#marc benecke
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kulturalnylunatyk · 2 years ago
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studio 54 Trwało niewiele ponad trzy lata, od 1977 do 1980 roku, ale Studio 54 wciąż pozostaje punktem odniesienia dla pewnej formy luzu, błyszczącego hedonizmu i joie-de-vivre. Współzałożyciel klubu Ian Shrager posunął się do stwierdzenia, że były to "narodziny celebrytów", jakich znamy dzisiaj. Shrager i jego partner Steve Rubell byli odpowiedzialni za zamknięcie Studia 54 (dzięki uchylaniu się od płacenia podatków), ale stali się nieoficjalnymi królami Nowego Jorku - goszcząc polityków i gwiazdy na swoich wielkich przyjęciach i nadzorując największe skandale swoich czasów. To było miejsce, gdzie bogaci i sławni przychodzili, aby źle się zachowywać. Ale było to również miejsce, gdzie udawali się, aby ogłosić się na scenie. Truman Capote i Tennessee Williams lubili prywatne imprezy, a Andy Warhol, Liza Minelli, Michael Jackson, David Bowie i kompozytor Leonard Bernstein znaleźli się na liście gości, na którą trudniej było się dostać niż do Białego Domu. To było zgromadzenie inteligentnych, fajnych i seksownych gigantów kultury, tańczących do muzyki disco, ubranych jak do tej pory w krzykliwe kanciaste garnitury i biorących udział w psychodelicznym hedonizmie, który zdefiniował tę erę. Nie dziwi więc fakt, że w Studio 54 odbywały się najwspanialsze imprezy sylwestrowe wszech czasów, choć doczekało się tylko dwóch z nich. Na jedną z imprez sylwestrowych legendarny organizator imprez Robert Isabell postanowił rozjaśnić sytuację, wysypując na podłogę klubu cztery tony brokatu. "To było jak stanie na gwiezdnym pyle", powiedział Schrager, "a ludzie wciąż znajdowali go w swoich ubraniach i domach miesiące później". Celem tych imprez było umożliwienie gościom pozostawienia swoich zahamowań za drzwiami - i rzeczywiście, człowiek odpowiedzialny za wejście, Marc Benecke, miał dość nietypowe i surowe kryteria. Trzeba było mieć "wielką osobowość, która wnosiła coś do imprezy". Po wejściu do środka wkraczało się w świat, w którym wszystko było możliwe i gdzie najbardziej ekscentryczne sceny rozgrywały się przy groove'owym zestawie muzycznym DJ Toma Savarese. Przy jednej okazji projektant Valentino wcielił się w rolę szefa cyrku - z prawdziwymi żywymi zwierzętami. W innym przypadku Grace Jones wykonała swoje przeboje, owinięta w świąteczny szal z choinki, usiany małymi kwiatkami. Lionel Ritchie, Diana Ross, Mick i Bianca Jagger oraz Andy Warhol mogli tej nocy wybrać dowolne miejsce na świecie, ale wszyscy zdecydowali się na Studio 54. Kiedy w 1980 roku FBI dokonało nalotu na klub, symbolizowało to koniec ery dekadencji, której od tamtej pory już nie widziano. Ale dla tych, którzy mieli szczęście uczestniczyć w imprezach sylwestrowych, Studio 54 pozostaje najbardziej olśniewającym, bajecznym i rakuskim miejscem, w którym można było być - wspaniałym, niepowtarzalnym momentem na powitanie nowego roku.
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esperwatchesfilms · 4 years ago
Studio 54: The Documentary (2018)
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ESE: 100/100
50 +5 for archive footage +10 for the nonjudgmental nature of Studio 54 +5 for theater people helping to build Studio 54 +5 for Marc Benecke +10 for titties -5 for the stupid reasons people couldn’t get in +5 for the photo of Dolly Parton kissing a horse +10 for Rollerina and Disco Sally -5 for the lack of foresight about the liquor license -10 for taxes at all, honestly +10 for the farewell party -5 for Disco Sucks movement +5 for Norma Kamali’s glasses -10 for the way people treated others who had AIDS +10 for constantly reinventing yourself +10 for unprecedented phenomenons
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Well the kids are all hopped up and ready to go
They're ready to go now they got their surfboards
And they're going to the discotheque Au Go Go
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deepredradio · 3 years ago
Sky Sharks
Story: Nazi-Zombies? Auf fliegenden Haien? Heiteren Himmels taucht eine Armee aus untoten Supersoldaten auf raketengetriebenen Reichsflughaien am Horizont auf, mit dem Ziel, die Weltherrschaft mit Gewalt an sich zu reißen – und zwar diesmal richtig. Die toughen Schwestern Angelique und Diabla müssen mit Schrecken feststellen, dass ihr Vater, der vor 75 Jahren Mitglied in einem Forschungsteam der…
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brooklynmuseum · 5 years ago
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Join us for a preview of Studio 54: Night Magic—the first museum exhibition devoted to one nightclub.  Enter and Sparkle! Virtual tour created by Matthew Yokobosky, Senior Curator of Fashion and Material Culture. 
