annarellix · 2 years
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Hidden/Taken/Hunted (Vampires of Marchwood Book 1,2,3) by Shalini Boland
My Review: This is review for a blog tour of an entire series and my review, even if details my opinion for each book, will be on the entire series. I wanted to read these books as I am a sucker to everything vampire since I read Dracula ages ago. I think that the modern vampire was recreated by Anne Rice and there was an explosion at the beginning of the XXI century (Twilight anyone?) When I started this series, I was very happy to discover that, even if the MCs are teens, they were not similar to the characters of Twilight or Vampire Diaries as they’re considered a sort of archetype for this type of books. Ms Boland created two original characters and I loved Madison and Alexander as they’re well rounded and strong character. I felt for Madison as she’s a girl who lost a lot and her only family is her brother Ben. She’s lucky and inherits a big mansion, the start of an incredible adventure. Her relationship with Ben is strong and sweet. Alexander is a well rounded and energetic boy, he is the one who will drive Madison into a fantastic adventure and I liked hime. Hidden is the first book in this series and, I think, the slowest one as it introduces the characters and there’s a lot of word building. It kept me turning pages and I enjoyed it. Taken is the second book in this series and it didn’t suffer from the book-in-the-middle syndrome. There’s a lot of developments, new characters and more world building. It’s fast paced and I appreciated how the author developed a fast-paced plot that kept me turning pages and on the edge. The storytelling is excellent and I liked the world building and how the plot flow. Hunted is the grand finale, the switches between timeline but kept me hooked and inhaling this story as I wanted to know what was going to happen. Action packed, full of twists and a firework of end that left me satisfied. I thoroughly enjoyed this series and hope there will be other stories set in this universe. I thank Second Sky for this ARC, all opinions are mine
HIDDEN: Falling in love has never been so dangerous…
My name is Madison Greene. On my seventeenth birthday, I inherited an old mansion and wealth beyond my wildest dreams. I thought it was a joke, but as I step through the creaking door of the sprawling building, I realise my life in foster care is in the past. I’ve been chosen and my world has changed forever. But I wasn’t told that Marchwood House hides a secret. As I explore every inch of the crumbling property, I stumble upon a set of large, dusty boxes in the basement. When I pull back the lid and look down, I find myself staring at the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. High cheekbones, porcelain skin… And when he wakes up and locks eyes with me, I realise my heart already belongs to him, even though my head is screaming at me to get as far away from Marchwood as possible. Because I know what he really is.
I never planned to fall in love – but it’s too late now. Alexandre has a dark and dangerous past. He needs me and I have to help him. But can a human really save a vampire?
TAKEN: Falling in love has never been so deadly…
My name is Madison Greene and I was an ordinary teenager until I fell in love… with a vampire. Alexandre is tall, with a sexy French accent and mesmerizing eyes. He makes me feel protected, and he’s completely captured my heart. At Marchwood House, our sprawling mansion nestled in the English countryside, we’re in our own perfect bubble together. But, in the blink of an eye, everything changes when an old enemy of Alexandre’s sets a trap and rips me away from my boyfriend’s arms. The ancient demon takes me to his underground city, deep beneath the windswept desert. In the twisting tunnels and enormous vaulted caverns, there’s a bloodthirsty vampire around every corner. I’ve never been so terrified… It seems like there’s no way out from this underground maze. My life is hanging by a thread, and every second I’m here is a step closer to death. I can’t just sit here and hope that Alexandre will rescue me.
Can I outsmart a city of vampires to escape from this hellish place? And will I ever see Alexandre again?
HUNTED: Falling in love has never been so complicated…
My name is Madison Greene and my boyfriend is a vampire. And not just any vampire, one with brooding good looks and a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. As I curl up against Alexandre’s side, our hands entwined, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Although our relationship hasn’t been easy. I’m human, so there were always going to be complications. But I thought we’d banished the demons from his previous life. I couldn’t have been more wrong… Because there’s a new threat in the form of Nadia – a blue-eyed beauty who seems determined to do everything she can to break us apart. I trust Alexandre but I don’t trust her. As I start digging into the truth to find out who Nadia really is, centuries-old secrets begin to unravel. And in order to set Alexandre free from the chains of his past, we must return to the ancient underground city of vampires to defeat Alexandre’s archnemesis once and for all.
