#today i ate at around 1 pm
indiangp · 6 months
Study youtubers are so crazy... one guy said do not eat food in the morning and study instead because your body uses up energy on digestion and you can't put much energy into studying that way... And I follow it on most days I do study(which isn't a lot these days) and it just makes me feel empty inside 💀
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mashkaroom · 2 years
ok in other news i need to finish what i’ve estimates to be abt 15 hours of work more or less by the end of the day today and i even took an adderall and i even slept, for no apparent reason, 16 hours today??? despite sleeping a normal amount the previous several days??? but despite being well-slept, even obscenely so, and being medicated, both of which do help a lot, the mind still resists focusing on these tasks, instead visciously desiring to learn more and more about singer’s translation process and come up with cool new dictionary features and to share this with as many people as possible. please could this wait until tomorrow
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I cannot win today
#meows#went to my PD today and it was an hour earlier#than the others have been and I get there on time#with some time early bc the directions didn’t say#where to go for the presentation#and there’s no one greeting people as they come in#to direct them at all. so I was going everywhere#after already parking too far out bc I thought I parked#correctly. finally find it and they start /30 min later/#I was so tired I couldn’t concentrate#then ig they didn’t plan anything for English#so me and the other English teachers from my school#drove to our school and worked together for a couple of#hours. I go to my classroom intent on dropping#my laptop off and getting lunch to go#I walk in and realize the couch that had been left aaaalll summer#was gone. apparently the lady before me promised it to the#suspension room. but again it had been here all summer#no note no nothing. like I went out and bought a rug#and pillows and for the first time since accepting#this job felt a little better. like I could finally have#alternative seating. just to have it ripped from beneath me#so that pissed me off so I left bc I didn’t technically hafta stay#ate lunch almost at 1:30 pm and knew the shower guy#was likely still over and I didn’t want to be around#all the noise so I went to the smaller closer mall to me#and went to their small hot topic and found some#blind boxes for Halloween I had been eyeing#only to get the only two I didn’t want#Chili’s got my dinner wrong and was out of Dr Pepper. what a great day
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alliheckenwant · 6 months
I had to mentally check myself today.
I had a fat girl habit of eating when I’m bored that I’m working on getting rid of Also eating when I get excited. I know it’s gross.
BUT if you can catch yourself before you really let it go and then stop eating for the WHOLE day you can still lose the weight !
Yeah maybe you ate 800 kcals by 1 pm but if you stopped now that’s only 800 kcals for the day baby. Call that a metab day, then get back to it
Look at thnsp0, look at your posts, your written notes. Keep a record of your feelings so you can remind yourself what giving in to weakness results in.
Binging is so irrational. YOU ARE NOT THINKING STRAIGHT.
And babe honestly you don’t deserve to put yourself through the feeling of a binge anymore. Have some fucking respect for yourself and your body enough to not fill it with a hospitalization level of salt, sugar, fat, and cholesterol.
Because you’re gonna eventually come back to your little blog, your Pinterest, those albums on your phone, and wish you would have been stronger. And when yet another summer rolls around, you would have rather been bored. You would have rather been sad. You would have rather been frustrated. Anything other than fat.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 months
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[1:18 pm]
(cw: a child, parent!au)
a/n: art was found on Pinterest but all credit for all cuteness goes to annalaura_art on ig
Dad!Jungwoo blew his nose for what felt like the hundredth time today. The tiny trash can beside the bed had already been filled up, the bedside table covered with used cups, empty bottles of water, medicines, and wrappers. He was tired. Yes, his body felt fatigued, his eyes felt heavy, his ears were blocked, and his throat tickled if he spoke louder than a whisper, but he could handle that!
What he missed was his family. He missed cuddling you in bed, falling asleep next to you, your daughter sneaking into the bed with you both to sleep, playing with her, and spending phlegm-free time with the both of you. All the little things had gone away a day or two after his cold symptoms had become worst, on his own insistence, which he now regretted.
The bed had never felt colder, he'd never felt so lonely with his family just a few yards away. His days were passed breathing through his mouth, watching the TV in the room with droopy eyes. He drank the tea you placed on the nightstand and sipped the soups.
Today was another one of those days. Instead of your usual soft knock and sympathetic eyes, Jungwoo heard a softer knock paired with, "go ahead, baby. Be careful."
He turned to look at the door waiting to see what was coming. He felt his heart melt as his daughter walked in holding a tray that was almost heavier than she was. She took slow, cautious steps, everything on the tray shaking with every tiny shuffle she took.
Most of her tiny face was covered with a mask, tiny hands covered by plastic gloves, and she was wearing her doctor costume. He took the tray from her as she smiled behind the mask, "I made you lunch Appa! You got tea, soup, crackers, and fruit. I did it by myself!"
Jungwoo glanced up at you to see is she was right, to which you silently shook your head. There was no way you would let your 4 year old handle cutting up fruit or handle hot liquids. She cut up the fruits with a plastic knife and put the crackers on the plate.
"Wow, my love. Thank you baby," he whispered as loud as he could. She climbed up the bed, crawling over his legs and he could have cried at how much he missed her bony knees digging into his shins.
While you moved around the room and cleaned up, his daughter sat beside him and pulled her play doctor toys and began "checking his vitals." Her play stethoscope was pressed to his chest while he ate, she took the blood pressure on his wrist, checked his ears, and when he went to take a sip of the tea, she shoved a play thermometer in his mouth which made him choke.
"Happy face, you're all better! Take your medicine!" She cheered, grabbing at the pills on the tray to hold them out to Jungwoo.
He took them from her hand, popping them into his mouth one at a time, "all done, thank you Doctor Baby."
She rolled her eyes, "not a baby, Appa."
He laughed, coughing a little when the tickle returned, "oh, I'm so sorry, my big girl."
You returned to the room, watching as she scrambled off the bed in 4 year old panic, "are you feeling better yet? Your daughter is a crazier sleeper than you."
Jungwoo felt his heart melt all over again. After he'd kicked you out, you'd taken to sharing your daughter's bed with the girl who more often that not woke up hanging off the bed head first.
He held your hand, " just want to get through the night without coughing. I really don't want either of you to get sick from me."
You pat his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours as your daughter came running back. She placed a bandaid on his nose and then gave him a picture. A picture with people with long legs, small bodies and huge heads. Her writing was at the top, covered by a rainbow.
"It's for you! It says get better, Appa!" She smiled from her spot at his side.
His brows furrowed slightly as he read the writing. 'git badr aqqa' he read, "wow, my love. It's beautiful. Thank you."
"Ok, all better. Let's go play," she demanded, pulling his hand from yours to tug him to stand.
You pouted, "actually! Someone is ready for a nap, let's go Missy. Tell Appa bye and let's go."
"Play later, ok? Bye Appa." Jungwoo swears he feels his heart break a little when he's left alone again, until he realizes your daughter successfully snuck in her favorite stuffed animal again.
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multiversxwhore · 3 months
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Richie x plus size black!reader
Warnings: unprotected sex, slight breeding, oral (f) receiving, public sex, sex around/near food in a public kitchen, use of the phrase “daddy”, age gap: reader is in their twenties ( 24/27).
Timeline: before The Original Beef underwent renovations, and became, The Bear, around season 1.
A/n: yeah…I felt slutty writing this, and I totally blame all the TikTok edits for the down pour of Richie thirst videos I’ve received from my friends. Anywho, it’s not anything too special considering I’m posting at 5am. Hope you enjoy, please reblog, and follow me for more.
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Ate pm
It was late, and the kitchen had closed, everyone had already gone home. However, Rhichie made you promise to show him your sweet potato recipe, “are you gonna pay attention to what I’m trying to teach you, or are you gonna keep goofing off?” It was an innocent enough ask, however, he’s been trying to get at you for a while, and would take any opportunity to flirt with you. Especially if it was away from spying eyes. During work hours you liked to pretend he wasn’t flirting with you all day, Carmen had even made a sly comment about Richie not being able to keep up with girls half his age. To which he arrogantly replied, ‘my mouth works just as well as my dick motherfucker,’ it nearly made you spit your morning coffee.
“I’ll pay attention when you stop talking, and actually show me something.” He quickly rebutted, he smirked when your words got caught in your throat, and instead of arguing back you turned to your food. Something about the attention he relentlessly gave you got you all hot and flustered, but you loved it. He’d slide past you and whisper a, ‘fucking gorgeous today,’ on the way through the kitchen. Recently, you noticed how territorial he’s become from all the compliments you’ve gotten from male customers. Too nice to turn down men’s persistent advances you would take the phone number offered to you, and it got to a point where Richie would start taking orders, and working register with you just so he could shoo the men away. ‘Aye, you’re holdin up my line jackoff, beat it.’
“Are you gonna let me taste it?” He asked in a soft voice, almost a whisper, you weren’t aware he could be so quiet because he’s usually so boisterous. He stood with his hip leaning against the counter, his head tilted, and an expression of amusement on his face.
You looked over at him with a shocked look. “What?” You stood frozen in place, you felt like if you blinked you’d miss something. ‘Am I crazy or did he just–’ Richie held your gaze, he pushed himself upwards, and leaned in closer to you. The scent of his liquor store oils invading your senses, you didn’t like men’s Versace the last time you smelled it, but on him it was perfect.
“The pie y/n, can I taste the pie filling?” He clarified, but his fingers were already dipping into the bowl before you had a chance to stop him. By the time you processed what he had done, his hand was already moving to his mouth where he sucked the mixture clean off. You couldn’t help but watch as his fingers slowly slid from his lips, the way they glistened reminded you of your own when you delved as deep into yourself as your atomy would allow. You’d guiltily call out Richie’s fingers wishing it was his hand pleasing you instead, over and over you’d plunge into yourself till you’d spray all over yourself and the bed sheets.
“How does it taste?” You asked, chewing on your bottom lip, the corners of his mouth twitched as he fought back a grin.
“I think it’s a sweet, smooth consistency, just how I like my pie filling. But maybe you should test it, I’m sure your palate is better than mine.” His eyes darted towards the glass bowl beside you, and without hesitation you dipped your own finger in, then into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered closed as you took in all the flavors, a habit you developed when you became an at home cook. It’s habitual for you to let out a satisfactory breath when something exquisite hits your taste buds. Richie had been temporarily forgotten about as you slowly slid your index finger from your mouth. He grinned, he had you right where he wanted you, he knew if he got you away from the eyes of the nosy coworkers you'd become a completely different person.
“Good isn’t it.” His voice jolted you out of your train of thought, those beautiful blue eyes of his took you in, something had shifted in you as it did him. The tension was different as you became more aware of his intentions, and more honest with yourself in the fact that you decided to submit to him. You made up your mind that the next move was completely up to him, and you wouldn’t say no. He trapped you between himself and the counter behind you, not trusting yourself with words you nodded your head. “Hm, you got a little bit here.” Richie reached up, his hand gently grabbed your chin, and swiped at a drop of sweet potato filling that dripped to the corner of your lip.
Your gazes locked, your mouth opened wider, and your tongue slipped out to lick his thumb clean. “Fuck…I fucking knew it.” Richie cursed under his breath, he swallowed as you sucked on his thumb, he pulled away only to take your face between his hands, and press his lips to yours. The both of you were caught up in a heated kiss, desperate to have more, your nipples hardening painful as goosebumps prickled your skin. Your hands wrapped around his shoulder holding onto him for dear life as he gripped your hips. When you ran out of breath only then did you separate, that didn’t mean he was done with you, he trailed kisses down to the base of your neck. His lips pressing directly over your pulse, his hands moving down to your peach shaped booty. He alternated hands gripping one cheek with one hand, and slapping the other cheek with his other hand.
“Richie.” You moaned out, not even your food made you feel this good, his hands slid up your back, underneath your Original Beef work shirt, and unhooked your bra. The words you meant to say currently escaped you when he slid your shirt over your head, and threw it onto the floor along with the bra. That beat up piece of shit bra could have ended up in the trash for all you cared for. Then he pulled off his shirt, carelessly tossing it.
