#mapping security and privacy
littlest-bugz · 3 months
Im getting so fed up with tracking my system shit on so many different platforms that I'm just going to make some sort of website or app or SOMETHING
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jessiarts · 2 years
Hey, PSA:
On your phone, go to Settings> Security and Privacy> Privacy> Other Privacy Settings> Ads> Delete Advertising ID
Then go back to Other Privacy Settings> Google location history> Turn off Location History &/or Turn-on Auto-Delete (you can set a time period of how long to keep it)
Then, staying on Other Privacy Settings, go to '+ See all activity controls'> Web & App activity> Turn off (you can also turn-on Auto-Delete for here too)
Then Scroll down to Personalized ads> My Ad Center> Turn Off Personalized Ads.
Google has no business knowing/storing everything you do online, and knowing/storing where you go everyday. Turn it off.
These instructions are for an Android phone, IOS might be different. If you have IOS or another operating system feel free to add on with your own map to where they've buried these settings in your phone to help others.
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fishnapple · 3 months
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Here you will find all of my PAC reading that I've done so far. Enjoy~
Feedback is much appreciated. Feel free to send me messages.
🎐 About me | Masterpost
🎐 If you find my reading resonated with you and want to book a personal reading, visit my KO-FI (Visit this post for details : PERSONAL READING)
🎐 An ask where I explained my reading method : #ask
Ultimately the answers are always within yourself, I just provide an interpretation to help you find your way into the answers.
The readings are not meant to substitute medical or psychological treatment.
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A little mirror for the self, grow your inner tree :
Your biggest strength
Your biggest weakness
What is lurking in your shadow ?
The part that you neglected
Your hidden fears
How to feel more secure in yourself
What should you cultivate more in yourself ?
Describing your inner home
Your energetic field
What messages come to you through dreams ?
How do your past lives influence your current life ?
What kind of people are you attracting into your life ?
Your superpowers
Getting in touch with your creativity
Your inner child
How to grow more confidence in yourself
People's first impressions of you
The journey of love and desire:
How to love yourself better : A letter from yourself (Channelled letter)
What kind of partner does your soul need right now ?
How does a healthy love for you feel like ?
Describe your future lover
How will you meet them? The first meeting
First impression of each other : you vs them
How they will pursue you (Channelled letter)
Who will you marry & your married life
What they love about you (Channelled letter)
What you love about them
Things they wish to tell you but find it hard to (Channelled letter)
The moment they fall in love with you (Channelled letter)
The moment they feel desire for you & their fantasy (channelled letter) - mature content, 18y/o do not interact)
To answer "Hi, what do you do ?" :
What kind of career suits you best ?
The career of your choice, how will it be ? (Part 1), (Part 2)
Lucky signs, blessings, the path :
What would bring you good luck?
Signs that you are on the right path
Guide for direction
Guide for current situation
Predictions for the next 4 months
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WHAT I DON'T DO READING ON : my readings focus mostly on promoting self development and self awareness. So I don't do readings that :
Can breach other people's privacy, mean to harm, abuse others
Reading about celebrity
Religious, world issues
Health, legal matters (please seek professional help for these matters)
Yes/no questions (you could ask "how" instead) 
Specific time
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love-lilly02 · 7 months
BTS: Messages from the Stars
A little 100 followers thanks! read into this how you will, it could mean anything 🌝🌝 (unedited by the way sorry for typos or inconsistencies)
the entire safe house was dead silent. all the lights turned off, and the soldiers hidden inside attempting to be quiet. 
Both Price and Gaz were half asleep, pretending to be “helping” with the watch that you had taken over long ago. Soap was less shy about his sleeping patterns and was out like a light on the floor, tossed haphazardly into Prices lap. Ghost had gone to secure the perimeter long ago, and you all had yet to hear from him. 
Something about that just didn’t sit right with you. 
Radios weren’t allowed, so you couldn’t talk to him that easily. Something about possibly picking up an enemy’s signal. 
And the big idiot had left his phone in his bunk. So you were truly at a loss for what exactly to do, opting to just sit on the windowsill and look for him. 
You weren’t sure how long you were sitting there, staring out at the sky full of stars. You weren’t really able to see them back at base, light pollution having taken over the view long ago. 
As a child you had attempted to learn to map them out, or rather you had watched as your father mapped them out and told you the names of the constellations. 
Now you wished you had paid more attention to his words. 
“Beauty, ain’t it?” 
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the words, your hand immediately going to your gun. 
“At ease, S’ jus me.” Ghost lurked in the corner, his brown eyes twinkling in amusement at having scared you. 
“Fucking- shit when the hell did you get back?” You demanded in a harsh whisper, looking at the others to make sure they didn’t wake up. If anything, they seem to have sunken further into sleep, and Gaz’s head rested dangerously close to Price’s shoulder. 
“Been here for a minute, checkin no one was hurt.” You nodded at him. 
“To answer your question, they are nice. Don’t get to see the stars at base.”
Ghost shook his head. In a few strides, he was standing next to you, and you watched as he took a seat across from you on the ledge. It looked absolutely idiotic, a large man like him balancing carefully on the tiny ledge, but you bit back your laugh. 
“Something funny, sergeant?” 
“No, LT.”
“Right then.”
And the two of you lapsed into silence. 
It was nice, really. You kept watching the sky for a while, staying in position till the deep black started to take on a deep orange with the sunrise. 
“You should sleep,” You told him. When you went to turn your attention on him he was already looking down at you. It made you blush slightly, but you covered it up. “Can’t give us orders if you’re half dead.”
