#also why is so much of it in goddamn british 😭😭😭
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The apparently "accurate" scoops ahoy menu;
Ice Cream:
One Scoop Cone ... $1.25
Two Scoops Cone ... $1.75
One Scoop Cup ... $1.15
Two Scoops Cup ... $1.55
Ocean of Flavors
Mango Sorbet
Cookies & Cream
Chocolate Chip
Peppermint Stick
Mint Choc. Chip
Rainbow Sherbet
French Vanilla
Rocky Road
Salted Caramel
Butter Pecan
Cherries Jubilee
Chocolate-Vanilla Swirl
Black Walnut
Toffee Fudge
Toppings * Extra Topping + $0.50
Whipped Cream
Chocolate Chips
Chocolate Syrup
Color Chips
Handmade Shakes - $2.75
Ice Cream Floats
Chocolate ... $1.50
Strawberry ... $1.50
Snow White ... $1.50
Coke ... $1.65
Root Beer ... $1.75
Boston Cooler ... $1.85
Special Banana Boat - $2.90
Bakery Cruise
Choose Your Favorite Ice Cream Scoops (Two Scoops)
Angel Food Cake ... $2.00
Cheesecake ... $2.30
Chocolate Brownie ... $2.50
Apple Pie ... $2.50
Choco-Peanut Butter Brownie ... $2.50
Red Velvet Cake ... 2.50
Ice Cream Sundae
Single ... $2.50
Double ... $3.00
Triple ... $3.50
Premium - $3.95
Banana Royale
Hot Brownie
Banana Split
Coke ... $1.25
Iced Coffee ... $1.75
Iced Tea ... $1.15
Hot Chocolate ... $1.55
Milk ... $1.75
Juice ... $1.15
Lemonade ... $1.55

#stranger things#scoops ahoy#got this a while ago as an early yule present but hey#it's here it's long done and now I'm picking which parts are canon for me personally#also why is so much of it in goddamn british 😭😭😭#quote canon unquote
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I am really not the target demographic for Red, White and Royal Blue and honestly, the entire premise sounds dumb af from where I'm sitting, but all the gifs that crossed my dash looked hilarious and that main actor is beyond gorgeous, so I am going to give it a shot tonight. My expectations are so low, that unless this movie gets a shovel and starts digging, there is no chance it cannot exceed them. I am so ready to eat my words, just give me some pretty people, mindless fluff and basic comedy and I will be happy, I swear!
You guys, I'm going to be honest here, I don't think I have it in me to sit through this 😭😭
LOL, only a younger brother 🤣🤣 They did not have the guts to go all in and make him the heir to the throne.
Also, lol @ "Prince of England's hearts" but even more so at "whom all the world adores" 🤣🤣 I cannot. I am absolutely not the target demographic for this and I don't think I have it in me to just go along with this, fictional British royal family or not. Who speaks like this? Who even believes it?
Anyway. Abolish the monarchy, Guillotine them all. Long live the glorious revolution!
Well, at least he looks equally disgusted.
If we can't off the royal family, how about we just off this news announcer? Because I am getting so much second-hand embarrassment.
LMAO, OK, he gets ONE point 🤣🤣
OK, fine, two points, because he is stupid beautiful and the reason I sat down to watch this in the first place 😤
Yassss, girlfriend has great taste!
I'm two minutes in and so far, she's my favourite. I would totally watch a two-hour movie of her touring London and giving commentary on the yumminess of various guys she encounters.
LMAO, is he going to get hammered and smash the obscene 75-thousand-pound cake? 🤣🤣
Because why else would they mention that price point and also show the cake in all its humongous 8-tier glory 🤣🤣
Here for the diplomatic incident, ngl, I would totally read the shit out of that in the tabloids the next day 🤣🤣
Okay, I am laughing 🤣🤣
I saw it coming from a mile away, but goddamn, it DELIVERED! 🤣🤣
I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣
Watching this was such a good decision 🤣🤣
LOL, if this was a real-life event, I would spend a week gleefully reblogging it on Tumblr, no lie 🤣🤣
Also, it is a 9-TIER CAKE, not 8 🤣🤣 The more, the messier!