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SETTING:  NYC in the 1970s was rundown, almost bankrupt, and in need of escapism.  Because rents were low though, many artists and musicians flocked to the city.  It was during this time that three genres of music emerged: punk, hip-hop and especially disco.
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THE CREATORS:  Two Brooklyn-born entrepreneurs Ian Schrager (right)  and Steve Rubell (left) created Studio 54 in 1977, the same year the I Love (insert red heart) New York campaign began and Saturday Night Fever was released--together they helped to re-brand NYC.
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THE PLACE:  The building at 254 West 54th Street first opened in 1928 as the Fortune Gallo Opera House, became a CBS television studio for three decades (What’s My Line), and in 1966 “The Velvet Underground and Nico” album, produced by Andy Warhol, was recorded here at Scepter Studios..  
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DECOR: In 1977, the designer Ron Doud and lighting wizards Jules Fisher and Paul Marantz transformed the theater/soundstage into a discotheque--replacing the stage with a dancefloor but keeping the balcony for viewing, and so that everyone could be seen and become a star for that moment. Voyeuristic architecture.
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LOGO and MUSIC:  LIFE magazine art director #GilbertLesser with Schrager created the iconic tilted 54 logo—one of the most widely recognized logos of the ‘70s.  Later, 54 became the cover of the double-album “A Night at Studio 54”, mixed by DJ Roy Thode.  Along with the album, Thode’s custom headphone, original reel-to-reel recordings,  and “beats-per-minute” bible are also on display.  Each gallery of the exhibition has a soundtrack based on original Studio 54 mixes.
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OPENING NIGHT:  On  April 26, 1977, The Alvin Ailey Dance Company performed to a disco soundtrack, with choreography by Kay Thompson and costumes designed by the legendary illustrator Antonio Lopez for Fioirucci.
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WHO GOT IN:  Studio 54 soon became a must-see destination for celebrities, fashion designers, and New York’s most interesting residents--as doorman Marc Benecke described: “people who could bring energy to the room”.   
One such person was performance artist Richard Gallo, who wore outrageous costumes designed by Phillip Haight and Ronald Kolodzie. 
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BUSBOYS: Kolodzie was also the designer of the “eye-catching” busboy uniforms composed of  satin shorts one size too small, knee-high tube socks and sneakers. Many photographs in the exhibition are by @miestorm1 who himself was a busboy known as “Lenny 54”.
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STARS:  The exhibition features over 650 works, including twenty original paintings by Richard Bernstein of Studio 54 regulars featured on Interview magazine covers.  Studio hosted the 10th Anniversary Party on June 7, 1979.
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DIVERSITY:  Truman Capote on The David Susskind Show, February 1979:   Studio 54-- “Its everything the way it ought to be.  Its very democratic.  It’s all kinds of colors.  All kinds of sizes.  Boys and boys together.  Girls and girls together.  Girls and boys together.  Poor people. Rich people.  Taxi drivers.  Anything you want.  It's all mixed up together and that’s what I like about it.”
Truman Capote, 1979 by Roxanne Lowit
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NEW YEARS EVE: The nightclub became known for extravagant décor by Renny Reynolds, Richie Williamson (Moon and the Spoon), and Tony-award winning designer Tony Walton (Neon Fan).  Schrager’s most favorite party of all was New Year’s Eve 1978-79 which he described as “Standing on Stardust”.  Reynolds brought in 4 tons of diamond dust: two for the floor, and two to sprinkle on the dancefloor throughout the night.
