#mari rants about blorbos
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pey-up · 11 months ago
someone once compared me to basil from omori and i havent recovered since
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butterflyprompts · 2 days ago
Crackfic Prompt Ideas ಠ_ಠ
(a mix of romantic, platonic, and solo crackfic ideas! as always these are free to use whenever, wherever, credit not even necessary. but, if you do write with these, do feel free to share it with me! i would love to see it! :D as a reminder, i also take prompt requests!)
Character A steals Character B's snacks, and now they must suffer the consequences.
Character A has ran out of money. Now they must find a job, preferably minimum wage.
Bonus: They discover that Character B also ran out of money, and is their new manager.
Character A is sold to One Direction (Or, if the series you're writing for has a fictional band, have them be sold to it instead!)
Character A gets isekai'd. Are they the overpowered protagonist? The self-insert mary sue character? The series' new punching bag? Great for crossovers!
Write your favorite bitterly divorced couple after the first alimony payment. What does Character A do with it? What does Character B think about the situation? Make it funny, make it angsty, up to you! Crack and angst is a tag on AO3, after all. Use it!!!
Character A hosting a post-divorce party, only to have to sheepishly announce during the festivities that they actually have gotten back together with B.
Writing exercise: Stretch out your blorbo struggling to open a bag of chips for as long as you can. I'm talking 2k, 5k, 10k words if you can. Nothing else happens, they just buy, struggle to open, and rant to themselves as they fight with the chips.
Bonus points if the bag explodes on them once they do get it open, and it spills everywhere. Just absolutely ruin their day for me, please.
That, or let someone they despise walk into the room and casually open it for them.
Character A is in a sudden, intense amount of pain with no known cause or cure. The truth is, someone from our world is projecting their period cramps onto them.
Write Character A doing something completely mundane. Get as boring and pathetic as possible, if you can.
Character A wakes up in the middle of the night after a horrific nightmare. However, when they try to describe the horrors they just went through in their sleep to Character B, they can't help but cry laughing. Sorry Character A, but your biggest fear is absolutely ridiculous.
Recreate your favorite characters in The Sims. Then, rewrite whatever happens as a fic. Bonus points if you try your hardest to make it canon compliant! (I personally enjoy the addition of the Basemental Drugs mod for this one. Sure, let's get my favorite eldritch deity addicted to ketamine, I don't care.)
Character A cannot hide it any longer. They have a dark and horrible secret, one they can no longer in good faith hide from Character B. Character B is, of course, stressed at Character A's dramatics. What could they have done that's so bad? The truth is, nothing. The secret is completely mundane and normal.
For fluff and crack, consider cuteness aggression! "The truth is, whenever you do that thing where you sneeze and then say bless you to yourself, I want to squeeze you and bite your head off!" "...That's it?" "I'm a monster, B! I'm so sorry!"
Alternatively, have Character B completely overreact to this completely mundane secret. "What do you mean you don't like (Character B's favorite thing)?! How could you!?"
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melit0n · 1 year ago
Something that irks me within The Oh Hellos fandom (and Half·Alive because I'm gonna talk about them too) is people who listen to their music, mainly starting off with Solider, Poet, King because that is arguably their most popular song for multiple different reasons, say they really like it, and then find out The Oh Hellos' are Christian based (similar to Half·Alive), and then suddenly they say they hate it.
(ranting and explanation under the cut)
Like yeah, Solider, Poet, King is originally written about Jesus (and his supposed second coming) and or about Judas, Mary Magdalene and Jesus (Judas=soldier, M.M=poet, Jesus=king), but I don't underestand why that has an effect on people liking it (A). Or even religious people getting straight up mad about others misinterpreting Soldier, Poet, King, or misinterpreting the song themselves in general (B).
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(A). This is like, one of the hundreds of comments I scrolled through on just a lyric video for Solider, Poet, King. Like come on.
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(B). Taken from @lovejoycdinnit post which inspired this rant.
Don't get me wrong, I understand why some people are adverse to Christianity, coming from someone who was raised on Catholic Christianity, I can easily understsand the traumas that revolve around the religion, and, considering how many Christians act, the general hatred towards them as well. But instead of denoting the song, just because it's Christian and you've got issues with the religion, think about how many layers that adds. In The Oh Hellos' music, they constantly preach about forgiveness, kindness and loyalty, especially in their newest albums (I mean, take a listen to Soap from Zephyrus).
Same can be said with Half·Alive's Creature. People will listen to it, say it's really good, immediately put it into their character playlist (either OC or fandom character), maybe even find themselves in that song and then find out Half·Alive is based within the religious faith held by the main singer, and suddenly people don't like it.
