#mango milk shake
rdmilk · 7 months
Mango Milk: Your Cool, Creamy Refreshment
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Mangoes, the king of fruits, are not just delicious but also incredibly versatile. From sweet desserts to savory dips, they add a vibrant touch to any dish. But what if you want to savor the taste of mango without the hassle of peeling and chopping? Enter mango milk, a refreshing and convenient drink perfect for any time of day.
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Beyond the Ordinary: The Benefits of RD UHT Mango Milk
While any mango drink can quench your thirst, RD UHT Mango Milk goes above and beyond. Made with real mango pulp and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, it offers a unique blend of deliciousness and nutrition. Here's why RD UHT Mango Milk should be your go-to choice:
UHT Technology: RD UHT Mango Milk undergoes Ultra-High Temperature processing, ensuring its purity and long shelf life without the need for preservatives. Real Mango Pulp: Made with the finest mangoes, RD UHT Mango Milk delivers a burst of fresh, tangy sweetness in every sip. Fortified with Vitamins: Enriched with Vitamins A, D, and B12, RD UHT Mango Milk helps support your overall health and well-being. No Preservatives: RD UHT Mango Milk is free from artificial preservatives, making it a healthy and natural choice for you and your family. Beyond Refreshment: Creative Ways to Enjoy RD UHT Mango Milk
Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast drink, a post-workout pick-me-up, or a refreshing treat on a hot day, RD UHT Mango Milk has you covered. Here are some creative ways to enjoy it:
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Straight Up: Enjoy the pure taste of mango in its most refreshing form. Shake it Up: Blend with ice for a thicker, frothier experience. Fruity Fusion: Combine with other fruits like bananas, strawberries, or pineapple for a delicious smoothie. Breakfast Boost: Add to your cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt for a healthy and flavorful twist. Culinary Creations: Use RD UHT Mango Milk as a base for creamy desserts, sauces, or ice cream. Experience the Deliciousness of RD UHT Mango Milk Today
So, ditch the sugary drinks and embrace the natural goodness of RD UHT Mango Milk. With its refreshing taste, convenient packaging, and health benefits, it's the perfect way to enjoy the king of fruits anytime, anywhere.
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months
Shit post!
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Don't take this too seriously, but LMAO XD. -Bubbly💙
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indiangp · 2 months
Study youtubers are so crazy... one guy said do not eat food in the morning and study instead because your body uses up energy on digestion and you can't put much energy into studying that way... And I follow it on most days I do study(which isn't a lot these days) and it just makes me feel empty inside 💀
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whos up living deliciously
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aeirs-moved · 2 years
fun fact about green tea the first few times i had it i had it the way i do with black tea where i just do not give a fuck if its oversteeped and i was like What the fuck is this. Why is this like. Dirt water. I hate it. and then months later i actually followed the instructions on the tea bag and i was like Ohhhhhh
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cafecreme01 · 10 months
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Mango Mastani - Cafe Franchise in India - Cafe Creme
Indulge in the flavors of Mumbai with Cafe Creme's Mango Mastani. Experience the essence of this vibrant city in a glass. Our Mango Mastani is a delightful fusion of rich, creamy mango goodness that captures the spirit of Mumbai's cafes. Sip, savor and transport yourself to the heart of Mumbai at Cafe Franchise in India.
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Vanilla Milk Shake + Mango Cheesecake 📍Cassalu Alabang-Zapote Rd Las Piñas City 6.08.2019 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you.Clothes fit better bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
I bet Miguel can cook REALLY well.
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Being a dad he did have to come up with something to eat for dinner every night
And with Gabriella being a bit picky, sometimes he had to get creative
And some of his favorite memories are the conversations he and Gabbie had while dinner was on the stove
But even now, he loves it. Miguel finds he act of cooking so relaxing. He likes the peace and the order of it
And even if he comes in really really late from HQ - he'll still try and cook something
Fighting sleep while cooking a quesadilla on the stove
He's a Sazon loyalist SORRY ADOBO STANS
There's always tortillas, sour cream and salsa verde in his fridge - freshly made
(if you got those you can figure something out)
And he grows his own cilantro and basil on the window sill
And he'll never use powdered garlic, only fresh
Yes he can eat garlic - yes people on campus ask him that a lot
(he's hot ACTUALLY a vampire)
His seafood is TO DIE FOR
Miguel can make amazing lobster tail, or crab legs (with Old Bay and butter of course)
And his Ceviche is SO GOOD and SO FRESH
Most likely makes everything spicy. It's not even that he 'loves' spicy food - He just makes it spicy AF and acts like he doesn't notice
MEANWHILE you're next to him and it hurts to breathe
He and Hobie are bean stans.
