#all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance | john
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tania2199 · 2 years ago
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“I’m the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness. Oh, I’ve got it all sewn up. I can save you. If it takes the last drop of your blood, I’ll drive your demons away. I’ll kick them in the bullocks and spit on them when they’re down and then I’ll be gone back into darkness, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. I walk my path alone… who would want to walk with me?"
So, this one took me a long time to paint, but John is my all-time favorite character, so I wanted to do him justice.
I read Hellblazer when I was 16, and it had a huge impact on me. Its gritty atmosphere, its dark and political stories, its punk rock attitude - it was so honest and raw. And John in all his imperfection felt human and real and that's what made him such an iconic character
Video of the process:
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skymma · 5 years ago
@tachiisms​ | starter call
“Wait wait wait-- Siri ---” 
Too late. Fuck. 
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John takes a step back at the blinding flash of light that sweeps through the room and when he opens his eyes again his night vision is practically gone and now he and Siri are fumbling in the darkness --
He can hear her, but bloody hell, he can’t be totally sure of what he’s hearing. There’s a ringing in his ears. 
They’re in an abandoned factory complex, it’s been decades since it was in use, and it’s dripping everywhere from the rain outside and there’s moss and ferns growing about the space and there’d been a marking on the floor ... and she’d stepped on it. 
Not that he can blame her. It was barely visible and if she hadn’t been in the lead, he’s likely the one to have activated it in the first place. 
Question is what it’s done, and in the pressing darkness ... shit, it’s too pressing now, this isn’t just about losing your night vision, can’t be -- in all these bleeding shadows, he can’t tell if she’s okay. 
“How’re you feeling, sunshine? Quickly, come on --” 
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vincentvallo · 5 years ago
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Inktober 2019 Day 27: The Devil's Trench"coat" Sumi Ink on Calligraphy Paper 8.5 x 11. in
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hrdsell · 4 years ago
hold on guys the tag editors broken so i gotta do this manually
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londonwit · 2 years ago
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           ❝ let's take a walk on the d a r k s i d e then. ❞
« jack mullarkey, 30, he/him, dc comics » ∙∙ loading case file for john constantine. known aliases, if any: the hellblazer. current location: new york, new york.  current occupation: occult detective. he is known to be quick-witted and selfish, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: civilian. penned by ree. ©
full name: john thomas constantine. nickname(s): johnny, conjob. name meaning: "god is gracious." age: thirty. date of birth: may 10, 1992. place of birth: liverpool, england. ethnicity: white. gender: cis man. pronouns: he/him/his. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. religion: unaffiliated. occupation: occult detective. education level: general certificate of education (gce). living arrangements: bounces from one place to another; was homeless for several months when he was 16 after being kicked out of his childhood home by his father. speaking voice and accent: british. spoken languages: english, latin, ancient greek, hebrew, sanskrit, ect.
faceclaim: jack mullarkey. hair color and style: blonde, clean cut. eye color: blue. height: 6'0". weight: 158 lbs. body and build: lanky, somewhat muscular. tattoos: several incantations of varying languages inscribed on his forearms, similar to the tattoos he has in the injustice comics. piercings: helix piercing in both ears, yet they've mostly closed up. clothing style: typically formal wear with a tie and trenchcoat. distinguishing characteristics: dimpled chin and piercing blue eyes. signature scent: silk cut cigarettes.
mental disorder(s): suffers from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as brief instances of psychosis following the incident in newcastle when he damned a young girl’s soul to hell by accident. physical disorder(s): lung and cardiovascular complications due to his chain smoking. allergies: cats. sleeping habits: often experiences insomnia and has difficulty falling asleep. he also just stays up until ungodly hours. eating habits: a lot of instant noodles and hot pockets. sociability: he’s rather sociable unless he’s going through a rough time. it’s others who’d prefer not to associate with him given his track record of dead friends and family members. addictions: nicotine. drug abuse: in his early twenties, he was on antidepressants and prescribed olanzapine by his doctors at ravenscar psychiatric institute, where he was a patient for two years. alcohol use: will go on a bender every once in a blue moon but usually sticks to a glass of whiskey (or several) each night.
