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dreamfundsin · 7 months ago
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SIP: Your Shield Against Volatility, Risk, and Inflation
Combat volatility, risk, and inflation with SIP investments. Secure your future.
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radhika-paystudio · 3 years ago
Secure Solution for Your Company
Staying one step ahead of people attempting to swindle your company in today's modern environment is not as difficult as you would believe. PayStudio can assist you in better managing your business.
Almost every payment method used by organizations has the potential to be destructive and unexpected. It could cost a corporation a lot of money if the risks and potential dangers are not assessed effectively in advance. The biggest risks involved in operating a business online and processing consumer payments on your site, for example, are operational risk and fraud. When money is lost due to technological or human faults, this is known as operation risk.
You don't have to manage all of the risks on your own when you use PayStudio. Their risk management solution enables firms to plan for the unexpected by minimizing risks and costs before they arise. In addition, it improves legal stability, business operations stability, and helps the company save money on unneeded insurance premiums, among other benefits.
Strategic management failures, natural calamities, financial instability, legal responsibilities, and other factors could all contribute to these risks. PayStudio is a high-risk payment solution provider that works with a variety of companies. It is dedicated to providing the most personalized payment option possible.
To reduce the danger of fraud, this best payment gateway employs many security levels. PayStudio's payment engine delivers a secure environment that complies with all legal requirements and addresses consumer's worries about data security.
Reasons for Choosing Us
PayStudio is the smart choice for the following reasons:
1. Transparent Policies and Rules
We have policies and regulations that are open to the public. Our knowledgeable staff also advises customers with various policies such as return and refund, shipping, and so on.
2. Exact Monitoring
PayStudio is an easy-to-use interface that allows you to keep track of new and existing transactions and sales in real time. This enables business owners to make the best decisions possible for their company.
3. Recognize and Manage Risks
Our team has extensive risk management experience and will assist you in determining what dangers your company may face.
4. Risk Assessment and Management
The PayStudio team also collaborates with you to assess and develop a sound plan to deal with the dangers that your online business faces. This allows businesses to maintain their confidence while also assisting them in achieving their objectives more quickly.
5. Creates a Secure Environment
PayStudio secures clients' data through many layers of security, such as intrusion detection technologies, fraud checks, and so on, to establish a secure environment for payment processing.
6. Risk Assessment
This high-risk payment processor assists its clients in assessing any form of risk. It enables organizations to create a well-thought-out structure to combat potential threats in the future.
Contact us at
(+44) 0 (800) 887 0291
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praveenators · 6 years ago
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What is Insurance? Insurance is like buying a promise. You need insurance to protect your life, your ability to earn income, and to keep a roof over your head. So basically Insurance is a way of managing risks. When you buy insurance, you transfer the cost of a potential loss to the insurance company in exchange for a fee, known as the premium. Insurance companies invest the funds securely, so it can grow, and pay out when there’s a claim. #insurance #risks #healthinsurance #insurancecounsellor #insuranceexpert #protection #managerisks #safeguard #invest #investment (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwMrjq7nJpu/?igshid=4hbxuulreopn
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tradersir · 2 years ago
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It's a risky endeavor and hence we have tried to ease up your pressure.
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traderpulse · 4 years ago
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Control your losses, there is a good chance for your account to build on its own.
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smartnivesh · 4 years ago
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NFO ALERT - AXIS Global Equity Alpha Fund of Fund. In this era of globalization, one can look to diverse ones portfolip beyond India to earn decent returns and diversify investments. Fund aims at investing in best companies present across all geographies. Matured investor looking for some new flavor can look into investing this fund. Ideally one can have 5% of portfolio in global equities. #axismutualfund #nfo #nfoalert #alert #globalequity #mutualfund #fundoffunds #unlock #reducedrisk #diversification #riskadjustedreturns #managerisk #sahinivesh #smartnivesh #personalfinance #financialgoals #lifejourney #financialplanning #financialfreedom https://www.instagram.com/p/CEuS368hhXt/?igshid=1jfv1pdketoqi
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detikdax-blog · 6 years ago
Pro-Bitcoin, Gubernur Colorado Menandatangani Digital Token Act Crypto-Friendly
Gubernur Colorado dan penggemar bitcoin Jared Polis menandatangani Digital Token Act pada 8 Maret, membebaskan cryptocurrency dari undang-undang sekuritas negara bagian dalam kondisi tertentu. Undang- undang baru juga membebaskan crypto broker-dealer dan tenaga penjualan dari persyaratan lisensi negara dalam keadaan terbatas.
Theresa Szczurek, kepala informasi Colorado, tweeted foto Gubernur Polis saat ia menandatangani Digital Token Act menjadi hukum. Polis dikelilingi oleh beberapa anggota kabinetnya dan jaksa agung negara bagian. "Hari yang menyenangkan untuk teknologi blockchain," tweeted Szczurek. View image on Twitter
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TheresaSzczurek@TheresaSzczurek Exciting day for #blockchain technology. @GovofCO @jaredpolis signed the #Digital Token Act today with key legislators, Attorney General @pweiser, and #Colorado cabinet members Patty Salazar with @DORAColorado, @BetsyMarkey with OEDIT, and @TheresaSzczurek of @OITColorado. 121 12:45 PM - Mar 7, 2019 54 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy
Digital Token Act mulai berlaku pada 2 Agustus. Undang-undang pro-bitcoin adalah bagian dari langkah untuk mengangkat Colorado menjadi pusat teknologi untuk platform "Web 3.0" yang didesentralisasi dengan membuatnya lebih mudah bagi pengusaha untuk meluncurkan bisnis blockchain dan crypto-centric. Anggota parlemen berharap ini akan meningkatkan ekonomi Colorado dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru dan memikat kapitalis ventura, pengembang, dan investor ke negara. "Menciptakan Colorado Digital Token Act dengan batasan untuk melindungi konsumen akan memungkinkan bisnis Colorado yang menggunakan sistem crypto-ekonomi untuk memperoleh modal pertumbuhan untuk membantu memperluas bisnis mereka." "Biaya dan kompleksitas pendaftaran sekuritas negara dapat lebih besar daripada manfaatnya bagi bisnis Colorado menggunakan sistem kripto-ekonomi yang berusaha untuk meningkatkan modal pertumbuhan dan menciptakan platform internet baru yang didesentralisasi."
