#marco rodriguez
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hannahwatcheshorror · 1 month ago
THE CROW (1994)
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Unexpectedly sweet horror movie set in a bleak town. Brandon Lee is the son of Bruce Lee in real life and does a really great job in the lead role as Eric Draven AKA The Crow. (RIP Brandon Lee)
Trigger Warning Sexual Assault, Rape, Flashing Lights, mild incest(?)
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This movie is rough around the edges but I think that makes it all the more endearing. There are wacky camera shots, wacky costumes, wacky characters, Hell, sometimes the main guy will just be up on a rooftop wailing on a guitar between scenes just to be cool. How did he even get equipment up there to play (it's an electric guitar)? I don't know but he did it! And then he smashes the damn thing and gets serious about killing. Anyway, here is the story.
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One year ago on Devil’s Night (the night before Halloween) Eric Draven and his fiancée Shelley are murdered in cold blood for trying to help get/keep housing for the needy. This year, Devil’s night, Eric Draven rises from his grave only to learn what happened to his beloved and get revenge. First visiting his old home he finds it in tatters, memories flood back, he remembers dying. The sickos left the cat alone which is the only good thing they did. Eric dawns some makeup, his mask, and he becomes The Crow. It should also be mentioned that there is a crow familiar that aids, guides, and/or follows Eric.
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Slowly and steadily Eric makes his way through those who harmed his love, they all have silly names but serious attitude problems. After disposing of the trash, a calling card in the shape of a crow is left for whoever finds the victim. This leaves police baffled but warns the only members of the crew left that death is coming for them. Eric wants them to know. He even lets one of the minor offenders live just so the guy could be a messenger that Eric was coming (dearly departed, Eric, that is). This is all sending shockwaves up the killer crew, who don’t want to believe in ghosts but are having a hard time with all the evidence being presented to them.
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Eric finally just shows up, absorbing bullets and walking around like a certain X-man, kicking all sorts of ass. The long haired baddie takes his creepy sister (is it really his sister?) and escapes. Eric has finished his vengeance, or so he thinks, and is ready to finish his dirt nap but the long haired baddie calls him out by kidnapping Eric’s kid friend, Sarah! This time the baddies realize that if they shoot at The Crow familiar they can actually hurt Eric so they do and they can! Yikes! Wack! But Eric isn’t just going to lie down and die… Again… No, this time he keeps fighting, his injured crow pecks the creepy sister's eyes out and she falls to her death. 
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Last but not least is a rainy rooftop battle with the long haired baddie, there's a sword, Eric grabs a piece of the building to swing around, it was a pretty intense scene. All hope seems lost when Eric gets run through with the sword but then he turns around and sends the memories of all his sadness about Shelley dying into the baddie. All that concentrated sadness at once was so shocking to him that he fell off the roof and died! Wack! But a nice use of those horrible memories! Sarah is safe now, she will miss Eric but he is really ready to die again. And who better to greet him than Shelley, she welcomes him back as if to Heaven (her arms) and when we pan out we see their graves undisturbed. Really a beautiful story about an avenging spirit who was brought back to do a job. It may look a little silly in some lights because of the face paint and names but this is a love story of Eric and Shelley who were to be married on Halloween but their lives were cut tragically short.
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realboutfatalfury · 3 months ago
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therosiestofrubys · 1 year ago
I need this faceless twink obliterated
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blackhakumen · 9 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1207: Trained to (Try and) Impress (King of Fighters X Art of Fighting)
3:21 p.m. Southtown's Fitness Gym..........
Yuri: (Sat Herself Down on a Bench While Panting) Okay!......That's......enough sparring.....for one day.....
Marco: (Takes Out a White Towel From his Bag and Wraps ir Around the Back of His Neck Before Using It to Wipe Off the Sweat Falling Down on his Cheeks) You sure you wanna call it quits? You seemed a lot more fired up than ever before, especially in the last few rounds we had.
Yuri: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, I'm sure......That was like....what? Best 6 out of 7 so far? (Looks Up at the Ceiling) A girl can handle so much before she throws in the towel........(Takes Her Bottle of Water Right Next to Her and Drinks Out of It Before She Sees Marco Handing Over her Pink Towel) Thanks. (Uses her Towel to Wipe all the Sweat Off her Forehead and Face)
Marco: (Sits Down Next to Yuri) You know, I'm impressed with the amount of progress we've made so far today, more so yours in particular.
