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ashton-ryder · 4 months ago
A soreness trembled as he was tapped on the shoulder, "mm, okay," there was a hint of doubt with the agreement to the instructions, not of Tad but of himself and whether he was capable of chillaxing. These few days had been easier but he wasn't sure if it'll be to the level Tad hoped to get him to. Ash pushed his plate away from him for a second, just instinctively giving them space, not entirely sure what the other man was about to do.
He tilted his back just a little to him at the question, "the left." Ash pulled back his sweater collar to reveal the shoulder brace there, hiding the reds and blacks and blues ugliness underneath as it did its best to heal, "please be careful.." Ash joked with a sigh, mentally bracing himself, the fact that he stood behind him had Ash needing to suppress the fight or flight urge that his body was too used to reacting, still remembering that day he almost hurt Ember for sneaking up behind him recently. But at least he's currently cognizant of the presence behind him, nails digging into his palms to remind him he was safe, this was not the same. Unless Sada put him up to it, then that's probably a cause for concern, but he'll take the small risk knowing it's Tad and she probably had better ways to screw with him. "Do what you gotta do," Ash gave him a signal to go ahead.
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It was pretty dope how eastern and western science not only coexisted but interconnected. Dark matter, mana, biomagnetism, ki--it didn't matter what it was called, just the fact that each of these vastly different cultures acknowledge it in their own way. While the Western world wasn't quite as ready to utilize this energy for healing, it was an underlying principal in many Eastern cultures. The Philippines actually had a Reiki council dedicated to further spread of the practice. Tad tapped Ashton on the shoulder as he stood up and moved behind him.
"Just chillax. I'm gonna stand behind you and take some breaths to center myself. Then I'll gently touch your shoulders and back to direct the energy--" Tad paused and thought. "Which shoulder is it that you jacked up?" He definitely wanted to put some good juju on that.
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yanderederee · 2 years ago
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March29th, 2004
Before… › here! › next! › …
Baji jerked awake suddenly, the sound of his home phone ringing unusually loud. He’d been waiting for the sound all weekend….
… what for again?
He lay there spaced out, gathering his barings after the third ring.
“Ah shit, the vet!” He grumbled, and ran to the phone, hoping it didn't go to voicemail before he made it.
“Baji Keisuke, hello?” He quickly uttered into the phone after pressing the answer button. Still gravely from sleep, he felt a little embarrassed for how he’d sounded.
Waiting, he realized it took a lot longer for them to respond than he thought it would.
“Hello?” He spoke more clearly.
“O-oh.. Uh, Hey, Baji…!” Spoke a meek voice, nothing like the middle aged women he’d left the stray cat with a few weeks ago. It took him a second, not recognizing the voice over the phone.
“I-It’s y/n… Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” You replied to the silence with more composure.
“Oh… Uh, no problem. What’s up?” He yawned, scratching his scalp with vigor. He’d been having his hair slicked back more than usual these days, now that your study sessions were becoming more frequent, what with midterms next month.
“Right, so, I was kind of bored, and went shopping,” You began to explain, a little rustle could be heard in the background, making him guess you were fiddling with a plastic bag. “And I found these Adorable little cat sweaters! And, there were these limited edition flavored treats, so I picked some of those too!”
Baji found himself smiling warmly at your excited voice, the rush of adrenaline from waking up too quickly began to easing. Peace immited the empty apartment as you spoke in his ear.
“So… Have you heard anything back yet? A-about Songo’s recovery?” You asked, seeming to shrink your voice after realizing that you’d been talking for two and a half minutes straight. Earning a little chuckle, Baji replied honestly.
“I’ve been expecting a call for a few days now, nothing yet though. I was thinking about checking up at the clinic after breakfast.” He noticed the little plate of rice and salmon his mom had fixed before work.
You seemed to perk at the mention of visiting the little feline. “Oh, can I come?! I’d really like to see her!” You beamed. why was his face suddenly so hot? “Uh… Sure, I guess.” Baji looked at the time. Barely 7. You really Did call early. He heard you giggling over the phone and his heart squeezed again.