“ ‘S alright. Don’t sleep much anyways, can’t see the harm.” 
You didn’t question the words. 
Instead of looking at Ghost, you turned your attention towards the rest of the team, who were all still asleep. Soap let out a disquieting snort, grumbling something in his sleep, and you had to fight back a laugh. Carefully, you walked behind Gaz and moved him so he could rest comfortably on Price’s shoulder. You missed his smile, even in his sleep. 
But Ghost caught it. He saw nearly everything, after all. 
“We’ll have to wake them at sunup, get out of here in time for evac.” He nodded at your words. 
“You’ll be okay?” You asked, standing in the doorway. Ghost just nodded again. You gave him a small smile, walking out of the room. 
He didn’t know exactly where you were going, and he did want to find out but he figured you deserved some privacy after nearly a week of being stuck with the boys on you constantly. Instead, he knelt by Price and pressed a small kiss to the older man’s forehead. Price stuttered awake, grumbling something quickly. 
“What happened? Where’s-“
“She’s safe, downstairs i think.” He sighed, leaning back against the wall again. Both of them watched Soap and Gaz, smiling to themselves.
“We were supposed to be helping with the watch.” Ghost just chuckled. 
“Lotta good you lot did, eh?” 
“If i could hit you I would.”
He laughed again. 
“Did she sleep?” Price questioned, taking his eyes off of Soap. His hands remained in the man’s mohawk, enjoying the almost purr like sound it got from the younger man. 
“Not that i know of,” Ghost responded. 
Price shook his head. “I worry about her, Simon.”
“We both do.”
They lapsed into another silence. 
“Hopefully one day she’ll allow us to worry.”
My Masterlist
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simplykorra · 1 year
I feel your compliments like bullets on skin - chapter eight
Ava isn’t exactly an MI6 agent, but if you ask her, she’s pretty damn good at making other people believe the bullshit that comes out of her mouth.
So when she goes full celebrity tantrum and tells Chanel to buy her not one, but two first class tickets on her flight because she doesn’t want to deal with anyone, she gets her way.
Chanel usually understands Ava’s needs and respects them. She knows Ava values privacy and when she is actually going away on vacation, she likes to isolate and live a little luxurious. So getting the seat next to her on a long flight open isn’t the strangest request in the world.
She does have to apologize to Dora, and promise her that she won’t forever be the conduit between Ava and Beatrice and the rest of the world, but Dora goes out of her way to drive by Bea’s place and drop off her ticket.
They don’t meet up at the airport and when Beatrice gets on the plane, they act like they’ve just met. No kisses, no hand holding or hugs - just little smiles and knowing looks.
On the flight, they chat like normal and watch a couple of movies together. Halfway through the second one, Beatrice falls asleep.
Ava can't really begin to describe how excited she is to be here, on this flight and headed so far away from California and all the hustle and craziness. She hasn’t spoken to Vincent in three days, Chanel has promised not to contact her until next Friday and though she has an obnoxious as fuck trip to Brazil coming up, she’s entirely focused on this week.
Never could she have imagined finding someone like Bea. She is the exact opposite of everyone Ava has ever had even a second date with. She’s so unaware of Ava’s world. The movies Bea likes are documentaries and older, foreign films.
Ava doesn't mind those, in fact she loves the documentaries and has told Bea about her history with them growing up. They were her lifeblood - her view of the outside world.
Ava spent years and years learning about animals and history, about the way things were made and where things were so she could piece together her own map of the world. It wasn't perfect, but when she was finally able to step out into it, she took the time to enjoy as much of it as possible.
It’s that, she thinks, that makes her career worth it. She gets to see so many beautiful places, whether it be for work or promotion or even now, having the money to fly out to the beach and escape.
They exit the plane together, and Ava is wearing a hat, a mask and a pair of sunglasses to keep herself hidden away.
There’s no personal security here yet, she’s hired out from a local firm for the weekend but they’ll meet them at the hotel. Which means that she’s vulnerable, even with her hair tied up and all her cover on, people seem to recognize her.
Still, she can feel the way Beatrice’s demeanor shifts as they’re making their way through the airport together. Scanning the crowd constantly, seemingly aware of every noise and movement.
When a child runs by, screaming about something he’s found, Beatrice’s hand instinctively whips out and presses against her.
“It’s okay,” Ava says, her voice soft because the action leaves her a little breathless.
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
Trigger Warning: Attempted Hacking, Attempted Invasion of Privacy, Law Enforcement Mentioned. It's Stockboy being Stupid Again!! (Someone asked me to add a trigger warning and I didn't know how to word this)
A stream is going from a new channel that is titled 'Tracking where they Live!'
The person on screen is wearing a ruined Albearto Mask/Head, an oversized black hoodie, and black gloves. And their voice is being modified and scrambled. Behind them is a wall of computer monitors showing random maps, coding screens, and pictures.
"Now for those who don't believe my abilities, here's the current location of 'The Virtual Ghost Hunter'!!!" The person brings up a maps program with a location tag pointing to a random place, then switched to a street view to show a person infront of a house, the 'Virtual Ghost Hunter' supposedly. "This is the true face behind that account, now you just watch!!"
The screen switches again and shows a bunch of code, the person is typing out at rapid pace, though whatever the code is for it's a mess.
The screen then changes to show some kind of system that is labeled as a tracking program. The person dramatically starts to laugh.
