#mangrove bushes
sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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The Finest Flower of the Mangroves
A young royal Bengal tigress in mangrove bushes.There are perhaps only 200 of these animals in the Sundarbans mangrove forest. According to the last survey, conducted in 2018, there were 114 tigers in the Bangladesh portion of the Sundarbans. The West Bengal forest department’s tiger estimation exercise for 2020-21 put the number of big cats in the region at 96. These Bengals are the only tigers adapted to live in a mangrove habitat.
Photograph: Soham Bhattacharyya
Mangrove Photography Awards 2023
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taksony-fr · 2 years
With those climate maps of Sornieth going around, it got me thinking. I could take pics whenever I’m back around in Florida and make little realistic bio banners and such for the Nature Flight bc FL is essentially Nature territory climate-wise.
Like, think about it. FL is totally Nature. Tropical Climate, Marshes, Mangroves, FLOWERS (it’s in the Name), and literally all the on-site images for Nature remind me of there. But yeah, next time I’m down there, I’m totally taking pictures to edit for this reason.
#taks speaks#i was already thinking about it for oasis' bio bc she reminds me of the beach my granddad used to live on#but the family no longer owns that house so i missed my chance there#i mean i could go but its super out of the way now#BUT my mom still lives in the neighborhood that has a secret spring with a lovely creek and some mangroves#problem is about that one is its private property and it was fine for me to do as a kid bc no legal punishment if caught#but im an adult now and that'd be sketchy if i got caught#now there used to be this massive patch of wildflowers near there too#but sadly a house got built there a few years back and im mad the neighborhood no longer has a huge patch of wildflowers#the town is booming and i hope the creek is still there tbh#i hope the planners dont end up making the town look like modern cities bc it was PRETTY  Before and all they're doing is ruining it#either way i still have the marsh. you can't build on marsh#sadly its currently 300mi away bc i would totally go out there and end up knee deep in mud for the hell of it#now i wonder if the gladeveins canonically have wild orange trees everywhere#and the plums. omg the plums.#*i'm not just wanting what i used to do as a kid which was wander and eat fruit*#there were also beautyberries which tasted like little bubbles filled with powdered sugar#also pretty little purple berry bushes and hopefully i can find some bc they really are beauty bushes#i just have to get my defense from mosquitoes and pineapple plants#which are spiky. very spiky.#and yeah pineapples grow wild there too#i've been cut by them enough times to know
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birdstudies · 1 month
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July 28, 2024 - Southern Boubou (Laniarius ferrugineus) Found in parts of southeastern Africa, these bushshrikes live in thickets and tangles in woodlands, mangroves, shrublands, wetlands, and cultivated areas. They eat invertebrates, including insects and snails, and small vertebrates, including birds, mice, and geckos, as well as eggs, grain, and fruit, foraging alone or in pairs. Pairs build loose bowl-shaped nests from twigs, roots, grasses, and sometimes spiderwebs in bushes or other dense vegetation. Females lay clutches of two or three eggs. Both parents incubate the eggs and feed the chicks.
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
Hiii, I'm mad late to this, don't hate me. 🤣
I'd love to request angst #10 “i trusted you.” with Ao'nung.
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another drabble woo!! i am working thru these my god. kinda struggling coz my new meds are kicking my ass LMAO but here is an angsty ao'nung drabble for the man, the myth the legend sia!!!!
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Your gut told you no when you started to think of Ao’nung differently. But your heart cried out for him. His cocky smirks and boisterous laughs. For some reason captured your heart, mind, and soul.
But it was when he changed, when he started to be nicer around you. Sharing small moments together as you walked down the dimly lit shore, hands intertwined as he caressed your thumb.
Your brothers warned you of him and his cruel nature, but you took a chance. Like an idiot you took a chance.
Ao’nung had a spot where his friends would hang out as the dark of the eclipse took over the sky. A bonfire lit in the middle of their circle, flickering orange light dimming on their faces.
You wanted to go to talk to him, ask if he wanted to go for a late night swim. Now you wished that you just stayed home and didn’t bother asking for his company.
A large barrier of mangroves and bushes hid the entrance of the secret spot. Your hand held onto the large greenery about to push it out of the way before your entire body froze.
“so Ao’nung is it true that your courting that forest girl, Y/N?” The tone was snarky, a heated question leading to a decimation of trust.
Your blood ran cold as you heard your name roll of a tongue in such a cold way. Hand letting go of the greenery as your body stiffened. Oh how you wish you left, so you could live in an ignorant bliss.
“The forest freak? Why would I court her, she is nothing to this clan, nothing to me.” Ao’nung scoffed at his friend’s question, as if it was completely ridiculous to ever consider being his mate. What was the purpose of his actions? Why did he spend so much time to change just to act as if you were nothing to him.
Your body was now hot. Furious and devasted at what you had just heard. Heart falling out of your chest as it left an empty cavity of hurt within you. How could he do this to you. You trusted him.
Tears welled up in your eyes, streaming down your cheeks. There was no use holding them back as you sobbed down the shore. Your entire body ached, betrayal raking through your bones. You couldn’t go back to your marui like this.
