#marcheron fic
willysnylander · 3 months
lisa, you are a real one for sending me like ten of these, thank you so much <3 <3. have a little snippy-snip from the marcheron kid fic!
Brad takes a minute to process this. Doing the cleaning probably means her dad is one of the Garden’s janitors. He wonders why this guy would bring his daughter to work with him. He also remembers, just then, that today is a Wednesday, and wonders why this kid who looks old enough to at least be in kindergarten is in an arena instead of at school.
send a 🌹 to get a random snippet from a wip!!
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cheddaryouthanme · 1 year
Hockey RPF writers being known across fandoms as literary masters
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When I first started reading MattDrai fics on AO3 I remember thinking “wait what the HELL is going on why is this the most consistently well-written fanfiction I’ve read in any fandom? Is this a thing? Do people know??” And apparently it is and they do.
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blindbatalex · 3 months
bruins hrpf recs from the server #5
Hello again! The theme for this week was ✨ a fic that broke your heart ✨ Below are our recs:
rec lists so far: || week 4 || week 3 || week 2 || week 1 ||
A (Little) Slice of Heaven by Anonymous || willypasta || 11,541 words || reccer's notes: this fic rewired my brain. I read it months and months and months ago and I have yet to recover. 11/10 I come back to it way more than I probably should
(and i’ve got a plane to catch) you drove me all the way back by @fvcking-damage || mcgryz || 2,862 words || reccer's notes: this is some self-indulgent mcgryz angst i wrote a couple of years ago, idk what i was writing out with this one but. yeah
and turns to dust by adjacently || Jordan Eberle/Taylor Hall || 2,130 words || reccer's notes: i can eat taylor hall angst for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
between your love and mine by @blindbatalex || willypasta || 6,360 words || reccer's notes: This is a story about trying to reconcile two sides of your identity that are at irreconcilable conflict with one another, and what having your wings clipped like that at a young age does to a person.  I certainly broke my own heart while writing it.
dancing by @rasksmoustache || marcheron || 1,111 words || reccer's notes: This fic is so vivid and visceral and sad, it permanently altered my brain chemistry.  Unrequited (but is it really?) marcheron which gets the feeling of loving someone and being just a little too late so so well
Done & Undone by @ghostgeno || marcheron || 14,428 words || reccer's notes: 2023 Game 7, the aftermath. Fair warning: I don’t reread this very often because of how effectively it puts you in Brad’s headspace immediately after the game, in brutal, excruciating detail. And yet. And yet. If you feel like being taken apart and then put back together, if you want to feel all the loss and tenderness and love that remains despite the loss, read this fic.
good at secrets by @fridgefishwrites || prefix boys; mcgryz || 4,017 words || reccer's notes: this fic meant (and means) so much to me because it just gets what trying to live your life and build something beautiful while faced with unrelenting homophobia is like.  I love the non-linear narrative and the prefix boys but it was always Matt who stole the show for me in this story
like a stranger by blindbatalex || marcheron || 13,142 words || reccer's notes: not a fic alex hasn't read before (sorry bud) but i'm Obsessed with fics where the characters talk past each other and the angst compounds and this fic is a perfect example of that, amongst other things!!!
make no apologies by @sphesphe || marcheron || 3,757 words || reccer's notes: Brad gets himself suspended before the Winter Classic and Patrice takes it harder than he thinks he should.  He plays it off as fine, things happen, just be better Marchy but it isn't true. He's angry. After the game, Brad stops by, they have a talk and lo and behold, feelings emerge! (And much more!)
Sixth Borough by bookhousegirl || Jimmy Hayes/Frank Vatrano || 3,067 words || reccer's notes: The third in a trilogy of fics featuring this pairing. This is a very quiet little vignette featuring two former Bruins who were not stars and did not end up experiencing great success in their time here. It exists entirely in the gray of adult complications and disappointments, and refuses any easy catharsis, and is beautiful for those reasons. For those of us who cared about the Bruins in the (relatively) dismal era between 2015-17 it may come across as a tiny time capsule; for everyone else, I hope the delicate way it honors the hopes and dreams of those who don’t become hometown heroes, who don’t get the happily everafter ending, stays with you.