“I can drive by in half an hour to pick you up?” He asked, starting to take off the wrap from his breakfast.
“Drive?” You asked, obviously confused.
Shit, he thought.
Still, you hadn’t seen him for what he was; a delinquent. He had yet to reveal anything about himself, behind his thick rimmed glasses and slicked back hair.
Of course you didn't know he drove a motorcycle. Sure, he associated with some questionable classmates, but you never looked further into it.
He struggled to think of an excuse, it's not like he wanted to lie, but maybe admitting he drove a motorcycle was too soon.
Wait, why was he so focused on keeping any of this a secret from you? Sure, it was a more approachable appearance, but he wasn’t meant to be. Why worry so much over how You saw him?
He thought to himself, prolonging the silence plaguing the phone call. ‘I don’t want her to think poorly of me,’ to get scared of him like any other girl who spotted him crossing the street.
“Baji? A-are you there?” You asked, worried.
“Oh, sorry, I misspoke– Or uh, no I… I mean, I can meet you at that one intersection in half an hour, that okay?” He asked, cursing himself with a furious blush taking over him. How and why the hell did he mumble so much?!
Before giving a verbal reply, he was graced with your chiming giggle once more. “Yeah, I’ll meet ya there! Oh, I’m just going to dress casually, it’s a weekend after all.” You mentioned, almost as though to insinuate he should do the same. Was he reading that right? He wasn’t sure, Chifuyu was the one who got these kinds of things, hell, even Ryusei.
“Right. See you later.” He gruffed, hanging up the phone immediately, screaming at how fucking awkward he felt.
True to your word, you stood by the intersection that split your home direction from Baji Keisuke’s.
You were indeed dressed casually. Not in the usual cute school uniform he was used to seeing you in. Appropriate for the weather, you sported a trendy sundress and sandals. He loved the way your hair also matched, done just a little different than usual.
You were so cute.
He couldn’t tell until he got closer, but you also had something tightly gripped in your hands.
“Looks’ like you made lunch for an entire sports team, for christsake.” Baji found himself leisurely jabbing. Gripping the furashiki tighter, you readjusted the bento boxes in hand.
Deciding he wasn’t ready to give up the image you have of him in your head, he made sure the fake thick rimmed glasses were clear of all smudging, and hair pulled back without its part this time.
His closet was a little on the alternative, he noticed today. He knew he had a style in the works, but not a lot else.
So, a pair of summer shorts and a fitted black t-shirt and some tennis shoes later, there he stood.
Once you’d noticed his arrival, you go ahead and blind the poor guy with a sunshine like smile, a happy chuckle, to credit his jab, no doubt.
What the hell?
What was that light?
Why is he spacing out?
You wore your hair differently?
The neckline of your dress was lower than your school uniform, earning a innocent view of your collar bones.
Your collar bones.
“Baji?” Pupils wide and still recovering from the shock, Baji found himself thrown back into reality. Now face to face with your resting curious face.
“Sorry, sun caught… In… the glasses.” He replied.
Baji Keisuke screamed in his head so loud he was sure his head would explode with how loud it was. That's why his face was getting red, right?
It was so painfully obvious that he was simply starstruck by your more relaxed form. Unlike Baji, you were one to read situations, and move on ..with a bit more confidence.
“Well, I was doing some research on what kinds of food are good for cats, and what helps them with recovery…” you lugged the awkward shape in your non-dominant hand. You had at least four bento boxes worth of food, all neatly wrapped with no wrinkles or edges.
“I was bored so I kinda made some. It's all good for both humans and cats alike!” You gave a thumbs up, clearly proud.
Baji seemed unimpressed. “Why’d you bring all of it though?” He asked. “It’d be less trouble to have brought her just one box? There’s no way she can eat that much.”
Scrunching your eyebrows, you gave half an eye roll. “Well, I thought some of Sango’s new kitty friends might appreciate a home cooked meal as well, don’t you think?”