“That’s it, talk to me baby, tell me what you want.” He mumbled as his lips wrapped around your nipple, and his unoccupied hand cupped your other breast. His thumb played with your dark brown bud, then he switched, and worked his way back up to your neck.
Your back arched causing your chest to press again his, “please eat my pussy, I need it.” You begged, he didn’t waste time, his hands were already working on the button, and zipper of your jeans. Eagerly you whined not wanting to wait any longer than you were now, Richie undid his own pants, and let them hang off his hips. Carefully he pushed your bowl, and cooking tools out the way, then helped you hop up on the counter.
He hooked his fingers around your panties, and tugged them off. You spread your legs wider, giving him a full view, and putting yourself on display. “Goddamn look at that, hm fuck you’re mine now sweetheart.” His fingers gently pulled your lips apart exposing your clit more, he slid one finger into you with his other hand, and sucked you into his mouth.
“Oh.” You cried, your head immediately fell back, your hand made its way to his head, and gripped his hair. He lapped up every single drop you had to offer him, he finished you off with his thumb relentlessly rubbing circles on your clit, and his tongue delved deep into you. “Just like that daddy, don’t stop, I wanna cum in your mouth.” You were so loud, but you did care, the way you were throbbing there was nothing that could pull the two of you apart. “Just how I imagined it.” You mumbled to yourself, Richie popped his head up, a shit eating grin spread across his face.
He licked your essence from his lips, “oh yea? Did you imagine it like this too?” He pushed two fingers into you as deeply as he could, reflexively you clinched him. Your words were caught in your throat as he watched you, mouth slack jaw, and the curse words written across your face. “Let it out princess, I wanna hear it, tell me how good it feels.” He plunged into you with one hand, and still with the same hand he continued the circular motions on your swollen pink bud. The sound of your juices accumulating sounded more like squishing sounds in your ears, and you hated how patient he was to let the build up happen.
“Goddammit, fuck I’m such a slut.” You breathed heavily, that didn’t alleviate it a fucking thing, slowly you could feel your muscles tightening.
“Yes you are, but you’re a pretty fucking slut. Isn’t that right?” Richie encouraged you, his voice calm, and gentle. “Say it, let me hear you say it.” He demanded, and you were sure if you had the voice for it, but you mustered the strength,
“I’m a pretty fucking slut.” You cried, only enough brain power to remember to breathe through your nose.
“That’s right, say it again, I got you baby, you just make sure you let that shit out.”
“I’m a pretty fucking slut, I’m a pretty fucking slut, I’m– ohh!” At first you were leaking, then you were spraying onto Richie’s stomach, your toes curled, and your mouth agape as your orgasam took over your entire body. As if that wasn’t enough, he took his face and pressed it between your thighs. He wrapped his hand around the shaft of his dick and proceeded to massage himself in his palm. His tongue slipped back into you, he loved the way you felt clenching, and needy to be filled up again. He loved that it was him that made you feel that way. He loved the way your thighs closed around his head, completely enclosing him in your essence.
He tapped your thigh, “let me up baby, I need to be inside that pretty little cunt of yours.” His voice came out muffled, but you understand his words. You giggled, then spread your legs apart, and let Richie up for air.
“We should stay late more often.” You laughed, Richie grabbed you by the waist and helped you off the counter. He rolled his eyes playfully, then turned you around so that your back was to his chest.
“It’s always the quiet ones trynna get me into the most trouble.” He pressed his lips to the shell of your ear, you could feel his dick press against your ass cheek, the precum feeling sticking against your skin. You didn’t deny his accusations, there was always a part of you that always wanted to do risqué things like this, but didn’t think anyone would be down for that. Until you met Richie. “Lift your leg baby, give daddy a good view…fuck just like that.” You leaned over the counter and propped your leg up to give him a clear view of you for the back. “Damn your so thick, look at this ass, so fucking delicious..mm.” He slapped your ass cheek bringing his hand down as hard as possible.
“Shit Rich–fuuuck.” The stinging of your cheek was quickly subsided by the toe curling stretch of his thick penis pushing into you. He wasn’t too big, or small he fit inside you just perfectly.
“Fuck, you take my cock like a good girl.” He grunted out, his thrust started off at a slow steady pace, despite that your knees already felt weak. His other hand reached around and played with your clit rubbing it in an off beat rhythm. You were still so sensitive it didn’t matter, you’d come undone to anything at this point.
You rocked your hips back meeting his thrust half way, “can I cum all over that cock daddy? Please?” You whimpered out, the sound of flesh, slapping, and your cheeks clapping together could be heard through the restaurant. It was 9 pm at night, the streets of Chicago were busy, but not a single soul was privy to the two of you slamming into each other like wild animals. Richie’s heavy breathing sounded more like grownling, and your cries of pleasure sounded more like a prey begging to not be eaten.
“Fucking hell, you don’t even have to ask.” He rushed out, he pounded away, not even thinking how sore you might be tomorrow. All he could think about was how fucking warm you felt, inside and out. All the times you’d wear a denim skirt to work, and he could see the way your thighs rub together as you walked around the restaurant. All he wanted was to be the friction between those thick thighs of yours and he finally got that wish. “Ughhh shit I’m gonna come.” He groaned out, what you said next was just the cherry on top for him.
“Ohh that cock feels so good, fill me up daddy, please.” You moaned, desperate to feel his hot stickiness inside you, his thrust came to an abrupt stop. He buried himself as deeply inside you as he possibly could, and let his milky white cum inside of you. He filled you up with as much of himself as he possibly had to offer, he stayed in you like that for a few moments longer letting you slide back and forth on him.
“Fuck, that’s it baby, milk me just like that…oh fuck.” Richie breathed out, he was still stuck in a bit of a haze, but that didn’t stop him from talking his shit. “This pussy is mine, if I catch anyone else giving you a number I’ll kill him.”
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lovecanyon · 2 years
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“Cherry is a strawberry?”
Jeff looks down at Cherry who was wearing a strawberry costume. Peaking out her head from the fabric, the one year old grins up at the man.
“For now she is.” Y/N says dropping her tote bag onto the couch. “She wanted to wear a costume because she saw one of the neighbors' kids all dressed up.” The mother explains making Jeffrey nod.
The family of three had just arrived at The Forum for rehearsals. It was sort of difficult touring with a baby but they worked together to make it run smoothly.
“Where’s Harry?”
“He’s getting my guitar and Cherry’s diaper bag.” Y/N tells him as she picks up her daughter and places her onto the couch that travels everywhere with Harry—even the pillows.
Just as she responded to Harry's manager, Harry himself walked into his dressing room holding Y/N’s guitar case and his daughter’s diaper bag. The father of one quickly greets Jeff and sets everything down onto the coffee table.
Once Jeffrey tells the couple their schedule for today he leaves their dressing room to greet the other band members that just had arrived. The plans for today were very different from all the other days and it made Y/N jittery just by looking at the paper taped onto the vanity mirror.
12 PM - Band’s arrival.
1:30 PM - Lunch provided by Sarah the tour catering.
2:00 PM - Stage starts getting set up.
2:40 PM - Rehearsels.
3:20 PM - Break from rehearsals
3:50 PM - Rehearsals continue.
4:40 PM - Free time.
5:30 PM - Last minute costume changes provided by Harry Lambert.
6:10 PM - Venue doors open.
6:50 PM - Free time.
7:30 PM - Dinner provided by Sarah the tour catering.
8:00 PM - Ben Harper goes on stage.
8:20 PM - Band gets makeup and hair done.
8:40 PM - Band changes into costumes.
9:10 PM - Band on stage performing.
“I’m not going to lie but this year I’m more excited to dress up.” Y/N speaks up, catching Harry’s attention. He smiles and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Looking in the mirror, Y/N finds Harry staring right at her.
“I can tell. Last year during Halloween you were pregnant and uncomfortable.” Harry mumbles against her shoulder, slightly kissing the skin.
Y/N laughed at the memory of her being a pregnant Dorthy last year. She loved and hated it at the same time.
“Why are you grumpy sweetheart?” Harry bends down in front of his pregnant wife.
“I’m not grumpy.” Y/N grumbles crossing her arms against her chest. Harry knew that Y/N felt taken aback once she found out she was going to be replaced by another guitarist for the rest of the U.S leg.
But she was getting too pregnant to play guitar nonetheless even hold a one because her belly was too big.
Still dressed in his dorothy costume Harry stands up from his crouched position and brings Y/N up with him. Moving to sit on the couch, Harry drops down onto the sofa and plops his wife onto his lap. Letting her lean into his chest, he kisses her cheek and lays a hand on her belly.
“I know you hate seeing someone in your place but it’s not permanent, it’s temporary darling. I just want to see you and our baby healthy.” Harry softly explains to Y/N as he rubs her baby bump.
“I’m sorry Ha-”
“Hey don’t apologize. You’re used to touring and always being on your feet so you feeling like this is completely normal.” He reassures Y/N. “You have a break now so take the time to do whatever you want to do darling.”
Feeling better than ever, Y/N’s pigtails bounce as she laughs.
“Can we go eat please?”
After the family of three ate lunch, they started to get ready for rehearsals. Sitting in the free space of the pit right next to the stage, Y/N and Harry were taking photos of Cherry in her strawberry costume. With his camera, Harry snaps at least 100 pictures of his daughter before she starts fussing around.
Now wearing her pink noise canceling headphones protecting her tiny ears, Cherry stares up at her parent’s getting situated on stage. Harry Lambert was on babysitting duty today which he did not mind at all, he really adored Cherry.
Y/N swiftly plugs in her instrument and grabs a guitar pick from Mitch after she couldn’t find hers. The electric guitar she used frequently was a special one made for her that Harry gifted her when they first started dating.
It meant everything to her.
Wearing her husband’s sweats and Rolling Stones tee, Y/N grabs her guitar strap and slips it onto her shoulder. She never liked to dress nice during rehearsals so did Harry and the rest of the band members.
As the rehearsals begin, the band starts off with Daydreaming. During the performance Harry kept turning around and staring at Y/N in all her glory. He always felt drawn to her especially when she was playing guitar.
He felt so happy having her on stage with him.
Little Freak was one of Y/N’s favorites even though it was about her and Harry’s breakup—the song was originally written for Fine Line but Harry never had the chance to use it until now. She always regretted running off to someone once they had broken off their relationship.
But she was glad they found their way back to each other.
After performing the majority of the songs off the set list, a special song started to play. You're The One That I Want by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John blasted through the venue speakers as Y/N let’s Mitch grab her guitar.
The couple memorized the dance months before even deciding that their costumes were going to be Grease related.
I got chills, they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying
The words leaving Harry’s mouth makes Y/N giggle into the microphone. Her laughs were intoxicating as Harry started to laugh with her.
The next verse belonged to Y/N and she couldn’t have been more thrilled.
You better shape up
'Cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do
Cherry sat on the venue floor with Lambert watching her parents smile and giggle at each other. A gummy grin formed on her face as she watched the two. She loved observing her parents being in love even though she didn't know what the word love meant yet.
The following part to the song belonged to both Harry and Y/N. One of their favorite parts of the song.
You're the one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh
The one I need
Oh, yes, indeed
Harry even drops down onto his knees like Danny Zuko did in the movie. He eyes her up and down as a smirk crawls onto his face.
He fucking loved her so much.
Lloyd the tour’s photographer caught the moment between the two and snapped a few photos of the musician on his knees, looking at his wife like she was the only person in the world.
“Are you ready to change bunny?” Y/N smothered a kiss against Cherry’s cheek making her giggle. She was now out of her strawberry costume and in her diaper.
Harry had just finished getting his wig done and already was changed. He was in his leather jacket when Y/N walked into their dressing room with Cherry. She smiled once she saw her husband staring at her with an all too knowing smile.
“I missed my darlings” Harry coos, grabbing ahold of Cherry. Quite quickly the one year old leans her head against her father’s chest.
