι αν είναι Νιώθω σαν να γελάω μαζί μου μέσα από το τζάμι ενός καθρέφτη δύο όψεων Ό,τι κι αν είναι Απλά γελάει μαζί μου Και θέλω απλώς να ουρλιάξω Και τώρα; Απλά δεν μπορώ να το καταλάβω Και τώρα; Υποθέτω ότι θα το περιμένω έξω (Περιμένετε έξω) Και τώρα; Ω, ω, ω, ω! Και τώρα; Βρήκα το ένα, άλλαξε τη ζωή μου Αλλά ήμουν εγώ που άλλαξα Και απλά έτυχε να έρθει την κατάλληλη στιγμή Υποτίθεται ότι είμαι ερωτευμένος Αλλά είμαι μουδιασμένος και πάλι Ό,τι κι αν είναι Νιώθω σαν να γελάω μαζί μου μέσα από το τζάμι ενός καθρέφτη δύο όψεων Ό,τι κι αν είναι Απλά κάθεται εκεί και γελάει μαζί μου Και θέλω απλώς να ουρλιάξω Και τώρα; Απλά δεν μπορώ να το καταλάβω Και τώρα; Υποθέτω ότι θα το περιμένω έξω (Περιμένετε έξω) Και τώρα; Παρακαλώ πείτε μου Και τώρα; Δεν υπάρχει κανείς να καλέσει γιατί απλά παίζω παιχνίδια με όλους αυτούς Όσο περισσότερο ορκίζομαι ότι είμαι ευτυχισμένος, τόσο περισσότερο αισθάνομαι
Ich habe diesen großen Kloß in meinem Hals ignoriert Ich sollte nicht weinen Tränen waren für die schwächeren Tage Ich bin jetzt stärker, oder so sage ich Aber etwas fehlt Was auch immer es ist Es fühlt sich an, als würde es mich durch das Glas eines zweiseitigen Spiegels auslachen Was auch immer es ist Es lacht mich nur aus Und ich will einfach nur schreien Was nun? Ich kann es einfach nicht herausfinden Was nun? Ich denke, ich werde es einfach abwarten (Wait it out) Was nun? Oh, oh, oh, oh! Was nun? Ich habe den Einen gefunden, er hat mein Leben verändert Aber ich war es, der sich verändert hat Und er kam zufällig zur richtigen Zeit Ich soll verliebt sein Aber ich bin wieder wie betäubt Was auch immer es ist Es fühlt sich an, als würde es mich durch das Glas eines zweiseitigen Spiegels auslachen Was auch immer es ist Er sitzt einfach da und lacht mich aus Und ich will einfach nur schreien Was nun? Ich kann es einfach nicht herausfinden Was nun? Ich denke, ich werde es einfach abwarten (Wait it out) Was nun? Bitte sagen Sie mir Bescheid Was nun? Es gibt niemanden, den ich anrufen kann, weil ich mit allen nur Spiele spiele Je mehr ich schwöre, dass ich glücklich bin, desto mehr fühle ich.
მე ი���ნორირება ამ დიდი ერთიანად ჩემს ყელში არ უნდა ვტიროდი ცრემლები სუსტი დღეებისთვის იყო ახლა უფრო ძლიერი ვარ, ან ასე ვამბობ მაგრამ რაღაც აკლია რაც არ უნდა იყოს ისეთი შეგრძნებაა, რომ ის ჩემზე იცინის ორმხრივი სარკის ჭიქით რაც არ უნდა იყოს ოპჲჟრჲ ჟვ ჟმვვ ნა მვნ. და მე უბრალოდ მინდა ყვირილი ახლა რა ვქნათ? ნვ მჲდა ეა დჲ პაჱბპა. ახლა რა ვქნათ? ვფიქრობ, მე უბრალოდ დაველოდები (დაელოდე) ახლა რა ვქნათ? ოჰ, ოჰ, ოჰ! ახლა რა ვქნათ? ნამვპთჳ რჲჱთ, რჲი ოპჲმვნთ ზთგჲრა მთ. მაგრამ მე ეს მე შევცვალე და ის უბრალოდ მოვიდა საჭირო დროს რპწბგა ეა ჟყმ გლძბვნ. მაგრამ ისევ დაბუჟებული ვარ რაც არ უნდა იყოს ისეთი შეგრძნებაა, რომ ის ჩემზე იცინის ორმხრივი სარკის ჭიქით რაც არ უნდა იყოს ოპჲჟრჲ ჟვეთქ რამ, კჲდარჲ ჟვ ჟმვვ ნა მვნ. და მე უბრალოდ მინდა ყვირილი ახლა რა ვქნათ? ნვ მჲდა ეა დჲ პაჱბპა. ახლა რა ვქნათ? ვფიქრობ, მე უბრალოდ დაველოდები (დაელოდე) ახლა რა ვქნათ? გთხოვთ მითხრათ ახლა რა ვქნათ? არავინ არის დარეკვა, რადგან მე უბრალოდ ვთამაშობ თამაშებს მათთან ერთად რაც უფრო მეტს ვფიცავ, ბედნიერი ვარ, მით უფრო მეტად ვგრძნობ თავს
Bu büyük şişeyi göz ardı ediyordum. Ssalina Kukaaba Amaziga gaali ga nnaku ennafu Kati ndi wa maanyi nnyo, oba bwe ntyo bwe njogera Bye bye K'ebe kiki ky'osaa Sanki iki tarafı tarafı tarafı izleerek beni seyrek hissediyor. K'ebe kiki ky'osaa Just laughing me bye bye Ve ben yalnız güreşmek istiyorum. Kiki kati? Bunu anlayamıyorum. Kiki kati? Sanırım yalnız bekleyeceğim. Kiki kati? Oh, oh, oh, oh, Kiki kati? Namusanga, yakyusa obulamu bwange Naye nze nakyuka Era yajja mu kiseera ekituufu Nnina okubeera mu kwagala. Bye bye, I'm numb again. K'ebe kiki ky'osaa Sanki iki tarafı tarafı tarafı izleerek beni seyrek hissediyor. K'ebe kiki ky'osaa Yalnızca orada oturmak beni seyrek. Ve ben yalnız güreşmek istiyorum. Kiki kati? Bunu anlayamıyorum. Kiki kati? Sanırım yalnız bekleyeceğim. Kiki kati? Please tell me bye bye bye Kiki kati? Tewali ayinza kumuyita 'cause nze nzannyira wamu nabo emizannyo gyonna. Gye nkoma okulayira nti ndi musanyufu, gye nkoma okuwulira obulungi
