#manon and her babysitter
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xjulixred45x · 7 months ago
Vincent gives HUGE karen parent vibes its so funny😅🤣
Vince already gives off strong vibes of being a person who believes he is entitled to many things (like when he used Rody at his party as an employee outside of work and without paying him), and he definitely passes this sense of entitlement on to Karin ( or tries to, because in Vincent's head, it's normal and "natural").
I mentioned it a little in the post about Manon, but Vince is definitely very picky about the quality of things for Karin, in every way. It's almost a little creepy/worrying.
babysitters for example, Vince does a VERY extensive interview to make sure it is appropriate to leave his daughter approx. 8 hours with this person. and probably on the babysitter's first day he has a "long shift" when in reality he observes how the babysitters act with Karin (if they discover it? If they give Karin food that is not from the house? Do they even slightly raise their voice to Karin even if she did something inappropriate? FIRED IMMEDIATELY).
The type of parent who thinks His Daughter is an angel and can do no wrong (i mean, he's Right. Karin is a bby).
I can see Vince as that type of father who, if he sees that Karin clothes are torn (like in the game), he immediately throws them away and buys her new ones (and much more expensive).
Seeing as the game's author describes him as "underwelming supportive", Vince is probably the calmest and most low-key empowerment of a soccer dad. I mean, he support Karin to improve and won't STOP insisting on that until she reaches her maximum potential. Although he doesn't really react much to Karin's achievements, rest assured that he is really proud of her (he's the kind of dad who makes a shelf ONLY for Karin's awards/recognitions. He will feel personally offended if you don't give Karin a compliment from AT LEAST 3 of them).
Vince takes great advantage of his reputation (and character) to get his way. things like talking shit about people if they aren't nice to Karin, threatening to ruin someone's name if they don't tutor Karin, blackmailing others for Karin's benefit, getting her out of school for being "beneath her academic level", everything.
(related to the above) DEFINITELY A HELL TO HAVE AS A FATHER-IN-LAW, just thinking about the poor soul who has to put up with Vince's passive aggressive (and aggressive aggressive) comments, watching him OVER sharpen his kitchen knives when he's at the house, threatening to sink their name and that of their family if they EVEN raises their hand to his daughter... would definitely be terrifying.
Besides, it is never enough, no matter how good the intentions are, how much money they have or how good they are, Vince will always have SOMETHING to say. The most that Karin's partner would get from a good relationship with Vince would be total disinterest. And honestly it's better to leave it that way.
Overall, having Vince as a father would be HELL for EVERYONE except Karin, although that's the point, right?
JAJAJAJA LO PEOR ES QUE ES VERDAD. Vince es totalmente una Karen.
de por si Vince da fuertes vibras de ser una persona que se cree con derecho a muchas cosas(como cuando uso a Rody en su fiesta como empleado fuera del trabajo y encima sin pagarle), y definitivamente el pasa este sentido de derecho a Karin(o intenta hacerlo, porque en la cabeza de Vincent, es normal y "natural").
lo mencione un poco en el post acerca de Manon, pero Vince definitivamente es muy exigente en cuanto a la calidad de las cosas para Karin, en todo sentido. es casi un poco creepy/preocupante.
las niñeras por ejemplo, Vince hace una entrevista MUY extensa para asegurarse de que sea apropiado dejar a su hija aprox. 8 horas con esta persona. y probablemente el primer dia de la niñera el tenga un "turno largo" cuando en realidad observa como actuan las niñeras con Karin (¿si lo descubren?¿si le dan a Karin comisa que no es de la casa?¿le alzan mínimamente la voz a Karin aun si ella hizo algo inapropiado? DESPEDIDOS INMEDIATAMENTE).
Tipo de padre que cree que su hija es un angel y no puede ni matar una mosca(aunque en este caso es verdad lol, Karin es un angelito).
puedo ver a Vince como ese tipo de padre que si ve que tienes la ropa rota(como en el juego) directamente la desecha y te compra otra nueva(y mucho mas cara).
viendo que el autor del juego lo describe como "decepcionadamente alentador"(? no se como traducirlo) probablemente Vince sea el empoderamiento mas tranquilo y lowkey de un soccer dad. osea, apoya a Karin a mejorar y no PARARA de insistir en eso hasta que ella alcance su maximo potencial. aunque realmente no reacciona mucho a los logros de Karin, ten por seguro que el realmente esta orgulloso de ella(es el tipo de padre que hace una estanteria SOLO para los premios/reconocimientos de Karin. se sentira personalmente ofendido si no le das a Karin un cumplido por AL MENOS 3 de ellos).
Vince se aprovecha mucho de su reputación (y caracter) para salirse con la suya.
cosas como hablar mierda de las personas si no son buenas con Karin, amenazar con hundir el nombre de alguien si no le da clases particulares a Karin, chantajear a los demas por el beneficio de Karin, sacarla de la escuela por estar "debajo de su nivel académico", de todo.
(relacionado con lo anterior)DEFINITIVAMENTE UN INFIERNO DE TENER COMO SUEGRO, el solo pensar en la pobre alma que tiene que aguantar los comentarios pasivo agresivos(y agresivos agresivos) de Vince, verlo afilar DEMACIADO sus cuchillos de cocina cuando esta en su casa, amenazar con hundir su nombre y el de su familia si SIQUIERA le levanta la mano a su hija... definitivamente seria aterrador.
aparte, nunca es suficiente, no importa que tan buenas sean las intenciones, cuanto dinero tengan o lo buenos que sean, Vince siempre tendra ALGO que decir. lo maximo que obtendria la pareja de Karin a una buena relación con Vince seria total desinteres. y sinceramente es mejor dejarlo asi.
en general, tener a Vince como padre seria UN INFIERNO para TODOS menos para Karin, aunque ese es el punto ¿no?
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taldigi · 2 years ago
Given the fact that Marinette is a babysitter in canon and concept Max/GDV (you can not convince me that the two are not intertwined when they look that similar) looks like a kid (or just younger than the main cast) maybe instead of Manon Marinette babysat concept Max/GDV.
ok so get this
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he's her classmate
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maestro04yayyy · 2 years ago
So I thought to put here more stuff about my antivillain au.
So here sabrina and chloe are really close friends(I think i have already said chloe consider her a sister) but while chloe is in the state she suggested sabrina to befriend their other classmate, she did but then when chloe is back their classmate would do everything they can to not let chloe go near sabrina since they think chloe would just use sabrina(which isn't true in this au).
The only ones that are agaisnt that are alix because she knows about their friendship even id she kinda broke her own with chloe, juleka and Rose (juleka because she starts to spend time with chloe, Rose because she is Rose) oh and adrien would probably do nothing about it since he is kinda passive i think? Like he won't like what they are doing but after a try to tell them chloe and Sabrina are rral friends he would probably do nothing more.
So sabrina will end up akumatized into an akuma that shows people true self since she wants to prove her classmate wrong by showing them the real chloe.
About chloe true self, I thought about a little ball of fire but I am not sure
Another thing about this au is that chloe's grandpa is russian because she give me that vibe.
Oh and chloe also love kids, she play a lot with manon when her mother is at the hotel for whatever reason and her babysitter is busy. That's why when she is can chloe would go to a kindergarden and help here as a volunteer (and the kids love her)
The last thing is that since felix always loved magic, to make him happy when they were kids she learned it to and practiced with him when he was in paris
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princess-of-the-corner · 2 years ago
This is a bit asking for your point of view. Something like that??
so uh, I'm doing like breakdown of characters and their relationship to each other and I'm currently on Marinette and Manon. As I thought about how they are being with Marinette as her babysitter, I came to 'Although alya is pretty good with kids?' and then it kind of hit me that Alya is good with children because she was once a child of her own who was taken care of by an older sister so she knows a little more about the thoughts of gremlins.
Now consequently I take Anansi and Marinette to be much more similar than they think because they both took care of a child without much previous experience. and somehow not knowing how to communicate well
Honestly Alya does also take care of little kids regularly because she has younger sisters. But yeah she probably had help from Nora earlier on.
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bl1tzm1k3 · 1 year ago
Triplet Dupain Cheng AU
Post 2: Marinette Herself
The star of the original show herself. Obviously being an AU, Marinette is going to be different. How so from canon you may ask. Well, here it is:
Marinette's Similarities To Canon
Much like canon, Marinette is still a sweet, outgoing & joyful girl who's honest, kind, fair, & pure hearted.
She's still very much helpful to anyone & does her best to help in most scenarios.
Marinette is also still a very quick lesson & mistake learner.
She unfortunately still struggles with self-confidence & acts impulsively.
She's also still quite the klutz & still panics a lot.
She still loves fashion, Adrien & baking.
She's also still Ladybug with much of the same traits.
However that's where the similarities end.
Marinette's Changes From Canon
You want to talk about affectionate? This girl is one of the most affectionate people you'll ever meet. Warm hugs, friendly kisses, pats on head/back/shoulder, or even light friendly tackle. Marinette will make sure you won't go a day sad & mopey.
Her self-esteem is much better here as she's more confident in her abilities as a person & fashion designer.
Speaking of fashion, Marinette excels much more in this department. She's very efficient in designing & creating her clothes line & almost all of her clothes are made by her. Suffice to say that she's made many people's heads turn. I mean, she did make Michael his favorite shirts.
She doesn't have any sense of irrationality in her at all here compared to canon. Let's just say Lila gets a good spotlight above her head here like Chloe.
She can be almost, if not, as chaotic as her brother. Suffice to say that the girl squad can have a hard time wrangling her without Michael or Shelby around to help them when she's full on excited.
Marinette is a big time gamer here. Any game she picks up can be fairly judged by her ranging from after about an hour to a day of playing. Michael & Shelby follow behind her extremely closely in this regard.
When things don't go her way, Marinette tends to freak out more often than canon & requires a serious rehab from either family, friends or both when necessary. However, she can pick herself up if she has to do it alone.
Unlike canon, Marinette can act rather meek at times, being very reserved & nervous when not in the company of her siblings or friends or when she's scared of something or someone. It was very apparent when she first met the Akuma Class, Alya & Adrien. She finds it a miracle the people she's met so far are very understanding about it.
While she hates liars, she won't try to out lies without proof. Oop . . . another spoiler for Lila. Whoops.
Marinette can act mature even when she isn't Ladybug at the time. Some friendly advice from her isn't too far away if you need it.
Just like Shelby, she is very nurturing & loves babysitting, especially Manon. In fact, Manon is so used to how Marinette watches over her that she won't accept any other babysitter Nadja tries to offer.
When I said she's still a klutz, I really mean it. In fact she can even be twice as clumsy compared to canon when she's not aware of her surroundings. Thankfully her family is helping work on it & she's striving to be a bit of a perfectionist that doesn't take things to seriously.
Marinette can also tend to be both flustered & embarrassed very easily. As Michael would say, "Don't mess with her funky flow."
She's also just as imaginative as Michael & Rose to a certain degree.
Much like Michael, Marinette can curse quite a bit. Particularly when she's angry, being protective, scared, messing around with her friends or disgusted by something. However, she's much more reserved than her brother.
She's just as protective as Shelby. Unlike Shelby however, Marinette's protectiveness can range from nurturing & kind to violent & or possessive, but not the point where she's had to get her hands dirty . . . yet.
She's also very clingy but it's not just for her lover(s), it's for everyone she cares about; both friends & family.
While she can control her temper a majority of the time, when she loses it, she REALLY loses it. Suffice to say you don't want to see Marinette irritated by the slightest if you care about your own well being.
Finally, she isn't stressed about being Ladybug at all & managing her personal life as she has much better self-control & stress management. Not to mention Shelby & Michael know she's Ladybug from the start & don't get akumatized just like her.
That was all for Marinette. As for when she's Ladybug, she's mostly the same as canon, being Paris' favorite heroine with as big of a love for her city as her family with a high sense of duty.
However, she's much more serious in her job & likes to get fights done quick & clean. She can come off as cold sometimes because of this but everyone knows she cares about Paris & it's people.
Despite this though, she can still be lighthearted & puts up with Chat Noir's flirting & nicknames for her & loves his puns, even if she acts like she gets tired of them sometimes.
In fact, a lot of Parisians wonder why someone as serious & efficient as Ladybug would want a silly, goofy, & clumsy partner like Chat Noir, even though they won't deny he's equally as competent & can get the job done. However, as she will tell news reporters, she really doesn't mind putting up with her kitty & would not have it any other way. To her, he's the perfect partner & the best counterpart to her serious attitude.
Ladybug is also very creative with her fighting style & powers, picking up many video game moves & due to her getting to know Fu much earlier on & through personal discovery & training, the powers of the Ladybug can be put to much more effective & creative use.
Not to mention her excellent performance in crime fighting, creative mind & leadership skills saw her forming her Miraculous Team early & helped Fu discover something that could change everything the last Miraculous Guardian knew about the miraculouses. This however is s post for another time.
And there we go! That's Marinette's dedicated post complete. I will say this took a fair bit of time to write but not as much time as my first post. Stay tuned for the next few posts & feel free to ask about this & my other AU as well. Until next time, Bl1tzM1k3 signing out.
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blodgmonster · 5 days ago
Crescent City: House of Flame and Shadow rereads that almost no one reads except my one friend.
- Starting off with the POV my girl The Hind. Cracker beginning (I've been watching Derry Girls).
- Cormac's dad is a fucking dick.
