#margaret heckler
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todaysdocument · 6 months ago
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President Gerald R. Ford Signing the Proclamation on Women's Equality Day 1974 in the Cabinet Room
Collection GRF-WHPO: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration)Series: Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
This photograph depicts President Gerald R. Ford seated at the Cabinet Room table signing a proclamation on Women's Equality Day 1974. Standing behind him are Representatives Yvonne Brathwait Burke (D-California), Barbara Jordan (D-Texas), Elizabeth Holtzman (D-New York), Marjorie S. Holt (R-Maryland), Leonor K. Sullivan (D-Missouri), Cardiss Collins (D -Illinois), Corinne C. Boggs (D-Louisiana), Margaret M. Heckler (R-Massachusetts), Bella S. Abzug (D-New York), and Shirley Chisholm (D-New York).
The representatives wear the colorful prints of the 1973’s.  Bella Abzug wears her characteristic wide brimmed hat.
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world-cinema-research · 2 years ago
Week 6 Terminator historial resources by Ronnie Bitzer
The movie I am going to be watching is The Terminator which is about a robot sent from the future to kill someone to prevent an imminent event from happening. The first historical resource I chose is The Terminators trailer which is important because it shows important clips on what’s going to happen during the movie.
The Terminator became a critical hit making a domestic $38,371,200 an international $40,000,000 and making a $78,371,200 worldwide.
Historical events that happened during the release of The Terminator was
1. Apple aired the “1984” Macintosh commercial. The commercial was inspired by Orwells 1984 Super Bowl ad which changed the fate for advertising overnight. The dystopian tinged ad was directed by Ridley Scott who made Alien and was fresh off from making Blade Runner. The commercial was expensive reaching out to $900,000($2.2 million which was adjusted due to inflation.) also creating an entire industry within an industry while introducing the world to the Macintosh.
2. HIV was identified. Into the 1980’s the AIDS virus is was killing thousands of people which remained a terrifying and tragic mystery. This finally began to change in 1984 when U.S Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler announced that the National Cancer Institutes Dr. Robert Gallo and his colleagues found the case of AIDS which was a retrovirus they named HTLV-III which is going to be renamed as HIV that stands for human immunodeficiency virus.
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honorhearted · 2 years ago
"Know I shall be very cross with you if you die. In fact, I forbid it."
It took Ben a moment to realize that Peggy was genuine -- wholly serious -- and unbidden, a slight ache formed at the back of his throat. How could she care? Why would she care?
After taking her hand, he pressed a wordless kiss to her knuckles and whispered a brief prayer against her skin, the ache in his throat worsening once she broke away and bustled out into the hall.
Exhaling, Ben retrieved his musket from his baggage by the bed and set to work. As quietly as possible, he pushed open his window and aimed the musket down below. Squinting so that he could perfect his aim, he appraised the group of shouting loyalists while they waved torches and various weaponry.
“Come on out, you cowards!” someone shouted. “You can’t hide in there forever!”
Steeling himself, Ben tilted his musket toward the heckler, took in a slow breath, then eased back on the trigger.
The jeering loyalist jerked, stunned, before wavering in his stance and collapsing to the ground.
“Up there!” someone shouted. “They’ve got weapons!”
Quickly, the major dove aside just as the vengeful group opened fire. Glass shattered, and Ben swore while digging through his pocket for a paper cartridge.
Once the musket-fire died down, he took his chance and moved back in front of the window. Hands sure and steady, he pointed his weapon down below and fired into the crowd, his teeth gritting from the rough recoil. He heard someone in the group cry out, and then with a spark of relief in his eyes, Ben dove aside again in order to reload. That was when he heard it...
Unnerved, his brow creased and he craned to listen. Had he truly...?
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Panic gripped him by the throat, and tasting bile, Ben abandoned his post and raced out into the hallway, his shoulder nearly clipping the neighboring wall as he followed the sound of Peggy's shouts. "Mrs. Shippen?" he called. "Margaret?"
Nearly out of breath, he found her doubled over and was quick to take her elbow, helping her upright. "What's wrong?" he demanded, fearful. "Are you injured?" Eyes scanning her in concern, he finally noted the gigantic puddle of slick around her feet and gawped. He was no physician, but the clear pain on her face coupled with her bracing hands against her stomach gave him immediate cause for alarm.
"We need to get you out of here," Ben entreated, taking her by the elbows. "Can you move for me?"