"Now I will launch my program that will ignore any VPN interference, and show me the exact location of those VTubers!!! And I'll have my revenge!!!" They laugh more, which sounds very weird/ridiculous with the voice modifier.
The screen is showing a very dramatic looking zoom on a map before is zooms in on a location, then before anyone can tell which place it's zooming in on, it shows a place that's very empty.
"What? There's nothing there!!" The person then manually zooms out, "Where is this place?! There's no way that this is correct!!" They zoom out more, and discovered that it's in the middle of an ocean.
"How? How is it giving me a location in the middle of the ocean?! There isn't even an island there!! My program was working perfectly! What did I do wrong!?"
Then they realized that the marker is actually moving.
"Wha-" They quickly do something, then bring up a real time view of the area. It reveals that there's a shipping route through that area. "Why is it telling me that their current location is a ship? That's gotta be impossible." The person keeps mumbling, and messing with the program.
Then suddenly all the monitors turn off briefly before turning Purple. The person is very confused, then the monitors start showing a message.
"Good day to you [Redacted], this is the Genius Built Security Team. Thank you for leading us to you. Say goodbye to your audience. You will be receiving a legal form from the local law enforcement who will be arriving in 3 - 2 - 1 -"
A loud knocking can be heard, the person frantically tries to delete his program, and ends the stream...
[Social Media Deviant Arrested for Live Streaming an Attempted Doxx! Will their sentence be lighter because they're a minor, or will it be worse for past offenses?]
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 21 March 1973, the Mental Patients Union (MPU) was founded in London by a small group of mental health patients and supporters. Many of the group had met during a campaign to save Paddington Day Hospital. This was a pioneering psychiatric facility in West London which used "enlightened" treatments such as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, but it faced closure by the National Health Service (NHS). After the success of this campaign, several patients and supporters got together and set up the MPU. They argued that psychiatry was a form of control of the working class under capitalism, and so in the same way that workers organised themselves in unions, so too must mental health patients. After an initial public meeting, the union issued 24 demands, including: "1. The abolition of compulsory treatment i.e. we demand the effective right of patients to refuse any specific treatment. 3. The abolition of irreversible psychiatric treatments (ECT, brain surgery, specific drugs) 11. That local authorities should provide housing for patients wishng to leave hospital and that adequate security benefits should be provided. 12. We call for the abolition of compulsory hospitalisation. 18. That trade union rates are paid to patients for any work done where such rates do not exist. 19. That patients should have recourse to a room where they can enjoy their own privacy or have privacy with others, of either sex, of their own choosing. 24. every mental patient or ex-patient should have the right to a free second opinion by a psychiatrist of the patient’s or MPU representatives’ choice, if he or she disagrees with the diagnosis and that every patient or ex-patient should have the right to an effective appeal machinery." More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9410/mental-patients-union-founded https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2234969256688212/?type=3
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If you're not able to get to a drop spot for the Download drop for Rite Here Rite Now you can use a GPS spoofer app to spoof your location to match any of the drops, if youre not sure of the drops go to
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The drops are all listed worldwide but unfortunately you have to click into them to see specifically where each one is but if you're spoofing your location it doesn't matter which you pick
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When you open it it will then tell you how far that drop is from you and give you the option to open in Google or apple maps, open it, this gives you the exact location of that drop, then go to your GPS spoofing app.
Android folks will likely need to enable developer access for this, to do that go to your phones settings, then about, then look for this phones build version, I think mine was called like a miui version, and you tap on either the build number or the build name 5 or more times and it should then tell you that you're now a developer.
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you can then go to your developer options and look for a GPS or locations sectioned with an entry named something like 'select mock GPS app' or similar, select the GPS spoofer you installed.
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Go back to your spoofer app and drop the pin near where the drop is
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Check the drop site again.
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In this case I dropped the pin near where the movie theatre was but the actual location of this GPS drop is slightly further down the street, if this happens, keep adjusting your GPS spoofer until you're in the area of effect for the drop.
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When you've done it right, you should see this
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Apologies to any apple users, I dont have an iPhone to take screenshots but you go to your settings > privacy & security > developed mode and I think the rest of the steps should be similar.
Hope that helps any of you who are either too far away from a drop, or who are in range but the site keeps giving you errors and saying no drops found.
