#mammon reaction
nanawritesit · 9 months
Mammon Imagine: He Finds a Picture of Him in Your Wallet
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anonymous said: “Totally a fluffy moment. picture Mc with mammon and they buy something but mams sees a picture of them together or just mammon in their wallet. Dude is totally gushing over it. brothers probably ask why just him and are throwing pictures at you. Asmo got a whole picture stash we already know.”
You were having a day out with the brothers, visiting several shops and markets together. After a full day of wrangling the seven of them all around the Devildom, you were in desperate need of some sustenance. Beel had enthusiastically suggested you all eat dinner at Hell’s Kitchen, as they were having a BOGO on burger meals, and you would only really have to pay for four people rather than eight. Happy to save some money, everyone agreed, and now you were all sat at a table enjoying your meals.
“Ooh, MC! Let’s go over to that claw machine! I see a super cute unicorn plushy that I really want!” Asmo pleaded, tugging on your arm as the meal was coming to a close.
“Alright, I’m coming.” you smiled patiently, moving to get up out of your chair. You grabbed your wallet out of your pocket it and handed it to the person sitting next to you, which just so happened to be Mammon. “Go ahead and pay for me and Asmo’s if the waitress comes by with the check, okay?”
“Oi! You should offer to pay for mine too since you’re leavin’ me to pay for your food!” Mammon scoffed.
“I figured you’d just take some of my money to pay for yours anyway.” you teased him, ruffling his snow white locks.
He blushed reluctantly as you scampered off to the other end of the restaurant with Asmo.
“How much longer are you going to pretend you’re not in love with them?” Belphie asked him nonchalantly once you were out of earshot.
Mammon gasped defensively. “Wh…? Whadya’ talkin’ about? I’m not in love with them…” His eyes darted down to your wallet in his hands that he was currently fiddling with to avoid the gaze of his brothers. “Besides, they don’t feel that way about me.”
“That’s true, you’re far too scummy.” Levi clicked his tongue apathetically, going back to his phone.
“Hey! That ain’t what I meant!” Mammon screeched back at his younger brother, wacking him on the shoulders. “Of course they like The Great Mammon. But only as a friend.”
“How can you be so sure?” Lucifer inquired, setting his silverware down to focus on his brother.
“I just know, okay?!” the avatar of greed huffed, annoyed that his brothers only seemed to be interested in what he had to say when he was talking about you.
“Alright, here’s the check!” the waitress suddenly interrupted the conversation. “Did you guys want to pay now, or are we still finishing up?”
“We can pay now, thank you.” Lucifer replied, motioning for everyone to hand over their money.
Mammon flipped open your wallet to retrieve the grimm, setting it down face open while he handed the money across the table to Lucifer. However as soon as he sat back down, something caught his attention. Behind your school I.D was the outline of a polaroid photograph. He debated on whether or not to pull it out and look at it. Just as he was about to however, Levi snatched the wallet away.
“Hey, what’s that picture?” the otaku asked, fumbling through the card holders to slip it out.
“Oi, stop! That’s MC’s!” Mammon retaliated, swiping at his brothers’ hands. They began tugging on either side of the wallet like little children, until Lucifer intervened and slapped them both upside the head, snatching the wallet away once they were busy wincing in pain.
“Honestly you two, all this commotion over a silly little photograph…” Lucifer grumbled, glancing down at it. He began slipping the picture out of its slot. “I suppose we’ll have no peace until it’s revealed.” He slapped the polaroid down on the center of the table, causing everyone to widen their eyes at the sight of it.
“Is that…?” Beel asked, shocked enough to even pause his eating for a moment.
“It’s me!” Mammon exclaimed, picking it up to inspect it further. The rest of the brothers all leaned forward to crowd around him, as if they couldn’t believe their own eyes. It was a picture you had snapped of him passed out in your bed after a night of drinking and gambling at the casino. The only part of you that was visible was one smiling eye and your forehead, as he took up most of the shot. He was curled up on his side and clinging onto you like a koala, fast asleep in a white t-shirt. His hair was messy and his face was puffy, but there was an adorable innocence to it that no one could deny.
“Hey everyone, look what MC won me!” Asmo suddenly chirped, holding out his new pink sparkly unicorn. You were trailing slightly behind him, the two of you now stopped in front of the table. “Um, what’s that? And why are you all so stunned?”
“Ya keep a picture of me in your wallet?” Mammon finally spoke in a small voice, his eyes sparkling with adoration.
You glanced over at the photograph in the center of the table, realizing it was yours. “Oh, yeah! I just thought you looked so cute, I look at it all the time. It makes me really happy.”
With that, Mammon’s face flushed a deep shade of hot pink. However, a sly grin soon made its way onto his face as he adjusted his glasses. “Well of course it does. A snapshot of me is bound to make anyone’s day brighter.”
“Oh please…” Levi rolled his eyes, obviously envious of your affections for Mammon. “I’ve got a couple pictures of you I could give MC that are way less attractive.”
“Oh yeah, so do I. I keep a special album on my phone just for them.” Satan agreed, swiping open his phone to show you.
“Aye! Guys, stop!” Mammon demanded, swiping their phones away from your view.
“I actually keep really nice pictures of all of us in my wallet.” Asmo declared, reaching for his purse. He then unzipped the hot pink leopard print wallet and dumped out a fat pile of photographs. Everyone gasped and reached forward to inspect them, except for Mammon who slid out of his chair to lead you away for a semi-private conversation.
“Please, don’t let them show ya any embarrassing pictures of me.” he pleaded, holding onto your hand. “I don’t think I could face ya again if they did.”
“Don’t worry Mammon. I don’t think I could ever find you unattractive.” you told him with an affectionate grin.
He blushed once again, his eyes darting to the ground bashfully. “Aye… ya can’t just be sayin’ things like that…”
“Why? It’s true.” you reassured him, gripping onto his hands comfortingly. He looked up at you with a hopeful glint in his eyes, to which you leaned forward and pecked his lips with your own. It was short, but sweet enough to stop his heart and make his whole body heat up.
“Wh…? MC! What was that all about?!” he exclaimed, mouth falling agape in shock.
“Do I have to spell it out for you?” you asked, comically widening your eyes. “I like you, Mammon! A lot! I want us to be together!”
As soon as your words registered, his face broke out into an enormous grin. In an instant, he was placing his hands on your cheeks to press his lips to yours, longer and more passionately than your previous kiss. Your own hands came to rest against his chest, curving your body into his. As you pulled away, foreheads pressed together, you were startled by the eruption of applause from the entire restaurant, mainly from the rest of the brothers.
