#I was so mad at how we reacted to him telling us about his history
eudikot · 9 months
Wriothelsey Story Quest Spoilers!!
I've been thinking about the gem for a while and haven't seen anyone else talk about this
[Warning, talk of self-destructive tendencies]
For a quick refresher, at the beginning of the quest Paimon chooses this gem out of a box of confiscated items and experienced a lot of bad things after touching it.
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Of course, in a "haha everyone does a harmful thing just to to make sure it's actually true" moment, both Wriothesley and the Traveler touch the gem to know its effects. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
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However, when talking to Dougier and the Beret Society, Wriothelsey reveals that he kept the gem on him because it only has an effect when it comes in direct contact with skin.
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Later Wriothelsey says he dropped it as a gamble to see if anyone from the society had seen the gem before, their reactions helping to confirm that the society had something to do with it. Again, pretty standard.
But, if we look again at the scene where the gem gets returned to Wriothesley, Dougier tells his members to pick it up for the duke and Aucelet does. It is worth noting that Aucelet does not have anything covering his hands, so he should have had some kind of negative experience when touching the gem. While he could have hid it, the reactions that we had earlier when touching the gem did not seem that easy to hide, especially since he had prolonged contact with it by having to pick it off the ground and hand it to Wriothesley.
However, Wriothelsey is not in the clear from this interaction either. On the surface, him holding the gem doesn't reveal anything too strange. But take a second to think about his design again and you begin to realize that he is in direct contact with the gem. It is clearly laying on that strip of exposed skin. He could have attempted to hold it in a way that did not touch his skin but simply keeps it as is.
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I am not surprised that Wriothesley has no outward reaction to it considering that he touched it earlier and knew of its effects, but it is surprising that he would willingly be in contact with it for that long given the unpleasant experience he knows it causes. I don't deny that this is likely part of his plan to act normal about this, but considering Dougier has been using this gem on his people for a while now he knows that exposure is causing something to happen. Makes sense for him not to care about his member touching it, probably is beneficial for them to "understand what's in store," but it is a little strange for the Duke.
One counterargument could be that somehow Wriothesley had a replicate of the gem that looked the same without any special properties, but considering that the gem discovery and this scene take place within the same sequence doesn't leave any time for this to happen. And later in his office we crack open the gem to reveal the black water that is pure fear extract, further proving this gem is the real one.
Putting these instances together, I believe this is another instance of his self-destructive tendencies. Another, you may be asking? Well, he has a rather clear description of one in his voice line and Wingalet story.
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We know that the primordial sea can dissolve Fontainians, and that diluted concentrations can cause adverse effects on people as seen with Freminet passing out in the water and Furina displaying signs of hyperventilation and flushed skin after touching it. His dip in the sea indicates that it was after the first part of the archon quest where he knows that the primordial sea is getting closer to the fortress. There would be much safer ways to test if he was Fontainian by using Primordial Seawater, such as obtaining a dilute concentration and seeing if he had a reaction. However, he went out into the sea, where he knew that prolonged exposure could cause someone to pass out and potentially drown, and did not tell anyone just to "test if he was Fontainian or not." Not even Sigewinnie, who could have provided medical attention had this experiment gone wrong.
Between the gem and his swim, he shows a higher tendency of doing things that could actively harm him both mentally and physically and covering it by disregarding his intentions. While the gem did end up coming in handy, did he really need to tell no one about his dip in the sea because "no one needed the extra information" or because if he did they would become concerned about his actions?
There are some other traits I could touch on here as well that Wriothesley seems to display but I may save those for another time. He seems to hide any negativity or insecurities about himself by calling them fact since that leaves no room for discussion, it simply is. He would never outright admit that both of these serve his destructive tendencies when they also have another purpose, but reading between the lines you begin to see a bigger picture.
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jeonscatalyst · 28 days
About the ham/pink sausage thing I'd love to know if you think bucking up at ur partner(Assuming jkk are couple or have romantic feelings for e/o) like that in front of other ppl can happen btw couples...... friends? Yes. Siblings? Yes. But couples? I wonder......if my partner does that (jk was kinda pissed because they questioned his knowledge of food or wtv that is) in front of other ppl I'd feel disrespectful maybe not by siblings and friends but definitely by my partner. Of course i don't believe any of the members have that kinda nature where they hit someone that's completely false I believe that. Can you imagine you and your partner in their place? Your partner bucking up at you like that in public? You won't feel disrespected? And i know you'll say jk was joking, he joked when he did it second time but the first time was his honest reaction. It irritated him that they didn't belive he was right.
Hi anon,
Short answer to your question is yes, it can happen. I’ve seen so many people give so many takes about the pink sausage/ham moment but I refrained from saying anything about it until I got my thoughts in order. So many times when people judge other’s actions they look at it from a perspective that they are used to or through a particular lens that makes sense to them forgetting that in this big world with over 7 billion people, there are different people, different cultures and ways of life so what might mean one thing to you, might mean something else to a different person.
I don’t understand why that was a big deal to people ( I mean I do kinda but…) because anyone who has watched even one kdrama or knows even a little bit about Koreans in general knows that koreans do that alot when they are mad or irritated. They buck at other people like they are going to hit them with no intention of actually hitting them. Parents do it to kids, siblings do it to each other and even people in seasoned relationships relationships do it as well. Jk wasn’t going to hit Jimin, that’s for sure. It’s just that was a knee jerk reaction at that point and from the reactions of Tae and Jimin, that wasn’t something Jungkook did often because Jimin didn’t seem used to it judging from his reaction.
I understand what you mean about feeling disrespected especially if that is something that happens in public but I doubt some koreans will see it that way mostly because it is something they are used to. Plus, sometimes people could be intentionally or unintentionally disrespectful to their partners, that isn’t news.
While that moment left a bad taste in some people’s mouths, I actually found it cute….not necessarily because Jungkook bucked at Jimin but because when you watch that scene, you notice that Tae was the one who started saying it was ham and he was also the one who kept insisting it was while Jimin only said it once but that one time Jimin said it was the only time Jungkook doubted himself about it. I also found it interesting that even though Tae was the one who repeatedly insisted that it wasn’t pink sausage, we only saw Jk’s emotions towards Jimin and nothing towards Tae. Now, most people whom I like to call shallow or fickle would rejoice at the fact that Tae didn’t react to Tae who was the instigator but reacted to Jimin who only said it once but to anyone who understands human emotions and knows a little bit of something about life, that single moment right there was more than enough to tell whom among the two Jungkook is emotionally closer to.
That moment to me will go down in history as one of the biggest moments that showed just how close and comfortable Jikook are with each other.
Typically, you are more likely to get annoyed at someone you are closer to because you have more expectations of them than the ones you are not as close to. There is also an emotional investment. Being closer to someone usually means you care more about their opinions and actions so when they do something that bothers you, it impacts you more deeply. You generally also feel more comfortable expressing or showing your frustration at someone you feel closest to because your relationship with them feels secure so you are not worried about how you might come off because you both know each other extremely well, while with a friend you are not as close to, you tend to be more forgiving or less affected by their behavior because your emotional investment is lower, and your expectations might not be as high. Anyone who watches that clip would wonder why on earth Jk only expressed his annoyance at Jimin and not Tae who actually started and instigated the whole thing and this is not to say Taekook aren’t close because we know they are but Jikook just have an insanely deeper emotional connection and bond.
Some people think Jungkook was just joking but I think he was truly annoyed and maybe even a little hurt, and his annoyance (though might sound abit silly) probably came from the fact that he expected Jimin to side with him but Jimin didn’t or expected Jimin to trust his judgement more. To so many people it might have just been a silly argument about ham and pink sausage bit to Jungkook, it was probably more and some might to relate or understand his annoyance but that doesn’t mean his feelings about the whole thing shouldn’t be respected.