So you sat, you sat on the wet sand, knees curled up to your chest as you stared into the dark sea. Had he thought nothing of your heart? Nothing of your feelings.
Time passed as you sat in your despair, the dim light of the approaching night transitioning to the darkness, only the bioluminescence of the sky and your body lighting up the world around you.
The padding of feet against the sand woke you out of you dissociation. Turning towards the sound it was the last person you wanted to see. Ao’nung. How could you face him, you couldn’t let him lie his way into your heart any longer.
He spotted you curled into yourself on the beach, concern growing his chest. But the closer he got the more he felt that something was incredibly wrong, so incredibly wrong.
“Flower…why are you out here so late? It is dark. Let me walk you home.” His hand laid on your shoulder anxiously.
Your muscles tensed under his touch, shaking his hand off your body as your eyes bored into his soul. Revealing your sadness to him. “What has happened?”
“You.” Ao’nung only furrowed his brows, confused at your answer. “You happened.”
“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”
“Why would I court her, she is nothing to this clan, nothing to me.” Your voice cracked as you said it, tears returning as the sting of his words resonated within you.
His face dropped. He had been caught, he was riddled with guilt, mouth growing dry as he tried to form words. “No- Baby I didn’t mean that.”
“Do you know how much I have risked letting myself love you? I trusted you with my heart, my body, my soul. I trusted you to not hurt me. How stupid was I for letting myself do that?” You sobbed between your words, an accusing finger pointed right at his chest.
“You’re not stupid.” You scoffed, a heartless laugh escaping your chest.
“No tell me how stupid I am for loving you. How stupid I am for thinking you would want to be with a forest freak like me. I should’ve listened to my brothers, you are not worthy of the love I have given you.” His face was permanently stuck in a frown, shaking his head as he tried to think of something to say.
“I am sorry flower I didn’t mean it. You know I didn’t.” He grabbed onto your small hand in his, his fin like arms contrasting to your skinnier ones. Another reason he would never love you.
“Stop lying to yourself. You know you did.” And with that you shook his weak grip off you. Striding towards your family marui as his touch still lingered on your palms and his words lingered on your heart. It was childish to ever think he would not taint your heart.  
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thankyou sm for reading!!
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clovercrafted · 1 year
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🌷test build and tree practice
Messing around on a friends test superflat, decided to go back to my roots and make a cute little cottage styled build. This’d make a very cute starter base! I'm especially excited about the trees!
Also sorry if you're not on the tag list! Tumblr is telling me that people have deleted their blogs when its probably just url changes, let me know if you'd like to be added/readded!
Tag list ☘️: @gronglegrowth @absintheaftershock @adairctedgibbgirl @theronlovingcare @thefoxesraven @yourfriendphoenix @entomolodee @grymmdark @polnareffsbrows @sluttysoulcowboy @sculkgrowths @berieecraft @asynchronouscommunication
blocks used below
roof - bricks, granite, polished granite (stairs and slabs), dark oak fence, dark oak gates, terracotta (for the little inner bit), dark oak stairs, dark oak trapdoors
walls - sand, sandstone, smooth sandstone (base), stripped spruce, dark oak stairs (frame), dark oak trapdoors
decoration - glow lichen, glow berries, hanging roots, peonys, roses, tulips (white, pink, orange, red), barrels, plantpots, dead bushes, moss, spruce trapdoors, flowering azalea leaves, composter, lantern, dark oak fence, dark oak gate, dark oak slab, dark oak trapdoor, white stained glass (windows)
path - cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, moss carpet, azalea leaves, blooming azalea leaves, grass, tulips (pink, red)
trees - mangrove logs, azalea leaves, mangrove leaves, moss, moss carpet, green banner, glow lichen
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fraterribilis · 4 months
The taxonomy of Sly Cooper: Part 1
In which I will be using my higher than average knowledge of zoology to attempt to accurately identify the specific animal species of various characters in the Sly Cooper franchise, sharing some interesting facts about them along the way.
I'll start with the four most prominent characters; Sly, Bentley, Murray and Carmelita. If people are interested I'll be making similar posts for the other characters.
WARNING: I will be unleashing my inner Animal Kid™ in this post. Verbose language and casual dropping of scientific names abound
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Starting off with Sly himself, I like to believe that he is a crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus). This quirky little carnivoran is found throughout South America and parts of Central America. Despite its name, it has a varied diet including crustaceans, fish, small turtles (watch out Bentley), fruits and nuts.
As opposed to the common raccoon (Procyon lotor), which can be a bit of a chubby little furball, the crab-eating raccoon has shorter and sleeker fur, and its slender proportions makes it an even better climber than its northern cousin. All of this makes it a perfect fit for Sly in my opinion. Also, its jaws are more defined and powerful than those of common raccoons, which i think is very appropriate for Sly's dashingly chiseled jawline.
Bentley was a little bit tricky to identify, as he seems to be a rather generic looking turtle. However, a closer inspection of his shell reveals his kinship.
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This rather flat, ring-marked shell has led me to conclude that he must be a diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin).