Baji laughed, your reasoning seemed sound but it was obviously not the whole truth. “And what if they don’t accept outside food? Vets have to be careful what they feed their patients.” He teased gently. You made it so easy for him, too.
“Well, I guess I have no choice but to eat it; won’t I? A picnic wouldn’t sound too bad.”
“So what, you wanna join me?~” you offered.
“For a picnic?” He asked. You nodded, earning a more thoughtful expression to ghost over Baji’s features.
Baji’s never had your cooking before. Realizing this may be the opportunity to do just that, he shrugged. “No harm in it, I guess.”
Keisuke gracefully slid the furashiki’s handle from your hand into his own—-another trick he learned living with an overworked single mother. You almost looked like you were going to protest, but you were quickly stopped by the grin on your classmate’s face.
Composing yourself within a matter of milliseconds, you asked, “Baji, have you thought about getting contacts? I’m sure it’d make you look more mature.”
“And speaking of,” You continued, glancing at the wavy black hair pulled tightly into a low half bun half ponytail. “Your hair’s so healthy looking, wearing it up all the time is bound to give you split ends.”
Now, Baji has never been a fan of being lectured, but it was kind of hilarious how ironic it was. He purposely disguised himself from the very things you encouraged.
He just couldn’t help himself when he laughed, stifling it as best he could. “Hey! What’cha laughing at?” You pouted again, bumping his arm with your elbow.
The vet was close by. Baji knew it well, since he’s been a regular in their rotation of stray felines. The current vet said so himself, that Baji could make a good vet one day. He kind of liked the idea, but how lame.
Baji knew he was going to do something awesome, like professional motorbiking or something.
Once he walked in, he held the door open expectantly for you, another gesture he didn’t remember doing before, even for his mom. “Morning Kei!” Smiled the middle aged receptionist, coming to a stand. “Good morning.” The two middle schoolers greeted her in unison.
“Well aren't you cute! You finally got a girlfriend, oh I knew you would, such a kind boy like you–” Baji interrupted her with a rudely loud grunt. “She’s the classmate of mine who found the long hair calico,” He announced, as though he’d told the women about you before.
Sensing his embarrassment, she let out a gentle ‘ope’ and retreated.
(You almost thought you heard ‘nosy hag’ being whispered under a breath, but surely not Baji.)
“Well, amazing news Kei! It looks like Sango here has made a complete recovery!” Announced another familiar worker, sporting a lab coat and gloves.
“Sango!” You chirped once seeing her cleaned and conditioned fur. “She’s so beautiful!”
The vet, you assumed, paused at your words, struck. “Oh you must be Keisuke’s girlfr–” “Classmate.” Baji corrected naturally, the air awkward, but laughably so. “Right, well, I’m happy to say not Only has she made a wonderful recovery, but Sango is also taking to the faux legs like a fish in water!”
“She’s already tried them out?” Baji stepped closer; the close proximity of his presence behind you suddenly making you feel small and– a flush took over your face and a shiver was sent through you. Weird.
“She sure has, wanna see?” The vet asked, not giving either of them a chance to reply before displaying the faux legs, which seemed more wheel-like, but smart design made so there was a functional joint to switch between laying down and standing.
Inspecting the advancement of modern tools, the two of you marveled as the vet sat Sango’s nubbed lower half into the seat, strapping her in snuggly.
Like a dog excited to see its owner, Sango swirled in circles toward Baji, pressing her cheek against his waiting hand with a loud purr.
You both watched as Sango ran back and forth between you two, the vet, and random toys. “She’ll need some time to get used to the balance difference, and has one last round of antibiotics. After that, she’s off to the races.”
The relief almost made you cry. You cradled the affectionate little cat to your cheek, obviously over the moon.
“By the way, has she eaten yet?” You ask, gently reached for Baji’s wrist, attempting to will it closer for access to the folded bentos. Baji internally screams again, your soft skin against his feeling starkly different.