“We were gone for 10 minutes.” Y/N breathes out a laugh as she starts to get undressed. She had went with Sarah to hair and makeup—whom she was twinning with.
“That’s too long for daddy.” Harry says making faces at Cherry which makes her burst out laughing. He seriously loved his girls.
As Y/N begins to put her leather pants on she observes Harry interacting with their daughter. He had unconditional love for her and seeing that with her own eyes made her feel happy and fulfilled.
She had always known he would be a perfect dad even before Cherry was born, she just had a feeling that Harry was a perfect person to start a family with.
As Harry sets Cherry down in her crib that travels everywhere with them, he moves to help his wife put on her black top. Without ruining her curled updo hair, Harry fixes and adjusts the fabric on her.
Y/N murmurs out a thank you as she leans in to kiss Harry’s cheek. Still in her sweats, Y/N turns around and grabs her leather pants off the clothing rack.
Quickly she changes out of her baggy sweats and into the tight pants. As Y/N buttons up her leather pants she begins to hear Harry sing to their daughter.
Leather and Lace.
Of course it was a Stevie Nicks song. The woman that got them together. Without her, Y/N didn't know what her life would be now.
Y/N slips her red vans on when she hears a knock. The dressing room door opens revealing Jeff.
“We need you in the box in five Harry.”
Once Jeffrey gets a nod from Harry, he sends Y/N a smile before shutting the door. Turning around to her husband she grins at him.
“You wanna help me change your daughter into a pink lady before you go?”
Walking out from backstage was the Love On Tour band.
Y/N stayed next to Sarah as both girls had their arms hooked around each other. The two of them had the same costume and it was Sandy from Grease—they couldn’t be happier to match.
Sarah grins at Y/N as they make their way onto the stage. Screams of each band member's names just made the six individuals smile and wave at the fans.
Though that was nothing compared to when Harry appeared on stage.
Just before the first song starts to play, the musician sends his wife a wink which makes her blow him a kiss for good luck.
And of course that moment was caught by fans.
This was going to be a long night and Y/N didn't mind it, at all.
Seven songs into the show and nothing could have gone smoother. Mitch and Y/N were synced and playing amazing, Harry was singing beautifully, Elin was showing her talent, Nyoh was doing great and Pauli was keeping the energy up as always.
Y/N watching fans dance and sing along truly made her so happy. The smiles on their faces just encouraged her to keep on playing and playing her guitar.
Until water came soaking Y/N.
It wasn’t just a small amount of water, it was a huge amount that soaked her.
Even Mitch got some droplets on him.
The water made it difficult for Y/N to play the guitar and her fingers kept on slipping off the strings. The loss of his second guitarist made Harry turn around to find his wife soaked.
Her once curled updo was flat. Her leather outfit had water dripping from it. Her shoes were standing in a puddle. And even worse, her mascara was starting to smear down her cheeks.
The sight of his lover made him mad.
Almost instantly Harry stops singing making the band slowly halt to a stop. He quickly signals the lighting technician to shut off the lights.
Right as the musician waves his hand signaling to stop, the lights swiftly turn off.
Not giving anything anymore thought, Harry rushes to Y/N and grabs her hand pulling her off the stage. He decides to take her under the stage where he normally takes his five minute breaks.
Y/N lets Harry sit her down on a seat and take off her wet leather jacket. She felt so embarrassed and defeated. Out of all nights this could’ve happened, it happened on one of Harry’s important nights.
She ruined tonight for him.
“I-I’m sorry.” Y/N stares down at her cold hands wanting to be anywhere but here.
Harry lets out a scoff as he drops down to his knees wanting to be face to face with his wife. He didn't know why she was apologizing. This wasn’t her fault at all.
“Darling I don’t know why you’re apologizing.” Harry murmurs moving his hand to cup her cheek. “This is not your fault. Okay?”
Y/N nods as she leans into Harry’s hand. She always loved feeling reassured by him, it was a feeling she would never get tired of.
“I just feel like I embarrassed you-“
“No. Don’t say that. You did not embarrass me. You can never embarrass me.” Harry cuts her off with a shake of his head. Nothing she does could ever embarrass him.
“A-are you sure Harry?”
“I couldn’t be more sure, baby.” Harry tells Y/N making a soft smile form on her lips.
“I love you so much.” She whispers gleaming up into her husband’s green eyes. Y/N loved being this close to him. She saw his freckles that she adored, she saw his long eyelashes, she saw everything and loved everything she saw.
A throat clearing interrupted the couple’s tender moment.
Looking up, Harry and Y/N find Mitch and Sarah standing next to the stage’s entrance. The two couples stared at each other before bursting out laughing.
“Mr and Mrs. Styles, we were looking for you!”
The rest of the show went great.
Before Y/N went back on stage, Sarah offered her jacket to the Styles woman claiming she was too hot to wear the leather piece. The drummer also let her curled hair down to reflect Y/N’s sort of flat hair.
Sarah and Y/N were true best friends.
Harry had even found out which fans threw water on Y/N after Elin pointed the three girls out after the concert. He had a whole plan to get those girls banned from ever attending his shows and he succeeded with that plan.
Seeing his wife in distress made his stomach turn. He hopes he never sees her that upset ever again.
Though seeing her now giggling with Cherry over their performance of You're The One That I Want made him happier than ever. Their daughter kept on smiling as she stared at her mother’s phone.
Harry circles Y/N as he dances around her. She keeps on singing though letting out a few laughs. But once Harry falls down onto his knees and begins to sing with her, she couldn’t keep her cool.
Harry and Y/N’s laughs echoed around the arena making fans scream like crazy. Everyone loved the duo especially when they were dressed up as Danny and Sandy while performing such an iconic song.
“Daddy!” Cherry lisps pointing down at the lit phone screen. Harry plops down onto his and Y/N’s bed, leaning into his girls.
Now sandwiching Cherry, her parents continue to watch videos of the show tonight that Jeff had sent them. Harry loved watching videos of his concerts, especially of Y/N.
She looked so beautiful in the hue lights while she played guitar.
Harry was glad he ended up with Y/N.
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @teawithcyb0rgs @lomlolivia
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brooooswriting · 2 years
heyo lovely HOOMAN I hope you are doing well
Do you think we can get another part for situations?
If not everything's fine
I have a lovely day
Situations 4
Situations 1, Situations 2, Situations 3, situations 5, situations 6, situations 7
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The next morning you woke up at 4 am with Jenna on top of you, her head nuzzled into your neck while your arms wrapped around her waist. You couldn’t help but blush when you realized how comforting and domestic this felt, like it was made to be. After a bit longer, you decided to get up and make breakfast for everyone as you knew that Paul, Jenna and Mike had to work today. Carefully rolling the girl off, you went and changed into a jogging trouser and a top before walking to the kitchen.
You decided to make some eggs for your friends, Avocado Toast for all of them and some vegan pancakes for Jenna and yourself, meanwhile you brewed some coffee and tea before setting the table. You liked stuff like this, taking care of people, especially your friends. After everything was set and done, you decided to wake them up, only Jenna waking up alone before you even had the chance to wake anyone up. “Good morning darling, how did you sleep?” You asked her as she went to hug you, “better than in a long time” she grumbled while you laughed as you hugged her. “Here, I made some breakfast “ you told her as you parted causing her to mumble a small ‘thank you’. “I’m gonna go wake the others, some of them have to work soon” so you went and woke all of them.
“So what’s your plan for today?” You asked the brunette when you settled down next to her, the others were getting ready to come into the kitchen for breakfast. “I have a shoot for ‘hot ones’ at about 1 pm and that’s it for today. What’s your plan?” You quickly checked your calendar before answering. “Nothing actually. I’m off work today and I have nothing planned” you grinned happily as you didn’t have off a lot.
“Good Morning love birds” it was Mike who happily entered before letting himself fall on to the chair next to you. “This looks good, what do we have?” You laughed slightly as he goggled the food, trying to hide the blush that spread when he came inside. “Eggs and avocado toast” you answered busying yourself by purring coffee into his mug. “Morning guys” Paul and Joey entered, both clearly not morning people as they dragged their feet behind them, their shoulders sacked and their eyes barely open. “Morning Star-shines” you and Jenna laughed before also purring them a cup of coffee.
It was silent for a moment as everyone ate their breakfast before your name was called from somewhere in the apartment, Mia’s voice rang through the kitchen causing your eyes to roll back and to your surprise Jenna’s too. “I’ll be back” you told her as you stood up letting your hand rest on top of her shoulder slightly squeezing before walking off.
You found the girl in the guest bed room, a towel wrapped around her but her hair still dry. “What do you need?” You asked her as you stood in the doorway. “Oh wow, you’re very friendly” she sarcastically answered causing you to roll your eyes again. “The shower doesn’t work” she told you which only earned her a sigh. “Fine, go shower in my room” you didn’t feel like fixing the shower right this moment as you’d rather spend your time with your friends. So you parted ways again as she walked to your bathroom while you returned to the kitchen. “The shower didn’t work” you informed them and sat back down, talking to Jenna and Mike as the rest was still half asleep.
When nearly everyone was done, Mia decided to join sitting unnecessarily close to you. Jenna rolled her eyes as she grabbed her plate to bring it to the kitchen, you following her. She stood in front of the sink aggressively washing the plate which confused you so you stood behind her looking over her shoulder. “You alright? You don’t have to wash the plate, I have a dishwasher you know” you carefully told her as your body was pressed against hers so you could take the plate from her. “I should go” was the only thing she said before quickly walking to your room, you stood quite confused.
“Let me drive you” you leaned against the doorframe as she collected all her things. “You don’t have to, your friends are here and hot ones is pretty far away” she now stood in front of you with her stuff in her hands, “well, everyone except Mia has to go to work anyway and if I have to choose between her bitching around because I like hanging out with you and actually hanging out with you, even if it’s just driving around then I’d pretty much rather drive with you” you explained messing around with the skin on your fingers. “Stop doing that” she scolded you hitting your fingers away, “and get ready, we have to leave in about 20 minutes” she continued with a smile causing you to smile too. “Alright ma’am” you grinned and went to change into some jeans and a bottom up, putting your hair up before joining everyone back in the kitchen.
“Alright, Jenna and I have to go. Everyone has to leave with Mike as he has a key” you told them as you put on your shoes. “Bye guys, it was nice to meet you” the actress smiled as she grabbed her bag, “bye” you called out as you led the smaller girl out of the apartment with a hand on her back. “My car’s in the garage” you informed her when you stepped into the elevator pressing the bottom. “You really don’t have to drive me” you grinned while slightly shaking your head, “you really can’t let people help you huh” which caused her to grin and shake her head.
You walked up to your truck, opening her door before getting in yourself, “wanna dj?” You asked as you tipped in the address she told you before. “Can I? It’s no problem if you wanna do it” she was being polite, but deep down she didn’t want anyone else to do the music which caused you to chuckle. “No, you can. It’s fine and I mean we have a long drive ahead. But we may have to stop for gas on the way” you added as you exited the garage.
You decided to stop at the nearest gas station where you also got her her favorite drink and some snacks as the drive was for about an hour and a half. “Here, I got you some stuff” you told her as you gave her the bag. “Thank you” you smiled at her before driving off again. It was the nicest drive you’ve had in a while, one moment you were listening to music, the next moment you were screaming along and the next one you were talking about everything and nothing. The feeling inside of you was indescribable, you felt like you belonged.
“We are here, I think” you said as you parked the car in front of a building with several security guards outside. “Have fun and text me when I should pick you up” you checked your phone real quick as you talked nearly missing the ‘oh’ that fell from her lips. “What?” You were confused, didn’t she wanna ride back with you? “Nothing, it’s just- I thought that you were gonna come inside with me, but you don’t have to- I was just being stupid” she rambled as she played with the rings in your fingers that laid on the console in the middle. “No, you’re not being stupid! I just didn’t wanna assume anything and I thought that if I come inside they’re gonna think we’re a couple and I didn’t think that would you want that” now it was your turn rambling as you watched how her hand played with the rings on yours. “Let them assume what they want, there are worse things that they could assume anyways. But I’d be really happy if you joined me, these things make me nervous and you tend to calm me” she was cute like this, Shy and slightly unsure but also just adorable.