Di bawah Digital Token Act, cryptocurrency dibebaskan dari undang-undang sekuritas negara jika "tujuan utama token digital adalah tujuan konsumtif." Namun, token digital tidak dikecualikan jika digunakan untuk "tujuan spekulatif atau investasi."
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Di bawah Digital Token Act, cryptocurrency dibebaskan dari undang-undang sekuritas negara jika "tujuan utama token digital adalah tujuan konsumtif." | Sumber: Pemerintah Colorado
Undang-undang pro-bitcoin ini disahkan dengan latar belakang tindakan keras Colorado terhadap ICO palsu. Pada November 2018, Komisaris Colorado Securities mengajukan 20 kasus terhadap dugaan penawaran koin awal yang curang. Perintah penegakan adalah hasil investigasi oleh Satuan Tugas ICO yang diluncurkan pada Mei 2018. Satuan tugas menyelidiki ICO yang diduga menipu investor dengan janji palsu dari rejeki nomplok keuangan melalui investasi cryptocurrency palsu. Tindakan keras Colorado terhadap penipuan ICO mungkin adalah bagian dari Operasi Crypto Sweep . Pada bulan Mei 2018, regulator AS dan Kanada bersama-sama membuka lebih dari 70 investigasi terhadap penipuan cryptocurrency dan ICO yang curang sebagai bagian dari penumpasan terkoordinasi yang luas.
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Robert Gardner@ManageRisks "Report: 81% Of ICOs Are Scams" - https://www.ccn.com/operation-crypto-sweep-us-and-canada-investigate-70-cryptocurrency-scams-sham-icos/ … 1 11:27 PM - May 22, 2018 Twitter Ads info and privacy
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'Op Crypto Sweep': US & Canada Investigate 70 Crypto, ICO Scams
U.S. and Canadian regulators have opened about 70 investigations into cryptocurrency scams and fraudulent initial coin offerings as part of a wide-ranging, coordinated crackdown called "Operation... ccn.com See Robert Gardner's other Tweets
Pada saat itu, Asosiasi Administrator Sekuritas Amerika Utara (NASAA) mengatakan telah mengirim surat gencatan dan penghentian kepada operator perusahaan crypto bengkok di lebih dari 40 yurisdiksi di seluruh Amerika Serikat dan Kanada. "Penjahat Crypto perlu tahu bahwa regulator sekuritas negara bagian dan provinsi mengambil tindakan cepat dan efektif untuk melindungi investor dari skema dan penipuan mereka," kata presiden NASAA Joseph Borg. Operasi Crypto Sweep datang tak lama setelah sebuah temuan bahwa penipuan menyebar luas di kalangan promotor investasi crypto, menurut sebuah laporan oleh Dewan Sekuritas Negara Bagian Texas. Texas memimpin Amerika Serikat dalam penumpasan cryptocurrency. Demikian pula, penelitian dari perusahaan penasehat ICO, Satis Group menunjukkan bahwa kekalahan 81 persen dari ICO yang diluncurkan sejak 2017 adalah penipuan. Pengawasan regulasi memanas di seluruh dunia pada saat yang sama ketika bitcoin dan industri crypto mendapatkan daya tarik. Read the full article
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phillipoworldwide · 6 years ago
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It's never too late to be the best version of YOU. #ManageRisk #FearNoChange https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn0dBxnnfP8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rgaexjaoxu7u
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mateodellovo · 7 years ago
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🔥 It’s our obligation to keep growing 🔥 . We need to grow so we have more to give. . Set goals so big that you can’t achieve them until you grow into the person who can. . Most of us get frustrated when we want something so bad, but it feels so far away. . I finally understand that goals can not be achieved until we grow into the person who can handle and manage them properly. . Keep fueling the mind, body, and honing the necessary skills needed. Surround yourself with the right people and just keep pushing forward. . Love life - Mateo . #AskMateo #DellovoCapital #CashFlowBoss #ModelingGreatness #lovelife #MateoDellovo #mentor #advisor #success #mindset #magic #positive #drive #compete #journey #joy #happiness #grateful #smile #impactothers #bekind #laugh #takechances #managerisk #keepgrowing #elevate (at Boston, Massachusetts)
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2-horizon · 6 years ago
Looking back
Nope, never looking back.
The rear view mirror is only to manage risk never to search for direction.
It’s clear it wasn’t worth it then and it won’t be worth it ever. Just won’t ever rise to par.
#dependece #managerisk #seeriskandavoidit
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tradersir · 3 years ago
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It's a risky endeavor and hence we have tried to ease up your pressure.
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tradersir · 4 years ago
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It's a risky endeavor and hence we have tried to ease up your pressure.
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