“Finally!” Belphie cheered, standing up on his chair. You had truly never seen him so energetic before.
You looked at each other, giggling at your slight discomfort, then held hands and walked back over to the table.
“So, are you two finally official?” Lucifer asked, folding his arms across his chest with an amused grin.
“Well, I’d say so.” Mammon sighed with a mildly cocky yet sincere tone. “After all, I am the one who’s picture is in their wallet.” He then leaned over to you and winked. “By the way, I’m gonna need a picture of ya that’s just as adorable as mine!”
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crazyforbarbatos · 1 year
Obey Me Brothers + Solomon You draw a salt circle around yourself
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This is rather childish, Y/N. A salt circle, really? Do you think that’s really going to stop him? While he may not be able to cross it, he’d like to remind you that you had foolishly drawn your salt circle inside of his office. And since you’re not coming out of you’re circle, he’s going to keep the door locked. And you both will stay in there until you tell him what’s bothering you. He can wait eternity, Y/N.
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Look, he understands why you’re in there. And he knows that no matter how pouty he acts, you aren’t gonna come out. He really upset you by selling something meaningful from your room again. And now he’d have to figure out a way to get it back if you were going to finally break from the the salt circle.
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So the only reason why his Ruri-Chan figurine was being held hostage by you is because he insulted your choice of husbando/waifu. He didn’t mean it, he was just envious of how you looked at them and not him. “Take it back Levi, or you’re not getting your precious Ruri-Chan out of this salt circle.”
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You were messing with him right? He could hear the meowing from a mile away. There you were, inside the salt circle with a kitten in your arms and he couldn’t reach out and pet it. He couldn’t even reach for you either. Stupid Lucifer and his no cat ban. If it wasn’t in place, you wouldn’t be in that salt circle protesting. However, the annoyed look on Lucifer’s face was priceless as you taunted him.
“If you can cross this circle and get the cat on your own with no help, Lucifer, than I’ll give up the cat. If not, you must let Satan and I keep it.”
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He whines as soon as he sees you sitting in your salt circle in your room, reading. You were supposed to go with him to the movies and you said he could dress you up. But that was until he accidently caused your hair to change color in class. And the only way you could get it back to it’s usual color was to wait for it to fade. He’d have to settle for watching a movie in your room, separated by the stupid salt circle.
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Y/N, could you please share the food that you have in your circle with him? Yes, he knows that you and your food are in there because he keeps accidently eating it all on you, but he’s really sorry. He’s really happy when you finally decide to come out make him pinky-promise not to eat all of your snacks. You’ll share them with him, but he can’t eat them all.
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He pouts when you draw a salt circle around yourself. He wanted to cuddle with you, but now he can’t cause he can’t cross it. And all because of the little argument you had. He was sorry and wanted to apologize but you were were inside the salt circle sleeping. Not wanting to bother you, he’d lean his head against the shield (that what the salt circle felt like to him) and drift off to sleep. If he couldn’t snuggle with you, this was the next best thing. At least he’d be close to you. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
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Oh? You’ve drawn a circle around yourself? Well, isn’t this interesting. The brothers were getting on your nerves? Well, would you mind if he joined you? No? Alright then. He would enjoy the reactions of the demons when only he could cross the salt circle. But he would feel happy to get to spend time with you.
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nwaml-writes · 2 years
You walk around the HOL singing “I need a big boy, I want a big boy, Gemme a big boy~”
the title says it all. it seems like i can't write more than two boys at a time so I'll just adapt to my flow. Luci and Mams for now
{ Levi & Asmo } | { Simeon & Solomon }
You walk to the living room while singing and plop on the sofa. Or what you thought was the sofa because when you let yourself fall behind, your back collides with a toned torso and large hands find their way around you. “WHa- you weren’t here just now…were you?” He is amused to see your surprised expression and it makes him chuckle. “I don’t understand why you’re so surprised. You just summoned me.” “??? I did not?” You, in fact, did not summon him but it’s shorter to say that than to explain that he was passing by to get to the kitchen, heard you sing and locked eyes with Beel and Mammon who were hanging out in the kitchen, and immediately teleported himself on the sofa before any of them could grant your wish. “I see you don’t realize how powerful you are, Darling.”
RUNS to you. You’ve never seen him run so fast. Actually, he even flew to you. He was lying on the sofa scrolling on his phone when you passed by, upon hearing you sing he locked eyes with Levi who happened to lay there too, playing a game. At this point, everything happens in a matter of seconds. They both jump up, by the time Levi is stepping on the coffee table Mammon has already jumped from the nearest sofa from the door. He jumps just as high as that time when he caught the carrot and he looks like he is about to get a kiss from the floor when he skillfully opens his wings and flies up to stand in front of you in a ‘ i’m so cool ‘ pose. He thinks he looks so irresistible in his demon form standing in front of you with a lil smirk on his face (and he is honestly not wrong), knowing he outraced Levi. If he wasn’t so excited about this situation, he might have tried to kabedon you. “so? wad’ya say about this big boy huh?”
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Okay okay, so I don't know if you know what a boudoir photoshoot is, but if you do, I just booked one for the first time. I have my consultation call in 5 hours. I'm super super excited but hella nervous. However, it got me thinking. I was wondering how my favorite boys would react to getting the pictures afterwards.
I think Solomon would be excited. I mean, sexy pictures of his partner? Sounds great!
I honestly don't know how Barb would react. I have such a hard time getting a read on how he'd react to a lot of things.
Satan I feel would be a bit flustered. He'd enjoy them of course, but he'd definitely be flustered.
They're the only three I have really thought of, but gosh. But just... every one of them (Luke excluded obviously) would have such good reactions.
Anyways, how do you think they'd react? Very curious on how you think Barb would react.
~ Solomon🤍
I do in fact know what a boudoir photoshoot is! I hope your consultation went well, I'm sure you'll love the pictures!
I agree with Solomon - I think he'd be excited about it. But I also think he'd be very protective of the pictures. Our man is jealous. He might keep them in a special photo album with a spell on it to curse anybody who tried to touch it! Or if they're digital, then then equivalent of that. Nobody gets to see your sexy pictures but him!
Ahh, Satan would be so flustered. I'm just imagining him blushing like crazy and wanting to look at them, but then also not sure if he should look at them lol. Especially if you're like... there with him at the time. Like if you send them to him so you're not sitting next to him, he'll still be flustered, but perhaps a little less than he would be if you were right there.