Jimin’s reaction was also very telling and even though he handled things in a funny and dramatic way, I think Jungkook’s actions shocked him to a certain extent and he probably felt bad about it but he must have understood at some point why Jungkook reacted so intensely. Jimin’s actions also shows how much he knows and is emotionally close to Jungkook because if that were another person, Jimin would have probably cussed them out but he had this extra patience with Jungkook probably because he understood why Jungkook got like that. Compare the way Tae reacted after Jungkook made a statement about him being weak to Jimin’s reaction. One of them was clearly the reaction of a friend (Tae straight up warned Jungkook not to take things far else someone would see blood) but Jimin’s reaction was more….emotional. Jungkook’s reaction in the two cases too were telling. With Tae he was quick to say “yes sir” when Tae called him out but with Jimin, he didn’t look like he was ready to let go of the annoyance yet and even after they finished eating he kept glaring at Jimin till Jimin apologized.
Reminds me of that Live from May 2019 in Newjersey where Jimin and Jin turned off the Live before Jk arrived and Jk was so pissed he went to start his own Live. All Jin had to do to get Jk’s forgiveness was apologize once while Jimin had to follow him to his room apologizing yet Jk still didn’t let him off easy. These are things that could seem very trivial to people but that shows you that Jungkook might just have more expectations when it comes to Jimin while he doesn’t really get that affected by other’s actions. The rainy day story is also a good example that shows how Jimin’s opinions affect Jungkook differently. He has mentioned so many times that he tries to emulate Jimin’s actions so that already says alot about how much he values Jimin’s opinions and how much expectations he generally has when it comes to him so when he feels disappointed, it just triggers a more emotional response. It also gets a little weirder when you remember that Jimin is actually Jungkook’s hyung which means that Jimin could have easily scolded him like Tae did with Jk realizing that he had just been disrespectful to someone older and ready to apologize yet that is not the reaction we got from them at all.
So anon, I can see why you would see things the way you do but you always have to consider context and the context here would be that, different things are acceptable in different cultures or societies and things have different meanings to different people. And yes, if Jimin is Jungkook’s lover he might have felt disrespected sometimes things like that happen in relationships anyway so it’s nothing new imo.
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ms-cartoon · 7 months
Sorry, but can I ask you a stupid question? I'm like a person who gets pissed off about b*tches-characters and I miss my late father because he treated me well… But why does Stella NOT piss me off at all, but I’ve hated Stolas since season 1, episode 2?
(I'm sorry to hear about your father!)
I kinda asked the same question myself when thinking about it, but it didn't take long for me to realize that Stella deserves better. I mean, there's no taking away the fact that she didn't put in any effort in the relationship, but here's the thing.
One main reason to not hate Stella is because her character is just done wrong.
For one, at the time ep 2 aired, it was completely understandable why Stella was enraged over what Stolas did. Bro cheated on his wife! Who on green grass would be okay with that if they were in her shoes???? And it wasn't like we could fully hate Stella. We weren't given much context to her relationship with Stolas (even now, there's still no context). Viv can't just tell us "Oh Stella never really cared about Stolas" without actually showing it. Plus if Stella really didn't care about the affair, she shouldn't have reacted the way she did.
And now that Viv finally showed how much Stella hates Stolas, it feels completely forced and out of nowhere. She's trying so hard to make Stella the villain so the audience would hate her guts. But it doesn't work like that! You can't just turn a character evil by making them hate the protagonist without giving much context about her past. You can't just force the evil psycho trait in a character since they were a kid just so you can avoid giving any history to them and make excuses for another character's actions so we could pity them.
Speaking of that, it's a valid reason to be pissed off at Stolas. He can do the most shittiest thing possible and will still be woobified and babied by, not just Viv, but the fans also. He cheats on Stella, which is wrong. Oh but wait! Turns out Stella never liked him and is evil, so the affair is completely justified. He's a terrible father, flirting with people in front of his daughter and neglecting her. Nope!! Let's figure out some way to make Octavia feel bad for being understandably mad at him and apologize cuz HE'S the one that screwed up.
Is uncomfortably flirtatious around Blitzo who is clearly uncomfortable, but let's make it to where Blitzo starts to like Stolas too to make the harassment okay. Plus let's also turn Stolas's lust into love cuz as it turns out, he was actually in love with Blitzo the whole time. (*cough* bullshit *cough*)
So yeah, I'd say those are some pretty fair reasons for these feelings. There's more too it, but this is just the main one. I also have plenty of other reasons Stolas is terrible if you want to give it a read: https://www.tumblr.com/ms-cartoon/718079858665783296/reasons-why-i-gradually-started-to-hate-stolas
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crazykuroneko · 4 months
My IWTV S2E4 Watch Notes
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Love the episode! I think this is my favorite so far, followed by E3 and E1.
Anyway very long note after the cut. But my main complaint now is: I miss the voice-over narration! It's basically gone after Ep 2 (except for Armand's flashback). I know it's probably a sign of how Loumand have "defanged" Daniel the Journalist and it's part of the mystery, but still! Without it, we don't get much idea about how current Loumand think on certain parts in the flashback. We don't know what exactly Claudia has said in her diaries. I feel so lost without it 😭
Oh, also, my fix-it fic for this episode would be Eglee helping Claudia get out of the coven and leave Paris along with Madeleine. Women support women 😌
• the difference of Loumand's accounts on the reactions to Claudia's play 🤭
• I love how the founders of the 1927 company got to show off their acting as well
• God @ Claudia being so open with the coven about her hangup with the play and yet. And Louis just sat there being bitchy, giving her "well, /this/ is what you want" look.
• "This is not about Louis" Poor Claudia. people tend to talk about the men around her not her. Many such cases, even out of the screen, unfortunately.
• Santiago creating cracks in Loumand's mind. you have to give it to him
• No @ Eglee my princess catfighting over Santiago's dick.
• Dreamstat came up when Louis is unsure about their relationship. Louis is desperately trying to keep this casual because how bad it was for him the last time. Meanwhile, Armand has history of being abandoned multiple times. Ofc he wants Louis more committed to him. On top of the coven. Like, yknow, he has to risk it for Louis at least he wants to be sure the relationship is real.
• "Only works when I remember shit that pisses me off". Oh, Louis is pissed Armand hanging his history with Lestat over his head. Then Armand goes, "I try to find the vulnerability within the material". The balance is so precarious here
• Ngl the "i love you" sounds so ridiculous. LOUIS PLEASE
• "The fire?" Louis forgets about That?
* Claudia is their current biggest star yet she's still doing the wet room????! Oh fuck off
* Madeilene really matches Claudia's weirdness.
* The restaurant scene. That's what you got when you make a problem with a Black man growing up in Jim Crow NOLA! he's so done with the coven.
* Louis and art. He went into art once he arrives in Paris. I think it's to connect to humanity more. He said it helps freeing his mind as well. I wonder how much seeing Lestat connecting to humanity through art affecting his drive here. Whether consciously or not. But alas, he is businessman at heart. He's good at management and trades. Anyone has tried to guess AMC Louis MBTI?
* The addition in their archive though?? Is rashid a Talamasca agent confirmed? Or that's Armand miscalucating?
* Also that line about Daniel and a girl at high school. Once again a reminder that these men are misogynists first and foremost 🙂
* Oh I like the scene with Louis and Ghostat in the dark room. Ghostat really says everything Louis doesn't dare to admit to himself. He actually knew his weakness as photographer. There's also a meaning here Louis making those lines said by Lestat. Lestat likes to confront Louis about what he believes about himself, but he never does it the right way (which is the crux of their problems). Here he does it the right way.
* Sam giving 🥺 because Louis does that when they're good with each other is so 😭
* "Romeo!" Louis is SO mad about the restaurant if that's how he reacts to Armand romancing him
* "Are you their hostage?" Madeilene why are you so straightforward? (I like her)
* I know it sounds consensual, but Madeleine's body language when telling her story with that German soldier looks weird. Perhaps we'll see her more open later.
* "I don't enjoy using my power like that" he says, after flexing his power on security guards then float to the next floor. I think what Louis said in S1 that Lestat not using his power perhaps in consideration to not make Louis felt way weaker says more about his current situation than he was with Lestat. Like, I get him, you can't help comparing notes on your relationships.
* Oh, the Ghostat in the museum date is clearly Louis' reluctance to believe Armand completely. Or rather than believe, I think "putting his guard down" is more accurate. He did after Lestat told his story and yet he got betrayed. I think Sam does a good job here. As the story goes, Ghostat looks more anxious. Louis wants to let go yet there are still the coven, Armand's power, and the secret hanging over them.