Background: Stroke of Midnight at Studio, 1978-79 by Dustin Pop, with dresses by Zandra Rhodes Giorgio DiSantAngelo and Kenny Bonavitacola in foreground.
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DISCO FASHION: Fashion designer Halston installed disco lighting in his atelier, so that he could see how his designs would look at Studio 54 and other nightclub settings. His clients included Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor and Lauren Bacall.
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ICONS: Elizabeth Taylor famously wore her Bulgari 62-carat sapphire necklace to Studio, for Martha Graham’s 1979 benefit honoring Halston.  Other attendees included past Graham students: former First Lady BettyFord, DorisDuke and LizaMInnelli.
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COMING SOON:  Though it only lasted for 33 months, Studio 54 –  known for its legendary parties that attracted the most diverse, famous and glamorous clientele of its day  –  is considered to be the most important nightclub of the Twentieth Century. 
See why at the Brooklyn Museum. Stay tuned for more updates about Studio 54: Night Magic.
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Thank you for joining us on our tour of Studio 54: Night Magic. Join us next Sunday for another virtual tour of our galleries!
Installation view of Studio 54: Night Magic. (Photo: Jonathon Dorado)
(Source: brooklynmuseum.org)
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sartorialadventure · 5 years ago
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Photography by Viona Ielegems
1. Marc Benecke 2. Janez Detd. 3. Kaat Tilley 4. Lucas Lanthier 5. Sarah Chebaro
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fjdv · 5 years ago
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[Street Scene] Studio 54 Night Magic  http://fredjdevito.com/streetscene/studio-54-night-magic/ Scene: The Brooklyn Museum Exhibit, curated and designed by Matthew Yokobosky, Senior Curator of Fashion and Material Culture. Opening on March 13 through July 5, 2020. Behind the velvet rope will showcase a handful of Beth’s, my wife, and my archives. The Bloomingdale’s ad, Illustrator Antonio Lopez, Art Direction Fred J. DeVito, was originally for Sting-like-a Butterfly’s satin shorts and jeans sold in the Saturday’s Generation boutique at the store. Antonio’s illustration captures the fervor and magic of dancing in the silver mylar streamers that descended by surprise in a constantly changing environment of sets, lights, and disco beats. Special thanks to the Co-hosts of SirusXM Studio 54 Radio, The Marc and Myra Show, Myra Sheer, former Executive Assistant to Studio 54 Co-owner Steve Rubell, and Marc Benecke, former Studio 54 Doorman.
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kokeethornton · 5 years ago
Kokee kwatscht und kunstet #3 - How to kritzel the Kratzel
Moinsen! Heute zeige ich euch wie man ein Kratzel kritzelt und schnacke dabei u.a. über Omatischdecken-Blumenmuster-des-Grauens, Hochsensibilität (fernab der Esoterik)Tattoofarbe die man zum zeichnen nutzen kann und Podcasts die beim Einschlafen helfen. Hintergrundinfos/Podcasts zu den Themen habe ich euch unter diesem Text verlinkt. Liken und teilen hilft mir, macht das also gerne, wenn euch danach ist :D Über Feedback freue ich mich immer.
Ich entschuldige mich vorab dafür, dass ich keinen Popschutz benutzt habe. Momentan nehme ich die Tonspur mit meinem Handy auf. Mir fehlt ganz einfach noch die richtige Technik um die Videos und den Ton qualitativ hochwertiger aufzunehmen. Das geht auch nur nach und nach. Wenn ihr Lust habt mich zu unterstützen, freue ich mich natürlich sehr. Ich habe eine Kokee supporten - Amazon-Liste zusammengestellt, auf der ihr alles mögliche findet, dass ich benötige um bessere Videos zu drehen und um meine Kunst zu machen. Patreon und Co. nutze ich derzeit noch nicht. Das macht erst Sinn, wenn ich wieder Berufsleben zurückkehren kann und nicht mehr auf staatliche Unterstützung bzw.  Frührente angewiesen bin.