Miguel loves them in Chilli con Carne, with rice, refried, you name it
and Hobie goes through those British blue cans of Heinz baked beans like it's nobodies business
They both think beans are underrated
Makes AMAZING MOLE and even better Tamales
But you have to BEG him for weeks on end to get him to make Tamales cause he can't be bothered - and he will make you help
He likes Avocado, like in general. On toast, with eggs, guacamole use always a staple
He'll often just eat chips and guacamole the whole day in his office and he'll get pissed if the food court is out of it.
Well look at a corn shell ground beef taco and be like 'You think that's a taco? Is that what you honestly believe?'
Loves cooking with other people - in fact Miguel actually just likes working with people in general. That's why Lyla has a personality.
He's good at guiding others during cooking and teaching them things and not bossing them around
With mango and Tajin
He'll put Tajin seasoning on ANYTHING - the first time Jess saw him put it on watermelon she was like 'what for????'
But he loves fruit in general, watermelon, lychee, guava. A lot of them are grown fresh in the Society gardens
Strawberries are a favorite of his. Gabriella loved strawberries on pancakes
He pronounces lychee - Leechee (not Lie-chee)
He's the fucking PRO at protein shakes and milkshakes
The man needs workout fuel and whey powder and kale and potassium and-
He's in the kitchen 5am getting ready for the gym
Making a shit ton of peanut butter strawberry banana and oats protein smoothie with coconut milk and honey to sweeten
Because he does have a sweet tooth.
Jolly Ranchers are an oral fixation
You can hear him sucking on one, the quiet clacking of it.
Or see him press it into his cheek, lost in thought
But baking and sweets are his secret love
He just doesn't have anyone to test it on anymore - so he doesn't
His flan is the best, and it was one of Gabbie's show faves
He eats parfaits pretty often, and makes them a lot for Jess (and she teases it for it)
Miguel LOVES tres leches cake, as sweet as possible. And fancy stuff like creme brulee
Don't tell anyone but he actually really likes cheesecake he acts like it's a secret
With him cooking get ready for the most sugariest breakfast ever. It's a dad thing.
Whipped cream, fruits, syrup, chocolate chips, you name it.
Sure Miguel shouldn't have been giving Gabriella THAT much sugar THAT early - but with you it's fine so enjoy the stomach ache in two hours
Another dad thing:
Him and Peter get INTENSE.
Miguel swears by charcoal grills, Peter likes propane and gas
Miguel is the tio with the best Hot dogs and relish that HITS
Peter is the burger dad who spends an insane amount of money on Angus beef
Miguel judges your hot dog toppings but says nothing
Like,,, it'll bring you to tears it's so good - I don't know how he does it
And when it comes to cooking he's ALWAYS willing to learn
He'd rather invite you over and cook you something than going out to eat
He'll learn something you like or where you're from and make something from there
Even better if you can teach him how to make something - the two of you can make it together
But his favorite part by far is setting it down at the table, trying not to seem like he's watching your reaction
And seeing your face light up at the first bite
Or even better -
Seeing you collapse into bed with a food coma
Miguel with cooking and food as a love language
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maplesyrupsainz · 3 months
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i accidentally deleted this ask srry lol but here it is 😭
pairing: charles leclerc x fem y/n reader (she/her)
genre: blurb, established relationship
warnings: none just fluff
prompt: three [driver] proposing to you
a/n: tysmmm & yey charles reqs r always welcome
my masterlist | my 1k celebration
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it's early afternoon when you wake, stretching out your limbs still stiff from sleep, your eyes adjusting to the light spilling in from the cracks in the blinds. your arms instinctively reach to your left, feeling for your boyfriend who, to your dismay, isn't there. a soft sigh escapes your lips as your eyes finally focus on the empty pillow beside you. you notice a note there, a little yellow post-it marked with charles’ familiar scrawl and you smile to yourself, humming with contentment as you read it: enjoy your breakfast, ma belle.
you pad downstairs through to the kitchen, still rubbing your eyes of any remaining sleep. on the countertop lies fresh fruit, all your favourites, cut up neatly along with pineapple juice and some sweet pastries. you smile to yourself, making yourself a cup of coffee whilst you snack on some cubes of mango. another note catches your attention as you go to grab milk, this time in pink, pasted to the fridge door. i will see you soon it read, along with an address. you raise your eyebrows, grabbing your phone and calling charles. no answer. guess you had to play along after all.
after eating and tidying away at a leisurely pace, a smile playing at your lips the whole time, you take a shower and get ready for the day. the sun is low and warm and bright in monaco today, so you dress appropriately. you toy with the pink post-it between your fingers before folding it up neatly, slipping it into your handbag and going out to the car. another note lays atop the steering wheel of the ferrari, this time in green. je t'aime. simple but effective.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you take the familiar rocky path down to the sands of the beach once you arrive, letting the sun warm your skin. this is one of your favourite places to come with charles, and where you had your first date. you regularly revisit that beach picnic together.
when your feet eventually hit the soft sand, you look around for charles, or even any sign at all of his presence. your eyes narrow at the sight of footprints and you follow them eagerly, your skirts swooshing around you as your legs begin to pick up the pace. you stop in your tracks when you see a blue paper on the ground, partially buried by sand. you reach down and snag your fourth post-it of the day. look up. so, of course, you do.
and there he is, your boyfriend, nine or ten paces in front of you. but it isn't who's there that catches your attention, it's what the hell is he doing.