* Assad's acting here 😭
* Going on a date with Louis then threatening Claudia. THAT IS WILD.
* I wonder if Delainey uses chest binder as Claudia. If not, I wish she did. ngl that line and the visual don't match.
* That period blood scene is something. Bet Rolin was very inspired when he read Memnoch
* "I pretended to be an actor for two years." When does Louis mean here? Lestat at Renauld's? He stayed there as an actor for two years before shit happened? I need an updated timeline already OML
* Not @ Ghostat aka indirect Louis calling Claudia a "poor decision"
* Louis knows it's doomed. But again, he's desperate to find happiness in Paris. Because him killing Lestat and choosing to go with Claudia has to pay off somehow. (Is she worth it?) He's desperate to make this work with Armand. He sees Armand is basically a lost child, shouldering this job he doesn't want just because he's older. So, Louis, good at running things etc, takes the wheel here. Trying to save the sinking ship that's the coven. Unbeknownst to them, the doom actually has started already (Santiago finding Lestat's last words). Louis also gives Armand a choice here, but Armand said he wants him. Well, we know what will happen with the coven members 🤭
* The Ghostat disappearing. Ngl the rain and special effects make it look ridiculous. And Hannibal (the show) did a better job with it by literally re-slit Abigail Hobbs' neck. But I understand that won't work in IWTV narrative wise. In Hannibal, it's not Will who slit her throat, so when they redid it it doesn't have added meaning. But Louis the one who slit Lestat's throat. And he doesn't want to re-kill Lestat. He has made peace with it. In fact, the fact he doesn't burn Lestat's side on that photo with Armand and his last words with Ghostat tell me that he's not forgetting Lestat. he's moving on, yes, but he puts Lestat safely in a corner of his heart. Just like Lestat did with his initials. And it reminds me to Louis' initials on the letter he sent Daniel in S2 look a lot like LDL, not LDPDL
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* But anyway, isn't it sus Claudia just has her diaries out in the open like that? I mean, yes she doesn't live with Louis anymore, but there's a history of Louis reading her journal. If I were her, I'd at least save them in my coffin at the apartment for save keeping. This is sus.
* "Is that what makes you fascinating?" Oh, Armand is so insecure about their relationship for years. He saw Louis getting interested with this Daniel boy and he tried to crack his brain, finding the reason.
• Daniel isn't filed under suspected victims.
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 years
Azriel x Reader | Till Death Do Us Part? pt. 3
type: angst warning(s): depressive thoughts, gloomy, mentions of war, mentions of death and loss word count: 1.9k words summary: based on this request: Azriel is shattered over the loss of his mate, his life no longer makes sense until one day when he sees her again. He cannot believe his eyes–this is his mate. Only problem she does not remember him or what they once had and moreover is now part of his sworn nemesis’ court–the Autumn Court. 
—all rights reserved—
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“I don’t understand,” you breathe, your forehead laying in furrows. What could he possibly be referring to?
“You really don’t remember at all?” The spymaster’s voice is so stern, so empty of warmth. It feels like he is crumbling inside and you feel like you are the reason for it.
But what could you have possibly done?
“I think you confuse me for someone, Azriel.” It is your voice that draws tears to his eyes. He hasn't heard it in so long, but it is still so lovely, so beguiling, so beautiful — his absolute favourite sound in the world. 
“I do not.” “You do. We have never met and you claim to somehow know me. I think you might have mistaken me for someone. I am from Autumn, I have never been here. It would not make sense, Azriel.”
Azriel takes a step forward, somehow looming over you but not in a threatening way. “You are from here. You are not from Autumn. You are from the Night Court. This is your home, this is where you were born. Where we met and fell in love.” Fell in love. The words hang in the air between you, stretching out. The blood rushes in your ears at what he is insinuating. It cannot be possible. You draw in a deep breath, feeling like you are getting suffocated by all this information. You want to tear at your dress, allowing more air in your lungs. 
Azriel must have noticed your distressed expression because he reaches for you, but you quickly pulls your hands away. 
“You died in my arms and now you are somehow reborn.If only I could prove it somehow.”
You died? You think he is speaking in fever. The spymaster must have gone mad. 
“There is no proof. Because there has never been anything between the two of us. I don’t know you, Azriel. You are mistaking me for someone. Or you are going mad. But I am not who you think I am.” “But you are!” Azriel’s voice is loud, louder than you have expected it to be, hollowing in the room, bouncing of the walls. You shudder – not because you are scared, but because of the power in his voice. He seems like he really means what he is saying that…that disturbs you a little.
How could this all be possible? There is nothing like rebirth, is there? “I have a friend and she knows a lot about history, ancient history. And magic, the magic of the Cauldron, the magic of Prythian. We could ask her.” The tone in which Azriel has spoken his suggestion is hopeful. His eyes move over you, assessing how your body reacts to it. Often movements and what a person’s expression says speaks louder than what actually leaves their mouth. 
“I also need to talk to Eris,” you finally say after a moment of silence. Of course you need to talk to him. If Azriel really means what he says, Eris has to know. Maybe he can also help.
“You don’t need to involve him.” Azriel steps forward, eyebrows furrowed. HIs siphons glow when his power stretches our like a dark cloud.
You push of the desk behind you, stalking towards him. “You can’t tell what I can and cannot do. Eris is my High Lord and I have to and want to involve him. He has a right to know.”
The spymaster closes his eyes for a long moment. Then they open and he glances past you, his throat working on a swallow. He assess the office. Rhys’s office where he where questionings and meetings often take place. He looks at the wall of books, calling to every rational part in himself to convince him that he has to let you talk to Eris. He hates Eris with his whole being, but what you say is true – he cannot tell you what you are allowed to do and what not. It is your own decision, your choice.
“Now?” You are irritated and glance at him through narrowed lids when he finally looks back at you. Your breath once again catches in your throat when you are met with the warm hazel of his eyes, his features softer now. “You want to talk to him now?” “I think it is a good idea. I just disappeared with you that is not quite appropriate, you know? He has a right to know.”
Azriel slowly bows his head, extending his hand. “And then we will talk to Amren?” “Who is Amren?” This tears at Azriel’s heart but he does not let the pain show. You truly don't remember anything of your past life. “A friend” he says in a tight voice and watches how you take his hands, your soft palm brushing his callused skin, your hands perfectly fitting like they always did. 
He smiles a little to himself but it doesn’t go unnoticed by you, also not the light blush staining his cheeks. Voluntarily or not, you smile as well, loving how your small hand fits his big one. 
Azriel opens the door with his other hand and for a moment you question yourself why you so easily took his hand. Haven’t you always been rather reserved when it came to males? Never allowed any physical contact because something has always been holding you back? Now, whatever that thing has been, is no longer holding you back. Lets you old his hand without further thought and that does something to you. It makes you think. Think that he might be right. Could it be that you—
“Where have you been, Lady—“ Eris eyes fall to your and Azriel’s entangled hands and he stops, eyes going wide. You quickly pull your hand out if his hold which leaves both you and Azriel with a sudden cold feeling. You shudder slightly, something like pain and disappointment reaching you from—? From somewhere? There is this sudden tangy taste in the back of your mouth and you have no idea where it comes from. Yes, it probably is your own emotion but then…it is so strong and poignant like you are feeling someone else’s feelings as well. 
“We had some business to discuss, High Lord,” Azriel says in a serious tone, his expression stoic. 
“Something I need to discuss with you as well.”
Eris furrows his brows even further, but slowly agrees. 
“His mate?!” You can’t really place if he is outrageous or just shocked. But Eris paces around in the same office you have just been in a few minutes ago. His hands are thrown up in despair and he looks at you like you have grown another head. “What the hell? Is this a silly joke you came up with? How should that be possible?”
“Azriel is summoning a female called Amren. Maybe she can clear everything up. But I don’t understand either, High Lord.” While you talk to Eris, Azriel has informed Rhys and Feyre, Cass and Nesta, everyone. Cass is currently picking up Amren while Azriel waits outside the office so you and Eris can talk. Later on he will bring you to the Moonstone Palace. 
