#many people hc bandee to be a kid
wrathful-banette · 10 months
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"Angel & Demon"
seriously, uhhh here are my sillies. the title is of little relevance other than being the name of the palette used, courtesy of @ultrainfinitepit! the post i got the palette from is here
*p.s: i hc bandana dee and magolor to both be the same age (adults)
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clownie-rainbow · 5 months
Can i just say that i see so many people forget about bandee or skip over him like-
Bandee hcs!!!
-Was friends with Marx before mmw happened (He was actually bandees first friend!)
-Sailor dee is his sister
-A theatre kid
-Constantly on-guard but still friendly!
-the best spear user in dreamland, need tips? Bandee is who you ask!
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desultory-novice · 3 years
gooey for character ask!
Oooh, nice pick!
003 Gooey
How I Feel About This Character:
Gooey is such a cutie pie! I really, really the idea of Kirby having a very "Kirby-like" best friend who is Kirby's speed and just naturally there enjoying the same kinds of activities Kirby does. Catching fish with his tongue! So soft! We've got Bandanna Waddle Dee now too, but Bandee differs somewhat in that they have (HC) a little more anxiety, a little bit more self-doubt. Gooey shares that rare Kirby trait of being easy going and just completely in awe with the world and its many miracles, regardless of whatever "It's Magolor Da-...err, Sunday, time to conquer Popstar!" nonsense is going on .
Also, it may be the “Player 2 always goes to the kid sibling” vibes, but Gooey just feels like SUCH a little sibling, and there's no other character in Kirby that can play the role of "Kirby's Little Brother" quite like Gooey! 
...Then Void came along and now Gooey's the middle child?! Uh oh!
Any/All the People I Ship Romantically With This Character:
Okay, so I said in my 001 Kirby ask that I personally don't see Kirby as “baby” so I'm okay with shipping -my- Kirby with various characters but... Gooey IS baby.
I can't ship Gooey with anyone! Gooey still needs room/time to grow up surrounded by love and positive emotions. Find out who Gooey is to Gooey! Then, maybe, Gooey can discover romance.
...But I guess there’s the rare, pink “Girl Gooey” also?
My Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship For This Character:
Talk about sibling relationships! Actually, I love Gooey when interacting with any fellow Dark Matters! Just, ah, being confronted with this thing that you ARE but you don't understand it and it doesn't feel right to you but you can't explain it and how are you supposed to deny what everyone's telling you but that doesn't matter because it doesn't FEEL right to you and your existence, your firm belief that even if you don't understand anything, this isn’t right and it.isn’t.okay actually starts having an impact on everyone else around you who had never thought about it before...!!! :strong feels:
Uh, I also have this idea for a massive Dreamy Gear expanded universe (...possible fan game idea? Ahhh, if only I had the time...!!) and in it, “Dark Matter” is that world's Mafia, and Gooey escaped the organization but lost his memories in the process and that’s how he winds up with the gang!
...Gooey + Blade + Zero/O2 Mafia AU. Yes...
My Unpopular Opinion About This Character:
How about my "salt" about this character instead? 
Dear HAL, I understand that, for various reasons, you can't have the Dream Friends change radically in between games. No "Hey, guys, while I was gone, I experienced character growth!" But seeing Gooey stuck in "...um, I dunno anything...?" mode for all of Star Allies was kinda sad. It almost seemed like a back-step compared to how Gooey was at the end of DL 3? At least Gooey seemed more in touch with his Dark Matter abilities, which was nice.
But unless the Dream Friends become a thing going forward (as much as I would LOVE this, I feel it's unlikely) we're probably never going to help Gooey get any answers. This part feels not just sad, but maybe a little tragic?
WHELP, that’s what fandom/fanwork is for!
One Thing I Wish Would Happen / Had Happened With This Character In Canon:
It would have been neat if Gooey still had his copy ability in Star Allies. I understand why they didn’t go that way, and we got a lot of great moves out of it anyway. But losing Gooey's copy ability was like losing a key piece of his character! (Plus, I mean, that was another thing that tied him/Dark Matter in general to Kirby and hinted at their shared origin with Void. Though I guess you could use Gooey losing his copy abilities and come up with a headcanon for why Meta doesn’t have copy abilities either now - if you believe he did, and I believe he did - or something?)
And this is not a thing I wish happened with Gooey, per se, but according to Kumazaki et al, they made the choice to pick only one Dream Friend from each -mainline- game. (...Drawcia...Fluff...Elline...) A-ahem! I may have been crazy, but I feel like at one point, I had it worked out where there still would have been room for Dark Matter Blade to get in. (Probably was crazy, but anyway...) TLDR: I WISH WE COULD PAIR UP GOOEY AND DMB IN STAR ALLIES AHHHH....!