“charles, what are you doing?” you say, beginning to walk towards him quickly, glancing around for any passersby who might see. “if this is a prank, get up now.” you stop in your tracks as he shakes his head once, pulling a box from his pocket. “charles–”
“y/n,” he interrupts you, a shaky grin on his face. your heart is beating out of your chest, so loud in your ears you think you're hearing things when he speaks again. “will you marry me?”
a small gasp leaves your lips, rendering you speechless as you stare down at your boyfriend, on one knee in front of you, the most gorgeous diamond glinting at you in the sun.
“y/n, please reply. i love you and i–” you start to laugh at his panicked words, seeing him become unstable in his position.
“oh my god, cha,” you're giggling uncontrollably now, “get up. of course i'll marry you!”
“oh, thank god.” he sighs, the grin now back on his face. “you scared me, ma belle.” he slides the ring onto your finger before kissing your lips as if he'd never get to kiss you again.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
Your art looks so yummy and soft it tastes like soft ice-scream with different flavours for each character. GIVE ME MOREEEEEEEEEE
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HOW'D YOU KNOW!!!? No one has ever connected those dots for YEARS!!! 👀 See my headline? "With Love Of Every Flavor..." That's something I wrote in my adolescence which I just never bothered to change. It pertains to my posts and how I make them with love (you can cringe), but I also purposely used it to allude to- you literally guessed it- ICE CREAM!!! Which, according to my family, I was infamously obsessed with. STILL super obsessed with actually! (Tho in my defense, the Philippines is hotter than HELL rn.) So yes! I do see my own art as scoops of ice cream. Have been for- again -YEARS! Besides a "space bubble" for introverts -and people who simply love in a different flavor- to feel safe in, that's EXACTLY what I wanted my art to be seen as!!! Which is why I mostly draw sweet things. (Key word: Mostly.) I wanted to convey the giddiness I feel whenever I eat ice cream with my art. So hearing you say that, tho I know naming the taste of an artist's work isn't all that new, really feels like an achievement! THANK YOU!!! ...Okay. Now that you made it this far through my sappy sugar rush induced writing, I know I went off on a tangent, but since ya'll have been really hyping me up lately, how about an update? On my AU? Just a short and sweet reward? Nothing big. Not much lore, but let's saaaaay... it'll beeeee... today? 🫣 Hehe. More, indeed. ^v^ Stay Tuned~! -Bubbly💙
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rogueddie · 7 months
The apparently "accurate" scoops ahoy menu;
Ice Cream:
One Scoop Cone ... $1.25
Two Scoops Cone ... $1.75
One Scoop Cup ... $1.15
Two Scoops Cup ... $1.55
Ocean of Flavors
Mango Sorbet
Cookies & Cream
Chocolate Chip
Peppermint Stick
Mint Choc. Chip
Rainbow Sherbet
French Vanilla
Rocky Road
Salted Caramel
Butter Pecan
Cherries Jubilee
Chocolate-Vanilla Swirl
Black Walnut
Toffee Fudge
Toppings * Extra Topping + $0.50
Whipped Cream
Chocolate Chips
Chocolate Syrup
Color Chips
Handmade Shakes - $2.75
Ice Cream Floats
Chocolate ... $1.50
Strawberry ... $1.50
Snow White ... $1.50
Coke ... $1.65
Root Beer ... $1.75
Boston Cooler ... $1.85
Special Banana Boat - $2.90
Bakery Cruise
Choose Your Favorite Ice Cream Scoops (Two Scoops)
Angel Food Cake ... $2.00
Cheesecake ... $2.30
Chocolate Brownie ... $2.50
Apple Pie ... $2.50
Choco-Peanut Butter Brownie ... $2.50
Red Velvet Cake ... 2.50
Ice Cream Sundae
Single ... $2.50
Double ... $3.00
Triple ... $3.50
Premium - $3.95
Banana Royale
Hot Brownie
Banana Split
Coke ... $1.25
Iced Coffee ... $1.75
Iced Tea ... $1.15
Hot Chocolate ... $1.55
Milk ... $1.75
Juice ... $1.15
Lemonade ... $1.55
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cain-speaks · 11 months
🍭 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙏𝙊𝙊𝙏𝙃 🍭 || Macaque x Reader Oneshot
» sweet tooth (cavetown) « 0:45 ─〇───── 4:07
╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝❀╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ AUTHOR'S NOTE ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗❀╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝ ➤ This is a oneshot. ➤ This is romantic. ➤ Reader uses she/her and is a cat demon, so she has cat-like features/behaviors! ➤ Described the clothes but tried to keep it simple/vague so ppl could add more details if they'd like! ➤ BRO THIS TOOK SO LONG I'M SORRY. I kinda lost the plot a few times I think,, and I got super into the shadow story,, hope this is good!! Also sorry if I switched tenses at some point, it happens rip. Also also if the kiss scene is bad I'm so sorry, I'm awkward asf LMAO. ➤ TRIGGER WARNINGS include profanity, a little bit of angst, referenced toxicity, and referenced murder. ➤ Word count: 3,494
❝ A sweet tooth for you, I'm wide awake .❞
Your tail vibrates excitedly as the timer goes off, alerting you that the mango pudding is done chilling. Grinning widely, you almost run to your fridge, throwing open the door and crouching to pull the cool dessert out. You take a deep whiff as you wander back to the counter, shutting the fridge door with a bump of your hip. It smells heavily, and an experimental shake of the pan leads you to believe the sweet treat has successfully set.