-"What sort of father are you, Einar?" When the Asteri are questioning your parental technique...you've sunk pretty low.
-"Ruhn Danaan, Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae"
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Part 1: The Drop
- Yoooo Bryce is in the Night Court. Gotta give her props for looking at Amren, Rhys, and Azriel, three of the most dangerous motherfuckers in Pyrthian and being like "lol, I've seen worse. I'm not scared of you."
- Though I will admit she's playing shit almost TOO close to the vest? I'd be spilling my guts trying to get these fools to HELP US. Not being deliberately obtuse. Maybe that makes me dumb but it seems like irritating your potential allies just because they aren't who you meant to find is an odd choice.
- the Asteri are Daglan but are they VALG? I need to know!
- Oh, Tharion. You idiot. He assumed that his queen would either kill him or hold him captive beneath. But...her daughter didn't seem to want to continue the relationship any more than he did. Couldn't he have just...seen what happened and not done THIS idiocy?
-Do we ever get to see the Viper Queen's snake form? Because that would be cool as hell.
-Tharion is a fucking junkie now. Dude. Wait...he's FUCKING THE VIPER QUEEN?
-I like Tristan Flynn. He might actually be super hot if he got his head out of his ass and stopped living like a frat bro.
-"the other source of Ithan's frustration these days: playing babysitter for Sigrid Fendyr." Well...who was it that freed her, numbnuts?
- Nesta. I LOVE YOU.
-oh, hey we DO see The Hawk. And he sucks.
- "Flynn had blasted Sabine's face clean off." Damn!
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- Do the Hind and Nesta meet? I can't remember but I need them to. The badassery would be off the charts. Them and Manon. My queens.
- "Her versus this female...decent odds" EXCUSE THE SHIT OUT OF ME BUT THAT'S NESTA YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. SHE'S A GODDAMN VALKYRIE. PUT SOME RESPECT ON HER NAME. She wiped the floor with Illyiran warriors. You'd be a piece of cake.
- "How could you be so fucking dumb?" Tristan Flynn asking Tharion the question we've all been thinking.
- I'm very glad Nesta still has SOME of her powers and her silver flames. But it's still wildly unfair that she had to give up the bulk of her power to save Feyre. I will never not be salty about SJM nerfing her heroines.
- Nesta says that Lanthys wasn't a Daglan but I thought he was? I remember him bleeding black blood though. Maybe a Valg???
-"Art has a universal language." Hell yeah.
- Bryce, dear sweet, Bryce STOP FUCKING ALIENATING AND PISSING OFF YOUR POTENTIAL ALLIES. Siccing the Middengard Wyrm on them. A dick move.
- "like even the light was disgusted by her." Yeah, because you're being an ASSHOLE and betraying the people who are helping you.
- Bryce thinking Nesta is an asshole...that's the pot calling the kettle black.
- "She hated how she shook at Nesta's stalking approach. How both the human and Vanir parts of her trembled..." THAT'S RIGHT YOU PUT SOME RESPECT ON NESTA'S NAME
- Azriel reminding her of the people she loves who are waiting for her in order to get Nesta to take off the mask. * chef's kiss *
- Ruhn is thinking about the Hind and all the terrible things she has done and wondering "did changing signs erase the stain?"and that phrase made me realize who Lidia is like and why I love her SO much! Natasha "I've got red in my ledger" Romanoff!
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I am about a quarter of the way through the book. Probably time to wrap this commentary up and start part 2. Because lord knows I've got a lot to say. I've barely begun to insult Tharion and Ithan.
Stay tuned for part 2
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spiceynoodls · 8 months ago
Stormy Weather
Aurore and Mireille compete in a competition to be a weather girl. Mireille wins by "half a million votes" and Aurore is Akumatized into Stormy Weather. Marinette and Alya go to the park to see one of Adrien's photo shoots and encounter Stormy Weather. Stormy Weather captures Manon and Alya. Chat Noir and Ladybug confront Stormy Weather at the studio and defeat her on the rooftop.
Characters Introduced (in order of appearance):
Alec Cataldi
Aurore Beauréal
Mireille Caquet 
Manon Chamack
Akuma Battle:
Akuma(s): Aurore Beauréal / Stormy Weather
Motive: Loss to Mireille in weather girl competition
Akumatized object: Umbrella
Abilities: Weather manipulation; flight; speed
Weakness(es): Multitasking
Hero(es): Ladybug, Chat Noir
Civilian(s): Alya Césaire; Manon Chamack
Lucky Charm: Bath towel
Miraculous Holders:
Gabriel Agreste / Hawkmoth
Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Ladybug
Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir
This episode is honestly one of my favorites. Peak Chat Noir, 10/10, and the story is easy to follow. The action sequences with Stormy Weather controlling the weather are great. Alya is a fantastic babysitter for Manon while Marinette is off not taking care of her responsibilities. Stormy Weather taking out the lights in the studio was creepy as hell and I love it. We love brute force with fire extinguishers.
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mister-e-filman · 1 year ago
Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir: Year One
Autumn; Climatika
An entire week had passed with Hawk Moth sending a multitude of akumas after both Ladybug and Cat Noir, first came Monstre Terrifiant, then the Gargoyle, a monstrous croissant, Snailman, The Thug, and then finally the Mole, all of which the duo deakumatized back into their civilian forms. Thanks to the AkumAlert system, the deakumatizations were becoming easier to get done as a special ambulance with anti-akumatization markings on it would arrive soon after the super duo had finished, and would help the victim. And as much as Mayura wanted to, Hawk Moth flat-out refused to add any of them to their growing army as he had his sights set on the KIDZ+ Weather girl contest. He even insisted that Mr. Pigeon be removed as he saw him as too pathetic to be a part of the army.
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In the KIDZ+ studio, Alec walked onto his stage and said "Welcome to the finals of our KIDZ+ competition! When today, one lucky winner will be announced as our brand new KIDZ+ weather girl! We started off with 5000 contestants. But with the help of our audience at home, we whittled our talent down to just these two amazing young ladies! So, let's welcome our fantastic finalists! To my right, Aurore Beauréal, and on my left, Mireille Caquet! Who will be the lucky winner? Vote now! Text 1 for Aurore and 2 for Mireille. And remember, standard text messaging rates apply."
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The crowd could be heard chanting both Mireille's and Aurore's names as Aurore waved "Hi!" and Mireille giggled.
Meanwhile at the Dupain-Cheng House Bridgette was on the balcony, lying on the door to it giving herself a tan all while her twin Marinette was chasing Manon Chamack. Nadja had stopped by earlier to ask Marinette if she would babysit Manon, and of course Mari couldn't say no when Manon flashed her the "baby-doll eyes" which just made her cave. As for Bridgette herself, she wanted absolutely no part of babysitting her, all she wanted was something to punch.
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Marinette was chasing the toddler all around the living room shouting "Come on, Manon, give that back!"
Manon whined "But I wanna be a fashion designer too!"
Marinette fell on the sofa, getting exhausted, but still determined to stop her. Standing upright seconds later.
"Manon, please, it's not finished! You're gonna ruin it!"
Manon giggled mischievously. Her babysitter’s pleading words had no effect on the toddler who was loving her impish ways.
Marinette let out a "Huh?" before resuming her chasing Manon, but ultimately ended up crashing with the table as she let out an "Ah! Nnnngh..." Marinette looked around the trashed room searching for Manon.
Marinette got to her feet and walked around, listening for her "Hmmm... Huh? Ah!" She giggled; and walked over to the curtain, only to see that Manon was not there.
Manon emerged from under the bed and snatched Marinette's cellphone. "I'm gonna vote for Mireille, she's the best!” Manon supplied, “She gave me candy when I visited Mommy.”
Marinette grabbed her phone back from Manon, "Hey, my phone!" Marinette said annoyed. But in payback Manon then grabbed the older girl's hat and ran off.
Marinette then wondered aloud "Ughhh... Why did I agree to do this again?"
Then over her left shoulder Tikki couldn’t help but make her presence known to her wielder. Much to a flustered Marinette who was having issues with the rambunctious child.
Marinette whispered to her, "Stay low, Tikki!"
Tikki whispered back, "Do not worry. Think about this. If you can handle Manon for a day, any villain here on out will be a piece of cake."
While it was weird to compare one of the akumatized villains she had to battle with to a troublemaking little girl Marinette couldn’t help but feel like Tikki had a point. But she couldn’t think about it too much since she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the house-part of her home seconds after Tikki’s words of wisdom. Marinette made the kwami hide so Manon wouldn’t see her kwami just as the doorbell rang. Marinette opened the door to find Alya standing there. Marinette beckoned for her to step inside.
“Alya?” Marinette asked in surprise, “what are you doing here?”
“Hey, I got a huge scoop for you. Guess who's on a photoshoot in the park?” Alya asked. Though Marinette already knew the answer...
“Now? Adrien is in the park right now?” The dark-haired girl replied with no hesitation. Drawing a nod from her bespectacled best friend, “As we speak.”
And Marinette couldn’t help but get flustered due just at the possibility of meeting her blonde crush, “Oh, gosh! What... what am I gonna say to him?”
But Alya couldn’t help but tease her bestie in response to that, “The same thing as usual 'I... uhhh... dahee... wha... ahh...''" she mocked. Much to Marinette’s chagrin, “Oh, stop it,” she softly chuckled.
“Uh, who's she?” Manon chimed in. Getting the attention of both of the older girls.
“Whoops! I forgot about this little detail,” Marinette stated while looking back at Manon.
“And who’s she?” Alya inquired.
“This is Manon, one of my mom's friends' daughters. I'm watching her all afternoon. Oh no! I can't go out!” Marinette realized following a gasp. Her babysitting duties took priority over potentially asking Adrien out. 
“Leme guess. Another 'you couldn't say no' favor?” the wavy haired girl prodded with a raised eyebrow. “No, I just couldn't... say... no…,” Marinette answered. Looking down at the floor in a bit of self-shame.
Now Alya could tell her friend was in distress and she was really looking forward to seeing Adrien. Which was a bigger deal to Marinette than it was to her, “No problem! I'll look after your little detail for you.”
Manon ran off. She didn’t think much of Alya's presence. Perhaps she’d be just as fun to mess with as Marinette was.
“Thanks, but I'm responsible for her... Besides, I couldn't do that to you. She's... an absolute angel!” Marinette said with a smile so fake it looked like it hurt, just before grimacing at the sound of a loud crash from Manon messing with stuff with the pots and pans she had seized, mostly Bridgette's. Knowing very well that her twin would be livid if she saw her most prized possesion wrecked. And she was right when she saw the four-year-old reappear, Bridgette's head popped into the room screaming "Manon Mia Máire Moni Chamack, that crash had better not have come from my trophey!" Carrying the now broken trophey which was leftover from one of the akumas that she had fought in the past week, Manon decided to make a run for it. “Manon! Put that down! Ugh! Come back!” Marinette yelled after the young brat.
While Marinette was scrambling behind Manon, Alya thought ahead and was already in the pathway that she correctly predicted Manon would go, and in the blink of an eye, Manon’s hand was now in hers. Though the little girl was trying to pull away.
“You're just a pushover, Marinette. I have to babysit my sisters all the time, which makes me an expert in dealing with angels,” Alya said with a matter-of-fact smile.
“Who are you anyway?” Manon asked. Looking up at Alya who had a creative answer for the little girl, “I’m a mythical unicorn princess from the Nespar Kingdom which is on the wonderful world of Reespa, disguised as a totally fabulous human girl! I grant magical wishes, but only to little monkeys who behave!” she answered while giving Manon a playful poke on the tip of her nose that made her laugh.
“No, you're not! ...Are you?”
And while not breaking her smile she lifted Manon up and placed her in Marinette’s arms. Who by the way was stunned in how Alya had managed to make the troublemaking preschooler calm down for more than five seconds. Alya beckoned for Monon to hand over Bridgette's broken trophey, which Bridgette snatched before Alya could even touch it. Bridgette sighed as she held the trophey in her hands before saying dryly, "Nothing a little superglue can't fix." She gently set down the broken trophey.
“Okay, say, let's all go to the park,” Alya said, not missing a beat.
“Yay!” Manon exclaimed. Followed by Marinette chiming in with, “Okay!” and Bridgette, who was holding superglue in her hand, "Fine."
And meanwhile at the KIDZ+ studio the new weather girl was going to be chosen. People across Paris were tuning in to see the results with Alec hosting it all.
“Okay ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment we've all been waiting for! The viewers at home have made their decision, and the new KIDZ+ weather girl is…” Alec announced proudly while the votes were shown on screen with Mireille getting a large lead until the final score was counted.
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“Congratulations Mireille!” Alec announced to a cheering crowd and a stunned Aurore. And the only thing that broke her shocked state was Alec talking to her, “Man, she really crushed you, eh? Better luck next time!”
“UGH!” Aurore grumbled before running out of the room to the elevator while Alec unintentionally added insult to injury, “What’s the big deal? You only lost by half a million votes!” "Go fuck yourself Alec!" she screamed at him, though she knew he was right and began going through the number of votes in her head to see if there was any error whatsoever.
And once she was in the elevator Aurore sat down defeated as she realized that if it was true that Mireille had 82% of the votes and she had only 18%, and that she lost by half a million votes, then it could be calculated that Mireille won 640,625 votes, while Aurore had only 140,625.