I think your presence would also have an impact on how Barbatos would react. For instance, if you were with him at the time, he would look through the pictures with a neutral expression. Making you think he's not affected at all. You're like waiting in anticipation for some kinda reaction. Turns out he's just really good at containing himself, but he can't hold it in forever. I think that'd make him lose control just enough that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from kissing you and kissing you and if you let him, he'll drag you away to his room~
But if you're not there with him at the time, like you sent him the pictures and he's just sitting there looking through them without you there, he's gonna have no one to help him deal with the pent up feelings he's got. Miiiiight just go find you wherever you are. Might wait for you to come to him.
I suppose either way, I think he's gonna be flustered in a "I am losing control of myself right now" kind of way.
After that first time, he saves them for when he really misses you. He knows what looking at those pictures will do to him, so he keeps them locked away in drawer somewhere. Only takes them out when you're off in the human world or for some reason he can't be beside you. It isn't the same as having you with him, of course, but they're a reminder of how much you care about him, how much you trust him.
Oh oops I got a little too dramatic at the end there, but uh... I think you get what I'm trying to say lol.
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innerstrugglesworld · 2 years
I think Diavolo and Mammon would cry if someone hug him since they are touch starved and Lucifer would holding you tightly and try his best to not crying.
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amelia1skyz · 3 months
How did Lucifer’s brothers react to their niece and nephew?
- At first he was trying to stay chill and was like "Oh seriously? Cool man" but then when he held lilith for the first time he almost burst out crying
- he loves lilith so much, they play all the time whenever they're together and lilith became a bit of a troublemaker for a while til lucifer told mammon to not influence her badly
- always calls her lily or lil, you will never catch him actually calling her by her actual name
- he also almost burst out crying when he first held hades
- mammon didn't know how to interact with him for a while because hades was very shy and quiet, but they became best friends too after hades warmed up
- was so surprised when luci and dia announced it, he thought they were joking until they brought lilith out
- unlike mammon he did burst out crying when he held her
- levi is surprised by how energetic and outgoing she is and sometimes he can't handle it
- they love playing games together, lilith is always up to play anything but levi let's her choose so she enjoys herself and they end up playing either princess tycoon for an hour or a scary ass horror game
- sometimes uses her as moral support when he plays horror games cuz she's much braver than him
- he really likes hades because of his quiet and calm demeanour, he can handle it more than liliths energy
-even before hades was fully warmed up to levi he wouldn't mind sitting with him because levi is just as chill
- his heart melted as soon as he held lilith same with hades too
- at first he was afraid his anger could hurt them but realized how calm they made him
- always lends lilith books that are to her taste and dosent mind if she returns them sort of ruined, which makes everyone jealous of his soft spot for her cuz if they ruined one of his books war would break out
- he really likes how quiet and calm hades was and he always feels at ease around him
- if the kids are sleeping over or got dropped off at the HOL or the brothers are sleeping in the demon lords castle he always reads them bedtime stories
- burst out crying even more than levi to the point he woke lilith up and she started crying too😭
- "so... how did she get here? What had lucifer so angry this time? Or is it something else? Because she seems really loving😏" diavolo smacked asmo's arm playfully and lucifer threatened to never let him see her again
- same with hades, but this time he didn't cry as hard because last time lucifer got kind of angry cuz yk babies once they start crying they never stop
- LOVES to do liliths hair, paint her nails and do skincare and face masks with her, tho he dosent know what to do with hades because he isn't as enthusiastic about these things so he just has hades quietly sitting with them sometimes to listen to asmodeus while he tells stories about lucifer back in the celestial realm
- it didn't show but he was so happy for this new addition to the family
- couldn't help but hug lucifer as soon as he told him her name is lilith, he hugged him for like 30 minutes
- tho lilith obviously dosent have the same appetite as him shes always willing to try out new food with him, so when she heard he ate one of the pillars at the demon castle once the next day lucifer found her trying to chew one of the pillars which resulted in lucifer telling beel to be considerate of what he has her try..
- he was very much happy when hades arrived too, but hades used to be terrified of beel after he saw how much he ate and the stuff he's willing to eat that he feared he might swallow him someday😭 he eventually warmed up tho
- lucifer and diavolo say they've never seen him so wide awake when he first held lilith
- tho he didn't show it alot he was also so happy when he found out her name is lilith
- it felt weird for him to say lilith so frequently and call out to her as he hasn't done it in a while but he got used to it
- also calls her "lily" or "little DD" sometimes because of the way she's so similar to diavolo
- he also LOVES hades, he's sweet and calm, he loves lilith but sometimes he can't handle her energy
- hades warmed up to belphie the fastest bcs when hades used to be too shy to interact with the others he'd notice how much more quiet and calm belphie is and sit with him more
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thedevildomwriter · 1 year
The brothers help you fight through your procrastination - the older brothers
So, I was inspired to write this because I too have a deadline for a project coming up... (And this will be my first ever post that I’m creating??) I’ll try to post the younger brothers later this week!
You, of course, waited until the last minute to finish up a project before its deadline. Since you’re prone to procrastinating, you make the brothers promise to help you fight through and eliminate all distractions. 
You don’t even have to force him to promise! As soon as you mention the predicament you’re in, Lucifer cracks his whip. (Whether that’s literally or metaphorically, is up to you.)
He may give you some shit initially, but once he sees how legitimately stressed you are -- he’ll ease up a bit. The eldest brother knows that lecturing you now wouldn’t solve anything.
Lucifer will make you silence your phone before it even begins blowing up with notifications. 
Once you get to work, he is a permanent fixture in your room. He’ll sit across from you, his own paperwork splayed before him, companionable silence between you two. If you aren’t entirely opposed to it, he’ll have the tinkling of piano keys playing in the background.
Any problems you come across or if you just need an honest opinion, he will always have an answer for you.  
The other brothers will be banned from your room until you’re done. You may or may not hear constant scuffling by the door and the knob rattling (Lucifer spelled the door to stay locked lmao)
He’s not a complete monster; every few hours, Lucifer will go on a tea and snack run. Once he returns, you have to remind him to refuel, as well, since he is so used to powering through. 
You don’t know if it’s just his energy or what, but you get done way faster than you thought you would. 
As soon as you look up from your work, tired but smiling with relief, the eldest brother will already be meeting your eyes with a look of pride on his face. Rising from his chair, he’ll make his way to your side and cup your cheek in his hand. 
“Well done, MC,” he murmurs, as his warm ruby eyes gaze down at you. “Now, for your reward...”
The KING of procrastination??
Honestly, the last person you should’ve come to lmao How many times have you had to force him to focus on studying or else he’d fail?
You practically have to beg Mammon to take you seriously. And even then, he only gives in because the desperation in your voice is fully audible. 
“Alright, alright!” He finally caves. “The Great Mammon will help ya out just this once!”