“And he said you died.” “He did. And that I was reborn.” “That is not possible.” “I said the same, but he is so sure.” Eris shakes his head and moves closer to you. “Would you want it?” He swallows and examines your face. “Would you want it to be true? To be mates with him?” One shoulder lifting, you shrug because you have no answer. No and yes. Azriel seems like a genuine male, kind and respectful, but then he is a stranger to you. You don’t know him–maybe you do? You feel like screaming, your head pounding and blood rushing in your ears. This is too much, too overwhelming. Too much is happening, too much information is in your brain. 
You inhale a deep breath when you feel like fainting for a moment. You need answers and a solution to all of it, you know that if no answers was found that night it would suffocate you. 
For a moment longer you talk to Eris and he is a good male, so he agrees to you meeting up with Amren but only under the condition of him joining as well. 
Azriel winnows first Eris and then you to the Moonstone Palace. He wants to give you some time alone to think. And he wants to have some time alone with you to talk once again without the others.
“I am sorry I am putting you through all of this,” Azriel says when he appears again, the nest of shadows slowly vanishing from around him. He moves closer to you, extending his hand once again. “Are you alright?” “I am, but I just want the truth, to know what this is all really about.” Azriel nods and offers you a small smile that you return. When you take his hand he brings you closer to his body, keeping you safe when he shadow-winnows away. You draw in his scent, the smell to familiar it has your chest warming. You more and more start to think that he might have said the truth. He might be right. 
Your eyes widen when the shadows and dark mist disappears and revealed to you is the most beautiful palace you have ever seen. The Moonstone Palace. 
It is made of moonstone and is perched above an enormous mountain. The halls are wide and open with towering pillars and gossamer curtains, swaying in a breeze. 
There are no windows so magic must keep the palace warm. 
Your lips feel a little dry when your turn to Azriel with wide eyes. “It is beautiful,” you breathe and Azriel wants to say that you are beautiful, but he holds back. It wouldn’t be appropriate now. 
Loud voices already reach you when you near what is soon revealed as the dining room. You enter alongside Azriel and are met with Rhysand and Feyre, High Lord and Lady of the Night Court, and some other people. None of their faces rings a bell, but somehow they all feel familiar. This thought makes the content of our stomach sour because you have an inkling what that means. 
“Hello, Y/N,” Rhysand, High Lord of the Night, says and inclines his head. Your curtsy as well, eyes jumping from one person to the other. 
Feyre moves a hand over her mouth, inhaling a deep, shuddering breath while a female next to shakes her head in disbelief. 
“This is madness,” you breathe and feel a presence step closer to you. Azriel. But not only Azriel. Also Eris steps away from Rhysand and nears you. “I think we need some answers now,” your High Lord says, loud and commanding. His jaw is clenched and his eyes trail over your face, stopping at your eyes. “Y/N deserves answers and a solution.”
You look at Eris, offer him a small smile and then glance up at Azriel, eyes narrowing in on his when you feel something in your chest warm. Like some ancient power comes alive. Your body is filled with warmth, electricity flooding your veins.
It is then that a small female with raven black hair enters the room. She wears a feline grin on her lips, eyes aglow. “Hello, Y/N. Seems like someone has conquered death. I brought something for you.”
She lifts her hand, the rectangular canvas she is holding. May eyes widen, I cannot believe what I see. Because what I see…is me.
tags (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii @nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian  @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Ugh lesson 11 is making me feel so many things.
Spoilers below!!
I am in so much love with Mammon, Levi, & Asmo being there to warn MC. The fact that they all trust MC no question just made me so happy. I wanted to hug them all it was so sweet.
And ahhhhh Lucifer whaaaat when MC could say to him that he wasn’t really angry I just about lost it. I mean he has a point, right? MC shows up out of nowhere, lies to them about being a demon, can use their magic, and can control all of them? No wonder he’s freaked out.
And similarly, I think Belphie’s reaction is completely understandable. I mean considering what just happened to Lilith… of course he’d be upset about a human showing up and lying to him.
I dunno, in the context of the story and the fact that we are dealing with actual demons, I’m really not surprised they’re acting like this. It isn’t enough that three of their brothers trust MC even if those brothers think it should be. Lucifer especially has a tendency to do what he thinks is best for his brothers, even if it contradicts what they want.
But oh my heart at the end when MC gives Lucifer the grimoire and Solomon’s little sad expression…
I love Solomon so much. I know there’s stuff he’s not telling us (he likely knows who Nightbringer is) and while I questioned his motives at first, I don’t think I can now.
The way he shows up to save MC from Belphie and when he says he’s mad too… oof I got chills. And the whole backstory of him and Thirteen was so cute! And of course the way he reacts when you tell him you’re jealous… and the tidbits of his history with Barb oh I can’t wait for the rest of that story!
I don’t know how much of a betrayal giving Lucifer the grimoire will be to Solomon. I mean he clearly doesn’t think he could fight the bros without it. Does he really believe it will come down to that?
But it wasn’t like we were given another choice in the game and I can’t imagine they’d give us so much Solomon content just to have us betray him in the end.
Man I dunno what to think! At the very least I can say that I love Thirteen and I love Mammon and I hope we can resolve this without breaking Solomon’s heart because I love him, too.
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chaos0pikachu · 11 months
Ray's Alcoholism vs Revenge Porn of Boston
tldr: the show's got a tone problem like whoa, some plots are treated as Serious while others are treated as Devices when they share the same level of fucked up
I wanted to write about this a bit b/c it goes to the root of one of the main issues I have with the show: tonal dissonance
I've seen people talk about tone in shows before, some folks felt like Kinnporsche had a tone issue b/c of the comedy but I always disagreed with that. The comedy added levity, it also enabled the stakes to slowly build. The front half of the show is more comedic than the middle and back half when the tensions are highest. The tone doesn't yo-yo rapidly, it doesn't treat some things as serious and others as not. When Porsche is drugged and sleeps with Kinn it's treated as something serious, represented symbolically by the bruises Porsche is covered in after his punishment, and later Kinn apologizes and asks for forgiveness which is the turning point of their relationship.
This matches up with Pete and Vegas later, even down to the parallels of Pete's bruised body to Porsche's earlier in the series. Later, Vegas, similarly to Kinn, has to ask for Pete's forgiveness; though in a more violent way because that's built into Vegas and Pete's relationship and what sets them apart from Kinn and Porsche (this is a good thing for the narrative imo). Even so, both aspects are treated with the same weight, and seriousness within the narrative. There is no tone issue.
This is where Only Friends falters, only certain plots are treated with a level of seriousness while others aren't.
The biggest example of this is Ray's alcoholism vs the revenge porn of Boston.
Ray's alcholism is treated with weight, with a level of seriousness and respect. The narrative repeatedly makes it clear to the audience Ray's drinking is A Bad Thing, that it's Dangerous to both himself and others. Other characters comment on this, there's an implied history of Ray's friends trying to get him to stop drinking, a huge part of Ray and Sand's relationship is centered around Ray's drinking and how it negatively effects them. Ray goes to rehab, he goes to therapy, there narrative paints a pathway for betterment.
Before anyone jumps me, I'm not saying any of this is a bad thing. The tonal dissonance comes in when compared to other plots that should be treated with the same level of seriousness but isn't.
Gap records Boston during sex without his permission, Mew acknowledges this in text that this is what happened and Gap violated Boston's consent. However, when Boston discusses this he only has a moment where he gets mad, and the person he talks about it with, Nick, brushes it off (once to hide his own deception but put a pin in that) and even teases Boston that he deserves it for sleeping around.
Later, Mew uses this revenge porn as blackmail against Boston specifically as punishment. Mew knows this video was taken without Boston's consent, he says so in the text, and he still uses it and keeps a copy of the video on his phone. We never see a follow-up to this. We see Boston in that singular scene look upset, but that's it. When Cheum and Top are concerned about Mew's reckless behavior the blackmail with revenge porn is never something that is revealed to them, or others, Boston never tells anyone else about it.
It's just dropped. Completely.