You set down the mango pudding and turn to the dishes, rinsing them in the sink and leaving them in the basin to be thoroughly cleaned later. As you scratch a particularly stubborn splash of dried pudding from the whisk, you look over at your oven, squinting to read the numbers displayed.
"Oh, cow-milk," you hiss under your breath, finishing up with the whisk and nearly tossing it into the basin.
I'm going to be late! you fret as you pull off your apron, throwing it upon the counter as you rush to your bedroom to pull on your outfit: a simple white turtleneck under a soft long-sleeve and high-waisted plaid pants, complemented with long socks and short, buckled heels. Once you finish with your outfit and additional accessories, you grab a basket on your way out of your room and quickly fill it with cutlery, cubed mangoes, sugar, and of course, the pudding.
You pause for a second, ears flicking about as you try to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. Your time is cut short as another alarm sings on your phone, titled Get The Fudge to Mac's!
You squeak, shoving your phone into your pocket and spinning on your heel as you race out of your home, narrowly keeping the basket from slapping against your side.
You're fairly certain the only reason Macaque doesn't snap at you slamming the dojo doors is because he heard you coming.
He's curled up on his couch, a hefty book in his lap—probably about something medicinal or floral if you had to guess. Your eyes flicker to his face, scowling as you see his signature smirk, golden-brown eyes scanning your hunched-over figure in amusement.
"Look what the cat dragged in," purrs the demon.
"You—hah—think you're soooo funny," you grit out, shuffling to the couch with a glare.
"When have I ever been wrong?" Macaque asks.
The monkey slaps his tail across your face before you can recite the "a" portion of your alphabetized list.
"How come you're so late today?" he teases. "Normally you're here before I am."
You roll your eyes and give a half-hearted bite to the demon's tail, barely grazing the fur, but he pulls it away with a narrowed gaze anyway. You give him a dramatically sweet face, fluttering your lashes as you set your basket on the table.
You make a lazy gesture at it. "I made something for us."
"Oh?" Macaque asks, cocking an eyebrow. "How romantic, starlight."
For a split second, you consider letting your embarrassment at the implication get to you. But then you decide if Macaque wants to be a little evil, you may as well join him.
"Only the best for you, moonflower," you coo back, revelling in the way the black-furred monkey's face heats up around his spiked mask. You immediately laugh at his blush, far more elated at your ability to fluster the stoic demon than you think is normal, adoring the way his ears wiggle as though trying to hide his face.
"Laugh it up, kitty," he grumbles, reaching out for the basket.
You lunge forward and smack his hand before his claw tips so much as brush the handles. "Nu-uh! That's for after dinner, loser."
Macaque frowns and squints at you, shaking his hand and blowing on it in classic dramatic theater kid fashion. "What are you, five?"
"Out of five~!" You sing-song, scooping up the basket as you jump to your feet. "Now get cooking, Macaroni."
When Macaque announces the food's almost done, you decide to raid his wardrobe for pajamas.
You zoom up the stairs before he can say a word, but to your surprise, he doesn't make so much as a sigh as your thundering footsteps fade into his room.
It's weird. Normally Macaque always whines about you snagging his clothes, complaining about the pastry stains or endless amounts of cat hair that ends up on them—which is a small price to pay when you're constantly making him yummy treats! But tonight he's oddly quiet.
Come to think of it... he's been acting off for a while.
You noticed it last month. Your time spent with the monkey had turned more physical—training, teaching you how to make certain foods, dancing, cuddling. And amongst his standard sarcasm and snark, he was complimenting you a lot more, too. You'd even started finding little trinkets around your house! So unless some other purple-coded weirdo was breaking into your house to leave you jewelry and pretty flowers, it had to be Macaque.
But on the other hand, Macaque seemed to be... distancing himself. A canceled plan here and there, an excuse to leave the room every now and then, a strange new sense of secrecy within the demon, as though he was guarding something from you. As if he was afraid of you coming too close all over again.
It was so confusing. If you allowed yourself to consider that the demon had fallen for you of all people, what were you supposed to make of his behavior? That he hated the idea of loving you so much that he was deciding between making a game of it or completely pushing you away?