Further, people need to stop being hypocrites when it comes to religious bands and or musicians who take ideas from the Bible for their work and say they like them, but not others. It's impossible to say Hozier and Ethel Cane for their religious ideals and ideas they take out of different Holy Books, but then dislike The Oh Hellos and Half·Alive for the pure fact of being religious.
Just because the songs are religious (either about general faith, or Jesus Himself) doesn't mean they can't be about your blorbos anymore! Solider, Poet, King can still be about your DnD characters, your group of friends, your own OCs or just fandom characters in general. Creature can still be about your DnD characters, your struggle with being human in a mental and physical sense, your own OCs or fandom characters. It legitimately doesn't matter. I get finding out the true meaning of a song can make people dislike it, but when it's specifically religious that's just straight up wrong. At that point it's just misotheism.
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hartshorn-and-isinglass · 30 days ago
The next couple of years are not going to be easy. Look after yourselves. Don't forget to rest and feed your soul along the way.
I expect this administration to take a rather dim view on support for the arts, as the fash like to pretend the arts are frivolous luxuries one can do without--so I'd like to remind you to support your favorite artists when you are able, to help keep them going financially so they can help keep you going, morale-wise.
On that note--while this blog has less reach than most pr0n spam accounts and I am most certainly not the kind of cheer squad a bunch of world-class classical musicians want or need--I'm going to take a moment to do some more blorbo-shilling anyway.
Curious about classical music but don't want to go see a full orchestra doing giant fuck-off 40-minute long symphonies? Liked Bach, Vivaldi, and Mozart in your music appreciation class and wanna listen to more 18th-century stuff? Or maybe you're a music nerd and you need more historically-informed concerts in your life? Are you within driving distance of Hudson or NYC?
Come hear the Four Nations Ensemble play this February, March, and May. For the first time, they're replicating their three-concert spring series in both NYC and Hudson, instead of just NYC. I unfortunately can't do the entire series so I'm doing a little Hail-Mary signal-boost to see if I can't recruit some other folks in my stead. (And if you're too far away to go or you only see this post years from now, go check out Andrew Appel's Youtube channel to find recordings of their performances.)
And I've posted this video of Medeé before, but this time I'm gonna time-stamp it to the "Cruelle fille des enfers" part because this is just so... *chef's kiss* deliciously menacing:
Pascale Beaudin's going to have some fun stuff to sing for this concert series, themed around three soprano divas of the 18th century and the musicians in their orbits. It's an absolute delight to hear her in concert. Recordings can't fully capture that energy.
I have enjoyed listening to the recordings of Andrew and Olivier since my younger days and when I got back into classical music during the pandemic I was chuffed to discover that they're now in this excellent ensemble together. I also hope, dear God, that none of them ever find this extremely cursed blog. But I'm willing to take that risk if it puts them in front of some more eyeballs for people who wouldn't have found them otherwise. Anyway... we now return you to your regularly-scheduled shitposts and rants.
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I know this is asking too much from a series like black clover but I've been rereading the missing children arc and man I really wish we'd gotten some more insight into Neige's psyche. Like... sure he's soft and sweet, but let's not forget he got angry and struck Marie in rage because she OPPOSED HIM. He thought friends were just supposed to blindly agree his every word and immediately resorted to violence when frustrated. Which... I mean okay, it makes sense given that his only friends seemed to be his snowmen and that he was apparently raised by his brother who was verbally, emotionally AND physically abusive. But still! I wish we'd gotten to see his evolution beyond just "oh I was wrong to do all that, I'm going to be good from now on."
And let's not forget that he killed his brother??? He clearly cared about him despite everything??? Why are we brushing over all this???
Logically I know not every side character can get developed but still. Frustrating.
Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get this out and since I always enjoy your insights and you recently talked about the snow baby I thought you'd be the best person to go to. Have a nice evening!
Flamelet I can feel your frustration, and I know (to an extent) how it feels when your blorbo doesn't get the character development, or doesn't get it in a satisfying manner.
Also, don't worry about the rant! I'm all for hearing thoughts and feelings for the show, and the characters, as long as it's, y'know, constructively formulated. Which this is.
And for what it's worth, I think that Neige's emotional growth is stunted to some extent. Like, a lot of the behaviours he displayed, made me think of the word "tantrum", so he has never probably been taught how to handle his own emotions. (Like with striking Marie when she didn't just go along with things. Reminds me of toddlers pushing each other on a sandbox.) It's something that can be observed in people well into their 40s too, but usually it's displayed in other ways. But it's still the temper-tantrum phenomenon.
