#manual typist
virtuadmin · 2 years
Fast Image-to-Text Transcription Service by Manual Touch Typist
Fast Image-to-Text Transcription Service by Manual Touch Typist
What Is Image-to-Text Conversion? Today, every industry is completely going digital. For business marketing, new platforms are being introduced. The majority of us spend our time online looking for new methods to develop our business and make it more user-friendly and accessible. These days a lot of information comes to us in the form of an image and one has to extract that information.…
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pwlanier · 28 days
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Serial number 159 stamped on the hemi-spherical alpha-numeric keypad
Supported on brass columns with arc for paper carriage
The Malling-Hansen Writing Ball, invented by its namesake in 1865, is an innovative device that embodied several key design features that influenced subsequent developments in the field of mechanical writing instruments.
Rasmus Malling-Hansen, a Danish pastor and principal of the Royal Institute for the Deaf in Copenhagen, developed the Writing Ball with the primary aim of improving the efficiency and speed of written communication specifically targeted at those with disabilities. Utilizing electric current to propel the typing mechanism, Hansen’s Writing Ball is one of the earliest instances of electric typewriters. However, beyond its electrical innovation, the symbiotic design helped distinguish the machine as the most ergonomic of its day. Featuring a completely unique hemispherical keyboard layout, this spherical configuration sought to minimize finger movement and reduce typing fatigue: the keys were arranged in a honeycomb-like structure, and utilized a complex system of levers and escapements, thus ensuring a precise and consistent pressure on the paper; and the paper carriage was moved by a clockwork mechanism, ensuring the smooth operation and high typing speed. Furthermore, the innovative paper feed system allowed for continuous typing without the need for manual intervention. Indeed, the ingenuity of the mechanical design saw a revolutionary step in the development of typing that placed more onus on user comfort and efficiency—the Writing Ball reportedly enabling typists to reach speeds of up to 800 characters per minute.
However, despite its technological advancements, the Malling-Hansen Writing Ball faced several challenges that hindered its widespread adoption. The complexity and cost of manufacturing the device were significant barriers, and it was eventually overshadowed by the more commercially viable Sholes and Glidden typewriter, which introduced the QWERTY keyboard layout that became the industry standard. Ultimately, although it did not achieve lasting commercial success, the Writing Ball remains a critical milestone, highlighting the iterative nature of technological advancement and the continuous quest for improved efficiency in human-machine interaction.
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trivialbob · 9 months
It was during my junior and senior years of college when the little Mac desktop computers started appearing. Some were available in computer labs students could use. Eventually two of my roommates got them and kindly allowed me to use them.
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I thought the Macs were mind-blowing. Before their arrival we wrote papers on typewriters. I had my dad's old IBM Selectric, the one with the typeball that quickly moved across the paper instead of having a carriage that moved right and left across a "basket" of type bars.
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Some students had compact manual typewriters, where the typist would have to slap a metal arm at the end of each sentence for a carriage return. Some of those typewriters were enclosed in a case with a handle. I guess that made them portable.
Special onion skin paper and eraser sticks helped with fixing typos. You could also use Wite-Out correction fluid or this white tape to "delete" words. That was fine for small errors. You cried and threw crumpled sheets of paper at the wall if you had to insert a whole paragraph. If this got to be too much, there were flyers around campus where people offered to type papers for $1 per page.
With Macs I loved playing around with font settings. I don't know if there were many to choose from, but I do remember the outline, shadow, italic, and underline options. On the first paper I ever typed on a Mac my title page incorporated ALL of these options.
It looked ridiculous.
The professor or TA even left a comment for me saying something to that effect. I'm glad I didn't put the entire paper in underlined italics, though I thought that would have looked cool. It was a good example of just because "you can" doesn't mean "you should."
What made me think of this today is something at work. Someone gave me a checklist to help with a project I just was assigned to.