She listened carefully between the two men's exchange, wanting to be useful, to contribute to any strategy they might conjure, but how could she be? The layout of the inn was entirely foreign, having hadn't had the chance to so much as head from the entrance to their rented quarters. Disconcerted, her hands rose to her belly, suddenly fearful for the safety of her child. The fear rose into her throat and prickled her skin.
Ben's hands upon her shoulders commanded her attention and she did her best to not be troubled by their imminent separation, "Under the bed?" she echoed with a rueful scoff as she gestured to her quite noticeable width, "Surely you must be joking."
The thought of him at a higher vantage point rather than down below with the masses made her feel slightly less anxious and she responded with a firm nod, "I can find my way just fine."
He was utterly foolish if he thought the British soldiers would hesitate to hang every wife and daughter present in that tavern for treason should they win the battle, yet she found herself more concerned over the fact that should it come to that, he would either be dead or arrested to await execution. Dear God, she couldn't go through it, not again. The stress began to heighten again.
"Know I shall be very cross with you if you die," she warned with a tone of severity, eyes like daggers, "In fact, I forbid it."
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The loud and blundering reverberations of a makeshift battering ram on the doors below prompted her to get moving, hands on either side of her skirts to allow her a swifter pace. There was shouting throughout the inn and the distant sounds of weapons firing as fighting ensued just outside. Washington's voice, though often weak and breathy, was suddenly booming with orders.
Another crash was followed by the high-pitched squealing of frightened women, indicating that they were being taken to the kitchen in the back, so Peggy made her way down the corridor and to the staircase. Halfway down, however, a searing pain stopped her, prompting her to lean against the railing as she tried to determine what was wrong. Her muscles contracted violently and she emitted a small cry that was snuffed out by the sudden agony.
Slowly, she tried to will herself to take deep breaths as Patriot soldiers raced passed her, but the pain would not cease. Something was wrong. Something was very very wrong. Another twinge and then something wet released between her thighs, soaking her legs. No. It was too soon for this. It was too soon!
She began to tear up, her lower lip quivering from the combination of fear and harsh discomfort, "Ben!" she called out as loudly as she could manage, her knees giving out as she struggled to hang onto the railing, pleading for him louder this time, "Benjamin!"
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tedkennedyswife · 6 years ago
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June 30, 1976 -  “Betty Ford with some of the women who gathered in Plymouth, Mass, for an exhibit about Revolutionary War Era women. From left : Kitty Dukakis, wife of Governor of Massachusetts, Joan Kennedy, Mrs. Ford, Representative Margaret Heckler and Nancy Kissinger”. 
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congressarchives · 7 years ago
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The Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, originally known as the Congresswomen’s Caucus, was founded in 1977 as a bipartisan membership organization committed to championing women’s issues. The Caucus was originally co-chaired by Rep. Margaret M. Heckler (R-MA, 1967-1982) and Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (D-NY, 1973-1980).
On July 10, 1979, the Caucus wrote a formal letter recommending the nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg for a position on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Ginsburg was not nominated for the seat referenced in the letter, but was shortly thereafter nominated by President Carter to a seat previously held by Judge Harold Leventhal. Ginsburg was confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by the Senate on June 18, 1980. She went on to be nominated as Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States by President Clinton in 1993.
General Correspondence, Records of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, U.S. House of Representatives, Record Group 233 
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iam-morgenstern · 7 years ago
Fact of the Day!!!
Fact of the Day!!!
In Washington D.C. Margaret Heckler announced the discovery of the AIDS virus – 23rd April 1984
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christian-dubuis-santini · 3 years ago
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(Question posée par Robert F. Kennedy Jr à Celia Farber):
— Les gens connaissent le concept d’Arendt de la «banalité du mal». Vous vous êtes fixé la formidable tâche de le démystifier [Fauci]. Pourquoi est-il «nuisible»? (Car il l’est effectivement.)
— Ce n’est pas parce qu’il est si «banal», si bureaucratique, si ennuyeux. C’est parce qu’il avance masqué.
En fait, c’est un révolutionnaire — un révolutionnaire très dangereux, qui s’est glissé derrière les grilles au moment où personne ne comprenait ce qu’il introduisait avec lui.
