#mangaanonymous art
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team-emerald · 1 year ago
Welcome! This is a blog dedicated to the Sonic “Team Emerald” AU started by Chapik123 (that’s me!) and such! Here will be content that features the AU in action, including exclusive characters and story beats! I hope you enjoy what’s to come!
Art by @mangaanonymous
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kittygamer2888 · 1 year ago
Lots and lots of images.
I've said this before in another post, but to go into detail here: Maurice was inspired by 3 images of people's version of their Evil Sonic
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One was for the outfit, one was for the cape, and one was just for the aesthetic of it all. Meanwhile, his shoes were just an inspiration from Robotnik himself. I thought it would be a cool idea, so I started making the design. As for the others? I just thought of the first thing that came to my mind until I would change a few things about the design.
For Miles- he's the smart one. And because of how smart and intelligent he is when it comes to building contraptions, I thought of a lab coat and some goggles for him would work because of that.
For Robotnik, he's just the Mr. Tinker design from IDW. At first I was thinking about his shirt being some kind of lumberjack-type of clothing, but I decided to change the idea and go with the Mr. Tinker design instead.
For Shadow, it's just basically him with his Hawaiian outfit that appeared in Archie. Though... I've been thinking about changing him up some more, but for now, that's all I got for him.
For Rouge, she wears a trench coat most of the time because that's just her undercover attire n' all. When she doesn't have it, she has a spy suit underneath, the one from Sonic X pretty much. When she's not wearing her spy suit in the moment, erh... let's just say she's wearing casual clothes, but I haven't thought of a design for that yet.
For Amy, it's her classic design but with a few tweaks to it.
And Knuckles, a ✨️scarf✨️ because yea, that was all I could come up with besides bandages.
Honestly, coming up with the designs was a bit hard... I have some concept art on my sketchbook, but it isn't much, but just know that Amy was going to be edgy until I decided to change it.
But yea, it's not exactly much, but the designs were alright. There are some characters I haven't changed in terms of design yet, but I'm planning todo that someday or when I have the time and motivation.
I guess you could say in terms of visual with the characters, I just had a big inspiration with seeing a few images of other's versions of an Evil Sonic AU despite Scourge already fitting that title. Well.. I guess you could say all of this was just for fun then, because honestly, I wasn't thinking too deep with the AU until I joined this smackdown, and I'm happy I was a part of it for a good while :]
Credits for the images I found in order: DevilsOffice
-> Prismal TM
And -> Mangaanonymous
AU Sonic Smackdown - QotD:
What inspired the visual design of your AU Sonic, both in universe and in real life?
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Leave your answer in the reblogs below!
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mangaanonymous · 5 years ago
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Haven’t posted here in a long time sorryyy
Please accept super Amy as a peace offering
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Dr hedgehog au stuff
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vibeless15 · 3 years ago
Sonicverse Big News!
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So thanks to the wonderful artist known as @hope-and-frustration which I'm sure you've all seen on the promotional and illustration work for the series, now things are getting kicked up to eleven.
So due to me not being able to do artwork as quick or at all due to my laptop breaking down on me I've hired and gotten my good friend Hope/Frustration to take up the mantle. I felt it would be a good choice since I know a lot of yall enjoy they're art style a ton!.
We will hopefully have the next chapter for the series out soon. Keep supporting me and @hope-and-frustration and we will deliver you the story you are all so gripping to see done and done right.
Also Ruby!Sonic is owned by @chacolachao
S_30-IC is owned by me
The Soccer Sonic Au is owned by @mangaanonymous
And the artwork is by @hope-and-frustration
Hope to see you all on the next big update!
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becky2410 · 7 years ago
Every artist ever
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idontworkforsega · 5 years ago
Wow, how many did I scavenged?
