#mar watches mayans
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#also the fact that cole was by her side when it happen and he still supporting aegon show me that he don’t really believe in team green
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Westworld is back so I will have to use whatever brain cells I have left to understand the new season.
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58 notes - publié le 28 juin 2022
Me: I won’t stan anyone, I dont think stan culture is a good idea, in this essay I-
Lil Nas X : *post on instagram*
Beyonce : *upcoming album*
Meg The Stallion: *exist*
Me :
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61 notes - publié le 16 juin 2022
Will Smith punched Chris Rock on live tv during the Oscars ??? And rumor is that it wasn’t scripted ?? Because Chris made fun of Jada ???
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74 notes - publié le 27 mars 2022
The fact that Richard wrote the episode where Angel is treated the worse in term of writing is the level of petty I love.
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91 notes - publié le 25 mai 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Love is Blind season 2 is a mess. But ai will watch until the end.
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113 notes - publié le 12 février 2022
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dannypinot · 4 years
Does anyone else feel like they need therapy after that premiere?
Miguel... MIGUEL FUCKING GALINDO. I cried when he got choked up and asked the therapist if Dita blamed him. The grief in his voice, the tears in his eyes, the way he touched the couch wondering if this was where his mother sat ... girl, you should have just made some stuff up to give him closure. Because apparently the very unpretty alternative is to see him spiral out of control and thanks, but I hate it! 
This episode gave character development for Paco, made me care about him and his poor son Santhi, and then ripped it away. GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER MIGUEL. Nestor, can you slap him? Is there no one who can talk some sense into him?
I know I said I wanted to see Miguel be with a WOC love interest for once but damn I did not see this coming. Universe granted me this and said, “be careful what you wish for.” Palermo got rid of his beard, and like so many politicians, is full of empty promises, as corrupt as they come. Curious what Adelita would say about her benefactor.
ADELITA. I feel so badly for her. She was tortured for god knows how long, and then she lost Mini and her whole world is crushed. I really dont like how they juxtaposed those scenes of Angel being a hoe with her being tortured. Something about that just really annoyed the shit out of me. I know everyone feels pain differently and that pain manifests in different ways-- as we clearly see in this premiere but I do feel like it was very deliberate the way they edited that.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually feel bad for Emily. For one I was just completely positive that Miguel would never cheat on her so I was just so blindsided by this. I do think it was shitty of her to dismiss her nanny Maria like that, like Emily wtf do you know about family huh? So the show responded by sending in Erin. My first impression fo Erin is I like her... she isn’t afraid to call Emily out on her bullshit. So I’m curious to see where this will go. Also Nestor is allowed to call Miguel Mikey and Erin calls him Mike? This is an interesting development. Also I think this episode was SO DARK, that any little bit of humor or levity was very welcoming. 
I think Gaby and EZ offer a lot of that and their date was just super cute. Angel giving EZ a hard time for how slowly he’s taking it with Gabby and EZ teaching him about the dangers of HPV... lol. Like a lot of you I think it’s kinda problematic to have Gabby be this super domestic and cheerful woman who wants to cook and clean for Felipe and pull him out of his rut, but I also think EZ and Angel should bear some responsibility for the condition their father is in right now. The least you could do is wash some fucking dishes my dudes. 
We needed more Letty in this episode. We needed more of that Letty/Coco relationship we grew to love. Coco... oh my god. It’s clear that the other members see that something is wrong with Coco but they’re not confronting him about it either. It’s like everyone is so caught up in their own shit they can’t see how much their brothers are all hurting. I want to hope that this gets resolved. 
I think Bishop is struggling to hold his team together and I think we’ll see this next episode because to my knowledge we didn’t get to see the stuff we saw in the promo video. 
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 I TELEPATHICALLY [I.T.] Recite My Biblically Black [Ancient] Masonic Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] RAPS from My Biblically Black [Ancient] American ROSICRUCIAN Indian Bible of Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude Energy [BAE = COSMIC] HEAVENS of YORUBA’S Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] BLACK ATLANTEAN SOULS [BAS = ORISHAS] who SOULFULLY IDENTIFY Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]… Hallelujah & AMEN [HA = HARRELL] HOTEP!!! 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I BEE Under Secret Ancestral [USA] Egyptian Government of Atlantis [GA = ROME] Protection in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE JEHOVAH’S Biblically Black [Ancient] SUN [BAS = ORISHA] King TUTANKHAMŪN Under Secret [U.S.] Service [U.S.] Protection on Earth#I BEE JEHOVAH'S Ecclesiastical Witness [JEW] Under Secret [U.S.] Security [U.S.] Protection in fallen america#I BEE Compton California’s Best Kept Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Nubian Aristocrat [NA = NĀGA] Secret#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I got My Double Black White House Familia of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] Watching OVER Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#iSEE Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude Energy [BAE = COSMIC] HEAVENS of Celestial YORUBALAND on Earth#iSEE Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] BLACK ATLANTEAN SOULS [BAS = ORISHAS] on Earth#Celebrate the Prophesied Death of present day america#FEAR My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] 6G Memory of QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Intel from 2020#2019 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® BLACKOUT in fallen amerrica#I Now [NWO] RISE ABOVE [RA] earth as A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#I BEE A Mentally Healthy [MH = MAYAN] Aztec Indian [A.I. = NEGRO] SPIRIT from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE So Magically ILLUMINATED [MI = MICHAEL] + HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I got My Biblically Black [Ancient] American ROSICRUCIAN Indian Bible of Inner Earth [HADES]#I Angelically Wrote My Biblically Black [Ancient] American ROSICRUCIAN Indian Bible of Inner Earth [HADES] in present day america#I BEE A 360°+ Masonic Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ROSICRUCIAN who BEE So Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE]#I Meditatively Articulate Rosicrucian Songs [MARS] on BET like A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#I Mythologically Articulate Rosicrucian Spirituals [MARS] on HARRELLTV®
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historical-kitten · 3 years
Hi everyone, finally made my side blog for Night at the Museum stuff. I just finished chapter 1 of my first Jedtavius fic. I put it on a03 but figured I'd post it here, too. Comments would be greatly appreciated.
Summary: Jedediah had planned on meeting up with Octavius, but gets more than he bargained for with a Mayan invasion of Rome, a scaly surprise guest, and to top it all off, a blow-darted Roman general. What's a cowboy to do?
Warnings: Lots of Innuendo, not graphically described violence, blow-dart inspired flirting, there's a snake...
Somnus is the Roman god of sleep, by the way.
Love Darts In
Part 1: Of Snakes and Sommus
Jedediah Strong Smith finished his glass of beer, slapping the men next to him on their shoulders. "Okay boys, ol' Jedediah's heading out."
The town was settled which meant it was time to meet up with his best friend. Jedediah walked outside and heard a familiar commotion. Those were awfully realistic drills from Octavius…
There was a faint whistling in the air next door--arrows. Jedediah was already in motion. That wasn't a drill, that there was an actual fight.
"Boys! Our allies need help! You ready to ride?!"
There were a lot of yeehaws and shouts as the cowboys started to assemble.
Normally, Jed would have stayed with them, leading them into battle, but then he heard screaming and what sounded like loud hissing--what in tarnation was over there?
That's when the true leader of the cowboys, Mayor or no Mayor, was running. "I'm coming Octy!"
Octavius was a wily enemy, more than capable of taking care of himself. Jedediah knew that better than anyone! But when the Roman general was in danger, Jedediah was going to be there, period.
The blonde cowboy stopped for a moment when he reached Rome. The Mayans had attacked again, but it was the large snake also in the diorama that gave him pause. It was a slender serpent with greenish-yellow scales covered in heavy bands of dark green. It lashed its tail, exposing a greyish yellow belly, and knocking down an entire row of battling Roman and Mayan warriors. At least it attacked indiscriminately.
In the middle of it all was Octavius, commanding his men, sword brandished in a dramatic fashion. Jedediah let out a small sigh of relief on seeing him safe.
Jedediah hurried to reach his friend. "Starting the party without me, Octopus?!"
The scaled serpent struck. A Roman soldier dropped to the ground, crying out, and that was bad enough, but Octavius ran toward the serpent with his sword up, yelling out a challenge. The general attacked the beast, giving his men time to drag away the injured soldier.
Jedediah pulled out his lasso as his friend dodged a strike. "Watch out, partner!"
"Jedediah! The reinforcements are appreciated, my friend."
"We gonna two-step this beast? Do a little dancing?" Jedediah asked as they moved in tandem, attacking one at a time so it never fully focused on either of them.
"Yes. Let us perform the...doozy dough, as you say."
"Do-si-doe, Octy."
"That is equally as ridiculous," Octavius said, dodging the tail whipping over his head. "Have you a laqueus ?"
"Lasso," Jedediah said as he held his up. "Yeah."
The duo looked at each other and nodded, having done this before.
Octavius ran straight for the creature to distract it while Jedediah lassoed its snout and jumped aboard.
He locked his ankles together under its jaw as it flailed. "Yeehaw! Can't unseat ol' Jedediah! You ain't no bucking bronco!"
Octavius jumped up behind him. "I thought I might help weigh the head down!"
The nearest Romans and Americans tossed ropes over the squirming snake until it was finally secure enough for the pair to jump off.
"Ha ha! Well done! No one can defeat the combined might of the Roman Empire and the United States of- ow." Octavius looked down. There was a large dart in his arm that he pulled out.
"Legate!" One of the soldiers cried out.
"Press the enemy, demonstrate the wrath of Mars!" Octavius ordered. "Make certain they retreat!"
The Romans saluted and left, the Americans headed off for more fun as well.
"You okay, Ock?" Jedediah asked, taking off his bandana.
The brown haired man had gone pale. "Ah...yesh?"
Jed frowned at the slurring, but hurried to tie his bandana around the wound. "We better get you to a medical tent."
"My arm has losht all shensashion." Octavius jerked his shoulder to demonstrate, but was evidently unable to convince his arm to move.
The Roman general dropped suddenly and Jedediah abruptly found himself with a heavy armful. "Octavius?!"
"Ssalve Jed'diah," the Roman said, looking up into the blushing cowboy's face with a tired and drugged smile. "Looksh like m' legs lost feeling too! I find myself des'rin' Somnus'sh embrace."
Somnus? Jedediah thought. Who the Sam Hill is that?
Could it be someone Octavius was... sparking? Where was he when Octavius was fighting that serpent, then?!
"Octagon," he started out loud.
"I shall curl upon you like a kitt'n in a bashket and doze," Octavius declared, putting his head against Jedediah's chest.
The cowboy felt his face flush even more. It had to be the exertion from the battle--lord, now he sounded like Octavius in his own head.
"Hang on partner, you're kinda heavy with that tin can on," Jedediah said as he adjusted his hold, putting one arm around the Roman's middle and lifting him back into an upright position. Then he put one of the brunette's arms around his neck. "C'mon, Oct. One foot then the other. You remember how to walk."
"I 'member lots of thingsh, Jed'diah," Octavius managed with drugged dignity. "Firs' time I shaw you... thought y' were just a barbarus ."
"Uh huh, and I thought you had a stick up your-"
Octavius kept going. "But a beaut'ful barbarus ."
Now Jedediah was completely red in the face. "Stop jawing, Tavi. You don't know what you're saying."
"Perhapsh. I've been hit by a poishon dart. What's your excushe?"
"Not poison! It's a sedative, that's all. You're gonna be fine, you melodramatic Roman. Which way to a doctor?"
"Carry me t' a couch. I shall r'cline on y' lap and purr." Octavius butted his helmeted head against Jedediah's shoulder, possibly mimicking a cat rubbing against someone?
"Ow. Quit it, toga boy. You ain't a cat," Jedediah said, eyes scanning the battle around them, watching for any enemies, though it seemed the Mayans were losing the fight.
"I love kittiesh. An' spending time with you watching them."
Jedediah sighed. "Look, October, we're in the middle of a battle-"
'And I shall keep y' shafe, this I shwear by Jupiter and...!" Octavius blinked heavily. "Ev'body else."
"He's been darted," Jedediah explained. "He needs a sawbones-"
A Roman came over. "Legate?"
"A what?!" The soldier who Jedediah vaguely recognized--Decimal? Decimate?-- asked, panicked. Apparently being dramatic was a Roman trait. "Is he hurt worse elsewhere?"
"Don't get your toga in a knot, I mean a healer! Whatever y'all call them. And-" The cowboy stopped talking as Octavius' legs went completely out from under him again and he was forced to support all his weight. "Can you help?"
Between them, they got Octavius' armor off and Jed pulled him into his arms. "Lead the way to someplace he can take a siesta. And hey, you!" He yelled at a passing archer, who paused. "Go get a healer, pronto."
Jedediah had no authority in Rome, but the soldiers did as he bid regardless.