Aurore was now a seething volcano of rage as she knew that her schoolmate Chloé would no doubt mock her for this humiliating failure, “I should've won, I have the talent, the star looks, everything! But she took everything away from me. They took everything away from me! They--" She calmed down a bit remembering what led to that week's events...
Sabrina had been standing beside her from afar when she leaned close to Chloé and told her "That's terrible! You hear that, Chloé? Aurore's GPA dropped a whole point on her last report card!"
Chloé responded with "Well, you can't be a Little Miss Weather girl and Little Miss Good Grades at the same time!" Aurore had gasped at her cruelty but did think that she could possibly be a damn good weather girl. Mireille, a Japanese/Korean-French girl then said shyly "That sounds nice, being a weather girl and such." "Well, we better not make her cry, Sabrina, or else Stormy Weather might start raining on us. Oh, and go cry somewhere else Máirín" Chloé added. Sabrina meekly went to stand beside Chloé. What ridiculous bitches!" Chloé cackled. "Utterly ridiculous!"
"It's Mireille, Chloé!" Marinette yelled.
Aurore remembered that whenever Chloé would act so cruel to others Soqueline would always put Chloé in her place, but now that she was no longer there, surprisingly Marinette had taken up that role, she remembered Marinette going up to stand beside Aurore; Alya on her heels.
Marinette turned to face Chloé and told her "Aurore won't be transforming, because her grade average will be up again next term." Marinette then turned to Aurore and calmly told her "Don't hesitate to ask if you need any help."
Aurore remembered thanking Marinette for being so kind to her. She still couldn't believe that that had come from Chloé's favorite punching bag.
Aurore was just starting to stand up when suddenly the power went out. Making the elevator abruptly stop and knock Aurore down in the process. Then an akuma squeezed its way into the elevator which made Aurore swing her parasol at it defensively… but to no avail as it entered the scared girl's parasol just in time for the electricity to come back on, and to hear HIM.
"So correct you are. You should've won the contest. Yes..." Hawk Moth buzzed in her ears.
Aurore found herself saying "I should've won. Yes!"
"Climatika, I am Hawk Moth. I give you all the power you need to seek revenge on them as my weather girl. All you have to do is bring me the Miraculouses of both Ladybug and Cat Noir. Can you do that?"
Aurore started to become eveloped in purple aether, but she let out a "Yes!" before it fully encased her.
Hawk Moth then proudly said "That's my weather girl. Show the entire world who the best weather girl really is!" As he said that, the elevator doors opened, revealing Climatika, her brilliant violet eyes darting around the place.
Climatika sighed as she felt power coursing through her. She felt like she could do anything, even move the entire Earth itself! But how?
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Meanwhile at Place des Vosges which was one of the most beautiful locations in Paris. A public square that was usually bustling with free-roaming people was now the setting for young male model Adrien Agreste’s photoshoot which was open for the public to spectate. Marinette and Alya were going to take that chance to the fullest.
“Come on. We're gonna stroll over there real cool as if we just happened to be passing by….” Marinette started to say and Alya knew there was more to this, “Then what?”
"Bad Idea!" Alya thought to herself as at that moment Marinette’s face quite literally lit up with love and imagination!
“Then? I'll invite him out for a fruit smoothie at the end of the photo shoot! Then, we'll get married! Live happily ever after in a beautiful house and have a dog! Maybe a cat? Nah, forget the cat. A hamster! I love hamsters! Plus, we'll have two kids? No, three. No, four! Louis, Emma, Hugo, and, and, a-” Marinette babbled out unnaturally fast.
“Let's just start with just happening to be passing by and see if we can get to that smoothie afterwards,” Alya interrupted her with a small smile which made Marinette giggle in return even though Alya was concerned for her friend who just resumed talking to her as if she hadn't just had a magical mental breakdown. So she was now planning on going to go see Master Fu for any help on what was happening to Marinette. At least once she got the chance! "One step at a time."
“Magnifico! Super! Come on now, I want to see hunger in your eyes!” spoke the voice of Adrien’s photographer for the photoshoot, Vincent.
"Remember, cool! Just be cool… Remember, cool! Just be cool…” Marinette chanted to herself while standing next to Alya behind the security barricade so they could watch Adrien.
“Um, we couldn’t be more invisible,” Alya noted. Even they weren’t the only people watching Adrien pose for the camera the only person who noticed them so far was Adrien’s hulking bodyguard.
And it was at that moment that Adrien saw them, and waved just as Marinette said with a deep breath “Okay, let's start over,” Marinette was desperately trying to stay cool and relaxed. But that instantly melted away when she saw Adrien waving at them, “Did you see that? He waved at me!”
“Yeah, I saw it too. Pretty normal, since we're in the same class,” Alya pointed out, as she tried putting Marinette’s hand down in the process, however it was still up well after Adrien waved at them unfortunately.
Meanwhile back at the KIDZ+ building. Mireille entered the elevator holding her trophy, though she felt like she didn't properly deserve it as she believed that Aurore was the true winner since she absolutely crushed her meterology exams while she herself felt that she had only won just because she was nice with people. She began exiting when she reached her floor and saw Climatika waiting for her. "Boo!" Climatika tauntingly said, nearly causing Mireille to drop the trophy. Climatika chuckled as she snatched the trophy before saying, "I am Climatika. The only weather girl who always gets the forecast right! And unfortunately for you, there's a freak icy front moving in right now!" She then attacked her with her parasol by firing a blast of ice.
"Somebody get me out of here! Help! Help!" Mireille shouted though her pleas were muffled thanks to her icy prison cell. "Oh and, thank you so much for giving me my trophy, Caquet! That was so nice of you!" Mireille just then realized who she was. "Now, get comfy now because it's gonna get a whole hell of a lot colder!" Climatika cackled.
Back at the Place des Vosges. Vincent was continuing taking pictures of Adrien.
Vincent was continuing photographing Adrien while saying excitedly, "Bravo! That's it! Give me the smile when your mom brings in spaghetti! Okay! And now, Oh no! Mama dropped the spaghetti! And now, you have to eat the spaghetti off the floor! Oh yes, you're angry! Show me angry, yes, yes, yes!" Little did Vincent know that Adrien absolutely HATED that he had just used his own mother as a way to get pictures.
Marinette, Manon, and Alya were still there watching the modeling session and while Manon and Alya didn’t mind it, neither of them were as lost in the moment as Marinette was who hadn’t taken her eyes off of Adrien since they arrived in the public square.
“Marinette, I want a balloon with Mireille on it! Can I? Can I!? …Marinette? MARINETTE!!!” Manon called out. Breaking Marinette from her adoring gaze, “Ah!”
“Ngh! Silenzio!” Vincenzo grumbled from the noise the girls made, disturbing his work. But Manon didn’t quiet down, “Come on!”
“Come on small fry, I'll get you that balloon,” Alya said with that calm demeanor that worked well enough back at the house but Manon’s response took Alya by surprise.
“No! I wanna go with Marinette!” Manon cried while hugging Marinette’s leg. Was she trying to be a good girl for the “unicorn princess?” Possibly. But Marinette did have a choice to make. She looked back at her crush, and then down at the four-year-old girl clinging to her. Her decision was apparently clear.
“I'll deal with it. I am her babysitter,” Marinette said which brought a beaming smile to Manon’s face.
“But what about Adrien?” Alya couldn’t help but point out. Which did lower her resolve. But she still wanted to be a good babysitter since Manon was finally behaving well, “The balloon stand isn’t far, so we’ll be right back. Come on Manon.”
“Okay!” the messy haired girl chirped. Walking hand in hand with Marinette to get the balloon. There was no doubt that Mirelle was popular.
And speaking of Mirelle. Climatika decided to make her presence known to the weather reporter’s adoring public outside of the KIDZ+ studio.
“Where’s Mirelle?” A civilian vocally asked which raised the ire of the Mirelle’s akumatized rival.
“Ugh… For all of you who voted for Mireille, I'd advise you to move indoors. It's going to get very blustery! Oh wait… too late.” And with an evil smile, Climatika blew them all away with a blast of wind from her parasol. But then suddenly heard clapping coming from someone... Climatika turned to see who it was and saw a teenaged brunette girl watching her unblinking. She appeared to be next to who Climatika assumed was her mother. She hesitantly landed next to the girl who still watched her which made both Climatika and Hawk Moth very uncomfortable. "Do I know you?" Climatika nervously asked. The girl only said five words while putting on a creepy smile "You will! You both will!" Climatika soared away, the further, the better!
Back at The Place Des Vosges Marinette was having a situation of her own. She got Manon the balloon she wanted and was ready to go back to see Adrien some more, "Alright, let's go back.”
But Manon had other plans…
“I wanna go on the merry-go-round!” Manon pleaded. But her dark haired caretaker refused, “No, no, no, no, not right now, I gotta get back to Adrien…”
You promised! You aren't going to break your promise, are you?” The little girl whined.
“Aw, please, please, not the baby doll eyes… You know I can't say no to the-” Marinette started to say before Manon did just that. Using her "baby doll eyes." Using her cuteness in her golden eyes as a weapon to make Marinette’s defenses melt, “fine, but one ride then we’re going back to the photo shoot.”
And that was all Manon needed to hear. Grabbing Marinette by her hand to the carousel. Giggling with glee. All while unknowing that Climatika was flying high, seeing banners and balloons of Mirelle.
“Ughhh!” Climatika grumbled, “I can’t believe those stupid people voted for her over ME!”
And down below people saw a weary Adrien. All of the posing and facial movement was exhausting and even Vincent could tell. That’s when he had a bright idea on the spot, “No, no, no! The boy has eaten too much spaghetti! Ugh, we need more energy! More romance! We need…a girl!”
Then he ran directly to Alya, “You! I need an extra!”
“Who, me?” Alya asked, which made her blink in disbelief.
“Sì! To pose with Mr. Adrien!” The Italian photographer explained. But Alya was not interested in the slightest.
“Uh… Hah! You don't want me, I… uhh… I think I'm having an allergic reaction to this apple, I know juth the perthon you need! Hold that thought!” Alya said as if her mouth was swollen from the apple she just picked. Lying to avoid getting into the spotlight. But it was alright because she knew just the right girl for this…
“What? Seriously?” Marinette asked with her mouth agape.
“Yeah they need an extra to pose with Adrien!” Alya answered.
"What? Seriously?" Marinette asked aghast.
" Mhm! I'm guessing that he looks too lethargic for that photographer's taste," Alya explained. 
“Is that boy your boyfriend?” Manon chimed in from Marinette’s left side which made her blush on the spot, “What?! No, I mean, yes? No!”
“So go on! What are you waiting for?!” Alya asked. Since Marinette had her eyes on Adrien almost the entire time.
"But, what about Manon?" Marinette asked her friend who was wagging her finger toward Marinette and hand gesturing her to move aside, before telling her "You take care of Prince Charming, and I'll take care of Little Miss Unicorn here. You don't know how to control her anyway."
Alya gave Marinette one last look before saying "Trust me. Unicorns unite! Let's go to Rispa and find us some sad little village kids and grant those wishes! Yee-haw!"
Manon followed suit "Yee-haw!"
Marinette was just about to approach Adrien when she suddenly let out a "Huh?" just as she saw Climatika flying by.
Climatika fired an icy wind at the civilians. The icy wind surrounded the carousel and froze it.
A random civilian then screamed "Run!"
Marinette looked over at Alya who gave her the okay sign... It was time for the Miraculous Ladybug to enter the picture!
Marinette ran to a nearby bench with Bridgette also behind the bench. "Time to transform! I'll let you take this first round Sis," Bridgette said to her twin. Marinette gave a thumbs-up before, “Tikki, spots on! Yeah!” And in a burst of red and black spots and light Marinette was suited up for battle as Miraculous Ladybug! Ready to save the day and battle Climatika!
But she wasn’t the only one springing into action though…
People were screaming in a panic and the sight of it all was enough for Adrien to get his second wind and get moving to a tree, “Uh Plagg? Plagg!”
“I am not here, I am sleeping,” Plagg’s voice was heard but the bag looked empty however Adrien knew better and held up a small piece of camembert cheese, rolling his eyes in the process while also making Plagg fly directly to the piece of cheese, “For your information, I can smell Camembert in my sleep. It is only one of my many talents.”
“Great but there's no time to talk about cheese,” Adrien said before he and Plagg heard and felt a loud rumbling.
“It was not me! I swear I did not use my Cataclysm,” Plagg pleaded his innocence.
And then Adrien looked around and that was when the both of them saw a large volcano emerging over near the Eiffel Tower, causing multiple buildings to come crumbling down, no doubt some with people still inside.
“Okay. Enough standing around. Plagg, claws out!” Adrien gave his cry to activate his cat Miraculous. Transforming into the cat-stylized hero Cat Noir in a black and green blast. Time for him to enter the fight!
"Why did I leave Manon? I should've never done that! No. Alya's right. She's in good hands. I must trust her," Ladybug thought to herself. She then turned her full attention over to Alya and Manon and told them "I'll get you out of there! Let's wire-cut this icy cake!" Ladybug tried using her yo-yo, but its cord just slipped off of the ice.
Ladybug looked embaressed as she stammered out to both Alya and Manon "O-or not? Uh, on to plan B! Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay!"
Manon then suddenly asked "Where's Marinette?"
"She hasn't forgotten about you, Manon," Ladybug softly told the frightened toddler.