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Like Bentley, diamondback terrapins are very resourceful animals, being able to survive in both fresh and saltwater habitats, where they priamrily feed on insects, fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They can be found in brackish marshes and mangrove forests thoughout the east coast of North America. The beautiful diamond-like markings on their shells are unique for every individual. Some people believe that the markings indicate the turtles age, like growth rings on a tree.
I have seen others identify Bentley as a box turtle, which I don't get at all. Box turtles are distinquished by their bulky BOX-shaped shells. The diamondback on the other hand has a flatter, more streamlined shell, which makes it very mobile in the water. Though, I guess this makes it all the more ironic that none of the core members of the Cooper gang know how to swim, despite all of them being based on semi-aquatic animals, but I digress.
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Speaking of semi-aquatic, I firmly believe that Murray is a pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis). Not just because I have an affinity for these animals, but I can back this up by examining Murray's design and characterization.
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Murray has a very stocky and robust body (friend-shaped), with a relatively short compact snout, not unlike the pygmy hippo. This is in stark contrast to the common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) which has a very large ungainly (and less "cute"-looking) head in proportion to its body.
I think the main reason that Murray's design in the unfinished Sly-movie was so unappealing, is that they based his proportions too much on those of a "realistic" common hippo.
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Anyways, pygmy hippos can be found in scattered populations across forests along the west coast of Africa, where they feed on broad-leafed plants and fallen fruits. They are extremely rare and endangered due to habitat loss and the bush-meat trade.
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Unlike the infamously aggressive common hippo, the pygmy hippo is a rather docile and shy animal, whose first instinct when threatened will typically be to run away and hide (not unlike Murray in the first game) though it can defend itself with its powerful jaws. True to its name, the pygmy hippo is less than a quarter of the size of its larger relative, with the biggest specimens weighing in at about 600 pounds (which is lighter than some domestic pigs).
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Moving on to Carmelita, there's no getting around the fact that she is supposed to be a red fox (Vulpes Vulpes), what with her strikingly orange fur colour and long bushy tail. The red fox needs no introduction, being one of the most succesful and abundant carnivorans on earth (besides domestic dogs and cats), with a range covering basically the entire northern hemisphere (aside from the Arctic), along with a worryingly invasive population in Australia.
Even though Carmelita is often characterized as a spicy latina, (being inspired by latina actresses such as Selma Hayek and Jessica Alba) Latin America is one of the few places on earth not inhabited by red foxes. These areas of course have their own native fox species. I considered the possibility that she could qualify for being a gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), a kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), or even a culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus), but the thing that really cements her as being a red fox is her jumping ability.
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Red foxes are able to jump up to 2 meters into the air, which is four times their shoulder height of about 50 cm. This would be the equivalent of a 6-foot person jumping 24 feet in the air, which feels appropriate given some of the insane feats of athleticism we've seen Carmelita pull off throughout the series.
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What in your opinion are some of the prettiest snakes?
Ough there are so many.
Rainbow boas are a given!
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Sunbeam snakes!
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I think cottonmouths are gorgeous!
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Speckled rattlesnakes!
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Cave-dwelling beauty ratsnakes!
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Mangrove snakes!
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Variable bush vipers, obviously!
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Red-bellied black snakes, my absolute beloveds!
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And literally every snake in the Vipera genus is stunning, but I'm a sucker for Caucasus vipers!
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handweavers · 6 months
Do you have a favorite kind of plant? A favorite tree?
chinese hibiscus are my favourite flowers, next to star jasmine and tiger lilies. all grow in my grandparents' yard in malaysia ❤️
in a wider scope, i study dye plants and trees and thus the plants i can identify and feel most connected to are dye precursors, especially those used traditionally across southeast asia. when i think of my favourite trees i think of all these tropical hardwoods and plants. so here is a non-exhaustive list of southeast asian dye plants:
🌻 sappanwood (biancaea sappan) also called brazilwood not to be confused with another, different tree also called brazilwood; it was taken from southeast asia by the portuguese and brought with them to the americas - red, pink, purple
🌻 indigo (called tagom or tagum in various filipino languages, tarum in malay) - blue, blue, blue, there are several species but japanese indigo as well as a few other varieties are commonly grown
🌻 annatto seed (this is the most common of filipino dyes from what i've read) - yellow, orange, red 
narra woodchips (national tree of the philippines) - brown, red, pink, pinkish brown 
asthma plant (tawa-tawa) - yellow
indian almond tree (talisay) - the roots, leaves, bark, all rich with tannins, yellow dye naturally but can give greys and blacks
mahogany (mahoni in malay) - reddish brown
taro plant (called gabi, aba, abalong) - leaves give yellowish green
🌻 turmeric root (kunyit in malay) - yellow. not very lightfast so usually combined with other dyes
🌻 ceriops tagal (mangrove - soga tinggi in indonesian) - reddish rusty warm brown, a vital and very rare dye now due to deforestation. the dyers in bali i know who use it source it from a fair trade org in papua that harvests small, controlled amounts. i have been very lucky to use this and the colour is magnificent
yellow flamboyant bark or yellow flame (soga jambal in indonesian, peltophorum pterocarpum) - warm yellow to red to dark brown, using peeled bark
cudrania javanensis (tegeran in indonesian) wood - yellow
🌻 cockspur thorn (maclura cochinchinensis) - yellow, very strong high quality yellow
mango - leaves, bark, peels give yellow, especially when processed as lake pigment
angsana - wood shavings make honey brown
🌻 jackfruit heartwood - clear strong yellow
🌻 symplocos - natural bio-accumulator of aluminum, used as a mordant in dyeing
🌻 fire flame bush (woodfordia fruticosa) - flowers contain strong tannins, combined with mangrove mud and fermented to raise the iron in the mixture to create a dye that is the primary traditional way of achieving grey through black
pandan leaves, mangosteen leaves and peels, cassava leaves, and lemongrass are all also used as dye plants. i have seen recipes where cassava leaves and mango leaves are pounded together in water and left to ferment in the sun to create yellows and greens
🌻 = i have personally dyed with these
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imaloregremlin · 17 days
I Found A Shrub, What Now?