Westward Expansion by bookhousegirl || Jimmy Hayes/Frank Vatrano || 3,625 words || reccer's notes: Jimmy stares out vacantly at the coaster climbing the track. “Just because we’re from the same place doesn’t mean we’re from the same place.” When Frank takes Jimmy to Six Flags, he expects it to be a fun day, showing Jimmy all the rides he used to love growing up. Jimmy is distracted though, melancholy because Frank has so much promise and Jimmy took so long to get to where he is.
Wolverine Feed by @sphesphe || swaymark || 10,659 words || reccer's notes: fic that makes me ill each and every time i think about it
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patrice-bergerons · 4 months
I was thinking and what if I wrote a fic in which Bergy always knew Brad was gay and always told him that was perfectly ok but that he should keep it a secret (even from the team) if he wanted to have a good, long NHL career, and Brad wanted that so he did.
Fast forward a few years, and now it is present day, and after being so careful for so long, Brando catches Brad making out with a guy one day. Panicked, Brad calls Bergy for advice - Bergy predictably tells him to tell Brando it was a one time thing, it didn't mean anything, he is straight etc. Brad says OK but when he goes to talk to Brando, on a whim, he does the opposite: he owns it, he comes out. To his utter surprise, far from rejecting him, Brando is lovely about it, and he says, the rest of the team would be too, if and when Brad told them.
So Brad does, slowly at first and then with a giddy rush after because just like Brando said - after so many years spent in the shadows, thinking he would be shunned if people knew, he is met with nothing but a fierce acceptance and love.
He goes to talk to Bergy. He tells Bergy that he was wrong. For the first time in their relationship, it feels rather like an accusation. Since it's time to let loose, he also asks Bergy for confirmation of something he suspected: that Bergy knew, could tell, that Brad had a monster crush on him for years. Bergy doesn't need to say yes in words - Brad can read the answer on his face. "Well," Brad replies, cold, hurt, "I got over that so you don't need to worry."
Except there is just the one thing Brad doesn't know, which is that Bergy himself is queer too. It's just that when he was younger, he was told much the same, to hide, that there was no place in hockey for who he really is; he had a monster crush on Brad just the same, and thought (perhaps correctly) that if Brad knew he was queer, there was zero way they would be able to keep their hands off one another and it would destroy them both.
So he said nothing - and now he is left in this place where Brad is loved and accepted and cherished within an inch of his life by his team for exactly who he is, by a team who was once Bergy's and has since moved on without him, that he was the thing that kept Brad from this for years, and that now that he realises this is something they could get to have, it's too late -- Brad has made it very clear that he has moved on. 😊
(But has he actually?)
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gaybroons · 5 months
Are you taking prompts? If so can I ask for 21. this is a very long hug now sort of hug - for marcheron? 🥺❤️👀
I am!!!! :D
Perfect Fit
Marcheron, takes place after Marchy’s first goal with the bruins
The first thought that crosses Patrice’s mind is that must’ve Brad needed this. The way his shoulders drop, the way he starts breathing easier, happy to be embraced, he wonders if he gets hugged that often.
The second one interrupts his train of thoughts, intrusive and loud, about how perfect Brad is between his arms. And he— well, Patrice doesn’t like fixating on people’s sizes, it’s rude and classless, but—
But Brad is the perfect height to tuck his face in Patrice’s throat, the slope of his face a puzzle that clicks and locks on the gentle swoop of Patrice’s neck, right between his shoulder and jaw.
He closes his eyes and just— takes the moment to appreciate Brad’s warmth. The way he is so neatly packed, the dense muscles that he’s been growing and building ever since he made it on the team. He cradles the back of Brad’s head in his palm, as if he’s concerned that he’ll move away, and uses the other one to press against his back. He thinks he can feel a faint heartbeat against it. It’s weirdly endearing.
Patrice can’t believe it took them this long to hug.