Can I finally save Alexandre? Or will loving a vampire be the death of me?
Buy Link(s): Hidden: https://geni.us/B0BTJ9PJ3Jsocial Taken: https://geni.us/B0BVNYQFDPsocial Hunted: https://geni.us/B0BVNZ3DPCsocial
The Author: Shalini Boland is the USA-Today bestselling author of seventeen psychological thrillers. With over two million copies sold, her titles are published by Amazon Publishing, Audible, Bookouture, Second Sky and Grand Central Publishing. Shalini lives by the sea in Dorset, England with her husband, two teens and their increasingly demanding dog, Queen Jess. Before kids, she was signed to Universal Music Publishing as a singer/songwriter, but now she spends her days writing (in between re-stocking the fridge and dealing with endless baskets of laundry). She is also the author of two bestselling Sci Fi and Fantasy series as well as a WWII evacuee novel with a time-travel twist.
For all news and updates: Website:  http://someonewotwrites.blogspot.com/ Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ShaliniBolandAuthor Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ShaliniBoland Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/shaboland/ Second Sky Email Sign Up: www.secondskybooks.com/shalini-boland
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winterrose527 · 1 year
WIP Titles Game
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit.
Thank you for the tag @themockingpoint, now everyone can see how unhinged I am 😂
joncella idk
when ties becomes knots
everything that's mine
Wedding Planner
PA fic
joncella prompt
shadow and soul
custody fic excerpt
custody fic
in their nature
Violet & Ollie
Notes for Twins
The Ladbrooks
Summer's End
yes, some of those are original works & yes I'm open to questions on any and all document names LOL but here we go... (I'm not doing it for each one but obviously if you see this & want to do it consider yourself tagged)
@sansastarkr @semperlitluv @woodswit @darkwolf76 @thistle-and-thorn @justhereforfandomandfriends @kerjack17 @vivilove-jonsa @katmajik @kittykatknits
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
A police officer has been sacked after repeatedly reporting her former boyfriend for assault – only for detectives to find he did not exist.
Pc Nadia Thurley, 29, made 14 allegations against “fictional” ex-boyfriend, Dan Jones, which led to police wasting “extensive” resources investigating the supposed crimes.
The officer was caught when covert CCTV cameras were installed at her home by police without her knowledge to catch the alleged abuser. The footage revealed that no one had been there on days when she had claimed to have been assaulted.
Pc Thurley’s Chief Constable sacked her on Wednesday, saying he was “saddened” that an officer with first-hand knowledge of victims of such “horrific crimes” would “choose to lie about a violent assault”.
Visible injuries
A disciplinary hearing was told that Pc Thurley, who joined Hampshire & Isle of Wight constabulary in April 2020, was arrested and suspended 16 months after she made several domestic abuse claims which “did not take place”.
Det Insp Simon Clifford said that the complaints began in December 2020, when Pc Thurley appeared at work with “visible injuries” and told colleagues she was assaulted by an ex-partner.
The hearing was told that in March 2021, Pc Thurley said she was approached by Mr Jones in the New Forest, telling police he was “armed with a knife”.
However, Det Insp Clifford said that officers attending noted she did not have any “mud or debris on her clothing despite extremely boggy and muddy conditions”.
In the hopes of catching Mr Jones, an operations team installed covert surveillance cameras in Pc Thurley’s home in Marchwood, near Southampton.
Unaware of the CCTV, Pc Thurley reported two further incidents in July 2021 at her home address, claiming Mr Jones had been there.
Less than a month later, Pc Thurley was arrested and charged with two counts of perverting the course of justice. She was found guilty in November.
Det Insp Clifford told the hearing “fabricating the existence of a boyfriend is dishonest and lacks integrity and disciplinary action is warranted”.