Without another word you exited the car and opened her door. “Let’s go my Lady” you held out your hand to help her out of the truck which she happily took. But to your surprise she also didn’t let go of your hand when you walked to the building, it made you blush and your heart quicken. She took you inside the building and you sat on a chair next to her for about 2 hours while she was getting her makeup and outfit done.
“How do I look?” She asked when everybody else exited the room and it was just the two of you. She wore a beautiful black top and trouser with a updo hairstyle and some jewelry. She was breathtaking, the most beautiful person you’ve ever laid your eyes on, you could barely find the words. “Perfect” was the only thing you trusted your voice with. “Really? I’m not sure about the top” she told you as she looked down at her shaking leg causing you to walk up to her, sitting next to her again. “Are you alright?” Your voice was low and comforting as you carefully laid your hand on her shaking leg, slowing it down to a stop so she could busy herself with the rings again. “I’m nervous, what if I can’t handle the spice or do something stupid? What if he asks uncomfortable questions?” She was caught in the ‘what if’ loop and clearly didn’t quite come out of it anymore as she kept talking. “I can tell you one certain thing to alll the what ifs you judged talked about, I will always be on your side and I couldn’t care less about you doing something ‘weird’. I like you the way you are and it will stay that way, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks like that, so don’t worry that much oke? rather think about what you want to do after this” you looked at her the whole time, admiring her and everything about her. She smiled at you before kissing your cheek softly, lingering longer than one normally would before she was called.
You were allowed to sit behind the cameras and watch her, the whole time you were giving her a thumbs up when she was nervously looking for you. It seemed to calm her every time and to be honest, she was doing awesome, she answered the questions in an interesting way and handled the spices like a champ. “So Jenna, we have one more question and I think that is one that a lot of people have asked lately, because pictures like these went around a lot lately and everybody wants to know: who is this girl? And who is she to you?” You froze, it was a picture of you guys hugging, the one you saw in the news. You could already see your bond disappeared. “Well, she saved me so I hugged her to thank her. There is nothing between us, just that” your heart broke that moment, was that the only reason why she came over and stuff? Because she felt like she had to do it after you saved her? Your thoughts were going in a circle and you decided that you needed some silence so you walked to the only place you knew here: Jenna’s changing room.
After Jenna answered the question she looked over to your, now empty, chair, her brows furrowed. When you were gone she immediately got more nervous but now she had to go thru with it. She’d find you and talk to you after she’s done. “Hi, sorry to disturb you but do you think you could tell Jenna that I’ll be waiting in the car?” You asked one of the nice ladies that did her outfit as you picked at the skin of your fingers. “Sure, I’ll let her know as soon as she’s done.” After you thanked her, you made your way outside leaning against your car trying to calm your racing mind. Maybe she didn’t mean what she said, is what you told yourself over and over again but your mind couldn’t help but find other reasons. It went until the actress joined you at your car.
“I’m sorry it took so long” she told you as she stood next to you, you only nodded to deep in thoughts to answer. “Yeah, alright. Let’s just drive” you told her, starring ahead. The beginning of the drive was quiet, nobody talked and the music was so quiet that it was barely audible. At least until an 75 minutes into the drive when Jenna spoke up, “pull to the side pleas. I want to talk” you did what she told you as you didn’t want to argue.
“What’s going on with you? You suddenly disappeared and now you’re not even saying a word. I thought this was a fun thing, you said you liked to spend time with me” she turned to you as she talked. “That was when I thought we were actually something. You don’t have to hang out with me just because I saved you. I would have done it for everyone, like I said I didn’t even recognize you back then, so don’t to this because you think you have to” your voice wasn’t like she knew it, it was hard and mad instead of it’s normal softness. But now she knew why you were mad, she didn’t know what to say back then and was scared that she’d ruin what you guys had. “Y/n, it’s not like that” she started but you only rolled your eyes and continued to drive. “Yeah, sure. I just wish you would have been honest” you said as you drove off the highway. “I didn’t know what to say alright? I was scared” she was frustrated, it was evident in her voice and the way she held her shoulders. “Scared of what? Of telling me the truth?” You were now parked in front of her house, just waiting for her to get out. “No, I was scared of ruining what we have” she explained but you couldn’t help but giggle. “That turned out pretty will, didn’t it?” You were being sarcastic which made her mad. “You’re not even taking this seriously! You know, one moment you’re telling me you’ll always be there for me and you’ll like me no matter what and the next moment you act like this”
It was silent for a moment both of you thinking about how this could end. “You should probably get inside” your voice was dry, while your eyes were unfocused just starring ahead. “Y/n…” the girl next to you mumbled but you only shook your head. But that still didn’t make her move, “will you please just leave man?” Your voice also showed your frustration. “No! I wanna talk about this, I don’t want you to be mad at me” both of you didn’t quite know what to do it what to say, it was just quiet again.
You were picking at the skin again which caused Jenna to grab one of your hands with hers and intervene them tightly, “don’t do that, you’ll bleed again.” You couldn’t help but calm down as she touched you causing you to turn to her as she did the same.
Your eyes flickered towards her lips for a moment while hers did the same. Both of you were slightly leaning on until your lips softly brushed, your hands still intervened on her lap as your hand came up to rest on her jaw, your thumb softly stroking the skin. There wasn’t much movement and the kiss was rather a brush of lips than anything else but it still felt right.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
Casper making a habit of sneaking in through Charlie's bedroom window and he accidentally locks it and they're left screaming on the fire escape like that one vine
Left out in the cold.
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Casper huffed as they claimed the fire escape of Charlie's house. It was a Friday and usually they sneak in and scare him, then watch movies. It was a routine that both have been doing it for years ever since Casper was able to climb up the fire escape.
It was around 8:30 pm when Casper climbed up and went to open the window. The same window that has always been unlocked no matter what, but it didn't open for them.
"Wha..." Mumbling confused to themselves they tugged harder. Grunting as the window didn't budge, was it stuck? Looking up at the latch that signify if the window is open or not. Casper gasped loudly offended at what they saw.
"WHAT?!" Screaming a bit the person locked out of their boyfriends room looked through the window. Not seeing Charlie, so they decided to get their phone out. Grabbing their phone Casper saw it was on 1%, as they opened it the phone shut off.
".....fuck." Whispering to themselves Casper looked back inside the room. 'Where is he?' Thinking to themselves Casper rubbed their arms quickly as the cold started to effect them.
"Shit that's right he was taking a late shift today...." Groaning that means Casper was going to be locked outside in the cold for a while. With no phone, not wanting to disturb Charlie parents and just wanting their boyfriend.
After three hours a car pulled up, a blonde got out waving to his coworker that said goodbye. It was around 11 pm, the wind made Charlie shiver as he went inside as silently as he could.
"Fuck it's cold out there, my nippes could cut glass..." Mumbling the pizza worker grabbed a snack and drunk then went up the stairs quickly. Going to his rooms he saw something outside his window, confused he paused.
"What the..." Pausing Charlie wondered what it could be. Then moving the curtain he saw Casper shivering on the other side, "OH MY GOD?!?!" Unlatching the window and ripping it open Charlie fussed over Casper.
"H-Hey chuck...how...how was your shift?" Stuttering Casper shivered as blankets were thrown on them. Charlie was scrambled, quietly as he could, around the room trying to warm Casper up.
"You weirdo! Why did you- What if you get hyperthermia?! Oh God please don't die on meee?!?!" Ranting out Charlie couldn't answer the question. Casper felt a bit bad, but they did wonder something.
"Why...why was the window closed?" Under five blankets they felt themselves warm up. Charlie paused him yanking out different hoodie in the closet.
"What? I didn't lock it- oh." Whispering to himself the blonde then turned to you making you put on one of the many hoodies he owns. "Ma has been getting on me for not locking the window. Saying how a burglar will sneak in because of it." Sighing he then sat om the bed with Casper.
"That's...valid? I mean, who else knows the window is open besides me?" Questioning Casper smiled as Charlie cuddled them closer. Warmth filled the room as Charlie got them comfy on the bed.
"I don't know. But you know how nagging my ma can be. So, I just listened thinking you wouldn't sneak in because I was working late." Explaining Charlie then handed Casper the food he brought upstairs. His partner gladly ate it, being hungry from the cold and not eating earlier before coming.
"It's fine, let's watch a movie!" Kissing his cheek, the blonde rolled his eyes getting comfy on the bed then turning on a movie. Being left in the cold sucked, but now in the room with their boyfriend? Everything was alright.
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little-forest-goblin · 15 hours
First impressions Pt.1
Regency!Five Hargreeves x Reader
Synopsis: In the regency era every woman wanted to marry a man that was wealthy and had good status. there was little time to get to know one another. But you Y/N L/N are the most reluctant to these whole marriage to random men you don’t fully know.
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Early morning
The sun came in through the cracks of the curtains covering the large window. The sun with its blinding rays laid upon your face encouraging you to wake from your comfortable sleep. You simply rolled over away from the blinding rays determined to get more sleep. You aren’t exactly a morning person as most people are but your mother had other planes for you. She came in with a smile and your sisters and brothers were already up bouncing around the house like flea’s on a mangy dog. “Y/N! wake up dear hurry! you must wake! you cant sleep all night and day, the ball is today you myst freshen up and be up and ready!” Your mother said this with excitement. Why you had to wake early to get ready for a ball that would be in late afternoon? you had no clue. Your father walked by the door and chuckled as one of your sisters ran on by and he looked into the room “Its best you listen to your mother, Y/N. You know how awfully excited she has been about this ball. It’s like she cant wait to marry you your siblings off.” your mother looked to him with a look of disbelief “Now George! I am not trying to rid of them i am simply trying to make sure her and her siblings land good wives and husbands so that they can live comfortably and happy! I just want whats best for them!” your father chuckled “I know darling but pushing them is only gonna make them push back harder. You oughta ease up a little bit. After all me and you were quite natural in our relationship” he smiled while taking her hand and pulling her closer and your fathers lips close to her cheek and jaw causing her to blush and giggled “Now George not in front of the kids!” Your father put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer “But darling how can i resist?” they giggled and laughed and whispered to each other. You groaned and put a pillow over your head. Though it wasn’t the issue of seeing her parents love each other it was just too damn early for this. Your mother and father where one of the lucky marriages that came about more naturally then most. They had actually fallen in love with each other before they had married and it carried on even into marriage and they still love each other though they had there differences at times. It was nice to see a true relationship that didn’t fall apart within a year because of affairs and unrequited love because they married within a month of knowing each other. You feared and dreaded that, being stuck in a marriage that yes you live comfortably but are lost on the idea of true love. it made you sick to your stomach thinking about it.