"Follow me, General Jedediah," Decibel? said. "I am Tesserarius Arria Decimus Blandus."
"Bless you," Jedediah said as if the man had sneezed, but the Roman didn't get the joke.
"Thank you? May you be blessed in your endeavors as well. You may call me Decimus."
Jed was being listened to, respected, and given an honorary rank? Perks of being close friends with the leader.
Octavius put his head against Jedediah's shoulder. "Y'smell of manliness an' horshe," he murmured.
Really close friends, apparently.
"Seriously, Ockie?" Jedediah hissed back. "Lancelot gets 'hypnotic blue eyes' and I get 'you smell like a horse?!'"
In front of them, Decimus made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh disguised as a cough.
"Y' eyes are twin pools of gorgeous, f'bidden water. Like t'river Shtyx. I could swim in 'em for 'ternity an' never care if I drowned."
"Would you shut your big bazoo, toga boy?" Jed asked in an urgent, quiet tone, glancing at Decimus.
"Not unless y' still m' lips for me," Octavius replied, looking up into the cowboy's blue eyes.
Jedediah frowned. "Got my hands full at the moment." He paused. "Maybe Somnus can help."
"S a line from a poem I wrote. Mosht people like poetry. I shall recite y' classic vershe. 'No faithfulnessh 'n any bond, wash ever such as has been foun' on my part-'"
"Tavi," Jedediah said, trying to remain calm. His heart was doing a weird shuttering thing in his chest. "You're outta your head."
"But 'm I in y'heart?" With that, Octavius finally passed out.
Which was probably better for everyone, all told.
As far as I could find, some version of the do-si-do would have been around in Jed's time.
Tesserarius=a rank in the Roman army, basically the guy in charge of the night guards and watch words
Catullus 87 is the poem Octavius briefly quotes. The other one he made himself. ;)
There will be at least another part to the story!
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kyndaris · 2 years
Eliminating the Impossible
Ever since I watched the show Detective Conan, I’ve always wanted my sharp mind to the test and solve gruesome murders.That desire was only heightened by reading the adventures of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most famous fictional character: Sherlock Holmes back in Year 8. The idea of emulating the greatest detective in the world was what drove me to study criminology and helped train my keen eye to the minutest detail. 
For a good long while, my one desire was to throw on a deerstalker cap, have a Stradivarius violin sitting in the back corner of my room  and exclaim: ‘The game is afoot!’ to a doctor friend. 
So when video games were released that encapsulated that feeling of being a master detective, as well as the Victorian setting of the time, I was hooked. Being able to deduce everything with just a quick glance and arrive at awesome conclusions? Yes, please!
Frogwares has come a long way in terms of their Sherlock Holmes titles. Many of the early titles were focused on one huge case that spanned the entirety of the hours spent on it. Holmes would traipse from one corner of London to the next in order to unravel the dastardly villain behind it all. That all changed with Crimes and Punishments where players could enjoy a myriad of shorter cases that allowed players to arrive at their own conclusions. So, eager to try my hand at actual crime solving instead of sitting on the couch and letting the playable character solve it all in several long drawn out cutscenes, I dusted off my PlayStation 4 Pro to enjoy a romp around London before I jumped into the much more open-world interpretation of my favourite detective in his younger years. 
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Lo and behold: Sherlock Holmes and the Devil’s Daughter.
While I enjoyed the first three cases of the game, the latter ones felt much too rushed. Despite the strong opening, I was disappointed at how quickly the intrigue petered out. From a narrative standpoint, it was also disheartening to see how little the cases tied together. Yes, there was an overarching arch but the writers only touched upon it with small snippets rather than letting them breathe or have Kate (Moriarty’s daughter) be more involved rather than shunting her off to the sidelines.
It would have also helped if Holmes was more receptive to communicating with his adopted daughter instead of ignoring her wants and needs. For much of the game, he is constantly reminded by Watson that Kate deserves the truth. This also plays into the ending as well, which falters a little due to how little Holmes has interacted with Kate throughout the game. 
Still, the whole deduction business was very much in keeping with the great detective. The way he would file away certain clues and then make deductions in his mind palace was a sight to see. I also liked that the players had the options to select certain choices when it came to evidence. The most important aspect from the books was that preconceptions could colour or bias a deduction. Rather than come up with a hypothesis and pick and choose what evidence to neatly fit into it, it was far better to use the evidence to formulate the circumstances and motives.
Fittingly, the gameplay was primarily focused on solving cases although there were occasional diversions such as lawn bowling or navigating one’s way through a secret Mayan temple within the confines of Sherlock’s mind. While these had their own intriguing problems to solve, they were more or less a gimmick to provide something fresh and different to the formula that was mastered in the last game. 
My experience with the Devil’s Daughter was still, however, marred by the technical limitations of the platform. It was clear from the outset that the game wasn’t terribly optimised for consoles. There was quite a bit of screen tearing and suffering through long load times (after getting acquainted with much faster speeds on the PlayStation 5). Worse were the janky movements from Holmes to Watson and the inexplicable lack of instructions for new functions. While tutorials might have bogged down the pacing, they would have made certain puzzles a lot easier to deal with. 
As it always the case, the Sherlock Holmes titles from Frogwares are not triple-A games. That doesn’t mean, however, that they are not enjoyable. 
These grumbles aside, my time with Frogwares attempt at changing up the formula before heading back into the distant past, was still a detecting feast for my Sherlock loving heart. Here’s hoping Sherlock Holmes Chapter One will bring a breath of fresh air to the franchise whilst still balancing the a-ha moments with as much style as possible.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “I Have Seen.”
Wrote something easy and more similar to my original stories today. I hope you like it. 
I have been thinking about taking a couple days off from writing these stories, since I have been working non stop on this and the book for over a year now, so I am considering taking a break for about a week so I don’t burn out. I haven’t decided yet, so we shall see, but I hope you all have a great day.
I have a job no one knows about.
I don’t think anyone would be surprised if they heard about my job. I don’t even think they would care all that much.
None of this explains why my work station is in the basement of a nondescript government bunker on a death planet…. A!36. I can’t explain why I need three codes to get into my office, or why I go through five locked doors, or why I am not allowed to tell anyone what I do on pain of termination and imprisonment. 
You would assume, perhaps that I am a spy, and involved in some covert cloak and dagger espionage against other species and nations: you would be wrong.
You might assume I am a weapons developer, but you would also be wrong.
Perhaps you think I spend my time wire-tapping on important calls between species and recording important information.
None of this is really the case.
In fact, what I do is quite safe and relatively simple, plenty of other non-humans are doing it of their own accord and plenty more humans do it on a regular basis. What I do is not illegal, it is not espionage, it wouldn’t even phase you.
If that is the case.
Why do so many of my coworkers go missing?
Why are there absent desks every few months?
Why can I not make any lasting friends?
Management always give excuses to those of us who are left.
They left for mental health reasons.
THey moved on to a different job.
They are moving up in the company.
They had to be let go.
All things generic and all things that wouldn’t generally raise suspicion… unless they happen so frequently as us.
You may be wondering at this point, what it is I do for a job.
Perhaps, you think, it is very boring and unfulfilling that I would go insane from sheer boredom.
No, I actually find my job quite interesting.
Perhaps you think my job forces me to watch very disturbing and violent things…. And I suppose that could be close to the truth, though no one forces us to watch the videos if we don’t want, and no one makes us read the material if we cannot handle it. In fact, there are those of us who specialize in that sort of thing.
I do.
I am a specialist in historical xenopsychology.
I study human history.
When I say that I study human history, I do not mean as in a passing fancy. I do not simply read their school children’s textbooks and accept everything I see as truth, no, every day , I come into work and it is my job, to learn about everything that has ever happened in human history, to the best of my ability.
It is my job to know the good, the bad, the ugly, and the monstrous.
I work from day to night, cataloguing and filling my brain with all the information I can before recording it as a lecture on aura drives, which are then stored away for future use in a deep backup system under the surface of this planet.
I have followed human history since the beginning of time.
And I have marveled at it.
Much of my research is flawed, I know. Human history has always been biased, history being shaped and molded by the winners of conflict. Much of what else I know stems primarily from scholarly work humans have done on their own species, looking back the centuries and making assumptions about what they were doing.
While this is a good insite -- humans trying to explain the behavior of other humans-- it isn’t necessarily correct.
For this reason, it is my job to study every piece of information that comes across my desk.
Due to a government agreement between the galactic assembly and the United Nations of Earth, I was given access to the rebuilt library of Alexandria and all of its electronic files which include photos and information on the original documents that they keep in sealed vaults below the library.
I have read every account of human history, and every second hand interpretation of human history that I could possibly find in my time working here.
I have read Darwin and his early theory regarding evolution. I have examined his evidence, which include images and diagrams of the human body spanning centuries. My determinations were made just the same as the rest of them. Humanity was a tree-living species that found its evolutionary niche through walking and the use of opposable thumbs.
This ability to walk, in tandem with the use of hands eventually gave rise to the slow swelling of the brain in comparison to other animals. Human evolved primitive tools, and even more primitive religions, societies and rules.
They developed art early on, painting on the walls of their caves, in the darkness of night surrounded by their fires.
I have read about their befriending of animals in that same darkness. Man’s slow molding of the wolf into the dog - a species designed specifically for the needs of man.
I have attempted to read every account of every atrocity ever inflicted on humanity.
I have read of wars, and battles, Marathon, Thermopylae, Kadesh, D-day, Vietnam, Korea, Russo-Japanese, World wars I, II, III,  and IV and the Panasian War. 
I have witnessed in images and first hand accounts the chilling discoveries of natural disasters gone back thousands of years. Pompeii, Mt. St Helens, Katrina, Tsunamis, earthquakes, the fire of london, 1887 yellow river flood, the 3130 California earthquake, and Haiti earthquakes. 
And I have studied and witnessed every atrocity man has ever committed on its own people. The Mongol hordes, the crusades, Mayan and Aztec sacrifices, The Armenian genocide, the Holocaust, mustard gas, 9/11, slavery in the America, the Trail of Tears, The Bataan Death March, the Berlin wall, Civil war, the French revolution, Nanjing, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I tore a hole in humanity and looked inside to see your rot. 
I study the maggots that crawl under your skin.
Don’t confuse me with someone who fears you, or is even disgusted by you. You have committed thousands of horrors, yes this is true. But humanity is not a polished gem, it is an uncut stone marred by dirt and debris, but beautiful in a way that can hardly be explained.
You scrub away the rot only to find more underneath, yet you continue to scrub, in a futile attempt to better yourselves.
It is a beautiful thing if not in vain.
I do not judge you for your crimes because I have also seen your achievements. I watched you survive  the dark ages, I learned your philosophy from the greek world which brought the beauty of democracy and equity in later forms. I watched the enlightenment of the Renaissance, and have seen your beautiful artwork from each period of time. 
I have witnessed your great nations and empires rise and fall, Assyria, Byzantine, Rome, Britain, Egypt, Mongole, Aztek, Soviet Union, The chinese Dynasties and the Communist parties. The United States, and the Asian Co-Prosperity Collective
I have seen your bravery and your loss.
I have learned about the good that walks your earth.
Humans who stood up to tyrants.
I have even examined your stories of creation, of deities who molded humans from clay or dust, watched your world come into form in seven days, or ride on the backs of giant animals. I have seen the gods gift you with fire and learned the teaching of your martyrs over the centuries. Men and women slain and stoned or pulled away by spirits. I have learned of crucifixion, death and rebirth as well as reincarnation and a return to the very fabric of the universe itself.
I see everything.
I see everything. I see it all in my dreams laid out before me like a tapestry following each woven thread through the ages. I thought if I looked back, I could know as much as I possibly could. If I dug deep enough, I would be able to see your secrets.
And I have discovered you.
I see you hiding in there.
I know what you are.
Come out, come out.
And I won’t stop until it is all over and your cities crumbled into dust and bone.
I am being called into my manager’s office. Perhaps I too am ready to go up in the company.
I will be back soon…
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Marcus Alvarez x Che Taza Romero's daughter!Reader
Word count: 2k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💖
Author Comments: Just something I needed to write about, I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @fromthesixteenthfloor
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You spit your coffee turning over your barefoot, looking at your daughter through the american kitchen, without repairing in the mess you have done all around the tile floor. Lucia is painting in one of her color books and apparently she came out of the line.
“What was that, ah?”
She glances at you somewhat confused, pausing her important task.
“It's my new favorite word”.
The girl shrugs her shoulders playing the innocent one.
“No, it's not. And don' say that again”.
“Fuck”. She repeats challenging you, narrowing the big brown eyes.
“¿Qué dijo, señorita?” (What did you say?)
“You hea'me, mama”.
“Okay… Pack your things”.
“Where we goen'?” Her confusion comes back to her face, getting up from the chair.