The line Mew has about Boston's consent is lip service, because he uses that violation to punish Boston. Combine this with the way Nick's recording of Boston and Top (without either of their consent) is also treated. It's passed around, like candy. Sand apologies to Nick for sharing it with Ray. Top never reacts to this recording as something violating he's just upset they got caught. Boston is the only one upset, and he's upset with Nick, but the narrative frames Nick as the real victim in the following episodes - with Dan saying Nick might have been mistreated after sex previously (as the audience we know this is about Boston), with Boston saying he did awful things to Nick (which were?), with Sand offering empathy to Nick b/c Boston's actually a bad guy.
So when I talk about tonal dissonance in the show, this is what I mean. We have two plots - and there's more this is just the most glaring example - that should hold the same narrative weight: one is centered on addiction the other a literal sex crime, bit only the former is treated with any level of seriousness.
Ray's alcoholism is given empathy by the narrative, Boston's virtual assault is given none.
and this is why I say the narrative is puritanical at times lol
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carefulfears · 1 year
And my girl Scully figured out that Diana and Phoebe were abusive to him and that’s why she was ready to disintegrate them with whenever they breathed Mulder’s air iktr. (Also to me that’s part of the reason Mulder was oblivious and defended them, people who are in abusive relationships are not always aware of it)
YUPP you’re literally dead right, anon, in my opinion. it really bugs me when people talk shit about mulder for “trusting” both phoebe and diana, as though that’s not like…the only thing he’s been taught to do.
i’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between scully’s reactions to phoebe vs. diana. when phoebe showed up, scully had only known mulder for a few weeks. and still she knew almost instantly that something wasn’t right.
i didn’t notice until i rewatched fire the way that she never leaves him alone with her. if mulder and phoebe are working on something, you can see scully. against the wall, peeking around the door, pacing in the hallway. he tells her that she’s “off the hook,” that he’s not going to “put her through this” with “phoebe’s little mind games,” and she takes it upon herself to investigate phoebe’s case herself, until she solves it and phoebe can go the fuck home.
girlbosses catch serial murderers singlehandedly to get their best friend’s shitty ex away from them.
when phoebe was around, scully is passive aggressive as hell. constantly hanging around and making little quips and mocking her accent.
when diana shows up? five years later? she’s just aggressive.
she said nah, we aren’t doing this again 😭😭
(one of my favorite scully moments is when she snaps “and not just because i think that woman is a….well, you know what i think that woman is” and mulder is just like “no you hide your feelings sooo well” lmfao)
i really do think meeting phoebe so early in their partnership informs a lot about the way scully reacts to his exposure and relationship to other people throughout the series. she really doesn’t trust a soul around him.
i always think of this line from madness by kittenscully (a post-syzygy fic, addressing the detective white incident):
“A surge of righteous indignation at the notion makes her sit up straighter, and she bites her tongue to avoid a very unpleasant comment from slipping out. As always, she thinks of Phoebe, of his wide, trusting eyes.”
diana was scary levels of manipulative and violating. but diana loved mulder, scully knew that and used that to plead with her in the end.
phoebe didn’t care about anything but playing with fire. she got off on scaring him, crossed state lines just to fuck with his head and hurt him, just like in their relationship a decade earlier. mulder knew this, he knew from the start what she was doing and what she wanted, and he helped her anyway. he praised her anyway. he connected with her and invested in her anyway.
y’all know i’m always thinking about the script note about phoebe’s coldness “eliciting some old need in him to have her affection.”
by the time diana came back around, scully had sat on the floor of a hotel and watched phoebe smile and shake hands with bureaucrats while mulder couldn’t breathe.
scully had stood in the next room when his questions to his mother got him little more than a slap to the face.
it’s different with diana because there’s a lot more history and connection there, and because at that point there is heartbreak and jealousy on scully’s side (when phoebe was in town, she hung around in doorways. when diana reaches for mulder’s hand, she turns around and holds back tears in the car.)
it’s a difficult position for both of them. he doesn’t know how to do anything but appease and trust and be loyal, to help whoever asks. he doesn’t care if it hurts him, he’s been groomed his whole life for that, to feel like he deserves it.
it makes scully crazy. he’s her best friend. she can’t believe anyone would look at that kind of softhearted hope and want to exploit it or crush it, rather than look up to it, follow it, nurture it.
and it hurts!! it hurts to watch him fall back into these traps, and especially with diana, it hurts to feel that your input and relationship doesn’t matter enough to have influence. to not be listened to, to feel like you’re not being chosen.
she doesn’t know that he went to search diana’s apartment after she told him not to trust her. she just heard, “i know her. you don’t. scully, you’re reaching.” and watched him leave.
it’s just this perfect crossroads of each of their most vulnerable spots. scully wants to protect him, always, and she also wants to be chosen.
mulder has to stand by his allegiances, to seek ‘affection’ in cruelty, to play his role in the larger scheme. this is what CSM knew when he recruited diana into the conspiracy, and he knows because he “created” it.
you can’t judge either of them, they’re both following their natures, and furthering the narrative they were chosen for.
(until scully stands in front of diana and begs, “i just want you to think…stand there in front of me, look me in the eye”…and breaks the whole thing down.)
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yeah, Jujutsu Kaisen it's a tragedy, and i LIVE LAUGH LOVE tragedies and, yes gege intentions are clear: he wants us to feel sad, repulsed, angry, mad, etc., but to me that doesn't excuse a few poor decisions he made when telling us, the audience, his history thus making it a bad writing
of course i'm not happy seeing gojo's body being used as a weapon even in his death, but that's clearly part of the tragedy, it's sad, it's heartbreaking and that's what tragedies are
but that doesn't excuse his death being offscreen
i get it, he doesn't like gojo, but to the point of not showing us his death, when nanami, nobara, yuki, choso and everybody else got their moments? nah, that's not right bro especially because in the chapter prior to his death everything is "okay" making it SO sudden for us, almost making no sense at all because wtf? how did this happen?, and that's why we kept theorizing he was coming back (since he did it once, with toji and the whole "you should have gone for the head" thing)
i get it, flashbacks are necessary sometimes, but if you have to explain such a big plot twist solely through flashback and no foreshadowing at all, you're weak
i'm sorry to say this but this is such a weak-ass resource when used poorly and it was used very poorly
this conversation was supposed to be shown to us BEFORE anything ever happened because that's how you hint to the audience that hey, this may not be going where you think it's going, that's how you set the tone for the history
you can't have an abrupt death and this plot twist explained through flashback because it looks like you didn't think your history through and you're just having to make up some explanations now to justify your past decisions
i personally believe he let his deep dislike for gojo affect his capacity to make plot decisions regarding him but guess what? gojo satoru is a very important part of the plot and you can't just pretend sloppy choices about how you portray his character and his fate are not going to have a deep impact on how the audience is going to react because he's not some secondary character we can brush over like it's nothing
gojo satoru is the people princess and if you can handle creating such a powerful character (in terms of popularity and impact in the history you made) don't create it because if you don't wrap very well how things are going to unfold you lose the magnificence of what you created so far
that's the thing about tragedies man, they have to be very well written and thought through otherwise it just seems you like to shock the audience with cheap tactics
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
We are ten Eps in! Thank you all for your continued interest. Still surprises me so thank you all :)
1x10 Flesh and blood
Not really an ep with Chenford. BUT it’s a very good Lucy episode. Adore any Lucy driven episode she’s a BAMF as we all know. Love my girl. Fantastic look into her development as character. Also the intro of Angela/Wes. So let’s dig in.
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I LOVE that the Captain decides to ride with Lucy. She seems so shocked she has been chosen. While Tim is so good for her, she also needs strong female presence in her training as well. Harper says it best in s2 about her needing that. But we will get there haha With this ep we see no one is more of a BAMF example for Lucy than Captain Anderson. Naturally Tim gives Lucy a hard time for riding with the Capt. making her even more nervous than she already is. Telling her what a weight that'll carry for her all day.
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Poor Lucy doing what both Talia and Tim say. Who is she to say no? Both of them are T.O.’s and authority figures to her. Lucy is all jitters for riding with Anderson, so naturally she doesn't stand up for herself but the Capt does.