There are a lot of Very Important things in this checklist. The author put them in red, bold, italic font. 75% of the checklist is like this. A quarter of the list is covered in yellow and green highlighting. It's to the point were standard black font items stand out.
It looks ridiculous.
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consolecadet · 6 months
Thinking about how my fine motor skills/manual dexterity are fairly good (relatively fast touch typist, ok at many types of art, envied by peers for my onion-dicing abilities) but my gross motor skills & proprioception are less good and feel significantly degraded by joint problems with EDS (historically bad at sports, often knock things over especially when using a cane, was horrible at throwing/catching objects until Something Changed in 2019). World's least graceful artist
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squadrah · 2 years
la squadra go to an at school!!! what do they do and how well????
Ehehe nice! We'll give them a big budget this time, and I think I will start with what would be most up their alley just so I can follow up with something that would be challenging to them :D
Risotto: He would have welding in the bag if he was allowed to use Metallica, but hiding behind a respirator would be a great excuse not to engage with others. It would be more exciting for him to do something like improvisational theater, which might force him to deal with the emotions of others and his own as the situation demands it. He's stiff and rather slow, but he's evidently putting a great deal of thought into his actions, so there's that.
Formaggio: Photography and especially macro photography would be delightfully easy with Little Feet's help and produce fast and colorful results just as his upbeat temper likes it, whereas something like figure drawing would be far slower to make and require far more patience and effort. He would definitely enjoy the models and talk at them far more than he should, distracting others too, but he is trying, and the result is surprisingly neat, if not very realistic.
Prosciutto: I could see him gravitating towards theater with his voice and delivery, but this is too "clean" a hobby; the challenge would be to get his hands dirty. I would love to have him take a pottery class and allow himself to get caked with clay to produce something tangible. Imagine him trying to make a life-size bust, and papping the face as he was shaping it. It's no masterpiece, but all the detail suggests he has a lot of promise if he can bear to continue.
Pesci: He would be at an advantage with almost anything that uses your hands and power of observation, such as drawing, so you would have to engage more of his senses to really push him. What if he took an interpretive dancing class where he would have to use his entire body and push his imagination to its limits to create a meaningful choreography for himself? His figures and gestures feel a little too cliché, but his footwork is solid.
Ghiaccio: Something he could immediately pick up would be sculpting of any sort because he could be rough and forceful in places to reduce the material to the right shapes, but again, we all need a challenge, so I'll give him knitting, which would be teaching him patience and delicate handling of his yarn in exchange for a wide variety of applications and nice clean lines. He would probably hate bigger pieces, but small ones would turn out very well.
Melone: If easy mode would be to take up a creative writing class, where he would be the fastest typist with a wide range of knowledge to draw on, then hard mode might be having to manually calculate, create, and apply everything, so what about painting? He would have to learn how to mix primary colors to get the shades he needs, and be very deliberate about where he places brush strokes. His style is very bizarre, but he does have a great eye for mixing colors!
Illuso: I feel like he would be happy with something like making jewelry or objects from beads - he would love all the different kinds and the glittery results... but I want to kick him out of his comfort zone same as the rest, so how about something a bit more risky and labor intensive like glass blowing? He'd be on edge about handling molten glass, but if he can get past his anxieties and the first lopsided pieces he made, he could make something unique!
Sorbet: With him, a reasonable thing might be crochet, since you need very few materials to start out and you can literally undo your entire work at any stage to just make a new thing without waste. To really push him, he needs to engage with something that seems really "wasteful" and cannot be undone. Felting might be interesting for that very reason, and though the results are shabby, his use of darker colors does make things more presentable.
Gelato: It's hard to give him just one easy hobby because this mad lad will thrive on anything where precision is not vital to success; literally all of the above are within his reach except maybe knitting. Now something like patchwork might be more of a challenge because it requires him to measure and align things manually, and there are set patterns he has to adhere to, so unless he's making it for Sorbet, he might not even get halfway with the work...