Estiven ignorando este gran vulto na gorxa Non debería estar chorando As bágoas foron para os días máis débiles Agora son máis forte, ou iso digo Pero falta algo Sexa o que sexa Parece que me está rindo a través do cristal dun espello de dúas caras Sexa o que sexa Só se ri de min E só quero berrar Que agora? Simplemente non o podo descubrir Que agora? Supoño que o esperarei (agarde) Que agora? Oh, oh, oh! Que agora? Atopei o único, cambiou a miña vida Pero foi eu o que cambiou E acaba de chegar no momento adecuado Supoño que estou namorado Pero estou adormecida de novo Sexa o que sexa Parece que me está rindo a través do cristal dun espello de dúas caras Sexa o que sexa Só está sentado alí rindo de min E só quero berrar Que agora? Simplemente non o podo descubrir Que agora? Supoño que o esperarei (agarde) Que agora? Por favor, dime Que agora? Non hai ninguén que chame "porque só estou xogando xogos con todos eles Canto máis xuro estou feliz, máis me sinto
J’ai ignoré cette grosse boule dans ma gorge Je ne devrais pas pleurer Les larmes étaient pour les jours les plus faibles Je suis plus fort maintenant, du moins c’est ce que je dis Mais il manque quelque chose Quoi qu’il en soit J’ai l’impression de rire de moi à travers le verre d’un miroir à deux faces Quoi qu’il en soit C’est juste rire de moi Et je veux juste crier Et maintenant? Je ne peux tout simplement pas le comprendre Et maintenant? Je suppose que je vais juste l’attendre (Attendez- le dehors) Et maintenant? Oh, oh, oh, oh ! Et maintenant? J’ai trouvé celui-là, il a changé ma vie Mais est-ce moi qui ai changé Et il est arrivé à venir au bon moment Je suis censé être amoureux Mais je suis à nouveau engourdi Quoi qu’il en soit J’ai l’impression de rire de moi à travers le verre d’un miroir à deux faces Quoi qu’il en soit C’est juste assis là à rire de moi Et je veux juste crier Et maintenant? Je ne peux tout simplement pas le comprendre Et maintenant? Je suppose que je vais juste l’attendre (Attendez- le dehors) Et maintenant? S’il vous plaît dites-moi Et maintenant? Il n’y a personne à appeler parce que je ne fais que jouer à des jeux avec eux tous Plus je jure que je suis heureux, plus je suis feeli
J’ai ignoré cette grosse boule dans ma gorge Je ne devrais pas pleurer Les larmes étaient pour les jours les plus faibles Je suis plus fort maintenant, du moins c’est ce que je dis Mais il manque quelque chose Quoi qu’il en soit J’ai l’impression qu’il se moque de moi à travers la vitre d’un miroir à deux faces Quoi qu’il en soit C’est juste se moquer de moi Et j’ai juste envie de crier Et maintenant? Je n’arrive pas à comprendre Et maintenant? Je suppose que je vais juste attendre (Attends) Et maintenant? Oh, oh, oh, oh ! Et maintenant? J’ai trouvé celui-là, il a changé ma vie Mais c’est moi qui ai changé Et il se trouve qu’il est arrivé au bon moment Je suis censé être amoureux Mais je suis à nouveau engourdi Quoi qu’il en soit J’ai l’impression qu’il se moque de moi à travers la vitre d’un miroir à deux faces Quoi qu’il en soit Il est juste assis là à se moquer de moi Et j’ai juste envie de crier Et maintenant? Je n’arrive pas à comprendre Et maintenant? Je suppose que je vais juste attendre (Attends) Et maintenant? S’il vous plaît, dites-moi Et maintenant? Il n’y a personne à appeler parce que je ne fais que jouer à des jeux avec eux tous Plus je jure que je suis heureux, plus je me sens
Olen jättänyt huomiotta tämän suuren palan kurkussani Minun ei pitäisi itkeä Kyyneleet olivat heikompia päiviä varten Olen vahvempi nyt, tai niin sanon Mutta jotain puuttuu Mikä tahansa se on Tuntuu kuin se nauraisi minulle kaksipuolisen peilin lasin läpi Mikä tahansa se on Se vain nauraa minulle Ja haluan vain huutaa Mitä nyt? En vain pysty selvittämään sitä Mitä nyt? Taidan vain odottaa sitä (odota sitä) Mitä nyt? Voi, voi, voi, voi! Mitä nyt? Löysin sen, hän muutti elämäni Mutta olinko se minä, joka muuttui Ja hän vain sattui tulemaan oikeaan aikaan Minun pitäisi olla rakastunut Mutta olen taas tunnoton Mikä tahansa se on Tuntuu kuin se nauraisi minulle kaksipuolisen peilin lasin läpi Mikä tahansa se on Se vain istuu siellä nauramassa minulle Ja haluan vain huutaa Mitä nyt? En vain pysty selvittämään sitä Mitä nyt? Taidan vain odottaa sitä (odota sitä) Mitä nyt? Kerro minulle Mitä nyt? Ei ole ketään, jolle soittaa, koska pelaan vain pelejä heidän kaikkien kanssa Mitä enemmän vannon olevani onnellinen, sitä enemmän olen feeli