"How did you know my name?" Manon pointed out.
"Ah! Uhh..." Ladybug stammered and before she could say "Marinette told me! She's coming right back, okay?" Alya told her "She knows who everyone is in order to protect them, you see, isn't that right?" Alya winked as she looked up at the superheroine. "That's absolutely correct. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an akuma to defeat and purify! Right?" Ladybug said.
"Uh, yeah. She's gonna be right back, won't she?" Ladybug nodded before swinging away.
Then Alya noticed out of the corner of her eye that Climatika left the park and made it onto the Parisian streets she couldn’t help but voice her motives. Her plan with her fiendish powers.
“I'm gonna use this volcano to move the Earth away from the sun. Soon the world will plunge into a perpetual winter, and Earthlings will be nothing but frozen food. Then you'll all realize just how powerful I really am!” she cackled with lightning flashing into the sky around her. 
She certainly seemed capable of going through with her threats considering the massive volcano she made dwarfed the Eiffel Tower.
“Can she really do that?” Cat Noir asked. Looking up at the supervillain while in a fighting stance.
“Probably. But don’t worry, Kitty. We’re not gonna let her rain on Paris’ Parade,” Ladybug said. But her wordplay didn’t go unnoticed by the male hero beside her.
“Was that a pun milady?” Cat Noir smirked which drew the same grin from the spotted girl, “Yep. A little bit of change is good, don’t you think?” she asked before heading toward Climatika.
“I love that girl,” Cat Noir beamed, following Ladybug.
Then on the park grounds Manon was hugging Alya tightly at the carousel. They managed to avoid Climatika’s assault though due to the extreme cold, Manon's balloon shattered. Alya pulled out her tablet to try and get further information on the news.
“Don't be bemused, it's just the news. Astronauts that orbit around the earth have confirmed that our planet has shifted on its axis, and it’s moving away from the sun!” Nadja reported.
“Come on Ladybug, Cat Noir…the world needs you right now...”
Climatika was just starting to leave the streets until Cat Noir made his presence known while standing across from her on a nearby rooftop.
“Hey Ice Queen, what's with all the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?” the cat-themed hero taunted.
“My name isn't Ice Queen! It’s Climatika!” The parasol-toting villain growled.
“Eesh, the Nyanja translation of climate? Ugh! Listen. I'm feline more generous than usual today. So cool down and we'll call it quits, okay? WHOA!”
Climatika had had enough of Cat Noir and tried to blow him away with a concentrated blast of wind that could’ve sent him flying. He had to run like the wind to avoid getting blown away by it.
“Hold still!” Climatika ordered the bounding hero who was running from rooftop to rooftop around the streets looking for an opening to strike.
“Nah I don’t wanna!” Cat Noir retorted. And when he saw a free chance to pounce he jumped up to do so hoping to knock Climatika out of the sky.
Cat Noir’s hopes were in vain though as Climatika dodged him just in time from midair and hit him with a rush of wind in the side sending him flying across the streets all the way onto a nearby street below. Fortunately Ladybug helped him up.
“And I thought cats always land on their feet,” Ladybug lightly teased.
"Why thanks, MiLadybug, but I had it covered," Cat Noir teased back as he kissed Ladybug's hand.
Ladybug was taken aback by her partner's chivalry but was only able to let out a "Huh?" before she pushed Cat Noir back by his nose. "No time for your charm, Cat Noir. But you're welcome."
Climatika then turned her full attention to the two, shouting "We should be expecting lightning storms right about NOW!" She proceeded to use her parasol to darken the sky with storm clouds and create lightning and Ladybug and Cat Noir scream and groan after being struck by said lightning.
Ladybug and Cat Noir rolled over then Ladybug blinked twice. Cat Noir blinked twice as well and pulled himself up and grinned. Ladybug turned his head toward Climatika.
Cat Noir leapt after her shouting "You just won yourself a catfight!"
Climatika then shouted "Black ice!" while using her parasol to coat the street with said ice; then created another wind blast which knocked Cat Noir back.
“Gotcha!” Ladybug called out when she caught Cat Noir by his tail. All while Climatika blasted a screen with Mireille on it to bits.
While Alya was indeed desperately trying to keep Manon's mind off of the danger outside of their icy prison cell, she also was watching the news to keep up on what was happening with her superhero best friend. Manon's face lit up when she saw her mother Nadja reporting on Alya's phone; "The further the Earth moves away from the Sun, the colder the temperatures will get. You're outside right now, Clara. How’s it going?" Clara Contard answered with "We're down to minus 40 degrees Celsius, Nadja. It's getting very difficult but Ladybug and Cat Noir have pinned down the akuma calling herself Climatika." Suddenly the camera froze, and a test card was shown. Nadja tapped on her microphone worried for Clara's life since the latter was only wearing a thin coat courtesy of their boss, "Everything okay, Clara? The picture's gone down." Clara luckily responded clearly shivering, "The freezing temperatures have just cracked the camera, but I can view the battle. Everything's fine, Nadja. The Miraculous Ladybug seems to have already called up her Lucky Charm. She’s got a small object - it looks like a bath pencil. What’s she gonna do with that?"
"Is Ladybug gonna do some coloring?" Manon asked Alya. "Guess we'll just have to see, won't we?" she answered the tiny tot while the news broadcast continued "Cat Noir is holding up a copy machine, I can't see much, but it- it looks like Ladybug is making a photocopy," Clara said shivering just as an explosion happened. "Whoa! That was a huge flash! Wait, Climatika has been stunned!" Clara exclaimed in awe.
Climatika wasn't out yet, as she rose up again from where the explosion happened. She was now clearly pissed, but the duo didn't care. It was now time for round two! “A little Cat Noir will take the wind out of her sails!” Cat Noir got into a fighting stance and was ready to get back into the fight but Ladybug grabbed his tail, “Whoa, kitty kitty. You better think before you leap.”
“So I assume you have another plan?” Cat Noir asked while rubbing his tail.
“Just follow my lead,” Ladybug charged into action with Cat Noir doing likewise on the opposite side of the street. Much to Climatika’s annoyance.
“Ugh not you two again…” She grumbled while raising her parasol. She fired wind blasts which not only blew them back but sent vehicles airborne as well. Including a bus toward the heroes.
“AHHHHHHHH!” they screamed in unison as the massive vehicle was hurled their way. Fortunately their panic didn’t stop them from reacting as Ladybug used her yo-yo as it's primary shield. Spinning it around fast enough so that it cut a hole through the side of the bus, saving her and Cat Noir. But when it stopped spinning it fell on Cat Noir’s head.
“Ow,” Cat Noir rubbed his head while Ladybug giggled and snuck into a place where she could easily swap places with Bridgette. Now the heroes had a hell of a fight going on but they weren’t finished yet!
Meanwhile back at The Place des Vosges Alya was playing with Manon while trapped in the frozen carousel desperate to keep the toddler's mind off of the danger.
“Lemonade, crunchy ice, hit it once, hit it twice, freeze”!
“Hey, no fair,” Manon pouted, ”you always win, uni-! What was that?”
She heard the ice cracking above her head. Alya tried to use her creativity to take Manon’s attention, “It's... the big goblin king! He ate too much and split his shirt! Wahahaha!”
And when she chased Manon the ice cracked once more but Alya, ever so resourceful, knew what to do. And after leading Manon to a safer part of the carousel she was ready to put it in action.
“Wanna hear a story?” she asked the toddler who nodded, clearly having her full attention drawn away from the danger that Climatika had created.
And back in the city, Climatika thought she had won the battle. Between the massive volcano and the fact that she wasn’t fighting those pesky masked do-gooders the fight was over as far as she was concerned. Time to secure their Miraculouses and Hawk Moth’s voice in her head let it be known, “You showed them all not just who the real winner is but also show them all just how powerful you are, my weather girl, however you have created a situation where if everyone dies due to your damn volcano, then I'll take you with me!" Climatika suddenly started feeling immense pain coursing throughout her entire body! Something that caught the attention of the superhero duo when she screamed out in pain "What is this Hawk Moth?!" "Your punishment!" she could hear him screaming at her in her head. The pain ceased when he continued albeit more calmly "But now if you wanna redeem yourself then now is the time for you to fulfill your part of the agreement. And listen carefully because here's my plan…”
“Maybe she’s got some unresolved anger issues!” Ladybug mused as to why Climatika was behaving like this.
“Or she didn't pass her driving test! I don't know why she decided to doom all of humanity by using a giant-ass volcano to move the Earth away from its normal spot! I hate to say it but I think now's a good time as any to use our powers, don't you think?" Cat Noir suggested. "Also, what the hell was with her screams of pain? Do you think that Hawk Moth can send psychic pain if they don't do as he plans?" he questioned to Ladybug who just shrugged.
But before Ladybug could ponder any further, Climatika appeared on a cracked screen nearby.
“Hello, viewers! Here's the latest forecast for today. Looks like Mother Nature has had a change of plans. Summer vacation is officially over! Forever!"
“Already? But I look so good in a swimsuit.” Cat Noir smiled and wiggled his eyebrows and nose at Ladybug.
“That catsuit will do, thanks. At least we now know where to find her,” Ladybug stayed on task with her reply.
“Prepare for the worst weather in history!” Climatika cackled. But there was something unique about her that Cat Noir noticed.
“Hey!” He said while looking at a poster of Aurore, “that girl reminds me of someone.”
And Ladybug perked up. Putting the pieces of the puzzle together, “It’s her! It’s Aurore! The akuma must be in her parasol!” "I can't believe that Hawk Moth decided to go after a 12-year-old! That's just... evil!" Cat Noir stated in disgust at Hawk Moth.
“In Climatika’s world, it’s Winter Wonderland FOREVER!” Climatika declared. But Cat Noir wasted no time shouting back.
"Hey Climatika, first off, I know you can hear me, and second off I noticed that there are several errors on the map of Europe you used in your forecast!"
Various nations were shown on the weather screen and Cat Noir was playing the role of an impromptu weatherperson correcting the villainess, “While Mainland France, including Monaco is highlighted, Corsica isn't. Andorra, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, San Marino, and the Vatican are missing. Northern Ireland has a large peninsula that doesn't exist. The Netherlands extend into northern Belgium. Eastern Poland and southeastern Hungary are deformed. Lithuania and Kaliningrad are too far south. Ukraine extends too far west, chipping out the eastern tip of Slovakia and northeastern Hungary. Northwestern Romania contains parts of Serbia. Speaking of which, Serbia, along with Montenegro, and Kosovo are part of the same country. North Macedonia is farther west than it should be, cutting out northeastern Albania. And last but most certainly not least, European Turkey appears to be a part of Bulgaria, and the rest of Turkey doesn't appear."
“How do you know all of this stuff?” Ladybug was stunned by her partner's extensive knowledge of the whole world. "Geography’s my favorite subject in school," Cat replied as he grabbed her hand to enter the KIDZ+ studio.
“It’s a recording,” Ladybug noticed just in time to hear a lightning bolt hit a light to make the lights go out in the building.
"This is all going wonderfully according to plan. Soon their Miraculouses will be mine. Bring them to me!” Hawk Moth bragged while Climitika arrogantly giggled.
"Frosty the Snowgirl's getting away!" Cat Noir called out while Ladybug tripped and fell, "Oh, Milady?"Cat Noir said concerned.
"Some of us don't have night vision... Whoa!"
Cat Noir grabbed Ladybug's hand and led her along the way, "No need to bug out. Just trust me!"
And back at The Place des Vosges Alya was telling another story to Manon.
“Then the cyclops monster picked the princess up in his hand and said, "Look into my eye!" Then, gluck! She stuck a finger right in it! As soon as she took a bite of the cursed potato, the poor princess fell into a deep, deep sleep…”
Manon was loving Alya’s story and Alya had no problems telling it. In fact, the only thing that threw her off was the sound of an icicle breaking through the top of the carousel which put panic back into their minds.
“Hurry up, Ladybug…” Alya muttered fearfully while holding Manon close.
“Okay that’s enough,” Ladybug told her partner when she could see again, “I think I can manage to –”
“Duck!” Cat Noir called out as Ladybug was nearly struck in the head by a fire extinguisher canister.
“-- follow your lead on this one…” Ladybug finished her prior sentence.
They did eventually make it to the top of the building where Climatika was quick to greet them.
“You airheads! You fell right into my trap. There’s no way out! Party’s over, fools!,” Climatika declared while making a whirlwind appear with her parasol.
“The time is now! Bring me the Miraculouses!” Hawk Moth ordered Climatika.
“We’re just– umm…” Ladybug pointed at Cat Noir’s hand which was still holding hers even though they were outside of the darkened building,
“Heh. Oops…” Cat Noir let go of Ladybug.
“We’re just getting started Stormy Weather!” Ladybug finished while pointing at her. "IT'S CLIMATIKA!" Climatika roared.
Hand to hand combat wasn’t going to work at this point and Ladybug knew it thanks to Cat Noir's earlier statement. She knew what she had to do.
While the battle between Climatika and Ladybug and Cat Noir resumed, the news anchor helicopter to overview the fight, with Alya occasionally taking breaks in her story to check up on her superhero friend with Manon peeking over her shoulder in the process.
Back with the heroes, Ladybug called out “Lucky Charm!” activating her superpower in a swirl of red and black polkadots and thousands of magical ladybugs. And what she got in return was…
“A bath towel? What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Great. So, we’re about to be obliterated, but, hey… at least we’ll be dry” Cat Noir gave some grim humor.