He was having a stroke, right? He felt like he was going to puke, what the hell—
“I made a bunch of nutrient rich cat meals and treats!” You admitted, pulling out one of the– Wait, Baji had miscounted the last time he looked, there were definitely— Eight boxes. “I thought we could share with Sango’s friends!” You asked, expectantly.
Unluckily, not many animals actually were kept in clinics.
“Guess I did go overboard.” You laughed, seemingly unfazed. Yet, how come Baji took notice in a little look of disappointment. The expression went completely unnoticed, otherwise.
It was only then he started to notice how closely he hovered over you. It must be uncomfortable for you. He cursed himself before adding some space for your sake. “Say, if you’re looking for a bunch of cat friends to have lunch with, I know a place.” Baji attempted to tease.
Obviously thrilled by the invitation, you were curious where he meant.
“Sango should be ready for domestic life by tuesday!” the vet said happily, with a farewell gesture. “And Kei!” Sang the receptionist, giving the boy a thumbs up. “Let your hair down, stop bein’ such a stiff!”
Baji was baffled by the insult, he seriously Almost barked at her.
Upon leaving the clinic, you happily twirled around to face him,
“So, where’s that place with all your cat friends?~”
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manasastuff-blog · 11 months ago
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"GOOD FRIDAY " #goodfriday#march29th#christianity#treanding#viral
Good Friday on March 29th,2024?we delve into the history and importance of this religious holiday observed by Christians around the world. Discover the origins of Good Friday, its traditions, and how it is celebrated in different cultures. Learn about the biblical significance of this day, reflecting on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and its spiritual meaning for believers. Join us as we explore the deeper meaning of Good Friday and its relevance in today's society.
Call : 77997 99221
Website : www.manasadefenceacademy.com #goodfriday#march29th#christianity#religiousholiday#crucifixion#jesuschrist#biblicalsignificance#easterweekend#traditions#culturalcelebration#spiritualmeaning#churchtradition#historicalimportance#observance#reflection#faith#religiousevent#christianfaith#religiousfestival#solemnoccasionShow less
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machinegunkellymexico · 11 months ago
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▫️Pre-order Genre: Sadboy Digital Album. $8.00 USD.
⚠️ La compra del Album en formato digital de Genre: Sadboy solo esta disponible para Estados Unidos.
Digital download will be delivered via email on March29th 2024, Digital downloads are only available to U.S. customers. | La descarga digital se enviará través de correo electrónico el 29 de marzo, las descargas digitales solo están disponibles para clientes de Estados Unidos.
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ashton-ryder · 2 months ago
"mm, not really," there's not many people Ashton despised enough to wish death upon them, just one. He didn't like to admit it but he probably pull this bastard back in if he did find himself out there. Wasn't sure if he could live with himself otherwise. But instead, Ash feigned a shit-eating response, "too much trouble." Couldn't let this man's ego get to his head, he might just overdose on it. And he didn't think that there's a cure for that yet.
Because he could tell how smug Judah was and the simple amusement of Ash taking medication as if he caught him in a moment of vulnerability. Ashton didn't budge a single inch as the other tried to come up into his face, standing strong without a flinch staring down the other blowing smoke to him, feeling the smoke waft down onto him. He really hated the smoke and nicotine, doesn't even really like when Jer smokes. But he doesn't let the disgust or annoyance show, deep blues challenging the other's blues instead - try me. He didn't like letting his marines side show but he will if this man pushes his buttons too far, and Ashton is a very patient man. "Well sounds like you're here to take our shit," he interjected as Judah mentioned shelter safety security. They worked fucking hard to keep those things running for months here. "Those fireworks weren't even close to where we are right now, so how did you know where our door was?" Ashton calmly asked back, with a small rise of a brow, asking- interrogating questions he had that Mr Wexley brushed off. Sure someone could go to the south and work their way up to the Wexley, but they were either fucking lucky, or they knew exactly where they were.
