#man i hope this is cohesive
chronal-anomaly · 1 year
Alright shit you caught me monologuing.
Between their occupations, Lena and Emily are both very busy. Lena usually spends most of her time with the Recalled Overwatch team, training the newcomers and doing double duty as maintenance and repair on their crafts. While she has a small flat in London, she's rarely there.
Emily's work as an investigative journalist means that she can be anywhere across the planet at any time. Often times, Lena will just get a text before Emily boards the plane like "Headed to Egypt, be home in 3-4 weeks." Communication from there will vary.
It's a balance that's difficult to maintain, but they do it. Rarely do their 'time off' schedules line up, so when they do, Lena will be absolutely no contact. Short of another Null Sector attack, she does everything in her power to not answer her phone. Sometimes this works, sometimes she's called away. Sometimes Emily is.
Time spent together during these brief periods are in near constant company, 24/7. They cook together, dance in the living room, watch movies, go shopping, shower, sleep, eat together. Emily finally brings some peace to Lena's hyperactive state, and Lena brings the reassurance of life and love. Their shared love language is time spent together, due to the times that they're separated.
Leaving each other at the end of these periods is always painful, and Lena's usually out of sorts for at least a few days. It's not hard to tell what's going on, and she's usually just more withdrawn and quiet. More time spent in the gym is usually enough to pull her out of her own head.
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fairweathermyth · 6 months
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ROBIN HOBB’S REALM OF THE ELDERLINGS >> The Fool The Farseer Trilogy + The Liveship Traders Trilogy + The Tawny Man Trilogy + The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy
You know who I am. I have even given you my true name. As for what I am, you know that, too. You seek a false comfort when you demand that I define myself for you with words. Words do not contain or define any person. A heart can, if it is willing. But I fear yours is not. You know more of the whole of me than any person who breathes, yet you persist in insisting that all of that cannot be me. What would you have me cut off and leave behind? And why must I truncate myself in order to please you? I would never ask that of you.
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kickedin17 · 15 days
I'm seeing people point out that the Craving (at least the single version) is about SAI being perceived by a lot of people as a flop album & I think that's probably correct but I also think it probably applies to Lavish, because I truly cannot imagine why else they decided to include it on the album? Like don't get me wrong I love Lavish but narratively it reads as the most 'expendable" song on the tracklist. Yet Tyler allegedly wanted to leave off Navigating (which they gave the lore video to, lmao) and kept Lavish. Which is fair because it's a banger and a nice break from everything else, but it's also just telling to me that they very intentionally did a song about industry bullshit on this album, the most direct they've gotten since Lane Boy.
Like either their label or someone in the industry did something to piss them off that we don't know about, or it's a generalized frustration. I have to imagine it would hurt to be Grammy noms/winners two albums in a row and then be paid dust the minute you do something a little different. Or (purely speculating here) to experience label pressure to have another album cycle like blurryface, when that's virtually impossible to replicate unless you're, like, taylor swift specifically, and when it inevitably doesn't happen they start pulling back on financing/promoting you/helping you get nominations the same way they used to. They're fucking you behind your back and you can't really do much about it because they're the ones with the money and the influence, and you're supposed to trust them to take care of/care about your work. Like tøp has never been a band that values itself on award or critical recognition, it's always been for us, but creatively speaking the whiplash of going right from your most commercially successful album, to your most critically acclaimed album, then to your most criticized - and to a degree you now just assume your time as a critical/commercial darling has passed, which Tyler seems to - would have to hurt. It would have to.
Honestly tho he probably just knew he cooked with the proctologist line and needed everyone else to know too
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gatzbright · 4 months
sweater weather
dnf fic, 1.6k, one shot, general, ao3 link [Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst With a Happy Ending, Fluff]
A cry escapes George’s lips. “Dream—” Dream brings George closer, holds his face in two large palms. “Tell me when you’re hurting, sweetheart,” he whispers thickly, “and I can try help.” George shakes his head. “No,” he says, weepy, “‘s’too much—” “Never,” Dream says. He holds George’s gaze. “You’re never too much—nothing you ever feel is ever too much.”
[Or, The tide brings in old feelings, and George feels the ache.]
