#Fact of the Day
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amnhnyc · 2 hours ago
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They’re agile runners, they’re great divers…and they haven’t changed much in more than 20 million years! Though Malayan tapirs (Tapirus indicus) may be friend-shaped, resist the urge to boop their snoots: Adults can weigh more than 1,000 lbs (450 kg) and can run at speeds of up to 29.8 mph (48 km/h). They use their unique nose, called a proboscis, like a snorkel when submerged in water. Found in parts of southeastern Asia, these herbivores use a wide range of vocalizations, including hiccup-like sounds, to communicate.
Photo: Andy Hay, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
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eclecticfacts · 2 days ago
Today is Rare Disease Awareness Day, a day for raising awareness of the 7000+ rare diseases or disorders, and for celebrating the people who live with those conditions.
Here's a few facts to get you started:
A disorder is 'rare' if it affects 1 in 2,000 people (0.05%) or fewer. In some countries, they are called orphan diseases.
There are at least 7,000 rare diseases/disorders; some sources say 10,000+
Obviously, there are too many rare diseases/disorders to list here but included are some genetic disorders, some cancers (and all childhood cancers), some immune-related disorders, and motor neurone diseases; this web-page has a search function and Wikipedia has a list. An example of a better known rare disease is cystic fibrosis.
Globally, it's estimated that 350 million people live with a rare disease/disorder
50% of people with a rare disease/disorder are children; 30% of these children will die before 5
50% of these conditions don't have an associated foundation or research support group
The average time it takes for patients to receive an accurate diagnosis is 6 years
Keen to learn more? Check it out these resources:
Facts and figures by Genetic Alliance (UK)
RARE Disease Facts by Global Genes
The Cost of Delayed Diagnosis in Rare Disease: A Health Economic Study by the EveryLife Foundation
[Other sources: raredisorders.org.nz, wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_disease]
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nando161mando · 1 year ago
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initforthelolzz · 2 years ago
Imma be honest, at first I had NO idea that Law was 26 entire years old. I learned his official age in a comment on a Pinterest post, like, I was none the wiser.
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You mean to tell me that this is a grown ass man?! ^
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I admit that I can see it post time skip, especially in Punk Hazard and Zou. (He was just a twink in Dressrosa. A foolish twink.)
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But THIS?!
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NAW. When he showed up I guessed that he was like 18, 19, maybe 20. But 24?!?! Really?!?! I don’t have a problem with his age or anything I was just genuinely shocked!
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But come on. This is not a grown ass man ^ This is a teenage dirtbag. Cue Wheezer guitar riff.
His stoner fit fooled me! I know people complain about shipping Luffy and Law because of the age gap but like��� dude, I seriously had no idea he was in his twenties 😭
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I find it so amusing that this goofy emo dude is a full grown adult man. With full on medical expertise and everything. Love that for him.
Fact of the day, hands down.
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jormation · 1 year ago
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animal-of-the-day · 1 year ago
Animal of the day: Jerboa!
The jerboa is desert rodent from North Africa and Asia.
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They look like a cross between a mouse and a kangaroo! They get around by hopping like one too! There are many species of jerboa, such as the long-eared jerboa:
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And the pygmy jerboa:
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But all of them are super cute!
They can run at speeds of up to 24 km/h (15 mph) and have a lifespan of around 6 years.
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mita84620 · 3 days ago
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The Mammoth is a powerful, extinct Ice Age creature, known for its massive size, long curved tusks, and thick fur. Closely related to modern elephants, mammoths roamed North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, thriving in cold climates. The most famous species, the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), adapted to freezing temperatures with a dense coat and a hump of fat for insulation. They lived in herds and fed on grass, shrubs, and other vegetation. Mammoths disappeared around 4,000 years ago, likely due to climate change and human hunting. Scientists study preserved specimens and even explore cloning possibilities.
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squidlet-jr · 7 months ago
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- Blushing Blooms -
(Wargrave Pink Geranium)
FUN FACT: Geraniums were incorrectly named, a mistake that went unnoticed until the end of the 18th century. Thier true title was pelargonium, however it failed to catch on.
Sunday, 21/07/2024
South Wales
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blanket-i · 1 year ago
just wanted to-
I'm gonna leave this right here...