“You're gonna say it to El Padrino”.
“No! No, mama! I'm sorre'!” She runs at you terrified, tangling her tiny arms around your right leg.
“I said ‘pack your things’, señorita”. There's no way back. Not even when Lucia starts to cry begging you with all her efforts.
Ignoring your daughter, you end your coffee as she put her case and her book inside the pink bag, with the tears wetting the shirt she's wearing. Sometimes is painful act like you don't care that she's sad, nor upset, nor unhappy, but she has to learn what se can say and what she can't. It would be easy if her father was there, with you two, but you can't try to fuck up the MC if you don't wanna be buried somewhere in the Sonoran desert. At least, you have your father who usually helps you with Lucia constantly. But Marcus is the one she loves. No one can mess with him is your daughter is around. And of course, no one can mess with your daughter without suffering by El Padrino. You know him since ever, practically, and when the Mayans killed Lucia's father, he promised you that he would take care of both at all cost. You didn't even love that man, so make him disappear was also a god's gift.
Your daughter is crying inconsolably while you tie up the seat belt around her body in the back seat. She stills begging you. Whenever she does something bad, you resort to Marcus. He always knows what to say and what to do with her. And you sometimes feel you shouldn't put that weight on his shoulders, but he seems so delighted when he does that it melts your heart. By turning on your car, you drive through the south border from Santa Madre to Santo Padre, and it only takes you some minutes where your headache starts to grow because of your child's weeping.
“Mama, plez', I'm sorre'”. Bawling full of pain, whilst grabbing her hand as soon as she gets out from the car.
All the bikes are parked there, what it means that the whole crew is inside the clubhouse. This is just getting better and better. Usually, when she misbehaves, the Mayans makes a completely show with it only to support your decisions to correct her bad behavior. Crossing the main door, as her cries get loud, the guys stare at you frowning in your daughter's direction. Leaving in the background whatever they were doing before you came, all of them cross their arms above their chests adopting that position they call “mad tíos”.
“Wha' happen', princesa?” Marcus asks with hidden curiosity.
“Mama, plez'”. She turns at you showing her best puppy-eyes reddened and filled with tears.
“I told ya', señorita. Now, tell Padrino”. You push her into the man, walking with small and slow steps towards him.
The girl has her head down, sobbing and shaking a little with her tiny hands tangled under her belly.
“What did you do, mija?” He says leaning with his arms supported on his lap.
Lucia turns at you for a second, waiting for a last minute redemption. However, you raise your chin pouting in a serious look. She sighs cleaning her tears with the back of her hands, ahead she looks at El Padrino.
“I ju—I just say som—somethen'… bad”.
The mexican nods thoughtful before the next question.
“About me?”
“No! ’Cors' no!” She shakes her head in a dramatic way, taking some more steps close to him.
Your father places himself by your side, giving you a funny look as you're trying not to laugh watching the heart-break faces the crew has.
“I sa-said… ‘fuck’”.
The Mayans continue the show, making a surprised sound before clicking their tongues in disagreement. Good Lord, it's costing you your whole life not to break in laughter.
“Why do I think you didn't just say it once?” Marcus gesture gets somewhat rude and angry, but with that calm position he always has.
“I said it… twice”. When your girl sees how disappointed is her true love, she tries to fix it.
“Dammit, mami!” Coco and Angel says, as the guys pretend that they're whispering about Lucia just to make her feel worse. You all are going to burn in hell.
“But 'am sorre'! I'll not say tha'gain! I promise!”
Marcus, lying on his chair, cross his arms on his chest putting his gaze away your daughter, but in you for a second.
“Wait outside and think about what you did. I'm gonna talk with mama in the meantime”.
Your daughter's cheek are being runned by some tears, so long as she nods.
“Can I hug you?”
You can notice who every heart in the room stops for a second, yours included. Sometimes is so hard to not comfort her that you feel extra bad. But she has to learn one way or another.
“No, mija. Estoy triste por lo que hiciste”. (No, mija. I'm sad for what you did). Marcus gets up of his chair, putting well on his kutte whilst turning to the Templo.
“Sit outside and think about what you did”. You say to your daughter as soon as she walks close to you.
“Mama… do ya' think he coul' be happe' if I draw somethen'?” Lucia asks you with a broken voice and her eyes on her foots.
“I don' know. Try it”.
This sounds like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so she practically runs to your car to take her bag and get to work, sitting on the couch in the porch.
“Jeez, my heart…” EZ says, while you chuckles and the rest seems agreed.
“She only listens to Marcus”.
And that's true. Sometimes it bothers you and pushes you to the limit, but you're thankful for having him in your life. Passing away the men who continue with whatever they were doing, you close Templo's door behind your back resting it there. You're laughing slightly like he's doing also shaking his head.
“You're a good mother”. He says then, pulling away the main chair at the table, so he can support his body against the edge.
“Yea', I think so… But sometimes it just… It's difficult”. That's all you can say, because you're not sure how explain it, even if you know he understand you perfectly.
The man offers you a hand, lifted on air, tangling your fingers with his and coming closer till your chests meet. He kisses you, pressing your lips so dearly and gently that your legs are about to fail. Traveling your hands to both sides of the man's neck, his reach your low back. Having a deep breathe after some seconds, Marcus rest his forehead against yours, touching your nose with his in a soft caress.
“You know? I was thinking about tellin' Lucia that we're together”. The mexican says looking for your eyes, and noticing somekind of surprise in them.
“Did you?”.
“Yes”. He just say. “With respect and your permission, I'm already like her father”.
“Yea', you are, Marcus”.
“And it's been eight month since we started”. He adds. “What do you think about having dinner together, maybe… drop it to her”.
“Yes, we could”. Your lips are pursed in brief smile, kissing him again as much as you missed him after three days out of Cali.
“Outside?” Marcus gets up from the table, holding one of your hand and leaving a gentle kiss on the back of it.
“Yea', she thought you would be happy, if she draws something for you”.
El Padrino beams at you, walking towards the colorful glass door to cross it. He lets go your hand to continue with his steps outside, where your daughter is waiting for him.
“Are you gonna tell her?” Taza asks you, putting an arm on your shoulders.
“Yep. We think it's time”. You raise your eyes to your father. He looks good with the idea, knowing how much Marcus loves you and respects you.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Salsa music floods the restaurant terrace, full of people, families and children that just meet playing and running around the tables decorated with white and small candles. It's a good temperature outside, and Lucia looks happy sitting in front of you, looking everything surrounding her. Drinking of her lemon soda by the straw whilst dancing her hips on the chair, you look at Marcus. You can't help but feeling terrified. You're nervous, not sure if it's going to end well or if it's going to be a chaos. Your daughter is extremely jealous with the mexican.
“So… corazón, we have to tell you something”. You say finally with trembling voice, even if the man is holding and narrowing your hand under the table.
“Are ya' gonna have a baby?”
You're pretty sure your mouth could touch the floor whilst your heart jumping about give you an attack. Marcus breaks in laughter, but you don't see the funny point on it.
“No, mija, we're not gonna have a baby”.
“Oh”. That sounded like a letdown.
“You would like it…?” You ask confused, leaning on the table, with your free arm supported in.
“Yes! It would be cool!”.
“Yes?” Marcus is confused too, with his gaze in your daughter's.
“Yea', I think I coul' sher' ma' dad”.
Sweet Jesus, you're about to die because of a terrible shame. The mexican is about to drown with his own saliva, coughing for a while.
“But, if it's not a baby, what is, mama?” Lucia turns her attention to you, waiting for another thing.
“Well, ahm… Marcus and I…”
“We're together”. He says, knowing that it's costing you a lot to tell her.
“Ya', I knew it”.
“Did you?” Frowning your eyebrows and licking your lips somewhat more relaxed, you twist your neck.
“Yep, you're too obvious, mama”.
You're sure that your boyfriend can't laugh louder than right now, covering his mouth with a hand because of her words. Lucia laughs too, as you chuckle having a sip of your beer.
“I hear' ya' tell tia Letti ‘fuck, we should get married’. That's why it's my favorite word, 'cuz I would like't too, mama”.
“Jesus Christ…” Your hands covering your face as you nail your elbows on the table, and your cheeks getting red as hell.
“Did you?” Marcus ask with some kind of mirth.
“Canna' go to play?” The innocence in her voice overwhelms you, while she's asking directly to her ‘new dad’.
“Claro, mija, ve. Te avisamos cuando llegue la orden”. (Sure, mija, go. We'll tell you when the food is here).
As soon as Lucia jumps off of her chair, Marcus turns at you without letting go your hand, and by supporting the other arm on the table.
“Did you?” He asks again very interested in your answer.
“Maybe”. You reply with pursed lips trying not to laugh because of the bashfulness.
The man, leaning above you and reaching one of your flushed cheeks, catches your lips between his in a sweet and silky kiss. Slowly, enjoying the peace that has just arrived to your life after having the agreement of your daughter.
“I'll keep it in mind, mi amor”.
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me: @whatupitshuff @justahopelessssromantic @appropriate-writers-name @proudlittlewitchbitch
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
Name: Jazzmyn
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Sagittarius
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Height: 5’7”
Time: 12:58 am
Favorite Bands: Chloe x Halle, Maroon 5, Destiny’s Child. Damn I really don’t listen to bands 😬
Favorite Solo Artists: Beyoncé, Megan Thee Stallion, Ariana Grande, Big Sean, Bruno Mars, Joss Stone, Tink, Cardi B. So many I can’t count
Last Movie: Safety on Disney+ it was so cute.
Last Show: Lucifer, I’m finally watching and I’m a Maze stan!
When did I create this blog: August 2018???
What do I post: Shittt, everything. My fics, my thirst posts, my freaky shit, music, things I find funny, and personal stuff I can’t vent about on other social media.
Last thing I Googled: that Sagittarius meme
Why I choose my URL: I used to be a science teacher 😅
Following: 411
Followers: 2,939 (looks like there may be a need for a 3k celebration)
Average hours of sleep: like 5-6 but straight like 4 hours lately 😭
Lucky number: 2
Instruments: NOT A DAMN ONE!
What am I wearing?: a flash tshirt and gray shorts.
Dream job: a coffeshop/bookshop owner
Dream trip: Greece ♥️
Favorite food: Lo mein
Nationality: American
Favorite song: right now it’s either cry baby by Megan thee Stallion or west side by Ariana Grande
Last book I read:ummm shit ughhh idk 😭😭😭
Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d like to live in:
Mayans of course! I’m finna pamper tf out of Angel, okay!!! I’m treating the man like the king he is. And the rest of the guys are gonna love me okay? We finna be family in this bitch.
Supernatural. I KNOW, I KNOW. I’m a little crazy for wanting to go there but it’s Dean. You know I love an emotionally damaged man. Plus, I need to be best friends with Rowena.
Marvel: SUPERHEROS BITCHES! As long as I live in Stark Tower because I ain’t paying to fix anything. Then the endless possibilities of boyfriends. Imma end up with a harem.
Tagging: @admirehermind @starrynite7114 @munteanhore @twistedcharismaaa @sunshinexsin @afriendlyblackhottie @liquorlaughslove
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#HailCaesar #BirtherInChief #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit
Stop the aggressions against the Zapatistas! - Manifesto signed by Noam Chomsky, Boaventura De Sousa, Raúl Zibechi, Enzo Traverso, Gilberto López y Rivas and more.
Today those who defend the environment are slaughtered every day. At a time like the one that the planet lives in which the protection of those who defend it is required, the opposite happens. Those who have resisted this destruction by the powerful have not stopped saying NO, they have always done so, although the current administration does not want to have memory.
The murder in the community of Amilcingo, Morelos of Samir Flores, a member of the resistance against the Comprehensive Plan Morelos, its gas pipeline and thermoelectric plants that put the life and territory of Nahua communities in Puebla and Morelos at risk; the massacre of 15 Ikoot indigenous people in San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca, one of the regions that has opposed the Trans-isthmian Corridor projects; the growing paramilitary violence in Chiapas, with 56 attacks in the municipality of Aldama alone, and the kidnapping in February of members of the National Indigenous Council (CNI) of the municipality of Chenalhó are proof that the war continues.
Now the violence is becoming more and more explicit against the Zapatista communities. The growth of the activity of paramilitary groups such as “Los Chinchulines” or the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO), as well as the appearance of new groups, is exacerbating tension in the region. The theft and burning of warehouses and houses of the Moisés Ghandi community, of the Autonomous Rebel Zapatista Municipality “Lucio Cabañas”, (in the official municipality of Ocosingo), show the increase in the intensity of the aggressions and provocations against the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. The EZLN has respected the ceasefire for years and has focused on strengthening its autonomous organizational processes with schools, clinics, and justice systems. It is serious that one of the ethical references of resistance and construction of concrete and viable alternatives for the planet continues to be under siege, and it is even more serious that the response of those who seek to “transform Mexico” is complicity or oblivion in the face of these extermination attempts. .
