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A sleeping Quackity & Pepito
#qsmp#qsmp fanart#quackity#qsmp quackity#pepito#pepito the egg#qsmp pepito#mamaQ#they're sleeping shhhh#yes its a axolotl plushie
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Masterpost Schlackity FanFicton
a collection of all my posted works.
Jealousy is a disease
Tubbo just wants to have some of Mama Q's attention.
sfw, angst & fluff, talks about sibling-ish rivalry
A little doemstic
Quackity and Schlatt have their first fight, but it doesn’t end well. Quackity focused on soothing Tubbo. Tubbo calms down Quackity with his mere presence.
sfw, angst.
Hop over your Ego
Mama Quackity threatens to leave with Tubbo.
sfw, talks about divorce.
If We Have Each Other
Unplanned Pregnancy AU! Quackity get's knocked up on accident and tries to come to terms with the situation.
sfw-ish? no smut but talks about it. angst with fluff
Sometimes, divorce isn't the answer
Divorced Schlackity, getting back together
Mama Duck and her fledling
MamaQ protecting kid Tubbo.
Mom I threw up
Tubbo is sick.
sfw, sick-fic
Wahrheit tut weh
Tubbo finds out who his parents are. Sadly only one is still alive.
sfw angst
Our marriage is a scam
When a duck hybrid is forced to marry the prince of the nether, who is rumored to be a brute with no manners, he runs away to his best friend. He urges said ram-hyrbid to marry him, even though the man is married already. The man complies and with the duck-hybrid's wits a plan is formed that will dethrone the queen.
sfw, friends to lovers
Quackity's Personal Harem
A chat-fic. It's got drama, fun stories and lots of ships.
Focused on Quackity.
SCP-Foundation: Mating Calls
they're both caught by the SCP-Foundation. The title tells you what happens.
NSFW, contains mpreg, smut
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Couldn’t stop thinking abt mamaqing so here u go (victim fy)
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I saw this pretty iridescent beetle once and I was like wow!!! And then he went and got one of my dogs uh.. poo and started rolling it around. I'm in florida, so it was a type of chafer I would assume? It was really funny cuz he was such a pretty buggy but he had.. poo lol.
Perhaps a rainbow scarab? They are very pretty and bury poop to lay their eggs in. They look like this (female and male):
Photos by mamaq and lrcox
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Seringkali aku kepikiraaan, semuaanya sampai kapaaan? Ya Allah baru dua pekan dirumah rasanyaaa uda bosan gakaruan, pengen ketemu orang2, pengen balik ke rutinitas kaya biasanya, pengen liat keadaan dunia kembali seperti semula, baru kali ini sepanjang usia merasakan ada wabah yg sampai mendunia begini, mamaq pun juga bilang gitu, yg sampe ke Makkahpun gabole, bahkan shalat jum'at di masjid kampung aqpun disuruh ganti shalat dzuhur dirumah... Sediiiiiihhhhhh bgt ya Allah, macem2 aja pikiran, mulai dari gregeetttt pengen marah mikirin orang yg naikin harga masker gilagilaan gamasuk akal, sampeee takjub liat kebaikan hati orang2 yg berjuang buat saling membantu ditengah musibah yg sebegininyaaa,
Ya Allah... Random bgt ni nulis begini, dari kemaren pengen nulis curahan isi hati tapi gimana yaaa, uda campur aduk jadi 1 kaya nasi campur jadinya kalau ditumpahkan makin gakaruan... Uda mah kerjaaan aq yg malesan ini cuman golergoleran, pengennya si jadi yutuber biar produktif dikitla, cover2 lagu atau tutorial me'ap sapatau dapat subscriber banyak kaya ria ricis, mimpi apala aq, haha
yaudalah ya, semogaaa wabah ini segera pergiii jauuh dan gadatang lagi, keadaan dunia kembali pulih dan normal lagiiii, semoga kita semua selalu dijaga dan dilindungi oleh Allah yg Maha Mengasihi...
Oiyaaa, cobaa dibaca foto yg aku post banyak bgt, itu rangkuman dari kajian ustdz Omar Suleiman yg didapet dari IG @loveshugah, bacanya sambil dihayati, apalagi kalau uda dikasur mau tidur pake backsound rintikan hujan, hatimu bakal dingin kaya disiram.