Die Kokee supporten Amazon-Liste: https://www.amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/23P5D611JZHV8?ref_=wl_share
Die Links:
Wissenschaftlich orientierte, nicht-esoterische (!) Websites zum Thema Hochsensibilität:
-Dr. Sandra Konrad von der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Professur für Persönlichkeitspsychologie zum Thema Hochsensibilität: https://www.hsu-hh.de/diffpsych/forschung/hochsensibilitaet-hsp
-Der Informations- und Forschungsverbund Hochsensibilität e.V. (IFHS): http://www.hochsensibel.org/index.php
Informationen für Tätowierer über gefährliche Inhaltsstoffe in Tattoofarben:
-der österreichischen Wirtschaftskammer (ich habe keine deutsche Seite zum thema gefunden, diese hier ist aber aktuell): https://www.wko.at/branchen/gewerbe-handwerk/fusspfleger-kosmetiker-masseure/RAPEX_Meldungen.html
-Die Consumers Safety Sparte der EU beinhaltet ebenfalls eine Suchfunktion in der man sichTattoofarben anzeigen lassen kann, die als gesundheitsschädigend eingestuft werden: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/consumers_safety/safety_products/rapex/alerts/?event=main.search&lng=en#searchResults
-Und sehr wichtig gegen die allgemeine Angstmache in etlichen Medien zum Thema Tattoos, ist der Pro Tattoo e.v. Verein für Information, Schulung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für und von Angehörige/n der Tätowierbranche, bei dem auch bekannte Forscher wie Dr. Marc Benecke Mitglied sind und euch einiges über das Tätowieren erzählen: https://www.protattoo.org/
Podcasts zum entspannen und einschlafen:
- Mojo Di (da ich nun absolut kein Anhänger esoterischen Schnacks bin, beschränke ich mich nur auf ihre geführten Meditationen außerhalb des Chakras-Krams und kann euch zu ihren Vlogs über vegane Ernährung, etc. absolut nichts sagen) : https://www.youtube.com/user/PrivateRedHerring
- Anna Whispers (Asmr Geflüster) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZqft9xXTq8_fk20PbDUhsg
- Einschlafen Podcast von Toby Baier: https://www.youtube.com/user/einschlafenpodcast
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suzylwade · 4 years ago
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Sex, Drugs, Disco “Judi called the publicist for Studio 54 and got us on a list, then she became friendly with the doorman, Marc Benecke. Once he knew us, we were in.” - Meryl Meisler, Photographer. On April 26, 1977 ‘Studio 54’ opened its doors and introduced the world to a new era of nightlife. Owners Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager transformed a former TV studio into a nightclub that hosted extravagant theme parties for the crème de la crème - which included everyone from celebrities to street corner legends. The door policy was extremely selective; only the most fabulous need apply. But once ensconced behind the velvet ropes, it was democracy on the dance floor. Sex, fashion and disco were the order of the day creating a heady mélange of glamour and decadence in the years just before the advent of AIDS. That June a 25 year old artist named Meryl Meisler set forth on what would become a regular foray to the clubs with her partner in crime, Judi Jupiter. The dynamic duo called themselves ‘Neurotic Erotica'. Meisler helped create Jupiter’s costumes - including one with a lavish skirt made from 120 yellow wrappers of reels of film. Armed with a medium format camera and a spare roll or two Meisler kept things more understated, she wasn’t in costume, Meisler wanted to be invisible. In playing the “straight man” to her more outgoing friend, Meisler captured a bevy of extraordinary moments in and outside the club. These images can be found in Meisler’s book ‘Purgatory & Paradise: Sassy 70s Suburbia & The City’ by Meryl Meisler available to buy from the ‘Brooklyn Museum’ shop, who ship internationally. https://shop.brooklynmuseum.org #neonurchin #neonurchinblog #dedicatedtothethingswelove #suzyurchin #ollyurchin #art #music #photography #fashion #film #words #pictures #neon #urchin #sexdrugsanddisco #studio54 #nyc #70s #artist #photographer #artteacher #judijupiter #neuroticerotica #purgatoryandparadise #bizzare #merylmeisler (at New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIAv8UrlW-q/?igshid=r7rfqwrfclwx
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missrose1989 · 4 years ago