Qu’apportait-il? Il apportait – en tant que jésuite de formation et mondialiste engagé – une nouvelle potion qui permettrait d’atteindre tous les objectifs de Big Pharma et des puissances qu’il servait. Cette potion était alors connue sous le nom de Politiquement Correct — aujourd’hui appelé «woke». Fauci a changé l’ensemble du champ lexical de la science américaine, passant du «parler» classique au «parler» de la guerre. En fait, il a introduit la cancel culture, avant même que quiconque ne puisse imaginer ce que c’était. Pour les vrais scientifiques, c’était trop tordu d’imaginer qu’une telle chose puisse se mélanger à la science, ils ne pouvaient pas le croire, ou le concevoir. Comme un viol. C’était incroyablement déroutant. C’est ce que j’ai documenté, sur le terrain, cette horreur et cette confusion parmi les vrais scientifiques, alors que la science américaine changeait si radicalement sous leurs yeux, pour faire le lit du VIH.
Farber poursuit: Permettez-moi de développer un peu. Le règne de Fauci commence en 1984, une année de changement radical. Tout change, soudainement. Gallo est envoyé avec Margaret Heckler pour faire la déclaration par fiat du gouvernement américain que la «cause probable du SIDA» a été «découverte» et qu’il s’agit d’une sorte de fusion transatlantique qui ressemble à un «virus» sur le grand écran, mais qui n’était en réalité ni un virus convaincant ni un agent pathogène. Si ça a «pris», pour reprendre le terme d’Harvey Bialy [rédacteur en chef fondateur de Nature Bio/Technology], c’est parce que tout avait déjà changé. On avait compris, sans le dire ouvertement, que le «cancer gay» qui avait affolé tout le monde ne pouvait être considéré comme une maladie toxique complexe ayant une cause complexe. L’ensemble des médias américains avaient compris ce qu’il fallait dire et ne pas dire – pas seulement à cause de l’allégeance au gouvernement de l’ombre, mais parce que l’ère de la science classique était révolue. Elle s’est terminée ce jour-là. Désormais, ce serait un crime contre la décence que de parler, par exemple, de tout ce qui peut rendre les homosexuels malades en dehors de l’hypothèse d’un «virus».
Ce n’est pas de la «mauvaise science». C’est du politiquement correct dans les règles de l’art. Or ils sont diamétralement opposés, dans le sens biblique du bien et du mal.
Fauci a fait du politiquement correct la nouvelle devise de son empire financier. Peter Duesberg n’avait pas «tort» à propos du VIH et du SIDA, il était politiquement incorrect à ce sujet et c’est pour ce motif que Fauci l’a banni – condamné à mort par coupure de financements et réputation ruinée, comme s’il avait fait quelque chose de vraiment mal en s’opposant à la théorie du VIH.
Arrêtez-vous un instant et pensez à quel point c’est insensé. Un virologue d’élite spécialisé dans le cancer, venu de l’Institut Max Planck en Allemagne, dont les références sont si remarquables, qui était en bonne voie pour résoudre la génétique du cancer… soudainement abattu par une fatwah, émise par ce… Mufti? Qui était-il pour lancer une fatwah contre le meilleur virologue américain spécialiste du cancer? En tout cas, il l’a fait. Il a empêché tout dollar de recherche fédérale d’arriver à Duesberg après 1987, parce que Duesberg avait rejeté l’idéologie woke de l’empire du VIH de Fauci, dans quelques paragraphes d’un article scientifique qui portait sur autre chose. Il a maintenu l’attaque/vendetta économique et contre sa réputation pendant les trois décennies suivantes. Sans sourciller. C’est vraiment une histoire incroyable. Elle ferait bouillir le sang des Américains s’ils la connaissaient, car presque tous ont perdu quelqu’un de leur famille à cause du cancer.
En 1987, lorsque Duesberg a écrit l’article paru dans Cancer research qui a scellé son destin
scientifique, Fauci disposait d’un appareil comprenant les médias de masse, les opérations psychologiques, la santé publique – cette pieuvre qui a tout simplement étranglé toute la tradition scientifique de la civilisation occidentale. La science fondée sur des preuves et la culture du débat contradictoire qui va avec – disparues. C’est ce qu’il a fait. Ce n’est pas un mince exploit. Il a détruit la science américaine en étouffant son esprit, l’esprit d’enquête sans a priori, de preuve et de standards.