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Capt. Coming in making them get their own gear is hilarious. She puts them both in their place for using her. I love that she does all of this in front of Lucy. Showing her that strength and leadership by calling them out and having them relieve her.
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Lucy isn’t mad about it at all. The look on her face is priceless for couple reasons. One She is impressed watching Anderson do her thing by telling them what to do. Second you know she’s enjoying seeing Tim be ordered around like that haha. Especially since it’s for her benefit. Good day to be Lucy Chen haha
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Lucy and the Capt get their first call. It’s where we learn she knows how to speak Farsi. What a BAMF. She attempts to talk down a bickering married couple in Farsi. The background behind her as a character is so rich. Truly think she was such an amazing Capt and character. Bummer we don’t get to keep her long. We learn she escaped a bad marriage as well from the call they take. Love what she tells the wife. ‘We can’t control how others are going to react.’ If that ain't the damn truth.
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Lucy hears cop cars outside and goes to check it out. Jackson decided to bring in the cavalry, even though Lucy gave the all clear over the radio. Her chewing Jackson out is amazing. The way she legit destroys him for coming is epic. Whew don’t mess with that woman. She’s spicy haha Jackson leaves with his tail between his legs and goes back out on patrol.
After he's left Lucy blames herself for letting the husband upstairs. Where he killed himself. She won’t let Lucy carry that burden though. Her reply to Lucy when she says she let him get away is perfect. ‘Yes you did. But he’s not dead because of that.’
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So begins Wopez, they’re so fiery right away. It’s amazing haha this dude has it right. Digging on each other yelling so close. Got that chemistry and fire right off the bat haha
Poor Lucy is having a rough day. First she lets the husband go on their first call. Now she’s let her captain get hit in the face cause she ducks. All her fears she had from this morning coming to life. Tim’s words coming to haunt her.
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Minute they get back to station Lucy apologies for ducking. Anderson isn’t even a little mad. Lets her know she should’ve ducked. That she’s a little rusty it seems. Zoe goes on to tell Lucy she was an MP for the marines. Thats how we find out she learned Farsi from that. Lucy is so very impressed. It’s written all over her face.
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So nice for her to have such a bad ass role model. Lucy says she should tell everyone her history. If they knew she wouldn’t have cops flying in to save her. We get the best line of the scene. ‘You don’t tell people you’re a bad ass Officer Chen. You just gotta show em.’
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She continues her bad ass streak with an unhinged and recently released criminal. He is asking her what he would have to do in order to go back inside. She doesn't reply how he likes so he takes a hostage. Says he's going to kill her so he can go back in for life. Capt tries to talk him down best she can. He doesn’t listen to her at all. She distracts him by asking why he has his safety on if he's so hardened. It takes him by surprise enough that she takes his ass down all by her onesies. We find out after there was no safety and she charged a live weapon. Hence the bad ass continuation.
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The scene is lightened up by Tim’s skunked ass walking into the lobby LOL They’re all so disgusted by the smell. His face is priceless as he walks away. He too is having quite the day without Lucy LMFAO.
Lucy comes to see Capt Zoe at the end of shift. Telling her how grateful she was for today, that she learned so much but she’s sorry if she let her down at all. i.e. the husband, getting hit etc.
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She really needs to hear this and from her amazing captain no less. Tim is so good for her but she also needs that affirmation as well. The thing Lucy lacks the most in the beginning is confidence. That she’s good at this job, has amazing potential and is impressive. So impressive her captain decided to go on patrol with her over all the other rookies. Over the legacy and over the Rookie she hand picked for her station.
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She has a long road ahead of her no doubt. Her arc into the character she is now is incredible. To watch her go from a doubtful non confident person into who she is now is a delight. Anderson sees the same things Tim does in her. The relief on her face is so evident. Especially when she says she’d ride with her any day. ❤️
Twas such a good ep for Lucy. No Chenford to be seen sadly but a really good ep none the less. Definitely not lacking in entertainment value. I do love the show as a whole for a reason. Well that’s all she wrote for 1x10 feel free to comment/like/reblog. So appreciate those of you who do. Make my whole day.
Also I Couldn't find some gifs in the Library no matter the combinations I tried to save my life LOL even 'The Rookie 1x10' came up with Nothing it was insane. So here is the link to the sets I took it from. The ones without credit below the gifs in my review all belong to the link below :) It has both sets I used. Thank you for your amazing sets hopeful this never happens again for future reviews, love crediting via the library. Also thank you to for the still I used as well :)
Per usual please feel free to comment/like/reblog should you chose to do that. Appreciate everyone thats been on this ride with me, I shall see you all in 1x11
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ghostlyswamp · 1 year
Good omens 2 spoilers!!
The confession is a misunderstanding between Crowley and Aziraphale and I want to talk about it.
The show shows us multiple times how well Crowley and Aziraphale know each other but also how they don’t always understand what the other is doing/or saying. But with low stakes. Like when Crowley is like why do you have to take the car why not take the train you love taking the train. Crowley doesn’t get why Azi wants to take the car. Or when Azi is like why don’t you wait inside you like waiting inside. Crowley tells him he doesn’t want to wait inside because of Gabriel and says some stuff about Gabriel smiting him. But Crowley mainly hates Gabriel because of what he did to Azi last season but Azi doesn’t know this. The lack of information and them not directly saying what they are thinking leads to Azi misunderstanding Crowleys. Or the whole I feel like your exactly and my exactly mean different things scene. They didn’t out right say what they meant which leads to a misunderstanding that they almost immediately sort out. It’s become a pattern of miscommunication.
Throughout the show (especially this season) we see Azi struggle with shades of grey and the fact the Heaven is supposed to be good but they have done things that aren’t. He wants to believe in god and that god is good but it’s complicated. A Prime example is the whole Job thing. He questions heavens methods and does what he thinks is right in spite of Heaven and then immediately stresses about it. And The whole hell is the bad guys heaven is the good guys thing he says during the confession.
In this season Azi is grappling with the concept of shades of grey but this makes him uncomfortable. Hence the very light shades comment. He’s trying but I don’t think he’s fully grasped it yet. But what Metatron offers him is the ability to run Heaven. To Azi this means that he doesn’t have to grapple with heaven not always being good thing because he can make so that it is always good. (This is quite naïve of him). But he doesn’t take it at first because him and Crowley have become so close. Any place that doesn’t except Crowley can’t be good. But once Crowley is involved he takes the deal because it’s everything he could ever want.
Being apart of Heaven is a big part of his identity and he has a lot of complicated history with it. It’s hard to give it up and he doesn’t want to give it up completely. It’s why he excepts the offer. He gets to keep this part of his identity but now it’s a lot less complicated (in his eyes because he can make Heaven a truly good place), He doesn’t have to grapple with shades of gray as much or at all, he gets Crowley, and gets to do good again without wondering if it’s is truly good. And he wants to be good so bad. It’s why he gets to happy whenever someone tells him he’s doing good or doing something right. (Like when he calls Crowley to tell him about the clues at the pub and Crowley says he did good and Azi gets super happy).
So when Azi walks into to tell Crowley the good news he thinks Crowley won’t react badly because it would still be the two of them together, He has seen Crowley do good, he has seen how happy Crowley was a an angel when he built the nebula, and he thinks Crowley won’t be mad because he will get a say in what happens in heaven (he can put a note in the suggestion box). He misunderstands why Crowley would want nothing to do with Heaven. Azi wants to change Heaven with and for Crowley. But all Crowley hears is that he want to change Crowley from angle to demon and go back to this institution that has done both of them great harm.
Crowley then thinks/hopes that if he confesses to Azi that Azi will choose to be with him and realize that they don’t need Heaven or Hell. What he doesn’t get is how much Heaven and god is part of Azi’s identity and how important they are to him. It’s not easy for him to give it up and with the offer he just got why would he want to.
