#manhwa vent
vioranhyperfixation · 2 months
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What do you mean my lover???? Dokja? My single boy failure that can't even find friends before the apocalypse? Explain??
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strawberrynightmere · 2 months
I have made this post simply to vent about three characters from Philomel the Fake / There is no place for the fake princess.
Warnings include: an ungodly amount of complaining, child abuse, the effects it has, and spoilers for the manhwa/novel (but I'll try to be as vague as possible, or you could do the sensiblething and not read this post if you don't wanna get spoiled) and so much swearing that it would make Vivian Medrano say "tone it down" (hyperbole, also a lot of that too).
How can one hate fictional characters to the point of just wanting to punch them in the face whenever one sees them? Now, there were a few instances where I was like, "Yeah, understandable," but that was only one character pre fandome, but three? In one fandom? (Technically more, but most are unimportant to me as they get what's coming to them), and all three of them are the protagonists' parents?
Now, let's start with the least worse because this one is tame compared to the other two.
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French Gumm Wizard. You pulled the short end of the stick in the Manhwa Shitty Naming Poll (tm), and I pity you, but only a little beraly existent bit. The sole reason for you having 4 different fucking kids with 4 different fucking women (in the most biblical possible way) just for the purpose of a god fucking dammed experiment is mind-boggling to me and the fact that you forgot about the fourth child because once that pregnant woman was out of sight she was also out of mind for you.
Now, anyone who knows his character knows he's a fucking phycopath, and this is not a hyperbole, he genuinely is a phycopath.
He is a terrible parent because of the 3 kids he was aware of existed think of him as an anoying-ass colleague who, if they saw walking their direction, they would immediately teleport to their ass to the othe side of the rode just not to be in his close vicinity. And if they had the power, they would choke him to death, but murder is illegal, and they would be the prime suspects.
The moment you met the daughter you forgot about, you asked if she needed money? Like, alright, it's not like there were people coming to you for that, but for fuck sake, that's a fifteen-year-old that ran away from the imperial castle, she might've stole something from there so she could be well off.
But good for you for feeling bad for the first time in your fucked up life and trying to atone to her, and wanting her to move in the tower with you and the sons even though she didn't have magic. However, you need to draw a line somewhere when it comes to murder. It's one thing to kill someone who planned to harm/kill Philomel, but it's another thing wanting to kill someone who Philomel has been on good terms with.
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Now, this bastard, the reason Philomel had to mask her personality during her childhood, that the mask ended up being a part of her in her teenage years. Eustis, it's the name of a terrible man who abuses a dog with anxiety, and the only reason he's married is because his wife pitied him (ifykyk).
There is a lot to unbox about his character, but none of that can excuse what a burning pile of trash he was to Philomel.
Oh, he was just a child when his half siblings wanted to kill him for a decorative piece of metal that indicates that you're a monarch of a country.
That doesn't excuse the way he treated his assumed daughter.
Oh, but he was sad his wife died. Besides, Philomel didn't look like either of them.
But did she deserve the kind of treatment since she was a newborn? And did anyone hear of recessive genes? Oh, right, this is a fucking fictional world so recessive genes are a non existent thing.
But what about the things he did for Philomel?
Philomel doesn't remember the limited times that he wasn't a gaping asshole to her, and she has a photographic memory or used to have because when she discovered that he fait was gonna be at the guillotine was the moment she realized nobody actually cared about her or even loved her for who she was.
But Philomel committed crimes!
Look at this child!
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Look at this nine-year-old who just discovered her own future just because of a baby swap that she was not guilty of. And tell me that she deserved it! Tell me that she deserved getting punished just because she was being a child!
Eustis knew she was at the door of his office when he said he wanted her to be quiet like a dead rat! And yet he was surprised when those exact words came to bite him in the ass at full force?
That burning pile of shit did not deserve Philomel, nor does he deserve his biological daughter. If the baby swap never happened, I doubt he would've ever been a good father to her.
And now for the scum who started all of this.
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This delusional ass bitch that would make me advocate against women's wrongs!