Also, OMG! Uma Thurman! 😍 It's been a hundred years since I watched her in anything!
"Sunshine of my heart" 🤣🤣
This movie is hilarious 🤣🤣
Wait, Sarah Shahi??
I loved her in Life! I also watched Fairly Legal for her and thought she was stunning in The L Word! I'm forever bitter we never got to see that Nancy Drew adaptation with her in the main role 😕
The thing that is the most difficult for me to suspend my disbelief for is the idea that these two overly privileged young men involved in their countries' respective politics are actually nice people.
I keep chanting to myself, "You are not here for realism! You are not here for realism! YOU ARE NOT HERE FOR REALISM!"
To varying levels of success 😕
Romantic comedies are so not my genre. And I am so not here for ex-boyfriends or whatever this guy is.
I need Alex and Henry to get back together ASAP and start smashing cakes again because I'm starting to get bored.
These are gutter-level jokes.
Seriously, they couldn't get more creative?
They have the most basic taste in literature ever. It doesn't even feel authentic, more like what a nineteen-year-old girl thinks good taste in literature should look like.
I feel like I am extremely uncharitable towards this movie (the cake thing was funny tho) but it is very hard to take their bland flirting, pedestrian romance and pathetic humour seriously when you're coming into this from 2ha 😕 The standards that have been set are on another planet compared to what we are being given here.
Please 😭
And smash another cake, otherwise I don't know how I'm going to make it through another hour-and-a-half of this 😭😭
The things I will watch for pretty people 😭
He truly is stupid beautiful and makes this thing infinitely more watchable every time he's on screen.
I'm with Henry on this one, this party is like something straight out of my worst nightmares and crushing on the tall, hot guy seems like the only tolerable thing in this whole hellscape.
Aww, baby, he is not having a good time.
He wants to kiss him for New Year's too!
Well. That escalated 🤣🤣
And some women! 👀
She's my favourite character in this thing, lol, followed closely by Sarah Shahi and Uma Thurman. And then Prince Henry 😅
This guy stands no chance to the level that it's embarrassing he still keeps trying.
I almost feel sorry for him, but I kinda have the feeling that he's going to be the one to out Alex and Henry, so my sympathy is very shallow. Just know when you've lost, my man, and MOVE ON.
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Why do you think Kyman gets so much hate? I can understand some things about what people don’t like about it but some of the things they say, the harassment is so out of pocket. Especially on Tik Tok! It is like a battle ground out there and they all will shoot you down immediately if you SAY anything. I just wanna love Kyman without it seeming like a punishment 😭😭
Dude I totally feel you. It's so much easier to live and let live so I don't understand how these ppl have the energy to be so aggressively hurtful all the time. This has been said before ad nauseum but for god's sake, it's JUST a fucking tv show. I'm too old for this shit.

(longer explanation under the cut! like... extremely long lol I'm so sorry my thoughts about this have been building up for a while 😅)
I think the extremely aggressive kyman hate is a symptom of growing poor media literacy and the larger "purity culture" trend that's been present online for a while now. It's very reminiscent of American Evangelicalism or Puritanism, where members of the church have to follow a very specific set of rules for behaving and thinking and if you deviate from those rules in the slightest, you're shot down immediately by the community and shamed for being sinful and blasphemous, all to keep you on the "righteous path" and avoid burning in hell for eternity. This is why so many puritanical christians in the US hate themselves for doing what most of the world sees as normal behavior, and simultaneously force that self-hating worldview onto others to "save" them. (For example see this video by FD Signifier on youtube explaining how hardcore religious ppl/conservatives are doomed to be bad in bed because they see sex as "evil" when in reality it's a normal part of human behavior 😬 It's long but very good).
