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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 months ago
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«La tertulia, hoy en crisis por muy diversas causas, ha significado un prodigioso instrumento de convivencia creadora, de coherencia social, de enriquecimiento de las diversas personalidades. Tenía un supuesto, una condición básica: la generosidad vital. Hay países en que cuando a alguien se le ocurre una idea interesante o una frase hermosa o ingeniosa, la guarda avaramente para publicarla. En las tertulias españolas se ha hecho siempre derroche, se ha compartido liberalmente todo lo que se pensaba; en ellas han nacido innumerables ideas originales, y sin duda el fermento de la mejor literatura. Y si se piensa en las tertulias de hombres corrientes y molientes, no sobresalientes y extraordinarios, la función de enriquecimiento es aún mayor, y ha suplido a la lectura, los estudios superiores, la Universidad, tantas cosas: lo que cada uno sabía o pensaba se multiplicaba por diez.»
Julián Marías: La mujer y su sombra. Alianza Editorial, págs. 134-135. Madrid, 1987.
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mariaramosbravo · 1 year ago
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thunderstruck9 · 11 days ago
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José María Velasco (Mexican, 1840-1912), Cardón, State of Oaxaca, 1887. Oil on canvas, 61 × 46 cm. Museo Nacional de Arte, INBAL, Mexico City
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feral-ballad · 1 year ago
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Dulce María Loynaz, tr. by James O’Connor, from Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems
[Text ID: “Your hands have a strange clarity. Have you been walking among the stars?”]
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ilmacore · 8 months ago
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Hello hello, my my my what have we here?~
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pinqui · 19 days ago
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— "If I appeared to the living the way they portray me, they would recognize me, and that wouldn't make our task easy."
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pumpkinbxtch · 10 months ago
hi!!! I was wondering if you could do hcs for what arguing would be like with the HOO boys
Don't talk me like that! | headcanons
— arguing with the hoO boys
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warnings: angst, language, boys being...boys
who's here: jason grace, leo valdez, frank zhang ands percy jackson.
a/n: ohh ohh ohhh, yes. I can. I love drama.
— jason grace:
To get into a real fight with him, you must have come a long way because he's so peaceful and always tries to negotiate calmly, making sure both of you communicate effectively. But at the end of the day, you're like any other couple and sometimes end up having real fights.
The big issue is Jason's nature. He goes silent when he's really upset, his emotions hard to show.
When he’s that mad, you can see it on his face. It’s scary, let’s not lie.
When the ice breaks, he tries to take charge to explain what's wrong, which often makes things worse.
He keeps his distance when you argue, tense and rigid. He’s like a handsome, angry log.
Sometimes he says things reluctantly, like "don't act childish," which is so him.
Yes, he raises his voice and gets frustrated, "no, I said NO, THAT’S NOT HOW IT IS, gods…"
If you're wondering if his powers show, the answer is NEVER, or at least not against you. His mouth might taste like metal or his fingers might spark, but that's just him being really stressed.
His eyes get cloudy and grey.
He takes off his glasses and rubs his temples while muttering.
When things finally start to work out, he breathes better and starts talking more because he knows nothing will work if he doesn’t.
He’s practical, coming up with solutions to problems.
When the fight's over, he hugs you and kisses your forehead, relieved to be out of that situation.
Can he stay mad for days? Depends on the problem, but he’d prefer it doesn't last more than a day.
— leo valdez;
Leo and you usually argue over small things because you have that kind of relationship where you bicker and tease for fun, but when things get serious, the arguments can get heated (get it? heated? laugh, please).
That’s when things get tough. He may seem easy-going, but Leo has a strong temper and is very stubborn when he's mad. Whatever made you really fight doesn't matter because he’ll be stuck on his point.
"No, that's not how it happened." You could be contradicting each other all day until you both turn away and stop talking.
"Well, screw you!" you say, and he growls back, "Yeah, you too," swearing in Spanish. "vale ma-" "me lleva la ch-"
Yes, he switches languages mid-sentence.
"I already told you no! CUANTAS VECES TENGO QUE DECIRLO, carajo!-"
If you know Spanish, you can reply; if not...
"I don’t understand you, idiot. Say it in English or fuck yourself ." (just in case because you’re not sure what he said)
Swearing is common if he's really mad, but it's more his way of dealing with it than being mad at you.
That or sharp sarcasm.
Yes, he might cry if the argument is really bad.
His rigid feelings and insecurity can come up.
Leo is attached, so he’s constantly thinking of ways to fix it because he can’t stand being away from you for too long.
He keeps his distance, terrified of hurting you with his powers, which makes him nervous. "No, DON’T COME NEAR ME." It's for your safety, but it hurts him to see the look in your eyes when he says it.
Can he stay mad for days? Absolutely, but he misses you a lot, though his pride might keep him from showing it.
Don’t worry, he’ll eventually sit down to talk it out, and you’ll both calm down and fix things.
Then he'll give you a big hug and kiss your cheeks.