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ankaranın neresinden -Allahım inş aynı semtteyizdir-
mamaq sen
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Terima kasih Mama jaketnya, dedek suka 😘#MamaQ #DedekQeela (at Special Region of Yogyakarta)
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*MAMAQ GELOMBANG 2* _Assalamu'alaikum..._🙏🏻 Salam Qurani untuk seluruh mahasiswa Indonesia !!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 Ada kabar gembira nih buat kalian yang suka nulis Karya Tulis Ilmiah Al-Qur'an 🔬🔭 Karena... UKM ASC *Universitas Negeri Malang* mengadakan *Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Al-Qur'an* Dengan nama... *MAMAQ 2017* ☆ MAQALAH MADLMUN QURAN ☆ Dengan tema: "Mewujudkan Generasi Qur'ani untuk Kejayaan Negeri" Yukkk buruan daftar... Dan jadilah *Generasi Rabbani Berjiwa Qur'ani* *Fasilitas :* 1. Semua peserta yang mengumpulkan full paper mendapatkan *E-Sertifikat Peserta* 2. 70 karya terbaik mendapatkan *E-Sertifikat Semifinalis Nasional* 3. 10 Tim Finalis Gratis mengikuti Seminar Nasional 4. Field Trip *"Malang Creativite City"*🏝🏝🏝 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 *Penghargaan yang bisa kamu dapat jika menang adalah...* 🥇Juara I : Rp 3.000.000,- + Trophy + _*Trophy Gubernur Jatim*_ + Piagam 🥈Juara 2 : Rp 2.000.000,- + Trophy + Piagam 🥉Juara 3 : Rp 1.000.000,- + Trophy + Piagam 🏅Juara Harapan I : Trophy + Piagam 🏅Juara Harapan II : Trophy + Piagam Pendaftaran dan Pengiriman Abstrak: *22 Juli s/d 7 Agustus 2017* Konfirmasi Pendaftaran dan Pengiriman Abstrak: 📲 *Iis Rifianti 085704460712* *♡ SHARE PAMFLET & INFO MAMAQ dapat GRATIS BIAYA PENDAFTARAN DAN PENGIRIMAN ABSTRAK ♡* *Untuk Ketentuan Lebih Lanjut :* _Website Resmi :_ www.asc.ukm.um.ac.id _Website Mamaq :_ http://mamaq-asc-um.esy.es/ _Fanspage :_ https://goo.gl/LzYPhq _Instagram :_ https://goo.gl/nMFT8k ××××××××××××××××××××××× ☎ Miftakhul Choirudin P 085812381569 ☎ Nurul Muzdalifah 085746946726 ××××××××××××××××××××××× Download Panduan Abstrak dan Fullpaper MAMAQ di : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-zJzUkN3Ie6UHNRWk82MjVHeWs?usp=sharing Wassalamualaikum wr.wb 😊😇 #eventapaaja #mamaq #lktia #lktinasional #event #mahasiswa #lomba #nasional #lkti2017
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Makam mamaq #anakpiatu #makam #ziarahkubur #kehilanganistri #surga #sedih #kehilanganmama (di Toko Tiga Putra Sukoharjo “Kerajinan, Lampu Hias & Bunga Imitasi”) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX74j-7v0A_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Kerusuhan dan distorsi sebenarnya sudah terjadi sejak aku uts. depressed, anxiety, pressure, symptom in uncomfortable zone. tapi memang benar, tidak ada yang tumbuh di zona yang nyaman.
Rencana yang sudah kamu susun secara rapi dan detail, itu bukan apa-apa. sebab disana ada yang Maha Berkehendak. Apalah arti timetable mu ketika Dia tidak mengizinkan.
Kala itu, nama dosen pengujiku keluar dan NO! beda dari yang diusulkan. But ini challenge kan? bertemu dengan dosen farmakologi farmakoterapi saat penelitianmu sosyel itu sebuah tantangan karena sebenarnya mereka tidak dekat bahkan kalo nyambung pun dikit.