Though, it's important to note that ppl who think this way may not even be christian themselves, but the behavior is so pervasive in american culture that you absorb it even if you're not a puritanical christian. (for example, to quote Ian Danskin, athiests may think "I don't believe in god, but the god I don't believe in is Jehovah). Tons of the first generation of white USAmericans were exiled British puritans who were kicked out of their home country for essentially being self-righteous assholes and trying to force their shit worldview on everyone else lmao. And I think because so many online spaces are so USAmerican-centric, people from all over the world have started adopting that purity culture as well.
Now, South Park is extremely popular (duh). It's been around for decades so it has a ton of fans both old and new. Unfortunately a lot of new fans, especially young people, follow the show for very different reasons than the average normie/not-terminally-online viewer does. They take the characters out of their original context, use them like dolls to make their own stories and fan content, and ignore all the other blatantly controversial shit that's been going on in the show since day 1 (which is why so many exclusively make blasé creek fanworks imo). They want to keep their thoughts "pure" and only engage with content that's approved by the puritanical online community
It's extremely fitting but also sad that Cartman is the scapegoat for everything wrong with South Park, both in the show and in the real world. Either ppl don't want to acknowledge he exists, or ppl latch onto him and project all of that puritanical hatred toward him or anyone that likes his character. Hell, even I'M guilty of this kind of thinking before I watched the show and understood Cartman's character better.
Kyman in particular is a target BECAUSE it involves Cartman, but also because people boil it down to shipping a nazi with a jew which, at the surface level, seems horrible! But if you've ever actually WATCHED the goddamn show, you know that is an extremely reductive and inaccurate interpretation of their characters. It's horribly poor media literacy. These ppl CANNOT seem to comprehend that you can enjoy watching a character who's a "bad person" without condoning their actions, and that enjoying the shipping dynamic of such characters DOES NOT make you a bad person by proxy.
A huge role of fiction as media is to explore ideas that may be harmful in the real world in a safe way because... *gasp* it's imaginary!! It makes you think and experience emotions you may not have the opportunity for otherwise! However, in the eyes of puritans, the fact you're even thinking about something like that makes you a sinner. It's a thought crime, which is why they consider us mentally "sick" for shipping kyman. So, they send hate at the drop of a hat and publicly vilify kyman shippers to reinforce that behavior with each other, all to say "Hey look at me!!! I'm a Good Person! see how much of a Good Person I am??? I'm gonna go to HEAVEN, and YOU'RE going to HELL". Like I said before, it's not that they necessarily believe in heaven or hell, but that's the general root of the behavior. It's performative puritan dog-piling. Also, because they haven't even fucking watched the whole show, they conveniently ignore all the other horrible shit the show portrays because random kyman shippers online are easy targets while Matt & Trey are gajillionaires who are essentially un-cancellable for things they do on the show at this point because, to quote Trey: For anyone to go up and go "Did you see this thing on South Park? That was really offensive" someone's gonna be like "Dude shut up 😒 that's just South Park".