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Die kleine Nachlese von gestern Abend gibt es natürlich auch, 2 signierte Bücher und ein Poster inklusive Madenstempel und Tatortaufkleber durften einziehen. Ausführlich schreibe ich noch einen Post auf der Buchwelt zum Vortrag gestern Abend und diese Bücher sind eingezogen: • Marc Benecke (Hrsg.): Vampire unter uns aus dem Edition Roter Drache • Marc Benecke: Berlin mit Risiken und Nebenwirkungen aus dem Verlag Das neue Berlin 📚🔖📖❤ #lesung #markbenecke #mafiainnewyork #buch #bücher #book #books #dasneueberlin #editionroterdrache #neuzugang #neuzugänge #selbstgekauft #bücherliebe #leseliebe #leselust #ichliebelesen #bookstagram #germanbookstagram #blogger #bloggen #blogger_de #bloggerlife #Buchblog #buchblogger #missroseontour #missrosesbuecherwelt (hier: Freilichtbühne Junge Garde) https://www.instagram.com/p/CERRFH6g_D4/?igshid=zzxo7eyuet6u
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cliffordfaust · 5 years ago
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Studio 54 Sketch Night at the Society of Illustrators was hosted by Ted Michalowski. Marc Benecke, one of the original doormen from 54 took some poses for us. #soi128 #societyofillustrators #societyofillustratorssketchnight #sketchnight #livesketch #livedrawing #illustrationagency #creativedirector #artdirector #fashioneditor #marcbenecke #cliffordfaust (at Society Of Illustrators) https://www.instagram.com/p/BywMvBvhEoM/?igshid=1ht9z3frspfkt
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prideguynews · 6 years ago
by Michael Musto 2h ago
With a new documentary upon us about the legendary 1970s disco Studio 54, it’s time to remove the cobwebs from the corners of my mind and relay some misty, water-colored memories about the whole dizzying experience.   First of all, the place was everything it was cracked up to be. At a time when the country was disillusioned with our shady government and New York City was in shambles, it rose up like a miracle, a glitzy hedonism haven for escapism and glamour, filled with people of all races and sexualities. Here are some things you might not know about the TV studio turned dance palace, which attracted a conga line of glitterati starting in 1977:
*It consisted of three levels (plus a bathroom landing slash lounge). The main dance floor was a thrilling wonderland, with blinking panels descending and rising, and a quarter moon with a faux coke spoon coming down at key moments. Downstairs was where the celebrities did real coke. A lot. And the balcony was where…well, let’s just say I once sat there to relax for a minute, only to have some man reach from the row behind me to grab for my business. Why, I never!
*To get in, you had to be famous, beautiful, a media person, or know someone. I was press, so frisky co-owner Steve Rubell would always pull me in, but when he didn’t happen to be at the door, the regular door guy, Marc Benecke, would shoot me withering looks and refuse me entry, correctly sensing that I was not Bianca Jagger. The longer you stood there hoping for admission, the smaller your chances got, so I had to cook up some better schemes. I became pals with an Oscar nominated actress, and she always got us in free, but then came the problem of how to ditch her inside the club and have some fun with my gay male friends! Ah, the problems of the ‘70s.
Zeitgeist Films
*Gays were not only welcomed, they were worshiped. This was after Stonewall and before AIDS, so it was a time of liberation, pride, and tons of fun, when nocturnal NYC gays romped freely and straights wanted to be near them at any cost.
*The array of celebs was extraordinary, and right up in your face. Liza Minnelli, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Andy Warhol, Halston…everyone. And there wasn’t the kind of security celebs have now, so they were mixing with the rest of the crowd and even photographers were roaming free, with grins on their faces. One night, Rubell snuggled up to me and cooed, “Elton John and Rod Stewart are coming together later. Don’t tell anyone.” I told everyone—and that’s what he wanted! And sure enough, Elton and Rod came in and electrified the place. Another night, I was dancing with a friend, but noticed that your dancing partner could change as the crowd swirled round, and no one minded, since everyone was equal under the great glitter ball. (We’d all gotten in, after all.) So I found myself eventually dancing with world-famous model-actor-scion Margaux Hemingway, who didn’t mind! I was verklempt.
*The place also created its own celebrities, like Rollerena, a drag queen on roller skates, with a magic wand in tow, and Disco Sally, a 70-something retired lawyer and widow who loved to boogie, especially with younger guys (one of whom she married in a much publicized ceremony).