Aku sebenarnya berencana mau awal November aja kali ya biar prepare ku. Tapi ya tapi, aku sudah menyusun rapi seminar proposalku aku jadwal Oktober. OMG! Lakukan apa yang telah kamu rencanakan, rencanakan apa yang akan kamu tulis. Jadi, demi kemaslahatan renstraku tercinta....aku mencoba melangkah.
1. Pas hari jumat mulai nge WA dosen dan sebenernya ya masih santai-santai. tapi waktu itu aku tetep mikir, kalo aku nggampangin aku nggak akan maju T,T. Jam ditetapkan jam 8 aja. Pagi asyique masih seger khan ya. Jadi aku bisa kuliah siangnya. Tapi, dosenku ada yang mau cpns. Oke batal
2. Senin datengin dosen unit sebelah untuk minta saran, yaudah jam 11 aja. Oke well. Sudah merasa lancar-lancar aja ya khan. Tapi ternyata dosen yang satu nggak bisa jam 11. Well batal
3. Kemudian aku datengin tuh satu persatu beliaunya, alhamdulillah diputuskan jam 13 , jumat. Oke mulailah mengurus berkas dan peminjaman tempat. ini nggak mudah guys, mana aku sama @zahrotul ini jam peminjaman tempatnya mefet sekali jadi. dia selesai aku masuk (awalnya) tapi sepertinya Allah tidak ingin terjadi apa-apa jika jam mepet karena nggak jamin 1 jam semprop langsung selesai. Jadi pembatalan-pembatalan sebelumnya ini bukan tanpa alasan. Allah baik ingin menghindarkanku dari sesuatu yang buruk.
4. Pengurusan berkas juga nggak mudah dan cukup njlimet. Apalagi sekre dekanatnya sedang bertugas ke Bulgaria. plis ini bukan cuma Solo aja yang merem dah sampai. Harus menunggu beliau pulang. But alhamdulillah Allah baik. Peminjaman dan berkas dah oke. Proposal dah diserahin oke.
5. H-3 semprop. undangan baru ku sebar. itu pun nggak ketemu dosennya. aku naik tangga berkali-kali cuma buat nyari dosen. Dari unit 9 naik ke lantai 2, lalu ke unit 3, naik lantai 2 lalu 3 lalu turun, gitu terus tiap jam demi nyari ibunya, Lalu ke PSPA nengokin dosbing ternyata sedang keluar kota. THANKS TO MY CHALLENGE. Karena aku bukan orang yang tenang disaat urusan belum selesai. Hari-hari itu kalo diakumulasi aku dah keliling farmasi berkali kali. But aku yakin, semua anak semprop merasakan hal yang sama.
6. H-1 baru bikin PPT. 3 jam sebelumnya baru baca metodologi. ini nih kebiasaanku yang muncul saat semester tua, karena sekarang aku serba deadline semua. ah kenapa aku benci dengan aku sendiri. tapi, rata-rata anak semester tua ini melakukan hal yang sama. Sebenarnya aku sudah mencoba tenang tapi entah, mekanisme tubuhku mengarahkanku hingga ke anxiety yang itu kek nyeri didada hahaha songong. Aku grogi dihari-hari sebelumnya
7. Pas hari H nah keun aku baru serius belajarnya *edan emang, aku dah merasa nggak waras dihari itu* tapi aku malah nggak deg-deg an.Yah the help of Allah is near. Doaku semoga seminar ini menjadi sebuah amalan yang Allah ridhai. *dah merasa gila hari itu*
Yaudah aku cuma baca-baca dan yaudah kalo nanti nggak bisa ya brati aku emang harus banyak belajar.
8. Niat dalam ujian kek gini emang kita membuka diri kita, sampai manakah kita mengetahui segala sesuatunya, apa yang sebenarnya kita bingungkan? Kesalahan kita yang mana? menerima kritik dan bantaian ups. But niatnya baik kok, agar kita semakin mengetahui dan memahami. Jadi NIAT itu penting. Niat sempropku adalah aku ingin orang-orang mencari kesalahanku dan aku menerima kritikan mereka, aku ingin saran dari banyak orang, Intinya membuka diri.