I would imagine that living with Baro would have caused a severe enough of a trauma for Neige to stay in that mind-set and emotional/psychological state. Defence mechanisms of a kind to not explore those emotions and or handle them in any way, and acting out of impulse. But also it could be a behaviour pattern that Neige learned from Baro. So, if Neige didn't go along Baro's plan, then Baro hit him, or something along those lines. And yes, though Baro did a lot of horrid things to Neige, Neige cared for Baro. Probably out of a "conviction" of a kind to an extent (like "I need to care for him because he's my brother"), but also probably because Baro was the only person Neige had in his life. And without his brother, Neige would have been all alone. And being alone is scary.
A lot of these events were a lot for Neige too, I would imagine, which could have placed him in a kind of a shock, where Baro's death wouldn't have visibly shown in that moment either. Maybe a form of denial? (I'm not a psychologist, so I'm just guessing a lot here) Which is why Neige wasn't shown grieving.
But also the "okay, I will be good from now on" is an intention, which I think would go well with someone who isn't yet equipped to handle emotions, especially complex emotions, at least well. So, without really reflecting on what happened and why; how things ended up where they did, Neige just blatantly decides "I will be good". The emotional growth, and learning the tools to handle his emotions and live without the ""guidance"" of Baro, come later.
Though, granted, as you mentioned, that a lot of this is just due to not being able to focus on every side character. So, this theorization "goes too deep", because things just needed to be wrapped up quickly, and Neige was given a very, very rushed redemption arc.
I really don't know, I'm just making a lot of (more or less) educated speculations ^^'
Thank you for the ask!
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moongazeonastarfillednight · 5 months ago
You know. I ranted a bit about the tour on medical history in Edinburgh because it did not feature a very specific blorbo... but I need to give a real shout out now
Shout out to the Real Mary Kings' Close for talking about Dr. James Barry and not misgendering him!
Love that for you, king.
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theproblemcallednight · 1 year ago
sending you akutagawa and/or bram for character ask game
hii soda!!!
k imma do both cuz im bored :D
ok it got rlly long so it’s under the cut:
first impressions- tbh i thought he was a weird ass bitch who needed cough drops bc his lil villain cough was making no one but the butterflies scared. like his ability was rlly cool but i didn’t really get him at first. also his name took me ages to pronounce 😭😭
impression now- genuinely one of my fav characters!!! he’s such a guy y’know. a goofy little guy. but i do rlly like his backstory and how he persevered and fought through ever and still was a morally bad person. like i luv seeing characters i adore suffer to hell and back and then finally find some sort of broken peace with themselves. aku allowing himself to value his own wants and needs after fighting atsushi and seeing him grow as a character is just perfect. 10/10 i luv him my blorbo forever <3
favourite moment- anything in wan tbh. i know i just went on a heartfelt rant abt aku but. wan aku is the true star let’s be honest. i mean look at him. just stare into those soulless eyes.
idea for a story- uhhhhh i not very creative gimme a sec… i think him finding himself with a pet would be cool. yknow like he gets attached to some stray cat and then ends up taking it in. and i feel like it would force himself to see that he can be a good person and there is beauty in life. the cat may or may not resemble a certain someone
unpopular opinion- ummm idk rlly? i guess i hc him somewhere or the aro/ace spectrum but i dunno if that’s an u popular opinion
favorite relationship- right so obvi sskk bc i am unoriginal and one with the masses. but. i luv it when chuuya and aku have like a father son relationship. or even when gin and him get to just hang out and chill. i just luv the idea of aku constantly chasing dazais approval and chuuya being like “bitch i fucking raised you the mf left after a year”
fav headcannon- hmmmm prob the hc tha he can’t cook? like he can’t boil water even. i just find it funny that it’s like the one thingy dazai passed down to him. father son duo that can blow up your kitchen in five seconds.
first impressions- i was so exited when i saw the name bram stoker omg. i haven’t actually read dracula but i’ve heard enough to abt it that ik brams ability would be sick. and god i thought it was so cool. and also the fact that bram was just a shish kebab was sending me and i immediately loved him
impression now- still absolutely in live with him and his character. he’s just like the biggest mood in all of bsd. and his and aya’s relationship is so freaking cute i luv them sm
favourite moment- either when he says he’ll be aya’s knight at the end, or when aya’s like bram what do we do about the apocalypse he’s like “sleep in a hole for a couple centuries.” i would love to sleep in a hole for 200 years every time i had a problem. it would be great.