Not a case of mental health
Pc Thurley did not attend the hearing, held at Hampshire Constabulary Operational HQ in Winchester, Hampshire.
She instead sent an email in which she wrote: “The only representation I wish to make is to say that all I have ever done is tell the truth, and follow directions given by my line managers.”
It is understood Pc Thurley, now of Woking, Surrey, had been “unwell” and suffered PTSD from an incident in 2020, whereby she witnessed the stabbing of a fellow officer.
However, Det Insp Clifford said: “It is the [appropriate authorities] case, as it was in the case of the prosecutor at trial, that this is not a case about mental health but one of malingering, or lying.”
Scott Chilton, Chief Constable for Hampshire and Isle of Wight, dismissed Pc Thurley with immediate effect.
He said a “considerable amount of resources” were pulled to investigate the allegations and that “Pc Thurley has done little, if anything at all, to assist in this investigation”.
Chief Constable Chilton added: “I am saddened that a serving police officer, knowing first hand the impact that such horrific crimes have on victims, chose to lie about a violent assault.”
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Muse: Gavin Troy. Drabbles connected to scents. Spoilers within for Death of a Stanger,  Murder on St. Malley’s Day, Shadow of Death, The Killings at Badger’s Drift, and Faithful unto Death. 
Troy’s nose twitched at the warm, earthy scent as he opened the canister. How many cups of tea had he made over the years? He lost count when he was still in school, but it must have been well over several thousand by now. A few of them always stuck with him though… like the cup he made poor Mrs. Gurdie when they had to tell her about her husband’s death. That poor woman… in less then a month her tear-away son Billy had been railroaded into prison for a murder he did not commit, and her husband had been killed trying to clear the lad. Sure, Billy had gotten out of prison when all the facts came to light… but did that really make anything easier? The last he heard of the pair, they had left Upper Marchwood, aiming to rebuild their life in one of the larger cities. He thought it might have been Liverpool… A passing question about whether Billy had managed to stay out of trouble flitted through his mind but, before he could grab it, the hall door opened, and he heard his boss’s footfalls on the tile. That was not Barnaby’s casual walk, the one he used when he was anticipating a quiet day. That one indicated something new was on hand. Barnaby pushed the office door open enough just to stick his head in, “Grab your jacket, Troy. The body of a local beekeeper just turned up in a stream on the outskirts of Midsomer Shallows.” Troy quickly snapped the canister lid closed, “Coming, sir.”
= = = = = 
The old library stank of musty books and paperwork. Troy’s nose scrunched up and then he sneezed hard into the sleeve of his suitcoat. “Sorry, sir.” He apologized automatically when Barnaby shot him a glance. Sniffing, he wiped the back of his hand over his nose. Then he gingerly picked up one of the piles of newspaper and glanced at the headline. Like a shock of cold water, he abruptly realized why this library smelled so familiar. Poor old looney Carew… the name floated into Troy’s head, though it had been months since they resolved the St. Malley’s case. His little cottage used to smell like this, a testament to all the newspapers and magazines he kept piled up for his research. In the end, all his conspiracy theories had not done him much good… “It looks like our Mr. Lilton was very interested in treasure maps, Troy.” Barnaby’s comment slides through the library’s oppressive atmosphere. “I wonder if he was just selling them, as his daughter claims, or if he had another reason for his collection.” “Maybe he was going to try and find one, sir.” Troy wrenched his mind back to the current case. “And since he’s gone missing, maybe he went haring off after one… any of the maps for Midsomer County?” His question was answered by Barnaby depositing several dusty stacks of maps into his arms. Biting back another sneeze, Troy tried to ignore the way his eyes started tearing up by blinking hard. “That is for you to find out, Troy.” Barnaby headed for the library door. “I need to have another word with Mrs. Wilder, the housekeeper.” “Yes sir,” Troy sighed, looking around for an empty table he could work on. Though he claimed he was not a superstitious man, he swore he saw a glimpse of the dead conspiracy theorist disappearing behind a bookshelf. Maybe Carew was looking for a buried treasure too…
 = = = = =