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anitabighug · 1 year
❥ A Perfect Experiment : Wally x Reader (She/Her Pronouns, Named) ✿
Chapter Masterpost: [  ♡   ♡    ♡ ]
Chapter Five; Can’t Help Falling in Love ( A/N: This chapter has a lot of music involved with it! If you’d like to listen along, click the [♫] SONG NAME - ARTIST as you see them! ) ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● The four of you arrive in the square, and go your separate ways. Barnaby, who had carried Wally limply under his arm all the way over for some reason, dragged the boy over to the snack table to start the party up straight away. Howdy had his work cut out for him, that was for sure. You and Poppy scooch over to an empty table, and are quickly met by Julie, hiding her intentions with another pot of flowers that she sets up next to your record player. “Did you bring the goods, Buttercup?” She asks in a hushed tone, pupils darting from side to side. “Buttercup?” You raise your eyebrow, and Poppy pulls the cable out of your hand to start plugging things in. “Its your code name!!! I thought of ‘em myself. You’re Buttercup, Poppy is Pigeon, Sally,” She points across the field where Sally is, running an extension cord from Home to plug in the lights, “Is Honey, and I’m the Captain!” She shoves a thumb against her chest proudly. “Why do we need code names?” You settle into one of the folding chairs, and rest your head on your hands, peering up Julie. Your eyebrow remains cocked. “Every successful mission has code names. Scientific fact.” Julie waggled her eyebrows at you oh-so charmingly. Well, you can’t argue with that logic. You lift the record up from its resting spot, and Julie squeals, grabbing it from your hands and spinning. “There he is!!! The King Himself! This is going to be PERFECT!” She hands it back to you, bouncing up and down vigorously. Elvis’ face gives you a suave smile from the record sleeve where he rests, and you nod. Excellent choice. “Now!! Here's the plan.” Julie slaps a crudely drawn crayon map onto the table, pulling the two of you in close… ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● Julie’s plan had you DJing the event, to wait for her signal. This was more than fine with you, you loved your record collection and were beyond psyched to show it off. Besides, you could dance just as well from the comfort and privacy of your chair. The sun had just set, and with a nod and a flourish, Frank had lit his project ablaze. It turned out to be an intricate bonfire, and it lit up the clearing beautifully, well worth his hard work. The beats from your speakers bounced around your neighbours, their booties shaking wildly. Phase one; Lull them into a false sense of security. It takes a boatload of willpower to keep the malicious smile off of your face. Something about this secret agent mission thrilled you, though you would never admit it. You’d gone home earlier briefly to change into something more party-appropriate, as had everyone else, it seemed. Your party outfit was based on extensive testing and focus groups, discussed amongst groups of experts, and had 100% chance of making you look ‘Just cute as a button!’ according to the top expert, Julie. By ‘extensive testing’, you of course mean that it won third place in the fashion show that you, Julie and Sally had put on in the comfort of your home. You’d claim nepotism, but the way the girls had looked at each other, it was obvious that they’d already tied long before you’d even moved to Home. The dress itself was pastel pink, some sort of pleather, tighter than you’d like, with a tall white collar and no sleeves. What it lacked in sleeves though, it made up for in a big poofy skirt, pink with a white underskirt as well. You paired it with a white belt, a pair of go-go boots that Julie had gifted you, and a bow sitting off to the side of your short hair, feathered back for the occasion. Just perfect, you concluded, and perfectly matched to your classy, fashionable friends!!! Sally’s outfit was out of this world. She had glitzy striped pants with frills going down the side, and the poofiest blouse you’d ever seen. Next to her, dragging Frank on to the dance floor, was Julie. She was absolutely dolled up, taking every advantage that this party gave her. You didn’t think her hair could get bigger before, but seeing it curled up into a beehive proved you wrong. No amount of science would be able to figure out how she got it to stay in place with all that crazy dancing. Frank had barely changed up his own outfit, merely opting to swap out his dress shirt with one with shorter sleeves for the heat, and leaving his bowtie at home– you weren’t sure what you preferred! You watched as Julie popped his collar, causing the two girls to start to giggle madly. Poppy’s usual shawl had been switched with one made of a beautiful lace, and the pearl necklace she’d included added that touch of grace and maturity you expected from her. Howdy had a short-sleeved dress shirt on, burgundy with little white flowers on it, and you had to admit he looked so charming with his hair slicked back like that. Barnaby might’ve been your favourite of all of them, you took one look at the vest he was wearing and wheezed out a laugh. It was the EXACT same as his usual vest, but with layered frills for days. It was probably to match Wally’s outfit, an expertly starched white dress shirt, and striped pants with the same layered frills on the ends of the legs. They looked adorable apart, but together it was almost too much for you! That left Eddie Dear, who had apparently only left to finish his evening rounds for the mail, returning a little shocked to find that everyone else had dressed up so fancy. Julie had a solution, however, discarding his cap and bag and setting a flower crown on his head. He looked absolutely delighted by it. [♫] Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley “Well don’t you just look cute as a button,” You almost couldn’t hear Wally’s suave tones over the music, but the compliment made you light up. “Th-thank you, Mr. Darling!!! I was a little worried I’d never get the chance to wear something like this,” You admitted with a laugh. He settled in next to you, and set a plate of snacks down beside the record player, “Ha ha ha. Who would’ve thought a little spit and polish would make everyone so happy?” He wondered aloud, “I thought you could use some company. You looked awfully lonely over here.” “Who could be lonely when they’ve got the king around?” You ask with a cheery laugh before lifting and taking a bite of one of the sandwiches he’d brought, following it with an appreciative ‘Mmm!’. Wally started looking around, checking behind your chair and frantically checking behind the two of you. It takes a few moments before you realise he’s looking for the King, and you nearly choke on your bite when it comes to you.