Yuri: (Turns to Marco) You think so? I feel like I need more work in my more newer techniques if anything.
Marco: There's always room for improvement to be sure. (Smiles Softly at Yuri) But I think you did pretty good out there so far if you ask me.
Yuri: (Smiles Back at her Friend) Thanks, Marco. (Places her Hands onto Both her Cheeks While Pouting a Bit) It's about time someone recognized my efforts in this dumb Karate Team......
Marco: I take it you had another squabble with that "dumb" brother of yours recently?
Yuri: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Nah. I had more of a one-sided arguement with my dumb dad involving that said dumb brother of mines if anything. After me and Ryo spent all mornong helping him out with getting the restaurant ready for today, he kept going on and on about how proud of him he is of him restoring the Kyoukgen Arts' name to it's original glory and that I should either be more like those two or quit learning how to fight all together.
Marco: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Wait, he seriously told you that?
Yuri: Yeah. I mean, it's not the first time he ever told me to call it quits, but it's doesn't make it any less annoying and frustrating considering I had to constantly prove myself just how strong and capable of a fighter I really am to those two on every ring I stepped into. And even all of THAT still doesn't convinced them otherwise!
Marco: Maybe they wanted to keep you safe. You are the youngest the Sakazaki family after all.
Yuri: I am, yeah. But I've also participated in the KOF tournament with Mai and King since day number one! We never won a single entry since then, but neither did their team! And the only reason I started taking up karate in the first place was so I could protect myself from getting kidnapped again.
Macro: (Eyes Widened Again) You were kidnapped once!? By who!?
Yuri: This chrome dome of a crimelord named Mr. Big. Him and Geese used to work together years ago. (Places her Finger onto her Chin) Or did he worked Geese?.....('Sigh') Doesn't matter. The bottom line is that he was slimey creep and I hate him! He even blackmailed our dad into leaving us alone in our home when we were younger to go work for them as Mr Karate until Ryo managed beat the snot out of him years later! Which.....(Brings her Ponytail In Front of Her Before Combong it Down with her Hands While Frowning) that in it of itself is another can of worms I don't really feel like opening up right now.......
Marco: (Nodded in Understanding) And you have every right to not do so if you wish. (Frowns a Bit) I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.
Yuri: (Smiles a Bit) Thanks. I'm not over the whole thing completely, but I'm still getting hmthere at least. (Starts Rubbing The Back of her Head Back and Forth in a More Shyly Manner) Really, if anyone should be sorry here is me for bumming you out with my problems and trauma.....
Marco: (Simply Shrugs) You needed it to get it all out if your chest, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. In fact, I think I can relate to that problem of yours.
Yuri: Really? You have siblings of your own this whole time, Marco?
Marco: Nope. But you see, when I was a lot young, let's say around: 8 or 9, my father, bless his soul, used to be famous martial artist back in my hometown. He has a good amount star students older than me who were practically sons to him. Me, being the naive, bratty kid that I was, got jealous of all the attention he was giving to them overtime, so I signed up for their classes shortly after.
Marco shows Yuri a picture of younger, kid self, standing in the middle of a group photo with the other more older students of his father's dojo, on his phone.
Yuri: ('GASPS') Oh my gosh!~ (Happily Points at Kid Marco on Screen) Is that really you over there?
Macro: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Yeah, yeah, I was a cute kid back then.
Yuri: More than that!~ (Starts Up Sizing the Pucture and Starts Twisting Onto Little Marco's Cheeks on Screen) You were the most adorable, squishly looking little guy ever, yes you were~
Marco: (Groans While Facepalming Himself) I swear to heaven and earth, you're starting to become as bad as my mother right now. Always going around bragging about how cute and handsome I was to every old and new faces she meets.....
Yuri: (Giggles Softly) Well, she's not wrong, you know? You're still quite the looker these days. Which reminds me~
Marco: Oh no.
Yuri: How come you still don't got yourself girl and/or boyfriend yet?
Marco: (Groans Again) Again with this?
Yuri: (Starts Pouting Again) Yes, again with this! You're sweet, handsome like your momma says you are, and very hardworking, to the extreme sometimes. The fact that no one has thrown their arms around you yet is a travesty in it of itself!