It is extremely worrying that this occurs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, that there are those who seek to take advantage of the vulnerability in which everyone finds themselves to fuel their ambitions for money and power. It is more worrisome when those who are supposedly in charge of preventing such abuses allow and therefore favor them.
Beyond the erroneous or successful changes of the executive power, which shows this escalation of violence in indigenous areas, and the worsening of paramilitary attacks in the Zapatista territory in Chiapas, is the continuity of the racist, colonial and paternalistic vision of the governments. liberals and conservatives, left and right. Projects such as the Mayan Train show the idea of ​​bringing "development" to indigenous peoples by turning them into cheap labor and contributing only the folkloric image of the Mexican indigenous.
The violence and dispossession of indigenous territories that megaprojects such as the Trans-isthmian Corridor or the Mayan Train imply and require are the ethical breaking point of the current Mexican government, it is where the moral stature that President López Obrador has awarded in front of its predecessors begins to collapse.
Those of us who signed this letter are watching carefully what is happening in Mexico, what is happening in the Zapatista communities that for decades have been a benchmark for other ways of living, health, education, justice, politics. We will not allow the extermination of indigenous peoples with the recurring excuse of development.
International firms
Noam Chomsky (USA)
Saskia Sassen (USA)
Raúl Zibechi (Uruguay)
Marcos Roitman (Spanish State)
Oscar Olivera (Bolivia)
Hugo Blanco Galdos (Peru)
Boaventura De Sousa Santos (Portugal)
Michael Hardt (USA)
Yvon Le Bot (France)
Philippe Corcuff (France)
Jaime Pastor (Spanish State)
Manuel Garí Ramos. Economist. Member of Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Juan Wahren (Argentina)
Sabrina Melenotte (France)
Daniel Mato (Argentina)
John Gibler (USA)
José Angel Quintero Weir - Wainjirawa Indigenous Organization (Venezuela)
Roberto Ojeda Escalante (Cusco, Peru)
Pepe Mejía, journalist, social activist, Correspondent for Indigenous Struggle in Europe
Pierluigi Sullo (Italy)
Enzo Traverso (Italy)
Derly Constanza Cuetia Dagua (Nasa People, Colombia)
Vilma Rocío Almendra (Colombia)
Manuel Rozental (Colombia)
Raúl Camargo. Former deputy of Madrid. Spokesperson for Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Genaro Raboso Saelices. Unionist of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Ana María Gordaliza Fernández. Psychoanalyst. (Spanish state)
Ana Barba. Pharmaceutical (Spanish State)
Marià Delás Briefcase. Journalist (Spanish State)
Lurdes Lucia. Editor Feminist. (Spanish state)
José Vicente Barcia. Ecologist (Spanish State)
Rocío Van Der Heide García. Anti-capitalists. Social worker (Spanish State)
Patri Amaya. Feminist. LGTBI Movement (Spanish State)
Fernando Cabrerizo. Multimedia Technician (Spanish State)
Pablo Pérez Garfonina. Member of Adelante Andalucía (Spanish State)
Ramon Gorriz Vitalla, union member of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Roberto Montoya Batiz. Journalist (Spanish State)
Laura Lucía Pérez Ruano. Jurist. Teacher. Former deputy of Navarra (Spanish State)
Carmen San José Pérez. Family doctor. Unionist of the Assembly Movement of Health Workers (MATS) (Spanish State)
Juan Hernández Zubizarreta. College professor. Member of the Observatory of Multinationals of Latin America. (Spanish state)
Lorena Garrón Rincón. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council. (Spanish state)
Alicia López Hernando. Feminist Movement (Spanish State)
Ángela Aguilera Clavijo, deputy spokesperson of the Adelante Andalucía group in the Andalusian Parliament (Spanish State)
Demetrio Quirós. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council (Spanish State)
Jorge Riechmann Fernández. Professor at the Autonomous University of
Madrid and writer (Spanish State)
Mónica Rocha Medina, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Huáscar Salazar Lohman, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Patrick Silberstein (France)
Tomas Astelarra, journalist (Argentina)
Mexican firms
Paul Hersch Martinez
Alicia Castellanos Guerrero, UAM-I
Gilberto López y Rivas, INAH- Morelos
Juan Carlos Rulfo. Filmmaker. Mexico City.
Margara Millán, professor, UNAM
Fernanda Navarro
Paul Leduc
Magdalena Gomez
Francisco Barrios "El Cress"
Eduardo Almeida Acosta
Maria Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera
Graciela Mijares López
Alexander Varas
Volga De Pina, defender of Human Rights.
Marta De Cea. Cultural Promoter. Mexico
Mariana Mora, CIESAS CDMX and Red de Feminismos Descoloniales
Bruno Baronnet, Universidad Veracruzana
Isidoro Moreno. Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. Sevilla University. Andalusia
Francisco Morfin Otero. Instituto Superior Intercultural Ayuuk ISIA
Kathia Núñez Patiño Faculty of Social Sciences C-III. A CH
Richard Stahler-Sholk Eastern Michigan University, USA
Jean Robert Architect, Professor at La Salle University
Sylvia Marcos, Network of decolonial Feminisms, Professor at the Ibero-American University
Servando Gaja, Cinematographer
Inés Durán Matute, sociologist.
Mariana favela
Barbara Zamora
Susana Vázquez Vidal, PhD at CIESAS Occidente.
Orb Larisa
Antonio Sarmiento
Hector Zetina
Raúl Romero, sociologist, Mexico.
Raúl Gutiérrez Narváez, Intercultural Inductive Education Network and CIESAS, Chiapas
Sergio Tischler
Fernando Matamoros Ponce, Research Professor, Postgraduate in Sociology (ICSyH-BUAP)
Joaquín Osorio G. ITESO
Rubén Martin, freelance journalist, Guadalajara
Lucia Linsalata
Ana Maria Vera
Isis Samaniego-Poet
Bertha Melendez «Yuhcatla»
Maria Luisa Arroyo Rodriguez
Epifanio Flores and Manzola
Amparo Seville
J. Jesus Maria Serna Moreno
Sergio Hernández / Uci, Zautla, Puebla
Paulino Alvarado
Erika Sánchez Cruz, professor at BUAP
Irma Zentle Colotl, Social Economist
Wullfrano Ramírez, Dr. Artificial Intelligence
Mirna Valdés, Poet
Horacio Torres de Ita
Alejandra Jiménez, Rural Teacher
Ana Melissa Valenzuela, Educator
Zitlalli López Mendoza, Educator
Cristian Añorve, Student
Roxana Bolio
Jose Meza Rosas
Luis Saracho de María y Campos
Florina Mendoza Jimenez
Leonel Lopez
María de Lourdes Mejía, Mother of Carlos Sinuhé Cuevas Mejía
Angel Benhumea Salazar
Roberto Rodríguez Contreras "Cat"
Isabel Maldonado Hernandez
Omar Abrego Torres
Alfredo Velarde Saracho, professor at the Faculty of Economics
Ana Laura Suarez Lima
Azael Soriano Sanchez
Cecilia Zeledon
Diana Patricia González Ferreira, ICSYH Sociology Teacher
Colectivo La Resistencia (Los Angeles, USA)
Solidarity with the Mexican people - Málaga (Spanish State)
Union Communiste libertaire (Marseille, France)
Union syndicale Solidaires, (France)
Vocesenlucha - Popular Communication (Spanish State)
Collectif Paris-Ayotzinapa (France)
Towns in Camino (Colombia)
Éditions Syllepse (France)
Network of Brotherhood and Solidarity with Colombia (Colombia)
International Commission of the People's Congress (Colombia)
Network Against Repression and for Solidarity (RvsR)
Human Rights Node (NODHO)
Errant Etcetera
Labor and Socialist Unity (UníoS!)
Union of Neighbors and Victims "September 19" (UVyd-19)
Community Communication Research Center A.C. (CICC A.C.)
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magón (CIPO-RFM)
Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero - Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ)
Guardians and Guardians of the Metlapanapa River
Otomí Indigenous Community residing in CDMX
Support network for the CNI-CIG Ibero Puebla
Xalapa Resistance and Rebellion Network
2140/5000 Resistance and Rebellion Network in support of the CNI-CIG of the Port of Veracruz
La Otra Tuxtla Resistance and Rebellion Network
Network of Rebellion and Resistrenzas-Puebla
Metropolitan, Anticapitalist and Antipatriarchal Coordination with the CIG
Network of decolonial feminisms
Paper picnic area
Compas Arriba !, Xalapa, Veracruz.
Mexicali Resists
Binational Network of Women Who Fight
Nativitas Zacapan for the Defense of the Land and Water.
Radio Tlanixco
The Collective Against Torture and Impunity
Colectivo Feminista Cihuatlahtolli A.C.
The Voice of the Anahuac.
Autonomous Student Renovation Collective
Coordinator of Students and Collectives of the FD-UNAM
Zapatista Neza Collective, Café "Zapata Vive"
Radio Regeneration
UPREZ Benito Juárez
Collective Aequus.- Promotion and defense of Human Rights
Coordination of Relatives of Students Victims of Violence
Voices of the Wind
Poetry and Singing
Collective Las Sureñas in resistance and rebellion
Popular Free Media Laboratory
Stomping Free Media
Plantón for 43
La Ceiba Collective
Zapatista Pantitlán Health Brigade
Sector of Workers Adhering to the Sixth Declaration
Front of Workers for the Right to Health and Social Security
Women who Fight, Resist and Organize
Rebel Bazaar
Community Dentistry Collective Sowing Smiles
Otomí Autonomous School
Residents of the Honorable National Student House.
Community Radio Totopo de Juchitán, Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
Green Tide High Mountains
Circle of Marxist Studies, Mexico City
The Other Juaritox
Collective ADA
Karuzo Cultural Forum
They are from the Máiz
Sixth Theater
El Torito Collective
Collective of Profes in the Sixth
Xochitlanezi Community
Tlanezi Calli Community
Compass Red
Zapatista Coffee Table of the UAM-Iztapalapa Below and to the Left of Building E
Gavilanas Collective
Collective Common Notebook
Iztapalapa Sexta Support Network
Colectivos del Sur Adherent to the Sixth
University of the Earth in Puebla (UnitierraPuebla)
Collective Utopia Puebla
The Zenzontle
House of the Peoples-Mexico
Autonomous Brigades of Mutual Support
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exmpxmuzen · 4 years
Awkward Chats
cont from here w/ @mp-cabrakan ft Muzen & Cabrakan 
With a small tug at the bottom of his sweater, Muzen walks a little tentatively into the man’s kitchen as he worries the soft fabric between his fingers. Yesterday he had bound in her so confidently, now as he watches the mountain god’s broad back whilst he busies himself making tea, Muzen can’t displace the awkwardness that was starting to feel like a hot itch under his skin! 
“Are we going to talk about last night?” 
There, he’d said it. The words burning in his mind like kisses had burnt his lips and fingertips still marred his skin. Dressed in an oversized jumper, one of his usual knitted, lumpy monstrosities, to cover kiss marks on his neck or finger presses left on slim wrists. All tell tale signs he would rather keep to himself when moving around the Mayan apartment block. Well, and the man who left them. 
His honey coloured eyes widen with concern as he watches Cabrakan react, broad shoulders slump before turning to him and taking a seat. Cabrakan would be kind about it, but this was likely to suck, big time. He’s not sure when he’d started to hope for more then friendly advice and help from the man, but here he is, about to have whatever it is crushed into pieces by giant size 13s. “It’s okay!” He pipes up quickly, as the mountain god sits and Muzen draws up his own hands behind large sleeves to thread his fingers together and press them to his own chest. Whatever the god was about to say, Muzen didn’t want to wear the hurt and embarrassment of it on his face, so he plasters on a smile and stops him. 
“Let me finish that tea, do you still have the honey I gave you? It goes great in tea-” he nods quickly, moving past the man to busy himself with something, because that worried look in the other’s eyes was going to kill him if he didn’t look away. 
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Hulu New Releases: March 2021
Hopefully March will bring respite from crippling snow storms and frigid temperatures for much of the globe. And if it doesn’t? Well, Hulu’s got some new streaming options at least!
Hulu’s list of new releases for March 2021 are relatively slight on Hulu originals. Thankfully, one beloved original of note is coming back this month. Solar Opposites will premiere all episodes of its second season on March 26. This sci-fi animated comedy from Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland is a breath of fresh alien air.
On the movie side of things, Hulu is premiering Boss Level on March 5. This actioner will star the delightful Frank Grillo and the decidedly less delightful Mel Gibson. Speaking of delightful though, the documentary Kid 90 will arrive on March 12. This comes from Punky Brewster star Soleil Moon Frye and features hours of footage she shot in the ’90s that will depict what being a child star during that time period was like.