He locked his jaw tight not completely satisfied with his answers but still, he decided to at least give an inch, at least a reason to his guard, "someone tried to kill our people that day," Ash could still see the explosion flash in his mind and the sheer fear of losing Eric and Jeremiah, he lowered his voice so the kids wouldn't listen in considering how the other was trying to cause a scene with his volume, "so, sorry if I find your timing suspicious and assume that they'd want to cross the waters and finish the job." The tension broke from the movie sounds and Ashton just wasn't sure if he'd get a straight answer out of this brother, perhaps the other that seemed a bit more level headed.
Daringly plucking the cigarette from the other's hand, he stubbed it out on a nearby surface, "don't smoke in front of the kids." It was a light underlying warning, at least he had the decency to let Judah almost finish it. "This ain't your family, but if you hurt any one of them, I have no problems throwing you back out there."
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❝ oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? ❞ to anyone else, it might seem a harsh accusation, that they'd actually have the capacity to wish something arguably worse than death on such a short acquaintance. but judah saw the way the man glowered at him ― at the both of them, him and jonah ― from the corner of the old man's office. he expects the only things of actual concern to the other man existed within these four walls before the twins' arrival, and anything ― or anyone ― appearing after only serves to act as a threat to that.
( if he didn't bristle so much in the presence of the other man, perhaps he'd stop long enough to realize he can relate ; when survivors would show up to the shop, folks he didn't recognize from his own community, he was the first to argue they should keep moving! to give shelter and supplies to anyone outside of his own when resources were already so sparse felt an undeniable waste! call him selfish, he doesn't mind. he's heard it before. )
the corners of his gaze crinkle at the corners when the man tucks the pills away, a smile that doesn't quite make it down to his lips. because it's not really a smile at all, is it? he seems to have struck at least a singular nerve, though, and it's difficult to keep the amusement from creeping into his expression somewhere. brows lift at the subtle shift in the man's tone and judah takes another lengthy drag of the cigarette, his lungs burning with a familiar ache as the cherry climbs down at least a third of the smoke's remaining length.
when he speaks again, his voice is tight through the tobacco in his lungs. ( his lungs will suck every last molecule of nicotine from each puff, too valuabl to waste. ) ❝ the real reason? ❞ he repeats. ❝ you want the real reason? ❞ he leans forward, invading the blond's space and tilting his neck to blow a cloud of smoke just above the man's head before lowering his gaze to meet the one narrowed at him in accusation. he smirks, lets out a raspy sound caught somewhere between a laugh and a cough. ❝ 'cause y'all got shit that we don't. shelter, safety, security ... you know well as i do that shit ain't easy to come by no more, big guy. i should thank you, really, for leading us straight to your door. you were involved in that big pyrotechnic display, weren't you? had to be. you wouldn't just sit in here and let your people go out there alone. ❞
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judah laughs again, loud enough to cut over the sounds of the film playing nearby but humorless all the same. ❝ what, did you think i was lyin' to the rich, old bastard when i told him we need somewhere to go? ❞ he wasn't, but even he can see how it looks. ❝ i don't know how dumb you think i am, blondie, but when you're stuck begging for scraps, you learn better than to bite the hand that feeds. that's just survival. ❞
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329general · 1 year ago
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rottenbstrd · 4 years ago
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the goal is to capture all of this in one big memorable movie🥳
this is gonna be fun.