And also, I should’ve done this in the first place (silly me)
“Sonic!Boom head canon: Sonic, with Valentines’ Day approaching, asks Sticks if Amy has mentioned anything to her about wanting Sonic to do something for her (and of course she has). Sticks, however, mixes up what Amy has said, and chaos ensues. (What do you think?)” | “Could you do a knuckles-and-sticks headcanon: possibly sticks needs someone to go on a hunt/chase after something whacky, and the others are too grounded to believe her? I’m intrigued as to how sticks will get along with the others ;) thanks!” | “For the prompt meme: #1 with SonAmy, please? And could I please have it in the cyborg Sonic AU I explained to you in message? Thank you <3” | “for a promp, how about the Sonic Boom Picnic? How did Amy convince Sonic(or maybe Sonic was the one to ask but wanted to act cool about it) to go on it? What happened before Orbot ruined it and after?” | “May I request something like Boom!Amy on the spotlight? Or anything that involves Amy taking the attention away. Believe me, we all had that phase where we want a character to be on the center stage. Your fics are awesome btw! :-)” | “Hi! I have a prompt, however it’s a little different than the ones you have been given. Here it goes: Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and Amy venture to Blaze’s world to help her and Silver with something (you can feel free to be creative in regards to what this something is) It isn’t necessarily a SonAmy prompt, but some hints would be appreciated ;) Have fun with it! 😊” | “Oh, you’re doing a prompt! It’s really hard to choose, but I would ask for sonamy in #4 (amy is the angry one ofc haha) or #5 (sonic is saying that)? I can imagine a situation like those! :D and thanks!” | “Soooo I was wondering, maybe you could write a kinda story about Sonic and Amy being a lil bit older (so amy is not 12 lol, maybe shes 16?) and being secret lovers? I dont mind if they’re actually dating or not, but it would be so cool if they had these "make up sessions” in secret or something. If you can set it up in Modern, please? Thanks!“ | "ok ok hun, sweetie, you… you have to continue that prompt! please!!! you know the one with the new character in Sonic Forces and is evil and Amy Rose and Sonic coming for her BUT SHE IS NOT THERE HE TOOK HER WAY omg I need more of that!!! PLEASE I’LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING </3” | “What’s your ideal Sonamy hint that could be in Forces? Not like a love confession, something that is actually somewhat feasible to see in a Sonic game. Love your blog!” | “Can you do a boom sonamy prompt? Like sonic realizing he likes amy? And she is kinda like "whaaaats goin on?” just a collection of sonic acting adorable and embarassed around her is good for me :)“ | "I’ve had this idea for a while but imagine a more mature sonamy (& by mature i mean older like in their early adulthood or something xD) , like sonic coming to terms with his feelings for amy and deciding to do something about it perhaps? i trust you fully with this and your amazing capability to write! (You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to but i would just loveeeee to see it) You’re the best my pal !” | “Hi! If you aren’t too busy, would you mind writing a modern or classic (your pick) sonamy prompt? So, a new hedgehog arrives, and *somehow* falls madly in love with Amy. And Amy, being the person she is, is flustered, but is still loyal to Sonic. You know. 😅 And during this, Sonic is annoyed and maybe even a biy jelly. Again, please write this whenever you feel like, because I wouldn’t mind, and don’t want to be a burden. Thank you! :)” | “Ok, are you still doing Sonamy prompts? ‘cause if you are, here’s a 'silly’ one: Remember how you said you wanted to do an actual GOOD SonamyShad love triangle? Ok. Now, have you heard 'Satisfied’ from the Hamilton musical? There, see. Eliza is Amy, but if you want to, you can switch Sonic and Shadow for Alexander or Angelica, you can make Shadow the outcast or you can do a platonic/romantic Sonamy where he is the outcast! (not sonadow) IDK, I just love the feels. :’) You’re the best!” | “Hey this is kinda random, but how would Amy react to the custom character asking for love advice or something?” | “Here’s a sad Sonamy AU: Years later, Amy has move on from Sonic and only sees him as a close friend. While he just does his own thing, he ends up falling for her, but nobody knows this and he fakes his way through. He helps Amy and she ends up marrying, He’s sad but still can pull off a smile. She asks him to dance but he despises slow dances, she offers to teach him and he gives up. Some blushy moments later and he accidently confesses his love for her. What’s next is up to you. ;) (Not Boom)” | “Do you know that thing where people say if you ignore a guy they’ll notice you more? Do you think you could do a prompt of someone telling Amy that and she attempts it on Sonic, only to take it too far and have Sonic go in a downward spiral of longing?” | “Hey! I really love your prompts! They make my day! I was thinking…have you seen that boom!sonamy comic where they’re in a cave on a mission and Sonic is expecting Amy to maybe try to flirt with him? Could it be something along those lines? It’s ok if you don’t do this, I’m sure you have plenty other requests too lol I’ve been craving some good sonamy fics and who better to go to than you? ;)” | “If you’re still doing prompts off of pictures I was wondering if you could do one with this? It doesn’t have to follow it exactly, just the idea of Amy going super would be great ^^” (Art Prompt Trade from @mangaanonymous) | “OK so I need you to find some prompt memes that I can pick from for you to write shadamy and sonamy to cuz I got a craving now thanks to you 😃” | “Amy kicked and squirmed, being held perfectly horizontal in the clutches of the giant robot…” <- first sentence of the prompt | “Tryin’ to keep it Canon” | “Can I have some more jealous boom!Sonic please? I like seeing him fuss over Amy, it’s quite adorable xD (btw your Sly Cooper au’s are the best things to happen to me :D)” | “Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt about sonic and amy raising a child? I don’t think you have done this before, have you?” | “Modern Amy: Just tell me! ~ Boom!Amy: I-pfft! I have no idea what you’re even talking about! -shifts in seat-” Does chats like this also counts? | “Could you maybe write a Boom!sonamy prompt where Sonic and Amy are flirting or arguing and knuckles and Tails are getting quite annoyed and so one of them yells "just start dating already” and things get awkward? Thank you!!“ | "Sonic: Tails? What even is Sonamy, anyway?” | “Maybe you could do a prompt of everyone playing a board game that Amy has." 