Geez man this got super fucking long lmao. But my advice is to please take care of yourself because, and this super cliché to say, but FUCK the haters dude 🖕🖕🖕 You're engaging with media that brings you joy and exploring interesting ideas with a community of awesome artists/writers/meta-analysts and more. This is supposed to be FUN!! Anyone who tries to take that away from you or shame you into stopping is a fucking immature, holier-than-thou asshole who needs to get a fucking life. The block button is your friend, so use it early and often. You have the power to curate your own online space, and you shouldn't subject yourself to dealing with these dickheads (this is a big reason why I don't have a tiktok lol)
Good luck dude, and keep on shipping kyman 😎🤘❤️💚
#ask#anon#kyman#jesus h christ this is so long ajsfklsdf rip#lots of thoughts to get off my chest. yeesh#my post
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I’ll reply to all of the responses in one ask so I don’t clog your inbox again LOL
1. Trust me I will be taking up your offer to yap about any and every tv show I’m interested in…starting now. I watched the first two episodes of the show Wilderness today - it’s so good, way better than I thought it was gonna be (and also in a different country?? I thought it was set in Australia but no apparently it’s set in New York 😭) and Liv is a bit naive in love but I was more distracted by how attractive she was than half of the actual plot LOL also she’s canon bi, and I lowkey ship her one-night-stand-wise with the girl her husband cheated on her with, like I won’t spoil too much in case you decide to watch it but literally Liv was pretty much stalking Cara then said to her best mate ‘She’s hot, no?’ like 🤨👀 and when Liv kissed her husband she was more bothered to see that Cara was watching them than her husband enjoying the kiss LOL random rant that I can’t tell anyone else about. I don’t know if you know the British show gogglebox which is where people record themselves watching TV but I basically did an amateur gogglebox and now I have a funny 1hr 30m video of my first impressions to the first two episodes LOL
2. Don’t cry! Although I do hope the stars shine for you as I am star anon - I chose star anon because I love the stars so much I have star jewellery and iPad cases of constellations and a phone case of a star and my most used emoji is the star!
3. Missy is the most charming nuwho master…although every time I see John simm I’m like OH MY GOSH ITS THE MASTER
4. Thank you for adding my little thing about the ficmas, I love the snowmen and I’m so excited to see it as with everything you write!! Plus Christmas is my favourite favourite time of year
5. About the foursome fic you’re always welcome to write Missy/River/Clara/Fem Reader stuff I will LAP THAT STUFF UP even like I love the concept of like a double date between River/Missy and Clara/Reader but it just ends up turning into one massive data where River and Missy are being bossy boots and teasing the other two at the table next to them along with riling each other up. Or like, an adventure where they’re all showing off each of their talents like Missy having to manipulate people or River shooting people with her gun thingy or Clara hacking stuff and the reader…idk, deciphering codes or something all trying to impress each other while the doctor is just stood there like 🧍♂️these gay idiots LOL
6. I know some people need comfort fics at Christmas but it saddens me that people are even sad at Christmas in the first place 🥺
Hope you’re doing okay Aeron - enjoy the rest of your day in the tumblrverse 🫶
- ⭐️
wilderness sounds like it's so good, plus jenna coleman stars in it so it gets even more brownie points in my opinion hehe. and I've never heard of gogglebox before but now I'm realizing I do the exact same thing when I watch tv- (of course I don't record myself but I get very opinionated on what's going on lmao)
the bit you wrote about the stars shining brightly sounding like such a beautiful piece of poetry to me and I've been known to cry over far less, but they were happy tears I promise 💘 and you seem like someone who gives off star vibes, if that makes sense. like I could imagine you being someone who enjoys stargazing or observing different constellations at night (I might have a new clara x reader fic idea now tbh)
no because why does literally every version of the master seem so goddamn charming 😭 I'm not sure how much you know about classic who but if you think the nuwho masters are charming then the classic who masters are who they got it from because WOW. I love the doctor but I think if the master invited me to travel with them I'd fold right away lmao I have no restraint
no problem!! I love christmas too, though I will have to say it's in constant competition with halloween for me (I've always been someone who loves the fall holidays a bit more than the winter ones but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy both) and you're so sweet for saying that, thank you 💞 sometimes I get worried whenever I'm writing something based on a request that it wont turn up like the person envisioned it so it means a lot to know you enjoy my writing so much and trust my artistic direction or whatever haha
stop you're going to give me too many new ideas on what to write for- (don't actually stop though I always love whatever you come up with) I'll definitely have to write some more river/missy/clara/fem reader stuff in the future, although I can't promise they'll be as long as the kinktober fic (honestly I've never ever written anything that long before idk how it happened 😭)
yeah, I get what you mean. it's just no fun being sad at christmas, but if I can hopefully cheer someone up even a little bit then I'm glad to write a holiday fic that has a bit of hurt/comfort in it ❤
the tumblrverse is such a creative and cute way little phrase omg (I spend way too much time in the tumblrverse than I should tbh-) I hope you're doing okay too star anon!! it's always nice to hear from you 🥰
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aside from the timeline sometimes being wobbly, the math in the wizarding world is purposely bad bc it makes it odd, nonsensical and strange, which is how wizards see muggles as well. it's supposed to be childish and fun, a bit of a culture shock, not avatar-the-blue-ones levels of worldbuilding. like i hate jkr too but misunderstanding her books just dilutes real criticism of them. if you really need a "proper" conversion scale instead of making shit up, use the value of gold in itself: how much would a gold coin be worth in pounds?