You manage to swallow it, and reach over, lifting up the record sleeve and pointing at the picture on the cover. Realisation floods the puppet’s face, followed swiftly by a blush across his cheeks. How cute… You hand him the sleeve to examine further, returning your attention to the sandwich he’d so kindly brought for you. Wally checks the sleeve over thoroughly, making sure that this ‘king’ wasn’t some strange intruder he had to be wary of. When he was satisfied of the lack of sentience, he finally took a good look at Elvis himself. He sure had excellent taste in hair, that was for sure. It was weird, though… Why was there a big lipgloss mark on The King’s cheek? You seemed to be so protective of your record collection… He felt a weird feeling shoot through his heart, and shoved it along with the record sleeve away, turning his focus on the rainbow monster that had scurried to the tableside. “Are you ready for phase two, Buttercup?” She asked, slamming a hand on to the table. The record skipped, and it only took one sour look from you to get her to apologise, giving the record player a gentle pat. “Ready and waiting, Captain!” You give her a lazy salute, and are given a determined nod from her before she hurries back to her station. You hear another monotone laugh from beside you, and peer back towards Wally. “Buttercup?” “... Its my code name,” Your cheeks feel red hot, and you reach up instinctively to cover them. He laughs again, and you swear you hear him mumble ‘Adorable.’... But that just can’t be right. Ugh, you can’t afford to be distracted now, no matter how sweet his compliments were!!! You take in a deep breath, and take note of where everyone is on the dance floor. It was time for phase two. Group one had Honey and the Captain herding the target to the center of the dance floor; distracting him with hijinks and pranks and lightening his usual dour mood. They were right on track, and you make a mental note to compliment them on their excellent espionage. Group two was doing even better! Pigeon had lured the bait into the perfect spot, the two of them bounding to the beat almost next to the bonfire, and Howdy gave you a nod from where he stood, ready to swoop in. “Just.. A second… More…” You mumble to yourself, your trigger happy hand sitting above the needle. You’d know where to move on the record even if you were blind and deaf; the trap was only the most beautiful song that the King had made, and you’d get this to go off without a hitch. You’d promised her, after all. Wally squints at you, and only just manages to start asking you what on earth you’re up to when you see it; the signal. Frank’s back is turned to you, and Julie gives you a spastic wave. Not the most subtle, but y’know, it worked. The record scratches. The music stops. Everyone stops dead in their tracks. The Bait and the Target look around with concerned expressions, and Howdy dives from his hiding spot. [♫] Can’t help falling in love - Elvis Presley The music starts back up. The piano is soft. Dancers pair up as if it was planned– even though it totally wasn’t, you swear. Sally grabs Julie, squeezing her girlfriend close and leaving Frank floundering. Poppy is scooped by Howdy in a very, very subtle move that leaves Eddie flushed. You’re on the edge of your seat, squeezing the tablecloth anxiously in your hands. Eddie seems to realise whats happened first, and with a nervous laugh, he turns to Frank, offering a hand. But… Frank hesitates. Your heart stops, and without thinking, you’re gripping Wally’s shirt and sinking back in your chair. Oh, you didn’t think of this happening. What if he blows it? What if he gets mad? Oh, you can’t watch. But you also can’t look away. You feel Wally’s other hand rest on your head, not petting or rubbing, but just resting. Even that kind gesture couldn’t pull you from this train wreck. “OOPS!” Julie to the rescue! She shoves Frank hard with her hip, the puppet stumbling forwards into Eddie’s arms. Yes!! The whole neighbourhood watches with baited breath. Eddie laughs heartily, and takes that as a yes, starting to move backwards to get Frank back on his feet, and leading him in the dance. You can’t contain your excited wiggle. Yes! Mission accomplished!! Julie and Sally each shoot you a wink, and you give them two big thumbs up. Wally is practically in stitches next to you, and wipes a tear from his eye,
“Is this what her big plan was?” He asked, peering over at you quizzically. You laugh, and nod in response. Wally scooches his chair closer to listen as you explain the plan quietly to him. You lean a little closer to him, your arms brushing against each other as you watch the fruits of your labour. The two of them look to be having a serious conversation under their breaths, both with blush tinged cheeks, and tiny smiles across their faces. Absolutely flawless. You take in a deep, calming breath. Wally smells like apples, naturally, along with distinct undertones of… licorice? Haha, weird. It suits him, strangely enough. You wonder briefly what you smell like. Probably latex gloves? How disappointing. You wish that there was a nice smell that late nights at the observatory could give you, aside from graphite and notebook pages. “Weird,” You mumble under your breath, eliciting a questioning noise from Wally. “Oh. Well, the lights can make it hard to see the stars, but… Ah, it must be a new moon. Silly me.” Wally stiffens next to you, but you don’t have time to question it before you’re scooped up unwillingly into another puppets arms. [♫] A Big Hunk O’ Love - Elvis Presley “C’mere, you!” Barnaby sets you gingerly on one of his arms, lifting you out to the dance floor and the giggles erupt from you, no matter how hard you’re trying to hold them back with the nervous hands over your face. “You didn’t think you’d get to just sit there all night, did’ja??? Time to boogie!” His laugh was deep and you could feel it through his arm, him not even bothering to put you down before he started shaking his booty to the new song. You can’t! It’d be too embarrassing! You can’t see them, but there are definitely eyes on you. No… Noooo! The boogie, alas, was too infectious for your weak heart, and you felt the wiggles overtake you in Barnaby’s arms. Your shoulder dance seems to be the secret key to him putting you down, and he gives you courage in the form of a hand held and a big grin on his face. Can’t say no to that face, or the king’s bouncy tones, for very long at all. Before you realise what's happening, you’re swinging to the music, and the idea of embarrassing yourself has floated somewhere into the upper atmosphere. Maybe you’d find that fear again one night while stargazing, floating through the stars where no one can hear it. