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nanime1313 · 7 months ago
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themightychristoff · 8 years ago
What if...
…there was another universe where most of the gay ships are canon, but the straight ships aren’t?
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kairisparda · 12 years ago
Gears of war Drabble II
Again a short piece, I was playing GOW1 campaing and couldn´t help myself writting this down, for Niko and Blue again because we need more of this two <3.
Since english is not my first language I apologize for any mistakes 
Marcus & Baird (Friendship)
Set between GOW 1 and 2
Marcus wondered how Baird knew alot about the Locust since the day he met him.
Marcus knew that Baird was not like any other gear, aside from his ass attitude and witty remarks he was a really intelligent gear, he always knew how to fix things and sometimes how to solve problems quickly and precisely; Marcus would like to tell that he admired him, but when the blond opened his mouth all the respect he had for him went down the drain. It is not he didn´t like him but every time Baird talked was to say something hurtful, useless or just to bitch around something unimportant, Marcus sometimes wondered why he is like this, but what really got him curious about the blond was his Locust knowledge. He didn´t knew how Baird know a lot about them, he can even read and understand their language, he asked Cole once, and he answered that he didn´t knew either, only that Baird collects Locust stuff every time they go on patrol or on a mission, but that he should ask himself. Yeah, like he would do that.
Today they were on patrol together, there was stranded activity around their new base and he was stuck whit Baird, since Dom wasn´t able and Cole went to help some other team. It was easy, just go around, look for activity and report back, but Marcus still had all this questions about the blond.
They were walking in the forest under a blazing sun, Baird as always was talking and bitching about random things and Marcus only growled in response, it was really hot and the armor felt more heavy today and Baird wasn’t helping, Marcus was about to shut up the blond when he noticed that he wasn´t talking anymore and was jogging to a nervy warehouse.
“Baird” called Marcus but the man just keep going so he didn´t had other choice that follow him.
“I think I found something” said the blond while he crouched and started to dig whit his lancer, there under the blazing sun was a dead Locust, it was only bones and some armor pieces but the unmistakable teeth and size where enough to know what it was in life, it looked like the poor bastard was too injured to keep walking and just died there, without fighting just sat down and waited for his dead.
Marcus said nothing and only watched the bones “What a way to die”  Suddenly Baird reached out and took something from the locust neck and pulled it making the neck and head fall off the torso making both gears take and step back.
“The fuck?” Marcus looked at Baird waiting for and explanation, he just shrugged and looked the thing he got from the corpse; it was a symbol, the locust symbol whit a chain similar to their COG tags. He turned around and he saw a lot of marks in the back, carved whit a knife of sorts.
Baird took out a worn out letter notebook from one of his waist pockets and a pencil, he wrote something quickly on it and returned it to the pocket whit the emblem.
Marcus still looked at him puzzled; Baird didn´t said anything at all, not a witty remark, not a sour word for the Locust corpse, nothing.  “Maybe it´s the only time he keeps his mouth shut”
Baird then seemed to notice Marcus was there looking out of words, the blond grinned and picked his lancer up.
“I forgot to tell you Sargent” said the blond using a mocking tone whit the last word. “I´m the COG specialist in Locust social studies”
Wait. What.
“Does that shit really exist?” blurted Marcus out without thinking, making the blond look at him with a frown.  
“It does” came the remark whit an angry tone, making Marcus feel a little ashamed of his previous statement, after all, both of his parents were researches, and he remembered that their work was the most important thing for them, even more than him.
“I didn´t mean it like that Baird, I was just curious” Marcus quickly said trying to fix his mistake.
“Curious? Of what?” asked Baird still a little pissed but his tone was less harass.
“You always seemed to know about the Locust more than anyone, when we meet you knew about the Berserkers and Theron Guards, and no one of us knew about them” Marcus said his reasons and doubts in that simple statement.
Baird looked at him whit a frown still on his face but he had a little blush  making Marcus to arch an eyebrow.