idea for a story- i think it would be rlly interesting if it was a college and no abilities au and him and mary shelly and adam were besties. like it would be great. they would be the besties fr
unpopular opinion- uh i dunno… i kind of think that he shouldn’t have gotten his body back? at least not when he did? like don’t get me wrong he slayed and saved aya and stuff. but i feel like tbh ere was so much to use with his shish kebab state. i don’t know i think it was underutilized
favourite relationship- oh def bramcraft or lovestoker or whatever it’s called now. bram and lovecraft are ancient yuri and i will die on that hill. they can be eldritch monsters together. and be ancient together. that being said i like kunikifa and bram more platonically. like they become friends through joint custody of aya. and it’s one big happy family
favourite headcannon- oh i don’t know where i saw this but i luv the idea of him using like a cane or mobility aids. for balance probably, but i think it would be so cool for bram to have a cane. he’d look badass with it. best part is he can bonk ppl with it :D
well that got long. but it was rlly fun!!! ty for the ask soda!!!
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thatndginger · 2 years ago
Happy Blorbo Blursday! What's something about Nate from War Witch that you haven't had the chance to rant about?
Hey Vee! Happy Blorbsday! And thank you for giving me something else to focus on besides my irrational anxiety about my manager's trust in me!
So one of Nate's redeeming qualities [that makes up for being a little rich bitch] is that he has complete, utterly devoted faith in Mari. Like, this boy is the definition of a ride-or-die friend.
You definitely wouldn't expect this from someone of Nate's background at all. Mari is from the working classes - her parents are tailors - and one of the first things she did was show up everyone in their class academically. Someone like Nate, who was already near the top of the class and gunning for more prestige, should have taken one look at Mari and stuck up his nose. But he didn't.
No. Nate took a big swig of Stan Mari juice and immediately began following her around - which, admittedly, Mari found incredibly annoying at first. The son of a Senator is following her around, asking her nonstop questions about where she learned x or how she extrapolated y theory, never giving her a moment's rest? Beyond frustrating and mildly worrying. But eventually she realized Nate was asking out of genuine interest and not some new form of hazing, and they became friends. And when she finally shared her theories on the death of magic and the possibility of reviving it, Nate threw his lot in with her without a second thought.
If it weren't for his duty to his family's reputation, Nate would 100% throw his entire fortune behind funding whatever expedition Mari suggested when it comes to her theories on resurrecting magic. He is pretty adamant that he might have the money and power, but Mari has the intellect (even tho Nate is also quite intelligent).
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ribbi-ffxiv · 2 months ago
FF14 is so depressing to me right now. I feel like there's nothing fun to do in the game at the moment.
The 8-man raids/extremes are cool, but party finder is TERRIBLE. 24-man raid is cool too, but it only provides one 20 minute instance every week with no real reason to repeat it. Chaotic raid is cool, but party finder is TERRIBLE. There is no "midcore" content, it's either very easy content that takes maybe 15 minutes to complete or CBT in the party finder that could take hours without clearing if you get unlucky teammates (common occurrence for me).
The last "real" content I really felt like I could sink my teeth into was Zadnor, (part of the bozja content) back in april 2021
The only thing Endwalker did for me was force me to look in the cracks to find any little content I had not previously looked into seriously like treasure maps and crafting (basically gil making). I could rant about how Endwalker was the worst possible expansion (content-wise) but I won't here.
But now that I've already waited out a whole expansion until Dawntrail, I have reached my limit and I truly cannot enjoy ff14 until something is added because Dawntrail msq was such a flop story wise.
I can stand waiting a bit if the story is good because it gives me something to think about while I rotate my blorbo in game, but Dawntrail gave me almost nothing. A Realm Reborn was more compelling. (but I suppose nothing is less compelling than a "girlfailure mary-sue" becoming leader of a nation)
(I am still begging and pleading for the story to leave all the current main characters behind for some new main characters)(especially wuk lamat. I am a hater I will continue to hate, she is a side character at best)
(island sanctuary is best new content recently-ish added because it leaves behind all the main characters lol)
It would honestly be incredible if they did a Dawntrail Reborn imo. (not gonna happen, not even close to realistic to expect that)
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arabaka · 2 years ago
i stopped reading the manga like a month ago cause i can't be bothered. i realized that gege doesn't actually care about the female characters at all and doesn't write them well. nobara who was the main girl hasn't been seen in over a hundred chapters and nobody else seems to give a single fuck about whether she's dead or not. the girls get sidelined, are a lot weaker than their male counterparts or are just not there and it's just 🫥. people were praising him for his writing but none of the female characters are significantly better than any other misogynistic shonen authors'. the only male shonen maganka who actually knows what he's doing is tatsuki fujimoto (my beloved). gege's only real talent is making attractive men beat the shit out of each other.