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● Wally relaxes through the next few songs, leaning back in his folding chair and taking the occasional unseen bite from the remaining sandwich on the plate. Barnaby was right, of course, he was going to be sore in the morning. Maybe for a few mornings after that, too. Something about the reckless abandon with which you took to the dance floor, though… He couldn’t take his eyes off it for more than a moment. You look so, SO unbelievably silly. Like you’d practiced these spastic wiggles a million times before. He leaned forwards, setting his head dreamily in his hands. Ha ha ha… Was that an air guitar he saw? “Absolutely… Adorable.” He drolls, and his brain takes a quick halt. Adorable. It wasn’t the first time he’d said this about you, not even tonight. And it's not like he didn’t compliment his other friends… A pang shook through his chest, and he clutched the front of his shirt… No, something about this was different… And something about your questioning gaze earlier… This was oh, so dangerous for him. So why hadn’t he stopped you yet? There were countless ways, methods he’d used before, methods he’d use again… Maybe you just needed… More distraction. Right; that was the problem. Well, that much he could do without arousing too much suspicion. He unbuttoned his top button, and smoothed his perfect hair, and stood up. If there was one thing Wally Darling could do, it was dance. With a pop of his collar, he strode on, ready to show these kids a thing or two. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● [♫] Devil in Disguise - Elvis Presley You’d been tossed between a few eager partners at this point, including but not limited to: A dance with Julie in which you’d mostly just shook your hair, a brief exchange with Eddie Dear, who’d thanked you under his breath while staring across at a certain someone, and a wild dance with Poppy who shook her feathers in ways you hadn’t even imagined before. This latest one was graced with Howdy, and you’d made a comment about how you needed to run an experiment to see if your hypothesis was correct; more limbs DEFINITELY made for more fun in a dance partner! You had him almost completely hysterical when something stole his attention away. Apparently it was someone cutting in, and you’re shocked when one of your arms is pulled upwards, giving you a spin and a dip. Wally Darling grins down at you, and you melt in an instant. Whoa. He gives one of his slow, droning laughs and pulls you back up, leading you with both of your arms now, swaying you quickly back and forth with the bouncing melody. It was as if he was shaped perfectly by the gods to swing it to Elvis. He switches from a slower portion of the song, swaying back and forth with you, to effortlessly spinning you out and then back in, your hand landing smack dab in the middle of his chest. You felt like your brain was going to pop. He lands the finishing blow perfectly, and as the song ends, he bonks his forehead against your own, staring in to your eyes briefly before stepping back. He pats you on the shoulder and moves on to his next victim; leaving you standing there as if nothing had ever happened. Your hands fly up to hide your red hot face. Uuuugh! You deserve a good sit down after that. (A/N: I was asked to tag @elegantkidfansoul with the update! If you’d also like to be tagged, feel free to let me know! ^v^ This update was a little long, but it was so fun to write eeee!!!)
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
I just adore the idea that Flower Fruit Mountain became a sort of safe haven/getaway for the pilgrims' decendants and overtime the various families just... forgot that this was THAT mountain after generations of information being diluted and forgotten until someone just... accidentally stumbled upon Wukong fresh from the dirt
Secret cool family mountain island.
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Plus the rings of volcanos (either a security messure by Wukong, or a result of the Burning) make it super hard for anyone other than a pair of dragons who can fly over, a really good boatman + pig, or a really lucky castaway scholar.
Sandy has known of the island for a while now. He's the only boatman brave/hardy enough to discover the exact inlets between the volcanos that safely pass into the paradise beyond. He keeps it a tight secret - not wanting the island to be victim to the greed of the modern day.
Pigsy and Tang are the next to learn about it. Both had gotten themselves into personal troubles and needed an escape from the world. So their friend Sandy offered to show them a spot where the magic privacy wards were strong, and where they could just be alone with their thoughts. Sandy hesistates to land the boat on the island for real, sensing a strong magic that repels potiential trespassers.
Pigsy appriciates the quiet for once. He wonders what ungrateful jerks do have special access to the paradise as he watches from the side of the ship. He saw dragons flying overhead once - maybe its exclusive to them?
Tang has a major historian/fantasy nerd moment when he sees the location of the region on Sandy's map. It's a dead ringer for the lost country of Alolai! The ancestral home of Monkey Demonkind and the birthplace of the Monkey King himself!! This could be a huge discovery!!! Sandy and Pigsy warn their friend about jumping to conclusions; its likely just a really isolated spot in the middle of the ocean. Tang pouts and disagrees, suggesting that if he could explore the island, he might find remnants of what people could have lived their before.
Tang accidentally puts his theory to the test when a freak storm knocks him off the boat and into the waters surrounding the island. He finds himself washed up on the shoreline of the island, confused/cautiously smug at why the protective wards allowed him access. He immediately ignores the survival aspect of his experience and begins exploring the island to his heart's content - blissfully unaware that Pigsy and Sandy are busy tearing the shoreline apart trying to find him.
The Ao-Longs find themselves in a predicament as they notice that they actually can't hire anyone to follow them onto the island. The wards take one look at what appears to be an invasion of dragons like "Nope. No Entry." and spits all the hired help/guides out. The Ao Longs believe their ancestor gained special permission to visit the island and that only related members of Sea dragon royalty can step foot on it. They mostly just saw it as a "panic room" of sorts when they truly needed to be alone (also alone together wink wink).
The day they meet Wukong was when the couple decided that they desperately needed an "off-grid" vacation from the modern world, esp with their super curious and attention-demanding pup.
A certain dragon pup wanders off and finds both a very pretty waterfall, and a very confused human looking at it...
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Lil Mei: "Water slide!!" Tang: "OH SWEET BUDDHA NO!!" *jumps in after her* (*both find themselves in an odd cave...*) Tang: "I am freaking out so hard right now, but please never do that again!!" Lil Mei: *delighted giggling* Tang, looking around: "Wow this place hasn't had a good dusting in a while... I'mma just look around for cool stuff before we try getting out, k?" Lil Mei clinging to Tang's robe: "Yep!"