*The music pumped all night, with great songs that were heavy on the black female vocals, plus wonderful orchestrations. The yin and yang of disco hits were Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” (a thump-thump anthem celebrating a defiant refusal to care about the schmo that got away) and Thelma Houston’s “Don’t Leave Me This Way” (the flip side of that, about desperately trying to hold onto your man at any cost). Both were incredibly fun to act out on the dance floor, with lots of arm gestures and facial expressions (some of which people could even see through the strobe effects). Speaking of “leaving this way,” when you heard disco queen Donna Summer’s “The Last Dance” emerge from the DJ booth, you knew it was—duh—the last dance of the night, and you had to pull yourself together and try to sneak into a cab (or, in my case, subway) home. Depressing! But there was always tomorrow night.
Zeitgeist Films
*I once went to Halloween at Studio 54 and it was kind of bad! The crowd always dressed so remarkably that being forced to do so on this night of rituals simply didn’t inspire them, and the dance floor was mostly filled with bridge and tunnel types in lame ensembles. Every night was Halloween for the core 54 crowd.
*The party ended when Rubell and partner Ian Schrager went to jail for tax evasion, and in 1980, the new owner, Mark Fleischman, took over. We all tried to pretend that nothing had changed, but eventually we had to face the fact that the magic was gone. In 1998, the main space became a Broadway theater and then the basement was repurposed as the cabaret room Feinstein’s/54 Below. I’ve occasionally spotted customers there trying to sniff the floor.
    Googoo for Gaga
Moving on to a retread of Liza’s mother’s greatest triumph: Lady Gaga can act! She and Bradley Cooper (who directed and costars) have cooked up a fab A Star Is Born, full of great offhand moments, wonderful singing and acting, and fancy drag queens. (In an early scene, Cooper autographs Willam Belli’s fake tits, and you’ll never forget it.)
What I liked about this version of the oft-told tale is that Jackson Maine, Cooper’s superstar singer character, isn’t really jealous of his wife’s rising success, but of the fact that she’s sold out and gone cheesy. I also appreciated the realistic way Ally (Gaga’s character) approaches Jackson’s alcohol problem, first with dismay and tough love (threatening him to shape up) and then with a more compassionate take, realizing that he’s suffering from a disease and it needs to be treated. Early on, there are some jokes about Ally’s nose getting in the way of her success, and it makes sense that at that point she wouldn’t go for surgery, wanting to just be herself (until she becomes a sort of glorified Britney Spears).
Just two complaints: They should have gone for broke and had her say “I’m Mrs. Ally Maine” in the big finale scene (shades of the Judy Garland version). Putting in the “Mrs.” would have resonated in light of a previous scene where she irritably calls Jackson her boyfriend. Secondly, Cooper should have directed Gaga to cry harder during a certain pivotal dramatic moment; it would have clinched her an Oscar. Otherwise, this Star is both raw and dazzling—and though Gaga sings the intro to Judy’s “Over The Rainbow,” it’s closer to the Barbra Streisand version, but way better.
In Other Movie News…
Leave No Trace is Debra Granik’s thoughtful film about a troubled veteran (Ben Foster) and his daughter (Thomasin McKenzie) trying to find solace in a Portland nature reserve. After a special screening, Cooper urged the crowd to take a walk and touch a tree to restore communication with nature. (When he said this, I quickly turned off my phone! I won’t be owned by technology anymore.)
At a luncheon afterwards, Foster told me he’s tempted to undo certain news apps on his phone because the news is so disheartening these days. I agreed, saying I can’t bear reading Trump’s horrifying tweets, though I feel I need to stay in touch with what’s happening just to be plugged in. In another life-changing development, Foster told me that he’s moving to Brooklyn with his wife (Laura Prepon) and their kid because the East Village has changed and there’s a Target there now, for starters. I told him I’m from Brooklyn and didn’t really want to go back there that much, alas. I also confessed that The Village Voice and Theater Talk had both recently folded, but I was handling it okay, knowing that life brings more than one bad thing—or good thing—at a time. “I wish you ease,” he replied, sincerely. Nice!   At a screening of The Great Buster, Peter Bogdanovich’s doc about the slapstick comedy legend, Bogdanovich extolled the glories of black and white silent films. He said Hitchcock told him that movies had become just people talking, while Orson Welles advised him that “black and white is an actor’s best friend.” Still, Bogdanovich decided to have people talk in his doc, including Spider-Man: Homecoming director Jon Watts, who says that since Spidey has an expressionless (i.e., covered) face, Watts researched how to do blank-faced comedy by looking at Keaton’s work!