Marco: Look, we can PLEASE go back to the Topic at hand? I'm trying to help you out here!
Yuri: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiiiiine. But we're setting you up for a date the next time we go out clubbing with Robert one of these nights! (Crosses her Arms) No ifs, ands, or buts about it, mister.
Marco: (Rolls his Eyes Again) I'm filled to the brim with excitement already. (Shows Off Pictures of his Upbringings as a Fighter With Each Swipe From his Finger Tip) And so was kid me when I was first enrolled to the class. It was an challenging experience and my drive to prove my worth towards my father and everyone else would end up getting me in trouble in a few areas.
Marco's phone then shows a picture him in his preteens, smiling at the camera with his late father while carrying a medium size trophy.
Marco: But it was only until I won my very first Junior's Martial Arts Champion League that I stopped worrying about what others think of me and start focusing more on myself, the improvements, and accomplishments I've made so far, that I'll continue to make going forward. Hell, that win even got me more invested in the excitement and rich history of this magnificent sport!- (Quickly Stops Himself From Geeking Out Before Clearing his Throat) But I digress.
Yuri: (Snickers a Bit) Nerd~
Marco: Hush up. ('Sigh') Look, the point I'm trying to make here is that I've seen the way you fought your opponents in the past through present. And now thanks to the sparring matches we had today, I, for one think, you're already doing a great enough job holding your own out there, putting your only unique spin to Kyoukgen Style the best you could. Like that time you created a electrified Haoh Shokou Ken. That was the most ingenious take on the move yet!
Yuri: (Giggles Softly While Blushing a Bit) Awww~ You really think so? I was only able to perform it cause my gloves were generating static from my old gi I was wearing at the time. But I figured it was doing more harm to my body the more I keep charging my ki up like that, so I just ended up no doing it anymore, you know?
Marco: (Simply Nodded) Make sense. The human body is fragile. But my point still stands. (Place his Hand Onto Yuri's Shoulder) You're a great fighter, Yuri, and I know that you have what it takes continue to strive in becoming more stronger than you ever were beforehand, not for the approval from your father, your brother, not even from Robert abd myself, but for yourself.
Yuri: (Stares at Marco For a Brief Second Before Nodding in Agreement Before a Determined Smile Starts Creeping Up on her Face) Yeah.....You're right. So what if my style of fighting isn't as traditional or completely by the books as everyone else in our Dojo? It worked out for me a lot in the past and I'll be damned if I sit here and it lot all go to waste now- (Gets Up From her Seat and Points Fowards) For my name isn't Yuri Sa-FREAKING-Kazaki! (Felt a Btt of Cramp in the Vack of her Knee) Ow.
Marco: (Let's Out a Light Chuckle) Atta girl. Keep doing your thing. I'll root for ya all the way.
Yuri: (Winces a Bit While Sitting Back Down and Smiling Back at her Fellow Kyoukgen Karate Fighter) Thanks, Marco. I'll root for you getting a date one days~
Marco: (Gives Yuri Deadpinned Look Again) You're not gonna get off my back with that, are you?
Yuri: (Places her Arm Around Marco's Shoulder) Not as your now appointed Wingwoman I'm not!~
Marco: Pretty sure that isn't a thing.
Yuri: Oh it is. I've been in the love-matching game for some time and now while my previous attempts with King and Ryo has long been a complete bust, I'm more than certain that my guidance this time around will help you reach to greater heights in the romance game.
Marco: What about Robert's guidance?
Yuri: (Shrugs) Pretty sure his would more in line how good you should look if anything. Either way, we got your back 100%, big guy. Trust us!~
Marco: I will once you stop giving me the puppy dog eyes.
Yuri: Carry me back home and I will~ (Rapidly Blinks her Eyes at Marco with a Cutesy Looking Smile on her Face)
Marco: ('Sigh') Deal.
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ercdouken · 1 year ago
Garou: Mark of the Wolves (PC/Steam) - Khushnood Butt Story Playthrough
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years ago
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Marco Rodriguez
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flizzyblitz · 2 months ago
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I feel incredibly happy to finally show off my cover for my fic Along the Summer Woods! It's a big crossover fic that's basically an excuse to write some of my favorite animated things in one dumb story. And you can read it right over here!