“Oh just hold your whiskers, I'll think of something,” Ladybug replied.
Back with Alya and Manon who both were both watching the news, the latter of which asked "Is Ladybug gonna do some drying?"
Ladybug herself was still trying to figure out what to do with the item just as “Hail!” Climatika shouted with a hailstorm appearing overhead. Cat Noir sprang into action by spinning his staff with urgent speed to make a shield that protected Ladybug from the hail, “So what’s the plan on getting the akuma back. My arm’s starting to cramp.”
Ladybug’s Lucky Vision helped her see useful items that could help use the item she got from her lucky charm properly. That’s when she had a bright idea after seeing an HVAC tub and a nearby billboard.
“See that billboard over there? Check it out,” Ladybug instructed.
“Right!” Cat Noir nodded, heading directly to it, “Cataclysm!” And with his right hand enveloped in black and green energy he was ready for action. Now to get Climatika's attention.
“Hey, Coldilocks, is that all you got?!” Cat Noir taunted. Climatika turned her attention to him which played right into his plan.
Both Alya and Manon continued watching the news where Clara announced "Cat Noir is using his Cataclysm to bring down a billboard, I can't see much, but it- it looks like-" suddenly the feed cut out completely. So, in order to keep the toddler from freaking out, Alta decided to continue her story.
Climatka attacked Cat Noir with lightning, but he quickly dodged, and used his Cataclysm to make the billboard fall down, its aim toward Climatika, who blasted a hole in it and Ladybug then wrapped her yo-yo around Climatika's ankle. She took off running under pipes and against a crane before jumping over the HVAC. Opening the towel, Ladybug glided in the air, pulling down Climatika. The speed at which she fell and the angle of the crane caused her to lose her parasol as Ladybug heard a Climatika screaming toward the ground. Cat Noir caught it and broke it over his knee which sent the akuma fluttering out of the parasol!
“Get outta here, you nasty bug,” Ladybug said before saying “No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha!” Ladybug caught the akuma, purified it, and released it into the sky, “Bye-bye, little butterfly.”
Ladybug then shouted "Miraculous Cleanse!" She watched as the Lucky Charm started bursting apart in her glowing hands, and the magic began reverting all of the damage, including the enormous volcano.
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Back at the Place des Vosges, the glacier that the carousel was trapped in started melting.
Alya was still telling her story to Manon when a droplet of water landed on her nose "And after defeating the three-headed dragon with...Huh?...Taekwondo..."
The firefighters who had arrived to get the both of them out shouted "Yeah!" in Ladybug and Cat Noir's triumph.
Alya decided to wrap up her story while she still had the chance "So the Princess kissed her Prince Charming and..."
"They lived happily ever after?" Manon asked.
Alya paused a moment before replying with "Uh, sure. Until they had a dozen or so little monkeys like you who drove them bananas!"
Back on the roof of the KIDZ+ building, Climatika turned back into Aurore.
Aurore woozily asked "Uh, what am I doing up here?"
Ladybug and Cat Noir both said in unison "Pound it!"
Later, Mireille approached Aurore with the latter apologizing for her behavior but was genuinely shocked by Mirielle's announcement that even though she won, she wouldn't be the KIDZ+ weather girl as she lacked the complete knowledge in meterology to do so. The two 12-year-olds embraced with Aurore telling Caquet "Thank you Mireille."
Meanwhile back at the Place des Vosges.
"Hey, there is the photographer and Adrien waiting for you!" Tikki pointed out to her wielder.
Marinette then asked the crimson kwami "You don't think it's too late?"
Tikki told her "Come on, Marinette. You saved Manon, and the whole world for that matter. Have some fun!"
"Yeah Sis. Have some well deserved fun for goodness sake!" Bridgette told her twin.
Bridgette then ducked behind a tree when Manon came running up to Marinette and gleefully said" Marinette!"
Marinette acknowledged her with a "Huh?"
Manon continued "I know what your secret is!"
"W-w-what secret?" Marinette stammered out shocked.
Manon told her "Ladybug is your best friend! That's how you both always know what the other one's gonna do!"
Marinette let put a "Huhhh... Phew!" before hugging Manon.
Manon then immediately went back to whining, asking "Can I have a lollipop? Can I? Can I? Can I?"
Marinette firmly told her "No, Manon. I have something important to do. Alya, you'll watch her, yeah? I'm ready for the photoshoot!"
However, Vincent suddenly noticed Manon and asked "Wait. Who is that angel?"
Marinette was obviously bummed out but didn't notice Adrien's simalar disappointment as he also was expecting to have Marinette by his side, a fashion designer alongside a fashion model, it was too good to be true, which sadly it was, when Manon placed next to him, his face fell, but perked back up when Manon asked him "Haha! Hey, are you in love with Marinette?"
"Wah, n-no. W-we're just friends is all, now say cheese!" Adrien stammered.
Vincent started taking photos of Adrien with Manon. "Hohoho! Stupendous! Magnifico! Perfecto! ..." he kept exclaming , completely unaware of Adrien's plan of telling his father about the huge missed opportunity.
Marinette let an "Ughhh..." all while Alya patted her. Alta still planned on visiting Master Fu about her friend's condition.
Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair, Hawk Moth was most displeased with how things went.
"Someday, your Miraculouses will be all mine. I don't care how many enemies I need to throw out to win, but I will be victorious! Though as for Climatika next time I bring her back, she won't be as powerful as she was today," he growled as he placed a pawn onto the chessboard just as the window fully closed.
"That was too close!" Mayura said. "Yes. Yes it was, wasn't it?" Hawk Moth nearly fell over before catching himself. Mayura rushed to his side and gently asked "Are you alright?" Hawk Moth looked at before responding with "No, not really. I'm exhausted from sending all of these damn akumas everyday! I think I need to slow down or else I won't be able to send out akumas." "I understand Hawk Moth," Mayura begrudgingly agreed. "And that girl! Who is she? 'You will' she said, but what does she want?" Hawk Moth asked with a shiver going down his spine.
Little did he know was that the girl was currently sitting in her room tending to her mother's broken neck. "Of all your free times from the embassy, you just had to go to a pointless weather girl competition. Seriously Mom, if I were not there, you would be dead. Okay, so how do you feel now?" Volpina asked. Her mother sat up and answered with "Much better, thank you! And you're absolutely right. Going to that competition was a mistake!" "So, when am I able to get into the school again?" Volpina asked. "It's gonna take a while as I only just sent in your registration today," Prima told her. "That is fine, I do not mind waiting!" Volpina said while Prima was exiting the room, an evil smile spreading across Volpina's face. She. Was. Home!
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bookdragonlibrary · 2 years ago
What could have happen is the Césaire and Lahiffe asks for Marinette to babysitt the twins and Noël/Christ while she has already agreed to babysitt Manon. And of course, Marinette doesn't know how to say no because she wants to please everyone. And she might not even tell the Césaire-Lahiffe she's already babysitting her.
Why this fandom loves to critizise Alya and Nino seriously? Oh I think I know why... It's racism, isn't it?
The salt is insanely silly at this point, really. Much of it assumes that Alya’s parents told Alya to watch the kids, but that’s not ever said. It’s far more likely that the family’s all got their own plans or business to attend to, so Marlena or Otis was like “everybody’s busy, so let’s get a babysitter”. Plus the Cèsaires know Marinette (she, like Nino, is treated almost like a member of the family, as seen in Sentibubbler) so acting like the kids are being “dumped with a stranger” makes no sense. Even more, of course Alya and Nino aren’t sneaking around; it’s a bold assumption that Ella, Etta, and Chris would keep quiet about it if they were. People are looking way too deeply into this 😂
That, and Alya and Nino might just be trusted to come up with arrangements to look after their siblings. And yeah, it's bold to assume that none of the kids would tattle if this arrangement wasn't allowed.
I'm mostly done with this topic unless it starts rearing up again. I've got a fanfic about Prime Queen I'm gonna publish (which for the record I've been writing for weeks, it's just only now done) and then I think that's it. Unless there's a new resurgence about it (which there might be once Simpleman's out) I think everything that should be said about it, has already.
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bugaboowritings · 6 years ago
Manon And Her Babysitter (A Masc!Marinette Fic)
Manon being a Mood for 2393 words straight.
I have like 30 wip’s (not all Masc! Mari fics, I’m working on a new au and maybe even in a zine-fingers crossed) and school is starting for me so heads up if I don’t post much. Or post less than I did before. Writing is a stress reliever for me so you may notice a pattern when I post. 
This Masc! Mari (aka Marin Dupain Cheng) AU based off the lovely @daloochsdoodles and their art. Please check them out. 
Marin didn’t think that a girl with eyes the size of dinner plates would take such a liking to him. Asking him about his day or take her to parks when she visited.
Manon didn’t think that a headstrong teen would have so much patience with her. Even at her worst and crankiest moments in the day.  ——
Alya once told Marin that he intimated her when she first entered the school gates on her first day. His height and dark clothes just added to the anxiousness of the new school, new town, new people growing in her stomach. Alya felt smaller than the head on the tiniest pin needle or a mouse in a garden of starving foxes. Of course, Alya would never let anyone push her around but ideas like that just bubbled over in her mind. Yet the growing worry disappeared the moment Marin looked at her -and flashed a sunny smile.
However, to be fair, Alya later confessed that Marin could never be scary even if he tried. His warm aura, his soft pastel Jagged Stone sweatshirt, with his charming features was the total package of a fluffy boyfriend that anybody, whether their sexuality, would want to wrap their arms around. He’s a soft man. Even with his tall and strong build.
So at this instant, in his family’s living room, he didn’t know if his face looked like the soft friend Alya knew and loved or the intimating teenager that could cut diamond with a stare. His question was answered when the girl that hid behind her mother’s legs gave him a toothy smile. As toothy as she could make it with two of her front teeth missing.
Marin gave a gentle smile back, waving to her before he went back to his tablet. Annotating an article about the American Revolution for history class. Saving the key details in his head to use in the upcoming class debate while relating it back to the French Revolution. Clicking the screen with his stylus some more before his mom called him over.
“Honey, I want you to meet my friend, Nadja.” Sabine introduced, motioning him to show his good manners. Marin reluctantly slips out of his comfy position on the couch. Shaking Nadja’s hand while his mother continued.
“She used to come to the house all the time when you were little! It’s been years since I could remember you guys standing in the same room.”
“Your mother talks a lot about you-”
“Marin, but some people call me Mari.”
“AND I’M MANON CHAMACK!” The little girl yelled excitedly. Sniggering to herself when she got Marin’s attention. Proudly standing in front of her mother while her body rocked back and forth on the balls of her heels. Marin couldn’t help but share her infectious smile. Reminiscing when he was around Manon’s age. How he would try to get noticed by the older kids at school or in family reunions. Making himself seem like the coolest kid ever or just hovering over big kids before they bothered to include him in their games.
Nadja and Sabine smiled at each other, fighting the urge to laugh at Manon’s sudden introduction. Sabine quickly invited them in and out of the doorway. Nadja instinctively followed Sabine when her eyes lingered on her daughter. Praying that she wouldn’t cause too much of a ruckus for Marin.
Marin squatted down to meet Manon’s height.
“So what brings you here, Manon? Have any plans for the day?” He asked. Letting this kid be a healthy distraction from his report.
Manon swang her body side to side, taking in a breath before rambling. “Mom says that she plans to take me to the park if I’m SUPER good when she’s here with your mommy! Maybe even get a cookie from the bakery too!” Skipping her way in and passing Marin. Jumping a little higher as the thought of having a baked good made Manon’s mouth water.
“MAYBE I should even get a brownie! With sprinkles! Or maybe just a WHOLE cake with blue frosting!” Giggling to herself some more before her loud voice went over the list of treats she likes.
“Aren’t you rambunctious,” Marin sighed. Following Manon into the house (while she asked what rambunctious meant) before shutting the front door closed.
“I have a friend with your name. At least it sounds like it.” Manon explained between her bites on her brownie. Still warm from his mother’s kitchen with hints of pinks and blues from the sprinkles Manon added. Crunching them under her tongue. Unintentionally making her mouth a light shade of purple.
“Yeah,” Marin answered. Holding Manon’s hand as he held the other with the animal balloon that he bought (*cough* with no influence from the baby doll eyes *cough*). “What’s their name?” He asked. Looking back and forth for any cars as they crossed the street.
“Maribelle. She’s pretty cool and foreign. Gave me half of her cookie so we’re friends now.” Manon nonchalantly said. Unaware that her friendship was bought, but from the looks of it, she didn’t mind too much about it. “Now that I think about it, Mari sounds like a girl name. Right?” The little girl said innocently.
“Yeah, it was in a way,” Marin replied easily, checking for incoming traffic until they reached the sidewalk. “But things change.” Giving Manon a smile which she returned after wiping the chocolate off the edges of her lips.
“You wanna go on the swings?”
“Last one there is a rotten egg!” Manon snickered. Running as fast as her legs could take her to the empty swing set. Leaving Marin in her dust.
“PLEASSSEEE MARI!” Manon cried. Collapsing onto the ground and kicking her feet in the air. All as Marin stood firm on his promise with Nadja.
Don’t let her eat sweets after 7 pm.
Earning him another anger huff from the little girl.