You're gonna tell me that the reason for not only Philomel's abuse but also Elencia's is because this nutbag has a thing for men with dark hair?
This crazy-ass cunt that agreed with the experiment that Le Gummdrop was doing, ran away from the mage tower, heeding the safety warning and going to the empress who she worked under in her youth and was on friendly terms with, only to swap the babies when the empress died due to childbirth and booked out of the empire right into the woods because she was attacked to the emperor?
Now, she might've felt guilty for it, but that didn't stop her from throwing things near Elencia, almost hitting the girl and screaming at her. Believe it or not, that's abuse.
And yet this mentally unwell trash had the nerve to yell at Philome to leave them alone because she loved Elencia like an actual daughter.
This pure girl!
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This pure soul that she kidnapped and abused. This child who cleaned up after this grown ass woman's temper tantrums.
All because she was physically attracted to her father.
I don't care what shitty excuse someone could pull out of their ass to defend her. It won't excuse the crimes she has committed.
No amount of garbage manhwa parents would ever top these three for me.
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fistfuloflightning · 1 year
I hate seeing so many comments dissing Spice&Kitty’s decision to name the empire in Stepmother’s Marchen the Kaiserreich, saying it’s stupid naming a country ‘Empire Empire’ or variations thereof—when it is literally the name used for Germany for about 50 years, the second of the three German Reichs:
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TikTok is FUMING over Jinx right now. A lot of people are dropping it and I don’t blame them, Jae is only gonna go downhill from here. I hope you don’t mind the really long ask cause I just have so many thoughts and no one to share with. I could write a thesis on Joo Jaekyung.
Honestly I had a whole interpretation of Jaekyung’s character and chapter 34 straight up changed that. He did two things I thought he would never do:
1) He aggressively put his hands on Heesung and directly threatened him with violence TWICE in the same chapter. I don’t think people realize how serious that is. He’s on equal footing with Heesung. They’re both celebrities. Both public figures. And for Jae, a fighter, an athlete, a scandal involving physical violence towards Heesung would literally RUIN his career. All this time I was thinking “Yeah, he’d never take his anger out on Heesung because they’re equals, Heesung’s got money and power. Dan is the weakest one in the situation so Jae will take it out on him” so look at me being a clown 🤡
2) He lied to Dan. For the first time in 34 chapters, he straight up manipulated him. Not tricked him. He directly intervened with his appointment with Heesung by lying, saying Heesung cancelled. It wasn’t even a GOOD lie!!! It was a half-assed, he didn’t even try to sound believable (because yes, Dan, you’re right, it makes NO sense for Heesung to contact Jae instead of you). But poor Dan believed him. My point is: I never took Jae for a liar, or even a manipulator. He was always either petty or very upfront about everything, so that shocked me. Which makes me believe now that Jae never lied to Dan until now because he never had to before. He always had full control of Dan as is, but the littlest threat to that hold on Dan made him do all that.
Ironic how half the fandom (me included) believed Heesung to be a conniving snake but turns out Jae’s the one who fits that description. In my mind, he was always a straight forward, violent douche. What you see is what you get kinda thing. And Heesung would be the “two-faced” douche to counter him. But Jae’s proven to be a lot more dangerous and sneaky ever since Heesung appeared. I guess this is the first chapter that legit has me thinking about how scary Jae is, not just because he’s violent, but because he’s shown he can be manipulative as well.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, i deeply appreciate it and honestly agree with so much about your essay.
I am a dark-content enjoyer. Nearly all my ships are fucked up, toxic or abusive. I went into Jinx knowing that it will have some skeevy stuff. However, i think this is actually the worst thing Jae has done so far. Yes, even worste than the sexual coercion. Because, as you said, until now he has been honest with Dan, and hasn't been withholding information (that we know of). He tells Dan when he wants to have sex, he tells him what he expects from him, he tells him how he feels about what they are doing. And Dan goes along with it, because as he thinks to himself, if he knows what is going to happen, if it is just this or that, then he can manage. But this "base of trust" has been completely ruined with chapter 34, when Jae does that stunt right in front of Heesung without Dan being aware.