The thought strikes you right in the chest, your bottom lip falling victim to your sharp teeth.
Just recently you'd come to terms with just how much you really like the monkey—how much you love the sound of his voice and the way he drags you into trouble and his devotedness to you as a friend. It'd been an earth-shattering realization, really, one that left you tossing and turning in bed and damn near ripping your fur out.
How could you be blamed? Macaque was hardened like stone in the aftermath of his past, resulting in a closed-off and apathetic creature, a lone wolf in spite of his nature. It'd taken so, so much time and patience to get to where you two were now, laughing and poking fun at each other in his dojo, his safespace.
The last thing you want is to lose everything because your silly heart loves tragedies.
"Starlight!" Macaque's sharp call comes from downstairs, making you jump. "The hell are you doing? I said dinner's done!"
"Ack—I'm coming, just a minute!"
You quickly throw on a loose shirt and shorts, struggling a bit with the hole for your tail before finally settling the limb and bounding out of the room. Immediately, an aroma of deliciousness hits your nose. You almost stumble down the stairs due to the distraction, righting yourself with an embarrassed flush (boy, are you glad Macaque didn't see that) and carefully making your way into the kitchen.
Your eyes widen at what you see. A large bowl of chǎofàn sits at the table, neighbored by a plate of tángcù lǐjǐ and another of xiǎolóngbāo. The scent is divine, and you would call the meal a gift from Buddha if it weren't for the smirking demon leaning against the counter.
"Like what you see?" he asks cockily, tail sweeping against the ground in a lazy sway.
"No way you just made all of this!" you exclaim, grinning.
"Maybe I'm just that good," replies the black-furred monkey with a wink, fetching two plates and some silverware out of various cupboards and drawers.
"Not that good," you snort, grabbing your basket from the fridge. "Come on, what's the trick this time, moonflower?"
The demon falls strangely silent at your question. You raise an eyebrow at his back, waiting for a response. Finally, in an uncharacteristically small voice, Macaque says, "I've been preparing."
There's more to it. There's definitely more to it, but you won't push.
You set the basket down on the floor and take the plate held out to you, happily filling it up before moving to your seat. Macaque joins you on the opposite side, silent save for the short scraping sound of silverware against glass. The uncomfortable silence threatens to spoil your appetite, and you spend a few quiet minutes praying that the demon across from you will say something.
"Is it good?"
Thank Buddha, you think, immediately put at ease to hear his voice.
"Duh," you say, swallowing another forkful of delicious food. "Your cooking is some of the best I've ever had."
"Oh really?" Macaque leans forward on his elbows, hands laced under his chin, and you feel your face warm ever-so-slightly. "Then where do I rank, starlight?"
"Top ten at least," you tease, reaching for more chǎofàn. Macaque unlaces a hand to pick up the bowl and pass it to you.
"At least," he chuckles. "Well, eat up. I have a play to put on."
"A play?" You repeat, cheeks round with rice.
Macaque nods. "Yes." Quickly, he adds, "for you."
You very nearly make a quip about the romance of dinner and a show, but seeing his tail tense and thud against the floor makes you reconsider.
Instead, you smile. "I'll be there."
The monkey snorts. "Better be. If you stand me up for rice and chicken, I'll never make it again."
You fake an angry grumble. "Don't you have to go prepare, smart guy?"
He blinks. Once. Twice.
"Oh," he says, simply at first. Then his eyes widen. "Oh, yes! I have to—there are things I have to—I'm going now." Macaque cuts his rambling short and just barely avoids sprinting out of the kitchen like his tail is on fire.
"Don't—" you cringe at the sound of something falling, followed by a quiet yelp. "—hurt yourself on the way out..."
You sit amongst soft blankets and pillows, tails curled around your knees as you wait for the play to start. The light of Macaque's lantern bathes the dojo in a violet hue, shadows dancing with the sway of the lantern as Macaque gets into position. The monkey's innate shadow powers and connection to the lantern make it easy to manipulate it and the dark for his purposes, so part of you is confused that Macaque settles himself so far away from you. You reason that maybe the demon's just feeling extra dramatic for this story.
Or maybe this is it, you think.
Even if you don't know what that means.
"Welcome viewer, to a shadow play the likes of which have never been seen."
You smile at the signature opening line, a soft purr rumbling in your throat as you listen closely, ears perked in Macaque's direction.
"Here we follow another tale about the tragic Warrior." Macaque's voice reverberates around you, and you watch as a simplified silhouette of hi—ahem, "the warrior" manifests from the shadows. "Though this story is unlike the others—for instead of our Warrior bearing yet another arduous chapter of life, perhaps he has found his happy end.
"Everyone knows the tale of how the Sun came to betray the Moon. But what very few have to come to learn is that it was the moon that brought on such a tragedy. You see, many centuries ago, the Moon could only see their dark side—blemished, indecipherable, and lacking in light. So often the moon thought of their dark side and wept, believing that if it was all they saw, it was all anyone could see. And then the Moon realized something. They were the Sun's only companion, their only friend, so surely, surely, the Sun would give their light to them.