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oleander-nin · 8 months
I love your writing so much! Especially this horror October series, horror is my favorite genre and you write it so well!! I'm always excited to get home and see you've posted something new because I get to be immersed in your writing again! There's so many things that make up horror and you write all of it so well, psychological, physical all of it! I usually read this kind of content to see how people characterize obsession, it's interesting, and obsession itself is scary. Some people drop the scary aspect of it entirely and romanticize it, some encourage it and depict it as healthy, and even while you don't always make it scary you don't depict it as healthy which honestly is awesome. The way you write characters just makes so much sense, it never feels like it's out of character. I know this isn't an ask but it's the only way I can be anonymous, you're amazing, a fantastic writer and I wish you the best!
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This feels like an early birthday present of an ask. You somehow reassured some of my biggest insecurities about writing in one go. This is like, the best thing I could have gotten today. Horror is also one of my favorite genres, and I really want to be able to write it well. The obsession and possession part of the genre was always incredibly fascinating with me, and that's probably why I got so fixed on this 'subgenre'. I personally really hate when an obsession is romanticized or deemed healthy, because it isn't. I'm constantly afraid I'm toeing the line with some of my writing since the MC(Usually the reader) doesn't always react extremely negatively, or in a more standard horror way. I try my best to balance horror with a reasonable reaction to the situation, and sometimes, the situation calls for more disturbance or a highlight of unhealthiness rather than horror. It's much harder to process your best friend/lover/family being an obsessive monster than a stranger, as emotions get in the way. I want to be able to show that, but I'm never sure if I convey it well. I'm super glad it at least got to you-
Anyways, I'm going to stop rambling now. I hope you're doing well and I really really appreciate this. I'm going to cherish it forever.
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eudikot · 6 months
Wriothelsey Story Quest Spoilers!!
I've been thinking about the gem for a while and haven't seen anyone else talk about this
[Warning, talk of self-destructive tendencies]
For a quick refresher, at the beginning of the quest Paimon chooses this gem out of a box of confiscated items and experienced a lot of bad things after touching it.
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Of course, in a "haha everyone does a harmful thing just to to make sure it's actually true" moment, both Wriothesley and the Traveler touch the gem to know its effects. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
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However, when talking to Dougier and the Beret Society, Wriothelsey reveals that he kept the gem on him because it only has an effect when it comes in direct contact with skin.
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Later Wriothelsey says he dropped it as a gamble to see if anyone from the society had seen the gem before, their reactions helping to confirm that the society had something to do with it. Again, pretty standard.
But, if we look again at the scene where the gem gets returned to Wriothesley, Dougier tells his members to pick it up for the duke and Aucelet does. It is worth noting that Aucelet does not have anything covering his hands, so he should have had some kind of negative experience when touching the gem. While he could have hid it, the reactions that we had earlier when touching the gem did not seem that easy to hide, especially since he had prolonged contact with it by having to pick it off the ground and hand it to Wriothesley.
However, Wriothelsey is not in the clear from this interaction either. On the surface, him holding the gem doesn't reveal anything too strange. But take a second to think about his design again and you begin to realize that he is in direct contact with the gem. It is clearly laying on that strip of exposed skin. He could have attempted to hold it in a way that did not touch his skin but simply keeps it as is.
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I am not surprised that Wriothesley has no outward reaction to it considering that he touched it earlier and knew of its effects, but it is surprising that he would willingly be in contact with it for that long given the unpleasant experience he knows it causes. I don't deny that this is likely part of his plan to act normal about this, but considering Dougier has been using this gem on his people for a while now he knows that exposure is causing something to happen. Makes sense for him not to care about his member touching it, probably is beneficial for them to "understand what's in store," but it is a little strange for the Duke.
One counterargument could be that somehow Wriothesley had a replicate of the gem that looked the same without any special properties, but considering that the gem discovery and this scene take place within the same sequence doesn't leave any time for this to happen. And later in his office we crack open the gem to reveal the black water that is pure fear extract, further proving this gem is the real one.
Putting these instances together, I believe this is another instance of his self-destructive tendencies. Another, you may be asking? Well, he has a rather clear description of one in his voice line and Wingalet story.
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We know that the primordial sea can dissolve Fontainians, and that diluted concentrations can cause adverse effects on people as seen with Freminet passing out in the water and Furina displaying signs of hyperventilation and flushed skin after touching it. His dip in the sea indicates that it was after the first part of the archon quest where he knows that the primordial sea is getting closer to the fortress. There would be much safer ways to test if he was Fontainian by using Primordial Seawater, such as obtaining a dilute concentration and seeing if he had a reaction. However, he went out into the sea, where he knew that prolonged exposure could cause someone to pass out and potentially drown, and did not tell anyone just to "test if he was Fontainian or not." Not even Sigewinnie, who could have provided medical attention had this experiment gone wrong.