  Eliciting a bevy of emotions, Tamara Jenkins’ Private Life is a seriocomic look at a married couple’s repeated attempts to have a baby, from in vitro to adoption and beyond. After the movie, Paul Giamatti was asked how he researched playing a guy with one testicle. He joked that in real life, he has three of them, so he had to scale it down, then he added, “I feel like a lot of the characters I play have one testicle.” That’s one more than our President. I wish him unease.
Michael Musto is the long running, award-winning entertainment journalist and TV commentator.
The post Looking Back at the Notorious Disco Studio 54: Sex, Drugs, and Thump Thump appeared first on PrideGuy - Gay News, LGBT News, Politics & Entertainment.
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presse1fcm · 7 years ago
Deutliche Angelegenheit des FCM
Im Fußball-Landespokal hat der SV Liesten 22 gegen den Drittligisten 1. FC Magdeburg deutlich 0:16 (0:8) verloren. Von Jeannette Heinrichs   Liesten l Eine herbe Niederlage hat es für den SV Liesten 22 in der 2. Hauptrunde des Fußball-Landespokals gegeben. Im Heimspiel gegen den Drittligisten 1. FC Magdeburg verloren die Westaltmärker deutlich 0:16 (0:8). Statistik SV Liesten 22: Dawid Mateusz Sczerbik - Rene Mangrapp, Steffen Mangrapp, Sebastian Kordus (60. Lucas Bresch), Marcin Galkowski, Niels Bierstedt, Markus Krotki (50. Marc Pätzold), Timm M��ller (50. Stephan Benecke), Henning Glameyer, Henning Schröder, Steven Beck. 1. FC Magdeburg: Alexander Brunst - Steffen Schäfer (62. Leon Heynke), Tobias Schwede (62. Philipp Harant), Marius Sowislo (62. Christian Beck), Florian Pick, Andreas Ludwig, Julius Düker, Andre Hainault, Charles-Elie Laprevotte, Tarek Chahed, Gerrit Müller. Tore: 0:1 Julius Düker (7.), 0:2 Gerrit Müller (12.), 0:3, 0:4 Julius Düker (17., 21.), 0:5, 0:6 Gerrit Müller (28., 38.), 0:7 Florian Pick (41.), 0:8 Andreas Ludwig (45.), 0:9 Florian Pick (48.), 0:10, 0:11 Julius Düker (58., 69.), 0:12 Steven Beck (70./Eigentor), 0:13 Andreas Ludwig (73.), 0:14, 0:15, 0:16 Christian Beck (76., 80., 89.). Schiedsrichter: Amin Hamidi (Elfi Schwander, Michael Müller). Liestener überraschen In den ersten zehn Minuten überraschten die Liestener die Magdeburger und griffen sie früh an. Doch nach sieben Minuten machte Julius Düker das Tor. Aus der Drehung setzt er den Ball ins lange Eck. In der Folge ging es Schlag auf Schlag. Bis zur 28. Minute erhöhten Düker und Gerrit Müller für den FCM auf 5:0. Bis zum Halbzeitpfiff von Schiedsrichter Amin Hamidi legten Müller, Florian Pick und Andreas Ludwig zum 8:0 nach. Damit war das Ziel der Liestener, nur sieben Gegentore zu bekommen, bereits im ersten Abschnitt dahin. Beck mit Hattrick Nach dem Seitenwechsel dauerte es nicht lange und die Magdeburger stellten auf 9:0. In der Folge fielen die Tore wie reife Früchte. FCM-Torjäger Christian Beck wurde in der 62. Minute eingewechselt und fügte sich gleich gut ein. Innerhalb von 13 Minute markierte er einen Hattrick zum 16:0-Endstand. Nach 52 Minuten hatten die Gastgeber ihre erste dicke Möglichkeit auf ein Ehrentor. Einen Freistoß von Steffen Mangrapp ging direkt auf das FCM-Tor. Keeper Brunst kann das Leder nur abklatschen. Den Nachschuss setzt Sebastian Kordus aber über den Kasten. 1375 Zuschauer Am Ende wurde es eine sehr deutliche Anlegenheit und ein tolles Torfestival für die 1375 Zuschauer im Waldstadion. ganzen Beitrag lesen
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ludoliubice · 8 years ago
Begeisterte Teilnehmer beim 1. Ranglistenturnier von LUDO LIUBICE e.V.