And ofc... a very curious pair find an odd lump/marker in the dirt of the cave that makes the scholar wonder if it's the burial place for a beloved heirloom or pottery. With the assistance of little dragon claws, he manages to unearth what looks like a weird monkey statue (very cool).
Until the staute begins glowing with a powerful magic energy... (0_ 0)
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tacky-jack-with-a-hat · 7 months
HC: States write a magazine
•Loui has a weekly recipes page solely for when people are too drunk to cook. Usually this will be ungodly creations Florida requested after they've been drinking.
•NY is a surprisingly positive Broadway and fashion critic. His intense knowledge of fashion, textiles, theatre history, acting methods, lighting and music still confuses the states sometimes.
•A puzzle page made by Hawaii, Mew Mexico and Puerto Rico but none of the answers are in English, purely for spite.
•Florida tried advertising his own vacations, but most of it had to be cut out bc the publisher didn't grasp the concept of Florida representing a state and thought it was weird that a guy was advertising himself as hot, wet and fun for all the family.
They made another advertisement using photos of Florida's map and landscapes which made him self-conscious because it's his "worst angle".
The publisher was last seen on Thursday and almost everyone blames Florida.
•Cali wrote a political piece about the dangers of climate change but it was cut because he spiralled into a rant about wealth disparity and capitalism. In the end it was longer than the magazine itself so they gave the politics column to Texas. Annoyed, Cali used his discarded work to publish his own book. He even bugged New York to make it a best seller.
•The most controversial page is the scandal column because no one knows who wrote it. The page will consist of one or two photos alongside some speculation of what's happening in the photos (mostly incorrect).
These photos include:
-Gov shredding documents. The description claimed the documents proved DC was a different person and Gov stole his identity. When the news broke Gov was quick to claim he was just committing tax fraud. The states found it more suspicious that he admitted tax fraud so quickly.
-Speculation between Nevada and Idaho after standing really close to each other in a funhouse. Nevada tried to play along with the narrative but Idaho found the original photo and proved it was just the reflection of the mirrors making them look closer... But it also proved Washington was holding Nevada and Idaho told the magazine. The next issue was titled "Washington/Oregon Out. Nevada/Everyone In."
-Utah smiling and giving the middle finger to his neighbours titled "mormon rampage" with accusations Utah was actually a jerk with anger issues. His son told him 🖕 meant good luck.
-A blurred image of Texas falling down the stairs with just the title "Fall's Coming Early For Texas"
-A photograph of Loui at a party without Florida when he was supposedly "too sick to hangout".
-A selfie of Florida pouring and burning Loui's daiquiris in "Revenge". In reality Florida split his own drink and messed with a sparkler because no one was supervising him.
-A photograph of Cali on fire because of Florida.
-A frame of security camera footage of Florida and Loui "hiding" in a closet. Turns out that's what they were doing to avoid punishment from Gov.
-A photo of Mass, NY and NJ bonding through "gardening" with the publisher's leg in their wheelbarrow. The states didn't care at that point because the source lost credibility.
Many of the states dislike the constant harassment and lack of privacy but it's unclear who is doing it. This has caused multiple fights but no one knows who could possibly be holding a camera around them all the time without them noticing...
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aiinsightsandoverview · 2 months
Galambo: Transforming Visual Search with Cutting-Edge AI Technology
Ever wished for a tool that turns your images into a treasure trove of information? Galambo, the innovative AI-powered image search engine, is revolutionizing how we interact with visual content by providing in-depth insights and context that go beyond simple image recognition.
Galambo is leading the charge in advanced image search technology, utilizing powerful artificial intelligence to offer a deeper understanding of your photos. Unlike traditional search engines that only provide surface-level results, Galambo’s AI dives into the nuances of each image to deliver rich, contextual information that enhances your search experience.
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One of the most compelling features of Galambo is its AI-driven predictive search. When you upload an image, Galambo’s sophisticated algorithms analyze its content and suggest relevant search queries. This predictive capability streamlines your search process, delivering accurate and relevant results quickly, and saving you valuable time.
Additionally, Galambo offers a dynamic interactive search feature. By clicking on different elements within an image, you can uncover additional details and related information. This feature transforms the search experience into an interactive exploration, allowing you to delve deeper into the context and significance of your images.
Galambo’s integration with various platforms further sets it apart. It seamlessly connects with mapping services to pinpoint locations, taps into extensive databases for comprehensive insights, and links with social media for a broader perspective. This all-in-one approach ensures you have all the information you need right at your fingertips.
Privacy and security are also top priorities for Galambo. The platform employs advanced security measures to protect your data, ensuring a safe and secure search experience.
In summary, Galambo is more than just an image search engine; it’s a powerful AI tool that enhances how you explore and understand visual content. With its advanced features, interactive search capabilities, and seamless integrations, Galambo is an essential tool for anyone looking to gain deeper insights from their images. Experience the future of image search with Galambo by visiting Galambo.
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theaichronicle · 2 months
Galambo: Transforming How We Discover Information from Images
Imagine being able to uncover the rich history or hidden details of any photo with just a click. Galambo, an AI-powered image search engine, makes this possible, providing a fresh and exciting way to explore visual content.
Galambo is changing the game when it comes to image searching. Whether you want to find out more about a landmark, identify an object, or connect with services related to an image, Galambo makes it all straightforward and fascinating.
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One of the most impressive aspects of Galambo is its predictive search capability. The AI uses the uploaded image to suggest relevant search queries, ensuring you receive accurate and quick results. This feature has greatly improved the way I search for information, making it a smooth and enjoyable process.