The firefighters had everything extinguished by the time Barnaby and he arrived on scene, but the lingering scent of water-heavy smoke almost sent Troy retching. Trying to discreetly press the back of his hand to his mouth, he took a step away toward cleaner air and breathed in slowly, before holding it. Barnaby, thankfully, did not seem to notice his absence yet. He had charged ahead to talk to Doctor Bullard. Exhaling carefully, Troy experimentally sucked in another breath. David Whitely’s murder scene, and having to look down on a pile of burned bones that had once been a human being he knew haunted his nightmares. Troy had never liked Mr. Whitely much, admittedly. As the Tye House estate manager, Whitely had been a bit too grand and full of himself for Troy’s taste… especially when they learned he was just a common old adulterer, messing around with another man’s wife. Then, when they returned to Badger’s Drift to investigate the Bayly murder, the former estate manager had almost been worse, going out of his way to goad Troy in particular every time they tried to get information from him. But Whitely had still been a human being… someone with thoughts and opinions and plans… burned alive and suffocated in smoke because of a mistake he made when he was a child. Troy closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose quickly. He had never processed that one correctly… had tried to talk about and quickly got shut down… so he just tucked it away with all the other horrible things he had seen and learned since he became a DS. “Troy? Are you coming?” Barnaby finally realized his shadow had detached itself somewhere, and looked around for his Sergeant. Troy took another deep breath. “Sorry about that, sir. I thought I got a call on my mobile—must have been on someone else’s.” It should not have been so easy to lie to his boss, but Troy still found the words slipping out with a convincing ease that would alarm him later tonight while he was in the shower. However, Barnaby had not been interested in discussing Whitely’s demise at the time. Troy really doubted that three years on, he would be any keener to discuss it now. Better to just leave those memories where they were. It was easier that way.
= = = = =
Car Exhaust  
A heavy fog had moved in during the night, trapping all the scents close to the ground. If Troy had known it was coming, he would have closed his windows before he slept. One of the people in his block of flats left for work absurdly early, and always ran their car for an age to ‘warm it up’ before they pulled away. On nights like this, the car’s exhaust caught in the wet air, and slid into every open crack it could find.
Jerking awake, Troy stared into the darkness as he tried to settle back into his bedroom. All he could smell was the exhaust, a sickening cloud of gases seeping in his window.
He should get up and close it… but he stayed flat on his back, staring at the ceiling.
He had dreamed about Brenda Buckley again-… about how she died in that horrible car accident. About how it had been his fault.
If he had just been a little smarter, he never would have fallen for Hollingsworth’s clumsy set-up. Then the man would not have been able to take off for Finchmere Market, with Brenda following after him like the lovesick puppy she was… and what she saw there, that was what had gotten her killed on the drive home.
If he had never lost Hollingsworth, maybe Brenda will still be alive. Once he debated if Hollingsworth would have survived too, but he dismissed that idea. Simone needed him dead so he would have to go whether Troy succeeded at his stake-out or not. Brenda though… she only died because she had seen something she never should have… and she tried to get her father to get Troy on the phone to report it but…
Kicking the blankets aside, Troy pulled himself from his bed and slammed his window shut. Down on the street, he could hear his neighbor finally pulling away from the building, taking his stinking car with him.
There was no point in torturing himself. The problem was that torturing himself came too easily. Especially when the victim of his blunder was a young woman who had really done nothing wrong, besides reading too many romance novels, and falling in love with a man who cared nothing about her. She probably thought helping Hollingsworth in his hour of difficulty would earn her the man’s admiration…maybe even his love…
Too keyed up to go back to sleep, Troy pulled a tee-shirt over his head and headed for the kitchen. No one would notice if he headed in for work a bit early… it would give him a chance to catch up on paperwork before Barnaby came in.
As he moved, he pointedly ignored the clock on his dresser, and the fact it was not even five am yet.