And if none of that is to your liking, The Social Network will arrive on March 1. Might as well watch the best movie of the past decade this month.
Hulu New Releases – March 2021
March 1 The 13th Warrior (1999) 50/50 (2011) A Very Brady Sequel (1996) As Good as It Gets (1997) Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader (2012) Attack the Block (2011) Beloved (1998) Blow (2001) Brooklyn’s Finest (2010) Charles and Diana: 1983 (2020) Cocktail (1988) Demolition Man (1993) The Descent (2006) Dolphin Tale (2011) Dolphin Tale 2 (2014) Employee Of The Month (2006) Enemy Of The State (1998) The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) The Ghost Writer (2010) The Great Debaters (2007) I Can Do Bad All By Myself (2009) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) In the Line of Fire (1993) Judge Dredd (1995) The Last Face (2017) Malcolm X (1992) McLintock! (Producer’s Cut) (1963) The Nanny Diaries (2007) Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006) The Ninth Gate (1999) Pandorum (2009) Patriot Games (1992) Predators (2009) Pretty Woman (1990) Priceless (2016) Rushmore (1999) Scrooged (1988) Shine a Light (2008) Silverado (1985) Sliver (1993) The Social Network (2010) The Spirit (2008) Stargate (1994) Starsky & Hutch (2004) The Terminal (2004) Tokyo Rising (2020) The Tourist (2010) Traitor (2008) Vertical Limit (2000) Wedding Crashers (2005) The Whole Nine Yards (2000) Young Frankenstein (1974)
March 2 Debris: Series Premiere (NBC) The Voice: Season 20 Premiere (NBC) Top Chef: Complete Season 17 (Bravo)
March 3 New Amsterdam: Season 3 Premiere (NBC)
March 5 Boss Level: Film Premiere (Hulu Original) Ammonite (2020) Beirut (2018) Iron Mask (2019)
March 6 Storks (2016) Triggered (2020)
March 7 Proxima (2019)
March 8 Good Girls: Season 4 Premiere (NBC) Shipwrecked: Complete Season 1 (Banijay)
March 9 Absolutely Ascot: Complete Seasons 1 & 2 (All3Media) Dress to Impress: Complete Seasons 1 & 2 (ITV)
March 11 Game of Talents: Series Premiere (FOX)
March 12 kid 90: Documentary Premiere (Hulu Original) Cake: Season 4 Premiere (FXX) Farewell Amor (2020)
March 14 Buddy Games (2019)
March 15         1 Night In San Diego (2020) Constructing Albert (2017) Here Awhile (2019) Intersect (2020) Missing 411: The Hunted (2019) Naughty Books (2020) Pink Wall (2019) The Pretenders (2018) The Relationtrip (2017) Sister Aimee (2019) The Stand: How One Gesture Shook The World (2020) Tracks (2019)
March 16       Staged: Complete Season 2 (BBC Studios) 
March 17       Mayans M.C.: Season 3 Premiere (FX)
March 18      Trolls: TrollsTopia: Complete Season 2 (Hulu Original) Identity (2003)
March 19       Hunter Hunter (2020)
March 20    Catfish: The TV Show: Complete Season 8 (MTV)
March 22    Genius: Aretha: Complete Season 3 (National Geographic)
March 23         Breeders: Season 2 Premiere (FX) 100% Wolf (2020)
March 25        Collective (2019)
March 26    Solar Opposites: Complete Season 2 (Hulu Original) Into the Dark: Blood Moon: Season 2 Finale (Hulu Original) Fire Force: Complete Season 2 (DUBBED) (Funimation) The Hurricane Heist (2018)
March 30       Vikings: Complete Season 6B (History)
March 31       Pooch Perfect: Series Premiere (ABC)
Leaving Hulu – March 2021
March 16
Pigeon Kings (2020)
March 30 The Cooler (2003)
March 31 A Very Brady Sequel (1996) American Gigolo (1980) As Good as It Gets (1997) Attack the Block (2011) Austin Powers In Goldmember (2002) Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery (1997) Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2007) Blood Diamond (2006) Boogie Nights (1997) Bully (2001) Chaplin (1992) Charlotte’s Web (1973) Coneheads (1993) Dead Poets Society (1989) Demolition Man (1993) Double, Double, Toil and Trouble (1993) Employee Of The Month (2006) Enemy Of The State (1998) Eve’s Bayou (1997) Firewalker (1986) Foxfire (1996) Frozen (2010) Good Luck Chuck (2007) Guess Who (2005) Hondo (1953) Hot Shots! (1991) I Can Do Bad All By Myself (2009) Igor (2008) In the Line of Fire (1993) Johnny Mnemonic (1995) Love And Basketball (2000) Mars Attacks! (1996) More Than a Game (2008) New In Town (2009) Night at the Museum (2006) Push (2009) Rushmore (1999) Silverado (1985) Sliver (1993) Species (1995) Stargate (1994) Starman (1984) Stephen King’s Graveyard Shift (1990) Superbad (2007) The Arrival (1996) The Brothers McMullen (1995) The Chumscrubber (2005) The Duff (2015) The Mexican (2001) The Rules Of Attraction (2002) The Three Musketeers (2011) The Tourist (2010) The Truman Show (1998) Tooth Fairy (2008) Triumph of the Spirit (1989) Vampire in Brooklyn (1995) War (2007) Wayne’s World 2 (1993) Wedding Crashers (2005) West Side Story (1961) Zappa (2020)
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maidenof-thesea · 4 years
Snakes & Butterflies | Part IX
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Soulmate Au!, Fluff, Angst, Smut (in the future)
Words: 3.3k
Warning: minor swearing,drug abuse, and angst
Note: I struggled a lot with this part, mostly because I lost inspiration and motivation with what direction I wanted to go with this. I want this story to be sort of long and I really want to go into depth with each character’s role and want to explore the universe that I am trying to create but I’m really scared of ya’ll losing interest. So I made a promise to myself that regardless of the feedback I get back, I will write the story that I want in my own time and to accept how long it will take. Once again thank you! and stay inside if you can! and stay safe. Wash your hands!!
Reminder: * conversations in Korean *
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I really don’t want to be here, I must be getting too old for this
“Is it safe to say that this feels weird?” Namjoon says as he walks next to me. I nod in agreement. Jimin and the girl from the museum were ahead in line before us. She had brought a couple of friends with her that were trying to get acquainted with Taehyung and Jungkook. They were all really pretty but rave girls weren’t my thing, and I think Jungkook agreed with me there, from the uncomfortable look on his face.
“Hyung,” Hoseok says from behind us. “You mentioned that the professor is studying the origin of Neathandals?”
“Yea,” I said, already flinching from the sound of the bass of the techno music. I was gonna be deaf at the end of this. “That’s what Namjoon said.”
“It should be okay right?” Yoongi asked, his foot ticking nervously. “She knows him from school right?”
“She can take care of herself,” I sighed but I wasn’t really convinced myself. None of us were okay with it, especially Jimin, as much as he tried ignoring it. Before we left, Jimin was the last in the car, seemingly waiting for her to come out of her room. 
“Hyung,” Jungkook whined as we finally made it past security. “Can we go?”
“We just got here Kookie,” Namjoon said. “What’s the matter?”
“Noona,” Jungkook sighed. “Jimin...something happened right?”
We all stood contemplating, it was obvious Jimin was pushing Y/N away, but it was in a cruel way. He was using this girl, whom he never even bothered to introduce to us. Jimin had always messed around, that wasn’t anything new, but this time was different. 
“Maybe,” I said rubbing Jungkook’s head. “We shouldn’t force it, we should let them decide for themselves.”
“But,” Jungkook sighs dejectedly. “Noona has been alone this whole time…”
“Hyung’s right Kookie,” Namjoon interjects and there’s the tone of finality. Jungkook drops the subject for now. “Now can one of you tell me what a ABG is?”
And he’s supposed to be the smartest one? Lord help me.
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“Hey, Boss” I said into my cellphone as I was struggling to lace my boots. “There should be a guest staying there under the name Minho Lee, do you mind transferring me to his room?”
“Y/N,” Patricia said, her tone sounding a bit too fake, even for her customer service voice. “He’s actually waiting here in the lobby, do you want to talk to him?”
“Are you okay?” I said, already locking the front door, and heading out to my car. “Just tell him, I’m on my way.”
“OK,” Patricia said, her tone wavering. “I’ll let him know.”
She hung up, leaving me in confusion. Dread filled me though when I saw all her text messages.
“I should have told him to meet me at Denny’s or something.” I sighed and I hopped into my jeep. I start to head to the hotel, once I’m stopped at a red light, I check to see how swollen my eyes were, hoping it wasn’t too bad as it was twenty minutes ago. “That make up trick really helped, thanks Jennie.”
Once I parked on my usual spot, I honked once and from the bay windows, I see Minho, look up from his phone, and he grabs his satchel that looks similar to mine. My phone chimes and there’s another text message from Patricia, saying to have fun with a winky face. I cringe and roll my eyes, as Minho approaches the driver’s side of my car.
“Hey, you’re a bit late,” He says with a laugh, I smile sheepishly and gesture for him to get in. “Are we still having barbeque with your guests?”
“Oh,” I said feeling a bit awkward. “Actually we can if you still want to? They actually went out for tonight, they probably won’t be home for awhile..”
“I was thinking of actually going to this restaurant, I frequent there a lot.”
“Oh okay, that’s fine.” I said, reversing out. “Tell me where to go, Prof.”
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“What are all these white people doing?” Yoongi asked loudly. He clutched my hand tightly, afraid to lose me in the crowd. I felt a familiar chill run up my arm, and my mark felt hot, which any other time, I would be okay with it, but it was quite hot in here, but I get it these people are weird. 
“They are ‘head-banging’” Namjoon answered reading something on his phone. “Humans are so weird.”
“They called us savages..” Yoongi muttered. “On second thought, look at this asshole.”
We both look at Jimin, whispering into the girls ear. She nods in agreement and they walk away hand in hand, towards a more secluded place.
“I’m actually glad Y/N went on a date,” Taehyung says sipping on a beer. 
“It’s not a date,” Jungkook says. “He’s a professor from her department. They’ll probably discussing her experience, she was suppose to go to Mexico to study the Mayan pyramids.”
“That’s besides the point though,” He continues in frustration.  “I thought the whole point of this vacation was so that we can hang out, not help Jimin get his d-”
“Jungkook,” Taehyung growls in warning. “Watch your mouth that’s our hyung.”
Jungkook glares at Taehyung, who glares right back.
“Enough,” I say and they both looked at me with wide eyes. I was a bit surprised myself, but this whole ordeal was getting annoying. There was no room to dance, these weird ‘ABG’s kept flirting with me and Yoongi, in spite of the fact that we are holding hands. Jimin is disregarding how we feel about being here. “Listen you two, I don’t condone Jungkook’s attitude but I understand where he is coming from. Jimin is being inconsiderate of us, hyung can you-”
“Already on it,” Jin-hyung says heading towards the exit.
“And Namjoonie,” I say looking up at him. His eyes were wide and he stood up more straight. “Text Jimin that we’re leaving.”
“But-” Taehyung protests.
“You are welcome to stay if you want,” Yoongi says, already pulling me towards the exit. 
Taehyung doesn’t say another word and follows us, and Jungkook stays behind with Namjoon who is on his phone once more.
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You don’t even know her name, what are you doing?
“Do you want to go somewhere more private?” I whisper into her ear. She nods and her eyes are unfocused, hazy. When did she get so intoxicated? Before I could protest, she was pulling me somewhere more private. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls me in. “Wait..”
“What’s the matter?” She slurs as she places my hand on her exposed hip. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
What did I want again? 
“Or do you need some encouragement?” She asks as she bends down and I flinch away from her. “Relax, babe.” She commences to pull out a packet from her shoe, a packet of pills. Ecstasy. 
Jungkookie make sure you don’t take any pills from anyone okay? 
Her voice resonates in my mind and I gulp. I mentally shake her voice out of my head. I’m with a different girl, I shouldn’t be thinking about her. But no wonder this girl was barely able to talk, she had pills and alcohol.
“I mean I can do that too if you want,” she continues and she loops her fingers in my belt loops and pulls me closer. I look down at her, and I can’t help but compare her to Y/N. She had short black hair, compared to Y/N’s long dark hair. She had small lips compared to Y/N’s plump lips. I gulp and sigh in frustration. Not sensing my mood, the girl commences to undo my belt. 
“How about you f-”
My phone rings causing me to push her away. She falls back on the dirt and she gives me an incredulous look. My phone continues to ring and I stumble to redo my belt and answer the phone. 