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cuproprime · 3 months ago
Fact Of The Day, December 1, 2024:
Rose petals are edible.
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hypers-omniac · 8 months ago
Actively obsessed with Ghost in a paranormal AU. Either way- with the reader or Ghost as the spooky spirit haunting the other.
No cw other than death because they’re.. ghosts. Otherwise maybe a bit sad but mostly lowkey fluffy.
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He does his best to ignore you. It’s hard, the way it makes gooseflesh rise onto his pale skin, his hair standing in end. It’s not that he’s trying to ignore you- it’s that he genuinely thinks you aren’t there, no matter how much you beg and plea for him to kiss you again. It always sounds like you’re crying, and it always makes his jaw clench hard enough for his teeth to crack- fissures in his enamel that hurt like cavities.
You go to grasp at him, to shake him, and it just phases right through him. It almost hurts from how cold it is on his prickled skin, and he pushes away the thought that he can feel your fingers on his biceps. No one else can see you, but you just know he can, and that’s why it’s so frustrating! You just want him to pay attention to you, kiss you again.
On the other side, he can’t even bear to look at you. He can still see the blood running down your forehead, and even though you look at him, your eyes are still dead. He’s so used to being hurt by his trauma that he automatically assumes it’s just another fucked up things about him. Sure, why not add visual and tactile hallucinations to the list? He’s not surprised. It’s his fault, after all. It was his job to protect you, and he failed. Of course your memory haunts him. He nearly breaks as you press a kiss to his cheek, squeezing his eyes shut and his fingers into fists as sits up in bed, scrubbing a hand down his sweat-slicked face. He’s tired, and the both of you know he’ll never be the same again.
The only way you get him to actually believe you’re there is when you pull a poltergeist on him like a child throwing a tantrum- books being thrown off the bookcases, tables flipped over. Your screams hurt- nearly burst his fuckin’ ears, darlin’. It’s only then does he start talking quietly to you, deciding that your giggles- however creepy they me at times- are still much better than your screams he's so used to hearing.
The other way around? oh, you immediately know its your Simon. Can feel the way his arms wrap around behind you in the kitchen on a cold, lonely morning. Maybe it's a figment of your imagination- but what's the harm in talking to air?
It’s a little less lonely, even if you can’t look directly at him. Only getting cold touches as a response as you tease or pick on him. Sometimes, when things get a little easier, you pick on him for the irony from his callsign. He always pulls you against him for that, regardless of what you’re doing. You scold him, and falter when you realize the only person who can get burnt when you’re over the stove anymore is you. The only person who can stumble and fall in the shower into a pile of giggles is you. The only person in your bed- even if it feels like he’s there- is you.
It’s a push and pull between feeling like you’re going crazy and being completely at peace. Which… itself is maddening. So maybe you buy an Ouija board to try and talk to him. What of it? In sickness and in health, my love. And as it turns out, the reaper himself cannot part you two.
What a hopeless romantic, Simon always was.
Or… maybe even reader who’s introduced to Simon only after he’s dead? UGH too many ideas need ghost cum ):
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amnhnyc · 1 day ago
Take a trip to our solar system’s red planet—now in immersive 360 video! See the surface of Mars as documented by NASA space missions. Fly through Valles Marineris and the caldera of Olympus Mons, visit the frozen water of the North Polar Ice Cap, and learn about the future of Mars exploration.
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nando161mando · 1 year ago
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kitkat-sparklenation · 6 days ago
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A fact from the Sugarbunnies!!!
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jormation · 1 year ago
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In the 1870s, 37 cats were tasked to deliver mail to local villages in Germany. However, the cats were not disciplined enough so it was quickly dropped
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animal-of-the-day · 1 year ago
the desert rain frog ( oh sorry for not clarifying, thanks :)
Animal of the Day: Desert rain frog!
The desert rain frog is a species of frog found in Namibia and South Africa. It is mostly found on a small strip of land about 10 km wide that runs along the coast of these two countries!
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Unlike most other species of frogs, the desert rain frog does not have a tadpole stage. It develops straight from the egg into an adult! It has a stout body with small legs which makes it unable to hop or leap, so it gets around by walking.
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They are a burrowing species, using these burrows to wait out dry periods and to sleep in during the day. They can absorb moisture from the wet sand around them through their skin!
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