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alemicheli76 · 6 months
"I vampiri di Marchwood-Hunted" di Shalini Boland, Newton Compton. A cura di Sissy
Shalini Boland è stata una vera rivelazione.Parlare di vampiri non è mai così facile eppure lei ci è riuscita alla grande. Dopo I vampiri di Marchwood-Hidden eccola qui con un secondo volume ricco di colpi di scena e di misteri: I vampiri di Marchwood- Hunted.Madison e Alexander sembrano aver finalmente trovato la pace e soprattutto il loro amore sembra più forte di qualsiasi altra cosa avendo…
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onlyhedges · 1 year
Top Shopping Malls in Marchwood Lakeside, Ottawa
Kanata Lakes - Marchwood Lakeside - Morgan's Grant - Kanata is a cluster of suburban neighborhoods home to golf courses and leafy local parks. Nearby, there’s a network of wooded trails in the spacious South March Highlands Conservation Forest. Commercial areas include strip malls like Signature Centre, with a mix of chain shops and independent restaurants, and the Kanata Centrum outdoor mall and movie theatre. Cedar hedge trimmer.
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Signature Centre
Built by Doran Contractors and managed by Taggart Realty Management, the Signature Centre is comprised of 117,000 ft2 of prime retail space. Created to service an ever-growing residential community in Kanata, the Signature Centre is among one of Kanata’s most frequently visited retail sites.
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Anchored by Farm Boy, LCBO, Shoppers Drug Mart, The Beer Store, and BMO, Signature Centre’s visibility on Terry Fox Drive, ample free parking, and eclectic mix of tenants make this the ideal one-stop shop. It is home to tenants such as Fratelli’s, Zak’s Diner, Pure Kitchen, Dairy Queen, Jojo’s Chocolates, MyHome Furniture, and more.
Tanger Outlets Ottawa
Through our annual Tanger Pink campaign we've raised nearly $18.8 million since 1994 in support of breast cancer research and programs. We're proud to partner with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) since 2011, and through our partnership have funded over 90,000 hours of life-saving research.
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write2thrive · 1 year
The place that fucked me up.
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stupidlocalnews · 1 year
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blueboxphenomenon · 2 years
Britain's 5 Most Haunted Houses
Below are five of the mouse haunted houses in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Dare you believe such terrors lurk in the dark corners of the British Isles?
30 East Drive, Pontefract
Number 30 East Drive in Pontefract is home to one of Britain's most famous and violent hauntings.
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Said to be the most violent poltergeist in Europe, the Black Monk of Pontefract has been haunting the property since the 1960's. When the house came under the ownership of the Pritchard family, they experienced haunting occurrences. Diane Pritchard was seen to be dragged up the stairs by an invisible force which left marks on her neck, and Joe & Jean Pritchard witnessed a black-cloaked figure hovering over their bed.
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Others have experienced white powder seemingly materialise in mid-air and fall to the ground, heavy objects swaying and rattling, objects disappearing before their eyes, and the strange appearance of pools of water where no leak exists. It has even been claimed that after a priest blessed the house with holy water, the Black Monk responded by drawing inverted crosses on the walls of the house.
Ashen Hill Manor
The Ashen Hill Manor house in Sudbury is one of England's most haunted buildings, with psychic investigator Harry Price claiming to have documented 121 different spectral entities haunting the property in the 1920's.
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There are no records as to exactly when Ashen Hill Manor was built. It has existed on the land for as long as there have been records. Some say that "for as long as there has been stone and oak, there has always been evil." [The History of Ashen Hill Manor] Indeed, the house is built upon a bedrock of solid granite, which according to Stone Tape Theory is an excellent medium for transposing psychic residue.