— frank zhang:
it’s hard to imagine: WHAT DID YOU DO TO FIGHT?
Yes, Frank is Mars’s son, but he’d never choose the battlefield for his lover. He’s very careful and always considerate, but yeah he can be severe when things get bad, and when isn't enough just have a serious talk.
You end up fighting in not-so-quiet whispers, with your faces and gestures being the most expressive.
"Of course not, I already told you, hey!" He raises his hands, and his body tenses up threateningly.
Frank tries to understand your point and make himself heard, always mindful of both your feelings. He knows how to set boundaries.
Sometimes, he just can’t take it anymore and signals a pause. "You know what? This is getting too much, and neither of us is in the best shape. Let’s talk tomorrow or later, please."
Does he raise his voice? Hardly, only when he really needs to make a point.
His eyes are bright, tinged with sadness and anger. The deadliest is his calm face or the way he slightly curls his lip, almost growling.
His eyebrows always seem to be touching, even if he doesn’t want them to.
He keeps a cool head to solve things.
Can he stay mad for days? Yes, while clearing his mind and thinking. He’ll come up to you, and you’ll talk it out, making things work in the end.
He’ll take your hand. You might feel guilty for pushing a guy like Frank to his limit, but he doesn’t mind having relationship problems with you:
"I hope we fight many more times, but about totally different things because it means we’ve really solved the previous issues."
— percy jackson:
wtf did you both do to get into a fight?
Percy won't waste a second, trying to resolve it immediately by asking and reflecting on his own actions. "What did I do wrong?" if it was his fault. "Can you listen to me for a second?" if it was you.
He hates being mad at you, just can’t stand it. But if the fight starts, he wants to start or finish it (or both).
Yes, he might cry.
Yes, he might raise his voice. "No, I didn't do anything. LISTEN TO ME."
Then he apologizes for it because he lost it.
He tries to hold your hands and says, "Babe, babe…"
He makes you both breathe and talk calmly.
He argues, of course, but differently. He’ll stop the conversation. "You know what? I'll think about it." He leaves or makes you leave.
Consequently, he might stay mad for days, or both of you might be mad at each other, but he’s thinking of what to say rather than just calming down. (Nothing wrong with that, everyone handles feelings differently and that's valid.)
Yes, he asks his mom.
Yes, he asks Paul.
You both end up fixing things, and he hugs you tight, giving you kisses all over your face while pouting.
"I missed you, babe."
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untilsfe · 1 month ago
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Isn't it bittersweet? The fact that one moment your love felt so warm against my skin and the next, it slipped from my hands, dead cold.
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mapis-putellas · 2 months ago
𝑭𝒍𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕/𝑴.𝑳𝒆ó𝒏
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Of all the things you expected to deal with today, physically restraining your fully grown, tattoo-covered, professional footballer girlfriend was not on the list.
The moment you mentioned the flu shot, Mapi had frozen.
You raised an eyebrow. “No?”
“No,” she repeated firmly, shaking her head. “No flu shot. No needle. No.”
You sighed, already feeling the impending headache. “Mapi, it’s just a little shot-“
“Bebé, come on-“
“You literally have tattoos everywhere-“
“Tattoos are different!”
You stared at her, unimpressed. “How?”
“They just are!”
You ran a hand down your face. “This is ridiculous.”
Mapi crossed her arms, shaking her head stubbornly. “Not happening.”
You pointed toward the nurse’s office. “You’re getting the flu shot.”
She pointed in the opposite direction. “I’m not getting the flu shot.”
You took a step forward. She took a step back.
You narrowed your eyes.
She narrowed hers.
And then-
Mapi bolted.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake-“
You chased after her as she sprinted down the hallway like an escaped convict. You had been prepared for some resistance, but you hadn’t expected this. In the end, it took you and a very amused nurse to corral her into the room, where she now sat in the chair, legs bouncing, arms crossed tightly over her chest. She looked like she was being sentenced to life in prison.
The irony of it all was almost too much.
This was Mapi. The same woman who had an entire sleeve of ink on her arm. Who had willingly sat for hours, letting needles repeatedly puncture her skin without so much as a wince. And yet, the mere thought of a single flu shot had her gripping the arms of the chair like she was bracing for the end of the world.
The nurse, bless her heart, tried to be patient. “It’ll only take two seconds.”
“It won’t even hurt that much.”
“It’s just a little pinch-“
The nurse shot you a look, and you sighed.
“Mapi,” you warned.
She glared at you. “Mi amor, I love you, but if you don’t let me leave right now, I will break up with you.”
You deadpanned. “No, you won’t.”
“I will.”
“No, you won’t.”
“…No, I won’t,” she admitted begrudgingly, then huffed. “But I’ll be very mad at you.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s fine.”
The second the nurse lifted the needle, Mapi twisted away, nearly knocking over a tray of supplies in the process.
You groaned, rubbing your temples. “Okay, that’s it.”