Nadja was off handling another story that needed to be scripted and filmed on the same day. Extremely unrealistic for someone to do, but Nadja was up for the challenge if it meant that she could have a full week off with her daughter. The exhausted, workaholic mother promised Marin that she would be back before 11 pm. However, he pushed back his tutoring session from tomorrow morning to tomorrow in the afternoon just in case she came in later than that.
Till Nadja arrived, Marin was ready to handle a cranky six-year-old for the next three+ hours.
Manon, now a cranky and sleepy six-year-old, stopped tossing and turning on the ground. Stretching out her arms and legs like a starfish in defeat. Closing her eyes and slowly opening them again.
“Tired?” Marin asked, placing his hands on his hips.
Manon nodded, lifting herself off the ground. “Can I have Unicorn Puffs for a snack now?”
“I’ll make you a fruit bowl with fresh strawberries and melon.” Marin reasoned. Recalling that Unicorn Puff Cereal was also a “no” in Nadja’s list.
“I can put that one chocolate drizzle you like on them though.” He sighed, lowering himself to Manon’s level.
The little girl shot up from the floor, her twin-tails bouncing with her quick nod. Gaining back her energy and beaming her toothy smile. Now complete thanks to her new front teeth.
“Look, Marin! It’s that one person from your magazines!” Manon wooed. Amazed that the model’s hair was as shiny in real life like it was in the glossy pages of Vogue. Wanting to feel it as she stepped towards them before getting pulled back.
“Oh my gosh, Manon! Look the merry-go-around is empty. You should totally go there!” Marin hissed, ignoring his friend/unicorn’s laughs. Pushing Manon towards the carousel. Away from the shiny person taking pictures from the fountain.
Manon choked on the sobs that threaten to come up her mouth. Her face felt hot like the time she threw up all the sugary goods that turned bitter in her stomach. However, this type of sick didn’t make Manon’s belly flip in pain, but her tiny heart beat faster and her palms lost their grip on Alya’s hand. She wanted her mommy to smoothen her nerves or Marin to pull her in one for his hugs. Wishing she could smell the fabric softer his mother buys on his sweater or hear her mom tell her that it would be okay in the end.
-But no matter how much Alya distracted her, Manon could only watch the ice around her grow thicker and thicker. Looking towards the outside was harder as the ice grew mistier. The firefighters outside tried to explain how they would get them out as if to calm them down but Manon couldn’t hear them and the ice made them look all distorted and ‘wriggly’.
“Lady Beetle and Chat Noir will save us. Right?”
Manon remembering back to the dolls Marin sewed of the heroes. How they sat on his shelves with a smile. Wondering if they would look that friendly when they pull people out of danger. Or if they really win every time when an Akuma comes and hurts Paris.
“Of course! They’re superheroes."Alya smiled. Pulling her face towards her. Grinning like everything was okay, even when it felt like it wasn’t. Rubbing circles on her back to keep her warm.
"They always save the day. We just have to trust them.”
Lady Beetle jumped from building to building before landing on the ice dome that shielded the merry-go-round from the summer heat. Showing no usual signs of melting.  Making him less surprised when he felt the toughness and chill of the temperature drop from the ice through his suit.
Lady Beetle doubted it would make a dent, but he still whipped his yo-yo around the ice capsule. In an attempt to crack it or even split the whole thing. The yo-yo didn’t do much like the firefighter’s axes. Huffing in frustration before seeing a little girl clapped her hands against the ice.
“LADY BEETLE!” She cried out. Getting the woman behind her to do the same.
“Alya,” Lady Beetle whispered. Rushing over to them.
“LADY BEETLE!” Manon yelled again, softer than the last as LB got her level. He resisted the urge to tell Manon everything. That he’s sorry for leaving her for even a moment when he promised her to protect her. Sorry about ignoring her the whole day and pushing her aside for one of his complex plans on getting a date. Sorry for not stopping Stormy Weather from trapping them in a chilly container. Even apologizing that he didn’t buy the ice cream she wanted.
However, then would blow his identity.
Lady Beetle rolled his words in his mouth, having to settle for the “You will be okay, I’ll get you out” line. Swallowing his uncertainty as he heard Stormy Weather crackled her umbrella to form a hurricane in Chat Noir’s direction. Who tried their best to push Stormy away from the citizens.
Lady Beetle looped his yo-yo in his fingers. Ready to throw it before Manon called out to him.
“I trust you.”  
Marin hurried before the reporters could mog him for an interview or bumble questions about the Akuma attack today.  Chat Noir left before their miraculous give out and Marin just needs to see if Manon and Alya were okay. The Miraculous cure would have healed them if anything happened yet that didn’t make Marin feel any better though when he reached the park and they weren’t there.
He called, running around for a bit. Knocking into someone, promptly saying sorry before spinning his head around to find his friends. His lungs drew sharps breaths the more he ran. Stopping when he heard a small shout calling his name.
“Manon! Alya!”
Rushing into Manon’s hug. Glad to see her again and even better to feel that being trapped in a chilly ice dome for an hour didn’t give her a fever.   Manon’s little hands pulled on Marin’s face, making him face her big, goofy grin. Alya behind her having the same one plastered on her face, only to punch Marin’s arm and scold him for scaring them shitless when he disappeared when the Akuma nearly froze all of Paris.
“LADY BEETLE!” Manon screamed. Almost making Marin drop her from the shock of her roar. From there Manon continued to gush about the red hero. How they tried to get them out and then promised to beat the Akuma to save them.  How high they could jump, making it seem that they could fly over buildings. How Chat Noir and Lady Beetle worked together to save the day. Plus how cool Chat Noir looked when saying “Cataclysm”.  How the magic ladybugs fixed everything for good and how-
“I’m just glad you’re okay, Manon.” Marin sighed. Chuckling as Manon tried to mimicking Lady Beetle calling on their Lucky Charm.  Alya stole Marin’s attention while she happily flipped through the photos of the Akuma to post on the Ladyblog. Mentioning how some filters were needed to make the picture clearer. Even catching a video of the magical ladybug effortlessly fixing buildings and basically 'curing’ all the victims that got swept up in Stormy Weather’s scheme.
Marin was just relieved that everyone was fine and well as people gawked at the aftermath of Lady Beetle’s damage-control or how the girl with the once cursed umbrella now happily smiles on TV announcing that the weather channel will now have two hosts.
——— All as a certain black cat sprang down to an alley. Dropping the magical transformation and swiftly returning to their life. Slipping their way back into the park where a restless and provocative photographer sat and a large gorilla- uh, I mean bodyguard searched for him. Leaving the small piece of freedom they have behind to return to their civilian life. Not before knocking into someone that looked too familiar to just be a stranger.
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xjulixred45x · 7 months ago
How would be manon interacting with klaus and karin? What would be vince/rody think about it?
aww that would definitely be adorable!
Manon has definitely interacted with Klaus a lot in the time she and Rody have been together. either because of the times when Rody acted as babysitter for his parents taking care of him or even because of Rody himself wanting his two favorite people to interact with each other.
Rody, like I said, is the type of older brother who brags a lot about his little brother for being so smart and yada yada. so Manon finds Klaus to be a very adorable and tender child.
I can definitely see Klaus drawing pictures of Manon, of Manon with Rody, of Manon, Rody and him together, etc. The two end up having a fit of tenderness.
Klaus is also one of the (un)lucky ones who gets to try Manon's food, which although it is better than oatmeal or burnt cereal...yes, let's say that Manon is lucky that Klaus is as polite as he is sweet.
Manon was the one who took care of Klaus when Rody couldn't and even went to pick him up from school, so in general I would say that she loved him a lot (especially being an only child) and was happy that he and Rody loved each other.
Rody loved the dynamic between Manon and Klaus. And I even fantasized about what it would be like if Manon would play the same way she does with Klaus with her children, maybe? one day?
After the breakup, it was difficult for both Manon and Rody to explain the situation to Klaus :'(although she would probably agree to take care of Klaus occasionally to 1- do Rody a favor and 2- Klaus is a sweetheart, how can she tell him No?
With Vincent it is a much more complicated case, I would say that he even doesn't like Manon interacting with Karin, but at least he has a reason. Since knowing that Manon is using him as a rebound, he believes that if she tries to get closer to Karin it is out of interest. and he doesn't want to involve Karin in this drama.
but...on the other hand...he can't really do much against Manon when Karin genuinely warms to her (and vice versa).
I imagine Vince is SUPER strict with the babysitters he hires for Karin, like, he has a whole roster of rules they have to follow if they want to work AT HIS HOUSE with HIS DAUGHTER. and Vince fires without hesitation those who have broken one rule or more (even something like eating fast food or delivery is worthy of firing in his eyes).
and the few nannies who stay don't stay for long. They love Karin but HATE Vince. so they work occasionally/in emergencies. so Vince ends up in a bind now that the restaurant is more popular and he needs to supervise it.
So he takes advantage of Manon's interest and has her as a FREE babysitter so Karin can have a proper babysitter without him worrying.....although in this AU it is most likely that this will backfire and Manon will end up going his home ONLY for Karin🤣(like that meme of "MOVE BITCH!!")
Manon and Karin would do a lot of girly things, draw together, go shopping (with Vince's money lol), do crafts, they tried to cook dinner together once and surprisingly it didn't turn out too bad? It was not burned or too bitter, that's progress!
Manon would even stay OVERTIME so she could read Karin a bedtime story and she's definitely the type of person who will bitch at Karin's Bullies if she runs into them. She helps Karin gain confidence by telling her how cute and smart she is :3 I can see Manon doing many hairstyles for Karin, braids, pigtails, buns, etc. And she also lets Karin do her makeup or let her draw her.
definitely in this rare AU Manon has a much better chance of surviving 😅 thanks to the favor of the adorable children.
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ladybookstan · 3 years ago
Headcanon - Baby Manorian✨
The part two is here!!
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Manorian would surely be the parents of a Little Witchling.
Her name would be Asterin Blackbeak Crochan Havilliard. The Crown Princess of Adarlan and the Heir of the Crochan Witch Clan.
Dorian would always have a stupid smile on his face every time he saw Manon breastfeeding. It would be the same smile he wore when she had a belly the size of a watermelon and was complaining of back pain.
When Manon was pregnant and her belly began to grow, Dorian would read to her every night. The two of them would always be sure that they would be parents to a Witchling, so Dorian would read stories and more stories and always be running his hand over Manon's swollen belly and talking to his daughter.
Manon would pretend not to be enjoying all the attention and care that Dorian would give her, but deep down her heart would palpitate and sometimes skip a beat from so much happiness.
Baths in the bathtub with conversations about each other's day or just daddy telling a story would be Manon's favorite moments.
On some afternoons, Manon would go to the gardens, find a well-hidden spot and stay there, smoothing her big swollen belly and often, looking up at the sky, thinking about the Thirteen.
Abraxos would be with her, being a bodyguard, babysitter, and friend. He would be sniffing flowers, even plucking some and taking them to Manon, who would jokingly hit him calling him a "Soft Hearted Beast", Abraxos would just snort and curl up on her side.
Manon would smile at this and look up at the sky again, this time she would talk to the Thirteen.
The Queen would talk to her cousin, Asterin, to Sorrel, Vesta, Ghislaine.... She would tell them how happy she would be, really happy. And she would tell them how much she was missing them all, how much she wanted her Little Witchling to meet the Thirteen.
Abraxos would be the comforting presence at her side.
Manon and Dorian would be "full-time Owl Parents," especially when Asterin was a baby. Together or individually, they would always stop by her room at least five times during the night just to check if she was all right.
Elide and Chaol would be Asterin's godmother and godfather and would spoil her too much, but in a good way.
When the teeth started to grow and that phase came, Manon would not part with Asterin, she would be furious and feel helpless to see her daughter in pain and not be able to do anything about it.
Then Dorian would hug her and say that this was just a phase, something necessary for their daughter's development, but that it would soon pass. Manon would punch him in the biceps and say something like: "Don't pretend you're handling this better than I am, Princeling.
Asterin's first word would be "Dada."
Dorian would be arriving shortly after an annoying meeting with some lords and then he would find Manon and the baby sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace; when Asterin saw him, she would raise her little arms and shout excitedly and smiling "Dada!" Dorian would widen his eyes and in a few steps, he would be taking his daughter in his arms and spinning her in the air with a giant smile.
Manon would be watching with a radiant smile (and one that few people would have seen before).
Asterin's second word would be "Mama" and then she would go on the long journey of pronouncing Abraxos' name.
Speaking of him, the Wyvern would be overprotective to the max and take care of Asterin even before she was born.... Refusing to fly when Manon was in the last months of her pregnancy.... Supporting Dorian in discussions - to persuade Manon to rest and stay still for a minute or to make her eat healthy food -.
Dorian would build a balcony big enough for Abraxos to have his own nest near the couple's bedroom, and a few years later, near Asterin's bedroom.
The young princess' firsts steps would be with Dorian holding her little arms and walking towards Manon sitting on the floor. Waiting with one more of those radiant smiles.
After a storm, one night when Asterin was four or five years old, Dorian would be asleep and when he turned to put his arm around his wife's waist, he would find a little body wrapped in a pink blanket in the middle of the bed, Asterin would already be snuggled up against her mother and sleeping soundly.
Dorian would just smile and wrap his arm around the two most important women in his life, his queen and princess.