Between the gem and his swim, he shows a higher tendency of doing things that could actively harm him both mentally and physically and covering it by disregarding his intentions. While the gem did end up coming in handy, did he really need to tell no one about his dip in the sea because "no one needed the extra information" or because if he did they would become concerned about his actions?
There are some other traits I could touch on here as well that Wriothesley seems to display but I may save those for another time. He seems to hide any negativity or insecurities about himself by calling them fact since that leaves no room for discussion, it simply is. He would never outright admit that both of these serve his destructive tendencies when they also have another purpose, but reading between the lines you begin to see a bigger picture.
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gloopdimension · 5 months
ages ago on my main i got an ask telling me i should stop giving so many characters sex work swag bc i was making light of the struggle sex workers go through when they work. or something.j
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iorekbyrinson · 1 year
bcs costume analysis notes
(live document to be edited, these are for me, but feel free to read)
Saul Goodman
Colour palette - Rainbow, brown. Who is the character Jimmy is trying to inhabit? Who is he trying to get across to, and be in opposition to?
Distinctive features - Suit, pocket square, garish colours
Wardrobe - Suits, pinky ring (from Marco), loafers
Hogwarts House - Snake (?) Badger
Kim Wexler
Colour palette - Black, grey, blue. Only character to prominently wear pink (innocence, romantic love), before Howard's death and in her promo pic.
Distinctive features - Ponytail, earrings and necklace
Wardrobe - Skirt suits, heels
Hogwarts House - Lion Badger
Mike Ehrmantraut
Colour palette - Black (death, of self, morality), Blue (police force, on side of law), Green (military background), Grey (of self, morality)
Distinctive features - Grey, black
Wardrobe - Jackets, shirts, civilian wear.
Hogwarts House - Lion (?) Bird
Nacho Varga
Colour palette - Red (impulsivity, cartel proximity, passion), black (proximity to death, intimidating, death of self w/regards to parental expectations and deadening effects of violence)
Distinctive features - Red and black colour scheme, snake earring, gold chains, shaved head
Wardrobe - Muscle shirts, leather jacket.
Hogwarts House - Snake Lion
Gus Fring
Colour palette - Yellow, civilian uniform. Black (death, of self, justice for dead partner) Purple (royalty, specialness) Blue (personal law, surface adherence to societal law)
Distinctive features - none yet
Wardrobe - Glasses frames, suits. Armour.
Hogwarts House - Snake Bird par excellence
Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca
Colour palette - Recurring colours (before S6) Purple (royalty, fun), Blue (personal law). Has worn dark red (leaving prison), yellow (sit-down with Gus and Bolsa), and orange (in prison). Has worn khaki green (carrying out recon on Mike). Wore a flesh-pink shirt to meet Gus (it's not really yellow, but it could be a case of mirroring to engender trust)
Distinctive features - Bright blue shoes, 70's adjacent fashion (the era of the drug barons, see Narcos). The 2000s were a spotty time for fashion, but I think there was a deliberate choice here to call to that.
Wardrobe - Shirts with a "buzziness", prints, swirls, etc, flashy belt buckle, narrow look.
Hogwarts House - Badger Snake
Howard Hamlin
Colour palette - Hamlindingo blue, shades of blue, white
Distinctive features - Hamlindingo blue, crisp pinstripe suit, knit tie
Wardrobe - See above
Hogwarts House - Air, Ravenclaw
Chuck McGill
Colour palette - Light, clear blue, stony grey, ozone colours. Veers into black. Often wears subtle stripes.
Distinctive features - Electromagnetic condition, silver tin foil
Wardrobe - Full suits.
Hogwarts House - Badger Bird
Rough colour spectrum notes
Red to orange to yellow is the criminal spectrum, with red being the most violent/leading to violence (Tuco, Nacho, characters that are about to commit violence or threatening violence) and yellow being the most uninvolved (Gus Fring's civilian uniform, the arms dealer, Dr Caldera).
Brown is the midpoint, trying to ride between the two spectrums. Grey is the midpoint between two absolutes - black, death, and white, innocence. That doesn't mean it's a moral good - it's the expression of lawful neutral, with a capacity to step into either. Jimmy wears brown at the beginning where he's trying to toe the line between "colourful" and following the letter of the law. Mike wears grey because he's committed murder and forfeited a part of his soul (black), but he's trying to keep clean for Kaylee and Stacey (white, innocence). The darker his actions and motivations, the darker the grey. And of course, by Breaking Bad, he's a consigliere and a man in black.