“Well yeah, the high ups needed information and no one was intelligent or willed enough to do the research” said the blond scratching the back of his neck, somehow he felt his confidence waver around Marcus, if it was someone else, he was sure that he would flip them the bird and walk away. “I think your father was doing his own too”, well that last one didn’t needed to come out from his mouth.
“What?” said Marcus with his gruff voice making Baird cringe, he somehow knew that Adam Fenix was a sour subject for the other man.  
“I mean, he was a really intelligent man, I bet he had his own research” Baird looked away and started walking, Marcus looked at him, it was true that his father was an almost taboo subject, but he tough the same as Baird, maybe his father was doing research for his own.
“Maybe” came Marcus voice making Baird look back at him “Still, impressive you have time to do this shit while fighting and fixing stuff” Baird looked at him surprised, Marcus blue eyes were cold as ever, but they had a little hint of fun in them, was that a challenge?
Baird then smirked back, his confidence returning to him. “Of course I have time to do this, It´s like a fucking walk in the park, their language is not even a challenge, it was really easy to decipher and translate to Tyran, damn grubs don´t even have a complex…”  and Baird started to rant about the Locust and their low language and symbols, Marcus smiled, Baird really was a child in a theme park when he talked about things he liked it.
“Are you listening to me Marcus?” came the blond voice stopping Marcus train of thought.
“No” came the simple answer making the blond´s jaw to drop. “You talk too much” he said amused and walked past Baird back to their base.
The blond still looked at him dumbfounded and a dark blush covered his checks.
“Damn you Fenix, at least pay me attention when I talk” mumbled Baird walking back too and watching Marcus’s back, throwing him daggers whit his eyes.
Marcus still smiled amused, at last he now knew the reason Baird knows a lot of stuff about the Locust, but he was sure Baird still had some skills under his sleeve ready to show them up. 
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nanime1313 · 5 months ago
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They're hiding in a very small space.
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nanime1313 · 11 months ago
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Changing clothes
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nanime1313 · 11 months ago
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nanime1313 · 11 months ago
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It's just me, my friend, and that one person who drew for them a few years ago against the world.
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nanime1313 · 11 months ago
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That was their very romantic confession
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nanime1313 · 2 months ago
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Unghfhsf 🛐
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nanime1313 · 11 months ago
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Their first meeting
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nanime1313 · 11 months ago
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Nothing like drawing a complicated draw for a ship nobody but me and a friend will like woooo
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nanime1313 · 3 months ago
Will there be anymore MarcusBaird ships from you?
If you mean more drawings...
I would love to! I just don't have ideas... I try to think on something and they're in my mind like
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nanime1313 · 11 months ago
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So I made them the meme
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themightychristoff · 8 years ago
Me, while reading smutty fan-fiction…
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kairisparda · 12 years ago
Gears of war drabble
This a short piece I dicided to write after I finished the Judgment campain, since English is not my first language I apologize for any mistakes. For Niko and Blue for being great and an inspitation for me.
 Marcus & Baird (Friendship)
Slight spoilers of GOW: Judgment
It´s been almost a year since the war ended, well, the second war that´s it, the locust were gone and we could go around our live again just like before. Who was I kidding, live was never the same since I joined the COG, damn war for emulsion and damn my parents for make me to join the COG.
Actually I´m not that mad whit them, I just think I could be in a completely different place, or I may be long dead for all I Know, well something good needed to come from all of this, at last I keep doing what I like, I always liked machines more than people since I can remember, I wasn´t a really good kid when it came to those high-ass parties my parents were fond of at the Fenix state, at last Marcus knew how to handle all that shit.
Now that I think about it, It´s been a long time since I saw any of them, I never thought I would miss Marcus or the others (It still surprise me that I almost, almost, have respect for him), after all, we went to hell and back.