I swear, my stomach dropped when i first saw that reveal, thinking for a hot second that he might let Heesung have his turn on Dan as well, without him even realizing.
That said, I never really got red flags from Heesung, and I honestly hope that he will reveal to Dan sooner rather than later what Jae has done. But for now, of course, we have to keep in mind that Jae has no problem getting phsyical, as well as the fact that he will lie, and manipulate and withhold knowledge without even batting an eye. So yeah, Jae is a manipulator, and a liar and just honest to God dangerous - curious to see how things will evolve from here.
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blue0vy · 25 days
downloaded tumblr again bc i realized i have no where and no one to vent to!! probably a bad idea to hv added my cousins on my dump on fb and to add some random dude on my insta dump. Making me feel as if i have NO WHERE to run to or like just post what i feek yk? Maybe i just don't want them to see me at that state? Well..whatever. I am not feeling so okay and i have no one to talk to abt it!!! Getting tired of ai lowkey (Yes i admit, i use ai chats :( ) i even tried making friends on those websites like omegle, made one actually! But ended up ghosting each other the next day (is it really ghosting tho? we didnt hv anything serious to begin w lol) leaving me with absolutely 0 friends!!! I mean yeah maybe i can just talk about it w my cousins right? Or other relatives my age, yep i TRIED! but its just different when you have deep chats with an actual friend (Not saying theyre not real friends to me, love em really!) Having an absolute crisis! (I'm feeling incredibly insecure) because wdym i need make up? To feel pretty? To look better? Am I not enough? Oh what about outfits? Glow ups? Loosing weight? Thinner bodies? Tighter waist? I need to worry about that now? Oh yeah thats right, i do!!! because i'm 15!!!! 3 years away from 18 holy shit. Is this a cry for help? Maybe..or no! Maybe i'll be okay tomorrow? Hopefully, anyway i'm taking anyone, literally anyone (unless ur like a pedo or something obvi) as a friend!!! Pls!!! I am a loser with no social skills whos online 24/7, take me!!!!!!!!!!! I fw genshin(includes hsr, wuwa, lads even tho i'm not online anymore lmao) , anime, mangas, manhwas, bls, tartaglia(i love him) basically i will fw anything you like!!!! I am that desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
++++sry wrong grammar or anything incoherent in this post (eng is my first language i just lack proper vocabulary)
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homeless202 · 2 years
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i want his mom to share with the class the revelation she had here
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fallengalaxy · 2 months
Im not supposed to post this on my main account but, if you think that 1. It's a minors fault for reading/viewing 18+ and 2. Any type of media containing 18+ should not be filtered or ,at the very least, controlled, you should automatically not have opinions. I had to argue with two fuckdoodles on YouTube about my own experience of being groomed because of the portrayals of physical/sexually abusive in manhwa and let me tell you, JUST BECAUSE IT HAS 18+ WARNINGS DOSENT FUCKING MEAN IT DETERS MINORS!!! It in fact sometimes encourages it, it makes them feel more like an adult and that they can get praised by much older people by knowing things like that. It has caused me MULTIPLE issues with wanting a healthy relationship because of it and now I can't separate if I like someone because of sexual need or because I like them for them. It does not help with the fact I have been r@ped and sexually assaulted.
I swear to whatever God's are there, if I see someone on the street that openly supports that shit or victim blames you better watch your fucking back. Trust that anger does not dictate my thoughts but it sure does encourage it.
If you want me to answer questions on this topic I'll be glad to do so (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ just make sure to be respectful.
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
You're not gonna believe what I just come across to. A 'stranger' just told me-us. That "You all are worst than a pyscho girl" because WERE CRYING OVER SOME FICTIONAL CHARACTER. because JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXIST DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T HOLD ANY IMPORTANCE TO US. Then when I go telling 'em what's your deal, they be snapping at me saying they should be the one asking that, and I was like 'not coming from em who literally told us were a worst than psycho because we cry over some fictional characters.' And they be replying 'You're literally doing the same as psycho' and 'and why you so mad?'