label(s): the con artist, the devil’s advocate, the bibliophile, the karma houdini, the narcissist, the hellion, the addict, the deadpan snarker, the anti-hero. positive traits: charismatic, persuasive, humanistic, pragmatic, quick-witted. negative traits: cunning, selfish, arrogant, cynical, self-loathing. astrology: taurus. personality type: entp. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. hogwarts house: slytherin. element: fire. primary vice: pride. primary virtue: diligence. weather: rainstorm. color: orange/gold. music: the clash. movie: blade runner. book: the island of doctor moreau. sport: rugby. beverage: whiskey. food: bacon and eggs. animal: fox. season: autumn.
mother: mary anne constantine (died in childbirth). father: thomas constantine (deceased). significant other: n/a. best friend: chas chandler. exes: zatanna zatara, oliver (ex-boyfriend), nightmare nurse, several meaningless flings. sibling(s): cheryl masters, sister (murdered by her husband), unnamed twin brother (died in the womb). children: n/a. extended family: tony masters, brother-in-law (deceased), gemma masters, niece. pet(s): n/a.
short bio: after a botched exorcism in his adolescence led to an innocent girl named astra logue being damned to hell, john has been running from the demons of his past and drowning his sorrows in a bottle of liquor, all while leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake. a conman by trade and savvy occult detective on nights he’s not conjuring demons, john’s spent the last several years swindling the streets of london with his impressive wit and token charm.
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purple-vixen · 3 years ago
John Constantine as a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher - Headcanon
A/N: Fun fact: I had this idea after seeing a meme about John becoming a DADA teacher and asking his students for a cigarette. Sorry if it's not 100% accurate, this is mostly based on the Constantine from NBC TV series and the DCAMU one because I'm more familiar with those versions of him (but there might be a few references to the comics here and there) - Vix
Warning: Swear words
• The reason why Constantine ends up at Hogwarts is probably because he owed Dumbledore a favor after Albus saved John's ass or lent him money.
• Albus was having a hard time finding a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher because every single one of the candidates would flip their shit and run to the exit after hearing about all the things that happened in the recent school-years *COUGH COUGH* Harry Potter *COUGH COUGH*.
• Dumbledore casually commented about the incidents and John's reaction was shrugging his shoulders and saying with indifference "I've been through worse."
• Dumbledore: There was that time an evil wizard latched his body onto a former DADA teacher.
• Constantine: I'm telling you, that's child's play compared to what happened in Bristol. Some goth punks got wasted on wine in a cemetery and set free an entire army of demons. Fucking amateurs, if you want to open a portal to hell, don't forget to close the bloody thing.
• On the first day of the DADA discipline, both Ron and Harry arrive late for class. The first thing Hermione does is scold them.
• In the middle of Hermione's speech on how Harry and Ron need to organize their schedule better because it might lead to being expelled, Constantine arrives even later than the students.
• Needless to say, he was hangover.
• Before anything, John stares at the students and ask "Do any of you kids have a cigarette? I forgot mine in the teachers' dorm."
• That one kid from Hufflepuff who walks around wearing a fanny pack opened the fanny pack and pulled out one single cigarette from it and handed to Constantine.
• "Five points to Hufflepuff!" John exclaims as he lights up the cigarette by conjuring fire from his hand.
• The students act like it's the most ordinary thing in the world because they stopped asking questions a long time ago after that time they've seen that Hufflepuff kid pull out an entire quidditch set from his fanny pack. He literally has everything in that fanny pack.
• Constantine introduces himself to class with that monologue from the TV series.
• "My name is John Constantine. I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. I'll drive your demons away, kick 'em in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. I walk my path alone. Because, let's be honest... who would be crazy enough to walk it with me?"
• As soon as John finishes his introduction, all the muggleborn kids in class, who are all familiar with the Justice League, start booing and complaining about how they would have preferred either Zatanna or Batman to teach them Defense Against the Dark Arts.