But now on this “peace” time I can´t catch a break, Hoffman keeps bitching about finding a new power source since Adam Fenix somehow evaporated all the emulsion. If you ask me that was a good thing, but still I have my doubts about that machine of his, I´m still trying to understand it but needless to say, he was a really brilliant man, nor that I´ll tell Marcus any time soon.    
Now I´m living on Azura, It still amazes me how Prescott got this island in secret all this time, damn, I almost admire him, but still no one will miss him any time soon.
Yesterday I found the Maelstrom blue prints, I took a look to them but it´s  still a bunch of crap I can´t understand it really well, we need a new power source and this looks like the answer but, if I can´t find a sense of this shit, none will.
“Damn it, this is a bunch of crap” Baird got up from his chair and walked to the window, he was trying to make some sense to the Maelstrom  blue prints, but whoever built it, was smarter than him, and that hurt his ego a little. “I better go and do something else before I lost it” He was about to get out when he notice someone in the doorway of his room make him almost jump.
“God damn it, don´t you know how to knock Fenix?” said the blond. Marcus just stood there watching him whit a little smirk on his face, none of them were wearing their COG armor, but still Marcus was huge compared to Baird “How the hell is he so big?, did he ate the locust we killed or what?”  
“I was looking for you” talked the other man taking Baird off guard
“Me?, Why does the great sergeant want´s with me I wonder” said Baird, It´s been a long time since he got to accept that he will never be more than a corporal, not after Halvo Bay but still he liked to tease Marcus about it.
“I wanted to ask you something” Marcus gruff voice sounded like a whisper to Baird, he got surprised again, crossing his arms he took a more relaxed stance.
“Well, shoot away, I don´t have all day” Marcus looked at him directly making Baird a little uncomfortable and self-conscious.
“Hoffman told me about that day” say the man at last still looking at him whit those piercing blue eyes, Baird couldn´t stand it and decided to turn around and move things off his desk to not look at him.  
“Well, If you could tell me what day you are talking about quickly so you can left at once”  Baird said still not looking at him, the way Marcus was looking at him made him really weird for reason he didn´t understand, and he didn´t like things he don´t understand.
“Halvo bay” was the only thing Marcus said before Baird turned around and looked at him stopping what he was doing.
For once Baird got speechless and Marcus seemed to notice this “I was part of Omega-two” he said simply making Baird to completely turn at him.
“Omega…” and Baird remembered the team he saved from Karn and cost him his place in the COG and his team, the voice he heard that day was Marcus´s. “Well karma really is a bitch”
Baird still had something to said, he never thought that his past would come and bite him in the ass so hard he almost feel a butt check missing.
Marcus still looked at him waiting for his response, he was still in the doorway, Baird was so deep in thought I didn´t noticed when Marcus got closer.
“He told me you had your own team, Kilo” Baird almost jumped again hearing Marcus so close to him.
“Yeah, I had, Loomis went nuts and almost executed me and degraded me for saving your ass” Baird recovered a little and came back to his usual self making Marcus smirk.
“Thank you” Marcus voice had a sincere tone that Baird never heard before, and twice he got speechless and dumbfounded, he never feel  like this before, not anytime he can remember anyway.
“Hmp, don´t expect me to save your ass again anytime soon Fenix” said Baird at last recovering from his shock and turning away again whit a little blush on his face, he wasn´t good at dealing whit other people´s gratitude’s.
Marcus chuckled and turned to make his exit “Still I know I can count on you Baird” hearing this, the blond looked over his shoulder to the other man and smirked.
“If I could, I would do it again” after hearing this Marcus smirk got bigger and made his exit.
“I know you would” said Marcus from the hallway, Baird just stood in the middle of his room, remembering that day whit a smile on his face, it was true, he may do it all over again if he could, after all, what would the world do whit out the all mighty Marcus Fenix to save everyone asses. 
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thesarcasticmechanic · 4 months ago
"That's how I felt after the whole ordeal"
/"𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩? 𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙞𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙜𝙧𝙪𝙗 𝙤𝙣 𝙜𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙚 𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚!"\
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