9. Setelah keluar dari ruangan itu. The time comes. Ini dah kaya acara kawinan aja aku keluar disambut orang-orang (ps : bedanya ini aku keluar ruangan sendiri). They hug me and pray for me for what i’ve done. Aku nggak nyangka people care me a lot. Lebih jauh apa yang aku kira. But this is the way we care to each other ya kheun. So this occasion i would like to say thank you very much. Untuk temen-temen yang sangat peduli denganku. Aku menghargai hal-hal yang kecil orang lakukan ke aku, Apalagi ini, this is the big care...... WELL. Let me say thank you. Semoga doa-doa yang kalian berikan padaku nantinya membalik menjadi doa ke kalian juga. Oh aku nggak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu siapa saja yang menyemangatiku. Makasih vika, mamaq tyrex ku, alipeng, pritil, bu bos, cuaeyo, novi tong tongku, ayuk, alfi, elsong, aidun, piqa, shafira, nyaiku, utami, tasyong, susil, ulin, ulum, GD’s GF, fira, mbok dita, intan, reza, dini, natya, nikeun, wulan, tasha, levin, rien, tami, ina, eka, ipeh, dita, dhity, anis, dora, dan semuanya yang nggak bisa aku sebutin satu persatu. It just beginning. Semua nggak akan berjalan tanpa ridha Allah dan doa-doa dari kalian. Ini baru ujian proposal, terimakasih atas kedatangannya. Semoga penelitian kedepannya kita dikuatkan, diberi kesabaran dan kemudahan oleh Allah. Ini adalah sebuah permulaan, masih sangat awal. Akan banyak rintangan yang tidak mudah didepannya. Ya Allah mudahkanlah urusan kami. Untuk kalian yang sedang berjuang dan berjumpa dengan masalah-masalah. Sambutlah dengan baik, ajak dia berdiskusi denganmu di zona tidak nyaman. Kepergian masalah itu akan mendewasakan dan memberimu pelajaran baru. Terimakasih semuanya. Selamat berkutat dengan proposal atau penelitian. Barakallah. Jangan menyerah.
Mintalah doa kepada siapapun sebab kamu tidak akan pernah tau doa siapa yang akan dikabulkan.
Jika akhirnya doa kamu belum dikabulkan, mungkin apa yang kamu capai sekarang adalah doa dari orang-orang yang diam-diam menyebut namamu dalam doanya
oh ya menguras hati dan perasaan karena jadwal sempropku berubah dari jam set 8, jam 8, jam 11, jam 13 lalu H-1 dimajuin dari jam 12.
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MACF - day 6
MACF – day 6
Hari ini, Fai seperti biasa melepas ayah pergi kerja dengan salam, gendong dan cium.
Setelah ayah berangkat. Muncullah serangan pertanyaan dari Fai. Salah satunya,
“Kenapa ayah kerja?”
Haum.. muter otak lah mamaq. Kalau jawabnya buat makan, buat beli popok dan susu, terlalu dangkal gak sih gaes.
Kalau jawabnya mencari rizki, rasanya gak pas yaa. Karena rizki tiap orang…
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Greenlandic lesson 10
So far: lesson 1, lesson 2, lesson 3, lesson 4, lesson 5, lesson 6, lesson 7, lesson 8, lesson 9 and Greenlandic stress Learn this course’s words with this memrise course.
What you will learn: eating and food #1, Possession #1, a little here and there
Eating and food #1
In lesson 9 we spoke about drinking and beverages and learned some of that vocabulary. What comes with drinking? Right, eating. So, here is some useful vocabulary that will help you in Greenland if you’re starving. I will also do some grammatical excursuses while explaining.
The three daily meals are called: ullaakkorsiutit (plural) - breakfast ulloqeqqasiutit (plural) - lunch unnukkorsiutit (plural) - dinner Funnily, all of them are in the plural but only ullaakkorsiutit also has a singular with an own meaning: ullaakkorsiut means radish.