“Um… Bergy?” Brad’s voice is low, hesitant, like he doesn’t want to talk and break the moment. Patrice feels his face heat up and he lets go of him, he can’t believe that he was feeling up one of the rookies in the locker room. God he really hopes Brad isn’t weirded out.
But Brad’s smile takes up his whole face, cheeks rosy and eyes bright. He laughs, “If I knew that this is what I’d get for scoring my first goal I would’ve done it faster!”
Oh. Patrice thinks as his heart skips a few beats. Oh no. This man is going to be a problem.
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pastrnaks-sainz · 6 months
marcheron, sailor
Brad stood on the dock amongst the other spouses, searching desperately for his husband. Though none of the people around him knew that. He was perfectly happy to keep it to himself. He would celebrate- worship, his sailor fresh off the USS Massachusetts all by himself. The war was over, and he could do whatever his heart desired behind their closed bedroom door.
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simmyfrobby · 9 months
done and undone (i am ready to be hurt again)
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slut4sway · 2 years
BESTIE!!! I must request bergy/marchy based on the game tonight. Maybe Brad taking care of Bergy after he got hit with the puck. Go wild tbh. I love love LOVE your writing 💕
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and id give up forever to touch you
‘cause i know that you feel me some how
you’re the closest to heaven that i’ll ever be
and i don’t want to go home right now
and all i can taste is this moment
and all i can breathe is your life
straight active
tags : marcheron, patrice bergeron, brad marchand, injured comfort, bruins vs islanders, post game, established relationship
notes : my mental health has been terrible i literally cannot write anything. i’m genuinely sorry if this isn’t good.
bergys down. shit.
brad went from observing the play and trying to work it out in his head, to complete shock as he watched his husband collapse in pain onto the ice.
“i know, looked like a rough shot eh?” marchy’s canadian accent lied in thick. he kneeled in front of patrice sitting in his stall, slightly hunched over as he tried his best to avoid putting pressure on his nose while he readjusted the bandaids on his face.
“mhm. i’ll live, though” pat shrugged it off like it was nothing, virtually the same way as he was back a couple shifts later during the game.
brad scanned over his nose again, refraining from feeling out every inch. instead, he intertwined his hand in pat’s and pushed himself up a bit to lay a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“y’know what i love about you?”
“yeah? what’s that”
“how you’re so gritty even after shit like this happens” marchy wore his distinctive toothy grin, bringing pat’s knuckles to his lips as he laid small, fleeting kisses all over his hand. everyone else in the locker room was tuned out, until the mental silence was replace and interrupted by their wolf whistles.
“bergy, you’re a fuckin unit, bud!” pasta yelled over the noise, followed by chuckles from the rest of the team.
he definitely was.
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thebluejayawe · 2 years
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vv crappy sketch of shifters!marcherby for @cokehead-zeroed as part of the hockey hols  2023 exchange! I forgot to post this on time haha.
Gift fics:
Seeing Is Believing - Patrice Bergeron/Sidney Crosby/Brad Marchand
Sid just wants to get home to his mates for the holiday. Marchy's worried about his omegas. Patrice would appreciate it if they would talk a little more. 
(Some Christmas fluff for the boys.)
drop the game its not enough - Patrice Bergeron/Brad Marchand
“I’m not your typical omega.” Brad says. “In case you haven’t noticed.”Bergy still looks disappointed, sadness coming off him in waves. “I know. That’s just- that’s why I-“Brad walks his hands across the table until he’s nose to nose with Bergy. “If you know, then why would you assume I want an alpha?
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I finished 3 fics out of the 5 I was working on, so I’m counting this long weekend as a win!
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willysnylander · 3 months
another marcheron kid fic snippet, since it’s the one i have the most written for. <3
She pronounces his last name wrong, Marsh-and instead of Marsh-aund, but she’s kind of too cute for Brad to correct her. Instead, he just chuckles, feeling a kind of weird fondness for this kid he’s just met well up in his chest.
send a 🌹 to get a random snippet from a wip!!
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cokehead-zeroed · 1 year
3, 5, 7, 9 for the fic asks? as a treat??