BONUS: I just remembered this from my Twitter...
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writeastorywhere · 1 year
Arion looked into the campfire and then into the shadowed trees beyond the edges of its light and shivered. He was not cut out for this kind of adventure. He could feel the seconds of his life slipping away. He’d just wanted to have a nice sabbatical, finish some poems, but no, he had to go and get himself chosen by some artifact and then there was the angel and the demons… 
Arion glanced over at his traveling companion, the previously mentioned angel— Michael. 
No, fuck. That won’t work. There’s gotta be a different angle. Too much exposition. Too much of Arion filling in backstory for everybody else… 
The adventurers clung huddled close to their fire. In the shadows of the trees beyond it, the demon listened to their quiet conversation: 
“Should we keep this pace,” the angel was saying, “we can reach the whatever I’ll think of a name later in a matter of weeks.” 
The angel was a strange-looking man: statuesque in proportion and unblemished but dressed in rags, with permanently-wide eyes covered in some kind of film that obscured his physical sight. He didn’t seem like much of a threat— but then, angels never did. 
His companion looked like even less of a threat. Some scared-looking human with soft hands unused to manual labor and warm brown eyes
Eh, I dunno. Feels too exterior. Different angle’s good but what’s gonna happen after the demon jumps out and Michael ganks him in one swoop? Transfer of pov might be weird.
Michael tried smiling pleasantly at the little dupe he’d recruited to sacrifice for his god. “If we keep going at this pace,” he said, “We’ll reach the ?? in a matter of weeks.” 
Arion’s voice, when it filtered through the crackling of the fire, sounded reluctant. 
I can’t believe I have to do thissss like I know it’ll be GOOD but right now I just wanna skip to the part where they’re FIGHTING and BETRAYING EACH OTHER and there’s DRAMAAAA actually wait I can do that there’s not like any. Laws I can write whatever I want forever
“Michael?” Arion turned to face his angel companion, horrified. “What are you saying?” 
“The artifact’s power can’t be unlocked,” Michael repeated, slowly, like he was speaking to a small child. “It’s just here to be sacrificed to the gods,  along with its wielder.” 
The angel advanced on Arion, his face still unfairly beautiful even now, his expression a soft and pleasant smile. Michael reached out one hand, and Arion tried to take a step back and realized he was already at the edge of the Godfalls FUCK yes finally came up with a name. He glanced over the edge, towards the infinite waterfall, then back at the angel, his face filled with fear. 
“You can’t be serious—” Michael closed in on Arion, but instead of allowing himself to go over the falls, Arion reached out and took hold of Michael’s hand, held it close to his chest. “Michael— you’re my friend. Don’t do this to me.” 
It was only at that moment that Michael’s expression cracked a little, then a lot. He looked so lost. “I— Arion. I have to. I cannot disobey my god. I’ll go blind.” 
“I’d rather be blind than murder you,” Arion snapped. Then his voice softened. “Are you really that selfish?” 
Michael hesitated. And then, he said, “Yes,” and shoved Arion. But as Arion fell back, he grabbed onto Michael’s shirt and used his momentum to bring the angel over the edge with him. 
UGH I dunno I feel like it’s missing something. Longer scuffle? Maybe Michael gets the ability to fly or something? Feels just a little too fast? I guess it’ll feel better when the book is finished and there’s all the foreshadowing and tension before this moment. 
You know what that’s good enough for today. I think I’m going to go and get some hot chocolate and tell my agent it’s going good. I can always write the bulk of it a couple months before the draft is due anyways, it’s not like I’m that slow of a typist.
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kmindzfaridabad · 7 days
Computer-Based IELTS Test - A Complete Guide towards Understanding
Over the years, the International English Language Testing System, IELTS has become a trusted test for measuring the computer based ielts exam efficiency of the English language. Whether one is a student seeking to study abroad, a working person looking for employment abroad, or even individuals with an intention to migrate to other countries, millions write the IELTS every year. Traditionally, this test used to be on paper; however, the innovation of technology results in the computer-based IELTS exam to be another very popular version of the test. If you are looking to attempt this particular version of the test, here is everything you need to know.