Vacations in Perranth with Aunt Elide and Uncle Lorcan were guaranteed when Asterin was a little older. Besides being best friends with baby Chaorene, Asterin would love and have great adventures with baby Elorcan.
(Maybe it's just me, but Elide is 100% a boy's mother.) So I can see how Asterin would be the little princess of her aunt and uncle.
Asterin Blackbeak Crochan Havilliard would have Lord Lorcan Lochan wrapped around her finger. Something like, "Uncle Lorc, give me a piece of the chocolate pie, please." He would, even though Manon would have a heart attack if she knew.
Or else when the princess' fight training sections arrived, Lorcan would personally take it upon himself to train her with the simple motive of: "My niece needs to know how to kick the ass of any male being who approaches her and is not family."
A friendship would begin to emerge between Manon and Lorcan from then on.
Dorian's heart might burst with pride the first time Asterin showed signs of possessing raw magic as well. Then they would begin their own training sessions, which would almost always end in laughter.
As the years passed, Asterin would grow into a beautiful young woman, with dark hair like her father and golden eyes like her mother.
Flights with Abraxos and her mother early in the morning, listening to stories about the Thirteen - and having sure Manon smoothed out some parts -, afternoons in the libraries - often, accompanied by her father -, walks in the gardens, training sections with Uncle Chaol - when she was in Perranth, they would be with Uncle Lorcan - ... A bit of Asterin's routine.
But not everything would be just fun, there would be the moments of behaving like The Crown Princess of Adarlan and the Heir of the Crochan Witch Clan. But Asterin would like even that more serious and strict part because she would know that her parents would always be there to support and teach her. Then she would be fine.
From a young age, Asterin would show to be a kind, intelligent and gentle girl. At first, this would frighten Manon. Never in a thousand years would she have imagined having a daughter like Asterin. Soon, the doubts, the questioning, and the self-charges would come. "What if I'm not a good enough mother?", What if I'm not the mother Asterin deserves?"
Dorian would always be there to send those questions away.
So would Elide.
And Asterin, would always make it clear how lucky she would consider herself to have Manon and Dorian as her parents.
The mess would be complete when Asterin, Baby Chaorene, Baby Elorcan, and Baby Rowaelin were together. Every man for himself!
Teaching Asterin to control the raw magic within her would be one of the best parts of Dorian's days. He would try to act like a real teacher instead of a totally silly father with pride for his daughter.
Sometimes Manon and Dorian would watch Asterin fly off with Abraxos and they would exchange a look that speaks something like, "We did a good work." And then they would smile at their Witchling Princess.
So Asterin Blackbeak Crochan Havilliard, would grow up to be a gentle and educated young woman. Surrounded by people who love her and in a Better World.
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Wow, extremely rude to start with calling me a bitch, but I will go ahead and explain further since this is apparently so confusing.
Chloe is not the main character of the show. Chloe is a narrative foil to Marinette, her chronic selfishness and unwillingness to grow and change is directly contrasted Constantly by Marinette’s willingness to admit when she is wrong and apologize and try to make amends. Characters are storytelling tools, they are not people. Chloe’s unpleasantness is a feature not a bug. She is literally named Chloe Bourgeois, I don’t know what else you expect from a character who is rich girl privilege incarnate.
When did Marinette learn something? Hmm. Let’s review, shall we?
Season 1 episode 1 Stormy Weather
Marinette is given the responsibility of watching over a kid and foists the responsibility off on Alya so they can spy on Adrien’s photoshoot. This puts Manon and Alya in danger which Marinette resolves by saving them during the fight with stormy weather. The lesson Marinette learns is about putting her selfish desires before her responsibility, and in the end she loses the chance to be in a photoshoot with Adrien but reaffirms her dedication to her responsibility as Manon’s babysitter.
Season 1 episode 2 Evillustrator
Marinette accidentally reproduces some of the same negative dynamics that Sabrina and Chloe have in their friendship by letting Sabrina do her homework, and lets her negative emotions about Chloe lead to bad decision making. She attempts to make amends with Sabrina after the conflict is resolved.
Season 1 episode 4 Princess Fragrance
Tikki is sick and asks to be taken to a healer, Marinette is overly cautious and doesn’t listen to her, leading to a series of events where Tikki is endangered and Marinette has to work to make sure she’s safe. When she gets Tikki back she apologizes for not prioritizing her when Tikki asked earlier, and takes her to Master Fu.
Season 1 episode 5 Dark Cupid
Marinette gives Kim bad advice that leads to him experiencing a romantic rejection from Chloe and his akumatization. Marinette doubts her own resolve to confess to Adrien and tries to get back the letter she was going to send to him. At the end of the episode she decides that she will try to be honest with Adrien about her feelings anyway after learning her lesson.
Season 1 episode 6 Mr. Pigeon
At the beginning of the episode Marinette doesn’t have the confidence to claim ownership of her designs in front of Adrien. By the end of the episode she is able to confidently refute claims of plagiarism against her and have her work seriously evaluated by Gabriel.
Season 1 episode 7 Pixelator
Marinette tries to cut corners when finding sunglasses for Jagged Stone in order to prioritize her want to see Adrien sooner, leading to her having to do more work to fix what she could have done right the first time. This, like many of the lessons Marinette learns, is told to her explicitly by Tikki, who is the constant voice of reason always urging Marinette to do the right thing.
Season 1 episode 8 Copycat
Marinette leaves Adrien an awkward voicemail and feels so anxious about it she steals Adrien’s phone to delete it before he can hear it. This leads to her being late to an official appearance as ladybug, leading to the akumatization of the sculptor who dedicated a statue to her and chat. At the end of the episode, she apologizes to the sculptor whose work she didn’t appreciate properly.
Season 1 Episode 9 The Bubbler
Marinette wastes a lucky charm to interrupt adrien dancing with Chloe and takes time away from a fight to belatedly sign her gift to adrien, leading to several of her classmates being captured. At the end of the episode she proves that she has learned her lesson by not correcting the lie that the gift of the scarf to Adrien was from her and not Gabriel, because what actually matters to her is that he is happy.
Season 1 Episode 10 Simon Says
Marinette’s duties as Ladybug have led to her neglecting her other responsibilities and skipping out on school too often, and she gets in trouble with her parents. At the end of the episode she is able to maintain a week of perfect attendance and is praised by her parents for doing so. The lesson here is about Marinette finding balance between her duties as Ladybug and her responsibilities as Marinette.
Season 1 Episode 12 Gamer
Marinette chooses to compete for the mecha strike iii tournament spot so she can spend time with adrien even though she knows her classmate Max is super excited to do so, leading to his Akumatization. At the end of the episode she apologizes and offers her spot up to him. In the end she has fun competing alongside Max even without Adrien’s attention.
Do I need to keep going? Or have you understood my point yet?
The episodes I didn’t include in this list from the first half of s1 have a different major character learning a lesson. Whether it’s Adrien, who has to learn to prioritize their secret identities and Marinette’s boundaries over his desire to know her without the mask in episode 3, or even Chloe, who does in fact learn shit occasionally, who learns not to accuse someone without proof in episode 11.
The formula of Miraculous Ladybug is simplistic, particularly in the first two seasons, but it is extremely effective in its simplicity. Usually that formula goes as follows: marinette wants something that is at odds with her responsibilities. She initially chooses to indulge her selfish wants, leading to the conflict of the episode and often the akumatization of someone. Over the course of the episode, Marinette learns from her mistake, makes amends with whoever she may have hurt, and chooses differently at the end of the episode to demonstrate her growth.
All of the mistakes she makes are reasonable and understandable given that she is a young teen experiencing the challenges of growing up and constantly having to navigate difficult middle school social situations which are complicated by her role as a superhero.
‘Marinette is insufferable. ML is so terribly written because Marinette does toxic things like stalking and stealing phones and gets away with it. Marinette sucks—‘
She is the middle schooler protagonist of a children’s show wherein she Makes Mistakes and Learns From Them for FUCK’S SAKE. It’s a morality play!!! For kids!!!!!!!!
90% of the stupid discourse I see about this fucking show has to be originating from people who started watching miraculous as children and then aged three years and now they’re like ‘why is this show for babies acting like a show for babies?????’
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strangecreationchaos · 3 years ago
ELRIEL and elain stans are calling gwyn evil because in that way elain will look like a goddess who is an absolutely the true evil character! and all elriels should burn in hell!!
my mind is blown after reading this kind of statements!!
first of all! i don't know who are those who calls gwyn's SA a lie! but it is not true! and most of us knows it! we have also read the same book and we also know what gwyn has suffered is real!
second thing! where exactly you find that elain is evil? what are those scenes? did she lure someone? was she using someone? no ! she is only tending to her little garden as u people say and occasionally trying to help her family! that's what is written in the book! so where do you found elain is evil?
and whats this childish immature behaviour! if you guys are teenagers stop reading an adult book that you don't even understand! no body is saying that gwyn can't have sex! the fact is the amount of uncomfortable moments she had with azriel since the beginning of the book and the way she is finally learning to be comfortable around him while the so called gwynriel fandom is drawing NSFW ARTS one after other while clearly azriel never showed a single physical desire towards gwyn is really what's making people awkward!
the only woman az wants to do all those things is elain! it's in the book! u can deny the canons as much as you want but stop being so hateful disgusting bitches!!
and it is you people who are making these gwyn the light singer theories to match the light and dark theme of elriel! but you guys should know that light singers are not a good type of people!! that's what cassian said!
so for the time being stop being such hypocrites!!! either choose one statement and stick to it! no one called gwyn evil but those who believe that she is a light singer and that doesn't absolutely means that she is negative! everyone have their flaws no character can be perfect! so she could be a light singer and not compulsory evil..there are many sarah j maas characters that are suspective like Nehemiah, like manon..like lysandra ...they are not negative characters..!! and may be sarah changed her mind on light singer theory and thats why after the completion of the blood rite she send gwyn back to her Library!
if you can't decide which gwyn you are shipping because damn your gwyn is definitely not the canon gwyn! because she has much more self-respect and character that you are even giving her credits for! by glorifying a second hand necklace and a second hand quote for her!! and making her a babysitter for azriel!
and stop using "those people should burn in hell!" for elriels p.s.that's elain's quote so it will be very wrong for anti elain's to use it.
you are not mature enough to read elain's book don't read it! no one is asking for your opinion! you want to villianize elain go for it! you want to change the canon gwyn's character and blend as per your choice to fit your imaginary azriel go for it!! but stop spitting venom and putting false allegations on elriels..and if you want to do so..do it under your personal tag! and stop barking in our asks and comment sections!
no one wants your daily dose of negative! it is ridiculous how people could have so much hatred and negative in them and can spread it in every day basis.. i am tired of watching these negative every morning! go get a life!
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 3 years ago
IOTA Reviews: Simpleman
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Hey, remember the episode of Batman: The Animated Series, “I've Got Batman in My Basement”? You know, the one where Batman is knocked out by the Penguin, so some kids have to drag his unconscious body back to their house and fight off the Penguin's goons with Home Alone-esque traps until Batman recovers? You know, the one the showrunners thought would be a good debut episode for the Penguin? You know, the one that even Bruce Timm voiced his displeasure for and didn't try and prop it up as an incredibly deep metatextual episode that only children were smart enough to understand? Yeah...
Let's get into the sixteenth (chronologically the nineteenth) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Simpleman
We start off with everyone's favorite annoying child character Marinette keeps agreeing to babysit for some reason (I'm guessing it's because her news reporter mom pays her a lot every time), Manon, snooping around Marinette's room, and comes close to discovering the Miracle Ball, though Marinette thankfully stops her. But because Marinette is the self-sacrificing person she is, she then agrees to babysit Alya's younger twin sisters, Ella and Etta, as well while Alya goes to the movies with Nino, who in turn dumps his little brother Chris off with Marinette, leaving her with four energetic little children.
Is Marinette the only babysitter they know? Why can't Alya's older sister Nora watch after Ella and Etta? Oh wait, that's because we wouldn't get any hilarious moments with the kids playing with the Kwamis like that one scene from Toy Story 3.
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(Apologies in advance for the quality of the subs. It's all I could find while writing this.)
You know, for a show targeted towards children around the age of these characters, it seems like the showrunners don't really have a high opinion of children given they all have the same personality that boils down to “selfish, whiny, and doesn't respect boundaries”. I mean, come on.  Astruc himself has mentioned he has kids, so you'd think he'd know how to actually write them as characters and not like they all watched too many Caillou reruns.
In order to distract the kids, Marinette decided to put on a movie for them, and they all want to see the in-universe Ladybug and Cat Noir movie. I'm not sure if this is a result of her being stressed because she's Ladybug, or because she actually thinks the movie sucks, but I appreciate her not being a fan of it either way.
Just then, Marinette gets a call from Adrien, who asks for her help in fixing his costume for a shoot he's doing at the Eiffel Tower. Granted, I'm pretty sure the costume designer should be able to fix it, but I'm pretty sure this is because Adrien wants to see Marinette or get to know her more as a friend—why am I asking this when it's obvious the writers are slumming it this episode? And what kind of costume is Adrien wearing for the shoot?
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WOW. The writers aren't even trying to disguise their metaphors with Adrien anymore.