rant over
-sculpture anon
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ʚ。゚☁︎。ɞ。 SCULPTURE ANON YOUR BRAIN IS SO BIG. YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!!! oh my god. jjk is mid as hell, but like i was telling my husband, "damn does he know how to make hot men." but apart from that... it's a common premise... he drove things to the ground sm with the stupid culling game arc, a played out trope that didn't work at all bc he introduced too many things at once and radically changed the genre of the series... and what you said about the female characters... his hate for gojo is like. not funny and i don't meant that in a "not my blorbo >:(" way but a "you have let your dislike affect your writing and art for him in a objectively bad way"
i'm just gonna wait until it's done and live in my little heehee haahaa world. just a marie canon divergent jjk tbh
it's always so relieving to find people of like mind in this community lol
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toothbrushfingers · 2 years ago
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Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Snotlout Jorgenson
Eret Son of Eret
Astrid Hofferson
Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon)
Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon)
Additional Tags:
Caring Snotlout Jorgenson
Snotlout Jorgenson-centric
Snotlout angst
BAMF snotlout jorgenson
how is that not a tag?
Eret and snotlout literally doing a mind meld
he may have one brain cell but he uses it when it counts
your blorbo is bonding with your other blorbo!
Language:EnglishSeries:← Previous Work Part 6 of Httyd stuff, ← Previous Work Part 5 of Snotlout whumpppppStats:Published:2023-01-16Words:830Chapters:1/1Kudos:1Hits:11
Bird in a golden cage.
Work Text:
Snotlout watched as Drago screamed Bloody Mary at his poor dragon causing Hookfang to bow down slowly, he cried out his poor dragon's name as Drago put a foot down over his snout! Snotlout begged for him to stop, but the monster of a man didn’t listen.
He looked at Eret as the muscular man was being interrogated but his face of traitorous rage turned to confusion as he saw just how terrified the man was.
Astrid butt in ranting about Berk’s tracking dragons as Eret desperately tried to motion for her to stop. After what he’d heard, Drago ordered his army to stop all preparations, they were going to take down the ‘nest’ and then… go after Berk! 
Snotlout snapped back to his senses as he realized they had taken some of his secret knives, but definitely not all of them. He discretely reached inside his secret pocket of his leggings as they walked the ship, away from Drago, and pulled out a knife… he cut at his bindings carefully until he was loose! He began talking confidently.
“Y’know Eret… as traitorous as you’ve been I have to hand it to you, you're a very skilled fighter.” Eret looked extremely baffled as did the rest of the group. The recruits eyed him suspiciously, but brushed it off as delirium. Snotlout continued.
“I mean you could probably work with anything right? An ax, a spear, a knife …” Now everyone was extremely confused as he put extra emphasis on the small weapon. Eret was catching on.
“Sure…?” He stated
“And I bet you could wrestle anything!” He said his next words slowly, eyeing Eret, who smirked. “A bear, a dragon, a DUCK!” He shouted as he threw his knife at Eret, allowing him to free himself. The others followed his instructions, narrowly missing a knife to the head. Eret began attacking immediately, swapping the knife for two spears from a knocked out soldier using them to free the others. Snotlout jumped into the fray, attacking endlessly.
Eventually the troops were all unconscious or dead and everyone rushed to the dragon traps to rescue their dragons. Snotlout bolted to the largest trap secretly, where he hoped his monstrous nightmare was.
Snotlout opened the cage and jumped down to see a chained down, bone dry, monstrous nightmare.
“HOOKY!” He whispered. “What did they do to you! They must’ve taken away your gel huh?” The short Viking cooed his poor dragon. “I promise we’re going to eat like kings when we get home! Promise!” Hookfang looked up a little, gratefully. 
“Alright let’s get you out hmm?” Snotlout smirked as he unchained his dragon watching as he slowly stood and right has he thought they were going to leave, the noirette was scooped by his dragon and gently nuzzled for a long time, play wrestling and bringing the Viking to tears that his best friend was here. 
Snotlout touched his snout and Hookfang recoiled. Shifting back a few feet.
“Hooky…?” Snotlout immediately realized the problem. “Hookfang! I promise it’s me! Not Drago!” They both flinched at the name that they’d all be haunted by for the rest of their life, he was fine with that though… I mean, he still remembers Viggo!
“I swear Fangster, no one with any sense will ever do that to you again!” He walked gently and quietly to his dragon, reaching out his hand to his snout looking away.