What is the computer-based IELTS test, you may be asking? This computer-based IELTS test is the electronic version of the paper-based test. Thus, computer based ielts exam its format, contents, and mark are the same, but the most significant difference is that reading, writing, and listening occur on a computer whereas talking tests are, still conducted face-to-face with a test administrator, just like in the paper version.
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The computer-based format presents a modern approach to testing, wherein candidates are allowed to key in their responses on the computer and work directly with the test interface. This format is also favored by those who prefer typing over writing.
Key Features of the Computer-Based IELTS Exam
1. Same Test, Different Mode
The format and contents are exactly the same as in the paper-based version. There are four competencies: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The test difference is in the delivery method only.
2. Flexible Test Dates
Unlike the paper-based IELTS test, whose dates for testing are fixed, the computer-based test seems more flexible. In most test centers, computer based ielts exam you may schedule your test on many dates of the week, giving you greater control over when you want to take the test.
3. Rapid Results
Result delivery is one of the most attractive features: the computer-based IELTS exam tends to deliver results quickly. Paper-based test results take about 13 days, while computer-based test results are usually available within a span of 3-5 days, making it a better choice for candidates who need quick feedback.
4. Interface-Friendly
It is easy to use the computer-based interface of the exam: you may highlight text, add notes, and easily go back and computer based ielts exam forth between the sections. You can edit the writing section much better because you can delete, copy, or paste in text without having to make manual corrections.
5. Quiet and Comfortable Testing Environment
Where in most testing centers, the computer-based IELTS is carried out in smaller rooms holding fewer applicants, and hence it's quiet with no crowded hall such that less stress and distortion that the students experience in large halls.
Benefits of the Computer-Based IELTS Test
1. Typing Instead Of Writing
For typed people, the computer-based test has some advantages. You don't have to worry about how readable your writing is, or that you are going to run out of answer sheet space. You will also be able to easily edit your answers, giving you even more control over the work you are producing.
2. Improved Read and Listen
Features of the computer test include reading and listening. In the reading section, you are accompanied by the questions on the same page so you do not need to go back and forth pages to find answers. The computer based ielts exam audio control in the listening section is done using your own headphones for clear playback.
3. Feedback
The other bright side of IELTS is the rapid release of results. If you have urgent deadlines for university applications, jobs, or visa, this can make it an important one since you will have your results ready within a few days.
Do you qualify for Computer-Based IELTS Exam
If you are a typist, you like sitting in a silent, up-to-date testing room, and you can easily adapt to writing on a keyboard, then the computer-based IELTS might be more for you. Otherwise, you prefer writing by hand, and you cannot cope with the digital format, then the paper-based test is probably still the best for you.
A computer-based test still allows the convenience of a modern, efficient way of gaining a paper-based result. Results come out faster and are easier to read, and test dates are far more convenient, that this format is ideal for based i computerelts exam candidates who are into digital testing. If you are an advocate for high-tech usage and want to get your IELTS exam done sooner with an easier approach, then this format is what you need.
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valkyries-things · 2 months
“She was California's first female structural engineer and an equal rights activist. She was admitted into Stanford University and one of thirteen women engineering students entering that year and the only to graduate in civil. While working at Boeing (and after the war with Japan ended), it was announced that all of the female staff were to be demoted to typist positions at a vastly reduced wage. This was a far cry from the manual work Schnapp was doing so, in protest, she typed everything given to her as slowly as possible. She also faced discrimination back at university. In one instance, she helped change the regulation that “no women were to be seen on campus without the appropriate attire again". Somehow finding the time between raising three children and working in the field, she studied for the California Structural Engineer's license and passed the exam her first try. She worked on large scale projects like the San Francisco Public Library, the Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Quentin Prison, and the San Francisco Asian Art museum. She also fought to gain better representation for women in engineering, joining the Society of Women Engineers and giving one hundred talks to school-children about what engineers do and how girls can join the profession.”
