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pinepinetree · 6 days ago
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quick doodle dump
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alicenotalice · 2 months ago
Pearl and Etho, my beloved
A pair of gamer gremlins with wonky connections. Highly susceptible to becoming obsessed with minigames. They’re intensely competitive but still somehow chill about it too. Both wet cats. Both puppy dogs.
Neighbors who live in houses bursting with color and nature and practical features
Postmaster and technician
Fight club pals
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plasmawolf-arts · 1 month ago
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🐺 Meet Stella! One of the four main characters of Project Maplemoon, this wolf has a somewhat complicated history and seems to possess mystic abilities that not even she fully understands yet… what could it all mean?
Design comments/criticisms are always welcome!
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maplemoonarts · 2 years ago
Moving forward, is there a place we can buy dice from you online?
Yes! My main website to buy dice from me is here. (if the link doesn't work, here is it to copy and paste: maplemoonarts.bigcartel.com) I really only had the Etsy website for International Orders since they made it rather convenient.
I don't have much on the site right now since I am getting ready for an expo at the end of the month. Whatever I don't sell there will be put up on the site afterward at the same price I had it at the expo (which is quite a discount, honestly). Anyone who comes to the expo and buys something there will also get a coupon code to use in the store... The Expo is being held in Essex Junction, VT at the Fair Grounds on April 29th and 30th. But I understand that probably not many people can get there that follow me here on Tumblr... hence why the prices at the Expo will be what I put online for the dice/dice boxes/sun catchers/jewelry that are left over.
If you have anymore questions, let me know!
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qwevy · 2 months ago
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ladyincommand · 5 years ago
Wow, what a year 2019 is being! On 09/07/2019 I got married! 7 years together and we finally had the opportunity! Had our little honeymoon, and in the end of October, we head to our maplemoon. (: (which is the name I gave to our honeymoon in Canada.. haha) And until the end of this year we expect to know which city in Canada we are going to live in next year! Can’t waaait!! <3
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the-writing-blog69 · 6 years ago
Warrior cats ocs
Warrior stuff
Name: Maplemoon
Clan: Thunderclan
Age: 21 moons
Appearance: a Norwegian forest cat calico mix, with lots of fluffy fur. she has black, gray, and orange spots all over her back and tail, and the top of her head, sometimes overlapping eachother. She has a spot just above her eyes, and right in the middle of her face. The spot is black, and shaped like a crescent moon pointing downwards. Her left ear is black, and the right ear is orange, both are slightly torn. her underbelly, face, and legs are a creamy white. The fur along her neck is slightly longer than the rest of her fur. She has a three horizontal scars on the top of her right hind leg, and tip of her left ear torn off. her impressive muscles are hidden in the fluff. Her eyes are a deep green.
Personality: she's sweet and caring, and a pretty good warrior, but also thinks she's the absolute worst at everything she does. One negative comment can send her into 1. A rage or 2. Self loathing for the rest of the day, sometimes both. She likes to keep busy, and due to this, she has multiple hobbies to keep her mind working for when she isn't working. She loves feathers, and has a little collection in her nest. She likes telling stories, and will often visit the nursery to tell these little tales to the kits, and will sometimes tell the scarier ones to the appentices after a long day. She paces along the camp when there is nothing else to do.
Backstory: she was found abandoned as a kit by thunderclan, who took her in, and she got her scars from a fight with a fox that was getting a little too close to camp, which she won, though she didn't kill the fox, just made it run away.
Name: Berrydew
Clan: Riverclan
Riverclan medicine cat
Age: 36 moons.
Appearance: she is a creamy white Scottish fold, who has a cropped tail due to an accident, she has a one soft violet eye, and the other is a sparkling blue, and is slightly chubby. She was the runt in the litter, and due to this, is very small and short.
Personality: a kind, shy, medicine cat, who stumbles over her words a lot. She takes her job in the clan very seriously. She's full of love, and cares for every cat that might stumble into her medicine den, but if you get injured for a stupid reason, she will joke and bring up the fact that it was stupid.
Backstory: she was a kittypet for a while, before she left her home for a new life.
Oc number 2
Name: Briarpelt
Clan: windclan
Apprentice: Lilypaw
Age: 23 moons
Appearance: she's a bobcat. She's a big, tall cat, with sharp ears, a short, stubby tail. Her fur is rough and sharp, prickly and rough, hence her name. Her eyes are a bright yellow. She has a three thin scars going horizontally across her back.
Personality: she's tough and loud, and always has at least a little sarcasm in her, though she does mean well. She has a much softer side as well, but likes to keep it hidden from others she deems are not worthy to see this side.