(Chapter 1)
by imaloregremlin
so remember the fanfic I said I’d post here?
Shelby tromped through the Evermoor, rubber boots squelching in the muddy soil. The Fog swirled around her, covering the witch in a misty veil.
She normally just patrolled the borders of the swamp, searching for lost travelers who'd stumbled in by mistake. She never expected to find the gnome.
Cowering in the shadow of a mangrove, lay a small, bruised body, shivering in the damp mist. The shivering was the only way Shelby could tell the thing was alive. The body was surrounded by wolves, most of whom were curled up protectively around it. Small pointy ears assured that yes, this...creature...was, in fact, a gnome. The kind that had thought to have been wiped out over a thousand years ago. The kind that were the original inhabitants of the withered mushroom village Shelby had found weeks ago. (Before the rift, and the wanted posters, and the skulk.) The kind that left the note for that "Shrub" person. Or possibly a sentient bush. She really wasn't sure.
In times of doubt, Shelby did what she usually did. Twirling her wand in the air semi-dramatically, she cast one of the only spells she had mastered in her time at the Academy. Messaging. A glittering swath of magical paper appeared in front of her, along with a spectral quill.
kathrine get over here now it’s urgent i found something
The words appeared on the parchment, which rolled up and zoomed off to find her monster-hunting girlfriend.
Shelby glanced down at the crumpled figure who still hadn't woken up.
They seemed to twitch and stir a bit at her presence. Their face, mostly covered by a blue and silver mask, bore many cuts and bruises-really the gnome looked like she'd been through a war. (Were the gnomes fighting a war? Would the Academy want to hear about this? She didn't know if she should even tell them--they were under new management now, but Shelby wasn't completely certain she could trust them yet.)
Well, Shelby certainly couldn't leave the poor thing here.
Squinting, she assessed the figure's condition-were they fit to travel?
Without a broomstick or elytra, it was a half-day's walk from here to the nearest empire with suitable medical care and Shelby doubted the body could use one in its current state. (Shelby's makeshift hut and potion shop didn't count-she wasn't sure about gnome physiology and what effects a healing potion would have on their body, especially if she was the one to make it.)
"So, Tortoise, what should we do?"
The toad, regrettably, (and also predictably,) had no response.
She really had to work on some spell that would allow him to talk to her.
Shelly picked up the body and wrapped it in an extra sweater from her pack. The wolves surrounding it growled and whimpered.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, I'm just trying to help your friend...isn't that what we all want?"
The pack snarled and yipped a bit more, but backed off eventually.
Shelby started walking, adjusting the gnome in her arms every so often.
The wolves followed protectively around them.
Shelby glanced at the darkening sky, and quickened her pace. It was going to be night soon-she didn't want to stick around to tempt whatever else the Evermore might hide. The place was definitely haunted. Fireflies darted out from their hollows in the trees, swirling and mingled with the fog like will-o-the-wisps. A mysterious shushing noise sounded in the distance.
Shelby didn't want to stick around to find out what it was.
Even though it sounded hauntingly like footsteps.
Okay, time to go home.
When Shelly reached her cottage in the swamp, it was late. Stars had started to appear in the night sky, one of the first clear nights Shelby had seen from the Evermoore.
Kathrine stood in front of her door, one hand on her axe, fidgeting with the smooth ebony handle.
"What happened, Shubble? Are you okay? -who in the empires is that?"
"I dunno, I just kinda found her to be honest."
Shelby set the girl(?) down on the driest patch of earth she could find, and told Kathrine what had happened.
"I think she's a gnome."
"A… what..?"
“Think back to history. The dead ones? The ones wiped out by corruption a thousand years ago?"
"Well, apparently not completely."
"Obviously. She's right there."
I know."
"What the fuck do we do with her?"
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theladyheroine · 7 months
Types of Wizards! ✨
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❥ This was just a fun idea since I’ve been reading lots of fantasy headcanons, I wanted to try! Plus I don’t see too many for magic-y stuff out there so this gave me a good idea!