Matagal ko nang binabalewala ang malaking bukol na ito sa aking lalamunan Hindi ako dapat umiiyak Luha ay para sa mas mahinang araw Mas malakas ako ngayon, o kaya sabi ko Pero may kulang Kung ano man ito Parang natatawa ito sa akin sa salamin ng salamin na may dalawang panig Kung ano man ito Natatawa lang ito sa akin At gusto ko lang sumigaw Ano ngayon? Hindi ko lang magawa Ano ngayon? Siguro hihintayin ko na lang ito (Wait it out) Ano ngayon? Oh, oh, oh, oh! Ano ngayon? Natagpuan ko ang isa, binago niya ang buhay ko Pero ako ba ang nagbago At nagkataon lang na dumating siya sa tamang panahon Supposed to be in love na ako Pero manhid na naman ako Kung ano man ito Parang natatawa ito sa akin sa salamin ng salamin na may dalawang panig Kung ano man ito Nakaupo lang ito at natatawa sa akin At gusto ko lang sumigaw Ano ngayon? Hindi ko lang magawa Ano ngayon? Siguro hihintayin ko na lang ito (Wait it out) Ano ngayon? Pakisabi na lang po Ano ngayon? Wala na bang matatawag na 'pag nilalaro ko lang silang lahat Mas lalo akong nagmumura na masaya ako, mas lalo akong feeli
Au sa vakawalena tiko na tiki levu oqo e itilotiloqu E sega ni dodonu me'u tagi E wainimata na wainimata ena veisiga malumalumu Au sa kaukauwa cake oqo, se au sa kaya Ia e dua na ka e yali Se cava ga E vaka me dredrevi au tiko ena iloilo ni dua na iloilo e rua na yasana Se cava ga E dredre ga vei au Kau vinakata ga me'u qoqolou Na cava oqo? Au sega ni kila rawa Na cava oqo? Au vakabauta ni'u na waraka ga (Wawa laivi) Na cava oqo? Isa, Isa, Isa, isa! Na cava oqo? Au kunea e dua, a veisautaka na noqu bula Ia o au beka a veisau Ka sa yaco ga mai ena gauna donu E dodonu me'u na loloma Ia au sa mamada tale Se cava ga E vaka me dredrevi au tiko ena iloilo ni dua na iloilo e rua na yasana Se cava ga E dabe toka ga e kea ka dredrevi au Kau vinakata ga me'u qoqolou Na cava oqo? Au sega ni kila rawa Na cava oqo? Au vakabauta ni'u na waraka ga (Wawa laivi) Na cava oqo? Yalovinaka tukuna vei au Na cava oqo? E sega ni dua me qitotaka baleta ni'u qito vata tiko kei ira kece Na levu ga ni noqu bubului au marau, na levu ni noqu vakilai
Olen ignoreerinud seda suurt klompi kurgus Ma ei peaks nutma Pisarad olid nõrgemate päevade jaoks Ma olen nüüd tugevam või nii ma ütlen Aga midagi on puudu Mis iganes see on Tundub, nagu naeraks ta minu üle läbi kahepoolse peegli klaasi Mis iganes see on See lihtsalt naerab minu üle Ja ma tahan lihtsalt karjuda Mis nüüd? Ma lihtsalt ei saa sellest aru Mis nüüd? Ma arvan, et ma lihtsalt ootan selle ära (Oota ära) Mis nüüd? Oh, oh, oh, oh! Mis nüüd? Ma leidsin selle, ta muutis mu elu Aga kas see olin mina, kes muutus Ja ta lihtsalt juhtus tulema õigel ajal Ma peaksin olema armunud Aga ma olen jälle tuim Mis iganes see on Tundub, nagu naeraks ta minu üle läbi kahepoolse peegli klaasi Mis iganes see on See lihtsalt istub seal ja naerab minu üle Ja ma tahan lihtsalt karjuda Mis nüüd? Ma lihtsalt ei saa sellest aru Mis nüüd? Ma arvan, et ma lihtsalt ootan selle ära (Oota ära) Mis nüüd? Palun öelge mulle Mis nüüd? Pole kedagi, keda nimetada põhjuseks, miks ma lihtsalt mängin nendega mänge Mida rohkem ma vannun, et olen õnnelik, seda rohkem ma end tunnen
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spicebiter · 7 months ago
Watch List- Anime and Foreign Language Animation (Latest Update Feb. 17, 2025)
Non-English Animation watch list. I keep this one separate from general shows because I vary in whether i want to watch subs or dubs, not to mention the fact that some don't have a dub at all so I can't watch some of these as casually as I can a show in English.