Marinette obviously doesn't want the Four Twerps of the Apocalypse to accompany her (it makes a lot more sense when you remember Manon ruined Marinette's chances to be in a shoot with Adrien all the way back in “Stormy Weather”), so she decides to drop them off with the only available family member, her grumpy, obviously not racist, just chose to alienate himself from his son after he “added rice to his bread recipe” grandfather, Rolland. Once again, nobody in this episode seems to understand the concept of a time out when both Marinette freaks out over the kids playing with all the antiques in Rolland's home. She takes out her laptop for the kids to watch the Ladybug and Cat Noir movie, but Rolland struggles to understand the modern technology, though I'm pretty sure he's just worried he'll accidentally crush it with his gigantic fingers.
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So Rolland decides to sit down with the kids and watch the movie for a little bit, leading to a conversation I'm sure isn't targeted towards any specific part of the audience at all.
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Okay, I doubt this was intentional on the writers' part, but this whole exchange basically summarizes a lot of problems people have with Cat Noir in an earlier episode this season and how his fans justified it. You know, that scene?
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Come on! He didn't break everything. Why people don't think he's a good superhero is beyond me.
Blah, blah, blah, Marinette stutters around Adrien after fixing the costume, blah, blah blah, Adrien doesn't even notice how erratically Marinette acts around her and doesn't think she has a celebrity crush on him at least, blah blah, blah, Marinette runs away before she can tell Adrien how she feels. I'm running out of ways to describe the same stuff over and over again, alright?
Tikki points out Marinette tends to overcomplicate things, leading to Marinette coming up with another plan after seeing a nearby fishing pole.
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Goddamn it, Marinette! I'm trying to defend you, and you keep doing stuff like this that makes certain Adrien stans refer to you as the Devil.
Meanwhile, Rolland nearly has a heart attack after spending ten minutes with the kids, leading to him wondering why everything is so complicated. Of course, Shadowmoth akumatizes him into Simpleman through his baking shovel.
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While a lot of people have expressed their hatred for it, I actually really like Simpleman's design. Like the main theme of the episode (while I'll talk about in a little bit), it's clear that the Akuma is intentionally designed to be simple to the point it becomes kind of charming. It kind of reminds me of Kid Potato from WordGirl.
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Rest in peace, Mr. Asner.
Unfortunately, much like his previous Akuma form, Bakerix, his powers don't match his character at all. Rolland's main character trait is complaining about how much things have changed compared to when he was younger, yet Simpleman's powers don't really correspond to it. Instead, they make everyone in Paris dumber and make easier choices that aren't too complicated.
Adding this to Marinette talking about overthinking her plans, this is why the episode's message doesn't work. Yes, a lot of people long for the past because it felt easier, but it's more because of their nostalgia which they connect to certain societal changes and advances in technology. People don't wish things were like the past because choices back then were supposedly easier to make, but rather, because they associate easier times with less conflict and turmoil today. Nostalgia is never really discussed in this episode, which is why the theme revolving around everything being simpler instead of making it about nostalgia and memories connected to the past doesn't work.
So with the exception of the four kids, everyone in Paris is affected by the stupid wave, including Marinette, Adrien, and Shadowmoth. Once again, we're teased with the idea of Marinette deciding to actually confess to Adrien because the writers think constantly baiting us with a plot development like this will make us laugh as if we were all infants watching the writers wave their keys at us. Marinette and Adrien transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir, but because they're still under the effect of Simpleman's powers, they're more like Stupidbug and Cat Moron at the moment. Even Shadowmoth (though I guess now he should be called Schmuckmoth), decides to just let Simpleman do whatever he wants as long as he gets the Miraculous. Of course, it takes an Akuma making the two dumber to make Stupidbug and Cat Moron actually think of fighting Schmuckmoth instead.
And here's another problem with what the episode tries to teach. For an episode supposedly saying that it's bad to oversimplify everything, they frame the stuff done by the characters affected by Simpleman's powers as bad, no matter how good of an idea it is. Yes, there are people who crash their cars because they don't want to stop and complicate things or food workers like a pizza delivery man and Andre the ice cream man handing out free samples of the most basic versions of their food (cheese pizza and vanilla ice cream respectively), but the episode is also unintentionally saying that Marinette deciding to be honest about her feelings for Adrien or Stupidbug and Cat Moron deciding to chase down the main villain as bad things. It doesn't matter if it's a joke that the writers are dragging out certain plotlines that can only be resolved if the characters are idiots, the fact that the main characters share the same ideology as the titular Akuma, who is obviously meant to be in the wrong, just makes the overall message even more confusing. Even Ladybug points out how dangerous Simpleman's powers ended up being later on, which makes even less sense.
So Simpleman takes the kids out and encounters the two idiot heroes, leading to an intentionally awful fight scene that doesn't work as a gag and only shows how incompetent Stupidbug and Cat Moron are this episode. Simpleman uses his powers again making everyone prone to making even more “simple” decisions. In response, Manon has to tell Ladybug to activate her Lucky Charm, a rubber ball, and she doesn't even know how to use it. Simpleman then decides to bribe the two heroes to give up their Miraculous in exchange for candy of all things, leading to... the kids having to save the day. They not only stop Stupidbug and Cat Moron from handing over their Miraculous, but actually have to tell Stupidbug how to use her Lucky Charm.
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They don't actually do that, but their plan to defeat Simpleman (Stupidbug throws the ball underneath Simpleman's baking shovel when he's about to use his powers again and causes it to fly into the air for Cat Moron to Cataclysm it) ends up being very similar. Stupidbug de-evilizes Simpleman, uses Miraculous Ladybug to give everyone their brain cells back, gives Rolland a Magical Charm, and the kids explain how they're used to not understanding things before Rolland pulls a 180 and says he's open to learning about the modern era.
Back at the Eiffel Tower, Marinette is about to go through with her fishing plan, but decides to back out, saying that even if it's simple or complicated, she's worried the result will be the same, so she decides to face her fear and take the simple route in confessing her feelings to Adrien while asking if he wants to have ice cream with her. Okay, I see where this is going. Maybe the episode will end on a good note and do something right for a change instead of screwing up the moral of the story even more.
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How the hell do you keep getting the same moral wrong multiple times in the span of a single episode?! She seriously couldn't say she appreciated Adrien asking for her help? Once again, the writers are unintentionally saying simple is bad because Marinette's plan to be honest didn't work because it's just HILARIOUS to see her stutter around Adrien for the 472nd time this season. And then the episode ends with Marinette saying the Ladybug and Cat Noir movie might be too complicated for Rolland, but then he says it's simple for him! Why are the writers making a moral about keeping things simple to freakin complicated?
Thankfully, like the episode sets out to (supposedly) teach, I can simply describe the episode as this: not good.
The kids were annoying, the Marinette and Adrien stuff isn't even interesting to make fun of anymore, the Akuma's powers made no sense, and the “fight scenes”, even by this show's standards were awful. But the moral just makes no sense. Is it good to keep things simple? Is it good to think more complicated plans through? The episode never really picks a side, and I've already gone into how the message it's trying to connect to Rolland doesn't really work in my opinion.
But this episode's biggest flaw is that it's just boring to watch. At least episodes like “Gang of Secrets”, “Mr. Pigeon 72”, and “Hack-San” had a handful of good scenes in total that weren't completely awful, and episodes like “Queen Banana” and “Rocketear” gave me a lot to talk about in terms of poor writing. This episode? There's not much to really talk about. Even by the standards of the show, it's just the forgettable kind of bad, the worst kind of bad in my opinion.
But what do I know? I'm just some dude on the internet. According to Astruc, this episode is actually an incredibly metatextual story that I'm too ignorant to understand. Yep, I'm going to talk about that next time.
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malulls · 3 years ago
Just like you and me
Manorian one shot
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Dorian couldn't stop smiling. He had been doing so for almost an hour as he watched Abraxos follow Asterin through the palace gardens. In whatever direction she took her little steps, the wyvern was right behind her, leaning his head forward to support her every time she lost her balance and threatened to fall in her seat.
The king was sitting on a blue towel in the grass under the shade of a small maple tree, watching his daughter walk back and forth, not taking her eyes off whatever she was looking for on the ground.
His smile widened at the thought of how fast she had learned. Asterin had taken her first steps two weeks ago. Dorian had stayed behind her the whole time, ready to hold her if needed, while Manon, sitting on the floor, waited for her on the other side. He could still hear the queen's laughter as the princess walked with her little hands extended, until she reached her mother's open arms.
The cool spring breeze ruffled the king's hair and the leaves of the trees above him, carrying the scent of lavender and something that looked like strawberries. Asterin began to lean down, stopping at random parts of the small circle she was following, seemed to be reaching for something, until her fists were closed and full of whatever it was she was carrying.
A wave of happiness spread through his chest as the princess began to jump toward him, swinging the faint cloth of the white and now grass-covered dress she was wearing.
- Dad!
She stopped right in front of him, Abraxos standing right behind like the good overprotective babysitter he was.
- Yes, love?
Asterin stretched out her arms and opened her fists. In one, she was carrying a rounded stone almost the size of her own hand, in the other, a mixture of tiny flowers sort of crumpled. The princess tilted her hands toward him, making Dorian laugh.
- For me?
Her response was a wide smile, nodding emphatically. Dorian carefully placed his presents on top of the fabric where he was to take his daughter on his lap, placing a kiss on the princess's soft cheek.
- Thank you.
Asterin rested her head on his chest, turning her sapphire-colored eyes to the stone walls of the castle. He sat there with her, looking up at the blue sky and the few white clouds scattered around the sun, drifting in the wind and cut off by little black dots when a bird flew by them.
- Mom!
Both Abraxos and Dorian looked up at the castle to find Manon walking up to the three of them.
Because she had just left a meeting, she had the crown of stars on her head and the red cape swinging on her back, obscuring any other beauty in the garden other than her own. Instead of running down the gravel path to her as she normally did, Asterin turned back to where she had been before, bending down to pick up the things she was finding on the grass.
Dorian put his arm around the queen the moment she reached them and sat down beside him. Manon cast a questioning glance in Asterin's direction, but he just shrugged and smiled.
- How was the meeting?
She sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder. He knew the answer, meetings with Adarlan's court advisors were always, in summary, a shit. It was Dorian who attended most of them, but sometimes Manon as queen needed to be present and the two of them swapped places. Of course, he would rather take care of Asterin than be stuck in a room listening to old lords complain.
- Horrible. As always.
- What did they want?
- I don't know exactly. As far as I understood, they didn't agree on something in the desert economy. What did they have to do with it?
Nothing, but what the lords liked to do most was apparently to meddle in matters that were none of their business.
- How long have they been doing this? - The tone of irritation and tiredness had disappeared from her voice, there was only amusement in the golden eyes that watched the witchling walking through the garden followed by the wyvern.
- Almost an hour.
At that moment the princess came running up to them, stamping her bare feet on the grass.
- Mom!
Manon lifted her head from his shoulder, and there it was, Dorian's favorite smile, one that few people ever saw.
- Hello, dear.
As she had done with her father, she held out her hands, and Manon held up hers, palms facing up. Carefully, she covered her mother's hands with grass, more crumpled flowers, and a maple leaf.
- They are beautiful. Thank you.
The queen placed her gift next to his and hugged Asterin.
- So you like flowers?
- Uhum. I'm showing them to Abaxos. Did you know he likes flowers? He told me.
- Oh, he did? Which one is your favorite?
- The white one that is on the wall. Dad doesn't let me take it. It has thorns.
- The roses?
- Yes, because they're just like you, Mom. And like me, see? - She took two locks of white hair, one from her own head and the other from her mother's. - They look like us.
Manon would die of love. She was sure of it. One day her heart would just explode. Dorian put her on his lap so that he could wrap his arms around them both.
Soon, Asterin began to rub her eyes with the back of her hands and leaned her head on her mother's shoulder.
- Mommy, I want Pen.
When the princess began to cry for not being allowed to fly in Abraxos with Manon, Dorian gave her a wyvern. It was plush, but it handled the situation perfectly, and Pen was it's name.
If Asterin wanted it, it was a sign that she wanted to sleep. The sun, which was setting later and later as they approached summer, was disappearing over the horizon when Dorian crossed them to her room, and the three of them emerged in that exact position on top of the princess' bed. Manon could only change her grass-filled dress into a nightgown before she blacked out, grabbing Pen and murmuring a goodnight on the pillow.
The king and queen left her sleeping as they went back to their own room.
- She slept without dinner.
- She ate.
- What?
He winced before answering. Something she shouldn't be eating, then.
- She had chocolate cake with Josefin.
- Dorian.
- What? She asked.
- And Yrene let this happen?
- They were with Chaol.
- Of course they were.
Chaol and Dorian were perfectly incapable of saying no to their daughters.
- Don't give me that look, you can't say no to her either.
- You're the one who can't. Not to her and not to me.
He sat on the edge of the bed and brought her onto his lap. And lowered his mouth to her neck. Dorian left small kisses on her skin, just enough to make her want more.
Although she was trying to ignore the shivers running up her arms, she tilted her head to the side, just a little.
- You love this, don't you?
- Yes.
He smiled as he heard her voice grow hoarse. Manon pulled her neck away from his face before Dorian reached for the buttons on her clothes.
- We're going to be late for dinner.
- I'm not hungry. Are you?
- Yes.
- Wrong answer, witchling. You should say no and throw me on the bed.
- I promise to throw you on the bed later.
He placed one last kiss at the base of her neck.
- Fine.
Asterin is the most adorable thing I've ever written, Manorian family is soooo
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