"And at first, the Sun did everything they could to show the Moon just how bright they could be. The Sun taught the Moon everything they knew, and the Moon took that knowledge and taught it to others, becoming a beloved warrior. And when the Moon became the Warrior, they changed the Sun into a Hero—a well-shaped, perfect vessel of holiness and goodness.
"The Sun allowed for this because they loved the Warrior, so they locked themselves within the Hero. And while the Warrior loved the Hero very much, they were so blinded by the love of their light that they didn't see what they were doing to their beloved Sun.
"Years passed and the Warrior had taken almost every bit of sunlight. Only their heart and a small sliver remained, which the Sun branded on to the Hero's golden cudgel and hid beneath stone so the Warrior could not find it. This angered the Warrior, who still could not see what they'd done to the Sun, for they were so hidden within the Hero. He said, "my hero! Why do you hide your light from me? Is it not mine, too? Have I not helped you shine?"
"The Hero replied, "I hide nothing from you, my Warrior, certainly not our light. I simply have no more to give you."
"The Warrior was displeased, and this displeasure, coupled with the dimming Sun, poisoned their light until nothing remained but a thin halo around the two of them.
"This terrified the Warrior—to see that they were so close to becoming the Moon again, so close to being consumed by their dark side, that they demanded the Hero give them their heart. Only this time, the Hero refused.
""You are not a hero," spat the Warrior. "And you are no longer a warrior," whispered the Hero. The Warrior was so angry, so enraged, that they attempted to swallow the Sun itself. They peeled away the Hero's stone body to reveal the blazing heart beneath, fully intent to rob them of every last bit of light they had, even if it meant they'd never shine again.
"The Sun broke free of the Hero's perfect body, and, using the light on the golden cudgel, banished the Warrior to a place of no light. No stars. No song. Only darkness.
"A place where the Warrior and the Moon would blend in perfectly."
While you've never heard the story portrayed this way, you find it heartbreakingly easy to tell he's talking about his death and descent into Diyu. You fiddle with your hands, pressing on the paw pads as you stare, watching the Warrior turn into wisps as a glowing mass of shadows (the Sun?) forms into a tendril and strikes them.
It's almost too much to watch, your brain caught up in what preceded Macaque's death. Is this why he's been so nervous? It would make sense—the version of the tale makes him vulnerable to say the least, and it's oozing with painful, regretful honesty. Macaque may not be a liar, but the truth has never been easy for him.
The scene changes, shifting in a quick montage.
"For centuries, the Warrior rotted in their anger and sorrow. So angry were they that they allowed themselves to be hung from strings like a simple puppet, used as a weapon to harm undeserving victims."
Flashes of burned and otherwise destroyed villages wrap around the dojo, all with a chained Macaque hovering above, eyes burning. The last image you recognize as the Monkie Kid and his group. A shadowy tendril wraps around the kid's limbs, attached to him in a similar way to Macaque's chains. Your stomach twists.
"Even when the Warrior finally forgoed their wrath and reconciled with the Sun, they still could not find it in them to shine. They'd ruined the Moon many years ago, and now the Warrior was ruined, too.
"...or so they thought. One day, the Warrior came across a maiden. She was gentle and wild, comforting and unapologetic, unwavering and bold. She was a river, a storm, a mountain who stood unblinking before the weight of the Warrior's darkness.
"The Warrior thought they were doomed to break her, as they so often did to strong things. But then the Maiden produced a mooncake from her robes, split it in half, and said, "Would you share this treat with me, O' weary Warrior?""
A feminine silhouette appears before the Warrior, dressed in a flowing hanfu and flowers. Most interestingly, the Maiden has tufted ears and a long, fluffy tail just like—
Your face erupts in a shocked blush as understanding dawns on you. The first time you met Macaque, you'd been out selling mooncakes. It'd been a good day, and by the end you had a single treat left, which you fully intended to scarf down while watching the sun set. But then you'd seen Macaque, leaning against a bridge and watching the reflection of the sun in the river, and he just looked so sad, you thought a mooncake would add a little brightness to his face.
A pity cake it might have been, but you think it was one of the best pity cakes you've ever had.
"The Warrior took the Maiden's gift. Together, the two ate at their cakes until they were naught but crumbs and the sun had long set. Before they parted, the Maiden smiled at the Warrior.
"And the Warrior glowed.
"The Warrior glowed so bright that moonlight shown through the cracks in their skin, that stars came down to twinkle in their fur and they could hear the sweetest dreams whispering in their ears, and all they said was "Mooncake Maiden" over and over again, for the Warrior had finally found someone to glow for, not because of."
You almost bust out laughing, a mix of adoration, shock, and amusement bubbling in your chest. "Mooncake Maiden", huh? Maybe you should start a business.