Because of the sheer number of things I want to watch I’m separating my watch list posts into four categories. I keep them separate primarily for organization so I can decide what to watch based different variables (mood, time, language, etc)
I’m pretty much constantly adding things to all of my lists- hence why I’m amending when this was last updated to the title itself- and will update this post anytime I update the wheel I use to randomize my next choice, which usually happens after I’ve added or subtracted a significant number of options.
30,000 Miles From Chang’an
5 Centimeters Per Second
Afro Samurai
Akanuke Ichiban
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku
All Saints' Street
Animal Arithmetic
Asobi Asobase
Azumanga Daioh
Belladonna of Sadness
The Big O
Black Dynamite
Black Rock Shooter
Blood: The Last Vampire
Blue Submarine No. 6
Bocchi the Rock
Boku no Marie
Boogiepop Phantom
The Boy and the Heron
Boys Over Flowers
Brand New Animal
Bubblegum Crisis
Bungou Stray Dogs
Code Geass
Corpse Princess
Cowboy Bebop
Creamy Mami Long Goodbye
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!
Cyborg Neko Chan
Darker Than Black
Darling in the Franxx
Dead Leaves
Death Parade
The Deer King
Dennou Coil
Devilman Crybaby
Diabolik Lovers
Dirty Pair
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
DRAMAtical Murder
Eccentric Family
Eden of the East
El Hazard
Elfen Lied
Ergo Proxy
Eureka Seven
Force of Will
Franken’s Gears
From Up On Poppy Hill
Ghost Hound
Ghost in the Shell
Golden Boy
Gravity Daze The Animation: Ouverture
Gunsmith Cats
Gurren Lagann
The Gymnastics Samurai
Haibane Renmei
Hamatora The Animation
Hataage! Kemono Michi
Hataraku Maou-sama
Hell Girl
Housing Complex C
I Can Hear the Sea
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace
Jin-roh the Wolf Brigade
Kabeneri of the Iron Fortress
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran
Kill la Kill
King of Prism by Pretty Rhythm
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
Kite Liberator
Kizumonogatari part 1: Tekketsu
Koneko no Studio
Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni
Koutetsujou no kabaneri
Legacy of Al Caral
Little Witch Academia
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Magnetic Rose
Megalo Box
Megami Paradise
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Memories: Magnetic Rose
Mezzo Forte
Michiko to Hatchin
Millenium Actress
Mob Psycho 100
Mobile Police Patlabor
Moon, Laika, and the Bloodsucking Princess
Mousou Dairinin
My My Mai
Neo Rengo
Neo Tokyo
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Night On The Galactic Railroad
The Ocean Waves
The Ocean Waves
Ojamajo Doremi
Only Yesterday
Ookiku Furikabutte
Otaku no Video
Panty and Stocking
Paranoia Agent
Perfect Blue
The Place Promised In Our Early Days
Please Save My Earth
Pom Poko
Pretty Cure
Princess Tutu
Project Ako
Read or Die
Robot Carnival
Romeo no Aoi Sora
Rust Eater Bisco
Samurai Champloo
The Secret World of Arrietty
Serial Experiments Lain
Sherlock Hound
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
Shirokuma Cafe
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Sirius the Jaeger
Speed Grapher
Summer Ghost
Superflat Monogram
Suzume no Tojimari
Sword of the Stranger
Taiho Shichauzo
Tales From Earthsea
The Tatami Galaxy
Tenchi Muyo
Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger
Tokyo Babylon
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru
Typhoon Noruda
Uchuu Patrol Luluco
Uta no Prince Sama
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire in the Garden
Violet Evergarden
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Weathering With You
The Wind Rises
Witch Hunter Robin
Wolf Children
Wolf's Rain
Yoru Wa Mikikashi Arukeyo Otome
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
Zankyou no Terror
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dontaskchaosandco · 7 months ago
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drawing poll backlog doodles. none of these characters have been taken off the list (yet)
list of all characters doodled here is below the "keep reading" tab
Row 1 (from left to right):
Infinite (Sonic Forces)
Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder)
Niffty (Hazbin Hotel)
The Noise (Pizza Tower)
Lunatic Cultist (Terraria)
Megalo Don (Fortnite)
Row 2:
Nightmarionne (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Niko (OneShot)
Plague Knight (from the ga e Shovel Knight)
Zess T. (Paper Mario TTYD)
Brad Armstrong (LISA the Painful)
Poniko (Yume Nikki)
Uboa (Yume Nikki)
Row 3 (the first 7 are all Splatoon characters):
Big Man
Herobrine (Minecraft creepypasta)
Craig the Mutant Enderman (Mashup Week)
Row 4:
Tyler, the Creator (as depicted in Mashup Week)
The Grinch
Hat Kid (detective outfit) (A Hat in Time)
Lil Dvrkie (as depicted in the music video for "RAP MUSIC")
Ace D. Copular (from the show The Powerpuff Girls)
Cadence (Crypt of the Necrodancer)
Elliana (Rivals of Aether)
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confusedtravelermari · 4 years ago
yuri and joe’s rivalry in megalo box s1 is so good bc they’re equally Weird about each other. they’re both like (smiling in a fucked up manner) “yes...we will meet again...and this time I’ll show you MY megalo boxing...” while everyone around them is like “?????”