Si tant d’éminents scientifiques ont prêté leur nom pour s’opposer à la vendetta de Fauci contre Duesberg, ce n’est pas nécessairement parce que la cause du SIDA leur importait; il s’agissait, pour eux, d’une bataille pour l’âme même de la science. Kary Mullis [l’inventeur de la PCR] a fondu en larmes lors d’une interview que j’ai réalisée avec lui en 1994, en parlant de ce que Fauci avait fait à Peter Duesberg et de ce que cela signifiait.
Les vrais scientifiques étaient horrifiés. Soudain, une guillotine était installée sur la place.
Nouvelle et étrange terreur. Les gens étaient «coupables» de crimes de la pensée comme le
«négationnisme du VIH». Fauci avait fait du politiquement correct le nouveau langage révolutionnaire, vous voyez? Et cela signifiait que si vous étiez «mauvais», si vous ne souteniez pas la science qui était à l’ordre du jour, tout vous était retiré. Et les médias applaudissaient. Et quiconque ne le faisait pas était détruit, vilipendé, harcelé, viré; en un mot: annulé.
Celia Farber, journaliste chevronnée, s’est faite remarquer pour ses reportages saisissants sur la "guerre du SIDA", elle a selon Robert F. Kennedy Jr le recul nécessaire pour adopter une vue d’ensemble, et se trouve ainsi citée dans son livre sur la guerre menée par Fauci, Gates et les gros labos pharmaceutiques contre la santé publique depuis cinquante ans…
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therealjordan23 · 4 years ago
Hi Jordan. What r ur thoughts on Laurel Hubbard and her competing in the Olympics?
Grab a cup of coffee guys, this is a long one.
Before we get into anything,I am obviously in support of trans people, and their rights. So, hecklers, don't be putting words in my mouth, because I know Tumblr is one of those places where the LGBT community is extremely prominent. Almost to the point where it's too much, I once saw one user shame someone for being heterosexual, but that isn't the point. The point is, be fair.
I'm gonna be completely honest. I personally think it's a disadvantage to the female athletes, who were born a woman, to have to compete against a woman who was born a man. Although Laurel Hubbard came out as trans 8 years ago, and has met all the requirements to compete, from a biological perspective, she obviously has a lot more advantages.
The IOC policy specifies conditions under which those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category. Among them is that the athlete has declared that her gender identity is female and that the declaration cannot be changed, for sporting purposes, for a minimum of four years.
And you're sitting there, going like, wow, so they're making it fair and inclusive. But here's why this isn't a great rule: the IOC requires only that a trans woman has maintained a particular level of testosterone for 12 months in order to compete as a ‘self-identifying’ woman. This completely ignores the physical advantages in speed, height, stamina and strength that a male-born athlete will have. The determining criteria—a maximum reading of 10 nanomoles per litre of testosterone—is as least five times more than a biological woman.
Hubbard, when she was Gavin Hubbard, wasn't anything to sneeze at. Before transitioning, Hubbard competed under the name Gavin and was New Zealand’s junior men’s champion and a national record holder. Gavin Hubbard hit a 300-kilogram total in the over-105 kilogram men’s category, which at the 2019 Junior World Championships “would have been good enough for last place by 31 kg.” Gavin Hubbard was a “talented, but not a world-calibre athlete.” By age 34, Hubbard had plateaued. Yet after transitioning in 2012, Hubbard saw years of success in the women’s division.
But before we get into that, let's talk about somebody named Feagaiga Stowers.
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This young woman is only a year younger than me. She endured tremendous difficulties in her childhood, where she eventually entered the Samoa Victims Support Group, to end up where she is today. Stowers' meteoric rise has proven there is hope for everyone. And she’s done everything possible to be on top of her game, where she deserves to be.
This was until she stepped up on the weightlifting platform in 2019, where her hopes of clinching a Pacific Games gold were crushed by a fellow competitor, Laurel Hubbard.
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"The striking contrast between a disadvantaged female of colour being overpowered by a silver-spoon legatee of white settler privilege who previously competed in men’s weightlifting was not a good look on Hubbard."
None of this is fair to the female born athletes, who have been training and training for this moment. Only to get usurped by somebody who very obviously has advantages over them. Many of the female athletes have shown distress about this. They say it feels like a bad/sick joke:
"Women were not consulted and did not consent to this policy which will make a complete mockery of their sport."
"If Hubbard wins, observers will see that an aging natal-male athlete who could never hope to be on an Olympic men’s podium can win a medal in the women’s division."