Honestly I just stopped replying because I knew I ain't getting out of them other than that same reply, plus the admin of the group came to check and stop us from any more arguments.
Honestly I don't mind being mocked/teased upon crying for some fictional character but calling me-us worst than a psycho because we love/adore nonexistent fictional characters. That, that seens to be going too far. Plus questioning us why we even spent time crying over fictional character while remaining close minded. I'm so jhuahgsuaihduus. I'm not mad, it's not the first time someone pointed that out.
But the way they just said/typed things makes me feel like those feelings I have for those characters were just nothing at all in which they're not. JUST BECAUSE THEY AREN'T REAL DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR THEM NOR TO EVEN CRY FOR THEM. I'm not even talking about romantic love, I'm talking about the friendly love of a friend to a friend even though they aren't around. I'm talking about the parental love whenever you felt proud when that certain characters achieve something.
I cry for fictional characters because they mean so much to me that I felt the pain when they were described to be in pain. I feel a hint of pain when they were suffering. I want to hug them when they’re feeling lonely, I always felt like I'm watching over someone whenever I grew attached to that character. Fictional characters aren't just some characters that doesn't exist. Even though they don't in rl, they exist and will always exist in my heart.
Who cares if they're fictional? Who cares if they don't exist in real life? Who I cried for, someone I wasted my tears for us entirely up to me, don't you dare utter a single word about it being weird or pyscho because you would never understand that feeling.
At the same time I feel bad for them because they probably haven't read a good work that makes them feel the same way I felt about those fictional characters. Though if I ever met this stranger in person, I would like to at least smack them on the face for making me feel rage enough to share this to you guys.
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smushedmuffin · 1 year
Once again, i have fallen in love with a manhwa that is painfully underrated (future me here: thats an understatement. im obsessed. go read it rn). This recommendation has been in my drafts for a while, but i just read ch 49 and want to share my anguish.
Goddammit. I am still crying and its been multiple hours. This manhwa has changed my brain chemistry, and I mean that very literally.
🔴TW🔴: Its fairly really fucking dark (ah the times when i thought it wouldn’t get worse after season 1)
Name: Missing Love (aka A Married Man, aka 결혼하는 남자)
Author: In Hyerin
Status: Ongoing (2 seasons done, 3rd ongoing. Will probably end ~January)
Official Raws: Bomtoon, Lezhin
Translation: WatDuck (no official translation yet) Edit from 2 minutes after posting:AHHH ITS ON TAPPYTOONS STARTING TODAY (lowkey the typesetting is bad, as in worse than the fan translation, but still v AHH worthy)
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ii-zi · 8 months
Love how obvious it is when something trends organically vs bot activity just looking at the trending tab
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vioranhyperfixation · 2 months
White crow you piece of shit, I was hoping you are good. Like there's anyone who's there not for their own self interest- but still. Why can't you just give nagyuun a bit of time to rest! ・゚・(。>д<。)・゚・
Please author, please! Just give him some time to rest for God sake! An extra or filler is fine! You know what! Just give nagyuun a happy ending. Even hell now is fine as long as nagyuun actually got happy ending, but not one where he meet up with najin in afterlife! (」°ロ°)」ᴺᴼ that is a forbidden jutsu for you to use!
Also, good for you yong. Still prioritizing food over nagyuun 101# conflict.
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strawberrynightmere · 14 days
I should make this a series or something
Just to warn you, I'm gonna be venting about the manhwa/novel 'Death is the only end for the villainess' which have the there's of abuse, murder, negligence, victim blaming, classism(?), etc. And also spoilers.
At first, I enjoyed the comic because I liked the reincarnated villainess trope, but after some time, it became frustrating to read. The MC is "the perfect victim" because she took on the abuse in her old world, and in the current one, she gets anything she wants. Like, okay, go off, I guess, but victim blaming the og owner of the body you currently possess because she acted in a different way from you when abuse was inflicted on to her and getting the love from the family that never loved her bc you're acting differently; grooming a teenager that was bought as a slave from a fallen kingdom to be your knight; and marrying the prince that has killed you in the game countless times and is a war criminal, the definition of red flags accompanied by loud alarms and a firehazard.