• Pure-blood (and also some half-bloods that were unaware of superheroes) are either thinking that this is an utter disrespect towards the teacher or are wondering if the muggleborns really wanted a vampire as their DADA teacher (or both).
• Fred and George secretly organized a sweepstake among the students for how many times John says a swear word during class and how many times he specifically says the word "bloody".
• When John found out about the sweepstake, instead of snitching the Weasley twins to Minerva, John agreed on taking 30% of their profits from the bets.
• As soon as Draco said his first "My father will hear about this." To John, he answered back:  "Since that wanker will hear about it, tell him to kiss my ass."
• Did I say that John hates Draco?
• Because he does.
• John has a special moment in his classes dedicated to roast Malfoy if he hears him talking shit during his lecture.
• Also if some student happens to roast Draco in front of John, be it in his class or not, he gives that person 5 points to their respective house.
• That one Ravenclaw girl got 25 points after pranking Malfoy's gang and making their hair and robes turn Joker green and Joker purple, respectively.
• Hermione secretly slips on John's desk pamphlets about the health risks of smoking.
• John probably scares off 1st year muggleborn students by telling them that Batman sends kids who cheat on exams to Arkham.
• Not that he actually cares if they're cheating on their exams or not, he was just bored and thought it would be fun to scare the first graders.
• Constantine probably had a fling with Madam Pomfrey.
• And also a fling with one of the ghosts.
• And Dumbledore.
• And maybe even a dementor or one of the paintings.
• C'mon, he had a fling with King Shark, the spirit of Los Angeles and Satan. There's enough Constantine for everyone, be it a human or a supernatural being from the wizarding world.
• If there were a Yule Ball in the year John is lecturing, at some moment he would climb the stage and drunkenly sing to the songs from his old band Mucous Membrane.
• Chas would often visit Hogwarts to catch up with John, ask for his help with some shit or help John with his shit.
• And every single time Chas went to Hogwarts, he managed to get killed.
• In the first few times, the students were all shocked but eventually they got used to it to the point if someone saw Chas dying they would just yell "God dammit, Chas!"
• Fun fact: That became a Hogwarts slang and every time someone screwed up they could just say "God dammit, Chas"
• The Weasley twins also organized a Chas Bingo among the students. The bingo card is sold for 5 sickles, everyone fills out each square with a cause of death, the first to bingo gets 14 galleons.
• This is heartbreaking but I bet John's boggart is Astra.
• John would totally be the type of teacher that starts the school-year hating all of his students but as time passed by he slowly started to genuinely care about them.
• And with caring I mean he would still be an arrogant fuck but he'd always find a way to help one of his students if they needed. But in a very chaotic way.
• Like, if some student wanted to go to Hogsmeade but their parents didn't sign the permission form, John would go there and fake their parent's signature.
• Quidditch team needs a new set of brooms? John would disappear for a while and come back with 7 brand new Firebolt Supremes stolen from the Diagonal Alley.
• John saw someone bullying one of his students? Ok, time to anonymously put on that someone a curse that every time they start acting like douchebags, that someone's head turns into a balloon
• Coincidentally, Malfoy always had that curse set on him at least once a month.
• He probably fucked up with the Dursleys by unleashing a demon that ate all of the leftovers in their fridge at the most ungodly hour and danced on their beds every night.
• And the WORST pranks the Weasley twins ever did on school grounds were all suggested by John Constantine.
• By the end of school-year, although growing fond of his students, John decided to quit teaching at Hogwarts because he thought he was better off alone.
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mysticconstantine · 5 years ago
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"I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness."
Hellblazer Issue 41
//This is the first time in a long time actually posting my edits onto any form of social media. Please enjoy this one of John over the city of London! All artwork stills come from the Constantine the Hellblazer (2015-2016) series, by artist Riley Russomo
All I ask is to please credit me if reposting or using :)
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epiitaphs · 4 years ago
From Costar: Taurus's "can be apathetic to the needs of others if they are motivated to achieve their own goals."