Always a treat! I am so pro-treat!
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from 5 times Tyler and Taylor had wicked bad sex (and 1 time they got it together)? 
Ooooh, I'd probably say the entire final chapter? If that's not cheating? It was great to write them essentially unpacking their emotional vulnerability and I really tried hard to layer it in their words, their actions, and the morning after. It's not just about them having good sex for the first time, it's about them opening up to one another, and I wanted it reflected in how they make eye contact, have sex face to face, and kiss/cuddle a lot more tenderly. And, of course, the intro of my beloved Mr. Snugglebug.
5. Do you listen to music when writing? 
Sometimes! It depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I'm big into lyrics I feel fit with the theme (like the new FOB album for some of my current WIPs, The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel for my Marcheron WIP, and Honey by Lovers Electric for my Winner's Room verse), but a lot of the time I listen to Christmas instrumental piano music or Christmas ambiance? I find it really helps me get in the writing zone for some reason.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? 
A tricky one! Obviously I was super proud of publishing my first ever fic in 2021 after decades of being too scared to post anything fandom-related, so that's a kind of pride. But I'd change a lot about that fic now, to be honest. I love all of our headcanons and I hope to make them fic someday, but I feel really different about headcanons than fic (probably because I feel like it's so much easier and more fun to write headcanons than it is to write fic – no pesky editing). I think maybe overall proudest is either we can't accept (what we do not get to choose) or the tide is high (but i'm holding on) because they're two fics where I think I really kind of found my voice as a writer outside of strictly porn without plot – they're definitely porn with plot/feelings.
9. If you had to assign a theme song to 5 times Tyler and Taylor had wicked bad sex (and 1 time they got it together), which would you assign? 
From a pure hilarity point of view, Haven't Had Enough by Marianas Trench. From something a little bit softer, Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis.
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blindbatalex · 4 months
bruins hrpf recs from the server #2
this week, the theme posed to the server was: ✨ a fic that surprised you (in a good way) ✨
a dream is a wish (your heart makes) by @cokehead-zeroed || marcheron || 1,003 words || reccer's notes: it's so cute it surprised me by making me go head over heels for a concept in just 1k words AND develop what felt like a very strong 'brad' voice in so few words as well, something i did not think was possible
and it was all orange by @blindbatalex || marcheron || 2,736 words || reccer's notes: i. laughing. i was laughing so hard at this, but at the same time it was actually lovely hurt/comfort
commitment ceremony by @sphesphe || marcheron || 1,577 words || reccer's notes: i was surprised/delighted with the way the woke-up-married trope interacted with the marcheron dynamic and then by the dynamic itself. just an absolute adorable fic all around
leave an imprint (on my skin) by @cokehead-zeroed || Marchy/Marner || 2,733 words || reccer's notes: I had never considered this pairing before but this fic made me fall in love, I walked into it skeptic and wary and walked out of it a believer
It's Not a Crush! by PartTimeMurderMuffin || Marchy/Sway || 5,818 words || reccer’s notes:  I honestly didn't expect to see this pairing at first (yes even tho I ship Brad with basically anyone on the team) but yea it's so cute
Signs Point to Yes by @siterlas || Marchy/Bergy/Sid || 6,990 words || reccer's notes:  when i first saw this i thought what is the polar bear doing in arlington texas but i was very pleasantly surprised and i loved the way the three of them just meshed with each other throughout the summer. 10/10 chef’s kiss
so i'll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep (and i'll feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe) by @munch4march || marchy/segs (past) || 3,659 words || reccer's notes: i ended up in this story by accident and via not reading any of its tags but i was so glad that i did, because what a beautiful take on failed relationships and love that lingers and all the ways it is and isn't enough
Red Dust by Aaron_The_8th_Demon || marcheron || 69,350 words || reccer's notes:  they did an amazing job of covering medical issues in this I was extraordinarily impressed by it and then even more impressed when they told me they weren't in the medical field they just did a shit ton of research for it (even came up with a reason for space pneumonia based on real pneumonia????!!!) and while the surprise of the fic was something they built up to beautifully I still didn't fully expect it because i was like there's no way they're actually gonna do that and then *they did it anyways*!