Backstory: was found abandoned as a kit, and was taken in by riverclan, given a new mother, and where she was raised to be a warrior.
Oc number 3
Name: Echofur
Clan: Shadowclan
Age: 61 moons.
Appearance: he is a Maine coon with light brown fur and a black strip around his neck. He is thick with muscle, and thus is a big, strong, cat. His dark brown eyes keep a steady, calm gaze. His fur is soft, smooth, and shiny. He has a large scar across his left eye, blinding him in his left eye.
Personality: a very quiet, calm cat, though this does not stop him from being intimidating. He doesn't speak unless he feels he absolutely must. (I.e. when Sol said that Starclan was powerless, which he heavily disagreed with) though he is getting up there in years, he does not plan to retire to the else's den anytime soon. He is hard to move, both in the physical sense and the metaphorically sense, once he sets his mind it takes a great deal of force to change his mind.
Backstory: was born into Shadowclan.
Oc number 4
Name: Lilypaw (becomes Lilybloom when she becomes a warrior)
Clan: windclan
Apprentice to Briarpelt
Age: 9 moons
Appearance: a white cat with a brown tabby back and legs. Her eyes are a sharp green, her right leg is scarred up pretty bad, but she can still use her leg. Her short hair fur is soft and smooth.
Personality: she's bright eyed and naive, yet full of determation and the desire to succeed. She's full of love and compassion. She loves going on adventures and moving around, and can't sit still for more than five seconds. She absolutely adores her mentor, and anyone Briarpelt associates with. She wants to impress Briarpelt in anyway she can. She is allowed to see Briarpelt's soft side, and sees her as the one who took care of her all of her life.
Backstory: found by Briarpelt at a young age with no name, she was badly hurt and took 2 entire months to recover from her horribly injured leg, leaving her with the scars. At her sixth moon, she desired to become an apprentice, having been told how clan life works by Briarpelt, and she was given a mentor and a name. Briarpelt is basically her mom at this point, though nobody is complaining.
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i-have-bees-in-my-brain · 2 years ago
Maplemoon of Ravenclan
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She's a blorbo from my clangen:) ex deputy, now an elder, had SEVEN kits with the leader Jaystar, wise and respected but kinda annoying bc she doesnt like to relax in the elder's den all day, so she gets in everyone's business.
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vio1315 · 5 years ago
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Time to post the rest of my Art Fights! I’m trying to just keep this mostly chronological to when I drew them, but I might split them up later
Especially upon request
Owners of the characters under the cut
Xenon by teanopi
Cry by windd
Speaker by @mischiefcorvid
Ahkk by Maplemoon
Geometry Fairy by @cort3d The Good Doctor by @marb-le-soda
Kumi by @pale-blue-ghoul Kaziti by LonelyWaterBender
Zaira by ciddarth
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domoz · 5 years ago
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Art fight attack on MapleMoon
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rbsayet · 8 years ago
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Come on out to my #maplesugar #cooking workshop! #maplemoon #march #nativefood #indigenous #nativeamerican #cuisine #strawberry #cornbread #maple #drink #localfood #community #fieldofgreens #newlondon #ct
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acannthuss · 6 years ago
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Designs for Appledusks and Reedshine’s kits. Here are their desc;
As a kit she was small and meek and resembled her mother very much but much like her brother, detested her oblivious and air-headed mother. She later became mates with a RiverClan warrior named Nightsky, who was very supportive of Shyheart when she came out as lesbian.
She died from falling into a flooding river and being smashed against the rocks. She was knocked down there by a warrior of Thunderclan named Maplemoon (Mapleshade’s cousin’s daughter).
While not being particularly interested in being within the circle of hate in her kin, Willownose was a lot like her mother while also being like her father in being very perseptive of life within and out of her clan. She was the mother of Shellheart and Echomist, and mate to Houndleap.
Houndleap killed Willownose by poisoning her and getting together with several cats outside the clan. A moon or two after Willownose had her kits she decided she no longer loved Houndleap and was gonna tell him but Houndleap found out before paw and killed her in vengeance (he believed he loved her but it was more of an entitledment).
The most resentful of his siblings, Applefrost decided as soon as he found out about his father he would redeem his family by being strictly loyal to RiverClan. He also wished to seek out Mapleshade’s body or final resting place to pay respects and apologize for his asshole father’s actions.
Applefrost died as deputy of RiverClan, when he was beginning a secret journey to seek out Mapleshade’s final resting place a strange loose lightning bolt struck a maple tree and somehow it fell onto him. Perhaps a coincidence?