Will lay on your bed or the floor, flicking through Devilgram and/or watching videos on Deviltube as you work. 
Anytime an especially funny video crosses his feed or he sees something interesting, he can’t help but share it with you. 
“Oi, MC! Ya gotta take a look at this!”
Even after you glare daggers at Mammon, he’ll just shrug it off. “A break every now and then won’t kill ya.”
Despite having no qualms with being the one distracting you, he’ll be swift to tell you to put your own phone away. Only he’s allowed to interrupt you. (The double standard??)
The demon brother will periodically ask how much longer you’ll be. You don’t know if this is some sort of tactic he’s secretly using to light a fire under your ass or he’s just bored. Probably the latter hahaha
You end up finishing late at night the day before your deadline. The loudest sigh of relief escapes from you, to which Mammon’s head pops up from your bed in response. 
Tiredly, you drag yourself to your feet and plop down next to him. 
“Finally done, huh?” He grabs your hand to pull you to your feet again. If anything, it was more so just to give him a reason to hold it. “Let’s get outta here and celebrate! Bein’ cooped up in here all weekend deserves some type of reward!”
Not much better at keeping you focused than Mammon is?
You won’t have to do as much begging to get him to do it, since Levi is the resident shut-in, but he will have to do some rearranging of his “busy otaku schedule.”
For someone who literally lives in the same house as you, he hauls enough of his stuff into your room to make it feel like he’s moving in for more than a weekend. 
Levi spends most of his time sprawled across your bed reading manga, catching up on new anime episodes, and playing some sort of new RPG game on his laptop. 
At certain points, it feels like he’s almost entirely forgotten about your existence, but then he’ll randomly have an outburst.
“Ahhh! That character’s actually the villain?!”
“Oh...Sorry, MC!!”
You can tell he feels bad when that happens. As a sort of peace offering, he up-ends a bag filled with snacks onto the table. They’re all limited edition for this new collab with one of his favorite anime series. 
“We gotta refuel! And while we take our break, you can help me enter the codes on these snacks! They came out with exclusive merch and only a select few of the codes will win!”
You give in because he’s right, right? A small break won’t hurt. 
Until he tries to talk you into watching (at least) one episode of the anime you guys had started together earlier in the week. 
That’s when you have to put your foot down. 
“Levi, you promised that you would help me NOT get distracted! Not be the one who’s doing the distracting!”
“I’m so sorry, MC!!”
After that, he resigns himself to quietly (well, as quietly as Levi can) reading in the corner until you’re done. 
As soon as you finish and collapse on your bed, he pops up beside you. 
“So, to congratulate you on a job well done -- we can watch that anime now!”
“Levi, it’s 2am!”
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hdlwlrma · 9 months
all i want in life is someone who loves me and spoils me like the brothers do with belphie..
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if i’m spamming with chat screenshots too much is ‘cause i finally changed my phone and have storage to play again but now i have 99+ messages in both games, help.. ㅠㅠ
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gullible-diamond · 2 years
Mc is stronger then the brothers
(This was a request but I had lost the submission) also I’m pretty new to writing so I hope this is good enough 😅
Scenario: mc picks the brothers up
Way to hurt this man’s pride
He was not expecting this today
He kinda just stiffens and gives you the death glare if you squint you can see a small blush
Definitely does not want you to this again maybe in private
Literally does a small yelp
All the sudden this human picks him up he’s the demon here!
Don’t worry he secretly likes it
Literally blushing so much
Does not want you to pick up anybody else
He stopped working
Starts stuttering with his face red like a tomato
you broke the fucking otaku boy congratulations
There are two ways this can go you can a punch in the face or the more likely scenario is that he lets you
Just never do that in public
He loves you but don’t embarrass him
This demon will fricking swoon
He absolutely adored you doing that definitely wants you to do it again
Will brag to his brothers
Definitely pick him up again
Honestly so worried when you picked him up
He quite aware of his size and definitely does not want to hurt you
Poor baby is worried
But on the upside he has a new workout buddy
Honestly surprised
Atleast now he has someone besides Beel to carry him around when he’s sleepy
Honestly just falls asleep when you carry him around
Good luck your about to be this demon’s personal carriage
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Obey Me! Demon Brothers: You Getting Jealous of One of Their Fans and Pulling Them Away Protectively
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Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Anonymous said: “Hey when you have time can you please do a jealous MC so basically the context is that one of the brothers or undatebales (you can do both if you want) fans are flirting with then and mc grabs the brothers/undateables tie and pulls them down their level and say "sorry guys this demon is mine"”
Of course anon! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to write this request! I think this is such an amazing idea and I had a lot of fun with it! I hope you have just as much reading it :)
There’s some slightly suggestive remarks from the brothers (because protectiveness and anger is HOT) but there’s no explicit NSFW content in this! Other than that I don’t think there’s any triggers to list!
He isn’t totally oblivious to how attractive he is. His own pride made sure that he knew just how good looking he was. He honestly just didn’t care enough to engage with the people that flirted with him. He would usually just be polite, then say he had a lot of work to do and walk off. However, this particular fangirl kept walking along beside him, complimenting him and asking him questions about his love life. She was wearing a RAD uniform, so he couldn’t just tell her to buzz off. He told himself to just keep walking with long strides, and soon he would be at the House of Lamentation. Finally, he arrived at the doors.
“Well if you’ll excuse me, I need to go inside now.” he told the girl, trying his hardest not to sound as annoyed as he really felt inside.
“Can I come in then?” she asked him suggestively.
“No. You can’t.” a new voice spoke from behind the two of them. They both whipped their heads around to see you strutting up the steps with purpose, arms crossed over your chest. You shoved past her and grabbed your boyfriend’s tie, ushering him inside. You looked over your shoulder before slamming the door in her face.
“Sorry girly, but this demon is all mine.”
After you locked the door behind you, you turned around to see Lucifer with his hands on his hips, looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. “Well that wasn’t very mature.”
“Like you didn’t do the same thing last week when that demon was hitting on me?” you demanded, an amused smirk painted on your face.
Lucifer sighed, then chuckled lightly as he approached you. He slid his large hands over your waist, and instinctively you crossed your wrists together above his neck. “I suppose we did make an agreement that we belong to each other.” He leaned down to give you a soft kiss, lingering for a little while. He then moved his lips to your ear.
“Pride suits you well my dear.” he whispered, knowing very well what he was doing to you. “Seeing you strut up those stairs and drag me inside really did something to me.”
“Oh? Would you like me to drag you upstairs and remind you who you belong to?” you asked, grabbing his tie again to bring him down to your level to kiss him again.