In order to say “XX is eating breakfast” you just have to exchange the ending “-siutit” with “-siorpoq”. ullaakkorsiorpoq - s/he eats breakfast ulloqeqqasiorpoq - s/he eats lunch unnukkorsiorpoq - s/he eats dinner
Of course, -poq is the regular verb ending and can be used for any person: Ulloqeqqasiorpunga. - I eat lunch. Unnukkorsiorpisi? - You guys eat dinner? As you see, we have the endings -sior- and -poq. The latter can be replaced by other endings you have already learned or can be expanded by other verbal meanings like negation or “to want something” etc.: Ullaakkorsiunngilatit. - You don’t eat breakfast. (-nngilaq is swallowing) Ulloqeqqasiussaagut. - We will eat lunch. (-ssaaq is swallowing) Unnukkorsiorusupput. - They would like to eat dinner. (-rusuppoq is swallowing) Ullaakkorsiulerpoq. - S/he is about to/is beginning to eat breakfast. (-lerpoq is swallowing) Unnukkorsioreerpugut. - We finished eating dinner. (-reerpoq is swallowing) And now comes the morphological monstrosity: Ullaakkorsioreerusussanngilanga. - I won’t want to finish eating breakfast. (ullaakkorsior+reer+rusup+ssaa+nngila+nga)
Even though it is still about eating, these can be useful along the way: Kaffisoriartorta! - Let’s drink a coffee. Paajatoriartorta! - Let’s drink a beer.
You already know the ending -sorpoq or -torpoq for drinking the noun before it. -riartorpoq (QR!) is an ending we will encounter in future lessons. -riartoq- means “going in order to”. So far, kaffisoriartoq means “going in order to drink a coffee”. The ending -ta is the optative for the first person plural which can be easily translated as “Let’s do ...”. Kaffi+sor+riartoq+ta --> Kaffisoriartorta!, thus, means “Let’s go and drink a coffee”.
Ataasinnguartoriartorta! - Let’s have a little drink! (ataasi - one, -nnguaq - little)
Saqisoq - waiter/waitress
-soq or -toq is a participal mood and very versatile ending that can make nouns out of verbs. saqivoq as a verb means “to wander around” or also “to help with something”. The ending -toq then adds the meaning “the one that wanders around”.
Bestiilerusuppunga. - I want to order. (bestiile- comes from Danish at bestille) pisiariniarpaa, allatsippaa - s/he is ordering something (these are the usual verbs for “ordering”; -paa is the transitive ending for 3.Sg.--ordering-->3.Sg. that replaces the intransitive ending -voq. This will be a topic of further lessons.) imissut - the order regnigni - the bill (from Danish “regning”) Regningi pisinnaavugut? - Can we please get the bill? (pi- means “to get something” and -sinnaavoq- you already learned - “can / to be able to”) Qaalaaruk. - Could you please bring me something? (qaa- - come, -laar- - little (here: please), -ruk - transitive ending 2.Sg.--->3.Sg.) sioraasat (plural) - sugar tarajuusivik - salt shaker (tarajuaqqat - salt (pl. taratsut)) qasilitsulivik - pepper shaker (qasilitsut (plural) - pepper) Tarajuusivik qaalaaruk? - Could you please bring me the salt shaker? Tass’ mamaq! - That is delicious! (tass’ and mamaq’ are colloquial shortenings) Mamaraajuk? - Was it delicious? (-raajuk means “Do you think it is ...?”, which is short for -rivajuk) Mamarpoq. - It was/is delicious. Nerilluarisi. - Enjoy your meal. (neri- is eating, -lluaroq - doing good) -torusuppunga / -sorusuppunga. - I would like to have ... . (-torpoq/-sorpoq not only means “to drink something”, as you have learned in lesson 9, but also “to eat something”!) Bananisorusuppunga. - I would like to have/eat a banana.