Azi gets hopeful after the confession and asks Crowley again to go with him to Heaven. He thinks that since Crowley feels the same that maybe he will choose to come with him back to heaven. He wants Crowley to say yes to him and not necessarily Heaven it’s self. It’s not so much Azi needing Crowley to be angle and more so Azi wanting Crowley to choose him. But Heaven, god, and angels are such a bit part of who Azi is. In that moment saying yes to Azi means saying yes to the Heaven they could build together. (I just want to say that I know Heaven is toxic and Azi needs to realize how naïve he being and how bad heaven is and he has to come to that realization full on his own. It’s not healthy dynamic he has with Heaven and on one can realize this for him). Azi is also very stubborn so after he made his mind up about excepting the offer he wasn’t going to change his mid easily. (Like how he wouldn’t change his mind about Jim).
Then Crowley says you can’t leave this book shop. Which is Crowley kind of being like look at what you have built here, what we have built here, but Azi doesn’t take it like that and tells Crowley nothing last forever. Crowley takes this as a rejection but what Azi means is that he’s willing to give up the book shop for the chance to build a Heaven with Crowley. Its why he’s so confused when Crowley makes to leave after he says this.
Then Azi opens up and tells Crowley he needs him and that he wants them to be together. Then Crowley, thinking he’s been rejected, tells Azi that he thinks he understands what Azi is offering him a lot better then Azi does. Which is kinda vague. Azi then takes this as a rejection and is now quite hurt.
Crowley kisses him but still refuses to go to Heaven with him (fair enough) and to Azi that’s still a rejection. A rejection of who Azi is and what he wants. Which if they had said what they were thinking they would know that neither were really being rejected and that they both want to be together. But it’s also good that Azi goes to Heaven because he has realize for himself how harmful Heaven is.
They already have waited 6,000 years they just have wait a little longer. Azi needs to face Heaven and then they need to talk for real this time.
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inmyhorrorsera · 1 year
S5E7 "Hybrid Creatures" thoughts
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That's it. Those are my thoughts.
I'm kinda used to the writers putting Nadja in situations and see what it sticks, but (un)holy shit its so obvious that they don't know what to do with her character. What we do in the shadows learn how to write women challenge.
I don't know if the Guide even appeared. My stream stopped a couple times and I have to refresh so maybe I missed her (if not see previous point because it also applies to her).
LOVED Nadja's kitty hair buns, love to see that at least the hair and costume department still cares about her.
The line about burning the school made me roll my eyes, not only because that story doesn't make sense with what we learned about her childhood, but also because I can FEEL when tv shows throw lines with the specific expectations of them being gifed, become memes, etc.
I know it's stupid to discuss about the ethics of Laszlo's experiments on the dick and balls show but in this episode I was all 😬😬😬 about it. Like, I don't give a shit if it was done with comedy purposes, animal experimentation is one of the subjects I will never find remotely funny or make jokes with, specially if we start thinking... How much consent Guillermo gave for Laszlo to straight up play with his DNA in this way? He has nothing to say about it except for a confused frown or looking panicky at the sight of the creatures?? More important, if Nandor did this exact same thing the past season and created the hybrids with a Djinn wish or whatever, how would the fandom have reacted??? (spoiler: waaay more angered than when everybody's fave Laszlo does it).
The work of puppetry and digital effects was good as always, nothing bad to say about the team behind the cameras that puts all their hard work and craft on this, sadly, mid storyline.
Despite how little I care about mAd ScIenTiSt Lazslo plot, the moment when Guillermo believes he won't help him anymore was truly heartbreaking just by looking at his face. You can see he really has all his hopes in Laszlo finding a 'cure'.
I wish the whole thing about Guillermo being incapable of killing the hybrids hit me harder (as if we didn't saw him luring innocent teenagers so they can get killed in the literal pilot).
Sorry but that lady character didn't work for me and the "Helen the Magic Johnson" joke was unfunny and kinda old :/ i wonder if half of the wwdits fandom even got the reference (also lmao shameless product placement, you can tell they needed the money to pay for the cgi used on the creatures).
Colin was like his season 1 self. I bet the wwdits reddit ate up that shit.
See also: Laszlo calling Guillermo 'Gizmo' again. Hated it.
Colin becoming the stereotypical 'cool' white liberal teacher was hilarious specially when he said the cliché "history is written by the oppressors" line because that's where the parody becomes too obvious. This is the guy whose dna results on s1 were "100% white" after all. AND YET some people here are still celebrating and repeating it as this 'so true bestie 😔✊' moment without realizing the show's laughing at you, not with you. But hey, this is the we don't get satire even if it bites on our ass site. Imagine fans celebrating when Kendall Succession shouted "fuck the patriarchy!" in front of the paparazzi for being a #feminist. That's how wooosh the moment went over some of y'alls heads.
Nandor and Colin at the museum felt a little tackled on, but at least Nandor annoyance at his personal items being displayed was fun.
And Colin being friendly (dare I say…sweet?) with him at the end again gave me a happy smile. I'll never guessed this season was all about the Colin and Nandor (Condor??) era but I'm all for it.
Biggest Mild laugh of the night: Nandor mannequin having male and female lovers on the display, the dude is wearing Calvin Kleins!
I can't say much about Guillermo leaving the hybrids at the senior home because it's a overused ending for wwdits at this point. Seriously, when this show doesn't know how to end an episode they always do the same shit: Leave the characters that are a problem in a different place. It happened with: Topher at the zombie sweatshop, Jim the vampire as the volleyball coach in Tucson, familiar Benji in a different city/state (forgot where), The Baron and the Sire in the countryside, Derek working at Sean's MLM, Freddie!Marwa in the Uk. They have done this ending 👏🏼lots 👏🏼 of 👏🏼 times👏🏼already!!
Having a wank?! The setup and payoff for this joke really worked.
Next episode seems interesting.
Anyway, I am once again asking for the Djinn...
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bebx · 1 year
hi im so sorry but i need to get this off my chest and i cant talk to my friends about it because its so embarrassing and ive talked about it PLENTY
but anyway long story short i was dating someone, we have a weird history dating wise & have been best friends for 3+ years before that all started. literally three weeks ago we decided to be exclusive, on friday i found out that the day before, he kissed another girl IN PUBLIC. i know that girl, they've hooked up before (when i was also hooking up with him but it wasn't anything really and i didn't actually know for sure if they were hooking up (they were)). so we called it quits.
i still spent the weekend bc i'm weak and all i want is him. he said he never felt a connection like this with anyone, he said he loved me and he said he was sorry a hundred times..... he said it would take a long time before he'd feel 'normal' about me. we were both emotional when i left, and since then i havent really stopped crying lol
AND NOW. i dont know if im just driving myself crazy but i feel like he's (still) (again?) talking to that one girl and it would make sense because he basically cheated on me not even a week ago so why wouldnt he do this now??? but. it feels too cruel. but maybe thats just who he is.
god i hate this so much he drives me completely mad im stalking his every move and every time i see something that even slightly hints at my suspicions i get so ill and it makes me wanna kms. i just wanna feel normal i hate that he did this to me i miss him so bad. i know we literally shouldn't ever get back together again because this is just a fraction of the shit thats happened in the past 10 months, BUT I ONLY WANT HIM. and i feel like we're soulmates. BYEEEEE this is so humiliating. im so tired i just want it to end
hugging you so tight right now, anon!!! 🩷🩷🩷 so sorry you have to go through something like this. I can’t say I know exactly how you feel, because each person experiences this type of pain differently, but I do know it just super sucks when the person who hurts us and the person we want to hate turns out to be the one we love the most. sometimes our hearts can be stubborn just like that (it all would’ve been so easy if we could convince ourselves to stop caring and to being able to fully hate them and moving on, but it’s never that easy, sadly). I can’t tell you what to do or how to react to the pain you feel, but know that your pain is valid and how you feel / how you react / how you cope with that pain, that’s valid too. and you are not weak for being hurt when someone wronged you, especially when it’s someone you trusted. I know this is cliche and is so much easier said than done, but please also be kind to yourself, above anything else. that boy and the girl he cheated on you with, they don’t deserve you. they lost you, not the other way around. think of this as an opportunity for you to open yourself to someone else who truly loves and values you, whether it be romantically or platonically. I know right now you just want him, but if the wrong person can make you love him this bad, imagine how much happier you’ll be when you finally find the right one who can make you love them the same way you loved him, if not more, the only difference is that they won’t break your heart. and you deserve to be happy. that someone is out there, and I truly believe you both will find each other when the time is right. but for now, try loving and being gentle to yourself even if it’s hard (I know it can be hard, but at least give it a try), the best revenge is to prove to them that you don’t need them to be happy and that you can heal from this and thrive without them in your life. doesn’t matter how long it takes, but you will get there one day, and you will look back and be so damn proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. because hey, look at you, you are still here, and for that, I am so damn proud of you!!
it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be completely broken, because the thing about crying and being broken is that it’s not permanent, even if it feels like it right now.
and by the way, the ones who should feel humiliated are him and that girl, not you. screw it if they deserve each other. YOU deserve so much better than that anyway.