“Essentially, the policy of the IOC is that a transgender woman may have five times the average total testosterone of a biological woman.”
“Life-changing opportunities are missed for some athletes – medals and Olympic qualifications – and we are powerless. Of course, this debate is taking place in a broader context of discrimination against transgender people and that is why the question is never free of ideology.”
People are afraid to express their concern over this, because many supporters are using the word "discrimination" against them. Meaning if you disagree, you're suddenly against transgender people. So, not only are they going through all of this, but when they express their feelings over this, they're labeled discriminatory. Which, you know, is never good.
Now, I'm going to let my friend, Mary, take the reins:
"Hi, guys, my name is Margaret, but you can call me Mary for short. I have known Jordan since the third grade, and was actually born a male. I am 6'3 tall, I weigh about 180 lbs. I transitioned about 6 years ago, yet, there are always going to be factors that make me better than an average woman from a physical and biological standpoint. When I see people like Laurel Hubbard competing, completely unbothered, it genuinely infuriates me. I don't think it's fair to the women who have been training their whole lives for this,
When Hubbard was asked about this, this was her response:
"It's not really my job to change what they think, what they feel and what they believe. I just hope they look at the bigger picture, rather than just trusting whatever their gut may have told them. I'm just me."
But this isn't us being close minded. We are openly getting more and more supportive in favour of trans people. People are so much warmer to me now than they were back in, say, 2016.
However, even I, as a trans woman, see the unjust nature in this. There are just some cases where it can never be made fair, and this is one of them. The Olympics are a prime example of this. It can never be made fair, because we both know Hubbard will come out on top. Because like it or not, she has the body of a 30 something year old man, with 5 times more testosterone inside of her.
It's Jordan now, and I agree with everything Mary said above.
I love the Olympics.
But, I am not in support of Laurel Hubbard competing.
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usnatarchives · 5 years ago
Shirley Chisholm “Unbought and unbossed”
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President Ford signs the proclamation for Women's Equality Day 1974, with representatives:  Yvonne Brathwait Burke, Barbara Jordan, Elizabeth Holtzman , Marjorie S. Holt, Leonor K. Sullivan, Cardiss Collins, Corinne C. Boggs (, Margaret M. Heckler, Bella S. Abzug, and Shirley Chisholm. 12082600
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President Nixon meets with the Black Caucus, Augustus Hawkins, William Clay, Ronald Dellums, Robert Finch, George Romney, Ralph Metcalfe, George Collins, Robert Nix, Clark MacGregor, John Conyers, Louis Stokes, Charles Rangel, Donald Rumsfeld, James Hodgson, Parren Mitchell, Shirley Chisholm , Charles Diggs, Jr., 3/25/71. 7822054
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President Clinton greets Shirley Chisholm, Ambassador-Designate to Jamaica, Image by Robert McNeely. 7/30/1993, 2842929
By Dena Lombardo, Intern, Office of Public and Media Communications. 
Shirley Chisholm once said, “if they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” 
Chisholm was a teacher, a co-founder of Unity Democratic Club in Brooklyn, an early member of the National Organization for Women (NOW), an active member of the NAACP, and a trailblazer. 
In 1968, she became the first black congresswoman elected to the House of Representatives to represent New York State. She then ran for president in 1972, becoming first black person to seek the presidential nomination from one of the two major parties.  She was the first black person and the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. She was also the first woman to participate in a U.S. presidential debate.
Her campaign slogan, “unbought and unbossed,” emphasized her strength and independence.  
Given Chisholm’s opposition to the Vietnam War, she faced opposition from outside and within the Democratic establishment. Many viewed her as a symbol, not a serious political candidate.  Chisholm said that she faced more discrimination being as woman than for being black.
She won 152 delegates before she withdrew from the race. 
In her book The Good Fight, Chisholm declared, “I ran for the presidency, despite hopeless odds, to demonstrate the sheer will and refusal to accept the status quo… The next time a woman runs, or a Black, a Jew or anyone from a group that the country is ‘not ready’ to elect to its highest office, I believe that he or she will be taken seriously from the start.”
Chisholm retired to Florida in 1991. In 1993, President Clinton nominated her to be United States Ambassador to Jamaica, but she declined the nomination due to illness. 
In 1993 Chisholm was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame, and was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama in 2015.