And for vegetarians and vegans: Neqeqanngitsumik nerisassaqarpa? - Do you have vegetarian meals? (neqi - meat, -qarpoq - s/he has, -nngi - not, -tsoq - nominaliser, -mik - instrumental case, neqi+qar+nngi+tsoq+mik --> neqiqanngitsumik; nerisassat (plural) - meal, -qarpoq - there is / (s/he/it has), -pa - questioning form 3.Sg.; Neqiqanngitsumik nerisassa? - lit. Are there meals not having meat?) neqitornaveersaartoq - a vegetarian (lit. someone who is striving not to eat meat) naatitaq - vegetable (plural naatitat) naasoq - plant (pl. naasut) naasuinnarnik nerisalik - a vegetarian (naasut - vegetables, -innaq - only, -nik - INSTR. for indirect object; neri- - to eat, -tar- / - sar- - doing something habitually, -lik - someone or something which ...; lit. someone who is habitually eating only plants) [listed as vegetarian, but could be probably applied to vegans, too] neqitornaveersaartoq - a vegetarian (lit.someone who strives not to eat meat) naatitaannarnik nerisarnermut - vegetarian (adjective) (naatitat - vegetables, -innaq - only, -nik - INSTR. for indirect object; neri- - to eat, -sar- / -tar- - doing something habitually, -neq - NOMINALISER the ...-ing, +mut - illative case (for, to); lit. for the act of habitually eating only vegetables) [Again, this could be actually used as the adjective “vegan”, too. If you want to be specific, as veganism and its dietary implications probably aren’t well known among Greenlanders, you can and should elaborate explicitly what you are not eating.] neqitortoq - meat eater [Thanks, Tulunnguaq, for the further explications of these words.]
If you want to complain about your food here you go: Mattusuujuvoq. - It is tough. Nillerpoq. - It is cold. Aapaartuuvoq. - It is underdone. Mamanngilaq. - It wasn’t delicious. Nerisassara tikinngilaq. - I haven’t got my meal. (nerisassat (plural) - meal, -ra is the possessed form for the first person singular which we will learn in this lesson) Utoqqatserpunga, ...-qanngilanga. - Excuse me, I haven’t got ... . (you have already learned the ending -qarpoq for “to have ...”)
In lesson 11 we will finish the thematic chapters drinking and food because for many sorts of food you first need to learn about the genitive which we are going to do then.
Possession #1
In lesson 7, we started the topic of noun classes and I mentioned that nouns can be declined for number (singular and plural), case (absolutive, instrumental etc.) and optionally for personal possession. In this lesson we will look into the possessed forms of singular and plural nouns in the absolutive case. The sad news is that most cases have their own endings for each person and number. But don’t worry, we will do this step by step and we start with the most logical one, the absolutive case which you can find in the dictionary and with intransitive verbs.
Another quirky thing about Greenlandic is that morphologically, it has four persons in the singular and plural each. The fourth person is always the reflexive form of the 3. person which you can translate in most case with “his/her/its own” or “their own”. Here is the table with all the forms (possessor is the one who possesses and the possessum is the thing that is possessed):
As you can see, in many cases there are two forms. We will now step by step look into them.
1. The rules concerning weak and strong nouns also apply here. Weak nouns lose their final consonant when a consonant-initial ending is added (the exceptions here are -ga/-ra and the forms with inserted -( r )- before the endings). Strong nouns either assimilate their final consonant to an additive, consonant-inital ending or loose it with swallowing endings. Also, inner word changes occur here, too, for example gemination, strong nouns having different stems etc. (But there are still some exceptions we will look into in future lessons.)
2. The consonant-initial endings are additive in the singular (exceptions are -ga/-ra and -ni) and swallowing in the plural. The vowel endings are swallowing. bananit - your banana (banani+t), angutikka - my men (anguti+kka) angutaa - his/her/its man (anguti+a --> anguta+a)
3. First person singular -ga / -ra is a swallowing, fusional ending. If a noun ends on a -q the -q is swallowed and the ending is -ra. In all other cases you add the swallowing ending -ga. (There is a morphonological rule that in many cases the consonant cluster -rg- becomes -r- (thus the term fusional, for they fuse together); NB: the final -q often becomes -r in front of consonants, as you know.) qimmera - my dog (qimmeq+ga - qimmer+ga - qimmera), but: paniga- my daughter (panik+ga)
4. The second person singular ending -(i)t follows the same rules as the absolutive/relative plural. Weak nouns: Nouns ending on a vowel just add -t (illu: illut - your house / houses), nouns ending on -q or -k replace them by -t (qimmeq: qimmit - your dog / dogs), nouns ending on -t mostly add -it (angut: angutit - your man / men). Strong nouns: The last consonant is swallowed and -it is added (panik: paniit - your daughter / daughters). So, the absolutive/relative plural form and the absolutive possessed form for the 2nd person singular are just the same.
