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whatanodyssey · 6 years ago
closed roleplay with @maniacollision
During his breaks from school, Xander liked to volunteer with the local Red Cross or any organization that helped those in need.  Whether it be veterans or the homeless, it made him happy to see that he could help make someone’s day better with good company and hot food.
It was now winter break, a time with chilly winds and gloomy days.  The perfect time to help warm someone’s day a little.  Tonight, he had volunteered at the soup kitchen to help make dinner for those who were hungry.  As Xander served the food, he noticed both new and familiar faces.  He would make sure to talk to each of the new faces, making sure they were happy and cared for.  
Of the new faces, there was a family with two young children and a young man who must have been a teenager or in his early 20s.  Xander went to the family first, saying hello to them and bringing the children small candies.  He made the children smile and laugh as he told them fairytales, and in turn the parents seemed happy that Xander was able to help the children forget a little about their empty tummies.  After bidding the family a good meal and night, he made his way over to the young man.
Wearing a gentle and kind smile, he extended his hand out in greeting.  His hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, and he wore a red long sleeve shirt, like all the other volunteers did, denim jeans, and sneakers.  
“Good evening,” Xander said.  “I haven’t seen you around here before.  What’s your name?”
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seesgood · 6 years ago
maniacollision replied to your post: just….just once i would like to watch any other...
listen i’m /from/ boston and i want them to lose
i’m sorry but i’m crying @ this comment 
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fangsforhire · 6 years ago
@maniacollision  followed from | ℒ |
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‘Ugh really, after I asked oh so nicely?’
{ Glare doesn’t FALTER; fixated on that very conspicuous machette. ( Jesus christ, is it necessary? He already has a loaded deadly firearm; how many weapons does one require for reassurance? ) Isn’t like he’s so much as moved a muscle, stance utterly indifferent. Not his first rodeo - as unfortunately trouble stalks him like a predator hunting its prey. }
‘Answers to what? Einstein's riddle? Honestly, love. No idea what you’re talking about.’
{ Response is drawled from parted LIPS; hands raising in mock-surrender. Naturally not knowing when to shut it. ( Then again who can blame him? For once he’s done zilch to warrant such interrogations. ) Releasing a harsh exasperated sigh. So much for a peaceful stroll, huh? }
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waywardfeathered · 7 years ago
a starter for @maniacollision
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          “let me demonstrate what i’m trying to get at before i actually say anything, dean.” cas fixes the hunter with a stare, nonchalantly. any confusion from dean’s part goes unnoticed by him. he grabs dean’s arm with a swift move and twists it around his back -- not roughly enough to hurt him but determinedly enough to manage the attack. then presses him against the wall, his hold firm. “if i was practically any other angel than myself? you’d be dead by now.”
          he knows that if he was another angel, dean would have fought back, but he thinks this is important anyway.
          “so. fine, we’ve trained combat to some level, but with my species, you’re better off going with your wit,” castiel goes on, still not releasing dean. “so i want you to try just that -- trap me. i know you’re a skilled hunter, but i want you to... be able to... protect yourself as much as possible.” of course, if it was someone who wanted to hurt dean for real, it’d be different, as cas isn’t willing to actually hurt him while training, and that probably goes both ways. but it’s better than nothing. because honestly, he’s scared. he’s heaven’s most wanted. and it’s no secret that he likes dean winchester. what if one of his kin decides to get to him by using dean?
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noxtm · 6 years ago
cont. with @maniacollision bc I need separate thread BC THREAD TRACKER
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         “It’s Snape. In green goo. OF COURSE it’s you two.”
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ofinfiniteuniversesa · 6 years ago
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“There was really no need for such dramatic flair there angel-boy.”
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conscriptur · 6 years ago
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“ Do you honestly think that is a good idea? I mean, what would Molly say if she found out? ”
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skymma · 7 years ago
@maniacollision | closed starter
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“Oh, I know who you are, mate. You’re the one hanging around the angel that’s stolen my look.” 
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wvinterisms · 7 years ago
❝ Simply stating facts, ❞ the blonde shrugged nonchalantly. The hunter did have a point, though. This was a big deal --- it wasn’t something that could be solved so simply. ❝ You could use me as bait. ❞ She may be a creature of the supernatural kind, but she couldn’t heal like werewolves, angels, demons, or vampires. It was unfortunate, but she wasn’t a damsel in distress. She was more than capable of defending herself. ❝ I can buy you time, though my ice can’t hold them off for too long. You would have to make your move fast. ❞
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con’td from { x } bc i can  // @maniacollision
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thekingsparty · 7 years ago
@maniacollision cont.
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“that girl is such a bitch, but i can’t lie, i’m in love with it.” 
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“thank you for the insight, dean - really. i don’t know what i would’ve done today without those news.”
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waywardfeathered · 7 years ago
he can’t help but grin a little at dean’s reaction. and he quirks an eyebrow at his human before planting a kiss on the corner of his eye.
“yes. it is.” cas sits up on top of dean, straddling him. “the question being ---- do you have the guts to go along with it?” oh, he has things planned. for a bit, at least. “i want you to be the one to place it on. i also want you to cuff yourself to the headboard.” he keeps a straight face (if not a little smug), as he stands up. fumbles through dean’s stuff for handcuffs. tosses a pair at the hunter’s bare chest. crosses his arms and waits.
                     @maniacollision // cont. from here
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celestialsunglasses · 7 years ago
@maniacollision continued from HERE:
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“i don’t do easy.” but the other is definitely right; every breath hurts, every movement feels like agony, and he knows if he doesn’t get patched up it’ll only get worse. maybe even hospital worse and dean really doesn’t feel like dealing with that right now. he doesn’t feel like dealing with much right now; the hunter just wants to push forward. “just pass me the painkillers from my bag, i’ll be fine.”
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he was already grabbing for the painkillers, but barely keeping from rolling his eyes as he handed it to him, “oh my god just lay down for a second, you stubborn asshole. chill. if your ribs aren’t puncturing your other organs, or killing you for other reasons, it’ll likely heal itself in like a month or so. ribs are fucking weird like that. but you still need to slow your roll before you actually end up puncturing a lung on accident. you're not doing yourself, or anyone else any favors if that happens. i am not afraid to sit in a bed with you and make sure you calm your shit for at least a night,” he shook his head.
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primeacumen · 7 years ago
@maniacollision  |  [  x  ]
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   "Maybe that wasn't the right word for it," the programmer admits a moment later. Seeing the look on Maya's face immediately has her feeling guilty over her harshly spoken words. Shifting closer, Vivian brushes hair back away from Maya's face. "I just..want you to feel comfortable being vulnerable with me. I care about you." Leaning in, her lips brush gently against the other's forehead, eyes meeting. “I don’t know if you care about me too.”
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ofinfiniteuniversesa · 6 years ago
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“is this your blood?”
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“Course not. Some human just grabbed my vessel before I could escort them up here. There was blood.”
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sacripent · 6 years ago
     @maniacollision     /     sc   .
“     enough  !      you   will   remember   your   place   ,      dean   .     ”  
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enneads · 6 years ago
“The fun doesn’t have to end.” (jamie @ damian)
@maniacollision​ | sinday asks
Damian smiles faintly, blinks up at Jamieagain and watches him communicate.
Then he flips over and on top of Jamie,moving to kiss his neck. He murmurs “it doesn’t” against his hearing partner’sthroat.
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