Sometime later you knew you had time before you went to the ball. the ball was in the afternoon around 9-10 pm so waking and getting ready so early seemed like a stupid idea. You threw on a regular dress and went downstairs to eat breakfast. You came down to see mother had prepared oatmeal and had canned fruits prepared already. You smiled and grabbed your bowl of oatmeal and topping it with canned fruit for flavor and went to the table and ate while you watched your siblings be all excited and giddy for the ball. You sort of envied them for being able to feel giddy and excited about finding a good suitor and to dance with the handsome men and woman and to not feel that ache of worry in your guts about who your’s shall be like. Will he be kind? will he be gone all the time? Will you even marry and stay a spinster? Who knows what the future holds and exactly not knowing was gonna eat you inside and out. Your father walked by but he stopped and looked back into the kitchen “Y/N?” he said softly and a little curiously. You looked to him when he called your name. He slowly walked in near where you sat at the table with your oatmeal “How come you’re not readying yourself with your siblings and just watching like you’re not going?” he said with curiosity and with a small tilt of his head. You looked away and at your bowl just picking at the oatmeal and pieces of your favorite canned fruit. “It’s too early to get ready. The ball is gonna start at 9-10…” Your voice trailed off a little as the ache of worry in your belly and heart thudded. Your father ever so perceptive noticed immediately that wasn’t just the case “Yes it is quite early, I told your mother that too but i have a feeling it isn’t just that thats got you in such a state.” he looked at you with soft eyes of concern watching you pick at your oatmeal “Tell me whats on that mind of yours?” You stayed silent for a minute before sighing “Im worried about my future husband. What if i end up with a man who wants nothing to do with me. What if he beats me or is away all the time? What if he doesn’t love me like you and mother love each other.” your father smiled softly and came closer pulling out a chair near you and sitting down “Oh my little treasure chest, i think you have nothing to worry about.” he took your hands in his looking you in the eye with that fatherly love. “How do you know father?” you said quietly. he smiled and held her hands in his his thumbs gently rubbing her knuckles “I may be no clairvoyant man and just an old fool but i know in my heart you will find the one for you. You mother may seem pushy when it comes to finding you a suitor but she just wants whats best and she would never EVER want you to stay with a man that would hurt you in anyway. In the end no matter what the world may say i want it to be your choice, okay?” you smiled softly and nodded he nodded “Thats my girl. Now finish up breakfast and get ready. Your mother will have a fit if she knows you aren’t ready.” he kissed your forehead and stood walking away you called after him “Buts its still to damned early!” he just chuckled ans walked away. Your father always knew how to make you feel better.
Later around 7pm in the afternoon you still hadn’t gotten ready. You had bathed but you couldn’t decided what to wear. You came into the room to find your Two sisters Trisha and Maggie and your brother Colin in the room. Trisha and Maggie were giggling and laughing and getting ready. Trisha came up next to Maggie grabbing her arm as they looked in the mirror. “Oh Maggie i’m so excited! There will be many handsome men for the taking~” Maggie laughed and shooed her away “You better keep your flirtations down a notch Trisha! We had to move last time because you got yourself in trouble messing with a few boys at a time!” Trisha rolled her eyes playfully as she went to the vanity putting her hair up “Oh but how could i choose? They were all so handsome and very rich too.” Maggie and Trisha laughed. You rolled your eyes playfully. you loved them but sometimes there priorities and stories where all over the place. You went and sat down on the edge of the bed watching for a few minutes until Maggie and Trisha saw and looked over Maggie was the first to speak up. “Y/N aren’t you going to get ready?” you nodded “Im just nervous about this. I don’t know if i wanna go.” Trisha gasped dramatically “Y/N L/N don’t you wanna find a nice man who will keep you in comfort for the rest of your days?” you sighed “Yes but what if i want real love?” Maggie came over and sat down on one side of you “Nobody ever said you couldn’t find love. There is plenty of men inside and outside the ball.” Trisha was the next to come over to sit next to you “Yeah! plenty of handsome men to drink and dance the night away with.” you sighed “I don’t know” Maggie sighed and took one of your hands closest to herself “You’ll meet a handsome man you will fall in love with and can keep you in comfort, dear sister of mine. You will be okay.” you looked at her and smiled softly “You think so?” she nodded “I know so.” Trisha picked up a hand fan from the bed side table and said “Plus…” Trisha opened the fan and pretended to be a flirty ball room guest “You might also meet a man who will lay you down and ravage you like a starved lover.” Maggie playfully shoved Trisha “Trisha!” you laughed at there antics Trisha laughed “What!? am i wrong though?” Maggie chuckled and looked back to you “So what do you say sister. Will you come?” you thought for a minute until Trisha spoke up “Please sister it wont be as fun without you” Colin ever the silent one finally spoke up “If you don’t go i wont go. Im not going without all my sisters present” Trisha and Maggie agreed with determined looks. you eventually smiled and sighed “Alright” they celebrated there triumph in changing your mind and took your hand practically dragging you to the wardrobe so they can pick a perfect dress for you.
After you and the family had gotten ready father had arranged a carriage. You where sat next to trisha and maggie and colin was sat next to mother and father. The clip clop of the horse’s hooves was heard on the pavement of the ground. The carriage shook a little as it moved over pebbles and ridges of cobblestone. Maggie and Trisha were whispering and giggling. Mother and father talking to each other more then likely reminiscing about the ball they went to when they where younger judging by there hands being intertwined. Colin was the one across from you. You were looking out the carriage window nervously with that ache of worry in your stomach. Colin noticed and looked to you “Are you alright?” you looked to Colin and decided to be honest “To be quite honest, no. Im afraid that if i do happen to find a suitor here at the ball that they will be…i dont know…” Colin interrupted “Horrible?” you wanted to argue horrible but it was true you were afraid of that. you nodded and Colin sighed. “There is nothing to worry about. You will find love the way mother and father did. You have nothing to worry about i assure you. I know father wont let anything bad happen to you and i certainly wont let you be hurt. Do i make myself clear?” you smiled softly and nodded. “Good. Now just try to relax and have fun, alright?” you sighed “Alright. alright i will try to have fun” Colin smiled “Promise?” you nodded “Promise.” Soon the carriage came to a stop. Mother smiled “Quick children out, out. We don’t wanna be late!” Father went out the carriage first as the carriage driver opened the door. First Maggie and Trisha then Colin came out and then you. You saw the large Hargreeves manor Reginald Hargreeves was hosting the ball at and was shocked the sheer amount of money this man had. You turned back to the carriage and saw your father taking mother’s hand helping her out the carriage and kissing her knuckles making her giggle and blush. You turned back to the Hargreeves manor and saw the door open and close as another family went in and saw a sliver of the dancing and commotion inside and heard the music being played. You took a breath in then out “Alright, here goes nothing.” You made your way to the manor doors.
Hey guys i hope you really like this! this is only part one of First impressions and i really hope you like it so far. I will make a part two at some point here to please enjoy and i hope you guys are doing good bye! ❤️
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Mending a Family 16/?
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The family goes on an outing; a new player sets foot on the field.
Fun fact: I did a bunch of research on Tadoussac for this chapter, and now I want to visit. I didn't know choosing a random destination for a fanfic was going to do this to me, lol.
Jason woke up feeling excited. He knew the others in the house could feel it.
Today was the day the little family would go out and explore the little village (Jazz had told him since the population was small that it wasn’t a town.) they settled in. He even wrote an itinerary. Jason got up right before the sun rose and started making chocolate chip pancakes.
Danny was the first one to come to the table. He was vibrating from excitement. Jazz and Ellie came next. They all ate their breakfast and got ready to leave.
“So, where are we going first, daddy?”
“We are going to the Estuary of St. Lawrence and get on a boat. From there, it’s a surprise,” Jason said while winking.
While researching for their outdoor trip, Jason discovered that the little village he had settled his family in was a tourist attraction. There was whale watching, a bunch of restaurants, bistros, and bakeries—hiking, and a museum that taught about whales.
It might not have anything to do with space, but Jason hoped Danny and Ellie would enjoy themselves at least.
Jason cleaned up the kitchen and went to help Danny dress up. He chose a warm sweater over Danny’s shirt and sturdy shoes. Jason then packed up some sunscreen, a raincoat for Danny and himself (he hoped Jazz didn’t forget to pack hers and Ellie’s.), snacks, and water bottles in his backpack.
He was glad he had money squirreled away to give his family a nice little trip. Hopefully, they would enjoy themselves.
“Stop squirming around, chum.”
“Sorry, daddy, I’m just so excited!”
Daddy had taken them to go whale watching. His dad was helping Danny put on his raincoat, though he didn’t need it (he had an ice core, for Ancients’ sake!) and sunscreen. Jazz was doing the same to Ellie. Danny had never gone whale watching before. He couldn’t wait to get out to sea.
“Okay, Danny, time to get on,” his dad took Danny’s hand and led him to a boat. The captain was nice and gave Danny and Ellie some candy. Then they were off to sea.
Daddy carried Danny as they went to the railing. At first, Danny didn’t see anything. He was a little disappointed with that but was having fun being carried around by daddy. Danny was enjoying the breeze and being around his family.
After an hour into the trip, Danny saw it. A huge tail came out of the water and went back under. Then an adult whale and two baby ones breached the water. Danny’s eyes widened as the whales jumped and fell back into the water. The splash sent the boat careening a bit, but his dad held him tight.
“Daddy, daddy, did you see it? Did you see it? It was humongous!”
“I saw, Danny lad,” papa said with a smile on his face. Danny could feel his dad’s emotions, which were bursting with happiness and love. Danny couldn’t help but give a bigger smile. Jazz and Ellie were enjoying themselves, too. Jazz took pictures of the whales when she could, and Ellie would laugh whenever a whale blew air through its blowhole. They stayed on the boat for three hours looking at the whales.
Afterward, his dad took him to a museum. Danny couldn’t help but stare at the whale skeleton they had on display. The best part was when his dad would hold his hands. (The strong positive emotions had Danny giddy the whole time.) Jazz wanted to see a little church they had in town. That bored Danny, but he loved being around his family, so it was a win-lose situation.
They went to eat lunch at around 1 pm, and then daddy took them on a hike. Daddy had let Danny sit on his shoulders the whole time.
Danny couldn’t help but admire the trees and animals he saw on the way. A part of him couldn’t help but remember when his parents used to take him and Jazz camping. (How were his parents? Were they happy without him? Without the abomination around?)
“Everything okay, kiddo,” Jason asked. Danny had suddenly gotten sad. He could taste nostalgia in the air (and wasn’t that a weird concept? Tasting emotions.)
“Everything’s fine, daddy. I just…” Danny trailed off. Jason looked toward Jazz, who was frowning.
“You can tell us anything, little brother. Your dad and I won’t judge.”
“It’s, well, I remembered, before the portal, how mom and dad would take us camping. I’m sorry.”
His dad put him down and then crouched down to Danny’s height.
“Why are you apologizing, chum? You’ve done nothing wrong.”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck and looked down from his dad’s eyes (his gaze landed on Jason’s scar.)
“Because you worked so hard for this trip, and I’m thinking of parents who treated me badly.”
Jazz got in front of him, “Danny, what mom and dad did wasn’t right. That doesn’t mean you can’t miss or remember the good times we spent with them. I do it, too.”
“You do,” Danny asked.
“Yeah, little brother, I do.”
“I’ll tell you a secret,” his dad said, “even though my old man and I fought and didn’t see eye-to-eye, I miss him, too.”
Danny didn’t say anything letting the words sink in.
“So, I’m not a bad person for still loving and missing them? Even though you take care of me now, daddy?”
“No, chum, you’re not.”
Danny hugged his dad, and his daddy rested his chin on Danny’s head.
“Now, should we finish this hike, or do you want to go home?”
“Finish it, please,” Danny said, excited again. After all, he had gotten confirmation from his dad and Jazz that he wasn’t a bad person for missing the Fentons. His dad gave him a piggyback ride until they reached the trail's end. Danny smiled at the sunset.
Talia Al Ghul, daughter of the demon’s head, answered her phone.
“We found him, Lady Talia. We followed him on an outing with two kids and a redheaded girl. What is your next order?”
“You made sure they didn’t spot you,” Talia said. If they had been spotted, she would personally make sure that they would suffer the consequences.
“No, Lady Talia, it’s a tourist village, so we used different operatives throughout the day. Neither the boy nor his companions noticed us.”
“Good, retreat for now. Send me all information you have gathered; I’ll be there by tomorrow.”
It seemed she was taking a little trip to Canada.
Talia has appeared, dun dun-dun dun.
@idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks
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lingy910y · 1 month
Weekly Tag Wednesday
tagged by @energievie & @deedala
name: ling
zodiac sign: virgo (that post says my updated sign is leo but shh we don't speak of it)
how many trips have you made around the sun? 13 days before i'm 18. i'm having an early birthday party with my family tho bc it's hard to get my mom's and my schedule lined up
what time is it where you are right now? 2:44 pm
what is the candy you wish you were eating right now? none of them
would you rather swim in a swimming pool or a natural body of water? pool ig bc i cannot swim
what's the last thing you ate? croissant, a cup of low fat vanilla yogurt, 5 orange slices, and 1 grape (i brought 3 but ngl i don't think grapes taste good anymore </3) an actual healthy breakfast for a college student wow
find the closest book, what's the last two words on the last page of the last chapter? "short poems" for my journal in creative writing class. we were supposed to write abt our experiences and expectations and i felt comfortable enough to say i write fics online and made friends from it (yet another person will know my dark secret 😔💔) funny enough i accidentally wrote on the last page but then copied it on the first page (honestly i still don't know which is the front or back) so technically you can read the same words but erased on the last page
what's the last scene of shameless that you've watched? youtube says it's the "'cause you're my husband" scene. idk if i even watched it in full but i've spent too long going through my watch history so i'm gonna go with it
what's the next song you're going to listen to? probably cleopatra from aristos: the musical, i'm so obsessed that i put it in my instagram notes
what scent is your body soap? i think it's triple oat?
what does your pillowcase look like? pink with palm trees and the words "sheng yu qin shi" on top and white on the bottom
when's the last time you did laundry? today bc i got my period 😬 i just finished folding the clothes and putting the fitted sheet on the mattress which i need endless amounts of praise on btw cause my muscles were working overtime
what does the sky look like where you are now? i can't rly see outside my window but sunny and blue
go drink some water and put any emoji here to denote completion of this task: 😁
was the name of the earliest childhood teacher that you can remember? mr. wilson my 3rd grade math teacher
tagging @michellemisfit, @mybrainismelted, @reganmian, @jademickian, @blue-disco-lights
@burninface, @iansw0rld, @sgtmickeyslaughter, @mmmichyyy, @gallapiech
& @heymrspatel
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lovehypegirl · 6 months
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synopsis: the beginning of y/n's biggest kickoff role! paring: jujutsu kaisen actor au x y/n warnings: some cursing probably but either way, none notes: visuals are at the end of the episode and I recommend that you view them first
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y/n sat on a chair in her hotel room at the Plaza Hotel in New York City
She had just finished up her MIUMIU photo shoot the previous day and was relaxing, enjoying her Belgian Waffle from room service, and watching a new episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians as her phone rang
She reached over to the chair next to her and checked the screen to see her manager calling
She paused the TV as she answered the call
"Hello?" she said, food still in her mouth
"y/n? Hello! How are you?" her manager - Kyube - asked
"I'm doing fine...enjoying the hotels room service while I can..what's up?"
"Have you checked your email yet?"
"Uhh which one? I have like 7 different accounts" she picked a strawberry from her plate
"The one where your audition results come through? Did you check it?"
"I mean I would if I could find my computer"
"Just do it on your phone"
"But I'm on call with you?"
"I'll tell you then. The role you auditioned for in Jujutsu Kaisen?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"You got the part! You'll need to head to JFK immediately. Like today. I already bought your plane tickets and your flight is red-eye. I know it's ten in the morning but since you tend to wait until the last minute to pack but please do it now"
"Twin you can drop this all on me at once"
"I just did! You'll need to leave by 8 or 9 so start getting ready by one in the afternoon. Your flight will take you to San Francisco for a layover and then over the Pacific to Japan"
"Ooookay..so 17 hours?" y/n said as she yanked her pink suitcases out of the closet
"That's right! Oh, and I'll be meeting you at the gate at SFO when you land"
"Okay, thanks for letting me know" y/n placed her Hermes shopping bags on the bed and began to take the boxes out leaving them unopened and carefully placing them in her suitcases
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y/n waited by her gate after making it through the nightmare of security and baggage check
She tugged on her sweatshirt and sweatpants combo each with the Yankee logo. Naturally, she choose the most comfortable outfit for a 17 hour flight
Lowering her Yankees cap down on her head to avoid getting noticed as she ate her donuts from Dunkin'
"Gate 34, now boarding. Repeat: Gate 34, now boarding. Please proceed to Gate 34 should it be your designated gate" the announcement came from the loudspeaker and y/n wiped her mouth and threw out any trash in the nearby trashcan and she picked up her travel bag and walked to the gate
"Any passengers now boarding first class line up at the checkpoint. Repeat: Any passengers now boarding first class please line up at the checkpoint"
y/n moved over to the checkpoint and handed the flight attendant her boarding pass
The woman's eyes widened slightly as she saw who's name was on the boarding pass and y/n smiled slightly albeit awkwardly
"I'm a huge fan!" the woman whispered as she let y/n onto the plane
y/n quickly found her spot in first class and tossed her bag down and sunk into the plush chair as people began to board the plane
Before she fell asleep, a Twitter notification hit her phone but she was too lazy to check it, opting to sleep instead
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y/n yawened as she got off the plane and looked around for her manager
"She should be here..." y/n muttered under her breath "hmmm...ah! There she is"
Kyube was sitting to the side in the lounge area typing away at her computer which was covered in NewJeans and Twice stickers that y/n had given her
"Kyu!" y/n called out as she walked to her manager
Kyube looked up at the sound of the girls voice "y/n! Hi love, how are you?" Kyube stood up to hug the girl. y/n was shorter than Kyube...probably since Kyube never left the house without her heels
Her manager was very beautiful and a former actress, but a past accident didn't allow her to return to her career
"I'm good, how are you?" y/n looked up at Kyube
"I'm doing fine, honey. Are you hungry? Our flight for Japan leaves in about an hour and a half, would you like to go eat?"
"Yes please"
"Alright then"
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"Gate 5 now boarding. Repeat: Gate 5 is now boarding. Please proceed to Gate 5 should it be your designated gate"
y/n looked up from her finished plate as the announcement
"There we go!" Kyube stood up and took their plates to the counter
"On your feet, y/n. Time to go"
"Any passengers now boarding first class line up at the checkpoint. Repeat: Any passengers now boarding first class please line up at the checkpoint"
y/n walked to the checkpoint with her manager and Kyube handed in their boarding passes
They made their way into first class and y/n practically lunged for the comfortable seat, ready to sleep again
She put her headphones on and scrolled through the artists that she followed on Spotify to find one to fall asleep to
She kept her eyes on the leaving city as they began to fly over the Pacific ocean
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y/n woke up to someone gently patting her arm
"y/n? y/n the plane is landing...time to wake up" Kyube moved her hand to gently pat the girls hair
"mmmm..." y/n rubbed at her eyes as she slowly opened the window and squinted her eyes to adjust to the light
Below them, Japan was coming closer and closer to the plane as it began the descent
"What time is it?" she said groggily as the plane jolted from it's landing
"2:30 pm" Kyube said as the plane slowed to a stop and the post-flight announcement came onto the loudspeaker
"C'mon honey, time to go" Kyube held her hand out for y/n to take and y/n did so hauling herself to her feet
The duo walked out of the plane and into Haneda Airport
"Are you hungry? I want to get a coffee" Kyube said as they walked deeper into the airport
"Yeah can we go to Dunkin?" y/n looked up at her manager
"Sure, but we need to get our bags first"
The duo went to the baggage claim carousels and y/n placed her hands on her knees staring intently at the suitcases went by. It was a little impossible to miss her pink suitcase among the darker colored suitcases but it never hurt to be careful
Once y/n's suitcases came down the carousel, she hauled them off albeit clumsy and helped Kyube get her suitcases which were way heaver and larger than y/n's
"What on Earth do you have in those?"
"Good grief"
Once they got out of the baggage claim area, they made their way to the food court to buy coffee for Kyube and donuts for y/n
"Kyube pleeeeaaasseeee!!!! pleasepleasepleaseplease!"
"No, you are getting one donut and that's it. Donuts and Tanghulu isn't a meal. You want strawberries? We'll get you a fruit bowl, but no donuts and Tanghulu together"
"Please...? I promise I won't wander around unknown areas or talk to strangers again!"
"My words are final"
"Aww man. But I'll take you up on that fruit bowl"
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Kyube and y/n sat at a table in the food court. Kyube was working on y/n's upcoming schedule for and y/n was posting her dumb shit on twitter
y/n placed her phone down as she poked a piece of cantaloupe with her fork and looked to the side but she spotted two familiar people a few tables away
"Who're they? They look familiar" y/n pointed a thumb to the somewhat familiar duo
Kyube looked in the direction that y/n was pointing in and squinted her eyes from behind her sharp rectangular glasses (the bayonetta glasses)
"Thats Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru...you've been in a movie with Geto once, you were young though"
"Huh...are they filming Jujutsu Kaisen too?"
"I can't tell you that"
y/n picked up her phone to scroll through twitter again and decided to eat her donut in three bites. Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw a tweet from a familiar name
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y/n snickered and looked over her shoulder at Gojo and Geto. The former had moved his sunglasses onto his forehead and was gaping at his phone
'pretend like you've got no idea' she mouthed to Geto who nodded
"y/n please do not cause problems" Kyube scolded
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"Alright...y/n, we need to leave now to get to the hotel in time"
"Okay" y/n stood up and threw out the now empty cup that once held fruit and the bag from the donut
She followed Kyube out of the airport and passed the table that Gojo and Geto were out giving the duo a shit-eating grin
Gojo playfully stuck his toungue out at her and she returned the gesture in the same playful manner
"Come along y/n" Kyube beckoned the girl "Our car will be here shortly"
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@moonmalice @lavender-hvze
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© 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙃𝙔𝙋𝙀𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 | modification and translation of my works on any platforms are strictly prohibited
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
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Day 11 - 90 Day Challenge 🎀
Yesterday (11-25) was kind of productive? I ended up working a 5 hour shift at my job instead of the 8 hour one I was supposed to which by no means upset me because I still made money either way. I tried to get some stuff done beforehand but I honestly just took the morning for rest. I also go back to work this morning as well so I'm really happy to get back to routine.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
took a 30+ minute walk around campus before I had to go to work
walked 9778 steps total
ate a really good salad with tomato, cucumber, romaine, shredded carrots, and balsamic vinegrette. (who knew balasamic vinegrette was so yummy!)
drank half a liter of essentia electrolyte water
stopped eating breakfast when I was comfortably satisfied and didn't push past my limits
ate 2 servings of fruit + 1 serving of almonds + 1 serving of cashews (so yummy, cashews and almonds for the win)
🧠 Mental Health
nothing that I can remember at the moment
❤️ Emotional Health
some more retail therapy. bought myself some oversized t shirts online to use as gym shirts/everyday shirts. I may be plus size but I still love me an big comfy t shirt, especially to workout. I think I bought 11 or 12 shirts? cost me 90$ USD.
📚 Intellectual Health
does it count if I said I did a lot of budgeting for what I was buying?
because otherwise, nothing else
🏘 Adulting
worked a 5 hour shift
phone call + zoom call with my boyfriend
took care of some laundry I had previously washed (still have more to take care of)
🥰 Self Love/Care
morning skincare
that's about it, but I think the walk helped my anxiety, and retail therapy always feels like self love because I used to feel guilty for buying myself stuff
Yesterday was a good day for sure. Today, my goals are to make it through my work shift, complete my reflection paper that's due tomorrow night, drink one liter of essentia electrolyte water, answer a journal prompt, and set myself up for tomorrow morning (I have a 730am class on Mon and Wed, so I gotta be up bright and early tomorrow!)
My Mondays are always so busy. Here's a little breakdown for those who are curious:
Wake up early, get ready, coffee, skincare, pack school bag, set out work stuff
Class at 730am to 845am
class from 9am to 1015am
quick snack at the dining hall at 1025am
review homework/tasks for the week
gym from 11am to 1215pm
walk home
shower, eat something proteiny, get ready for work
walk to work 130pm
work from 2pm to 10pm
get home, change/shower, zoom boyfriend
go to sleep by 11ish pm
I love Mondays tho, the routine always sets me up for the week!