Before she could react, you grabbed her waist and hauled her to her feet. You then took her place and pulled her straight onto your lap, wrapping your arms around her securely and pinning her own arms to her chest.
“¡Oye!” she yelped, thrashing instantly. “¡Déjame ir!”
“Not a chance, bebé.”
She wiggled furiously, trying to escape. “You’re so mean-“
“You’re being a baby-”
The nurse covered her mouth to hide a laugh. “Are you ready now?”
“No-” Mapi wiggled, tried to push your arms away, then let out a very undignified squeak when you tightened your grip.
When the nurse lifted the needle again, Mapi turned her head so fast you thought she might get whiplash.
You had never seen her so dramatic in your life. She hid her face in your shoulder, muttering frantically under her breath, and the moment the needle touched her skin, Mapi yelped.
A real, genuine yelp.
And then-
A sniffle.
You glanced down at her, eyes widening. “Bebé…are you crying?”
“No!” she snapped, voice slightly wobbly. But when she finally pulled back, her brown eyes were just the tiniest bit watery. That didn’t stop her from scowling at you, then at the nurse, then at the tiny plaster on her arm like it had personally wronged her.
The nurse patted her on the shoulder and handed her a sticker. “You were very brave.”
Mapi took it in silence, looking deeply betrayed. You bit your lip, fighting a laugh as you grasped her hips and coaxed her back to her feet. Mapi instinctively leaned back into you, and you rolled your eyes fondly as you looped an arm around her waist, hand splayed across her stomach. You thank the nurse with a grateful nod as she opened the door for you, and she responded with a playful wink of which you grin at as you lead your still pouty girlfriend outside.
As the warm Barcelona air greeted you, you laced your fingers through hers and give her hand a squeeze. “You okay, bebé?”
“…I hate you.”
You kissed the top of her head. “No, you don’t.”
“…No, I don’t,” she grumbled, then glared at the sticker.
You squeezed her hand again, suppressing another laugh.
Next year? Oh, you were definitely recording this.
@ceesimz @marysfics @girlgenius1111 @codiemarin @simp4panos @silentwolfsstuff @goldenempyrean @xxnaiaxx @liloandstitchstan @ktgoodmorning @chelseacult
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campsis · 4 months ago
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María Jesús Contreras (@mariajesuscontreras)
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bocadosdefilosofia · 6 months ago
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«Pues bien, el vínculo capital entre estos pueblos es la lengua, la cual está "realizada", fijada, unificada en una Literatura. Sin ella, no somos -ni los españoles ni, por supuesto, los hispanoamericanos-. Para estos es cuestión de vida o muerte histórica la conexión mutua, y no menos el “espesor” histórico, que les viene de una tradición literaria que arranca del Poema del Cid o de las jarchas. Sin esto, ¿a qué indigencia quedaría reducido cada país hispánico? Y como la proyección histórica de España o de cualquier país hispánico no es posible más que dentro del marco de su conjunto, la Literatura es el vehículo de nuestro futuro.»
Julián Marías: «El lugar de la literatura en la educación», en Literatura y generaciones. Espasa-Calpe, S. A., pág. 191. Madrid, 1975.
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mariaramosbravo · 1 year ago
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bookaddict24-7 · 5 months ago
“To build up a library is to create a life. It's never just a random collection of books.”
― The House of Paper by Carlos María Domínguez
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catboymoments · 6 months ago
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FINALLY IVE FINISHED THEM! So a bit ago I had a thought for my postcanon Danganronpa universe for thh and sdr2 where I wanted to fit in the v3 characters somehow despite them being in a separate timeline where DR is fake. So what I’ve come up with is essentially a “steel ball run universe” scenario where they’re technically the same characters but also completely different and now my own ocs!!
Meet Komaeda’s students at Newdawn Academy!! After the Tragedy and the fall of Future Foundation, the nations of the world got together to form a new group (Operation Newdawn) dedicated to rebuilding society after the apocalypse. The academy is not only a school for kids displaced by despair, but also works to cultivate skill and nurture talent naturally in a healthy way so they can go out and do their part to rebuild when they graduate.
However. a lot of these kids have a lot of trauma and their own issues and are at Newdawn because they didn’t have anywhere else to go/they’re considered “problem children.” This is where Nagito comes in. He knows what it’s like and he has experience with kids that need help, and he wanted to do something good after Everything that happened. So he’s followed in Chisa’s footsteps and become a teacher! The students love him and k1-b0 is an excellent therapy ai that’s also helping the kids do their best. I love them so dearly.
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feral-ballad · 2 years ago
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Dulce María Loynaz, from These Are Not Sweet Girls: Poetry by Latin American Women; "Time"
[Text ID: "The kiss I didn't give you / has become a star inside me..."]
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ilmacore · 8 months ago
Some Lore of Maria Yuusta and a bonding time with Grim,as I promised
Tomorrow I'll do something with her and Maleficia if I have some time😊
And thanks to everyone, it's the first time I go viral with one of my ideas... So... I'm really thankful, love y'all ♥️
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