Black is death - literal death, past death, death of the self, death of one's conscience. Gus Fring wears black like a judge puts the black hat on when prescribing death - death is revenge, which is a form of justice for Gus. His mission is to take revenge for his dead partner.
White is innocence, removal from the cartel or criminal worlds. Lawyers, especially Howard Hamlin, and honest working man Papa Varga frequently have white accents in their clothing. The exception is Eladio Vuente, king on Olympus, who doesn't need to get his hands dirty at all.
Pink is another form of innocence, but more closely connected with love. Kaylee and Stacey Ehrmantraut wear pink, and Rebecca wears it in her scarf when coming to Chuck's trial.
Blue in all its shades is the legal spectrum. Note: not the morally good spectrum, just the law. Personal law, literal law, adherence to the law, belief in one's law. It often crops up with members of the police and nearly every lawyer we see on screen. Lalo Salamanca's blue shoes show how committed he is to familial law ("la familia es todo") and to the laws of the cartel. He is a main beneficiary and upholder of those laws. He sees himself as fundamentally just and mission-focussed (his behaviour with his underlings at the estate or the people smugglers show this character streak).
Purple is an interesting colour, in that it is worn often by those in (or perceiving themselves to be in) positions of high status. Gus, the dignified man who would found an empire and has a "protected" status, wears purple, as does Lalo, the cartel prince. Its historical associations with royalty and specialness explain this. As a mix of red and blue, one can also view it as a midpoint.
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angelnauseous · 1 year
HOLY SHIT THAT'S SO COOL???? I LOVE HOW WELL THOUGHT OUT THE STORYLINE IS IM SOOOO AHEHFHEHDHE I FR WANNA KNOW MORE (also i thought they'd kiss at the end but nevermind- im quite alright with mutual abuse too(
here are their designs this is pretty old as you can tell and i dont think the heights look accurate at all + a bunch of other nitpicks but wuteva :"]]
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OHHHH IF ONLY THEYD KISS MAN, IF ONLY THEY WOULD :CC but tysm !!! gahhh that means !! a lot !!!! :"333 so uh yeah! i havent been able to fully draw prisoner and warden yet aside from a few unfinished sketches ANYWAYS lemme slow down a bit and talk abt some other stuff outside of themes and plot :0 so abt their designs, prisoner is 6'4 ft mixed but mostly of black descent, appears 25 yrs old, slim/skinny build hes actually a little underweight bcuz of how little he eats, short dark wavy slightly curly hair, has eyebags and some other facial imperfections around his body but other than that, since i based him off of serial killer archetypes, hes pretty conventionally attractive and has a pleasant voice and demeanor :]] warden is 6'3 also mixed but less so than prisoner and mostly of brown descent, appears 23 yrs old, slim/skinny build like prisoner but he eats a bit more so he looks less like skin and bones, short straight black hair, has a bit of acne due to long periods of exposure to the elements and such but again since hes also based off serial killer archetypes, hes also conventionally attractive and has a pleasant voice! SO off to where the story begins ohohhohhhh ill keep this short but. the warden and the prisoner have been going at it for nearly 2000 years, and what theyve been doing pretty much is that they run into each other every few weeks/months and they just! stab and shoot and fight to the death! :D smtimes this happens bcuz they yknow run into each other smtimes this happens bcuz prisoner tries to kill someone and warden, who likes to stalk him for long periods of time just to prevent this from happening, has to come into the rescue and fuck prisoners shit up and if theyre feeling especially vengeful they generally put each other thru smth awful .. hooray? but yeah! pretty much i started writing this story bcuz i was just fascinated by the idea of how far/extreme i could take the enemy-enemy dynamic in fiction and what i could do w/ that concept !! and then from there it evolved into an exploration of trauma and how it horrifically distorts and rewires the way 2 people view themselves and their actions and the world, leading them to manipulate and brutalize and torture each other, and letting the fact that youre a victim blind you from the fact that youre also an abusive person, and thats its not entirely the other persons fault but also your own :[ i think that the prisoner and the warden are fundamentally very different people, they just react to trauma the same way: they are very sensitive to it and they dont know how to handle it, they can only let the hurt eat them from the inside out and cause more hurt ..
and! if you dont mind me very pretentiously including this quote from house of leaves here adjusted slightly since i think it absolutely fits the way these 2 view each other:
I'm afraid. [He] is hungry. [He] is immortal. Worse, [he] knows nothing of whim.