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plasmawolf-arts · 28 days ago
Wanted to do a bit of expression practice, so have a few silly Stella faces!
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mischief-incarnate · 2 years ago
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Ely by the amazing MapleMoon
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qwevy · 1 month ago
so… i just scrolled through every art piece you’ve ever done and let me just say I AM SO OBSSESSED WITH YOUR STYLE OMFG PLEASE HELP IM LITERALL Y OVER THE MOON ABOUT THISSSSSSSSS
also? You have introduced me too my two new favorite rarepairs… MAPLEMOON (im so obsessed with taht freaking name im gonna pass out) and also RENxCLEO wait isnt that called dogrot? I feel like ive heard that before but maybe im just making sruff up. Anyways. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS GIRL I HAVE LITERALLY FALLEN HEAD OVER HEELS FOR SOME OF YOUR DESIGNS… like that one peice of cletho you did? Etho looks so proud and handsome and i just love him so much! And BDUBS? how do you manage to make him look like hes barely contaning his joy, i love that for him! And dont get me started on TANGOOOOO! I also LOVE that you have different eyes for each lifer, i literally am in love with that.
My autistic-ahh brain renovated the “productive things. Oart of my brain to be filled by maplemoon and your art style so you can have that on your conscience when i start failing school (/j lol luv your girlllll)
I want you to teach me how to draw omg it is my dream to be about a QUARTER as talented as you.
(Also if anyone was asking for a rarepair art suggestion… just tell them that pearltek is so awesome and cool and ur so handsome and super coolest if you draw them maybe :3)
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the-writing-blog69 · 6 years ago
Warrior cats ocs part 2
Warrior cats ocs part 2
OC 5
Name: Pinetail
Clan: used to be shadowclan warrior, now is a kittypet.
Age: 41 moons
Mate: Mitzy
Personality: he's a calm headed cat, who didn't have much faith in Starclan, believing that it was more like a story to keep kits from misbehaving. He does believe, however, to follow your heart, no matter where it might lead you. He's very charming, funny, easy going, and is just lovely to be around. Yet he's also lazy, and prefers the easy way out of everything.
Appearance: a tortoiseshell Norwegian forest cat-Maine coon mix, though he looks more Norwegian forest cat than maine coon. He has thick, rough, fur, and very long tail. His fur carries the scent of pine needles. His eyes are bright, stark green. He carries an air of calmness to him. He's missing his left ear.
Backstory: he never got along with his father, Echofur, very well, and on a patrol he found a lovely kittypet by the name of Mitzy, who he fell in love with. They continued to meet each other in the dim light of sunset. Echofur found out and told Pinetail to either stick to his clan, or he would chase him and his mate out. Pinetail chose Mitzy and, Echofur attacked Pinetail, tearing off his ear. Mitzy and Pinetail ran back to Mitzy's home, where she comforted him with the news that she was pregnant their kits. Pinetail was soon taken in by Mitzy's owner.
OC 6
Name: Mitzy
Age: 41 moons
Clan: none. Kittypet.
Mate: Pinetail
Kit(s): Maplekit (afterwards known as Maplepaw, then Maplemoon)
Personality: she's cheerful and caring, and full of love and is quite adventorus as well, always wandering about the forest outside her home.
Appearance: she's a short haired calico cat, brown, red, and black dotting her white soft fur everywhere. Her eyes are as yellow as buttercups. She wears a purple collar with a bell, causing her to carry the sound of chimes with her everywhere. She has no scars, and is a chubby cat. Her claws are capped.
Backstory: her owner has had her simce she was a little kit. When she had her kit with Pinetail, they argued just a bit over what her name should be, before deciding to just call her Maple. Then their kit disappeared, just hours before their owner, and also themselves, moved away to somewhere else. Little did they know know that Echofur was visiting their kit while they were away doing other things, and had been talking to her, and now had stolen Maplekit, and was now on his way to Thunderclan territory to drop her off. Pinetail and Mitzy never saw their daughter again.
OC 7
Name: Palepaw (becomes Palelight later on)
Age: 10 moons
Clan: riverclan
Mentor: Berrydew
Personality: on the surface he's laid back, he gives a clam atmosphere for his patients, though on the inside he's tense and full of anxiety, always fearing the worst, though he will not show this side. He's a bit dense when it comes social interaction, that is not Starclan, and doesn't have much friends (that are alive) because of this.
Appearance: a ragamuffin cat, with most of him being white, with yellow on his back and his tail, and cream spotting his muzzle, paws, and legs. His eyes are blue. the most fluffiest, softest, god Damn cat you will ever see. His ears are pointed high, and twitch a lot.
Backstory: born in riverclan.
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