5. Some nouns on -i change it to -a- in front of the 3. person endings -a / -at. ini - room becomes inaa - his/her/its room (ini+a --> inaa), inaat - their rooms
6. When the noun ends on a long vowel (also after the final consonant has been swallowed) there is a -v- inserted before endings starting with vowel. angajoqqaat - parents, angajoqqaavi - his/her/its parents
7. In the 4th person singular reflexive the -ni is swallowing in both singular and plural except for t-stems. After t-stems there is actually a vowel -i that is left out in the absolutive form but appears in many other forms. Nowadays, there is a lot of variation whether -ni is assimilating or additive to the final -t. So, both are possible but the assimilating form is more common. aallaat - gun (ABS.) (actually *aallaati) becomes either aallaanni - his/her own gun/guns (aallaati+ni --> aallaat+ni --> aallaan+ni)) or aallaatini - his/her own gun/guns (aallaati+ni)
8. The recessive vowel -i after t-stems becomes -a- before vowel-initial endings. angutaa - his/her man (anguti+a) angutai - his/her men (anguti+i)
9. The bracketed inserted -( r )- in some forms appears after words ending on vowel and after t-stems. illorput - our house, illorsi - your (pl.) house, illortik - their own house After t-stems the recessive -i appears again: anguterput - our man, angutersi - your (pl) man, angutertik - their own man
10. The 3. person plural ending -at instead of -i always comes after an -a. qitornaq - child, qitornaat - their children (qitornaq+at) ini - room, inaat - their rooms (see rule 5) But: qimmeq - dog, qimmii - their dogs (QR-rule!) 11. After some words ending on -i the 4. person plural reflexive becomes -sik. kaffisik - their own coffees angutitik - their own men
I hope most of this is clearer now. Here and there, there might be some mistakes as my grammar sources haven’t been quite clear about some special cases. But this is the general idea of the possessed nouns in the absolutive case. Now you can form sentences like:
Qimmera sinippoq. - My dog sleeps. Angutersi atuarpoq. - Your man reads. Angajoqqaatik kaffimik imissapput. - Their own parents will drink coffee.
And there is good news:
Funnily, these endings are almost the same that occur in transitive verbs with the object in the third person. We haven’t spoken about it yet but instead of Bananimik nerivoq. - S/he eats a banana. you can also say Banani nerivaa. - S/he eats the banana. The last sentence is a real transitive sentence with the object in the absolutive case. The common verb ending in those sentences isn’t -vu- as in nerivoq (QR-rule neri-vu-q) but -va-. When you look into our table above the ending -a comes when the possessor (here the acting person) is the third person and the possessum (here the recipient or sufferer) is in the third person. You could also say Nerivakka. - I eat them. because the possessor is the 1. person singular and the 3. person is in the plural. (Remember, these forms only work for 3. person objects, either singular or plural.) You can now build all the forms with 3. person objects: Nerivavut. - We eat them. Nerivarput. - We eat it. etc. The reason for this seemingly coincidence is that historically these sentences come from a structure formed with the possessed form of the participle preterite passive. Thus, a long time ago you would have used a structure like “my eaten bananas is they” for I ate the bananas - Bananit nerivakka.