Anywho, that's all for now!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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mycenalucentipes · 1 year
Ghosts || Draco Malfoy x Reader - Part 1
a/n: Hi, I have no idea what this is, but it’s ummm, angsty ish I suppose. Maybe someday I’ll write pure fluff, but that is not today. I’m diverging from canon a little bit so I can do what I please with Y/n’s ghost :)
warnings: angst, mentions of abuse, r*pe, violence, swearing. It feels kind of…cruel to write out what happened, but …..anyways
Draco x Female Reader
summary: Year 6. You’re a new ghost in the bathrooms of Hogwarts. Recently killed by the hands of your ex, your abuser. He was a cruel Gryffindor who strangled you in the men’s bathroom just around 9:00 pm that tragic evening. No one found you until the next morning. So now you just hung around the men’s bathroom, whispering taunts and tormenting your ex. 
Ghosts: Part 1(you're here) || Part 2
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“You filthy little whore! Who said you could talk to him!?” He shoved you violently against the stall door. Your ears rang as black spots danced in your vision. You were pretty sure you heard your skull crack. “How dare you betray me like that? Hm, L/n!?” 
You could only whimper in response, not having the strength to argue back. He had yanked you by your hair and dragged you into the men’s bathroom. No one was around since it was around 9:00 pm. 
“Well!?” He growled viciously in your face, heavy pants from anger shook his figure.
“We–we were only studying, I swear!” You cried out in a small voice. You brought your arms up in front of your face to defend yourself. Thus meaning he went for a punch to your gut. 
“You can’t fool me, bitch,” he snarled back, “Who would ever hang out with the likes of you? You’re lucky you're hot, or else no one would like you.” 
“Please, let me– let me go,” you sobbed, no longer able to hold the tears back. You were tired of his abuse, his tormenting, his never ending sex drive. You were so frail. You would be covered in bruises and scratches from his roughness and abuse. He controlled what you ate and who you hung out with. You always wore long sleeves and dark tights with your skirt. You wanted to wear trousers, but he made you wear your skirt again. Saying it was unladylike to wear trousers. He ‘taught you a lesson’ the day you wore trousers. Never again. You never wore them again. 
“And why should I do that? So you can run back to the Weasley boy?” He once again slammed your frail figure into the stall door, holding you up by your neck with his dirty palms. How you hated his hands. Any man’s hands. You felt dirty and violated. Like an object instead of a human. You let out strangled cries as you flailed, trying to kick him, punch him, clawed at his hands holding your neck. His grip only tightened.
“Please, why are you doing this? I don’t want this anymore,” your voice was airy and barely above a whisper anymore. He gave the most ugly, disgusting, vile smirk. 
“Because you're nobody. If not for me, you would have no one in your life. You would die an old hag.” Haha, how funny. At this point, you would welcome death, at least that’s what you thought. Your body gave out to his strength. His grip continued to tighten, you were rapidly losing air, unable to pry his fingers away from your throat. 
“I… I…can’t...breathe...” The world went dark as you lost all consciousness. 
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Panting heavily, Draco stumbled his way to the bathrooms. Tears were already threatening to spill over. He was sure his heart was going to beat out of his chest. How could he not breathe, yet take in so much air? The pressure was too much. He just couldn’t do it. Why did it have to be him? This wasn’t the first time he sought refuge in the bathrooms to have a panic attack, nor would it be the last. The end of the school year was approaching fast. He still had not done his task. 
It was just before breakfast that the Slytherin made his way to the bathrooms. He wasn’t expecting to find a dead body today. 
“Holy fucking shit.” He jumped and stumbled back, landing on his ass, as he saw the lifeless body of you. Draco did not actually know who you were. You were just a Hufflepuff that kept to herself most of her days. He only ever saw you around in passing. His breathing became a little more unsteady, unsure of what to do as his body was frozen, staring at yours.
“Tragic, isn’t it?” His head snapped around towards the direction of the soft voice. You floated into his line of sight. You were now just another ghost of Hogwarts.A ghostly presence that seemed unsure of its own existence. A silvery mist of a figure who couldn’t really do much now. You weren’t very sure why you were still here, you thought you would welcome death once it came. 
“Wh–who are you?” Draco’s breathing quickened and his voice quivered.
“I’m Y/n L/n, a former Hufflepuff student here. I was in your year actually,” you replied gently, your voice carrying an ethereal tone. “And um, that is… my lifeless body.” Draco’s eyes darted back down to the body that was indeed yours. He had forgotten all about it when you emerged. You wispily floated around, just five inches above the ground. “I’m uncertain of what will happen next. You’re the first to find me.”
His mind spun with confusion. His head was already full of his own problems, now this? What cruel and twisted joke was the world playing on him? “Why must it always be me for these things?” He didn’t mean to say that out loud.
“Huh? But I’m the one dead here?” Your voice tinged with a hint of curiosity. You weren’t mad or anything. Your ex whittled your confidence away until you felt everything was your fault or that you didn’t matter. 
“No, sorry, I didn’t mean that,” he whispered as he looked away. 
“It’s alright. Though, are you alright? You seem a little worse for wear.” You inquired, leaning close to his face. He recoiled at your advance, a small scowl forming on his features. 
“Do I look alright?” He hissed out. You just shrugged in response, not wanting to engage in a futile argument. 
His mind continued to whirl with confusion and frustration. He was rendered useless with this newfound situation. Everything was too much.
“You can tell me anything you want to Draco. I promise I won’t tell anyone. I swear my afterlife on it.” You could tell Draco was in deep distress. He needed an outlet, tears were still threatening to spill over. You’ll admit, he was quite talented at holding them back for this long. After a few moments of Draco’s erratic breathing, you gently sat a few feet in front of him, just in front of your body. 
Draco’s eyes flickered between your ghostly form and your lifeless body on the floor. It was a surreal sight, one that he wasn’t sure he quite enjoyed seeing. Even though he wasn’t the cause for your death (that he knows of), it made him sick. Sick that someone would do that to such an innocent looking face. 
“I… I don’t know where to start,” Draco mumbled, his voice trembled with fear. “There’s so much going on. My head is spinning, it keeps me up at night. I–,” he gulped, his eyes darting away, “I’ve been tasked with murdering Dumbledore. If I don’t… he’ll destroy my family and me. But I don’t think I can do it.” He was sobbing by now. It felt all too real to actually say it outloud. Your features remained serene and peaceful, seemingly unphased by what he was confessing to you. Between his broken sobs, he explained how was forced to join the Death Eaters, and every other little detail that has happened this year. “I’m such a horrible person. I’m one of them now. I don’t want to be a part of this… this madness anymore.”
“Oh, Draco, I can’t imagine the weight that rests upon your shoulders. I don’t believe that you are truly evil. There’s still a part of you that’s good and wanting to change. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be in here, feeling these emotions.” You spoke with a gentle voice. Draco’s sobs began to subside slightly, his attention drawn to your form as you continued to speak. “It takes great strength to keep going through something like this. You’re right, life is unfair. These burdens should not have fallen onto your shoulders…As for your task… that is something only you can figure out I believe.” His sobs were even softer now, though the tears didn’t stop falling. “I would hug you if I could, but,” You gestured to your transparent form. He cracked a small smile at your comment before his face returned back to one of despair. 
You both sat like this for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. Draco looked over to you, you could tell he wanted to ask something.
“Y/n, may I ask how you,” he gestured towards your body and swallowed thickly. 
“How I died?” You finished for him, he nodded shyly. “Hmm, well, my ex. He killed me. He was a cruel Gryffindor, I don’t know why he was a Gryffindor. He should’ve been kicked out of Hogwarts. He caught me studying with one of the Weasley boys and berated me for it in the men’s bathrooms around curfew. He was incredibly abusive. A real prat, that boy was.” Draco could see tears misting your eyes.
“I was… strangled to death, unable to defend myself. My body gave in as his abuse became too much. My whole time with him, he, metaphorically, always had his hands wrapped around my throat. Who knew that would be the way I would actually die though?”
“He told me I would die alone and no one would love me. He said I only got attention because I was hot. Then if I wasn’t hot, I for sure would have become an old and lonely hag.” You poured your heart out to the Slytherin boy. It felt amazing to finally tell someone of your situation. Your whole time at Hogwarts, your ex overtook your life. 
As the weight of your story settled in the air, Draco sat there, a look of pain and shock was heavy on his face. Although he never talked to you before this, he felt a surge of anger towards that bastard who did this to you. You didn’t deserve this. The only things you have shown him today were kindness and compassion for another hurting soul. 
“I–I can’t believe someone would do that to you. You’re so… so good.” You gazed at him with sad eyes, a bitter chuckle escaped your lips. “You shouldn’t have had to go through that.You deserved so much better.” He cast an apologetic look. 
“Thank you, Draco. You also deserve better. It means a lot to me that you would say this. No one has ever listened to me before.” 
“Now I wish I had known you better when you were alive,” he smiled a little bit, looking down at the floor away from your gaze.
“Ah, maybe so. I don’t think we would have been friends though.” You responded softly with a sad smile. Still staring at the floor, he nodded sadly in agreement. “Well, I hear students starting to head towards the Great Hall, so you should probably get going, Draco.”
“It’s so nice just sitting in here and talking though,” he whispered out, not wanting to face reality again. 
“It is, but maybe grab Professor Snape on your way. Let him know about uh,” you gestured towards your lifeless figure on the floor. Draco nodded in understanding and he turned to leave. 
“Draco, wait,” you called out softly. He turned towards you once more with raised eyebrows. “You can always come back here and talk to me, alright? I’m probably stuck here for a while anyways.” 
“Hmm, I think I might like that.” He offered a small smile, heading out of the bathrooms. You hid yourself in one of the stalls, awaiting Snape’s arrival. Things might turn out more okay than you originally thought. 
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The Night We Met
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
warning: swearing.
A/N: based on season 1 of Outer Banks but differently. Do you guys want this as a part 2 please let me know in the comments!!
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My parents and I are going to Outer Banks for our vacation. We get to the hotel that we're staying at and it looks like there has been a hurricane went down last night. My mom and I go to the front desk to check in and asked questions about the hurricane. We get to our room and got settled in. We take naps because it's 1 PM and my parents were driving since 9 AM.
6:30 PM
My parents and I went out on the beach near us and I brought my camera so I can take pictures of whatever we see that was interesting. We see a party but my parents and I ignore it. I take pictures of the reminisce of the hurricane and the beach that we were at.
I see this cute boy that's with his friends, my parents notice me looking at them, and my dad nudges me to keep walking away. 'North Carolina boys are cute,' I thought. I keep taking pictures of my parents walking on the beach.
"Hey Y/N! We're going to walk around some more. When do you want to eat?" My mom gets my attention.
"Whenever you guys want to! Can I take more pictures?" I answer back.
"Yes, you can!" My dad yells back.
"Thank you!" I answer back again.
I take more pictures. The boy I noticed at the party is coming towards me. I look at him.
"Hi, I'm JJ." He gets his right hand out for me to shake it.
"I'm Y/N." I shake his hand.
"I noticed you looking at me."
"My friends told me and thought that you look beautiful."
I blush, I think he can see my cheeks turning red.
"You wanna come to meet my friends?" He points to his friends.
"Sure," I said.
I follow JJ and we talk a little until we go to a fire and his friends drink they look at me but they look confused.
"Guys, this is Y/N, Y/N, this is John B, Pope, and Kiara." JJ introduces me to his friends.
"Hi," I said.
"You like taking photos?" John B says.
"Yeah but my parents and I are on vacation so I'm taking pictures for our vacation photo album." I look at my camera and then at JJ's friends.
"Really? Is this your first day here?" John B questions me.
"It is," I answer.
"You wanna take pictures of us, you know, your new friends?" John B asks me again.
"Uh, sure." I look back to see if my parents are looking for me. They're looking for shells, I think.
JJ guides me to a seat next to him.
We talked about a lot of things like what we have in common.
"Were called the Pogues." JJ looks at me and says.
"What's that?" I question.
"That's what we're called and there's another name we call the rich side of Outerbanks," Pope said.
"What are they called?"
"Kooks." John B says.
"Oh like The Outsiders," I said.