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Services: Faded vs. Enduring
Services Businesses That Went Away in the Last 20 Years
The past two decades have seen a significant shift in the service industry due to technological advancements, changing consumer behavior, and economic factors. Here are some examples of services that have declined or disappeared:
Technology-Disrupted Services
Video Rental Stores: The rise of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video has virtually eliminated physical video rental stores.
Travel Agents: Online booking platforms and increased consumer confidence in self-service travel planning have reduced the demand for traditional travel agents.
Photo Developing and Printing Labs: The prevalence of digital photography and smartphone cameras has made physical photo development less common.
Yellow Pages and Print Directories: Online search engines and digital maps have rendered print directories largely obsolete.
Other Declining Services
Telegraph Services: With the advent of the telephone and later, email and text messaging, telegraph services became obsolete.
Typists and Stenographers: The widespread use of computers and word processing software has made these roles largely redundant.
Manual Data Entry Clerks: Automation and data capture technologies have reduced the need for manual data entry.
Services Businesses That Have Endured for Over 50 Years
While many industries have undergone significant transformations, some service-based businesses have remained resilient and continue to thrive:
Professional Services
Accounting and CPA Firms: Despite advancements in accounting software, the need for expert financial advice and tax preparation remains strong.
Law Firms: Legal services continue to be essential for individuals and businesses, ensuring compliance and resolving disputes.
Medical Professionals: Doctors, dentists, and other healthcare providers are still fundamental to maintaining public health.
Financial Advisors: Providing guidance on investments, retirement planning, and financial strategies remains a valuable service.
Other Enduring Services
Hair Salons and Barbershops: Personal grooming remains a consistent consumer need.
Restaurants and Food Services: While the industry has evolved with trends and technology, the core service of providing food remains essential.
Home Repair and Maintenance Services: The ongoing need for home upkeep ensures the continued demand for these services.
Education and Tutoring: As educational needs evolve, the demand for teaching and tutoring services persists.
It's important to note that while these services have endured, many have adapted to changing times through innovation and technology. For example, accounting firms now offer online services and financial planning, while law firms have incorporated digital tools for legal research and document management.
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spatsandcravats · 2 months
I'd like to come up with some sort of snappy one liner about how shitty "you must do this food prep manually. You can use an appliance ~if you must~" is esp coming from people who otherwise think they're like, disability-friendly, but I'd just like to manifest behind the typist and scream continuously in their ear.
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max-computer8 · 4 months
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Best Tally Prime Course in Noida the tally prime software is best software for education for student and business profile .by doing this short term course, you can have a basic knowledge of computer i.e. you will learn how to make table and invoices, how to arrange a huge data in a refined way, how to do letter drafting, and the very important thing you can have a very good typing speed. by learning this course you can get a job of office assistant, computer operator, admin assistant, computer typist and a receptionist. Tally (Computer Accounting Software) Software Covered :- Manual Accounting Sum, Company Creation, Ledger Transaction, Accounting & Inventory Master, Taxes, Prints, Tally Payroll. Duration : 03 Months (Daily Batch: Mon to Fri) Admission Fee :-300 /- Course Fee :-1500 /-  Final Examination Fee :- 300 /-
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virtuadmin · 1 year
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A manual typist with years of experience. Get in touch for audio transcription or text-to-text copy typing. pph.me/virtuadmin
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Understanding Transcripts
Transcripts play a crucial role in various fields, from education to legal proceedings, and job applications to research. They serve as a written record of spoken language, capturing conversations, lectures, interviews, and more. In this blog post, we'll explore what transcripts are, their importance, and the different types that exist.
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What is a Transcript?