Snotlout had never known what it was like to be Hiccup… he thought it must have been amazing! ‘Master of all dragons’ able to be such a smart person and a leader was something Snotlout was not blessed in.
But in that moment, the fear of rejection and death that would follow if this didn’t work, suddenly made him feel sorry all over again for how he’d treated the future chief.
But then, Hookfang hesitantly moved his snout to connect with his rider’s hands. Snotlout nearly melted at the touch, tears coming to his eyes all over again.
The dragon pulled back and for a second, the short Viking worried he’d done something wrong until he was flipped in the air, landing on Hookfang’s saddle! 
The nightmare squawked at him and Snotlout patted him reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t mention anything to the others!” He rolled his eyes as Hooky purred in agreement. Snotlout smirked.
“Now, LET’S GO KICK DRAGO’S ASS!” He roared and Hookfang flew out of the trap at lightning speed onto the battlefield, where the other riders were soon to join them. 
“TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH SNOTLOUT!” Astrid shouted over the wind, Eret attempting to ride Stormfly directly infront of her.
“Teaching on the fly! I like it!” He stated sarcastically, 
The blonde rolled her eyes, and Snotlout saw a hint of worry.
“but yeah we needed a bit of… catch up time.” 
Astrid shrugged and the two went their separate ways destroying all the traps that dare cross the riders.
Snotlout knew they’d come out on top.
ooo hoo hoo i like it
we didn’t get nearly enough snotfang in the movies and it makes me sad
beautiful one shot 10/10
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theinvisiblemuseum · 2 years ago
🍍, 🍈
forgot to answer this sorry 😭
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with? 
hp fic specific, i love amortentia fics and will never get tired of them. not a huge fan of general high school aus tho. maybe when i was a teen but i’ve outgrown it for the most part wdym they’re going to math class
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions. 
une autre blorbo...... oui... oui... who shall it be this time.... maybe i’ll just do some random hcs about various fellas
lily: not the mom friend, she’s always the one putting her friends into Situations
marlene: controversially, a natural blonde (but she bleaches her hair to get it white)
james: sings alllll the time. cant sing for shit.
peter: once became a rat for a whole week and learned SO many secrets
remus: can fall asleep literally anywhere
sirius: not a quidditch player. sorry quidditch sirius lovers i just cannot see him caring about sports
barty: virgin
evan: arsonist, younger twin, loser (affectionate)
mary: got her patronus before anyone else
dorcas: makes all her own jewelry
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justablah56 · 3 years ago
hey there !!! I'm Aether/Everan, it/its :]
@justanaromantic is my a-spec side blog
I am currently hyperfixated on rolling with difficulty so most of my original posts/drawings are probably going to be that right now<3
just as a general warning, I have been known to horny post on occasion so. be warned. I wouldn't recommend my blog to people who are uncomfortable with that sort of thing. I do usually tag my own art at least with stuff like nudity or nsfw text, or nsfw though! anyways-
Im open to doodle requests for characters I know ! doodles will usually just be kinda messy colorless lineart, but sometimes inspiration strikes and whoops it's no longer a doodle. so. yeah idk, drawing motivation is weird sometimes 👍
if I reblog an art meme, please only request characters that I know !!! I have a list of fandoms under the cut in case you aren't sure :] but if you send me a request with a character I'm unfamiliar with I most likely won't do it, sorry!
I have made. so many dndads character/ship playlists. and if you ever want to see if I have a playlist for smthin I probably do and I will be more than happy send them to you <3 I'm also slowly growing my collection of rwd playlists so if you're interested in those I might have a few!
below the cut is mostly just a guide to all the tags I use in case any of y'all want to know those either to find specific stuff or block specific tags :3
I post mostly rwd, dndads or just y'know whatever, but I'm also interested in/will post about project hail mary, d20 fantasy high, dvc, dungeon meshi, galavant, love and luck, tma/tmagp, malevolent, monstrous agonies, furry stuff, tpp, ofmd, stellar firma, wtnv, w359, any riordanverse stuff, tdp, pokemon, good omens, toh, amphibia, gravity falls, de:pp, stranger things, cookie run, a:tla, steven universe, plus probably a few other assorted fandoms that I can't think of rn :]
all my art is tagged under "my art", and you are welcome to use my art in edits or as a pfp etc, basically anything but reposting it, as long as I'm credited :]
I also sometimes make little yarn pompom dolls ! which are also under my art tag, but they're also tagged with "aethers dolls :]"
"just blahs" is my talking tag, and i have a growing collection of tags for my friends who chat in my asks often :]
cookies rambles <3
cy asks !
silly zilly
jay !!
bugs bables
hi laurie !!
cgi says !
asriel asks
vik !!