"For weeks, the Warrior and the Maiden continued to meet. The Warrior continued to glow, feeling more and more like the great warrior they once were. They even began to think of themselves as the moon again, not as an imperfect surface, but as a new vast and complicated world, one they wanted to explore by the side of the Maiden. All they had to do was ask her."
The shadows merge into a single ball, gliding towards you and settling before you. The ball reforms, revealing Macaque kneeling in front of you, your hands held gently in his. But what really catches your eye is his glamor—or lack thereof. His six ears, the reason for his namesake, unfurl from his head like flower petals, glowing shades of blue, pink, and purple that illuminate both of your faces. His fangs elongate past his bottom lip and a white halo of fur surrounds his face, shimmering in the gentle light.
His eye, blind though it may be, is milky and spotted like the bright side of the moon and you can't help but think it's the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen.
"And now to discover how this story ends," he says softly.
"Macaque—" you begin, only to fall silent when he squeezes your hands.
"I know I'm not a hero," Macaque says. "I think I might always be a little evil—a trickster, a bit of a thief, a bully every now and then; a shadow of something good. But you make me feel... real. Like I can be something more, something people can love and adore without getting hurt, and I haven't felt that in a long, long time, starlight."
You blink, feeling something wet tease the corner of your eyes. Your heart thumps in your chest, tail unfurling from your knees and reaching out. Macaque meets it halfway and they curl around each other like ribbons.
"I love you," whispers the Six-Eared Macaque. Louder, he says it again, and you shiver when he says your name. "I love you, and if you'll have me, I'll be yours for eternity."
Your mouth feels dry, your body nearly numb with—what, shock? Excitement? Happiness? Exhaustion because you're feeling all the things? Probably.
But still, your heart swells at the confession and your hands slip from his to cradle his face and you say, "I love you too, Macaque."
Macaque grins, eyes shining wetly. His hands go to your cheeks, thumbs brushing under your eyes. His ears flap against your hands for a second, and then he whispers, "can I kiss you?"
Your heart nearly explodes. But you give nothing away as you utter a soft, "yes."
You're not quite sure what to expect when his lips meet yours. Fireworks, or maybe like a puzzle piece is shifting into place. You think you can safely say you feel neither, but you do feel both of your growing smiles, until you're pulling away to laugh and Macaque follows suit.
When your giggles die down, you pet the demon's ears again. "You wanna have dessert now?"
The black-furred monkey huffs, leaning into your touch. "In a minute," he murmurs, and then he's bringing you back to his lips.
❝ I like you—say it back .❞
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rachellaurengray · 24 days
Happy Monday! Kickstart your day with nothing but delicious nutrition. Welcome to your COMPLETE LIST of 30 quick and easy options—all under 250 calories—that'll leave you feeling energized and satisfied. (Make sure your save this post!)
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- Greek Yogurt with Berries and Honey (200 calories): Creamy yogurt, sweet berries, and a drizzle of honey—yum!
- Avocado Toast on Whole Grain Bread (240 calories): Creamy avocado on crunchy toast—simple yet so satisfying!
- Smoothie with Spinach, Banana, and Almond Milk (220 calories): A refreshing green smoothie to start your day on a healthy note.
- Chia Seed Pudding with Almond Milk and Berries (230 calories): Creamy chia pudding topped with juicy berries—a breakfast treat!
- Oatmeal with Sliced Banana and a Drizzle of Honey (210 calories): Warm and comforting oatmeal with a touch of sweetness.
- Cottage Cheese with Pineapple Chunks (190 calories): Creamy cottage cheese paired with tropical pineapple—refreshing and filling!
- Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Tomatoes (180 calories): Fluffy eggs loaded with veggies—perfect for a hearty breakfast.
- Whole Grain English Muffin with Peanut Butter (230 calories): Nutty peanut butter spread on a toasty English muffin—simple and satisfying.
- Apple Slices with Almond Butter (210 calories): Crunchy apples paired with creamy almond butter—a delicious combo!
- Overnight Oats with Blueberries and Almond Milk (220 calories): Prep ahead for a fuss-free breakfast—creamy oats with sweet blueberries.
- Hard-Boiled Eggs with a Piece of Fruit (200 calories): Protein-packed eggs paired with your favorite fruit—easy and nutritious!
- Smoothie Bowl with Mixed Berries and Granola (240 calories): A colorful and satisfying bowl packed with flavor and texture.
- Whole Grain Toast with Hummus and Cucumber Slices (200 calories): A savory twist on toast—creamy hummus topped with fresh cucumbers.
- Low-Fat Greek Yogurt with Honey and Almonds (210 calories): Creamy yogurt topped with honey and crunchy almonds—a delightful treat!
- Banana Pancakes Made with Oats and Eggs (230 calories): Fluffy pancakes with the goodness of bananas and oats—perfect for a weekend brunch.