The interactive search is another game-changer. By clicking on various elements within an image, you can uncover additional details and related content. This interactive approach adds an engaging and educational layer to the search experience, making each image a gateway to a deeper understanding.
Galambo’s integration with other services makes it even more powerful. It connects with mapping services to pinpoint locations, accesses databases for detailed insights, and syncs with social media platforms for broader perspectives. This comprehensive integration ensures you always have a wealth of information at your fingertips.
Privacy and security are also top-notch with Galambo. The platform employs robust security measures to protect your data, allowing you to search and explore confidently.
Overall, Galambo isn’t just an image search engine; it's a groundbreaking tool for visual exploration. Its intuitive design, advanced AI features, and extensive integration make it a must-have for anyone keen on discovering the hidden stories in their photos. Whether you’re a researcher, a student, or simply someone with a curious mind, Galambo offers a unique and enriching experience. Start your journey of visual discovery with Galambo today by visiting Galambo.
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nextgenaireviews · 2 months
Galambo: Your Gateway to Visual Discovery
Imagine being able to learn everything about a photo with just a click. That’s the magic of Galambo, the AI-powered image search engine that’s redefining how we interact with visual content.
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Galambo makes it easy to dive deep into any image, whether you want to uncover the story behind a photograph, identify a specific location, or explore related services. From the moment I started using Galambo, I was impressed by how straightforward and informative the platform is.
A key feature that sets Galambo apart is its predictive search. The advanced AI algorithms analyze your uploaded image and suggest relevant search queries, providing quick and accurate results. This feature has made my searches not only efficient but also incredibly satisfying, as I can explore the context of any image with ease.
The interactive search experience on Galambo is another highlight. Clicking on different elements within an image to reveal more details turns the search process into an engaging and educational journey. It feels like peeling back the layers of an image to discover its full story, making each search an adventure.
Galambo also excels in its seamless integration with other services. It connects effortlessly with mapping services to pinpoint locations, links to databases for comprehensive information, and syncs with social media platforms for a broader view. This integration ensures that you have a wealth of information at your disposal, making Galambo a versatile tool for all your visual discovery needs.
Privacy and security are top priorities for Galambo. The platform uses strong security measures to protect user data, giving you peace of mind while you explore and discover. You can search confidently, knowing that your personal information is safe.
In conclusion, Galambo is more than just an image search engine; it’s a powerful tool for exploring and understanding the world through visuals. Its user-friendly design, advanced AI features, and extensive integration make it an invaluable resource for anyone curious about the stories behind images. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone with a keen interest in visual content, Galambo has something unique to offer. Experience the future of image search with Galambo and start uncovering the hidden stories in your photos today. Visit Galambo and embark on your visual discovery journey now!
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bestaiapplications · 3 months
My Journey with Galambo: Exploring Images Like Never Before
I recently discovered Galambo, an amazing AI-powered image search engine that has completely changed how I interact with visual content. It makes tasks like finding the stories behind photos, identifying locations, and exploring different services so much simpler.
From the first time I used Galambo, I was impressed by how easy it is to navigate and how much detailed information it provides. Even though it's developed by a small team, their dedication to creating a top-notch search experience really stands out.
Galambo's advanced search capabilities are impressive. Using AI algorithms, it predicts relevant search queries based on the images I upload, ensuring I get quick and accurate results. This feature has really sped up my searches and saved me a lot of time.
One of the best things about Galambo is its interactive search option. I can click on different parts of images to uncover more details, related content, and deeper insights. It makes exploring visual information both educational and enjoyable. Plus, Galambo seamlessly connects with other services, whether it's mapping locations, accessing detailed databases, or syncing with social media for broader perspectives. It's like having a wealth of information right at my fingertips.
Galambo also takes privacy and security seriously, which gives me peace of mind while using it. They have strong measures in place to protect user data, ensuring a safe and reliable search experience.
In summary, Galambo has truly transformed how I explore and learn from visual content. Its user-friendly design, advanced features, and seamless integration make it an essential tool for anyone curious about diving deep into images and their stories.
Check it our here: https://www.galambo.com/
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bestaiappfinds · 3 months
My Experience with Galambo, AI image search tool!
I love exploring and learning new things, always searching for tools that can make my discoveries even better. That’s when I found Galambo, an AI-powered search engine for images. It's changed how I find and understand pictures, whether I'm looking for places, services, or the stories behind photos.
From my first try, I was impressed by how easy Galambo is to use and how much info it gives. Even though it's made by a small team, their passion for making a great search tool shines through.
Standout Features of Galambo
Predictive Search
Galambo’s predictive search is amazing. It suggests searches based on my pictures, so I get quick, accurate results. It saves me time and makes searching super easy.
Interactive Search
I love the interactive search. With Galambo, I can click on parts of images to get more info, find related stuff, and learn more about what I'm looking at. It’s fun and educational.
Integration with Other Services
Galambo works well with other stuff too. It connects with maps to find places, links to databases for more details, and syncs with social media for different views. Everything I need is right there.
Privacy and Security
Privacy is important, and Galambo takes care of it. It keeps my info safe with strong security measures. I feel confident using it.
Why Galambo is Special
Galambo has really changed how I learn about the world through images. It’s easy to use, full of info, and way better than old-fashioned searches.
For anyone who wants to explore the world through images and learn more, I really recommend Galambo. It’s a great tool for finding places, stories, and more.
I'm just going to leave the link here: https://www.galambo.com/
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