“Hello?” I answer without checking the caller id.
“Let’s go,” Namjoon said sternly. “Hoseok hyung wants to go home.”
And he hangs up. I look at the girl and she is now standing with her arms crossed. Shit.
“Was it that girl?” She sneers. Her tone disgusted. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I cock my head in confusion. “That girl from the museum. The one you were talking to before you started talking to me!”
“Y/N?” I say in confusion. “How do you-”
“That’s her name,” She interrupts me and she rolls her eyes. “I forgot what that freak’s name was. I haven’t seen her since graduation.”
“What do you only mess with girls that don’t have Soulmates?” She continues and I feel my face pale. “What you didn’t know? That she doesn’t have a Mark?”
Doesn’t have a Mark?
I felt my mind go blank and then all of sudden I felt my heart ache and tears sting my eyes.
In my dreams, for some reason I have a Mar- a different Mark
“Just because she doesn’t have a Mark, she thinks she can mess around with other people’s Soul-”
“SHUT UP!” A voice booms, causing her to flinch, I whip around and Jungkook was standing around the corner, with Namjoon behind him. He had his fists clenched and I never seen so much anger and hatred in his eyes. “‘Mess with other people’s Soulmates?’”
“Says the one who was on her knees?” Jungkook continues in a calm demeanor. “Do you think he even remembers your name?”
She whips to look at me and I can’t even make eye contact. My mind is swirling around like crazy. She scoffs and walks away, bumping into my shoulder as she does. Once she is gone, I catch Jungkook’s hand and he tears his hand away from me. 
“Jungkook,” I gasp and he regards me with disgust that it makes me flinch. “Is it true? About Y/N’s Mark?”
“You sure know how to pick them Hyung,” Jungkook says rolling his eyes and starting to walk away towards the side exit. Namjoon stayed standing, seemingly in shock himself. I run after him, catching him on the street. 
“Jungkook,” I plead. “Plea-”
“Do you really think it’s my story to tell?” Jungkook says with frustration. 
“But you obviously know more,” I say frustrated as well. I feel the tears spill over and Jungkook stares in shock, but soon his expression hardens. 
“I promised Noona,” He says. “I promised her I wouldn’t tell anyone.”
“But she told you!” I roar, making him flinch. “Why does she always tell you everything? Why is it only you she remembers!”
“Ask your precious grandfather!” Jungkook yells back. I stare at him in shock. Namjoon goes ahead and waves his hand. Jin pulls up along the curve. “I only found out because I caught her off guard. That’s how she’s been living her life: on guard. Thanks to people like your side piece.”
I felt a sense of shame and wave a fresh tears sting my eyes. Without another word, Jungkook hops into the car and leaves me standing on the sidewalk. 
“Jimin,” Namjoon says cautiously. “I know-I mean I can’t imagine what’s going through your mind right now...but this isn’t the place or the time, there’s too many eyes and ears. Too many humans.”
I look up at him and his eyes were shining and he rubs my shoulder to comfort me. I hop into the back and he follows after me. Jin, although confused, drives toward the entrance where the others are waiting. Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung also hop on and Taehyung turns around. I crouch with my face in my hands as Namjoon rubs my back. He looks at Namjoon with confusion and eyes also glossy. Namjoon just shakes his head and gestures for him to turn around. We head back home in another quiet drive.
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“Have you been here before?” Minho asks as we hop out of my Jeep. I look up at the fancy building and shake my head. “Good! My friend says we have the place to ourselves, so we should have some privacy.”
I felt my face turn red in spite of me knowing that this isn’t a date. He leads me into the restaurant and he wasn’t lying, it was empty and the server was a handsome man that led us to a table in the center. This place seems a little to fancy for just a discussion. 
Once we were situated, he placed menus in front of us and I realized that the prices were not displayed and I felt my face go pale. How much do I have in my savings? 
“Don’t worry about prices,” Minho laughed at my expression. “My friend is doing me a favor.”
“It must be really expensive though,” I sheepishly said. 
“It is,” the server said. “But I’m willing to make an exception for a beautiful woman such as yourself.”
“Don’t flirt with her Ben,” Minho said rolling his eyes.
“I’m the owner,” Ben replied once he saw the confusion in my eyes. “This is a first time, Minho has brought a date here.”
“It’s not a date.” Both me and Minho said at the same time. Then we both looked away blushing while Ben laughed at us. 
“I’m just here to read some of his research,” I said fiddling with the cutlery. “Right, Professor Lee?”
“Of course, Miss L/N” Minho replied. “What do you want to drink?”
“Long Island Tea,” I replied reading something off the menu randomly. “I ate already, so I’ll just have the miso soup.”
“Right away, ma’am” Ben replied stifling a laugh. “How about you my good sir.”
“The usual,” Minho said with a slight annoyed face. 
“Alright,” Ben cheered. “Coming right up!”
And he leaves us in awkward silence. I resist the urge to pull out my cellphone and scroll through instagram, like I usually do when I want to avoid conversations.
“So you seem sort of sad,” Minho says not meeting my eyes. “Is something the matter?”
“No,” I lied, forcing a smile on my face. “So do you mind starting your.. Lecture?”
“Yea,” He sighs. “I know we didn’t start off good, and you may feel slightly uncomfortable with me, but I do want to be your friend.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I say smiling. It would be nice to have another friend. For some reason, the boys faces come into my head. I feel my smile drop and I look back down. “Do you have lots of friends?”
“I have a few,” Minho says. “Like Ben but I have mostly colleagues and coworkers.”
“Was it tough growing up?” I ask quietly, gesturing to his arm, where his Mark should have been.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” I say hesitantly. “Did you get bullied a lot for not having a Mark?”
“No, I think we have a misunderstanding here.” Minho says in shock. “I recently lost my mark, like two years ago.”
“Yea,” He said regarding me with unreadable eyes. “Forgive me for saying, but your father never mentioned when yours disappeared?”
“It didn’t disappear,” I answered confused. “I was born without one.”
“Strange,” He muttered. “Your father clearly stated that it disappeared…which I assumed you-”
“Had one at one point,” I finished for him. “No, I don’t remember ever having one.”
“Wow,” He says softly. “I’m sorry, growing must have been a bitch.”
“It was,” I said with a bit of bitterness. “I only had one friend, I still have only one friend.”
“Oh,” Minho says. “I thought Jimin mentioned you were childhood friends?”
“We aren’t exactly friends now,” I said feeling my heart ache. 
“What about that tall guy?” Minho asked. “You guys seemed friendly?”
“Did we?” I asked cocking my head. “I’m actually thinking of putting some distance between us.”
“Why?” Minho asked incredulous. “I mean they are all adults, I’m sure that-”
“They are just here for the summer,” I say sadly. “I shouldn’t get attached. I have to protect myself.”
“I guess I could understand that much,” Minho sighs. 
“Enough about me,” I say clasping my hands. “What type of Mark did you have?”
“I don’t think you want to know,” Minho says with a smile. 
“Aww,” I said with a pout. “Please tell me, you’re the only I can ask without you asking me back.”
“Fine,” he mutters but still smiles. “It was a spider, a huntsman spider.” 
I felt my spine stiffen. Another insect Mark? But how-
“I know,” Minho said sighing. “Spiders are creepy, but it was rare.”
“Here are you drinks and your soup, madam” Ben said setting my tea down. “I hate to ask this but you are over twenty one right?”
“What?” I ask confused, already clutching my drink.
“You do know that is a alcoholic beverage right?”
“Of course I do!” I laughed, feeling my face turn red. Shit. I took a sip and despite the warning I cringed away from the drink and both Ben and Minho start to laugh. Ben started reaching for my drink but I waved his hand away. “I can drink, it’s fine.”
And just to prove my point, I took to big gulps, almost finishing half of the drink.
“Are you -”
My phone starts to ring. I quickly apologize and get up to answer it outside. 
“Noona,” Jungkook says his voice sounding tired. “I forgot my key, I’m so sorry.”
“I thought you guys were gonna be awhile..”
“Hobi-hyung got tired and said he missed you,” Jungkook says and I could hear Hoseok whining in the background. “So we came back.”
“Well,” I said sighing. “I’ll head there soon.”
“Okay,” Jungkook says. “Drive safe.”
I hang up and take a deep breath. I felt my head go a little dizzy. Oh no the alcohol.
“Everything okay?” Minho says startling me. 
“I’m really sorry,” I said sheepishly. 
“Do you need to go?” He asks and I nod. “Okay, I’ll drive you back.”
“It’s no problem.”
By the time we arrive to the cottage, the boys are all gathered on the porch. Hoseok runs up to my car with a big smile, but it disappears as soon as Minho gets off the car. Confused he runs to the other side, when I stumble out, the alcohol already making my legs feel like jelly.
“What’s wrong with you?” Yoongi asks as Hoseok supports most of my weight. I giggle in reply.
“She had a drink,” Minho answers for me holding my bag. “I can take her inside if that’s alright.”
“That’s okay,” Jin says grabbing my bag from Minho. “I can take care of her. Thanks for bringing her home.”
“Why are you drinking Noona,” Jungkook says as he hovers over me. “Especially with someone you hardly know?”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” Minho asks offended. “I’m her professor.”
“Exactly how it sounds,” Jungkook retorts. “Do professors usually drink with students?”
“Kookie!” I squeal. “Be nice! Why are you so mad?”
“It’s okay Y/N,” Minho replies giving me a warm smile. “I’ll text you later, make sure to read over the documents I gave you, there in your bag.”
“Thanks for bringing me home!” I giggle almost loosing balance. “I’ll make sure to do the reading!”
“Thank you for bringing her home safe,” Jimin says bowing deeply. 
“It’s no problem,” Minho said a bit confused with Jimin’s demeanor, but bowing back regardless. 
Once Jungkook put me on the couch, with the boys surrounding me. Jin muttering about making me hangover soup and Namjoon eyeing my tattoo. I unconsciously clutched the nearest pillow to my chest. 
“Listen,” Yoongi says pacing back and forth. “I don’t mind you drinking recreationally but you have to do it a comfortable safe environment.”
“I’m sorry,” I pouted. “I thought I ordered tea and I got embarrassed so I drink most of it before they could take it away.”
“Whose ‘they’?” Taehyung asks walking in with Jimin behind him. I quickly look away and in comes Yuki, but..
“Why are there two Yuki’s?”
“She’s wasted.” Someone says before the room spins and turns dark.
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theloonypumpkin · 4 years
Sunday Sunday.
Today is Father’s Day. Those who forgot to wish their dad, or worse did not post on their Instagram feed some old photos with their father, no need to worry. Just switch off the fan and light after leaving the room, there is no greater gift to a middle-class Indian dad than this. My dad just had a chill day, he binge- watched a show on Netflix, was moody the whole day, ate half of my snickers bar from the freezer and reminded me to exercise. Yep, my dad has morphed into my millennial clone. All that is left, is to sulk in a corner with the phone, order a pizza and complain about the wine.
A tribute to why I love my father on Father’s Day is a bit too cliched for me. Hence, I will share the picture of a waterfall we visited in Shillong on our last trip together. It was a long day, marred with occasional rain showers and long winding hill roads. Wei Sawdong was our last stop for the day before it became too dark to enjoy the natural beauty of Shillong. As tired as I was, the path to the waterfall was steep, with no handrails, slippery owing to the drizzle before and well I was in no mood to fall in the mud and break my bones. So, I opted out and advised my father that it was too risky. My dad is an adventure seeking, relentless traveler and encouraged me that the view will be worth the short hike. And it was! Wei Sawdong is perhaps the most beautiful waterfall; I have seen in my life. In that moment, I hoped that as I grow older, I never lose my curiosity and passion for travel, and look forward to the thrill of experiencing a thing of beauty. 
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Most of us are very familiar with the infamous Mayan calendar. It was wrongly read in 2012, and experts now claim 21 June 2020, to be the doomsday. It was also the solar eclipse today, and many parts of the world witnesses the ‘Ring of Fire’. My mother did ask me to not eat anything till noon. If it is the last day on earth, there was no way I was going to miss breakfast. Well, the day is almost over, and as far as my doomsday movie PhD goes, there were no sudden deluges, cracks in the earth, no meteor shower and the US President and the Pope did not send out a video as a farewell message. And John Cusack did not save my life to fall in love with me forever. So, yeah, a moderate Sunday.
If you avoided washing utensils today thinking the world is going to end tomorrow, may the force be with you my friend. A mountain of unwashed utensils waits for you in the kitchen. Twitter is flooded with memes and trolls where people are making fun of this prediction. C’mon give the poor Mayan guy a break. Maybe he was working on the calendar and got a message from his boss, “Need this asap. Kindly do the needful.” The guy says, “Fuck it” and just ends the calendar where he stopped, submitted his work, and went about his life. And who would notice really, he thought. We have all been there, right?