A transcript is a written or typed record of spoken language. It captures the content and context of a conversation, presentation, interview, or any spoken interaction. Transcripts can be created using various methods, including manual transcription by human typists, automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology, or a combination of both.
Types of Transcripts
Academic Transcripts:
Academic transcripts are official documents provided by educational institutions that list a student's courses, grades, and overall academic performance.
 They are used for admissions to further education, applying for scholarships, and sometimes for employment purposes.
Interview Transcripts:
Interview transcripts are written records of conversations between an interviewer and interviewee.
 They are commonly used in journalism, research studies, and legal proceedings to accurately capture and analyze the content of an interview.
 Legal Transcripts:
Legal transcripts are verbatim records of court proceedings, depositions, or other legal events.
 They are crucial for maintaining an accurate record of legal proceedings and can be used as evidence in court.
 Medical Transcripts:
Medical transcripts are detailed records of patient-doctor interactions, including diagnoses, treatments, and other medical information.
 They play a vital role in maintaining accurate patient records and ensuring continuity of care.
 Business Transcripts:
Business transcripts capture conversations that occur within a business context, such as meetings, presentations, or customer service interactions.
 They can be useful for reference, training, and quality control.
 Podcast Transcripts:
Podcast transcripts provide a written version of the spoken content in a podcast episode.
 They can enhance accessibility for individuals with hearing impairments and improve SEO for the podcast's online presence.
 Why Transcripts Matter
Transcripts make content accessible to individuals with hearing impairments or language barriers.
 They also benefit those who prefer reading over listening.
 Research and Analysis:
Transcripts are essential for researchers, journalists, and analysts to accurately study and analyze spoken content.
 They serve as primary sources for extracting information and drawing conclusions.
 Legal Documentation:
In legal proceedings, having an accurate transcript is crucial for maintaining a record of events and ensuring fairness in the justice system.
 Education and Training:
Academic transcripts are essential for academic progress tracking, admissions, and employment opportunities.
 Transcripts of lectures and training sessions provide valuable study resources.
Transcripts are invaluable tools that facilitate accessibility, research, legal documentation, education, and more. They serve as a bridge between spoken language and written records, making information more widely available and easier to analyze. Understanding the various types of transcripts and their significance in different fields can help us appreciate their importance in our daily lives.
 University Transcript
Online Transcript
Apply Transcript
Duplicate Transcript
>>  >>
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futureailist · 1 year
Dictanote - Make your Voice Type for You In today's fast-paced digital world, productivity is the name of the game. Whether you're a writer, student, or professional, the ability to quickly and accurately transcribe your thoughts and ideas is crucial. That's where Dictanote comes in, revolutionizing the way you take notes and work with its seamless integration of speech recognition. The Power of Voice Typing Dictanote is not just another notes app; it's your personal transcription assistant. With its powerful speech recognition technology, Dictanote allows you to effortlessly switch between using your keyboard and your voice to type out notes. Say goodbye to tedious manual typing and hello to a smarter and more efficient way of working. Real-Time Transcription, Your Way Dictanote accurately transcribes your speech to text in real-time, with an impressive accuracy rate of over 90%. Whether you're jotting down meeting minutes, crafting an essay, or composing an email, you can add paragraphs, punctuation marks, and even smileys using voice commands. It's like having your very own personal typist, always at your service. Multi-Lingual Support Dictanote is a global tool, supporting speech recognition in over 50+ languages and 80+ dialects. No matter where you're from or what language you speak, Dictanote has you covered. Voice Commands and Keyboard Shortcuts Dictanote goes beyond simple transcription. It empowers you with voice commands to insert punctuation, technical terms, and correct mistakes effortlessly. Plus, the integration of keyboard shortcuts makes starting and stopping dictation a breeze, allowing you to easily switch between languages. Join the 200,000+ Satisfied Users Don't just take our word for it – join the growing community of over 200,000 satisfied Dictanote users. Here's what some of them have to say: "I didn't think it was true, but I believe this works better than any other app. Use it every day. It's fantastic." - Russell Sabella "This is a Great Web App to speak to text for my Windows Laptop. Easy to use and save your notes." - Phil H "Really great app and so easy to use. I could use it right away without any training time and best of all, it recognizes my Indian accent also." - Sanjay Rana "This is one of the best dictation apps out there. I have to say this is a must for any writer or journalist who needs an accurate and powerful dictation app." - Music Factory Studios "This is a fantastic application, it works flawlessly on Linux, and is a great alternative to Dragon Naturally Speaking." - Darian Brown "I have been using Dictanote for some time now, and I can say that it really helps me in my day-to-day meetings. I don't need to save my work from time to time since the app does it for me already. Moreover, I can access my work anytime, anywhere." - Louwelyn Andal Your Privacy Matters Dictanote takes your privacy seriously. All your notes are securely encrypted on Dictanote servers. Rest assured that your audio is not stored or processed; Dictanote relies on Chrome's speech-to-text API to convert audio to text.