❥ Also! Most of these are female centered but some of this can be for boys too! I just prefer the term wizard because it sounds cooler lol. But thank you! Enjoy!
Storybook Wizards 🤎
Usually has an owl or sparrows as a companion.
Quills are made from barn owl feathers.
Wands are made from cinnamomum trees, elm trees, or hazel trees.
Likes to feed the crickets that sing on the bookshelves. Some think it’s gross but they’re very nice!
Uses golden wax seals for nearly everything.
Collects old trinkets they find or receive from friends. They don’t work anymore or are just old, but has tried fixing them up.
Loves both books & scrolls, but thinks books are easier to hold onto. That one friend who decides to read one more chapter, but ends up reading all night.
Loves to wish on stars or dandelions but is too embarrassed to tell anyone.
Seems like a bit of a hermit, but is actually really friendly! Loves to interact with people & exchange different interests, quite talkative at times.
Either works at an archive or some kind of library, has a special little key that works only for them.
Weather Wizards 🌩️
Usually has a bird of prey as a companion, but don’t worry they’re friendly 😅🙏
Quills are made from crow feathers.
Wands are made from maple trees, pine trees, or baobab trees.
The ultimate bird parent!! Birds love them & they’re always putting out bird seed feeders or scraps of veggies.
Lives alone in a tall tower in the middle of the woods. Only goes to town when necessary & will turn into a grumpy pants if you knock on their door.
Sometimes storm clouds or rain will swirl around their house, usually due to spell testing or potions.
The weather is actually pretty nice when they’re around! Cool breezes, clear skies, warm sunny days; tries to deny it’s their work until the sunshine gets brighter.
Collects clean water in mason jars or glass bottles when it rains.
Likes to climb rooftops & chart the stars.
Can always sense when a storm is approaching, doesn’t matter what kind they’re spot on. Likely their job is to keep them at bay as a guardian or lookout.
Love Wizards 💝
Usually has a dove or a type of songbird as a companion.
Quills are made from white swan feathers.
Wands are made from cherry trees, camellia trees, or jasmine shrubs.
Has an easier time communicating with fauna.
Ladybugs are automatically attracted to them & will usually bring good luck to them throughout the day.
Stores their potions in old perfume bottles but will make perfume as a small side job. Has to label everything though.
Has a small rose bush growing outside of their window; likes to talk to it & believes plants have feelings.
Super affectionate! Either the mom friend or the cutsey clingy child friend.
Never forgets Valentine’s Day!! (I’m sorry I know it was last week!) Goes over the top every year & everyone either gets a bouquet or a little goodie bag. The size of the gift depends on who you are sometimes.
Business is a postal service for relationship problems but gets a lot of love letters to proofread. A bit embarrassed receiving one addressed to them.
Swamp Wizards 🐸
Usually has a crane or even a heron as a companion. But sometimes that makes it hard to get in them the house...
Quills are made from duck feathers.
Wands are made of mangrove trees, dogwood trees, or lilypad stems.
Defined as the oddballs of wizardry. They are known to travel a lot but usually live alone.
Uses an old timey ferry boat to get around, but has to use magic to get the paddle wheel moving. It’ll creak & stop like an old engine.
Probably the most experienced in floral/nature magic & their house is like an absolute jungle. Will even let moss grow out because “it wants to be there.”
Has tried more than once to kiss a frog & see if it’ll turn into their true love, but carries medicine around just in case.
Really loves milkweed flowers & will set up cute bundles in their home to make it smell good.
The best cook in the world but mostly uses magic to help.
Probably the friendliest person you’ll meet! Will tell all sorts of stories about their travels, the different kinds of people they’ve met, where to find the best berry bushes, how to care for tadpoles— It might be awhile before you can introduce yourself…
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proton-wobbler · 2 months
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Mangrove Vireo (Luis Guillermo)
[Image ID: a dull songbird, perched in a bush. its eye is gray-brown. its body is brown-gray, with a slightly white throat and white belly. it has a yellow eyebrow. its bill is dark gray and its feet are blue. end ID]
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curoopeez · 1 year
Here's a poll to celebrate the release of 1.20
Bamboo: though it doesn't produce logs, it's the fastest growing plant of the game and can be farmed without player interaction, also is a crafting ingredient to scaffolding
Cherry: it's pink, like barbie
Azaelea: comes both in tree and bush form, providing more variety to the scenery. Also flowering azaelea leaves can be a pollen source to bees
Spruce: can be planted in 4x4 square to provide huge amount of logs per tree (though that would turn nearby terrain into podzol)
Mangrove: one of the most interesting shapes in naturally generated trees, it's leaves can be bonemealed for propagules (so you don't have to wait for a sapling to fall for you to replant it), generates moss carpets and vines
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birdstudies · 8 months
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January 17, 2024 - Lesser Antillean Saltator (Saltator albicollis) Found on the islands of Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St Lucia, and sometimes Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Lesser Antilles, these birds in the tanager family live in mangroves, forests, and scrubby habitats. Usually foraging in pairs, they eat fruits, buds, flowers, and other plant foods, as well as some insects. They build deep cup-shaped nests from twigs and leaves in bushes or trees where females lay clutches of two or three eggs. Both parents feed the chicks.