John has positive traits in him somewhere, but the more negative ones tend to show through a little more and tend to be highlighted by both himself and his friends (whether or not they're dead yet). But anyway, at the end of the day, John is always out for himself. He cares a lot about his friends, but he really can't avoid screwing them over one way or another - whether it's intentional or not. Sometimes, he also has to be compelled into caring about other peoples' problems when they come to him for help.
He sums it up pretty well in Dangerous Habits pt1 (#41) by saying “I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness. Oh, I've got it all sewn up. I can save you. If it takes the last drop of your blood, I'll drive your demons away.” And it’s true, when he wants to solve a problem, he will, but the collateral damage he lives can be severe. He always lands on his feet, though. 
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lamujerarana · 6 years ago
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lgbtincomics’ 2019 pride month challenge → Day Three: Bi/pan
↳ John Constantine, The Hellblazer
I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness. Oh, I've got it all sewn up. I can save you. If it takes the last drop of your blood, I'll drive your demons away. I'll kick them in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down and then I'll be gone back into darkness, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. I walk my path alone... who would walk with me?
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neonafterglow-blog · 6 years ago
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@capncrunchie as John Constantine.
"I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness. Oh, I've got it all sewn up. I can save you. If it takes the last drop of your blood, I'll drive the demons away. I'll kick them in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down, and then I'll be gone back into the darkness, leaving only a nod, a wink and a wisecrack. I walk my path alone... who would want to walk with me?"
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skymma · 6 years ago
@doublehelixed | closed starter
Ow, fuck.
He must’ve hit his head. 
Sitting up with a groan, John stays like that for a moment, head in his hands while the world stops spinning, and then he braces himself with his hands on the ground when he gets up, nearly stumbles, doesn’t fall though, all in a bloody day’s work when you’re trying out some bloody dimensional magic because you’re just that desperate to find ways to off another bastard demon who’s entered your realm.
But when he blinks and takes in his surroundings it’s, ah ... well. Looks like he’s screwed up something marvellously, because this is a sunny-side-up of a forest that he was not aiming for. 
There’s a rustle in a bush behind him and he whirls around, one hand raised instinctively - whatever hell-bred thing is going to ambush him, he’ll know at least one spell to ward it off, and he needs time to find his way back, or to where he really needs to be --
and what comes out of the bushes is an oversized fucking duck.
John blinks.
The duck blinks.
“Raeppasid”, he says, the first simple spell in mind that he can think of, and nothing happens.
The duck blinks again.
“Psyyyyyy”, it says, in a long, drawn-out whine, and John cringes.
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Stands up straight. Gestures dismissively at it.
Alright then.
“Go on then”, he says, shooing. “Get lost.” 
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blczinghell-blog · 7 years ago
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I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness.         Oh, I've got it all sewn up. I can save you. If it takes the last drop of your blood, I'll drive your demons away.         I'll kick them in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down, and then I'll be gone back into the darkness, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. 
I walk my path alone. Because, let’s be honest.... 
                    WHO WOULD WANT TO WALK WITH ME?
BLCZINGHELL independent john constantine written by riley
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longscarfcosplay · 6 years ago
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“I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness.” ••• Here’s my first test of Constantine, featuring Bayonetta’s shirt—because John’s hasn’t arrived yet—contour that’s way too light, and a mostly-untamed wig that’s rather wet (because I tried to spray back the rest of the bangs and failed; cold water fixed that). #constantine #johnconstantine #hellblazer #cosplay #cosplaywip #costest #dc #demon #demonslayer #nergal https://ift.tt/2JSAB7R
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skymma · 6 years ago
@skadeglad | closed starter
It’s the next day. Kid had been dead asleep, which is funny, since he’s some kind of walking dead situation, but John hadn’t slept anywhere near as much. He’d tried a few more tests and spells and all that bollocks, but he hadn’t gotten much out of it.
So he’d tried some sleep, several cigarettes and a decent whiskey, and he’d come up with a new plan.
Which is where he’s taking Markor now. 