turn them inside out by insunshine || Gregory Campbell/Daniel Paille || 5,418 words || reccer's notes: I just wanted to peek into the soupy tag to see what was available for him, expecting pretty much nothing and I got a story that made me feel a type of emotional tenderness like my feelings had been put through a wash/dry cycle
What I Want and What You Give by waffles_007 || marcheron || 27,964 words || reccer's notes: the premise itself was so surprising and there's so many lil surprises for the characters throughout. it's QUITE a fire fic
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patrice-bergerons · 6 months
I'm trying to be good and push on my current wip but there are also 50000 marcheron retirement fics I could write??
Like I want Bergy to accidentally move in with Brad. He decides to get his kitchen renovated, they are both in between relationships, and where else will he stay? Besides, he realises that he really likes being a house husband and sort of just...looking after Brad? And this exists side by side with:
the fact that, they maybe had feelings for each other for a while but never acted on them because it felt like it might jeopardise the team but is that the only reason/still the case now bergy is no longer playing?
They find it difficult to talk about all the messy feelings that come with bergys retirement without it feeling like an accusation of the other person and their are a lot of messy feelings.
So on one hand they are closer than ever while on the other the equilibrium they found themselves in is both new and unstable and they have to figure things out before everything collapses.
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gaybroons · 5 months
12 + marcheron :]]
12. ‘you could say I’m fond of you.’
Anon I hope you know I was spiraling into insanity while thinking about this 🤠
Candle light
Royal AU, feat. unruly, problematic prince marchy and his exasperated knight bergy. Double pining.
“It’s really not that bad,” Brad laughs, trying to lighten his knight’s piss poor mood with no success. In fact, it pisses him off more, evidently, something akin to thunder crossing over Patrice’s perfect face as he inspects Brad’s own.
“Your highness,” he hisses, and Brad sighs. He knows what’s coming next, the same old lecture, Brad can recite it like he could recite the prayers at church.
“Patrice,” he begs, holding his forearms, tries putting on his best puppy dog face, the one that always makes him soften. “Why do you even care so much? You know you won’t get in trouble for what I do. I’ll make sure of it.”
Patrice frowns, the candlelight dances across his face and Brad can’t figure out the micro expressions hidden between the shadows. Right here, the knight’s eyes look like molten amber, like they’re luminescent almost, boring into him the way stained glass saints’ eyes do. Ominous, but ultimately kind, caring. Otherworldly, still.
Brad doesn’t know how he’s supposed to be Saint-born, and Patrice a commoner. It almost seems like a silly trick of fate, a joke, that it’s him that’s a prince, of all people. He thinks Patrice is more worthy of the crown, the status, the blood privilege. He thinks it’s Patrice who’s worthy of worship, not him.
“That’s not it.”
“What is it, then?” It’s suddenly quiet in the castle, as if every person and creature has decided to stand still, unmoving, unbreathing. Or maybe it’s just Brad.
“Well,” Patrice tilts his head a little, the pad of his thumb brushing against Brad’s cheekbone, the bruise on his face. “Maybe I’m just fond of you.”
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pastrnaks-sainz · 1 year
also i feel like at some point marchy would realize that he has a lot of repressed feelings from the playoff series, like he just wouldn’t think certain things would bother him until one day Everything Bothers Him and he doesn’t know why
bergy in the back of his mind having a feeling that something like this would happen, especially knowing that brad feels like he’s not the right kind of leader when patrice is out for whatever reason. like he feels like patrice is perfect and he’ll never compare no matter what he does
bergy hates that he’s right about knowing that marchy would feel that way, about the fact that all of that self doubt has just been in marchy’s head for however long
but he also knows how to make marchy feel better, and knows what to do and say to remind marchy that he’s more than enough exactly how he is
- wordy anon
marcheron 😭😭😭😭😭
no bc i need a fic with them just cuddling and disconnecting SO BAD
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