“Oi! Why is the door locked! You know I never bring a key!” a loud voice suddenly whined behind you, pounding demandingly on the front door.
“Damnit Mammon!” Lucifer grumbled, huffing over to the door.
You were both at the casino, like you were every other Friday night. Mammon had just gotten his allowance, and planned to use it well tonight, trying every slot machine and stupid card game he could. There was one machine in particular that had really pulled him in, and he had tried it ten times already to no avail.
“Okay, well I’m gonna go get us some drinks while you figure this one out.” you sighed, patting him on the shoulder before walking away. He just gave you a simple nod and went back to the game.
The bar wasn’t that far away from him, so it wasn’t that long before you had placed your order. As you waited for the bartender to fix your drinks, you heard a shrill, high-pitched voice next to you.
“Need some help with that machine?” it said. You turned around to see some succubus talking to Mammon, leaning up against the slot machine. Your teeth immediately grinded together, but you told yourself to keep your cool. She’s probably just one of the employees trying to swindle him, you thought to yourself.
“Try it if ya want, but I think it’s rigged.” Mammon sighed and backed away from the machine, seeming hardly interested in the girl.
You smiled to yourself. That was, until she pushed a few buttons and made a waterfall of grimm come out of the machine.
“Wow! That was amazing!” Mammon gaped, taking off his sunglasses to make sure he was seeing this correctly. He immediately knelt down to grab the grimm, then stopped himself. “Oh, did you wanna keep it?”
“Nah, you can have it.” the succubus chirped with a sickeningly sweet smile. “As long as I can get your number.”
At that exact moment, the bartender plopped your drinks down in front of you. You thanked him, then threw back your drink in one swift gulp. You grabbed Mammon’s drink and then quickly shuffled over towards them, stopping in front of him to face the succubus.
“Unfortunately, you won’t be getting that from him tonight. Or anything else on any other night. This happens to be MY demon.” you yanked down on his tie and kissed him roughly, moving your lips over his a few times. Mammon was absolutely flabbergasted, his eyes popping wide open and his face turning as red as a tomato. You pulled back suddenly, then wiped your lip with the back of your hand. You then shoved his drink into his hand before turning back to the succubus. “Now, I suggest you leave before things get ugly.”
The succubus scoffed and rolled her eyes, then turned on her heel and sauntered off. You couldn’t help the proud smile that curled up your lips.
“Babe, um… can we go home?” Mammon asked in a small voice, grabbing your hand softly.
You instantly turned back around in confusion. “Why babe? Didn’t you have an allowance to spend?” you asked.
“Well, I think this was more than I could make if I spent the whole night here...” He gestured to the pile of grimm still sitting in the slot machine. “Plus, um…. you were really hot just now, and I really need to do something about it.”
You laughed at your boyfriend, finally realizing what he was planning in his head. “You liked seeing me be territorial?”
He nodded frantically. “Uh-huh. I think it unleashed something in me and now I don’t wanna be in public anymore.”
“Well okay then.” you smirked, linking your arm with his and leading him to the exit. “But you’re buying me dinner with some of that grimm.”
You were both at an anime convention. Levi was in his Ruri-Chan cosplay, and he had even convinced you to dress up as Azuki-Tan, her loyal sidekick. While you wanted so desperately to make your boyfriend happy, it was very awkward lumbering around in a giant pancake costume.
“Babe, I need a break.” you confessed, pulling him to the side. “Will you be okay if I take a breather in the bathroom? I’m sweating profusely and this costume desperately needs aired out.”
“Of course MC! I’ll just wait over here! I’ve been wanting to look through this comic I got anyway.” he smiled, squeezing your hand lightly.
“Thank you, I promise I’ll only be a few minutes.” you told him, and he nodded before going over to sit on a nearby bench.
After you came back out of the bathroom, costume back on, you noticed another guy in a Ruri-Chan cosplay talking to your boyfriend.
“It’s so nice to meet you! The Ruri-Chan fan base is so small here in the Devildom!” Levi beamed innocently.
“I know right? Your cosplay is so much better than mine though. It looks so good on you….” the stranger complimented, raking his eyes over Levi’s body in a way that made you sick to your stomach.
“Babe, who’s this?” you asked, walking back over to Levi. His face instantly lit up when he saw you again, standing up to grab your hand.
“Oh yay, you’re back! This is (insignificant name,) he’s also a fan of Ruri-Chan!” He then turned to his new friend. “This is MC, my partner.”
The guy looked instantly displeased, giving you a passive aggressive smile but with judgmental eyes. “Nice pancake costume.” he sneered, chuckling at you. “You know, if my boyfriend wanted me to go to a convention with him, I would also dress up as his favorite character.”
You let out a cold chuckle, and Levi instantly knew there was no going back. He tried to put a hand on your shoulder, but you were already clunking past him towards the demon. “Well then it’s a good thing Levi isn’t your boyfriend. He’s mine.” you smirked, giving him a sickeningly sweet smile. “Not only is he my boyfriend, he’s my demon. We have a pact, and nothing you can do is ever gonna change that.”
You then grabbed Levi by the bow around his neck and started walking away. “Oh and by the way…” you began, looking over your shoulder one last time at the surly demon. “Her name is Azuki-Tan, not pancake.”
Once you were a fair distance away, Levi immediately started fangirling. “Wooooah MC! That was amazing! You totally have the potential of a yandere protagonist! The envy was radiating off of you!” he gushed.
You giggled, then looped your arm through his. “Only you could think I look badass in a pancake costume.”
“I’m serious MC! It was totally cool how you told him off! And… I kind of like being thought of as your property…” he confessed, looking at you with a slight blush.
You stopped in your tracks to raise your brow at him with a cat-like grin, then clicked your tongue and continued walking. “Wait until we get home to get all suggestive. It’s hard to feel hot in this get-up.”
“You always look hot to me.” he smiled, kissing you on the cheek before continuing to walk through the convention hall with you proudly on his arm.
You were on a date at the local cat cafe, having a great time taking pictures with all the cute cats and enjoying your delicious coffees. It was so rare to see him with such a genuine, joyful expression on his face. Then again, the only time he wasn’t entirely consumed with wrath was whenever you were around.
After a little while, you announced that you had to go to the bathroom. Upon your return, you saw one of the waitresses in a cat-maid uniform leaning her elbows on your table in front of your boyfriend. He was obviously uncomfortable, going stiff in his seat and petting the cat in his lap as a clutch.
You decided to hang back for a bit and observe the situation. Maybe she was just trying to get a good tip, or maybe it was part of the restaurant’s appeal. You didn’t want to make a scene without knowing for sure that she was after him.