(also yes this cover is very much based on that one official gravity falls poster lol)
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goatedtoasts · 1 year ago
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wow i sure do love the hit album Take This To The Hall by pop punk band and Kansas City blaseball team The Death Mints. its such a classic wow
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cccovers · 5 months ago
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Batgirl: Year One #6 (July 2003) cover by Marcos Martín, Álvaro López and Javier Rodriguez.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 13 days ago
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waiting game
By Marcos Rodriguez
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realboutfatalfury · 1 year ago
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happy anniversary garou: mark of the wolves!! it's been like 4 years now since i got into it :') i love this game sooo much it's very dear to me
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^ they didn't know they were gonna be swimming..
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therosiestofrubys · 2 years ago
Help, it's tatsu
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blackhakumen · 2 years ago
Mini Fanfic #1117: The Bear of Kyoukgen Arts (KOF X Art of Fighting)
2:56 p.m. in the Sarah Forest..........
Marco: (Takes a Very Deep Breath of his Outdoor Surroundings) Sarah Forest......One of mother nature's finest creations in all it's majestic. I never thought i would ever come back here. (Opens his Arms Wide Open) BUT HERE I AM! (Hears the Sound of his Voice Echoing Through the Forest Before Forming a Bright, Cheeky Grin on his Face)
Yuri: (Giggles Softly as She and Robert Follows Behind Marco) I can see why you like coming here. It's so nice and peaceful out here.
Robert: (Too Busy Swatting All the Bugs Away From Him) Sí. Can't say the same for these mosquitoes......They annoying little stronzi- Ack! (Suddenly Gets Knocked Down to the Muddy Ground) Ow. ('Sigh') And now my $1000.00 cargo shorts is dirt. (Places his Habd on the Side of his Cheek) Great. Any idea why we took an abrupt stop there, big guy?
Yuri: (Frowns a Bit in Worry) Yeah, Marco, what's wrong?
Marco: (Looks Around in a Suspicious Manner) Try not to panic, but.....I think we're being followed right now?
Robert: (Quickly Gets Back Up on his Feet) Followed!? By who-
Robert quickly shuts himself up as the roaring, animal sound is heard in the Sarah Forest. It didn't take long for him and Yuri to hiding behind a seemingly unfazed Marco as they see bear, wearing torn up, sleeve less gi, standing in front of them, growling with anger in his eyes.
Robert: (Shaking in Fear) W-W-W-Was that bear following us t-t-this whole time?
Yuri: M-Maybe? P-Probably?.....Indefinitely.......
The bear's growl starts getting more louder.
Yuri: (Puts on a Panic Yet Very Hopeful Smile on her Face) B-B-But it's gonna be okay! (Quickly Pulls Out her Mini Book From her Pocket and Quickly Reads Through it) According to this Camping Guide, all we have to do is keep standing here, make no sudden movements for at least 30-45 seconds, and- (Eyes Begins to Widened as She Sees Marco Running Forward) Marco, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
Robert: GET BACK HERE!!!
Woth echoing battle cries from both sides, Marco and the bear rushes towards one another to deliver their fists directly towards their respective faces before jumping a few inches back. As they stare at each other for a few seconds later, they rush back and fiercely fight one another as if they're in a KOF ring and that their lives are on the line.
While that's happening, the couple, Robert and Yuri, watches it all play out with surprise and disbelief written all over both of their faces
Yuri: Robert.
Robert: Yes, Yuri?
Yuri: Wha.....(Extends her Arms Out at the Fight Scene in Front of her) What exactly am I even looking at right now?
Robert: This might be both us seeing things, but i think that bear just challenged Marco to a fight.(Leans Forward and Takes a Look at the Bear in Question) Wait, Is that our Kyoukgen Gi he's wearing right now-
Robert shrieks as he quickly and jumps onto Yuri's arms from a blue fireball flying by, knocking down a nearby tree with one hit, much to the heir of Garcia family's even more surprise.
Robert: ......And did he use a FREAKING KO-OU KEN just now!?
Yuri: It's not just that. (Shakingly Points Robert to What's Happening I'm Front of Them)
The Bear mimics and clashes with Marco's rising uppercut similar that to a.....
Robert: Kohou. He's doing a kohou- THAT BEAR DID A LITERAL KOHOU FIST JUST NOW!! THE FUCK!!!