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dusketo · 2 years ago
10 fandoms, 10 characters or2
tagged by @roavaldamjong YAAA now I don’t talk abt half of these series/characters BUT..
metal gear - team kaz forever and ever
genshin impact - kaeya and rosaria I need both to keep my chakras aligned
ace attorney - simon keyes maybe my fave character of all time
fullemetal alchemist - SO IS GREED
megalo box - everyone watch megalo box and appreciate JOE with me!!!!!
jojo - steely dan . I can’t explain this one
love live - I need to catch up on the new units but I still love mari, yoshiko, and you ;-;
arcane - viktor :}
bnha - I’m running out of series LOL but I loved aizawa
great pretender - laurent *hides*
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mudaship39 · 2 years ago
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native of color demigod and alien hybrid
Love Interests:
He/she/they is polyamorous and is in polyamorous non-monogamous and monogamous relationships.
He/she/they have many partners and spouses as someone considered to be a mahu (Hawaiian), fa’afaine (Samoan), fakaleiti (Tongan), or maohi (Tahitian) in the middle elder and healer. 
He/she/they have many partners as someone polyamorous. 
He/she/they have many spouses as a trans queer Indigenous Pasifika person of color high king/high queen or chieftain/warchief. 
As someone with DID and schizophrenia in his/her/their psyche and mind he/she/they have several identities each with their own distinctive names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, & personalities since he/she/they are a plural system. 
Such as Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith. Such as Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato. Such as Zana Saani. Such as Francisco Alejandro Diego García Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa. Such as the alien hybrid Zana Saani. Such as Polynesian demigod Kalani. Each plural system is a system of the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
This is to deal with the abuse and trauma that he/she/they have suffered as a former metahuman and superhuman child soldier. 
The plural systems of Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato, Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith, Zana Saani, & Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa are all polyamorous like the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Each system is dating different people that is different from the other plural systems. 
Spouses and Partners:
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu:
His/her/their  Indigenous Pasifika and Indigenous Pasifika partners of color are Hokulani Kaimana Keali’i-Latu or Zhao Ya-Latu, Dior Linh Heimana Tran-Latu, Jazmine Kueni Leota, Olivia Hine Kohe, Vaulina Jiya Tagi-Latu, Runica Hana Keju-Latu, & Hibiki Higa-Kato or Rin Lan-Fen-Kato. 
Francisco Alejandro Diego Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa:
His/her/their Indigenous partners and Indigenous partners of color are Central American Latine Native Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz-Ochoa, South American Latine Native Adriana Stephanie Macias Acosta-Ochoa, Lac La Ronge Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman ‪Inayat Aloomse Barnett-Latu, & Asian Native Loretta Hope Dawn Isip-Latu (who is Southeast Asian Filipino, Aeta Indigenous Pasifika, and Anishinaabe Ojibwe Indigenous). 
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato:
His/her/their non native partners of color are Joanna Jacobson, Nijah Nadra Nadar, & Sofia Velasquez.
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith: 
His/her/their non native white partners are Talia Macridis Macar-Smith, Jessica Darby-Smith, & Leslie Pearlman-Smith. 
His/her/their nonhuman alien lovers are aliens Scir'uil, Kir'els, Litux, Falder, & Ollas 
Their nonhuman humanoid lovers are Greco Roman Amazonian Elolipe, Merfolk Hasi Kac (she is merfolk as a sea nymph, triton, & siren hybrid), Homo magi Charlotte Nightmore, angel Matariel, & demoness and devil lady hybrid Kylesh
His/her/their nonhuman divine partners are Atlantean demigod Olle (who is the daughter of a goddess of the ocean), Aesir Asgardian Valkyrie Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (daughter of Loki and Sif), Roman goddess of war Carina Bellona Ragoria (daughter of Mars and Venus), & Greek goddess Diona Artemis Megalos (daughter of Ares and Athena). 