“You seem to like that cat there.” the waitress chirped, pointing to the cat in Satan’s lap.
“Yeah, he’s very cute.” the blonde demon said flatly, “He was all over my partner a second ago.”
“Partner?” she inquired.
This was it. Her reaction would show you exactly what her intentions were.
“Well maybe they can go home with the cat and I can go home with you. I’m a much cuter kitty, don’t you think?”
Oh hell no. That was enough. You strode up to the waitress and pulled her back by the fake cat ears on her head, placing yourself between her and Satan. “Back off you discount hello kitty! That’s MY demon you’re flirting with!” you seethed.
The girl was instantly frightened and scampered away to the other side of the restaurant. You smirked evilly to yourself, then turned around to see Satan looking at you expectantly.
“What? I didn’t push her THAT hard.” you said defensively.
“I know.” he chuckled. “I would’ve pushed her harder.”
You laughed at him, then sat back down across from him. “Well, that’s why you’re the Avatar of Wrath.”
“I don’t know, you might give me a run for my money. You were pretty furious just now.” he remarked, that signature cynical grin on his face.
“Just give me that cute cat back.” you demanded, holding your hands out to the little ball of black fur that Satan was holding.
“Fine, but I’m not letting this go forever. Your anger is captivating my dear.”
You and Asmo weren’t technically dating yet. You were in some sort of friends with benefits stage where you fooled around together but hadn’t yet had a conversation on whether or not you were exclusive. And you thought you were fine with the way things were. That was, until you were at The Fall Club watching him dance with some random guy.
“MC, if you don’t like it you should say something.” Solomon commented from his spot next to you, no doubt trying to stir the pot. “Glaring at them isn’t going to do much.”
“What am I supposed to say Sol?” you asked perplexedly. “You want me to stride up to them and say ‘Hey stop dancing with him because he might be my boyfriend soon?’”
“It would certainly be effective.” the sorcerer grinned. He then placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Or you can just sit here with me the rest of the night feeling miserable.”
You groaned before plopping your head on his shoulder. “You’re right. You’re always right, and I’m sick of it.”
“That’s why I’m your best friend.” he chuckled, then nudged you forward with his shoulder. “I’ll buy you a drink if you can do it successfully.”
You reluctantly came to your feet at Solomon’s action, turning to the dance floor. You thought it was going to be difficult, but as soon as you saw the way that guy was looking at Asmo, something snapped in your reserve.
“Hey-“ you began, tapping the stranger on his shoulder. He flipped around to look at you, then flashed you a charming smile.
“Hey sweetheart, how’s it going?” he practically purred, instantly shifting his interest onto you.
Was this guy for real? He was all over Asmo just a second ago, and now he was trying to get with you too? You just stood there in disbelief for a moment. But Asmo didn’t seem too upset. He seemed more interested in what you would do next, his expression curious and focused.
You shook your head and came back to reality. “I don’t mean to be rude, but that’s MY demon you’ve been dancing with. I’m sorry, but you can’t have him. He belongs to me.”
The handsome stranger instantly looked shocked, gasping a little bit with his hand over his mouth. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you guys were a thing!” He looked between you and Asmo for a moment. “You guys make a hot couple though. Do you need a third?”
“Dude, get out of here!” you exclaimed, half in annoyance and half in laughter. The guy just threw his hands up in the air in surrender, then strode away from the both of you.
You started to pivot on your foot to face Asmo, but before you could complete the turn he had you locked in his arms. One hand was pressed against the small of your back, and the other was clutching the back of your neck, titling your head up to face him.
“My darling MC…” he uttered, looking into your eyes with a hypnotically admiring gaze, “If you wanted me all to yourself, all you had to do was ask.”
“Then, can I please be the only one you dance with?” you practically begged, mirroring the desperation and passion you felt radiating off of him.
“You’ll get all my dances, and everything else I have to offer.” he reassured, now just mere centimeters away from your face. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours, consuming you in a kiss that was so electrifying it made you dizzy.
“Although…” he continued after he pulled back, resting both hands on your hips, “I don’t feel much like dancing anymore… I’d rather take you home and show you just how much I belong to you.”
“Give me a few minutes.” you winked, ruffling his hair a bit. “Solomon owes me a drink.”
You and the brothers were all in the bleachers watching him compete in a Fangol tournament, cheering him on as the game came to a close in his team’s favor. As you all made your way down the steps to congratulate him, you noticed one of the cheerleaders crowding him. She was jumping up and down in front of him, gushing shamelessly at how amazing he was, and tugging on his arm. Sweet Beel didn’t want to be mean, but you could tell he was uncomfortable by the way his eyes kept shifting towards you.
“What should we do?” Mammon asked, not quite knowing how you felt about the situation.
“As if you need to ask. MC is going to eat her alive.” Satan chuckled.
“MC please…” Lucifer said putting a hand on your shoulder, “Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
You all turned your attention back to Beel and the cheerleader. Suddenly, she jumped up and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ve changed my mind. Get rid of her MC.” Lucifer scowled at the sight in front of him.
That was all the approval you needed as you leapt down the steps two at a time towards your boyfriend. Asmo was pulling out his phone to record you, Levi was covering his eyes anxiously, and Belphegor was suddenly wide awake leaning up against the fence to watch you.
You grabbed the cheerleader roughly by the arm and spun her around so that you were in front of Beel. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to kiss other people’s boyfriends?” you grumbled dangerously.
The girl just giggled and twirled her hair round her finger, feigning innocence and stupidity. “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know you guys were together. It’s just that I pictured Beel with someone so much better than you!”
You bit your lip and looked away with a low chuckle, shaking your head in disbelief. “You don’t wanna get into this with me girl…”
“MC, you don’t need to do this…” Beel reminded you, placing a hand softly on your shoulder.
“Yeah you do.” she challenged, suddenly pushing you forward with so much force that your back slammed against Beel’s chest.
As soon as she put her hands on you, it was fair game. You instantly sprung back up and leapt forward, pinning her to the ground in a flash and rendering her motionless.
“Listen to me. Beel is my demon. You will not touch him, or talk to him, or kiss him. Is that understood?” you growled in a scarily calm voice.
The cheerleader just nodded pathetically, and after you let her up, she grabbed her pom poms and ran off.
The other six brothers instantly erupted into applause against the fence, cheering congratulations at you just as they had done for Beel when he won his tournament a few minutes ago.
You gave them an appreciative smile, then turned back toward your boyfriend. “Beel, I didn’t mean to ruin your victory. I’m so sorry if I did. But I couldn’t just do nothing.”