It’s one of those hazy days, sunlight but not the kind that’ll burn your eyes, clouds blocking it on and off, but John makes a point of doing this in the daylight, and quite early in it too. Neighborhood’s run-down but not in any remarkable way compared to all the other neighborhoods John’s ever seen.
It’s run-of-the-mill sketchy. Which is where John is right at home.
Markor seems a hell of a lot less sure.
“Trust me, kid”, John says, for what feels like the third time but probably isn’t, honestly, because John doesn’t throw that out there too lightly when he’s dealing with anomalies. “This’ll be the quickest way to get some answers.” 
He ducks beneath some cut-open wire fence and then keeps going towards some kind of warehouse complex, clearly abandoned, which makes it all the more obvious that it really isn’t, in John’s book. 
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skymma · 5 years ago
@whcwashe | continued from here | “don’t lose control of yourself.” 
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          She does her best not to look utterly fucking wounded by the directive, frowning at him as she scrubs at her face with bloodied palms. She was in control. She was perfectly in control. She hadn’t stopped shaking in two days, and she couldn’t even hold a glass of water, but she was in control.
Groaning at him from behind her hands, she takes a deep breath, biting at her lip until the room comes back into focus. She didn’t think it’d be so hard. A few days of irritation, at most. This was more like – having the flu, but a dozen times worse. And the house wasn’t quiet anymore – not like it used to be. Every room Chas stepped into was suddenly full, dozens of spirits trailing after him, where ever he went. And Jasper –
Jasper hadn’t stopped humming in three days. Something by the Pogues. She doesn’t know it, but she can’t stop herself from humming it either. It was stuck in her head now, some kind of weird ghostly melody she couldn’t place. At least Jasper’s room was quieter. Free of any of the other spirits wandering the place, except for him. So she’d holed up there, half expecting to be left alone.
Heels of her palms press roughly against her eyes as she takes another deep breath in and holds it, cracking one eye open to glance at John a second later. God, she just wants to go to sleep. “ – did he hum like this all the time?”
“... nah, love”, John says, voice soft. He remembers his own withdrawal, ‘course. He knew as soon as she agreed to stop taking the bloody poison that the next few days and weeks would be rough on her, and she’s proven it time and again. But it has to get worse before it gets better with these kind of things. 
She’s more in tune, now. Of course she’s overloaded, overwhelmed, and unhappy. But once she gets past that and they can get to some kind of training, she’ll be in control in a real way. She’ll know how to shut out spirits she doesn’t want to see, and she’ll be able to do it anytime, anywhere.
And she won’t have to bleed herself dry to do it, either. 
Sitting on her father’s bed, she looks ... small. A bit lost. John remembers her mostly as a young child from a few photographs Jasper’d stolen from the school, and that image of her flashes in his mind now, when she looks at him like this, those wide eyes even wider and her hands trembling. 
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“Only when he was in a good mood.” He sits down next to her, leans forward a little to look at her, hands resting between his knees. “Could be he’s happy to see you, eh?” 
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skymma · 6 years ago
@whcwashe | closed starter
It’s not that John’s interested in prying. Honest to fucking God, he’s not the kind of person to invade people’s privacy unless there’s a good reason. And with people he gives a shit about those good reasons are rare and far between. 
Liv falls in that category.
Which means that John’d had no idea up until exactly this moment that she’s on Largactil.
The tell-tale orange canister had fallen out of her bag when she’d put it down in a hurry to go into her room, and the sight of it left John feeling frozen, paralyzed, nauseous - and when the weight in his limbs disappeared the nausea only grew bigger when he’d bent down and picked it up.
Largactil. It’s just a brand name. It’s Chlorpromazine.
He knows that one. 
He knows it more than he’s ever wanted to know any fucking medication in his life. 
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So now he’s standing with it in its hand and feeling his breaths get stuck in his throat, he feels like he’s breathing through a bloody straw, and when she comes back out, looking at first cheerful and then in an instant incredibly uneasy, John stares at her for a long second before he finds his voice.
“What the bloody hell is this?” 
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