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
ok so abt the amelia thing i mentioend in the tags of the other post? im thinking abt making a companion fic to the one i just posted but also i wanna preface it w some ideas abt amelia i think abt sm that kinda get undermined by other characters (even as a local liam fan i STILL need amelia in my life you know)
a lot of times? shes just written as Nice. and thats it, unless shes ALSO being portrayed as like... doting on liam and bryce and like im sorry but i dont think thats quite accurate. she IS kind, and she DOES care for her friends but i feel like this compassion gets SUPER oversimplified
the thing is, people make her revolve around the others, and i think there IS some basis for this; she cares abt the others a LOT and tries her best to help!! its a part of her character. but what people miss is that she DOESNT tend to act selflessly like constantly. she spends the first 6 episodes asking and trying SO hard to be up for elimination despite everything, even when stone makes liams team be up for elimination- but the thing is that i dont think not being selfless means shes selfish either, which i think is also overlooked (it CAN be inbetween). shes acting actually not unrealistically in this situation, she wants to be safe so it MAKES SENSE that she doesnt really think abt bryce or liam going home and tbh i think thats ok. shes under a lot of stress. the fact that everyone was divided into teams likely didnt help either
but then comes ep 7, and the fact that she loses the contest on purpose to get liam home i think overshadows this? and like she is 100% such an mvp here and i think she is literally so kind bc yeah liam Has gone thru the wringer at this pt. but this scene isnt Revealing that she Actually Wants To Look Out For Them Above All Else, its... very realistic guilt. a LOT of how i see her character i think revolves around guilt that i never see ppl portray her w
the thing is that i dont think she likes to see ppl unhappy, as very frequently shown and explained thru her helping the others! shes the one who is frequently shown looking out for others, and this IS bc shes very compassionate!!!! but i think it is partially abt the fact that it 1. is smth she can control, its smth she can DO, and 2, that if she doesnt help it kinda seems like it eats at her? helping the others during those 7 months WAS about caring abt them!!! and its just also that when ppl she cares abt are struggling , it helps her, too, to help them, yknow?? like its One thing that can make the plane more Safe and comfortable, and bc she DOES look out for people, but this IS often when worst comes to worst- shed help before that, yeah! but i think before it gets REALLY bad its easy for her to get overwhelmed with her OWN problems. this is only pushed to the extreme when the only thing she CAN do to make living on the plane bearable is to forget everything before it and embrace it, and subsequently, pushing those problems on the wayside, its a LOT easier to help others
as for the guilt, i feel like the scene in ep 7 is abt compassion but also about. SUCH heavy guilt. its not her fault, but she was also the only one who was Actively Aware of the fact that liam would sink, AND able go down there. and i think thatd mess with ANYONE. and the fact that suddenly this person she Couldve helped before Couldnt Be Comforted because she Couldnt Stop The Worst From Happening kinda like. Got to her. in ep 7, it isnt that things "revolve around liam," now, its the fact that she feels GUILTY. now looking back at every competition she tried to have HER team lose seems like just another instance she couldve stopped him from drowning before it happened. its extreme guilt, because blaming airy was easy, but airy doesnt budge, and all she has control of here is potentially helping others, and its like she failed, and she wants soooo badly to make up for it, because she already cared abt liam, but now theres also guilt around the fact that she DIDNT act selflessly because it WAS smth she could do. and it fucks me up so much
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onnabox · 2 years
I was on a bit of a throwback to campaign 1 and had to find where Orion was like ‘stfu I killed the beholder’ after not being there the whole time - and having watched how well the cast works together now, even with some tiffs, man it was even worse than I remembered.