Yuri: I know bears can be talented in some cases, but this is getting ridiculous!
The Bear then sends Marco flying to back to the shrieking duo with a kick to the chest.
Marco: (Gets Himself Back Up From the While Panting) I'll admit.....I was....not expecting this turn of events.....to happen so soon.....(Uses his Knuckle to Wipe the Blood Off From the Side of his Lips as Forms an Impressed Smirk on his Face) Not that I mind it, of course.
Robert: (Chuckles Awkwardly) Hey Marco, il mio amico vecchio amico!~ We're glad you're doing swell out there, but uh.....(Comically Glares at Marco) Who is that bear and why does he knows HALF of Kyoukgen Style techniques!?
Yuri: And why is he wearing one of our old gis!?
Marco: (Turns to the Couple Behind) I'll explain everything once this is all over. (Turbs Back to the Bear in Front of Him) In the meantime, leave this one to me! (Rushes Back Towards the Bear)
Yuri: NO! MARCO!!!
Round two has just begun as the two unusual combatants rushes back and delivers every bit of attacks they can dish out to one another while parrying and countering each of them.as quickly as possible.
It didn't take long for them to punch each other in the face once more before winding their heads back and headbutt one another in the process. As they once again jumped back from each other's space, Marco pantingly watches his opponent mimics his stance and posture before getting on both of it's knees, declaring defeat.
Marco: (Chuckling While Still Panting) Still......got...it......
Marco suddenly falls down to the ground with Robert and Yuri frantically screaming out his name as his vision fades to black.
Marco: Where..........Where am I? Why is it so dark in here?
So you're awake, Marco Rodriguez.
Marco's eyes begins to widens as he sees a man in a dark, grayish blue gi turning away from him.
Marco: That gi......A-And the hair! Are you.......
The man turns around and reveals himself to be none of than the legendary Kyoukgen Karate Arts' master......
Marco: Mr. Karate? You're actually real!?
Mr. Karate (?): Hmph. (Walks Towards the Sitted Down Man) Whether I exist or not does not matter in the scheme of things. What DOES matter however, is the potential you seem to hold within. A potential that yet to be fully realized.
Marco: My potential?.....Fully realized?
Mr. Karate (?): Yes. (Balled his Fist Up) And I believe the test of your might and conviction will begin right. About. Now.
The long nose masked warrior begins to deliver a strong looking punch towards Marco's perspective as the young man let out a scream before coming back to reality and getting himself up from a wooden like-bed he was seemingly laying on, as one of his fellow Kyoukgen Karate Arts in training companion, Robert, quickly grabs his shoulder to help calm him down.
Robert: Hey, easy there, bud. You've just woken up.
Marco: Please I- Huh? (Turns to See Robert Sitting on One Side of the Bed) Robert? (Thens Turns and See Yuri Sitting on the Other Side) Yuri? Is that really you guys?
Yuri: (Hugs Marco Tightly With Teara Falling Down her Face) Of course it's us, you idiot!~ You had us both worried sick the moment you fought that bear! Don't ever scare like that again.....
Robert: ('Sigh in a Bit of Relief') Seriously.....I know you're Ryo's star pupil or whatever, but you're still just as much of a human as the rest of us here, you know?
Marco: (Quickly Bows his Head Down) O-Of course! I apologize for my recklessness today, it won't happen a- GAIN ACK! (Winces in Pain as He Stops Bowing and Felt a But of a Crack From the Back of his Neck)
Yuri: ('Sighs Heavily') Pleeeease take it easy on yourself before I start crying harder and bopping you in that big, dumb head of yours......
Marco: R-Right. I'm sorry.....(Looks Around the Room He's Staying in) Where are we? (It....looks somewhat familiar.....)
Robert: We brought you here in this cabin after you were unconscious.
A soft, roar is heard in the room as the trio sees the gi wearing bear begins to nervoulsy walk in the room.
Robert: And this big guy here helped us along the way.
Yuri: He felt so bad about attacking you earlier. It's kinda cute.
The Bear solemnly nodded in agreement..
Marco: (Starts Nodding Himself With his Arms Already Crossed Together) Hm. I see......(Happily Opens his Arms Up at the Bear in Question) Bobo, get over here and give your papa a hug, you big lug!~
The Bear smiles brightly as he rushes over to give Marco a big loving hug, much to the couple's shock.