Zana Saani:
His/her/their alien extraterrestrial partners are Kulax Kojir-Saani, Ohoi Nessars Saani, Breapru, four armed alien R’hasiss, Iesloria, Melmih, Loran, winged alien Terris, & Hleor. 
His/her/their Indigenous exes were Afro Latine Apache Native Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal, Latine Native Yaqui Hoan Escalante Valencia Yocupicio, Asian Arctic Native Amaruq Ren Naitok, white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof, Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na, Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson, Black Chickasaw Native Freedman Miko Harris, Latine Native Náhuatl Coyotl Acuca, Latine Native Zapotec Nayeli Sakagut, white Native Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy, Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala, Nez Perce Kaya, Afro Latine Native Nakota Ana Anacaoana Ahura Lagunas Zaghoul or Tahcawin Teton, Black Native Lakota Tanaya Avery Johnson, white Native Blackfoot and Salish Hurit Ridley Clarke, Asian Native Dakota Chaske Kiren Tiwari, & Dine Jaan Kai Yazzie. 
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika exes were Polynesian Tongan Ahio Colin Moala, Polynesian Maori Taki Anaru, Black Pasifika Kanaka Maoli Leilani Brittney Kekoa, Asian Pasifika Filipino and Polynesian Hawaiian Kalea Malea Ioane, Afro Caribbean and Melanesian Papuan Nali Tamara Apa, Melanesian Fijian Hereva Tanimani, Melanesian Solomon Islander Agarobe Garae, Melanesian Papuan Vavine Kila, Melanesian Ni-Vanuatu Ailana Tari, Asian Pasifika Micronesian Marshallese Runica Maiko Alik, Asian Pasifika Micronesian Pohnpeian  Eiken Hiro Apaisam, Micronesian Chamorro Isa Dela Cruz, Micronesian Chuukese Achina Akapito, and Micronesian Kosraean Tulpe Alik. 
His/her/their ex partners of color were Jonathan Kaven Ruslo, Lavanya Sunita Mishra, Devrim Keyan Uzun, Karishma Patel-York, Jayani Kumar-Patel, Raji Patel Keisuke Tanaka, Seo-Jun Jeong, Lisa Nguyen-Jeong, Jason Fujimoto, Hank Nguyen, Yoon-Sook Lee-Tanaka, Ruro Suzuki, Jason Peter Rodriguez, Lola Macias, Raquel Marina Alonzo-Jones, Lorena Castillo, Ulric Hayes, Vincent Tennyson, Jasmine Harris, Taylor Davis, Hector Vega, Hasan Karim, Ashaki Kahn, & Tirsa Malik.
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thessaliah · 3 years ago
All right so
This year questionnaire includes a question to name your 5 favorite NPCs. This may or may not mean they will be implement as playable someday. Maybe is for merch or CE, but it’s worth a shot. So if you had a JP account, whether you still use it, log in, or abandoned it to use NA, I still suggest to sign it up to answer this. Here’s the list of the ones you can vote for:
Asha (India Lostbelt girl) Akuta Hinako Agravain Akechi Mitsuhide Ajai (Asha’s father) Adele (Olympus helper twin girl) Aphrodite Black Artemis (the unit from Atlantis) The Alien God Priestess  Winky (the hooded goblin, Mash’s friend of Avalon) Woodwose (the Lord of the Fang Clan of Avalon, Percival’s adopted father). Ector (the dwarf-smith from Avalon Le Fae, who raised Arturia Caster) Aurora (the Wind Clan Lord of Avalon) Onao (Hokusai’s daughter, and Oui’s sister , appears in an interlude. Onui (Shimousa NPC) Ohana (NPC shrine maiden who knew Okuni from latest Guda Guda) Ophelia Phamrsolone Olgamarie Animusphere Onfam (a dwarf who greeted Guda in the village in Avalon) Male Kama  Kadoc Zemlupus Han Xin Kirschtaria Wodime Christopher (young Columbus from Summer event) Marie Alter Goetia Gerda (Scandivania Lostbelt girl) Coral (Aurora’s right hand fairy in Avalon) Divine Gorgon (from Babylonia) Goredolf Musik Sita Sion Eltnam Sokaris Siduri Shibata Katsuie (big armored old man from Guda Guda) Xu Fu Silvia (Chaldea Blonde NPC) Jingle Abel Meuniere Scandinavia Peperoncino Spriggan (Fairy leader of the Earth Clan, who is actually a human from Panhistory) Zeus Kiara Lily Serizawa Kamo (original Shinsengumi commander from Guda Guda) Zolken Solomon Shinsaku Takasugi (the redhead that caused a lot of online drama and probably the source of why they asked for this from Guda Guda) Takechi Hanpeita (Izou’s boss) Tasuke (the baby from Shimousa) Dustin (Chaldea engineer from part 2 prologue). Tanaka Shinbei (redhead masked guy from the latest Guda Guda) Dahu Tiamat Daybit Sem Void Demeter Dumuzid Professor Tokiomi Nezha Alter Non-named Fairy (”Hope” from Avalon) Knocknarea (Fairy Medb) Patxy (Russia good boy)
Pierre Cauchon (I forgot him, he is the Bishop Jeanne Alter burned in Orleans).