As Netizens kept me occupied with their sadistic doomsday humor, I wondered maybe it is the end of the world. A world full of hate, misogyny, crime and the hopelessness of the pandemic. Maybe this world will end today and tomorrow we will all go back to a coronavirus free world, full of positive thoughts and hope. Well, that is just my wishful thinking.
My feed was filled with long messages about the usefulness of Yoga and all about inner balance, mindfulness and related things. While most of my friends did post nice pictures of yoga asanas on account of World Yoga Day, the only thing I managed to stretch today was my imagination. Does wearing yoga pants to watch a re-run of The Sopranos count?  Maybe, I will have a green tea before bed for inner cleansing and what not. Breathe out, and Namaste!
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bdenuf-blog · 4 years
The Mayans were misunderstood
The pilot was written by the guys who wrote the original Zombieland movie. They've been trying to get something, anything a sequel, a show off the ground since before the release of the movie. If they wanted to continue the story so badly, why didn't they just Kickstart this bitch? The Kickstarter for the Veronica Mars movie shattered every Kickstarter record on the books, and that was for a movie based on a show that was canceled six years ago because no one watched it.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Year in Review 2019
The original source for this ask has disappeared, so I grabbed it from my own blog.
I answer these like surveys ‘cause I’m nerdy like that.
Favorite fictional characters this year
Annie Wilkes (Castle Rock: Season 2)
Emily Galindo (Mayans MC) – fight me, Tumblr
Edrisa Tanaka (Prodigal Son)
Adelita (Mayans MC)
Nadia Howlwadaag (Castle Rock: Season 2)
Favorite ships this year
Malcom and Edrisa (Prodigal Son)
Jaime and Brienne (Game of Thrones)
Favorite TV shows to watch this year
Shows I discovered/started this year: Prodigal Son, The Mick, Veronica Mars, Chernobyl, Versailles
Shows I continued watching this year: Supernatural, Mayans MC, Castle Rock, 13 Reasons Why, Handmaid’s Tale, Black Mirror, Game of Thrones, Big Little Lies
Shows I watched just ‘cause this year: Friends
Favorite books read this year
The only one I finished was my re-read of Game of Thrones D:
Favorite song, album, or artist to listen to this year
Song: “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper (from A Star is Born)
Album: Probably “Rumours” by Fleetwood Mac
Artist: Taylor Swift
Favorite movies of the year
It: Chapter 2
Favorite TV show episodes of the year
Castle Rock: “The Laughing Place”
Prodigal Son: “Fear Response”
Supernatural: “Golden Time”
The Handmaid’s Tale: “Household” and “Unfit”
First fandom of the year
Prodigal Son, I think
Best new fandom discovery of the year
Fandom community? Not sure yet.
Biggest fandom disappointment of the year
The last season of Game of Thrones. Specifically, The Bells.
Biggest squee moments of the year (For ye youths who no longer use such awesome terminology, that means the fandom moments that made your heart cry out in overwhelming joy. Can y’all believe that “squee” didn’t quite stand the test of time??)
Supernatural: Adam’s return
Game of Thrones: When Jaime finally made a move on Brienne
Favorite main character of the year
Emily Galindo (Mayans MC)
Favorite villain of the year
Chuck (Supernatural)
Favorite m/f ship of the year
Malcom and Edrisa (Prodigal Son)
Favorite f/f ship of the year
Joy and Chance (Castle Rock Season 2)
Favorite m/m ship of the year
Philippe and the Chevalier (Versailles)
Your fictional true love of the year
Angel Reyes (Mayans MC)
Coco Cruz (Mayans MC)
Malcom Bright (Prodigal Son)
Fandom that you never expected to get into
Fandom that made an unexpected comeback
Game of Thrones
Last fandom of the year
Probably Versailles
Overall favorite fandoms of the year
Your main fandoms throughout the year
Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, One Tree Hill, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
The most missed of your old fandoms
Fandom resolutions for next year
Read more books in general, write more Buffy stuff
Fandom predictions for next year
New ship wars for the Buffy Boom series
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jflashandclash · 5 years
Tales from Mount Othrys
Say “NO” to Cruise Ships IV
           Axel lunged.
         As he suspected, Julian deflected Axel’s sword with ease. What Axel didn’t expect was how quickly the javelin tip redirected to his chest.
         The sharpened gold jammed into Axel’s leather armor.
         His little brother screamed somewhere nearby.
         Axel didn’t feel pain as the muscles in Julian’s arm tensed. Axel stumbled backwards, almost slipping on the mounds of dust.
         Five seconds and you were almost skewered. Exactly how I wanted this fight to start, Axel thought.
         He retreated. His heartbeat thudded when he saw the javelin slide out of his armor. There was no blood on the tip. That had been too close. Reflexively, he grabbed the empty hole with his hand.
         He needed to close the distance between he and the praetor. When Lapis, his little sister, had beat the snot out of Ajax in Soulcalibur, the range of a weapon mattered. Julian’s weapon was long-range. Axel needed to get close to level the playing field.
         Unfortunately, every muscle in his body said to stay far away and have a nice chat from opposite sides of the cage, maybe about how he’d whip his little brother if he lived through this.
         Julian warily examined the tip of his javelin. “Tyche doesn’t favor me,” he muttered. “You really aren’t a demigod.” His gaze shifted upward, flicking around the different weapons dangling above them.
         Axel didn’t know why Julian seemed to think he needed a different one, but Axel took the distraction.
         Ignoring his mounting panic and the way his head thundered with his pulse, Axel dashed forward. His foot dug into the wood of the stage. The screams of the crowd faded into a din. All he had to do was shove the javelin out of the way. Then he could close the distance and—
         Axel positioned his sword in front of him.
The leather hilt vibrated under his grip. It should have cued him in that something was wrong, but Julian’s movement was so fast that Axel didn’t see the maneuver. One moment, he was raising his sword to close the distance. The next, Julian must have batted the tip of his sword away. It was aimed at the floor, exposing him. He could only watch as the tip of Julian’s javelin sank into his dominate forearm.
         And did no damage.
         Like the bullets had phased through the monsters, the golden metal went in and through Axel like a mirage.
         Axel withdrew. His breath switched to pants. He clasped his sword hand with his free one, waiting for blood to gush out or a bone to ache. Had that really happened? There was no blood. No pain.
         The screaming of the crowd came back into focus.
         Axel felt dizzy.
         “What a dodge from the newcomer!” Jack shrieked. Somewhere in Axel’s peripheral, the redhead jumped.
         Julian grunted. “Damn it. You appear to have me at quite a disadvantage.” His eyes darted from weapon to weapon dangling above, before settling back on Axel. That gaze dripped of pity. “Double sorry now. I wanted to give you a quick death, but if none of my metal is going to cut you, I’m going to have to beat you to death with the butt of my pilum.”
         Beat you to death.
         Axel tightened his fingers around the sword hilt. His hand was fine. “None of my metal will cut you.” Focus on that part, would you?
         But his brain wouldn’t. His eyes felt moist at the thought of who he’d seen beaten to death. His breath threatened to get out of control.
         Axel emitted a growl. No. I’m not going to be a victim. I’m not letting anyone else in my family be a victim.
         This sword strategy wasn’t working. Julian was too quick with a pilum and could predict Axel’s sword movements.
         There had to be something Axel could do that Julian couldn’t predict, something that Axel was skillful enough to pull off and close the distance. He had been a performer; he could do what he, Ajax, and the Tumbling Six had perfected: tumbling.
         Axel let instinct take over.
         This was not a game. This was not a performance. That didn’t mean it couldn’t look good.
         He sprinted forward, positioning his sword like he had for the last two swipes.        As he suspected, Julian repeated his prior process. He parried Axel’s blade and repositioned his javelin so Axel would run right into it. This time, though, Julian waited an extra moment to reposition, as Axel hoped. The metal seemed to do no damage, so Julian needed him closer, to hit him with the wood, two feet further down the javelin.
         When Axel felt his sword vibrate with Julian’s parry, Axel let go of the hilt. He leaned forward, dropped, and tucked into a roll past Julian’s legs.
         As he also suspected, Julian slammed the wooden shaft of the pilum into Axel’s side. An audible crack shook his body as one of Axel’s ribs broke mid-roll. Calculated risk.
         That was his cue that he had rolled close enough, and his cue to where Julian’s weapon was.
         Like Axel was reaching for a prop mid-tumble, he shot his hand out. He smashed his palm against the spike in Julian’s calf, imbedding it further.
         Julian grunted.
         Axel heard Julian thump to one knee at the same time that Axel finished his roll. Now, Axel couldn’t waste his momentum. The next two seconds were vital.
         Once Axel’s feet touched the dusty stage, he sprang upward with as much power as he could put into the jump, extending his hands towards the cage’s ceiling to snatch—
         Pain flared in Axel’s chest. The way he’d stretched out his torso and gasped—it felt like someone dug a spade into his rib. The world blurred.
         No. Focus! He wanted to scream. Focus on the match—not the rib—not the—
         His fingers wrapped around the hilt of a dangling dagger. The icy chill of the dagger’s hilt reminded him of what he had to do.
         The rope holding the dagger snapped under Axel’s weight.
         While coming back down, he twisted, making his side flare white-hot. Each breath felt like he was inhaling flames.
         Julian will be prone. Pin him. Dagger to throat. Say you want him as a prisoner of war. You can both live. Figure out escape later.
         Julian had partially recovered from the pain in his calf. He had pivoted his pilum so Axel would impale himself upon falling. Axel clasped the wood with his free hand, using the shaft to aim his fall on top of the praetor. Sword fighting? Unfamiliar territory to Axel. Doing acrobats with moving poles and ropes? Routine.
         As Axel hoped, he crashed into Julian. Without having his second leg functional for balance, Julian tumbled backwards onto the ground.
Julian released the pilum and flopped onto his back. Axel landed with his knees on either side of the praetor.
         Axel tried to jab the blade at Julian’s neck. Before Axel could get the dagger within six inches of Julian’s throat, the praetor grabbed Axel’s wrist. The man’s callused, scarred fingers looked large enough to crush Axel’s whole hand.[1]  
         Julian reached his other hand down to his leg—
         Axel didn’t have time to dodge the spike. Julian withdrew the six-inch black barb from his calf and jabbed towards Axel’s chest.
         Axel did all he could: he twisted.
         Someone tried to shriek. Had it been him? There wasn’t enough air in his lungs to make the full sound. He couldn’t tell if it was from the burning in his broken ribs, or the new, horrific pain searing his stomach.
The blow had landed.
         Whichever it was, Julian’s stab knocked Axel back, far enough that Julian could lift his functional leg and plant a solid foot on Axel’s chest. Like a cartoon, Axel felt himself lift off the ground.
         Sound whirred to a hollow squeal. Sight blotched into colorful, brilliant orbs. Any sense of gravity vanished.
         Awareness didn’t return until something cold collided with Axel’s back. He clutched it with his hands and slipped his feet against the curves—the bars—the bars of the cage. They must have skidded closer to the cage’s edge, where the dome was lower. Either that or Julian could kick a man ten feet into the air. What had they called him? Son of Mars?
         Weakness made all Axel’s limbs tremble, threatening to shake his hold. Each breath was ragged, spiking pain in his ribs and stomach. A throbbing made his ribcage feel like it was cracking more with every movement and like a little piece of his stomach would slither out if left unattended. His head spun. Below, he could see red droplets drip down to splash Julian, who was rising to his feet.
         Droplets. Axel’s blood.
         The spike could hurt Axel.
         Axel didn’t understand the difference between the spike and the pilum, but Julian had a weapon that could kill him.
         Axel wanted to touch his stomach, to see what the wound was like, but he feared letting go of one bar would send him tumbling down, where the praetor could slit his throat.
         Through a maddening din of noise, Axel could only discern one thing: Ajax, his little brother, shouted at him in a sobbed mix of Spanish, Mayan, and English. “Axel! Axel, you’re awesome! You’re the strongest! You promised you’d protect me and—and--you’re better than this! Are you going to let this coatimundi’s butt break you the way Dad wants to?! I know you’re not!”
         The pain dulled alongside the other noises and smells of the stage. A sweat droplet lingered on his lip before slowly cascading down.
         Last time Axel broke his ribs—when their papá broke them and Axel’s arm with a cane—Axel had gotten back up without realizing how much pain he was in.
         This couldn’t be the end of someone—someone else. If I die, they’ll send Ajax in and Julian will kill him too.
         Axel clenched his jaw. He thought about the days after their dad found them, the way Ajax, choking back tears, snuck into Axel’s room with handmade crafts and sketches of their old home and terribly devised jokes, anything that might make Axel smile again. Ajax promised that he’d never stop trying to make him laugh, no matter how bad it got.