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thisishowyoubreathe · 7 years ago
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#hotelhenry #yellow #blue #gin #bar #28 #birthday #march29th #suit #shoulders https://www.instagram.com/p/BisozwTg285/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o9c160lkxoas
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newyorkloveny · 7 years ago
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📷 Is it bad that i love #snow? ❄️🚖 I❤️NY🗽🇺🇸 (Photo taken during the last #WinterStorm.) 💫🤙🏻 // #Thursday #March29th #Spring2018 // #Manhattan #NYC #NewYork #NY #NewYorkCity #NewYorkLoveNY #ABC7NY #NBC4NY #CBSNewYork #streetphotography #streets_vision #urban_shots #total_newyork #instagramnyc #incrediblenewyork #unlimitednewyork #fatalframes #seeyourcity #what_i_saw_in_nyc #globalcapture #wow_newyork #newyork_ig (at New York, New York)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @j9streams!! Wishing her the best of luck on her special day today!! We all love her and her @facebook/@facebookgaming streams so much!! 🎉🎁🎈🎊🎂 #j9 #j9streams #janinerhodes #facebook #facebookgaming #march #march2021 #march29 #march29th #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNBwN9wJdop/?igshid=igfxrnuk7jrx
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yaelbolender · 4 years ago
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Look at what I found by sorting my office desk! I’ve been searching for it during years... Which means that I must sort my desk more often. This is the show where I never went. Only one ticket given to my ex-husband at the last minute, none for me, a baby at home, no baby-sitter and anyway, I was a Mummy before being a fan. My ex-husband was very enthusiastic when he came back home and I could only cry... I’ve been regretting to have missed this during years, it was probably the only possibility I got to see Talk Talk live and I missed it. But I have no regret to have done my duty by taking care of my kid as any mother would do. Maybe this missed concert pushed me to make all these YouTube videos about Talk Talk later? I always had a very strange relationship with music, it even started when I was a baby. It will be the topic of my next video, by hoping that it gets less hot here, I feel exhausted because of the heat, but a next video will come soon, hopefully. #talktalk #march29th #1986 #olympia #paris #france #concert #thecolourofspring #tour #concertticket #hotpinkpurple https://www.instagram.com/p/CFqKX4xBkjr/?igshid=dnl2fwgu3ocz
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Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/gal.5.13.NLT #BookOfGalatians #Galatians5vs13 #Galatians5 #BibleScriptures #BibleQuotes #FaithForTheJourney @stormy_faye StormyFaye.com Use this link when you shop: https://stormy-faye-llc.myshopify.com/collections/all https:// stormyfayethechristianrunaway.tumblr.com/ #StormyFayeTheChristianRunaway #March29th #March29th2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-WDwzZpR0E/?igshid=13dpujjkeruhm
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femifaronbi · 5 years ago
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Celebrating @victoriworship Victoriworship Wells Dimuna today on his birthday 🎂🍾🕺 My online Vocal🎤🎤 Student May this new year open you up to new levels, heights, favour, breakthroughs, exploits and accomplishments in Jesus Precious Name. Amen. We celebrate you. .. . . . . #March29th #VICTORIWORSHIP #birthdaycelebration #online #vocalstudents #musicschool #vocalhelp #voicelesson #singing #vocalization #vocalists #musician #music #globalsingers #voicecoach #singingexercisesandprinciplesforsingers #femifaronbi https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VK881lpCS/?igshid=o4amdom5tvm1
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vinylizer · 5 years ago
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Released on this day (29th March) 1982...SCORPIONS - Blackout Vinyl Records.+ Reissue cd #vinylizer, #scorpions, #blackout, #cantlivewithoutyou, #noonelikeyou, #yougivemeallineed, #now, #dynamite, #arizona, #chinawhite, #whenthesmokeisgoingdown, #klausmeine, #hermanrarebell, #rudolfschenker, #francisbuchholz, #matthiasjabs, #rock, #march29th, #1982, #metal, (at Guernsey, Channel Islands) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-UmPx_ngmF/?igshid=1qmrt7s7osso9
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bgrpublications · 5 years ago
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#march29th Talking to your kids about #coronavirus, #stopcovid19⛔️ #stopthespread #drbgrawareness2020 #drbgrpublications https://www.instagram.com/p/B-T9gvOjnpy/?igshid=lxekt97tau7u
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barrygaudy · 5 years ago
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March 29th is #aneveningwithartists Your social Media is change We will have our Blunts rolled and bowls packed to watch who creates what on this magical evening #aneveningofart New Jokes New Music New political stances New remixes We will repost if you hashtag #smokesandjokescomedy #March29th this is less about what's happening outside and more about what's happening inside #tripleentendre (at Times Square, New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Mt7wUAtNb/?igshid=1njamcgzumtpm
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