Am Samstag, den 25. März 2017, um 13.30 Uhr, startete der Lübecker Spieleverein LUDO LIUBICE e.V. sein erstes „SIEDLER von CATAN-Ranglisten-Turnier“ zur Deutschen Meisterschaft 2017.
Die 30 Teilnehmer, im Alter von 12 bis 55 Jahren, waren hierzu aus dem ganzen Bundesgebiet nach Lübeck-Travemünde, in das „Restaurant VINETA“, am Europaweg 7 angereist.  Sogar aus Frankfurt am Main und dem niedersächsischen Wangerland hatten einige Teilnehmer den weiten Weg in die Hansestadt auf sich genommen.
Oliver Benecke (46) begrüßte als 1. Vereinsvorsitzender die Teilnehmer und bedankte sich gleichfalls bei den Mitarbeitern des „Restaurant VINETA“ für die Bereitstellung der Lokalität und den tollen Service mit Speisen und Getränken.
In seiner Ansprache bedankte er sich zudem bei der „Gemeinnützigen Sparkassenstiftung zu Lübeck“ für eine Spende in Höhe von 1200 Euro. Mit diesen zweckgebundenen Geldern fördert die Stiftung das Vereinsprojekt zur Einrichtung einer Spielesammlung – Ludothek – für Kinder- und Jugendspiele. Hiermit möchte der Spieleverein LUDO LIUBICE e.V. mit besonderen Veranstaltungen das „gemeinsame Spielen in der Familie“ fördern und das Kulturangebot in der Lübecker Region weiter bereichern.
Nachdem dann anschließend der 2. Vereinsvorsitzende Thomas Niegeländer (50) als Turnierkoordinator und erster Schiedsrichter die besonderen Turnierregeln bekannt gegeben hatte, verteilten sich die begeisterten Spielefans an die acht Turniertische (sechs Vierer- und zwei Dreier-Tische) und schmiedeten ihre Spieltaktiken.
Durch den geschickten Einsatz von Rohstoffen wie Getreide, Wolle, Lehm, Holz und Stein versuchten nun Jung und Alt, die „Insel Catan“ mit Siedlungen, Städten und Straßen zu bebauen, um damit so schnell wie möglich die notwendigen zehn Siegpunkte zu erreichen und das Spiel zu gewinnen. Dass einem hierbei das Würfelglück und die fiesen „Rohstoff-Räuber“ hin und wieder die Spieltaktiken gewaltig durcheinander würfeln, macht den Reiz dieses Spieleklassikers von 1995 aus.
Gegen 19.30 Uhr waren dann die drei Turnierdurchgänge, nach kleineren „Stärkungspausen“ beendet und die Sieger ermittelt.
An acht Tischen wird gesiedelt
Großer Andrang bei der Anmeldung
Jede Entscheidung zählt
Die TOP 5
Das Startgeld von drei Euro war vollständig in Preise für die Siegerehrung eingeflossen. Somit erhielt auch der Teilnehmer auf dem 30. Platz gleich zu Beginn ein Kartenspiel als kleinen Trostpreis.
Auf den Siegerrängen 1. bis 5. platzierten sich schließlich folgende Teilnehmer:
Platz Herr Jonjer Jennerjahn, 2. Platz Herr Thomas Niegeländer, 3. Platz Frau Andrea Freudemann, 4. Platz Herr Marc-Andre Lang, 5. Platz Frau Bente Sobieski.
Nach der durchweg positiven Resonanz aller Teilnehmer wird es im kommenden Jahr sicher wieder ein derart spannendes Ranglistenturnier von LUDO LIUBICE e.V. geben.
(Frank Doblinski)
Spannendes Siedeln und eine großartige Spende Begeisterte Teilnehmer beim 1. Ranglistenturnier von LUDO LIUBICE e.V. Am Samstag, den 25. März 2017, um 13.30 Uhr, startete der Lübecker Spieleverein LUDO LIUBICE e.V.
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mairead-lee · 13 years ago
The Marc & Myra Show
Doorman Marc Benecke and Rubell’s former executive assistant Myra Scheer take us back in time.
Studio 54 radio show
Sunday August 21st 10pm
SyriasXM Studio 54 Radio, Channel 15
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