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toastsnaffler · 8 days
okaaaayyy finally watched I saw the tv glow :^)
#liked it a lot on a lot of levels. visuals n soundtrack n acting was great. rly subtle n cohesive n effective#i wanna sit with it a little to digest it and maybe rewatch#but unfortunately i didnt get the same emotional resonance a lot of ppl did from it.. possibly bc i was watching w other ppl#but i dont think its that i think i just struggle to connect meaningfully w things that are like. what if the choices u didnt make#alienated u from the world and ur sense of self n what if the life u were living was a hollow bubble separate from the real world etcetc#bc like yeah man im very aware of how unreal my life n the world around me feels at times. and it isnt bc im holding myself within#tight limitations/constraints in order to hide parts of me from myself or forcing myself to be smth im not in order to engage w society#like im just mentally ill n the dissociation n derealisation are symptoms of that..#i can 100% understand why so many queer ppl feel so strongly abt it n the gender stuff implied in it#but thats just not my experience of queerness personally. its never been smth ive had to grapple with much#like yeah i havent fully figured out my gender shit. but im ok w that its not holding me back from living the life i want to be living#my sense of self is just so far divorced from my physical body and the physical world around me..... idk im too tired to articulate this#but that aside i did rly like it as a movie! and it was very heartbreaking.. just not in a way that struck me super personally#which i was rly hoping it would ahh sorry everyone 😔 but hey maybe thatll come after i think abt it some more#lots of cool effects too i liked the different ways they did the moon face thing. i liked how effective the whole distortion of memory#and nostalgia etc was done visually.. aesthetically very yummy. aw man..#i didnt even cry i was rly hoping it would make me cry...... :-(#makes me feel like im missing out on smth cuz everyone else ive seen talk abt it got hit so hard by it#just made my peace w being on the outside looking in i guess.. i shook out all my regrets and what-couldve-beens as a depressed teen#n now im just here to vibe forever..... 😌 i am toooooo tired to be typing i just keep saying the same thing over an dover probably#maybe a 7 or 8 out of 10 movie for me i think which is still pretty damn worth it#okayyy brushing my teeth and going to bed cuz i wanna go climbing tomorrow so need to rest up ‼️#sorry i dont want to rain on anyones parade genuinely did think it was a great movie im glad others are feeling it so intensely#ahhhh!!!!#.diaries
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icterid-rubus · 1 month
they've really gone rouge with this seasons adaption of Romancing Mister Bridgerton
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just-spacetrash · 8 months
whats up with seinfield s5ep13 the dinner party
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mouseoho · 1 year
a minor kpop thing that annoys me is how half the time when idols perform on music shows their outfits Clash so much with the set design around them and its like........ i know whoever styles them and whoever does the set probably dont talk to each other but like PLEASE i am begging u take a page out of theatre's book and make sure the costumes and set go together. pls
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midnightorchids · 1 month
Ok so I was thinking about this the other day. You know how Dick is usually a detective or a cop? Imagine Jason as a firefighter.
Mans will lift you like you’re nothing and I bet he’s in one of those firemen calendars.
I honestly think he would be amazing as a firefighter.
IM SCREAMING!! Here are some firefighter!Jason headcanons, I hope you like them!
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- firefighter!Jason has a sleeve, his tattoos are all over the place, but they’re cohesive and very aesthetically pleasing
- he has a small calcifer (the little fire demon from howls moving castle) tattoo hidden somewhere on his arm
- he adores his job because he loves helping and protecting people
- he’s kinda cringey and he makes fire/heat puns and jokes when he’s on duty
- children LOVE him because he’s so kind
- he always volunteers to do tours of the fire station with kindergarten and middle school kids
- he hands out lollipops and stickers at the end of each tour
- he’s really strong and can lift anyone (regardless of their weight or height), he spends a lot of time training his body and is very proud of it
- he is low key a SLUT!!! let me elaborate: yk when firefighters wear their uniform only around their waist and legs, and the top half is like a normal shirt…? yeah so imagine that with Jason.
- he walks around the fire station wearing a black compression shirt and it’s hugging his body so deliciously. you can see bits of his silver chain sticking out and his tattoos are on display… he looks so HOT (noo im turning into cringey fire pun Jason…)
- when he first joined the force, he thought that saving cats and animals from trees wouldn’t be a common occurrence
- it was. and he took home two strays.
- he named them arson and sparks (shout out to the two cats i saw at the pet store)
- as much as Jason is a silly little guy, he also takes his job very seriously
- he spends time comforting victims and trying his best to make sure that they’re safe
- if there’s a house fire, he tries to save everything but definitely does prioritize items that could be sentimental or of value
- he never leaves candles burning for too long, same with irons and stoves
- he is very careful and constantly warning people about potential fires and the consequences of not being careful around hot objects
- okay let’s go back to silly
- this one time the guys at the station made a bet and the loser had to take pictures for a “hot firefighter” calendar… yeah… Jason lost…
- his shirtless pictures were plastered all over the station the next day and he wasn’t even embarrassed
- he’d just smile when people mentioned it
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