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The hauntings are said to have begun around the time Lord James Marchwood, widower and third earl of Marchwood, employed alchemist Erasmus Darkening around 1665. It is said that Erasmus promised to make the earl rich again with his ability to turn lead into gold. After two years, Erasmus' experiments failed to produce what was promised. Furthermore, the townspeople accused the alchemist of being a demon who spirited people away under the cloak of night. When Lord Marchwood's children disappeared, Marchwood is said to have attacked Darkening, running him through with a sword. Darkening is said to have taken his final revenge and vanished the earl on the spot. Since then, the property has been haunted by those Erasmus vanished, including Lord Marchwood himself. Some believe Erasmus Darkening himself also still haunts the property, having laid a curse upon it in revenge for his death.
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It is said the spirit of Lord Marchwood can be heard calling for his missing children in the dead of night, searching for them for eternity. Some report wandering cold spots, shadowy people watching them from the grand staircase, items translocating, books leaping from shelves, and even doors opening and closing by themselves. There have also been reports of a bell tolling on the property, which is odd considering the Ashen Hill Manor house has no bell tower. Within the nursery, which is famous for its poltergeist activity, witnesses have seen toys long abandoned spark into life, with one report of the mobile left hanging over the cot starting to turn and play music all on its own, and another of the rocking horse starting to rock with nobody touching it.
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Other reports include wet footprints, phantom music and the laughter (or sometimes crying) of children. There are even reports of an inhuman entity with glowing red eyes prowling the grounds at night. Furthermore, the disappearances at the property seem to continue. The most recent disappearance was of the Scrivens family, to whom the house still technically belonged as of 2009. The mother, father and two children all vanished in 1989. Police found the keys to the property still in the doors, which were locked from the inside.
The Pharos Institute investigated the house in 2009, and records of their findings can be found in the documents of Celeste Rivers and Toby Silverman.
Caliburn House
The gigantic old haunted house on the moors that the dossers are too scared to doss in, that birds are too scared to fly over... Caliburn House is a fifteenth century mansion that looms over the British countryside, built some time before 1474 on land said to have been haunted long beforehand.
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The Wraith of the Lady appears in Saxon poetry and local folk tales. She is also known as “The Maiden in the Dark” and “The Witch of the Well.”
She was witnessed in the 17th century by a clergyman, who wrote that “her presence was accompanied by a dreadful knocking as if the Devil himself demanded entry.”
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In 1965, it was found that during the second world war, American airman stationed at Caliburn House had left offerings of tinned Spam bricked up in the walls of the servant's pantry, along with numerous handwritten notes appealing for the ghost to, “for the love of God, please stop screaming.”
The haunting was so serious that in November 1974, SOE agent Alec Palmer and his empath assistant Emma Grayling (whom he would go on to marry) set up operations within Caliburn House to investigate. They took many photographs of the Caliburn Ghast, coming to the conclusion that objective recording equipment could only record the ghost in the presence of a powerful psychic like Grayling.
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To this day, the Caliburn House experiences loud knocking, cold spots, distant screams, unexplained scratching sounds, and echoing laughter.
Gabriel Chase
The Middlesex house so haunted that the MoD was called to investigate, only to find someone had already sent it back to the flames of Hell.
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The property of Gabriel Chase, built as a hunting lodge by Sir Gabriel Pritchard in the 17th century, lays claim to at least four supernatural entities. The mansion was home to the Pritchard family until the late 19th century, when in in the 1880's the famed big game hunter and astronomer George Pritchard, disappeared. Shortly afterwards, his wife Lady Margaret and their daughter Gwendolen also vanished. This mysterious event is believed to be the origin of the Gabriel Chase haunting. Marble statues of Lady Margaret and Gwendolen were recovered and now reside in the Victoria and Albert Museum (viewable by appointment only).
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The house gained a reputation locally for its uneasy atmosphere, having been boarded up since the disappearances. The daunting atmosphere lead to an exorcism in the 1920's. The attending priest is said to have fled the premises in a state of terror, declaring that he bore witness to a blazing figure with wings of lightning and piercing eyes. The priest also claimed that his phial of holy water had turned to the consistency of soup. Beset by the eternal cries of wild animals, he was eventually sent to a psychiatric hospital where he spent the rest of his days.