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ptseti · 1 year
Has over 30 years experience as a typist on the manual typewriter. This is her first day on a computer! The younger generation may not understand this video!
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First Principle: Satisfy Needs
-This machine helped us women (like me) to be able to enter the world of work in a massive way, as typists, so that is why there were not many unemployed women in the 19th and 20th centuries, since at this time they only Women were accepted, leading to our own salary, thanks to this an important point in the development of social relations could be marked. Replacing the need to have to write by hand, now having the ability to have maximum agility in reading and executing documents.
Second Principle: Solve Problems
-The way in which this machine solves our problems is that now it can make writing easier for us because it will no longer be by hand, now it will be more efficient and faster in the realization of any type of document, solving the problem of time to make such documents, he also helped blind people to write easily, because it was for this purpose that said machine was invented. It was also said that one of the first inventors of the typewriter was Pellegrino Turri, in 1808, who also invented tracing paper, which was with this paper that these documents were made.
-In general, the typewriter covered too many needs, such as the writing of a document with enough length, the agility of writing and the productivity of these, it also facilitated the distribution of these documents. In addition, that writing was not very reliable in the part of spelling and it was not as effective with the typewriter, which is very important for our society.
Third Principle: Perfectible
-With the passage of time, the machine was improving at a rapid pace, increasing its productivity and quality; The machine was improving but, to meet the demand of those who used it, even so, it could continue to be improved over and over again, but with the bases of the first machine created, the first known typewriter project was the "cymbal Writer” by Giuseppe Ravizza and the first recorded attempt to produce a typewriter was made by inventor Henry Mill, who obtained a patent from Queen Anne of Great Britain in 1714.
Fourth Principle: Affect Or Help Humanity
-In part it helps since there is more work for us (people), much more for the women who were the ones who wrote on the typewriter, who could subsist on the salary that the "bosses" gave us.
-The bad side is that "slow" people with less efficiency when writing, would be unemployed nor would they have a salary to support the family, so they would have to sell their strength as a method of survival and at least have a work, but even so it would be difficult to get the job since many people would be unemployed and would need the work.
Fifth Principle: Universal Use
-The machine was available to everyone, but mainly we (the women) were given the job, I think because we are very efficient and agile when it comes to doing the work entrusted to us, it's a pity for the women who became unemployed or they did not have the opportunity to have this job and a salary for sustenance, anyone could use this machine, I think that its use is not complicated, you just have to be fast.
My Criterion About Said Typewriter
-This machine, is it good for society? In part, yes, it helped us streamline and do things more efficiently and quickly, but what happens with the people who became unemployed? support for the house, said former employees, now they have been replaced by this machine, I think, that I have privileges to be here telling this, I was not fired by my "bosses" since I am agile and efficient, but I cannot stop Think about these people who have an extended family, how will they be now?