ok fair. i was having a moment of frustration. but also that last part is pretty good might steal that in case i need it hope you don’t mind😭
i’m doing so much googling today simply because remus is going outside to purchase One Fucking Thing (it’s an important thing). and i had to find out what that thing cost at the time without inflation and then i had to figure out the british currency system (why does it change so very often. damn you british people). and then i was like should remus go to the goddamn wizard bank to transfer the money or is there a wizard atm were atms even a THING—ok fuck it the muggle money is just lying around his house.
thank you though.
#my asks#avatar-the-blue-ones made me giggle thank you#the marauders#remus lupin#time accurate BULLSHIT#had to switch lily using a 1 quid coin to a note bc those weren’t a fucking thing yet#i’m going through it today. i hate you united kingdom
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MANDELA CATALOGUE VOL 4 live reaction (spoilers obviously?!?!?)
MY HEAD IS EXPLODING THIS SHIT KINDA FREAKY 😭 THEY GOT LIVE ACTION NOW TOO UHHHH MY LORD GABRIEL IS WEIRD ALSO IS IT JUST ME OR DOES ADAM'S VOICE SOUND A BIT DIFFERENT?? UGHH I'M GETTING BAD VIBES FROM HIM UGHHHHHHH WHY HE ACTING LIKE THAT 😭😭😭😭 SOMEONE GET JONAH UP IN HERE PLEASE I MISS HIM 😭😭😭 SARAH HONEY LEAVE WHILE YOU STILL CAN GET AWAY FROM THIS BLEACH BLONDE M.A.D HAVING CREEPASS 😭😭 OH NO OH NO NAH SARAH'S LEAVING NOW THANK GOODNESS BUT THAT MEANS JONAH'S DOING THIS SHIT NOW (okay here i thought it was like a blast from the past but nevermind it's following chronological order) oh okay we looking at uhh dms rn also jonah's right 25mg fucks anyways ADAM RESPOND TO EVELIN 'jonah bailed and i'm pretty sure he's dead or something' HAVE SOME EMPATHY MAN CMON WASN'T THAT YOUR HOMEBOY 😭😭 'OKAY WAIT let me say the good news' adam there is NO GOOD NEWS AFTER THAT 😭😭😭😭 MAN WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T THINK IT WOULDA BEEN A BIG DEAL YO BESTFRIEND GOT HIS ASS MERCED 😭😭 ADAM STOP WITH YOUR EMO ASS 'i don't have friends' I CAN DAMN WELL SEE WHY MAN CMON 😭😭 yknow what this bitch is either an alternate or a sociopath because like. why?? 'NO WONDER EVELIN LEFT YOU' OKAY DAMN SARAH damn who's smooth ass voice is that thatcher that you?? i'm sorry why does his hair look like a party city wig 😭😭 okay shit this monologue is really good alex kister has come a long ass way OH SHIT THE DARKNESS FOLLOWED HIM HOME IS THAT A. MARK HEATHCLIFF REFERENCE???!?!??! this is so fucking CREEPY AHJBDIUOCIUIB wait is he like flatmates with his alternate or sum?? DAVE LEE THANK THE LORD 😭😭 OH SHIT SARAH GETTIN FIRED??? AHHH OH MY GOD THATCHER'S ALT LOOKS SO FREAKY WTF WTF UGHHHH WHY HE LOOK LIKE THAT okay whoever voices thatcher has a very soothing voice he should do asmr or meditation videos or sum 😭😭 OH NO THATCHER DON'T CRY DAMN THIS ACTOR IS GOOD AS ALL FUCK GOOD GOD oh my god adam this memorial video is ASS what the FUCK oh this boy is definetely an alternate i swear if he's actually this much of a dickhead...... OH SHIT HOUSE FOOTAGE oh my god jonah's middle name was EDMUND???? wait huh are these voices speaking spanish 😭😭 nevermind that's english whoops