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The sound of jangling keys is said to herald the manifestation of a gaunt woman in black. Other spectres include a girl in a blue dress who has been witnessed running the length of Gabriel Chase's corridors, a Victorian police man in the pantry; and the “whooping priest,” a clergyman spotted in the rafters whooping like an ape.
By the 1980s, the abandoned house became a den for local youths. In 1983, the house was razed in an arson attack shortly after a racially provoked firebombing in the area. Subsequent attempts to bulldoze the mansion have been thwarted by the presence of toxic substances, and the discovery of many non-native species of beetle and butterfly have lead to the mansion and its grounds being preserved as a site of special scientific interest.
The nearby playing fields are also said to be a paranormal hotspot. For more information, consider reading 'London's Greatest Ghosts' by James Tribe and Steve Goss.
Tillotson House
The Tillotson House gained its haunted reputation in the 1880's, when the Tillotson family lived a repetitive nightmare every time the clock struck eight.
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Each night at eight o'clock, the chiming of the grandfather clock would herald a harrowing series of events. First there would be a pounding upon the front door, which could then be heard to unlock and open and yet, despite the sound, would remain firmly closed. A distant conversation could be heard as a fierce wind billowed into the hallway. The temperature of the house would drop by up to twenty degrees. This would be followed by footsteps on the stairs heading to the second floor. Occasionally, children could be heard playing. By eight fifteen, the haunting would take its darkest turn. The sounds of children playing in the nursery upstairs would start before becoming frantic. The room would heat up and the children would begin to scream. The haunting would then end abruptly, only to begin again the following night. Unable to bare the ghastly sounds, the Tillotson family moved out of the house, locking the doors behind them and never returning. It was theorised that there had been a terrible accident, perhaps a fire, that had taken the lives of the home's previous occupants. However, no record of a fire was known to exist. Dr. Emily Morris investigated the house in 1889, nine weeks after her mother passed, and was inspired by what she experienced there to open a children's hospital.
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The haunting continued for years, waxing and waning in its intensity. The house experienced continued temperature fluctuations, doors locking themselves, and disembodied voices and phantom sounds for some time. By the late 1980's, the house was bought by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and their two children Ben and Katy. They had no prior experience of the paranormal until one fateful night when Mr. and Mrs. Bruce left their children with a babysitter at eight o'clock. It would seem the entity haunting the property was seeking to call some friends over to the other side in a repeat of its own death as, somehow, a fire started in the children's room. The door to the room became jammed, as if locked, and the key to the room vanished. Ben and Katy were trapped as the blaze spread, desperately calling for help. It would seem there was a more benevolent spirit present that night, however, as the children recall hearing a voice cry out. Suddenly, the door came free and swung open, allowing them to escape, terrified but unharmed. The key to their room was never found, as if to prevent the door ever being locked again.
The home's current owners have reported no paranormal activity since, however that does not rule out that something may be lying in wait, preparing to bring the haunting to life once again.
Honourable Mentions:
Blickling Hall, Norfolk
It is said that every year, on the anniversary of her execution, Anne Boleyn's ghost appears. The most famous and illustrious account tells of her being seated alongside her father - who also haunts the property - inside a coach drawn by spectral horses. Witnesses tell of the coach racing along the country lanes of North Norfolk with an eerie blue light following behind. Thomas Boleyn is said to walk the Earth with his head under his arm, his mouth spewing flame in place of blood. As penance for his wrongdoings in life, he is cursed to cross a dozen bridges before cockcrow for a thousand years. His route is from Blickling to Wroxham.
Torchwood House
In in rural Aberdeenshire sits the Torchwood House, part of the MacLeish Estate since the 16th century. Perhaps due to its proximity to the local monastery, the stately home has long been haunted by tales of witchcraft, werewolves; and deformed, wailing ghouls. One such tale can be found here, on the tourism website. Visitors are often struck by the unusual air of the library - curiously, Sir George had the walls and doors varnished with viscum album - oil of mistletoe. For what purpose is anybody's guess. Perhaps he was trying to keep something out?