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fordlibrarymuseum · 5 years ago
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“As a Republic dedicated to liberty and justice for all, this Nation cannot deny equal status to women.”
President Ford signed a proclamation designating August 26 as Women’s Equality Day on August 22, 1974. That date honored the addition of the Nineteenth Amendment, which guaranteed women the right to vote, into the Constitution on August 26, 1920. Thirteen of the 16 women serving in the House of Representatives joined him for the signing ceremony.
In the proclamation President Ford noted his previous backing of the Equal Rights Amendment and his intention to continue supporting women’s fight against discriminatory barriers that held them back. “Today I want to reaffirm my personal commitment to that amendment,” he stated. “The time for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment has come just as surely as did the time for the 19th Amendment.”
President Ford would also issue proclamations for Women’s Equality Day in 1975 and 1976. Each year he called “upon those States who have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment to give serious consideration to its ratification and the upholding of our Nation's heritage.”
View more posts from our 19th Amendment Centennial series.
Images: President Gerald R. Ford Signing the Proclamation on Women’s Equality Day 1974 in the Cabinet Room, 8/22/1974. Standing behind him are  Representatives Yvonne Brathwait Burke (D-CA), Barbara Jordan (D-TX), Elizabeth Holtzman (D-NY), Marjorie S. Holt (R-MD), Leonor K. Sullivan (D-MO), Cardiss Collins (D -IL), Corinne C. Boggs (D-LA), Margaret M. Heckler (R-MA), Bella S. Abzug (D-NY), and Shirley Chisholm (D-NY). (National Archives Identifier 12082600)
President Gerald R. Ford’s Proclamation for Women’s Equality Day 1974, 8/22/1974 (National Archives Identifier 16637368)
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sugarpilled · 5 years ago
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     ✎⌠margaret  qualley.  cisfemale.  she/her⌡❝  —  well,  look  who’s  just  arrived  !  if  it  isn’t  the  one  and  only  billie  haynes.  though,  around  here  they’re  known  as  the  escapist.  don’t  tell  ‘em  i  said  this  but  the  twenty-four  year  old  bassist  /  cashier  at  a  dime  a  dozen  kinda  has  a  reputation  of  being  aloof  and  indecisive.  but  y’know,  they  can  be  imaginative  and  peaceful  too.  typical  scorpio.  anyways,  welcome  home  and  stay  safe  billie  !  ❞
     ok guys… hear me out…. a character based off the riot grrrl movement of the 90s but with margaret qualley’s face…. that’s billie
full name.     billie renee haynes. nickname / s.     bill, ??? birthdate.    october 27th, 1995. age.     twenty-four y.o. star sign.     scorpio, babey. gender & pronouns.     cisfemale, she / her. sexual orientation.     bisexual. occupation.     bassist / cashier / wannabe ghost hunter. place of birth.     misty hollow, connecticut.
billie’s life was always a little chaotic, tbh ! she was the youngest to kim and elijah haynes, the only sister to two older brothers. she spread the rumor that she ate her twin in the womb in middle school, but unfortunately that was just her lying to seem more interesting.
her house was the kind of small where there’s no privacy. she shared her room with her brothers her entire life which was … a nightmare ! so surprising to no one she was more of an outside kinda girl. always exploring, always finding an excuse to get out, typically barefoot. y’know the type.
winona ryder vc always a fan of the strange and unusual. her and her mom would watch murder shows on id together all the time ‘nd those ghost specials on tv were literally billie’s jam growing up. she’s known she’s wanted to be a paranormal investigator from a young age.
her parents were both huge stoners ! both of ‘em never bother to hide this. their entire family had a 70s vibe to them tbh…. lmao.
billie was never stupid, but she never applied herself in school, either. was always a sweet kid and never got into too much trouble aside from talking a little too much and playing rough with her friends. was very anti-drug as a child, too … ironic isn’t it ...
anyways, she thought there were more important things in life than school so she just never… bothered.
rebel girl plays in the background she started getting into the punk scene when she was thirteen… tho that was more of an emo phase. then she started learning guitar, learned she can’t sing for shit, ‘nd transitioned to bass. started smoking pot around fifteen with the permission of her mom… got really into stick ‘nd pokes… the type to ditch class ‘nd smoke under bleachers in an 80s movie… thought she was Cool™ .