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Joseph Quinn ~ List of Works and Where to Watch
This was all originally posted by @hawkins-high but I can’t seem to find the post anywhere now so I’m reposting it for everyone else’s benifit. I probably won’t be keeping this updated but if anyone else wants to, please do.
Oops I lied I already have something to add to the list lol.
...and a couple more.
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 Stranger Things - Netflix
Strike: Lethal White - US: DirecTV, UK: Sky, Other: Primewire
Catherine the Great - US: HBO Max, UK: Sky Go, Australia: Binge, Other: Primewire
Les Miserables - US: PBS, UK: Virgin TV, Other: Primewire
Howard’s End - US: Prime Video, UK: Starz, Other: Primewire
Timewasters - US: Prime Video, UK: Prime Video, Other: Primewire
Dickensian - US: Britbox, Other: Primewire
Postcode - YouTube
Small Axe: Mangrove - Australia: ABC iView, Other: Primewire
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 Make Up - Primewire
Overlord - Prime Video, Primewire
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Short films
 Kin - Vimeo
The Hoist - Vimeo
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 Mosquitoes - National Theatre at Home
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Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster
The Movie Podcast
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Netflix Content
 Watch ‘Stranger Things’ Star Joe Quinn Jam with Metallica at Lollapalooza
Jamie Campbell Bower e Joseph Quinn reagem às teorias (malucas) dos fãs | Netflix Brasil
Tweets br alugam um triplex na cabeça de Jamie Campbell Bower e Joseph Quinn | Netflix Brasil
El cast de STRANGER THINGS juega a las IMITACIONES | Netflix España
Joseph Quinn Breaks Down Eddie’s Journey in Stranger Things 4 | Netflix
Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2: Unlocked | FULL SPOILERS Official After Show | Netflix Geeked
Netflix Geeked Podcast
A Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: The Hellfire Club | Netflix Geeked Week
Stranger Things 4 Vol. 1: Unlocked | FULL SPOILERS Official After Show | Netflix Geeked Week
Three’s ‘Strange’ Company: Inside ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4’s Budding Bromance
Joe Keery, Gaten Matarazzo, and Joseph Quinn Answer To a Nosy Cookie Jar
Joseph Quinn | Stranger Things 4 | World Premiere | Netflix
Joe Quinn on his ‘badass’ Metallica Solo in the ‘Stranger Things’ Finale
Joe Quinn on ‘Stranger Things’ Fan Favorite Eddie Munson’s Heroic Journey
Stranger Things’ Joe Quinn Plays Dungeons & Dragons for the First Time
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With Jamie
Vivo Fibra e @EsseMenino mostram a INTERNET.COM.BR para Jamie Campbell Bower e Joseph Quinn
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Jamie Campbell Bower e Joseph Quinn falam de personagens em Stranger Things
Stranger Things Brasil entrevista Jamie Campbell Bower e Joseph Quinn
Stranger Things’ Joseph Quinn and Jamie Campbell Bower On 80s Fashion & Fads | In or Out | Esquire
“Stranger Things”: entrevista com Jamie Campbell Bower e Joseph Quinn
Hugo Gloss entrevista Jamie Campbell Bower e Joseph Quinn, de Stranger Things
Vigor interview Joseph Quinn & Jamie Campbell Bower
With the cast
Joe Keery, Natalia Dyer, Maya Hawke & Joseph Quinn STRANGER THINGS Interview
'Stranger Things’ Fan Theories with Joe Keery, Natalia Dyer, Maya Hawke & Joseph Quinn | Vanity Fair
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Stranger Things Cast vs. 'The Most Impossible Stranger Things Quiz’ | PopBuzz Meets
Stranger Things Brasil entrevista Joe Keery, Maya Hawke, Natalia Dyer e Joseph Quinn
Joseph Quinn at the Stranger Things Experience
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The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
Joseph Quinn talks BTS of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4
Talking about Gaten - Cinemablend’s TikTok
Q&A at London Film and Comic Con
Joseph Quinn REVEALS His Stranger Things Highlight (Exclusive)
Joseph Quinn on the Heroic Moments from 'Stranger Things 4’ Volume 2 | MTV News
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'Stranger Things’ Star Joseph Quinn’s Favorite Thing About Playing Eddie
JOSEPH QUINN STRANGER THINGS 4 (SPOILER!) INTERVIEW: reaction to Volume 2 & biggest lesson learned
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Stranger Things | Joseph Quinn on Eddie’s Arc, Dustin Friendship and…Chrissy Love Connection??