I use the tags "tag games" and "ask games" so if you see some post tagged w that you can probably scroll back through that tag for a minute to see which ask game I'm replying to !
I also tag most art/outfit memes with "art meme", so if you wanna send me a req please do ! however if I rbed it more than like. a few days before you ask I would like it if you specified which one you're talking abt 😅
"luca my beloved" is the tag for my oc Luca and his partner Mitch, I'm always happy to receive asks abt either of em or outfit suggestions or literally anything tbh dbjdjdjdn I just like thinking abt them and getting questions abt them
"pet posting" is me talking abt my cat and/or dog bcs I love them <3
if there's anything you'd like me to tag, don't hesitate to lmk and I will try my best to make sure to tag it :3
this is a notice to every individual who decided to actually read my pinned post, PLEASE FUCK SEND ME CHARACTER RANTS/INFODUMPS I WILL LOVE YOU !! I don't even care if I know the character though I'm sure that will help, I just love listening to people talk about things and if anyone decides they want to spout random headcannons or fun facts or whatever about their blorbo/ship/hyperfixation? please do !! idc if you decide to do it on anon or whatever, just so long as you know you will lovingly be referred to as *character/ship/thing* anon in my brain <3 and if you're asking off anon I'll probably come up with a talking tag for you eventually unless you give me one to use <333
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afteriwake · 2 years ago
🍉🍓🍒🍍🥝🍐🍈🫐 That should be enough to give you something to chew on. :)
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why? I love writing both, but I think I prefer short fics/one-shots in a series. It's just more fun building a universe with little snippets here and there.
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated? A lot of my CSIverse stuff that's not about CSI: NY. Back in its heyday, I was a pretty popular Buffyverse author, a prolific and respected Sherlock writer, I got a lot of love when I was into Bleach, and while I don't write as much Wholock anymore it got a decent amount of hits and stuff. But my CSI and CSI: Miami stuff was usually overlooked? IDRK, I've been writing fanfic for nearly 25 years, I could be forgetting the love I got in those fandoms.
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!) Idiots to lovers.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…) I keep meaning to write Elementary stuff, but the show was so damn perfect as it was that I can only write missing scene stuff. Sherlock and Joan are just so fascinating, as are Gregson and Bell, but I just can't figure out what to write for them.
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write? Trope? Fake dating. AO3 tag? -INSERT CHARACTER- Needs A Hug
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc… Okay. I am not bashing Sherlock here, not really, but after ending season 3/getting utterly and completely spoiled for season 4, you see the show has a fuckton of flaws making it ripe for fix-it fics. First and foremost there's the travesty of Mary's death, then there's the missing Reichenbach stuff, there's Irene being rescued and conflicting ideas by cast and writers as to what happened then, the mystery surrounding just why Molly was in a bad mood for the phone call, Sally's disappearance for most of S3/all of S4 (we know in real life it was scheduling conflicts, but they never explained it in the show), and Eurus...just Eurus. So it's like, you can pick any point in this show and use that as a starting point for fix-it/missing scene fic that's better than canon. But yeah. That's why I have thousands of Sherlock fic and very few Elementary fic by comparison.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions. My blorbo has to be Molly Hooper. I write her in so much, with characters from four other mediums as well as multiple male AND female characters in her fandom. I am a strong supporter of the "Molly Hooper is bi" sentiment, that she knows self defence, that she and Sally are friends (if not dating), that she has more money than Sherlock, and that she wants a child at some point (preferably before she's too old to enjoy parenthood).
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.) In my primary fandom (Sherlock)? There isn't enough crossover stuff. Don't care what it's crossed over with, it's ripe for crossovers.
fruit emoji ask game for fic writers
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smallfrogpleasedtomeetyou · 2 years ago
it’s called bird in a golden cage lol, it’s on my ao3
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Teen And Up Audiences
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How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Snotlout Jorgenson
Eret Son of Eret
Astrid Hofferson
Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon)
Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon)
Additional Tags:
Caring Snotlout Jorgenson
Snotlout Jorgenson-centric
Snotlout angst
BAMF snotlout jorgenson
how is that not a tag?
Eret and snotlout literally doing a mind meld
he may have one brain cell but he uses it when it counts
your blorbo is bonding with your other blorbo!