got recruited into rosie’s band and she’s been the bassist ever since!! misty hollow’s own tall ‘nd gay hex girls .. love to see it !!
did one year of college ‘nd flunked. lied to her mom for an entire year ‘nd then got caught oop!! her mom gave her the option of getting a job or getting kicked out. since ghost hunting with shitty equipment wasn’t exactly getting views on youtube, she started getting part time jobs all over town.
she got fired from a lot of jobs over the years. since her band and ghosthunting expeditions are her main focus, she shoves any other job aside.
anyways, her mom eventually kicked her out, but she’s secured her job the thrift store w/ nothin’ but her charm, babey. she lived in her car for her a while, but now she’s found a shitty apartment that she can only afford thanks to her roommates. *👀
personality ‘nd stuff.
she seems tougher than she is. she’s v sensitive, gentle, the type who wouldn’t hurt a fly. at the same time, she gets drunk on stage ‘nd screams at hecklers while the adrenaline is pumpin’ so … love a girl who is dynamic !
loves her friends more than anything. always willing to go out of her way for absolutely Anyone who needs it and is probably one of the least judgemental people ever… but...
she’s also… v annoying. tends to zone out in conversations … always encouraging people to do dumb things in order to ~learn~ … she can never make up her mind about who she is and has no sense of self but u kno that’s just relatable. takes things too personal sometimes nd won’t confront the person but will just cry abt it! 
innocent in the way she seems to b carefree ‘nd awe of the world… like she doesn’t know consequences or worries… just gettin’ drunk ‘nd living life… a Dream
rlly thinks she’s going to grow up and have a show like buzzfeed unsolved while also being a bassist in a very well known ‘nd respected band… the delusion.. lov that for her.
always looking for something to put herself into. creativity is everything to her and without it she’d probably drive herself crazy. her mind is always buzzin’ ‘nd she’s always looking for an Out !
her style influence is v much d’arcy ( image ) ( image ) 
tries to leave as much waste behind as possible… walks everywhere… wants to hitchhike even tho people are getting murdered... is her mother’s nightmare tbh.
believes that the ghosts of misty stranger’s victims haunt misty hollow and honestly thinks she’s gonna be the one to prove it… out of all the professionals in the town…. whew honey
also… is terrified of ghosts and demons. she’s the ryan bergara to her bandmate lou’s shane… she probably cries during 80% of their ghost hunts
wanted connections.
friends. outside of her band!! give her someone to share conspiracies with, or someone who is the total opposite of her, or someone to smoke w… platonic goodness pls!!
a fan. okay… or maybe they’re pretending to get on her good side bc the band’s not exactly popular … that’s up to you!! regardless, she’ll try really hard to stay on this person’s good side.
exes. she’s been in misty hollow all her life, but long distance could be a thing too if ur muse isn’t from here!! good terms, bad terms, idc give me it all.
people who know her thru her family?? her dad’s been a chef at the diner forever and her mom’s a teacher. her older brothers also lived here their whole lives so connections based around them could be fun too, they’re npc so we can plot some stuff out!!
roommates. [ 0/2 ] people she can annoy by practicing her bass all hours of the night… but she loves them! mostly. 
idk, i’ll take anything!! just like this and i’ll hit you up for some plots!! 
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lloydfoster48212o · 7 years ago
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87 She championed women’s rights in Congress and ran the Department of Health and Human Services until she was forced from the post and appointed ambassador to Ireland https://ift.tt/2M2zl5T
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andrewjennyve · 7 years ago
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87 She championed women’s rights in Congress and ran the Department of Health and Human Services until she was forced from the post and appointed ambassador to Ireland https://ift.tt/2M2zl5T
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kevinbowman70060bxj · 7 years ago
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87 She championed women’s rights in Congress and ran the Department of Health and Human Services until she was forced from the post and appointed ambassador to Ireland https://ift.tt/2M2zl5T
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lovingdragonchaos · 7 years ago
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87 She championed women’s rights in Congress and ran the Department of Health and Human Services until she was forced from the post and appointed ambassador to Ireland https://ift.tt/2M2zl5T
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yvonnsaebrown · 7 years ago
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87
Margaret Heckler, Health Secretary Ousted From Reagan’s Cabinet, Dies at 87 She championed women’s rights in Congress and ran the Department of Health and Human Services until she was forced from the post and appointed ambassador to Ireland https://ift.tt/2M2zl5T
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