STRANGER THINGS Interview with Joseph Quinn - Finding Eddie Munson, Stranger Things 4, and Vengaboys
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Joseph Quinn Would Love to Play Robert Downey Jr. in a Biopic - Stranger Things 4 Interview
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Interview with 1883 Magazine
Joseph Quinn Talks Similarities to Eddie Munson on Stranger Things
Joseph Quinn did a shot of tequila and cried his eyes out after Stranger Things 4 shoot
‘Stranger Things’ Star Joseph Quinn Discusses That Heartbreaking Scene and Actually Shredding Some Metallica for Those Hell Bats
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Stranger Things’ Joseph Quinn talks Eddie’s season 4 journey: “I’m delighted”
How Joseph Quinn Became The (Dungeon) Master Of 'Stranger Things’
'Stranger Things’ Star Joseph Quinn On Eddie Munson’s 'Guitar God’ Scene & His Grand Finale 
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Joseph Quinn is Ready For His Encore
Joseph Quinn Profile For Contents
Joseph Quinn of Stranger Things: ‘My wig is objectively ridiculous’
Joseph Quinn Knows His Stranger Things Wig Was the Real Star of the Season
SPOTLIGHT: Mr Joseph Quinn
Glass meets Joseph Quinn, the British actor on the rise
Joseph Quinn on Catherine the Great, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and more
Stars of Tomorrow 2018: Joseph Quinn (actor)
Joseph Quinn for Nuit Magazine
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turkeypaw · 3 months
clans of shore valley: chapter one
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Sharpthunder took his time to groom himself and calm his racing heart before ducking out of the warriors’ den and peering around camp. It was halfway to Sunhigh by then, and the Clan was already hard at work before the heat of the Greenleaf day kicked in.
The WillowClan camp was situated on the opposite side of the beach from Highcliffs, sitting instead in the shadows of the smaller and less-threatening sister cliff formation, Tallcliffs. The camp was bordered on the land-facing side by mangrove trees, and on the ocean-facing side by large, sun-warmed stones that sat just past the line where the water reached at high tide.
At first glance, the sandy clearing appeared abuzz with activity.
Sharpthunder watched as the Clan’s one apprentice, Twigpaw, slipped out from underneath the thick bush that sheltered the apprentices’ den. She held old moss in her jaws, and she made quick work of trotting out of the root tunnel leading out of camp to dispose of it. After her, the dawn patrol slipped back into camp. The leader of the patrol, Dawnlight, immediately split off from Ravenbloom and Goldenlion, and padded over to where depute Midgedance sat beneath Mossstar’s den.
Mossstar’s den, hollowed out in the roots and trunk of an old willow tree that sat atop a small sandy dune, was bordered by a ring of stacked river stones. Atop the stones, before the entrance to the den, Midgedance greeted Dawnlight. The two cats began exchanging quick, hushed words.
Sharpthunder furrowed his brow in concern, but was distracted when Ravenbloom walked up to him. Her gray tabby coat was damp from wading through the dewy grass of the moorland, and she smelled of willows and heather. She touched noses with Sharpthunder warmly and sat beside him before beginning to groom herself.
Settling down beside her, Sharpthunder pressed his dry pelt against her damp one, taking comfort in the freshness of her smell. The striped she-cat purred amusedly, and ceased her grooming to lick Sharpthunder’s ear fondly.
“You slept in,” she noted good-naturedly, before tucking her gray paws underneath her chest and settling next to him.
Sharpthunder nodded, the shock of his dream coming back to him. He shook it off and passed a quick few licks over his creamy gray chest fur to disguise his discomfort. “How was the dawn patrol?”
“Uneventful. We checked the HeatherClan border and the base of the hills. Dawnlight was restless though, he couldn’t wait to get back to camp.” Ravenbloom nodded towards where Dawnlight and Midgedance still stood, conversing quietly. As they watched, Dawnlight glanced around camp, as if afraid he was being listened to.
“Why?” Sharpthunder queried, and settled down into a crouch beside Ravenbloom. He rested his striped tail over her similarly-stiped back affectionately.
“You didn’t hear?” Ravenbloom turned her wide, sage-green eyes to him. “Oh, you wouldn’t have, I suppose. Mossstar is ill. Very ill.”
A wave of anxiety rippled through Sharpthunder. He shifted his paws, digging his claws into the soft sand. Sharpthunder remembered the silver tabby she-cat sharing tongues with Midgedance at sundown yesterday. “She looked fine last night!”
Ravenbloom nodded somberly. “She was. It came onto her overnight, apparently.”
“Is it the same thing that Beachfeather has?” Sharpthunder mewed. The beloved elder had been dispensing wisdom and stories to kits and apprentices since before Sharpthunder had been born. Recently, he had come down with a cough, which was unusual for this time of year.
“I’m no medicine cat,” Ravenbloom deflected, her head snapping to the medicine den as a long-furred, dark gray she-cat emerged from the shadows between the two leaning stones. Her belly was swollen with kits, and she held a bundle of herbs in her mouth as she walked slowly to the elders’ den and squeezed underneath the flat rock overhanging it. “Ask Rindlebramble when she’s done seeing to him.”
“You know,” Sharpthunder begun, “Beachfeather used to tell this story about these distant Clans, where medicine cats weren’t able to have kits. They were supposed to love the whole Clan like they were their kits.”
“Lucky Rindlebramble isn’t living there,” Ravenbloom purred with amusement.