goddamn these actors are saying these lines with they whole chest oh no FACE STUDIO??? that's bad news oh my god who would ever use this please god tell me this bombed on release day..... AHHH freaky ass shit oh my god 😭😭 i'm fucking hiding in the comments oh shit dave and thatcher on the PHONE this sounds like they're breaking up 😭😭 oh man lord what is that melody OH SHIT IT'S.... GABE?? I'M ASSUMING OH MY GOD IT IS IS HE BRITISH HE KINDA SOUNDS LIKE AN ELF. NAH I'M SORRY DAVE LOOKS KINDA GOOFY HERE 😭😭 GABE LOOKING WEIRD AS PER THE USUAL OH SHIT WHY IS THE ALARM GOING OFF oh my god this shit is so FUCKING FREAKY AHH GOD IS THAT STANLEY?!?!?!? AHH OH MY FUCKING GOD HE'S LIKE HIS FUCKED UP DAD GOOD WHAT STOP STOPSTOP NO OH MY GOD HE IS AN ALTERNATE
well..... that was a fucking rollercoaster??? ngl i kinda miss the og style 😭😭
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Most people in the U.S. don't care if they qualify either. 😅 Atleast nobody I know, not even my uncles family who are the ones most interested in soccer and its the same for the league. I can't explain it exactly but it's like a whole different sport and your version of it is just so much better!!
Atleast Denmark is definitely there they deserve it after acing the qualifying. It was really emotional when Erikson scored, I don't think I've seen him play before and if it wasn't for the terrible incident last year I wouldn't even know who he is, but he's great. It was funny because even the Dutch fans were so happy although he scored against them I loved that. 😄 But apparently he played there for quite a long time and everyone knows and likes him. There playing again tomorrow and yes I know it wouldn't be my fault if they lost but enough weird things have happened to make me superstitious. 🤪
Italy should be safe to watch because the damage is already done, plus Sandro is probably playing. 🥰💕 And this other cute midfielder who didn’t start last time but omg its also gonna be the saddest and pointless match ever, I don't get why this even needs to be played at this point. 😩
Oh goodness well.... damn! Not even caring about your own league Christ, I shouldn't laugh but I did... 😂😭 still good luck to the US boys!! Because I root for all the underdogs I'll keep hoping they make it too. 🤞🏻😌
Chris is an angel everyone absolutely adores him and it's not even because of what happened, he's just a genuinely nice and hard working guy. I used to watch him play for the Spurs (Tottenham Hotspur, they are a British team in the Premier League) and he was top favourite for me because of his personality. He's so soft spoken, has such a calming presence, he was such a joy to watch because he gave it is all every time, and also he has the cutest laugh. I love this man and I was in tears when he scored. 😭❤️❤️❤️
I'll try to watch a bunch of matches that will be happening because goddamn they put *all* the matches nearly at the same time and I have too many teams! 😭 The pointless matches are just to TORTURE people and the players. I don't understand why they're forcing these guys to play for something that won't count for anything anymore... it'll be so sad and bittersweet. 😔
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