Language:EnglishSeries:← Previous Work Part 6 of Httyd stuff, ← Previous Work Part 5 of Snotlout whumpppppStats:Published:2023-01-16Words:830Chapters:1/1Kudos:1Hits:11
Bird in a golden cage.
Work Text:
Snotlout watched as Drago screamed Bloody Mary at his poor dragon causing Hookfang to bow down slowly, he cried out his poor dragon's name as Drago put a foot down over his snout! Snotlout begged for him to stop, but the monster of a man didn’t listen.
He looked at Eret as the muscular man was being interrogated but his face of traitorous rage turned to confusion as he saw just how terrified the man was.
Astrid butt in ranting about Berk’s tracking dragons as Eret desperately tried to motion for her to stop. After what he’d heard, Drago ordered his army to stop all preparations, they were going to take down the ‘nest’ and then… go after Berk! 
Snotlout snapped back to his senses as he realized they had taken some of his secret knives, but definitely not all of them. He discretely reached inside his secret pocket of his leggings as they walked the ship, away from Drago, and pulled out a knife… he cut at his bindings carefully until he was loose! He began talking confidently.
“Y’know Eret… as traitorous as you’ve been I have to hand it to you, you're a very skilled fighter.” Eret looked extremely baffled as did the rest of the group. The recruits eyed him suspiciously, but brushed it off as delirium. Snotlout continued.
“I mean you could probably work with anything right? An ax, a spear, a knife …” Now everyone was extremely confused as he put extra emphasis on the small weapon. Eret was catching on.
“Sure…?” He stated
“And I bet you could wrestle anything!” He said his next words slowly, eyeing Eret, who smirked. “A bear, a dragon, a DUCK!” He shouted as he threw his knife at Eret, allowing him to free himself. The others followed his instructions, narrowly missing a knife to the head. Eret began attacking immediately, swapping the knife for two spears from a knocked out soldier using them to free the others. Snotlout jumped into the fray, attacking endlessly.
Eventually the troops were all unconscious or dead and everyone rushed to the dragon traps to rescue their dragons. Snotlout bolted to the largest trap secretly, where he hoped his monstrous nightmare was.
Snotlout opened the cage and jumped down to see a chained down, bone dry, monstrous nightmare.
“HOOKY!” He whispered. “What did they do to you! They must’ve taken away your gel huh?” The short Viking cooed his poor dragon. “I promise we’re going to eat like kings when we get home! Promise!” Hookfang looked up a little, gratefully. 
“Alright let’s get you out hmm?” Snotlout smirked as he unchained his dragon watching as he slowly stood and right has he thought they were going to leave, the noirette was scooped by his dragon and gently nuzzled for a long time, play wrestling and bringing the Viking to tears that his best friend was here. 
Snotlout touched his snout and Hookfang recoiled. Shifting back a few feet.
“Hooky…?” Snotlout immediately realized the problem. “Hookfang! I promise it’s me! Not Drago!” They both flinched at the name that they’d all be haunted by for the rest of their life, he was fine with that though… I mean, he still remembers Viggo!
“I swear Fangster, no one with any sense will ever do that to you again!” He walked gently and quietly to his dragon, reaching out his hand to his snout looking away.
Snotlout had never known what it was like to be Hiccup… he thought it must have been amazing! ‘Master of all dragons’ able to be such a smart person and a leader was something Snotlout was not blessed in.
But in that moment, the fear of rejection and death that would follow if this didn’t work, suddenly made him feel sorry all over again for how he’d treated the future chief.
But then, Hookfang hesitantly moved his snout to connect with his rider’s hands. Snotlout nearly melted at the touch, tears coming to his eyes all over again.
The dragon pulled back and for a second, the short Viking worried he’d done something wrong until he was flipped in the air, landing on Hookfang’s saddle! 
The nightmare squawked at him and Snotlout patted him reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t mention anything to the others!” He rolled his eyes as Hooky purred in agreement. Snotlout smirked.
“Now, LET’S GO KICK DRAGO’S ASS!” He roared and Hookfang flew out of the trap at lightning speed onto the battlefield, where the other riders were soon to join them. 
“TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH SNOTLOUT!” Astrid shouted over the wind, Eret attempting to ride Stormfly directly infront of her.
“Teaching on the fly! I like it!” He stated sarcastically, 
The blonde rolled her eyes, and Snotlout saw a hint of worry.
“but yeah we needed a bit of… catch up time.” 
Astrid shrugged and the two went their separate ways destroying all the traps that dare cross the riders.
Snotlout knew they’d come out on top.
i love it!! his bond with hookfang and him being a strategic leader was such an amazing thing for him in rtte and I'm glad its in this as well
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