- Fresh Fruit Salad with a Dollop of Yogurt (190 calories): A refreshing fruit salad drizzled with creamy yogurt—simple yet satisfying.
- Protein Shake with Almond Milk and Banana (230 calories): A protein-packed shake to fuel your morning—creamy and delicious!
- Rice Cake with Avocado and Tomato Slices (200 calories): Crispy rice cake topped with creamy avocado and juicy tomatoes—yum!
- Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Sliced Peaches (180 calories): Creamy cottage cheese paired with sweet peaches—a delightful combination.
- Whole Grain Waffles with Fresh Strawberries (240 calories): Fluffy waffles topped with juicy strawberries—a breakfast delight!
- Berry and Spinach Smoothie with Almond Milk (220 calories): A vibrant and nutritious smoothie to start your day on a healthy note.
- Turkey Sausage Links with a Piece of Fruit (230 calories): Flavorful turkey sausage paired with your favorite fruit—easy and satisfying.
- Egg White Omelette with Vegetables (190 calories): Light and fluffy egg whites loaded with colorful veggies—perfect for a healthy start.
- Almond Butter and Banana on Whole Grain Toast (240 calories): Creamy almond butter and sliced bananas on crunchy toast—a delicious combo!
- Quinoa Porridge with Berries and Almonds (210 calories): Creamy quinoa porridge topped with sweet berries and crunchy almonds—a breakfast treat!
- Low-Fat Greek Yogurt Parfait with Granola (240 calories): Creamy yogurt layered with crunchy granola—a parfait made in heaven!
- Sliced Apple with a Handful of Walnuts (200 calories): Crunchy apples paired with creamy walnuts—a simple and satisfying snack.
- Veggie Breakfast Burrito with Salsa (230 calories): A hearty breakfast burrito loaded with veggies and topped with zesty salsa—yum!
- Chia Seed Pudding with Mango and Coconut Milk (230 calories): Creamy chia pudding topped with tropical mango and coconut milk—a taste of paradise!
- Whole Grain Cereal with Almond Milk and Berries (240 calories): Crunchy cereal paired with creamy almond milk and sweet berries—a classic breakfast combo!
Try these breakfast ideas & start your day on a delicious note!
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fitveganlifts · 28 days
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Morning protein shake: mango 🥭 + spinach with oat milk and chia, flax and hemp seeds. Little unsweetened toasted coconut in for good measure.
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(re: tags on rb'ed post) It's genuinely so wild to me that people don't know how to cook??? Obviously I don't fault anyone for it, you've got to learn and there's no shame to it, I just really thought everyone had some degree of culinary knowledge until I was like twelve.
Anyway, what are your favorite vegetables to cook with? Favorite summer recipes? Favorite pasta recipes if you've got them? I need new recipes to try :)
exactly, I don't want to fault anyone on it either!! we have to acknowledge the diverse backgrounds we have, levels of privilege etc--and i do also think with that comes, what do we assume as normal just bc it's our experience? and so it's so important to hear from other people. i find a lot of asians and women such as myself learn how to cook from a very young age just like you did, and then assume everyone else does too (i didn't realise most of my friends didn't do their own laundry either all through high school).
anyway in response to your question: I love cooking with eggplant, capsicum, sweet potato, potatoes in general, sweet potato leaves, basically every kind of legume and all the products people make from them, tomatoes, all kinds of herbs (but the italian mix is my favourite) as well as an assortment of asian vegetables and melons that someone in my family always procures and has too much of!! i also love to add ginger to any recipe i feel like is missing its meatiness, green/spring onions go really well with a lot of things and so do raw red onions or cooked brown onions!!
pasta wise i love everything pasta. a pasta bake is a go to one for me as i make a good white sauce and my sisters and i all love it!! lasagna is cool but a bit more time consuming so it's been ages. otherwise anything spaghetti bog/with meatballs (specifically the ones i make from Beyond Meat, water crackers, carrot, onion and spices) is good and i eat it with green beans! it's also super quick bc pasta sauce is like $1 for a big bottle where i live and you just pour it on your spaghetti or pasta. i also love all things ramen (both the curly type and the more expensive straight organic japanese one, they also have other noodles called udon and soba that you literally just boil for 5mins and have with sprouts or smth and olive oil and it's delicious). i do love mac and cheese when i get a good vegan cheese but it's pretty hit and miss on that.
and as for summer recipes i'm a big smoothie gal!! pack it with protein powder and chia seeds and coconut water for electrolytes and ice cream for fun but i love mango/banana, pineapple/papaya, mint/spinach/coconut, mixed berry, sometimes i'll shake it up and do orange/papaya or smth!! i love all the bright colours and how creamy they are if you have a good banana or mango or papaya or just really creamy soy milk. also love anything with watermelon+mint (my sister makes a really good salad with it and cos lettuce, olives, cucumber and baby tomatoes i believe). also my beyond meat meatballs go well on a skewer dipped in guacamole for the summer nights where it's light right up til bedtime!
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