The round medicine cat wiggled out from the elders’ den quickly, a stricken look on her face. She trotted over to Midgedance and Dawnlight as quickly as she could, and then bypassed them to duck into Mossstar’s den, the roots of the den entrance squeezing her on either side as she did.
“Oh no,” Ravenbloom murmured, just before Rindlebramble reappeared. She looked even more afraid.
“It’s as I feared!” Rindlebramble yowled from atop the stones bordering Mossstar’s den.
The remaining cats in camp began to gather loosely beneath her. Bugstripe slipped out of the warriors’ den and padded as close to his mate as he could get, looking up at her with concern not just for what she has to say, but for her. Rindlebramble paid him no attention, her round bronze eyes stricken with grief.
“Beachfeather has gone to StarClan,” she began, “and last night, Mossstar lost a life to the same sickness. However, instead of the illness leaving her body with the loss of the life, Mossstar remains deathly ill. I am afraid she will lose another life.”
The gathered Clan gasped and yowled in shock. The deputy, Midgedance, stared out over Rindlebramble’s shoulder, gaze foggy, like she was not even there. Ravenbloom pressed even closer to Sharpthunder, and he instinctually wrapped his tail around her protectively, even as his own mind whirled.
Is that what his dream meant about protecting his Clan and his leader with his life? How is he supposed to do that if his leader is dying from something he can’t fight?
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justavulcan · 1 year
I would like to dedicate this Flora to my neighbors here in Sigil, who tolerate my greenhouse with mostly good humor; to my editor Sleeps-Never-Twice, who has sent rescue parties after me three times now since I started writing this volume; and to my partner Wren, who has brought me all manner of stimulant in my pursuit of finishing this volume before our vacation to Mt. Celestia. I thank you all for your love and support; or, in the case of my neighbors, your tolerance and acceptance of my garnish.
What follows is a series of selections from my Guide to Planar Vegetables, for your consideration and potential use. Traveling throughout the Planes, it is clear to most that all manner of beast, spiritual being, and person might help, hinder, or assault the weary traveler; this, then, is my attempt to make readers everywhere aware of the danger the local flora can pose, or to draw the attention of the curious to the more strange and wonderful of the Planescape's plant life. I hope the following entries serve well as warnings and appetizers both, and that your own gardening adventures proceed safely and with an eye towards finding beauty everywhere- even in the Lower Planes.
Eustace Airmark
Date varies by local Calendar
I will be posting one non-animate plant and one animate plant (plant monster) every week, in pairs by plane. This will also serve as the index post for the project, and will be updated as I have new entries. As always, if you find one of my creatures tempting to use, my price is only to tell me: how did it work out? The posts will begin on September 4th. Thanks again to my players, who in moments searching bookshelves for uncommon topics, force me to make things up on the fly that prove fertile ground for my overactive imagination. Airmark's Guide to Planar Vegetables would not exist without them.
Astral: Lotus Anchorite (CR 20); Astral Mangrove
Ethereal: Tombstone Lily (CR 16); Ethereal Marigold
Feywild: Alraune (CR 11); Blue Iris Flowerfly
Shadowfell: Fugue Weed (CR 10); Detainer Cactus
Elemental Plane of Air: Urchin Bush (CR 12); Cloudfruit Tree
Elemental Plane of Earth: Wandering Garden (CR 13); Jeweler's Delight
Elemental Plane of Fire: Sparkflower Seed Swarm (CR 4); Ignan Ashpetal
Elemental Plane of Water: Kelp Dragon (CR 14); Tidemat
Elemental Plane of Ice: False Chilblain (CR 12); Chilblain Ivy
Elemental Plane of Mud: Oblivion Yam (CR 5); Sludgy Sundew
Elemental Plane of Magma: Flameforger Tree (CR 11); Caldera Cactus
Elemental Plane of Ash: Smokecatcher (CR 9); Smogwood Tree
Limbo: Rainbow Bamboo (CR 15); Peacock Shrub
Pandemonium: Pandemonian Tumbleweed (CR 9); Mindmute Moss
Abyss: Ichordeep Emissary (CR 13); Shatterstone
Carceri: Carcerian Snapdragon (CR 8); Cathryan Coward-Weed
Hades: Gray Lily of the Waste (CR 17); Eurydicean Willow
Gehenna: Gehennan Grafting Tree (CR 19); Spitebriar
Baator: Minauran Creeper Lily (CR 6); Garrison Vine
Acheron: War-Drum Tree (CR 18); Rustbloom
Mechanus: Copper Sheet-Leaf Bush (CR 3); Meter Weed
Arcadia: Arcadian Lightning Tree (CR 6); Tuning Tree
Mt. Celestia: Springbush (CR 2); Provider Oak
Bytopia: Shurrock Mercywood (CR 6); Dothion Mercywood
Elysium: Pollen Cat (CR 5); Eronian Lotus
Beastlands: Krigalan Praying Orchid (CR 13); Beastborne Fern
Arborea: Whitesand Sentinel (CR 8); Heartshare Rose
Ysgard: Wanderpine Cone (CR 1/8); Wanderpine Tree
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