Yuri: Papa?
Robert: Bobo!?
Marco: (Chuckles Lightly) Look at you! You've grown a lot since the last time I've saw you! And your performance was excellent today! I'm so proud!~
The man and bear duo turn their heads to see Robert and Yuri staring at the both of them.
Robert: You mind telling us what's going on here, bud?
Yuri: (Starts Pouting at Marco) You promised you would tell us, so hop to it, mister!
Marco: (Hold his Hands Up in Front of Him in Defense) Alright, alright, I'm getting to it! (Clears his Throat Before Beginning his Explanation) Okay, so long ago when I was young and stupid like you two-
Yuri/Robert: Hey!/Oi!
Marco: I came to this forest to start my training alone 'till one night, I've stumbled upon this poor fella got himself trapped in a beartrap net when he was a little cub. Once I got him out of there and patched him up, I've started looking for his parents with little to no success. (Gently Rubs the Bear's Back) He spent his whole life scared and all alone in this forest, so I did what any parental figure would do and raised him as my own, even went as far as to teach him how to fend for himself in the Arts of Kyoukgen Karate until it was time for me to head back home. I've been thinking about him since then.....(Turbs Back to Bobo with Proud Smile on his Face) So you could imagine the pride and happiness in my eyes when I saw this boi all grown up and kicking his old man's ass at ease. (Went Back to Hugging Bobo Again) Making his Papa Rodriguez so proud today~ Yes, you did~
Yuri: (Covers her Mouth as Her Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Oh my gossssh!~ This is the most cutest thing I've ever seen yet!~
Robert: (Chuckles Lightly) You've never cease to amazed me, amico. You keep this up and you'll give your teach a run for his money on the master role in no time.
Marco: Oh no, I could never live up to Master Ryo's greatness. (Smiles Softly) But I'm glad that my teachings have made an impact on him throughout the years.
Yuri: (Shyly Twiddling her Fingers Together) Mr. Bobo, I know it's too much to ask but......(Bows to Bobo) Can I pleeeeease I have hug from you too?~
Bobo turns to Marco for his sign of approval.
Macro: (Simply Nodded to Bobo) Go ahead, boy. She won't bite.
Bobo turns back to Yuri and spread his arms wide open to her.
Yuri: (Squeals Happily as She Rushes Over Hugs the Bear Very Lovingly) Thank you so much!~ My name Yuri Sakazaki and I hope we can be the bestest of friends!~
Bobo happily hugs Yuri back, making the young woman even more happy than she has ever been.
Yuri: (Turns to Marco) We can please take him back home with us?~ Please, please, pleeeeeeeease!?~
Marco: (Shakes his Head) No can do, Yur. As well trained as he is, Bobo is a fully grown bear now. It would be too dangerous for him to step foot in the streets of Southtown. (Smiles Softly) But since we're already here, you two can have all the time in the world to get to know him, maybe teach him a thing or two on your own mix of the Kyoukgen Arts.
Yuri: (Smiles Brightly) Sure, I don't mind. I'm a bit rusty on the teaching side, but I'll still give it my best shot!~
Robert: (Smirks Confidently While Grabbing his Chin) And I'll be sure to have him look his best while he's kicking ass.
Yuri: (Turns to Robert) Robbie, how are you gonna get him to wear a suit and tie without angering him? He's a literal bear.
Robert: I'll......figure something out.....eventually.......
Marco: (Stares at Robert With a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Mmhmmm....How about you teach him your legwork attacks instead, pretty boy?
Robert: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeah, that.....sounds like a safer idea.
Marco: (Nodded Once More) Exactly. (Turns to Bobo With a Smile) You hear that, boy? You've nade yourself two new friends.
Bobo roars happily as begins to spend two to three days with the papa again after all these years
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balu8 · 1 year ago
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Batgirl: Year One #7
by Charles Dixon(W),Scott Beatty(W),Marcos Martin(pencils/cover), Alvaro Lopez (inker),Javier Rodríguez(colorist) and Willie Schubert (letters)
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gothbutterfly · 2 years ago
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Marcos Rodriguez
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beatrice1979a · 5 months ago
Carla's dominican brother Marco in Scrubs
Yeah, that jackass is Freddy Rodriguez
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