Fergus Lily Fujiwara no Michinaga (From Hell World Mandala) Beryl Gut Boggart (the lion fairy who Mash nearly marries) Marble Macintosh (the NPC Kiara cosplays as in CCC collab) Mike (Grand Canvallo’s boss/friend in Avalon) Makarios (the male twin ally of Olympus) Matthew Hopkins Maxwell Matsudaira Nobutsuna (the MVP from Ooku) Minotaur (Lostbelt Asterios) Muryan Megalos (Heracles roided) Yamanami Keisuke (Megane Shinsengumi) Lavinia Waitley Rasputin Randolph Carter Lev Lainur Ronald Rob (the bulky goblin, Mash’s friend from Avalon) Romani Archaman Wag (the last of the goblin trio)
If they forgot someone add them in the box.
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captainmvf · 2 months ago
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Softer doodles for a return to form.
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brave-heart-academy · 4 years ago
Brave Heart Academy’s Students
Some of these OCs are from my friends. Also, I’d like to thank them for helping me with the development of BHA.
Patrick Anderson (3-D) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Kronk in Emperor’s New Groove)
Henry Leonhardt (2-E) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Scared Lion in Wizard of Oz)
Wiatara Mitsu (2-A) (Twisted from Winnie The Pooh) (This is my friend’s OC)
Gray Hughes (1-A) (Twisted from Eeyore in Winnie The Pooh)
Zaman Clockwork (2-B) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the crocodile in Peter Pan) (This is my friend’s OC)
Jack Handyman (3-D) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the octopus in Peter Pan)
Einar Russel (1-B) (Twisted from Oh in Home) (This is my friend’s OC)
Celty Pacifica (3-C) (Twisted from the ocean in Moana)
Minerva Athens (3-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Bobble in Tinkerbell) (This is my friend’s OC)
Cloud Sharp (1-E) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz)
Marianna Megalos (2-C) (Twisted from Meg in Hercules) (This is my friend’s OC)
Sage Hudson (3-D) (Twisted from the Hudson Hornet in Cars)
Rogue Begonia (3-D) (Twisted from Loki in the Norse Mythology)
Aether Draconia (2-C) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Vidya in Tinkerbell) (This is my friend’s OC)
Altair Macaw (2-B) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Iago in Aladdin)
Blair Allaway (1-D) (Twisted from Merida in Brave) (This is my friend’s OC)
Kalil Weaver (2-A) (Twisted from the Magic Carpet in Aladdin)
Rosalind Alarie (3-B) (Dorm Leader) (Inspired from the song, Royal Scandal https://youtu.be/Og-e5FBDKxA) (This is my friend’s OC)
Nora Justice (2-D) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Judy Hopps in Zootopia)
Dorothea Hampton (2-B) (Twisted from Dory in Finding Nemo) (This is my friend’s OC)
Felix Roterluchs (2-E) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from James in Peter Pan and the Star Catchers)
Mallory Cricket (1-E) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Lucky Cricket in Mulan)
Ferran Sapajou (1-A) (Twisted from Abu in Aladdin)
Sylvester Redfox (2-E) (Twisted from Nick Wilde in Zootopia)
Nia Marie Eidolon (2-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast)
Sherwood Archibald (2-D) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Robin Hood)
Lian Jingyi (3-A) (Twisted from Shift in Kung Fu Panda) (This is my friend’s OC)
Rune Midnight (3-E) (Twisted from Pinocchio)
Lumine El Makina (2-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Tinkerbell before she met Peter Pan)
Hugo Smith (1-C) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz)
Gānglóng Chén (1-A) (Twisted from Mushu in Mulan) (This is my friend’s OC)
Hubert Atlas (1-C) (Twisted from Milo in Atlantis)
Arthur Chevalier (3-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the concept of a Prince Charming)
Elizabeth Grace (3-B) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the concept of a Princess)
Max Blanc (3-B) (Twisted from the Prince’s trusty steed)
Suzette Patissier (1-C) (Twisted from Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph)
Luciana Leclair (1-A) (Twisted from Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame) (This is my friend’s OC)
Robert Briller (2-C) (Twisted from Kuzco in Emperor’s New Groove)
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ariana-senpai · 5 years ago
Fandom List
Anime If a fandom is here and not in manga, then I’ve only seen the anime. I will put it in both if I’ve seen and read it!
- Ajin
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- B: The Beginning
- Bleach
- Blue Exorcist
- Cells at Work!