Pendle Hill
Pendle Hill in Lancashire is haunted by the ghosts of witches, the last witches to be tried for witchcraft and subsequently executed in the UK. Witch-hysteria was at its height in Lancashire, where witches continued to be persecuted long after the rest of the UK came to their senses. The witches executed here are said to be buried beneath the hill, glowering down at the town of Newchurch below, where some say their spirits still wander the streets. The witches who remained buried, that is. One tale speaks of a Mother Twiston who, after being tried by ducking stool and appearing to die, was said to climb from her grave and seek revenge on those who wronged her. King James the first was said to witness this, along with a mass possession of the townspeople by the Devil. He was protected by a travelling witchfinder general (Graham O'Brien) and his assistant, who it is said warded off the Devil with her magic wand. Her actions inspired the black witches of Pendle Hill to become healers instead.
Devil's End
The village of Devil's End in Wiltshire earned its name when in the 70's it is said the Devil himself came to visit, isolating the village in hellfire. The ghosts of witches burned by the 17th century witchfinder Matthew Hopkins are said to haunt the streets and, of course, the nearby Devil's Hump. The village has a dedicated museum of witchcraft detailing the paranormal history of Devil's End.
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hopefulbeardcowboy · 1 year
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Find the best Service For Florist in Marchwood by A.B.C Flowers and Balloons. Visit: https://goo.gl/maps/JumGVGvxUyd4K7bE7
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curlygirl79 · 2 years
Hidden - Shalini Boland
Today's review is for YA vampire tale Hidden by @ShaliniBoland #TheVampiresOfMarchwood @secondskybooks #FictionCafeBookClub #BookBlogger #YAFantasy #BlogTour #BookReview #SecondSkyBooks #ShaliniBoland
When I read that Bookouture were starting a publishing imprint for SFF books, I couldn’t have been happier – until that it is I saw the link to sign up to be a part of the blogger team for that imprint, Second Sky Books. Today marks the first of what I hope will be many blog tours to come for me with Second Sky, as I join the tour for Hidden, book one in the Vampires of Marchwood series by…
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coolronyposts · 2 years
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If you are looking for the Best Fuse Board Replacement in Marchwood, then contact Green Light Electrics.
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einchop · 7 years
“You belong to me.”
Mad King Ryan and Prince Aleks AU
( @electricmindart ships this rarepair as hard as I do and has officially dubbed this ship Marchwood)
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fmwwi-blog · 4 years
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A good listener must be a good implementer. . #marchwood #rural #village #resturants #resturant #architecture #architecturephotography #landscapephotography #naturelovers #trees #flowers #blooming #architecture_hunter #architecture_view #architecture_best #architecture_magazine #architecture_minimal #architecture_masters #architecture_greatshots #architecture_addicted #architecture_desires #architecture_se7en #architecture_competitions #architecture_is_priceless #architecture_ #architecture_need #architecture_minimal_day #architecture_porn #beautiful_world #beautiful_mandalas (at Marchwood) https://www.instagram.com/p/CByJhOfgLwG/?igshid=1ss2ujt7ztpo9
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humphreyhippo · 5 years
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20200204 - Remember
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spockvarietyhour · 3 years
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No one really knows just when Ashen Hill Manor was first built, but through history there has always been a house here. And so they say, just as long as there's been stone and oak, there has always been evil. They say it was the reputation of the house that attracted the magician Erasmus Darkening. He entered the service of the young lord of the manor, the widower, Lord Marchwood. Darkening promised that in return for his protection, he would replenish the family's fortunes with the secret of making gold from base metal. But after two years working in a secret chamber far beneath the house, Darkening's alchemy had failed to bear one ounce of gold. And the people on Marchwood's land were uneasy. There were stories of how Darkening came among them at night, of how he took away people that never returned and that he was not human. No matter how long, no matter how hard their father searched for them, they were never ever seen again.
The Sarah Jane Adventures “The Eternity Trap” requested by Anonymous
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