The 10th lesson is supposed to be the last lesson of the first part after which we make a little break for a recap because thematically we will go on with topics that are slightly more advanced. Nothing to be worried about, you’ll understand it, I promise! But we will look into the other cases, into the ergative and transitive structure of Greenlandic and further investigate the possession forms and other endings. Remember, Greenlandic consists of almost 50:50 proportion stems:affixes. There is a long way ahead of us but it’ll be fun, I promise that, too! :)
#Greenlandic#Learn Greenlandic#grønlandsk#Grönländisch#Kalaallisut#Kalaallit Nunaat#Greenland#linguistics#language#lesson 10#language learning
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E gjithë Tropoja kundër Ermal Mamaqit- Reagim tropojan ndaj Mamaqit dhe tutorëve të tij
E gjithë Tropoja kundër Ermal Mamaqit- Reagim tropojan ndaj Mamaqit dhe tutorëve të tij
Nga Azgan HAKLAJ Shtëpia e shqiptarit është e Zotit dhe e mikut shkruhet në Kanunin e Lek Dukagjinit. Tropojanët të hapën shtëpinë dhe zemrën, ju u cenuat nderin, Mamaq…
Që në fillim të këtij reagimi desha të theksoj se Mamaqi as mamaqët, as ata që i kanë nxitur, tutori apo producenti politikë i mamaqëve, e ata që kanë bashkëpunuar me të nuk mund të fyejnë e turpërojnë Tropojën e…
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Sedihnya hari ini mamaQ sakit jadi gabisa jagain aku. Tp aku tadi malem tidur dideket mamaQ dan itu buat mamaQ semangat buat sembuh
Cepet sembuh mamaQ
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Hari ini meskipun libur aq mandi pagi, soalnyaa ada janji. Seminggu yang lalu mamaq pesen bibit buah-buahan lewat facebook dan lokasinya dari kecamatan sebelah, jadilah karena jaraknyaa lumayan jauh sekitar 1,5 jam gituu, bibitnya dititipkan ke sopir angkot..
Si bibit jalan jam set 9 pagi, aq berdua dengan adikq tunggu di persimpangan tempat angkutan biasa berhenti, sampee jam 10an kok gadateeng, udaa lebih 5 angkot kali yang lewat.. Terus kan sama si penjual sebelum angkotnya jalan difotoin tuh, warnanya hijau tua, dan adaa angkot warna hijau yg lewat.. Adikq bilang jangan2 itu angkotnya, jadila aq panik nelponin si angkot... Pas diangkat telpnnya eh si bapa maraahh2 wkwk
Daan kurang lebih 15 menit kemudian, sampaila tu angkot di persimpangan tempat aq nunggu, kondisi jalan superrr ramaaiii banyak mobil dan motor lewat, mau nyebrangpun takut, sampe akhirnya datanglah bapa ojek ngegandeng tanganq buat nyebrang, dan pas aq uda sampai disebrang si angkot puter balik dong, heheheu, jadila si bapa ojek samperin aq buat nyeberangin lagii... Wkwk
Sampai pangkalan si bapabapa ojek satu lagi langsung bukain pintu angkot, ngangkutin keluar semua bibit2an, si bapa sopir menolehpun tidak, pas uda selesai aq tutup pintu mobilnya sambil bilang trimakasi meski tak ditanggapi, wkwk
Semuaa bibit2 yang udaa diturunin tadi disusunkan bapaa ojek ke motorq dengan hati2, kubilang terimakasih banyak ya om, truz katanya semoga selamat yaaa, gitu.
Alhamdulillah 'alaa kulli hal, kan aq jadi terharuu, seeneng aja rasanya gitu ditolongin sehabis dipelototi, wkwk terus pas dimotor adikq bilang, bapa2 tukang ojek tadi nanyain kalau kita anak ayah ya, katanya gitu, soalnya dia liatin mukamu, mirip katanya, mungkin juga dia tolongin kita garagara kita anak ayah :')
Happy jumuah mubarak ^^
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🐬 Diferentes dos botos-rosa, de hábitos solitários, os tucuxis - menores e sem a coloração que dá fama aos botos - têm o costume de nadarem em grupos. 🙂 O belo registro foi feito pelo cinegrafista @marcellonicolato. . A espécie é estudada pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Mamíferos Aquáticos Amazônicos do Instituto Mamirauá. Saiba mais: mamiraua.org.br/gp-mamaq . . . . #20anosmamiraua #amazonia #mamiraua #pesquisa #ciencia #biologia #nature #natureza #wildlifephotography #biology #vida #life #floresta #meioambiente #conservação #preservação #sustentabilidade #sustentavel #naturelovers #naturephotography #science #birdwatching #photooftheday #picoftheday #instagood #NatureMatters #Savetheearth #photography https://www.facebook.com/institutomamiraua/videos/2378978575487854/
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