-But, even so, I am not entirely against this machine, it helps us in many aspects, such as writing long documents, etc., I feel sorry for those workers who started with manual labor and then replaced them with a new one. "machine", that in reality not all of us will be able to use it.
Social Aspect:
This machine helped some of the women favorably because we would have our own livelihood method, "machismo" is not so present, although it has been seen for a long time, because "the man was the one who worked and the woman is the housewife”, but now this has changed thanks to the arrival of this machine, it was a method of improvement for us women who were lucky enough to be able to use this machine.
I say that some because there were others who did not have the possibility of belonging to this group of people (women) who had a job at the typewriter, in addition to all those people who became unemployed due to the use of it, for example those people who some wrote by hand, they would no longer have the possibility of belonging to this job, only agile people were chosen and they learned quickly with the function of this machine, in addition to the fact that the men worked writing letters now, they would not have the possibility of working in the machine, because it was only for female use for a simple reason, which was the easy articulation or rapid movement that they had when writing letters, documents, etc.
Political aspect:
Now, the creation of this machine was taken advantage of by everyone, since the creators of this machine were partly very intelligent since they saw/observed the needs that writing by hand caused, such as slowness, fatigue, etc., so who took this need and had to find a way to solve it and thus the machine was created as a method of speed in the drafting of documents and other writings.
Thus, achieving that all the people who needed to write documents opted for the option of having this machine, in order to achieve greater performance in these newsrooms and thus the creators having a practical scare method for their lives, in addition to the invention of the writing machine. writing was supported by the creation of the printer Samuel W. Now as those who obtained the machine needed employees to speed up the process, they chose some workers as writers of the typewriter thus obtaining these a profit.
Although some other workers would be left unemployed, this was negatively affected, because now there will be many more people without work and/or sustenance, now these people are choosing to sell their strength for sustenance and other things that are a little more complicated, such as having to have many babies so that when they grow up they can help support their livelihood, although since several hands are not needed now, I don't know what will happen to those families.
Economic aspect:
The arrival of this machine favored the economy since now everyone needed the use of this machine in order to expedite their documents, they had to obtain it in any way, be it cheap or expensive, now they will not need many hands for the writing work that it was needed before, as before they needed more people for handwriting, now so many hands and so many people will not be needed, and that is why this job would only be left to us women and we would no longer have the need of a man for it. support. But a bad part is the unemployed people who will no longer have the livelihood that handwriting gave them.
Modernization For Us, Humanity
Dear Residents I am contacting you in order to express my criteria on technological and scientific advances throughout history, taking into account how they affected us positively or negatively, if these advances have the capacity to solve our problems and meet the needs of the man
Technological and scientific advances over time have had various repercussions in our world, such as environmental deterioration, due to the Manufacture of technological devices: fighting and exploiting the raw materials that our nature gives us, consumption of data and global warming. that affects us too much. Waste electrical and electronic equipment. Over time it has affected society socially, culturally, politically and economically, this is evidenced in the first Industrial Revolution where there was a modernization in our communication, the mechanization of agriculture and the textile industry, transport machinery such as ships arose of steam and trains, there were some very important inventions for our technological and scientific progress, some of the creations were the spinning machine, the steam engine, the steamboat and the railway, this had positive effects since it was possible to cover the it needs people, how was transportation, etc., the bad side of this is that since the entry of machinery stripped people of their work loads, making the use of fewer people for that work, the Now they did things more efficiently and thus leaving people without a livelihood, a clear example could be the typewriter, now only fast women (like me) have the possibility of working but others do not, since only people who they will use the new machine they would work, but even so the more creations they would have, the more work there would be, so the new machines were not all bad, a single sentence that could tell them that they can "live working or die fighting".
Until never my dear friends, please receive thanks in advance hoping that you have received my letter, blessings and my gratitude for all your time.
a dear employee
Danna Alzate
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