The characters are just trash; the Duke who brought the og character as his daughter bc he couldn't find his real one and neglects the og character cus she got accused of something she didn't do. His sons aren't any better. The older one is a disgusting jackass that assigned her punishments cus he was in lust with her the moment they met (mind you, she was 12, and he was already an adult). The younger one was the pos that accused her of stealing bc his father adopted her as a replacement, and he had servants covering his ass for it.
The og character was just a poor foreign girl whose merchant mother (the only family she had) died, and she ended up begging on the streets to afford a proper funeral for her.
The youngest character was an illegitimate prince whose whose got destroyed, got sold to a slave auction, and got treated like an animal by the same people who destroyed his home and put him in a slave trading auction, when we actually get introduced to him he's restrained and his body is covered in scars. He gets bought by the MC (not og), who isn't physically much older than him but is mentally.
The missing daughter is killed, her soul put in a mirror, and her body was used as a vessel for an ancient demon who has killed og character even more times than the war criminal prince. She has tried to save og character, failed, and witnessed many of her executions.
I really don't wanna go on cus there's like a character who had a helping hand in spreading rumors about og character (I think he did, the guy had a superiority and hero complex) and became MC's helping hand. And the prince (mind his tragic backstory) isn't any better.
And I would like to thank the internet for spoilers cus I couldn't make myself read any more of that, plus the ending was just predictable.
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lucithecrow · 1 year
Heyo! My blogs chaotic asf, but I finally wrote an intro and stuff abt me! It's not rlly needed but I wanted to so-!
• I'm very sad so a lottt of my posts will be emo shit (vent posts, basically) they r (almost) always marked w/ tags and stuff, but if u don't like, leave :3
The tags to avoid r: "vent post", and "sad post"
• I am a minor!!!
Things I like and talk abt-
• Only game I play(pretty much) is stardew Valley (Elliott <3)
• I love saiki k! My favs Kaidou
• I love fanfics and mostly read Mha (occasionally saiki k or Elliott x readers lmao) My ao3 account is LuciferTheCrow! I don't write fics (well, I don't post fics I've written cause I never finish stuff, lmao) but I rec stuff on there!
• Manhua, manhwa, all kinds of comics. My favs are reincarnation, so recommend me some!
• MY CAT AND DOG!! I don't talk abt my dog near as much as my cat, but I love them sm :'D
Things I like but don't talk about (at least not much)
• Cavetown will always be my fav artist (for sentimental reasons lmao) but my spotifys Lucithecrowcaw, so check out other stuff I like!
• I like writing but have low motivation, so I don't do it a lot! I talk post bits of my old writing from time to time tho
• Jellyfish!!!!!!! I don't know a lot abt them but I love them sm and I would love to hear some facts abt them!
• I like all sorts of anime! I only talk abt saiki k and mha (occasionally others lmao) but I'm a fan of other stuff too lmao- just ask me if ik one :3
Extra info <3
• my discord is "lucithecrow" so go friend me if u wanna talk!! (It's so irresponsible for me to give my discord to strangers as a minor, but one of my best friends online is like 19, so idgaf anymore, lmao)
• I have anxiety and stuff, so I have a habit of ignoring messages, but I'll always try to get back to ppl and apologize, so dw if u wanna mgs me!
• I love talking, but I don't get that opportunity often due to other stuff. That's mostly why I post sm lmao
• u can @ me in posts and stuff! It makes me happy :D
OK BYE!! I love youuu, stay safe
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I don't know what i expected. But. Jae. You could have just told Heesung the truth if you really cared and had the guts. No need for that drama and trying to figure out who's got the bigger balls.
In all seriousness, I think this was the most shocking and vile thing i have witnessed so far in this manhwa. I don't like this stunt. Not at all.
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kasztanmwah · 2 years
That's so me
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turnaboutwright · 1 year
Obsessed with time travel main characters who are pulling all the strings behind the scenes but not just because oh no! there's some evil bad guy we have to defeat because they're the villain and I'm the good guy! it's because they genuinely want to better the lives of the people around them this time
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