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ludinusdaleth · 6 months
I think I'll go for 4, 5 and 24—dealer's choice as to which of Artagan, Ludinus or Ira (or any npc, really. They don't get enough love.)
oh you have no idea the can of warms you've opened, lol.... i will happily do all 3!
this got so long i actually had to put a read more:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
artagan - it isnt media per say but i really want to set him loose in our own reality and see what he'd do (there have been some hints i think, if half-jokingly said, that hes been here - boy do i think about that often.)
ira - we really should just let him star in his own horror movie. you could put him in a guillermo del toro film, and no one would bat an eye.
ludinus - i want to see how lud would react to faerun. a world so close to his own, but where the weave of magic is directly controlled by a god. there is an odd dichotomy in that faerun is more controlled than exandria and yet breaking that universe's laws are infinitely easier, and i think he would fall into obsession with that.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
so.... im gonna (un)ashamedly plug my playlists for them here.... please ignore that they can go as long as twelve fucking hours.... ill try to narrow down specific songs that REALLY hit about them, though.
artagan - "within you" by david bowie, from labyrinth, is a perfect fit. not only is arti based on jareth but the song's meaning directly ties into him & jester. jareth is terrified of being nothing more than a lost concept, a lost celebrity crush made fae king, as sarah is metaphorically maturing. "how you turn my world, you precious thing/You starve and near exhaust me/Everything I've done, I've done for you/I move the stars for no one..." i mean, c'mon. "family of me" by ben folds, "celebrity status" by mariana's trench, "lapis lazuli" by the oh hellos, and "due west" by kelsey lu also really hit as arti songs for me.
ira - "mad iqs" by i dont know how but they found me is a really good song for ira's hatred of ludinus. "a mask of my own face" by lemon demon is self explanatory and far too specific, due to his fascination with ashton's mask of him, with the song mentioning "dancing with all the bells". he would go wild for and try to emulate "thriller" by michael jackson or "i cant decide" by the scissor sisters.
ludinus - if i did a speedpaint of lud, id set it to "science fiction" by church of the cosmic skull. "and all the people, they stood on their chairs, and they stared, at the man with the silver hair/taken the findings of the science man/raising his hands to the air!/so he's making the minds up of the millions, and they'd never deny that he's right/cause he's taken a prize of many a size/if ever he dies he'll have a tombstone of a very high height". "brutus" by the buttress is ABSOLUTELY a ruby vanguard trio song and i even used it in my art of them before. "all history is vengeance" by brad derrick from the eso soundtrack is what goes through my head at the malleus key. "blood upon the snow" by hozier & "never look away" by vienna teng also really work for him. i think "survivors guilt" by emily axford (yeah, prism) also has lyrics FAR too tailored to him - "i see you in my dreams/young, and brave, and pre-calamity/i will tell you a story/i will be the voice you lost too soon/because even in your absence, even in your death/im still your moon".
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
(i wouldnt say im in the fandoms for all of these, but)
artagan - i think it somewhat obvious he's based off of jareth in labyrinth - his voice is basically david bowie's singing voice. to a lesser but still strong degree he's very much marvel's loki, down to the voice - if, honestly, an infinitely better take on the trickster god. as a past extreme loki fan the pipeline is there for sure.
ira - ashley said she & matt based fearne's story off a guillermo del toro film and i can see that in many fae this go-round, especially ira. he is basically a doug jones character. it's very easy to compare him to creepypastas like the russian sleep experiment or slenderman, too.
ludinus - he has some heavy similarities to emperor belos of owl house, vyrthur of tes, prince nuada from hellboy, and other characters who fit the archetype of a white-haired, ancient, pale elven (or elven passing) man, from a different time, who murders & (in some cases) colonizes to exact vengeance on gods, humans, or similar entities he feels have destroyed those around him. characters clearly in the wrong but who do bring up important topics of the endless cycle of brutality they were caught in, mixed with their privelege in every other circumstance. he also reminds me of mannimarco of tes. they look exactly alike and both shadow run an empire, somewhat in cahoots and yet at odds with a balding white haired pale human man within that same empire. oh! and fëanor from the silmarillion.
thanks for asking! sorry this is so long, floodgates are opened when i discuss men i wish were my fictional partners, lol.
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high-queen-of-exy · 2 years
Aaron minyard hc
1) he's actually bisexual (likes women more) & demisexual (he's figuring shit out)
2) was hypersexual when we was still on drugs
3) TW: experienced sa as a kid by a friend/dealer/ boyfriend of tilda and has been in situations where he had to avoid it
3 pt 2) this gets out in a argument with Neil when Neil said something about Aaron having no idea about Andrews trauma and can't say anything about how he reacts to his trauma sum like that)
Just sharing you can use these he however you
I love these, very fun. I'll give my judgement because no one asked but it gives me an excuse to talk about Aaron and I so rarely get to but I love him.
1. personally I hc him as straight and demisexual. I also hc Kaitlyn as a very tall, lovely, trans woman because I can, and I don't see enough trans fem headcannons. having said this, the biggest reason he'll fight over this is because he gets mad if anyone suggests he isn't straight with the reasoning of that he's dating her, because she is a woman and he likes women and if anyone questions that he'll be pissed.
2. I support this, I also think the conversations this would entail with Bee I'm therapy, given Andrews history and thoughts on consent when substance is involved, makes me wanna cry.
3. uhhhh... well me and my cousin had a conversation the other day about our experiences as the plugs kid and the druggies kid, and from that conversation, I can now with more confidence than ever tell you that I share this headcannons. and it's a reason I think I might have to add this fucker to my ever growing kin list. one day, I'll probably write a fic, because that's how I process trauma, but that day is not today.
3 pt 2. I I circle back to him and Andrew I'm therapy and how this hc makes me wanna cry.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
I'm sorry Narrator fans, but I really have to ask you to vote for Oswald because:
a) he's the living embodiment of paranoia about government conspiracies--not necessarily what the government is doing, but what people are afraid it's doing. This fits how Annabelle speculates that The Web preys on people who retroactively assign its influence to everything, regardless of whether it involved actual puppeteering:
"Unless, of course, none of it was intentional. None of it was planned. The Mother is the fear of manipulation and lost control made manifest. So perhaps it is our fear that projects her influence on everything that happens.
Like the mind: retrospectively assigning reason to our actions, so we fit whatever occurs into the neatest pattern we can, and declare her web both intricate and complete.
Perhaps she is no more active than Terminus, simply sitting and reveling in the inevitable cascade of paranoia, as those who hold her in special terror cocoon themselves in red string and theory."
b) he's been using lies, trickery, and manipulation up the wazoo to shape the course of history for decades to enforce the American Status Quo.
c) The Narrator is such a wet cat, and arguably a lot less in control than he first appears. Despite being the narrator of the game, he has no real power in relation to the player and lacks any real ability to get them to obey him, and frequently attempts to be as "buddy-buddy" as possible with Stanley, who has no way to be on equal footing with the entity who can quite easily destroy him if he gets pissed off. You are free to follow or completely disobey the Narrator's attempts at telling his story, and watch him try to react accordingly. He gets taken aback over you not liking his homemade video game in the "Games" ending, but he also seems perfectly willing to add a skip-button to the game when one Steam reviewer complains about his motor mouth tendencies, and the only reason he loses it in that ending is because he goes mad from isolation without being able to talk to Stanley.
d) It'd be really, really funny if we all had to explain why the winner of this poll is Lee Harvey Oswald.
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