Beel looked at you with a poker face, and for a moment you thought he was angry with you. But suddenly, he lifted you up in the air and swung you around with a playful smile on his face. You were both giggling uncontrollably, until he rested you in his arms comfortably.
“Oh babe, you always handle these things so well.” he joked, forehead pressing up against yours.
“Hey, I’m the only one who’s allowed to kiss you!” you stated, throwing your arms up behind his neck. “In fact, I think I’ll exercise my rights now.” You raised your face up to his and captured his lips in a short but passionate kiss. “Congratulations babe.”
“Thank you. But I’d rather you pin me down instead.” he grinned, leaning in for another kiss.
“Oi! Can you guys quit making out so we can go home?!” Mammon suddenly yelled from his place behind the fence, earning him a slap upside the head from Lucifer.
It was one of Lord Diavolo’s numerous balls, and Belphegor had only showed up because you wanted so desperately to arrive as a couple. However, after a while of socializing, drinking, and dancing, he needed a little break. There was a dark and secluded hallway that he usually crept away to during the parties at the castle, with a comfortable couch for him to nap on. You noticed he was fading in and out of consciousness, and decided to pull him aside for a moment.
“Belphie, it’s okay if you want to go lay down for a bit.” you reassured warmly, squeezing his hand softly. “I’m just happy you came with me! I’ll be okay out here, I’ll just chat with Asmo for a while.”
He smiled at you lovingly. “You’re the best. I’ll be in the usual spot, you can wake me up in fifteen minutes.”
After the fifteen minutes had passed, you made your way out of the ballroom and up to Belphie’s secret hallway to wake him up. However as you were about to turn the corner, you heard someone already doing so. You hid flat against the entrance to the hallway to listen to what was going on.
“Huh? Who are you? You’re not MC.” you heard your boyfriend mumble groggily.
“We’ve never officially met before. I’m in your potions class, and I just have the biggest crush on you.” a man’s voice explained with a hopeful lilt.
“Oh, well I’m very flattered but I already have a partner.” Belphegor said back with a yawn.
“I don’t see them anywhere…” the man cooed, and then you heard loud shuffling from both of them.
That was enough for you. You instantly whipped around the corner to see the man trying to hold Belphegor down to kiss him.
“Get off of him!” you shrieked, sprinting up to them at full speed. You pushed him off of Belphegor and grabbed him by the shirt. Once you got a good look at his face, you scoffed. “Ugh, I should’ve known it was you.”
“MC, you know this guy?” Belphegor asked, standing up behind you protectively.
“Yeah I do, this is the guy who’s always rude to me in my history class. I thought it was weird how I always caught him watching you sleep and following you around the hallways. Guess he was just jealous.” you let go of his jacket, tossing him backward a little bit.
“I love Belphegor more than you ever could!” your classmate cried out, stumbling backward.
“That’s too bad.” you pouted dramatically. “Because Belphegor is my demon. And if you ever put your hands on him again, I’ll make sure it’s the last thing you do.”
The man just stomped his foot frustratedly and ran off crying. You shook your head at his silhouette disappearing at the end of the hallway, then took Belphegor’s face in your hands. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he?” you asked, glancing over his features.
“No, I’m okay MC.” he chuckled, grabbing your wrists affectionately. “All thanks to you. You’re my hero.”
“And you’re mine.” you smiled back at him before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
When you pulled back, his head lunged forward a bit as if he was yearning for more of you. He laughed at himself, then cleared his throat. “Well, I suppose we should get back to the party?”
You shook your head with a warm smile. “Nah, I’ve had enough of the ball scene for tonight. Let’s go back home and cuddle in the attic, hm?”
“You’re seriously the best partner ever.” he sighed, kissing you again.
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crazyforbarbatos · 1 year
Obey Me Demons: You hold their pinkie instead of their hand
Warning: None, it’s fluffy!
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Notices right away but doesn’t say anything. He just kinda smiles to himself. For you to feel so comfortable with him to just grab his pinkie, he was relieved. Honestly he wanted to parade you around to make sure everyone saw that you only did such thing with him. He especially loved when you grabbed his pinkie before you’d lean up on your tip-toes to kiss him.
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He’d pout because he has a whole hand for you to hold yet you’re only holding his pinkie. So what if it was kinda cute? He wasn’t going to say that out loud or anything. Instead, he’d just complain. But seriously, you can hold his pinkie as much as you want. But don’t even think of doing this with any of his brothers or anyone else (especially not that shady sorcerer).
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Hand holding made him super nervous and embarrassed, so you’d hold onto his pinkie instead. Sure he blushed like a tomato and his mind played like a pinball machine, bumping from thought to thought, but he enjoyed it. Holding his pinkie like this, was very cute. While he did eventually let you hold his hand, your pinkie-holding was just more intimate and special to him.
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Honestly he didn’t notice as it felt so natural to him. However, when one of his brothers would mention it to him, he couldn’t help but think about it when it happens. When you’re nervous or just want some contact with him, you’ll just grab his pinkie. He loved it and would actively make sure that his pinkie was accessible to you.
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He would adore it! Absolutely he just falls head over heels for you (than he already does?) for you when you do it. Tells you how cute you are and how much he loves when you hold his pinkie. He would also find it extremely cute if every so often you’d add another finger to your hold so that eventually you just end up holding his hand.
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Honestly he’s not too surprise when you start grabbing his pinkie instead of his hand. Both of you always linked your pinkies together anyways when you walked together. And this upgrade to holding his pinkie happened a little bit before you started dating. And he couldn’t deny that it was cute.
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Honestly this was a habit that you had when you snuggle up with him in the attic for naps. In your sleepy state, you’d always find his hand and grab his pinkie as if to keep you connected so you’d stay together even in dreamland. When he’d first wake to see you holding his pinkie, he’s smile and kiss your forehead before going back to sleep.
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He absolutely melts when you hold his pinkie. He just can’t get over that your hand is so much smaller than his. All human hands were smaller than his, but that was besides the point. Your hand was perfect and it fit so well with his. He would absolutely get lost in thought about how perfect you were for him. He has serious heart eyes for you.
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Feeling a bit shy about it, you asked him if you could. While he was confused why you would want to hold it, he’d allow it. And he really liked the small bit of contact with you. It showed that you could trust him, after all. It was common for you to grab his pinkie when you were excited or scared or nervous. However as your demon, he loved it when you tugged him towards you to get a last minute kiss before he had to accompany Lord Diavolo.
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The first time you did it, he would be pretty confused. What were you doing holding just his pinkie? Okay. He’ll allow it just this once. Except his one-time only pass of this, extended to an eternal pass. If you don’t hold his pinkie right away, he’ll simply move it closer to your hand so that you’d be tempted.