Favorite Friendship For This Character:
There's Kirby, obviously. The part in the Rainbow Islands novel where Kirby is on the verge of a breakdown because Gooey keeps fighting him and won't talk to him and the others want to fight back and Kirby just -can't-?! Again, their friendship becomes even more sweet in light of Void and the positive emotions/negative emotions thing and how they give birth to these skrunklies!
I also think Gooey and Fluff could become good friends? I saw someone (sorry for forgetting who!) headcanon that Patch Land was like Kirby's safe place? And the idea of Kirby inviting Gooey there too to meet Fluff, like, "Hey, this is my little brother!" And it would be awkward at first because Fluff is made of yarn and yarn turns to felt when you get it wet, but they would work it out soon enough and yeah. Three Fabric Soft Blorbos (tm).
Lastly, this one is a bit of a crack friendship, but bear with me: 
Gooey + Marx. At this point, you're all nodding, going "Of course Dess is going to bring Marx into this" but listen! You know that Star Allies pic with the Wave 1 crew? I keep thinking about that. Like, outside of Kirby, Marx has never interacted with the animal trio or Gooey and yet, they're all having a great time! Like hanging out this way is natural for them!
I actually have something in my drafts with Marx and the Animal Friends, thanks to thinking too much about that pic. But one of the things that struck me too is a Noddy!Marx who obviously doesn't fit in with the Noddys anymore and Gooey who can't go back to Zero / being Dark Matter. They're both accidental exiles from their species and I wonder if that's something they could bond over...?
I want to explore it.
My Crossover Ship/FREE SPACE/Recs:
-THE- Gooey + Dark Matter Blade comic is already required reading in this fandom and I think there's no Gooey centric videos(?) sooo...
You know what? I've yet to draw Gooey! :cracks open CSP for approx 5 min:
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Circle. Triangle. Square. HAL Labs are the masters of shaped skrunklies.
Some last, rambling Gooey thoughts for the road: I would summon Gooey all the time in DL3, even though the AI was all over the place. Because screw it! Gooey is Kirby's best friend (sorry Magolor!) so they get to adventure together!
Also, this last one's a bit personal, but I actually have a serious vision problem that makes my eyes similar to Gooey's, and so I pretty much love every character with "weird acting eyes" because of it. (See also: Marx)
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Feel free to ignore this if this isn’t the place to ask (I’m new to the fandom side of Kirby) but all this proshipping discourse got me concerned with like… who actually is an adult in the Kirby fandom? I see so many headcanons, but I don’t know where the line is drawn on who is definitively an adult and who isn’t (maybe I’m missing something)? Just King Dedede and maybe Meta Knight since they both have jobs??
That's... a good question wow yeah
Unfortunately since a lot of common Kirby lore is vague or poorly translated it's difficult to draw the line, since most is inferred or just popular in the fandom. Here's what I can tell you...
Most character ages are implied by how they act (or explicitly said in things like the anime or manga). If they're more mature, they run an organization, they take care of themselves independently, they have a job, etc they're most likely an adult. For example, we can easily say Meta Knight, King Dedede, Daroach, Pres Haltmann, Susie, and Magolor are adults.
Characters who are more innocent, small, and child-like are most likely younger like Kirby (who's a child in the anime), Gooey, Adeleine (definitely a child), Prince Fluff, and Elfilin (I guess you could argue Elfilin is an adult...? but idk he seems young to me).
Of course you bring up a good question when it comes to deciding how that works... some characters like Marx and Bandana Waddle Dee have arguable ages. Most people say Marx is obviously an adult based on how he acts in the games and the fact that he manipulates Kirby but some Kirby media (books mostly) seem to imply they're similar ages (which I'm less sure about but you'll see it in the fandom). Bandee too is very child-like and most of us agree Bandee is a kid, but they're also mature enough it could be argued they're an adult by some...? You really have to trust your gut on it.
Then again I've seen headcanons for the Meta Knights being older adults and some for them being closer to Meta Knight's adopted teens, you're going to see a lot of interpretations where neither side is made with bad intent.
Intent is the main word here as well, some people hc that Sailor Waddle Dee and Bandana Waddle Dee are siblings and some people hc that they're dating, both (for the most part) of these sides don't intersect. What I mean is most people only think one OR the other, definitely don't agree with siblings dating, but respectfully choose to have a different hc.
If you have questions about specific characters and you're comfortable asking or dm-ing I can definitely tell you what I've seen most people consider their ages and/or relation as. Some characters have a large variety of fandom interpretations while others have very specific (or just outright canon) ones.
Uhhhhhh tldr, most of it is difficult to discern but trust your gut. If they seem like an adult, they're probably an adult. If they seem like a kid, chances are they're a kid. Fandoms will have a lot of lore and opinions and sometimes you'll just have to learn a little before you know what to trust.
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