- Claymore
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cromartie High School
- Deadman Wonderland
- Demon Slayer
- Devilman Crybaby*
- D. Gray-Man
- Fire Force
- Fullmetal Alchemis: Brotherhood
- Gun x Sword
- How to Keep a Mummy
- Hunter x Hunter
- Kakegurui
- Megalo Box
- Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun
- My Hero Academia
- Nana
- Naruto + Shippuden
- Ouran High School Host Club
- The Rising of the Shield Hero
- Sanrio Boys
- Sword Gai
- Sirius the Jaeger
- Violet Evergarden
Manga If a series is here and not in anime, then I’ve only read the manga.
- Bleach
- Deadman Wonderland
- Death Note
- Death Note: Another Note
- Death Note: Special One Shot (2020)
- Devilman
- Elfen Lied
- Hunter x Hunter
- Naruto + Shippuden
Animated Series
- American Dad
- Archer
- Big Mouth
- Bob’s Burgers
- Courage the Cowardly Dog
- Daria
- Disenchantment
- Frisky Dingo
- Futurama
- Gravity Falls
- King of the Hill
- Over the Garden Wall
- Samurai Jack
Animated Movies
- Blame!
- Bleach (All)
- Coraline
- Disney + Pixar
- Final Fantasy: Advent Children
- Howl’s Moving Castle
- How to Train Your Dragon (1 - 3)
- Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rogue + The Last Mission
- The Last Unicorn
- Mary and the Witch’s Flower
- The Road to El Dorado
- Princess Mononoke
- Rise of the Guardians
- Spirited Away
Video Games
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy XII
- Jak and Daxter (Up to Jak 3)
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
- Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Persona 3
- Persona 4
- Silent Hill (1-3)
- Silent Hill: Homecoming
- Skyrim + Dawnguard and Dragonborn
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afluffykiwi · 5 years ago
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oc poster series: the sankofa series (teen wolf, season 1-5)
solicitous meaning showing interest or concern (ashton monroe pov –  s1) inundate meaning overwhelm things or people to deal with (koralia megalos pov – s2) numinous meaning mysterious or awe-inspiring (ashton & koralia alternating pov – s3a) occasus meaning sunset, ruin, death (carter argent pov – s3b) lacuna meaning an unfullfilled space (jeanne-marie britt pov – s4) fantod meaning a state of uneasiness (ashton, koralia, carter, jeanne-marie alternating pov – s5)
coloring psd by @lxmxnquxxn
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myanimerecs-links · 5 years ago
Madam is a Magical Girl (x), Made in Abyss (x), Madoka Magica (x), Magi (x), Magic Kaito (x), Magical Girl Ore (x), Magical Girl Site (x), Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka (x), Magical Sempai (x), Magi’s Grandson (x), Magmel of the Sea Blue (x), Mahou Sensei Negima (x), Mahoujin GuruGuru (x), Maidens of the Savage Season (x), Maison Ikkoku (x), Majimoji Rurumo (x), Major (x), Mama is Just a Fourth Grade Pupil (x), Mangirl (x), Maquia - When The Promised Flower Blooms (x), March Comes in Like a Lion (x), Marginal#4 (x), Mary and the Witch’s Flower (x), Masamune-kun’s Revenge (x)
Mechanical Arms (x), Meiji Tokyo Renka (x), Megalo Box (x), Mekakucity Actors (x), Merc Storia: The Apathetic Boy and The Girl in a Bottle (x), Mermaid Melody (x), Merman In My Tub (x)
Micchiri Neko (x), Middle Manager Tonegawa (x), Midnight Occult Civil Servants (x), Midori (x), Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club (x), Mirai of the Future (x), Miru Tights (x), Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-sou (x), Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid (x), Mitsuboshi Colors (x), Mitsuwano (x)
Mob Psycho 100 (x), Modest Heroes (x), Moment by Moment (x), Momokuri (x), Monochrome Factor (x), Monster Musume (x), Monster Strike (x), Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun (x)
Mr Nobunaga’s Young Bride (x)
Ms Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles (x), Ms Vampire Who Lives In My Neighbourhood (x)
Muhyo and Roji’s Bureau of Supernatural Investigation (x), Mushishi (x), Music Girls (x)
My Cultivator Girlfriend (x), My Dear Marie (x), My First Girlfriend is a Gal (x), My Girlfriend is a Faithful V/irgin B/itch (x), My Hero Academia (x), My Holy Weapon (x), My Italian Cooking (x), My Little Monster (x), My Love Story (x), My Neighbor Tororo (x), My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom (x), My Roommate is a Cat (x), My Sister Came (x), My Sister My Writer (x), My Sweet Tyrant (x), My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (x), My Very Own Hero (x), My Wife is the Student Council President (x), Mysteria Friends (x)
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solcomfortssouls · 6 years ago
Tag game
Rules: Name ten favorite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people.
Thanks for the tag @rokokokokolores!
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
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2. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars
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3. Joe from Megalo Box
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4. Sing Soo Ling from Banana Fish
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5. Tony Stark from Avengers
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6. Yumei from the book trilogy Red Winter by Annette Marie
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7. Elijah Mikelson from The Originals
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8. Aomine from Kuroko no Basket
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9. Roranoa Zoro from One Piece
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10. Zuko from Avatar Last Airbender
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Tagging @impossiblesnowflakes @madammuffins and anyone who wants to!
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