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moonlit-tia · 1 year
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some of the demons' reactions to ruri-chan in battles!
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innerstrugglesworld · 2 years
Mammon headcanon
🌻 He would secretly give MC accessories or another item without wrapping it first and put it inside their drawer or desk because he was too shy to give it to them. When MC asked about it, Mammon just said, "Maybe you bought it and forgot." "It's happened to me," but nope, Mammon bought it. He just wanted MC to think that those items were theirs and they just forgot about them. 
🌻he kiss MC's eyes or cheek everytime they fall a sleep beside him
🌻When MC goes to town alone, he makes sure they are safe by commanding crows to spy on them.
🌻snuggle 22/7
🌻Always look at MC's hand, hoping they will hold him.
🌻 he likes to try new foods
🌻He loves adventure, especially if it includes treasure.
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biitchyberry · 9 months
Okay yall so based on the selfie cards, who holds the most handsome devil title for the next century
Brief summary of the beginning of each selfie card:
Satan: takes you to a gym where devils are working out for the competition and gets jealous seeing you attracted to other demons, so he takes you to a private room and pours water on himself while teasing you verbally.
Mammon: At first didn’t care about the competition but then sees it as a way for you to show off that you own him. Takes you to a dance studio with walls that are covered in ceiling length mirrors with 10 idols waiting to ‘make u look obscene’ along with watching him mess you up
Beelzebub: you get teleported because of your connection to beel to a human club where a man and a woman are on the floor high as hell and kissing and licking beel’s shoes, and it’s said that he’s going to eat him and he smells you. He tells you to leave if you’re too weak to handle him and tries eating you. After you don’t back down he gets interested, even though he knew you were Solomon’s descendant cause of your scent.
Leviathan: dawg has his goons kidnap you because he wants your help making you look obscene and when you decide to tease him and make him beg because he’s being rude, he just ties you up and makes you slap him
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Allow me to slide this on here, what if the obey me demon brothers had an mc who uh- kind of has a nicotine addiction and is desperately trying to get help. The only problem is they see it everywhere because it's so popular- HHHHH no need to do this, I don't mind :)
Hello, I might not make a part 2 since I'm too lazy unless someone requests it. Bye 😋
And sorry 😅
Thank you for the idea! I'll try my best
(All of this is found on Pinterest so if the original owner didn't post this from Pinterest then idk.)
How do the demon brothers react to Mc having a nicotine addiction
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(Found in Pinterest. The account that posted it)
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(Found it on Pinterest so idk if the true original art was from Twitter or something.)
The moment he learns about it, he will scold you so badly. Your addiction will turn to dust. Like literally.
Here's is literally what I imagine.
Everyone: "OooOOoOo, someone's in trouble!"
Mc: "Stop acting like kids. You little pieces of shi-"
*lucifer throws a WHOLE HISTORY of reasons why you should stop using it."
And when you say you can't help it.
Welp, don't worry. You don't need to go to the doctor's for help. Beside your ears. Because, Luci is here! Scolding you every. Single. Time.
One time you tried to talk it out and saying "you look cute when your mad"
(...the pictures says it all)
The people in the background who saw it, and also do it, are also affected. Having nightmares of him beating their ass and scolding them for doing it.
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(Found in Pinterest. The account that posted it)
He would be baffled. If he sees you doing it multiple times, he just cries little tears saying,
"S- stop doing it! I don't wa- *hic* wanna see you dIeEeEEe!" (The picture is an ex. And also he searched on Google perhaps and see if it's bad and uhh....yeah. he just clicked on one random website and yeah. Imagine the rest)
You definitely took that image and made it stick into your memories now.
Then... an idea 💡 popped inside his head! What happens if he just sells it all? Great deal since it will or might stop your addiction since you don't have it AND! MONEY!! $$$ so now you have a demon who just steals it and sells it.
You just standing there like:....welp, I guess this can help. In a uh...money way. *ching ching*
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(Found in Pinterest. The account that posted it)
Same thing as Mammon. Baffled. Like, excuse me? YOU COULD'VE SPENT THAT MONEY ON GAMES-
(Aggressive much)
He just makes you stay in his room to play games every time there's a free chance. He will even force you to sleep in his room with him.
Not thinking about where you're gonna sleep then it's just awkward seeing that you might have to sleep with him, because he doesn't have extra blankets and pillows. So it depends if you have a bigger or taller body than him then he's gonna sleep on top of you.
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At first, he was concerned but he thinks that eventually, it will stop.
[It didn't.]
*later to our current position*
He would absolutely beat your ass. Get into his demon form and catch you with his tail, (picture is an ex.) Not letting go. If you still somewhat continue it, he will put a temporary curse that whenever you touch it. It. Will. Burn.
Yeah. So his wrath makes your addiction run away. 😋
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herbatka-z-nieba · 2 years
Obey me! Brothers reacts to “South Park”
Soo… the MC is fan of South Park, and please the brothers to watch it.
Don’t like it but don’t hate it either
He think that this type of humour is really stupid
A little bit disappointed on MC taste of humour
Likes Stan and Craig (idk why)
His type of humour
He said that this is stupid but really liked it
Likes Kenny but his fav character is Princess Kenny
Feel bad for butters sometimes
Sings the intro every time
For sure he was in SP fandom since 2015
Really liked that MC also likes South Park
He watch with MC newest episodes
His favs are Mysterion and Pc principle
Kins Tweek
Ships Craig x Tweek and Stan x Wendy (well, these are canon and I think Levi likes canon stuff)
He had an “Randy Marsh simp” era
Don’t like it
Only likes Paris Hilton episode
But tbh he likes Bebe
This show is “too silly for him”
I mean he watched only 3 seasons because of Levi in the past and like it
But for him the newest seasons didn’t were great especially Tegridy farm
Likes jimmy, Kyle and Clyde
Emm he likes some of the episodes but not a big fan of the series
Likes Liane but he don’t know she is aaaa (y’know)
Also feels bad for butters
Sometimes he sings loo loo loo (butter’s song)
Kins Craig
Fan of Eric Cartman
Tbh he enjoy the show
He even has a Cartman plushie
MC is really concerned why Cartman, and he says that he inspires him
Now MC sleep with knife 😃
I wrote this on Mobile, English isn’t my first language, some of the characters are ooc, and this is first time I wrote smth like that and posted on tumblr. SORRY!
If someone speaks polish there so I got one thing to say „tak trch z dupy mi to wyszło no ale trudno się mówi no, przepraszam!”
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