"What's The Outsiders?" JJ questions.
"Really JJ? We read that book in 8th grade!" Kiara says to him.
I giggle.
"Does it look like I remember 8th grade, I still don't remember what I ate this morning." JJ jokingly says.
I look down and quietly giggle again.
"This what we do to each other," Pope tells me.
"You guys remind me of my friends back home."
"Well we’re your friends but in a different state.” Pope says.
“I’d like that.”
“Take pictures of us, it’ll last longer.” JJ said.
I take pictures of them. They made funny faces, I got a group picture of them and a picture of me with them. I felt like I’ve been friends with them for years even though, I just met them today. JJ wanted me to take more pictures of him so I did. I think I’m in love with him.
I get JJ’s, Kiara’s, John B’s, and Pope’s number and I finally go back to my parents so we can go get some dinner. When we came back to our hotel I downloaded the pictures I took on my computer and looked at the pictures. Every picture looked so good. I get to the pictures I took of my new friends, the four of them looked like they were having a good time. I look at JJ’s pictures, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, he looked so cute I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
The next day, my parents and I went around OBX and went to the attractions if they were open and they were. We learned about the history about the place and it was really cool. When my parents and I were going somewhere else I see my new friends on a boat joking around, I wave so get they’re attention and I got they’re attention. JJ looks at me, waves and smiles at me, I’ve never seen smile like that in long time.
“He’s really cute.” My mom leans back to me in her seat.
“Yeah.” I said nervously but I think she saw me blushing.
I’m in love with JJ. I know I just met him but he seems funny and sweet and the same time.
My parents and I go to the beach to swim and again I take my camera to take some pictures or get a family picture. When I get into the water, which the water felt so good and warm, my parents are talking to JJ, Kiara, John B, and Pope. I notice them talking so I got out of the water and went to where my parents were at.
“Hi Y/N/N!” Kiara smiles.
“Hi Kiara.” I smile back.
“Y/N, your new friends are so nice.” My dad said.
“I mean, I know.” I acted shy but it’s true.
“Can one of you guys take a picture of us in front of the beach?” My mom asks.
“I would.” Pope says taking my camera.
My parents and I faces the behind the beach and Pope gets the camera ready for our picture.
“Ready? 1.. 2.. 3.. Smile.” Pope says.
We all smile. I notice JJ looking at me but happy. I think he has a crush on me.
JJ invites me to a beach party and my parents were worried about what well happen to me but they put Find My iPhone on so they can track me and told to me to call them when I’m done being at the party.
JJ and I get to the party and there’s alcohol. Everywhere. I ask for water but I didn’t trust anyone so I didn’t drink at all. JJ and John B introduced me to some of their other friends and they were nice.
JJ and I went to a private area with palm trees and we talked a little bit more about ourselves.
"I like your hat there JJ." I bop his hat.
"Thanks, Y/N/N." He smiles.
I giggle.
"I never noticed it but you have the cutest laugh you know that?"
"You're the first person to say that." I smile.
"I'm glad that I'm the first one to notice."
We both chuckle.
"What happened to your face there?" I notice a cut on his face.
"Oh this, this is, my dad." He said nervously.
He looks hurt just by saying that. I give him a peck on the cuts on his face.
"That made me feel better actually." He smiles.
"I'm glad."
We look at each other, JJ leans into me and kisses me. I kiss back. We look at each other again we looked like two shy kids getting our first kiss.
"Y/N, I, I, I'm in love with you," JJ says nervously.
"I'm in love with you too." I smile.
We do nose-to-nose. It felt like we were the only people on Earth.
I hear something behind me and it's this group of boys with girls, I guess their girlfriends, shouting and cursing up a storm.
"Who are they?" I ask JJ while looking at the group.
"They are called the Kooks."
"Who are the Kooks?" I look back at JJ.
"They're basically the rich kids from the Outerbanks."
It's like The Outsiders but in the 21st Century.
"You know Kiara used to be a Kook."
"Really? Never thought that she was."
"She became our friend 2 years ago. John B, Pope, and I think that she got pissed at one of the Kooks, Sarah Cameron, which is that girl with the guy who looks like a douchebag."
I look at who he's talking about and I can see who's he talking about.
"We think Sarah pissed Kiara off so she became a Pogue."
"They look rich to me."
JJ giggles.
JJ looks at the group and some are coming our way.
"Y/N, do you want to go home, I think your parents are getting worried," JJ says to me frantically.
I look at the group, "Yeah let's go JJ."
JJ grabs me and we try to run until we hear someone scream 'JJ.' We look back it's a guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
"How's it goin' JJ?"
"It's all good Kelce we were about to leave actually, so goodbye," JJ says seriously but in a joking way.
"Who's this JJ? Oh, come on what's your name, Princess?" A guy says. Who looks creepy to me.
I try and make up a name and thought of it, "My name is Grace." I said.
JJ looks at me and went along with it.
"Yes, this is Grace, and Grace this is Topper, Kelce, Sarah, Rafe, and Wheezie," JJ says to me.
"I like your name," Wheezie says.
"Thank you." I smile at her.
"Why we haven't seen you here before?" Sarah says.
"Well, I-"
JJ interrupts me.
"She is actually from Dare County," JJ says.
"Really? So you're going to Manteo High School?" Topper says.
"Yes I am actually, I like the school," I answer.
I hope they bought it.
"I hope we beat your football team because they kinda suck," Kelce says.
These guys are assholes. I thought.
"Listen we gotta go but nice to meet you, Grace," Sarah says.
The Kooks leave to go to the party and JJ turns to me and I look at him.
"Y/N, I can't believe that you did that."
"I had to, I do not want them to know my actual name."
"Good call."
"And I'm glad that you went along with it." I smile.
"Imagine it went bad."
We both chuckle.
Eventually, JJ took me back to my hotel where my parents and I were staying and I told my parents everything that happened, except JJ and I kissing. I told them I didn't drink at all and I drank some water from our small refrigerator. My parents were proud of me and said they kept trank on me with the Find My iPhone app to make sure I was safe or not.
My parents and I are watching the news and it said on the weather there's going to be a huge storm where we were supposed to leave Outer Banks. So obviously we're staying and I can be with JJ and his friends more. But mostly be safe with my parents.
JJ texts me to come to John B's house.
"Hey Mom, Dad, can I go to John B's house, JJ says it's important."
My parents thought about it and said yes to me so my mom drove me to John B's house.
"Y/N, I'm going to stay here when you leave here okay?" My mom looks at me.
"Okay, um, Mom, can I tell you something." I look at her.
"JJ and I kissed."
"Why didn't you tell Dad and me?"
"I was afraid of that you guys might get mad.”
“You met the guy like 5 days ago.”
“I know but we got to know each other a lot better.”
“I’m glad honey. Well I’ll be here when you’re done being at John B’s house okay.”
I nod.
My mom and I kiss and I get out of our car and saw JJ and ran to him to hug him. JJ looks at my mom and waves at her. I look back to see her waving back. JJ takes me inside to see Sarah. Why’s she here? I thought she was with that Topper guy?
“Hi Grace.” Sarah says.
“Her name isn’t Grace, it’s Y/N.” Kiara says.
JJ and I look at each other. I get nervous and JJ can see my nervousness.
“What’s going on?” Pope says.
“My name is actually Y/N. I faked my name including where I live because those guys I met with you, I don’t trust people like that.”
“John B, did you know this?” Sarah tells John B.
“JJ told me.”
“But not the rest of us?” Kiara says.
“Can we not talk about this for a second and can we talk about why Sarah is here?” I say to everyone.
“I’m dating John B.” Sarah confessed.
“When did this start?” I question.
“Yeah, tell her Sarah.” Kiara says in a rude way.
“John B and I started dating since two days ago and Kiara here is pissed!”
“The reason why I’m pissed it’s because I fucking hate you!”
I can’t believe this is what I’m hearing. I mean JJ told me why Kie left to be a Kook but I never expected this to happen.
“I gotta say, I’m just a tad uncomfortable with all of this.” Pope says.
“Thank you.” Kiara says.
“I- I agree with Pope.” I said.
“Again thank you Y/N.”
I hold on to JJ’s arm and rest my head on his shoulder and continue to hear this bickering from everyone.
“When are you not uncomfortable?” John B questions Pope.
“I dunno, I rode here on the back of JJ’s bike pretty comfortably.”
“It’s true. Most relaxed I’ve ever seen him.” JJ looks at John B.
“That’s cute guys.” John B says.
“You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her.” Kie says in a snarky way.
“Stop talking about me like i’m not here!” Sarah yells.
“Then leave!”
Everyone stops and listen to Kiara and Sarah yell at each other’s throats.
“Listen I need to go because my mom is waiting for me in our rental car so I have to leave and Sarah it’s very nice to meet you and I hope everyone have a good day.” I said.
John B has been convicted for murder. Sarah texted me saying it wasn’t him, it was her brother Rafe. Outer Banks is a crazy place to be at.
Kiara texts me that John B is on a hit and run because the cops are looking for him. Even though Rafe did it.
The huge storm is coming and John B and Sarah are missing. All of us get nervous.
We get to small station where the cops are at and Deputy Shoupe tells us that they couldn’t find John B and Sarah. We don’t believe it.
“We, uh, lost them. Sorry.” Shoupe says.
“Lost them?” Pope says.
I start to quiver. This is not true.
“So they’re dead?” Kiara says.
“We don’t know.”
“You drove them into the storm man! Are you kidding me!” JJ yells at the cops and starts to fight with them.
“JJ stop!” Kie says.
“Stop it Jay!” I said.
Kiara and I start to cry. This can’t be happening!
We see our parents, except JJ’s dad comes into the station. My parents came in and I run to them. I sob into their arms. My dad sees JJ and my parents and I hug JJ.
“He didn’t make it mom.” Kie cries to her mom.
We hear something from the radio station.
“Ward Cameron, do you hear me?”
It’s John B!
“You killed my father, and you framed me for a murder I didn’t commit. You took everything from me! You took everything from me! But I’m still here. And I swear to God, Ward, I will come back one day and take what’s mine. So, you listen to me, all right? I’m comin’ for you. I’m coming for you.”
We all look at Ward who looks guilty, but I’m sure that he’s going to lie but everyone will believe him, but not the pogues.
My parents and I leaving Outer Banks. I haven’t told my friends bye yet. I see in the passenger rear view mirror it’s JJ, Kie, and Pope running to our car.
“Dad can I talk to them in a minute?” I said.
“Fine. In a minute.” My dad stops the car.
I get out of the car and hug JJ.
“I’m going to miss you.” JJ says to me.
“I’m going to miss you too.” I start to cry.
I look at JJ and he wipe the tears off my face.
“I wanna give something to you.” JJ gets something out of his pocket, it’s his shark tooth necklace.
“But it’s-“ I say.
“I know, but I want you to have it to remind you that I’m here with you.”
“Thank you Jay.”
I put my hair up so JJ can put his necklace on me. I hug him and kisses him.
“Y/N/N. I’m going to miss you.” Kiara approaches me and cries to me.
“Kie.” I hug her and cry again.
Kiara gives me a bracelet of hers and told me what JJ said but in different way.
Pope and I hug and he gives me one of his bracelets as well.
We all do a group hug. I hear a knock and it’s my mom motioning me to get back in the car but I told them 1 more minute. I said it’s okay.
“Y/N. I want you to have this as well. I know you love it when I’m wearing it but I think it looks good on you.” JJ hands me his most favorite hat.
I hug him again. I’m going to miss these guys so much it hurts.
“When you ever see John B and Sarah, please tell them I miss them.”
“We will Y/N.” Pope says.
“I love you JJ.” I said to him.
“I love you more.” He said to me.
We all hug again, I got in the car to leave and I look in the back window of the car and wave at them. They wave at me back. I turn back and went on my phone and see a text message from JJ.
I love you.
I text him back and I look at the picture I took of him when we first met. I’m going to miss him. I hope we see each other again. We will see each other again. And I know it.
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