That’s all I got…
~For now *sneers
Stay awesome Miss Marya <3
My dear, you are amazing, thank you!
However, can you please send me these in small turns? I’m afraid it’s too much and I can’t just go through Mayra’s stuff and find all these prompts and come back to this and remember which ones I have found and which I haven’t... I lose my spot.
If any of you wonderful Cuties (What Mayra call her followers) find any of these prompts and check the notes to see that ‘Idontworkforsega’ (Me) hasn’t reblogged them yet, could you please send a link or a way to search the prompt to me? I would be very grateful!
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I know there are many prompts out there I haven’t gotten to yet, and your help means the world to me and Cutegirlmayra! But I just need help in sorting these out in smaller submissions or asks instead of all at once. And an easier way to find them would be appreciated!
Thank you for your hard work, you’re amazing, it truly shows we all want Mayra’s handiwork safe and sound somewhere. I’m hard at work right there with you!
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neogreenhillzone · 6 years ago
21 Questions Tag
21 Questions Tag                                                        
I got tagged by @mangaanonymous ! Thank you!! 。^‿^。
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Monti 
Zodiac: scorpio
Height: 1.68 cm
Last Movie I saw: Blackkklansman
Last Thing I googled: Metal sonic maya tutorial I AM SUFFERING WITH THIS MODEL HELP
Favorite Musician: Im just gonna say Chris Martin
Song Stuck in my head: JUICE SAUCE LITTLE BIT OF  D R E S S I N G (just that part)
Other blogs: @neogreenhillart It was meant to be my art blog but it’s basically my tutorial and resourses blog. I will start posting art again eventually.. i guess
Do I get Asks: sometimes, but rarely. I wouldnt mind getting more tbh
Following: 687 ;3
Amount of Sleep: 6 to 8 hours
Lucky Number: 136
What am I wearing: a tangled sweater that came out with the wreck it ralph sequel (its meant to be a pj but fuck the system) and shorts
Dream Trip: Japan
Dream Job: UGHH I am currently studying animation and idk if i wanna be a concept artist or a 3d modeler/animator i was just talking to jade about this earlier ahjdvvjh
Play Any Instrument: The guitar and the piano? but it`s really basic 
Languages: Spanish, English and a lil of French bc it’s an obligatory subject at university SPOILERS! I am not doing so good :(
Favorite Songs: Wonderwall (Oasis), She will be loved (Maroon 5), Square one (Coldplay), Whatever it takes (Imagine dragons), Crystal Ball (Keane) and many many more
Random Fact: I really really REALLY like owls. Funky lil birds. Describe Yourself as Aesthetic Things: crystals and holographic stuff. Basically anything that glitters and ofc SPACE
Favourite colours: Blue and black Toally NOT influenced by any fictional characters whatsoever 
I tag @shadowraiku @shiiruba @tailsmelv025 @perla-speedofsound-adventuring @anipwrites @kingoffantasy516 @purple-koneko @gamingblur @the-amazing-p3a @kamerobogal aaand anyone that wants to do this :3
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mangaanonymous · 6 years ago
Commission I did for chapik123 for their au!!
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Just 3 guys enjoying some quality time together, and it looks like Sonic and Xiao enjoy Jet’s (admittedly dark) humor! Art by @mangaanonymous @beevean @zanarkand-babes @bookvideogamemaniac Shame that this takes place a chapter or two before shit gets real… you know what I mean?
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sonicchaos-fanfic · 8 years ago
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No, I don't think you're lying... I see it in your eyes You wanna compromise... Tell me what you want Art by @mangaanonymous
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team-emerald · 1 year ago
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Introducing Xiao! His outfit is heavily inspired by Shou Ronpo from Kyuranger! Xiao is a dragon, and an absolute coward. Although he is one, he tries his best to hide it behind a wall of wiseness and mortality. Nonetheless, he’s a complicated person, and the other members of the team are unsure what to think of him at first. His emerald allows him to make holographic weapons.
Art by @mangaanonymous
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mangaanonymous · 5 years ago
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@/zembiotic on insta (go check out their art, it’s fantastic) did some sonic SU cross overs and I’m a weak binch
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mangaanonymous · 5 years ago
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I apparently can’t remember to upload stuff here
This was done for sonics 28th if you couldn’t already tell :V
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mangaanonymous · 5 years ago
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Wasn’t gonna post this here, but someone in my asks mentioned sonadow so,,
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mangaanonymous · 6 years ago
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This account’s been dead for like a year sksksk, hey I lived! 🙌
(If it looks familiar, that’s bc it’s a redraw of an old piece of mine)
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mangaanonymous · 5 years ago
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Opening commissions again, now including USD prices!! (AUD prices are fixed but USD may change depending on latest conversion rates) if you’re interested, send me a message here or on any other social media I’m on!
Any questions or concerns, feel free to message me about it!
If you can’t/don’t want a commission, reblogs are extremely appreciated!!~
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