         Axel would never stop trying to keep Ajax safe, no matter how bad it got.
         Julian palmed the spike in his hand. He could barely move on his single functional leg and definitely not quickly. This was someone’s lover, someone’s proud son, an entire troop’s loved leader.
         Axel let instinct take over.
         There were several weapons dangling from the ropes in front of Axel.
         With as much strength as he could muster, Axel lunged off the cage bars. One rope had snapped when he put all his weight on them, but three—
         Held. Only one of Axel’s arms would respond. The side with the injured ribs dangled uselessly. He only needed one arm to work.
         He swung behind Julian—
         —dug his heels into the cage’s bars on the other side, released the ropes—
         —and pounced down at Julian’s exposed back. The praetor couldn’t turn fast enough. Axel accepted that Julian would get another stab in. He would have to worry about that later. For now, he had to land on Julian’s back, hoping Julian thought Axel had no apparent weapons—
         Axel’s feet smashed into the praetor’s back as his claws dug into the praetor’s shoulders.
         All thoughts crashed to a halt when he used the last weapon he had: Axel sank his teeth into the back of the praetor’s neck.
         Something popped under his jaw. There was an audible crunch.
         Blood went everywhere: up his nose, down his throat, into his eyes. For a moment, that’s all there was. Just the reek of iron and the inability to breath.
         Then, they were falling. Something massive smashed Axel into the dusty ground.
         Julian wasn’t moving.
         Axel choked. He reeled back, trying to disentangle himself from the limp body. Clawing his way out felt hopeless. The thing was too massive, too heavy. One of his arms wouldn’t respond. He couldn’t breathe.
         Someone pulled the body back, releasing him.
         Axel tried to roll away. Instead, he was on all fours, spilling the contents of his stomach onto the dusty stage. Pain clenched him with each retch of red-tinted bile. It felt like someone was kicking him in the ribs every time he breathed and upchucked. One of his arms wouldn’t move to push him further away from the vomit.
         The stage lights felt hot. People were screaming. Cheering? Chanting his name?
         Blearily, Axel moved to look around, but his body didn’t want to respond. All he could see was the back of Praetor Julian Kouadio’s mangled skull and brain matter. A man never to return to the arms of his lover. A son never to inspire pride in his parents again. A leader unable to protect his troops.
         There was nothing left for Axel to throw up. The pain in his chest was so intense, the world felt light. Had he been stabbed again? How bad was the first wound? He had to get up, to get Ajax out of here, but, he couldn’t feel anything to make his body move, anything but the sensation of sinking his teeth—
         Axel hiccupped back his emotions, spiking another wave of pain, nausea, and wooziness. Focus on Ajax. Move.
         Someone had knelt down beside him. Some desperate, childish whisper in the back of his mind said, Tío Frasco?
         But, Uncle Frasco was like Julian. He would never be there to support his family again.
         The person’s laugh was just as infectious and jovial. A caring hand gently took Axel’s chin, raising it. He felt a cloth brush away some of the vomit and blood.
         It was that lanky, maniac redhead. Jack dabbed the ends of his shirt against Axel’s face, like a father brushing away stray pudding for a child. “Kid!” he cheered, “I’m going to make you into a star!”
         The redhead pulled at one of Axel’s arms. Axel choked back a cry. More pain exploded in his torso. His vision was tunneling. He felt a surge of vertigo when Jack dragged him to his feet for a victory bow. More blood dripped to clot and intermix with the dust of the stage. More screams and cheers.
         Then the stage lights vanished. A curtain had dropped and the noises muffled.
         When Jack gently lowered him, Axel collapsed back to his knees, then his side. The world fuzzed in and out. His breath was shallow and spittle sputtered down his cheek.
         Axel could hear the snap of latex gloves as Jack slipped some on. Jack took a pair of scissor out of a kit on his belt and began to snip away the ends of Axel’s shirt. The whole time, he was still blathering, “—new home! You’re going to do so well here! I’ll make sure of it. It’s going to be so exciting. I’ll make sure you and your little—”
         “Ajax,” Axel whispered.
         Jack nodded.
         Someone stumble-sprinted to Axel’s side. Hands grabbed his. Familiar sobs made his rasps easier. “Axel! You asshole! You weren’t supposed to get injured while being a badass!”
         “… wash your mouth out with sand…” Axel said, unable to get all the words out. He tried to give Ajax a comforting smile, but could only repress a scream of pain.
         Jack had jerked something from his side.
         If Axel could still vomit, he would have. The six-inch spike was slathered in blood. Jack tossed it behind him carelessly.
         The panic in his little brother’s hazel and brown eyes made Axel’s condition clear: Axel was dying.
         His little brother’s tears felt cool against Axel’s forehead. Ajax must have pulled Axel’s head onto his lap. “You can’t—you can’t go like Uncle Frasco and Aunt Nilley. I—I won’t—I won’t let you. You’re only here because—”
         “Oh, he’s not going anywhere,” Jack said. The older boy put a comforting hand on Ajax’s shoulder. Then, he reached back for Axel’s torso. “I’m adopting both of you, and I can’t very well adopt a corpse. You see, I just found out—oh, sorry Axel, this is going to hurt a lot. I need to find the tip of the spike before I heal you. It broke off. Anyway, I just found out Flynn and I can’t have children unless we adopt, and you two—”
         Axel couldn’t hear the next sentence. Someone had pressed something between his teeth. He wheezed and shrieked into it as Jack must have fished his fingers inside Axel’s stomach wound, like someone was prodding him with heated coils, stretching his skin and organs. Pain made the world go white. There wasn’t enough air.
         When Axel could think again, an angelic voice lifted his consciousness to drift in a gentle breeze, easing all of the searing agony. Maybe this was it. Maybe he was losing the fight. But, he couldn’t. He wasn’t going to leave Ajax. He promised to protect him.
         The song cut short. Aches spread through Axel’s stomach. He inhaled, relieved at the agony it brought. Unless death left him with the same pains as life, then he was still here. Axel wasn’t ready for a trip to paradise or Xibalba.
         “See! He’s doing just fine. There’s a refreshing breath, right? That should stabilize you, my boy. My boys? Can I call you my boys? Oh! I can’t wait to tell Flynn! We’ll have to get you a room adjourning ours—I’m sure we can make that work. Luke will think it’s a great idea—”
         None of that made sense. Axel blinked the crusty tears from his eyes. Above him, his little brother sobbed with a smile.
         “Axel, can you speak? Your stomach wounds are closed! It’s—it’s a miracle! This guy just preformed a miracle!”
         “I’m whipping you when we get home,” Axel said. This time, there was no pain with the breath, just a dull ache. He flexed his fingers and toes. Everything moved, though not much. He felt like he hadn’t slept in three days.
         Jack grinned broadly. “You are home!” His smile fell and he waved a bloody, latex-covered finger in Axel’s face. “But no whipping your little brother. This is a house of God, and I don’t condone that behavior.”
         Axel rolled his eyes. “The nuns at our primary school would disagree,” he wheezed.
         Ajax choked out a laugh, squeezing Axel’s fingers again. His little brother didn’t seem to realize that Axel definitely meant it: he was going to hurt him when Axel managed to stand again.
         “Then they haven’t heard the good word of Kronos!” Jack cheered.
         Of course. Not only had Ajax found them a cult. He found them a psychotic religious cult. “Why couldn’t you have just run away to the arcade? Or joined a street gang?” Axel said. He rolled his head away.
         On the other side of the cage, the bear-man had lifted the praetor’s body.
         Axel’s heartbeat raced. “No!” Although there wasn’t any more pain with his breathes, his voice still came out weak. “Drop him!” Axel rasped, “That’s—Julian is mine!”
         That’s all he could think of. Despite that, the bear man pretended not to hear him.
         “Hey!” Jack said. The redhead stood and folded his arms. “If my son wants to eat his prey, than he has every right to. You put that body down right this second, Agrius.”
         The taste of vomit and blood was still too fresh in Axel’s mouth. Eat his prey. That was exactly what Axel wanted to avoid.
         The bear man whirled towards Jack and snarled. He dropped Julian’s body, letting it thump disrespectfully to the ground. Watching the limbs flop without any control was terrifying.
Agrius stormed up to the lanky announcer. The beast towered over him.
         Jack’s body began to tremble, but he didn’t back down.
         “I just had to let the brats of Poseidon go and that runt of Athena. You’re lucky I don’t eat you!” the bear man yelled.
         Jack glared. “Agrius, we talked about this. Remember? You can’t go around threatening to eat every demigod you see. Why don’t we talk about this during our night-time circle ups? We can repeat the calming mantra together. Or do we need to get Luke or Flynn involved?”
         The bear man flinched at the last name. He huffed, turned, and stormed off, muttering about “wasted meat.”
         Jack relaxed.
         Although Agrius was gone, Axel couldn’t get his heart rate to slow.
         Axel tried to get up or, at least, to drag himself towards the crumpled heap of Julian’s body. All he accomplished was a grunt of exertion. “Ajax,” Axel said, “Bring me one of Julian’s medals.”
         Ajax didn’t ask questions. He nodded his head, brushed some tears and snot off his face, and scurried across the stage.
         This wasn’t something Axel wanted his little brother to do—to loot around a corpse. But, Axel could feel a sense of panic mounting in his chest. He didn’t want to kill people the way their father did, like lives meant nothing, like he’d forget about them as soon as the dead person became a name checked off a list.
         He wanted some part of the person that Axel could cling to as a memorial; a physical piece that Axel could look at every night and remember Praetor Julian Kouadio of New Rome had a lover named Ari, a mother that had high expectations for him, and a Cohort that Julian cared about. That was all Axel knew about this man and all he could cling to until he delivered the message to the Third Cohort.
         Axel swallowed, thinking about what he’d taken from all of those people.
         Within a few seconds, Ajax scurried back over, offering Axel a leather crisscross of straps that dangled with at least nine medals.
         “Oh! A trophy,” Jack said, kneeling down beside Axel. “I took a trophy from my first kill too.”
         The redhead shook his wrist out to show off an intricately braided and knotted metal wire around his wrist.
         Axel shook his head. “It’s not a trophy!” he snapped, horrified at the thought. He took the medals from his teary-eyed little brother. The gold felt icy; the leather, rough.
         Jack held up his hands. “It’s okay, kid!”
         But, what he said wasn’t. Axel’s fingers trembled. One hand clutched the bottom half of the medals to his chest. The other held the top medals up for examination. There was a repoussed bull running on the largest circlet of metal. Julian’s blood speckled the design.
         What have I done? Axel thought, trembling.
         “I want to remember those that die in order for me to survive,” Axel whispered, his voice threatening to crack.
         A sense of instability made Axel dizzy. He and Ajax really weren’t going back to their father’s. He had no idea why there were bear men or snake women here. Some random kid, only a few years Axel’s senior, wanted to “adopt” them and keep them on this cruise ship going God knows where, inhabited by some crazy Kronos cult members that pinned demigods against each other as an initiation ceremony. Their real home wasn’t much better. If anything it was worse, and—if Axel did drag Ajax back—they’d both be whipped and beaten for weeks for running away.
         But, Axel couldn’t leave Lapis, Kouta, and Hiro there by themselves.
         Tears threatened to choke Axel when he thought about saving all his siblings, dragging them back to their real home with Chiich, their grandmother, and her boyfriend. If they went there, their father would find them and drag them all back to California.
         Don’t, Axel scolded himself, You don’t deserve to cry. You couldn’t help when papá took us the first time. You don’t get to cry until you’re strong enough to make sure it never happens again. And you need to take care of Ajax.
         Axel clenched his jaw. Right now, he couldn’t do anything to take care of Ajax. All he could do was try to make idle threats to assure Ajax’s safety before he drifted off to sleep. He tried to look fierce as he glared at Jack. “What are you going to do with us?”
         Jack grinned. “I’m going to make sure you get cleaned up, rested a little, then the two of you are going to meet your wonderful, new mother, and we’re all going for celebratory donuts!”
         A nervous smile crept on Ajax’s face, one that made Axel groan. His little brother was too easily won over with the promise of sweets. Axel, meanwhile, realized something about their presumed new caretaker: this guy was off his rocker.
         At the time, there was nothing Axel could do about any of it. Not knowing if they would be safe or bear-man-food when he woke up, Axel drifted out of consciousness.
 Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! (I’m sorry I’m running so far behind this week T.T It’s been murder—er—but not the Jack or Axel kind—eh whatever. Take it as you will). Stay tuned next week for Flynn’s short: Surprised Parenthood.
[1] Mel betanote, “He’s like a kitten fighting a bear.” Jack, “Axel would be SO indignant at this. And then I’d have to pet his ears and coo, ‘it’s okay. One day, you’ll grow up to be a fierce jaguar!’ And then he’d bite me.”
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